Anahawan`s “City Lights”
Anahawan`s “City Lights”
Entered as second class mail matter at Maasin City Post Office under Permit No. R8-0103 May 18-25, 2009 e-mail: 8-Pages Vol. 6, No. 509 10 Pesos in Maasin City PGMA, PACQUIAO coming? It’s now official President Gloria MacapagalArroyo will be the keynote speaker and guest of honor at the 49th anniversary celebration Sogod’s 156th Birthday 3 Orphans get new school shoes 4 8 of Southern Leyte this July one. The president’s confirmation was relayed to Governor Damian Mercado by Presidential Assistant for Eastern Visayas Cynthia Nierras during last week’s Provincial Development Council meeting at the RK Kangleon Function House. The Governor received the call from Nierras confirming President Arroyo’s attendance at 11:30 a.m. last Tuesday. Mercado who immediately informed the Council members of the development added that President Arroyo would also innaugurate the new ANAHAWAN — Residents of this pacific town will have a taste of city lighting just like Cebu City’s to brighten their evenings during their fiesta celebration on June 13 and thereafter. Mayor Roberto Loquinte assured residents Tomas Oppus street, Tunga-tunga Maasin City, Southern Leyte Telephone Nos. 570-8546 or 572-1702 / 381-4547 Cell.# 0918-215-2120 We Accept Catering Services for: *Baptisms *Party (BY NOEME MONTALBO) Philippine Eagles in Silago S ilago - The Department of Environment and Natural Resources is spearheading the Philippine Eagle Week on June 5-10. Ms. Purificacion Daloos, head of the Regional Public Affairs office of DENR 8, said that the agency has tapped the support of the different churches to include in their messages the importance of the Philippine Eagle. Heightened information, education and communications campaigns shall be conducted in various national high schools province-wide where there are sightings of the Philippine Eagle, Ms. Dalooos further said. A verification survey on the presence of the Philippine Eagle will be conducted at Mt. Naculod, Silago, Southern Leyte. An intensified surveillance and monitoring of raptor trade in the province will also be conducted. Anahawan’s “Cit y Lights” KYLE’S FOOD HAUS *Weddings *Birthdays Maasin City Wet Market at the reclamation site. In his radio program aired over DYDM City Mayor Maloney Samaco said the President would also lead the groundbreaking rites for the Gaisano shopping mall which is scheduled to begin construction later this year. Samaco said they also passed a resolution at the Provincial Development Council meeting inviting the People’s Champion and Best Poundfor-Pound boxer in the world, Manny Pacquiao, to the anniversary bash - but he had not yet confirmed his attendance. *Fiestas *Anniversaries *Seminars *Blessings Proprietor: Jennifer Maraon “At KYLE’S we serve delicious and affordable meals” that the lighting system would be finished before June 13 so they can better appreciate the town they proudly call home. Loquinte said 70 special electric street lights would be installed around the publacion from barangay Loon, Tagup-on, Poblacion, and San Vicente. Each street light, he said, would cost only P15,000; so the entire project would cost them only 105,000 pesos. Among the fiesta high hights would be street dancing and an inter- Better Health Service: The newly completed Anahawan Outpatient Department of barangay basketball tour- the Anahawan District Hospital, was funded by the Asian Development Bank and nament. ~ (PIA) implemented by the Southern Leyte Landslide Disaster Assistance Project. (Inset) Engineer. Fernando Moralde, Mayor Rico Rentuza, Executive Assistant Esledo Her- The barefooted student who became a renowned senator - page 8 Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LEYTE STATE UNIVERSITY Sogod, Southern Leyte, 6606 SOGOD CAMPUS (MAIN) Master in Management (MM) Master in Technology Education (MTE) Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), major in: English Language Filipino Language Natural Sciences Mathematics Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) BS in Civil Engineering (BSCE) BS in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) BS in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) BS in Information Technology (BS Info Tech) Associate in Information Technology Diploma in Computer Systems Technician (CSTech) BS in Food Technology & Entrepreneurship (BS FTE) BS in Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism and Management (BSHRTM) BS in Criminal Justice (Criminology) TOMAS OPPUS CAMPUS Master of Arts in Education, major in: Educational Management Guidance and Counseling Language Teaching Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science Education Master in Public Administration Diploma in Elementary Teaching, areas: Communication Arts Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science and Health Diploma in Secondary Teaching, major in: English Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science –Biology, Chemistry, Physics Bachelor of Arts, major in: English Mathematics Social Science Bachelor of Elementary Education, areas: Communication Arts Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science and Health Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in: English Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science –Biology, Chemistry, Physics Associate in Computer Education Secondary Program Laboratory High School, electives: English Mathematics Science BS in Industrial Education (BSIE), major in: Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) (Secondary) General Education (Elementary) BS in Industrial Technology (BSIT), major in: Electronics Technology Architectural Drafting Technology Automotive Technology Food Preparation& Service Technology Garments Technology Electrical Technology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Technology Associate in Industrial Technology (AIT), major in: Electronics Technology Architectural Drafting Technology Automotive Technology Food Preparation & Service Technology Garments Technology Electrical Technology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Technology HINUNANGAN CAMPUS Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (BAT) Associate in Agricultural Technology Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) BS in Agricultural Entrepreneurship (BSAE) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Associate in Information Technology BONTOC CAMPUS Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology Bachelor of Science in Information technology Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Bachelor of Agricultural Technology Diploma in Agricultural technology Practical Nursing SAN JUAN CAMPUS BS in Industrial Technology (BSIT), major in: Automotive Electronics Electricity Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE), major in: Mathematics English Science THE BS in Information Technology (BS Info Tech) BS in Office Administration (BSOA) BS in Entrepreneurship (BSE) Associate in Computer Technology Associate in Industrial Technology Associate in Office Administration FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE or THE SCHOOL REGISTRAR Telephone # (053) 3822089/3822439 May 18-25, 2009 Breaking News Sogod celebrates 156 Anniversary th 3 Letters to the Editor Attention to the young graduates in Southern Leyte! Stop hoping and wishing for some of your dreams to come true through the politicians who promised you, before being elected into office, to have a job. Here is your opportunity to achieve one of your dreams by volunteering, earning and traveling again to other countries: Welcome to the WWOOF program. WWOOF is a coordinating service which brings together travelers who want to explore new cultures and gain experience in organic farming and other rural activities while living with local families. WWOOF organizations exist around the world. It began in Britain almost 30 years ago and is now thriving in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, Austria and many other countries. We have been providing this service in Canada for over 15 years and are delighted to extend this program to Hawaii. SOGOD TOWN – The Municipality of Sogod which is probably the oldest town in the province will celebrate its 156th anniversary this Wednesday June 10, 2009. Sogod became a municipality on June 10, 185 3 b y vi r tue o f a decree signed by then Governor General Antonio de Urbiztondo. According to Municipal Administrator Martin Lagmay the inter-town basketball will high light the af- fair and that eleven municipalities and Maasin City have signified their participation in the sport feast. He said among the other sports activities planned are tennis, speed ball, air soft competition, volley ball and Larong Pinoy. The second Mayor’s cup speed ball air-soft competition will also highlight the annual anniversary celbration. He said a Thanksgiving Mass would be held at the Sogod Coliseum at 7:00 o’clock in the morning, and would be followed by a civic–military parade at 8:45. After the parade, the volleyball championship games would be held, then the Larong Pinoy. (By ERNA S. GORNE) For further inquiries, please contact ~7th Millenium Community Maasin City College 2/F Commercial Complex Building, R. Garces Street corner M. Borres Circum. Road Tunga-tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte Tel. No. (053) 381-0703 Courses Offered: *Bachelor of Science in Agriculture *Bachelor of Science in Public Administration *Bachelor of Science in Social Work *Bachelor of Science in Tourism Classes start June 15, 2009 ENROLL NOW!!! Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Macrohon Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Macrohon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Nenita Formaran Moralde has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “NITA” to “NENITA” in the birth certificate of Nenita Formaran Moralde who was born on February 28, 1958 at Mabini, Macrohon, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Vivencio Moralde and Juanita Formaran. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. In compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Jose Enrico B. Ballener has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “JOSE” to “JOSE ENRICO” in the birth certificate of Jose Enrico B. Ballener who was born on September 16, 1966 at Rizal, Macrohon, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Antonio B. Ballener and Elisa A. Betonio. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. ARMEDA S. MAITEM Municiapal Civil Registrar (SLT May 18-25, 2009 2nd issue) ARMEDA S. MAITEM Municiapal Civil Registrar (SLT May 18-25, 2009 2nd issue) Commentary 4 AS I SEE IT ANTONIO MENDOZA REYES Crisis in the Lower House If the House of Representatives insist on holding a Constitutional Assembly without the Senate’s participation and the Senate retaliates by ignoring the lower house’s proposed bills would a state of anarchy exist in Congress? To clarify this issue I asked several of the province’s leaders what they thought, and these were their answers: Congressman Roger Mercado and the Governor felt there was nothing wrong with the current situation, because the members of the majority party were just exercising their constitutional rights. Mayor Pete Fustanes the president of the League of Municipal Mayors of Southern Leyte agreed, and so did SLSU President Dr. Gloria Reyes. But Congressman Arthur Defensor the Majority Floor Leader of the ruling party disagreed, lamenting that: “There was no telling what would happen now after the Lower House approved Resolution 1109 which calls on members of congress to convene as a Constituent Assembly to propose amendments to the Constitution without the Senate’s approval,” and added that “This would only confuse our people and cause chaos and in- stability in our already fragmented society.” The President’s critics claim the decision to pursue Charter Change via con-ass was given at the Manila Hotel after the Lakas-Kampi merger last Thursday before the President left for abroad. Charter change opponents warned that the move meant that next year’s presidential election could still be scrapped and that President Arroyo’s stay in office could be extended. They insist that in passing the resolution the administration solons ignored the testimonies of constitutional experts like former Ateneo Law Dean Father Joaquin Bernas who argued that Cha-cha without the Senate would be unconstitutional. Even Congressman Luis Villafuerte, the original author of the measure, said he withdrew authorship of the resolution because Congress was just wasting the people’s time and money on Charter Change and even vowed to oppose any Cha-cha proposals during the 14th Congress. Critics note that the move was the mere repeatition of a similar decision taken in December 2006 by Arroyo’s allies led by then Speaker Jose de Venecia who three days later retreated in the face of massive protests from religious and civic leaders. When Speaker Prospero Nograles was asked if the House would send its resolution to the Senate, or immediately convene as a con-ass he answered; “I don’t know. We will have to wait till July if we can convene as such.” I believe Nograles’s answer speaks for itself. For if the speaker himself is confused by the current situation in the lower house, and admits he doesn’t know what would happen next; then there is definitely anarchy in Congress. And it has only itself to blame because it set the stage for it’s happening when it relinquished its “power of the Purse” to Malacanang. For in doing so it gave the palace control over half of the government’s budget and has relegated the members of Congress to the status of beggars. In pre-martial law days, the halls of congress were filled with department secretaries pleading for funds. Now we have solons lining up at the Department of Budget and Management pleading for the release of funds they had already approved. If Congress does not fight to regain its control over government appropriations it will soon be irrelevant. And this would not only be tragic - but unconstitutional as well. editorial Published by RURCONSULT Phil. Inc. Editorial and business office, Mambajao, Maasin City, So. Leyte Tel.Fax # (053) 570-8155 Antonio mendoza reyes Editor-in-Chief RUEVIVAR M. REYES Gloria T. Markines Business Consultant Editor, Country Living MArk Rimas Website Consultant NEOME MONTALBO Marketing Officer Atty. ROMEO GENISTON Legal Counsel Member, Philippine Press Institute PPI-Konrad Adenaur Awardee for Best Photo-journalism in 2003 May 18-25, 2009 The Love Road Residents of a barangay in Macrohon are euphoric about an alleged love affair between a provincial VIP and a pretty woman who lives there. They claim their dirt road is now regularly maintained by the Provincial Engineer’s Office. And that several days before their fiesta a backhoe, one bulldozer and three dump trunks worked overtime to ensure the road’s smoothness. As the French love to say “viva la difference!” Kuting Reef Resort Last Monday we stayed overnight at the Kuting Reef and Spa Resort of Engineer and Mrs. Robert Castañares. The view of the sea from its viewing deck was breathtaking and all the hotel staff understood and spoke Filipino. Babes Castanares told us most of their clients were from Ormoc and Tacloban, and although they had not yet formally opened, they were already hosting seminars for SLSU, DTI, GTZ and other organizations. The bad news is its quite expensive by local standards and the rich here are scrooge-like with their money; perhaps that’s why they have so much of it. Now if Robert could use his DOTC connections to upgrade the Maasin Airport, and convince some fast craft companies to ply the route here, he could sustain the resort’s momentum. Otherwise he could fall victim to the penny-pinching millionaires of Southern Leyte who don’t even know what the word “tipping” means. Art’s Machine The biodegradable waste processing proto-type machine developed by Art Marte and now being tested at the Southern Leyte State University’s Agricultural College at Hinunangan needs modification. According to Dr. Antonio Remojo, the head of SLSU’s Research and Development Department, the Waste Management Recycling Facility needs more horse power to get the job done. Remojo also told SLT that they planned to make the five campuses of the university models for the recyling of bio-degradable garbage. Caterer’s Plight A well known caterer here has e-mailed us about the brutal price war now being waged between caterers in Southern Leyte who she claimed were pricing each other to bankruptcy. She said the price of food per head here was twice as cheap as in her home town Abuyog. “Our price here is so low we sometimes just break even, and contrary to the public’s perception,” she explained “most caterers are not rich but just making enough to survive.” The usual winners in such price wars, she said, were the bigger catering services since they have all the advantages under the present set-up. The only advice we could give her was to raise this problem with the Restaurant and Hotel Owners Association of Southern Leyte which we believe is headed by provincial board member Nikko Mercado. Attention City Councilors We’ve made this request before but no one at the city hall took us seriously; so we are repeating it. Our seas are considered among the most polluted in the world, and most of the garbage we dump there is made of plastic. If any of our city councilors could sponsor an ordinance banning plastic containers, and in its place, mandate the use of a new plastic material that disintegrates after a few months in sea water, that councilor would leave a legacy he or she will be gratefully remembered for. Our Angry Faucets Someone at the Maasin Water District should do something about the fearsome noise coming from our faucets each time we turn on the tap. It sounds like something from the movie “exorcist” and is alarming enough to cause cardiac arrest in people with weak hearts. Does the noise mean with have a water shortage and will it be reflected in our water bills? The MWD should at least explain to us what the sound means. Why People Are Fat Since most people want to remain slim and attractive, we are featuring the ten major reasons why people grow fat according to Kevin Tradeau the author of the best selling book “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About.” Due to space constraints, we will feature his thoughts on the subject in two installments. The majority of fat people eat when they are not hungry. This is caused by stress or emotional eating or Physiological food cravings. Stress or emotional eating is obviously caused by stress or emotional issues. While physiological food cravings are generally caused by the toxins in our body or yeast overgrowth caused by antibiotics we have taken in the past which have killed the friendly flora in our intestines. Most fat people are highly toxic The toxins in our body are lodged primarily in our colon and fat cells. When we are highly toxic our body demands that these toxins be diluted. This causes our body to retain water and increase its fat stores in an attempt to dilute the poisons. This is why people who take lots of drugs become bloated and obese with time. Fat people consume more diet food Most diet food actually makes you fatter. These products which are labeled diet, low fat, sugar-free, low calorie, lite and low carbs are filled with artificial sweeteners, high amounts of sugars, or chemical additives that actually make you fatter. This is the secret the food industry doesn’t want us to know about. These food additives can actually increase our appetite, make us physically addicted, and cause us to get fatter. Most fat people have a large appetite If we are overweight we find our self’s hungry most of the time. This hunger is generally caused by our body’s inability to assimilate nutrients due to the lack of digestive enzymes and yeast overgrowth. Another reason that we are hungry is that certain food additives actually increase our hunger. (First of two installments) REVIVE! WELLNESS CENTER From Ancient Oriental Wisdom Ancient oriental science has found that specific points of the body are interacting with all the other organs. Modern medical science has been providing the positive effectiveness of this ancient healing art by developing a personal therapeutic table. Nuga Best Thermal acupressure therapy stimulates these body points with jade heat pressure to increase balance and functions of the body for total well-being. RESTORE YOUR BALANCE! For treatment scheduling, pls. contact: 09108145176/ 09155369526 or 09104794247 Therapy Schedule: Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 9 PM Sunday 1 PM - 9 PM Please bring the ff: For Nuga Best Session a. 1 piece bed sheet b. 1 pair of socks (For Steam Sauna Session) a. Towel b. Extra shirt Come & Visit! REVIVE! WELLNESS CENTER Maasin City Branch: C abrera S treet , T agnipa , M aasin City Sogod Branch: Zamora Street, Zone 2. Sogod DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE PARTITION AGREEMENT Notice is hereby given that Cresenciana “Cristy” Padasas Dela Vega- Del Rosario, legal age, married to late Sergio C. Del Rosario and resident of Phase 1B Block 6 lot 16 San Lorenzo South Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Ariel Del Rosario, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Phase 1B Block 6 lot 16 San Lorenzo South Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Rodulfo “Baby Boy” Del Rosario, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of #37-C Summit Circle, Bayanan, Muntinlupa City, Analiza Del Rosario- Bantugon, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of #608 Tuazon St. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City, Ma. Cristina Del Rosario- Laxamana, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Maxville 7 San Miguel, Pasig City. Here in after referred to as are the Vendors and Silvestra A. Evangelista, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Block 6 lot 9 & 10 Datius St. Annex 35, Better Living Subd., Paranaque City, herein after referred to as the Vendee. Original Cetificate of Title No. 6115 (Bureau of Lands) Free Patent No. (VIII-3) 6365- A parcel of land (Lot 3641, case 4, Plsm-1006, LRC Record No.__), situated in the Barrio of Biasong, Municipality of Hinunangan, Province of Southern Leyte, bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by lot 3642, on the SE., along lines 2-3-4 by Road, (10.00 wide), and on the NW., along lines 4-5-6-1 by ot 3640, all case 4. Plsm-1006. Containing an area of Nine Hundred Eighty Four (984) sq. meters more or less. All corners referred to are marked on the ground by B.L Cyl. Conc. Mons. 15x 60 cm., meridian used, grid; surveyed from April 16 to May 31, 1974 and approved on June 24, 1974. Whereas the Vendee offered to the Vendors and the Vendors have agreed to sell the above described property from the Vendors under the terms and conditions herein below specified. The Seller will pay the Capital Gains Tax and the Buyer will pay the documentary tax, transfer and registration fees. Now therefore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the sum of Two Hundred Thousand pesos (P200, 000.00), Philippine Currency, receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledged, the Vendor has sold, transferred and conveyed, and by virtue of these presents, do hereby sell, transfer, and convey, unto the Vendee, its heirs and assigns, the described parcel of land thereon, free from all liens and encumbrances of any kind whatsoever. This Deed shall be valid and binding upon the heirs and assigns of both contracting parties hereto. The parties hereby agree, execute, and deliver such additional documents required or maybe required by the appreciate agency of the government to fully implement this Deed; as per Doc. No. 483, Page No. 98, Book No. XXV, Series of 2008, before notary public Atty. Leticia S. Mariano. (SLT April 24 - May 2, 10, 2009 3rd issue) Notice is hereby given that Alejandro O. Alberca, of legal age, Filipino, married and now residing at Cagayan de oro City; Eduardo O. Macapal, of legal age, Filipino, married and now residing at Lapolapo City; and Enquilbert O. Godinez, of legal age, single and now residing at Panan, Batangas City; are the surviving legal heirs of the late Dolores Orit and co-owners of the parcels of lands of lands located at Bogo, Maasin City, described and bounded as follows; Parcel 1- A parcel of land under Lot No. 4489, ARP. No. 07014-00140 in the name of Dolores Orit, with an area of .1349 hectares, and bounded on the North by 4516-Presentacion Lizano; East by 4490, 4487-Jese Arnaiz; South by 4487-Jose Arnaiz; West by 4488-Jese Arnaiz; Parcel 2- A parcel of land under Lot No. 4509, ARP No. 07014-00139 in the name of Dolores Orit with an area of .2143 hectares, and bounded on the North by 4512; 4511Edualdo Enago; East by 5559; South by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4497-Vicente Ambalong; Parcel 3- A parcel of land under Lot No. 5526, ARP No. 07014-00139 in the name of Dolores Orit with an area of .6277 hectares, and bounded on the North by 5525-Maximo Plateros; and West by Canturing River; hereby agree, to partition the above described properties and distribute between themselves, in the following manner; To: Alejandro Alberca-a) One third portion of Parcel 1 with an area of .0449 hectares and bounded on the North by 4489-Enquilbert O. Godinez South by 4489-; East by 4487- Jose Arnaiz; b) One third portion of Parcel II with an area of .0714 hectares and bounded on the north by 4511- Edualdo Enage; East by 4509-B-Eduardo Alberca; South by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4497- VicenteAmbalong; c) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .2092 hectares and bounded on the North by 5525-Primo Sacro; East by 5788; South by 5526-B-Enquilbert Godinez; and West by canturing river; To: Eduardo Macapal- a) One third portion of Parcel I with an area of .0449 hectares and bounded on the North by 4489-B-Enquilbert Godinez; East by 4487-Jose Arnaiz; South by 4467-Jose Arnaiz and West by 4488-Jose Arnaiz; b) One third portion of Parcel II with an area of .0714 hectares and bounded on the North by 7511-Edualdo Enage; East by 4509-C-Enquilbert Godinez; South by 4509-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4509-A-Alejandro Alberca; c) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .2093 hectares and bounded on the North by 5526-B-Enquilbert Godinez; East by Brgy. Bagtican; South by 5527-Maximo Plateros; and West by Canturing River; To: Enquilbert Godinez- a) One third portion of Parcel I with an area of .0450 hectares and bounded on the North by 4516; Brgy. St. East by 4467Jose Arnaiz; South by 4469-B-A. Albarca; and West by 4488-Jose Arnaiz; b) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .0715 hectares and bounded on the North by 4518; East by Lot 5559; South by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; c) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .2092 hectares and bounded on the North by 5526-A-Alejandro Alberca; East by brgy. Bagtican; South by 5527-Maximo Plateros; and West by Canturing river; as per Doc. No. 157; Page No.32; Book No. 12, Series of 2002; before Notary public Atty. Concepcion Gonzales. (SLT May 2, 10, 18, 2009 3rd issue). EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Notice by hereby given that Teresa N.Dioso, Lolita N. Baldonado, Simeon A. Nombrado, Dionesio A. Nombrado, Policronia N. Aparri, and Angelita N. Apole, and Aurelia N. Baba, all of legal ages, Filipino and a resident of Barangay, Macrohon, Southern Leyte; are the surviving heirs of the late Bernardo Alcantara; executed an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate over of land described: A certain of land situated at Barangay Amparo, Macrohon, Southern Leyte, under ARP NO. 08002-00021, with Lot No. 709 in the name of Bernardo Alcantara, bounded on the North by Lot 708; on the East by Nat’l Road; on the South by Lot 10 and on the the West by Lot 729 & 705 containing an area of Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Two (3,462) square meters, more or less; hereby agree to settle and adjudicate, as we hereby divide and adjudicated the above described parcel of land in favor of our brother Dionesio A. Nombrado; as per Doc. No. 125, Page No.26, Book No. IV, Series of 2008, before Notary public Atty. Rafael Gromwell T. Gerong. (SLT May 10,18 & 26, 2009 2nd issue) Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte IN RE: PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRIES SP. PROC. NO. 00431 IN THE BIRTH RECORDS OF SANNY ABIG APPEARING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF PADRE BURGOS, SOUTHERN LEYTE AND NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, QUEZON CITY, SANNY ABIG, Petitioner, _______________________________________ Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte IN RE: PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRY SP. PROC. NO. 00432 IN THE REGISTRY OF BIRTH OF MARILYN ARNAIZ ANIGA, Petitioner, THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF PADRE BURGOS, SOUTHERN LEYTE AND THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, QUEZON CITY, Respondents. x————————————————————x ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Fernando C. Campilan, Jr., filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, a judgment be rendered ordering the correction of the erroneous entries in the birth record of Sanny Abig, particularly with respect to his first name, such that it be changed from “SONNY” to “SANNY” and also his family name from “JORE” to “ABIG”. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on July 29, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the Municipal Hall of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General, the Office of the Local Civil Regisrar of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. In chambers, this 25th day of May, 2009 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge (SLT 508th, 509th & 510th issues - 2nd publication) Notice is hereby given that Antonio S. Mantilla, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte; the legitimate and only son of the late ILLUMINADO N. MANTILLA in Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos; executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a Parcel of residential land located at Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, declared for taxation purposes under ARP No. 10009-00289, designated as Lot No. 366, in the name of Illuminado Mantilla, with an area of 85.63, in the name more or less, and bounded as follows: North-Lot No. 365, by Eufemia Lagutan; East- by Santiago Apostle Street; West- Lot No. 367, by Enrica Edillo, and West- by Lot No. 348, Anatalio Sala.”Hereby adjudicate unto myself the above described real property and hereby files the same with the Register of Deeds, Municipal/Provincial Assessor’s Office, with the request that said adjudication be made effective without judicial proceedings as prescribed by the aforementioned rules; as per Doc. No. 33, Page No. 8, Book No. XLVIII, Series of 2008, before notary public Atty. Romeo R. Geniston. (SLT May 2, 10, 18, 2009 3rd issue). FOR SALE Rice land, Fully irrigated, with Title 24 hectares, located in Ubay, Bohol. Contact: Mr. Jesse Congson Mobile: 09185961385 -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF MAASIN CITY & NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, STA. MESA, MANILA, Respondent. -versus- AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION X————————————————————x ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Rafael Cromwell T. Gerong, filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, a judgement be rendered ordering the correction of the erroneous entries in the birth record of “MARILYN ANIGA ANIGA” to “MARILYN ARNAIZ ANIGA” her birthplace be changed from “MAAN, SOGEYTE” to “MAASIN, SOUTHERN LEYTE” and her mother’s first name of “CRENCIA ARNAIZ” be changed to “CRESENCIA ARNAIZ”, her true name. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on July 29, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the City Hall of Maasin City, Southern leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Maasin City, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. In chambers, this 25th day of May, 2009 at Maain City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge (SLT 508th, 509th & 510th issues - 2nd publication) Bachelors Pads with own bathrooms for rent located at 602 Kangleon Street, Barangay Mambajao Maasin City For more information please call: 09176305543 or 570-5712 APARTMENT FOR RENT Inside Rosario Village in Brgy. Pacu (near SLEM COOP office) 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, with laundry and terrace areas. Call 381-3577 for more details EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AMONG HEIRS OF ESTATE WITH QUITCLAIM OF RIGHTS Notice is hereby given that Roberto Iballa, Ralito Iballa, Della Sabandal, Concepcion Amparo, Elmer Espina, Sabas Iballa, Nestor Iballa, Emeliana Castillon, Romeo Iballa, Jesus Miole, Teresita Iballa, Soledad Manlimos, Ramon Iballa and Patrocenia Daño, allof legal ages, Filipino citizens, respectively widow, single, married and residents of Brgy. Poblacion, Cantutang and Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, hereinafter called as the Heir-Quit claimants; and Catherine B. Iballa, of legal age, Filipino citizen, single and a resident of brgy. Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, hereinafter called as the heir claimants; are surviving legal descendants of the late Hilario Iballa, of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte; executed an Extra Judicial Settlement Among Heirs Of Estate with Quitclaim of Rights over a Parcel of agricultural land declared under ARP No. 10011-00459 in the name of the heirs of Hilario Iballa, designated as Lot No. 742-A, covered under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-10786, containing an area of .8324 hectares market value of P71, 090. 00; assessed value of P7, 110. 00 and bounded on the North by Lot No. 738, 739 (Loreta Fernandez); East by Sogod Bay; South by Lot No. 742-B (Jennifer Edwards) and on the West by Provincial road. “Hereby agree and in covenant that the property aforementioned be allotted and adjudicated in favor of the aforesaid HEIR-CLAIMANT as her legal share; hereby Quitclaim, Waive, Forfeit, Relinquish by way of disclaiming all our respective rights, interests and participation over the said property herein quitclaimed in favor of the said Heir-Claimant; as per Doc. No. 249, page No. 51, book No. XLIX, series of 2008, before notary public Atty. Josefino G. Cinco. (SLT May 2, 10, 18, 2009 3rd issue). Want to share your jokes? email us at or send txt to 09283668901 visit our website: SUDOKU Japan’s Ultimate brain game How to play : “Chinese Names” Born during the night = Andy Lim Born blind = Kenneth Sy Born being swindled = Lino Co Born while cooking = Nilo Toh Born as 10th child = Sam Po Born while being courted = Lily Gaw Born fat = Bob Uy “Ang Bata S..” Anak : Tays ! kakains nas tayos ! Tatay : Hoy ! Tigilan mo yang kalalagay mo ng ‘S’ sa mga sinasabi mo ha ! Ano ba ang ulam ? Anak : BANGU na may KAMATI, ARDINA na may IBUYA ! Born little = Kathy Ting *********************************** Born different = Eva Yan ******************* Born with porridge = Lino Gaw Born looking for someone = Allen “UMUULAN SABI NI ERAP” Sia Born while counterfeiting = Faye Erap: Jingoy bakit hindi ka nagdilig! King Jingoy: Sir umuulan na po kasi e Erap: wala ka ba talagang utak Jingoy? Born during Sunday = Lyn Go Mag payong ka! Born with malice = Mali Sia Born angry with someone = Ally Tan Born with picture = Lara Huan “PARROT” Born with sweets = Ken Dy Born undefined = Sam Ting Parrot: Pag hinila mo itong kaliwang Born while taking a bath = Lily Go paa ko, kakanta ako… pag kanan tutula Born not to take a bath = Dinah Lily naman.. Go Born while buying = Bill Li Born secretly = Tina Go Born to pass flatus = Otto Tin Born ugly = Kaw Yan Born Normal = Nath Ting Wong Born Abnormal = Sam Ting Wong Boy: Wow! Galing naman… E pano pag sabay kong hinila paa mo ? Parrot: D mahuhulog ako ! Tanga ka ba ? Republic of the Philippines Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Silago BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE INVITATION TO APPLY AND TO BID 1. The Local Government Unit of Silago, Southern leyte, through its Supplement Budget No. 2, Series of 2009, intends to apply the sum of One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P1, 350, 000.00), being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payment for the Procurement of PVC Pipes for the Rehabilitation of Waterworks System at Brgy. Hingatungan, Silago, Southern Leyte. 2. The Local Government Unit of Silago, Southern Leyte, now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders/Suppliers to apply for eligibility and to bid for the above project; 3. Bidding will be conducted through Open Competitive Bidding. Only bids from bidders who pass the eligibility check will be opened. The bidder with the Lowest Calculated Bids shall advance to the post-qualification stage in order to finally determine his responsiveness to the technical and financial requirements. The contract/order shall then be awarded to the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bidder who was determined as such during the post-qualification procedure; 4. All particulars relative to Eligibility Statement and Screening, Bid Security, Performance Security, Pre-Bid Conference, Evaluation of Bids, Post-Qualification and Awards shall governed by the pertinent provisions of R.A. 9184 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. The complete Schedule of Activities is listed below: May reklamo ka? = Nath Ting “Eternal Flame Code” Doc: iho, bakit mu naman sinapak ung ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE lalaki kanina? Boy: e doc, nakita niya na ninenerbyos a.) Issuance of Bid June 3-July 2, 2009 ako sa resulta ng AIDS test! tapos sinabi b.) Pre-Bid Conference June 22, 2009 pa…THINK POSITIVE! BULAG- Close your eyes PILAY- Give me your hand, darling. BINGI- Do you hear my heart beating? BOBO- Do you understand? MANHID- Do you feel the same? DUKHA- Am I only dreaming? BUMBERO- Is this burning? An eternal flame! PIPI- Say my name! BALIW- Sunshine through the rain. KAWAWA- My whole life so lonely. DOKTOR- They will come and ease the pain. MARAMOT- I dont wanna lose this feeling. WOLF- Ooooooooohhh. “AIDS” * Each number can appear only once in each row. * Each number can appear only once in each column. * Each number can appear only once in each 3x3 box. * There is only one solution for each puzzle. “Bampira” c.) Submission and Opening of Bids July 3, 2009 d.) Bid Evaluation & Post Qualifications July 6-9, 2009 e.) Notice of Award/Order July 10, 2009 Bampira: San Pedro, pwede n’yo po ba akong buhayin ulit? 5.) San Pedro: Pwede, kaya lang, hindi ka na magiging bampira. 6.) TIME 9:00A.M 9:00A.M ConferenceRoom ConferenceRoom Bids documents will be available only to prospective bidders upon payment of nonrefundable amount of P3,000.00 to the Municipal Treasurer of Silago, Southern Leyte. The LGU of Silago assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses incurred in the preparation of the bid. Bampira: Ayos lang basta sumisipsip pa rin ng dugo. San Pedro: O, sige… ano ang gusto Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Southern Leyte City of Maasin Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Southern Leyte City of Maasin Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Southern Leyte City of Maasin Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Southern Leyte City of Maasin NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048 a notice is hereby served to the public that Narciso P. Casipe has filed with this office a petition for change of first name from “ JESSE” to “ NARCISO” in the birth certificate of “Narciso P. Casipe” who was born on January 14, 1965 at Bagtican, Maasin, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Antonio Casipe and Julita Pesa. In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048 a notice is hereby served to the public that Narciso P. Casipe has filed with this office a petition for change of first name from “ JESSE” to “ NARCISO” in the birth certificate of “Narciso P. Casipe” who was born on January 14, 1965 at Bagtican, Maasin, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Antonio Casipe and Julita Pesa. In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048 a notice is hereby served to the public that Nerissa Sayson Ortiz has filed with this office a petition for change of first name from “NERISSA” to “ RHEA” in the birth certificate of “Nerissa S. Ortiz” who was born on April 6, 1955 at Cebu City and whose parents are Ceferino Ortiz and Consorcia Sayson. In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048 a notice is hereby served to the public that Nerissa Sayson Ortiz has filed with this office a petition for change of first name from “NERISSA” to “ RHEA” in the birth certificate of “Nerissa S. Ortiz” who was born on April 6, 1955 at Cebu City and whose parents are Ceferino Ortiz and Consorcia Sayson. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written opposition with this office not later than ten (10) days after first publication. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written opposition with this office not later than ten (10) days after first publication. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written opposition with this office not later than ten (10) days after first publication. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file written opposition with this office not later than ten (10) days after first publication. (SGD.) LUZVIMINDA T. ABIERA Municipal Civil Registry (SLT April 8-15, 2009 1st issue) (SGD.) LUZVIMINDA T. ABIERA Municipal Civil Registry (SLT April 16-23, 2009 2nd issue) (SGD.) LUZVIMINDA T. ABIERA Municipal Civil Registry (SLT May 18-25, 2009 1st issue) (SGD.) LUZVIMINDA T. ABIERA Municipal Civil Registry (SLT May 31 & June 2, 2009 2nd issue) Tammerlene Olita Reads the Southern Leyte Times May 18-25, 2009 8 Orphans get new school SAINT BERNARD - Marven Zamora of the New Guinsaugon village in St. Bernard, Southern Leyte went back to school last June 1 proudly wearing a new pair of shiny leather shoes. Now in grade III, Zamora said he was very thankful for the new shoes because his old rubber shoes were full of holes.. The boy lost his father when the killer landslide hit their barangay on February 18, 2006. His mother later left him and his two siblings and has been living with their older cousins who were also orphaned by the landslide. The recipients were sons and daughters of the 2006 mega-landslide which killed more than 2000 people, including 200 children, who were then attending classes. Susan Ople, the daughter of the late Senator Blas Ople, who is now president of the Blas Ople Training Institute said the “Ople Shoes” project was launched in 2006 in memory of her father who never wore shoes going to school until his graduation from high school. She said her father, while studying in a public school in Bulacan would go to school either barefoot or wearing slippers because his poor parents could not afford to buy him leather shoes. The senator, she admitted, had to borrow a pair of shoes so he could march during his graduation and speak before his batch as the school valedictorian. The shoes he borrowed from a rich uncle, however, were too small and hurt every time he took a step, she said. Saint Bernard Mayor Rico Rentuza said the landslide survivors still needed help because their farms were so badly damaged they couldn’t grow rice there anymore. Most of surviving parents have decided not to re-enroll their children because they could not afford it. “So, we were very happy when the institute called and offered to give shoes to the children who were excited when we told them the news,” Rentuza said. (By RUEVIVAR “WOWIE” REYES) Superchow Garden Café Capitol Sunken Garden , Asuncion Maasin City Corner S. Bantug and Rafols St.Tunga-tunga, Maasin City Tel. no (053) 381-2233 The Best Chicken BBQ in the City (Bacolod Chicken)… And the Most Mouth Watering Halo-halo “The Perfect Place to dine With Nature” Tel. no. (053) 570-8146 Accepts Catering Services On all occasions Tel. nos. (053) 570-8623 or 3812233 Email: & HOTEL FACILITIES • Air-conditioned Rooms • Gift Shop • Terrace Dining Area • BAR • Restaurant • Pool • Beach • Conference & Meeting Rooms Bantigue, Ormoc City, Philippines/Tel. (053) 255-3801 to 03 (for reservations) Magna Carta for City Elderly Maasin City - An orientation on the “Magna Carta for Disabled Persons” was held last week. City Wellfare Officer Febe Ma. Sta. Cruz disclosed that the one-day consultation and dialogue to discuss R.A 9442 at the city gym to the organizations of disabled persons in Maasin City was successful. R.A. 9442, approved last July 2006 states that a 20% privileges and incentives shall be given to disabled persons. They shall be entitled to receive 20% discount on the utilization of hotel, restaurants, and recreation services; admission fees in theaters, concerts, carnivals and others; discounts in the purchase of medicines in all drugstores, medical and dental services, including diagnostic and laboratory services, and transportation fares, among others. The law also declared that any violations of the privileges entitled to disabled persons will suffer penalties. (by Rebbeca G. Cadavos)
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