The Plantel Azteca
The Plantel Azteca
Contacts LETTER TO OUR READERS ContenT JUlY 2015 ISSUE 89 The Plantel Azteca Educational Model Could Transform Education, Ricardo Salinas The Plantel Azteca educational model could transform education in Mexico, Ricardo Salinas told the audience at the school-year-end closing ceremony last June. “I think that a public-private partnership could reform our country’s educational model. If the money the government spends on education were channeled through this kind of partnership, I’m sure we would have a completely different system overnight,” he said. ContinUE... >> Letter to Our Readers In 18 years, more than 10,000 youth have graduated from Plantel Azteca, a Grupo Salinas initiative providing scholarships to high-achieving, low-income, middle- and high-school students. The quality education provided by the school opens doors to the country’s top universities, where 65% of Plantel Azteca graduates receive scholarships. Several alums have even done graduate work abroad. We think this model can change Mexico’s educational system. In addition to the end-of-the-school-year ceremony at Plantel Azteca, Ricardo Salinas participated in recent events like the Aspen Ideas Festival, where he spoke about the enormous impact the Esperanza Azteca youth orchestras have had on the lives of thousands of children and their families. He also commented on relations between Mexico and the United States, highlighting how the economies of both nations will be further integrated in the future, creating a competitive bloc that will attract investment. Speaking of Esperanza Azteca, I am happy to share with you the debut of yet another orchestra in Mexico City, bringing the total to nine in the capital city and 82 nationwide. Initiatives like this are the best way forward for repairing the fabric of society. Another project that fills us with pride is the Hugo Salinas Price National Silver Prize, awarded for the seventh time. It provides impetus for innovation and entrepreneurship among Mexican artisans and designers, widely recognized internationally. In business, Totalplay has announced the addition of Netflix to its pay-TV platform; this makes it the first company in Mexico to offer the service without the need for any additional devices. The Grupo Salinas advertising firm Agencia i presented its new profile after being known for nine years as iLatina. With its new image, it will continue increasing brand recognition for its clients. Congratulations! Azteca is premiering a new season of its most successful reality game shows and has debuted the Mexican version of the world’s most famous cooking reality show; it’s also preparing new surprises for upcoming weeks. We should point out that our companies’ dynamism brings with it an on-going commitment to our environment through energy-efficient measures put in place since 2008 and expanded year after year nationwide and in all the countries where we maintain a presence. I hope you enjoy this issue, and, as always, I thank you for your interest in Grupo Salinas. Luis J. Echarte 2 editorial Let’s Transform l the Educational Model A few weeks ago, the graduation ceremony was held at Plantel Azteca, a private school offering free education to low-income middle- and high-school students displaying academic excellence. Among the guests were alumni from graduating classes since the school’s inception in 1997. One by one, the alums, now up-and-coming professionals, shared their stories and described how Plantel Azteca opened doors to some of the top universities in the country and provided tools to become successful in a competitive world. After listening to their stories, Ricardo Salinas said, “Today, we are privileged to listen in person to the testimonies of the students who have graduated from this institution, as well as those who are about to graduate. And I am very pleased to see the fruits of a good education. When I see what you are achieving here at Plantel Azteca, I am convinced that Mexico can really be great.” 3 Mr. Salinas added that a public-private partnership can reform our country’s educational model, turning it into one that schools entrepreneurial, enthusiastic, hard-working, responsible people who practice excellence every day. Plantel Azteca shows that a model of this kind is possible. CONTENT The Mexican economy has gone through a fundamental transformation in the last two decades,... READ MORE > PAG. 6 READ MORE> PAG. 10 READ MORE> PAG. 13 In late June, through Fundación Azteca, Grupo Salinas presented a new Esperanza Azteca Youth Orchestra and Chorus in Mexico City... The world’s best known cooking reality show will broadcast for the first time in Mexico, giving El Trece... Azteca US, Fundación Azteca America and Zócalo Public Square joined efforts to host the panel discussion “What Impact Does Mexico’s Rising Economy Have in the Southwestern... READ MORE > PAG. 17 4 Mexican and US Economies Will Be Increasingly Integrated and Competitive ........... 6 Netflix Now Available on Totalplay .......................................................................................... 7 Tiendas Elektra shines With Hot Sale 2015 ............................................................................ 8 Agencia i Launches New Image ................................................................................................. 9 World’s Most Famous Cooking Reality Show Comes to Mexico .................................... 10 Todo o Nada Returns to the Small Screen ..............................................................................11 Grupo Salinas Renews Support for Design in Silver ...........................................................12 Stellar Performance by Mexico City Esperanza Azteca Orchestra ..........................................13 Successful Campaigns for 32 Causes Nationwide ..............................................................14 Fundación Azteca Expands Campaign Against Addictions ...............................................15 Grupo Salinas Renews Commitment to the Environment ...............................................16 Does Mexico’s Economy Move the North American Economy? ..................................... 17 Azteca Teams Kick Off Tournament With New Coaches ...................................................18 Names and Faces: Andrés Aymes..............................................................................................19 The Best of Social Networks ..................................................................................................20 The Best of the Blog ....................................................................................................................21 Contacts ..........................................................................................................................................22 CONT. The Plantel Azteca Educational Model Could Transform Education, Ricardo Salinas After listening to the experiences of several alumni, now successful professionals, Salinas expressed his satisfaction at seeing the fruits of a good education. He noted that 65% of Plantel Azteca graduates receive scholarships for up to 100% of their expenses at the country’s best universities thanks to the education they have received. “I’m sure that we are training entrepreneurial, enthusiastic, hard-working, responsible people, because here at Plantel Azteca we practice excellence on a daily basis. We demonstrate that things can be done differently. We demonstrate here that Mexico can change to become a great economic power,” he said. “When I see what Plantel Azteca students are achieving, I’m convinced that Mexico can be truly great.” Ricardo B. Salinas Ricardo Salinas presents awards to outstanding Plantel Azteca students In 1997, Ricardo Salinas inaugurated Plantel Azteca, which became one of the pillar programs of Grupo Salinas’ Fundación Azteca. Since then more than 10,000 students have graduated. 5 New Jobs on Both Sides of the Border MExican and US Economies Will Be Increasingly Integrated and Competitive, Ricardo Salinas Ricardo Salinas talking with Elliot Gerson, Aspen Institute executive vice-president The Mexican economy has gone through a fundamental transformation in the last two decades, fostering manufactures and diversifying and expanding exports. This has translated into prosperity in different regions of the country and in the consolidation of an increasingly important middle class, said Grupo Salinas Chairman Ricardo B. Salinas. In a conversation with Aspen Institute Executive Vice-president Elliot Gerson at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Mr. Salinas said a fundamental part of this growth has been the North American Free Trade Agreement, which strengthens the trade with the United States and encourages foreign direct investment between the two countries. Mr. Salinas predicts that the Mexican and US economies will increasingly integrate given their comparative advantages, and that they will create highly competitive global companies, creating millions of quality jobs on both sides of the border. 6 For more on this issue, go to First Time in Mexico Netflix Now Available on Totalplay Totalplay announced an alliance to include a Netflix app Totalplay CEO Eduardo Kuri said that the company is on among its services. Netflix is the world’s most important In- the cutting edge as Mexico’s most innovative telecommuternet TV provider. This makes Totalplay the first company in nications provider. Mexico to include it on a pay-television platform. Besides pioneering this service with its decoders, Totalplay With this innovation, Totalplay customers will be able to is also connected directly to Netflix servers, allowing a easily access their Netflix account and enjoy its content better user experience, including faster uploads and better without requiring any additional devices. image quality. Totalplay is a Grupo Salinas company offering Mexico’s most innovative triple-play services through the country’s fastest fiber optic network directly to the home. 7 Internet Sales Campaign, and • Communications cam- paigns on other Internet sites like www. The outcome is undoubtedly the result of planning and teamwork that has created a very satisfying experience, but also a big challenge to advance. Tiendas Elektra continually works to keep up its leadership in e-commerce, offering new and better purchasing experiences to its specialized customers. s h i n es wi t h hot Sale 2015 Tiendas Elektra The 2015 Hot Sale was a • Campaigns on social huge success for Grupo networks before and Elektra, which substantialduring the Hot Sale, inly increased its revenues cluding messages from in electronics and major public figures like Luis appliances, as well as quaGarcía, Lambda García, drupling its overall e-sales and Shanik Aspe compared to 2014. • Heavy Google positionThe Hot Sale was held for ing using both an onthe second year running as line presence and costan incentive to e-commerce per-click (or CPC) in Mexico. The digital event lasted four days, from May • Strategic newsletter mail29 to June 1, 2015. ings and text messaging to cellular phones This year, Elektra This year, Tiendas Elektra quadrupled its 2014 designed different levels of • Exclusive promotions, Hot Sale revenues. communications strategies: prices, and products for 8 Revitalizing Its Value Agencia i Launches New Image The Grupo Salinas advertising firm Agencia i, previously known as iLatina, recently launched its new image. The new company is breaking into the Mexican and Latin American advertising market with the advantage of nine years of experience in different categories and targets, managing dozens of brands. For the agency, a creative campaign is like a voyage to a new destination that requires well-informed decision-making. Its philosophy is getting away from the commonplace and finding new scenarios for its clients’ brands to be recognized. It defines itself as an agency that sparks exciting, efficient proposals. It is revitalizing its value proposals by becoming a full service agency, incorporating new services like planning and brand experience for its offering of creativity, graphic design, editing, media, digital, and business development. 9 With its proven experience and innovative spirit, it will most certainly continue to rake up new successes. Congratulations! “Master Chef México” World’s Most Famous Cooking Reality Show Comes to Mexico The world’s best known cooking reality show will broadcast for the first time in Mexico, giving El Trece the best seasoning possible. Eighteen chefs will be strutting their stuff and their dishes, competing for the Mex$1-million prize. In late June, Azteca premiered Master Chef México, a program whose original version has been broadcast in more than 200 countries and has now arrived to Mexico to find the best amateur chef. Master Chef México is hosted by the talented Anette Michel; renowned chef Betty Vázquez; Benito Molina, one of the 50 best chefs in the Americas; and Adrián Herrera, one of the best-known exponents of Monterrey nouvelle cuisine. The program will also feature renowned guest chefs who will give master classes and share with participants their knowledge of haut cuisine, adding a higher level of competitiveness among the contestants for the big title. Master Chef México airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on El Trece. benito molina Betty vázquez 10 adrián herrera Mauricio Barcelata hosts the second season Todo o nada Returns to the Small Screen Todo o Nada, the successful game show hosted by Mauricio Barcelata, returned for its second season with new challenges and bigger prizes. On its return to the small screen, the program was a wonderful surprise for contestants and audiences alike with its new dynamics and more attractive prizes, like cars and motorcycles. Before the program’s season opener, Barcelata expressed his satisfaction because the second year is a recognition of the efforts by its entire technical and creative staff to make it a success. 11 Todo o Nada broadcasts Monday thru Friday at 7 p.m. on El Trece. Hugo Salinas Price National Silver Prize Awarded Grupo Salinas Renews Support for Design in Silver The Hugo Salinas Price National Silver Prize was awarded in June for the seventh time by Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas in collaboration with the Folk Art Museum and the Ministry of Social Development through the National Fund for Fostering Crafts. The ceremony was headed by Ricardo Salinas, who said that the prize “renews our support for the dissemination of Mexico’s knowledge and values. With this prize, we foster the development of talent and learning, as well as leadership in the art of silversmithing.” Ricardo Salinas presents the main prize to winner Eduardo Herrera Harfuch The competition supports and fosters Mexican silversmithing to preserve it in our communities as well as to promote talent and learning about art in silver, supporting innovation, and entrepreneurship among Mexican artisans and designers. Mr. Salinas announced that a tour of the pieces submitted to the competition would be organized, proudly taking the work of our silversmiths to different parts of the world. The participating pieces are on exhibition at the Ricardo and María Laura Salinas Pliego/Fomento Cultural Grupo Salinas Room at the Folk Art Museum until August 30. 12 Wings for a Cobra necklace, bracelet, and ring, by Eduardo Herrera Harfuch Life-Changing Opportunity for Youth Stellar Performance by Mexico City Esperanza Azteca Orchestra Currently, 82 Esperanza Azteca Symphony Orchestras exist in three countries: Mexico, El Salvador, and the United States. Their more than 16,000 members are becoming better human beings through learning music. Ricardo Salinas introducing the orchestra, accompanied by Miguel Ángel Mancera and other distinguished guests In late June, through Fundación Azteca, Grupo Salinas presented a new Esperanza Azteca Youth Orchestra and Chorus in Mexico City, bringing the total to nine in the Mexican capital. Before the debut concert, Ricardo Salinas said that initiatives like the orchestras are the best way to restore the fabric of society, since they offer youth opportunities for development. Mr. Salinas said that these children uplift their communities and demonstrate that change is possible by telling stories with their musical instruments and through the values Esperanza Azteca promotes, among which are a quest for excellence, effort, perseverance, discipline, and team work. For his part, after congratulating orchestra members and their families, Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera expressed the wish that the entire city have Esperanza Azteca Orchestras. 13 Movimiento Azteca 87 Successful Campaigns for 32 Causes Nationwide In June, Fundación Azteca and Azteca local stations joined in for Movimiento Azteca number 87, dedicated to a network of causes in every state in the country. The year’s biggest Movimiento yet raised Mex$20.1 million for 32 causes throughout Mexico. Among those benefitted were organizations that support health initiatives, food banks, and foundations whose mission is to preserve the environment. In Mexico City, donations went to the Pro-Chapultepec Forest Trust, dedicated to caring for one of the city’s biggest green areas. In Baja California, support was given to the Foundation for Artificial Reefs, which works to establish an area to preserve these formations in the Pacific Ocean. In the state of Jalisco, Movimiento Azteca was dedicated to the Board of Mercy, an organization that lends support to people living with HIV/AIDS and has a special program for prenatal care. In Yucatán, proceeds supported the Peninsular Pro-Mentally-Challenged Children’s Trust through the Building Smiles Foundation, which helps youth with motor or intellectual disabilities. Movimiento Azteca 87 was a huge success and, thanks to the help from local stations and the solidarity of audiences, a great deal of good will be done nationwide. 14 $20 million pesos Agreement with the Federal Government Fundación Azteca Expands Campaign against Addictions Thousands of young people have gotten the message from the Through Fundación Azteca, Grupo Salinas signed a cooperation agreement with the National Council against Addictions (Conadic) to join forces for the prevention of addictions among young people. Vive tour The agreement involves creating a hotline and promoting the campaign “Vive” (Live), previously known as Vive sin Drogas, a Fundación Azteca initiative. The nationwide effort promotes a message for young people to learn about the risks of addictions and how to deal with them. During a signing ceremony, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, executive president of Fundación Azteca, explained that the idea to create the Vive sin Drogas campaign came about in 1998, given the increased consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs among youth. 15 Mr. Moctezuma added that the campaign has now changed to “Vive” because it’s no longer just about alerting about drugs, since other important issues are impacting youth. Sustainable Operations Grupo Salinas Companies Reaffirm Commitment to the Environment As a result of energy efficiency measures put in place since 2008 in Mexico and Central and South America, Grupo Elektra and Azteca saved 61 GWh of electricity in 2014. This is the equivalent of the energy consumed by 35,653 homes in a year, stopping the spewing of 32,464 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, or planting 163,042 trees. Grupo Salinas’ commitment to the environment also translated into efficient water usage, recycling about 90% of the paper used in their operations, and the separation and recycling of materials like aluminum, paper, cardboard, and polyethylene terephthalate, or PET. -32,464 tons of carbon dioxide In addition to the environmentally friendly measures in daily operations, through Fundación Azteca, Grupo Salinas has sponsored Limpiemos Nuestro México, a campaign to create community awareness about waste. This initiative brought together 8.5 million volunteers in 2014 to pick up and separate more than 42,000 tons of trash nationwide. Fundación Azteca has also promoted the drawing contest ¡Qué Viva la Selva Lacandona!, which has made children aware of the importance of preserving natural areas. The group also promotes reforestation programs that have planted 30,000 trees in states throughout the country. This way, Grupo Salinas generates solid, sustainable processes in its companies day-to-day functioning and develops initiatives that effectively promote the preservation of the environment. 16 Panel Discussion on Bilateral Relations Does Mexico’s Economy Move the North American Economy? Greg Stanton, mayor of Phoenix Héctor Romero, Margie Emmermann, Greg Stanton, and Fernanda Santos Azteca US, Fundación Azteca America and Zócalo Public Square joined efforts to host the panel discussion “What Impact Does Mexico’s Rising Economy Have in the Southwestern United States?” The aim was to bring important topics of discussion to the communities where Grupo Salinas companies operate. The event, held at Phoenix’s Heard Museum, included the participation of Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton; Margie Emmermann, the former director of the Arizona-Mexico Commission; and Signum Research CEO Héctor Romero. Moderated by Fernanda Santos, head of The New York Times Phoenix office, the panel delved into both the positive effects of Mexico’s economic rise and the problems involved in bilateral relations. “We have no choice; we have to strengthen our relationship with Mexico.” Pheonix Margie Emmermann, currently vice-president of the firm of Molera Álvarez, LLC, said about MexMayor Greg Stanton ico’s image as a country of low wages and relatively unskilled labor, “That is the Mexico of the past. You’ll note that we increasingly talk about similarities and less about differences [between the two countries].” In the words of Mayor Stanton, who recently opened a trade and tourism office in Mexico City, “Mexico is an economic giant in flat-out growth; it would be really a shame if we didn’t take advantage of that.” The panel’s conclusion was clear: you have to think big. Mexico and the southern United States must be a big trade bloc. 17 Opening 2015 Azteca Teams Kick Off Tournament with New Coaches Zorros del Atlas and Monarcas Morelia will be kicking off the new Opening 2015 Tourney under new coaches, but with the same aim: winning. In the case of Atlas de Guadalajara, the new coach will be Gustavo Matosas, hoping that after making it to the quarter finals in the last two tournaments, they will be able to advance to a championship. Atlas Coach Gustavo Matosas Monarcas Coach Enrique Meza 18 In Monarcas Morelia’s case, after several tournaments of reaching the Liguilla post season, recent results have not been favorable. However, under Enrique Meza, the hope is that the team will classify again for the finals. Our teams, with their enormous soccer tradition, are prepared to continue offering excitement for fans. nAME & FACES ANDRÉS AYMES• Banco Azteca Geography Director Andrés Aymes joined Banco Azteca six months ago as a key member of CEO Alejandro Valenzuela’s team, with whom Aymes has a long working relationship. His studies include a bachelor’s degree in economics from the ITAM, a master’s in public policy from the University of Chicago, and another in international economics and finance from Johns Hopkins University. Aymes has 15 years’ experience in banking. He began his career at Multibanco Mercantil Probursa, now part of BBVA Bancomer. He had executive posts in Bansefi, where he developed products and services for consumers at the base of the pyramid; and he also has experience at Banorte, where he was metropolitan general director. His first impression of Grupo Salinas is surprise at its size and dynamism, plus Banco Azteca’s great potential for the future. He says that he sees huge op- 19 portunities for growth if we offer more competitive banking products and services, backed up by our traditional, quality customer service. His goals for the network of branches focus on three points: • Improving and consolidating origination and credit and collections processes that facilitate reaching goals and achieving higher profitability levels • Reprising the growth rates that have made Banco Azteca a reference point for the industry • Promoting cross-sales to customers, taking advantage of existing synergies with other Grupo Salinas companies. “Grupo Salinas is an organization that demands results and the best from you,” says Andrés. “That always motivates you to think about new initiatives that contribute to the group’s profitability.” 20 The Best of Social Networks The Best of the Blog The War on Drugs Has Failed; It’s Time to Move On Prohibition was a failure in the 1920s, and for similar reasons, the so-called war on drugs has been a disaster. Forty years after Richard Nixon declared this war, consumption is up, violence is uncontrollable, and the rule of law has collapsed, especially in Latin America. Today, the dire results of the war on drugs are clear. Mexico is paying a terrible price with the blood of its citizens for a policy dictated in Washington with the clear support of the United Nations: in the last decade alone, at least 50,000 people have died in my country as a consequence of this failed war. BLOG 21 CONTACTS Editorial Committee Bruno Rangel Jesús Velázquez Daniel McCosh Arturo Longares Linda Garcidueñas Alejandro Vázquez Carlos Casillas Rolando Villarreal Mitzi Ramírez Paulina Silos Investor Relations, Grupo Salinas Investor Relations, Grupo Sali Bruno Rangel • (5255) 1720-9167 • Public Relations, Grupo Salinas USA Nathalie Rayes • (818) 683-4178 • International Press Relations, Grupo Salinas Daniel McCosh • (5255) 1720-0059 • Information GS Hoy Jesús Velázquez • (5255) 1720-5777 • 22 w w w.g rup o sa l i n as .c om
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