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ContactS LETTER TO OUR READERS CONTENT JANUARY 2015 ISSUE 83 Juguetón Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary with Millions of Smiles Juguetón, the world’s largest toy drive, celebrated its 20th anniversary, once again surpassing its goals and putting smiles on the faces of millions of children in Mexico, the United States, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Just like every year for the last two decades, the team of collaborators makes this endeavor possible, headed up by drive coordinator Jorge Garralda, collecting 16,372,842 new toys. >> Letter to Our Readers @lecharte Over the years, the impact that companies have on the communities where they operate has made them institutions that contribute positively to changing their surroundings. Thanks to this increased importance, at Grupo Salinas, we are proud of the social value generated not only by our operations, but also by the different initiatives we have promoted benefitting thousands of people in Mexico and the countries where we have a presence. One of these initiatives is the Juguetón, the world’s largest toy drive, which celebrated the 20th anniversary of making the dreams of millions of low-income children come true in Mexico, the United States, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. This effort has filled us with satisfaction. In business, we began the year with several moves to consolidate our positioning. For instance, Alejandro Valenzuela came on board as CEO of Banco Azteca; his proven experience will be a great contribution to strengthen and expand our operations. Congratulations! In addition, the sale of Grupo Iusacell to AT&T was finalized, an operation that will translate into bigger telecommunications alternatives for customers. As part of this agreement, Ricardo Salinas continues to own Totalplay, a triple-play, fiber optic direct to the home service; he also retains Enlace, which offers Internet services, landline phone service, and data service for networks to private companies and governments. Thanks to their modern technology, these services are Latin America’s most advanced broadband Internet platform. Construction also began on the Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica de Perú (Peru’s National Fiber Optic Network), a joint Peruvian government-Azteca Comunicaciones Perú project that seeks to energize the telecommunications sector providing broader coverage and services through 13,400 kilometers of fiber optic cable. It is another example of how we contribute to creating value for society. Advance America is projecting strengthening and broadening the financial services it offers in the United States, providing more and better alternatives for its customers. Meanwhile, Azteca finalized its season successfully and is simultaneously preparing new broadcasts with solid prospects. I would like to thank you for your preference, and I invite you to share the highlights of our activities throughout this year. Luis J. Echarte 2 Generating Shared editorial Social Value Throughout the 20th century, the influence of companies on society grew, to the degree that they became institutions that, besides creating wealth, are now also an important means for achieving social change. Their activities have an impact not only on customers, suppliers, or employees, but also on the communities where they do business. They are a powerful force for change. Given their growing social importance, companies must try to find a balance between public interest and profit-making. Profits are no longer the only indicator of efficiency. 3 Today, we can talk about mutual dependence among companies, society, and government. The success of busi- nesses and communities mutually reinforce each other in a virtuous circle. This implies that business strategies and public policies follow the principle of shared social value. This principle does not translate simply into philanthropic activities, but into business initiatives that generate value both for companies and for society. After more than 100 years of offering products and services that contribute to people’s well-being, at Grupo Salinas we have consolidated our social commitment not only with the operation of our companies, but also through more than 40 initiatives that have a positive impact on society in spheres like education, health, the environment, the promotion of freedom, and leadership with values, among others. CONTENT Grupo Elektra announced the appointment of Alejandro Valenzuela del Río as CEO of Banco Azteca CEO... Continue > P. 6 Continue > Ricardo B. Salinas launched Tanishka, an initiative to put Mexican women at the center of social change.... Continue > P. 9 Azteca Comunicaciones Perú began construction last year of a fiber optic network key to the country’s telecommunications.... P. 13 Continue > P. 12 Last year, Advance America consolidated its mission of becoming the main option for users of financial products and services... Continue > P. 14 4 Grupo Elektra Announces New Banco Azteca CEO ...................................6 Sale of Grupo Iusacell to AT&T Finalized ....................................................... 7 2015 Will Be a Growth Year for Enlace ...........................................................8 Construction Begins on Peru’s Fiber Optic Network .................................9 “The Voice of the Subway” Wins First Season of México Tiene Talento .................................................................................... 10 Exciting Finale of La Academia Kids .............................................................. 11 Casting Begins for La Isla ................................................................................. 12 Grupo Salinas Launches Initiative for Mexican Women .......................... 13 Advance America Consolidates Operations in 2014 ................................. 14 Names and Faces: Jorge Garralda ................................................................... 15 The Best of the Social Networks .................................................................... 16 The Best of the Blog ............................................................................................17 Contacts.................................................................................................................. 18 CONT. Juguetón Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary With Millions of Smiles On January 6, the official launch of the Juguetón toy drive was held this year in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Children saw dreams come true thanks to unconditional support of Azteca audiences who participate in this noble cause every year. Hosts Regina Murguía, Alfonso de Anda, and Mariana Torres Jorge Garralda waves the starting flag for toy distribution Ricardo Salinas handing out gifts Juguetón, a gift, 1996 a smile – 18,726 smiles 2000 – 450,000 smiles 2005 – 8’157,397 smiles 5 2015 - 16’372,842 smiles Seasoned Bank Veteran Alejandro Valenzuela Grupo Elektra Announces New Banco Azteca CEO Grupo Elektra announced the appointment of Alejandro Valenzuela del Río as CEO of Banco Azteca CEO to consolidate the offering of Mexico and Latin America’s top financial services. He will also contribute to providing optimum customer service and generating more synergies with the company’s commercial business. Mr. Valenzuela has more than 20 years of experience in Mexico’s financial sector, both in public and private posts. He has held positions of CEO of Grupo Financiero Banorte and international relations director of Banco de México. In addition, he has held important posts in the Ministry of Finance. The new Banco Azteca CEO expressed his excitement over his appointment, as well as his commitment to the well-being of millions of families and the growth of businesses in more Mexican and Latin American markets. Banco Azteca CEO alejandro valenzuela 6 Alejandro Valenzuela replaces Luis Niño de Rivera, who will become the vice-chairman of Banco Azteca’s Board of Directors. Mr. Niño de Rivera has been fundamental in the bank’s firm expansion in Mexico and Central and South America, as well as in its solid results, its robust balance sheet, and extensive growth prospects. B o o s t t o T e l e c o m m u n i c at i o n s Sale of Grupo Iusacell to AT&T Finalized Grupo Salinas announced that it concluded the sale of Grupo Iusacell to AT&T for US$2.5 billion, including the company’s debt. AT&T’s world class leadership and business strategy will create superior alternatives in telecommunications and will favorably impact the well-being of families, the efficiency of organizations, and the country’s competitiveness as a whole, said the group. Under the agreement, Mr. Salinas maintains ownership of Totalplay, a triple-play residential-service business, as well as Enlace’s corporate Internet, network, and landline services —these two companies were previously subsidiaries of Grupo Iusacell. Thanks to its fiber optic to home technology, Totalplay boasts Latin America’s fastest Internet platform, with a velocity of up to 300 megabytes per second, the largest number of high-definition channels available, an extensive inventory of video on demand (VOD), and outstanding voice quality in its telephony services. Enlace, for its part, offers Internet services with velocities of up to 10 gigas per second; landline services, and data networks to more than 20,000 customers nationwide, ranging from small companies to big corporations and government. It also provides effective video surveillance services through high-tech monitoring centers in several states of Mexico, with solid growth perspectives. 7 Quality Services for Companies and Government e B l l i W r o 5 f 1 20 owth Year e c a a Gr l En , in 2015 t e k r a lehe m ion in t nd, landline te t i s o p o ve nd mpetiti bytes per sec rporations, a o c s t i co giga hen s, large treng-t ce of up to 10 s e i n o t a p g om rin rvi s prepa d Internet se ks for small c i e c a l nee En or d gover high-sp nd data netw n g a n , i s r n e f of ,a atio corpor ervices , s s e e i n n o a ph mp ent. y to co l m t n c r e r e i v d go (single ation. optics c s r i e e n g b u i a f k m ac om red ernet p -free c pionee t e s n c i a n h d e r e n rfe ea Enlac ing inte . lephon r e t e f f e o n , i l t needs d n n e a i l l ment c s r o t t, landffe d e e o n r r t o e i l t i , a n s nie s), t for I compa d connection rvices l e l s a m m s o t an For ent cus rks. i-lines, m t l n r u e m v , o o , lines s and g -service netw e i centers n a g p n i i m r t l o o u t m ni ge c secure and mo fers lar f d s o n a a r e , e c s a m link Enl with ca . icated s d e e c i d v , s r s line nce se n state a a l l c i i nd high e x a v e r y M u n s o e v h fi ep video urity in line tel ncreasing num c d e offers n s a l o c s i l l n i i a en It pub an ns ting to solutio conomy with es to strength u e b i v i r s t n n he co ge vic compre ts in a growin nications ser s e d i v u ec ro iness p as solid prosp best telecomm s u b s i Th It h he ternet. ns that seek t n I d e e sp tio rganiza ncy. o f o r e b efficie l a n o i t opera 8 World-class Services Construction Begins on Peru’s Fiber Optic Network Alexandra Reyes, José Gallardo Ku, Peruvian President Ollanta Humala, and Maciste Díaz Azteca Comunicaciones Perú began construction last year of a fiber optic network key to the country’s telecommunications. It will offer the public greater access to information and entertainment with world-class service. The work began at a ceremony headed by Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso; Alexandra Reyes, president of Azteca Comunicaciones Perú; José Gallardo Ku, minister of transport and communications; Maciste Díaz, president of the regional government of Huancavelica; Raúl Pérez-Reyes, vice-minister of communications; and Gonzalo Ruiz Díaz, chairman of the board of the Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL). The Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica de Perú (National Fiber Optic Network) will link up 22 regional capitals, 180 provincial capitals, and 1,516 districts through 13,400 kilometers of fiber optic cable, in six successive stages. It will unite the departments of Amazonas, Ancash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, San Martín, Tacna, and Ucayali. 9 The project will create impetus for telecommunications, allowing existing operators to broaden coverage and services and improve competition in the sector through broadband access to high-speed internet. Pablo López “The Voice of the Subway” Wins First Season of México tiene talento Pablo López, winner of México Tiene Talento 10 In an exciting finale, singer Pablo López came out on top of the first season of El Trece’s hit talent contest México Tiene Talento. Pablo’s story hit home with audiences from his first appearance on the program, when they were told that he had been singing in subway stations to make ends meet. His rendering of hits like “When a Man Loves a Woman,” “Old Time Rock ‘n Roll,” and James Brown’s “I Feel Good” put him over the top. Throughout the season, his extraordinary voice thrilled both judges and audiences, after it had moved him from singing in Mexico City’s subway to the stages of Azteca. In the semi-finals, contest judge Héctor Martínez commented, “What I’m sure of is that I won’t be seeing you in the subway again, but in a theater somewhere.” In addition to a cash prize, the winner gets a contract with an important recording company. Karla Herrarte, the Winner Exciting Finale of “La Academia Kids” In a thrill-packed finale, Guatemalan Karla Herrarte became the winner of the second generation of La Academia Kids, after close oneon-one battles against Sarah (second place), Nicole and Alexis (third place), and Sofía and Angélica (finalists). Karla’s abilities were clear from the very first week, as well as her great discipline in following her professors’ and the judges’ directions, advice that made her improve and took her to the triumphant finish. The night ended spectacularly with the participation of judges Lola Cortés, Víctor García, and Alicia Villarreal, who, moved by the children’s interpretations, took the stage to show why they’re established stars. Azteca is already preparing the third season of La Academia Kids, to promote youth musical talent. 11 Following a successful run, Azteca is preparing the third season of La Academia Kids. Preparing the Fourth Season Casting Begins for La isla After three successful seasons, Azteca 7 is preparing the return of the reality show that has had the biggest impact on Mexican television, La Isla. For its fourth year, it promises new and more exciting challenges that will put contestants’ abilities and resilience to the test. Alejandro Lukini will once again host the show, which has been well-received by Mexican audiences, particularly on social networks, where the flurry of participation they have sparked has become a true phenomenon. The call for members of the general public who want to participate in this adventure is now open. Casting calls are being held in cities throughout Mexico and on the Internet. Details for participation can be found on the Azteca 7 website, 12 Tanishka Is Born Tanishka is a social program for women developed by the Sakal Media Group (SMG) in Maharashtra, India. SMG is a consortium of the region’s most important independent media. In a little over a year and a half, Tanishka has gathered 100,000 members and more than 5,000 success stories. Its mission is to foster socio-economic transformation through women, giving them a place of honor and respect, empowering them, and ensuring them social and economic security. Abhijit Pawar, Elisa Salinas, and Ricardo Salinas Grupo Salinas Launches Initiative for Mexican Women Ricardo B. Salinas launched Tanishka, an initiative to put Mexican women at the center of social change. The announcement came at an event where the Grupo Salinas chairman was accompanied by Elisa Salinas, the director of Azteca Novelas; Francesca Salinas, president of The Women’s Project; Abhijit Pawar, executive director of Sakal Media Group (SMG); Bobby Nimbalkar, the director of the SMG Council for Strategic Leadership; Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, executive president of Fundación Azteca; and Fernando Espinosa de los Reyes, general director of Kybernus. “At Grupo Salinas, where we have helped empower women for many years through our social initiatives, now we are going to work jointly with the programs we already have, like Movimiento Azteca, Asociación del Empresario Azteca, and Micronegocio Azteca. I’m sure that if we empower Mexican women, we will have taken an enormous step forward toward a more just, equitable, and prosperous society,” said Mr. Salinas. For her part, Elisa Salinas, founder of The Women’s Project, explained that more than 14 years ago, with the launch of the television program Lo Que Callamos las Mujeres the group has maintained the aim of offering women opportunities to do things differently, to depart from the cliché of the self-sacrificing Mexican woman, and invite them to participate in our society much more actively. Abhijit Pawar, for his part, said he was excited about being in Mexico and being able to contribute to solving the problems we face today, emphasizing that in India, they decided to do something different and inspire women. 13 MORE INFORMATION: Innovation in Products and Services Advance America Consolidates Operations in 2014 Last year, Advance America consolidated its mission of becoming the main option for users of financial products and services; it has offered new and broader alternatives for the market and for creating awareness among legislators, the media, and the general public about the value of its service. Extending Internet Capabilities In 2014, the company explored online loan platforms to satisfy the needs of a growing number of consumers who want the convenience of requesting loans from home or by phone and having the money deposited directly in their bank accounts. The company launched new loan platforms like Anytime and Kickstand in selected states to bolster its online capabilities and prepare for a massive launch of these services. In 2015, the company will broaden its online loan offering and begin to provide credit directly through 14 the site. This will let the company manage the entire loan process online. Launching New Products and Services Last year, Advance America celebrated the successful launch of several products and services at points of sale throughout the United States. The main offering was title loans. The company also provides installment loans in five states, and its tax-return preparation services rose by more than 50% from the previous year. Advance America has also been developing a new loan service and point-of-sale system called NextGen. This platform will improve customer service and optimize everyday processes for a growing number of products. Names & FACES Jorge Garralda • General Director of Juguetón and A Quien Corresponda Jorge Garralda is one of the few executives who remained with the company through the transition from government to private sector more than two decades ago. And he has had unparalleled success. Before Azteca, he had hosted programs with different formats, in addition to having a radio newscast. When the group headed by Ricardo Salinas acquired the company, Mr. Garralda was surprised to hear they wanted him to stay on and host a news slot and later A Quien Corresponda, a program dealing with social issues that’s celebrating its 25th anniversary on the air. 15 Mr. Garralda played a very important role in the early days of the network and was consulted by Ricardo Salinas about different challenges that were arising. In addition, his sensitivity to social problems led him to get involved in initiatives like Plantel Azteca and Vive Sin Drogas, a touring addiction-prevention campaign presented to large groups. “Our social commitment is consistent with the dimensions of Grupo Salinas,” says Garralda. In addition, he derives great satisfaction from seeing how the participation of all the group’s company employees has increased. “We do business, but we also support those most in need,” he adds. 16 The Best of Social Networks The Best OF the blog New Year’s Message to My Partners at Grupo Salinas Our Social Commitment in 2014 Today, companies have become true vehicles for social change, since in addition to creating jobs and wealth, they are an important medium for transforming the communities in which they operate. Today there is dependency among companies, society, and government. This implies that business decisions and public policies should follow the principle of “shared value,” since the success of the company and society mutually reinforce each other. Indeed, it has been shown that prosperous companies create thriving communities and vice versa in a virtuous circle that enables us to grow and develop. BLOG 17 Just over six years ago the worst financial crisis in eight decades broke out, and the global economy has still not fully recovered. In the past few weeks, strong volatility returned to markets. International oil prices have fallen 40% since June, and the Mexican peso dropped 12% against the dollar in the same period. Some emerging countries are at risk of default, while large areas of the world are about to enter a new recessionary phase. Furthermore, doubts about the course of US monetary policy are intensifying global uncertainty. For Mexico, the year was not exempt from serious difficulties. It began with a significant increase in taxes that considerably damaged consumer and producer confidence, which has still not recovered. As a result, the real economy entered a very difficult period that some specialists characterized as a recession. BLOG CONTACTS Editorial Committee Bruno Rangel Jesús Velázquez Daniel McCosh Arturo Longares Linda Garcidueñas Alejandro Vázquez Carlos Casillas Rolando Villarreal Mitzi Ramírez Investor Relations, Grupo Salinas Investor Relations, Grupo Sali Bruno Rangel • (5255) 1720-9167 • Public Relations, Grupo Salinas USA Nathalie Rayes • (818) 683-4178 • International Press Relations, Grupo Salinas Daniel McCosh • (5255) 1720-0059 • Information GS Hoy Jesús Velázquez • (5255) 1720-5777 • 18 w w w.g rup o sa l i n as .c om
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