Cokaliong drifts for 8 hours
Cokaliong drifts for 8 hours
Entered as second class mail matter at Maasin City Post Office under Permit No. R8-0103 May 10-17, 2009 e-mail: 8-Pages Vol. 6, No. 508 10 Pesos in Maasin City AGUELO KEEPS TITLE! MAASIN CITY - The reigning Philippine Boxing Federation super bantamweight champion Adonis Aguelo sent challenger Phil Angcamor to the canvas four times enroute to a successful defense of his crown before thousands of cheering local fans at the Maasin City Gymnasium Monday night. Aguelo was well ahead in the scorecards of the three judges in ever y round when Angcamor was floored once in the third round and three times in the sixth round. Punches unleashed by the champion inflicted a heavy beating on the challenger who was specifically weak in his torso. But Angcamor, who hails from Cagayan de Oro City, put-up a gallant stand from the beginning till the end of the fight, surprisingly absorbing Aguelo’s blows in six rounds especially those that hit his head. He showed some of his cleverness by swaying his head to evade the crush- ing blows of the Maasin champ. But the determination to give the hometown crowd something to cheer about inspired Aguelo to end the fight with a bang. The curtains closed on the challenger when referee Ben Necesario stopped the fight at 1:44 of round 6 when Angcamor hit the canvas three times in that round. The fight was dubbed “Makalingawng Sangka sa Adlaw ni Mayor” or “Entertaining Fight for Mayor’s Birthday” and true to its billing the fights amused the full-packed crowd of all genders and ages. Boxing is alive and kicking in this capital city and it was evidenced by the upbeat response of the crowd in every fight. In the supporting professional bouts, the fight between Jaime Bermiso of Bontoc, Southern Leyte and Joseph Alteza of Butuan City ended in a technical draw when Bermiso was cut in the right eye boi Mansalayao of Butuan City to a majority draw. Ramos dominated the bout in the first round but lost steam in the second and third round. He went back in the final canto and the bout ended in a majority draw with two judges scoring it 38-38 and the third judge scoring it 39-38 for Ramos. Nine amateur bouts were fought between Maasin City and BatoMatalom, Leyte boxers. There were five winners from Maasin, namely Daryl Ramos, Aldrin Mori, John Mark Vanzuela, Jose Lito Ayaay, and Joel Rosales. While the four winners from BatoMatalom were Jaybee Payac, Gerry Mancio, Jaybe Galia, and Robert Payac. The promotion was presented by the Maasin City Government through the auspices of the Maasin City Sports Council in coordination with Rex Wakee Salud International and the Games The rescue vessel left for Maasin at 10:55 p.m. according to Anelito Gabisan of the Cebu Coast Guard who added that they received an S.O.S. call at around 7 in the evening from the ship’s captain Rogelio Mutya who said they had developed engine trouble. Mutya said they turned off their engines after MAASIN CITY - A ves- the Cokaliong Shipping According to Coka- the motor pump oversel bound for Maasin Lines was adrift without liong Shipping Lines it heated. City with 186 passen- power for at least eight sent another vessel, the One of its passengers, gers developed engine hours around 12 nautical MV Filipinas Dapitan, to Dina Dacunos, said the trouble two hours after miles south of Pasijan transfer the passengers boat’s engines stopped it left Cebu City last Island of the Camotes which was completed around 3:30 p.m. or Friday. group of islands. about 10:30 at night. about two hours after MV Filipinas Iloilo of leaving the port of Cebu City, and it was almost 6 hours later that they were told that they would be transferred to the M/V Filipinas Dapitan. Dacunos said be- cause of the delay the passengers were given dinner by the Cokaliong Shipping Lines management. (By MARK RIMAS) due to an accidental head butt in the second round. Upon the advise of the ring physician Dr. Teodulo Salas, Jr., referee Necesario stopped the fight 1:20 of the second round. While Michael Ramos of Maasin City rallied in the fourth and final round to end the fight with Ge- Cokaliong drifts for 8 hours KYLE’S FOOD HAUS Tomas Oppus street, Tunga-tunga Maasin City, Southern Leyte Telephone Nos. 570-8546 or 572-1702 / 381-4547 Cell.# 0918-215-2120 We Accept Catering Services for: *Weddings *Birthdays *Baptisms *Party *Fiestas *Anniversaries *Seminars *Blessings Proprietor: Jennifer Maraon “At KYLE’S we serve delicious and affordable meals” High powered Abu Sayyaf arms seized at Liloan Terminal page 8 Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LEYTE STATE UNIVERSITY Sogod, Southern Leyte, 6606 SOGOD CAMPUS (MAIN) Master in Management (MM) Master in Technology Education (MTE) Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), major in: English Language Filipino Language Natural Sciences Mathematics Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) BS in Civil Engineering (BSCE) BS in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) BS in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) BS in Information Technology (BS Info Tech) Associate in Information Technology Diploma in Computer Systems Technician (CSTech) BS in Food Technology & Entrepreneurship (BS FTE) BS in Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism and Management (BSHRTM) BS in Criminal Justice (Criminology) TOMAS OPPUS CAMPUS Master of Arts in Education, major in: Educational Management Guidance and Counseling Language Teaching Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science Education Master in Public Administration Diploma in Elementary Teaching, areas: Communication Arts Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science and Health Diploma in Secondary Teaching, major in: English Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science –Biology, Chemistry, Physics Bachelor of Arts, major in: English Mathematics Social Science Bachelor of Elementary Education, areas: Communication Arts Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science and Health Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in: English Filipino Mathematics Social Science Science –Biology, Chemistry, Physics Associate in Computer Education Secondary Program Laboratory High School, electives: English Mathematics Science BS in Industrial Education (BSIE), major in: Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) (Secondary) General Education (Elementary) BS in Industrial Technology (BSIT), major in: Electronics Technology Architectural Drafting Technology Automotive Technology Food Preparation& Service Technology Garments Technology Electrical Technology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Technology Associate in Industrial Technology (AIT), major in: Electronics Technology Architectural Drafting Technology Automotive Technology Food Preparation & Service Technology Garments Technology Electrical Technology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Technology HINUNANGAN CAMPUS Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (BAT) Associate in Agricultural Technology Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) BS in Agricultural Entrepreneurship (BSAE) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Associate in Information Technology BONTOC CAMPUS Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology Bachelor of Science in Information technology Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Bachelor of Agricultural Technology Diploma in Agricultural technology Practical Nursing SAN JUAN CAMPUS BS in Industrial Technology (BSIT), major in: Automotive Electronics Electricity Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE), major in: Mathematics English Science THE BS in Information Technology (BS Info Tech) BS in Office Administration (BSOA) BS in Entrepreneurship (BSE) Associate in Computer Technology Associate in Industrial Technology Associate in Office Administration FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE or THE SCHOOL REGISTRAR Telephone # (053) 3822089/3822439 Breaking News May 10-17, 2009 Crime Watch by Anthony Kings Farmer Runs Amok BARANGAY MILAGROSA, SOGOD – A crazy farmer here who had been destroying his neighbors crops and threatening to hack passersby with his Sundang was shot in the leg when he attacked policemen who were sent there to pacify him. Police identified the trouble maker as 49 year old Mario Galambia. According to SPO1 Raul Luterte a group of barangay officials led by barangay captain Paulo Dublas had gone to the police station to report Galambia’s weird antics and had accompanied them to the suspect’s house. He said when they invited Galambia to the police station for questioning he went ballistic and attacked them with his sundang. Luterte said they fired several warning shots in the air, but he ignored them, so they shot him in the right leg. The suspect is now in police custody and will be examined by a psychiatrist to check if he is really insane. If not, he will be charged with assaulting an officer of the law. Note. The only problem with this plan is that there is only one psychologist in Southern Leyte that we know about and she was working at the provincial capitol the last time we checked. So let’s just assume Galambia is crazy, put him in jail, and throw away the key. Carpenter Electrocuted BARANGAY CALAYUGAN, HINUNANGAN – A 49 year old carpenter was electro- cuted here when he fell while installing an electric galvanized iron post and had touched a live SOLECO power line. Neighbors said Alberto Tagnipez and his nephew Normel Del Rosario were hired by the barangay council there for the Sangguniang Kabataan project. Note: From what we know it’s the TRANSCO that is responsible for accidents involving electric power lines. So if the wife of the unlucky carpenter wants to sue for damages it’s TRANSCO they should sue. But of course this would take years to resolve, and the only beneficiary would be her lucky lawyer. Letters to the Editor Balimbings Regarding your last Zoomlens on “Balimbings” in politics. Thats the reality in the philippines. Can you ask Oging why he abandoned JDV his boss before. Sometimes mura man pod tag torotot. Vilma Mooney named 3 new GSIS regional manager MAASIN CITY - The Government Service Insurance Systems office for Eastern Visayas has a new boss in the person of Ms. Vilma Mooney who is now based in Tacloban City’s State Pension Fund’s Regional office. According to GSIS, Mooney who was a department head of the GSIS branch in Maasin City and President of the Public Information Officers of Southern Leyte, assumed her post last May 11 after her predecessor Erlinda Roma retired. Among Mooney’s first official act was to visit Saint Bernard to distribute nine P100,000 checks to survivors of GSIS members who were buried alive during the Guinsaugon landslide tragedy three years ago. Mooney said she had asked Mayor Rico Rentuza to distribute the checks himself since it was long delayed, but he begged off, since he wanted Mooney to also answer questions from GSIS members there which he could not answer himself. The new GSIS regional honcho was active in Maasin’s local media and hosted GSIS’s radio programs. (By Neome Montalbo) Maasin City College 2/F Commercial Complex Building, R. Garces Street corner M. Borres Circum. Road T unga - tunga , M aasin C ity , S outhe rn Leyte Tel. No. (053) 381-0703 Courses Offered: *Bachelor of Science in Agriculture *Bachelor of Science in Public Administration *Bachelor of Science in Social Work *Bachelor of Science in Tourism ~kapa haka ( White Elephants Those who are complaining about the lack of big ships docking at the “white elephant” in Maasin City and other ports in Southern Leyte, please watch these video links: Note: Our mission has started in Hawaii. Why? Well, it said several millennium ago, that “a prophet is not honored in his own country.” So, since our intentional community project has no support in Southern Leyte, Philippines the past 20 years of planning and organizing, then we do it in Hawaii, U.S.A and few other countries. We do have some supports from those who are being “called out of this world,” according to His will! ~7th Millennium Community ( Classes start June 15, 2009 ENROLL NOW!!! Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Macrohon Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Macrohon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Nenita Formaran Moralde has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “NITA” to “NENITA” in the birth certificate of Nenita Formaran Moralde who was born on February 28, 1958 at Mabini, Macrohon, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Vivencio Moralde and Juanita Formaran. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. In compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Jose Enrico B. Ballener has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “JOSE” to “JOSE ENRICO” in the birth certificate of Jose Enrico B. Ballener who was born on September 16, 1966 at Rizal, Macrohon, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Antonio B. Ballener and Elisa A. Betonio. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. ARMEDA S. MAITEM Municiapal Civil Registrar (SLT May 10-18, 2009 1st issue) ARMEDA S. MAITEM Municiapal Civil Registrar (SLT May 10-18, 2009 1st issue) Commentary 4 young coconut fronds in Southern Leyte? There are other urgent policy isANTONIO sues we would have loved MENDOZA REYES to ask her about - but these will do for a start. The opposition’s criticisms about the thin and narrow surfaces of the newly cemented roads in W i t h s t i l l e l e v e n would run because she the province may be true, months till the 2010 elec- pitied her province mates but if they were muddy tions there are already and deplored the scandals or dusty dirt roads before, rumblings of backroom at the provincial capitol. which is the better opmaneuverings and po- Her accusations may tion? litical alliances between be valid, but what we We agree that the monthose in power and those wanted to hear from her, ey spent remodling the was what her policies provincial capitol buildwho are not. As a member of the would be if she runs ing should have been spent on something more Fourth Estate we wel- again and wins. come tightly contested Was the former gover- urgent, yet there’s no deelections, not only be- nor for or against popu- nying it raised the morale cause they sell newspa- lation control through of the employees working there. pers, but because they artificial means? sometimes offer better What would she do The key question we alternatives to what we about the alarming drug must ask ourselves today problem in the province? is whether the opposition have now. In a recent interview Would she allow strip is offering something betwith former Governor mining here? ter than what we have. Rosette Yñiguez Lerias, How would she handle If they’re not; then why she said she would run the “Bunchy Top” infes- change the current leadin 2010 if no one else tation which has all but ership? challenges the Mercado destroyed our Abaca Inbrothers who control dustry? And what would both the governorship she do about the Hispine and the lone congres- Beetle swarms that will sional seat. She said she soon be feasting on the May 10-17, 2009 AS I SEE IT Relevant Change editorial Pacu Fire Fiasco Exasperated by the failure of the city’s fire fighters to quickly extinguish a small fire in barangay Pacu last week, which eventually razed three houses, provincial disaster management Czar Esledo “Dodi” Hernandez summoned the representatives of the Bureau of Fire Protection and SOLECO to his office to make sure the incident did not happen again. For according to City Fire Marshall Canuto Ranze, his men did not enter the fire scene immediately, because the electric power line was still on and they risked being electrocuted. He said they had no authority to disconnect power lines even during emergencies. Hernandez said the BFP and SOLECO have agreed that the fire department would henceforth call SOLECO and inform them of the location of future fires so its linesmen could turn off the power in the area. He said SOLECO also promised to furnish the BFP with the phone numbers of its field offices so that firemen there could contact them when there are fires. He also promised to replicate this procedure in the 18 towns of the province. Although we appreciate Hernandez’s efforts to forge this covenant, it would not have been necessary if the BFP had solved this simple problem itself. Had they done so they could have saved the hundreds of houses which had burned down simply because firemen were not authorized nor trained to disconnect power lines themselves? In countries where there are enterprising lawyers such bloopers would be adequate grounds for the filing of class action suits which could cost the government billions of pesos in damages. But here in the Banana Republic of the Philippines where disasters are coordinated instead of prevented – its just another disaster that the government will react to. When will we ever learn! Private Parking Spaces The former chief of the Bureau of Treasury Office here, Romy Estelore, believes City Engineer Aniceto Narit is a kind man. When we asked him why he thought so, he said he gave vehicle owners living along the national road free permanent parking spaces. We told him Mayor Maloney Samaco was just waiting for their tow-truck to arrive and would be towing away these vehicles to impounding areas shortly. Watch out! Bontoc Gears for Climate Change Bontoc Mayor Pete Fustanes is worried about global warming and the rising sea-level it would bring. He says Barangay Talisay and other coastal areas there would go underwater unless they strengthened their coastal defenses, so they are planting more mangrove trees along their shore line. Fustanes must also be having second thoughts about allowing commercial strip mining in Bontoc because it’s one of the biggest polluters of the earth’s atmosphere. Strip mining up roots entire forests to make way for their diggings. Pete, who is on his third term as mayor, says he may run for a seat on the provincial board in 2010. Meanwhile two SP members are getting the jitters since there are rumors they will be replaced in next year’s campaign. Leyte Scholars Prefer SLSU The Southern Leyte State University is fast becoming Eastern Visayas’s top learning institution. This school year seven scholars from the fifth district of Leyte have chosen SLSU over other older schools in the region. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again; Southern Leytenos don’t have to go to crime ridden and expensive Cebu City for schooling because our engineering, nursing, agriculture and information technology colleges at SLSU are just as good – and are also safer and less expensive. Mystery Diggings Explained If you are wondering what the diggings along the national road from Maasin to Ormoc are here’s the answer. They are those of Sony Erickson Telecommunication, which is installing the landline for Globe Lines to the city. Work on it was temporarily stopped by District Engineer Carlos Veloso because the contractor had not followed the memorandum of Agreement it signed with the DPWH. It was allowed to continue only after promising Veloso they would comply with all the DPWH requirements like putting safety warning signs along the diggings, recruiting 50 percent of its workers from Maasin City, and that the diggings must be 1.5 meters from the road. Harmful Back Packs Whatever office at DepEd that’s responsible for requiring so many text books for elementary students should be abolished. The shear weight of these error filled documents that children must bring to class each day is enough to addle their minds and stunt their growth. These books which are also expensive are often useless since many elementary students can’t comprehend English or Filipino well enough to understand them. During the late 1950’s students only brought notebooks to school, because the teachers were walking encyclopedias and exemplary role models. Nuclear Bomb Club Every time I hear American leaders bellyache about recalcitrant countries developing nuclear capability; I get annoyed. The US has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and has enough nuclear bombs to destroy the planet. But when North Korea or Iran want to develop its own super bombs to defend themselves with they cry foul. The Americans don’t have the moral right to decide who should have nuclear bombs. For they are the only country that has used nuclear bombs on civilian targets in the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima during World War II. A First Lady’s Birthday Party Southern Leyte’s First Lady Luz Verano Mercado celebrated her 55th birthday last May 23 at their Abgao residence. The affair was attended by the celebrants immediate family and close friends and high school classmates at Saint Joseph’s College in Maasin City. Among those who were there were Luz’s daughter Ghia and son Nikko, her sisters Inday and Nicnic and brother Felix and members of the the Montalbo, Aya-ay, Kirong, Rich, Zialcita, Quilantang, Paler, Hoffers and Reyes families. (SLT File Photo) With Jesse and Gigi Quilantang, Mr. & Mrs. Butch Paler & highschool classmates Luz with SLT Publisher & Mrs. Antonio Reyes, Lily Kirong and daughter Irene The celebrant with Tita Atang, Marivic Montalbo, RGM & Pearla Zialcita and friends Hans & Ludivina Hoffer & Ghia Mercado with the celebrant & the congressman Boboy Ayaay and Dr. Gil and Nene Rich & Familyenjoying the food and company Board Member Nikko Mercado and Jojo Maraon and friends help Mom celebrate Southern Leyte’s First Lady with the members of the Kirong Family and Southern Leyte State Univerity President Dr. Gloria Markines Reyes Shown above posing with sisters Inday and Nicnic and Barangay Captain and Mrs. Felix Verano and Interior Designer Boy Arnaiz and Representative DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE PARTITION AGREEMENT Notice is hereby given that Cresenciana “Cristy” Padasas Dela Vega- Del Rosario, legal age, married to late Sergio C. Del Rosario and resident of Phase 1B Block 6 lot 16 San Lorenzo South Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Ariel Del Rosario, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Phase 1B Block 6 lot 16 San Lorenzo South Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Rodulfo “Baby Boy” Del Rosario, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of #37-C Summit Circle, Bayanan, Muntinlupa City, Analiza Del Rosario- Bantugon, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of #608 Tuazon St. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City, Ma. Cristina Del Rosario- Laxamana, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Maxville 7 San Miguel, Pasig City. Here in after referred to as are the Vendors and Silvestra A. Evangelista, legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Block 6 lot 9 & 10 Datius St. Annex 35, Better Living Subd., Paranaque City, herein after referred to as the Vendee. Original Cetificate of Title No. 6115 (Bureau of Lands) Free Patent No. (VIII-3) 6365- A parcel of land (Lot 3641, case 4, Plsm-1006, LRC Record No.__), situated in the Barrio of Biasong, Municipality of Hinunangan, Province of Southern Leyte, bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by lot 3642, on the SE., along lines 2-3-4 by Road, (10.00 wide), and on the NW., along lines 4-5-6-1 by ot 3640, all case 4. Plsm-1006. Containing an area of Nine Hundred Eighty Four (984) sq. meters more or less. All corners referred to are marked on the ground by B.L Cyl. Conc. Mons. 15x 60 cm., meridian used, grid; surveyed from April 16 to May 31, 1974 and approved on June 24, 1974. Whereas the Vendee offered to the Vendors and the Vendors have agreed to sell the above described property from the Vendors under the terms and conditions herein below specified. The Seller will pay the Capital Gains Tax and the Buyer will pay the documentary tax, transfer and registration fees. Now therefore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the sum of Two Hundred Thousand pesos (P200, 000.00), Philippine Currency, receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledged, the Vendor has sold, transferred and conveyed, and by virtue of these presents, do hereby sell, transfer, and convey, unto the Vendee, its heirs and assigns, the described parcel of land thereon, free from all liens and encumbrances of any kind whatsoever. This Deed shall be valid and binding upon the heirs and assigns of both contracting parties hereto. The parties hereby agree, execute, and deliver such additional documents required or maybe required by the appreciate agency of the government to fully implement this Deed; as per Doc. No. 483, Page No. 98, Book No. XXV, Series of 2008, before notary public Atty. Leticia S. Mariano. (SLT April 24 - May 2, 10, 2009 3rd issue) Notice is hereby given that Alejandro O. Alberca, of legal age, Filipino, married and now residing at Cagayan de oro City; Eduardo O. Macapal, of legal age, Filipino, married and now residing at Lapolapo City; and Enquilbert O. Godinez, of legal age, single and now residing at Panan, Batangas City; are the surviving legal heirs of the late Dolores Orit and co-owners of the parcels of lands of lands located at Bogo, Maasin City, described and bounded as follows; Parcel 1- A parcel of land under Lot No. 4489, ARP. No. 07014-00140 in the name of Dolores Orit, with an area of .1349 hectares, and bounded on the North by 4516-Presentacion Lizano; East by 4490, 4487-Jese Arnaiz; South by 4487-Jose Arnaiz; West by 4488-Jese Arnaiz; Parcel 2- A parcel of land under Lot No. 4509, ARP No. 07014-00139 in the name of Dolores Orit with an area of .2143 hectares, and bounded on the North by 4512; 4511Edualdo Enago; East by 5559; South by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4497-Vicente Ambalong; Parcel 3- A parcel of land under Lot No. 5526, ARP No. 07014-00139 in the name of Dolores Orit with an area of .6277 hectares, and bounded on the North by 5525-Maximo Plateros; and West by Canturing River; hereby agree, to partition the above described properties and distribute between themselves, in the following manner; To: Alejandro Alberca-a) One third portion of Parcel 1 with an area of .0449 hectares and bounded on the North by 4489-Enquilbert O. Godinez South by 4489-; East by 4487- Jose Arnaiz; b) One third portion of Parcel II with an area of .0714 hectares and bounded on the north by 4511- Edualdo Enage; East by 4509-B-Eduardo Alberca; South by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4497- VicenteAmbalong; c) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .2092 hectares and bounded on the North by 5525-Primo Sacro; East by 5788; South by 5526-B-Enquilbert Godinez; and West by canturing river; To: Eduardo Macapal- a) One third portion of Parcel I with an area of .0449 hectares and bounded on the North by 4489-B-Enquilbert Godinez; East by 4487-Jose Arnaiz; South by 4467-Jose Arnaiz and West by 4488-Jose Arnaiz; b) One third portion of Parcel II with an area of .0714 hectares and bounded on the North by 7511-Edualdo Enage; East by 4509-C-Enquilbert Godinez; South by 4509-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4509-A-Alejandro Alberca; c) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .2093 hectares and bounded on the North by 5526-B-Enquilbert Godinez; East by Brgy. Bagtican; South by 5527-Maximo Plateros; and West by Canturing River; To: Enquilbert Godinez- a) One third portion of Parcel I with an area of .0450 hectares and bounded on the North by 4516; Brgy. St. East by 4467Jose Arnaiz; South by 4469-B-A. Albarca; and West by 4488-Jose Arnaiz; b) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .0715 hectares and bounded on the North by 4518; East by Lot 5559; South by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; and West by 4507-Jose Arnaiz; c) One third portion of Parcel III with an area of .2092 hectares and bounded on the North by 5526-A-Alejandro Alberca; East by brgy. Bagtican; South by 5527-Maximo Plateros; and West by Canturing river; as per Doc. No. 157; Page No.32; Book No. 12, Series of 2002; before Notary public Atty. Mayumi Gorme Amora. (SLT May 2, 10, 18, 2009 2nd issue). EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Notice by hereby given that Teresa N.Dioso, Lolita N. Baldonado, Simeon A. Nombrado, Dionesio A. Nombrado, Policronia N. Aparri, and Angelita N. Apole, and Aurelia N. Baba, all of legal ages, Filipino and a resident of Barangay, Macrohon, Southern Leyte; are the surviving heirs of the late Bernardo Alcantara; executed an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate over of land described: A certain of land situated at Barangay Amparo, Macrohon, Southern Leyte, under ARP NO. 08002-00021, with Lot No. 709 in the name of Bernardo Alcantara, bounded on the North by Lot 708; on the East by Nat’l Road; on the South by Lot 10 and on the the West by Lot 729 & 705 containing an area of Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Two (3,462) square meters, more or less; hereby agree to settle and adjudicate, as we hereby divide and adjudicated the above described parcel of land in favor of our brother Dionesio A. Nombrado; as per Doc. No. 125, Page No.26, Book No. IV, Series of 2008, before Notary public Atty. Rafael Gromwell T. Gerong. (SLT May 10,18, 26, 2009 1st issue) Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte IN RE: PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRIES SP. PROC. NO. 00431 IN THE BIRTH RECORDS OF SANNY ABIG APPEARING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF PADRE BURGOS, SOUTHERN LEYTE AND NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, QUEZON CITY, SANNY ABIG, Petitioner, _______________________________________ Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8TH Judicial Region Bulwagan ng Katarungan Branch 25, Maasin City, Southern Leyte IN RE: PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRY SP. PROC. NO. 00432 IN THE REGISTRY OF BIRTH OF MARILYN ARNAIZ ANIGA, Petitioner, THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF PADRE BURGOS, SOUTHERN LEYTE AND THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, QUEZON CITY, Respondents. x————————————————————x ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Fernando C. Campilan, Jr., filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, a judgment be rendered ordering the correction of the erroneous entries in the birth record of Sanny Abig, particularly with respect to his first name, such that it be changed from “SONNY” to “SANNY” and also his family name from “JORE” to “ABIG”. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on July 29, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the Municipal Hall of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General, the Office of the Local Civil Regisrar of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. In chambers, this 25th day of May, 2009 at Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge (SLT 508th, 509th & 510th issues - 1st publication) Notice is hereby given that Antonio S. Mantilla, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte; the legitimate and only son of the late ILLUMINADO N. MANTILLA in Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos; executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a Parcel of residential land located at Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, declared for taxation purposes under ARP No. 10009-00289, designated as Lot No. 366, in the name of Illuminado Mantilla, with an area of 85.63, in the name more or less, and bounded as follows: North-Lot No. 365, by Eufemia Lagutan; East- by Santiago Apostle Street; West- Lot No. 367, by Enrica Edillo, and West- by Lot No. 348, Anatalio Sala.”Hereby adjudicate unto myself the above described real property and hereby files the same with the Register of Deeds, Municipal/Provincial Assessor’s Office, with the request that said adjudication be made effective without judicial proceedings as prescribed by the aforementioned rules; as per Doc. No. 33, Page No. 8, Book No. XLVIII, Series of 2008, before notary public Atty. Romeo R. Geniston. (SLT May 2, 10, 18, 2009 2nd issue). FOR SALE Rice land, Fully irrigated, with Title 24 hectares, located in Ubay, Bohol. Contact: Mr. Jesse Congson Mobile: 09185961385 -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF MAASIN CITY & NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, STA. MESA, MANILA, Respondent. -versus- AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION X————————————————————x ORDER Petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Rafael Cromwell T. Gerong, filed with the Court a verified petition praying that after due notice and hearing, a judgement be rendered ordering the correction of the erroneous entries in the birth record of “MARILYN ANIGA ANIGA” to “MARILYN ARNAIZ ANIGA” her birthplace be changed from “MAAN, SOGEYTE” to “MAASIN, SOUTHERN LEYTE” and her mother’s first name of “CRENCIA ARNAIZ” be changed to “CRESENCIA ARNAIZ”, her true name. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the same for hearing on July 29, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 25, Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte at which date, time and place, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices and of general circulation in the Province of Southern Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication of which should not be less than a week before the date set for hearing. Let copy of this order be posted also at the City Hall of Maasin City, Southern leyte and the bulletin board of the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Further, let copy of this Order be furnished the Office of the Solicitor General the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Maasin City, Southern Leyte and the National Statistics Office. SO ORDERED. In chambers, this 25th day of May, 2009 at Maain City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. MA. DAISY PALER GONZALEZ Presiding Judge (SLT 508th, 509th & 510th issues - 1st publication) Bachelors Pads with own bathrooms for rent located at 602 Kangleon Street, Barangay Mambajao Maasin City For more information please call: 09176305543 or 570-5712 APARTMENT FOR RENT Inside Rosario Village in Brgy. Pacu (near SLEM COOP office) 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, with laundry and terrace areas. Call 381-3577 for more details EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AMONG HEIRS OF ESTATE WITH QUITCLAIM OF RIGHTS Notice is hereby given that Roberto Iballa, Ralito Iballa, Della Sabandal, Concepcion Amparo, Elmer Espina, Sabas Iballa, Nestor Iballa, Emeliana Castillon, Romeo Iballa, Jesus Miole, Teresita Iballa, Soledad Manlimos, Ramon Iballa and Patrocenia Daño, allof legal ages, Filipino citizens, respectively widow, single, married and residents of Brgy. Poblacion, Cantutang and Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, hereinafter called as the Heir-Quit claimants; and Catherine B. Iballa, of legal age, Filipino citizen, single and a resident of brgy. Sta. Sofia, Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, hereinafter called as the heir claimants; are surviving legal descendants of the late Hilario Iballa, of Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte; executed an Extra Judicial Settlement Among Heirs Of Estate with Quitclaim of Rights over a Parcel of agricultural land declared under ARP No. 10011-00459 in the name of the heirs of Hilario Iballa, designated as Lot No. 742-A, covered under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-10786, containing an area of .8324 hectares market value of P71, 090. 00; assessed value of P7, 110. 00 and bounded on the North by Lot No. 738, 739 (Loreta Fernandez); East by Sogod Bay; South by Lot No. 742-B (Jennifer Edwards) and on the West by Provincial road. “Hereby agree and in covenant that the property aforementioned be allotted and adjudicated in favor of the aforesaid HEIR-CLAIMANT as her legal share; hereby Quitclaim, Waive, Forfeit, Relinquish by way of disclaiming all our respective rights, interests and participation over the said property herein quitclaimed in favor of the said Heir-Claimant; as per Doc. No. 249, page No. 51, book No. XLIX, series of 2008, before notary public Atty. Josefino G. Cinco. (SLT May 2, 10, 18, 2009 2nd issue). Want to share your jokes? email us at or send txt to 09283668901 visit our website: SUDOKU Japan’s Ultimate brain game How to play : Ang Tiwala Ang huling habilin ng isang matandang malapit nang mamatay sa kanyang 3 kaibigan: Father Romy, Doctor Kepweng at Atty. Balatbat . . .Nais ko sanang patunayan na maari kong dalhin sa kabilang buhay ang aking kaunting naipon na kayamanan. Narito ang 3 sobre na may lamang pera na tig beinte mil at hinihiling ko sa inyo na ang mga ito ay inyong isama sa aking hukay upang madala ko sa kabilang buhay. Pagkasambit niyon ay nawalan ito ng buhay at umuwing luhaan ang 3 mag-kaibigan bitbit ang tigisang sobre na inihabilin ng pobreng matanda. Pagkatapos ng libing ay nagusap ang magkaibigan: Father Romy: Nais ko sanang ipagtapat sa inyo na binawasan ko ng 5 libo yung pera na isinama ko sa hukay. Kailangang maipaayos natin ang sirang bubong ng simbahan. Doctor Kepweng : Nabawasan ko naman ng 10 libo yung pera para makabili ng mga bagong gamit sa aking klinika. Atty. Balatbat : Mga peste kayo. Hindi pala kayo pwedeng pagkatiwalaan - Buong-buo yung beinte mil na nakasulat sa post dated check na inihulog ko sa hukay ng matanda. KUTO Pasyente: Doc anong gamot sa kuto ko? Nagmamahal, ~Walang Kamay “Isang Gabi! Isang gabi ay may chanak na ihing ihi na. Chanak: Kapre samahan ma ako iihi lang ako Kapre: bakit kailangan mo pang magpasama Chanak: natatakot kc baka may multo! US NAVY VS PINOY Isang gabing umuulan at may bagyo, may US Navy Ship na dumaraan sa northern Philippines. Ganito ang conversation. US Ship: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid collision. Pinoy: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid your destruction. US Ship: This is the Captain of an American Naval ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Pinoy: Baliw ka ano? No, I say again, divert YOUR course or be sunk. US Ship: (Galit na) This is the Aircraft Carrier USS Eisenhower, the second largest ship in the United States Navy. We’re accompanied by three Cruisers, three Destroyers and numerous vessels of destruction. I DEMAND THAT YOU CHANGE YOUR COURSE 15 DEGREES NORTH, OR EXTREME COUNTER MEASURES WILL BE UNDERTAKEN TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF THIS SHIP! WE WILL SINK YOU IF YOU DO NO OBEY. THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING! * Each number can appear only once in each row. * Each number can appear only once in each column. * Each number can appear only once in each 3x3 box. HOROGEMINI (May 21-June 21)- Bagay ang pakikisalamuhang sosyal. Huwag paalpasin kung may paanyayang matatangap. May pagkakataong makatagpo ang soulmate o twin flame. Kung isang leo o kapwa Gemini ang makikilala ay hahantong sa pangmatagalang relasyon. CANCER (June 22-July 22)- Ang pagkakaisa sa tahanan maging sa mga pagkakataon. Ang hindi pagkakaunawaan ay madaling mahanapan ng solusyon dahil magiging malambing at kabigha-bighani ang pagkatao. Panahon na upang humingi ng tawad kung may pagkakasala at magpatawad kung may nagkasala sa iyo. LEO (July 23-Aug.22)- Huwag ipagwalang-bahala ang responsibilidad na nakaatang sa balikat. Harapin nang buong tatag at panagutan ang desisyong ginawa maging ito ay tama o mali. Pag-isipan at maging mahinahon sa ginagawa o gagawin nang maiwasan ang pagkakamali. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.23)- Iwasang mag-init ang ulo at maging mahinahon dahil iiral may bagay o pangyayari na hindi magugustuhan o sasang-ayunan. Iwasan ang magbiro at mangantiyaw ng tao para makaiwas sa gulo. Libangin ang sarili sa pamamasyal o pagbabasa. LIBRA (Sept.24-Oct.23)- Huwag mag-init ang ulo o maging emosyonal dahil sa puputaktihin ka ng trabaho o biro. Ngayon magpakita ng kaalaman at kahusayan na paghahangaan ng mga kasamahan o boss. Matiwasay na magagampanan ang tungkulin kung iiwasang makipaghuntahan o tamarin. SCORPIO (Oct.24-Nov.22)- Kailangan ang mahigpit na disiplina sa sarili dahil magiging mainit ka sa pag-ibig. Pag- aralan at pag-isipang mabuti ang mga bagay-bagay bago magdesisyon. Huwag magpadalus-dalos. Posibleng makatanggap ng balita na ikaliligaya o ikalulungkot. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.23-Dec.21)- Magiging masuwerte sa anumang uri ng negosyo kung Doc: Bakit ano ba sakit ng kuto Pinoy: (Cool na Cool) Gago ka ta- makapagsisimula ngayon. Malakas at malaki ang kikitain kung isang freecancer. Kung ano laga. Okay, this Pedro Batung Bakal, ang suwerte sa negosyo ay kabaligtaran naman ang mangyayari sa pag-ibig. mo??? CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19)- Kahit masakit sa kalooban, mapaglalabanan ang sarili sa gustong bilhin dahil sa kakapusan ng pera. Kakapusan ng pera. Kakapusan ng pera ang suliranin subalit kung pagsisikapan ay matutugunan. Unahin ang kailangan ng tahanan bago ang sarili. Liham Dear Bulag Pakisabi kay Bingi na nanalo si Pilay sa takbuhan. Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Sogod Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Southern Leyte Municipality of Sogod NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Manuel II Bato Blase has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “MANUEL JR.” to “MANUEL II” in the Certificate of Live Birth of Manuel II Bato Blasé who was born on November 7, 1988 at Sogod, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Manuel O. Blase Sr. and Macel Y. Bato. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. In compliance with Section 5 of R.A No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Manuel II Bato Blase has filed with this Office a petition for change of first name from “MANUEL JR.” to “MANUEL II” in the Certificate of Live Birth of Manuel II Bato Blasé who was born on November 7, 1988 at Sogod, Southern Leyte and whose parents are Manuel O. Blase Sr. and Macel Y. Bato. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than ten (10) days after the first publication. NANCY D. REGIS Municipal Civil Registrar (SLT May 10-18, 2009 2nd issue) NANCY D. REGIS Municipal Civil Registrar (SLT May 10-18, 2009 1st issue) AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18)- Iwasan ang hindi inaasahang panauhin dahil may dalang tsismis na makapagpapainit sa ulo o may kailangang bagay na hindi kayang paunlakan o ibigay. Ang paglilinis sa kapaligiran sa tahanan o sa pinapasukan ay magbibigay ng kaligayahan. PISCES (Feb.19-Mar.20)- Magpakahinahon, timbangin at pag-isipang mabuti bago magsalita o humatol upang maiwasang magkamali at makasakit ng damdamin ng kapwa. Isang matalik na kaibigan ang hihingi ng payo tungkol sa suliranin na dapat tanggihan nang malayo sa gulo. ARIES (Mar.21-Apr.19)- May gantimpalang nakalaan sa pagbibigay ng abuloy o tulong sa tamang tao na mapagbibigyan. Ang serbisyong sibiko ay magiging pangunahin sa isipan. Ang gustong gawin kung paglalaanan ng panahon ay maisasakatuparan. Magiging masuwerte kung kikilos at gagawin kaagad ang binabalak. TAURUS (Apr.20-May.20)- Ang gawain na hindi nagawa ay may paraan na matatapos ngayon. Malakas ang magneto ng pakikipagsapalaran subalit ang masusing pag-aaral bago pumalaot ay kailangan upang hindi magsisi. Ang panahon ng pagrerelax ay nababagay upang makapag-isip ng tamang solusyon sa problema. Darwin Milagroso Reads the Southern Leyte Times May 10-17, 2009 8 RGM slams abusive QUEZON CITY - “I am not accusing all members of the fourth estate of sensationalism, for there are more good journalists, than there are bad ones. Unfortunately it’s the irresponsible ones who stick out like a sore thumb.” This was the gist of Congressman Roger G. Mercado’s nationwide interview on Unang Balita on the controversial Right to Reply Bill now being debated in the House of Representatives. He said the proposed legislation which was now on Second Reading had a good change of passing in the lower house, but may not be approved by the senate since none of those running for re-election in 2010 want to alienate the media. Mercado said some newspapers were only reporting baseless scandals and were totaling ignoring the positive accomplishments of the Arroyo administration. The Right to Reply Bill has drawn criticisms from media stalwarts who claim it’s against the constitutional provision of free speech and press freedom. They said no one would buy a newspaper that featured the incoherent and voluminous scriblings of a government official who claims he has been maligned. “Can you imagine what impact a badly written 2000 word reply from an irate public official would have on the newspaper’s readership,” asked Gil Santos of the Philippine Press Institute. “No newspaper could survive this kind of censorship.” Mercado however assuaged such fears and stressed that the proposed legislation was still subject to amendments and could be toned-down considerably. He added that the severest penalty the bill imposes was a fine and assured the members of the Fourth Estate that no journalist would be jailed for flaunting the law. The solon nearly floored TV host Nikki Baluyot near the end of the interview when he used the word “Nindot” to describe the Agas-Agas bridge which he said was the tallest in the country. But she quickly corrected herself by saying she thought he said “Hindot” which was a bad word in Tagalog. Her co-host who speaks fluent Bisaya explained that “Nindot” meant beautiful in there dialect. Superchow Garden Café Capitol Sunken Garden , Asuncion Maasin City Corner S. Bantug and Rafols St.Tunga-tunga, Maasin City Tel. no (053) 381-2233 The Best Chicken BBQ in the City (Bacolod Chicken)… And the Most Mouth Watering Halo-halo “The Perfect Place to dine With Nature” Tel. no. (053) 570-8146 Accepts Catering Services On all occasions Tel. nos. (053) 570-8623 or 3812233 Email: & HOTEL FACILITIES • Air-conditioned Rooms • Gift Shop • Terrace Dining Area • BAR • Restaurant • Pool • Beach • Conference & Meeting Rooms Bantigue, Ormoc City, Philippines/Tel. (053) 255-3801 to 03 (for reservations) Abu Sayyaf guns sized in Liloan LILOAN - The Southern Leyte police has seized a fairly large arms shipment at the Liloan Port Terminal intended for Abu Sayyal rebels in Mindanao. Southern Leyte Police Director Nilo Donaire said that they watched the ferry terminals in Liloan town and Benit, San Ricardo to prevent any shipment of arms to Mindanao. He said last week they had found an arms cache that included an M60 ma- chine gun, three M14 rifles, three M16 assault rifles, four .45 caliber handguns and ammunitions inside an ambulance abandoned at the Liloan ferry terminal. Donaire told media men the firearms were intended for the Abu Sayaff in Lantawan, Basilan. Donaire revealed that the regional police office directed them to conduct checkpoints following the arrest of suspects linked to illegal firearms trade.
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