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Grupo Salinas Announces
Grupo Iusacell Sale
Grupo Salinas announced that its chairman, Ricardo Salinas, agreed to sell Grupo Iusacell to AT&T for US$2.5 billion, including debt.
“After more than a decade of strengthening the position of the Iusacell and Unefon brands, the company’s performance, and its management, it is with great
satisfaction and pride that we leave in the hands of this world-class, formidable operator the generation of greater value in the market,” said Mr. Salinas.
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Letter to Our
After more than a decade of strengthening position and operations, Ricardo Salinas announced the sale Iusacell to AT&T, a
company that will further promote telecommunications offerings to millions of users.
As part of the agreement, Grupo Salinas will retain the Totalplay
residential broadband Internet, telephony and pay TV company,
as well the Enlace corporate Internet, networks and telephony
company. Proceeds from the deal will further strengthen these
two companies. Congratulations to all concerned.
Also in business news, Azteca had a spectacular premiere of
México Tiene Talento, a program based on a format that has
been a world-wide hit. Our television network also contributed
a day of support for those affected by Hurricane Odile in Baja
California Sur and other Pacific Coast states.
As is already a custom, Ricardo Salinas participated in the Mexico Business Summit on a panel to discuss our country’s future.
Special emphasis was placed on the role that young people must
play as the future leaders of society and business, something our
chairman has highlighted frequently.
Something else that we have highlighted at Grupo Salinas for
the healthy growth of the country is fostering a financial culture. Along these lines, Banco Azteca launched the first phase
of its financial education program, with which it seeks to teach
valuable lessons through entertaining activities. We believe that
education must begin from the ground up.
In this issue, we bring you a recap of the Caminos de la Libertad
awards ceremony to promote freedom in an event attended by
historian Niall Ferguson, who received the “A Life for Freedom”
award from Ricardo Salinas.
In the United States, Advance America strengthened ties with
civic organizations, and Azteca America carried out a campaign
to inform the Hispanic community about the recent elections and
how they could participate. And finally, the Los Angeles Esperanza Azteca Symphony Orchestra formally began its activities.
As always, I thank you for your interest in Grupo Salinas.
Luis J. Echarte
After several years in which analysts, academics, and businesspeople have insisted on
the need for structural reform in the telecommunications sector to make the Mexican economy more dynamic, to strengthen its competitiveness and create more
jobs, the current administration took the initiative and made necessary changes.
In this framework, which will encourage greater competition, Grupo Salinas announced Ricardo Salinas’ decision to sell Grupo Iusacell to AT&T after having acquired 50% of the company from Grupo Televisa.
The operation seeks to strengthen Totalplay’s competitive position in the tripleplay market segment. Totalplay is currently a subsidiary of Grupo Iusacell, but will
remain a Grupo Salinas business, as will Enlace, another subsidiary, which offers
corporate internet, networking, and telephony services.
3 Editorial
At the same time, it is hoped that AT&T’s strength and solid business strategies will
make for better telecommunications options to the benefit of families, organizations, and the country as a whole.
The recently announced agreement is the result of the aforementioned structural
reforms that foster competition and broaden out the opportunities for growth in
one of the economy’s most dynamic sectors.
For Mexico to prosper,
citizens must change
mindsets and act on issues
of security, the rule of law,
and greater productivity...
read more >
page 7
Banco Azteca is convinced
that financial education is a
determining factor in the
economic progress of
individuals, families and the
country as a whole.. read more >
page 8
“In Mexico we love freedom
and are willing to defend it...
In October, Azteca
America held the second
Solución Azteca, a television
program focused on helping...
read more
more >
Dynamic Growth of Totalplay ............................................................................6
Young People’s Mentality Must Change to Make Progress,
Ricardo Salinas ..................................................................................................... 7
Banco Azteca Launches First Phase of Educación Financiera
y Micronegocios ...................................................................................................8
Ricardo Salinas Presents Award to Niall Ferguson .........................................9
Los Angeles Esperanza Azteca Orchestra Starts Activities ..........................10
Big Latino Voter Turnout for Solución Azteca ................................................ 11
Time to Help in Los Cabos ................................................................................12
Spectacular Premiere of México Tiene Talento .............................................. 13
Fomento Cultural Sponsors Design Week Mexico 2014 ...............................14
Advance America Promotes Collaboration with Civic Organizations ......... 15
Grupo Salinas Recognized by Maersk ..............................................................16
The Best of the Blog .......................................................................................... 17
The Best of Grupo Salinas in Social Media .....................................................18
read more >
page 11
The sixth Design Week Mexico
(DWM) was launched in
October during an event at
the Tamayo Museum...
read more >
page 14
continued . . .
Grupo Salinas Announces Grupo Iusacell Sale
“AT&T’s entry into the market will turn into alternatives
for optimum quality service for customers and progress
for society as a whole; we wish them great success in
their Mexico operations,” he added.
Grupo Salinas is convinced that the agreement is the direct result of President Enrique Peña Nieto’s structural
reforms, which encourage competition, broaden growth
opportunities in Mexico, and attract world-class investment and operations in the country.
This operation and the previously announced acquisition
by Ricardo Salinas of 50% of Grupo Iusacell from Grupo Televisa are subject to authorization by the Federal
Telecommunications Institute and the go-ahead of the
Ministry of Communications and Transportation.
Fiber Optics Direct to Homes and Businesses
Part of the agreement for the sale of Grupo Iusacell to AT&T is that Ricardo
Salinas will keep Totalplay and Enlace, currently Grupo Iusacell subsidiaries.
This will further strengthen their competitive position in these markets.
Totalplay has more than 130,000 customers and offers world-class broadband internet, land-line telephone, and pay-TV services in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Cuernavaca, and Toluca. Its growth and dynamic expansion plans
have been newsworthy. In the last 12 months, it has doubled the number of
its subscribers and over the next five years, it hopes to move into 24 cities
nationwide, expanding from services today to 1.5 million homes to 7.5 million.
The company is Latin America’s most advanced broadband Internet platform,
with the highest velocity, optimum TV broadcast quality, unparalleled applications for mobile devices, a wide video-on-demand (VOD) offering, and
outstanding voice clarity in its telephone services.
For its part, Enlace offers internet services with speeds up to 10 gigabytes
per second and telephony and network data services to more than 20,000
clients nationwide, from small businesses to corporations and government. It
also offers effective video surveillance services through advanced monitoring
centers in several states around the country, with solid growth perspectives.
Miguel Alemán, Adolfo Franco, Angélica Fuentes, Ximena Puente and Ricardo Salinas
Mexico Business Summit
Citizen Mentality Must
Change to Make Progress,
Ricardo Salinas
For Mexico to prosper, citizens must change mindsets To close the event, the Querétaro Esperanza Azteca Orand act on issues of security, the rule of law, and greater chestra performed a concert that moved the audience to
productivity, said Grupo Salinas Chairman Ricardo Salinas standing ovations.
during his participation in the Mexico Business Summit.
Held in October in the city of Querétaro, the event brought
business leaders and public officials together.
After highlighting that the greatest thing this country has
is its youth, Mr. Salinas acknowledged that great disparities
exist in education and opportunities. That is why it is necessary to foster risk taking and strengthen the educational
system, not by spending more, but by spending better.
Ricardo Salinas participated in the panel “Where Are We
Going?” together with Miguel Alemán Velasco, president
of the summit; Adolfo Franco, social entrepreneur and
award-winning cinematographer; Angélica Fuentes, executive president of Grupo Omnilife; and Ximena Puente de
la Mora, president of the Federal Institute for Access to Information (IFAI). British journalist Nik Gowing moderated.
Two of the panelists, Ximena Puente de la Mora and Adolfo Franco, are part of the Kybernus program (, which seeks to forge political and social leaders
through a culture based on values and with a humanist,
multidisciplinary, collaborative approach.
Ricardo Salinas introduces the
Querétaro Esperanza Azteca Youth Orchestra
Targeting Youth
Banco Azteca
Launches First Phase of
Financial Education
Luis Niño de Rivera launching the program
Banco Azteca is convinced that financial education is a determining factor in
the economic progress of individuals, families and the country as a whole.
To facilitate this, it launched the first phase of its financial education and microbusinesses program during an event headed up by Banco Azteca CEO Luis Niño
de Rivera and Jorge Torres Góngora, the general director of financial education
for the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (Condusef).
The program aims to transmit basic financial knowledge through activities, such
as the play We Want to Save, but We Don’t Know How to Spend, in which students do experiments and have fun learning about financial education topics
such as saving, responsible spending and the importance of making good investments.
The initiative was announced at Plantel Azteca, where Luis Niño highlighted
the importance of becoming familiarized with the culture of savings and how to
distribute household income. The event was the kick-off of 14 days of similar
activities with the interactive play throughout the country. It will be performed
in Mexico City and seven states over the 2014-2015 school year.
Banco Azteca will continue the program through other activities such as cinema
for women and entrepreneurs with the film How to Start My Business and Manage My Finances. Financial education workshops for teachers at the National
School of Professional Technical Training (Conalep) will be given.
Ricardo Salinas
Presents Award to
Niall Ferguson
“In Mexico we love freedom and are
willing to defend it. All freedoms are
important, but economic freedom is
crucial for our society because it makes
possible greater prosperity for all,” said
Ricardo Salinas at the awards ceremony for the ninth Caminos de la Libertad
essay contest to promote freedom.
At the event, Mr. Salinas presented the
“A Life for Freedom” award to Scottish
historian and essayist Niall Ferguson,
commenting, “His ideas highlight the
importance of the work done by Caminos de la Libertad, this initiative that
constantly reminds us why we must
continue to defend our liberties.
El historiador Niall Ferguson y Ricardo Salinas
When he took the floor, Niall Ferguson
expressed his thanks for the honor,
saying, “Freedom should be universal;
it was very clear for the thinkers of the
Enlightenment that freedom was the
idea state.”
Caminos de la Libertad
Caminos de la Libertad began in 2004 as a forum for reflecting on freedom; it calls for
participation in an essay contest on this issue. Find out about this year’s winners at
Grupo Salinas considers it fundamental to continue fostering the discussion about freedom. For guidelines on next year’s competition, visit
Transcending Borders
Esperanza Azteca
Los Angeles Youth Orchestra
Gets Started
The Esperanza Azteca network of youth orchestras and
choruses has added its first group in the United States. In
October, the Los Angeles Esperanza Azteca Orchestra formally began activities. It will offer students from Cypress
Park in Los Angeles the opportunity to learn music.
moter. “The program has the strength to change lives and
forge better individuals through music, at the same time
that it offers valuable lessons like teamwork, dedication,
discipline, passion, and self-esteem,” he added.
Just like the Mexican orchestras, the Los Angeles Esperanza Azteca is the result of collaboration between public and
private sectors, with a focus on improving the well-being
of the families in the communities where Grupo Salinas operates.
The activity was launched at the Florence Nightingale Middle School, the orchestra’s headquarters, with a performance by a group of 100 members of the Ciudad Juarez
Esperanza Azteca Orchestra. In a moving symbolic act,
the Ciudad Juarez students presented instruments to their
peers in Los Angeles.
“It is an honor for Los Angeles to be the home of the first
Esperanza Azteca Orchestra in the United States,” said Los
“Esperanza Azteca is an example of how, with the right Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti “I have every confidence that
tools and opportunities, children can carry out noteworthy, we will create a model that can be implemented around the
inspiring activities,” said Ricardo Salinas, the project’s pro- country.”
Eric Garcetti, Agustín González, María Laura Medina de Salinas, Gilberto Cedillo,
Andrew Nikou, Álvaro Cortés, Michelle King and Ricardo Salinas
Support for the Hispanic Community
Big Latino Voter
Turnout for
Solución Azteca
In October, Azteca America held the second Solución Azteca, a television program focused on helping the US Hispanic community, offering advice about U.S.
More than 70 representatives from Latino organizations like Mi Familia Vota,
SEIU United Long-Term Care Workers, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights,
among others, answered questions for 15 hours.
Throughout Azteca America programming, on-screen talent like Alfonso “Poncho” de Anda, host of Venga la alegría, Al extremo’s Verónica del Castillo, and
Azteca Dallas reporter Marillyn Guzmán promoted the participation of viewers
to disseminate info about voting day.
Supporting the Community
Time to Help in
Los Cabos
Thanks to our audience support through Tiempo de ayudar, a television campaign sponsored by Azteca and Fundación Azteca, we were able to raise funds
and channel supplies to those affected by Hurricane Odile in Los Cabos and
other towns in Baja California Sur.
Every corner of Mexico united through the Azteca and Proyecto 40 broadcasts
to help rebuild storm-ravaged communities. After surveying the damages, the
challenge seemed enormous, but not impossible. The invitation to donate was
From Mexico City’s Red Cross collection centers and from its headquarters,
members of our Azteca team and television personalities organized aid packages sent to the states of Baja California Sur, Jalisco, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Nayarit.
In addition, Banco Azteca and the Elektra expressed their solidarity by sending
funds at no cost to the towns hit by the storm.
“These actions highlight the values that
our society preserves and the solidarity we
Mexicans show in a crisis.”
Ricardo Salinas Pliego
More information at
Es tiempo de ayudar:
Fundación Azteca – Tiempo de Ayudar
Spectacular Premiere of
“México tiene talento”
Azteca’s premiere of México Tiene Talento was a big success. It’s the Mexican
version of the acclaimed “Got Talent” international show that received the Guinness Record as television’s most successful format.
The El Trece network will broadcast 40 episodes of the competition in which
singers, jugglers, mimes, dancers, and all kinds of artists will be challenged to
convince judges to win the one-million-peso prize.
The jury will be singers Ximena Sariñana and José Manuel Figueroa, as well as
talent promoter Héctor Martínez, the former director of La Academia. Rykardo
Hernández will host.
José Manuel Figueroa, Ximena Sariñana and Héctor Martínez
Support for Culture
Fomento Cultural Sponsors
Design Week México 2014
The sixth Design Week Mexico (DWM)
was launched in October during an
event at the Tamayo Museum. The
event included activities promoting
design among architects, industrial and graphic designers, interior designers, students, aficionados, and the
general public.
María Laura Medina de Salinas,
Hugo Vela and mercedes García Ocejo
Participants in Design Week Mexico
Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas renews its commitment to support and
disseminate art and culture by sponsoring Design Week Mexico for the
second consecutive year. This is our
country’s most important design and
architecture fair, and Fomento Cultural has made two specific proposals
for it: Proyecto Tamayo Design Week,
at the Tamayo Museum, and Diseño
Contenido (Content Design) at Lincoln
Advance America
Promotes Collaboration with
Civic Organizations
Philanthropic institutions and companies can work together to strengthen
communities and improve society’s
quality of life, said Advance America CEO Patrick O’Shaughnessy during
a speech about leadership development to members of the National Urban League, a civil rights organization
dedicated to promoting economic development among marginalized urban
groups in the United States.
those who want a more economical
alternative to overdrafts or late payments,” he said.
Mr. O’Shaughnessy dedicated a large
part of his speech to Advance America’s
commitment to investing in communities. As a National Urban League partner, the company works with the organization to support national programs
that help its members create jobs, get
financing, prepare for the college, and
Speaking to the local Urban League start up their own businesses.
leaders, Mr. O’Shaughnessy underlined
the important role of Advance Amer- He concluded, saying, “At Advance
ica’s offering a wide variety of afford- America, we are committed to rewardable financial services to a segment of ing our customers and employees who
customers who are increasingly look- invest their time and resources in suping for non-bank options; he also de- porting causes important to the comscribed the growth and impact of the munities where we operate.”
consumer loans sector in the United
The National Urban League is one of
the more than 100 national philan“The short-term loan industry was thropic organizations and foundations
created as an innovative solution for Advance America works with to procovering important needs in the cred- mote good academic performance, onit market. Since it was created, these the-job training, financial education,
loans have become an option for cus- and involvement in elections, among
tomers not served by the banks or for many other programs.
Grupo Salinas
Recognized by Maersk
The Maersk/Damco Group, a world leader in transportation and logistics, recognized Grupo Salinas for its business soundness, seriousness, and professionalism.
Morten Henrik Engelstoft, CEO of the
Danish company, accompanied by
Henriette Thygesen, Damco director
for the Americas, and Fernando Villar, CEO of Damco México, presented the award to Joaquín Arrangoiz
Orvañanos, executive vice-president
of Grupo Salinas. Mr. Arrangoiz Orvañanos, in representation of Ricardo
Salinas, said that both corporations,
with more than 100 years in the market, will continue to work so that their
alliance will continue to benefit world
trade and, above all, consumers.
Morten Henrik Engelstoft hands the
award to Joaquín Arrangoiz
The ceremony was also a moment to
celebrate eight years of a successful commercial relationship between
the two groups, which began with an
agreement that has turned into access
to better quality and more economical
products for consumers, both in Mexico and in the other countries where
Grupo Salinas operates.
Before the presentation of the plaque,
Morten Henrik Engelstoft and Joaquín
Arrangoiz Orvañanos signed a new commercial agreement to allow both consortia to continue their successful strategic alliance.
Presentation The Powerful
Zeb Example of
One quality that we value at Grupo
Salinas is being fast and simple. In a
globalized world, rapid response is key
and simplicity is a necessary condition
to achieve speed. Simplicity has value
in itself, and is a sign of intelligence. In
our group of over 100,000 employees
in more than nine countries, developing communication skills is essential.
In the world of business, a good presentation opens doors, while a poor
one can do exactly the opposite. I
want to suggest a book on the subject, Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds, who discusses simple principles
of Japanese design that can improve
In November, we presented our Dopresentations.
nativo Hormiga 2014. We consider
it a privilege to be able to help organizations such as Ojos que Sienten,
Metamorfosis, La Casita de San Angel,
Risaterapia, and many others whose
work is a tremendous example. Niall
Ferguson reminds us that one of the
pillars of Western civilization is an
organized civil society, and Donativo
Hormiga is an example of how we can
work together, companies and institutions, for the well-being of communities.
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Call for the Tenth
Caminos de la Libertad
Essay Contest
Cultural in
Design Week
Let’s all continue
to support those
affected by the
Fundación Azteca
Winners of the ninth
Caminos de la Libertad
Essay Contest and Niall
Ferguson, given the A
Life for Freedom Award
Launch of the Los
Angeles Esperanza
Azteca Orchestra
Azteca personalities
at the Red Cross
supporting collections
for Hurricane Odile
The Best of
Grupo Salinas
in Social Media
Bruno Rangel
Jesús Velázquez
Daniel McCosh
Arturo Longares
Linda Garcidueñas
Alejandro Vázquez
Carlos Casillas
Rolando Villarreal
Mitzi Ramírez
w w w. g r u p o s a l i n a s . c o m
Investor Relations, Grupo Salinas
Bruno Rangel • (5255) 1720-9167 •
Public Relations, Grupo Salinas USA
Nathalie Rayes • (818) 683-4178 •
International Press Relations, Grupo Salinas
Daniel McCosh • (5255) 1720-0059 •
Information GS Hoy
Jesús Velázquez • (5255) 1720-5777 •