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JUNE 2015
México Requires
a Cultural Change
to Overcome Barriers to
Development, Ricardo Salinas
Grupo Salinas actively promotes participation in forums to exchange
ideas that foster social well-being and progress. With this in mind, Grupo
Salinas founder and Chairman Ricardo Salinas gave a talk entitled “Leadership and Cultural Change” to approximately 1,000 Price Waterhouse
Coopers Mexico (PwC) partners and executives at their corporate headquarters.
Letter to
Our Readers
Ricardo Salinas’ most recent talk “Leadership and Cultural Change,” delivered
to almost 1,000 PwC partners and executives in Mexico, was very well received.
He emphasized the global challenges impacting the future of coming generations
and reiterated his call for beginning the social transformation required.
At Grupo Salinas, we are working on initiatives to strengthen our commitment to
the communities where we operate. One example of this is the recognition of Azteca and Grupo Elektra as two of the 34 most outstanding companies in matters
of corporate sustainability, of a total of 139 registered on the stock exchange.
Along these same lines, Italika was presented with the Socially Responsible Corporation award and the Limpiemos Nuestro México cleanup campaign was extensively promoted at the Liga MX soccer finals. This speaks well of the scope
of our operations and our social initiatives.
In business, Grupo Elektra reported an increase in revenue, while Azteca continued to premiere new programming and prepare new productions. This ratifies
the fact that broadcast television continues to be the communications media
with the biggest impact in Mexico since it is the best option for effectively reaching the mass market.
In addition, Azteca Opinión programming was given the Special National Prize
for Innovation and Multimedia Pluralism in recognition of some of the most influential journalists and commentators on Mexican television.
Our network has also launched AZ Cinema, attractive new programming for the
pay TV market, offering the best of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema with analysis and comments by well-known specialists.
Punto Casa de Bolsa brokerage continues to promote the importance of creating a financial culture, offering Anáhuac University students interesting talks on
economic perspectives in Mexico and the world.
I hope you enjoy this issue, and, as always, I thank you for your interest in Grupo
Luis J. Echarte
Corporations, in addition to generating wealth, have become important agents
for social change, wielding an enormous influence in the community, and whose
activities impact life in the areas where they operate. They are a powerful force
for positive social change.
Many of the challenges that are barriers to development can be resolved through
decided action by all social actors in favor of the common good.
In this context, companies are one of the driving forces required for change, generating value shared with civil society and the different levels of government
That is the challenge; let’s promote new leadership and assume our responsibility.
A lo largo de
los años, los
a los millones
de hogares
que reciben
las señales de
la televisión
abierta ...
read more > PAG. 9
read more> PAG. 13
read more > PAG. 14
Azteca 7 preparó para el verano el lanzamiento de nuevos
capítulos de algunas de las series favoritas de la audiencia...
Azteca inició
las grabaciones
de la telenovela
“Tanto amor”, que
Melissa Barrera y
Leonardo García ...
Los días 11 y 12 de mayo se
llevó a cabo la Inauguración
del Programa Latinos &
Sociedad del Instituto Aspen,
en Washington, D.C. ..
read more > PAG. 18
Azteca and Grupo Elektra, Sustainable Companies ................................. 6
Italika Receives Socially Responsible Company Award ............................. 7
More than 26 Million Watch Soccer Finals on Azteca ................................8
Broadcast TV, the Media Source With the Biggest Impact .......................9
Azteca’s Editorial Team Receives Journalists’ Club Award .................... 10
La Entrevista con Sarmiento Comes of Age ................................................ 11
Azteca Launches AZ Cinema ........................................................................... 12
Tanto Amor Begins Filming ........................................................................................13
Azteca 7 Launches New Summer Programming ........................................ 14
Soccer Finals Join Limpiemos Nuestro México ........................................... 15
Grupo Elektra Revenue Tops Mex$100 Billion .......................................... 16
Investment World Presented to University Students ................................17
Latinos & Sociedad Program Begins Operations ....................................... 18
Names and Faces: Eduardo Parra Ruiz .......................................................... 19
The Best of the Social Networks .................................................................. 20
The Best of the Blog .......................................................................................... 21
Contacts ................................................................................................................ 22
Mexico Needs a Cultural Change to Overcome
Development Barriers, Ricardo Salinas
In his talk, Mr. Salinas mentioned that we are facing important challenges globally, from
threats to liberal democracy to the growing regulation of the free market and high taxes,
all of which constitute obstacles to economic growth and compromise the living standards of future generations.
”Mexico requires
leaders capable
of seeing far beyond
the immediate
who can envision
the future of
the country.”
Ricardo B. Salinas
He emphasized the need to foster a cultural change that
would strengthen respect for the law, promote the value
of effort, investment in human capital, and the willingness
to take risks. He added that the lack of an entrepreneurial
mentality is a very serious problem since any country without entrepreneurs is destined to failure. He concluded that
Mexico needs leaders capable of seeing far beyond the immediate who can envision the future of the country.
The audience followed his talk closely both in Mexico City
and remotely from Guadalajara, Monterrey, Querétaro, and
other PwC offices. After he concluded, participants asked
questions and exchanged views on issues involving Mexico’s
economic and social development.
Report Based on International Parameters
Azteca and
Grupo Elektra,
Sustainable Corporations
Azteca and Grupo Elektra presented
sustainability reports for the third
year using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Guide.
investment funds take into account
not only financial performance, but
also focus on corporate, social, and
environmental information. In fact,
worldwide, fund managers who
The GRI is an institution for develop- take into account corporate social
ing better sustainability practices; its responsibility when investing now
indicators are a tool for measuring wield about US$8 trillion.
and reporting results and positive
impacts of corporate governance,
social, and environmental performance strategies and actions. This
represents a commitment to continued improvement.
Currently, 34 of the 139 publicly-listed companies in Mexico are included
in the sustainability index. Azteca is
featured on the list for the third year,
Grupo Elektra has been included for
the second year.
The importance of being on the Index of Sustainable Prices and Estimates is that increasing numbers of
To consult the reports
and find out more about
Azteca and Grupo Elektra’s
corporate sustainability,
go to :
“In our time, companies exert enormous
influence on society and their activities
directly impact the lives of their customers,
partners, employees, and associates, and
indirectly impact those of many other
people in the communities where they
do business.”
Ricardo Salinas
Certification Process Completed
Receives Socially Responsible
Company Recognition
Italika CEO Alberto
Tanus and Sales Manager
Carlos Collado
After satisfactorily completing the certification process to show its commitment to the
Grupo Salinas philosophy of creating social value and improving the community, our
motorcycle brand Italika was given the Socially Responsible Company recognition by
the Mexican Center for Philanthropy.
This honor is conferred on companies that demonstrate respect for moral values, community, and the environment. Italika has made a public commitment in all these areas,
carrying out activities to contribute to the common good from its sphere of activity.
It optimizes processes and products to reduce pollution to a minimum by making better
use of energy, providing its customers with free instruction for operating motorcycles
and general driver education.
At the award ceremony, Italika CEO Alberto Tanus said,
“We are convinced that the team
that does its work in appropriate
conditions is going to work better.
The company has to concern itself
not only with its associates, but with
everything it generates outside.
A successful company has to be
socially responsible.”
Broadcast TV, the Most Attractive Mass Media
More than
Watch Soccer Finals on
More than 26 million people watched the Liga MX 2015 soccer closing matches on a
broadcast-TV exclusive on Azteca, according to HR Media.
More than 70 different brands advertised during these broadcasts, confirming the dominance of broadcast television as the mass media par excellence, unparalleled in terms
of national coverage, reaching 95% of Mexico’s homes (contrasting with 73% for radio,
49% for pay TV, and 43 percent for Internet).
Many advertisers build their brands effectively through events of this kind and many
other Azteca programs due to the popularity of its programming, its penetration in the
broadcast TV market, and its accessible pricing.
CIDE Study Results
Broadcast TV,
the Media
Source with the
Biggest Impact
A Over the years, the content distributed
to the millions of homes that receive TV
broadcasts has been the main source of
entertainment and information for most
Mexican families.
Broadcast TV is the media source that
reaches the most Mexican homes, offering
cultural, informational, and sports programs, as well as entertainment.
Even with the technological boom over the
last few years and alternative information
sources developed worldwide, television
continues to the be main medium for mass
communication, the least costly, and the
one with the greatest penetration, providing 95% of audiovisual content to Mexico’s
In advanced economies, the trend is that
television dominates the traditional media,
and television and personal digital platforms complement each other to create
new advertising strategies and synergies.
Today, broadcast TV services are not only
used by advertisers to send out commercials about a specific product. Mexico’s
Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) has produced a study based on
surveys of the main advertisers using this
medium in which several mention that the
exposure offered by the main networks is
a fundamental tool for building a brand.
In fact, most of the advertisers consider
it very risky for a brand to withdraw its
commercials for long periods. The CIDE
study concludes that broadcast television
is the “most efficient [tool] for achieving
scope and frequency,” ideal characteristics
for reinforcing the position of a brand as
well as the corporate image. It continues
to be the favorite mass medium in terms
of costs and coverage, as well as being the
basic source of information and entertainment for Mexican families.
Most Complete and Influential
Azteca’s Editorial Team
Receives Journalists’
Club Award
Outstanding journalists,
commentators, and analysts are
part of this editorial team
Azteca’s evening editorial team was given the Special National Award for Innovation and
Multimedia Pluralism in recognition of the quality of its journalists and commentators,
who make its programming the most complete and influential on Mexican television.
Mexico’s Journalists’ Club conferred the award, pointing out that the award for “Mexican broadcast television goes to Azteca Opinión. Technological innovation and creativity permeate the 27 13-minute programs that are an expression of pluralistic Mexico.”
The association added that the editorial commentary programming is unique, with its
team of prestigious journalists, opinion leaders, and specialists who express different
points of view about politics, finances, culture, and science and technology, with an
impact on Mexican society.
This avant-garde space has allowed Azteca Opinión to increase its digital content
through social networks, Internet, and simultaneous transmission on Total Play, to satisfy the public interest in getting a close look at the views of outstanding hosts through
different platforms.
Pluralism, Knowledge, and Thinking
“La entrevista
con Sarmiento”
Comes of Age
With the support of outstanding figures from the world
of politics, academia, the intelligentsia, society, and business, journalist Sergio Sarmiento celebrated the 18th anniversary of his program La entrevista con Sarmiento.
Speaking at the event, Ricardo Salinas said the program’s
lengthy run is due to the diversity of topics it deals with,
the plural guest roster, and the knowledge and thinking it
Sergio Sarmiento, for his part, said he was very proud of
being a part of Azteca and took the opportunity to urge
those in attendance to defend each one of our individual
“We don’t
realize just
how valuable
freedom is until
we lose it.”
b) Ricardo Salinas highlighted the program’s
c) Ricardo Salinas, Sergio Sarmiento, and Mexico
City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera
Mr. Sarmiento has done more than 2,600 interviews on
the program; guests have included former presidents,
prime ministers, cabinet ministers, ambassadors, religious and social leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, intellectuals, and writers.
New Mexican Film Channel
Azteca Launches
AZ Cinema
Azteca has launched a new project for national and international audiences with its AZ Cinema channel. It will offer
a wide variety of twentieth-century Mexican film with particular emphasis on what has been dubbed the Golden Age.
run without
commercials and the
channel is available
for the HD TV platform
operators in the United
States and Latin America.
In Mexico, you can tune
in on Total Play’s
Channel 425.
Mario San Román at the launch of AZ Cinema
The film collection was acquired by Azteca with exclusive rights in perpetuity and includes work by more than
130 directors, 19 genres, including icons of Mexican movie
The films themselves are complemented and put in context with historical material from the Barbachano Archive,
a collection of movies dating from 1948 to 1979. The channel will also restore and digitalize more than 1,500 hours
of original material, as well as research and re-catalogue
the contents.
AZ Cinema also offers other original content about cinema such as interviews, debates, and analyses with directors, actors, and professionals, innovative short-format series and hybrid animated shorts about Mexican film
history and leading industry players.
“This channel is our own homage to the classics, and it
shows a dual link: the past and present of cinema and that
of two complementary industries, film-making and television. In that sense, AZ Cinema is a big surprise,” says
Fidela Navarro, the director of AZ TV de Paga.
Begins Filming
New Novela
Novela stars Melissa
Barrera and
Azteca began shooting Tanto Amor, a telenovela that stars Melissa Barrera and Leonardo García, slated to premiere in August.
Leonardo García
Produced by Rita Fusaro, who has also brought audiences dramas like Montecristo and
Passion Morena, the new novela will feature a cast that includes Ofelia Medina, Omar
Fierro, Andrea Noli, Rossana Nájera, Jorge Luis Vázquez, Arap Bethke, Ramiro Huerta,
María José Magán, Matías Novoa, Miri Higareda, and Aura Cristina Geithner.
Melissa Barrera is a graduate of the ninth generation of La Academia and appeared in
the novelas La mujer de Judas and La Otra Cara del Alma and Siempre Tuya Acapulco.
She is currently appearing on the Baila si Puedes dance program.
Leonardo García is returning to novelas after playing the villain Vazdo in Los Rey.
Premieres and New Episodes of Favorite Series
Azteca 7
New Summer
Azteca 7 has prepared the
summer broadcasts of new
episodes of viewer favorites, plus premieres and
other new programming.
Soon to air are the new
episodes of Ninja Warrior
and the second season of
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Also
coming up are the premieres of Legend, an exciting series of intrigue and
conspiracy about a former
CIA agent who investigates
cases secretly, and Scorpion, an action/suspense series where the world’s most
brilliant minds join forces to
face down organized crime.
Back on the small screen
is the first season of The
Black List, followed by
the premiere of its second
season, in which Red, one
of the world’s most wanted criminals, becomes the
Special Official Soccer Ball and a Message
Esteban Moctezuma, Executive
President of Fundación Azteca,
Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel
Mancera and Decio de María,
President of Liga MX
Soccer Finals Join
Limpiemos Nuestro México
The Limpiemos Nuestro México cleanup campaign, the country’s biggest anti-litter campaign, was a featured star of the finals of the Liga MX and the Liga de Ascenso MX soccer championships.
For the third straight year, before every final league, an official version of the soccer ball is presented and a message sent
about Limpiemos Nuestro México, with the slogan “Keep it
At the event where a special version of the soccer ball was
presented a few days before the finals, Fundación Azteca
Executive President Esteban Moctezuma Barragán said that
Limpiemos Nuestro México has grown enormously and become something more than a campaign. “This is a much more
profound effort to achieve a cultural change, to create more
respect for public property.”
Also speaking at the event was Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera, who highlighted the efforts by Grupo Salinas to
promote the clean-up day. Liga MX President Decio de María
reitereated the campaign’s message, “Clean-up is a bigger responsibility: putting litter in its place signifies respect, and respect [for our country] is the message behind this campaign.”
Voit CEO Alejandro Gámez expressed his gratification at the
fact that the campaign has taken off. “People recognize a
cause in the soccer ball; they are becoming aware of the need
not only to pick up litter, but to not throw it away in the first
place and to recycle. But we have to continue working and
creating more awareness.”
The next Limpiemos Nuestro México day will be held on September 20, 2015. For more information about how to participate, go to
Strong Growth
Grupo Elektra
Financial Division Revenue Tops
Mex$100 Billion
Grupo Elektra surpassed the Mex$100-billion mark in revenue of its financial division at the end of March. Total
consolidated deposits came to Mex$101.4 billion at the
close of the first quarter 2015, representing 23% growth
compared to last year.
This jump is due mainly to a 19% hike in Banco Azteca México’s traditional revenue, which came to Mex$96.1 billion.
Notable product growth was registered in Guardadito and Inversión Azteca accounts, which both
had double-digit hikes in deposits. Socio and
Nómina accounts also performed well.
Mex$100 billion
Banco Azteca is one of Mexico’s nine
major banks and is the largest among
the institutions targeting the base of
the socio-economic pyramid.
This robust growth in deposits is
very important because they establish an important basis for the
growth of Grupo Elektra’s financial
business in the future.
Anáhuac University Invites Punto Casa de Bolsa
Investment World
Presented to
University Students
Last May, Punto Casa de Bolsa participated in the Financial Day organized by the Anáhuac Southern University.
Actuarial, economy, finance, and marketing students attended lectures by the firm’s analysts, who offered their
views of the Mexican and world economies. They also
highlighted the importance of creating value, inviting the
students to invest through Punto and its new digital platforms.
This is how Grupo Salinas seeks to bring the new generations into the stock market world through its brokerage house, contributing to strengthening financial culture
among young university students.
Fostering Latino Leadership
Latinos &
Program Begins
The Aspen Institute launched its Latinos & Sociedad program in Washington, D.C., on
May 11 and 12. The project’s objective is to create awareness in U.S. society not only
regarding the demographic change in the Latino community, but also its impact on the
future of the United States.
Abigail Golden-vázquez,
KEVIN LEÓN, mónica
lozano, walter isaacson,
The meet organized a series of conversations to show the potential of Latinos in the
U.S. and how, by working together, entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders can take on
actions about important issues for both the Latino community and society at large.
Grupo Salinas has committed to create the program and has contributed the Ricardo
Salinas Fellowship to increase Latino participation at the institute’s events and in its
Some of the young people currently enjoying fellowships attended this first summit and
hopefully they will develop their leadership capabilities so they can become involved in
economic, social, civic, and political matters and promote policies that reflect the importance of the Latino community on all levels of society.
nAME &
Eduardo Parra Ruiz •
CEO of Afore Azteca
Eduardo Parra Ruiz has extensive experience in the financial and risk assessment fields, both in academia and
in business, making him an ideal candidate to head Afore Azteca pension
management business.
His professional training began at the
Tec de Monterrey, where he received
a degree in public accounting. He later studied a master’s in finance at the
same institution and worked with the
school’s Financial Center.
Then he joined Merrill Lynch and worked
with Scotiabank and Barclays. Two years
later he came on board at Afore Azteca.
His activities have included several training courses in risk management.
He then entered the investment area
of our pension fund management firm,
where his aim was to set up proce-
dures for guaranteeing stable growth
for workers savings.
“We established a long-term rate that
we thought was accessible and realistic with limited risk. Based on that, we
created an optimum portfolio for minimizing risks and safeguarding workers’
He added that his experience in investments allows him to develop sales
strategies to give sales reps more tools,
with additional training and a more developed prospectus for clients.
“The base of the pyramid is a very broad
market that, like with other financial
services, is not optimally attended to
by the pension funds.” He is currently
exploring alternative channels of promotion in Elektra stores and continues
to train sales staff.
The Best of
Social Networks
The Best of
the Blog
Winning Mindset
Improving Our
Electoral System
It seems that many people are pleased
that the campaigns have come to an
end. And it’s not because they are
necessarily satisfied with the the results; but rather because the merciless bombardment of radio and television ads has finally come to an end.
The slew of radio and television spots
is the most annoying expression of
an electoral system that no longer
makes sense. Mexico had good reason
to change its election rules after José
Lopez Portillo won the presidency in
1976 with 100% of the vote. After six
reforms, by 1997 Mexico had a much
fairer system that allowed parties to
alternate in office for the first time
in the history. Cuauhtémoc Cardenas
won the mayor’s race in Mexico City
in 1997 and Vicente Fox was elected
president in 2000.
In recent university talks on leadership and cultural change, I have emphasized mental constructs that have
become formidable obstacles on the
road to economic development. Some
of these concepts are related to a pronounced defeatism and lack of enthusiasm, largely associated with a
distorted view of the relationship between effort and wealth. This defeatism, which permeates the mindset of
many in Latin America, is perverse and
explains to a considerable degree our
high, permanent, and corrosive levels
of material and spiritual poverty.
Bruno Rangel
Jesús Velázquez
Daniel McCosh
Arturo Longares
Linda Garcidueñas
Alejandro Vázquez
Carlos Casillas
Rolando Villarreal
Mitzi Ramírez
Investor Relations, Grupo Salinas Investor Relations, Grupo Sali
Bruno Rangel • (5255) 1720-9167 •
Public Relations, Grupo Salinas USA
Nathalie Rayes • (818) 683-4178 •
International Press Relations, Grupo Salinas
Daniel McCosh • (5255) 1720-0059 •
Information GS Hoy
Jesús Velázquez • (5255) 1720-5777 •
w w w.g rup o sa l i n as .c om

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