Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin


Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
28 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Wining & Dining at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Happy Aperitifs
& Happy Nightcaps
at the Polo Bar
5-7P.M. & 9:30-11:30P.M.
Great discounts on
selected drinks
An eating establishment at which customers pay a set price and may then have unrestricted helpings of food
from a variety of meats, salads, and other vegetables.
Get your week off to a flyer and find out how much more can be added to the simple carvery by joining us at the
Restaurant on any Monday. But be warned... it might just become a habit.
Baht850++ / Baht1,400++ with Bottoms-up Bonanza
Dusit Thani Hua Hin Bi-Monthly News
Aug/Sept 2011
A food made from durum wheat flour, water and sometimes egg which is cooked and usually served with a sauce.
It is made in various shapes which have different names. Spaghetti, lasagne, vermicelli, ravioli and canneloni are all
types of pasta.
There’s so much more to Italian cuisine than just the versatile staple, so celebrate the middle of the week by exploring
the creations of Massimo Rossi, our chef all the way from the Italian Riviera.
Baht850++ / Baht1,400++ with Bottoms-up Bonanza
(SHOP) a shop that sells mainly food.
(PLACE) a place or event at which people gather in order to buy and sell things
TGIF, whether it’s the traditional end of your week or not, experience the traditional Thai market stall favourites and
much more to the backdrop of traditional Thai music and dance.
Baht850++ / Baht1,400++ with Bottoms-up Bonanza
A meal, usually a form of social entertainment, at which meats, fish, or fowl, along with vegetables, are roasted
over a wood or charcoal fire. The term also denotes the grill or stone-lined pit for cooking such a meal.
Let us cook and serve while you socialise with family or friends and help yourself to the belief-defying list of
fantastic fare on offer. Your Saturday nights will never be the same.
Baht990++ / Baht1,540++ with Bottoms-up Bonanza
A meal that is eaten in the middle of the day.
If there’s no such thing as a free lunch, then this is the next best thing. Make the most of your free day with good
company and a selection of food favourites from Thailand and around the world. Oh...and chef says you best skip
Baht600++ / Baht1,150++ with Bottoms-up Bonanza
Sometimes said by people in a friendly way just before drinking an alcoholic drink
Take your pick from Singha draught beer and seven quality red, white & sparkling wines of the world.
Mix, match and drink as much as you dare to your heart’s content. Bottoms up!
• Maximum 50% discount for children at all buffets
(Story on page 2)
2 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Inside Information
a magical spell no matter
what spelling
Dear Guests,
Where did the last 7 months go? Time
again to start preparations for our biggest
gala event of the year and remind you to
book early to avoid disappointment. Dusit
Thani Hua Hin is renowned for having
that special touch of magic that brings our
guests back time and time again, so for all
our returning guests and friends that usually join us for New Year, you will know
what a fantastic time our annual year-end
finale is.This year we present “Palace
Magic” and look forward to celebrating
again, with old and new friends, what
has become Thailand’s most famous New
Year Party. Look in this issue for further
information and how to book.
I must thank all of you that voted us into
a best-in-category position in the World
Luxury Hotel Awards over the past two
years, I sincerely hope that you will vote
for us again and continue to allow us the
privilege of welcoming you back to your
special place, not only in Thailand but also
in the hearts of our proud and dedicated
Wishing you a most pleasurable stay,
The inaugural ASEAN Air Chiefs
Conference was held on 27 March
2004, initiated by Air Chief Marshal
Kongsak Vantana, the former Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai
Air Force, with the key objectives of
enhancing and fostering relationships and
cooperation amongst ASEAN Air Forces
in order to create secure skies over the
Asia-Pacific region. The host’s baton has
Victor Sukseree
General Manager
P.S.Your feedback, comments and
suggestions are most valuable to us. If you
have something you wish to get off your
chest, please don’t hesitate to contact us
at hhsunboxoffice@dusit.com or by your
preferred means of communication.
1349 Petchkasem Road,
Cha-am, Petchburi 76120, Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 3244 2100 Fax: +66 (0) 3252 0296
E-mail: dthh@dusit.com
Local Attraction
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
(continued from front page)
since been passed on annually between
member nations with the Royal Malaysian Air Force, the Indonesian Air Force,
the Philippine Air Force, the Republic of
Singapore Air Force, the Royal Brunei Air
Force and Vietnam People’s Air Force respectively all running a leg, so to speak.
This year, the honour of hosting the 8th
ASEAN Air Chiefs Conference from 13 16 June 2011 fell once again to the Royal
Thai Air Force who, remembering Dusit
Thani Hua Hin’s double success in hosting not one but two ASEAN Summits in
2009, selected the hotel and the resort’s
magnificent Royal Dusit Hall as their preferred venue.
Chiefs of seven ASEAN Air Forces at-
tended along with their spouses and delegations, whilst Malaysia, Cambodia and
Vietnam sent their deputy chiefs.
The overriding theme of the conference was the cementing of ties between
ASEAN Air Forces under the conceptual
banner of “Strengthening Security Cooperation of ASEAN Air Forces towards
ASEAN Community 2015”, while supplementary issues addressed included:
1. A 3-year plan
2. Cooperation on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR)
3. Cooperation on anti-terrorism, such
as an initiative on intelligence exchange
4. Cooperation in other fields, such as
aviation safety, national defence, research and development, etc.
The four-day event again showcased
Dusit Thani Hua Hin’s preparedness and
capability to pull such high-profile diplomatic events off impeccably and we wait
with baited breath for the next challenge
to present itself.
The provinces of Petchburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan have lasting legacies in the form of four magical palaces built by four kings of the Chakri
Dynasty: King Mongkut (King Rama
IV); Khun Chulalongkorn (King Rama
V); King Vajiravudh (King Rama VI); and
King Prajadhipok (King Rama VII). In
the build up to our Palace Magic theme
for New Year’s Eve we have been working
our way through the reigns as the monarch of the day edged further and further
south. Now, we have reached Cha-am and
the summer home of King Rama VI.
Sometimes spelt Mrigadayavan and on
other occasions Marukhathaiyawan or alternative variations, simply due to the fact
there is no universally accepted transliteration of Thai script to English, this teakwood summer seaside palace is located
midway between Cha-am and Hua Hin,
within the grounds of Phra Ram Hok
(Rama VI) Army Camp just half-a-dozen
kilometres north of the hotel.
By 1917, King Vajiravudh was suffering
from rheumatoid arthritis and his Personal Physician, Pharaya Phaet Phongsavisuttatibhadi (Soon Sundaravej) suggested he
took regular sojourns in a warm and airy
seaside climate.
So the search began for a suitable site
and originally there were three choices
for the summer palace. The first was in
Hua Hin, already a popular beach destination by that time, following the advent
of the southbound railway line. However,
since customary law prohibited the general public from entering areas where the
King resided, King Vajiravudh decided
against troubling his subjects and commanded the Royal Thai Navy to hunt
for appropriate alternative locations. The
beach in Bang Thalu district of Cha-am,
Petchburi was the next choice, leading
to the construction of a summer palace
there in 1917. The adjoining beach area
was renamed as Had Chao Samran, meaning “Beach of Joy” and His Majesty stayed
at the new palace every summer between
1918 and 1923, resulting in a great improvement in his health.
Despite annual visits becoming the norm
for the Royal Court, several inconveniences were encountered. Firstly, there
was a lack of fresh water as recorded in the
Royal Log Book one summer. Secondly,
travelling between Had Chao Samran
beach and Petchburi town was inconvenient, for although the distance was only
15 kilometres, it still took around 5 hours
to get to the beach. Lastly, since Chao
Samran beach was adjacent to a fishing
village, plagues of flies caused interminable problems. These difficulties eventually
persuaded King Vajiravudh to search for a
new location for his seaside retreat.
Eventually, a secluded beach in Huai Sai
Nua was found. Located between Chao
Samran beach and Hua Hin, this new site
was not only close to a railway station,
so providing easy access from the capital,
but was in perfect ecological surroundings with sufficient underground water
King Vajiravudh appointed Ercole Manfredi, an Italian architect, who at the time
was employed by the Ministry of Public
Works, as their chief architect, to complete
the architectural plan based on the King’s
preliminary sketch. Chao Phraya Yommaraj (Pan Sukhum), the Interior Minister
at the time, was also assigned to supervise
the construction. As much of the existing
edifice and structure at Had Chao Samran as possible were carefully moved to
the site of the new royal residence for the
construction, which was started in 1923
and completed in late 1924.
Huai Sai literally means “Hog Deer’s
Stream”, due to the large populace of
hog deer in the area. King Vajiravudh,
therefore, named his new summer palace “Mrigadayavan”, in keeping with
the name of this area, for “Mrigadayavan”
is also religiously auspicious, as it was in
“Isipatana Mrigadayavan”, the deer park
in India, where Lord Buddha delivered
his first sermon. His Majesty was also
anxious to preserve the area’s wild animals and so, on 12th May, 1924, he issued
a proclamation declaring the Huai Sai
area a wildlife-protected zone, an order
still in force today.
King Vajiravudh demanded thriftiness in
the construction of Mrigadayavan Palace
and desired this seaside residence to be a
far humbler royal affair when compared
to other palaces built during his reign.
Accordingly, Mrigadayavan’s design was
to be simple, yet elegant, and accommodating to the tropical seaside climate.
The palace reflects the harmonious integration between Thai and Western
architectural styles. Three buildings incorporated golden teak from the palace
at Had Chao Samran and were built in
traditional elevated style, supported by
concrete columns, with a concrete floor
being laid beneath each building as a
footpath. These elevated open buildings
are suitable for a tropical climate and flat
landscape, enabling air to flow through
all buildings, providing ventilation and
protection against humidity. In addition,
high ceilings and panelled fretwork in
each room not only add beauty to the
building but also serve as an efficient
ventilation system in which heat flows
upwards through windows and doors to
keep rooms cool. This raised floor also
prevents insects or wild animals from ascending the palace buildings and allowed
security officers to monitor the palace
more conveniently.
One thousand and eighty concrete columns support the various residences,
halls and walkways of the palace. Modular systems were mostly applied in the
construction, with the columns supporting the weight of the wooden quarters
without the need for nails. However, not
all buildings are designed in this manner.
The twin seaside bathing pavilions needed extra strength to withstand tides and
occasional storms. Therefore, metal was
used to strap the concrete and wooden
columns together. To withstand heavy
rain and storms, the ceilings of the palace are reinforced with shatterproof concrete and steel rods to weigh down the
building and protect it from moving. The
sloping roof and long eaves were covered
with diamond-shaped tiles, working together in protecting the building from
sunlight and rain.
With ants being a common problem for
tropical households, especially during
summertime, bases containing water were
added at the foot of each column in order
to prevent these pests from climbing into
the building.
Around the palace, natural woodland
is preserved. King Vajiravudh did not
want extensive and elaborate man-made
gardens, he was more interested in preserving the local vegetation. Popular
Thai trees and plants such as Ton Khoi
(Siamese Rough Bush). Ton Jang and Ton
Manao Phi (Sea Citron) can still be abundantly found in the palace compound.
Mrigadayavan Palace is open to the public
every day from 8.30A.M. to 4.30P.M, with
just a small admission charge allowing visitors
to explore the entire building and grounds.
4 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Local Attraction
Cruising down the river on a.....
Tuesday afternoon (and evening)
Once upon a time, there was group
of 15 intrepid adventurers from
Dusit Thani Hua Hin who set out
on a journey to a land faraway, eager to
find out more about unbelievable tales
of a legendary magical boat powered
by Apollo, God of the Sun, that offered
wonderful voyages on pristine oceans
and waterways without the demon distractions of the thunderous noise of Thor
and whichever deities masquerade as the
mythological modern-day gods of vibration, fuel and fumes.
Actually, this was no fairytale located
in the fantasist realms and pages of the
Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Andersen and the mythical magical boat in
question was to be found quite easily
within three-quarters of an hour’s drive
from the hotel. And so it came to pass,
at a touch after four one Tuesday afternoon at the start of the rainy season, as we
boarded the 15-seater minibus (16 if you
include the driver) with a nervous glance
at the gathering thunder clouds threatening a seasonal tropical downpour which,
should it materialise, would surely take
the gloss off what was to come.
Thankfully, the weather and traffic gods
were indeed smiling on us as the school
traffic was light through the centre of
Hua Hin and the grey skies decreed that
Cha-am to the north was in greater need
of precipitation than Hua Hin and the
towns further south.
By a quarter to five we were at the Mermaid Cruises Marina, located in a scenic
off-the-beaten-track area of Pranburi,
where we were welcomed by the genial
owner Barry Stone, who requested all to
remove their shoes, helped everyone up
the gangplank and on board his spanking new pride and joy flagship, the SunCat1 solar-and-wind-assisted catamaran.
Mermaid Cruises are currently the only
company in Southeast Asia designing,
building and operating cruises on electrical boats and theirs is the first registered
electrical boat in Thailand, with solar cells
and wind turbines powering the 96 volts
of lithium batteries located in each of the
vessel’s hulls.
Introductions over, provisions loaded,
then a few minutes for everyone to mosey around and it was anchors away on
the dot of five. Off, but we truly wouldn’t
have realised it if we hadn’t been told, for
there really were no emissions, no pollution and no distinguishable noise. The
sanctuary of the Pranburi Estuary really
was being preserved as the catamaran silently, smoothly sailed first downstream
towards the open sea. Along the route,
Thai and Burmese fishermen of all ages
grinned and motioned cheerily as we
glided gracefully past.
As our group returned the fishermen’s
smiles and waves, some were distracted
by the mouth-watering buffet that had
magically been conjured onto the bar
counter. A host of plated Thai favourites,
including steamed fish, fried chicken,
prawns, pork and pineapple, panang
chicken curry and stir-fried mixed vegetables, beamed up at us saying irresistibly,
‘eat me’, something everyone was only to
pleased to do, even though the challenge
of finishing the vast portions was beyond
us. At the same time the bar was declared
open, with a range of beer, wine by the
glass or bottle, spirits, cocktails and soft
drinks. We were told that when the boat
was chartered, clients were welcome to
discuss their tailored food and beverage
requirements with Barry and his wife,
Khun Tan, who painstakingly enjoys
Local Attraction
preparing everything in the traditional
homemade way.
As we exited the mouth of the estuary,
the waves gently lapped the side of the
boat, but SunCat1 rode them effortlessly
and Barry told us it could comfortably
withstand a buffeting from waves of up
to a metre, though such rough seas could
detract from a passengers enjoyment. Although none of our group had come prepared to get wet, it was possible to relax
and, for those so inclined, get romantic in
the onboard Jacuzzi or, when the boat anchored at sea, dive or slide into the ocean
from the boat’s diving board and water
slider. Another attractive option was for
fishermen to cast their line for squid or
many of the other abundant fruits of the
ocean to be found in the Gulf of Thailand.
Normally a cruise on the SunCat1 would
be five hours, plenty of time to cruise
along the coastline to such beauty spots
as Hat Sai Noi, but our circumstances
and schedules dictated that unfortunately
on this day we only had two hours and
very much wanted to experience the best
of both worlds – sea and river – so our
Thai captain, Khun Pet, soon turned the
boat around and we exchanged salt water for brackish, retracing our steps up the
estuary and beyond. We learnt that the
Pranburi River stretches right up to the
Burmese border, but the water is too shallow in places for all but the most flat-bottomed boats to make the trip. Travelling
upstream past the marina, we saw more
and more mangrove swamps, full of eco-
mar. This was around the time of day we
could visualise corporate and incentive
groups getting stuck into the cocktails
and clearing their throats ready to enjoy the onboard karaoke or strut their
funky stuff on the spacious dance floor.
logical wonders. Wildlife abounds and
any ornithologist would have a field day
watching the birdlife and likely to spot,
amongst others, many species of kingfishers; bee eaters; cormorants; egrets;
sandpipers, swifts; mynas and woodpeckers. The crocodile-like monitor lizards
bask on the banks and trees, while freshwater turtles go about their daily lives
unhindered by progress that has ruined
many of their other natural habitats.
By six-thirty, dusk began to fall as the
sun’s last rays set romantically over the
Tanaosri range of mountains that separate Thailand from neighbouring Myan-
However, time did not allow us that little
luxury, though Barry himself did take to
the floor, mike in hand, not to sing or
dance but to give us a quick low-down
and field questions.
The boat was capable of comfortably
cruising at 6.5 knots or 12 kilometres per
hour, with no petrol or diesel on board.
At 13 metres long and 7 metres wide, it
was licensed for 45 people, though up to
25 was the optimum number and there
were two nice, clean, comfortable toilets,
one for ladies and the other for gents on
board. Besides life jackets for all passengers the boat was equipped with safety
and navigation equipment that included
GPS, ship-to-ship radio and depth sounder. Private groups or companies chartering SunCat1 through the hotel needed to
provide at least 24 hours notice and could
discuss their precise requirements when
making the reservation. Earliest departure
was 10.30A.M., with no reasonable restriction on how late the party can go on
until and our feeling was a late afternoon
departure was the best option.
We safely docked back at the Mermaid
Cruises Marina right on schedule at seven
and Barry’s minibus brought all fifteen of
us safely back to the hotel well before
eight. We might not have seen Puff the
Magic Dragon or any other characters
from the Land of Make Believe, but everyone returned convinced they had experienced what was sure to prove a popu-
lar and welcome addition to the list of
eco-friendly activities we could offer our
Dusit Thani Hua Hin guests.
Trips tailored to fit itineraries include
transport between Dusit Thani Hua Hin
and Mermaid Cruises Marina in Pranburi
and food on board. If you, on behalf of
your family, friends or company, are interested in booking a cruise on the SunCat1
or would like further details, please feel
free to contact our sales office at the hotel
or in Bangkok, ask our front office staff or
write to us via the Hua Hin Sun’s e-mail
address at hhsunboxoffice@dusit.com.
6 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Capturing the moment
Away & Aware in the Sun
vices and traders, such as tailors etc., to
visit guest rooms. Also, bearing in mind
that taxis and Tuk Tuks are unregulated
and may result in unexpected disputes
over fares, plus may not be up to expected
safety standards, we also provide reasonably-priced safe, comfortable and reliable
transportation options.
It is quite understandable that beggars, especially children, and hawkers draw compassion. However, all may not be what it
seems and your generosity may in fact
contribute to the continued exploitation
of these unfortunate people by criminal
elements within the community.
A stay at Dusit Thani Hua Hin is a
time to forget your cares, relax and
enjoy our hospitality to the full in a welcoming safe and stress-free environment.
In an ideal world this environment would
extend beyond our reassuring boundaries
on to the beach and into the community.
However, the world and its people do not
always conform to such high ideals and especially when vacationing one should not
abandon the sensible precautions and level
of awareness we would normally apply
when out and about in our own familiar
Thailand is rightly one of the world’s
most popular holiday and travel destinations, blessed with an astonishing diver-
sity of geographic beauty and culturally
amazing and welcoming population, the
vast majority of whom proudly delight
in extending warmth with genuine care
and concern for foreign visitors to their
country. As with any population there will
always surface a few opportunist bad apples that will seek to exploit anyone that
is vulnerable or has dropped their guard,
even among other tourists one should
maintain awareness and caution to avoid
becoming a victim of such unscrupulous
Non-residents and outside traders
To ensure peace of mind for our guests
we do not allow unregistered visitors to
use our pools nor encourage outside ser-
Beach and Pools
Horse riding on the shoreline may have a
romantic image, however, it is not so romantic if you end up in hospital by being
trampled or as a result of a fall. Please do
not encourage this activity and be aware
that the hotel has no connection with this
beach activity and will not accept any liability should an accident occur. The hotel
horses are well trained and may only be
What a giveaway
for likeable
Facebook fans
ridden in an enclosed area under professional supervision for your safety.
With plentiful sunloungers it is our policy
that to avoid beds being left unattended for
longer than an hour, at the annoyance of
fellow guests who may wish to utilise them,
our staff are instructed to remove towels
after this period and offer the available
lounger on a first-come first-served basis.
Please do not ask members of the staff to
reserve sunloungers on your behalf as a
refusal may cause embarrassment.
Finally there is one very real danger,
even in-house at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
and that is the gorgeous climate that
we enjoy. If you are unaccustomed to a
tropical environment, please be cautious
with skin exposure to the sun and avoid
Pay attention to the above and you are
sure of enjoying a wonderful Aware and
Away experience.
With approaching 6,000 users and
3,500 fans, it’s always nice to be able
to give something back to our loyal
Facebook supporters and readership.
That’s why we like to regularly run some
simple, easy-to-enter online competitions. In June and July you may have read
our interview with Khun Sirporn, who
picked up a free stay with us earlier this
year simply by liking our Facebook page.
The competition proved so popular
that we decided to run an even bigger
and better one in May with 47 prizes
amounting to a staggering Baht80,000
in value. The star prize was a 2-night stay
in an exclusive Dusit Grand room with
full Club benefits worth a not-to-besneezed-at combined value Baht44,726.
The lucky winner was Khun Bhanuwat
Buakham who was kind enough to share
a few words with the world to describe
his feelings on winning his prize.
Those in the know tell us that we actually use less facial muscles breaking into a friendly smile than we
do forming a frown. If that’s truly the
case – and with Thais invariably preferring to do everything with the minimum
of effort – it probably helps explain why
Thailand, quite rightly, is blessed with the
nickname the Land of Smiles, or LOS in
modern-day lingo.
Yim literally means ‘smile’, but don’t become so totally engrossed by the big yims
all around that you let your guard drop,
only to end up cursing yourself for allowing yourself to have been too easily
fooled by a smiling face. Yes, in the majority of cases, the grin will be as totally
genuine and well meant as it appears, but
it’s only fair that you should be aware that
in this Land of Smiles there’s actually a
baker’s dozen of Thai smiles which can
radiate from a local’s face at the drop of a
hat to cover just about every eventuality.
As a rule, Thais also prefer to avoid unnecessary conflict, so our well-meaning
advice is to keep your wits about you,
but no matter what predicament you find
yourself in, good or bad, deal with it by
covering your face with one of these yims
and bearing it for all to see.
Yim thang nam taa: The common-or-garden “I’m-so-happy-I could-cry” smile
that usually lights up a face on receipt of
good news.
Yim thak thaai: The polite smile for someone you have to be nice to although you
barely know them.
Yim cheun chom: The “I-admire-you”
smile that’s full of praise.
Fuen yim: The stiff forced smile, sometimes known as the “I-should-laugh-atthe joke-though-it’s-not-funny” smile.
Yim mee lessanai: The evil smile which masks
something wicked that is in your mind.
Yim yaw: The teasing or mocking “I-toldyou-so” smile after you have been proven
Yim yae yae: The “I-know-things-lookpretty-bad-but-there’s-no-point-in-crying-over-spilt-milk” smile used to get you
out of embarrassing or awkward situations.
Yim sao: The sad smile to cover your true
feelings of despondency.
Yim haeng: The dry nervy and apologetic
smirk, also known as the “I-know-I-oweyou-the-money-but-I-just-don’t-haveit” smile for when you do something you
Yim thak thaan: The attitude or “I disagree
with you” smile, also known as the “Youcan-go-ahead-and-propose-it-but-youridea’s-no-good” smile.
Yim cheua cheuan: The victorious “I-amthe-winner” smile, given to a losing competitor.
Yim soo: The hopeless “smile-in-the-faceof-an-impossible-struggle” grin.
Yim mai awk: The inappropriate “I- wantto-smile-but-shouldn’t” hidden smile
We know that taking and posting photos online is all the rage, so why not double your pleasure? If you have stayed with us and have
some snapshots of your time at Dusit Thani Hua Hin that you would like to show the world, either by posting it on our Dusit Thani Hua
Hin Facebook page, or e-mailing it to hhsunboxoffice@dusit.com , we will treat you to dinner for two at any one of our regular buffets
should the picture be chosen for publication. Photographs should be of at least 2MB in resolution.
Come rain or shine,
Hua Hin Sun is now
When in Thailand
Yim and bear it!
Since its inception as the Siam Sun
around 15 years ago – way back then
merely in the form of a rather irregular 8-page newsletter – the Hua
Hin Sun has grown in size along
After cashing in his prize, Khun with demand, currently commanding
Bhanuwat posted the following on a print run of up to 5,000 copies, with
our Facebook page on 10th July: over 1,000 of those being mailed to our
“Thank you very much to all staff many regular guests and interested readers
at Dusit Thani Hua Hin for making at home and abroad. Now, having grown
my wife and I feel like royalty dur- into a regular and hugely anticipated biing our stay with you. We were deeply monthly publication, fully deserving of its
impressed by the service and welcome classification as a tabloid newspaper, albeit
from the very first moment we arrived till with somewhat less sensationalism than its
the last moment we departed. Every staff UK namesake, a fact borne out by a douat every turning offered us a genuinely bling in size from our first attempt at a
sincere smile and the traditional greeting ‘bumper’ 16-page Thai holiday edition to
of ‘Sawasdee krub/ka’, making us feel- mark Songkran in April 2010 to this curing warm and at home. Although we have rent ‘super dooper’ 32-page publication.
already arrived back home, the goodwill Remarkably, and a fact not often recogand positive impression will be in our nised, the Hua Hin Sun is produced by
hearts and minds forever. We would like staff of the hotel and we hope you will
to say ‘Thank you very much’ to all Dusit forgive us the odd typo or grammatical
Thani Hua Hin staff. This is not just small error, while agreeing that for untrained
talk said for the sake of saying, but our journalists the finished article is a very
sincere feelings to share with others”
professional job and absorbing read.
Hope he loves us,
know he likes us.
Our saving face
Conscious of our Dusit Thani Hua
Hin EarthCheck Bronze Benchmark, and our stated intention to
push on for the Silver leading eventually to the Gold Benchmark, we
also realise that larger issues and increased
readership result in even bigger print runs which, in turn,
place an additional burden on
the earth’s natural resources.
Taking advantage of available
technology, we are delighted
that if you prefer not to take
home a hard copy or would rather not
receive the newspaper by good old snail
mail, you can now access the very latest
edition – or your favourite back issues –
online by clicking on either of the following links to take you directly to the
Hua Hin Sun on either our Dusit Thani
Hua Hin Facebook page or the Dusit.
com website:
If you would like to hear when the new
edition is out and up on the website, so
you can access it before many
others get to see it, please don’t
hesitate to drop us a line via our
Hua Hin Sun e-mail address of
hhsunboxoffice@dusit.com and
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Those of you with Smartphones
– and we are sure there are thousands of
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Hin Sun within our Facebook page.
8 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Authority of Petchburi, will see sailors
competing for several coveted Royal Trophies including The King’s Cup for the
Royal Vega Rudder Classes; The King’s
Cup for the Super Mod National Championship; The Princess’ Cup commemorating the late HRH Princess Galyani
Vadhana for the Optimist Championship;
and The Queen’s Cup for the National
OK Dinghy Championship – a boat in
which His Majesty the King sailed single-handedly across the Gulf of Thailand
and a class in which His Majesty the King
was a gold-medal winner at the 1967 regional South-east Asian (SEA) Games.
is currently working as a lecturer in the
piano faculty at Silpakorn University,
The recital in the fittingly classical atmosphere of the lobby at Dusit Thani Hua
Hin was well supported by an appreciative audience of over 30 of the societies
members who then went on to enjoy
dinner and discuss the spellbinding virtuoso performances by two of Thailand’s
pillars of classical music over dinner at the
hotel’s Pasta factory buffet at San Marco
Italian Restaurarnt.
In tune with the community
Yachtsmen set sail for Dusit Thani Hua Hin
and the Hua Hin Regatta 2011
Amongst the many attractions one
thinks of at the mention of Cha-am
and Hua Hin, very near to the top of
the list would surely be the long stretches
of sandy beach that shelve seamlessly out
into the tropical waters of the Gulf of
Thailand. The twinned resorts are therefore ideal both for bathers to safely frolic
close to shore and for sailors to do what
comes naturally in the offshore breezes
fanning the ocean waves.
Not surprisingly therefore, given also the
presence of four royal summer palaces
nearby and His Majesty the King’s keen
interest and excellence in the sport of
yachting, Hua Hin is considered the traditional home for the kingdom’s sailing
community, and the resort has played host
to an annual sailing jamboree, the Hua
Hin Regatta, since the event’s inception
in the first year of the new millennium.
This year’s regatta will also be organised
as part of His Majesty King Bhumibol
Adulyadej’s 7th-cycle birthday celebrations. Therefore, we at Dusit Thani Hua
Hin had double cause for delight when
we were chosen by the Yacht Racing Association of Thailand (YRAT) as the host
hotel and venue for the Hua Hin Regatta
2011, which will be held from 20th –
28th August in full view of the hotel and
at sea in front of the resort. In announcing our selection, Admiral Khamthorn
Pumhiran, President of the Yacht Racing
Association of Thailand and Commander
in Chief of the Royal Thai Navy noted
that the choice of venue also fittingly coincides with the 20th anniversary of the
last occasion His Majesty the King sailed
with the Royal Thai Navy as their and
our most distinguished guest here at Dusit
Thani Hua Hin during our first year of
operation back in 1991.
This twelfth version of the Hua Hin Regatta, organised by the YRAT in conjunction with the Royal Thai Navy, the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the District
Authority of Cha-am and the Provincial
The erstwhile sluggish Thai yachting and
marine sector accelerated in the middle
of the last decade when the Royal Thai
Government decided to remove the crippling 240 per cent tax and excise duty
that had so hampered them, whilst King
Bhumibol Adulyadej’s ongoing support
of yacht racing has been a major catalyst
in the development and the emergence
of a number of Thais as world-class sailors
in recent years.
Fingers crossed the barometer will be set
fair and the sun will shine on sailors and
spectators with upwards of 225 yachts
from 22 countries expected to descend
upon the resort for the regatta. We hope
you may be able to join them and witness
the spectacle.
Should you require further information please
feel free to contact our reception staff in person
or the Yacht Racing Association of Thailand by
e-mail on sail@yrat.or.th. Alternatively, call
them at their Royal Thai Navy base in Bangkok on 02-466-6687.
The second meeting of the Hua Hin
Classical Music Society (HHCMUS)
was held at Dusit Thani Hua Hin on
the evening of Wednesday, 29th June,
highlighted by violin and piano recitals
performed by two musicians at the very
forefront of Thailand’s classical music
scene – violinist Tassana Nagavajara and
pianist Pornphan Banternghansa – and
featuring the works of Mozart’s Sonata in
B flat major, K.454, a piece that the great
Wolfgang Amadeus composed in his later
years, and Mendelssohn’s unpublished Sonata in F major, a work that only came
to light when violinist Yehudi Menuhin
discovered and edited it in 1953.
Tasana is no stranger to Thailand’s classical
music enthusiasts, forging an outstanding
reputation following appearances as so-
loist with Galyana Vadhana Institute Orchestra,
the Bangkok Symphony
Orchestra , the Royal
Thai Navy Orchestra,
the National Symphony
Orchestra and the Bangkok String Orchestra
amongst others.
In his formative teen
years he was appointed
concertmaster of the
Thai National Youth
ASEAN Youth Orchestra, before continuing his studies at such renowned
institutes as the International Menuhin
Music Academy in Switzerland and the
Vorarlberg Conservatory in Austria. Tas-
sana later moved to the United States to
study violin at the University of Oregon,
from where he graduated with a Master
of Music degree, sowing the seeds for a
performing career combined with music
teaching. He is currently Deputy Dean of
the Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University and Associate Secretary of Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, as well as writing
critiques for such esteemed publications
as Image, GM and Esquire Magazines.
Pianist and composer Pornphan has been
the recipient of many International music
awards and performed her compositions
at venues around the globe, including
Japan, Poland, Switzerland, Norway, Austria and the United States. She was the
first Thai pianist to attend the prestigious
Verbier Academy in Switzerland, where
she received masterclasses from a clutch
of world-renowned pianists. Pornphan
received a Bachelor’s Degree in Piano
Performance and Composition from the
University of Miami and a Doctorate
of Musical Arts from Eastman School
of Music, also in the United States. She
The mission of the Classical Music Society of Hua Hin is to create a venue where
foreigners and Thais resident in the Hua
Hin/Cha Am area can be assured of hearing classical music on a regular basis. Another objective is to encourage young
Thai musicians to pursue their career in
classical music and to provide a platform
where these young musicians can perform in front of an appreciative audience.
Monthly meetings will be held at the
proclaimed home of classical music in the
provinces of Petchburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan, Dusit Thani Hua Hin, and will
incorporate a classical music performance
from visiting artists followed a buffet dinner. Annual membership of the society is
a very reasonable 1,000 baht and this can
be paid when attending the next meeting
on Wednesday, 17th August. Sponsorship
of the organisation is being sought and
the society also intends donating funds
raised to needy local charities.
If you are interested in joining the society, feel
free to contact the society’s chairman, Jerry McMenamin by e-mail at jerry@swissinvestcenter.net or our Dusit Thani Hua Hin hotel at
hhsunboxoffice@dusit.com for further details.
The society also have their own Facebook page,
Classical Music Society of Hua Hin, where
updated details of the upcoming meetings and
concerts will be posted once known.
10 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
If you can‘t stand the heat,
get out of the kitchen
Don’t shoot the pianist... shoot the music
Who could imagine a more perfect setting for an open-air concert
than here on the spacious neatlymanicured front – or is it back? –
lawn of our Dusit Thani Hua Hin
cricket ground? The pitch, originally
used to eleven fielders, two batsmen and
a couple of umpires, is actually capable
of comfortably accommodating a crowd
of ten thousand people and is ideally located on Petchkasem Road, an easy twoand-a-half hour’s drive from the hustle
and bustle of the City of Angels. Just a
stone’s throw from the air-conditioned
luxury of the main hotel and the idyllic
a stormy couple of days in the lead up to
the event, let it be known that they felt
they were getting more than their money’s worth from the array of Thai talent
on show and, of course, top-of-the-bill
International artist Kenny Edmonds, aka
Pen-Ek is 49-year-old Pen-ek Ratanaruang, considered one of Thailand’s leading
film directors, screenwriters and producers, being at the forefront of the new wave
of Thai auteurs. He is held in such esteem
that it was no problem persuading a veritable who’s who of Thai music to turn
out, given the carrot of even a fleeting
appearance in one of the master moviemaker’s future productions.
The show hit the road right on cue with
a performance by the four artists from
Relove United – Lipta, Tu Popthorn,
Tor Saksit and Ben Chalatit – who went
down a storm, particularly with younger
members of the audience. They were followed by a parade of singers and medley
of musical styles from Spicy Disc. Rocker
Tul Apartmentkhunpa was next up and
the impressive cast continued to impress
right through to a surprise appearance by
the iconic Billy Ogan, replete with his
private beach beyond, it seems that many
concert organisers, promoters and music lovers are increasingly coming to the
conclusion that there really is no venue
better, for on the night of Saturday, 28th
May, we were once again asked to host
a headlining concert that had captured
the attention of gig-goers around the
The “Heineken Presents Shoot the Music with Pen Ek” gig certainly lived up
to its billing and the large crowd, who
were blessed by the decent weather after
signature black shades.
However, it was the star of the show,
Babyface, who the majority of the audience had come to see, and he bounced on
stage at around 11.00P.M. to a rapturous
reception. The renowned R&B singer/
producer, who has worked with the likes
of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston
and Eric Clapton to name but a few, then
proceeded to both charm and thrill the
delighted audience with his silky voice
and guitar riffs, going through a full repertoire of hits, from his early works to
global blockbuster covers, with his set including numbers like Everytime I Close
My Eyes, Wonderful Tonight, I’ll Make
Love to You and End of the Road. As
an encore, Babyface walked out looking
suave in an all-white suit, guitar in hand,
serenading the spellbound audience with
When Can I See You Again, before bidding farewell to the fans and leaving the
stage to thunderous applause.
The thousands present seemed to unanimously agree it was a ‘I was there the
night they shot the music’ kind of night
and we can’t wait to do it all again. Watch
this space!
In the last edition of the Hua Hin
Sun we announced that Dusit Thani
Hua Hin would be hosting this
year’s edition of Germany’s premier
cooking showdown, the Cooking
Cup, in December. Since then, things
have certainly been heating up as the live
phase of the Cooking Cup challenge
officially kicked off with a very special
launch event held at the exclusive SIEMENS Cooking Lounge in the Allianz
Arena in Munich, home to the legendary
Bayern Munich football team.
Enthusiastic amateur cooks could register
until the 17th of July by submitting their
own creative recipe. Once the jury had
approved their recipe they proceeded to the local live
cooking heats which
were held in 20 cities across Germany.
Regional winners then
compete in the semi-final at the
SIEMENS productions facilities in
Traunreut, Bavaria, close to the won-
derfully scenic tourist setting of Lake
Chiemsee. The show kitchens in the facilities will be the battleground where
the teams fight for a prized place in the
final. Only the five best teams can make
it through to the big showdown and so
everyone will be going for the jugular
as they stake their claim for the much
vaunted spot in the final!
The five triumphant semi-finalists from
Germany will then travel to the Land of
Smiles for the final. Here, they will spend
tacular party which could go on until the
wee hours as we and one of the finalists
really come of age.
From the semi-finals onwards, celebrity
chef Rainer Mitze will be the chairman
of the jury that assesses the teams. Mr.
Mitze is an expert voice on Thai cuisine
and also has many personal connections
to Thailand. Indeed, Rainer‘s wife hails
from the country, while he speaks very
passable Thai as well. The chef will be of
great help during the trip to Thailand
and his advice will undoubtedly be much
two days in Bangkok before travelling sought after by the teams, especially
to Hua Hin and Dusit Thani Hua Hin when buying ingredients at local markets.
for the culmination of this year’s Cook- Rainer Mitze has previously featured in
ing Cup. During this week in the king- the Cooking Cup, appearing during the
dom, the chosen finalists will sniff some 2008 edition in Malta as a culinary exof Thailand’s culture and of course try pert on the jury. To introduce him to our
to experience the real Thai cuisine. The readers we were delighted to be able to
grande finale will be played or rather briefly interview the German celebrity
cooked out on the 14th of December, chef.
which coincidentally falls on the same What is your experience when it comes to
date as the hotel’s twenty-first birthday. Thai cuisine?
Thus, the day and night have all the spec- For 13 years, I worked as a chef in Bang-
kok at the Mandarin Oriental and the
Dusit Thani Hotel. It was there where I
learnt to cook and love Thai cuisine. Because of this I am particularly pleased that
we will visit Dusit Thani in Bangkok and
that the final will be held at Dusit Thani
Hua Hin.
What makes the Thai cuisine so special?
The diversity! It is a mix of Chinese, Indian and other Asian influences. Hence,
the food is so varied and exciting. After so
many years I still discover new things in
Thai cuisine. That’s what makes cooking
it so much fun!
You were part of the Cooking Cup jury in 2008
in Malta. Looking back at your career, is this
Thailand edition of the Cooking Cup a particular highlight?
The Cooking Cup finale in 2008 was
very exciting and a lot of fun to be part
of. But, of course, this edition is extra
special for me as I will return ‚‘home‘ to
Thailand where, as I have already mentioned, I have so many personal roots and
so much indebtedness towards the country. I am convinced that the contestants of
this year’s edition will share with me the
love for the country and the food.
In the next issue, we will continue the
build up and bring you the latest news
ahead of the mid-December final.
12 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
In Thailand, all things equine seem,
for one reason or another, to be
inexorably linked with the sport
of polo. This, coupled with the hotel’s
classical ideals, was a contributing factor when the hotel opened back in 1990
christened with the name Dusit Resort
& Polo Club. Indeed, it was this exotic
name that made us so readily identifiable
within the hospitality community and
many locals, not forgetting guests from
further afield will still affectionately refer
to us by the moniker ‘Dusit Polo’, a name
it seems we may never completely shake
off as will be verified by any Google
search. It was only a major restructuring
and rebranding within the mother company that has become Dusit International
that saw the name evolve into today’s
more internationally recognisable Dusit
Thani Hua Hin.
Remnants of our equestrian roots still
remain dotted around the property and
since that very first day of operation, we
have been proudly boasting of what we
believe is the only stable in the area that
genuinely cares for horses in the proper
manner, providing monthly veterinary
checks and care should one of the charges
need medical treatment.
Our humane concern for the animals is
further demonstrated in the fact that to
protect the horses, we only allow them to
be ridden in our sanded paddock between
7.00 – 10.00A.M. and 4.00 – 6.00P.M.
Outside of these hours we believe that the
searing tropical heat would be unfairly
hot for these lovely animals that we regard
as our pets and currently we permanently
house three horses and two ponies in our
stable, each with their own box.
Your rides and our joy :
Docile 9-year-old Winner is our stable’s newest
edition and stands 16 hands. The grey gelding is
another English thoroughbred, weighing in at 470
kilogrammes. He is easy to control and a good ride
for both novice and experienced riders.
Young Vanilla, is the stable’s shorty at just 10 hands,
weighing 150 kilogrammes. Now a mare at five
years of age, the grey Vanilla is full of good traits
though not a training pony for learner riders, but
rather a mount for young children under 30 kilogrammes to ride at a walk accompanied by an instructor.
A taste of Thailand
We know that it’s all too easy to become a couch
potato while ensconced in a beautiful environment
so conducive to rest – and that is just how we’d
like it to be, if you are so inclined, or should we say
reclined! However, we know that there are many
more who prefer R&R, a balanced blend of rest and
recreation, for their break.
We believe that here at Dusit Thani Hua Hin, we are
well equipped to offer something for everyone and
our ever-willing members of the Sports & Guest Activities team are always prepared to go that extra
yard to make sure you get the most from your precious time in our care. So, to help you know what’s
going on, activity-wise, at a glance, here is a page of
things for people of all ages to do around the resort.
It wouldn’t seem right to come to Thailand, the Land of Smiles, and leave without seeing up close or trying your hand at some of the exquisite arts and crafts
that might have tickled your fancy during your stay with us. Every day from
2.00 – 3.00 P.M., except Sundays, and on weekend mornings from 10.00 A.M.
to midday we give you the chance to gain some firsthand experience at some
of these tropical skills.
A seven-year-old brown mare standing 15 hands
tall and weighing in at 450 kilogrammes, Mayree
is a well-behaved and easy-to-control English thoroughbred, though she can sometimes be distracted
and excitable when cantering. Mayree loves trotting and galloping, making her an ideal mount for
novice or experienced riders alike.
Jet Scooter
Baht 500/15 mins
(Maximum 1 Person)
Banana Boat
Baht 500/15 mins
(Maximum 5 People)
Baht 200/Person/Trip
(Maximum 3 People)
beach, all sanctioned by the Fédération
Equestre Internationale (FEI), the sport’s
governing body, and organised in conjunction with the Thai Equestrian Federation, headed by the respected Colonel
Fuangvich Aniruth-Deva – Major Sam as
he has become fondly known by the Thai
equestrian fraternity and also our staff
during his frequent visits to the resort.
Horseriding is available for hotel guests during
the aforementioned riding hours at Baht400
for half an hour (Baht500 for non residents).
You may also visit the stable to see the horses
at work, rest or play from 7.00A.M. – 12.00
Noon and 3.00P.M. – 7.00P.M.
There’s no denying that young children can at times
be demanding with their seemingly boundless
supply of energy, especially when mum and dad
just want to put their feet up with the paper and a
drink for a well-earned 5 minutes’ peace and quiet.
That’s why we have our specially trained and caring
sports staff to help out at the sandpit and keep the
littl’uns busy with a range of complimentary daily
late-afternoon activities. Even when there’s nothing happening, children are welcome to amuse
themselves with the buckets and spades in our
seaside sandpit.
2.00 – 3.00 P.M. Floral Decoration Class @ Ban Benjarong.
Rotates weekly with one of the following each week:
1. Orchid garlands
2. Garlands from rose petals
3. Making “Kratongs”
2.00 – 3.00 P.M. Thai Cooking Demonstration @ Ban Benjarong.
Rotates weekly with one of the following each week:
1. Tom Yum Kung (Spicy prawn soup with lime,
lemongrass and chilli)
2. Pad Thai (Fried rice noodles with river prawns)
3. Por Pia Savoey (Spring rolls stuffed with pork and
4. Kaeng Phet Pet Yang (Red curry with roast duck)
Let’s make mobiles
Decorating stone paperweights
(Available daily unless otherwise stated)
Whether they be around the pool, in our sports Pavilion, D-FiT gymnasium, at
the stable, or wherever, the following facilities and activities are there to provide you with proven healthful way of spending your time under the supervision of our trained staff.
Activity/Facility Day/ Time
Tai Chi
6.30 A.M. – 7.00 A.M.
Free of charge
Thai Boxing
7.00 A.M. - 9.00 P.M.
400/hour (Advanced booking)
7.00 A.M. – 6.00 P.M.
Free of charge (Advanced booking)
10.00 A.M. - 7.00 P.M.
Baht 400/50 mins (At the Garden Pool)
Swimming Pools
Sundays – Thursdays
7.00 A.M. – 7.00 P.M.
Fridays, Saturdays and
Public Holidays
6.00 A.M – 8.00 P.M.
Free of charge
Fitness Centre
7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Free of charge
Aerobic Dancing
4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Free of charge
Jacuzzi , Sauna
& Steam Room
(Mondays – Fridays)
11:00 A.M. - 8.00 P.M.
(Saturdays – Sundays)
10:00 A.M. - 8.00 P.M.
Baht 100/visit
Table Tennis
7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Free of charge
7.00 A.M. - 9.00 P.M.
Baht 100/hour
7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Free of charge
Baht 400/hour
(With playing partner, excluding balls)
Baht 500/hour
(With instructor, including balls)
Note: Floodlighting charge after 6:00 P.M.,
Baht 150/hour
7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Baht 300/hour
Baht 4 00/hour
(Playing partner or instructor)
Making greetings cards
7:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Free of charge
Horse Riding
Baht 400/half an hour
Balloon painting
7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Fancy balloons
2.00 – 3.00 P.M. Thai Dessert Demonstration @ Ban Benjarong.
Rotates weekly with one of the following each week:
1. Gluay Khai Chuam (Whole banana in syrup with
coconut cream)
2. Bua Loy (Taro, pumkin and rice flour balls in syrup
with coconut ice cream)
2.00 – 3.00 P.M. Fruit-Carving Class @ Ban Benjarong.
weekly with one of the following each week:
1. Roses from tomatoes
2. Leaves from cucumbers
3. Flowers from turnips
10.00 A.M. –
12.00 Noon
R&R activities and facilities
Activity (Complimentary)
Wednesdays 2.00 – 3.00 P.M. Ice Carving Demonstration @ Ban Benjarong
It’s for kids (and for kids at heart)
The stable’s 5-star standing is such that we
are also frequently asked to put up horses
temporarily while they are en route for
duties at other points in the kingdom or
even in neighbouring countries such as
Given Dusit Thani Hua Hin’s reputation within the equestrian world, in June
we also had the honour of staging the
Hua Hin Horse Festival and Endurance
Classic for the third consecutive year, an
event which again boosted occupancy
at the stable with over 100 riders and
their mounts descending on the resort to
take part in sunrise events ranging from
20 – 80 kilometres in distance along the
(Complimentary unless otherwise stated)
Paramount care is taken to ensure the wellbeing of
all our guests and our carefully selected choice of
watersports’ equipment operates with full insurance and a strict set of safety and usage instructions that users are requested to strictly adhere to
for the enjoyment and safety of all our holidaymakers.
Standing only 11.5 hands makes Season a pony –
any horse below 14.2 hands is so classified. Now
approaching ten years old and weighing 200
kilogrammes, Season is a playful gelded brown
Thai pony, ideal for children weighing under 40
kilogrammes to ride under the close supervision
of an instructor. However, he is not a pony suitable
for learning to ride on as he can become fractious
if mishandled.
Life on the ocean waves
4.00 - 5.00 P.M.
Stable relationships
Another English thoroughbred, seven-year-old,
Mr. Brown is an easy-to-control bay gelding full of
good habits. At 16 hands in height and 460 kilogrammes in weight, he is capable of working up a
decent gallop, though his nature makes him a great
ride for novice and experienced riders of all ages.
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
9.00 A.M. –6.00 P.M.
Let’s make a mask
Making Gel Candles @ the Children’s Sandpit.
Choose from:
1. Small glass/Baht 100
2. Medium glass/Baht 150
3. Large glass/Baht 200
2.00 – 3.00 P.M. Batik Painting & Acrylic Painting @ Beachfront Sala Nok.
Choose from:
1. T Shirt/Baht 350
2. Apron/Baht 300 (Available only for batik painting)
3. Napkin/ Baht 250 (Available only for batik painting)
10.00 A.M. –
Decorating Hair Clips, Headbands, Bracelets
and Painting Glasses @ the Children’s Sandpit.
Choose from:
1. 2 Hair Clips/Baht 50
2. Headband/Baht 50
3. Small Glass /Baht 100
4. Medium Glass/Baht 150
5. Large Glass/Baht 200
14 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
No Paparazzi for TV’s Glitterazzi
Away from the glare of the media, stars of Thai TV Channel 3
outglittered even their own previous party success
in this year’s great car and prize giveaway party
at Dusit Thani Hua Hin.
Happenings at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
16 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Getting Around
Airport Transfer & Shuttle Service
Suvarnabhumi Airport
Daily Dusit Sprinter
Dusit Thani, Hua Hin / Dusit Thani Hotel, Bangkok
Mercedes Sprinter (12-seater minibus)
Dusit Thani, Hua Hin
11:15 Hours
Dusit Thani, Bangkok 14:00 Hours
Dusit Thani, Bangkok 15:00 Hours
Dusit Thani, Hua Hin 17:30 Hours
Adult - one way / Baht.600.Child under 12 - one way / Baht.300.Advance reservation is required.
Office : 662 134-7280, 668 4135-5050
Terminal : 668 4135-5454
Dusit Thani
Hua Hin : 663 252-0009 # Limousine
Pattaya : 663 842-5611 # Limousine
Only 50 Baht
Dusit Thani - Central Hua Hin
Hourly shuttle 10A.M. till 10P.M.
Call Centre:
668 1-777-2-777
18 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Getting Around
Shop Around
high-speed catamaran has seen timesaving fly/sail trips to the popular south-east
islands of Ko Tao and Ko Phangnan via
Chumporn Airport meet with an enormous response at a very generous introductory fare of Baht2,200 – 2,500. Encouraged by this demand to the resorts, Solar
Air have now started a regular 4-times-a-
Air’s fair for solar
New commuter airlines seem ten a
penny nowadays as they try to cash
in on the aviation boom driven by
consumers, lured by the budget prices
bandied about and seeming preference to
take to the skies rather than the road. Some
thrive handsomely, others merely survive,
treading water with their heads just above
the surface, whilst some barely make it off
the ground before their engines come to
a shuddering halt. In Thailand, besides the
well-established and respected Thai International and their boutique arch-rival
Bangkok Airways, from the outside at least,
it’s fair to say Air Asia and perhaps Nok
Air fit the bill of success, Orient Thai (formerly One-2-Go) struggle along, but unfortunately PB Air is amongst those who
have bitten the runway dust.
However, for the past 12 months or so,
there has been another airline flying
somewhat under the radar - if you can
forgive the pun – in the form of Solar
Air, owned by Solar Aviation, who have
been stealthily adding destinations to a
network which now reaches out from
its Don Mueang Bangkok hub to destinations that include Nan, Chumporn,
Roi-et, Mae Sot, Phrae, Loei and most
recently, wait for it... our very own royal
resort of Hua Hin.
In the 1990s, Bangkok Airways were offering regular flights connecting Hua Hin
with Bangkok to the north and Ko Samui
to the south. Then, well over a decade
ago it was announced that a significant
investment in upgrading Hua Hin to an
International Airport, no less, would take
place. Local residents were licking their
lips in anticipation of flying to and welcoming visitors from exotic destinations
not only around Asia but even the world.
However, with the exception of SGA Airlines from 2004 until early 2009 – during
which time they merged to become Nok
Mini – just about the only thing to fly the
skies above the airport – besides white elephants – has been the training aircrafts
from the Civil Aviation Training Centre
and the odd charter flight.
Celebrating the first anniversary of their
first commercial passenger flight to Roi-et
on 15th August this year, Solar Air initially
concentrated on serving the market in
northern and north-eastern Thailand, positioning themselves as “a community airline serving secondary routes.” However,
their success and passenger satisfaction has
seen them expand their fleet of 19-seater
Dornier228 and EMB110-P2 aircraft with
eyes on the re-emerging tourism market.
An initial link up with the Lomprayah
week service – Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays – between Bangkok
and Hua Hin, flight SRB864, leaving the
former international airport, Don Mueang
at 4.00P.M. and reaching Hua Hin at
4.30P.M., with the return trip, flight 865,
Ieaving Hua Hin at 5.00P.M and reaching
the City of Angels at 5.30P.M. The regular
fare will be Baht 2,700 though there may
be some introductory promotions to lure
interested passengers.
Though the route remains in its infancy,
passenger load has been good and, very interestingly, plans are now afoot and at an
advanced stage to introduce a triangular
Bangkok – Hua Hin – Pattaya – Bangkok
flight which would considerably cut journey time for those wishing to experience
life on the opposite sides of the Gulf of
Thailand. Indeed, at the time of writing, it
appears that the route may well be operational by the time you read this, giving you
another option for visiting our sister hotels
Dusit Thani Pattaya and dusit D2 baraquda
across the water.
We wish Solar Air every success on their
Hua Hin – Bangkok and Hua Hin – Pattaya routes, as well as their overall operation, and look forward to working closely
with them in the future. In the meantime,
we hope to have a few words from the
Solar Air’s Chief Executive Officer, Khun
Jiratid Ong-Aree and feature the in-flight
experience in the October – November
edition of the Hua Hin Sun.
In‘spa’ring Devarana
Bags of choice @ Dusit Shop
Up to 40% off selected carriers
by Dusit
Bought more than you bargained for or bargained a better price than
you expected? Fear not, for the Dusit Shop, purveyors of a fashionable
range of exclusive accessories and much more have just the thing for
you in August and September. Feel free to browse our handy range of
holdalls and bags of many shapes and sizes, including golf bags. Carry
home your souvenirs along with many happy memories.
The Dusit Shop, located opposite the Polo Bar on the Lobby Level, is
open daily from 10.00A.M. to 8.00P.M. Feel free to browse at any time.
Devarana, pronounced “Te-Wa-Run”, is a Thai Sanskrit word meaning “garden in heaven”
inspired by a story from 14-century Thai literature “Traibhumikatha”.
Devarana Spa was established to offer spa lovers “outstanding spa services” at selected
five-star hotels, now boasting branches Dusit Thani Bangkok; Dusit Thani Pattaya; Dusit
Thani Hua Hin; dusitD2 chiang mai; Dusit Thani Manila, Philippines; and IL Salviatino,
Florence, Italy, plus a number of exciting projects in Hainan, China; New Delhi, India; the
New Cairo district of Egypt; and Abu Dhabi city, United Arab Emirates.
With an emphasis on pampering and wellness, “East meets West” Thai health and beauty
practices have been sourced from age-old therapies and updated with modern knowledge
to pamper and revitalize guests.
For further details, please visit our website: www.devaranaspa.com
Devarana Spa at Dusit Thani Hua Hin Tel: +66 0 3244 2494
The Polo Shop carries a range of travel essentials, books and swimwear.
Feel free to pop in and browse without obligation to buy. Open
daily from 10.00A.M. – 8.00P.M. and located in the arcade near Ban
Benjarong Thai Restaurant.
Let an aromatic blend of sweet, subtle jasmine and refreshing mint in a ‘Minty Jasmine Facial’ offer comfort to every
mum during this Mother’s Day month of August.
The treatment starts with a soothing jasmine and mint
aromatic back massage to promote relaxation and alleviate muscle pain. Next, a deep cleansing facial is applied to
eliminate impurities and refine skin texture for a smooth
complexion, followed by a warm peppermint compress and
jasmine aromatic facial massage to ease all facial muscles,
boost circulation and firm up skin. After the massage, Jasmine Facial Mist and an Aloe Vera Mask are applied to rehydrate the skin. Complete this wonderful treat with a finishing application of face and eye moisturiser to ensure that
every mum’s skin becomes clean, bright and soft.
Price: THB 3,200++ (90 mins.)
Validity: 1 – 31 August 2011
Venue: All Devarana Spas in Thailand
Healthy eating is essential for optimum health and a measure of our health is reflected in our appearance and the vitality
that we feel in our lives. At the Restaurant be sure to browse and consider the comprehensive range of healthy spa cuisine
selections on offer in the guise of appetisers, main courses, desserts and herbal beverages offered by the Devarana Spa
menu. Our chefs have created a varied range of healthy and delicious fresh organic dishes that incorporate the essential
daily minerals and vitamins needed for a well-balanced meal plan.
Visit Khun Yim, stylist to the stars, and ask to browse his photos or try
to guess his age while enjoying your salon experience. Look out for a
special feature on our legendary hairdresser in an upcoming issue of
the Hua Hin Sun.
Shampoo & Blow Dry
Shampoo / Cut/ Blow Dry
Hair Setting
Hair Steam Treatment
Permanent Wave (Perming)
Manicure or Pedicure
Paraffin Wax Spa
Waxing / Beehive
Hair Beading
Baht 350
Baht 600 (Man)/Baht 1,000 (Woman)
Baht 600 /Baht 450 (Child)
Baht 600
Baht 4,000
Baht 450
Baht 450
Baht 900
Baht 60/120 (Per string)
The beauty salon, open daily (except Wednesdays) from 10A.M. -7P.M.
is part of the Polo Shop , located in the arcade near Ban Benjarong.
20 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Endless Possibilities with Dusit International
Endless Possibilities with Dusit International
What’s WTA with Dusit?
Dusit Thani Bangkok, Thailand’s
leading luxury five-star hotel, will
this year be hosting the Asia and
Australasia Gala Awards Ceremony
for the World Travel Awards (WTA),
dubbed as the “Oscars of the Travel Industry”. This prestigious event will take
place at Dusit Thani Bangkok on September 28th 2011.
Established 17 years ago, WTA has grown
into a global search covering six continents, 162 countries and in excess of
5,000 travel organizations. Votes are cast
by 183,000 travel professionals, incorporating travel agencies, tour and transport
companies and tourism organizations in
over 160 countries across the globe. For
the Asia and Australasia regional awards,
winners in 40 categories are selected
through votes cast globally by fellow industry professionals. The World Travel
Awards serves to acknowledge, reward
and celebrate excellence across all sectors
of the global travel and tourism industry. Awards that are up for grabs include
awards for the airline industry, leading
airports through to various hotel and
resort awards. A distinguished line-up of
travel industry professionals, senior executives from renowned travel companies
and hoteliers representing Asia’s leading
hotels, as well as media from 60 countries
are expected to gather for this most prestigious ceremony where awardees will be
recognised worldwide by travel industry
Dusit Thani Bangkok was chosen after a
rigorous selection process that announced
Bangkok as this year’s host destination.
The regional awards will then culminate
in the WTA Awards Finals that will take
place in November in London, UK.
The choice of World Travel Awards hosts
for 2011 reflects destinations that have
dug deepest in adversity and are now
spearheading the global travel and tourism recovery. Thailand’s incredible resilience and forward-thinking attitude has
led to Bangkok earning these hosting
rights to the World Travel Awards Asia &
Australasia ceremony.
“World Travel Awards is about seeking
excellence in travel and tourism,” said Mr.
Graham E Cooke, President and Founder, World Travel Awards. “Our hosts represent some of the most innovative and
exciting places to visit in 2011 - destinations with such a relentless drive to do
things better that they are now leading
the world out of recession.”
During the hosting of this event by Dusit
Thani Bangkok, the very best of what
Thailand has to offer will be showcased
from decoration and food styles to rhythm
and dance, demonstrating the many facets
of Thai culture.
Dusit International, Dusit Thani Bangkok
and Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket are nominated for a total of 9 awards altogether.
Dusit Thani Hua Hin wishes our mother
company and both of our sister properties
the very best of luck in scooping as many
of the respective awards they are nominated for as possible.
Further details of the awards can be found at
Clean sweep for Dusit anyone?
Restaurants just keep popping up
with Dusit Borderless Dining
Improvised restaurants are a hot
trend around the world with pop-up
kitchens being set up at just about
any weird and wonderful location
imaginable, offering diners the opportunity to enjoy impressive menus whenever
and wherever they want.
Famous for our multitude of culinary
initiatives and achievements at home
and abroad, Dusit International has now
teamed up with one of Thailand’s leading
food authorities, Chef McDang, aka ML
Sirichalerm Svasti, to offer our own 6-star
take on what could be loosely termed “an
extension to our celebrated tailormade
Dusit outside-dining events.”
The inaugural pop-up Dusit Borderless Dining event was held at the WARP
Studio 54 in Bangkok amidst a gallery of
exhibits by internationally-acclaimed artist
Christian Develter. Fittingly, given the arty
setting, McDang, himself an artisan of his
trade, used his makeshift kitchen to conjure up a collection of inspired creations
under the concept ‘A Culinary Journey
through the Kingdom of Siam’ to tantalise
the tastebuds of an assembled table of food
and wine aficionados.
Amongst the delighted diners were the
Austrian Ambassador, His Excellency Johannes Peterlik, Prince Haik-Georg Zarian of Austria and our own Chief Executive
Officer, Khun Chanin Donavanik. Summing up the success of the evening, Ms.
Elena Broms, the Dusit International Corporate Director of Food & Beverage, said,
“Dusit Borderless Dining is our new concept that will be introduced in many of our
destinations from Manila to New Delhi,
Dubai, Cairo and beyond. The WARP
Studio 54 event is the first in a series of
dinners which will feature artistic chefs
cooking up a specially-designed menu in
unlikely locations.The next planned event
in July will be taking place on a luxury
designer boat in the Andaman Sea and
hosted by Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket.”
If there’s a place that you have always
dreamt of sharing a magical dining experience, why not get in touch and who
knows? A kitchen full of culinary geniuses
might just magically pop-up there just
for you... for as we always like to remind
our guests, the possibilities with our Dusit
Borderless Dining initiative and Dusit International are endless.
22 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Golfing on the Gulf
Golfing on the Gulf
TAT’s marvellous news for swingers
August and September have always
been associated with the rainy season and a consequent lull in visitors
to the tourist towns of Hua Hin and
Cha-am. Although you pay your money
and take the chance with the weather
during this period, it can actually be surprisingly pleasant, often with several consecutive dry days or days when there is
merely a brief tropical downpour which
takes the humidity out of the air for the
rest of the day. Only rarely will the precipitation be so heavy or lasting that it
will completely spoil well-laid plans.
One definite plus to visiting during what
are traditionally the European school
holidays is that the dearth of tourists inevitably results in a dip in prices, with
hotels launching special packages and
vendors falling over themselves to pick
up every satang of the tourist’s baht that
might be possibly be coaxed out of the
visitors wallet by offering ‘local’ prices to
all and sundry.
Golf courses are no exception in feeling
the seasonal pinch as the number of golfers
drop like a well-placed putt. Accordingly,
each year since early in the new millennium, the Tourism Authority of Thailand
(TAT) have joined hands with the local
Petchburi – Prachuap Khiri Khan Golf
Course Association and tourism operators
and organisations to put on the Hua Hin/
Cha-am Golf Festival, which this year, if
you’ll excuse the pun, falls under the umbrella of The 10th Hua Hin/Cha-am Golf
Festival 2011.
Throughout the months of August/Sep-
tember, 10 of the international-standard
golf courses around the heavenly twinned
seaside resorts team up to offer golf lovers
a flat Baht800 rate for green fees, while
on most weekends of the festivals one or
more of the courses will stage organised
golf tournaments with entry fees including green fees, caddies, dinner and prizes
(see the golf course details elsewhere on the
Golfing on the Gulf pages).
An opening ceremony on Sunday 7th
August formally tees off proceedings at
the Royal Thai Army Sports Centre Suan
Son Pradipat Golf Course, while the closing ceremony at Palm Hills Golf Club &
Residence Cha-am, just up the road from
Dusit Thani Hua Hin, on 25th September will wrap things up though the promotional green fees are available from 1st
Dusit Thani Hua Hin is the ideal base to try out your golfing skills on some of the finest fairways
in Thailand. With seven splendid courses within thirty minutes of the resort you are spoilt for
choice and variety. Just ask at reception and they will make all the necessary arrangements
for booking and transport to the course of your preference. For further information and reservation ring #2071
Royal Hua Hin
Situated west of central Hua Hin, this was Thailand’s first golf course, established some 90 years
ago. Although not too demanding, it has a great
atmosphere, with mature forests, temples and sea
views. The caddies are considered to be some of
Thailand’s best.
Distance from the Hotel 10 Kilometres
Majestic Creek
Situated southwest of the hotel, Majestic Creek is a
championship golf course with unique undulating
carpet-like grass fairways and some lovely water
holes. Highly recommended. Other golfing facilities
include a top-drawer locker room, driving range
and Pro shop.
Weekday Green Fee
Weekend Green Fee
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Shoe Hire
Caddy’s Fee
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Transfer from the Hotel
Complimentary at
7.30A.M.; 9.30A.M.;
Tee off in the shadow of the mountains. Beautifully
maintained, Springfield presents the golfer with a
spectacular, beautifully-designed, landscaped 27
holes, including the nine-hole Valley Course. Each
hole challenges your sense of aesthetics as well
as your golfing skills. It is a true Jack Nicklaus-designed masterpiece, constructed by Schmidt-Curley. A championship course in every way with five
sets of tees to play from, the course offers varying
degrees of difficulty that accentuate the dramatic
lush landscape. Be prepared for some long carries if
you are brave enough to play from the back tees. It
is one of the best courses you will ever play! In addition to their PGA professional teaching staff they
also have a fully-equipped Pro shop, chipping and
putting greens and a driving range.
Weekday Green Fee
Weekend Green Fee
Weekend Green Fee
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Shoe Hire
Caddy’s Fee
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Transfer from the Hotel
Transfer from the Hotel
Complimentary at
7.10A.M; 9.40A.M.;
Complimentary at
6.50A.M.; 8.25A.M.;
9.55A.M.; 11.25A.M.
Weekend Green Fee
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Shoe Hire
Caddy’s Fee
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Pick-up from the Hotel
Complimentary at
7.30A.M.; 9.30A.M.;
Transfer back to the
Complimentary by
arrangement with
the Golf Course
Transfer back to the
Complimentary at
1.00P.M.; 3.30P.M.;
4.00P.M.; 6.30P.M.
Course Designer
Dr. Sakitti Klangwisai
Course Designer
Jack Nicklaus
Course Designer
Mr. A. Robin
15 kilometres
Weekday Green Fee
Weekday Green Fee
Complimentary by
arrangement with
the Golf Course
Distance from the Hotel
15 kilometres
31 kilometres
Shoe Hire
Caddy’s Fee
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Black Mountain Golf Club
This world-class golf courses linked to a hotel-andspa resort boasts high-standard surroundings and
a relaxed atmosphere. Tee-time intervals of 15
minutes will give you the feeling that you have the
first tee and the opening hole to yourself, allowing
you to relax and enjoy the golf course and the fine
Lake View
Not too far from the hotel, this 36-hole, 440-acre
championship golf course features 9-hole links,
desert, lakes and mountain courses set against a
backdrop of rolling hills and is widely acclaimed by
top golfers. Designed by Roger Packard, the course
was completed in January 1993 and has many interesting water features.
Distance from the Hotel
Distance from the Hotel
Transfer back to the
August – 30th September.
For further details contact TAT Petchburi on
032-471005 or at tatphet@tat.or.th or TAT
Prachuap Khiri Khan on 032-513885 or at
tatprachuap@tat.or.th. Alternatively, please feel
free to contact the reception staff at the hotel.
Transfer back to the
Course Designer
Complimentary at
12.30P.M.; 1.30P.M.;
2.30P.M.; 3.30P.M.;
4.30P.M.; 5.30P.M.
Roger Packard
The Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin
The Banyan Tree Golf Club Hua Hin, just south of
central Hua Hin is tucked between a small mountain and a large mountain range that serves as a
backdrop to this 7030-yard par-72 course with
four sets of tees. The course has many dramatic
and panoramic views of the Gulf of Thailand, the
lush mountains and Hua Hin town. Khun Pirapon
Namatra designed the course to be one of the best
in Thailand and since he has a vast experience of
working on the best, his thoughts and ideas are
well respected, not to mention eagerly sought after.
Sea Pine Army Golf Course (Army Golf Club II)
The new kid on the block and still not fully complete
and operational, this seaside course 7 kilometres
south of central Hua Hin was constructed on land
formerly owned by the Royal Forestry Department.
Now in the hands of the Royal Thai Army the 7,444yard, par-72 course comprises bracken and pine enriched by the beauty of the ocean and mountains.
Distance from the Hotel
15 kilometres
Weekday Green Fee
Baht2,850 including
caddy and golf cart
Weekend Green Fee
Baht2,850 including
caddy and golf cart
Club Hire (Graphite
Shoe Hire
Caddy’s Fee
Included in green fee
Distance from the Hotel
15 kilometres
2 kilometres
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Included in green fee
Weekday Green Fee
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Not available
Weekend Green Fee
Weekend Green Fee
Distance from the Hotel
15 kilometres
Transfer from the Hotel
Weekday Green Fee
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Complimentary at
6.25A.M.; 7.55A.M.;
9.35A.M.; 11.25A.M.
Weekend Green Fee
Complimentary at
12.30P.M; 1.30P.M.;
2.30P.M.; 3.30P.M.;
4.30P.M.; 5.30P.M.;
Shoe Hire
Baht 500
Transfer back to the
Caddy’s Fee
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Not available
Transfer from the Hotel
Baht800 by our
Bangkok Limousine
Transfer back to the
Baht800 by our
Bangkok Limousine
Course Designer
Major General
Palm Hills
The closest course to the hotel, this course designed
by Max Wexler is one of the most open and enjoyable courses in the area, particularly for the high
handicapper. With lovely rolling scenery and sea
views, it often has cooling sea breezes, particularly
in the afternoons.
Distance from the Hotel
Weekday Green Fee
Shoe Hire
Caddy’s Fee
Club Hire
(Graphite Shaft)
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Shoe Hire
Not available
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Caddy’s Fee
Transfer from the Hotel
Complimentary by
arrangement with
the Golf Course
Golf Cart for 18 Holes
Golf Cart for 9 Holes
Not available
Transfer from the Hotel
By arrangement
with the Golf Course
Transfer back to the
By arrangement
with the Golf Course
Course Designer
Phil Ryan
Transfer back to the
Course Designer
1.00P.M.; 2.00P.M.;
3.00P.M.; 4.00P.M.;
5.00P.M.; 6.00P.M.
Max Wexler
Course Designer
Pirapon Namatra
24 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Wining & Dining at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Restaurants & Bars
The Restaurant
Open daily 6 A.M.-11 P.M. / Extension: 2499
‘The Restaurant’ is our exciting all-day international fine-dining venue featuring the Dusit Gourmet–totally spoiling you for choice.
Saturdays – ‘Barbecue Buffet Dinner’ and the finest local seafood and imported meats chargrilled to perfection with salad bar and dessert buffet, all
for 990 Baht (children maximum 50% discount) / 1,540 Baht with freeflow
wine buffet.
Sundays – ‘Sunday Lunch Buffet’.
For only 600 Baht (children maximum 50% discount) / 1,150 Baht with
freeflow wine buffet, you can enjoy a delicious leisurely buffet of local and
international dishes.
Mondays – ‘Carvery Buffet Dinner’.
Selection of imported and local meats carved to your liking, with all the
trimmings, assorted fresh salads, terrines, imported oysters and smoked
Norwegian salmon priced at 850 Baht (children maximum 50% discount) /
1,400 Baht with freeflow wine buffet.
San Marco
Wining & Dining at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
SINGHA for your supper
Archer, Hou Yi. The story goes that once,
while the earth and its population were
being ravaged by a severe drought caused
by ten suns fiercely burning simultaneously in the sky, Hou Yi was summoned
by the gods and asked to shoot down nine
of the demon suns with the promise that
in return he would be given the highly
sought after elixir of immortality. Task
duly completed and reward in hand, the
master archer returned home to share the
... and before your dinner
Unlimited Selected Wines &
Singha Draught Beer at Every Buffet
550 BAHT++
Happy Aperitifs & Happy Nightcaps at the POLO BAR
5.00 – 7.00P.M. and 9.30 – 11.30P.M.
Unlimited Singha Draught Beer BAHT 250 NET
The icing on the cake
NY Programme DTHH
Singha Ad. size 9.5 x 6.625 inc.
Open daily 6-10:30 P.M. / Extension: 2699
Enjoy Italian favourites in the delightful alfresco ambience of San Marco.
Wednesdays - are ‘Pasta Factory Buffet Dinner’ nights – Our ever-popular
Italian buffet, with a design-your-own-pasta station, antipasto buffet and
a range of mouth-watering desserts and Italian ice creams, all for just 850
Baht (children maximum 50% discount) / 1,400 Baht with freeflow wine
Ban Benjarong
Open daily 6-10:30 P.M. / Extension: 2799
(Closed on Wednesdays & Thursdays)
The unique cuisine of Thailand served overlooking the lagoon, either in airconditioned comfort or outdoors on the terrace.
Fridays - ‘Thai Market Night’, traditional buffet and range of foodstalls,
with a great selection of regional and local Thai cuisine, accompanied by
graceful Thai dance performances, priced at 850 Baht (children maximum
50% discount)/ 1,400 Baht with freeflow wine buffet.
Sapodilla jelly and mousse on devil’s chocolate biscuit.
September : LE PÊCHER
Peach mousse on pistachio cake.
Rim Talay Bar & Grill
Bar & Grill open daily, weather permitting, from 6-10.30 P.M.
(Closed on Saturdays & Sundays)
International fine dining in a wonderful beachside setting.
Moon cakes: Not pie in the sky
The Polo Bar
Open daily 5 P.M.-1 A.M. (Closed on Tuesdays)
Pre-dinner drinks or after-dinner cocktails, the Polo Bar is a relaxed and
elegant place to get together. Our resident quartet entertains nightly. Try
our speciality coffees.
Happy Aperitifs 5-7 P.M. Happy Nightcaps 9.30-11.30 P.M.
Lobby Lounge
Open daily 10 A.M.- Midnight
A relaxing place to watch the world go by, enjoy the great views. Traditional
afternoon tea is served daily.
Happy Aperitifs 5-7 P.M. Happy Nightcaps 9.30-11.30 P.M. (Only on Tuesdays)
Sala Thip
Open daily 10 A.M.-7 P.M.
A great poolside location to relax, play and enjoy your preferred choice of
drinks and light refreshments.
Room Service
24 hours daily
Please refer to the Room Service Menu in your in-room Directory of
Services for a delicious selection of food at any time of the day or night.
Water nice gesture by Singha
In case you hadn’t noticed, it is our proud boast that just about
everywhere you dine or imbibe at Dusit Thani Hua Hin you will
have a water view.
However, we also go to great lengths to ensure that the line
from Samuel Coleridge ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner ‘ which
states ‘Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink’ does
not hold true.
Fully realising that the Dusit Thani, Hua Hin is the ideal location to unwind, it comes as no surprise that many of our guests
enjoy relaxing by our swimming pools or on the beach.
Since we are located in a tropical climate, with temperatures
sometimes climbing into the high thirties, it is important to
make sure you drink enough water, especially if you are ex-
posed to the sun for extended periods of time. Therefore, in the
Thai spirit of ‘nam jai’ literally meaning ‘water from the heart’
or simply ‘generosity’, we like to offer complimentary drinking
water twice a day, at 11A.M. and then again at 2.30P.M.
Whether you are relaxing on the beach or around the pool,
watch out for the people in the white T-shirts who will be
happy to provide bottles of water sponsored by Singha.
Dusit Mineral Water is available throughout the day at 30 Baht
per bottle and please feel free to choose from a variety of soft
drinks, cocktails, wines and beers from our poolside service
The hotel of course continues to provide 2 complimentary
bottles of drinking water in each guest room daily as usual.
The Chinese have given us much to
celebrate, not least Chinese food,
which has seemingly left its indelible mark on every continent around
the globe. Perhaps, it is therefore fitting
that the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival,
second only in importance to the Spring
Festival, brings with it another Chinese
delight – the moon cake.
Also known as the Moon Festival or “Zhongqiu jie”, the MidAutumn Festival is celebrated annually on the fifteenth day of the
eighth lunar month, this year falling on the 12th September. With
the moon at its brightest, the date
will be a celebration of the end of
the summer harvesting season for
farmers, while for others it is the
opportunity for a joyous reunion
of family members who gather to
party and appreciate the beauty
of the Autumn moon. Indeed,
those of Chinese origin around
the globe see the occasion as a chance to
gallivant, dance, feast and moon watch to
their heart’s content.
Legends concerning the origins of the
Mid-Autumn Festival abound, but perhaps the most told is of the Chinese moon
goddess, Chang’e, and her tempestuous
relationship with her consort, the Lord
prize with his lovely wife, Chang’e. However, she purportedly stole the potion for
herself and took refuge in the moon. Hou
Yi followed in hot pursuit, only to be intercepted by the Hare, who would not
allow Hou Yi to pass until he promised
reconciliation with his wife. According,
since that time, on the 15th day of each
lunar month the spouses meet, Hou Yi
duly travelling from his palace in the sun
to the moon palace he had constructed
for his wife.
A typical painting shows Chang’e floating
toward the moon, often with her palace in
the background. The Hare is sometimes
present, preparing the drug of immortality. Statues more often represent
her holding a moon disc in her
raised right hand.
As Chinese people celebrate
the Mid-Autumn Festival and
the memory of Chang’e, the
full moon shines in the heavens
and many go outside to view
the supposed outline of a toad
on the surface of the moon, for
this creature, according to another fable, is now Chang’e.
As part of the festival, moon
cakes are indispensible, traditionally eaten and/or offered as
gifts to friends and neighbours.
Hardly an item at the top of a dedicated
dieter’s list, moon cakes are usually round,
but occasionally square or rectangular.
Within the decorated pastry casing lies
a rich and filling paste, often of durian,
mixed nut, bean or lotus seed to sate the
Asian palate, while containing an egg
yolk representative of the full moon and
sometimes, in more elaborate designs,
four yolks indicating the four phases of
the moon. For the unknowing, perhaps
the closest description of a moon cake
might be of a pork pie and, as delicious
as they are, given the moon cake’s exceedingly high calorie count, like a pie
they are indeed often offered sliced into
smaller pieces for everyone’s shared enjoyment.
Dusit Thani Hua Hin will of course be entering into the spirit of the occasion, with a Moon
Cake festival and special Dusit hygienicallyboxed moon cakes available from our Dusit
Gourmet from mid August until the end of
September, or while stocks last.
26 The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
The Hua Hin Sun, Aug/Sept 2011
Wining & Dining at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
Eat your Green’s!
Guests come first of course here at
Dusit Thani Hua Hin and we are
all ears when it comes to listening
to what our restaurant diners want.
So, with the advertising and health sector
constantly reminding us to eat our ‘Five
a Day’ and ever increasing requests being
made for the healthy option, our chefs
at Dusit Thani Hua Hin, in conjunction
with Dusit International, are teaming up
with British/American celebrity chef
Daniel Green to create healthy ‘Eat Well,
Feel Well’ menus at the restaurants. The
bill of fare includes healthy gourmet appetizers, soups, main courses and desserts
with mouthwatering tempters like Wasabi
Tuna, Salsa Verde Fish, a Low-Fat Crème
Brule, Poached Pears, amongst many others that might catch the eye.
All being well, these tasty new, easy-onthe-eye dishes, especially tailored to meet
with the ordering preferences of our customers, will be
available during
the lifespan of
edition of the
Hua Hin Sun,
so don’t forget
to ask our staff
if there’s anything
new and healthy they can recommend
– in addition, of course, to our regular
Devarana Spa offerings. Indeed, all of our
sister Dusit properties should be simultaneously introducing their own carefullyselected Daniel Green Eat Well, Feel Well
fare to suit the tastes and dietary needs
of their dining clientele, so don’t forget
to ask about the endless possibilities no
matter where your travels with Dusit take
Urbane, intelligent and authentic are
words that have been proffered to describe Daniel Green, a once chubby
teenager who astonishingly transformed
his life by shedding over four stone (25
kilogrammes) in weight through a threeyear diet and experimentation with his
healthy self-created recipes.
The new slimline Daniel was then spotted by a top modelling agency and his
career literally took off as he spent the
next few years jetting around the world
posing for some top fashion and lifestyle
brands, such as Gucci, Martini, British
Airways, Vodaphone and Barclaycard,
even appearing in a UK TV commercial
alongside Claudia Schiffer.
However, realising that his heart wasn’t
really in the world of the catwalk, Daniel turned his attention back to healthy
eating, this time helping others to lose
the weight that would flip their lives
upside down in the way his had
been, adapting favourite worldwide cuisines, including Japanese, Thai, Indian, Chinese
and even modern British, to
low-fat healthy options.
His culinary showbiz career
really got its break when
he impressed the judges
– and clearly the audience too – to win the
TV Chef of the Future
in a competition organised by Good Food maga-
zine. His stunningly simple creations have
since featured in numerous publications
in the United Kingdom, United States
and across Asia.
Daniel’s media role further blossomed
as host / presenter of UK shows such as
Discovery Health, Weight Matters; Good
Food Live; Saturday Kitchen; Weekend
Kitchen and QVC UK. He then crossed
the Atlantic in the mid 2000s and in little
over five years has rapidly built up a large
fan base as, amongst other roles, the fulltime presenter of Shop NBC.
Certainly not one to rest on his laurels,
there is now a range of Daniel Green
products on the market for his legions
of fans around the globe. These cover
Wining & Dining at Dusit Thani Hua Hin
a host of well-known names where he
is a food consultant, including President
Cheese, KLM Royal Dutch Airline and
Heinz Salad Cream
Now you can add Dusit International to
that list and as Daniel says, “It is such a
great honour for me to work with Dusit
International, an iconic brand in Thailand
with a distinguished heritage, its gracious
Thai hospitality, and most importantly,
the pride that they take in serving no
other than the freshest quality cuisine to
their customers. My passion is in Asia and
with this collaboration, there will certainly be a lot more culinary knowledge
exchange and innovations to help people
manage their life through healthy eating,
Stop whining...everything looks rosé
with Monsoon Valley White Shiraz!
The 2010 vintage picked up silver and
bronze medals at wine challenges in
Bangkok, Hong Kong and Japan, selling
out earlier this year. Now, after an almost
6-month hiatus, Monsoon Valley’s new
signature White Shiraz is back in stock,
pressed and fermented from Shiraz grapes
plucked from the vines at Hua Hin Hills
The company’s winemaker, Kathrin Puff
believes this is the best vintage to date and
to quote her own words:
“With pleasure we announce the new vintage
launch of White Shiraz 2011. This year, it’s
particularly distinguishing with an intense
aroma of strawberries, cherries and some
mint married into an elegant wine with good
acidity and body. Enjoy!”
What more is there to say?
Château de Versailles
The Château de Versailles is one of the most
beautiful achievements of 18th-century French
art. The site began as Louis XIII’s hunting lodge
before his son Louis XIV transformed and
expanded it, moving the court and government
of France to Versailles in 1682. Each of the three
French kings who lived there until the French
Revolution added improvements to make the
château even more enchanting.
The château lost its standing as the official seat
of power in 1789 but acquired a new role in the
19th century as the Museum of French History.
Say ‘oui’ to our mixologist’s cocktail blend of :
ounces of Calvados
ounces of Apple Juice
ounces of Lychee Juice
an ounce of Lime Juice
an ounce of Grenadine
an ounce of Syrup
Baht195++ by the glass
Baht975++ by the bottle
Available in all restaurants and from Room
Service too! Cheers!
Baht 220++
Available at all restaurants and bars around the
hotel. Try it at special prices during Happy Aperitifs
and Happy Nightcaps.
the whole gamut of kitchen needs from
healthy gourmet foods and ingredients to
smart cooking tools.
Somehow, amidst this packed diary and
clearly full lifestyle he is able to lead - no
doubt in some part due to his healthy diet
- Daniel has found the time to author half
a dozen books, including the ‘For Life’
trilogy of World Dining for Life; Modern Dining for Life; and most recently
Healthy Dining for Life.
Before we run the credits on this article,
suffice to say Daniel Green is a worldwide brand. His name can be found on
everyday. I believe healthy food can be
cooked to a brilliant standard, full of flavour with great eye-appeal and Dusit has
let me showcase this. I love food, so I have
taught myself to adapt the foods I love to
be both low fat and tasty,” he says. “All
I want is the opportunity to show other
people how easy it is.”
During your stay with us at Dusit Thani
Hua Hin, we do hope you will have the
chance to see not only how easy it is,
but how tasty and full of goodness it is,
so don’t be surprised if our staff ask you
“Have you eaten your Green’s today?”
Château de Chantilly
The beautiful Château de Chantilly is situated
at the heart of a vast forest near Paris. The
castle and surrounding area was built up
by each of the owners who inherited the
magnificent estate between the late 1300s and
the late 1800s.
Unfortunately, the last duke, Duc d’Aumale had
no heirs as he had already lost his sons, so he
passed it on to the Institut de Français.
The Château de Chantilly houses the largest
collections of historical paintings, outside The
Louvre, in the whole country.
2 pieces of Fresh Cantaloupe
90 grammes of Natural Yoghurt
4 ounces of Milk
½ an ounce of Lime Juice
1 ounce of Honey
Raise a glass and make a French toast to our barman’s recipe for joie de vivre!
Baht 160++
Available at all restaurants and bars around the
hotel. Try it at special prices during Happy Aperitifs
and Happy Nightcaps.