Tulocay Creek Bank Stabilization Project


Tulocay Creek Bank Stabilization Project
Napa County Flood Control and
Water Conservation District
Request for Qualifications
The Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) is currently in
need of engineering and construction services for biotechnical streambank stabilization of
roughly 400 feet of the North bank of Tulocay Creek just east of the Soscol Avenue crossing.
Please see the attachments for a more exact location. A new development will soon be built
on the adjacent parcel which will impact future access to the area to complete the
stabilization work. Therefore, the District desires the work to be completed in the summer
of 2016 during the permitted in-water work window (typically June 1 to Oct 15).
The expected tasks include but are not limited to:
Surveying of the area for topographical features and general existing grades;
Performance of a cultural resources survey, in accordance with applicable
guidelines and regulations, to determine the existence of cultural artifacts which
may restrict or impair excavation activities (note that cultural artifacts have been
found nearby on the adjacent parcel);
Preparation of detailed plans and specifications;
Preparation of other design documentation to support obtaining applicable
regulatory permits including an ‘in-water work plan’ (note that District staff will be
directly applying for the permits);
Construction of the project within the permitted time window and in accordance
with all other permit conditions;
Construction biological monitoring support in accordance with permit conditions;
804 First Street  Napa, CA 94559-2623  (707) 259-8600  FAX (707) 259-8619
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Dewatering of channel with sensitive biological resources in close proximity to
project area
Once statements of qualifications are received and evaluated per the criteria below, up to
three firms will be selected to participate in a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. Final
firm selection will be based upon the District’s evaluation of the firm’s response to the RFQ
and RFP process using the evaluation criteria listed below:
Bank stabilization design and construction experience. Higher weight will be given
to teams demonstrating experience with a variety of biotechnical stabilization
Price. The District has budgeted $100,000 for the entirety of this project.
Knowledge of and experience working with typical regulatory permit conditions and
the associated agencies.
The stabilization methods proposed for use given the expected project constraints.
Teams do not need to address all the above items within their qualifications package. Only
the items listed below under “Submittal Requirements” must be included at this time to
respond to the RFQ.
1) Outline of typical biotechnical bank repair methodologies used on similar
2) Description of the team’s experience providing design, survey, and construction,
services of similar type including cultural surveys and permit support. This
section should also include a listing of references that may be contacted
regarding the team’s experience including description of the project, name of
owner, address, telephone number, and person to contact if we so choose.
3) Listing of proposed team members to cover all required tasks.
Note: do not provide price or budget information in response to the RFQ.
A team’s response to the RFQ shall address the criteria listed above. In order to be
considered, a team’s response to the RFQ must be submitted no later than February 19,
2016 by 5:00 PM. Please submit two (2) hard copies of your team’s response to Andrew
Butler, Senior Engineer at 804 First Street, Napa, CA 94559 OR an electronic copy to
andrew.butler@countyofnapa.org and shaun.horne@countyofnapa.org. For any inquiries
please contact Andrew Butler, in writing only, via e-mail at the email address above.
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Submittals which do not contain the required numbers of copies and all the information
requested in the RFQ may be considered as non-responsive and rejected without
evaluation. Submittals received after the deadline or addressed to the wrong location will
be considered as non-responsive.
The submitter understands and agrees that the District shall have no financial
responsibility for any costs incurred by the responder in responding to this RFQ or the
future RFP and shall not be liable to any submitter costs attributed to its own study and
investigation or the preparation of any required item or information described in the RFQ
or future RFP until the submitter has executed an agreement with the District and has been
authorized in writing to provide professional services. The District reserves the right to
terminate this RFQ upon three (3) days notice to all prospective proposers, and reserves
the right to reject all responses to the RFQ.
Andrew Butler, PE
Senior Engineer
Tulocay Creek Bank Stabilization Project Location Map
© 2016 Google
500 ft

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