SLT 521st issue.pmd - Southern Leyte Times
SLT 521st issue.pmd - Southern Leyte Times
Entered as second class mail matter at Maasin City Post Office under Permit No. R8-0103 NGD: Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 e-mail: SMART to Expand Here 8 8-Pages lessons from Ondo y Ondoy Vol. 6, No. 521 2 10 Pesos in Maasin City Maasin Christian Academ y cademy holds Palar o alaro 7 Ginsaugon landslide aid squandered! The Commission on Audit claims that the office of the Presidenty mispent over 8.8 million pesos out of the P65 million it had received for the calamity victims of Guinsaugon, Souther n Leyte. According to Danilo Reyes of the Human Rights Commission based in Hong Kong the dubious expenses included hotel expenses of its officials and maintenance of the Presidential Palace's golf course acr ross the Pasig River. Reyes said three years ago, when over 2000 people were buried alive in the deadliest landslide in Philippine history, foreign donations poured in by the millions to help the Guinsaugon landslide victims victims. However a large part of the donations ended up being page 2 Comelec again thwar ts thwarts Espina’s house bid LIBAGON – Souther n Leyte’s bid for a second congressional seat was thwarted again by the Commission on Elections which ruled that party list groups which lost in two previous elections were automatically removed from its list of party list groups seeking sectoral representation. However former Libagon Mayor Domingo Espina, the COCOFED nominee for congress, said he was still confident he would win a seat in congress once their request for re-accreditation was granted by the poll body. Espina who is the presi- THREE MORE FIRMS CLOSED MAASIN CITY - A Bureau of Internal Revenue team led by Revenue District Officer Noemi Theresa Pizon and Assistant Regional Director Wilma Elevera padlocked three more delinpage 3 quent business firms last Wednesday for various tax delinquencies. KYLE’S FOOD HAUS Tomas Oppus street, Tunga-tunga The team which was acMaasin City, Southern Leyte Telephone Nos. 570-8546 or companied by five armed 572-1702 / 381-4547 officers of the city police Cell.# 0918-215-2120 force swooped down on the We Accept Catering Services for: popular Countr y Lodge *Weddings *Baptisms *Fiestas *Anniversaries Hotel, N-Marketing, and *Birthdays *Party *Seminars *Blessings Nikky's to serve the closure notice for under declaring PROPRIETOR: JENNIFER MARAON SAS 30 percent of its total tax“At KYLE’S we serve delicious able earnings. and affordable meals” The closure notice was served by Pizon and Elevera after talking with the establishment’s managers. She said the businesses padlocked failed to comply with BIR procedures and have been repeatedly asked to settle their accounts but have not responded. She added that these companies would have to settle their accounts before they would be allowed to operate again. Pizon in an earlier interview with the Souther n Leyte Times said Oplan Kandado which began early this year will continue to padlock business establishments which don't file in- come tax returns and understate their income earnings by more than 30 percent. Pizon said Oplan Kandado is the f lagship project of Commissioner Sixto Esquivias. Assistant Revenue District Officer Carlos Tambal said the three business firms were among those that were under surveillance by the government’s tax collecting agency. The BIR is encouraging the public to report tax evaders and is offering a reward equivalent to 10 percent of the amount eventually collected. Philippine Police Academy needs more trainees - page 5 page 2 EXTRA JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF HONORATA ABORDO WITH DEED OF PARTITION Notice is hereby given that the Heirs of Honorata Abordo, namely: PABLITO CABASISI, ANACORITA CABASISI and JULIETA CABASISI-REYES, all of legal age, Filipino, and residents of San Juan, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, having executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate of Honorata Abordo with Deed of Partition dated September 8, 2009, and notarized before Notary Public, Atty. Romeo R. Geniston under Doc. No. 146, Page No. 31, Book No. LIV, Series of 2009, over a parcel of land located at Cantamuac, Malitbog, Southern Leyte, covered under Katibayan Ng Original na Titulo Blg. 38858, designated as Lot No. 4348, Case 9, Cad. 521-D, in the name of Hrs. of Honorata Abordo, containing an area of Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Six (11, 786) square meters, more or less, and declared for taxation purposes under tax declaration no. 1832, in the name of Honorata Abordo, NOW THERFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants hereto agreed the above-named heirs agreed that the subject Lot 4348 be allotted, assigned and adjudicated in favor of JULIETA CABASISI-REYES, hence, Pablito Cabasisi and Anacorita Cabasisi hereby waive, renounce and quitclaim all their rights, interest and participation over the subject property in favor of said JULIETA CABASISI-REYES. (SLT Oct..19 & Nov.1, 2009 2nd issue) AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS AND UNDERTAKING Notice is hereby given that DIVINA H. PACATE, of legal age, Filipino, and resident of 17 J. Veloso St. Sogod Southern Leyte: I am a planholder of LOYOLA PLANS CONSOLIDATED, INC., having been issued a Contract No. TTT 430006925 with Certificate of Ownership/Full Payment No. 21033746; That said Contract No. TTT430006925 with Certificate of Ownership/Full Payment No. 21033746 was inadvertently lost due Miss placement because of transferring from one house to the other house. That I have exerted all means to locate same but all my efforts proved futile; That I undertake to publish at my own expense an a newspaper of general circulation a “Notice of Loss” of my plan stated above; In the event that may lost Contract or Certificate of Ownership/Full Payment should be discovered, or found to be in the possession of third party , I hereby agree to hold LOYOLA PLANS CONSOLIDATED, INC. free and harmless from any and all liability that may arise in connection with the discovery of my lost Contract or certificate of ownership/Full Payment desribed above; That I have executed this Affidavit and Undertaking for the purpose of attesting to the veracity and truth of all the facts herein above-mentioned, and I freely and voluntarily agree to the above undertakings as a condition to the issuance of a Contract or Certificate of ownership/Full payment in my name, as per Doc No.483, Page No. 98, Book No. VII, Series of 2009, before notary public Atty. Rafael Cromwell T. Gerong. (SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 2nd issue) DEED EXTRA JUDICIAL PARTITION WITH SALE Notice is hereby given that RODOLFO F. LABASTIDA, NENITA L . TINGCOY, ALFREDO F.LABASTIDA, EMM L. AMORIN, JONAH A. LABASTIDA, ELLEN A. LABASTIDA, GABRIELA L. ADVENCULA, JANET L .VALDE, JINKY ANN LEONG, MAURA LABASTIDA, FELICISIMA C. LABASTIDA, RENAFE L .CAPULONG, RITCHEL L .OPPUS, DAISY L.MERCADER, DINDO G. LABASTIDA, herein presented by SHERLINA M. LABASTIDA, through Special Attorney, DULCE G. LABASTIDA, DORIS G. LABASTIDA, and PORFERIA L .MAMILLA, all of legal age, Filipinos all residents of Sogod, Southern Leyte are the children of the late Gaudencio Labastida, executed an Deed ExtraJudicial Partition with Sale over of land described as follows: Parcel 1- “A parcel of land declared in the name of Gaudencio Labastida covered under Original Certificate of title no.14387, survey no. 2007, case 37, CAD 552-D with an area of 1, 417 square meters, as per correction from the Department of Environment and Natural resource Office Tacloban City, with ARP No.17020-000103.” Parcel 2- “ A parcel of land declared in the name of Gaudencio Labastida covered under Original Certificate of title no. 14386, survey no. 2006, case 37, CAD.522-D, with an area of 22, 086 square meters. As per correction from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office, Tacloban City, with ARP No. 07020-000102. Description of Parcel and the Portion Sold- First Parcel- “The entire parcel 1, of the above-described covered under Original Certificate of Title no. 14387, survey no. 2007 having an area of 3, 482 square meters with ARP No.17020-000103. Second Portion Parcel of Land“Portion of Parcel-II, having an area of 12, 140 square meters, designated as lot 2006-B, bounded on the north by 6001 and 6003; east by lot 2005; south by 2008 and creek and on the west by remaining portion and road lot. That the remaining portion having an area of 9, 375 square meters, designated as lot 2006-A, equivalent to three (3) shares will be adjudicated among themselves to Felicisima C. Labastida, Renafe L. Capulong, Ritche L. Oppus, Daisy L. Mercader, Dindo G. Labastida, Dulce G. Labastida, Doris G. Labastida and Poferia L. Mamilla. That the road having area of 571 square meters designated as lot 2006-C of this subdivision use as road right of way for the whole subdivided lots. That for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php 250, 000.00) Philippine Currency to us, in hand paid to our entire satisfaction by FERNANDO M. UY, also of legal age, Filipino, single and a resident of Zone 3, Sogod, Southern Leyte, we RODOLFO F. LABASTIDA, NENITA L . TINGCOY, ALFREDO F. LABASTIDA, EMMA L. AMORIN, JONAH A. LABASTIDA, ELLEN A. LABASTIDA, GABRIELA L. ADVENCULA, JINKY ANN L. LEONG and MAURA LABASTIDA, do hereby SELL, CONVEY and TRANSFER by way of Absolute Sale unto the said FERNANDO M. UY, his heirs, successors and assigns, that certain and a portion of land as our shares stated above together with all improvements found thereof. That we hereby warrant our title unto the said FERNANDO M. UY and that henceforth, he shall have exclusive right of ownership and possession over said parcels of land, free from all liens and encumbrances, as per Doc. No. 362, Page No. 74, Book No. XLVIII, Series of 2008, before notary public Atty.Josefino G. Cinco. (SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 2nd issue) Firms close... From page 1 the bureau can padlock businesses for under declaring sales, operating without a BIR permit and for not issuing receipts. Two shops which were closed a week earlier were later allowed to open after they paid their penalties. The police officers who accompanied Pizon were Arnel V Egido, Eric Villafuerte, Reynold Grava, Roderick Ingeniero, Glenn Galvez and Mark Cartoneros of the city police force. (By As BIR informers they will be entitled to monetary rewards under the revenue agency's Run After Tax Evaders or RATE program. The padlocked establishment will be closed for not less than five days and will be lifted only upon the owners compliance with the requirements prescribed in the closure order. Under the Oplan Kandado program, PAUL SUAREZ) Ondoy for Pres... From page 5 our comfort zones, and to sustain the unsullied volunteerism, the unselfish bayanihan spirit pervading in our midst. Ironically, those were the positive "gains" derived from Ondoy's unwelcome presence. These should be the right attitude and perspectives of the next President of the Republic of the Philippines - and the right mindset voters shoud take as they go to polling places. ON THE LOCAL FRONT: Kudos to Presidential Assistant for Eastern Visayas Cynthia Nierras for spearheading the two-day tourism value chain workshop at Maasin City Country Lodge last week, together with the provincial government, GTZ and the Department of Tourism. The action plan output of the workshop, however, will still undergo refinements for a truly workable one-year plan. But as it is, at least the tourism roadmap for Southern Leyte has been laid out and that's a good start. LESSON FROM ONDOY BY WOWIE REYES On my flight to Manila a few days after typhoon Ondoy slammed into Central Luzon, I got a bird’s eye view of the devastation it wrought on our riverbanks which were mostly occupied by squatters who should never have been there. Although the government had warned them not to come back most of the squatters had returned and were already rebuilding their shanties. This reminded me of Maasin’s burgeoning squatter colonies along the Canturing River banks in barangays Mambajao and Nasaug which are not only polluting and constricting the city’s biggest watershed but are a health hazard and eyesore as well. One lesson we should have learned from these annual calamities is that although we cannot control nature, we can certainly minimize its damage to life and property. Former US Vice-President Al Gore was right when he said in his Nobel Prize winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth that: “Although the impact of global warming is evident, most politicians still refuse to acknowledge it, because if they did – they would be morally obligated to do something dramatic about it.” Some might try to down play our shabby treatment of our waterways Guinsaugon... From page 1 spent for other purposes. This he claimed was a common practice in the Philippines where aid is diverted leaving little or nothing for disaster victims. He said this was important to remember because the government has received a whooping 4.4 billion pesos or US$94.7 million from foreign donors for the victims of typhoon“Pepeng” and “Ondoy.” Yet despite the downpour of donations, Joey Salceda, the president's economic adviser wants an additionla 46 billion pesos in foreign grants and loans for rehabilitation and relief of disaster victims. Salceda said that out of the P46 billion fund 20 billion pesos would be for relocation, 21 billion for infrastructure rehabilitation, and 5 billion for livelihood and agriculture. It light of this proposal Reyes wants donors to demand more transparency Call Center... by arguing that a super typhoon like Ondoy would never happen here. Yet it has, for who among our parents could forget Typhoon Ruping, which hit Maasin head-on in the 1980s and made Maasinhons scamper to their roof tops. And the deadly rain storms that triggered the Panaon Islands landslides in 2003 that killed over 300 people. Or the mega-landslide disaster of 2006 that buried a whole village in Guinsaugon under 30 feet of mud and boulders the size of dump trucks. The recent typhoons and the deluge they caused once again revealed the government’s lack of foresight and political will in performing its constitutional role as the guardians of our environment. These latest events should prod us into reminding our political leaders that it is their responsibility to protect and conserve our rivers and streams and free it from squatters who constrict its flow and turn its once pristine waters into foul-smelling garbage dumps. We are so obsessed with coordinating disasters that we have forgotten that an once of prevention, is indeed, worth a pound of cure. With foresight and ample preparation I am sure we can minimize the damages that weather disturbances like Ondoy will bring. from the Philippines government on how their donations are spent. He said the Office of the Philippines president had a shameful record of diverting foreign donations and aid that were originally intended for victims. The COA's findings, he insisted, should serve as a warning to all foreign aid agencies which want to make donations to the Philippines. Reyes said that when COA questioned the president’s office about the questionable expenditures, it defended its actions by saying, it had the discretion to spent the money as it so fit. Their arguement, Reyes insisted, did little to justify its stand on faithfully observing the the General Appropriations Act of 2005, as reenacted for 2006, which clearly states that "donations, whether in cash or in kind shall be deemed automatically appropriate for the purpose specified by the donor." However three years after the COA's findings, none of those responsible for the questioned expenses have been punished. cants will return home with their employment contracts. Each month since From page 8 it started operations APAC has been those who pass would be brought to recruiting 200 new call center agents the APAC-Leyte building for further when they have new clients that need interview and the succesfull appli- their services. Breaking News 3 Veterans have 4 months to claim cash benefits NATIONAL AWARDEE: Wade Lim of the Southern Leyte State Uninnaa versity in Hinunangan was recently recognized for his research on the preservation of the rain forests of Hinunangan. His study documented the rich forest resources which include rare fora and fauna which are considered endangered. Shown with Lim above are SLSU President Dr. Gloria Markines Reyes and officials of the the Department of Agriculture’s Research Bureau. Crime Watch by Anthony Kings It was a relatively peaceful week in Southern Leyte with only 3 non-fatal stabbings in the province. According to police reports the stabbings which occurred in Pintuyan, Tomas Oppus and Maasin City were all triggered by grudges and too much rum consumed on empty stomachs. All involved farmers or standbys who had nothing to do, but drink and reflect on imagined slights, which could have been settled peacefully but were allowed to fester. Meanwhile at the PNP headquarters in Canturing newly installed Provincial Director Pepito Pacada wonders how he can upgrade his police force with no funds for training, zero forensic capability, no bullets for target practice and only one liter of gasoline a day for his mobile units. He says the only time their vehicles get a full tank is when they escort motorcades around the city. But what is particularly alarming is that his police chiefs have not had any training to sharpen their investigation skills because they have no budget for it. He said he would bring this up at the next Provincial Peace and Order Council meeting where he would ask Governor Damian Mercado for help. We are hoping the council will understand Colonel Pacada’s dilemma and provide him with funds for the training seminar he is proposing. Another matter that Pacada should attend to is the reckless motorcycle drivers in the city who have turned our streets into killing fields. Accidents involving motorcycles along Ruperto Kangleon national road from Barangay Pugaling to Abgao have killed more than a dozen people including my motherin-law who was rammed by a drunken motorcyclist while crossing the street. There is anarchy in our streets and something should be done about it. FOR SALE DESKTOP COMPUTER SPECS: (2) units Intel Celeron D420 1.60GHZ, IGB memory (1) units Intel Celeron D430 1.80GHZ IGB memory ECS 945CT/1333 motherboard, 80GB Harddisk, 15" colour monitor with keyboard, optical mouse, stereo speaker, AVR. Price: P11,500/unit Contact: Bonifacio S. Lora Mobile no. 09284734392 Filipino World War II veterans have until February 16, 2010 to file their claims for financial benefits they are entitled to under the American Recovery Act of 2009 which was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law last February 17 by U.S. President Barack Obama. The Act formally recognizes the service of Filipino veterans as active military service in the U.S. Armed Forces. It authorizes a one-time lump-sum payment of US $15000 to Filipino WW II veterans with U.S. citizenship, and US $9,000 to non-U.S. citizen veterans. The United States has approved $198 million for the benefit of all eligible Filipino WWII veterans. This additional payment will not change or affect other benefits an individual may be currently receiving. The US Embassy, through its Department of Veterans Affairs Manila Regional Office has already processed more than 11,000 veterans claims and has paid out almost $100 million for this benefit. For those claimants who have not yet filed an application, instructions are Comelec again... From page 1 dent of the Coconut Federation of the Philippines said the COMELEC’s decision was ridiculous since the Supreme Court had already ruled in favor of his and other party list’s petition to include their nominees in congress. The House of Representatives however claims that COCOFED had not met the two percent requirement for them to get a seat in the lower house. The two percent threshold rule for party list representation is based on the premise that a sectoral organization must garner at least two percent of the over all votes cast for party list groups in the country. This is to ensure that the sitting party list nominee has a sizable following and mandate. posted on the U.S. Embassy website at Claimants are requested not to file duplicate applications if they have already received acknowledgement of receipt of their claim. Applications should be mailed to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Manila Office located at the U.S. US Embassy, 1131 Roxas Boulevard 0930, Manila, Philippines. U.S. citizens are asked to submit their U.S. passport. Those who need assistance in completing their application can make an appointment with a USDVA representative by calling (632) 528-2500. The USDVA will conduct targeted outreach throughout the Philippines to increase awareness about the February 16 deadline among Filipino WW II veterans who may be entitled to receive the benefits. An announcement of the dates and times of these outreach events will be released shortly. The USDVA pays approximately $17 million per month to veterans residing in the Philippines. Some $8 million of this goes to Filipino WWII veterans or their survivors. Nonetheless Espina said they had already filed their request for re-accreditation with COMELEC and was confident it would be approved by the commission before the 2010 national elections. Supporters of the former mayor claimed the Comelec was depriving Southern Leyte of an additional representative in congress who could help the province because a sectoral representative has the same powers and Countywide Development Funding privilege as a district congressman. As COCOFED president Espina spends most of his time in Manila as chief executive officer of the federation and as board member of its affiliate entities which include UNICHEM, United Coconut Planters Bank, Cocoa plantations and 11 other COCOFED controlled companies. (By ANTONIO M. REYES) Republic of the Philippine REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region BULWAGAN NG KATARUNGAN Branch 24, Maasin City, Southern Leyte SP.PROC. NO. 00442 FOR: CORRECTION OF ENTRY for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the Municipal Hall of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General, the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. IN THE MATTER FOR CHANGE OF GENDER IN THE REGISTRY OF BIRTH FROM MALE TO FEMALE, FREVELYN A. SAURI Petitioner, -versusCITY CIVIL REGISTRAR OF MAASIN CITY, SOUTHERN LEYTE, AND NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, QUEZON CITY, Respondents. x----------------------------------——————————————x ORDER A verified petition has been filed by petitioner thru counsel for change of gender from male to female in the City Civil Registrar of Maasin City, Southern Leyte and National Statistics Office, Maasin City. Let this petition be heard on October 15, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning at which time and date, all who may oppose may appear and show cause why this petition should not be granted. Let copies of this Order be published at petitioner’s expense once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general authorized to publish the same. SO ORDERED. IN CHAMPERS, this 25th day of August, 2009 in the City of Maasin, Province of Southern Leyte. In Champers, this 15th day of September, 2009 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte SP.PROC.NO.00441 -oOoIN RE: PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRY IN THE REGISTRY OF BIRTH OF LEAH PEARL ANGELYN GAVIOLA GATDULA, Petitioner, -versusCITY CIVIL REGISTRAR OF MAASIN CITY, SOUTHERN LEYTE, and NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, at QUEZON CITY, METRO MANILA, Respondents. x—————————————————————————X ORDER BETHANY G. KAPILI Judge Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte -oOoIN RE: CORRECTION OF ENTRIES IN SP.PROC.NO.00438 THE RECORD OF BIRTH OF JENNIFER C. BACTINDON, Petitioner, -versusOFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF PADRE BURGOS, SOUTHERN LEYTE and NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, at QUIZON CITY, METRO MANILA, Respondents. x—————————————————————————X ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Misael J. Bidon, filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, ajudgement be rendered ordering the Municipal Civil Registrar of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office to correct the entry on petitioner’s gender/sex per petitioner’s record of birth from “FEMALE” to “MALE”. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on November 17, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the Municipal Hall of Padre burgos, Southern Leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General, the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. In Chambers, this 15th day of September, 2009 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte SP.PROC.NO.00439 -oOoIN RE: CORRECTION OF ENTRIES IN THE RECORD OF BIRTH OF ALGIE B. BACTINDON, Petitioner, -versusMUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF PADRE BURGOS, SOUTHERN LEYTE and NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, at QUEZON CITY, METRO MANILA, Respondents. x—————————————————————————X ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Misael J. Bidon, filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, a judgement be rendered ordering the Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office to correct the erroneous entry on petitioner’s sex/gender per Record of Birth, from “MALE” to “FEMALE” Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on November 23, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week Petitioner,through counsel, Atty. Rafael Cromwell Gerong, filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, the entries in the birth records of petitioner be corrected from “LEAH PEARL ANGELYN GATDOLA” to the true and correct name of “LEAH PEARL ANGELYN GAVIOLA GATDULA”; her mother’s family name of “MEKING” be corrected as “SAN NICOLAS, BACOOR, CAVITE”; petitioner’s date of registration from “January 4, 1982” be corrected as “January 3, 1983” and to order the Civil Registrar of Maasin City, and the National Statistics Office to issue a new Birth Certificate reflecting the corrected entries. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on January 28, 2010 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than four (4) months before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the City Hall of Maasin City, Southern Leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General, the Office of the City Civil Registrar of Maasin City, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. In Champers, this 15th day of September, 2009 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte -oOoRE: CORRECTION OF ENTRY IN REGISTRY OF BIRTH OF SP.PROC.CASE NO. 00443 THE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF MALITBOG, SOUTHERN LEYTE AND THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR GENERAL, NSO, QUEZON CITY, ANGELITO CAPON DEGRACIA, JR. Petitioner, -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF MALITBOG, SOUTHERN LEYTE AND THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR-GENERAL, NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, QUEZON CITY, Respondents. x—————————————————————————X ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Teopisto C. Rojas, Jr., filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due publication and hearing, a judgment be rendered ordering respondents to effect the appropriate correction in the birth records of the herein petitioner entering the true and correct gender or sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE”. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on November 12, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at the Regional Trial Court,Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan,Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the Municipal Hall of Malitbog, Southern Leyte, and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General, the National Statistics office, Quezon City, and the Local Civil Registrar of Malitbog, Southern Leyte. SO ORDERED. In Champers, this 15 day of September, 2009 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte Philippines. th MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge Muz & Suz Diner Now Open! If youre tired and hungry after a a brisk morning exercise around the provincial park, do drop by the newly opened “Muz and Suz Diner” for coffee and breakfast. The diner also serves lunch and snacks and is open till 10 p.m. Try Suzette Santos’s Dinuguan (The aromic variety) and Kaldareta which is served during lunch time, or by advanced order. Muz and Suz is owned by New Zealander Murray Cade and Samareño Susette Santos. Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Southern Leyte City/Municipality: City of Maasin NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that CORAZON M. ORAIZ has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “DIOSCORA M. ORAIZ” to “CORAZON M. ORAIZ” in the birth certificate of Corazon M. Oraiz who was born on May 18, 1956 at Ibarra, Maasin City, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Luis Orais and Aurelia Maulas. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. (SGD), LUZVIMINDA T. ABIERA City/Municipal Civil Registrar (SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 1st issue) EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH QUITCLAIM Notice is given that PACITA PEREZ, GENOVAÑA and GIUSEPPE PEREZ GENEVAÑA, both of legal age, Filipino and residents of Brgy. Mantahan Maasin City, Southern Leyte and ASUNCION PEREZ CAPAO, Likewise of legal age and a resident of Brgy. Mantahan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte; are the legal heirs of Romanito Genovaña; executed an Extrajudicial Settlement With Quitclaim over of land describe as follows: “A parcel of residential land, covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 10867, registered in the name of Romanito Genovaña designated as Lot 872-A. Cad 08-000498 located at Brgy. Mantahan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, containing an area of 413 square meters. It is bounded on the north along line 1-2, 19meters; south by lot No.972-B along line 2-3-4, 26.31 meters, west by lot No. 881 and lot No. 875 along lines 4-5-6, 24.52 meters; That the undersigned heirs of Romanito Genovaña have mutually and voluntarily agreed being all of legal ages, and with full capacity to contract, hereby agree this present to adjudicate among themselves the above described real property; “One half (1/2) portion of the land described above designated as Lot No. 872-A-2 with an area of 193 sqaure meters. It is bounded on the north by Lot No. 872-A 1 (remaining portion) along line 2-3, 23.16 meters; East by Lot No. 871 along line 2-3, 7.92 meters; south by lot No.872.B, along line 3-4, 24.70 meters; and West by Lot No.872-A-3 (alley) along lilne 4-1, 8.28 meters, copy of the subdivision plan is hereto attached.”hereby WAIVED RENOUNCED AND QUITCLAIMED as do hereby waive, renounce and quitclaimed all rights and interest and participation over the said portion of real property described to Asuncion Perez Capao; as per Doc. No. 1, Page No. 1, Book No. V, Series of 2009, before notary public Atty. Margarita A. Bantug.(SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 1st issue) DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE Notice is hereby given that GERICA L. NOMBRADO, of legal age, Filipino, widow, a resident of Poblacion Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, the herein so called Vendor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) Pesos, Philippine Currency, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged to my entire satisfaction from ARLENE B. CEENEY, likewise of legal age, Filipino, a resident of Libhu, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, married to GREGORY C. CEENEY, who both have a daughter named SHARLENE B. CEENEY, the herein so called Vendee, do hereby SELL, CEDE, TRANSFER and CONVEY absolutely and forever unto the said Vendee,heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, over a parcel of land hereunder desribed: “DESCRIPTION OF A PARCEL SOLD- “ A parcel of residential land located at Lungsodaan, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, declared under ARP No. 05-10006-00411 in the name of GERICA NOMBRADO, bearing Lot No.1026-E, containing an area of 117 sq.meters., with boundaries on the North: by Lot No. 1026-A (Marca Magallanes); east: by National Road; south: by Lot No. 1027 (Gerica Nombrado)and on the west: by lot no.1026-A.”That I, the herein Vendor is the lawful owner of the above-described property of which I have the perfect right to dispose the same, free from my lien, encumbrance and mortgages of whatever nature; That under the consolidation survey over ARP No. 05-10006-00409, Lot No. 1027-Id, with an area of 75 sq. m. and ARP No. 05-10006-00410, Lot No. 1027-Ic, with an area of 233 sq. m., cancellation has been issued by Ronnie E. Ponferrada, OIC-Regional Surveys Division over the same due to an Affidavit of Waiver of Rights over Lot No.1027-Id had been executed by me in favor of Cristie and Marry Ann Harris; That so as to illuminate and clarify matters on the disposal of Lot No. 1027-Id as evidenced under Doc. No.367, Page No. 74, Book No. VIII, Series of 2008 by Notary Public, Atty. Fernando C. Campilan, Jr., I, the herein Vendor, do hereby manifest and assert the correction over the sale of Lot No. 1027-Id by way of replacing and substituting the same in the manner of selling the above-described property bearing Lot No. 1026-E in favor of the above-named Vendee and therefore, invalidate and nullify the previous sale executed by me over Lot No.10227-Id; hereby TRANSFER and CONVEY absolutely all my rights of ownership and possession over Lot No.1026-E in favor of the above-named Vendee and further warrant to defend the rights and the interests against all claims that may arise by virtue of these presents; as per Doc. No. 30, Page No.7, Book No. X, Series of 2009; before notary public Atty. Fernando C. Campilan.(SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 1st issue) DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE OF TWO PARCELS OF RESIDENTIAL LAND Notice is hereby given that GERICA L. NOMBRADO, of legal age, Filipino citizen, widow, a resident of Barangay Poblacion, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, the herein so called VENDOR, for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred ThirtyOne Thousand Pesos (P231, 000.00), Philippine Currency, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged to my entire satisfaction from Mrs. ARLENE B. CEENEY, likewise of legal age, Filipino, a resident of Libhu, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, married to Gregory C. Ceeney and having a daughter named SHARLENE B. CEENEY, the herein so called VENDEE, do hereby SELL, CEDE, TRANSFER and CONVEY absolutely and forever unto the said VENDEE, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, over the parcels of residential land including all its improvements erected therein hereunder particularly described as follows: DESCRIPTION OF THE FIRST PARCEL SOLD- “A parcel of residential land situated at Lungsodaan, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, declared under ARP NO. 10006-00409 in the name of GERICA NOMBRADO, with Survey No.1027 (Lot I-D); Assessed Value of (1,690.00, containing a total area of 75 sq. m., covered under TCT No.T-9129; and bounded on the North: by Lot No.1027-G (Lot I-C) (Gerica Nombrado); east: by National Road; south: by Lot No. 1027 (I-E) and on the west: by Lot No. 1027 (I-B) (Cristie and Mary Ann Harris).”-DESCRIPTION OF THE SECOND PARCEL SOLD-” A parcel of residential land situated at Lungsodaan,Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, declared under ARP No. 10006-00410 in the name of GERICA NOMBRADO, with Survey No. 1027-G (Lot I-C); Assessed value of P5, 240.00, containing a total area of 233 sq. m., covered under TCT No. T-9128; and bounded on the north: by Lot No.1026; east: by National Road; south: by Road right-of-way (Lot No. 1027 (Lot I-D) and on the west: by Lot No. 1027 (I-B) (Cristie and Mary Ann Harris).”hereby TRANSFER and CONVEY absolutely all my rights of ownership and possession over the aforementioned properties in favor of the aforesaid VENDEE and further warrant to defend the rights and interests against all claims that may arise by virtue of these presents; as per Doc. No. 367, Page No. 74, Book No. VIII, Series of 2009, before notary public Atty. Fernando C. Campilan Jr.(SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 1st issue) Republic of the Philippines Municipal Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Macrohon Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Southern Leyte City/Municipality: City of Maasin NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A Act. No.9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that ENRIQUITA CUSTODIO ESTELA has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “MARIA ENRIQUITA” to “ENRIQUITA” in the birth certificate of Enriquita Custodio Estela who was born on November 17, 1969 at San Vicente, Poblacion, Macrohon, whose parents are Jorge Estela and Leovigilda Custodio. In Compliance with Section 5 of R.A Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that INOCENCIO ELEGENIO B. BACHINI has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “ELEGENIO B. BACHINI” to “INOCENCIO ELEGENIO B. BACHINI” in the birth certificate of Inocencio Elegenio B. Bachini who was born on September 21, 1957 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Felix Bachini and Pelagia Bandibas. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. (SGD). ARMEDA S. MAITEM Municipal Civil Registrar (SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 1st issue) Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. (SGD), LUZVIMINDA T. ABIERA City/Municipal Civil Registrar (SLT Oct.19 & Nov.1, 2009 1st issue) Commentary 5 AS I SEE IT By ANTONIO MENDOZA REYES Enemy Within If, I Were... If I were the opposition candidate for city mayor, which I’m sure I’ll never be, these would be my top priorities. My first official act would be to read the City Master Plan which was prepared by a Manila based management consulting firm several years ago so I would know where we are, and where we are going. I would then send all the city councilors to the UP Graduate School of Local Governance for crash courses in public administration so they will know what it is they’re supposed to do. My third priority would be to recr uit Quezon City Treasurer Victor Endriga as my fiscal policy adviser. He has done wonders for QC and can do the same for our city. Endriga is due to retire soon, and since he is a Southern Leyteño, I’m sure he would want to help the city solve its huge debt problem. I would then request the line departments in Manila to assign their top technocrats here because we need them badly. Most of our national agency heads have been here too long and have run out of ideas. My fifth priority would be to stop the construction of all multi-storied buildings at the reclamation site, because its base is porous and unstable, and since global warming is an “Inconvenient truth” that we must accept and prepare for. My next act would be to create a lean (but mean) task force on Climate Change. so we’ll be ready when our coastal barangays start to sink and its residents have to be relocated and provided with basic services like water, electricity, roads and alternative means of livelihood. I would then confiscate all illegal chainsaws in Maasin; for no matter how many trees our good congressman plants, illegal loggers in connivance with CENRO foresters will cut down a lot more. My eight priority would be to reconstruct all the city’s drainage canals so they won’t be stagnant, foul smelling, and havens for dengue carrying mosquitoes - and God knows what else. And since water is the source of life, I would have the squatters along our river banks removed, for they are not only eyesores and flood hazards, but a reminder of bad local leadership. I would also have the Maasin Water District filtration and piping system analyzed to ascertain our tap water is safe enough to drink. These are some of the more urgent issues I believe any aspirant for city mayor should, but are not addressing. And I sincerely hope that a candidate in the coming mayoral election (irregardless of party affiliation) will confront them head-on instead of harping on marginal accomplishments and the weaknesses of ones protagonist. editorial The Yap family of Sogod are an enterprising lot. Their annual anniversary celebration of their JYSMI enterprises is a three-day affair which includes a drum and bugle corp, motorcades, sportsfests and entertainment by celebrities from Manila. It’s like a town fiesta, but better organized. Motorcab Bottleneck Students of the Southern Leyte State University are complaining about the growing number of motorcabs which block their main entrance as they wait for passengers. SLSU President Gloria Reyes claims they have complained about this to the municipal government, but so far nothing has been done about it. We are therefore requesting Mayor Shefferd Tan to act on this matter Asap. Letters to the Editor PNP Needs More Recruits Please help me prod Southern Leyte's youth to take the Philippine National Police Academy examinations. I was a proctor for the last examination and noticed only a few took the test there. I would like to encourage more young people to take the examination which could lead to a very exciting career with the PNP. Our next entrance examination is scheduled this october 25. For more information please contact me at my email below. Email: By BONG PEDALINO would be the logical choice for vice-presiden while Quedan would be leading the senatorial ticket. Party machinery is no problem, for they will slug it out as independents; besides, the sad state of the environment is the buzzword nowadays, something not requiring any structured organization to put the message across. And there's no need to campaign. In fact, global warming or climate change has been a household word nowadays, which translates to freak weather in local settings. The program of government? Sure, that's easy. Nationwide disaster risk management, comprehensive hazard mapping espe- JYSMI Annual Anniversary JOSEPH JARIi A. INOT Ondoy for President? He arrived on the precise month when leading presidential bets formally made known their intention to run. On September 9, a noncandidate was thrust into the limelight by sheer circumstance, and on September 15, the least in the surveys was decided as the top choice. Ondoy did not make it to the surveys, either, and his entry into Philippine territory was no less a dramatic circumstance for it has been anticipated. Yet on September 26 Ondoy proved he was a factor to contend with in this typhoon highway land of ours. If Ondoy were to run for president, then Peping A school here lost construction materials and after investigating the incident found that two of there security guards were the culprits. Although they were able to dismiss one who was a casual employee, the other suspect who is a regular employee is still there. School officials should throw the book at this scalawag and either fire him, or assign him to Timbakto.There is no place in a school for crooks like him. Request From Pennsylvania cially on highly-vulnerable areas, functional mitigation measures, realistic adaptation on erratic weather patterns, serious preparedness at all levels. That is a mouthful already, in which the winners will have their hands full for all these things in the next six years, among other priorities. Better prepare and prevent, than repair and repent. We are all agreed on this, right? Now the real problem is this: who will be the Ondoy among the presidential contenders? No, not the destruction wrought but the sheer will to keep things moving, to shake each one of us from page 2 My name is Mariko Tinaya. I am a graduate student currently studying in Pennsylvania USA. I have been assigned a research project which require current information about two world cities. I have chosen employment rate fluctuations over the past five years in Maasin, Southern Leyte and Johannesburg, South Africa I have been looking through your bewspaper's archives and found the article "2,000 Skilled Workers Leave Province Yearly" to be quite intriguing. Would you have any more information on Southern Leyte's employment rate? If not, could you tell me where I can get them? Thank you in advance for your assistance. I have enjoyed reading your newspaper and acquainting myself with some of the concerns of the people there. MARIKO Penn State, USA Thank You SLT I would like to extend my gratitude for your help. I sent you a request 5 or 6 months ago to help me find my Serenio family in Southern Leyte and sure enough, everything worked out great. I heard that you guys posted my comment in your newspaper and it was viewed by people who made contact with my family. I now have a part of my past that I have never known. Thank you for all your time and effort. MICHAEL HETZER Email: Want to share your jokes? email us at or send text to 09283668901 visit our website: Philippine Politics 2010 Typhoon Erap Visayas and Mindanao in the coming days. [By the way, beware of Noynoy's thunder - it wouldnt shut up!] Typhoon Villar Devastates the country for two hours and then leaves. Despite the enEarlier forecast categorized it as a try of a new disturbance it threatens to re-enter the Philippine area of re- “super typhoon” maintaining strength sponsibility. Extreme caution is recom- in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Roads and road extensions were dammended... aged – twice (double devastation). But the entry of Typhoon Noynoy in PhilTyphoon Gloria ippine territory has eclipsed its impact. Has pummel the country for nine The rest of the country will remain years. Gustiness rivals that of Typhoon cloudy though. Marcos in the ‘70s. Damage to agriculture is estimated at P728 billion. Damage to infrastructure is unknown but reports claim reconstruction of the 6kilometer Macapagal Boulevard alone has cost the government P536 million. It was able to sustain its strength after interacting with Typhoon Erap. Typhoon Gibo It was nowhere near the Philippine area of responsibility until three hours before PAGASA made its latest forecast. In fact, typhoon Bayani’s moderate winds were already blowing east of the metro before Gibo made its presence felt and officially entered PhilipTyphoon Mar pine territory. The weather bureau foreThreatened to enter Philippine ter- casts similarities in the movements of ritory but after seeing the vigilance of typhoons Gibo andGloria although Filipinos, it was forced to back out and both Gibo and typhoon Noynoy originated approximately 10 miles east of gave way to Typhoon Noynoy. Central Luzon Typhoon Noynoy Initially categorized as a tropical storm until weather specialists observed a sudden rise in its gustiness and wind speed. After being officially declared a typhoon, it now brings scattered rain showers in Luzon including Metro Manila. Moderate to strong winds are expected to blow toward the Typhoons Loren & Chiz For the first time in local history, two typhoons entered the country at the same time making landfall on the same area. Impact is moderate though without much damage and both are expected to leave soon… unless either of them interact with typhoon Erap. HOROSCOPE AQUARIUS - A time to wake up, open your eyes wide, and get a grip. Communicate with those who support your values. Lead the way by simply doing what you do best. A deep conversation could change your life. Now more than ever, you must pay attention to the details. Those who don't know you, will soon be pleasantly surprised by your presence. Your powers of persuasion are very strong. The energy you possess this week can propel you into bigger & better things. This week lucky numbers are: 21, 57, 61, 73. Pisces - There is a feeling of restlessness, for reasons you don't yet understand. If you are concerned about your health, you should address those concerns. You are in the company of people who think the world of you. You could improve the situation by finding your sense of humour instead of getting your back up. Take care when making promises of your time or commitments to travel. Objectivity may be the only thing that can save you. This week lucky numbers are: 18, 24, 26, 38. Aries - Unexpected funds that seem to come your way from nowhere. A powerful opportunity exists for you to raise funds, collect income, and set up a fund that will start to bring in money more consistently. Old friends, associates will offer their support, take them up on it. Make an effort to show how adaptable and flexible you are, even if you don't feel that way from the start. Once you get into it, your enthuasium & power will be overwhelming. Take the world by surprise and dance to the tune of your success. This week lucky numbers are: 5, 7, 13, 17, 23. Taurus - Teamwork & your ability to get everyone involved in your project. Get good agreements now and be sure you play the game with total fairness. Romance at this time, may not bring the satisfaction you desire. You may be temporarily distracted by problems that someone else creates. Beware of fast talkers with big schemes of fame & glory. There is so much to deal with, both practically and personally. Use the week-end to catch up on returning phone calls or emails to family & friends. This week lucky numbers are: 10, 16, 18, 40, 46. Gemini - The only reason why you aren't further ahead is that you have not been honest to yourself. Life should seem easier within a few days, allowing you to show your charm and your ability to negotiate better deals. Charm and sweetness will win big rewards with family members, as well. You feel like you're ready to go for the gold. This week lucky numbers are: 9, 11, 21, 27, 33. Cancer - Your best work is within a group of close knit associates, especially when there's a high-minded ideals involved. Co-workers may not be as cooperative as you want. You present a strong public image and could pose a threat to their existance. Time will bere the ultimate judge of your character. Your people skills will shine brightly once you understand the value of others' input. This week lucky numbers are: 10, 16, 22, 32, 40. LEO - Your emotional reactions will continue to affect your financial & personal situations. You should try to join forces with those who understand your love for challenges and for projects that seem out of reach to others. Don't ignore the attention of someone who wants to take care of you in a sweet & wonderful way. Shrug off other people's jealousy of your situation & get to the matters at hand. This week lucky numbers are: 3, 7, 15, 25, 27. Virgo - You may have felt alone lately, but you'll soon realize that you have a lot of support behind you. Others will listen if you address the matter seriously. An uncooperative mate can really cause havoc with your homelife. Take the time to avoid misunderstandings, lay down the groundwork & listen to questions. Express yourself & others will vie for your attention! This week lucky numbers are: 2, 36, 38, 42, 50. Libra - Rumours or secrets revealed may leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth, stay away from the firing line. If you don't, prepare to deal with the consequences of your involvement in someone else's problem. It may drive you to take chances that you normally wouldn't even consider for yourself. Recently, relationships may have felt a little out of sync, you need to relax & really enjoy each others company. This week lucky numbers are: 11, 25, 35, 55, 59. Scorpio - Try not to hurt feelings, but express how you feel. Once the air has cleared, you'll start to see things from a new perspective. New light will find its way into a dark corner of your life. Your strong constitution and popularity could turn your life into a perpetual celebration. Sagittarius - The behavior of others should not be your concern. You cannot take on th burden of other's actions, especially one who is unstable. What is more important, now, is how you use your own power. You could enjoy special blessings with work, travel and in your personal life. You could be surprised at last minute invitations that offer you with a special honor or recognition. of your diligence and attention to details. If you need extra help or financing, this is the time to ask for your needs to be met. This week lucky numbers are: 9, 11, 29, 41, 45. Capricorn - Sentimental & emotional ties being pulled. Focus on work issues and cooperative ventures that will bring real and concrete rewards. Look out! Things are going to start to really change. Sometimes you have to do what's right, even if it is difficult. It may help to think about people who have it much worse than you do. That should help you to balance the emotional & material baggage you possess. Listen to offers that originate from a distance. They may prove to be a good option to your dilemna. This week lucky numbers are: 4, 8, 34, 44, 62. Christian Academy Holds Annual Palaro Environmental Corner Vital tips on waste segregation 1. The best thing to do with waste is not to create it at all. Reduce waste at home by sensible purchasing such as buying reusable packaging instead of one time use containers like tetrapacks. Buy glass insted of plastic bags Do not buy small quantities in mini-packs or sachets, because it means more packaging waste. 2. A good way to look at solid waste handling is through the 3R's. This means Reduction, Reuse and Recycling. When you think of the 3R's they inform you clearly that the managing and handling of waste begins long before it is ever created. It begins with reduction and avoiding waste in the first place. Only after that do reuse and recycling come into play. This will lead to Zero Waste Movement for proper Waste Management. The Maasin Christian Academy Intramural Games for its Pre-Elementary, Elementary and High School Departments was held last October 9 at the DILG Gymnatorium with the theme “What matters is.not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” The sportsfest started with a parade of the two competing teams the Red Robbins and Blue Jays. faculty and staff and parents from the MCA Campus to Combado then Pasay and the competition site. Members of the competing teams were introduced by Zimran Dave Epelipcia the Intramural Games Coordinator. This was followed by the lighting of the Friendship Urn by Abegail Sakib, a gold medalist in ASAP and Mary Joy Calapre, a bronze medalist in the Palarong Pambansa 2009. Engr. Nelson Tan, Chairman of the MCA Board of directors delivered the keynote address while Ms. Chona Tan, the School Principal, formally opened the start of the tournament.. The Ground Demonstration immediately followed: featuring Philippine Cultural and Foreign Dances in the elementary division and Cheerleading Competition for high school students. Basketball and Track and Field were held the following mornng at the Oval Ground of the Sunken Garden where the volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and board games were played. The Blue Jay team won the overall championship with 650 points beating the Red Robins by 25 points. 3. Citizens must segregate their garbage, they must be resposible for ensuring that it reaches the dust bins in segregated form. They must be resposible that its thrown inside the bins. Citizens should think about teaming up with local waste pickers for better recycling and cleanliness because they are a clean locality's best friends. 4. Understand where each piece of garbage you throw out is classified. Don't be lazy in doing such a simple task for the environment. If we properly segregate our waste our community will be a much healthier place. (BY WOWIE REYES) BONTOC’S JENNY KAIBIGAN RESOS reads SLT OCT. 19 & NOV.1, 2009 8 SMART to expand services here SOGOD - SMART Broadband Inc. (SBI) the company that provides Smart Bro’s wireless service, was given the go ahead of the National Telecommunications Commission last week to operate a more advanced technology involving data communications in Southern Leyte and other provinces in the visayas that would cost the cellular firm P341.25 million. Smart will establish a data leased channel circuit network service in the provinces of Southern Leyte, Zamboanga Sibugay, Sultan Kudarat, Biliran, Compostela Valley, Davao Oriental, Dinagat Island and Shariff Kabunsuan. The NTC, however, has not yet assigned SBI the necessary frequencies for it to operate the said service. The frequencies, the agency said, would still be subject to availability. SBI continued to expand as its wireless broadband subscriber base grew 26 percent to reach 689,000 as at end- MONTANO June 2009. Of this number, 261,000 were on SmartBro’s prepaid service while 428,000 are postpaid subscribers. Smart Bro is today’s most widely available broadband service provider in the country. The frequency bandwidths are essential to SBI’s planned deployment of WiMax, or Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WiMax is a telecommunications technology aimed at providing wireless data over long distances in a variety of ways, from pointto-point links to full mobile cellular type access. SBI had told the NTC that there are various services that it could offer to the public using WiMax technology operating on the 700MHz. Among the basic services include broadband Internet, voice over Internet protocol, text messaging, electronic messaging, wireless video streaming sharing and digital voice communicator on a handheld radio. TO SEEK BOHOL GOVERNORSHIP MANILA – Cesar Montano will soon take a leave from show business to concentrate on his political career. Montano is running for governor of Bohol in the 2010 elections. This will be his second attempt in politics. In 2007, Montano, or Cesar Manhilot in real life ran for senator but lost. Once Montano files his certificate of candidacy with the Commission on Elections next month, he is required to take a leave from his television shows including his top-rating singing program “The Singing Bee.” "My heart is fixed sa Bohol, lalo na sa edukasyon ng mga kabataan at mga disenteng hospital na kailangan namin. Unang-una, gusto kong i-regulate ang fishing sa Bohol, dalhin ang quality education dito sa Manila sa Bohol, [at] dumami ang prep schools sa Bohol," Montano said. Biggest Payday: Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto will earn a record paycheck for their November 14 title fight in Las Vegas dubbed as "Firepower". The two welterweight superstars will earn an estimated $30 million. “I take great pride in this fight,” Bob Arum said “We have two champions who are going to earn their biggest payday. Pacquiao will make over $20 million and Cotto will make $10 million. CM to help fight poverty Last October 12, the College of Maasin’s faculty and staff heeded the call of the United Nations System in the Philippines and participated in this year’s “STAND UP AND TAKE ACTION” campaign to help eradicate poverty in the country by 2015. The college showed its support with a special program and distributed to the students, faculty and staff a survey form intended to get their pulse and thoughts on the issues that should be given priority by the new set of elected government officials. More than 13 hundred “ballots” are expected to be cast this week and the results will be released next week to the public. Call Center needs 200 workers A call center will be hiring 200 more workers this month for its facility in Palo, Leyte. The APAC Customer Ser vices, based in Deerfield, Illinois has invested around P200 million on a 31,000- square meter property at the Leyte Information and Communication Technology Park in Palo 10 km away from Tacloban City. Applicants will undergo initial screening at job fair caravans and page 2 Superchow Garden Café Capitol Sunken Garden , Asuncion Maasin City Corner S. Bantug and Rafols St.Tunga-tunga, Maasin City Tel. no (053) 381-2233 HOTEL FACILITIES • Air-conditioned Rooms • Gift Shop • Terrace Dining Area • BAR • Restaurant • Pool • Beach • Conference & Meeting Rooms • Grand Ballroom • Coffee Shop Bantigue, Ormoc City, Philippines/Tel. (053) 255-3801 to 03 (for reservations) The Best Chicken BBQ in the City (Bacolod Chicken)… And the Most Mouth Watering Halo-halo “The Perfect Place to dine With Nature” Tel. no. (053) 570-8146 Accepts Catering Services On all occasions Tel. nos. (053) 570-8623 or 3812233 Email: & What would happen if our Presidentiables were Typhoons? page 6
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