cornerstone - Christ the King Lutheran Church and Preschool
cornerstone - Christ the King Lutheran Church and Preschool
C ORN E RS T ON E CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH 1505 S. FORD STREET, REDLANDS, CA 92373 (909) 793-5703 MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR JUNE 2012 Dearly beloved of Christ the King, The Lord be with you. A very public individual had need for a security detail. She was famous, wealthy, and a regular target for her obsessed fan base. The threats to her safety were real; the security detail was not constituted to impress the paparazzi but to provide a genuinely critical service. Line is synonymous with military futility. The Germans flanked the Maginot Line and their tanks rolled through the Ardennes Forest. France’s vain perimeter was obliterated and the whole country fell under Nazi rule in a matter of weeks; paper mache indeed. This woman was not a dithering waif but an accomplished soul who handled her own life with skill and aplomb. In keeping with her own self-possessed sensibilities she oversaw the hiring of her body guards personally. Letters of reference, probing questions, and hypothetical scenarios were all part of the battery of investigation she used to select her team. Apart from Christ we have only a paper mache defense against sin and death. In a fit of foolish futility we build our own spiritual Maginot Line. Many people look to their behavior as their defense, their security detail, in the face of serious threats to life. Our own good works is a cowardly body guard. Our own good works cannot save us. Our own good works are seriously overmatched and offer no genuine defense in the face of God’s just law. Hires were made; the security detail was outfitted and complete. The men (all were male) were muscular and intense, imposing physically and exuded an air of authority. And all were cowards. Imagine your life being threatened and you have a cotillion of cowards to protect you. One does not purposely choose a paper-mache defense. Spiritually, a great many people, knowingly or unknowingly, are hiring a team of cowards or intentionally constructing a shield of paper-mache. Perhaps you have heard of the Maginot Line. Shortly before the Second World War the French undertook a large defensive program called the Maginot Line. They attempted to establish a perimeter along its border with Germany. Twenty feet of solid concrete, innumerable heavy guns mounted in turrets, miles and miles of barbed wire, machine gun posts, and tank obstacles – the Maginot Line was believed to be a marvel of defensive structure and the most formidable perimeter ever constructed. France was safe. It was not a fictitious woman who needed safety from her adoring fans but real French citizens who needed a real defense from the very real German war machine. A coward turns to butter in the face of difficulty. A coward can protect no one. The Maginot I have been to funerals, Christian assemblies, where all that is heard is how good the deceased was and how they deserved to go to heaven. Those stories have a place but our “goodness” is not the source of our hope or our comfort or our defense against all things grim. Christ, with His atoning sacrifice and His triumphant resurrection, is our security detail, a defensive line that cannot be flanked by any opposition. We have access to heaven not by virtue of our good deeds but by virtue of His bloody cross and empty tomb. A mighty fortress is our God; He is our strong defense. He has laid down His life for us and has taken it up again. The crucified and risen Christ is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Let His Name be magnified at our funerals! Let His blood bespeak us righteous! Let His cross make our hearts brave! Peace be with you, Pastor Smith CTK STEWARDS OF THE M ONTH June's featured stewards of the month are Dale and Mary Burns. As college students attending Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan, they were married Easter Sunday, April 9th, 1950. Upon graduation, Mary in 1951 and Dale in 1952, they entered the U.S. Air Force. As military, they moved frequently. The early years saw the birth of their son, Jim in 1953 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, pilot training in Georgia and Texas 1954-55. Number two son, John, was born in 1957 at Otis Air Force Base Cape Cod, Massachusetts where Dale, busy flying the radar air defense mission, served as Sunday School superintendent for a burgeoning youth population at the fast expanding Air Force Base. In 1959 Dale took a break from flying and attended graduate school, earning a Masters degree in Industrial Administration. Following school was a three year assignment in Anchorage, Alaska where Dale was confirmed by Pastor Joseph Frenz, a recent retiree from a Lutheran church in St. Louis, MO who was building a new church in Anchorage. The next assignment was to Norton AFB and spanned a time period of ten years including a one year tour in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war. Capping his Air Force career with a two year assignment as Comptroller at Dover AFB, Del., they returned to Redlands where Dale was employed as AFJROTC instructor in San Bernardino for 17 years. Stewardship, as viewed by Dale, is how we manage the talents we have been blessed with by God. Over the years he has served in the choir and on both the stewardship and elders boards. Additionally, he serves as congregational representative for both Thrivent and the Lutheran Church Extension Fund which assists in funding church building activities as well as providing investment opportunities for church members. Mary similarly has served the church. For Mary, her talents come in the form of reaching out to those in need. She started playing the piano for Sunday school when she was eleven years old and later as volunteer church organist at many locations ranging from Alaska to Cape Cod and Southern California until debilitating arthritis put an end to her serious keyboard activity that she enjoyed for more than sixty years. She recruited and directed youth choirs in Alaska and at Christ Church which later joined with mission church St. Marks, to become Christ The King. She has enjoyed hosting the prayer chain for brunch, the widows of the church for Valentines Day lunches and the over fifty group (married fifty years or more) for dinner. She attended Bible Study Fellowship, a nondenominational bible study for women and their preschool children. She served in the leadership and as class administrator. She taught both Sunday School and VBS for many years while directing the music for these groups. When she was still able to drive, she faithfully visited those in hospitals and nursing homes and feeding those needing help. She is grateful that Dale now takes her where she is needed. Consider the following: The sanctity of human life has always been defended among people influenced by biblical thinking, but 30 plus years of legalized abortion in the Unites States has changed the way we view human life—in or out of the womb. Could We Lose Our Religious Liberty? by Linda D. Bartlett Faithful marriage between one man and one woman has always been supported by any people influenced by biblical thinking, but U.S. courts are now ruling in favor of so-called “same-sex marriage.” To some, this question may sound bizarre. What? Here in America? Lose our freedom of religion? No way! To others, the question may sound like a “conspiracy theory.” Just calm down, they may say. Don’t get bent out of shape just because of some minor differences of opinion on whether birth control and drugs that abort babies should be freely provided through medical insurance. Freedom of religion is the first freedom enshrined in the Bill of Rights written by founding fathers influenced by biblical thinking, but today we are told that “sexual freedom trumps religious freedom” and that while we may have freedom to “worship” (a private practice), we shouldn’t publicly practice our faith during the course of our everyday lives. If you’ve been watching American trends, you will see two worldviews at odds. A secular naturalist worldview (which includes socialism, humanism, and atheism) diametrically opposes the Biblical worldview. CTK Cornerstone (Continued on page 3) 2 June 2012 If you haven’t attended or volunteered for VBS before, here is your chance. The last two years have been energetic and fun for everyone. VBS is a great church fellowship builder and community outreach. Please register by June 10th. Forms are on the table in the church overflow. We need LOTS of VOLUNTEERS! Volunteer sign-ups are in the church overflow or you can contact Cindy Currier at 793-5703. Thank you. Hang out with Daniel and discover what incredible adventures he has as a captive in Bablyon Followers of Jesus Christ have always—and will always—be different from the world. But, in order to “fit in” with the world, have Christians been silent? Compromised faith? Stopped putting their faith into practice? Atheists, humanists, and secularists all have a faith, too. It is faith in something other than the God “I Am;” in the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. They are passionate about their faith. They practice their faith wherever they are: in the schools, media, workplace, courts of law, and places within government. (Continued from page 2) Are we in danger of losing the right to practice what we believe to be true? Think about it. Religious organizations who believe abortion does not please God have been told their health insurance providers must cover contraceptive use (including drugs known to end the life of a baby before birth) and, therefore, go against their faith and conscience. States like Iowa where the majority of citizens do not believe in “same-sex marriage” must recognize the “right” of two women or two men to “marry” and, in states like California, the majority vote in favor of traditional marriage was overturned by a judge in favor of “gay marriage.” Are Christians less passionate about their faith? Or, have we believed the lie that “your faith is a private matter between you and God”? Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21). We are to obey government except when it tells us to disobey God. Then, we must speak up and resist evil. We must use God’s Word to defend life, marriage, and family—the very foundation for civil society. When we are told to keep God’s Word “private” and not share it in the marketplace of ideas, then we have lost our freedom of religion. How, then, can we be “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16)? Parents who believe that children are entrusted to them by God are being told to obey the “state” and let schools teach students that homosexuality and “gay marriage” are “normal” and, if anyone speaks otherwise, they may be guilty of “hate speech.” Are all of these things—and more—indicative that our religious liberties are being removed? CTK Cornerstone 3 June 2012 Christ the King – Missions We at Christ the King support numerous missions locally and around the world. May 2012 Contributions LCMS World Mission—Fluegge Family—South Africa $200.00 Pregnancy & Family Resource Center (San Bernardino) $150.00 Lutherans for Life $150.00 Concordia Theological Seminary—Ft Wayne, IN $200.00 Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church—Colton, CA $250.00 Tian Shan Mission Society—Hoech & Wade Families—Kyrgyzstan $150.00 Pacific Southwest District LCMS $200.00 Total Cash Contributions $1,300.00 The school donated $200 to the Pacific Southwest District for "Mission Malaria” CTK APRIL 2012 TREASURE’S REPORT Ordinary Income/Expense Income 400.00 GENERAL OFFERINGS 420.00 OTHER OPERATING INCOME 430.00 INTEREST INCOME 440.00 FUNDRAISING INCOME Total Income Expense 500.00 ACTIVITIES 520.00 ADMINISTRATION 525.00 BANK FEES 530.00 MAINTENANCE 540.00 MISSIONS 550.00 SALARIES AND WAGES 560.00 PAYROLL EXPENSES/BENEFITS 570.00 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 580.00 WORSHIP Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income CTK Cornerstone 4 Apr 2012 Jan –Apr 2012 29,483.57 1,601.00 44.58 819.00 31,948.15 100,901.47 5,746.00 219.40 4,162.00 111,028.87 1,229.84 4,120.94 .80 2,112.55 1,300.00 10,172.92 2,437.72 416.08 564.54 22,355.39 9,592.76 9,592.76 4,622.52 8,559.67 3.20 15,183.98 7,521.50 41,243.21 9,807.78 1,677.23 1,306.35 89,925.44 21,103.43 21,103.43 June 2012 LWML News and Dates There are nine of us going to Ventura for the LWML convention on June 8,9, and 10. It is a wonderful time of Bible Study, worship services and voting for the Grants and Missions we'll be supporting from 2012-2014. Our Mites support these Grants for the Pacific SW District. There will be an installation for the new board some time in June. Remember that mites are collected on the 3rd Sunday, or any time your mite boxes are full. May the Lord continue to Bless our LWML and everyone at Christ the King. Diane Ronchetto Instead of a Family Service item this month, LWML needs help with items for the ingathering at the District Convention, June 8-10, in Ventura. Items will be collected for The Lighthouse for Women and Children which is part of the Ventura County Rescue Mission. They work to break the cycle of violence and provide free support to those in need by offering a wide range of life changing programs which address the whole person - body, spirit and mind. Items needed are: Shampoo and Conditioner, Soap, Any type of Makeup: Eyeshadow, Blush, Eyeliner, Mascara, etc., Bath Gel, Feminine Hygiene Products, Hair Spray, Other Hair Products: Gels, Mousse, etc. If you can help us with this, please put your donation into the blue box in the back of the church during the month of May. Thank you for your support, The LWML Lutheran World Relief SCHOOL KITS give children the opportunity to go to school. To the children who receive School Kits. these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. Public School is usually free, but in the places where LWR works, even a few required supplies like pens and paper, may be more that many families can afford. And when parents can only afford to send one of their children to school, girls rarely get priority…yet the education level of mothers has the biggest impact on development. (This information is directly from LWR.) LWML voted this year to concentrate on School Kits and soap rather than the several kits we have done in the past. It is our goal to fill 75 School Kits for 2012 – not much more than the total of all kits in the past. You are being informed now because school supplies go on sale in the summer and often can cost 75% less at that time. Below is a list of the items needed. You may donate any items you’d like to donate. There will be a box in the back of the church for these supplies. If you would rather donate money, please give it to Ruth Scott or Marianne Anderson. If a check is made out to CTK LWML, it is tax deductible. We also could use help in sewing the book bags. There are instructions on the LWML table in the rear of the church. If you have questions about the sewing, contact Marianne. THANK YOU! Each School Kit contains the following items: Four 70-sheet CTK Cornerstone notebooks of wide- or college-ruled paper One 30 centimeter ruler (cms on one side and inches on other is O.K.) One pencil sharpener One blunt scissors Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink) One box of 16 or 24 crayons One 2 ½” eraser 5 June 2012 CTK June 2012 Events You are Cordially Invited to Our Wedding John Jay &Susan Candee June 16th, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. John & Susan cordially invite the congregation to join them in celebration of their wedding at Christ the King Lutheran Church. A reception is planned in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the wedding. Come and greet the Happy Couple! (They are registered at JC Penney, and at Bed Bath & Beyond) COUPLES BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY MORNINGS Please join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am in the church overflow. Everyone is welcomed. Bring along a friend or two. FRIDAY AT 7:30PM, June 1st Join us in Pastor Smith’s home for an enlightening time as we study God’s Word and the fellowship of marriage, followed by choice desserts and fun fellowship. Hope you can make it there. 1566 Campus Ave (off Dearborn between Colton & Lugonia). (No study on Saturday, June 16) 06/08 Steve & Debbie Wolff 06/02 06/03 06/03 06/07 06/08 06/17 06/20 06/22 06/25 06/26 06/27 06/28 06/12 Dr. Art & Marianne Anderson 06/14 Rev. Eugene & Gloria Paulus 06/22 Chris & Lupe Hanson 06/23 Troy & Louava Wideman 06/24 John & Jennifer Hinkleman Jr. 06/25 Ted & Cindy Hanson 06/30 Tim & Christine Reiman If your special date did not appear or is incorrect, please contact Cindy Currier at the church office 909-793-5703. CTK Cornerstone 6 Patty Middlesworth Josh Scott Ruth Scott Kathy Dickson Alise Smith Elsie Albanese Jodi Henderson Timothy Bakken Vickie Stegemann Pastor Wiley Smith Alex Hathaway Christian Vasquez June 2012 CTK June 2012 Calendar SUN 27 PENECOST 9:00AM Divine Service 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 10:30AM Sunday School MON TUE 28 29 MEMORIAL DAY WED 30 THU 31 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 6:30PM Choir Practice 3 Trinity Sunday 9:00AM Divine Service 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 11:30AM Confirmation Class 4 9:00AM Lutheran Braille Workers 10 11 9:00AM Divine Service 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 11:30AM Confirmation Class 1 2 7:30PM Couples Bible Study 8:00AM Adult Bible Study with Deacon Gross 8 9 5 9:00AM Lutheran Braille Workers 6 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 7 7 12 13 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 14 Flag Day 15 6:00PM Evangelism Committee/ Stewardship Committee Meeting (Anyone interested in attending please join us.) 16 23 17 FATHER’S DAY 9:00AM Divine Service 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 18 7:00PM Elder Meeting 19 9:00AM Women's Coffee Fellowship 20 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 21 24 9:00AM Divine Service 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 25 26 7:00PM Church Council Meeting 27 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 28 CTK Cornerstone SAT FRI 7 8:00AM Adult Bible Study with Deacon Gross 22 2:00PM Susan Candee & John Jay’s Wedding 8:00AM Adult Bible Study with Deacon Gross 29 30 8:00AM Adult Bible Study with Deacon Gross June 2012 Christ the King Lutheran Church 1505 S. Ford Street Redlands, CA 92373 S er va n ts fo r Jun e 201 2 DATE ACOLYTES ALTAR ELDERS June 3 Joshua Punongbayan & Zachary McConnell Delores Winsor Don Deen June 10 Rebecca Smith & Emma Dixon Judy Alder Tim Reiman June 17 Duncan Marshall & Samuel Smith Marianne Anderson Roger Loewecke June 24 Annalisa Hanson & Emily Crowley Joy Phillips Bill Phillips DATE FLOWERS DATE FINANCE June 3 Bob & Tammy Hathaway June 3 & 10 Robert Arnold & Lucy Becker June 10 Thomas & Donna Crowley June 17 & 24 Kaye Deen & Donna Woolace June 17 Glenn & Jodi Henderson DATE USHERS June 24 Cindy & Ted, Chris & Lupe Hanson June 3 & 10 Mike Bush & TBD June 17 & 24 Tim Reiman & Caleb Reiman
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an exci ng and firs t me experience for three of them and I know all four will enjoy Bible Study, fellowship,