cornerstone - Christ the King Lutheran Church
cornerstone - Christ the King Lutheran Church
C OR N E R ST ON E CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH 1505 S. F ORD STREET, REDLANDS, CA 92373 (909) 793-5703 MESSAGE FROM PASTOR SMITH F EBRUARY 2015 Dearly beloved of Christ the King; The Lord be with you. I have a little TMJ problem. TMJ is an acronym for our “temporomandibular joint” which is the joint in the jaw. M ine is a little bit out of alignment. After a little dance with the medical community I ended up at the physical therapist. Thanks be to God for the medical community – I love doctors. My physical therapist is an affable young lad; very personable and certainly a qualified individual who genuinely helps people a great deal. After a brief conversation regarding my circumstance, he sizes me up, looks me in the eye and sincerely says: “There is no cure for old.” Now, I was born in 1963 which does not make me a contemporary of Justin Bieber but it doesn’t exactly make me ancient either. There is no cure for old. Well, thank you for that bit of wisdom, sonny. I’ll just get my walker and be on my way. But he is right. A bit on the cold end of the “bedside manner,” but that little gem is bang on. Mostly. Days march on in an unrelenting fashion. Time evaporates like a mist. We do not have access to a stainless steel DeLorean (yes, the panels were stainless steel) in which we can drive back to the 50’s. Old is old. There is no cure for old. The world is old. Old with violence. Old with depravity. Islam butchers innocents in the streets of Paris. A father threw his five year old daughter off a bridge into Tampa Bay. Abortion is the well funded law of the land. We are old. There is no cure. But God wills to bring a new creation. The story of Christianity can be reduced to a two sentence dichotomy. There is nothing that God has given to humanity that we haven’t jacked up. There is nothing that we have jacked up that God doesn’t restore… including our very selves. “Behold, I am making all things new.” That is a quote from the book of Revelation. In the movie “The Passion of the Christ,” Jesus is seen bearing His cross to Calvary. In one scene He falls beneath the weight of His burden. M ary, His mother, rushes to His side, obviously grieved. Jesus comforts her. He unveils the purpose which lies beneath His suffering and says: “Behold, I am making all things new.” The episode is not biblical but it makes a sound theological point. The Lord Christ came to recreate, to bring in a new creation by death and resurrection. The Son of God ventured into this “old” world to bear the violence, the depravity, the enormity of sin’s unholy weight in His divine flesh. On the holy cross, Jesus becomes humanity reduced to one. He stands in our stead and suffers the punishment that each of has earned by virtue of our personal iniquity. “Behold, I am making all things new.” He takes all that is old into Himself and bears it away in His death. Lust, greed, deceit, idolatry, murder, and perverted pride; He bore it all. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). That is God’s plan of salvation; this is a “blessed exchange.” In this exchange the Lord takes all that which is old into Himself. Sin, disease, death – He shoulders it completely. And the second part of the exchange is what He gives to us in return. Forgiveness, life, salvation; He makes us new. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone; the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17). No cure for old… don’t believe it. People go to church because they have been cured. People go to church because they are a part of a new creation… now, even while this old creation haunts and plagues us. Jesus healed the sick, cleansed the leprous, gave sight to the blind, and He raised the dead. In these miracles He gives us an epiphany of the effect of His recreating work accomplished by cross and empty tomb. Behold, I am making all things new. Peace be with you, Pastor Smith To our dear ones at Christ the King, Peace be with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Pastor’s full-quarter classes—The Mission Nature of the Church, New T estament Paradigms for Mission, and Seminar in Missiology—resumed after several weeks of holiday break. I am given to understand that he is making you proud, doing a swell job. His one-week intensive class on Mission in T he Book of the T welve (Minor Prophets) runs the last week of January. We enjoyed visits from our children 3. Matt arrived from T X and had his first look at our Ft. Wayne home with floors to walk on. (You may remember he was in Ft. Wayne for “ demolition” and painting.) Joshua and Bei travelled to China with the purpose of introducing Joshua to Bei’s extended family. They arrived in IN on Christmas Eve. Pastor and I have joined the choir at St. Paul. Our organist, Kevin Hildebrand, is the current Kantor at the Seminary. Our choir director is the previous Kantor at the Seminary. With this combination our choir sounds terrific! You may be interested to note that Ft. Wayne hosts one of the largest pro-life events in the U.S. Both St. Paul’s and the Seminary are active. I joined with many Lutheran women for a breakfast featuring a Lutheran, OB-GYN as speaker. After that, Pastor joined me to walk in the streets of Ft. Wayne. There were thousands of folks walking either silently or in prayer. This week (January 19th) the Seminary is hosting the 30 th Annual Symposium on Exegetical Theology and the 38 th Annual Symposium on The Lutheran Confessions. T he Seminary swells with people from around the U.S. and around the world. We were looking forward to one very special guest, Pastor Smith from CA!! We had a blessed time with him on T uesday and Wednesday evenings and received a wonderful update on our brothers and sisters at Christ the King. {Renée has left to visit her family in Jacksonville, FL for a time. As I send this off on our behalf, it has been snowing now for nearly 7 hours straight! Beautiful! But could be a little messy when I head out to my intensive tomorrow that starts at 7:15AM. Nevertheless, I look forward to tomorrow morning and a blessed beginning of considering God’s mission in the Minor Prophets … taught by none other than Rev. Dr. R. Reed Lessing, who has written commentaries on Isaiah, Amos, and Jonah in the Concordia Commentary series.} (Pastor &) Renée Wiley CTK Cornerstone 2 February 2015 CTK Cornerstone 3 February 2015 Christ the King – Missions We a t Christ the King support numerous missions locall y and a round the world. December 2014 Mission S upport Pacific Southwest District LCMS $200.00 LCMS World Mission, Rev. Jeff Horn in Paua New Guinea $250.00 LCMS World Relief and Human Care $200.00 San Bernardino Pregnancy & Resource Center $150.00 Lutherans for Life $200.00 Concordia T heological Seminary—Ft Wayne, IN $200.00 T ian Shan Mission Society—Kyrgyzstan $200.00 Total Cash Contributions $1,400.00 Pre School “Mission of the Month” December —Toys for Tots: Over 300 toys were donated by school parents CTK DECEMBER 2013 TREASURE’S REPO RT Ordinary Income /Expense Income 400.00 GENERAL OFFERINGS OT HER OPERAT ING INCOME Total Income Expe nse 500.00 ACT IVIT IES 520.00 ADMINIST RATION 525.00 BANK FEES 530.00 MAINT ENANCE 540.00 MISSIONS 550.00 SALARIE S AND WAGES 560.00 PAYROLL EXPENSES/BENEFIT S 570.00 PROPERT Y AND EQUIPMENT 580.00 WORSHIP 800.00 CAPIT AL EXPENDIT URE RESERVE Total Expense Net O rdinary Income CTK Cornerstone 4 De c 2014 Jan-Dec 2014 28,330 2,766 31,096 301,948 30,305 332,253 1,348 3,881 1 1,078 2,135 12,830 3,465 447 1,001 0 26,186 4,910 18,220 33,265 33 18,849 19,075 127,548 38,210 3,645 7,581 40,000 306,426 25,827 February 2015 LWML NEWS-February 2015 Cornerstone The Nomi na ng Commi ee is diligentl y working on a slate of officers for the up-coming yea r (beginning Jul y 1, 2015). Please remember them in your pra yers for guidance in filling the officer va ca ncies. AND-i f asked, pra yerfull y ask God’s guidance as you consider the posi on offered you, or, perhaps another office. Yes , certain pa rts of the year can be bus y, but serving God in these capa ci es is very rewa rdi ng. Four of our gals will be going to the Dis tri ct Retrea t in Onta rio (in our own back ya rd) Februa ry 6-8. This will be an exci ng and firs t me experience for three of them and I know all four will enjoy Bible Study, fellowship, pra yer me a nd rest. Remember them in your pra yers as they a re drawn closer to God. February 15th – Undie Sunday has been replaced by Gifts from the Heart Ingathering. Instead of Orphan Grain Train’s Undie Sunday, this year, we will be collecting back packs and school supplies. Any school supplies you donate should not be put in the back packs. A box is in the overflow of the church for the collections. Februa ry 21st is the da te of our All Na ons Congrega onal Potluck. The progra m is the Irish da ncers from Redlands who ha ve won many awa rds. So remember the da te (21st), then plan wha t food you will prepare and wha t na on tha t food comes from. Then come for fellowship, food, fun and entertainment. See you there! Lucy Becker, LWML President Remember that mites are collected each month, on the 3rd Sunday, or any time your mite box is full. ZONE ANNOUNCEMENT Zone 16 LWM L for this area is looking for a woman who would be interested in attending the National LWM L Convention in DesM oines, Iowa, June 25-28. It will be a wonderful experience and the Zone has $300.00 available for this. Some other money might be found to help reduce your expenses. If interested, please call M arianne Anderson at 909-793-3906 for details. Thank you. You are cordially invited to YouthHope’s 4th Annual YouthHope’s Mission Benefit Dinner & Evening of Awareness Friday, February 27, 2015 Awareness Hour: 6:00 pm Dinner & Program: 7:00 pm “To build confidence and promote self-sufficiency for homeless, runaway, and at-risk youth by providing trust, hope, support, and educa on.” In the Mitten Building’s Summerbell Room 345 N. 5th S treet, Redlands $75 per individual or $500 per table (seats 8) CTK would like to get enough folks to reserve 2 tables! Sign-up in the overflow. YouthHope is a non-profit organization based in Redlands, 1175 W. Redlands Blvd., that serves youth ages 14-24. Our goal is to take youth from the street to employment to becoming self-sufficient adults. For more information, please contact Lorrie Hinkleman at (909) 384-2444. CTK Cornerstone 5 February 2015 CTK February 2015 Events COUPLES BIBLE STUDY FRIDAY at 7:30pm, February 6th Join us in Pastor Smith’s home for an enlightening time as we study God’s Word and in the light of God’s gift of marriage, followed by choice desserts. Hope to see you there 2015 LEN TEN THEME T H E P A SS I O N O F O U R L OR D D R A W N F R OM T H E F O U R G O S P E L S W EDNESDAY , F EBRUARY 18TH Join us for food and fun from 6:30PM - 8:30PM on Friday, February 13th, in the Youth Room. Bring a friend! All are welcomed. ASH Wednesday W EDNESDAY , F EBRUARY 25TH The Lord’s Supper W EDNESDAY , M ARCH 4TH CTK WOMEN’S COFFEE FELLOWSHIP 3 RD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 th AT 9AM Set aside an hour to have to enjoy some sisterly fellowship and café refreshments at the ESRI Café, located at 380 New York Street in Redlands (south of the post office). Hope to see you there. Gethsemane W EDNESDAY , M ARCH 11TH The Palace of the High Priest W EDNESDAY , M ARCH 18TH The Praetorium W EDNESDAY , M ARCH 25TH Calvary STARTING W EDNEDAY, F EBRUARY 25TH W EDNESDAYS DURING LENT SOUP/SALAD SUPPERS 02/21 Thomas & Donna Crowley Preceding the Lenten Vesper Services will be a soup/salad dinner @ 6:00PM. Please come and join us for food and fellowship Please sign-up in the church overflow to bring a soup, salad, bread, or dessert. Thank you 02/02 02/02 02/07 02/07 02/07 02/09 02/10 02/13 02/13 02/13 WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE S TUDY Please join us for on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am in St John the Evangelist Hall. Everyone is welcomed. NOTE: No morning bible study on February 18th or 25th. Please join us for Ash Wednesday and Vespers at 7pm. 02/15 02/15 02/18 02/20 02/21 02/22 02/25 02/25 02/27 Dwayne Danielson Ezra Woodside Renee Murphy Kaye Deen Jiggs Gallagher Larry Woolace Patricia Dawley Doris Herzberger Brian Romberg If your special date did not appear or is incorrect, please contact Cindy Currier at the church office 909-793-5703. With Deacon Russ in the Church Office CTK Cornerstone Emily Crowley Justin Davidson Virginia Bender Ricky Gross Sierra Scott Jeff Egeland Caylee Reeves Don Krahn Don Krahn Diane Ronchetto 6 February 2015 CTK February 2015 Events Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class 9:00 PM Luther an Braille Wor kers 9:00 PM Lutheran Braille Wor kers 6:00 PM Evangelism Committee Meeting 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 7:00 PM Stewards hip Meeting 8 9 16 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class CTK Cornerstone 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 10 11 7:00 PM School Board Meeting 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 12 17 18 13 14 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 6:30 PM Middle & High School Youth Group 19 20 21 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 9:00 AM Women's Coffee Fellows hip 7:00 PM Elder Meeting 23 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class March 1 Women’s Retreat 6th thru 8th 7:30 PM Couples Bible Study 6:30 PM Choir Practice 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class 22 Saturday 7 6:30 PM Choir Practice 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class 15 Friday 6 2 7:00 PM Ash Wednes day Divine Ser vice 24 25 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 6:00 PM Soup Supper 7:00 PM Mid-Week Lenten Ser vice 8:00 PM Choir Practice 3 4 6:00 PM Soup Supper 7:00 PM Mid-Week Lenten Ser vice 8:00 PM Choir Practice 7 5:00 PM All Nations Congregational Potluc k 26 27 28 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 5 6 7 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ February 2015 Christ the King Lutheran Church 1505 S. Ford Street Redlands, CA 92373 S e r v ant s fo r F e br uar y 2015 DATE ACOLYTES ALTAR ELDERS Feb. 1 Samuel Smith & Luke Woodside Judy Alder Vic Haynes Feb. 8 Dustin Hogue & Duncan Marshall Marianne Anderson Roger Loewecke Feb. 15 & 18 Benjamin Whittier & Joshua Torrance Joy Phillips John Hinkleman, Sr. Feb. 22 & 25 Sophie Haarala & Sierra Scott Kathy Beliew Tim Reiman DATE FLOWERS DATE FINANCE Feb. 1 Bobbe Monk Feb. 1 Sharen Ross & Jeff Reeves Feb. 8 Jeffrey & Allyson Reeves Feb. 8 & 15 Robert Arnold & Ricky Gross Feb. 15 Rev. Eugene & Gloria Paulus Feb. 22 & Mar. 1 Joe Vasquez & John Hinkleman Jr. Feb. 22 Tom & Donna Crowley DATE USHERS Feb. 1, & 8 Mike Bush & James Wilson Feb. 15 & 22 To Be Determined
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