News Letter last version
News Letter last version
SPECIAL EDITION END OF YEAR 2009 In Loving Memory of our founder and beloved friend Dr. Jerry neri May the Long Time Sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide you all the way home. Sufi Chant July 22, 1944 - May 22, 2009 In this issue - Jerry Neri - Mega Milonga - Message from our president - Community Outreach - Highlights of 2009 -Profile of a Member - Upcoming Events - Thank you notes - Workshop -Our in-house Maestros Our dear friend and founder of Tango under the Tent, Jerry Neri, passed away bestowing on the people touched by his presence many valuable gifts, too many to mention. He was by trade a medical doctor, by inspiration he was a devoted father, an entrepreneur, a musician, a photographer, a bird watcher, a writer, a tango dancer… He had a combination of intelligence, charm and stubbornness that made him powerful and seductive, imposing and gentle all at the same time. On the 27th of June 2009, Tango under the Tent, under the leadership of its co-chairs Pam Breeman and Randi Perrelle, its President Sher Singh and with the cooperation of the rest of the officers and members carried out one of the cherished dreams of our founder Jerry Neri - the First Mega Milonga. Jerry Neri conceived this idea and worked on it for many months. He wanted to bring together the tango aficionados from the Hudson Valley and its surrounding communities by honoring those who brought Argentine Tango to this region. We at TutT will always have him. He is never far from us. He gave us the legacy of this wonderful organization. His passion for life was contagious, so was his passion for tango and for the many friends whom he brought together in this his last community endeavor. In TutT we continue among friends dancing and growing as a not-for-profit organization in the warm and loving environment that he created for us. FIRST MEGA MILONGA Walter and Marilynne Kane - we don’t need many words to describe this beautiful couple. Their dance is simply exquisite and elegant. They have been dancing all their lives, perfect complement to Carlos’ style. She is an excellent teacher in her own right. Carlos and Lynn have been teaching and promoting tango in the area of Westchester since 1994, and you can spot their students at any milonga by their creative and dynamic style. and since they encountered tango in 1997, they have been completely devoted to it. As they put it, “It was love at first step,” and that is precisely what they inspire when you watch them dance or take lessons with them - they make you fall in love with tango. There are five very special people who mean so much to all of us because in one way or another, they have brought the gift of the tango bug into our lives. As we all know, Argentine Tango is more than just a dance - it is a lifestyle. It is a way of life that brings joy, grace, elegance and warmth to all those addicted to it. The wonderful people who Tango under the Tent honored were Walter and Marilynne Kane, Carlos and Lynn Sampelayo and Ilene Marder. May he rest in peace. Carlos and Lynn Sampelayo are one-of-a-kind in the passionate and dynamic way how they interpret the music. Carlos has tango ingrained in his soul. Many of his fondest memories from his motherland, Venezuela, and his youthful years are related to tango music and lyrics. This energy is what he expresses in his dance. Lynn is a natural dancer and a Ilene Marder has been promoting tango in her home town of Woodstock for about six years. She is admired and loved by all the tangueros who have the pleasure of sharing her passion for this beautiful art form. She is an accomplished dancer and instructor, but what has made Ilene a celebrity in the tango world, not just in the United States but also in Argentina, is her amazing talent as a DJ. She has a most remarkable feel for the music. Whenever she plays the tandas at a milonga, one knows from the outset that it will be an unforgettable evening. Continues on page 2 From page 1 The Mega Milonga was a magical night. The venue was perfect, thanks to the generosity of Mr. Murray in whose beautiful barn-style 2500 sq. feet art space, The Stone Bridge Station, the event was held. The proceeds of this event were donated to Cell Phones for Soldiers, a not-for-profit organization. The First Mega Milonga was a resounding success. It is the goal of Tango under the Tent to make this a yearly event. About one hundred fifty people came from near and far in the spirit of honoring their respective instructors and to experience together as an extended community our love for tango. The music was inspiring, played by no other than Ilene Marder. Carolina Jaurena and Anton Gazenbeek delighted us with a beautiful performance. message from our president Dear Members and Friends of TutT, We are approaching the second year of our organization and the focus will be on where we take TutT from here. The idea and the outcome from Jerry Neri’s dream of dancing outdoors—under a tent, with nature surrounding us—has influenced our energy. Even though we take it indoors in the winter, the friendly, welcoming liveliness remains. Our vision is to promote our organization beyond what we do now. Your volunteer service and any creative contributions are welcomed. In order for us to accomplish growth, we will need hands-on help. Please send me an email if you are interested in being on a committee or wish to help in other ways. The last time I saw Jerry, we spent some time together and I promised him to do my best for the vision of the organization. His answer was a slow, gentle touch grasping my hand in his, like a dancer preparing to tango. I knew then, as I do now, that his trust in me lights a fire to do good work for Tango under the Tent – please join me! Sher To see more photographs from this event go to: tangounderthetent#100166 COMMUNITY OUTREACH Part of the mission of TutT is our commitment to educational, cultural and charitable activities. We have great plans for 2010 working in the community. In May, 2009 Ferd Ritz accompanied me to the Orange County Infirmary in Goshen. We danced four dances for the ladies who looked forward to this presentation. It was very rewarding and the ladies loved Ferd! We went by invitation of the Middletown Business & Professional Women’s Club. Every year they serve breakfast, take gifts and hire a piano player for the enjoyment of those forgotten mothers. In June, 2009 Sharon Adler and Steve Smith did a demonstration and brief talk about tango for the Creative & Performing Arts in Peekskill. This was enjoyed by parents, students and other community members. In September, 2009 Jerry & Adele Kline and other members went to Sugar Loaf’s Street Festival. We all danced under a tent for the public. We talked to many people and invited them to join us on this wonderful journey. In December, 2009 Luz, Sigfredo and Rudy joined me at Crystal Run Village’s Staff Holiday Party and we danced two tangos – everyone commented to me about it later – there were 305 people present. I am excited about the line up for 2010 and all the community sharing we will do. Please let me know who will be interested in participating in the community outreach. Sher Tango Under the Tent Highlights of 2009 2009 was a bittersweet year for Tango under the Tent – January came full of positive energy. The formal creation of TutT was a historic moment. January 11, 2009 TutT held its first meeting under the leadership of Jerry Neri. 15 of us became the founding members of the now not-for-profit organization to promote Argentine Tango. Almost every Saturday TutT members gathered to do what we are passionate about, dancing tango and enjoying the company of old and new friends. In February we had a fabulous Valentine’s milonga with guest performers Sara Grdan and Ivan Terrazas. In March we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a milonga with tangueros dressed in all shades of green. In the first week in April Bandonionist Tito Castro serenaded Jerry Neri bringing some comfort to his ailing body and joy to his soul. It was an unforgettable experience for everyone. Spring came warming our hearts with the beautiful ambience of our outdoor milongas. The opening night was memorable. Guest dancers Carolina Jaurena and Anton Gazenbeek did a special performance in which they danced to one of Jerry Neri’s favorites “Tango Tis Nefelis” May was a heart-wrenching month for all of us. May 2nd TutT had guest instructors Carolina Zokalski and Diego DiFalco, the workshop was wonderful and the performance outstanding. Jerry Neri brought Carolina and Diego to his tent and took beautiful photographs of them. He also attended the milonga and danced for the last time. On the 16th of May we had the Mask Milonga. It was bittersweet. Jerry who had been looking forward to this event was not able to attend but he wore his mask and took pictures in his home. Jerry passed away in his home on May 22. Continues on page 5 Workshop with Carolina Jaurena and Diego Blanco A Heartfelt thank you They get an A+ Tango under the Tent and all its members would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jerry Neri’s family - Sean and Eric Neri for their immense generosity in carrying out their father’s wishes to continue TutT’s 2009 outdoor milonga under the tent. We want to express our deepest appreciation to Randi for her unwavering support in hosting us over the summer months at her home. Carolina Jaurena and Diego Blanco are top notch Instructors! It was a wonderful class. Their performance at Jubilee Dance Studio was exciting and inspiring! They are young, loving and warm individuals They both stayed after the performance and danced with everybody. We enjoyed that! Profile of a Member something to work towards improving” Sarah so confidently voices, “I feel that as a Beginning of spring under the tent – a young couple walked in and awkwardly started couple tango has been fantastic - having moving in the line of dance – stiff and unsure something we both enjoy that is challenging – but intensely looking into each other’s eyes. Our constant advocate of tango – Jerry Kline and romantic is wonderful. As far as creating a meaningful bond in your relationship, comes over to them and interjects some learning to dance beats the hell out of having proper posture and they move on with the a mutual favorite TV show!” When it comes to encouraging other young music. This is what we all saw as Sarah Roberts and Michael Barnett challenged the art of tango in Orange County. They became interested and started taking lessons with Jerry and Adele at Jubilee after they saw Judy lesson and so off they went that first Saturday even though all they could do really was the 8 count. Everyone was so supportive and encouraging people to dance Sarah is feverishly working on that! She has tried to convince her brother, her sister, her cousin and his girlfriend, and some of her friends back home in Chicago to Batistta in town at some event and asked if that they didn’t feel particularly self-conscious. The curious thing was that being the minority her studio offered tango. Sarah wanted to in the room – age wise, really never bothered the bait is her sister. What Sarah said to her learn tango because she thought it was an them either. They were just so excited to find something local to do for a night out other sister was that learning to dance tango would than going to a bar or a movie. Sarah had city across the world where she could have Jerry and Adele, of course in always been involved in sports so this dancing thing felt comfortable to her. She said, “I miss fun, meet people, and wear great shoes. Her full fashion tango enthusiasts, told Sarah and working to get better at something the way Mike about Tango under the Tent at their first one does with sports, and tango has given me intriguing and beautiful dance. She was so excited to actually find a place to learn so close to home. learn the Tango. So far the one who has taken give her something to do in almost any major sister was sold on the shoes bit! Continues on page 5 our in-house maestros adele & Jerry kline Jerry and Adele are the "heart and soul" of Tango under the Tent. They are our resident instructors as well as our dance role models. They embody the generosity and welcoming nature of the organization. They are our most experienced dancers as well as a veritable encyclopedia of steps and technique. Adele stands ready to offer wise counsel and encouragement to struggling new dancers or veterans seeking to learn a new step or having a bad night. J e r r y s e r ve s a s t h e v i ce president and is in charge of organizing seminars and events. Adele is a founding member of the board of directors. Both can be counted on to assist where ever needed to get things accomplished or take the lead on a project. We are grateful for all they do for TutT and look forward to dancing in their company in many wonderful milongas to come. Jerry is always ready to give advanced pointers to our regulars or introductory instruction to get a new dancer or visitors moving on the dance floor. Additionally, they both pitch in to set up, break down, replenish or repair as required by any situation. This is what we call team work! From page 4 when I say we really appreciate how Sarah declares enthusiastically, “As for my welcoming and supportive everyone at Tango vision for tango in my future - as long as I can under the Tent has been”. walk , I can dance. I watch the women at TutT Now if this is not a gem of a story that makes and in videos and hope I can someday look as our young organization a keeper and in line graceful as they do. And since I have a huge with the romantic notion of Argentine Tango – passion for traveling, I plan to dance in Buenos then nothing else is! Aires, Paris, Istanbul, Seoul and anywhere else Sher Singh where I can find a milonga!” So for this charming young couple who has won the hearts of all of us at TutT, the skies are the limit. We watch them at each milonga and proudly comment on each deliberate new step they execute. Mike and Sarah recently moved and are settling in a new home. Mike is loving tango, Sarah warmly states, “I can speak for both of us In June Tango Under the Tent celebrated the first Mega Milonga bringing to completion a labor of love started by Jerry Neri. The rest of the season we found solace in each other’s company and the company of new tangueros. July 4th was a colorful Independence Day celebration; Ingrid’s 4th of July cake made history! The milonga on July 22 was a beautiful event. TutT had an exhibition of Jerry Neri’s photography and a slide show to commemorate his birthday. In August we had a barbecue milonga and a special guest milonga with Judy Battista. We had a great time learning to dance salsa. The September 5th milonga was very elegant with members dressed in black giving the tent a sophisticated ambiance. The highlight of the fall was the Halloween milonga. We went all out in our costumes. The tent was filled with all sorts of characters: The infamous Victoria’s Secret model, Al Capone, sexy flappers, a Greek philosopher and his muse, pirates, witches, a young hippie, a homeboy and even Dorothy and Toto, in the fur, appeared - there was even a mysterious phantom…. We were all under the spell of the music. November 7th was the first indoor milonga at Seligmann’s Homestead in Sugar Loaf. It was well attended. To reminisce, Luz Piedad Lopez presented a slide show of TutT milongas from 2007 to the present. December’s New Year’s Eve Gala is yet to come… To see TutT Photo Gallery go to: tangounderthetent#gallery upcoming events January 23 First Anniversary Milonga with workshop and performance by guest intructors Carlos Duarte de Chey and Partner. Alternative date Jan 30th. February 13 Valentine’s Milonga February 27 Workshop and performance by guest instructor Hernan Brizuela and partner. April 24 Wo r k s h o p a n d p e r f o r m a n c e b y g u e s t instructors. May 22 Mask Milonga - Words in honor of Jerry Neri June 26 Mega Milonga July 3 Independence Day Milonga July 22 Founder’s Milonga March 13 Saint Patrick’s Day Milonga Tango under the Tent is offering the workshops to its members on a first come first serve basis in order to have an efficient size class. Dates for all events are subject to change. TutT will send emails in case of any cancellations or changes. You may also check our website for updated information. Tango under the Tent wishes all its members and all the tangueros around the world a very happy and healthy New Year. Letʼs dance our way out of 2009 and keep dancing all through 2010! TANGO UNDER THE TENT Our Founder Ingrid Jacob was treasurer from the organization’s Jerry Neri, MD inception. Ingrid placed all importance in her role and held a strong set of principals holding her fiduciary BOARD OF DIRECTORS responsibility to the not-for-profit organization. A standing ovation to these two beautiful ladies!!! Sherry Herlihy A Note of Sincere Appreciation Tango under the Tent would like to take this opportunity to thank two gracious ladies who have given above and beyond the line of volunteerism to our organization. Pam Breeman was co-chair to our group who did outstanding work and brought innovative ideas, principals and generosity beyond the line of her role. Muchas gracias! Seligmann’s Homestead - Orange County Citizens Foundation Indoor Season Home of Tango under the Tent Vince Herlihy Ingrid Jacob Karl Jacob Dorothy Kellett Adele Kline Luz Piedad Lopez Ferdinand Ritz OFFICERS Chair Randi E. Perrelle President Sher Singh Vice President Jerry Kline, DDS Treasurer Rudy Dominguez Secretary Yolanda Gorman Media Officer Sam Fernandez VISIT OUR WEBSITE @ WWW.TANGOUNDERTHETENT.COM Newsletter Chair Luz Piedad Lopez
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