Scottish Rite News - Scottish Rite of Orange County
Scottish Rite News - Scottish Rite of Orange County
Orange County Valley of the Scottish Rite Scottish Rite News Volume 2 Issue 1 Newsletter Date January 2016 Personal Representative’s Message Brethren, Kristi and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a delightful New Year. I am looking forward to 2016 with great enthusiasm with the new line of officers, the new members and the old members working together making another successful year. We will get down in the trenches and bring in new members to build our Valley. To those who missed our annual Christmas party with the Language Center, it was attended by over two hundred people and one jolly man in a red suit and the children loved it all. We found out Orange County Scottish Rite can throw one heck of a good party. My thanks to everyone who was there before the party, setting up and getting things ready, and to those who stayed and helped clean up. Cristi Rosario decorated all of the tables and made everything look very festive. Thanks (once again) to Honorable Dave Price, Honorable Frankie Rosario, Mark Hoage, David Frias, Ills. Bob Hjorth and Ills. Gene Harp for all you did on that special night. January 4, 2016 will be our Stated Meeting and it will be our last meeting with the 2015 Officers so please come out and support those Officers for a job well done. January 10, 2016 will be our Installation of Officers. The Officers need to be at the DeMolay Center by 1:00pm for pictures and the Installation of Officers will begin at 2:00pm. This is an open ceremony and all are invited so bring your family and friends. The dress for the event will be tux for the Line Officers and dark suits for all others. Dresses and pant suits for the ladies. We have the honor of having MW Ills. Frank Loui 33° as our Installing Officer and MW Ills. Dave Decker 33° as our Chaplin. Please come and attend this event and support these two Past Grand Masters and the members of your Valley. Refreshments will be served following the Installation. REMEMBER, MY BROTHERS, DO GET INVOLVED, YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!! Fraternally, Rick Wood, 33° Personal Representative Be sure to visit our new Scottish Rite web site at OCSCOTTISHRITE.ORG! We need your email address so we can electronically send you the Scottish Rite News. Call the office at 714 543-7277 and give it to our Secretary or leave a message. Thanks! Scottish Rite News Page 2 Orange County Scottish Rite Officers for 2016 Ill. Ronald A. Seale, 33º Sovereign Grand Commander Ill. Frank Loui, 33º SGIG Orient of California Ill. Rick Wood, 33° Personal Representative of the SGIG of the Orient of California (909) 861-3329 Ill. Bob McNamara, 33º David Price, 32º KCCH Venerable Master (elect) Asst. Personal Rep. General Secretary (714) 454-8265 (714) 970-6555 Kory Levoy, 32º Wise Master (elect) Mark Hoage, 32º Master of Kadosh (elect) (951) 898-9335 James Cervantes, 32º Commander of Kadosh (elect) Shawn Smith, 32° ……….……….……..Treasurer David J. Kussman, 32⁰ KCCH.……...….Chaplain Mark S. Hoage, 32° …….………...Asst. Secretary J. Lloyd Clayton, 33°. …….……………. Almoner Bob Hjorth, 33°…...……......Director of the Work James Cervantes, 32°…………........Dir. of Ritual James McCallion, 32° ……......Classroom Director Mark S. Hoage, 32° …….……..….Dir. Stagecraft Larry Griffin, 32º……..……….…...Photographer Jack Allastuey, 32° KCCH…..………..…......Tiler Orange County Valley Scottish Rite office 801 N. French Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 Voice (714) 543-7277, Fax (714) 543-9754 Scottish Rite News is a publication of the Valley of Orange County. Editor is Mark Hoage, 32° (951) 898-9335, email: or All articles must be submitted prior to the 10th of the month previous to the published. The Valley of Orange County, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, 801 N. French Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701, publishes the Scottish Rite News monthly. No Subscription Price. Scottish Rite News Page 3 General Secretary Secretary Says, Happy New Year to all of my Orange County Valley Brothers! It is a new year and we have new officers to continue our Valley’s excellence. There are some Brothers, however, that have not paid their 2016 dues. Please check you wallets and see if your membership card/sticker says 2016. If not, please send in your dues to our Scottish Rite office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at (714) 543-7277. Also, check to see if your membership card is plastic and has the name Valley of Orange County on it. There was some confusion at Supreme when we changed our name from Valley of Santa Ana to the Valley of Orange County. We didn’t get all of our new “Orange County” membership cards and have be trying to catch up ever since. If you have paid your 2016 dues and don’t have an “Orange County” plastic membership card let us know and we will order it for you. Fraternally, Bob McNamara, 33° General Secretary Asst. Personal Representative From the Editor Greetings All, Well, this coming year will no doubt prove to be a bit of a challenge for me. As some of you may have noted, I will be serving as the Master of Kadosh as well as my roles as Assistant Secretary and newsletter publisher/ editor. If things get delayed, please be assured that I am still working hard to keep things moving during this busy year. As always, I am looking for any additional submissions from any of our readers. Last year I only received 1 submission from the Brothers at large. Please consider contributing to our publication. Please make your submissions to prior to the 10th of the month. Fraternally, Mark Hoage, 32° KoSA Editor Scottish Rite News Page 4 Language Center News Did You Know Donations to The Orange County Childhood Language Center Are Income Tax Deductible? A Community Program of the Scottish Rite Foundation for Children with Speech and Language Challenges Executive Director: Dr. Judy Montgomery, Chapman University Speech Language Pathologies: Leslie Sierra-Guzman, MA CCC-SLP Chris Switzer, MA CCC-SLP Laura Garcia-Maxey, MA CCC-SLP Please support your Orange County Childhood Language Center by making an individual, group, or company donation. Support our Center by becoming a member: President’s Circle: 365 Club: Center Club: A donation of $500 or more each year A donation of $365 each year A donation of $100 each year Supporters of the OC Childhood Language Center for 2016 President’s Circle Members Ill. Rick Wood, 33° Ill. Bob McNamara, 33° Ill. Donald Tapia, 33° Ill. Pete Jantz, 33° Ill. Ray Godeke, 33° Robert & Kathy Olsen Jim Andronaco, Sidepath Inc. Andrew & Palmera Todd Frankie & Cristi Rosario Sylvia & Jim Garrett Dr. Judy Montgomery Joe Manning Ted Segerstrom, 32° Samuel Brandes, 32° Mike Selix, 32° KCCH Kory Levoy, 32° Tom Olsen, 32° Art Salazar, 32° KCCH Nick Villasenor, 32° Anne Hertz David & Deni Frias Charles & Carol Crusinberry Cynthia Olsen & Michele Bakkila Ted & Elaine Olsen Please Make Yours Today! By visiting our Web Site Or Make check payable To: Orange County CLC Send Check To: 801 N. French Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 OC CLC Board Please remember that our Center will be closed late December and early January to celebrate Christmas. For more information on our Center please visit our web site: www.OCLanguageCenter.Org We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a joyful new year. See you in 2016! For Information Please Contact - President Frankie Rosario, 32° Cell: 714-600-6914 - Email: OC Childhood Language Center Office: 714-972-2646 Email: Scottish Rite News Page 5 Language Center News Hello from the Orange County Childhood Language Center. We continue to have a very productive life at the center, so I am excited to share our news! Yes we can I am pleased to announce that our center is currently providing services to 89 children. We are just inches away from hitting the 100 mark once again. This month we provided 225 hours of therapy services, so our kids are truly getting the time they so desperately need. I am just so proud of the great work our staff is doing at the Center! New President’s Circle Members This month we had four individuals join the President’s Circle. It is my pleasure to present to you Mr. Mike Selix, Mr. Arthur Salazar, Mr. Samuel Brandes and Mr. Kory Levoy. Joining the President’s Circle is a commitment for a yearly contribution of $500.00. It guarantees our ability to help a child overcome speech challenges for a year, so we are thankful for their donations and participation in this special program. It is a great Christmas gift for the Center! Gentleman, thanks for your support, your funds will make a significant impact in the lives of our children. Festivities for all On December 7th the OC Scottish Rite Valley hosted the OC CLC Christmas dinner at the DeMolay center. The event which was attended by more than 210 people was a total success. It was great to see the families celebrating this wonderful season with us, as together we have been instrumental in the growth and success of the Center. Jingle bells The Chapman team did a wonderful job getting the children to perform for the audience. It was very rewarding to hear our children sing Jingle Bells, because as you know, they come to us facing a great number of speech challenges. When we see them on stage and hear them singing, it is one of the most wonderful gifts we could receive. We are so thankful to everyone who is supporting us and especially to the staff who are making this possible at the Center for our kids. Christmas just doesn’t get any better! What would this season be without Santa? Yes, Kris Kringle took center stage and distributed gifts to all the children present during dinner as he does every year. I would like to once again thank the OC Scottish Rite and Hon. Dave Price for making this evening memorable for all of us. I wish you all a safe, healthy and rewarding holiday season and a prosperous new year. Sincerely yours, Frankie Rosario, 32° KCCH President, Board of Directors Scottish Rite News Page 6 Lodge of Perfection Hi Everyone, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, it is always great to see family and friends that we haven’t seen for a while. It is with sadness I write this article for it will be the last as your Venerable Master. This has been a great year, as have all the years that I travel thru the chairs of our Valley. There are so many people in our Valley who helped me get to this final position. I am not going to try to list all of them so thanks to everyone of you who were a part. I do want to thank our Personal Representative, Ill. Rick Wood 33° for my appointment to the line, his mentoring, support and most of all his friendship. I want to congratulate Honorable Dave Price, 32° KCCH on his election as Venerable Master for this coming year along with all the other members of our Valley who were elected and appointed. Just a reminder on some dates for your calendars: Monday, January 4, 2016 at 6:30 pm is our stated meeting and my last as your Venerable Master. Sunday, January 10th is our Installation with pictures at 1 pm and the Installation following at 2 pm. Finally, I want to thank the members of our Valley for the outstanding job they did with membership this year. Our Valley is in the black in terms of membership and this is the second year in a row we have accomplished this. Without membership we won’t have a Valley. Remember, “Change is for the Good, but no change is fatal” John R. Rider, 32° KCCH Venerable Master Senior Warden Greetings My Brothers ! On November 14th I attended the 67th Annual Meeting of the California Scottish Rite Foundation in Visalia, CA hosted by the Visalia-Mineral King Lodge. It was well attended by CSRF Board Members and Directors from the 20 Scottish Rite Valleys in CA. The event was Chaired by Board President, Ill. Frank Loui 33° and capably supported by EVP/Treasurer Ill. Ray Godeke 33° and his staff of Steven Foeller, Mario Lopez and Randi Lopez. Our Valley was additionally represented by Hon. Frankie Rosario 32° KCCH, Member; Hon. Art Salazar 32° KCCH, Ill. Rick Wood 33° and Ill. Bob McNamara 33°. The CSRF is a non-profit, California Corporation whose purpose is to support and assist the children of California though speech & language services, scholarships and other charitable programs. Some of the 2015 highlights were: Language Centers – 14 CLC throughout the state, over 32,000 therapy hours to over 2400 clients and an annual cost of almost $3m. Scholarships- 66 scholarships were awarded totaling over $262k. Americanism – The program now includes support of Veterans groups of US Armed Forces. Your CSRF is doing good things for the youth and vets of California, for which we all can be very proud. Please remember to support our Foundation with your donations. Feel free to direct your questions or comments to me anytime. Kind Fraternal Regards David Price 32° KCCH Venerable Master (elect) Scottish Rite News Page 7 Wise Master Greetings Brethren, It has been an honor to serve as your Wise Master for our Chapter of Rose Croix and I want to personally thank each of you for your outstanding support of our Orange County Scottish Rite Valley throughout this past year. We’ve had a very successful year and when measured by the results of our reunion classes, it was even more amazing. I encourage you all to help support my successor Brother Kory Levoy, 32° and make it a great 2016 as well. Remember my Brothers, you are our future leaders. I would once again encourage you to get involved in some small way in our Valley. Any assistance you provide will make a difference! How can you make that difference? We have a Lodge Ambassador Program, which you can join. If you regularly attend your Blue Lodge, you can be the first to present a pin to your new Enter Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, and Master Masons. Tell them a little about our Valley, and its charities. Share with them the amazing work the Childhood Language Center is doing. Talk to them about our Master Craftsman Programs spreading light on our Blue Lodges. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call at (714) 322-5950 or email me at to request your Lodge Ambassador kit, and get started helping our Valley grow. Bro. Mike Selix, 32º KCCH Wise Master 2015 Master of Kadosh / Knights of St. Andrew My Dear Brothers, 2015 has been an excellent year filled with much excitement from new degrees, new members to new programs ie: Academy of Reflection. It has also been marked by major health scares for several of our members. I have been very fortunate for the blessings our Beneficent Creator has provided and I am grateful to have served you as Master of Kadosh. Although I may have sometimes been out of sight, you all were never out of my mind or heart. With this, I wish you all well as I pass the torch of Master of Kadosh over to Brother Mark Hoage, 32° KSA. Through his constant personal sacrifice and passion for the craft, I know will bring great honor to the Orange County Consistory. On another note, we are continuing to seek additional members for our Academy of Reflection. We need a total of 9 members to comply with our Charter. Please help us meet this number so we can be the ONLY Valley outside of Guthrie, OK to have our own AOR chapter! Please contact Bro. James Cervantes, Ill. Bob McNamara, or myself. (949) 547-5459 /—Remember membership is free! James McCallion, 32° Master of Kadosh 1st Knight, OCSR KSA Scottish Rite News Page 8 OCSR 2016 Calendar 2016 January 4th—OCSR Stated Meeting—6:30pm 10th—Officer Installation—2:00pm February 1st—OCSR Stated Meeting—6:30pm March 7th—OCSR Stated Meeting—6:30pm January Dinner Menu Roast Pork Mashed Potatoes Steamed Vegetables Tossed Salad Dinner Rolls German Chocolate Cake In Memorium Thankfully, we have No deaths Orange County Valley Membership As of November 1st 461 to report Total gains 29 this month. Total losses 28 As of November 30 462 Page 9 Scottish Rite News News Around the Valley ATTENTION FALL REUNION BROTHERS Please make sure to attend the January Stated Meeting in order to receive your Patent (Certificate) of your Scottish Rite membership. These patents are based on Old English style Patents and are suitable for framing. These documents are large and do not lend themselves to mailing so please be sure to be there to receive this beautiful certificate from the Supreme Council. FINAL REMINDER We have been announcing for several months that beginning in February 2016 we will no longer mail out the OC Scottish Rite Newsletter in a paper format. The only exception to this policy will be for members who do not have computer or internet access. If you fall into this category, please notify Ill. Bob McNamara at the Rite office to make arrangements for a paper copy. This change stands to save the Valley a great deal of money that can be put to more urgent needs and to help keep our dues costs down. Installation A final reminder that our Installation of our 2016 Officers will take place on January 10, 2016 at the Anaheim DeMolay Center. All Officers are requested to arrive at 1:00pm for pictures with the ceremony beginning at 2:00pm. This is an open event so please invite your wives and families to this program. If you have an interest in attending any of the nearby Scottish Rite installations this year they are as follows: Long Beach Scottish Rite January 9th @ 5:30pm Long Beach Scottish Rite Cathedral 855 Elm Ave Long Beach, CA 90813 San Diego Scottish Rite January 13th @ 6:00pm San Diego Scottish Rite Event Ctr. 1895 Camino Del Rio So. San Diego, CA 92108 Pasadena Scottish Rite January 22nd @ 6:00pm Pasadena Scottish Rite Cathedral 150 N Madison Ave Pasadena, CA 91104 San Bernardino Scottish Rite January 24th @ 2:00 San Bernardino Scottish Rite Ctr. 4400 N Varsity Ave San Bernardino, CA 92407 Scottish Rite News Page 10 Orange County Scottish Rite 2016 Officers LODGE OF PERFECTION Venerable Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Orator Prelate Master of Ceremonies Expert David P. Price, 32° KCCH Francisco Rosario, 32° KCCH Scott E. Davis, 32° KCCH Michael Gowder, 32° KCCH Jerad M. Schulte, 32° KCCH Mike Selix, 32° KCCH James F. McCallion, 32° COUNCIL OF KADOSH Commander 1st Lt. Commander 2nd Lt. Commander Chancellor James A. Cervantes, 32° Jamie Hopkins, 32° Lindsey Shortland, 32° David Branch, 32° OFFICERS SERVING ALL BODIES Personal Rep. Asst. Personal Rep. General Secretary Asst. Secretary Treasurer Almoner Asst. Almoner Chaplain Tiler Historian Richard B. Wood, 33° Robert W. McNamara, 33° Robert W. McNamara, 33° Mark S. Hoage, 32° Shawn Smith, 32° J. Lloyd Clayton, 33° Robert Hjorth, 33° David G. Kussman, 32° KCCH Jack Alastuey, 32° James Segerstrom, 32° CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX Wise Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Orator Prelate Kory Levoy, 32° Jay Webb, 32° Alejo Velarde, 32° Mike Gowder, 32° KCCH Phillip Liu, 32° Master of Ceremonies Shawn McCuen, 32° CONSISTORY Master of Kadosh Prior Preceptor Chancellor Mark S. Hoage, 32° Shawn Smith, 32° Brian Cooke, 32° Jeff Kimble, 32° KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW First Knight Second Knight Please support out Sponsors Jas. F. McCallion, 32° Jay Webb, 32° MELROSE ABBEY Memorial Park & Mortuary 714-634-1981 FD# 1387 Anaheim Historic Cemetery, Mausoleum and Crematory with Dedicated Masonic Section 2303 South Manchester Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802 Cell: 714-345-0448 Business Card $20 per month Advertising space is available in this Publication to all interested Masons. Grand Lodge guidelines apply. $200 per year 1/2 page $80 per month 1/4 page $40 per month $400 per year Full page $160 per month $800 per year $1600 per year Allegiance: The bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Orange County, Orient of California, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General, Knight Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon, Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY Orange County Scottish Rite Bodies 801 N. French Santa Ana, CA 92701 Non Profit Organization U. S. Postage Paid Permit #662 Of Interest to our Brethren Dues Cards will be checked at Each Stated Meeting Visit our website at OCSCOTTISHRITE.ORG Want to get involved with our degree work contact Bob Hjorth 33° Request to the Family of the Scottish Rite Member whose name appears on the label ABOVE: Please notify us (address above left) if our member is in a hospital or nursing home, or is incapacitated in any way - thank you