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1• issue March 2013 • Issue 61 • 61 Azteca Grupo Elektra Celebrates Its Launches 19th Anniversary New Financial Services Site p. p. 4 7 Azteca Tarahumara Celebrates Its Communities 19th Anniversary Receive Support From Movimiento Azteca p.p.94 Azteca 13 Premieres Vivir a Destiempo p. 13 Ricardo Salinas Talks With University Students About Leadership Our chairman, Ricardo Salinas, gave a lively talk about leadership to Pan American University students at their Mexico City campus. Mr. Salinas’ aim with his talk, entitled “Social Value and Leadership,” was to share Grupo Salinas’ program for developing social and political leaders, Kybernus. During his talk to more than 400 students, he discussed the need to train young people with high moral values who are willing to play important roles in the country’s different spheres. He highlighted his concern that “Mexico does not have leaders who are up to its aspirations.” He emphasized that our country needs leaders “capable of seeing well beyond the immediate and imagining what Mexico can be.” Continued on p. 3 We Continue the Year With a Myriad of Activities In this issue, we review an agenda filled with activities, a reflection of the dynamism of our companies and our chairman, Ricardo Salinas, who has continued a series of lectures in universities throughout the country, where he shares his vision about leadership through the Kybernus program. This time, he talked with students at the Mexico City campus of the Pan American University. Ricardo’s interest in training leaders and encouraging young talent is also expressed through a novel contest of ideas held jointly with Singularity University. In business news, Italika continues to expand its markets: today, seven of every ten motorcycles in Mexico are Italikas. Meanwhile, Azteca Comunicaciones Colombia was honored for building the first stage of a fiber optic network that will improve telecommunications services in practically every corner of Colombia. Our social activities continue to benefit thousands; this time, Movimiento Azteca collected more than Mex$8 million for communities in the Sierra Tarahumara. In addition, the children who won the ¡Que viva la Selva Lacandona! drawing contest were awarded a visit to the national reserve, where they learned how important it is to preserve it. We also feature Azteca America’s campaign for comprehensive immigration reform in the United States, a cause Ricardo Salinas has supported since our television network first began broadcasting. Also in the United States, Advance America CEO Patrick O’Shaughnessy was given the distinction of becoming the president of the Community Financial Services Association, an influential organization in the field of small, short-term loans, speaking to our influence in that market. Enjoy this issue of Grupo Salinas Hoy, and, as always, thanks for your interest. Luis J. Echarte Grupo Elektra Announces New Officers ...................................................................................4 Italika Garners 70% Market Share...............................................................................................5 Azteca America Campaigns for Immigration Reform.................................................................6 Azteca Comunicaciones Receives Award for Technological Innovation in Colombia.............7 Grupo Elektra Launches New Financial Services Site.................................................................7 Grupo Salinas 2012 Company Reports ......................................................................................8 Tarahumara Communities Receive Support from Movimiento Azteca.....................................9 Fundación Azteca Rewards ¡Que viva la Selva Lacandona! Contest Winners.................................10 Advance America CEO Named President of Financial Services Association....................................11 Grupo Salinas and Singularity University Make Call to Develop Ideas for Mexico....................... 12 Azteca 13 Premieres “Vivir a Destiempo”.................................................................................13 Azteca 13 Broadcasts Innovative Duel of Ideas.......................................................................14 Names and Faces: Elisa Salinas..................................................................................................15 Fomento Cultural Opens Virtual Exhibition..............................................................................16 The Best of Ricardo B. Salinas’ Blog.........................................................................................17 Contacts.......................................................................................................................................17 Content •2 CONT. DE PÁG. 1 Ricardo Salinas Talks with University Students about Leadership He also highlighted the importance of interaction among companies, society, and government, which creates shared value. He added that creating that shared value requires three conditions: • A competitive, open economy based on an educated, healthy population, the product of equal opportunities • Sustainable companies that use natural resources rationally • Good government that ensures freedom, education, health, infrastructure, and efficient public services, as well as security and true rule of law. Ricardo Salinas during the question and answer session with event participants 3• número 61 •4 Strengthening Our Structure Grupo Elektra Announces New Officers Last month, Mario Gordillo Rincón was named CEO of Grupo Elektra and Luis Niño de Rivera was appointed CEO of Banco Azteca, further strengthening the group’s solid leadership. Mario Gordillo has held top posts in Grupo Elektra over the past 10 years, such as director of financial services, director of distribution, general director of sales, and managing director. He Mario Gordillo Rincón has been a key part of the growth of merchandise on credit in recent years and in the solid expansion of many product lines. Luis Niño de Rivera has been vice chairman of Banco Azteca’s Board of Directors since it began operations in 2002, and has 39 years’ experience in the financial sector. He has been fundamental in the steady expansion of Banco Azteca in Mexico and Central and South America, as well as the bank’s dynamic results and solid bottom line. Carlos Septién, until now CEO of Grupo Elektra and Banco Azteca, will take on important responsibilities in Grupo Salinas’ Vice Presidency of Information and Public Affairs, with the aim of additionally strengthening the group’s institutional relations in Mexico and abroad. We’re confident that Mario Gordillo and Luis Niño de Rivera’s proven leadership and extensive market knowledge will support Grupo Elektra and Banco Azteca growth going forward. We wish them success in their new posts! Luis Niño de Rivera 5• número 61 More Attractive Italika Garners 70% Market Share Italika, Grupo Elektra’s motorcycle division, has consolidated its leadership in the Mexican market by selling seven out of every ten bikes in the country. How has Italika achieved such impressive numbers? By offering a top selection of products, with superior distribution and payment options. In 2013, it launched a wide gamut of models using LED technology, adding yet another attraction to an already efficient and economical transportation option. The extensive product line provides options for work, leisure, excitement, comfort, and efficiency. Italika has expanded its distribution network to include department stores, super stores and specialized dealerships. And, if that’s not enough, Italika is investing in making sure that customers can handle their bikes safely and competently through driving clinics led by professional instructors. More than a motorcycle, it’s an Italika! An Italika motorcycle featured at an Elektra store •6 “I, Too, Am America” Azteca America Campaigns for Immigration Reform To support comprehensive immigration reform, Azteca America and Fundación Azteca America have carried out a broad campaign of activities and events throughout the United States. The campaign includes a series of TV ads inviting people to make their support for reform known to their members of the US Congress. The ads use the slogan “I, too, am America,” and offers tools for identifying representatives in the US Congress. Additional information is also available at the Fundación Azteca America web site, www., and in printed materials distributed at events hosted by Azteca America affiliate stations in the United States. The campaign includes a program of regional forums in the coming months. Cutting-Edge Services Azteca Comunicaciones Wins Prize for Technological Innovation in Colombia Azteca Comunicaciones Colombia received the “Let’s Evaluate” Award in the category of Innovation in ICT Project Implementation, in recognition of its installation of fiber optic equipment in 226 municipalities in Colombia. Installing this infrastructure has allowed Colombia to take huge steps toward connectivity and world-class digital services. The Azteca Comunicaciones network will be 19,000 kilometers long and will Innovation on the Net cover 753 municipalities. The Colombian government has earmarked US$235 million for its construction, using what in Latin America is an innovative partnership between the public and private sectors. In about a year and a half more, the Azteca network will put the most important connectivity services within reach of the population in practically the entire country at accessible prices through the operations of a competitive company. Grupo Elektra Launches New Financial Services Site Grupo Elektra launched a new Internet site where its customers can quickly, safely, and reliably request up to Mex$12,000 in cash. The new site,, lets customers calculate how much they would pay for loans for a given amount and payment term. It also allow customers to apply for loans without waiting in line, with a 24-hour authorization period and discounts of up to 33% for timely payment. Soon, will also offer savings and investment accounts, online credit card applications, money transfers, online and mobile banking, special offers, and purchases. 7• número 61 •8 Solid Operations Grupo Salinas 2012 Company Reports Grupo Elektra registered historic earnings and EBITDA last year. The increase in consolidated revenues included a noteworthy 65% rise in financial revenue, a solid expansion of the loan portfolio, and the consolidation of Advance America. 70000 60000 50000 40000 +32% 69,863 52,807 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 30000 20000 20000 10000 10000 0 2011 2012 Loan Portfolio 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 0 2011 80000 70000 6,397 60000 50000 45,042 40000 30000 20000 20000 10000 10000 0 2012 Points of Sale +62% 72,889 80000 +27% 11,508 9,073 80000 2011 2012 0 2,878 Dic 2011 Figures in millions of pesos 80000 EBITDA* Figures in millions of pesos Consolidated Revenues Dic 2012 Azteca announced growth in sales and net earnings: 80000 70000 60000 50000 */ EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization +3% 12,570 12,199 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 40000 30000 30000 20000 20000 10000 10000 0 2011 2012 0 +5% 2,307 2,199 2011 2012 Figures in millions of pesos Net Earnings Net Sales Resources for Water and Food Tarahumara Communities Receive Support From Movimiento Azteca Fundación Azteca held its 72nd Movimiento Azteca and collected Mex$8.5 million to benefit Tarahumara communities in Chihuahua. Thanks to support from the public, the initial goal of Mex$3 million was surpassed, and the resources will provide food and water for almost 1,700 people living in the Sierra Tarahumara. Esteban Moctezuma, executive president of Fundación Azteca, presented the check to Carmela Pírez, the representative of the José A. Llaguno ABP Tarahumara Foundation, which will channel the aid. Esteban Moctezuma; Chihuahua Governor César Duarte; and Carmela Pírez, Tarahumara Foundation representative, with members of the community 9• número 61 •10 Promoting Environmental Awareness Fundación Azteca Rewards ¡Que viva la Selva Lacandona! Contest Winners Grupo Salinas’ Fundación Azteca supports awareness about our planet. For more than nine years it has been educating new generations through the ¡Qué Viva la Selva Lacandona! (Long Live the Lacandón Jungle) Drawing Contest. In February, the 35 young winners of the ninth contest traveled to the Montes Azules Nature Reserve in Chiapas, where they had a great adventure. From the very first moment, the children had a spectacular time: they visited the Miguél Álvarez del Toro Zoo (ZOOMAT), where they saw the wide diversity of animals native to Chiapas; later, they met state Governor Manuel Velasco, who hosted a dinner where each child had the chance to explain his or her drawing. At the Chajul Station, they watched the sun rise over the Lacandón Jungle and the red macaws and toucans, and listened to the peculiar sounds of the howler monkey. The next day, they took a walk down beautiful jungle paths, where they saw the wonders like the silk cotton tree, sacred to pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican cultures. Winners of the Lacandón Jungle contest On their last night, the children, from all over Mexico and three countries of Latin America, crafted “The Lacandón Jungle Declaration,” highlighting the importance of protecting and conserving this important biosphere reserve. Their experience of becoming Lacandón Jungle inhabitants for a few days was incomparable. Communing with nature is the best way to recognize the importance of conservation. We invite you to become part of this select group of visitors by participating in the next ¡Que Viva la Selva Lacandona! Drawing Contest. Patrick O’Shaughnessy Advance America CEO Named President of Financial Services Association 11• número 61 Patrick O’Shaughnessy, CEO of Advance America, was named president of the board of the Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA), a national organization of firms that offer small, short-term loans in the United States. The CFSA represents more than half the companies in the industry, with Advance America its largest member by footprint. Its mandate is to ensure the future of the U.S. short-term-loan industry. During the association’s inaugural presentation, O’Shaughnessy called on members to continue innovating their products and services according to changing demographics and customer needs. He added that it is important for members to be proactive with the media and regulators to give a voice to their customers, who have shown themselves to be very satisfied. “We must emphasize the importance of short-term credit for many American families.” “We must emphasize the importance of short-term credit for many American families and our economy, and cement our industry’s place in the broader consumer financial services market. Regulations must ensure every term and fee is simply and fully disclosed, holding all credit providers to the same high standards,” he said. for Innovation •12 Support Grupo Salinas and Singularity University Call for Ideas to Benefit Mexico In March, Grupo Salinas and Singularity University made a call for ideas that use technology that could benefit five million Mexicans in five years. The winner will receive a US$30,000 scholarship to participate in the Singularity University summer school session in California. The solutions involve education, politics, the environment, poverty, sustainability, transportation, science, agriculture, and the economy, to mention just a few themes. Grupo Salinas proposed an additional challenge: supporting the growth of Mexican micro-businesses to foster the economic growth, taking into consideration challenges such as: 1.Training 2. Entrepreneurial Networking 3.Databases 4. Social Networks: Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges that include: Ricardo Salinas Pliego, chairman of Grupo Salinas; Andrés Roemer, president of Poder Cívico A.C. and curator of La Ciudad de las Ideas;Miguel Mier, operations director of Cinépolis; Alfonso Tinoco, marketing director of Domino’s Pizza de México; and Sebastián Tonda, CEO of Flock, among others. Singularity University is an institution that uses technology to solve humanity’s great problems. It focuses on global impact; it inspires and educates, and, more than a classroom, it sees itself as an agent for change. 13 issue 61 New Novela Azteca 13 Premieres Vivir a Destiempo In February, Azteca Novelas’ premiered its new production, Vivir a Destiempo. With a great cast and a talented director, Azteca seeks to captivate and retain viewers in Mexico, the United States, and Latin America. Directed by Javier Patrón Fox and Fabián Corres, the cast includes: Edith González, Humberto Zurita, Ramiro Fumazoni, Andrea Noli and Juan Manuel Bernal, to name a few. This screenplay was written by Eric Vonn, with production by Fides Velazco and Jacky Castro. We wish great success for this program that airs weekdays at 9:30 p.m. on Azteca 13. Ramiro Fumazoni, Edith González and Humberto Zurita el Ring” •14 “En Azteca 13 Broadcasts Innovative Duel of Ideas Azteca 13 broadcasts a unique program that breaks the mold of analysis and opinion shows: En el Ring, hosted by Andrés Roemer, writer and curator of La Ciudad de las Ideas. Broadcast Mondays at midnight, the show sparks debate around issues that interest us as a society, with a relaxed, entertaining format. The idea is to simulate a boxing match with ideas as the winning punches and Roemer as the referee. Politicians, writers, intellectuals, religious leaders, and scientists leave roundtable formats behind with viewers winning thanks to thoughtful debate and ideas. Manuel Clouthier on the program Names and Faces Elisa Salinas CEO of Azteca Novelas Elisa Salinas decided she wanted to become a businesswoman when she was 17. She left school and became the personal assistant to her father, Hugo Salinas Rocha. Later, she used her experience as a floor salesperson at a luxury shop to open her own firm, Zapaterías Manetti, which grew to 32 locations, selling on credit throughout Mexico. She began in the television business by chance, with the production of Entre Vivos y Muertos. In 1998, she became TV Azteca’s vice president of novelas, where she worked on about 35 programs. Her favorite program has been Lo Que Callamos las Mujeres, because of its ability to motivate change in so many people’s lives. On the personal side, she’s a dedicated mother of four daughters and a Buddhist, which has taught her that everything changes moment to moment and nothing lasts forever. “The world of cinema is a passion of mine, but my first and last love is and will always be television. It’s that passion that has me back at Azteca Novelas. My greatest challenge today is to create a platform for creative teams to efficiently develop high-quality, innovative content,” says Mrs.Salinas. 15 issue 61 Kahlo Report •16 The Fomento Cultural Launches Virtual Exhibition Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas (FCGS) launched its second virtual tour on its internet portal, This is an innovative way of reliving and enjoying one of the top photograph exhibitions of recent years: “The Kahlo Report.” Originally, the exhibition was held at the Museum of Mexico City as part of the celebrations of the Bicentennial of Mexico’s Independence and the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution. The show brings together a series of images of Mexico City monuments, buildings, and urban landscapes shot by Guillermo Kahlo in 1910 on commission of the Porfirio Díaz administration. To learn more about Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas, visit: Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas @fcgruposalinas Each image is accompanied by a replica taken from the same angle by contemporary photographer Rodrigo Vázquez, who used similar techniques and, in many cases, the same lighting conditions as those used by Kahlo more than 100 years ago. To do this, Vázquez used two large-format cameras. The virtual tour offers a faithful rendition of the exhibition, allowing visitors to see the photographs in detail with supporting information. This is the second time that FCGS has prepared a virtual exhibit as part of Grupo Salinas’ cultural promotion activities. The Best of Ricardo B. Salinas’s Blog The Importance of Leadership Grupo Salinas has grown significantly in the last 20 years. From operating exclusively in the retail business, we have expanded to telecommunications, television, banking, insurance, and pension fund administration, among many other industries. To identify leaders and speed their training at Grupo Salinas, we have created a program called Advanced Learning for Leaders through Systematic Action (ALAS, for its initials in Spanish). ALAS is based on a premise developed by University of Michigan Business School Professor Noel Tichy that successful organizations encourage teaching. In this kind of organization, “everyone teaches and everyone learns.” Abundance Is it possible that technology will bring an end poverty, disease, and other serious problems? According to the book Abundance: The Future Is Better than You Think, written by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, humanity should prepare itself for an abundant future. Contacts Beyond promises from populist politicians or the visions of prolific science fiction writers, the answer lies in technological advancement in human knowledge. Thanks to these advances, it is both technologically and economically feasible to end poverty within the next two decades. The authors share the rational optimism of Matt Ridley, who believes that absolute poverty will end before 2035. Ridley reminds us that the Chinese today are 10 times richer than in 1960 and live 25 years longer. According to the United Nations, poverty has been reduced more in the last 50 years than in the previous 500. Investor Relations, Grupo Salinas Bruno Rangel • (5255) 1720-9167• Public Relations, Grupo Salinas USA Nathalie Rayes • (818) 683-4178 • Press Relations, Grupo Salinas Daniel McCosh • (5255) 1720-0059 • Information GS Hoy Elena Arceo • (5255) 1720-0060 • Editorial Committee Daniel McCosh • Bruno Rangel • Elena Arceo • Arturo Longares • Linda Garcidueñas • Alejandro Vázquez • Carlos Casillas • Jesús Velázquez 17 issue 61
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