Week 7 Term 3 2014 - Our Lady of Good Counsel


Week 7 Term 3 2014 - Our Lady of Good Counsel
Our Lady of Good
Counsel Catholic School
11 Currie Road,
Forestville NSW 2087
27 August 2014
Issue 24, 2014
Dear Parents,
Once again I had the privilege, but also hard task, of helping to judge the Public
Speaking Finals for 2014. The finals were simply outstanding with teachers, parents
and the external judges commenting on the high standard and quality of
presentations. The yearly Public Speaking Competition is dedicated to promoting
children’s achievement through English and this was clearly demonstrated by the
finalists in our 2014 Competition. Congratulations to all participants, supporters and
those parents who encourage their children to take part.
The standard was exceptional this year and a big congratulation to the following
winners of each stage…
1 Place: Joshua Paul (Families)
2nd Place: Matilda Wood (If I Had One Wish)
Eq. 3rd Place: Hamish Miller (Brown Bears) and James Patchett (Snakes)
1 Place: Zoe Gleeson (It’s Hard Being In Year 2)
2nd Place: Juliet McWilliam (Should We Have A Pool At OLGC )
Eq. 3rd Place: Olivia McGrath (Why It’s Important To Tell The Truth) and
Claire Brennan Lamb (Year Two Is Hard)
Eq. 1st Place: Olivia McWilliam (It is Cruel to Keep Animals in Zoos) and
Luke Sarkissian (It Is Always Good To Tell The Truth)
2nd Place: Dani Cicero-Muratore (It is Always Good to Tell the Truth)
3rd Place: Mitchell McGrath (The Great Barrier Reef)
1 Place: Chloe Christie (How To Survive The Family Road Trip)
2nd Place: Annabel Lee (Shakespeare. Is he a hero of the English language?)
3rd Place: Oscar Gray (Is Honesty the Best Policy?)
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
Next week our Friday’s assembly will begin 10 minutes earlier than usual at 2:20pm and the
first place winner of each stage final will present their talk to the whole school. We welcome
all to hear the first place winners, followed by an assembly from 3BB.
Well done to all our Public Speaking finalists:
Absent from Photo: Annabel Lee and Olivia McWilliam
Next Friday we also welcome dads to the Mass and Maths morning on Friday
5 September. The Father’s Day Mass (liturgy) will commence at 8:20am in the Parish
Following the Father’s Day Liturgy we would like to invite all
the Father’s to experience a mixture of mathematical games
and activities that will take place in their child’s classroom
until 9:30am.
Father’s will be asked to move around between their
children’s different classrooms to experience a range of fun,
mathematical games which can all be played at home as
well. As dad’s roam the classrooms we ask they keep all
their children in tow and those children whose dads are
unable to make it will remain in their regular classroom.
The games occurring in the different classrooms are all listed below:
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
YEAR K – 3 MATHEMATICAL GAME (open till 9:30)
Tug – O – War
Snake Attack
GO FISH with Friends to ten
Double and one more OR take away one.
Headache – with addition and subtraction to 20
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Headache – with multiplication tables
Cover Up Board
Visit in Library
BINGO – 2 more/2 less OR 5 more/ 5 less
1 000 or BUST
We’d like to wish our year five and six children a safe, and not too cold, trip to
Bathurst this Thursday and Friday. Make sure you pack those scarves and beanies
and return with a fountain of new knowledge on the Discovery of Gold in Australia.
We look forward to hearing about the experience in next week’s newsletter.
Meredith will be returning on Monday next week, ready to take part in our 2015
Kindergarten Pop – Up Play Group sessions. These are a chance for our next year’s
Kindergarten children to visit the school and take part in some fun games and
activities within the Kindergarten classroom. We look forward to meeting all our
prospective students for Kindy 2015.
Peace and Blessings
Marta Chylewska
(Acting Principal)
Dates for Week 7
Mon 25 August to
Friday 29 August
Thurs 28 August to
Friday 29 August
Friday 29 August
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Years 5 & 6 Excursion to Bathurst
Mass at 9:15am - Kindergarten
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
Sunday 31 August
Sunday 31 August
13 August 2014
Reconciliation Program – Year 4L
Band Workshop 2-5pm at St Martins (Details to follow)
Year 1 Bike Day - refer to flyer at the end of this newsletter
Dates for Term 3
Wed 3 September
Friday 5 September
Friday 5 September
Friday 12 September
Saturday 13 September
Sunday 14 September
Tuesday 16 September
Thursday 18 September
Friday 19 September
Second Hand Uniform Sale 8:00am - 9:30am
Father’s Day Liturgy to be held in the Parish Church–
Polding Athletics Carnival (Glendale)
Whole School Assembly 2:20pm – 3BB presenting
Mass at 9:15am – Year 3
Reconciliation Program – Year 6FH
Trivia Night – Hall
Concert Band to perform at Spring Festival (details to
Parish Family Mass 10:00am - Year 1
Year 3/4 Cricket & Netball Gala Day
Year 5/6 Cricket & Netball Gala Day
Whole School Mass 9:15am – Last day of Term 3
Whole School Assembly 2:30pm – KA presenting
Dates for Term 4
Wednesday 8 October
Saturday 11 October
Parent Information Maths Evening - for further details
refer to flyer at the end of this newsletter
Sacrament of Confirmation - 9:30am, 11:00am,
Pope Francis
Where does the energy for sharing faith come from?
Pope Francis says that his joy and compassion come from his deep conviction that he is a sinner.
That may seem odd to many of us. Talk about sin can be very negative. We don’t often hear
many sermons about sin, and we may feel uncomfortable or depressed by those we do hear. We
better understand what Pope Francis means if we realise that there are two approaches to sin.
One is negative. In it we are preoccupied with sin and breaking the commandments. We think
that God must be disappointed in us therefore we beat up on ourselves, go to confession and
make resolutions to do better and meet expectations. Some people call this attitude “Catholic
Guilt.” We can live good lives if we think this way, but Jesus offers us much more than this.
The second approach to sin is Pope Francis’. In it we recognise how much we sin and fail to live
generously but are overwhelmed that God loves us very dearly as sinners. All our attention is on
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
God’s great love and compassion for us and not on our own failure. As a result we can see our
own sinfulness and weakness more clearly – we are surprised and delighted to find ourselves
loved so much.
The first approach often makes us judge others because we see in them the sins we hate in
ourselves. The second approach makes us see other people like ourselves because God also loves
them, and we want to go out to them. The first approach makes us fearful and self-preoccupied.
The second approach gives us the confidence to look out to others.
Library News:
Congratulations to all the children who completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge
this year. The final children to have finished are:
Emma McGinley, Tobey Eagan, Alfie Wragge, Daniel Dertadian, Sophia Fouche, Anna Horton,
Nina Vinci, Jack McGinley, Alivia Kingham, Ally Mitchell, Ashley Noble, Oliver Yuen, Zachary
Hayward, Angelina Boghossian, Aston Yuen and Sarah Page.
The Challenge is now over for the year and we had 148 students who finished this
year. They will receive their certificates next term.
Sue Whiting Author Visit and Workshop – 5 September
When Sue Whiting visits on Friday, 5 September all the children in the school will
have a talk with her and see her books. They will also be able to purchase her books
and she will sign them on the day. A form to order Sue’s books is included in this
Congratulations to the following 17 children who have been selected to attend Sue’s
writing workshop after writing their original story.
They are: Chloe Chao, Olivia Thomson, Liam Thomson, Christopher Guyot, Zoe Ellis,
Alexandra Mitchell, Hannah Parker, Amelia Teale, Max Mitchell, Henry Spencer, Sofia
Saroukos, Caitlin Webster, Grace Nankivell, Eliza McCarthy, Hamish Cullen, Serena
Banbekian and Tristan Williams.
These lucky children will have some time with Sue to develop their story writing skills.
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
Help make things right when things go wrong…
Our PBL focus for the next two weeks is, “At OLGC we can be respectful learners by
“helping to make things right when things go wrong.”
At school we encourage children to practise this by showing compassion and
forgiveness when things go wrong. Children will also discuss conflict resolution
Discipleship Challenge ….
Children in Kindergarten to Year Two will be focused on understanding how Jesus
challenges us to always try our best and take good care of what we have been given.
Children in years 3 – 6 will focus on how Jesus challenges us to be aware of God’s
presence in the world and to use our gifts and talents wisely.
Our Gospel passage for the rule is
Zacchaeus Lk 19:1-10
“I will stop being a cheat and pay everyone back four times as much.”
Investigating how Jesus’ friendship helped Zacchaeus want to make things
right with others.
At home we encourage children to also practise these behaviours by
helping with problems at home and forgiving family members
when difficulties arise.
Reminder Years 3 – 6 Sports
Can all students in years 3 - 6 be reminded to wear their sports uniform in weeks 8
and 9 for further skills session times. Thank you!
Birthday Wishes
Here’s wishing the following children a very Happy Birthday;
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
Amelia Forbes, Dane Woollett & Alice Barry.
Congratulations to the following children who have received awards
during the last week;
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Matilda Wood, Hamish Miller, Charlie Caine
Isabella Panetta, Cameron Cadwallader, Stephanie Graffeo, Matthew Ng,
Patrick Kisten, Jack Deans, Zac Hayward, Megan Jeremy, Jasmine Brown,
Paddy Behm, Tobey Eagan, Emma McGinley, Samson Panikian
Lola Gregory, Liam Henebery, Maddie O’Donnell, Ava Marshall
Alivia Kingham, Mitchell McGrath, Atremus Maynard, Ethan James, Julian
Fitzroy, Keelan Mendel
Nathan Butler, Thomas Nable, Ella Pisani
Serena Banbekian, Madison McGirr
Winning Colour House
The winning colour house for Week 6 was Dampier… Congratulations!
Second-hand uniform sale – Wednesday 3 September
The date for the OLGC second-hand uniform sale is scheduled for Wednesday 3
September from 8am to 9.30am. It will be held in the front foyer of the office. This
is a summer uniform sale in preparation for uniform changeover next term.
Just a reminder, if you have summer items to donate, please leave them at the school
office in the allocated basket by this Friday 29 August. Donated items should be clean
and not overly stained, faded or torn.
At a recent P&F meeting, the decision was made to accept donated uniforms only.
This means that the P&F will no longer be selling second-hand uniforms on behalf of
parents. All money from the sale of second-hand uniforms will be donated to the P&F
to support the school.
The Uniform Exchange is an online service that some OLGC parents are using to sell
uniforms privately. Go to www.theuniformexchange.com.au to find out more.
If you currently have items for sale in the Second-hand Clothing Pool and want to sell
them privately, please contact Monique Hauber-Davidson at monique@icn.com.au to
arrange collection. Thanks for your support of the Second-Hand Clothing Pool!
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
Trivia Night – Saturday 13 September
Scratchie Drive
Please remember to bring in your donated scratch lotto tickets. We will be using them
to create an amazing raffle prize. Please send your scratchie/s in an envelope marked
"Trivia Night Lottery" by this Friday 29 August. Envelopes are to be placed in the
classroom office bag. Thank you!
In order to make the Trivia Night a success, we need volunteers from within the
school community. Volunteers are required to assist with room set up and at the
Set-up sessions:
Friday 12 September from 3.00pm
Friday 12 September from 6:30pm
Saturday 13 September from 10:30am
Should you decide to volunteer for one of the above sessions, we anticipate you will
be needed for a few hours.
We also need volunteers to help at the event on the night. There are many jobs
however we will share them out so you will not be away from your table for long.
If you can help with set up or at the event, please email Diana Sedgman
at dianasedgman@hotmail.com Please email Diana your preferred session (set-up or
at event) along with your mobile number. Thank you.
Table Sponsors
We would like to thank those companies who have generously sponsored a table:
Penguin Limousine Service
Supersolve Financial Services
Edney Ryan Group
Safety Service Centre
Dentists on Starkey
Forestville Physiotherapy
Paterson Design Studio
Cocco Rocco
Major Sponsor: One Agency The Forest
Family Donations
It is not too late to donate something for the Trivia Night. Every donation counts! If
you can donate something please email Rachel Mitchell
at rachellouisemitchell@gmail.com
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
13 August 2014
Alternatively, if you are interested in table sponsorship for $300.00 please email Lisa
Foulstone at lisamfoulstone@yahoo.com.au
Year 1 Bike Day – Sunday 31 August
Just a reminder, this weekend will be the Year 1 Bike Day. Join us at Winnereremy
Bay, Mona Vale on Sunday 31 August at 10:00am. Bring a picnic blanket and the
kid’s bikes, scooters, balls etc. You can enjoy a few hours relaxing in the sun and
catching up. BBQ’s available on site, bring a picnic or there is a café where you can
buy food. RSVP to your Year 1 class parents:
1QB – Sarah Wakefield sarawakefield7@gmail.com
1B - Paula Robinson paula.robinson1@gmail.com
1K – Trish Pavely pavely@gmail.com.
Father’s Day Mass and Maths Morning – Friday 5 September
Father’s Day is fast approaching and we would like to invite all Dads to attend a
special Father’s Day Liturgy in our Church at 8:20am on Friday 5 September.
Dads are then invited to join their children in the classroom to participate in a fun,
maths based challenge together. A coffee cart will be located near the entrance to the
School for those desperate for their caffeine fix on route to work.
P&F Dates for your diary
Year 1 Bike Day
Second Hand Uniform Sale
Father’s Day Mass and Maths Morning
Trivia Night
Sunday 31 August
Wednesday 3 September
Friday 5 September
Saturday 13 September
I am away from Friday 29 August to Friday 5 September. In my absence, the
lovely Fiona Challanor will kindly be looking after the canteen. If you are rostered on
and cannot attend on your day, please ensure you swap with someone
to help make the canteen run smoothly. Please contact the office if you have any
changes or any online enquiries, as emails won't be answered during this period.
Thank you.
Volunteers for the following weeks are:
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
OLGC Weekly Newsletter
Friday 29 August
Monday 1 September
Wednesday 3
Friday 5 September
Monday 8 September
Wednesday 10
13 August 2014
Veronica Teale, Jennifer Ford, Nadia James
Nicole McNally, Rachel Mitchell, Claudia Cicero
Odette Shahady, Tracey Arcus, Stephanie Yu,
Kathryn Condon
Sandra Guyot, Bernadette Blane, Sinead Roberts,
Michelle Thomson, Penny Scaiff
Pailin Williams, Louise Ambler,
Sharon Pisani
Susan Kerlin, Yasmine Ziegler, Jo Barquin, Lisa Kane,
Marijana Portelli
Juliette Gordon
Email: olgc@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Tel: 99727311
Fax: 9453 2751
Web: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville
Parish Web: www.ffcp.org.au
The Children’s Bookshop
6 Hannah Street
Beecroft NSW 2119
Phone: (02) 9481 8811
Fax: (O2) 9980 7361
Author Visit: Sue Whiting September 5th
Sue Whiting started her working life as a primary school teacher with a
special interest in literacy education and children’s literature. In 2005 Sue
left teaching to pursue a career in children’s book publishing and is now
Publishing Manager for Walker Books Australia. She is also a successful
children’s author who has written picture books, chapter books and novels
for teens.
Students may purchase books and have authors sign those books on the day of the visit.
Order Form: Name of Student:
Books for Purchase- Money/ Forms to be returned to school.
Lightning Strikes- Freaky
Get a Grip, Copper Jones
The Firefighters (Picture Book- Paperback))
A Swim the Sea (Picture Book- Hardback)
Price Quantity
Name of School: _________________________________________
Name of Student: _____________________________ Class: _____
Tick the Book/s for Purchase
Cash attached in an envelope.
Cheque attached payable to The Children’s Bookshop
Please debit my credit card.
Please debit my
□ Bankcard
□ Diners
□ MasterCard
□ Amex
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□
□ Visa
Card Expiry Date:
Maximum to be Charged $_______________
Cardholder’s Name: _______________________________
Cardholder’s Signature: ____________________________
Daytime Contact Phone Number: ____________________
□□ / □□
Fantastic facilities at
Winnereremy Bay
make it an easy place
to bring the family.
Large open grassy
Please join our YEAR 1 Families on Sunday 31st
August from 10am Winnereremy Bay, Mona
Pack a picnic
Picnic blankets
Kids bikes, scooters
Balls, bats, etc
BBQ facilities available
Café on site for food and drinks
Spend a few hours relaxing in the sun and
catching up.
RSVP by Fri 23 August to your Class Parent:
1BQ Paula Robinson - paula.robinson1@gmail.com
1B Sara Wakefield - sarawakefield7@gmail.com
1K Trish Pavely - trishpavely@gmail.com
areas and bike tracks
keep older children
amused with riding
and ball sports.
A well enclosed park
for younger children
means you can relax
while they play.