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Volume 5, Issue 4 10th Annual Mass for health care professionals Ethicist to address Affordable Care Act The Valley Catholic McALLEN — The Diocese of Brownsville’s Health Ministries Department invites all health care professionals to the 10th Annual White Mass celebration scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in McAllen. A conference and dinner will follow the Mass. The event is free. Dr. John Brehany, executive director and ethicist for the Catholic Medical Association, will deliver the keynote address at the conference. In his talk on “A future for Catholics in health care? Challenges and Opportunities,” Dr. Brehany will focus on the implications of the Affordable Care Act, struggles over conscience rights, and religious liberty. He will also discuss what will be required if Catholics are to remain in the healthcare ministry as individuals and institutions. Bishop Daniel E. Flores will celebrate the Mass, which is traditionally held around the Feast Day of St. Luke (Oct. 18), the patron saint of physicians and surgeons. It is called a “White Mass” because health care workers traditionally wear white coats or uniforms. In the Church, white is also a symbol of healing and peace. Following the Mass, Bishop Flores will bless the health care professionals in attendance. “There is a lot of confusion and a lot of uncertainty about the Affordable Care Act,” said Father Edouard Atangana, director of health ministries for the diocese. “Ask any physician, any physician assistant, any office manager or billing clerk and nobody knows what is going to happen. So many things are unclear about the delivery of health care in our country. “In the midst of all this confusion, in the midst of all this uncertainty, during this time where there are more questions than answers, information and prayer become even more relevant.” To RSVP or for more information, call (956) 784-5007. Serving More Than A Million Catholics in the Diocese of Brownsville October 2013 A sign of growth Our Heavenly Father mission becomes a parish St. Anne Church becomes quasiparish; new religious order charged with developing mission territory The Valley Catholic By BRENDA NETTLES RIOJAS The Valley Catholic PEÑITAS — While some parishes in the country are closing or merging, the Diocese of Brownsville, which has the largest population in the country with about 1.2 million Catholics, is creating new parishes. In response to the growth in western Hidalgo County, Bishop Daniel E. Flores decreed the establishment of a new quasi-parish in the Pueblo de Palmas colonia in Peñitas with St. Anne as its patron saint effective Sept. 8, the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He named Father Michael Montoya, a Missionary of Jesus priest, as the quasi-parish’s first pastor. “Deep in my heart, I know this is where the Church needs to be,” Bishop Flores said when he asked the Missionary of Jesus priests to establish the new quasi-parish. For Sisters Fatima M. Santiago and Carolyn Kosub of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (ICM), who first came to the area in 2004 and helped build the church in 2009, the creation of the quasi-parish is a milestone to celebrate. “Today I cannot but sing along with Mary, our Mother, the beautiful song of Magnificat,” said Sister Santiago who has been administering the church and running the catechetical programs for four years. She added, “Thanks to our Bishop Daniel Flores, for his trust, vision and discernment to divide the parish of La Joya into four communities and our new parish into four communities and to name St. Anne to be the mother church.” The Missionary Sisters of the MEET STEWARD Courtesy Photos Father Michael Montoya, pastor of the new St. Anne Quasi-Parish, celebrates Mass at St. Anne Church in Pueblo de Palmas colonia in Peñitas. The new quasi-parish inclues three parish missions — St. Michael Church in Los Ebanos, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Sullivan City and San Juan Diego Church in El Flaco colonia. ST. MICHAEL CHURCH, Los Ebanos ST. ANNE QUASI-PARISH, Peñitas OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH, Sullivan City SAN JUAN DIEGO CHURCH, El Flaco colonia Immaculate Heart of Mary were invited in 2004 to help after a tornado hit and destroyed several homes. After accessing the needs of the area, the sisters remained and started Proyecto Desarollo Humano, a non-profit organization, to provide needed services to the people in the community. St. Anne Church is legally owned by the ICM sisters. The sisters are transferring its care to the diocese. “When we built St. Anne’s in 2009, I never dreamed that I would live to see it become the mother church of a parish,” said Sister Kosub. “We were merely responding to the needs and requests of our people. God has certainly worked wonders. I am thrilled to be united with the other faith communities in our new parish, and I know that God is with all of us.” Father Montoya came to the Rio Grande Valley in April to be- LOS MATACHINES » Please see Growth p.18 THOSE WHO SERVE OLMITO — “¡Hoy comenzamos a vivir como una parroquia! (Today we begin to live as a parish!)” said Father Héctor José Cruz Lesbros before the start of the noon Mass on Sunday, Sept. 15 at Our Heavenly Father Church in Olmito. The church filled to capacity in celebration of its official designation as a parish. “I am so happy to celebrate this Mass now as a parish here at Our Heavenly Father,” Father Cruz, parish administrator, said as he greeted parishioners after the celebration. “I ask God for his blessings for the entire community and for the diocese that now has one more parish,” he added. The Diocese of Brownsville, which encompasses the counties of Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy, now has 71 parishes and 44 mission churches. Bishop Daniel E. Flores established the parish in response to the “growth and development taking place in the northwest sector of the City of Brownsville,” and “to provide more adequately for the pastoral care of the people of God,” reads the decree erecting the new parish. “I appreciate the Bishop and everyone in the diocese who facilitated this designation,” Father Cruz said. Father Cruz, a Marist Priest of the Society of Mary, has been serving the parish since Sept. 12, 2007. He congratulated the community on the milestone, and wrote in the parish bulletin, “Today our mission arrives to its maturity and becomes a formal parish.” In his letter to parishioners, Father Cruz referred to comments Bishop Daniel E. Flores made during a visit to St. Anthony Parish in Harlingen where the bishop likened the building of a new church or opening new parishes to moving forward on a pilgrimage in the life of the Church. “It takes commitment; it takes working together; it takes plan» Please see New Parish p.18 EN ESPAÑOL Artículos sobre el crecimiento de la iglesia Católica en el Valle, los matachines, y programa para la formación del ministerio laico. “VERBUM MITTITUR SPIRANS AMOREM” (“The WORD is sent breathing love.”) Stewardship mascot helps with children’s appeal Page 3 First Matachines Festival set for Nov. 16 Page 6 Father Leo-Francis Daniels, C.O. Page 11 Páginas 13-17 DIOCESE 2 Mensaje de Los Obispos de las fronteras de México, Texas, y Nuevo México a los Católicos a a los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad “ He visto la aflicción de mi pueblo” (Ex. 3,7). Los Obispos de las fronteras de México, Texas y Nuevo México, saludamos a todos ustedes deseándoles la paz y todo bien en el Señor Jesús. Reunidos en nuestra segunda asamblea del presente año, hemos compartido nuestra preocupación por la situación de millones de personas indocumentadas, que migran a los Estados Unidos. Particularmente nos preocupa la afectación de tantas familias que se han visto divididas por la falta de una conveniente Reforma Migratoria comprensiva. Al presente, los más dañados son los miles de niños y jóvenes que se ven privados de sus padres y de otros familiares. Queremos mirar la realidad del fenómeno migratorio desde la perspectiva divina. Así como Dios sintió compasión por su pueblo esclavo en Egipto, así ahora se conmueve y nos llama a la compasión y misericordia hacia nuestros hermanos indocumentados. También Jesús, el Buen Pastor, se compadecía al ver la multitudes extenuadas (Cf. Mt.14,14) y como sus pastores del momento actual, queremos poner a latir nuestro corazón al ritmo del suyo. Estamos en un momento en el cual los líderes de Estados Unidos van a tratar el tema de la Reforma Migratoria, como una de sus prioridades. Como pastores queremos contribuir a este momento para la reflexión y la acción con una carta que estamos preparando para presentarla en el momento oportuno, y la titularemos “Familia más allá de las fronteras”. The Valley Catholic - October 2013 Message from the Bishops of the border regions of Mexico, Texas and New Mexico to Catholics and to men and women of good will “ I have seen the affliction of my people” (Ex. 3,7). The Bishops from the border regions of Mexico, Texas and New Mexico greet all of you, wishing you peace and every good thing in the Lord Jesus. Gathered together in our second assembly of the current year, we have shared our preoccupation over the situation affecting millions of undocumented persons who migrate to the United States. In particular we are deeply concerned about the burden affecting so many families who have found themselves divided because of the lack of a suitable and Comprehensive Immigration Reform. At present, those most injured are the thousands of children and young people who find themselves deprived of their parents and other family members. We seek to view the reality of the migration phenomenon from the divine perspective. Just as God had compassion for his people enslaved in Egypt, so now he is moved, and he calls us to compassion and mercy towards our undocumented brothers and sisters. Further, Jesus the Good Shepherd felt compassion upon seeing the exhausted multitudes ( cf Mt 14,14). As their current shepherds we want to make our hearts beat in rhythm with theirs. We are at a moment in which the leadership of the United States is taking up the issue of Immigration Reform as one of its priorities. As shepherds we wish to contribute to this moment of reflection and action with a letter we are currently preparing, so that we might present it at an opportune time; we will entitle this forthcoming document “Family Beyond Borders”. Immigrants make of their journey a true Los migrantes hacen de su marcha una verdadera peregrinación de fe y esperanza, y así nos inspiran a todos, incluso a nosotros sus pastores. Por eso desde ahora queremos animar la esperanza de ellos y de todos los que en ellos reconocemos el rostro de Cristo, para contribuir con nuestra oración y con la acción que cada uno pueda ofrecer, para lograr lo más posible en favor de estos hermanos nuestros. Con todo respeto nos dirigimos también quienes tienen la responsabilidad de la realización de esta Reforma Migratoria en los Estados Unidos, para que Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S. Archbishop of San Antonio MOST REVEREND DANIEL E. FLORES BISHOP OF BROWNSVILLE Archbishop Constancio Miranda Weckmann Archdiocese of Chihuahua Bishop Mark J. Seitz Bishop of El Paso pilgrimage of faith and hope, and thus they inspire us all, including us their shepherds. This is why at this time we want to encourage their hope, and the hopes of all of us who see in them the face of Christ. We want to contribute with our prayer, and with the action that each one can offer, to achieve all that might be possible in favor of our brothers and sisters. With utmost respect we direct ourselves to those who are responsible for the enactment of an Immigration Reform in the United States, so that they might put all their determined energy into this effort, conscious of the human dignity of each immigrant, and conscious of what they contribute to the progress and development of this country. Asking The Lord that all families might remain united, we wish to commit ourselves and invite all of you to take up this same commitment to work in favor of the family, an institution willed by God as the foundation of society. We entrust this task that belongs to everyone, to the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and to Saint Toribio Romo, patron of immigrants. El Paso, Texas, a los 8 días del mes de septiembre del año del Señor de 2013, Año de la Fe. Bishop Daniel E. Flores Diocese of Brownsville Bishop Gustavo Rodriguez Vega Bishop of Nuevo Laredo Bishop Oscar Cantú Bishop of Las Cruces Bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño Bishop of Piedras Negras Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI Bishop of San Angelo Bishop James Tamayo Bishop of Laredo Bishop Jesús José Herrera Quiñones Bishop of Nuevo Casas Grandes Bishop Raymundo Peña Bishop Emeritus of Brownsville Bishop José Fernández Bishop Emeritus of Chihuahua September, 8, 2013 El Paso, Texas, USA pongan todo su empeño en la misma, siendo conscientes de la dignidad humana de cada uno de los migrantes, y de lo que ellos contribuyen al progreso y desarrollo del País. Pidiendo al Señor que todas las familias puedan mantenerse unidas, queremos comprometernos e invitarles a todos ustedes a asumir el mismo compromiso de trabajar en favor de esta institución, querida por Dios como fundamento de la sociedad. Encomendamos esta tarea de todos, a la intercesión maternal de Santa María de Guadalupe, y de Santo Toribio Romo, patrono de los migrantes. Bishop Ruy Rendón Leal Bishop of Matamoros » To read more about the border bishops, see p. 12 Courtesy Photo Bishops from border dioceses in Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico attended a meeting in El Paso and announced the publication of a forthcoming document on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The dioceses and archdioceses represented at the El Paso gathering included, from Mexico: Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez, Cuauhtemoc-Madera, Matamoros, Monterrey, Nuevo Casas Grandes, Nuevo Laredo, Piedras Negras-Catedral Mártires de Cristo Rey, and Saltillo; from Texas: Amarillo, Brownsville, El Paso, Lubbock, San Angelo, and San Antonio; as well as the Diocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico. 700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd., San Juan, TX 78589-3042 5FMFQIPOFt'BY Bishop Daniel E. Flores Publisher Brenda Nettles Riojas Editor Rose Ybarra The Valley Catholic email: Follow us on facebook Catholic Diocese of Brownsville Assistant Editor Subscription rate ZBG Studio/Graphic Design $15 per yeart$17 outside of Texas $25 out of U.S. Terry De Leon South Texas Circulation The Valley Catholic, Circulation Advertising (956) 784-5055 Gustavo Morales Lower Valley (956) 266-1527 Gilbert Saenz Upper Valley (956) 451-5416 a publication of the Diocese of Brownsville, is published monthly Member of the Catholic Press Assocition Bishop Flores’ Schedule October Oct. 2 6 p.m. Pharr Confirmations at St. Jude Thaddeus Oct. 3 5 p.m. San Juan Beginning of Year Gathering with Religious Oct. 5 9:30 a.m. Basilica Mass for SJDMI Basic Formation Classes Oct. 5 6 p.m. Edinburg St. Joseph School Gala Oct. 6 10 a.m. Segovia Unit State Prison Mass Oct. 7 7p.m. Brownsville 1er Encuentro de Jóvenes Recién Inmigrados con su Obispo Oct. 10 9:30 a.m. San Juan Talk for Professional’s Day for DREs Oct. 10 11:30 am San Juan Mass for Professional’s Day for DREs Oct. 10 7 p.m. McAllen 1er Encuentro de Jovenes Recien Imigrados con su Obispo Oct 17 8 a.m. McAllen Our Lady of Sorrows School Mass Oct. 17 6:30 p.m. McAllen White Mass - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Oct. 19 10 a.m. Mission Mass St. Paul (90th Anniv. of CDA Court St. Rose of Lima #827) Oct. 19 2 p.m. San Juan Pastoral Planning Workshop Oct 24 8:15 a.m. Edinburg St. Joseph School Mass Oct. 24 6:30 p.m. Edinburg Red Mass Oct. 26 9:30 a.m. Weslaco HS Mass for 2013 Youth BLAST Oct. 27 3 p.m. Pharr Valley Interfaith 30th Anniversary DIOCESE October 2013 - The Valley Catholic 20th Annual Red Mass set for Oct. 24 The Valley Catholic EDINBURG — Bishop Daniel E. Flores will celebrate the 20th annual Red Mass at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, at St. Joseph Parish, 114 W. Fay St. in Edinburg. The church is located two blocks south of the Hidalgo County Courthouse. The Red Mass is celebrated to invoke God’s blessing upon all protectors and administrators of the law, including lawyers, judges, government officials and law enforcement agents, as well as their families and support staffs. The Mass will be followed by a banquet at St. Joseph School. The theme of the night’s festivities is based on Matthew 25:40, “…whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” The Red Mass is a longstanding tradition in the Catholic Church that dates back to 13th century Paris. The first Red Mass was celebrated in the United States on Oct. 6, 1928 at the Church of St. Andrew in New York City. The celebrant, concelebrants, deacons and honored guests enter the church in procession wearing red vestments or red clothing, symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding those who seek and pursue justice in their daily lives. In the Rio Grande Valley, the Red Mass is held annually in the fall, alternating between Hidalgo and Cameron counties. Protectors and administrators of the law from all over the Valley and of all faiths, as well as the public, are invited to attend. For more information, contact Chris or Ester at (956) 318-2470. Migrant Welcoming Festival Oct. 19 The Valley Catholic McALLEN — The Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine is hosting its annual Migrant Welcoming Festival on Saturday, Oct. 19 to celebrate and thank Our Lady for the safe return of migrant families from the Rio Grande Valley. A special Mass is held in honor of the migrant families in late spring to bless them before they travel north for job opportunities. The festival is held in the fall to welcome them home. The event, scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., will feature food, rides, a car and cycle show, live entertainment and more. The highlight of the festival is the presentation of the Migrant Family of the Year. Deacon Julio and Mrs. Enedina Castilleja of San Juan, who traveled up north for more than 20 years with their family, are this year’s honorees. Deacon Castilleja, who was ordained to the permanent diaconate 23 years ago, has served at the basilica for 10 years. Proceeds from the festival will be used to build a new maintenance facility for the basilica. TEACHING STEWA RDSHIP The Valley Catholic photos Children from parishes and a Catholic School participated in the Àlming of a video for the Children·s Appeal. Mascot promotes seven faith habits for the Year of Faith The Valley Catholic WESLACO — Steward the Caterpillar made his grand entrance in time to meet and greet 136 children in the Diocese of Brownsville who attended a video filming at Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Weslaco for the Children’s Stewardship Appeal. Steward is the mascot for the children’s appeal that will be launched in October. This year’s theme focuses on the Seven Faith Habits for the Year of Faith. The diocesan Stewardship and Development Office hosted the filming on Aug. 21 with children from 16 parishes and one parochial school participating in the event. During the session, students were divided into smaller groups for catechetical instruction on six of the seven faith habits. Bishop Daniel E. Flores talked to the children and taught them the seventh faith habit, prayer before meals, before sitting down with them for a pizza supper. The children also listened to a story “The Day Steward Arrived” written by Rosie Rodriguez, development director for the Diocese of Brownsville. Rodriguez said the children’s appeal is unique to the diocese. It was first launched in 2011. The goal, she said is “That all children participate, not just in giving money, but in pledging time and talent.” Rodriguez said Steward, the mascot, was created to encourage children to learn more about stewardship. “He is being commissioned to go out and take the message of stewardship out to the parishes.” Also, the video highlighting the children’s appeal and teaching the Seven Faith Habits will be Above: A new booklet titled “The Day Steward Arrived” explains how a caterpillar named Steward came to be the mascot for the Diocese of Brownsville Children·s Appeal. Below: Miguel Santos, director of Campus and Young Adult Ministry, teaches children about prayer before bedtime. provided to every church in the diocese. Rodriguez said the filming event was a collaborative effort of the parishes and diocesan ministries who see a great value in the teaching of stewardship as a way of life. In September, Rodriguez led a session about the Children’s Appeal at the International Stewardship Conference in Dallas. 7 FAITH HABITS FOR THE YEAR OF FAITH Offer a prayer at mealtime Call upon the saints Give thanks to God each night Reach out to help a neighbor in need Savor a few minutes of silence Ask for God·s blessings each morning Receive the Holy Eucharist for strength and nourishment 3 OFFICE OF VOCATIONS Para servirles The Valley Catholic The call to serve as a priest, religious brother or sister ultimately comes from God, rooted in Baptism to serve God’s people. Once a person feels an interest — even a slight interest — to serve God as a priest or religious, the Office of Vocations of the Diocese of Brownsville is here to foster that call and help them through the discernment process and beyond. Father Juan Pablo Davalos, director of vocations for the diocese, encourages men and women who may be hearing a call from God to serve as a priest or religious to contact the Office of Vocations. He and his team don’t push anyone to enter the priesthood or religious life but rather, they assist the individual in cooperating with God’s will. They help men and women discern a call to the priesthood or religious life through prayer, retreats, visits to the seminary or convent and other opportunities. “I encourage you to reflect and pray, asking God to open your heart to His call; you may be receiving a genuine call,” Father Davalos said. “It is a real mystery how God calls his people; therefore, this office is meant to walk you through the basic information and discernment on how a person becomes a priest or religious sister or brother. I hope and pray that you also allow God to speak to your heart. The possibilities can be immense and the rewards out of this world.” The Office of Vocations also works to create awareness about the priesthood and religious life at parishes, Catholic schools, local colleges and universities and more. Father Davalos also answers correspondence from seminarians and priests from outside of the diocese who are interested in serving here. He evaluates each man on a case-by-case basis to see if he is a good fit to serve the faithful of the Valley. Those discerning a call to religious life will be introduced to brothers and sisters from the many religious communities in the Rio Grande Valley. They will also be provided resources and contact information for communities outside of the Valley. Men who answer God’s call to the diocesan priesthood will continue to work with the Office of Vocations. The director of vocations serves as an advisor and mentor and is committed to seeing men through the formation journey from start to finish, from discernment to his ordination to the priesthood. Ministry: Office of Vocations Director: Father Juan Pablo Davalos Phone: (956) 784-5060 Email: 4 DIOCESE »Family Life Lydia Pesina Director, Family Life Office Saints and Sinners W e often hear the phrase that all of us are “saints and sinners.” It is important to remember that because we are made in the “image and likeness of God” we are all called to be saints; to be holy. But also, in today’s world people don’t often want to talk about “sin” but all of us are “sinners;” all fall short of the glory of God because in our humanness we “fail one another”; we “break relationship” with one another and with God which is what sin is. As a society, perhaps it would be helpful for us to remember that the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony, which have been recognized for thousands of years are still the human weaknesses that can lead us to other “sins,” other breaks in relationship with our loved ones and with God. Probably one of the most important tasks in the long journey of life is to become a saint. We are all called to holiness. In fact, one of the Catholic Church teachings is that in marriage, husbands and wives are called to make their spouse a saint; it is in our job description, so to speak. But what does that mean in practical terms? A short example: when my husband Mauri and I married 39 years ago, I was very stubborn and inflexible; well I still am, but to a much lesser degree because Mauri helps me to see those faults that I have to work on and I have to use that awareness to keep working on them. In a course that I teach to singles called “How to avoid a Jerk/Jerkette,” the author, John Van Epp states that what makes a person a jerk or jerkette is The Valley Catholic - October 2013 “persistent resistance;” when we persistently resist working on that which we know we have to work on. At our Diocesan Staff Retreat last year, the Retreat Master, Father Thomas Sepulveda stated, “It is not our duty to change ourselves; that duty is God’s; our duty is to struggle. God’s grace is in the struggle itself. God is the Creator; it is up to God to bring it to fruition.” For me, it is very consoling to think that I just need to keep in the struggle to improve, and God will provide the grace and the time for my transformation. I need the rest of my life and then some to become a saint. My paternal grandmother, Clara Sepulveda Reyna loved me very much so she often said “Mi Lilita es una santa” (my Lilita is a saint) to which my mother would say “Preguntenle al marido” (ask her husband) which of course meant that who better than my husband knows what I am really like! Our spouse and other family members know us at our best and at our worst and love us anyway. Yes, we are all called to be saints in this life and in the next; but also, the Catholic Church has a long tradition of recognizing those with an exceptional degree of holiness and virtue through canonization. Almost every day of the calendar year has a saint day but also, we celebrate All Saints Day on Nov. 1 which is where the word Halloween comes from (eve of a holy day). The concept of All Saints Day is tied in with the Church’s teaching of the Communion of Saints; the belief that all of God’s people in heaven and on earth are connected in communion. Matthew 27:53- “…tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church 956: “Being more closely united to Christ, those who dwell in heaven fix the whole Church more firmly in holiness…They do not cease to intercede with the Father for us….So by their fraternal concern is our weakness greatly helped.” Let us pray for one another, that we might seek God’s grace to protect and guide us in our journey of life to be more saint than sinner. The Valley Catholic Bishop Emeritus Raymundo J. Peña blessed a new altar for the St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration in Alamo on Sept. . Above: The Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters prepare the altar for Mass. The St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration is a Diocesan chapel run by Capuchin Poor Clares. It is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Senior Olympics The Valley Catholic Nursing homes, assisted living communities and adult day care centers across the Rio Grande Valley are invited to participate in the 5th Annual Senior Olympics on Friday, Oct. 18 at the San Juan Nursing Home, a Catholic facility located on the grounds of the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine. Events include a dance contest, wheelchair races, race walking, distance throws, basketball and a singing contest. The registration fee is 5 per person and includes lunch, a T-shirt and a goody bag. Historically, the event draws more than 5 participants. Swag items are still needed for the event bags and sponsorships are still available. For more information on the Senior Olympics, please call (956) 787-1771. For the latest news visit Priest appointments announced The Valley Catholic Effective Aug. 6, 2013 Rev. Michael Gnanaraj, appointed Parochial Vicar of Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish in Port Isabel and its mission Laguna Heights Chapel in Laguna Heights and relieving him of his responsibilities at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Harlingen rent assignment as Vice-Chancellor, Priest Secretary of the Bishop, and Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians and relieving him of his responsibilities as Moderator of the Pastoral Team in solidum at St. Mary Parish in Santa Rosa, Prince of Peace Parish in Lyford and its missions of Santa Monica in Santa Monica and Saint Martin of Tours in Sebastian Effective Aug. 23, 2013 Rev. Jose Lobaton, OFM, appointed Parochial Vicar of Holy Family Parish in Edinburg and Sacred Heart Parish in McAllen, in residence at Holy Family Parish in Edinburg Rev. Michael J. Koday, appointed Parish Administrator of St. Mary Parish in Santa Rosa and relieving him of his responsibilities at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in McAllen and as Chaplain for the South Texas College in Weslaco Effective Sept. 1, 2013 Rev. Juan Pablo Davalos, appointed Pastor of The Parish of the Lord of Divine Mercy in Brownsville, while retaining cur- Effective Sept. 5, 2013 Rev. Peter (Raju) Antonisamy, OMI, appointed Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Refuge Parish in Roma and its missions Holy Fam- ily in Los Saenz, Holy Trinity in Falcon Heights, Lamb of God in Fronton and Saint Joseph in Salineno. Effective Sept. 8, 2013 Rev. Michael A. Montoya, MJ, appointed Pastor of the new quasiparish, St. Anne in Peñitas, Texas and its missions St. Michael in Los Ebanos, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sullivan City and Centro Catolico San Juan Diego in El Flaco and relieved of his responsibilities at Our Lady, Queen of Angels Parish in La Joya and its’ missions St. Anthony in Peñitas and St. Mary Magdalene in Abram. Effective Sept. 15, 2013 Rev. Hector J. Cruz, SM, Parish Administrator of the new parish, Our Heavenly Father in Olmito, Texas in conjunction with present assignments DIOCESE October 2013 - The Valley Catholic »Sunday Readings The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church OCTOBER 6 ( Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time) Reading I HB 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Responsorial Psalm PS 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 Reading II 2 TM 1:6-8, 13-14 Gospel LK 17:5-10 OCTOBER 13 (Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Reading I 2 KGS 5:14-17 Responsorial Psalm PS 98:1, 2-3, 3-4 Reading II 2 TM 2:8-13 Gospel LK 17:11-19 OCTOBER 20 (Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Reading I EX 17:8-13 Responsorial Psalm PS 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Reading II Gospel 2 TM 3:14-4:2 LK 18:1-8 OCTOBER 27 (Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Reading I SIR 35:12-14, 16-18 Responsorial Psalm PS 34:2-3, 17-18, 19, 23 Reading II 2 TM 4:6-8, 16-18 Gospel LK 18:9-14 The word of the lord abides for ever. This word is the Gospel which was preached to you” (1 Pet 1:25; cf. Is 40:8). With this assertion from the First Letter of Saint Peter, which takes up the words of the Prophet Isaiah, we find ourselves before the mystery of God, who has made himself known through the gift of his word. This word, which abides for ever, entered into time. God spoke his eternal Word humanly; his Word “became flesh” (Jn 1:14). This is the good news. This is the proclamation which has come down the centuries to us today. Disciples in Mission: Six Weeks with the Bible On the Email: 5 The beatitudes and Pope Francis By DAN EBENER Special to The Valley Catholic For the past two to three years, I have been focused on the beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10). Since writing a book on the beatitudes and leadership last year, I have been speaking at conferences and leading retreats around the country. In most cases, there have been opportunities to engage people in dialogue about applying the beatitudes to life, ministry and leadership. So imagine my delight when I read these words of Pope Francis from his message to some 30,000 Argentine delegates to World Youth Day: “Look, read the beatitudes: that will do you good. If you want to know exactly what to do, read Matthew 25, which is the standard by which we will be judged. With these two things, you have the action plan: the beatitudes and Matthew 25. You do not need to read anything else. I ask you this with all my heart.” When we place the beatitudes into the context of Matthew’s Gospel, we can see why the pope connected the beatitudes – the opening lines of the Sermon on the Mount – to Matthew 25 – the story of the Final Judgment. The beatitudes describe the inward journey of Christian discipleship: To be poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hungry for righteousness, merciful, pure of heart, peace-loving and persecuted – are qualities of the righteous. They are signs of the kingdom. The beatitudes provide a list of eight qualities for those who aspire to the kingdom of God. The beatitudes start with the idea of placing our complete confidence in God (poverty of spirit). They conclude with the lesson that those who live and lead by these beatitudes are likely to be criticized, ridiculed or even persecuted for the sake of righteousness. The outcome of the first and last beatitude is the same: “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3 and 5:10). In Matthew 25:31-46, we hear the only description by Jesus of the Final Judgment. This story describes the outward journey of Christian discipleship: To feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the DAN EBENER stranger, clothe the naked and visit the sick and imprisoned are the actions of the righteous. They are the keys to the kingdom. This story provides a list of six works of mercy for those who aspire to the kingdom of God. Initially, Jesus describes those who perform the works of mercy as “the sheep” who are “on his right” (Matthew 25:32, 33 and 34). Later in the story, Jesus describes them as “the righteous” (Matthew 25:37 and 46). This word “righteous” is a rich and significant term that goes to the heart of the two Scriptural passages the pope is asking us to read. Have you ever wondered why we say, “It is right and just” in the Offertory Prayer of the Mass? It is interesting because dictionaries often use the word “right” to define “just” and vice versa. I would suggest that to be right and just is to be righteous. To be righteous means to be “right with God” and “just with the people.” The beatitudes provide a road map to reflect on the inward journey of the righteous. The story of the Final Judgment provides the keys to the outward journey of the righteous. In both of these Scriptural passages, it is the righteous who are the inheritors of the kingdom of heaven. It has been a gift these past few years to focus on the beatitudes – and to place them into the context of the Gospel of Matthew. I was happy to see Pope Francis elevate them in his comments in Brazil. I couldn’t agree more that these two readings from Matthew provide a call to action for ourselves and our Church. — Dan R. Ebener is author of “Blessings for Leaders: Leadership Wisdom from the Beatitudes.” See www. &YQFSUPO servant leadership to speak Oct. 19 Article originally published in the Catholic Messenger, newspaper of the Diocese of Davenport. The Valley Catholic Transformational leaders transform themselves, others, their organizations and ultimately, they transform society, said Dr. Dan Ebener, author of “Servant Leadershop Models for Your Parish.” “Leadership starts as an inner journey,” he said. “It takes prayer, personal reflection and self-monitoring to build the character we need for leadership.” Dr. Ebener will conduct a workshop on Servant Leadership on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the St. Pius. X Conference Center in Weslaco, 600 S. Oklahoma Ave. The seminar, sponsored by the San Juan Diego Ministry Institute, will include the strategic planning, team-building and leadership skills that he teaches for the Master of Organizational Leadership program at St. Ambrose University. Dr. Ebener has been developing leaders for churches, businesses and community organizations since 1976, and continues to work as director of stewardship and parish planning for the Diocese of Davenport, Iowa. Believing that professors should practice what they teach, Dr. Ebener has provided consultation in these areas to more than 75 organizations through his business, Quad City Leadership Consulting, Inc. Drawing from experience in the classroom and his consulting practice, Dr. Ebener has spoken to audiences in 43 states and 20 countries, and is the author of two books, “Servant Leadership Models for Your Parish” and “Blessings for Leaders.” Registration is $15 and includes refreshments, lunch and handouts. To register, call (956) 784-5059. The darkened eye of pornography T he world was shocked when the tragic and twisted case of Ariel Castro burst recently into the limelight. Before he took his own life in prison earlier this month, he had kidnapped and repeatedly raped, humiliated, and beaten three young women held captive inside his Cleveland house for more than 10 years. At his sentencing in August, he blamed his longstanding habit of watching two to three hours a day of pornography for his crimes: “I believe I am addicted to pornography to a point that it really makes me impulsive and I don’t realize what I’m doing is wrong.” To what extent pornography is directly related to violence remains up for debate (explaining any complex human behavior in simple cause and effect terms »Making Sense Out of Bioethics Tadeusz Pacholczyk Priest of the Diocese of Fall River can be exceedingly difficult). What is beyond dispute is that pornography sets the stage for viewing women in an exploitative way, as sexual fodder for the gratification of men. In fact, the widespread availability and consumption of pornography has arguably become the most pervasive objectifying force in society today. In a recent newspaper discussion about pornography, one male participant remarked that most men do not end up marrying supermodels, so he thought pornography wasn’t a bad thing, since it enabled “the goods” that a few women possessed to be spread around and shared. He seemed to have no compunction about using women as pawns in the endgame of satisfying male lust. The gaze we direct towards each other can easily go astray, demeaning not only ourselves, but others around us as well. When one’s gaze is directed askance, as Bishop Paul Loverde or Arlington, Virginia, noted in a 2006 letter on pornography, “one becomes the kind of person who is willing to use others as mere objects of pleasure.” The impure gaze of pornography, focused on “body parts,” or “performances,” takes on » Please see Pornography, p.19 CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz) St. Francis of Assisi is depicted in a stained-glass window at St. Hyacinth Church in Glen Head, N.Y. The feast of St. Francis, patron of peace, animals and the environment, is celebrated Oct. 4. »Feast Day - October 4 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic News Agency/EWTN On Oct. 4, Roman Catholics celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian deacon who brought renewal to the Church through his decision to follow Jesus’ words as literally as possible. In a January 2010 general audience, Pope Benedict XVI recalled this “giant of holiness” as a “great saint and a joyful man,” who taught the Church that “the secret of true happiness” is “to become saints, close to God.” The future St. Francis was born on an uncertain date in the early 1180s, one of the several children born to the wealthy merchant Pietro Bernardone and his wife Pica. He originally received the name Giovanni (or John), but became known as Francesco (or Francis) by his father’s choice. Unlike many medieval saints, St. Francis was neither studious nor pious in his youth. His father’s wealth gave him access to a lively social life among the upper classes, where he was known for his flashy clothes and his readiness to burst into song. Later a patron of peacemakers, he aspired to great military feats in his youth and fought in a war with a rival Italian city-state. A period of imprisonment during that conflict turned his mind toward more serious thoughts, as did a recurring dream that suggested his true “army” was not of this world. He returned to Assisi due to illness in 1205, and there began consider a life of voluntary poverty. Three major incidents confirmed Francis in this path. In Assisi, he overcame his fear of disease to kiss the hand of a leper. Afterward, he made a pilgrimage to Rome, where he deposited his money at St. Peter’s tomb and exchanged clothes with a beggar. Soon after he returned home, Francis heard Christ tell him in a vision: “Go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin.” Francis began to use his father’s wealth to restore churches. This led to a public quarrel in which the cloth-merchant’s son removed his clothing and declared that he had no father except God. He regarded himself as the husband of “Lady Poverty,” and resolved to serve Christ as “a herald of the Great King.” 6 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - October 2013 Stepping into an ancient tradition Pharr parish hosts first-ever Matachines festival on Nov. 16 Cabrini Xavier Church, 8001 S. Cage Blvd. in Pharr. When interpreting the danzas, the beating drum invites an intricate choreography of performers to step front and center. It takes weeks, even months of rehearsal to get to this point. No one knows this better than Betty Muro of St. Joseph the Worker Parish in McAllen. She helps choreograph the danzas. “When I lived in Zacatecas, Mexico I used to dance in the festivals for Our Lady of Guadalupe. So when I moved to Texas, I had the hope of forming a group here. It began with a small ministry in my home parish. Eventually, people started calling me to help them choreograph their danzas,” Muro said. “I was honored because that is what I wanted since the beginning. I wanted this tradition to spread.” Different cultures incorporate their own symbolism to the movements and the characters of the ritual dance, according to a range of references. “Our group is called Los Guadalupanos and I play the character of el viejito,” said Omar Cuevas from St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church. El viejito is not simply an ‘old man’ in this performing art, according to Cuevas and Muro. With a grotesque mask and creating loud noises typically in Náhuatl (an indigenous language spoken in parts of Mexico), the character personifies the evil in the world that tries distracting us from praying to God and Our Lady. Like most Hispanic traditions, family is in the core of the celebration. “My brother is the drummer and my niece is one of the Matachines,” Cuevas said. “It is a community where families become involved. The idea is for this to grow and the younger generation to take over. We want to uphold our Mexican traditions.” For more information on the Matachines Festival, call St. Frances Cabrini Parish at (956) 787-3554. By IRVING TAPIA The Valley Catholic PHARR—Vibrant feathers in an array of colors such as gold, silver, bright reds and greens, embroidered images of saints, like the Virgen of Guadalupe, drape the dance movements of the Matachines. The danza de los Matachines, a form of dance-drama typically performed on feast days and other special occasions, depicts the struggle between good and evil, usually involving 12 to 18 dancers who represent different characters, according to The Catholic Church in the Rio Grande Valley: A Journey of Faith, a pictorial history book about the Diocese of Brownsville. The Spanish brought the ritual with them to the New World and over time incorporated Mexican, Indian and American religious and social symbols. The costumes feature brilliant colors, bells and elaborate masks representing a mixture of Spanish, Mexican and Indian dress. While some ethnic groups have traded in their folk dances for the full stream of American culture, la danza de los Matachines continues to be a prevalent art form in numerous Catholic communities in the Rio Grande Valley. St. Francis Cabrini Church in Las Milpas, a community located in South Pharr, is hosting its first-ever Matachines Festival on Saturday, Nov. 16. Organizers said the goal of the event is to unite Matachines from all over the Valley and to promote this art form. All Matachines dance groups are encouraged to attend the festival, which organizers hope will become an annual event. A procession featuring dancers from across the diocese will begin at 2 p.m. at Junior’s Supermarket, located at 6501 S. Cage Blvd. in Pharr and end at St. Frances The Valley Catholic and courtesy photos Matachines groups from throughout the Rio Grande Valley are invited to participate in the Àrst-ever Matachines Festival on Saturday, Nov. 16. A procession will begin at p.m. at Junior·s Supermarket, located at 651 S. Cage Blvd. in Pharr. Above and right: File photos of Matachines performing in a procession for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Brownsville. Bottom right: Matachines from St. Joseph the Worker Church in McAllen practice their dance steps. Bottom: Matachines from Mary, Mother of the Church in Brownsville. Blessing of the Animals Help Us Grow Let’s Work together to share the Good News. As we enter our fifth year of publishing The Valley Catholic, we want to expand our circulation and reach out to more readers. To do this, we need your help. We invite you to advertise your business or organization in the newspaper. Our monthly circulation of 26,500 includes direct mailings to more than 3,500 homes and is distributed to 69 parishes, 45 mission churches, and 280 other locations in the Rio Grande Valley, including medical facilities, retail and restaurant establishments. Photos by Amber Donaldson/Mobile Journalist, The Valley Catholic Several churches in the Diocese of Brownsville will have the Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis, patron of animals and the environment on or around Oct. 4. For the complete schedule, please visit the Diocese of Brownsville·s web site All animals are invited but should be properly restrained. As the official newspaper of the Diocese of Brownsville, we are the only Catholic news source providing comprehensive coverage in the Rio Grande Valley. To donate or reserve an ad, call (956) 785-5055 DIOCESE October 2013 - The Valley Catholic »Hope in Action: A Spotlight on Youth 7 New gymnasium Impacting other lives Student golfer inspires through leadership The Valley Catholic MERCEDES – The desire to serve the church is a gift that comes from within, deep down from within the roots of our soul, and it is how one serves that exposes the beauty of one’s soul. Louie Salinas, youth minister at Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Mercedes said Ruben Alex Cantu is one young man who willingly serves the church with whatever needs she may have, allowing us to view his inner beauty. Cantu, who grew up in Mercedes, attended Our Lady of Mercy Church since childhood and was confirmed this past spring by Bishop Daniel Flores. Salinas said Cantu is a natural born leader. If there is any project needed to be done by the youth at Our Lady of Mercy Church he is either nominated by his peers to lead or willingly volunteers for a leadership role. He has been a dedicated altar server for three years and always helps with any parish luncheon/ potluck, Chalupa, fiesta, etc. During this year’s summer softball league he served as prayer leader. Salinas added, “This dependable, intelligent, humble young man inspires any one he encounters. His willingness to serve is something similar to Mary’s fiat, her ‘yes’. If asked to do something for the parish, or for anyone in need, his answer is always yes with no hesitation. His example inspires others to serve.” Name: Ruben Alex Cantu School/Grade: He is a straight-A student in the graduating class of 2015, a junior, at Mercedes High School. He participates and exceeds in extracurricular activities at school which include golf and baseball. What I do at Our Lady of Mercy Church: Prayer leader for Softball Team and Youth Gatherings, TEEN ACTS team member. Talents/Gifts: Golfing, seeing the good in others, kind hearted, Courtesy Photo Ruben Alex Cantu, an excellent student and avid golfer, makes time for the Lord, volunteering his time and talents at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Mercedes. humble. Best Movie Ever: “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” I watch it all the time before my golf tournaments to get pumped up. Most Listened to song on my IPod?: “The Hurt” and “The Healer,” which was our theme song for my ACTS retreat. TV shows I never miss: Americas Got Talent, American Ninja Warrior and The Big Bang Theory. Book I’d read again (and again): The Giver by Lois Lorry. I read it in 5th grade and have read it every year since. Future Plans: Hopes to graduate distinguished from high school. After graduating Cantu plans on attending the University of Texas at Austin or Baylor pursuing a career in either Medicine or Engineering. “I want to be a pediatrician because when I was small I would always get sick and they really help me out, it kind of inspired me to want to be a doctor. But because I’m good at math I’ve been considering engineering.” Meaningful Quote: “A life is not important except the impact it has on other lives.” - Jackie Robinson “I really like it because it’s inspiring, it motivates oneself to do something.” Who has made an influence in my life?: Of course I chose my mother and father. My father helps me out with golf. He’s the one who introduced me to the sport. He’s always motivating me to go to practice to keep up with it. They both help me out when it comes to my grades. And I also chose my mother because she really sees how much faith I have. I don’t see it as much as she does. She says I have a really strong faith, that’s how she describes it to everyone. Cantu advanced to Regionals for golf last spring. Courtesy photo Bishop Daniel E. Flores celebrated Mass and blessed the new gymnasium at Juan Diego Academy in Mission. Earlier this year, the school earned acceptance into the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) for athletic competition. JDA has been placed into TAPPS level 1A, District 5. For the present and the future — If you would like to nominate a student to be featured in “Hope in Action: A Spotlight on Youth,” please email Angel Barrera, director of Youth Ministry, at abarrera@cdob. org. Courtesy photo Teens invited to YouthBLAST “Go and Make Disciples” theme for Oct. 26 event The Valley Catholic Hundreds of high school youth from across the Diocese of Brownsville will come together from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26 at Weslaco East High School, 810 S. Pleasantview Dr., in Weslaco to celebrate their faith. The theme of YouthBLAST 2013, “Go and Make Disciples of All Nation”, summons young people to take a call to mission, living as witnesses of the Risen Christ. Angel Barrera, Director of Youth Ministry, says the context of the theme, taken from the end of Matthew’s gospel, is to reflect the Resurrection of Christ. The disciples, who, until then, were frightened and locked away for fear of the Jews, encounter Christ, the victor over death. Barrera said, “The theme of YouthBLAST 20113 seeks to motivate each participant to let the light of the Risen Christ dissipate the darkness of feat and doubt. It encourages young people to be missionaries, even in situations of conflict, in countries where Christians are persecuted and amid a secularized world that does not want to live Christian values.” YouthBLAST features two keynote speakers: Ike Ndolo, from Tempe Arizona, whose debut album “We Are Beggars” debuted at number four on the Christian music chart in 2009, and Stephanie Clouatre Davis from Hammond, Louisiana, who, for more than 20 years, has inspired audiences with her brutal honesty and poignant humor, utilizing the courage of her faith to reveal how she has, (and we can) overcome the challenges of daily life. For more information, please contact; Angel Barrera at (956) 784-5042 or email: abarrera@ Bishop Daniel E. Flores blessed and dedicated a new gymnasium at St. Joseph Catholic School in Edinburg on August 1. “This is a magniÀcent accomplishment,” said Sister Kathleen Murray of the Daughters of Charity, principal of the school. “Parents for the last 1 years have been working towards this day. It is a building for the present and the future.” Both the A and B volleyball teams from the school won their Àrst games played in the new gymnasium. Walking Pilgrimage: Walk by Faith The OfÀce of Youth Ministry is planning a walking pilgrimage experience for high school youth in the McAllen area on Saturday, Nov. 9. The pilgrimage will begin at St. Joseph the Worker Church and continue to Our Lady of Sorrows Church and Ànish at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. The focus of the event is prayer and service. The 5 registration cost includes the event, meals, and shirt. It also affords two new pairs of shoes to young people in need. CARITAS of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church will partner with the OfÀce of Youth Ministry in this event to distribute the shoes. For more information, please contact Angel Barrera at (956) 784-54 or 8 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - October 2013 Bishop burns mortgage Debt on St. Anthony Church paid off By MICHAEL SWARTZ Special to The Valley Catholic HARLINGEN — Bishop Daniel E. Flores came to Harlingen Sunday, but this time it was not to ordain a new priest or to bestow the sacrament of Confirmation on a group of teenagers. This time the bishop came to burn a mortgage. Parishioners from St. Anthony’s Catholic Church gathered around Bishop Daniel E. Flores outside as he placed the mortgage note for the church into a fire pit normally used only to light the “Easter fire” the night before Easter. The burning of the mortgage signaled St. Anthony’s parishioners have officially paid off the debt on their new church built in 2003. St. Anthony Pastor Father Larry Klein wrote a check for $475,000 to pay off the remaining debt on the mortgage. Donations from hundreds of parishioners, along with a variety of bar-b-ques and other fundraisers, helped raise the money to pay off the new church at E. Van Buren and 11th Street, which can seat up to 1,100 attendees with its upstairs balcony. Courtesy photo Bishop Daniel Flores burns a mortgage note outside St. Anthony·s Catholic Church in Harlingen Sunday morning. Under the leadership of St. Anthony Pastor Larry Klein, center, the church Ànished paying off a 1.75 million mortgage 1 years after the church was completed in . The church, one of the largest in Cameron County, was dedicated by Bishop Raymundo J. Peña 10 years ago, after a similar fundraising effort by St. Anthony parishioners, spearheaded by the pastor at that time, Father Tom Pincelli. St. Anthony’s parishioner Rolando Rubiano said the parish originally borrowed $1,750,000 to build the new church. “This truly has been a community effort,” said Rubiano’s wife, Cindy. “We are blessed to be in the beautiful debt-free church that we have.” Bishop Flores likened the building of a new church – or opening new parishes such as the Diocese of Brownsville is planning in Olmito and western Hidalgo County – to moving forward on a pilgrimage in the life of the church. “It takes commitment, it takes working together, it takes planning, but most of all it takes perseverance and patience,” the bishop told St. Anthony parishioners. “But the church exists before there is a building – the church exists when there is community of faith that shares the Eucharist.” The original St. Anthony Church, which still stands at the corner of E. Harrison and 10th Street, was built in 1940. That smaller building is now used as a parish hall and cafeteria for St. Anthony Catholic School. The school, which was founded in 1946, serves students from the pre-kindergarten level through 8th Grade, offering daily prayer and Catholic religion classes, in addition to academic instruction. Father Klein said it feels “wonderful” that the new church is paid off and said the parish is thankful to God and to all the people who made it possible. With the church debt out of the way, Father Klein and St. Anthony parishioners are now focused on raising funds for a new multi-purpose community building which would include a new parish hall, a gymnasium for school and parish youth activities, a new religious education building with classrooms for school and CCD religion classes, and kitchen facilities. Prayer for Respect Life Month O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, to you do we entrust the cause of life Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers of babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose lives are PDGHGLI¿FXOW of men and women who are victims of brutal violence, of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy. Grant that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time. Obtain for them the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build, together with all people of good will, the civilization of truth and love, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life. Blessed John Paul II Evangelium Vitae DIOCESE October 2013 - The Valley Catholic 9 Catechists honored Catechists who have completed 10, 20, 25, and 30 and 40 years of faith formation ministry were awarded special pins by Bishop Daniel E. Flores at the annual Catechetical Convocation on Sept. 28. 40 YEARS (4 honorees) Our Lady of Guadalupe Raymondville Christina Caldera Sacred Heart - Mercedes Mary Ann Del Toro San Pedro - San Pedro Bertha Peña Elias Peña St. Helen - Rio Hondo Paul Cavazos Nora Lozoya Prince of Peace – Lyford Gracie Bennack Lolly Q. Cavazos Norine Smith Martha Villarreal Queen of Peace - Harlingen Martin Rodriguez Martha Martinez Martha Rodriguez St. Paul - Mission St Francis Xavier - La Feria Our Lady of Perpetual Help _ McAllen Diamantina Flores 30 YEARS (2 honorees) Our Lady of Guadalupe Raymondville Maria M. Guerra Our Lady of Queen of the Angels La Joya Amalia Villarreal 25 YEARS (8 honorees) Our Lady Star of the Sea Port Isabel Petra M. Orta Queen of Peace - Harllingen Benny Perez Carlos Perez Dora Schoonover Sacred Heart - McAllen Mark Kent Sandra Lee Kent Our Lady of Holy Rosary Mission Leticia Loya Zulema Tapia Sacred Heart - Mercedes Carmen Aceves Paul Barrera Maria Genoveva Blas Carmen Diaz Terry Garcia Gracie Johnson Leopoldo Johnson Alma Quintanilla Irene Rodriguez Dr. Daniel Treviño Linda Treviño San Martin de Porres – Weslaco Anna Maria Barrientes Esmeralda Guerra St Frances Xavier - Pharr Rosalinda Piñerio Bertha Vaquera Joe Vaquera Holy Spirit – McAllen Joann Gomez Maria Elena Velazquez Blanca Torres St Paul - Mission Lidia Garcia Esmeralda Garza Mary Kauffman Rosa Lilia Ledesma Our Lady of Refuge - Roma Herlina G. Barrera Sylvia Canales 20 YEARS (20 honorees) Holy Family – Brownsville Eloisa Flores Rolando Flores Amparo Martinez Our Lady of Guadalupe - Brownsville Our Lady of Perpetual Help – McAllen Our Lady of Sorrows – McAllen Melinda G. Lopez Arminda Martinez Chris Mills Belen Teran Sacred Heart – McAllen Olga Victoria Snelling St. Joseph the Worker – McAllen Maria Moreno Olga Irene Lopez Diana Perez Our Lady of Guadalupe Harlingen Sacred Heart – Edinburg Rosario Gutierrez Sr. Francis Xavier - La Feria Virginia De La Cruz Margarita Garza Holy Spirit - Progreso Rosie Anderson Sacred Heart - Mercedes Isabel Garza Joyce Zavala Holy Family - Edinburg 6R¿D2UWL] St Joseph - Edinburg Rachel Hernandez Teresa Jaramillo Our Lady Queen of the Angels - La Joya Gustavo Sifuentes St Paul - Mission Alma Arriola Our Lady of Refuge - Roma Ana Guerra Argelia Maldonado Eloina Peña Maria Concepcion Peña Otalia Sarabia 10 YEARS (71 honorees) San Felipe de Jesus – Brownsville Jessica Hernandez Walda Islas Delma Sanchez Alicia M. Soto Wendy Garza Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - Mission 6R¿D&RURQDGR Mary De La Rosa Our Lady, Queen of the Angels- La Joya Maria G. Montelongo Marian M. Reyes Siprano Trevino Nancy L. Velasqeuz San Martin de Porres - Alton Beatrice Garza Cristina Salinas Tina Salinas St. Paul - Mission Bertha Castillo Kristee Lee Janice Nevanen Ginger Padilla Rebecca Salazar Karla Warren Immaculate Conception - RGC Maria Teresa Alvarez Sr. Gayle Hurban, SSND Maria Elena Olivarez Our Lady of Refuge - Roma Clarissa Alvarez Margarita Bocanegra Jose Cuestas Olga Cuestas Amanda Flores Angelina Garcia Rosalinda Hinojosa Elodia Leal Bertha Olivares Aimee Rios The Valley Catholic Turkeyfest, a festival sponsored by St. Joseph School in Edinburg every November, is the school·s chief fundraiser. Calendar of Fall Fun Please support these upcoming fundraising events. For most parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations, these events are more than just fun and games — they are also a main source of income for the entire year. Oct. 5 BROWNSVILLE — Incarnate Word Academy, 244 Resaca Blvd. Fall carnival, featuring food, games, music and fun from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (956) 546-4486 Oct. 5 BROWNSVILLE — San Pedro Church, 7602 Old Military Rd. Casino Night from 8 p.m. to midnight. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $40 per couple, $25 for individuals. There will also be a silent auction. (956)542-2596 or (956) 545-6178 Oct. 5 LA JOYA — Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, 814 S. Leo Ave. Jamaica from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Live music, food, games and more. (956) 585-5223 Oct. 5 SANTA ROSA — St. Mary Church, 101 San Antonio Ave. Parish festival from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. There will be games, IRRGOLYHPXVLFDQGJUHDWUDIÀHSUL]HV (956) 636-1211 Oct. 5-6 BROWNSVILLE — St. Eugene de Mazenod Church, 5409 Austin Rd. Annual kermes from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 0XVLFJDPHVIRRGDQGUDIÀHSUL]HV (956) 831-9923 Oct. 5-6 RIO HONDO — St. Helen Church/St. Vincent de Paul Mission, 228 Huisache Ave. PeaceFest from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. featuring food, games, live music by Red 9HOYHWDQG/RV&LW\%R\V5DIÀHLVIRU a chance to win 10 prizes. Visit the parish Facebook page sthelenriohondo for more details. (956) 748-2327 Oct. 6 HIDALGO — Sacred Heart Church, Hidalgo City Pavilion, 200 Patsy Dr. Fall Jamaica from 3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. featuring live music from four different bands, folklorico dance presentations, games, rides, food and traditional bingo ZLWKJUHDWSUL]HV5DIÀHRI 9,6$SUHSDLGFDUGDQGRWKHUSUL]HV Tickets are 3 for $10. (956) 843-2463 Oct. 11-13 BROWNSVILLE — Holy Family Church, 2308 E. Tyler. Fall kermes from 6:30 p.m. WRSPIHDWXULQJJDPHVIRRGUDIÀH (tickets 3 for $5), karaoke and live music (Banda La Kineña performing Saturday night). (956) 546-6975 Oct. 12 HARLINGEN — Knights of Columbus of Harlingen Council 2785, Tony Butler Municipal Golf Course, 2640 South “M” Street. First K of C Memorial Scholarship *ROI7RXUQDPHQWWREHQH¿WWKH0DUWLQ Segura Scholarship fund. Tee time is set for 8 a.m. Entry fee is $75 per player, WKUHHPDQVFUDPEOH3UL]HV¿UVWSODFH $900; second place, $600; and third place $300. A third of the prizes will be in the form of gift cards from Tony Butler Pro Shop. Door prizes, goodie bags, longest drive and closest to the pin prizes will also be given away. Registration deadline is Friday, Oct. 4. (956) 423-9044 Oct. 13 ROMA — Our Lady of Refuge Church, 4 St. Eugene de Mazenod Ave. Peter .HUDOXP20,)DOO)HVWLYDOWREHQH¿W parish and its missions in Los Saenz, Fronton, Salineño and Falcon Heights at 5 p.m. Festival features a variety of entertainment, games, food, carnival rides, a spooky house and chalupa ELQJR5DIÀHRISUL]HVZLWKDJUDQG prize of 2013 Ford Edge. (956) 849-1455 Oct. 19 SAN JUAN — Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine, 400 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd. Migrant Welcoming Festival from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. featuring a car and cycle show, food, music, rides, entertainment and more. (956) 787-0033 Oct. 19-20 BROWNSVILLE — St. Luke Church and School, 2800 Rockwell Dr. Fall Festival from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. featuring food, games and a variety of music DQGHQWHUWDLQPHQW5DIÀHWLFNHWVDUH ($5,000 Visa gift card grand prize and nine other prizes). (956) 541-1480. Oct. 26 MERCEDES — Our Lady of Mercy Church, 322 S. Vermont. Fall Fest from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Food, rides, games, FKDOXSDELQJRDQGDUDIÀHIHDWXULQJ prizes. (956) 565-1141 Oct. 26 McALLEN — Our Lady of Sorrows School Escape to India Gala from 6 p.m. to midnight at the McAllen Convention Center, 700 Convention Center Blvd. (956) 686-3651 Nov. 2 WESLACO — San Martin de Porres $QQXDO'DQFHDQG5DIÀHIURP p.m. at St. Joan of Arc Church, 109 S. ,OOLQRLV6WIHDWXULQJOLYHPXVLFDQGUDIÀH Tickets are $5 with grand prize of 2013 Ford Fusion. (956)968-2691 or (956) 975-5185 Nov. 2 BROWNSVILLE — Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, 1914 Barnard Rd. All 6DLQWV)DOO)HVWLYDODQG5DIÀHIURPWR 10 p.m. Food, games, live music and more. (956) 546-3800 Nov. 2 MISSION — Juan Diego Academy, 5208 South FM 494. Night of Glitz and Glamour Gala, based on the Roaring 20s. Dinner, live entertainment, silent and live auctions and much more. (956) 583-2752 Nov. 3 HARLINGEN — St. Anthony Catholic Church & School Fall Festival, 209 South WK6W+DUOLQJHQ5DIÀHDWSP Tickets are $5 with grand prize of tuition voucher for St. Anthony School for one year. Nov. 8-10 BROWNSVILLE — Immaculate Conception Cathedral, 1218 E. Jefferson. Annual Kermes from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. )RRGJDPHVOLYHPXVLFDQGUDIÀH featuring 18 prizes. (956) 546-3178 Nov. 9 EDINBURG — St. Joseph School, 114 W. Fay. Turkeyfest featuring turkey plates, signature food booths, games, rides, entertainment, live and silent DXFWLRQUDIÀHZLWKJUDQGSUL]HRI1LVVDQ (956) 383-3957 Libreria Católica J. C. Enterprise MATERIALES SOBRE: Evangelización, Catequesis para adultos y niños, Bíblico, Litúrgico, Teología, Filosofía, Moral, Biblias Temáticas, Vida de Santos en DVD’S Libros sobre Matrimonio, Familia, Educación a los hijos, Dinámicas, Camisetas, 5osarios, ,magenes, Materiales para Bautismo, Con¿rmación, Primera Comunión, Pro-Vida y Juegos Didácticos EDITORIALES: DESCLEE DE BROUWER, PATMOS, EUNSA, HERDER, EDIBESA, MONTE CARMELO, SAN PABLO, RIALP, DABAR, COBEL, GOYA…. Algunos títulos Bilingues, Inglés, Español y Portugués VENTAS: Brownsville, Texas Enrique de la Cruz (956) 371-3923 Mary 465-9830 Nancy 459-3360 10 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - October 2013 Month of the Rosary Catholic News Agency/EWTN Discover the power and peace of this sacred devotion By ARCHBISHOP GEORGE J. LUCAS Catholic News Agency During the month of October, the Church invites all of us to take up the prayerful devotion of the rosary. The rosary is a good way to pray at any time of the year, in any circumstance. If you have never been used to praying the rosary, this is a good time to take it up and learn it — it is not burdensome or difficult. You may want to take it up again if you have put it aside for a while. The rosary helps make our journey with Mary through the mysteries of faith more concrete. The rosary is called a “popular” devotion. This is not only because it is prayed by so many. It is a people’s devotion. It can be learned and prayed by anyone. It is literally in the hands of the people. It came into wide use in some places when people looked for a way to follow the example of monks who prayed the Liturgy of the Hours at times throughout the day. Most of the faithful would not have had access to books containing, the 150 Psalms, and many would not have been able to read in any case. The How to pray a family Rosary The Valley Catholic A pilgrim at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine prays the Rosary. rosary provided a means of prayer that was portable and accessible to all. The beauty and simplicity that attracted people to the rosary centuries ago still draw us to this devotion in our time. The format is a simple contrast to the complexity of modern culture. Whether we pray the rosary alone or in a group, it draws us out of the isolation that our world often encourages. We meet Mary in this prayer, which is clearly offered to God and not to her. She helps us face the particular challenge we may find at the moment in our journey of faith. I invite you to make use of this age-old Catholic prayer with a renewed consciousness and reflection on the mysteries of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is our spiritual guide through these mysteries. No one in the communion of saints is closer to Jesus than she is. We imagine Mary at prayer when, in the fullness of time, the angel announced to her God’s plan for her participation in the salvation of the world. Although Mary had been prepared for her unique role in God’s plan, she had the freedom to accept it or not. God had made her full of grace. She made her life a gift back to God, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” The “Word” which shaped Mary’s whole being from then on is Jesus, the Son of God. At the time that Mary put her life in God’s hands, she could not have known everything that her gift would mean. She walked by faith through the mysteries of Jesus’ birth, life teaching, suffering, death and resurrection. She learned at every step what it meant not only to be the mother of Jesus, but also to be his disciple. At Pentecost, she received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the infant Church. Her ongoing fidelity strengthened the apostles to carry out the mission, given to them by the Lord, to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Mary remains with us in the communion of saints. She is called “Mother of the Church,” and that title describes not just an honor, but an active role she plays in the life of the Church in every age. She helps guide us today, as she guided the first followers of Jesus. Having been claimed by Christ in baptism, we learn, as Mary did, how to give ourselves to Him more freely all the time, cooperating with the grace that is God’s gift to us. As Mary learned, we also learn that our saying yes to God must be renewed each day. — The Most Reverend George J. Lucas is Archbishop of Omaha, Neb. Personalize it: Each family member should have their own Rosary. Children may play with it. Girls may wear it as a necklace. Boys will try to use it as a lasso. That’s fine. It helps them become familiar with a Rosary. Eventually they will learn and grow in reverence for their Rosary. Create a habit: Set a time that is comfortable for your family and that works without adding stress. When it doesn’t happen, don’t give up entirely, just pick it up again the next day. Create a space: Set the tone for prayer so young children understand this is different than other family activities. If possible, light a candle and play some soft, background, instrumental music. Keep it simple: The Rosary is a great way for young children to learn the Hail Mary, Our Father and Apostle’s Creed and to learn about the lives of Jesus and his Mother Mary. Involve all family members: If children have a role, they will participate more fully and be more attentive. Let them lead a reflection or the prayers depending on their age. Opportunity to teach: Use the Rosary as a starting point to teach children about other aspects of their faith. Children are curious and will ask questions. Pause in prayer as necessary to answer their questions. As they get older, you can hold their questions until prayer is complete. Just start: There’s no time like the present and no place like home. DIOCESE 11 October 2013 - The Valley Catholic Those Who Serve: Father Leo Francis Daniels, C.O. Devoted to helping others cultivate talent Founder of Oratory Schools recognized for 30 years of service By BRENDA NETTLES RIOJAS The Valley Catholic PHARR — “From the shadows and darkness into the Light,” the motto of the Oratory schools established 30 years ago by the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri of Pharr, exemplifies the work of the schools’ founder Father Leo Francis Daniels. Father Daniels, an Oratorian priest who came to the Rio Grande Valley in 1974, believes in the formation of the laity to carry out God’s mission. “Lay people have been my inspiration,” he said. You have to “trust in lay leadership,” he added. This trust has seen the growth of the Oratory Academy that started in 1983 with 15 pre-kinder and kinder students. It now has three schools – the Oratory Academy (3PK-8th), the Athenæum for University Preparation (9th-12th), and the Newman Institute (PK-6 in Reynosa, Mexico), and serves 700 students. The Athenæum for University Preparation opened in 1998 as the first Catholic High School in Hidalgo County. From the start, Father Daniels said the founders wanted to establish a bicultural, dual language school. “It was going to represent the area and not a school representative of mid America.” At the school, every child has to master English and Spanish. Father Daniels was honored in August for 30 years of service in Catholic education in the Rio Grande Valley by the Superintendent of Catholic Schools. However, he said the credit belongs to the lay people who helped him develop the school. The school is a “lay-run institution,” he said. He along with a group of lay faithful started the school at a time when other Catholic schools were closing in the Rio Grande Valley and across the United States. “We gathered Catholic leaders under the shade of a pecan tree,” he said. “We met and prayed. The school was started after prayer…. We started with nothing. Someone donated a piece of land and we rented some space at St. Jude Parish.” “God has been good to us,” he said. Father Daniels said he trusted from the start the school would be a success. “It’s the way the Lord The Valley Catholic/Terry De Leon From left, Yvonne Perez, president of the Oratory Schools; Father Leo Francis Daniels, an Oratorian priest who founded the Oratory schools in Pharr; and Rey Rosas from St. Joseph Academy in Brownsville were honored on Aug. at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in McAllen for years of service in Catholic education. Vicar General Msgr. Heberto Diaz, Jr. presented each with service pins following the Mass celebrating the opening of the school year. wanted it. I couldn’t imagine it failing.” Yvonne Perez, a founding member of the Oratory Schools, credits Father Daniels with her own faith formation. She said he is a visionary and is always teaching. While she said his homilies tend to go long, “you learn something different in each one… He’s extremely insightful.” “A Connecticut Yankee, he helps you see the beauty of your own culture and our own language,” Perez said. She said Father Daniels helped her and others realize the role the laity has in the church. “He always reminds us that it’s our church and our role, and we at times can be an example to the religious and not just the other way around.” Perez adds, “He taught me not to compartmentalize my faith and my Church so that it becomes every step you take and every breath you take…He taught us that Philippians’ spirit of laity.” Father José Encarnación Losoya, pastor of St. Jude Thaddeus Church in Pharr, said Father Daniels is a collaborator. “He shares an awareness that you don’t have to do it all by yourself; God’s plan is for us to work together.” As rector of the school, Father Daniels has established high expectations based on formation of personal identity and the fruits of a classical liberal education not just for graduates of the Pharr Oratory school system, but for himself and the lay people he works with. Perez calls him “a man for all ages and all cultures.” For a man who says he was rejected as a newborn, Father Daniels has made it his mission to recognize the talents of others and help them develop to better serve the Church. “I was born rejected,” he said. The first born on Jan. 1, 1938 in Hartford, Conn., during a hurricane, he said his 18-year-old mother did not want to hold him for the newspaper photo, so a nurse held him for the front page of the Hartford Times. Father Daniels, a French Canadian raised in Connecticut, attributes his vocation to his grandmother’s superstition and his Catholic education. He was taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in Hartford, Conn. Father Daniels shared that his “mémère” (grandmother) said he would become a priest because he had a cowlick that was uncontrollable. His aunt, who paid for his education, advised him to belong to a religious order, so that he could belong to a family, a community of priests. The oratory has served as his family for more than 40 years. At 74, Father Daniels continues to serve as provost and religious superior of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri of Pharr, and celebrate Mass at St. Jude Thaddeus Church in Pharr and Sacred Heart Church in Hidalgo. On Oct. 20, 2007, at the 40th Anniversary of the Pharr Oratory, Father Daniels received two honors from the Holy See in Rome. In addition to receiving a Papal Blessing from the Pope Benedict XVI, Father Francis also received the “Crucis pro Ecclesia et Pontifice,” which is also known as the “Cross of Honor” given for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy. Father Daniels earned degrees in theology, philosophy, sociology and counseling. Fluent in five languages, Father Daniels continues his work at the Oratory and teaches high school Latin and French classes. He is currently editing a book he completed for his doctoral studies. »Birthday & Anniversary Wishes The list of birthdays and ordination anniversaries is provided so that parishioners may remember the priests, deacons and religious in their prayers and send them a note or a card. October » Birthdays 2 Rev. Marco A. Reynoso 4 Rev. Francisco Acosta 10 Rev. Cesar U. Partida 11 Rev. Paul Roman 13 Rev. Joel Grissom, SM 13 Rev. Eddie Villa 14 Rev. Eka Yuantoro, MSF 16 Rev. Edouard Atangana 16 Rev. Msgr. Heberto Diaz 18 Rev. Jean Olivier Sambu 28 Rev. Frank Gomez 31 Rev. Tomas Mateos 10 Brother Moises A. Lopez, MSC 10 Sister Jane Frances Ambrose, SHSp 25 Sister Elizabeth Iruka, DMMM 27 Sister Gayle Hurban, SSND 5 Deacon Jesus P. Galvan 6 Deacon Bruno Cedillo 6 Deacon Francisco R. Flores 13 Deacon Eduardo Ovalle 14 Deacon Ignacio R. Gonzalez 15 Deacon Eduardo Reyna 17 Deacon Guillermo Castañeda Jr. 20 Deacon David Espinoza 22 Deacon Oscar Garcia 23 Deacon Alvin H. Gerbermann » Anniversaries 17 Rev. Roy Lee Snipes, OMI 28 Rev. James Pfeifer, OMI November » Birthdays 5 9 10 16 17 20 22 23 28 Rev. Mario Castro Rev. Eduardo Gomez Rev. Joseph Ateba Rev. Ruben Delgado Rev. Jose J. Ortiz, CO Rev. Lawrence Klein Rev. Luis Fernando Sanchez Rev. Agostinho Pacheco Rev. Esteban Hernandez 7 Deacon Genaro Ibarra 10 Deacon Catarino Villanueva 11 Deacon Israel Sagredo 12 Deacon Juan F. Gonzalez 14 Deacon Inocencio Diaz 15 Deacon Alberto X. Chapa 20 Deacon Jesus Reyes 20 Deacon Benito Saenz 24 Deacon Juan Barbosa 28 Deacon Heriberto Solis 29 Deacon Francisco Garza 5 Sister Patricia McGraw, ISM 7 Sister Rosalia Vadala, OSF 13 Sister Luella Walsh, OSB 13 Sister Cynthia A. Mello, SSD » Anniversaries 27 Rev. Jose Rene Angel 28 Rev. Samuel Arispe 4 Deacon George M. Terrazas 11 Deacon Jose Luis Mendoza 30 Deacon Reynaldo Q. Merino 12 NATIONAL The Valley Catholic - October 2013 5FYBT.FYJDPCPSEFSCJTIPQTQMBO pastoral letter on family immigration By PATRICIA ZAPOR Catholic News Service WASHINGTON - After a gut-wrenching visit with young children in the El Paso, Texas, area who are in immigration detention, the bishops of the border region of Texas and Mexico have decided to write a joint pastoral letter on how families are harmed by the current immigration system. San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller told Catholic News Service in a Sept. 12 phone interview that after visiting the children who were brought to meet the bishops at an El Paso parish and learning their stories, the bishops wanted to draw attention to the family effects of the broken immigration system. He told about meeting a girl of 6 who has been in detention since her parents were deported four years ago. Apparently both her mother and father were killed soon after they were returned to Mexico and their daughter has been a ward of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency ever since, as official systems of two countries have slowly churned to place the girl with another member of her family. That girl and the other children in ICE custody intensely long to be with their families, he said. “Here in this country are 11 million undocumented people. How many of their children risk losing a parent because they lack documents” and could be deported, he asked. The pastoral letter to be issued in the next month is intended to “bring some sane, rational understanding” of the many ways families are broken apart by the current immigration system, Archbishop Garcia-Siller said. In a Sept. 8 statement as the meeting closed, the bishops said the burdens on families divided because of problems with the immigration system particularly concern them. “At present, those most injured are the thousands of children and young people who find themselves deprived of their parents and other family members,” the message announcing plans for a pastoral letter said. “We seek to view the reality of the migration phenomenon from the divine perspective. Just as God had compassion for his people enslaved in Egypt, so now he is moved, and he calls us to compassion and mercy towards our undocumented brothers and sisters. Further, Jesus the good shepherd felt compassion upon seeing the exhausted multitudes. As their current shepherds we want to make our hearts beat in rhythm with theirs.” For years, the bishops of U.S. and Mexican dioceses along the border have met twice a year to discuss issues of mutual concern, heavily focused on immigrationrelated matters. Archbishop Garcia-Siller said such sessions more than a decade ago led to the first joint pastoral letter of the U.S. and Mexican bishops conferences, “Strangers No Longer: Together on a Journey of Hope.” Preplanning your funeral or cemetery arrangements gives you and your loved ones peace of mind. Don’t wait. Call now, and make your plan today. Congolese nun wins U.N. prize Sister Angelique works with internally displaced women By MARK PATTISON Catholic News Service WASHINGTON - “It is not my work only. It is the Lord’s.” Such was the summation of Sister Angelique Namaika, a member of the Augustine Sisters of Dungu and Doruma, as she spoke to reporters in an international conference call upon winning the Nansen Refugee Award bestowed annually by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. Sister Angelique has been working for the past four years with women forced to leave their homes in the northeastern Congolese bush because of the ongoing civil strife in the Congo. Many of the women have been forced to marry members of the Lord’s Resistance Army, a rebel group led by Joseph Kony, whose activities have destabilized not only Congo but disrupted life in neighboring African nations as well. Last year, she testified to Congress and the U.N. Security Council about LRA-caused instability in the region. Speaking through an interpreter during the Sept. 12 conference call, Sister Angelique said, “When I arrived here in Congo in 2003, I started helping women who didn’t have a chance to go to school. So when the displaced women came in 2009, I greeted them in the communities where I was doing training -- Because I saw that these women were vulnerable, even more vulnerable than the other women I was helping, because these women were traumatized, and they didn’t have a chance.” “Since they were living so far away from the center,” she continued, “I moved my training and teaching activities to the center where they (the displaced women) were living.” She estimated she has helped 2,000 women in her ministry in Congo, including those she helped CNS photo/Brian Sokol, courtesy UNHR Sister Angelique Namaika, a member of the Augustine Sisters of Dungu and Doruma, smiles as she instructs a literacy class Aug. 1 in Congo. Sister Angelique received the 1 Nansen Refugee Award from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Sept. 17 for her work with women forced to leave their homes in northeastern Congo because of long-term civil strife. CNS photo/Brian Sokol, courtesy UNHR Sister Angelique Namaika, a member of the Augustine Sisters of Dungu and Doruma, is pictured following an Aug. 1 literacy class she instructs in Congo. prior to her work with displaced women. Currently, she is helping 150 women “because this is what I can do with the means I have.” The Nansen Award, officially announced Sept. 17, comes with a cash prize ($100,000) donated by the winner to a charity of his or her choice. The award was to be presented in a ceremony in Geneva Sept. 30. Afterward, Sister Angelique was scheduled to go to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis Oct. 2. The nun was herself among the internally displaced in 2009 as a result of LRA violence. Sister Angelique detailed one success story of the many women she has helped. The girl had been kidnapped at age 14, held by the LRA for a year and a half and impregnated. She escaped and, with no skills, was reduced to trying to sell charcoal in the street. When Sister Angelique was told of the teen’s presence, “I directly went to listen to her story. So I found her and I saw that her kid was malnourished,” she recalled. “The girl, the mother of that baby, also needed help because she had a sexually transmitted disease. I helped them first with food and I took her to the hospital for her to get some medical care. And then I thought if I continue to help with only food and don’t teach her how to find herself food, it’s not going to work,” Sister Angelique said. “I taught her how to bake bread, so after a few days she was already baking her own bread and selling her bread in the center. I also taught her how to sew. I taught her sewing. But one thing also, one problem she had was she was rejected by her mom. Her mom said it was her fault that she was caught by the LRA. So the girl came back to me again and left the baby with me and (went) back to the bush.” Sister Angelique convinced the teen to stay with her for a month. “I gave her advice, then I went to her mom’s house to do mediation. So the two of them, the mom and the girl, they reconciled and today they are on good terms,” she said. “The girl is happy because she felt love, and the good news is today’s she’s married and has a second child. Her work as a baker of bread brings her a good income and you can see that she’s happy.” Her suggestions to restore peace in the region begin with “the grace of conversion to Joseph Kony ... so that he just stops his atrocities and leaves the bush. And if this happens, women will feel safe to go back home and it will be better. It will also help with their trauma. “What is important is to help women who have suffered and have been traumatized,” she said. “It is the women who are raising the kids, so it is important for them to be able to go back.” NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL Octubre 2013 - The Valley Catholic 13 Tiempo de crecimiento La Iglesia de Santa Ana se vuelve cuasiparroquia; nueva orden religiosa encargada de desarrollar territorio misionero Por BRENDA NETTLES RIOJAS The Valley Catholic PEÑITAS — Mientras que algunas parroquias en el pais están cerrando o uniéndose, la Diócesis de Brownsville, la cual tiene la población más grande del pais con cerca de 1.2 millones de Católicos, está creando nuevas parroquias. En respuesta al crecimiento en el lado oeste del Condado de Hidalgo, el Obispo Daniel E. Flores decretó el establecimiento de una nueva cuasiparroquia en la colonia Pueblo de Palmas en Peñitas con Santa Ana como su santa patrona, oficialmente el 8 de sept., la celebración del nacimiento de la Santa Virgen María. Él nombró al padre Michael Montoya, Sacerdote Misionario de Jesús como el primer pastor de la cuasi- parroquia. “En el fondo de mi corazón, sé que la Iglesia necesita estar aquí,” dijo el Obispo Flores cuando les pidió a los sacerdotes Misioneros de Jesús establecer la nueva cuasiparroquia. Para las Hermanas Misioneras del Inmaculado Corazón de María (ICM), Fátima M. Santiago y Carolyn Kosub de las, que llegaron por primera vez al área en el 2004 y ayudaron a construir la iglesia en el 2009, la creación de la cuasiparroquia es un peldaño para celebrar. “Hoy no puedo hacer más que cantar con María, nuestra madre, la hermosa canción de Magníficat,” dijo la Hermana Santiago quien ha estado administrando la iglesia y dirigiendo los programas catecúmenos por cuatro años. Añadió, “Gracias a nuestro obispo Daniel Flores, por su confianza, visión y discernimiento para dividir la parroquia de La Joya en cuatro comunidades, y por nom- Fotos de cortesía Miembros de la comunidad se reunieron con el Obispo Flores para hablar sobre el crecimiento de la iglesia Católica en el oeste del Condado de Hidalgo. El Padre Montoya celebro la primera Àesta patronal de la Iglesia de Santa Ana el 6 de Mulio. Otila Garza, Munto con todos los feligreses continuaron con una Àesta baMo las estrellas. brar a Santa Ana como madre de la iglesia.” Las Hermanas Misioneras del Inmaculado Corazón de María fueron invitadas en el 2004 a ayudar después de que el impacto de un tornado destruyera varias casas. Después de evaluar las necesidades del área, las hermanas se quedaron y empezaron Proyecto Desarrollo Humano, una organización no lucrativa, para proveer servicios necesarios para las personas de la comunidad. La Iglesia Santa Ana pertenece legalmente a las Hermanas ICM. Las Hermanas transferirán su cuidado a la diócesis. “Cuando construimos Santa Ana en el 2009, nunca soñé que viviría para verla convertirse en la iglesia madre de una parroquia,” dice la Hermana Kosub. “Solamente respondíamos a las necesidades y peticiones de nuestra gente. Sin duda Dios hizo maravi-llas. Estoy emocionada de estar unida con las otras comunidades de fe en nuestra nueva parroquia, y sé que Dios está con todos nosotros.” El Padre Montoya vino al Valle del Río Grande en abril para comenzar a trabajar en la comunidad. Él estaba ayudando en Nuestra Señora Reyna de los Ángeles en La Joya y sus Misiones: Santa María Magdalena, San Miguel en Los Ébanos, San Antonio en Peñitas y » Por favor lea Cuasiparroquia, p.17 La Iglesia Padre Celestial se convierte en parroquia Por BRENDA NETTLES RIOJAS The Valley Catholic OLMITO —“¡Hoy comenzamos a vivir como una parroquia!” dijo el Padre Héctor José Cruz Lesbros antes de que comenzara la Misa de mediodía el domingo 15 de septiembre en la Iglesia Padre Celestial en Olmito. La Iglesia, llena en toda su capacidad en celebración por su designación oficial como parroquia. “Estoy tan contento de celebraresta Misa ahora como parroquia aquí en Nuestro Padre Celestial,” dijo el Padre Cruza, administrador parroquial, mientras saludaba a los feligreses después de la celebración. “Pido a Dios su bendición para toda la comunidad y para la diócesis que ahora tiene una parroquia más,” añadió. La Diócesis de Brownsville, que cubre los condados de Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr y Willacy, ahora cuenta con 71 parroquias y 44 misiones. El Obispo Daniel E. Flores estableció la parroquia en respuesta al “crecimiento y desarrollo que se estaba teniendo en el sector noro- este de la ciudad de Brownsville,” y “para proveer adecuadamente un cuidado pastoral de la gente de Dios,” escrito en el decreto que constituye a la nueva parroquia. “Agradezco al obispo y a todos en la diócesis quienes facilitaron su nombramiento,” dijo el Padre Cruz. El Padre Cruz, un Sacerdote Marista de la Sociedad de María, ha servido a la parroquia desde el 12 de septiembre del 2007. Él felicitó a la comunidad por este peldaño, y escribió en el folleto de la parroquia, “Hoy nuestra misión llega a la mayoría de edad y se convierte formalmente en parroquia.” En su carta a los feligreses, el Padre Cruz se refirió a los comentarios del Obispo Daniel E. Flores, hechos en su visita a la Parroquia San Antonio en Harlingen donde el obispo comparó un edificio o una nueva iglesia – o el establecimiento de nuevas parroquias a “un movimiento hacia delante en una peregrinación en la vida de la Iglesia. “Se necesita compromiso; se necesita trabajar en conjunto; se necesita planeación; pero sobretodo se necesita perseverancia y paciencia,” dijo el Obispo a los par- The Valley Catholic El Padre Héctor José Cruz Lesbros, administrador parroquial, celebro la primera misa como parroquia de la Iglesia Padre Celestial en Olmito el 15 de septiembre. roquianos de San Antonio. “Pero la iglesia existe antes de que haya un edificio – la iglesia existe cuando hay una comunidad de fe que comparte la Eucaristía.” La parroquia de Nuestro Padre Celestial, la cual cuenta con más de 500 familias, primero se convirtió en una misión de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora Estrella del Mar en Puerto Isabel en 1964. Cuando la misión era llamada Iglesia Católica de Santa Ana. Después de tres años la iglesia fue unida como misión a la Parroquia Santa Cecilia en los Fresnos hasta el 2006, cuando los límites parroquiales cambiaron y se convirtió la misión de la Parroquia de Nuestro Señor de la Divina Misericordia en Brownsville. Desde el principio, la comunidad se esforzó por construir su iglesia. Antes de ser designada como misión, los miembros de la comunidad efectuaron una serie de recaudaciones a mediados de los 50s para comprar el primer barracón que serviría originalmente como la iglesia. Antes de eso, la primera Misa se llevó a cabo bajo un árbol de ébano en una escuela en Olmito en marzo de 1995. Algunas de las primeras clases de catecismo fueron impartidas en un cobertizo de vegetales, bajo la sombra de un árbol. Después, la comunidad utilizó un salón o el auditorio de una escuela. Una vez que se compró el barrancón, la iglesia fue nombrada Iglesia Católica de Santa Ana. La comunidad siguió recaudando fondos y con la ayuda de la Sociedad Americana para la Expansión Católica, construyeron una iglesia en 1967. El Obispo Humberto Medeiros dedicó la nueva iglesia el 23 de septiembre de 1967. Un año antes de su 25 aniversa» Por favor lea Parroquia, p.15 14 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL The Valley Catholic - Octubre 2013 Santos y pecadores A menudo escuchamos la frase de que todos nosotros somos “santos y pecadores”. Es importante recordarlo porque estamos hechos a la “imagen y semejanza de Dios” todos somos llamados a ser santos; a ser benditos. Pero también, en este mundo las personas a menudo no quieren hablar del “pecado” aunque todos seamos “pecadores”; todos quedamos cortos de la Gloria de Dios porque en nuestra humanidad nos “fallamos uno al otro”, nosotros “rompemos la relación” entre nosotros y con Dios, eso es el pecado. Como sociedad, tal vez sería de ayuda para nosotros el recordar que los siete pecados: ira, avaricia, pereza, orgullo, lujuria, envidia y gula, los cuales han sido reconocidos por miles de años, todavía son las debilidades humanas que nos pueden llevar a otros “pecados”, otras separaciones con nuestros seres queridos y con Dios. Probablemente una de las tareas mas importantes a lo largo de nuestro camino por la vida es el convertirnos en santos. Todos somos llamados a la santidad. De hecho, una de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica es que en el matrimonio, esposos y esposas son llamados a hacer santos a sus esposos; es nuestra descripción laboral, por así decirlo. Pero ¿qué significa eso en términos prácticos? Un corto ejemplo: cuando mi esposo Mauri y yo nos casamos hace 39 años, yo era muy testaruda y obstinada; aún lo soy, pero de una manera mucho menor porque Mauri me »Vida Familiar Lydia Pesina Directora, Oficina de Vida Familiar ayuda a ver esas faltas en las que tengo que trabajar y he utilizado ese conocimiento para seguir trabajando en ellas. En un curso que enseño a personas solteras llamado “Como evitar a un Cretino/a” el autor, John Van Epp dice que lo que hace a una persona un cretino/a es la “resistencia persistente”, cuando nos resistimos persistentemente a trabajar en aquello que sabemos que tenemos que trabajar. El año pasado en nuestro Retiro de los Trabajadores Diocesanos, el Maestro del Retiro, Padre Thomas Sepúlveda dijo que “nuestro trabajo no es cambiarnos; ese es el trabajo de Dios; el nuestro es esforzarnos. La gracia de Dios está en el esfuerzo mismo. Dios es el Creador; depende de Dios traerlo a fruición.” Para mi, es un gran alivio pensar que solamente necesito seguir esforzándome para mejorar, y Dios va a proveer la gracia y el tiempo para mi transformación. Necesito el resto de mi vida y un poco más para ser santa. Mi abuela paterna, Clara Sepúlveda Reyna, me amaba mucho y a menudo decía “Mi Lilita es una santa” a lo que mi madre respondía “Pregúntenle al marido”, lo que por supuesto significaba que quien mejor que mi esposo podría saber como soy realmente. Nuestros esposos y otros miembros de familia nos conocen en nuestros mejores y peores momentos y nos aman de todos modos. Sí, somos llamados a ser santos en esta vida y en la que sigue; pero también, la Iglesia Católica tiene una larga tradición de reconocer a aquellos con un nivel excepcional de santidad y virtud a través de la canonización. Casi cada día del calendario tiene un santo, pero también, celebramos el día de Todos los Santos el 1º de noviembre, que es de donde viene la palabra Halloween (víspera de un día santo). El concepto del día de Todos los Santos está atado a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre la Comunión de los Santos; la creencia de que todas las personas de Dios en el cielo y en la tierra están conectadas en comunión. Mateo 27: 52 “…los sepulcros se abrieron y resucitaron varias personas santas que habían llegado ya al descanso.” El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 956: “Sean unidos mas cercanamente a Cristo, aquellos que moran en el cielo vindican la Iglesia entera con firmeza en la santidad… Ellos no cesan de interceder con el Padre por nosotros… Así que por sus preocupaciones fraternales es que nuestra debilidad es socorrida.” Oremos unos por otros, para que busquemos la gracia de Dios para proteger y guiarnos en el camino de la vida para ser mas santos que pecadores. Su anuncio ayuda al ministerio del periódico – The Valley Catholic Para anunciarse llame al (956) 784-5055 Sacerdotes y seglares en el movimiento de cursillos E l movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad es una obra de la Iglesia. La Iglesia tiene por misión la enseñanza y propagación de la doctrina de Cristo para la santificación de los hombres y mujeres, quienes son los que integran esa Iglesia. Esa misión se desarrolla por muchos y diferentes canales.. Para ello, la Iglesia posee sus estructuras debidamente organizadas en forma jerárquica. Esas estructuras desarrollan su actividad por la labor que realizan tanto los obispos y sacerdotes como los seglares. La union en el trabajo de magisterio y de apostolado de estos brazos del Cuerpo Místico de Cristo, hacen un complemento entre sí que permite llevar el mensaje de Cristo a toda la humanidad. En efecto, la labor que la Iglesia realiza por medio de sus ministros en la administración de sacramentos, en la enseñanza y en función del gobierno de esas estructuras, no es otra cosa que la respuesta al mandato de su fundador, Cristo, cuando instituyó el sacerdocio. Pero Cristo, al instituír su Iglesia, no quiso que esa labor fuera solo para los sacerdotes; su mando de evangelización estaba dirigido a todos los hombres de todos los tiempos y todos los continentes. Es evidente que una humanidad tan grande como la de nuestros tiempos es un campo demasiado vasto para el número reducido de sacerdotes. Es menester, pues, que los seglares seamos la legion de colaboradores de los sacerdotes, pero, claro, con la debida dependencia jerárquica, postulado fundamental en la estructura de la Iglesia. Por otra parte, la condición, le es más difícil llegar. Así, pues, la comunión de actuación de aquel hombre que ha dedi- Msgr. Juan Nicolau Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in McAllen cado su vida al sacerdocio y que por lo tanto, vive en un medio que le permite una preparación sólida y una profundización en el conocimiento del dogma y la religión en general, y la de aquel hombre que ha dedicado su vida a otras labores, también valiosas, pero más cercanas a las quae viven la mayoría de los seres humanos, y por lo tanto más comprensibles para muchos, hacen un complemento capaz de abarcar la humanidad entera. Es, pues, la concepción de la labor apostólica del seglar, dirigida y orientada por la jerarquía y los sacerdotes, lo que fundamenta la existencia de las asociaciones y movimientos de apostolado seglar. Muchas y muy diversas son las organizaciones y movimientos de este tipo en nuestros tiempos: lo cual demuestra un evidente renacer de la inquietud apostólica de los laicos. Organizaciones y movimientos todos muy valiosos y de innumerables beneficios para la humanidad. Uno de los movimientos es el del Cursillo de Cristiandad. El éxito de este movimiento obedece sin duda alguna a la gracia de Dios, quien ha querido que los Cursillos de Cristiandad sean un movimiento de renovación Cristiana. Ahora bien, el mensaje de la doctrina de Cristo, expuesto en los Cursillos de Cristiandad por sacerdotes y » Por favor lea Sacerdotes p.19 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL 15 Octubre 2013 - The Valley Catholic Parroquia, continúa de la pág. 13 rio, la iglesia fue destruida en un incendio el Miércoles de Ceniza, el 13 de febrero de 1991. Fue reconstruida un año después a tiempo para conmemorar el aniversario de plata el 23 de sep. De 1992. Amelia García, miembro de por vida quien creció a una cuadra de la iglesia, dijo recordar las loterías y los pasteles para recaudar fondos y todo el trabajo que su madre y otros miembros de la comunidad hicieron por la iglesia. “Mi madre ayudaba con todo.” García, quien coordina el programa de educación religiosa, dijo que ha visto el crecimiento de la comunidad a través de los años. “Nuestro primer grupo de confirmación (en el 2005) fueron tres niñas, ahora tenemos 200 estudiantes registrados.” “Estoy muy contenta. No pensé que íbamos a crecer para convertirnos en una parroquia. Había tantos obstáculos,” dijo ella. “Olmito es muy pequeño. No ha sido fácil, pero lo hemos logrado.” De acuerdo con el censo del 2010, la población de Olmito es de 1, 210 habitantes. Pero la comunidad está creciendo. García dijo que las nuevas áreas de subdivisión han ayudado a incrementar el número de familias en la parroquia. Ella dijo que es reconfortante ver el nivel de participación. “Mientras que la mayoría de las personas que ayudaron en aquellos primeros días ya se fueron, sus descendientes se mantienen activos… Ni siquiera tienes que preguntar, todos ayudan con lo que se necesita hacer.” Danza de los Matachines Primer festival de Matachines el 16 de noviembre Por IRVING TAPIA The Valley Catholic PHARR — Plumas vibrantes en una gama de colores como oro, paleteado, rojos brillantes y verdes, imágenes de santos bordados, como la Virgen de Guadalupe, adornan los movimientos de la danza de los Matachines. La danza de los Matachines, es un estilo de baile-actuación usualmente presentado en los días de fiesta y otras ocasiones especiales, representa la lucha entre el bien y el mal, por lo regular involucrando de 12 a 18 bailarines que representan diferentes personajes, de acuerdo con Un Camino de Fe, un libro pictórico de historia sobre la Diócesis de Brownsville. Los españoles trajeron el ritual con ellos al Nuevo Mundo y a través del tiempo incorporaron símbolos sociales y religiosos de los mexicanos, indígenas y americanos. Los vestuarios exhiben colores brillantes, campanas y máscaras detalladas representando la mezcla de la vestimenta española, mexicana e indígena. Mientras que algunos grupos étnicos han cambiado sus bailes folclóricos por el torrente de la cultura americana, la danza de los Matachines continua siendo una forma de arte prevalente en numerosas comunidades católicas en Valley Catholic Photos La danza de los Matachines continua siendo una forma de arte prevalente en numerosas comunidades católicas en el Valle del Río Grande. La Iglesia St. Francis Cabrini en las Milpas está organizando el primer festival de Matachines el 16 de noviembre. el Valle del Río Grande. La Iglesia St. Francis Cabrini en las Milpas, una comunidad localizada en el sur de Pharr, esta será anfitriona del primer festival de Matachines el sábado, 16 de noviembre. Los organizadores dijeron que la meta del evento es el de unir a Matachines de todo el Valle y promover este estilo de arte. Se les invita a todos los grupos de danza Matachines que asistan al festival, el cual esperan los organizadores se convierta en un evento anual. Una procesión con bailarines de las diócesis empezará a las 2 p. m. en el Supermercado Juniors, localizado en el 6501 S. Cage Blvd. en Pharr y terminará en la Iglesia St. Frances Cabrini Xavier, 8001 S. Cage Blvd. en Pharr. Cuando están llevando a cabo la danza, el sonido del tambor incita una elaborada coreografía de los bailarines al centro. Les toma semanas, hasta meses de práctica para llegar a este punto. Nadie sabe de esto mejor que Betty Muro de la parroquia San José Obrero en McAllen. Ella ayuda a coreografiar las danzas. “Cuando vivía en Zacatecas, México, solía bailar en el festival de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Así que cuando me mudé a Texas, tenía la esperanza de formar un grupo aquí. Empezó como un ministerio muy pequeño en mi parroquia. Eventualmente, las personas empezaron a llamarme para ayudarlos a realizar la coreografia de sus danzas,” dijo Muro. “Me sentí honrada porque eso es lo que yo quería desde el principio. Quería que esta tradición se propagara.” Diferentes culturas han incorporado sus propios símbolos en el movimiento y los personajes del ritual de la danza, de acuerdo con varias referencias. » Por favor lea Matachines p.19 16 E NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL The Valley Catholic - Octubre 2013 Programa para la formación del ministerio laico Nueva casa de retiro l Obispo Flores anuncio al Presbítero la apertura del programa diocesano para el ministerio eclesial laico. En su carta a los sacerdotes, les escribe: “Durante las sesiones de escucha en la cual participaron más de 2,500 feligreses en cada decanato de la diócesis; los que atendieron compartieron conmigo su gran fe y compromiso por la Iglesia. Al escuchar las inquietudes, sueños y, metas para el futuro, una de la prioridades pastorales identificadas fue: la formación de nuestros laicos”. Dijo que después de consultar con el Consejo de Sacerdotes y con el Consejo Pastoral Diocesano está contento con el inicio del programa de formación para laicos comprometidos. Al momento el Obispo Flores invita a los párrocos de cada Iglesia a recomendar miembros de cada parroquia al programa de formación para servir mejor al pueblo de Dios por medio de su ministerio. El programa diocesano de formación para los laicos es de tres años, los primero dos se enfocan en los elementos básicos de la fe y la vida de la iglesia. El programa de formación brinda enormes oportunidades para el desarrollo espiritual de cada uno de los participantes. Al mismo tiempo, el programa de formación ofrece el conocimiento y capacidades para el ejercicio de diversos ministerios pastorales. El último año de la formación tendrá por enfoque un área de especialidad ministerial así como: la evangelización, la catequesis, la liturgia, ministerio con jóvenes y jóvenes adultos, formación de adultos, con los encarce- Deacon Luis Zuniga Director, Office for Pastoral Planning & San Juan Diego Ministry Institute. lados, en los hospitales, preparación sacramental, etc. En el documento Colaboradores en la viña del Señor, los obispos de los Estados Unidos, describen el origen de los ministerios laicos de manera simple, y al mismo tiempo, profunda: “Dios llama. Nosotros respondemos.” Esta realidad toma una dimensión especial y demanda una respuesta de todos los fieles Católicos laicos. Los obispos continúan: El llamado básico es igual para todos los seguidores de Cristo, a saber, “que todos los fieles, de cualquier estado o condición, son llamados a la plenitud de la vida cristiana y a la perfección de la caridad, que es una forma de santidad que promueve, aun en la sociedad terrena, un nivel de vida más humano”... Las mujeres y los hombres laicos escuchan y contestan el llamado universal a la santidad, fundamental y exclusivamente en el ámbito secular. Se los encuentra “en todas y en cada una de las actividades y profesiones, así como en las condiciones ordinarias de la vida familiar y social con las que su existencia está como entretejida. Aquí, están llamados por Dios a cumplir su propio cometido, guiándose por el espíritu evangélico, de modo que, igual que la levadura, contribuyan desde dentro a la santificación del mundo” (Colaboradores en la Viña del Señor, un recurso para guiar el desarrollo del ministerio eclesial laico en los Estados Unidos, Conferencia Episcopal de los Obispos de los Estados Unidos, 2005). Quizás nos podemos preguntar ¿Qué es el ministerio laico? La denominación “ministro eclesial laico” no constituye, en sí misma, el título de un cargo específico. No utilizamos este término con el fin de establecer un nuevo rango u orden entre los laicos. Utilizamos, en cambio, esa terminología como un adjetivo, para identificar una realidad creciente y en desarrollo, para describirla más plenamente, y para buscar una comprensión más profunda de la misma bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo. El término refleja ciertas realidades claves. El ministerio es laico porque se trata de un servicio realizado por personas laicas. Su base sacramental es el Sacramento de la Iniciación, no el Sacramento de la Ordenación. El ministerio es eclesial porque ocupa un lugar dentro de la comunidad de la Iglesia, cuya comunión y misión sirve, y porque está sometido al discernimiento, la autorización y la supervisión de la jerarquía. Finalmente, es un ministerio porque implica una participación en el triple ministerio de Cristo, que es sacerdote, profeta y rey. “En este sentido original, el término ministerio (servitium) manifiesta sólo la obra con la cual los miembros de la Iglesia prolongan, a su interior y para el mundo, la misión y el ministerio de Cristo” (Colaboradores en la Viña del Señor). The Valley Catholic El Obispo Daniel E. Flores celebro una misa al aire libre y bendiMo a las casa de retiro de María Llena de Gracia in Brownsville el 1 de agosto. La casa también sirve como convento de las Hermanas Misioneras de Jesús. Para más información llame a (956) 54-18. Siembra Buena Salud DIABETES. La diabetes es una enfermedad causada por la incapacidad del cuerpo de producir suficiente insulina o utilizarla adecuadamente. Síntomas más comunes: Hambre Excesiva Sed Excesiva Fatiga Frecuencia de orinar Pérdida de peso La diabetes es la quinta causa de muerte entre los hispanos. Si tu estas experimentando uno de estos síntomas, por favor consulte a su médico. Clases Gratis…. Proyecto Juan Diego Brownsville, Texas (956) 542-2488 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL Octubre 2013 - The Valley Catholic Cuasiparroquia, continúa de la pág. 13 San Guillermo en la ciudad de Sullivan. La nueva cuasiparroquia va a incluir tres misiones parroquiales, Iglesia San Miguel en Los Ébanos y la iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la ciudad de Sullivan, que estaban unida a la Parroquia Nuestra Señora, Reyna de los Ángeles en La Joya, y la Iglesia San Juan Diego, antiguamente unida a San Martin de Porres en Alton. El Padre Montoya dijo, “Este es un gran momento para empezar los nuevos cimientos aquí a lo largo de la frontera.” Él dijo que cada una de las igle- sias tiene una comunidad dinámica y cada una “tiene sus propias historias maravillosas que contar.” El Padre Montoya expresó algo de azoramiento con el trabajo previo. Él dijo que sabía de los retos cuando aceptó la invitación del obispo. “Cuando el obispo nos pidió que estableciéramos la nueva parroquia, nos enfrentamos con una parroquia que no tiene una rectoría para los sacerdote, no tiene oficinas, ni personal excepto en las áreas en donde las hermanas han atendido,” escribió en una historia que compartió con su orden religiosa. “El grupo de cuatro iglesias que comprenden la nueva parroquia ni siquiera tienen suficiente fondos para sostener a un sacerdote. En un lugar que puede necesitar dos o tres sacerdotes solamente para cubrir las demandas de las necesidades sacramentales, decir que este es un reto no es suficiente.” “En mi conversación con el Obispo Daniel Flores,” él dijo, “Sé que estoy pidiendo mucho a su comunidad y que la tarea de establecer esta nueva parroquia de la nada es intimidante. Pero creo en mi corazón que aquí es en donde necesitamos estar como iglesia. Es un reto misionario frente a nosotros… entre la gente pobre, aquellos que inmigraron a ese lugar por varias razones. ¡Mi corazón me dice que aquí es donde necesitamos estar!” Como cuasi-parroquia, una parroquia bajo desarrollo, la diócesis proveerá asistencia por un año. Esto incluye un subsidio único de $25, 000 y fondos para el salario del pastor y el seguro. También, un segundo monto será recolectado en las parroquias de la diócesis para beneficiar a la nueva cuasi- parroquia, en una fecha que determinará el concilio presbiteriano. Actualmente la parroquia es dirigida desde la sacristía de la Iglesia de Santa Ana. Sin embargo, debido a la distancia entre los límites de la parroquia, el Padre Montoya dice que hay planes para construir dos centros pastorales – uno en la parte este de la parroquia en la Iglesia de Santa Ana y otra en la parte oeste de la parroquia en Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la ciudad de Sullivan. El Padre Montoya dijo que sabe que el trabajo de desarrollo de una 17 parroquia en una de las áreas más pobres de la diócesis a lo largo de la frontera es en donde ha sido llamado a servir y que confía que será guiado por Dios. “Con las personas de la nueva parroquia, nos embarcamos a soñar juntos por una comunidad de amigos y discípulos llamados a proclamar las Buenas Nuevas.” “Así que sin oficinas, ni personal, ni programa educativo religioso, ni siquiera un lugar para que los sacerdotes se queden, nosotros los Misioneros de Jesús, llenos de confianza y esperanza en la Providencia de Dios que ha guiado nuestro trabajo misionario hasta ahora, nos lanzamos a establecer nuevos cimientos en la Diócesis de Brownsville.” 18 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - October 2013 New Parish, continued from pg. 1 ning; but most of all it takes perseverance and patience,” the bishop told St. Anthony parishioners. “But the church exists before there is a building – the church exists when there is a community of faith that shares the Eucharist.” Our Heavenly Father Parish, which now has some 500 families, first became a mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Port Isabel in 1964. At the time the mission was named Santa Ana Catholic Church. Three years later the church was attached as a mission to St. Cecilia Parish in Los Fresnos up until 2006 when parish boundaries changed and it became a mission of Our Lord of Divine Mercy Parish in Brownsville. From the start, the community worked to build their church. Before it’s designation as a mission, the community members held a variety of fund-raisers in the mid-50s to purchase the first barrack that originally served as the church. Before that the first Mass was held under an ebony tree on the grounds of the Olmito School in March, 1955. Some of the first catechism classes were taught in a vegetable shed and under the shade of a tree. Later the community used a Growth, continued from pg. 1 gin working in the community. He was assisting at Our Lady, Queen of Angels Parish in La Joya and its missions St. Mary Magdalene, St. Michael in Los Ebanos, St. Anthony in Peñitas and St. William in Sullivan City. The new quasi-parish will include the three parish missions, St. Michael Church in Los Ebanos and Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Sullivan City, which were previously attached to Our Lady, Queen of Angels Parish in La Joya, and San Juan Diego Church, previously attached to San Martin de Porres in Alton. Father Montoya said, “This is an exciting moment for us to be starting a new foundation here along the border.” He said each of the mission The Valley Catholic Community members Àlled Our Heavenly Father Church in Olmito to capacity on Sept. 15 for the Àrst Mass of the newly named parish. classroom or school auditorium. Once the barrack was purchased, the church was named Santa Ana Catholic Church. The community continued raising funds and with the help from the Catholic Extension Society of Amercia, they built a church in 1967. Bishop Humberto Medeiros dedicated the new church on Sept. 23, 1967. A year before its 25th anniversary, the church was destroyed in a fire on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13, church communities are dynamic and each “have their amazing stories to tell.” Father Montoya did express some trepidation with the work before him. He said that he knew the challenges when he accepted the bishop’s invitation. “When the bishop asked us to establish the new parish, we were confronted with a parish that does not have a rectory for the priest, no offices, no staff, except in areas where the sisters have been ministering,” he wrote in a story he shared with his religious order. “The collection in the four churches that comprise the new parish is not even enough to support one priest. In a place that can use two or three priests just to cover the sacramental demands, saying that this is a challenge is an understatement.” “In my conversation with Bishop Daniel Flores he said, “I know that I am asking your community a lot and that the task of establishing this new parish from grounds up is daunting. But I believe in my heart that this is where we need to be as a church. It is the missionary challenge for us… among the poor people, those who migrated to the place for varied reasons. My heart tells me that is where we need to be!” As a quasi-parish, a parish under development, the diocese will provide assistance for a year. This includes a one-time grant of $25,000 and funds for the pastor’s salary and insurance. Also, a second collection will be taken at all parishes in the diocese for the benefit of the new quasi-parish, on a date to be determined by the presbyteral council. Currently the parish is run from the St. Anne Church sacristy. However, due to the distance within the parish boundaries, 1991. It was rebuilt a year later in time to mark the silver anniversary on Sept. 23, 1992. Amelia Garcia, a life-long member who grew up a block from the church, said she remembers the early bingo and cake walk fundraisers and all the work her mother and other community members did for the church. “My mother helped with everything.” Garcia who coordinates the religious education program, said she has seen the growth of the community over the years. “Our first confirmation group (in 2005) was three girls, now I have 200 students registered.” “I am very happy. I didn’t think we were ever going to become a parish. There were so many obstacles,” she said. “Olmito is too small. It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve done it.” According to the 2010 census, the population for Olmito is 1,210. But the community is growing. Garcia said the new subdivisions in the area have helped to increase the number of families at the parish. She said it is rewarding to see the level of participation. “While most of the people who helped in those (early) days are gone, their offspring remain active…You don’t even have to ask, everyone helps with what needs to be done.” “It feels good. I feel proud that we made it. The whole community has been there,” Garcia said. Father Montoya said that plans are underway to build two parish pastoral centers – one on the eastern part of the parish at St. Anne Church and another on the western part of the parish, at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sullivan City. Father Montoya said he knows the work in developing the parish in one of the poorest areas of the diocese along the border is where he is called to be and he trusts he will be guided by God. “With the people of the new parish, we set out to dream together of a community of friends and disciples called to proclaim the Good News.” “And so with no offices, no staff, no religious education program, not even a place for the priest to stay, we the Missionaries of Jesus, full of trust and hope in the Provident God that has guided our missionary work all along, we set out to establish a new foundation in the Diocese of Brownsville.” Pope: Judging others kills, reflects cowardice in facing own defects By CAROL GLATZ Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — People who judge and criticize others are hypocrites and cowards who are unable to face their own defects, Pope Francis said. Gossip, too, is “criminal” as it destroys, rather than exalts the image of God present in others, he said in his early morning homily Sept. 13 at his residence of Domus Sanctae Marthae. “Those who live judging their neighbors, speaking badly of them, are hypocrites because they don’t have the strength, the courage to look at their own defects,” he said. “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own,” he said, referring to the day’s Gospel reading according to St. Luke. Every time “we judge our brothers and sisters in our heart, and worse, when we talk about it with others, we are killer Christians,” imitating Cain who committed “the first homicide in history.” Gossip, too, has “this dimension of criminality” because there is no such thing as “innocent gossip,” he said. “If one of us gossips, certainly he is a persecutor, someone violent.” St. James the Apostle said the tongue is for praising God, “but when we use our tongue to speak badly of our brother or sister, we use it to kill God,” he said, killing “the image of God in our brother.” Instead, people need to pray and do penance for others and, he said, “if it’s necessary, speak to the person who can solve the problem. Don’t tell everybody about it.” People need “a gesture of conversion,” he said, because just as St. Paul was “a blasphemer and a persecutor and an arrogant man” he was “mercifully treated.” The pope asked people to pray for “the grace of conversion from the criminality of gossip to love, humility, meekness, gentleness and the magnanimity of love toward the other.” Your advertisements help support the ministry of The Valley Catholic. Call us at (956) 784-5055 to reserve a space. DIOCESE 19 October 2013 - The Valley Catholic »Media Resource Center » Calendar of Events Recommended by SISTER MAUREEN CROSBY, SSD Coordinator of the Media Resource Center - Diocese of Brownsville Leonie! St. Thérèse of Lisieux: My Vocation is Love October »From the Bookshelf »Worth Watching Beyond the Catechist’s Tool Box The Boy Who Met Jesus: Segatashya of Kibeho 10 Professional Day 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 11 Vision of Initiation Ministry 5&,$2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 11 Sponsor Couple Training 1 Spanish (Family Life) 14 Columbus Day Observed Format:Available in VHS and DVD Year of production: Pauline (1997) Length:21 minutes The facts:The story of Thérèse, commonly known as “the Little Flower.” This young Carmelite nun, who spent her entire adult life behind cloistered walls, lived her love for God and others so intensely that she was declared the patroness of missionaries. She was passionately convinced that God loved her and wanted others to experience WKDWVDPHFRQ¿GHQFH Format:DVD Year of production: Holy Trinity Productions (2010) Length:90 minutes Executive producer: Barbara Middleton The facts: 7KLV¿OPWHOOVWKHVWRU\ of Leonie Martin, the older sister of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Leonie was a sickly and challenging child, suffering from chronic health and behavioral problems. Leonie’s aunt, a religious sister, however, had faith in Leonie, describing her as a young woman with an admirable character and a heart of gold. Leonie ultimately entered the community of the Visitation Sisters and made her religious profession in 1900. Length: 92 pages, paperback Author: Joe Paprocki Publisher: Loyola Press (2013) The facts: A step-by-step guide to help catechists make the most of the short time they have with their students. The average religious education class is only 75 minutes and this book offers practical advice on how to deliver the Good News to young people in a concise, yet complete way. Also available in Spanish under the title, Más allá de la caja de herramientas del catequista. Length:248 pages, paperback Authors:Immaculee Ilibagiza, Steve Erwin Publisher: Hay House (2011) The facts: 7KH¿UVWIXOODFFRXQWRI Segatashya’s life story. Segatashya, a shepherd born into a poor and illiterate pagan family in Rwanda, never attended school, never set foot in a church and never saw a Bible. One summer day in 1982, while the 15-year-old was resting beneath a shade tree, Jesus Christ paid him a visit. Jesus asked him to go on a mission to remind mankind how to live a life that leads to heaven. 17 White Mass - McAllen (Health Ministry) 19-20 New Life Retreat (Family Life) 21 Theology Class 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 22 Clases de Teologia 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 24 Red Mass - McAllen (Tribunal ) 26 Youth Blast 27 National WYD Celebration November Pornography, continued from pg. 5 its own momentum and quickly draws us away from the relational commitments and responsibilities implied in our human sexual nature. One of the key objections to pornography is that it sets up a fantasy world without the risks and challenges that exist in real relationships. It warps and distorts the beautiful gift of human sexuality, so it no longer serves as an interpersonal force for bonding and building families, but instead devolves into an exploitative and isolating force in the lives of those who fall prey to it, changing its clients, in the words of one commentator, into “basement dwellers” and “bottom feeders.” On the other hand, the glance of authentic sexual love, flowing from a pure gaze, avoids denigrating others as a means for self-gratification, and draws man and woman into an abiding, life- giving union. The need for that pure inner gaze has never been more succinctly expressed than in that timeless pronouncement uttered two millennia ago: “Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound, your body is full of darkness. Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness” (Luke 11:34). We see just how dark the darkness was in the life of Ariel Castro. Through pornography addiction, a skyrocketing phenomenon today, our eye easily becomes darkened and shuttered. This darkness affects not just the men who view it, but also women who may not themselves be regular consumers of pornography. Women may be drawn into the subtle and demeaning trap of objectification when they are pressured to serve as compliant proxies for the acting out of their spouse’s hard core pornographic fantasies. Instead of relating to the actual person they are with, they may instead feel obligated to play a role in satisfying various desires and fetishes. In this way, pornography may impact the way consensual relationships develop between men and women, weaving a warped and exploitative element into the early stages of the relationship. The average woman may also struggle with a sense of inadequacy when it comes to competing with or measuring up to the naked women of the internet, particularly in the face of pervasive airbrushing, silicone implants and photoshopping of porn models. These concerns about undue pressure on women apply not just to the pornography industry but even to the modern fashion industry with its frequently provocative designs, and to the numerous soft porn initiatives such as the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. It should come as no surprise when ordinary women and girls manifest loathing and abusive tendencies towards their own bodies, when they feel threatened by impossible comparisons and expectations. The enduring glance, sparked by the sexual attractiveness of the other, is never meant be directed askance by the vicious snare of pornography, but instead to point towards a personal and commited marital love, purified of exploitative and objectifying tendencies. — Sacerdotes, de Cursillos de Cristiandad un testimonio palpable de la eficacia que para la causa de la Iglesia es la labor hermanada en el apostolado del clero y el laicado. continúa de la página 14 Bishop Emeritus Raymundo J. Peña’s Calendar Sept. 30 - Oct. 2 All Day Assumption St. John Alumni Port Isabel October 9 6 p.m. Ministry/Sacraments at Evins Juvenile Edinburg October 17 6:30 p.m. White Mass McAllen October 18-30 All Day Bronc Awakening Retreat Rio Grande City October 20 1 p.m. Mass @ Evins Juvenile Edinburg October 30 6 p.m. Ministry @ Evins Juvenile Edinburg On going: Mass at St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, 727 Bowie St., Alamo 8 a.m. & 4 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, 727 Bowie St., Alamo Holy Hour will be held Weekly every Thursday at 7 p.m., 727 Bowie St., Alamo Every Sunday: 6 p.m. & 9 p.m. Confessions/Mass at UTPAEdinburg 1st: Vocations to the Consecrated Life (active and contemplative) and for the Sisters and Brothers in our diocese and the success of their mission 2nd: Vocations to the Permanent Diaconate the deacons (permanent and transitional) of the diocese and their families 3rd : Vocation to Married Life: for the welfare and sanctification of all the families in the diocese and for building up the Kingdom in our domestic churches 4th: Vocations to the priesthood and the priests of the diocese for the success of their ministry 5th: Vocations to the Pro-Life Intentions seglares, permite a quienes asisten al Cursillo percibir dicho mensaje a través de la vivencia, como cristianos, de seglares como ellos y de la orientación didáctica basada en el conocimiento especializado del sacerdote. Es, pues, el Movimiento Matachines, continúa de la pág. 15 “Nuestro grupo se llama Los Guadalupanos y yo actúo el personaje del viejito,” dijo Omar Cuevas de la Iglesia St. Frances Cabrini Xavier. El viejito no es simplemente un anciano en este acto, según Cuevas y Muro. Con una máscara grotesca y produciendo sonidos fuertes típicamente en Náhuatl (un idioma indígena hablado en regiones de México), el personaje interpreta el mal en el mundo y trata de distraernos de rezar a Dios y a Nuestra Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See 1 All Saints Day 'LRFHVDQ2I¿FHV Closed 2 All Souls Day 1-3 Catholic Engaged Encounter )DPLO\/LIH2I¿FH 3 Daylight Savings Time Ends 5 Election Day 7 Advisory Team with Bishop 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 8-9 Retrio Pre-Matrimonial )DPLO\/LIH2I¿FH 11 Veteran’s Day 12 Professional Day 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 15 Vital 3. 0 16 Continuing Ed Session (QJOLVK)DPLO\/LIH2I¿FH 17 Continuing Ed Session 6SDQLVK)DPLO\/LIH2I¿FH — Mons. Juan Nicolau, Ph.D. STL es pastor de la iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro. Es psicoterapeuta familiar y consejero profesional con licencias. Señora. Como varias tradiciones hispanas, la familia es el centro de la celebración. “Mi hermano toca las percusiones y mi sobrina es una de las Matachines,” dijo Cuevas. “Es una comunidad donde las familias se involucran. La idea es que esto crezca y las generaciones más jóvenes tomen este lugar. Queremos que resguarden nuestras tradiciones mexicanas.” Para mayor información sobre el Festival de Matachines, llama a la parroquia St. Frances Cabrini al (956) 787-3554. 21 Theology Class 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 22 Clases de Teologia 2I¿FHRI&DWHFKHVLV 21-24 NCYC (Youth Ministry) 23 Convalidation )DPLO\/LIH2I¿FH 28-29 Thanksgiving Holiday Diocesan 2I¿ces Closed Please submit your schedule to be published in The Valley Catholic by the first Friday of each month by email at or fax: (956) 784-5082. 20 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - October 2013 Our Catholic Family 90 years of service to the community Catholic Daughters in Mission to celebrate milestone By ROSE YBARRA The Valley Catholic M ISSION — The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA), Court St. Rose of Lima #827 is celebrating its 90th anniversary with a Mass at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19 at St. Paul Church, 1119 Francisco Ave. in Mission. Bishop Daniel E. Flores and Bishop Emeritus Raymundo J. Peña are scheduled to celebrate the special liturgy. Three of the five state CDA officers and other dignitaries are also expected to attend the event. The City of Mission also issued a proclamation to Court #827 in September, congratulating the ladies on 90 years of service to the community. Instituted at St. Paul Church in 1923, Court St. Rose of Lima #827 is one of the oldest CDA courts in the Rio Grande Valley. For 90 years, court members have been helping the community and each other. Today, membership is open to any Catholic woman in good standing with her parish. When representing the CDA at Mass and other events, the ladies traditionally wear all white clothing, a custom that began with the Texas CDA courts and has spread throughout the international organization. “Our motto is charity and unity and that is really the main thrust of the work that we do,” said Sylvia Wolfe, chair of the 90th Anniversary committee and a member of Court #827 since 1997. Estela Salinas, 86, a member of Court #827 for 45 years, said the CDA has evolved “for the better” over the years. Salinas served as the regent — the leader — of Court #827 for three, two-year terms. She was the first Hispanic to serve as regent for the court. “In 1923, when the Court was started, it was just Anglo ladies,” she said. “They would not accept Hispanics.” Court #827, which currently has 50 members, is affiliated with To subscribe Name __________________________________ Address _________________________________ City _____________ State ________Zip ________ E-mail address ____________________________ For more information call (956) 781-5 Courtesy photo Members of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court St. Rose of Lima 87 from St. Paul Church in Mission. the state, national and international courts. The CDA was formed in New York in 1903 and has more than 75,000 dues-paying members throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. At the national and international level, CDA is committed to raising funds for many worthy causes, including Habitat for Humanity, which constructs homes in To receive a copy at home each month mail your payment with your contact information to: 700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd. San Juan, TX 78589-3042 $15 per year / $17 outside of Texas partnership with low-income families; Smile Train, which provides free surgeries to children born with clefts; Catholic Charities USA and several organizations that provide assistance for retired priests and religious. Locally, Court #827 works hard for their parish and the community, Wolfe said, assisting numerous causes, including Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School in Mission; Comfort House, a hospice in McAllen; local food pantries; prolife organizations and the Catholic Youth Restoration Project, a group of youth and youth leaders from St. Paul Parish who complete home improvements for families in need. The Court meets on the second Thursday of every month at the St. Paul Church parish hall. “In our parish, the Catholic Daughters are there, ready to help, when called upon for an emergency or anything for the parish,” said Father Gregory M. Kuczmanski, pastor of St. Paul Church. “I can pick up the phone and ask any of them, ‘do you think you can give me this or that for this family in need?’ and they are going to do what they can do to help.” Members of the CDA look after the community and their parish but they also look after one another. The members have seen each other through happy times – births, wedding anniversaries and such. They have also comforted each other through difficult times, such as illnesses and deaths in the family. Prayer is the lifeblood of the CDA, Wolfe said, adding that the Internet and email have made it easier to share their prayer intentions and network with their CDA sisters in the Valley and beyond. “We pray for people here in our community but we also pray for people outside of the Valley,” Wolfe said. “Recently, we were praying for a CDA member in El Paso, whose husband is critically ill. We are one large prayer circle.”