Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea
Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea
Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea Transport Assessment City and County of Swansea Council July 2015 Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea Transport Statement Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for City and County of Swansea Council’s information and use in relation to Gorseinon Primary School Atkins Transportation assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents. This document has 34 pages including the cover. Document history Job number: 5129774 Revision Purpose description Document ref: Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date Rev 1.0 Draft Report NT/JC NT DC NT 08/07/15 Rev 2.0 Final Report NT/JC NT DC NT 10/07/15 Client signoff Client City and County of Swansea Council Project Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea Document title Transport Assessment Job no. 5129774 Copy no. Document reference Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea Transport Statement Table of contents Chapter Pages Gorseinon Primary School 4 Executive summary 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction Overview Development Summary Report Structure 6 6 6 6 2. 2.1. 2.2. Existing Conditions Overview Existing School Profile 8 8 8 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Proposed Development Overview Operational Characteristics Site Layout 24 24 24 25 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Policy Context National Policy Regional Policy Local Policy 27 27 28 29 5. Summary and Recommendations 30 Appendices 31 Appendix A. Traffic Surveys 32 Appendix B. Accident Data 33 Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 Gorseinon Primary School Swansea Executive summary This Transport Assessment (TA) has been prepared in support of the relocation of the nursery, infant and junior schools components of Gorseinon Primary School onto a single site. This TA has been produced to provide an overview of key transport considerations linked to the development proposals. It is being submitted in advance of a Transport Assessment Addendum which will follow when the site masterplan and existing traffic flow data is available for all study junctions. The Primary School was formed in September 2012 and currently operates on three separate sites, which are a short walking distance from each other. This TA has been prepared in support of the second phase of the development of the school, which involves the relocation of each of the three components on to a single site at Parc-y Werin. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 5 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview Atkins Transportation has been commissioned by the City and County of Swansea Council (C&CSC) to undertake a Transport Assessment (TA), Framework School Travel Plan (FSTP) and Stage 1 Road Safety Audit (RSA) in support of relocation and amalgamation of the nursery, infants and junior components of Gorseinon Primary School on to a single site. This TA has been submitted without a full description of the proposed site layout and access arrangements; and without an appraisal of the traffic impact , as at the time of submission; Only partial traffic flow data from existing junctions is available, The proposed site masterplan has not been finalised. This TA identifies the main transport considerations. It will be supplemented by the provision of an Addendum TA prior to the determination of the application which will draw on the additional forthcoming data. 1.2. Development Summary Gorseinon Primary School currently operates from three separate sites which are located in close proximity to each other, to the north of the A4240, as shown in Figure 1.1. The proposed development would provide a new purpose built school at Parc-y Werin. The development will create a more appropriate teaching and learning environment which will raise educational standards, achieve substantial economies of scale and greater operational efficiencies, whilst addressing a reduction in running cost across the existing buildings. Figure 1.1 Existing and Proposed School Sites Gorseinon Existing Junior School Swansea Development Site Parc-yWerin Existing Nursery A4240 Existing Infant School Imagery © 2015 Bluesky, Infoterra Ltd & COWI A/S. DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky. 1.3. Report Structure This TA has been prepared in accordance with Technical Advice Note 18 (Transport) Guidance, issued by the Welsh Government. It comprises the following chapters; Chapter 2: Existing Conditions Chapter 3: Proposed Development Chapter 4: Policy Context Chapter 5: Summary and Recommendations Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 6 The forthcoming TA Addendum will also include additional information on forecast traffic impact from the proposals. It will include a Transport Implementation Strategy (TIS) which will seek to mitigate any forecast impacts of the development and to encourage the delivery of sustainable development in relation to transport. The main tool for limiting the impact of the development proposals will be a Framework School Travel Plan (FSTP), which will accompany the submission of the Addendum TA. The scope of the works required for the TA was agreed with the Highway Development Control team at C&CoSC in February 2015. This included agreement of the extent of the assessment, including the study junctions which will be assessed for capacity once traffic data is available for all junctions. The study junctions are identified in Chapter 2 of this report. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 7 2. Existing Conditions 2.1. Overview This section of the TA provides an overview of the existing operational characteristics of the three existing education sites and a description of the current land use of the proposed development site. An audit of existing transport infrastructure within the vicinity of Parc-y-Werin is provided, identifying any constraints and opportunities for enhancement. This audit considers both the existing local road network and provision for movement by sustainable modes. 2.2. Existing School Profile Gorseinon Primary School opened in September 2012 and is made up of the former Junior, Infant and Nursery schools which previously operated independently. The school teaches in the medium of English language. 2.2.1. Hours of Operation The school website indicates that the three sites have varying start and finish times to assist parents who have to drop-off and pick-up children from the multiple sites. The operation times for each site is as follows; Nursery Infants Juniors 09:00-11:30 (morning session) / 12:30-15:00 (afternoon session) 08:50-15:20 09:15-15:10 In addition to the main hours of teaching, the school also runs several after school clubs and activities for Junior aged children including; Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Singing Club Girls Football Dragon Sport Code Club (computing) 15:15-16:15 15:10-16:10 15:15-16:15 15:15-16:15 A breakfast club operates at the Infant and Junior School sites. The breakfast club at the Infants School operates from 08:10-08:30 and at the Junior School from 08:00-08:30. 2.2.2. Staff Numbers and Pupil Roll As of January 2015, Gorseinon Primary School served 337 pupils aged from 3 to 11 years old. Of these pupils, approximately 40 attended the nursery on a part-time basis. The school is organised in to 12 classes with two additional part-time nursery sessions1 (with children attending either the morning or afternoon session). As of November 2014, there were 17 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) teachers and 21 teaching assistants. In addition there were 2 part time administrators and 2 part time caretakers. The school also employs part-time lunchtime assistants, breakfast supervisors, after school supervisors, catering and cleaning staff. Travel Mode Characteristics It is understood that the school does not currently have a Travel Plan. A Framework School Travel Plan will be submitted with the forthcoming TA Addendum. 1 Gorseinon Primary School Estyn Report (February 2014) http:/www.estyn.gov.uk%2Fdownload%2Fpublication%2F308298.9%2Finspection-report-gorseinon-primary-school-2014-englishonly%2F&ei=M2AZVY3UHIHnUMu6gKAE&usg=AFQjCNHN7u6Zi4wSZnEPvV7J5tnBxE731g&sig2=5a99tBib4nJEO9zNbpWP9w Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 8 A ‘Hands Up’ travel mode survey was undertaken at the school in June 2015 to capture a snapshot of how both children and staff travelled on that particular day. The results are summarised in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 – Existing Mode Share Gorseinon School Mode Share Travel Mode Children Staff Car 44% 73% Bus 0% 2% Walk 48% 24% Cycle 4% 0% Scooter 4% 0% Other 0% 0% Total 100% 100% The mode share results for pupils closely match the Welsh national average for travel to primary schools in urban areas, as recorded in the 2013-14 National Survey for Wales2. Nationally 48% of primary aged children in urban areas walk to school, with 41% travelling by car. Approximately three-quarters of staff travel to work by car, with the majority of the rest travelling on foot. As summarised in Figure 2.1 there is a strong correlation between distance travelled to school and mode choice. For journeys in both urban and rural areas of less than half a mile, 75% of children travel on foot. This proportion drops to 51% between half a mile and a mile; 19% between a mile and two miles and 4% for two to three miles. Travel by car accounts for 20% of trips under half a mile; 45% between half and one mile; and it is the predominate travel mode for journeys of over a mile. Figure 2.1 – Wales National Travel Survey 2013-14: Travel Mode for Journeys to Primary School by Distance Travelled Car School Bus Local Bus Train Taxi Walk Alone/ With Other Children Walk with Adult Bike UNDER HALF A MILE HALF A MILE TO ONE MILE ONE MILE TO TWO MILES TWO MILES TO 3 MILES 2 National Survey for Wales 2013-14 – Table 12; Mode of transport typically used by primary school children to get to school . http://gov.wales/docs/statistics/2014/140827-active-travel-walking-cycling-2013-14-en.pdf Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 9 Spatial Distribution of Home Postcodes Figure 2.2 shows distribution of existing pupil postcodes for the primary school. It shows that the majority of pupils live within the catchment area which covers the central settlement area of Gorseinon. Several pupils are drawn from the Penyrheol neighbourhood to the north-west and Gelligynore to the east. Overall, there are more postcode markers to the east of the proposed development site, than those to the west. ‘As the crow flies’ distance markers are also shown on the postcode map, showing the distance from the proposed new school site at Parc-y-Werin. It shows that the majority of pupil postcode markers are within 1 mile, however it is noted that this is indicative, as the actual distance using local roads might be slightly longer. Figure 2.2 Postcode Distribution Plan (Pupils) Key Pupil Location of Residence 1 Mile Primary School Catchment Area ½ Mile Existing School Building ‘As the Crow Flies’ Distance from Proposed School Site 2.2.3. Existing Site Use Parc-y-Werin is accessed from both Brynawell Road and Princess Street by pedestrians. It comprises two marked sports pitches and two bowling greens with an associated pavilion building. A children’s playground is also provided on-site. A parking area is accessed from a junction formed with Brynawel Road. It is understood from the public consultation event that the site is used for sport, dog walking and also hosts a toddlers group. On rugby match days, anecdotal evidence from local resident’s comments indicates that up to 45 vehicles are accommodated on-site. Only part of the site will be occupied by the new school, with amenities retained on the residual areas of the site for use by the local community. 2.2.4. Local Highway Network Highway Layout Figure 2.3 shows the highway arrangement in the vicinity of the school, including provision for pedestrians and the location of bus stops. Brynawel Road provides access to Gorseinon Hospital at its northern end, in proximity to the junction formed with Princess Street and Grove Street. This is an NHS hospital which has recently been extended. It has 66 beds, of which two thirds provide assessment and rehabilitation Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 10 for the elderly. The remaining beds provide intermediate care with a variety of clinics associated with Outpatient Departments on site. The hospital does not have any Accident and Emergency provision. St Catherine’s Church is located the south-east of the site and is served by a parking area accessed from Princess Street. It is an Anglican church with regular Sunday services and also hosts wedding and funeral services through the week. Figure 2.3 Local Highway Network Key Bus Stop Grove St Bus Station # 1 Study Junction Pedestrian Footpath Brynhyfryd Rd Pontarddulais Rd Brynawel Rd Development Site Heol Y Mynydd Princess St 3 2 A4240 4 Imagery © 2015 Bluesky, Infoterra Ltd & COWI A/S. DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky. Study Junctions Four study junctions were identified through the scoping discussions with the Local Highway Authority in February 2015. At the time of writing, traffic data was available for two of these junctions (1 & 2), based on surveys undertaken on Thursday 21st May 2015. Existing traffic data is available from surveys undertaken in 2011 for junctions 3 & 4 which will be used in the junction capacity assessment in the forthcoming Addendum TA. The location of all of the study junctions relative to the existing sites is shown in Figure 2.4 and described in the following text. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 11 Figure 2.4 – Study Junctions Relative to Existing School Sites 1 Junior Site Nursery Site 3 2 Infants Site Imagery © 2015 Bluesky, Infoterra Ltd & COWI A/S. DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky. 1. Princess Street / Brynawel Road / Grove Street This is a four arm mini roundabout junction formed by Princess Street (north and south), Grove Street (east) and Brynawel Road (west). Parc-y-Werin is located immediately to the south of the junction, with Gorseinon Hospital located to the west. The layout of the junction is shown in Figure 2.5. The junction is lit. Figure 2.5 Princess Street / Brynawel Road / Grove Street Junction (Looking Northbound from Princess Street South Arm) Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 12 A 10 hour traffic survey was undertaken on Thursday 21st May 2015 between 08:00 and 18:00. This survey date was during school term time. The traffic flows at the start (08:0009:00) and end (15:00-16:00) of the school day are shown in Figure 2.6. The main traffic flows are between the Brynawel Road and Grove Street arms during both periods. Figure 2.6 – Existing Traffic Flows (Thurs 21st May 2015) 08:00-09:00 15:00-16:00 Overall, total traffic demand through the junction was 446 vehicles in the hour before the start of the school day and 479 in the hour following it. The full survey results are provided in Appendix A. As the existing school sites are all located to the south-east of this junction, it is likely that there will be some local reassignment of car journeys through this mini-roundabout as a result of the development proposals. A site visit was also undertaken on 27th March 2015, during school term time. No queues or existing capacity issues were observed during the site visit. 2. Alexandra Road (A4240) / Princess Street / Penybryn Road This is a four arm crossroads junction formed by the A420 (main arm) which is aligned east to west, Princess Street which connects from the north and Penybryn Road which connects from the south. The minor arms both have ‘Stop’ signs and associated solid white line markings. The junction is lit. The junction layout is shown in Figure 2.7. Figure 2.7 Alexandra Road (A4240) / Princess Street / Penybryn Road Junction (looking westbound along A4240 west arm) A 10 hour traffic survey was undertaken on Thursday 21st May 2015 between 08:00 and 18:00. This survey date was during school term time. The traffic flows at the start (08:0009:00) and end (15:00-16:00) of the school day are shown in Figure 2.8. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 13 The main movements in each period were east-west flows on the mainline (A420). In both periods, there is a strong demand for movements to and from Princess Street (north) and Alexandra Road (east). Figure 2.8 – Existing Traffic Flows (Thurs 21st May 2015) 08:00-09:00 15:00-16:00 As the existing Infants and Junior school sites are located to the east of this junction, it is likely that there will be some local reassignment of vehicular trips at this junction to gain access to the new school site. 3. Alexandra Road / High Street / West Street (B4296) / Pontarddulais Road This is a four arm signalised junction formed by Pontarddulais Road (north), High Street (east), West Street (south) and Alexandra Road (west). This junction is in a commercial area, with retail and leisure buildings adjoining the junction. The layout of the junction is shown in Figure 2.9. Figure 2.9 -B420 / B4296 Signalised Junction (Looking eastbound to High Street) The approach to the stop line is flared on West Street and Alexandra Road to two lanes, with a single lane approach on the other two arms. Pedestrian crossings are incorporated into the traffic signals on all arms, enabling users to cross the carriageway in a single stage. Guard railing is used to ensure that crossing takes place along the designated alignments. During a site visit conducted in March 2015, queues were observed on all arms of the junction, but in particular the eastern, western and southern arms. Each approach has its own stage, in addition to the pedestrian stage. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 14 It is likely that this junction already accommodates a significant proportion of traffic associated with Gorseninon Primary School as the existing Junior site is located to north and is accessed from Pontarddulais Road. The existing Infant site is located to the east and is accessed from the A420. It is therefore anticipated that any traffic impact at this junction will be associated with the reassignment of existing movements on particular arms rather than significant additional movements through the junction. 4. High Street (A4240) / Gorseinion Road (A4240) / Heol y Mynydd. This is a four arm signalised crossroads formed between the A420 (aligned east to west) and Heol y Mynydd (aligned north to south). Both A4240 arms and the northern Heol y Mynydd arm are flared to two lanes, with a single lane approach on the southern arm. The layout of the junction is shown in Figure 2.10. For pedestrians, there are central refuges provided on the northern, eastern and southern arms, enabling crossing in two-stages. No pedestrian crossing facilities are available on the western arm. The layout of the junction is shown in Figure 2.10. Each approach has its own stage. The pedestrian phases are interlinked with the corresponding traffic stage. Figure 2.10 - High Street (A4240) / Gorseinion Road (A4240) / Heol y Mynydd Signalised Junction (Looking northbound along Heol y Mynydd) Local Road Character Brynawel Road It is proposed that vehicular access to the site will be established from Brynawel Road. This section of carriageway is aligned south-west to north-east. It connects Bryn-Amlwg Road to the south with Princess Street to the north. The carriageway is predominately adjoined by residential frontages along its length, which generally have driveways connecting to the carriageway. Parcy-Werin forms the eastern boundary to the north, with off-street parking available for users of this facility. Access is provided to Gorseinon Hospital at its northern end, in proximity to the roundabout junction formed with Princess Street. The layout of the carriageway is shown in Figure 2.11. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 15 Figure 2.11 - Brynawel Road Looking north-east past Parc-y-Werin Looking south-west past Parc-y-Werin Wide footways are present along the entire length of both sides of the carriageway, with evidence of some pavement parking outside of residential properties. There are no parking restrictions in place on this section of highway. The carriageway is lit and is subject to a 30mph speed limit. Princess Street Princess St forms the eastern border to Parc-y Werin. It connects Brynteg Road / Pen-Cae-crwn Road to the north with the A4240 / Penybyrn Road to the south. This road serves residential properties on its eastern side for its entire length, in addition to the Caersalem Evangelical Free Church. At its southern end, Princess Street also provides access to a doctor’s surgery and St Catherine’s Church. There are double yellow lines on the eastern side of the carriageway in the vicinity of the park which apply Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 18:00. The western side of the carriageway in the vicinity of the park accommodates a number of parallel parking bays as shown in Figure 2.12. Double yellow lines are present on both sides of the carriageway in proximity to the junction formed with the A4240. Figure 2.12 - Princess Street (looking south past Parc-y-Werin) Several traffic calming measures are present, comprising carriageway narrowing. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 16 Footways are present on both sides of the carriageway and can be rated moderate to good in terms of condition. Accesses to the residential properties on the eastern side of the carriageway take the form of individual driveways which cross the eastern pedestrian footway, meaning this footway undulates at each dwelling. This street has no significant gradients and limited curvature, so visibility is generally good. There may be limitations to pedestrians crossing the road when there are parked cars, though the traffic calming measures improve this situation by breaking up the parking, with the build outs providing some visibility around parked cars for those wishing to cross the road. The carriageway is lit and is subject to a 30mph speed limit. To the north of Parc-y-Werin Princess Street forms part of a 20mph zone, with speed humps and corresponding signage provided. Alexandra Road Alexandra Road (A4240) is a principal through-route in Gorseinon, bisecting the centre of the town on an east-west alignment. The section of particular interest for this study is between the Alexandra Road / Bryn-Amlwg Road junction to the Alexandra Road / Penybryn Road / Princess Street junction. Both sides of the carriageway are fronted by residential properties. On the southern side of the road these properties are provided with on-road parking provision which are controlled by residential permits (see Figure 2.13). These parking restrictions apply from 08:00 to 18:00. The marked parking bays are broken up at regular intervals along the carriageway by the provision of bus stops. Towards the Princess Street junction, the bays are marked for either use by residential permit holders or for short stay parking of up to 1 hour. Figure 2.13 - Alexandra Road T Eastbound (towards Princess Street) Westbound (away from Princess Street) h Junction Junction e re are double yellow lines on the northern side of the carriageway. A limited number of properties adjoin the northern side of the carriageway and these appear to have driveways to accommodate off-street parking. This street has no significant gradients in the vicinity of the site and limited curvature, so visibility is generally good. The carriageway is lit and is subject to a 30mph speed limit. The carriageway itself is in good overall condition, with clear road markings a good surface condition. The traffic lanes are narrow in order to accommodate the on-street parking on the southern side but this helps to enforce the speed limit. This road is also one of the major bus routes into Gorseinon from the west. To the east of the Alexandra Road / Penybryn / Princess Street junction, the road accommodates commercial frontages in the main shopping area with further parking bays on the southern side of the A4240. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 17 Pontarddulais Road Pontarddulais Road (B4296) forms a signalised four arm junction with Alexandra Road and West Street. It provides a south-north link out of Gorseinon, linking to Pontarddulais to the north. The junior site of Gorsenion Primary School is located on the western side of this road and it shares an access road with car parking for an adjacent Sainsburys store. The carriageway itself is in good overall condition, with clear road markings and a good surface condition. Sections of on-street parking are present on alternate sides of the carriageway, with School Keep Clear markings present on both sides of the carriageway in proximity to the existing school building. In proximity to the A4240, parking is restricted to permit holders or short stay durations of up to 1 hour. To the north of the school, parking is restricted to permit holders only Towards the southern end, double yellow lines are present on both sides of the carriageway in proximity to the signalised junction. An enforceable 30mph limit in in place on this road, indicated by advisory signs warning of speed camera presence. The highway layout is shown in Figure 2.14. Figure 2.14 - Pontarddulais Road (looking north from existing Junior School site) Constraints In a recent public consultation event, parking concerns emerged as the main traffic concern amongst consultees. They identified that drop-off / pick-up parking demand associated with the school may add to existing high levels of parking demand associated with adjacent land uses as follows; 1. Gorseinon Hospital (located immediately to the north of Parc-y Werin – accessed from Brynawel Road) 2. St Catherine’s Church (when weddings or funerals are taking place – located at the junction of Princess Street and Alexandra Road, 3. Doctor’s Surgery and Dentist on Princess Street 4. Penyrheol Comprehensive School Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 18 The consultation comments provide anecdotal evidence that anti-social parking currently occurs adjacent to the school site comprising double parking or parking on the pavement. They indicate that this reduces the road to single lane running at times, which impacts on existing bus services. It was also suggested that the area is often used as a rat run by traffic trying to avoid using the traffic signals on the A4240. 2.2.5. Personal Injury Accidents Personal Injury Accident (PIA) data from within the study area shown in Figure 2.15 was reviewed for the most recent 5 year period for which data is available (01/01/2010 to 31/12/2014). In terms of spatial distribution, a significant proportion of the recorded accidents occurred on the A4240 and these tended to occur at or in close proximity to junctions where conflicted vehicular movements are more common. Figure 2.15 – Accident Search Area & Location of PIA Incidents Key Fatal Serious Slight The full PIA data is included in Appendix B. It revealed that: There were 39 recorded injury accidents in the study area, resulting in 51 casualties; 2 of these accidents resulted in a fatality; and 3 of these accidents were designated as resulting in a casualty of serious severity Table 2.2 summarises the incidents which led to fatal or serious injury as well as those which involved a child of primary school age (up to 11). Two collisions of note have been highlighted in bold. They both resulted in slight injury and are involved; A 16 year old pedestrian who was hit by a car after stepping into the carriageway on Grove Street in May 2012 due to the pavement being crowded by pedestrians. The data indicates that he was a secondary school pupil, An 80 year-old pedestrian who was hit by a light goods vehicle which was travelling from west to east on Alexandra Road (A4240). The accident records suggest that both the pedestrian and driver failed to see it other. The collision occurred during the hours of darkness with street lighting present at the junction formed with Princess Street. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 19 Table 2.2 - Accident Report Summary Location Date/Time Acc Ref. Severity Casualty Type Recorded Description Adult Car lost control in Frampton Road, colliding with 4 vehicles and a garden wall. The driver and passenger died as a result. Adult Car pulled out in front of a motorcycle which was travelling at an excessive speed. The motorcyclist died as a result of the collision. Frampton Road 21/11/2010 04:30 Alexandra Road jnc with Park Road 24/09/2013 19:33 Trinity Street 26/06/2011 19:45 0209713 Serious Child Child (aged 4) ran out into the road across the path of an oncoming vehicle leading to a collision. Parked cars cited on vehicle’s offside. A4240 Borough Road 26/10/2011 22:43 0212558 Serious Adult Motorcyclist collided with the rear of a parked vehicle Heol Y Mynydd 19/11/2014 17:15 1402233 Serious Adult Intoxicated pedestrian crossed across road whilst crossing light was red for pedestrians. Vehicle then collided with the pedestrian. B4620 Gorseinon 03/03/2014 Road jct with 15:45 Lime Street 1400412 Slight Child Child (aged 4) waiting at crossing lights with parent ran out into the road and into the path of a vehicle. Slight Adult Vehicle reversing from car parking space collided at a very low speed with another stationary vehicle which the driver was waiting in Pedestrian lost balance and stepped into the road due to the crowd of pupils on the pavement. The pedestrian then collided with a passing car. 0205074 1301753 Goreseinon 05/09/201015: 0203429 Hospital Car Park 15 Fatal Fatal Grove Street 17/05/2012 15:08 1200181 Slight Young Adult Alexandra Road jnc with Princess Street 06/10/2012 17:35 1201068 Slight Adult Motorcyclist crossed the path of another vehicle, visibility possibly affected by low sunlight Alexandra Road 25/11/2013 jnc with 16:53 Princess Street 1302143 Slight Adult Pedestrian crossing the road collided with a vehicle; stated reasoning may be failure to see one another 50m from Alexandra Road 02/08/2011 jnc with Penybryn 02:23 Road 0210735 Slight Adult Car caused another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction to swerve, leading to a collision between the passing vehicle and a parked car. 1201616 Slight Adult Vehicle turned right, into the path of a second vehicle Alexandra Road jnc with Park Road 15/12/2012 11:39 Alexandra Road 13/04/2012 12:15 1200116 Slight Adult Motorcycle overtook a vehicle which had stopped to allow another vehicle to reverse out of driveway. The motorcycle collided with this reversing vehicle. Alexandra Road 15/11/2012 jnc with Penybryn 21:54 Road 1201404 Slight Adult Vehicle entered carriageway and entered the path of another vehicle, leading to a collision 30/12/2013 11:48 1302345 Slight Adult Pedestrian ran into road in front of a vehicle leading to a collision with the vehicles’ windscreen Alexandra Road Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 20 The review does not reveal any common accident causations which would suggest that there are existing highway safety concerns. The majority of accidents resulted from driver error. Two incidents involved young children entering the carriageway without looking. Parked cars may have been an obstacle to visibility for one of these incidents. It is important that adequate crossing facilities are provided adjacent to pedestrian accesses for the new school which has sufficient visibility for both motorists and pedestrians. It is understood that existing safety concerns relate to the access arrangements to the junior school site, which shares its access with Sainsbury’s car park. The provision of the school on this new site will resolve this existing safety concern. 2.2.6. Provision for Active Travel Modes The following provision for pedestrians and cyclists is available in the vicinity of the proposed development site. Pedestrians Overview For pedestrians, footways are generally in a good condition on all roads in the study area. Pedestrian crossing provision is formally provided at the main junctions. Pedestrian Only Route Some pedestrian only routes are also provided in proximity to the school as follows; Between Pontarddulais Road (Poilice Station) and Llanerch Crescent (this is a public right of way), Through Parc-y-Werin between Princess Street and Brynwel Road. Both of these routes are shown in Figure 2.16. There are opportunities to incorporate the latter into the Masterplan for the new school. Figure 2.16 – Existing Crossing Provision Footway Link Footway Link Existing Junior’s Site Existing Infant’s Site Key Footway Link School Crossing Patrol Imagery © 2015 Bluesky, Infoterra Ltd & COWI A/S. DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky. School Crossing Patrols Two existing school crossing patrols are provided in proximity to the existing junior site. These are present near to Sainsbury’s on the A4240 and the Police Station on Pontarddulais Road. The Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 21 location of these is also indicated in Figure 2.16. There are no existing crossing patrols near to the Infant’s site as a controlled pelican crossing is present on the A4240 along the school frontage. Formal Crossing Provision A pedestrian phase is provided at the Pontarddulais Road / Alexandra Road / West Street signalised junction, with associated dropped kerbs and tactile pavement on all arms. However, there is no further formal crossing provision on the A4240 to the west along the high street and towards the development site. At the Princess Street / Alexandra Road junction there is a dropped kerb with tactile paving provided across the Princess Street arm parallel to Alexandra Road but there are no other pedestrian facilities at this junction. Cyclists The only section of dedicated infrastructure for cyclists in the study area is at the Pontarddulais Road / Alexandra Road / West Street signalised junction, where an advanced stop line has been provided for cyclists travelling eastbound on Alexandra Road. Other than this, there is no specific infrastructure available for cyclists, though the majority of surrounding residential streets provide a suitable cycling environment for confident cyclists. 2.2.7. Public Transport Provision Bus Infrastructure Figure 2.17 shows the location of bus stops and bus routes serving the local area. The nearest bus stops to the site are located on Brynawel Road immediate to the west of the Bryn-Amlwg / Alexandra Road junction. Given that the school will serve pupils aged 3-11 years old, it is unlikely that many children will travel to school by public transport. However, opportunities exist for use of this mode for staff, particularly support staff who do not have to transport teaching materials to and from school. Figure 2.17 - Local Bus Services & Bus Stop Provision Key 16 Bus stop 110/111 Bus Station 141 801 X11 Brynawel Rd Development Site A4240 Imagery © 2015 Bluesky, Infoterra Ltd & COWI A/S. DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky. Table 2.3 summarises the existing bus services which run in proximity to the site. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 22 Table 2.3 – Existing Bus Services in Proximity to the Development Site Stop Location Operator Service Number Route Frequency Brynawel Road First Cymru 16 Swansea to Llanelli (Via Pontarddulais) Hourly (Half-hourly from Gorseinon Bus Station to Swansea) A4240 First Cymru 110 Swansea to Llanelli Half-hourly A4240 First Cymru 111 Swansea to Kidwelli (Via Llanelli) Half-hourly (Peak time extensions to Kidwelli) Gorseinon Bus Station South Wales Transport (Neath) 141 Gorseinon to Morriston 7 per day A4240 First Cymru 801 Gorseinon Bus Station First Cymru X11 1 per day in each direction (AM outbound, PM return) Peak only, AM towards Carmarthen to Swansea, PM leaving Swansea (Via Llanelli) Swansea Llanelli – DVLA Rail Services Llansamlet railway station is around 2.2 miles to the south of the proposed site and could be used by staff and visitors to access the school in combination with use of a bicycle or connecting bus. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 23 3. Proposed Development 3.1. Overview The development proposals are concerned with Phase 2 of the development of Gorseinon Primary School following the administrative amalgamation in Phase 1. The development will deliver a 1.5 form entry school (315 pupils), plus a nursery school on a single site. The proposals will be future proofed to enable future extension to a 2 form entry school (420 pupils), subject to a future planning application should it be required. The development proposals will deliver greater operational efficiencies through a reduction in the running cost across the three existing buildings. It will also reduce some local traffic movements associated with parents driving to multiple school sites to drop-off / pick-up their children. 3.2. Operational Characteristics 3.2.1. Pupil Numbers Table 3.1 summarises existing pupil numbers and proposed future capacity. The nursery will be split over two sessions (morning and afternoon). Table 3.1– Existing, Proposed & Future Potential Capacity Pupils Existing School (Actual) Proposed School (This application) Proposed School (Potential future application) 297 315 420 Pupil Roll Nursery Children 40 40 60 Total 337 355 480 The school has been future proofed to account for potential future demand for school places which may arise from new residential development. Three candidate sites for residential development are identified in the Swansea Local Development Plan as follows; 3.2.2. GO001 – Land East of Pontarddulais Road , GO007 – Parc Melyn Mynach ; and, GO008 – Land at Parc Melyn Mynach and Heol Eifion). Teaching Hours In addition to standard teaching, it is envisaged that the school will continue to run a breakfast club and a variety of after school activities. There is potential for the teaching hours to be harmonised to assist those parents who have children of different ages attending the school, however the retention of a slight stager will assist in spreading the traffic demand over a longer period. 3.2.3. Phasing & Staging It is intended that the school will be open by the start of the January 2017 term for full occupation by all pupils. All existing school sites will cease operation at this point. Their future use will be subject to separate planning applications and associated transport assessments as appropriate 3.2.4. Pupil Distribution There are no changes currently planned to the catchment area. Therefore, any traffic impact resulting from these proposals is likely to be related to a localised reassignment of existing trips on the local highway network. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 24 The proposed site is the following distance from the three existing school sites using local roads (distances on foot may be less); Existing nursery site to new school: Existing junior site to new school: Existing infant site to new school: 0.3 miles to main entrance, 0.6 miles to main entrance, 0.5 miles to main entrance. Given the spatial distribution of existing pupils identified in Chapter 2, any mode shift associated with the development proposals is expected to be limited. Whilst Parc-y-Werin is located on the western side of the catchment boundary, it provides a relatively good fit in relation to existing postcode markers. The following methodology will be applied in the TA Addendum to assess the vehicular impact of the development proposals in the opening year; 1. The mode share for the existing school will be applied to existing pupil roll and staff to determine the existing magnitude of vehicular trips associated with the school. For those children travelling by car. It will be assumed that some travel with friends and siblings. A vehicular occupancy rate of 1.4 children per car will be assumed. 2. Where children travel to school by car, both the arrival trip and onward departure trip will be considered in both study periods. 3. An assumed assignment of vehicular trips on local roads (through the four study junctions) will be determined. This will assume that all those pupils living within the immediate vicinity of the existing school sites arrive on foot, 4. Vehicular trips will be reassigned to the new school site, assuming that they take the most direct route. This will enable the changes in traffic demand through each of the study junctions to be quantified. 5. Where changes in traffic demand through study junctions of 10% or greater are forecast, capacity modelling will be undertaken to ensure that the junction will be able to accommodate the hanges to traffic flows. This process will also be applied to staff trips. For a robust assessment, it will be assumed that staff will arrive on-site between 08:00 and 09:00. However, it will be assumed that all staff leave the site after 16:00 and therefore no staff vehicular trips will be included in the 15:00-16:00 assessment period. It has been confirmed by the C&CoSC that there are no committed developments that need to be included in any capacity impact assessment. 3.3. Site Layout No indicative site layout was available at the time of submission of this TA, only the footprint plan as shown in Figure 3.1. It shows that the site frontage will be on Brynawel Road, with the sports ground retained to the east adjoining Princess Street. 3.3.1. Access It will be beneficial for the site to include pedestrian access points to both the west (Brynawel Road) and east (Princess Street). No details of vehicular access points and arrangements are currently available. 3.3.2. Parking Parking will be provided on-site for staff and visitors. This might be shared with users of the park outside of teaching hours. Car and bike parking will be provided in accordance with the guidance outlined in the CSS All Wales Parking Standards. Currently 4% of pupils of Gorseinon Primary School cycle and 4% travel by scooter (June 2015 shown in Chapter 2). The Welsh Government’s target is to increase this mode share to 10% (see Chapter 4). Based on a capacity for 315 children, provision for the storage of 32 bikes and scooters will be provided. It should be covered and provided in an overlooked location. It will also Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 25 be supplemented by the provision of adequate storage facilities for helmets and high-visibility clothing during the school day. Additional cycle parking will be required for staff and visitors. Staff changing facilities and showers will be provided to facilitate the use of this mode by staff. Figure 3.1 – Site Location Plan 3.3.3. Drop Off Arrangements It is intended that all parental drop off will be accommodated on-street. A ‘Park and Stride’ initiative will be included in the Framework School Travel Plan to encourage parents who drive their children to school to drop them off at a safe and convenient location in the vicinity, to enable their children to complete the final leg of the journey on foot. This will be one of a several targeted measures included in the School Travel Plan. 3.3.4. Deliveries and Servicing A description of the arrangements for deliveries and servicing will be included in the forthcoming TA Addendum once an indicative site layout has been produced. This will be supported by vehicular tracking as appropriate. 3.3.5. School Transport There are currently no school buses serving the school and it is not anticipated that the proposed localised relocation to the new site will result in the requirement for the provision of school transport. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 26 4. Policy Context 4.1. Overview This section of the report reviews the transportation policy considerations which are relevant to the proposed scheme at a national, regional and local level. The following documents have been included in this review: National Policy; - Planning Policy Wales (PPW); - TAN 18: Transport; - Wales Transport Strategy (WTS); and - The National Transport Plan (NTP). Regional Policy; - Joint Transport Plan (JTP); and - County and City of Swansea Parking Standards. Local Policy; - Unitary Development Plan (UDP). 4.2. National Policy 4.2.1. Planning Policy Wales (Edition 7, July 2014)3 Planning Policy Wales (PPW) sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Government. The document outlines how the Welsh Government’s commitment to sustainable development can be integrated into the planning system. PPW provides the policy framework for the effective preparation of local planning authorities’ Development Plans. The document is supplemented by 21 topic based Technical Advice Notes (TANs) with TAN 18: Transport of particular note. Section 8 of the PPW document sets out the Welsh Government objectives in relation to transport. It states that land use planning can achieve the Welsh Governments objectives for transport through; Improving accessibility by walking and cycling; Promoting walking and cycling; and Supporting sustainable travel options. Achieving these objectives is underwritten by a commitment to support a transport hierarchy, which prioritises walking and cycling to sites above all other options, with public transport next followed by the private vehicle lastly. To this end, a number of policy aims are provided in relation to walking and cycling. Paragraph 8.2 advises that walking should be promoted for shorter trips, such as those to schools. It indicates that planning authorities should promote specific measures to assist including the provision of safe, convenient and well-signed routes. In relation to cycling. PPW indicates that; Cycling should also be encouraged for short trips and as a substitute for shorter car journeys, or as part of a longer journey when combined with public transport; Local Authorities should encourage the implementation of specific measures to develop safe cycling, including new or improved routes. . 4.2.2. TAN: 18 Transport4 Technical Advice Notes (TANs) are to be read in conjunction with PPW. TAN 18: Transport describes how an efficient and sustainable transport system is required for a modern, prosperous and inclusive society. The Welsh Government has a statutory duty towards sustainable 3 4 http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/publications/140731planning-policy-wales-edition-7-en.pdf http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/publications/070301tan18en.pdf Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 27 development and as such TAN 18 describes how the Welsh Government intends to integrate land use and transport planning in order to achieve their outcomes with regard to climate change. Annex D of the policy document refers to the use of Transport Assessments (TA). A TA is required for new primary schools to clearly set out what the transport impacts will be. The TA process should lead to the preparation of a Transport Implementation Strategy (TIS) that sets out the transport objectives and mitigation measures required. One of the key mitigation measures will be a Framework School Travel Plan. It sets out measures to reduce any adverse impacts related to the development in terms of congestion, parking, safety and the local environment. A TIS and Framework School Travel Plan are being prepared and will be submitted with the Addendum TA ahead of the determination of this planning application. 4.2.3. Wales Transport Strategy5 The Wales Transport Strategy (WTS) was published in 2010 and is a statutory part of the Transport (Wales) Act. It superseded the existing Transport Framework for Wales. The WTS is the first ever comprehensive transport strategy for Wales. The WTS sets out how it is intended to achieve social, economic and environmental outcomes of the Welsh Government, including improving links and access between key settlements and sites across Wales. Planning Policy Wales and the WTS both aim to secure the provision of transport infrastructure and services, which improve accessibility, build a stronger economy, improve road safety and foster more sustainable communities. The school relocation will be analysed within this context, particularly emphasised in the accessibility plan of the proposed school. This TA represents a direct connection between transport and land-use planning. 4.2.4. The National Transport Plan (2015)6 The Wales Transport Strategy sets the policy framework for transport in Wales and the outcomes that transport interventions should contribute to. The National Transport Plan (NTP) sits within the framework provided by the Strategy and sets out in more detail how the policies and objectives in the Strategy will be delivered. The NTP looks to encourage safer, healthier and more sustainable travel, reflected in the Framework School Transport Plan which will be prepared for the new school to specifically promote sustainable travel. 4.3. Regional Policy 4.3.1. Progress in Partnership – The Regional Transport Plan for South West Wales 2010-2015 The Swansea Bay City Region Board has a role in developing strategic transport priorities and prioritising transport schemes across the region, with the Joint Transport Plan for South West Wales building upon the previous Regional Transport Plan. 4.3.2. Joint Transport Plan for South West Wales (2015) The Joint Transport Plan (JTP) for South West Wales replaced the Regional Transport Plan from the 1st of April 2015. The plan is in place to cover the period 2015-2020, providing the framework for improving connectivity within and without the region with particular aims to support: Sustainable travel and safety Access to services In terms of the local, specific schemes that have been identified during the JTP a number specifically reference schools as part of their strategy. For the City and County of Swansea, the provision of a ‘safe walking route to school’ for children in order to reduce pressure on the Council-operated free school transport is high on the agenda. A second range of schemes are 5 6 http://gov.wales/docs/det/publications/140909-transport-strategy-en.pdf http://gov.wales/topics/transport/planning-strategies/ntp/?lang=en Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 28 suggested to improve the safety of roads, particularly around routes of increased risk like routes to school. Fundamentally, the JTP reinforces the targets presented in the Active Travel (Wales) Act, part of which are to increase the travel to school modal shares of pedestrians and cyclists to 42% (from 37%) and 10% (from 4%) respectively. 4.4. Local Policy 4.4.1. Unitary Development Plan The Local Development Plan for Swansea is currently being formulated, and once adopted it will replace the previous Unitary Development Plan (UDP). At the time of writing, the UDP remained as the most up to date Development Plan, setting out a range of policies and proposals relating to future development. Policy SP9 specifically refers to schools or education systems, stating a need to provide ‘improved and more accessible community, education and health facilities to meet the needs of new development schemes and to overcome existing deficiencies will be favoured.’ The need for developments to be accessible is thus essential. 4.5. Summary This section of the TA has provided a comprehensive review of relevant national, regional and local policy in relation to transport. These policies have emphasised the importance of providing safe and convenient access to the new school by active and sustainable modes to minimise adverse traffic impacts and to contribute to the health and well-being of pupils. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 29 5. Summary Findings 5.1. Overview This TA has been produced in support of second phase of development proposals associated with Gorseinon Primary School in Swansea. The first phase involved the administrative amalgamation of the existing nursery, infants and junior school and has now been fully implemented. This second phase is concerned with the amalgamation of each of these components on to a single site to deliver economic efficiencies and provide state of the art facilities which will improve education attainment. The new school will be provided on the site of Parc-y-Werin with vehicular access from Brynawel Road. It is proposed that the new school will open by the January term of 2017 for all pupils. 5.2. Planning Process & Development Programme Given the programme for the delivery of the new school, at the time of registering this planning application, some pieces of data required to complete the TA were unavailable. Therefore, this document sets out the key transport issues and baseline conditions, with a forthcoming TA Addendum identifying and quantify the traffic impacts associated with the development proposals. The TA Addendum will inform the Transport Implementation Strategy and Framework School Travel Plan which will identify measures to mitigate any adverse impacts and enable the development to proceed in a sustainable way. 5.3. Traffic Impact As of January 2015, 297 children attended Gorseinon Infants and Junior Schools, with an additional 40 children attending the nursery on a part time basis. The proposed new school will be 1.5 Form Entry, with capacity for up-to 315 school aged children and 40 nursery places, and hence will effectively be a like-for-like replacement. Given the proximity of the new and existing school sites, it is not anticipated that there will be any perceptible mode shift from the existing situation. The main traffic impact is anticipated to comprise of some localised reassignment of trips on the local highway network from the existing to the new school site, predominately associated with parental drop-off/pick-up. The provision of the all components of the Primary school on a single site will enable parents with children of various ages who currently drive to multiple site to travel to a single site. Simplifying the school run may even enable some to adopt alternative, more sustainable travel modes for this journey. However, potential also exists for this to concentrate all of the vehicular demand associated with the school run on to a single site. The development proposals included in the forthcoming TA Addendum will seek to address this through the provision of multiple access points to distribute parking demand on the local network. Furthermore, the supporting School Travel Plan initiatives such as ‘Park and Stride’ will act to further distribute parking demand associated with pick-up and drop-off. 5.4. Concluding Remarks This TA provided an overview of the development proposals associated with the second phase of amalgamation of the nursery infants and junior components of Gorseinon Primary School. It has demonstrated that the school currently exhibits a strong walking culture, with the majority of existing pupils travelling by sustainable modes. The proposed localised relocation of the school is unlikely to result in a perceptible mode shift, whilst the introduction of a School Travel Plan provides opportunities to build on the existing use of active travel modes, further promoting their uptake amongst pupils and staff. Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 30 Appendices Appendix A. Traffic Surveys Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 32 Appendix B. Accident Data Atkins Gorsenion Primary School, Swansea | Version 1.0 | 3 July 2015 | 5129774 33 Colour coding by SEVERITY Fatal Accidents between dates 01/01/2010 and 31/12/2014 Selected using Build Query : ; Refined using Accidents within selected Polygons -Accident Queries 2015 ("Gorseinon Primary Area") (2) Serious (3) Slight (34) Other (0) Her Majesty's Office (c) Crown Copyright Gorseinon SCALE 1 : 6740 DATE 09/06/2015 DRAWING No. DRAWN BY RLJ SELECTION RESULTS TRAFFMAP AccsMap - Accident Analysis System Accidents between dates 01/01/2010 and 31/12/2014 Selection: Selected using Build Query : ; Refined using Accidents within selected Polygons -Accident Queries 2015 ("Gorseinon Primary Area") Police Ref. Date Cas. Sev. Selected Polygon:Gorseinon Primary Area 0197391 20/01/2010 1 Slight 0198670 20/02/2010 3 Slight 0199669 26/03/2010 2 Slight 0200847 04/06/2010 1 Slight 0201798 08/07/2010 1 Slight 0202338 24/07/2010 1 Slight 0203429 05/09/2010 1 Slight 0204211 17/10/2010 1 Slight 0204772 08/11/2010 2 Slight 0205126 16/11/2010 1 Slight 0205074 21/11/2010 2 Fatal 0207340 28/02/2011 1 Slight 0209812 21/06/2011 1 Slight 0209713 26/06/2011 1 Serious 0210735 02/08/2011 1 Slight 0210768 07/08/2011 2 Slight 0211409 10/09/2011 1 Slight 0211872 04/10/2011 1 Slight 0212558 26/10/2011 1 Serious 1200116 13/04/2012 1 Slight 1200110 18/04/2012 1 Slight 1200181 17/05/2012 1 Slight 1200706 30/07/2012 2 Slight 1201068 06/10/2012 1 Slight 1201074 07/10/2012 1 Slight 1201245 30/10/2012 1 Slight 1201404 15/11/2012 1 Slight 1201616 15/12/2012 1 Slight 1201643 20/12/2012 1 Slight 1300733 07/05/2013 1 Slight 1301753 24/09/2013 1 Fatal 1302143 25/11/2013 1 Slight Registered to:City and County of Swansea (60) months Notes: P2W Cycs Peds Ch OAPs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Run on: 09/06/2015 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Vis. Light Dark Light Light Light Dark Light Light Light Light Dark Light Light Light Dark Light Light Light Dark Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark Dark Manv. Left Right Right Right Right Left Road Cond. Time Dry Frost/Ice Dry Dry Dry Wet/Damp Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet/Damp Dry Wet/Damp Wet/Damp Wet/Damp Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet/Damp Dry Wet/Damp Wet/Damp Dry Dry Dry 1400 2240 1600 1925 1650 2112 1515 1216 1305 0830 0430 1305 1905 1945 0223 1633 1100 1102 2243 1215 0912 1508 0955 1735 1550 0735 2154 1139 2032 1020 1933 1653 Location B4296 PONTARDULAIS ROAD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA o/s 1A BRYN TEG ROAD GORSEINON SWANSEA High Street J/W Lime Street Gorseinon Swansea High Street J/W Heol y Mynydd Gorseinon Swansea A48 High Street Gorseinon Swansea FRAMPTON ROAD / BRYNHYFRYD ROAD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA Gorseinon Hospital Car Park Gorseinon Swansea OUTSIDE MARDY P/H HIGH STREET 25MTRS EAST OF CECIL ROAD, GORSEIN A4240 ALEXANDRA ROAD / BRYN ROAD, GORSEINON BRYNTEG ROAD / PONTADDULAIS ROAD (B4296) GORSEINON o/s 87 FRAMPTON ROAD (15 MTS W BRYNGWASTAD ROAD) GORSEINON O/S THE GOLD/SILVER SHOP, CROSS STREET, GORSEINON, SWANSEA. BRYN ROAD J/W ALEXANDER ROAD, GORSEINON TRINITY STREET, GORSEINON, SWANSEA OUTSIDE NO. 75 ALEXANDRA ROAD 50 MTRS FROM PENYBRYN ROAD, GOR A4240 BOROUGH ROAD / HEOL CAE COPYN, LOUGHOR A4240, Alexandra Road junction with Brynamlwg Road, Gorseinon, Swansea High Street, Jct Mill Street, Gorseinon, Swansea. A4240 BOROUGH ROAD, LOUGHOR, SWANSEA ALEXANDRA ROAD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA BOROUGH ROAD, LOUGHOR GROVE STREET GORSEINON approx 50 mtrs from junction towards the general direction of Loughor JUNCTION OF ALEXANDRA ROAD & PRINCESS STREET, GORSEINON, SWANS MILL STREET JUNCTION WITH HEOL Y MYNYDD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA OUTSIDE 20 GROVE STREET, GORSEINON, SWANSEA ALEXANDRA ROAD J/W PENYBRYN ROAD, SWANSEA B4620 ALEXANDRA ROAD JNC PARK ROAD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA. HEOL Y MYNYDD, SWANSEA OUTSIDE NUMBER 45 HIGH STREET, GORSEINON, SWANSEA ALEXANDRA ROAD JUNCTION WITH PARK ROAD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA ALEXANDRA ROAD JUNCTION WITH PRINCESS STREET, GORSEINON, SWAN 1 SELECTION RESULTS TRAFFMAP AccsMap - Accident Analysis System Accidents between dates 01/01/2010 and 31/12/2014 Selection: Selected using Build Query : ; Refined using Accidents within selected Polygons -Accident Queries 2015 ("Gorseinon Primary Area") Police Ref. 1302378 1302345 1400412 1400614 1401101 1401164 1402233 Column Totals No. of Accidents Date 20/12/2013 30/12/2013 03/03/2014 01/04/2014 01/06/2014 22/06/2014 19/11/2014 Cas. 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 51 Sev. Slight Slight Slight Slight Slight Slight Serious Run on: 09/06/2015 (60) months Notes: P2W Cycs Peds Ch OAPs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 7 2 2 11 11 6 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Vis. Dark Light Light Light Light Light Dark Manv. Right Road Cond. Time Wet/Damp Wet/Damp Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 1643 1148 1545 1242 1839 1824 1715 Location BRYN ROAD, GORSEINON, SWANSEA ALEXANDRA ROAD, GORSEINON, B4620 GORSEINON ROAD JUNCTION LIME STREET GORSEINON SWANSEA THE ROUNDABOUT OUTSIDE ASDA HEOL Y MYNYDD SWANSEA high street gorseinon HIGH STREET GORSEIONON (OUTSIDE RILEYS SNOOKER HALL) HEOL Y MYNYDD, GOSEINON 5 5 Total number of accidents listed: 39 Registered to:City and County of Swansea 2 Atkins Transportation Longcross Court, 47, Newport Road, Cardiff. CF24 0AD 02920 35 8000 info@atkinglobal.com © Atkins Ltd except where stated otherwise. The Atkins logo, ‘Carbon Critical Design’ and the strapline ‘Plan Design Enable’ are trademarks of Atkins Ltd.