cornerstone - Christ the King Lutheran Church
cornerstone - Christ the King Lutheran Church
C OR N E R ST ON E CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH 1505 S. F ORD STREET, REDLANDS, CA 92373 (909) 793-5703 MESSAGE FROM PASTOR SMITH APRIL 2015 Dearly beloved of Christ the King; The Lord be with you. Some time ago, my beloved wife bought me some cologne. Genius marketing met a hopeful consumer and my bride of twenty-eight years brought home a promise in a small red bottle. I was skeptical, but she said I should at least try it. The name of the cologne? Really Ripped Abs. I asked her if they sold one named Really Thick Hair. Anyway, I used my new cologne for a week or so and then one day, after doing the yard work, I came into the house and pulled off a gross t-shirt in the laundry room on my way to the shower. My beloved wife happened by and, looking at me, her face dropped. “Awww,” she said, “it doesn’t work.” I know the name of the stuff is a gag, but imagine if it did what it said. Dab on a little “Really Ripped Abs” in the morning and then, presto, a washboard stomach that night. You wouldn’t be able to keep it on the shelf. The fact is, the stuff smells really great, but it doesn’t do what it says. God’s Word is the contrast here – it does what it says. In the beginning the Lord God said: “Let there be light,” and there was light. God speaks and His Word accomplishes what He desires. Martin Luther pinpoints the moment the Lord Christ was conceived. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced God’s intention. Mary was befuddled at the words of the angel and asked inquisitively, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” Gabriel unveiled the divine blueprint, saying: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy – the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). Luther insists that right as Gabriel spoke the words regarding God’s intention, right as Gabriel spoke the Gospel regarding Christ’s conception, that was precisely when Mary conceived. She received the Word, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her, she believed the promise, and the Messiah was conceived. God’s Word does what it says. Jesus stood at the tomb of dead Lazarus. Four days had elapsed since Lazarus had died. Some thought that the Master was tardy. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” So spoke Lazarus’ two sisters, Mary and Martha. In the face of death the Lord spoke timeless words of consolation: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die” (John 11:25-26). To confirm the veracity of these words, Jesus strode to Lazarus’ tomb. There He unleashed the power of His Word. “Lazarus, come out!” God’s Word does what it says. By the power of God’s Word, Lazarus was brought from death to life. There are a great many who look at the church and say: “Awww, it doesn’t work.” There are a great many people who look at holy baptism and say: “Awww, it doesn’t work.” There are a great many who look at the Lord’s body and blood and say: “Awww, it doesn’t work.” There are a great many who look at Christ and His cross and insist that it just doesn’t work. It is not marketing; it is not hopeful consumers – it is the power of God’s Word alive with a sin crushing crucifixion and a tomb rending resurrection. The power of God’s Word has an event behind it, within in, all through it – Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice on the holy cross. God’s Word does what it says. What does God’s Word say? Your sins are forgiven. What does God’s Word say? Be holy for I am holy. What does God’s Word say? Today you will be with me in paradise. Peace be with you, Pastor Smith We can only imagine how the angel Gabriel’s divine message must have struck Mary’s ears initially. All we hear is her innocent query as to the “how” of the incarnation of Our Lord and then the response of her Holy-Spirit-given faith, “Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” [LK 1:38] It was a great message Mary heard—full of the promise of a Savior … yet bringing with it a certain conflict with the world (and humanity’s sinful flesh). Whatever Mary’s doubts and concerns might have been as she learned she would conceive (apart from her betrothed Joseph) and bear the very Son of God, they all faded away as the Holy Spirit did His work through the divine Word proclaimed by God’s holy angel. Most important, as we learn from the other Gospels, the human name the Father gives His Son—Jesus—indicates that this Holy One will save His people … all people … from their sins! He will do so by His willing suffering and death on Good Friday—sealing eternal life for all believers by His Own resurrection from the grave on Easter Sunday. How very blessed are we among the multitudes of the world—to hear God proclaim to us by His Word the forgiveness of sins, the death of our death, and the certainty of our eternal life by means of that One conceived by the Holy Spirit and borne of the Virgin Mary, Who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried ... and the third day rose again from the dead. Academically front, I am in my last full quarter of courses. After this spring, I will have only two intensive studies—one in June, the other in July—to finish the required 21 courses (63 quarter-hours). In addition to my classes, I will be taking “Preliminary (Competency) Examinations” this quarter, consisting CTK Cornerstone of four 2-hour written exams in the areas of Biblical Foundations, Historical Foundations, Culture & Communication, and World Religions & Area Studies. In the area of the Hispanic Pastoral (and Diaconal) Formation Program, I am currently remotely mentoring the four students in the program from Panamá (3 who hope to become pastors, and 1 deaconess). In total, there are some 40 students from around the world (Mexico, Panamá, Venezuela, Argentina, and Spain). The current course was developed at Concordia Seminary, Argentina entitled “Confessional Theological Framework” covering the Theology of the Cross, the Trinity, Lutheran anthropology, Christo-centricity, Justification and Faith, Law and Gospel, Word and Sacraments, and Luther’s Two Kingdoms. This is a wonderful course laying the groundwork for all the other courses in the program—some of which are yet to be developed (indeed, my own course on preaching will need to be “revamped” a bit in this new and improved program). We are all learning in the development and deployment of this program. We are very blessed to have the expertise of the seminary of our sister Lutheran Church in Argentina as we make this program the best it can be in preparing pastors and other church workers for service to the Lord and God’s people. Please keep the program and all its participants in your prayers. Holy Week and Easter Blessings! Pastor & Renée Wiley Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord March 25, 2015 2 April 2015 2015 LENTEN EVENTS THE PASSION OF OUR LORD DRAWN FROM THE FOUR GOSPELS EVENTS OF HOLY WEEK EVENTS OF EASTER H OLY THURSDAY APRIL 2ND AT 7:00PM H OLY SATU RDAY APRIL 4TH AT 7:00PM THE GRE AT V IGIL OF E ASTER Divine Service Order of Tenebrae Stripping of the Altar The New & Better Passover The Service of Readings GOOD F RIDAY APRIL 3RD AT 7:00PM The Service of Light Holy Communion E ASTER SUN DAY APRIL 5TH THE RESU RRE CTION O UR LORD Divine Service Stations of the Cross OF 6:30AM - Sunrise Service 7:30AM - Easter Breakfast 9:00AM - Festival Service of the Resurrection of our Lord THE RESURRECTION The Sacraments and Prayer in Action A Catechism Convocation for the People Saturday April 18, 2015 9:00am - 3:30pm (Lunch will be provided) Presented by Servants of the Word and Hosted by Grace Lutheran Church 3967 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103 609.299.2890 Van-pool available will be available from Christ the King Please sign-up in the church overflow CTK Cornerstone 3 April 2015 Thanks for making Wesley's Baptism so special. We are so blessed in having you be a part of his spiritual foundation, and we look forward to more times spent at the church for spiritual growth. We are so thankful once again and hope that you enjoy the pictures. See you soon. Thank you! The Coco Family PALM SUNDAY The beginning of Holy Week “So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Jesus, crying out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’” John 12:13 CTK Cornerstone 4 April 2015 Christ the King – Missions We at Christ the King support numerous missions locally and around the world. February 2015 Mission Support Pacific Southwest District LCMS $200.00 LCMS World Mission, Rev. Jeff Horn in Papua New Guinea $250.00 LCMS World Relief and Human Care $200.00 San Bernardino Pregnancy & Resource Center $150.00 Lutherans for Life $200.00 Concordia Theological Seminary—Ft Wayne, IN $200.00 Tian Shan Mission Society—Kyrgyzstan $200.00 Youth Hope Foundation $200.00 Total Cash Contributions $1,600.00 CTK FEBUARY 2015 TREASURE’S REPORT Ordinary Income/Expense Income 400.00 GENERAL OFFERINGS OTHER OPERATING INCOME Total Income Expense 500.00 ACTIVITIES 520.00 ADMINISTRATION 530.00 MAINTENANCE 540.00 MISSIONS 550.00 SALARIES AND WAGES 560.00 PAYROLL EXPENSES/BENEFITS 570.00 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 580.00 WORSHIP Total Expense Net Ordinary Income CTK Cornerstone 5 Feb 2015 Jan-Feb 2015 22,809 4,952 27,761 43,375 7,367 50,742 2,894 2,650 4,159 1,600 11,307 3,265 231 640 26,746 1,015 6,411 3,471 4,300 3,000 21,980 6,515 519 1,067 47,263 3,479 April 2015 CTK April 2015 Events COUPLES BIBLE STUDY NO MEETING IN APRIL WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Please join us at 9:30 on Wednesday Mornings for Bible Study resuming on April 8 in the St. John Hall. Everyone is welcomed. See you Friday, May 1st. CTK Lutheran Preschool & Daycare Registration Week April 6th-10th In house school registration for church members and returning students With Deacon Russ in the Church Office *Note: No study on April 4 th or 18 th Join us for food and fun from 6:30PM - 8:30PM on Friday, April 10th, in the Youth Room. Bring a friend! All are welcomed. 04/04 Larry & Donna Woolace 04/05 Jiggs & Randy Gallagher 04/07 Loren & Ruth Scott 04/09 Dale & Mary Burns CTK WOMEN’S COFFEE FELLOWSHIP 3RD TUESDAY, April 21 st AT 9AM Set aside an hour to have to enjoy some sisterly fellowship and café refreshments at the ESRI Café, located at 380 New York Street in Redlands (south of the post office). Hope to see you there. 04/09 Tom & Kathy Gross 04/10 Bill & Joy Phillips 04/10 Chistopher & Olha Hauschild 04/12 Fred & Margaret Nowak 04/21 Marc & Laura Rodgers 04/27 Ed & Mary McCarthy 04/28 Dennis & Karen Prill 04/01 04/03 04/04 04/04 04/05 04/09 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/14 LWML is no longer able to sell used postage stamps to raise funds for smaller ethnic projects. Please do not save stamps for us any longer. There will be other ways to support these missions. As soon as some ways are decided, you will be informed. Thank you for your past efforts. Remember that mites are collected each month, on the 3rd Sunday, or any time your mite box is full. Sammy Marshall James Hanson Emma Hinkleman Pat Krahn Hannah Miller Madison Smith Anastasiya Fomenko Brooklynn Reeves Pastor Don Wiley Esther Iverson 04/15 04/16 04/19 04/20 04/21 04/22 04/25 04/28 04/30 Anastasiya Fomenko Sherri Dixon Sharen Ross Emma Dixon William Nye Deanna Constant Joanne Bates Duncan Marshall Jonathan Torrance If your special date did not appear or is incorrect, please contact Cindy Currier at the church office 909-793-5703. CTK Cornerstone 6 April 2015 CTK April 2015 Events Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Wednesday 1 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class 5 6 7 9:00 AM Lutheran Braille Wor kers 9:00AM Lutheran Braille Wor kers 6:00 PM Evangelism Committee Meeting 6:30AM Sunrise Ser vice 7:30AM Easter Breakfast 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 12 13 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class CTK Cornerstone Saturday 4 7:00 PM Divine Ser vice 7:00 PM Divine Ser vice 7:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter 9 10 11 7:00 PM Stewards hip Meeting 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 6:30 PM Choir Practice 6:30 PM Middle & High School Youth Group 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 14 15 16 17 18 7:00 PM School Board Meeting 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 6:30 PM Choir Practice 20 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School NO Jr. Confirmation Class 26 Friday 3 PRESCHOOL & SCHOOL REGISTR ATION WEEK 9:00 AM Divine Ser vice 10:30 AM Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:30 AM Jr. Confirmation Class 19 8 Thursday 2 21 9:00 AM Women's Coffee Fellowshi p 7:00 PM Elder Meeting 27 22 Catechism Convocation 23 2 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 6:30 PM Choir Practice 28 29 25 30 1 2 7:30 PM Couple Bible Study 8:00 AM Bible Study with Deacon Russ 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 9:30AM Adult Bible Study with Pastor Smith 6:30 PM Choir Practice 7 April 2015 Christ the King Lutheran Church 1505 S. Ford Street Redlands, CA 92373 S e r v ant s fo r Ap r il 2015 DATE ACOLYTES ALTAR ELDERS Apr. 5 Justin Davidson & Samuel Smith Bernice David Tom Crowley Apr. 12 Sophie Haarala & Elisa Torr ance Marianne Anderson Dwayne Danielson Apr. 19 Sierra Scott & Abby Hanson Joy Phillips Don David Apr. 26 Brett Crowley & Brendan Davidson Kathy Beliew Vic Haynes DATE FINANCE Apr. 5 & 12 Sharen Ross & Jeff Reeves Apr. 19 & 26 Jeff Egeland & Lucy Becker DATE USHERS Apr. 5 & 12 Ron Murphy & Glenn Henderson Apr. 19 & 26 Tom Crowley & To be determined Apr. 5 FLOWERS Lilies Apr. 12 Lilies Apr. 19 FLOWERS NEEDED Apr. 26 Josh & Emily Torrance DATE
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