SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology
SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology
SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology The worldwide school of information technology A school recognised by industry leaders worldwide Providing Bachelor and Master degrees on a global scale SUPINFO worldwide presence &VSPQFt"TJBt"GSJDBt"NFSJDB Since 1965 Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique Private establishment of higher education founded in 1965, Campuses members of The International University Network o e ® SUPINFO International University, the choice of international mobility. Thanks to the many SUPINFO International University campuses throughout the world, Sarah who is currently in her third year of an IT engineering course at the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology in Montreal, Canada, began her studies at SUPINFO Paris and spent her second year in London. “To be able to choose each year the country in which you want to study is a real plus. The programme is the same, only the teaching language changes. Next year I want to go to the SUPINFO campus in San Francisco because it’s such a unique opportunity to be able to take advantage of affordable studies in the United States! For my final year it will be either Italy or China.” Before the end of her course Sarah can change her mind and choose from the other SUPINFO International University campuses all over the world *. The IT courses at SUPINFO International University are offered progressively throughout the worldwide campuses by SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology. ITALY Catana (Sicily) Milan* Rome* RUSSIA Moscow* Saint Petersburg* UNITED KINGDOM London CANADA Montreal Toronto* Vancouver* BELGIUM Brussels* SPAIN Madrid* USA Boston* Chigaco* New York* San Francisco Washington D.C.* PORTUGAL Lisbon* MARTINIQUE Le Lamentin GUADELOUPE Baie-Mahault MEXICO Mexico City* MOROCCO Agadir* Casablanca Fez* Marrakech Oujda* Rabat Tanger* COSTA RICA San Jose* BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro* São Paulo* * Map of SUPINFO International University campuses planned up until 2012. Go to for information on campuses open now. CHINA Beijing Hong Kong* Tianjin Qingdao Zhenjiang FRANCE Bordeaux Caen Clermont-Ferrand Grenoble Lille Limoges Lyon Macon Marseille Metz TUNISIA SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg* Montpellier Tunis* Nantes Nice ALGERIA Orleans Alger* Paris Reims Rennes Strasbourg Toulouse Tours Troyes Valenciennes -2- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Abu Dhabi* Dubai* MAURITIUS Port-Louis* REUNION Saint-Denis <MJWJ\NQQYTRTWWT\·XOTGXGJ$ <MFYYWFNSNSL\NQQYMJ^IJRFSI$ University are more than just dedicated scientists equipped with real knowledge; they also possess knowhow, interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate. This enables them to become real architects capable of designing, innovating and taking the wider view necessary to integrate and manage technology in the best interests of their company. The IT sector in France recruits over half of all newly-qualified science graduates. IT engineers play a key role in today’s modern businesses, not only involved in designing high-tech information processing solutions but also entrusted with a wide range of tasks ranging from the design and organisation of entire IT departments, production control, technology architecture and integration, selling products and services, to team management. ´8:5.3+4.SYJWSFYNTSFQ:SN[JWXNY^ FXHMTTQFHHWJINYJIG^YMJ+WJSHMXYFYJ FSIFINUQTRFHJWYNKNJIFYYMJMNLMJXY QJ[JQG^YMJ+WJSHMXYFYJµ ´&XJHYTWJSOT^NSLLQTGFQLWT\YM TK.9MZSIWJIXTKYMTZXFSIXOTGX F[FNQFGQJ\TWQI\NIJµ A survey of the positions held by over 5,000 ESI alumni shows that our engineers, most of whom are offered employment even before graduation, enjoy a high level of mobility and a rich variety of career opportunities in companies around the world. They progress naturally and rapidly through the ranks of management from project manager to CEO level, by way of positions such as information systems manager, production manager, or even marketing and sales or human resources manager. Others opt to start up and run their own business. Because the school has fully taken on board the demands of today’s market, SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology graduates enjoy enviable opportunities: there is virtually no corporate function to which they cannot realistically aspire. Yet two thirds of firms in the sector complain of skills shortages. “We are fighting a real battle for talent,” explains one industry professional. This situation has been brought about by the accelerating pace of investment in technology, the globalisation of the economy, and an imminent wave of departures, for which little preparation has been made, as the baby-boomer generation hits retirement age. Companies expect their engineers to be not just information system specialists, with all the advanced scientific and technical knowledge that entails, but also to have full command of integration and management techniques. SUPINFO has therefore avoided the trap of too narrow a focus on purely technical training in computer science, which limits graduate access to the wider worlds of IT and management. ´8:5.3+4.SXYNYZYJTK.SKTWRFYNTS 9JHMSTQTL^QJFIXYMJKNJQINS+WFSHJ \NYMYMJMNLMJXYF\FWJSJXXXHTWJ FRTSLGZXNSJXXJXµ Alick MOURIESSE President SUPINFO International University Today’s companies are well aware that IT engineers - a profession which, contrary to popular belief, is not controlled or regulated by any professional body or commission either in France or in most other parts of the world - are no longer merely theorists possessed of scientific knowledge recognised in France by the qualification and title of “engineer”. Nor are they simply “super-technicians” or “experts” trained primarily to write code and software. In this highly specific area of ICT, engineers are often seen as too generalist, while the supertechnicians are unfortunately being priced out of the market by low-cost offshore competencies based in Asia or Eastern Europe. Skilled IT engineers of the kind trained by the ESI (Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique) of SUPINFO International Marianne BELIS Academic Director SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology * According to a survey conducted by TNS SOFRES in June 2007 among a representative sample of French companies with over 50 employees. The entire survey can be found at: -3- 8ZRRFW^ Where will tomorrow’s jobs be? 3 The IT and digital sector 6 The Leading Graduate School of Computer Science in France 7 What the professionals say 8 A human, welcoming school 9 General and specialist IT training 10 The SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology curriculum 11 Innovation at the heart of IT training 12 IT tools for education 13 SUPINFO Global Network (SGN) 14 Corporate operating model 15 A school widely recognised by world leaders in IT 16 Teaching Laboratories: the knowledge drivers 17 Certification: professional recognition 18 The Council for Improvement: SUPINFO Advisory Board (SAB) 19 A wealth of extra-curricular experiences 20 Affordable education all over the world 21 Teaching methods suitable for all 22 Specialised Masters of Science classed among the best 23 SUPINFO International University campuses all over the world 24 The SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology programme 62 -4- TNS Sofres 2007 survey of computer science Graduate Schools in France: SUPINFO confirmed as leader P.7 Simplicity and adaptability guaranteed: all specialist subjects are integrated into the curriculum P.11 P.14 2,2 Gbps 10 Mbps 16 Mbps A global IT network worthy of a multinational corporation Entry fees for Microsoft, Cisco, Mandriva and Novell certification examinations included in tuition fees P.17 P.21 Affordable education all over the world -5- 9MJ.9FSIINLNYFQNSIZXYW^ FSZSWN[FQQJI\JFQYMTK\TWQI\NIJOTGTUUTWYZSNYNJX Naturally enough, the core business of the majority of the companies hiring SUPINFO graduates is IT. First and foremost are the computer manufacturers (IBM, HP, Sun, etc.) and software developers (Microsoft, Oracle, etc.). Then come the software engineering groups such as CapGemini, Sopra, Altran, Atos or EDS, whose role is to define, implement, integrate, deploy and maintain information systems for their corporate clients. Large numbers of IT engineers are also employed by user companies, in the IT departments of SMBs, major international groups or government agencies. These businesses cover every sector of activity: banking, finance, insurance, local authorities, government ministries, the defence industry, aircraft manufacturing, the oil and gas industry, telecoms operators, the car industry, the rail industry, retailing, pharmaceutical companies, tourism, environment, humanities, all sectors of scientific research… ´'^HMTTXNSLYMJ.9XJHYTW^TZUTYJSYNFQQ^HMTTXJ YT\TWPNSFQQYMJHTRUFSNJXµ 8:5.3+4FQZRSNG^GZXNSJXXXJHYTW 5TXNYNTSXYFPJSZUG^8:5.3+4LWFIZFYJX 10% Other 5% Sales engineer 13% Industry & Services 14% Project leader 14% Telecoms 14% Consultants 16% Banking Finance Inssurance 19% Network engineer 19% Software publisher IT manufacture 21% System ingineer 28% Service Industry 27% Developper ´ TK8:5.3+4JSLNSJJWX KNSIJRUQT^RJSYTSLWFIZFYNTSµ 100% of SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology engineers find employment upon graduating. This remarkable record is due to the fact that, unlike many of the non-specialist engineering schools in France, which still conform to the traditional educational pattern even after the foundation cycle (with overwhelming emphasis on fundamental theoretical subjects like mathematics and physics), ESI has a clear understanding of what its sector requires. SUPINFO provides far more than a simple specialisation in computer science in the later stages of its programme: instead, the school takes young people with a passionate interest in computing and trains them, in France and around the world, in an international Master of Science programme that produces graduates who are immediately operational for their employer, not only as highly-skilled technicians but also with exceptional managerial skills. Just the kind of graduates employers are looking for, in fact. Placement rate: 100% Starting salary: 36,000 € and upwards Alumni testimonials: -6- 9MJQJFINSL,WFIZFYJ8HMTTQTK(TRUZYJW 8HNJSHJNS+WFSHJFSI\TWQI\NIJ in the school’s teaching laboratories are much appreciated by the other students as providing invaluable help, available as needed, in gaining a better understanding of certain concepts, a better grasp of certain techniques. These student teaching assistants are recognised and valued by companies, and are sent to SUPINFO schools in Europe, Asia, Africa and America to present their work. Every year they are awarded international distinctions and the most successful may win scholarships. SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology, is the new name given to the Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique de Paris, “ESI”, an establishment founded in 1965 and accredited by the French state by decree of 10 January 1972. Today the school forms part of SUPINFO International University composed of a vast international network of campuses offering in France and worldwide initial and professional training in numerous fields. Initially French and thus forming the basis of SUPINFO International University, the IT school has gone global and provides teaching dedicated to information technology at most of the SUPINFO International University campuses. It has become the leading Computer Science school in France in terms of both student rolls and national coverage, with 25 campuses across France and the French overseas departments. SUPINFO is one of the few graduate schools where computer science features in the core curriculum from the very first year of studies. As befits a specialist school in all aspects of computer science, the programme includes all the specialities that make up the world of corporate IT: software engineering, systems and networks, artificial intelligence, data analysis, Internet and intranet technologies, business intelligence, ERP and multimedia. A survey carried out in 2007 in France by TNS Sofres found that SUPINFO also has an excellent reputation with companies employing over 50 people, topping the list in terms of spontaneous and assisted awareness. 8:5.3+4.SXYNYZYJTK.SKTWRFYNTS 9JHMSTQTL^TSJTKYMJMNLMJXYUQFHJI (TRUZYJW8HNJSHJXHMTTQXFXWFSPJI G^HTRUFSNJXNS+WFSHJ An independent survey carried out in 2008 by Ifop and the French magazine “01 Informatique“ ranks SUPINFO in 3rd place among engineering schools preferred by recruiters from large companies (over 500 employees). RANK &LWFIZFYJXHMTTQYMFY[FQZJX XYZIJSYNS[TQ[JRJSYNSYMJNWJIZHFYNTS The spirit of knowledge-sharing is central to the school’s educational concept, and faculty members are active in involving students in the process of learning for the greatest number, so that they acquire the ability to transmit as well as absorb knowledge. Selected student engineers are given advanced training in areas of technology of particular interest to them, in addition to their normal course of study. Over the summer, they receive special training as teaching assistants. Their contribution in classes and the work they do ENGINEER SCHOOL WITH SPONTANEOUS AWARENESS 1 Insa (Institut national des sciences appliquées), Lyon 2 Ensam (Ecole nationale supérieure des arts et métiers), Paris 3 Supinfo (Ecole supérieure d’informatique), Paris 4 Epita (Ecole pour l’informatique et les techniques avancées), Villejuif 5 Ensimag (Ecole nationale supérieure d’informatique et de mathématiques appliquées), Grenoble 6 Ecole centrale de Paris 7 Esiea (Ecole supérieure d’informatique électronique automatique), Paris 8 Efrei (Ecole d’ingénieurs des technologies et du management), Villejuif 9 Enseeiht (Ecole natinoale supérieure d’électronique, d’informatique, d’hydraulique et des télécommunications), Toulouse 10 Polytech’Lille (Ex-Eudil-laal, école d’ingénieurs de l’université), Lille * Established with answers from IT companies and service industry. 11 SUPINFO EPITA INSA Lyon SUPELEC Université Ecole des Mines EPITECH 7 7 5 5 4 3 France Lille United-Kingdom Beijing Reims Caen London Orleans Nantes San Francisco Zhenjiang Strasbourg Troyes Tours Guadeloupe Mâcon Limoges Italy Lyon Baie-Mahault Morocco Tianjin Qingdao Metz Paris Rennes United States Rabat Casablanca Marrakech China Valenciennes Canada Montreal According to another TNS SOFRES survey carried out in 2007 among companies with more than 50 employees, SUPINFO is ranked in first place in terms of total spontaneous awareness (in %). See: Grenoble Martinique Bordeaux Clermont-Ferrand Le Lamentin Toulouse Montpellier Marseille Nice Reunion Island Saint-Denis Catania Extract of map of SUPINFO campuses Campuses opening every year, consult -7- &XHMTTQWJHTLSNXJIG^\TWQIQJFIJWX NSYMJ.9NSIZXYW^ Eric BOUSTOULLER CEO of Microsoft France and Vice President of Microsoft International: “We have had a strong, strategic partnership with SUPINFO for over 5 years.The partnership operates at the level of education and teaching, naturally, but also goes much further than this. SUPINFO has become one of the hubs, the best in France, in fact, when it comes to Microsoft technology. It has the best labs, engineers who are probably currently the most skilled in our technology and some of the most employable on the market. They are much sought after by companies at every level, from major corporations to mid-sized companies but also by service companies who regularly ask us to provide both interns and engineers. If you want to know anything about our technology, our solutions now and in the future, all you have to do is visit the SUPINFO websites.” Dominique van DETH Head of Education programmes Oracle France: “With SUPINFO, we share the values of knowledge sharing, team spirit and solidarity. Both its professionalism and highly visible presence in France and overseas, make SUPINFO an ideal partner in the training of Oracle specialists who can adapt to change within companies.” Jane LEWIS Area Academy Manager, Cisco UK: “SUPINFO is currently our no. 1 partner in higher education in Europe with all their students trained in our technology and the highest rate of success in Cisco certification examinations every year. The excellence of their training is on a par with their rapidity in responding to market needs in real time: SUPINFO was swift to understand the urgent need for professionals trained in security and wireless networks and is delivering first-class training in these cutting-edge technologies.” Richard RAMOS Education & Research Business Manager, Apple Europe: “I think the curriculum offered by SUPINFO is truly ahead of its time.” Gilles LESAGE Education & Research Manager, IBM France: “We sell technology, but SUPINFO will be selling us the talents we will need to manage or staff our company in the future.” Eric MAHÉ Head of new technologies, Sun France: “When Sun drew up the list of priority schools for the launch of the Campus Ambassador programme in France, SUPINFO was at the top of the list of all national establishments.” Hervé COUTURIER Executive VP Product Group, Business Objects, an SAP Company “We are delighted to have established a partnership with SUPINFO. The creation of a Business Intelligence module and in particular familiarisation with our products will enable SUPINFO students to understand an IT area which is rarely taught to engineers. It is also an excellent way for Business Objects to train in its technologies a great number of engineers at a very early stage and to attract them to its development centres.” More testimonials (IBM, Apple, Sun, Novell, Microsoft, Cisco...) on pages 13 to 19 -8- &MZRFS\JQHTRNSLXHMTTQ 4ZYXYFSINSLXZHHJXXWFYJX &UFWYNHZQFWQ^UQJFXFSY\TWPNSL &UFWYNHZQFWQ^UQJFXFSY\T \TWPNSLL JS[ JS[NWTSRJSY S[NWTSRJ RJSY SY SUPINFO IT institute is keen to establish a genuine relationship between students, faculty, the school administration and the professional world. Faculty and alumni alike are all strongly attached to the values espoused by ESI: team spirit, solidarity, knowledgesharing, diversity of ideas, tolerance, respect for differences of all kinds, respect for all religions, entrepreneurial spirit, shared effort and a constant willingness to question received ideas. Throughout their studies, thanks to the educational resources and tools provided and to the activities associated with the life of the school, SUPINFO students develop their character, gain in confidence and reveal their potential. There are plenty of opportunities, many organised by the students themselves, for them to do so: presenting technology seminars, SUPINFO Winter Night, Christmas Brunch, Chinese New Year, skiing trips, induction seminar, Music Festival, SUPINFO Spring Break and more. The school not only allows and encourages students to give full rein to their enthusiasm for the practical applications of the IT subjects they study, it also allows any SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology engineering student to spend up to two days a week as a part-time intern with a company, in addition to the required summer internship at the end of the academic year. This offers students an excellent opportunity to combine hands-on experience with the pursuit of their educational goals,, as well as helping to finance their studies: summer and part-time internships are generally well paid. 4[JW TKXYZIJSYXJSWTQQNSL 4[JW TKXYZIJSYX JSWTQQNSL SWTQQNSL NS YMJ KNWXY^J NSYMJKNWXY^JFW KN ^JFW FW LWFIZFYJ^JFWXQFYJ LWFIZFYJ^JFWXQFYJW ZFY FYJ ^J ^JFWX QFY FYJWW Because IT is such a fast-moving industry, the SUPINFO IT institute preparatory cycle offers a pragmatic alternative forr students wishing to avoid the high-pressure maths and physics imposed by the classic engineering school programme. In a human working environment based on knowledge-sharing, in contrast to the “entrance exam mentality” or weeks of intensive cramming,, even in their first foundation year SUPINFO engineering students follow a programme that includes a wide variety of IT subjects (systems, networks, databases). Since all the specialised subjects are naturally incorporated into the curriculum, there are no more difficult either-or choices to be made at later stages, and students are certain of being able to adapt rapidly and readily to market needs, whatever their options. This stress-free approach frees students to concentrate on their studies and work towards their first company internship on a basis of sound technical knowledge. nology 2007 Graduates SUPINFO Institute of Information Tech Jacques Delplancq IBM Director delegate of the President of s Sponsor of the SUPINFO 2007 graduate Jean-Pierre Pernaut TF1 News presenter for French tv station s uate grad 2007 Sponsor of the SUPINFO SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology 2006 Graduates Eric Boustouller President, Microsoft France Vice-President Microsoft International Sponsor of the SUPINFO 2006 graduates -9- &LJSJWFQHTWJHZWWNHZQZRUQZXXUJHNFQNXY.9YWFNSNSL KWTRIF^TSJFXFSZSIJWLWFIZFYJ &QQXUJHNFQNXJIXZGOJHYXFWJNSYJLWFYJI NSYTYMJHZWWNHZQZRKTWLZFWFSYJJI XNRUQNHNY^FSIFIFUYFGNQNY^ The SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology curriculum encompasses all the specialised subjects that make up the field of computer science: software engineering, systems and networks, artificial intelligence, data analysis, Internet and intranet technologies, multimedia, etc. Teaching is designed to provide the theoretical and practical training to prepare students for careers as IT engineers. Naturally, the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology curriculum also includes a full range of core general subjects: international training in human sciences, economics, law and management. There are no options in the five-year course of studies. All ESI graduates are fully-rounded professionals at the end of their course of study. You can find the detailed programme on page 60. +ZQQYNRJ.SYJWSXMNUXQFXYNSLYT RTSYMXFIIZUYTFQRTXY^JFWX· UWTKJXXNTSFQJ]UJWNJSHJZUTSLWFIZFYNTS Internships are the key to career development and are mandatory as from the first year of studies. This extended immersion in the business world enables students to develop and put into practice their theoretical knowledge at the end of each academic year. Assessment is carried out by the person within the company responsible for the internship and takes into account both technical expertise and communication skills. Bachelor 1, 2, 3 et Master of Science 1 internships: 3 months minimum at the end of the academic year. Master of Science 2 internships: 6 months from April to September. On completion of this internship, students prepare a thesis on an approved subject which leads to the SUPINFO International Master of Science degree. may spend one day per week working in a company rising to 2 days per week from the third year (Bachelor 3, Master 1 and 2). These part-time internships are beneficial to the company not only because of the pace of work imposed but also from the point of view of continuity of projects undertaken. The academic year does not necessarily fit neatly into the pattern of the business year: our students spend 3-month internships in companies during the summer, but the question remains of how to accelerate students’ assimilation of knowledge throughout the rest of the year? With SUPINFO companies can benefit from the skills input of students throughout the academic year for up to 2 days a week from the third year of study. In the summer, these same students may well return to embark on their 3-month full-time internship. Benefits of a 2 days per week part-time internship: Removing the seasonal factor associated with internships: companies can call on the skills of SUPINFO students at any time. Removing the time constraints associated with internships: if an internship needs to be extended beyond the duration initially scheduled, the company simply enters into a partnership with the school whereby the intern continues with the assignment over the following academic year. The student doing a part-time internship within a company retains the status of intern, for maximum flexibility. These part-time internships provide a source of funds much appreciated by students of SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology! The content of the assignment undertaken by the student engineer is carefully assessed by the school and the partner company. In many cases, projects pursued in the school are rounded out by concrete projects within the partner company. At the end of the 5th year, this initiative coupled with the final internship offers a new and effective pre-recruitment solution for both student and potential employer. Finding an internship is excellent practice for future job searches, and students can do their own search using the resources of the school which announces details of internship offers regularly received or on the employment fora organised simultaneously on every SUPINFO International University campus. Some of the companies included in the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology employment for a: Accenture, Ajilon, Alten, Alti, Altran, Apple, Ares, Atos, Origin, Avanade, Bearing Point, Bull, Business & Decision, Business Objects, CapGemini, Cast, Cegedim-Dendrite, Cisco, ESR, Euriware, Expectra, Fortis Banque, GFI Informatique, IBM, Ippon Technologies, Keyrus, Mandriva, Manpower, Météo France, Michael Page, Micropole Univers, Microsoft, Neurones, OCDE, Oracle, Proservia, Siemens, Sopra Communications, SQLi, Steria, Sun, T-Systems, Umanis, Yahoo! 5FWYYNRJYTIF^XUJW\JJP NSYJWSXMNUXWFUNIFXXNRNQFYNTSNSYTYMJ UWTKJXXNTSFQJS[NWTSRJSY SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology has established a partnership programme with businesses under which all student engineers in the first and second years (Bachelor 1 and 2) - 10 - 9MJ8:5.3+4HZWWNHZQZR 8NRUQNHNY^FSIXUJHNFQN_FYNTSNSKZQQXFKJY^ OPTION 1 Professional certifcations included no hidden extras * OPTION 2 With extra tuition fees (see page 21) SUPINFO Msc Computer Science SUPINFO Msc Computer Science + International Master of Science classed End of studies dissertation End of studies dissertation See page 23 Each year of studies can be spent at a different SUPINFO International University campus throughout the world or be undertaken entirely by correspondence via Campus Online (details page 22). This general programme provides training in all areas of the IT and digital industry and enables students to adapt to a changing market. It is also possible to take a specialized subject at the end of the study period in order to enhance his CV. (Details on page 23) End of studies internship 2nd semester - 6 months Specialization • Business Intelligence • Quality & Services • ERP Solution Manager • Mainframe • Finance & IT 2nd semester - 6 month in part-time * Master of Science 2 M2 - 5th year - 1st semester 2 day/week internship ADMISSIONS 2 days/week internship 3 months intership Bachelor 3 (L3) Undergraduate Course 2 days/week internship 3 months intership Undergraduate Course 1 day/week internship 3 months intership A Levels or Intl. Eq Bachelor 1 (L1) Undergraduate Course 1 day/week internship See the syllabus from page 62 - 11 - Intergrated Foundation cycle Bachelor 2 (L2) SUPINFO Bachelor of Science 2nd year of Undergraduate studies in IT M1 - 4th year Possible intermediate graduation at L3 or M1 in certain countries 2nd year of Undergraduate studies in IT Master of Science 1 One month mandatory refresher course BEng or BSc in IT or eq. 3 months intership Engineering cycle SUPINFO Master of Science Entry fees for Microsoft, Cisco, Mandriva, and Novell certification examinations are now included in tuition fees with no additional costs. .SST[FYNTSFYYMJMJFWY TKJSLNSJJWNSLYWFNSNSL In keeping with the school’s avantgarde mentality, SUPINFO Institute off Information Technology is actively opposed to hardware and software obsolescence.. Its installed IT base is designed to replicate the hybrid environments generally found in most businesses, and is replaced regularly to keep pace with technical advances. Facilities consist of several multimedia classrooms and practical laboratories with an array of servers - Sun, HP, Apple,, AS400, IBM, HP and Dell – and offer students unrestricted access even outside normal school hours. All hardware is connected to the school’s network via Cisco high-speed switches and routers, providing maximum bandwidth forr Internet access or downloads (VPN access from the student’s home is also available).. Permanent links ensure that SUPINFO International University students in other schools around the world are able to work on the same resources and under the same conditions as students in France. Students complete all their projects in English from the first year upwards and are thus able to work with counterparts in other countries – an excellent way of learning how w to manage international teams distributed around the world. e-learning portal utilising Campus Booster technology which was developed by SUPINFO International University. In addition to groupware, students have access to a large number of applications provided by the school. JQJFWSNSL Thanks to SUPINFO International University VPN (Virtual Private Network) from your laptop it is possible to access 24/7 from anywhere in the world and in a secure manner all the teaching resources of the remote school. This technology emulates your presence in SUPINFO International University schools wherever you are in the world. • Foreign languages: unlimited access to the Tell Me More online platform: British English, American English, Spanish, Latin American Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese... • Management: unlimited access to the Crossknowledge platform. • iTunes U: SUPINFO International University is the first French engineering school to provide free access to the academic resources on iTunesU, a space dedicated to education which is free from the iTunes store. 9FGQJY5(XNSXYJFITKGQFHPGTFWIX SUPINFO has introduced tablet PCs throughout the school. Every faculty member now has a tablet PC with WiFi access to the school network and to Campus-Booster, acting as an effective teaching aid. The tablet PC replaces the traditional whiteboard and displays all written material on a giant screen, as well as encouraging direct on-site or remote classroom interaction. Students, parents and faculty members will gradually be able to download podcasts of an ever-expanding catalogue of SUPINFO courses to their iPod, Archos or Zune digital video players, and so follow or revise their courses wherever they happen to be. Students have 24/7 access via their laptops to multimedia classes on the school intranet. Teachers use sound, video and visual demonstrations to give full courses consisting of theory plus practical exercises. - 12 - :XNSL.9KTWJIZHFYNTS working under the supervision of the Academic Department. These particularly dynamic, enthusiastic individuals possess strong technical and general skills and are capable of great rigour and professionalism. After spending several years as SIS assistants over the course of their studies, they will have acquired a thorough command of the administration of hybrid systems and networks as well as considerable experience in the organisation of an IT department. An array of over 100 servers ensures that information is constantly circulated to all student workstations, with thousands of Gb of data being transmitted at very high speeds over an ultra-modern network. ´4SJXYZIJSYTSJQFUYTUµTKKJW Several years ago, SUPINFO reached an agreement with IBMLenovo and Apple to enable every SUPINFO student to buy a WiFi-enabled Lenovo Thinkpad or Apple laptop at extremely preferential rates. “The IBM Personal Computer division, now Lenovo, has engaged in many years of research in this field, with particular emphasis on its own training needs. We are firmly committed to playing a leading role in this information revolution alongside SUPINFO, especially because in the school’s case IT is not just a working tool but also a tool for research. We think that providing SUPINFO students with their own laptop gives them a real advantage in their studies, the kind of advantage generally only provided by leading business schools and the top American universities.” By SUPINFO standards, too many computer science courses still rely on traditional teaching methods: lectures, large group sessions, ex cathedra presentations.Yet the population they are addressing is more open than most to the use of modern teaching methods, and the course content is particularly well suited to such methods. E-learning, vast quantities of technical documentation readily available on workstations, a wide choice of software and programming tools, educational sites accessed via the school intranet, advanced search engines, multimedia video, sound and visual demonstration classes permanently accessible – at SUPINFO, all these technologies are now an integral part of the teaching process. Added to these is the intensive use of electronic messaging (e-mail and instant messaging) to maintain the necessary contact with professors, tutors or teaching assistants. The practice of publishing work done in the laboratories on the school’s intranet site also helps the dissemination and sharing of knowledge. All this is the result of team work that contributes to the school spirit. All courses are based on video projection, so all classrooms are equipped with a multimedia projection system linked to the school’s IT network. In addition, live demonstrations, examples, documents, exercises and practical work are all available on the school network to create a knowledge base available to students 24 hours a day. Gilles LESAGE Education & Research Manager IBM France -50 % ed .SST[FYN[JYJFHMNSLRJYMTIX R ed uc t pli ion g rally ap ene A similar agreement with Apple allows SUPINFO students to acquire a Mac Os X laptop at special rates.This revolutionary machine operates as both Mac and PC thanks to an Intel processor able to switch operating systems from Mac OS to Windows or Linux on the same laptop. “The Apple classes, the Apple certification training programme, the SUPINFO-Apple laboratory, the projects undertaken by SUPINFO students in conjunction with Apple Europe teams in Paris and San Francisco, have enabled us to appreciate the dynamism of a school that offers a unique combination of knowhow and educational tools to ensure its students’ success, now and in the future.” Richard RAMOS - SUPINFO Class of 1988 Education & Research Business Manager Apple France -15 % ed All these IT resources are part of the SUPINFO Information Systems department, or SIS. Within the department, a dedicated team reporting to the school’s Academic Department manages all teaching-related resources. This team is traditionally made up primarily of student assistants R ed uc t pli ion g rally ap ene - 13 - 8:5.3+4,QTGFQ3JY\TWP8,3 &SJY\TWP\TWYM^TKFRZQYNSFYNTSFQ SWN (SUPINFO Wireless Network) via dozens of WiFi access points strategically located around the buildings. Every day, thousands of users around the world connect to the network to find lessons, consult notes, chat to friends and colleagues, network on projects, screen videos and make IP telephone calls. 9MJ 8,3 8:5.3+4 ,QTGFQ 3JY\TWP is a unique independent global and transcontinental private network for educational purposes. It is run by the young, dynamic SIS team which consists for the most part of SUPINFO students gaining valuable experience in the administration of a large-scale network. SGN is a global IT network on a par with any of its counterparts in today’s major business networks. It currently connects four continents and is 100% based on Cisco hardware. Thanks to our partner Cisco, the world’s leading supplier of networking and communication equipment, SGN guarantees the quality of service, reliability and availability essential to the intensive use of teaching resources by students and faculty, and also by all SUPINFO employees and alumni around the world. At every SUPINFO site, the SGN (cable network) extends seamlessly into the The connections between sites are based on the Equant (Orange Business) MPLS network and offer advanced service quality control features. Students can also connect to SGN from anywhere in the world thanks to a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and 4 entry points (EMEA - Europe Middle East & Africa, America, Asia and Indian Ocean), and thus remotely access all the school’s teaching resources in complete security (encryption of data transfers via Internet). Better still, SGN also carries all SUPINFO’s multimedia data and control systems. All students now have access to IP telephony (VoIP), and videoconferencing and access control make up part of the data exchanged on SGN on a daily basis.The network can be accessed from sockets on every classroom table but also by wireless connection thanks to SWN (SUPINFO Wireless Network) and the 180 or so access points in place. A student can travel physically from site to site and yet remain connected to the same network, and so can continue to work as normal irrespective of location. Each site is built around a gigabit backbone so that users enjoy maximum bandwidth no matter how many other users are connected. 2,2 Gbps 0J^KNLZWJX • Over 2.6 Gbps total private bandwidth between sites • Over 2.4 Gbps total bandwidth to Internet • An average of 14,000 Gb of data transmitted between sites every month • Over 300 Cisco switches • Over 80 Cisco network core routers • Over 180 Cisco WiFi access points on sites • Over 200,000 Gb of data online • Over 200 servers (IBM, HP, Apple, Sun) •Over 10,000 users in the Active Directory (alumni, students, faculty, employees and associates) Canada 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 2 Mbps 2 Mbps United States 2 Mbps China 16 Mbps Morocco Hong Kong Backbone Caribbean Internet Indian Ocean Towards SUPINFO Belgium Towards SUPINFO UK 2,2 Gbps Lille Towards SUPINFO USA 10 Mbps 100 Mbps Towards SUPINFO China 100 Mbps Valenciennes 10 Mbps Reims Caen 10 Mbps SGN eu 10 Mbps 1 Metz M Strasbourg 10 Mbps Paris backbone 100 Mbps 10 Mbps 20 Mbps 2 100 Mbps Troyes Rennes 100 Mbps Nantes 10 Mbps Orléans 10 Mbps Tours 100 Mbps 8 Mbps Reunion Island Mâcon Saint-Denis 10 Mbps 100 Mbits 8 Mbps 8 Mbps 100 Mbps Bordeaux Limoges Lyon 100 Mbps Grenoble Clermont-Ferrand 100 Mbps Towards SUPINFO Italy 100 Mbps 100 Mbps Toulouse 100 Mbps Nice Marseille Montpellier Towards Africa Towards SUPINFO United Arab Emirates - 14 - 8,3UFWYSJWX &RFYHMKTWFS^HTWUTWFYJX^XYJR 9MJ8.8IJUFWYRJSY The SIS (SUPINFO Information Systems) department manages all the school’s IT resources. The department operates like any corporate IT department, with SIS managers managing, maintaining and upgrading the computer infrastructure used by the school’s technology laboratories, faculty, associations and administrative departments. The department follows a strongly service-oriented approach to maintain the maximum resource availability essential for an educational establishment. The SIS department keeps all groupware services up and running: messaging, online directory of all students, customized group diaries, discussion forums, news, Web pages and personal e-mails with multiple aliases available, access to course media, etc. The school’s “Corporate” messaging system guarantees complete confidentiality, and includes e-signatures and message acknowledgements. The group diary system interfaces with the messaging system so that students and the administration can schedule meetings at mutually convenient times and book rooms or teaching equipment accordingly. The system can also be accessed from outside the school via a simple Internet browser. 7JXTZWHJXF[FNQFGQJ YTXYZIJSYX • Apple or IBM Lenovo laptop at preferential rates • a wide range of licensed software applications • remote access to SGN (via VPN) • 1 Gb message system storage • multiple e-mail addresses with Internet access • classes, timetables and notes available on Internet • scanners, printers YJFHMNSLQFGTWFYTWNJX A number of laboratories employ an impressive software library and receive special hardware support. They include the IT Management Laboratory, Oracle Database Laboratory, the Cisco Network and Security Laboratory, the Sun Laboratory, the Linux Laboratory, the Mandriva Laboratory, the Microsoft and .Net Laboratories, the Apple and IBM Laboratories and the Management Laboratory. In these laboratories, students work on real case studies and are required not only to carry out significant research projects but also to present the results of their work in the form of reports and internal seminars. 2GUXKNGWJTUYNHQNSPX To ensure the same high quality of access to IT resources at all its French sites, SUPINFO has deployed a private fibre optic network in conjunction with Orange Business Services and COGENT Communications. Most schools are equipped with a 100 Mbps symmetric fibre optic link to access Internet and SGN resources. Latency (ping time) and bandwidth are guaranteed, thanks to a quality of service unrivalled in the educational world. In addition, with a central Internet link guaranteeing over 2.1 Gbps (equivalent to over 100 ADSL links!), all SUPINFO students have access to an unusually powerful tool. - 15 - • high-speed Internet access • Campus-Booster e-learning system • all classrooms equipped with video projector • WiFi access on all sites • unlimited IP telephony with free calls to any fixed line in the world 8:5.3+41FGTWFYTWNJX 9JHMSNHFQJIZHFYNTSZSIJW\WNYYJS G^NSIZXYW^\TWQIQJFIJWX This information is all about Oracle: how to manage, use, share and protect it. Initially present in databases, Oracle is now a complete software editor present in different domains: databases, middleware, business intelligence, management and collaboration applications. Information management with Oracle software enables companies to measure results, improve operational processes and communicate unique and reliable information to all their subsidiaries. Oracle has also made numerous acquisitions which increase the range of the offer. All the products are progressively brought in line with standards and integrated among themselves in accordance with the “Architecture Integration Application” and the SOA. A key component of a European programme of Company Social Responsibility, Oracle’s Education department offers innovative training programmes which encourage the development of professional IT skills. Oracle Academy was integrated into the syllabus of over 1,500 educational establishments in the EMEA region. SUPINFO is one of the pioneers of this programme in France, together with the Sophia-Antipolis based company Mastère and the Sorbonne in Paris. With OAI Oracle makes available the resources of Oracle Education to SUPINFO students. SUPINFO offers its students classes which prepare for the Oracle Certified Professional certification and within the framework of academic use both at the school and on their laptop provides them with all the Oracle server products as well as creation and development tools (Oracle Designer and Developer). According to the contract between SUPINFO and Oracle the number of users is unlimited. MetaLink, Oracle’s electronic support system is permanently at the disposal of the teachers. With all this behind them, SUPINFO students are prepared for the Oracle DBA (DataBase Administrator) certification which comprises the following elements: Introduction to Oracle servers, Oracle Database Administration, Backup and Recovery Workshop, Performance Tuning Workshop to which SUPINFO will soon be adding Web Applications, Data Warehousing and Data Mining and Developer/Designer. It is important to note that Oracle has committed to work together with SUPINFO to provide the best openings for certified students. This co-operation led to the creation of the SUPINFO Oracle technological lab, the achievements of which are today universally recognized. Sun Microsystems and SUPINFO have entered into an educational partnership in the field of UNIX operating systems and ultra-thin clients: SUPINFO includes courses on Sun technologies in its curriculum and has set up a laboratory dedicated to Sun Solaris and Java technologies. The purpose of the Sun Technologies SUPINFO Laboratory is to train and prepare all students for Sun certification: “Solaris System Administrator”, “Solaris Network Administrator”, “Java 2 Platform Programmer”, “Java 2 Platform Developer”, “Java 2 Platform Enterprise Architect” and “Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Technology”. “When Sun drew up the list of priority schools for the launch of the Campus Ambassador programme in France, SUPINFO was at the top of the list of all national establishments. Cooperation between SUPINFO and Sun was already flourishing and the first results of the Campus Ambassador programme confirm that the choice of SUPINFO was... quite simply the best.” Eric MAHÉ Head of new technologies, Sun France - 16 - 9JFHMNSLQFGTWFYTWNJX YMJPST\QJILJIWN[JWX *SYW^KJJXKTWRTXYNSIZXYW^HJWYNKNHFYNTSJ]FRNSFYNTSXUWJUFWJI NXNSHQZIJINSYZNYNTSKJJX Apple Computer and SUPINFO have laid the foundations for a long-term partnership with the objectives of: • including courses on Apple Mac OS X technology in the SUPINFO curriculum, in the light of the school’s choice of Apple Xserve servers for its information system, • deploying the portal to foster dialogue within the community of Apple Mac OS X system developers and specialists and to popularise and democratise the technology by making available free training resources, technical, documentation, forums, articles and useful tips, in common with the school’s other teaching laboratories, • providing SUPINFO student engineers with Apple equipment at extremely competitive prices (typically -15%), • SUPINFO’s contribution to numerous freeware projects in association with Apple, • putting into practice training received during SUPINFO student internships with Apple Computer in France, Belgium and Scotland. “We benefited from the full support of the SUPINFO administration and Apple Computer in setting up the school’s Apple Laboratory. As a result of the partnership with the school, we were invited by Apple Computer to the WWDC, the Worldwide Developers Conference held in San Francisco. Rounding off our first year in engineering on such a high note meant we were fired up and ready to go at the start of the next academic year, with lots of ideas for the partnership.” Microsoft is the world leader in PC software. The company currently develops, markets and supports an extensive range of products and services: operating systems for workstations or servers (Windows Vista or Windows Server), business server systems (Microsoft Exchange and the .Net platform). Their popularity with users has made most of these tools de facto industry standards. “The Microsoft Technologies SUPINFO Laboratory website,, has become the top French Internet site on our technology, with over 2 million pages read a month.” Laurent ELLERBACH Head of Relations with Higher Education in IT Microsoft Business Education Division The Microsoft student training and certification programme at SUPINFO is based on an agreement between the Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique and the Microsoft Corporation. It offers engineering cycle students further technical and practical training in Microsoft technologies. The school also prepares students for MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) certification and for the examination sessions. These certifications are widely recognised and much sought after by IT professionals. In conjunction with the Linux Technologies SUPINFO Laboratory, SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology has entered into a global agreement with Novell to make SUSE Linux a certification platform for all SUPINFO students. Matthieu DUCROS, Vincent LE NORMAND BERNIER SUPINFO, promotion 2005 “We are honoured to have signed up to an agreement of this kind. SUPINFO has an excellent reputation for offering an international curriculum for its French students around the world, and this is also very well perceived by our customers who will enjoy access to talented professionals certified on Linux by Novell and trained on the most exhaustive Linux platform on the market today.” With the Linux Technologies SUPINFO Laboratory, SUPINFO underscores its commitment to diversity in its operating system training and its ongoing interest in the field of open source software. SUPINFO and Mandriva have joined forces to create a professional certification programme in Mandriva Linux distribution and GNU/Linux technologies. This certification will be available worldwide, enabling any students who so wish to gain recognition for technical skills geared to companies’ increasing need for Linux skills. MCU (Mandriva Certification for advanced Users), previously open only to professionals, is now available to SUPINFO students as a means of training engineers to remain at the forefront of technological advances. It will be taught at SUPINFO by the Linux Technologies SUPINFO Laboratory instructors, and will also be available to professionals as part of ongoing vocational training. Volker SMID President, General Manager, Novell Under the terms of this partnership, over 10,000 SUPINFO students will be trained on SUSE Linux Enterprise between 2008 and 2013. The SUSE Linux Enterprise course will also become part of SUPINFO’s academic curriculum, and all students at the school will take the practical exam to qualify for Certified Linux Professional certification. - 17 - (JWYNKNHFYNTSX\NYMLQTGFQ[FQNINY^ 7JHTLSNXJIG^UWTKJXXNTSFQX “We realised that there was a shortage of skills in network technologies, and SUPINFO is, of course, one of the top schools for network technology training. The Cisco Lab at SUPINFO is a showcase for us. SUPINFO is our leading partner in France, both in terms of the number of students trained in our technologies and of success rates for our professional certification examinations.” 8TZSIUWJUFWFYNTSKTWRFWPJY WJVZNWJRJSYX As the company’s public communication campaign points out, “Most of the data circulating on the Internet today is routed by Cisco”. A leader in high-level technologies and network hardware, Cisco has become the key player in the world of telecommunications and digital information networks The hardware manufacturer is playing an increasingly important role in the interconnection of local area networks (LANS) and wide area networks (WANs) for both major multinationals and SMBs, mainly by designing common network components (hubs, switches, bridges, routers, etc.). In France, SUPINFO has entered into a CNAP (Cisco Networking Academy Program) partnership with Cisco under which SUPINFO has become Cisco Regional Academy. As part of a specific, specially designed programme, students are taught a four-part network course, most of which is valid for both Cisco and non-Cisco hardware. The resulting CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) official certification is widely appreciated by companies. Christophe DOLINSEK Area Academy Manager CISCO France 8YWTSLUFWYSJWXMNUX\NYM HJWYNKNHFYNTSJ]FRNSFYNTS JSYW^KJJXNSHQZIJINS YZNYNTSKJJX SUPINFO’s strategy of forming educational partnerships leading to professional certification creates real opportunities for young graduates. Through these partnerships, the school acquires access to tools and resources hitherto available exclusively to IT training professionals. Expensive hardware and software is unstintingly made available to students, along with training programmes and support from faculty members. A wide range of documentation and top quality teaching material is available to ensure a perfect grasp of the technology being taught (DVD, CD-ROM, videos, multimedia course material, electronic tests). Independent, official certification examinations set an international seal on competencies that can then be exported to all sorts of companies. Such certifications are much appreciated by employers as a guarantee that they are hiring an engineer who is truly fully operational in the required technologies. Certifications also open the door to better-paid internships and jobs, and entitle holders to free listing in an international directory of certified engineers that is sent out to companies around the world as a recruiting aid. SUPINFO students may sit all their certification examinations at the school, which is a recognised international examination center approved by NCS Pearson VUE (Virtual University Enterprises) and Prometric. Today the Cisco Technologies Laboratory set up by the school regularly publishes articles that are very well received in the education world and among telecoms and network professionals.The website featuring the Cisco Lab Training Engine is also a useful tool in preparing for the CCNA and CCNP certification examinations. “This year SUPINFO has been the most successful examination centre for the EMEA region in terms of number of certifications awarded.” Stéphane Martignon Sales Channel Europe Middle East & Africa NCS Pearson VUE - 18 - 9MJHTZSHNQKTWNRUWT[JRJSY 8:5.3+4&I[NXTW^'TFWI The teaching undertaken at SUPINFO S O comes under constant review and scrutiny involving companies, students and teaching staff. ff 80% of the faculty is made up of engineers working in business or professionals engaged in applied research. They select and train student engineers to act as their teaching assistants in the laboratories. They naturally incorporate into their teaching all the technological innovations reaching the market. SUPINFO has set up an Improvement Committee known as the SUPINFO Advisory Board (SAB). SAB active members include the school administration represented by the President, the Academic Director, the Dean of Studies,, alumni, faculty members, student representatives and numerous representatives of IT industry partners. All have an important contribution to make to the school’s procedures, thanks to their different backgrounds and intrinsic competencies. “The Apple classes, the Apple certification training programme, the Apple-SUPINFO laboratory, the projects undertaken by SUPINFO students and Apple’s European team, allow us to appreciate the dynamism of a school which offers a unique combination of know how and educational tools to ensure its students’ success. I think the curriculum offered by SUPINFO is really ahead of its time.” Richard RAMOS Education and Research Manager Apple Europe Eric Boustouller President, Microsoft France Vice-President, Microsoft International Sponsor of SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology 2006 graduates Tech Alick Mouriesse President, SUPINFO International Unive rsity g staff and nal teachin A professio ctors e ir d campus cq Jacques Delplan of IBM or of President ct Delegate Dire France President, IBM of InformaPINFO Institute SU of r so Spon s te ua 2007 grad tion Technology dedicated Regional and in R ternational com panies are activ c ants on the cip e parti-i Council fo f r Improvemen t Jean-Pierre Pernaut News Presenter for TF1 Sponsor of SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology 2007 graduates - 19 - &\JFQYMTKJ]YWFHZWWNHZQFWJ]UJWNJSHJX« 8UTWYUFWYNJXOTGXHMFQQJSLJX FQQMJQUNSLYTIJ[JQTUHMFWFHYJW The SUPINFO Community (SCO) consists of a number of departments responsible for organising campus life, special Community events and sports. All of these departments are managed by students, and their aim is to enliven life on the various national and international campuses by organising a range of leisure and sports activities for students both on and off campus. SCO Each SUPINFO school has a cheerful relaxation area featuring table tennis, billiards and table football and even, at certain locations, a fitness center. SUPINFO Family is a home IT tutoring and assistance service provided by SUPINFO, the leading computer science school in France. The service is aimed at young people, adults and seniors – all the family, in fact. Because each year SUPINFO attracts an increasing number of engineering students across France, it seemed logical to make their assistance generally available by means of SUPINFO Family, a scheme requiring no subscription or sign-up fees. The scheme is manned for the most part by student engineers trained and certified by SUPINFO who can be called out by individuals to troubleshoot errors, provide assistance or advice or give lessons in the everyday use of a Mac or PC. SUPINFO student engineers are paid for their services, and can earn over 2,000 € a year for just half a day’s work a week. SUPINFO Family also offers personalised individual tuition courses for children, students, adults or seniors to help them acquire basic computer skills (Internet access and searches, using e-mail, chat-rooms, using word processing or spreadsheets, workstation and file management, photos, music, anti-virus protection, burning CDs or DVDs).These courses lead to certification and skills certificates awarded by SUPINFO. SUPINFO The Professional Services department of SUPINFO (PSO) is part of the SUPINFO Business Network (SBN), and serves both an economic and an educational purpose. Its fields of activity are designed to meet business needs and SUPINFO’s educational requirements: software engineering, multimedia, systems and networks, etc. SBN/PSO provides opportunities for students to engage in IT projects. In the course of these assignments, students come into contact with companies preparatory to entering the professional world. Some students earn considerable sums through SBN/PSO projects over the course of their studies. BUSINESS NETWORK Professional Services Organization Department - 20 - &KKTWIFGQJJIZHFYNTS FQQT[JWYMJ\TWQI &IRNXXNTSUWTHJIZWJYT8:5.3+4 &IRNXXNTSYT8:5.3+4.SXYNYZYJTK.SKTWRFYNTS .SYJWSFYNTSFQ:SN[JWXNY^ 9JHMSTQTL^ The first step is to become a “Discovery Member” of SUPINFO International University. Admissions are done exclusively online at: Every student enrolled at SUPINFO International University may request admission to the IT school SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology. This takes place in two stages: • Once an application has been accepted by the admissions committee (all admissions are now based on academic records with no qualifying examination but are conditional upon obtaining a Baccalaureat, DUT, BTS or equivalent), preenrolment enables students to reserve a place at the SUPINFO school of their choice and to determine how the tuition fees are to be paid. Pre-enrolment is effective upon the return of a pre-enrolment form accompanied by an initial payment of 1,000 €. • Final enrolment is then reserved for candidates whose applications have been accepted and who are pre-enrolled; at this stage, these candidates may enrol directly. Candidates whose application is accepted subject to obtaining a qualifying examination (Baccalaureat, DUT, BTS or equivalent) and who are pre-enrolled will have their place kept open up to 15 July (final date). Candidates should notify SUPINFO within a maximum of two weeks of receiving their results. If successful, they may then complete final enrolment. Candidates who are unsuccessful are not eligible for admission to SUPINFO and their initial payment will be reimbursed in full. Final enrolment is effective on submission of the enrolment form and payment of the first instalment of tuition fees, depending on the method of payment chosen: - payment in full: 3,990 €, i.e. the total annual tuition fee of 4,990 € less the initial payment of 1,000 €, - payment in instalments: an additional charge of 200 € is applied, i.e. 1,000 € on pre-enrolment, 2,000 € on final enrolment, and a final instalment of 2,190 € to be made during the academic year. As a “Discovery Member” you will have free access to our resources and courses and you can submit an application form for our certifications and diplomas. Once you have chosen your preferred campus, your form will be submitted in a few clicks as the whole procedure is done online. After your documents have been checked, your application will be forwarded to the ESI Admissions Board which meets once a week each year from early November. If you’re application Is accepted you will be notified by post and by e-mail and you may choose any campus in France or worldwide for your preenrolment. Tuition fees are generally 4,990 € per annum regardless of the year of study. The non-obligatory specialisation option at the end of the course (M2) is an additional 4,990 € but this may vary from campus to campus in different countries according to the cost of living. The fees should not prevent deserving students from pursuing their education, however, and a number of financing solutions exist: bank loans, paid internships, internal merit-based scholarships, partnership agreements with SUPINFO-Entreprises and, subject to certain conditions, regional or departmental scholarships or honour loans. The school is accredited by the French state and is therefore authorised to enrol students in receipt of higher education scholarships. 8:5.3+4.SXYNYZYJTK.SKTWRFYNTS9JHMSTQTL^ ´*HTQJ8ZUrWNJZWJI·.SKTWRFYNVZJµ*8.TK8:5.3+4.SYJWSFYNTSFQ:SN[JWXNY^ Date founded: 1965 Main field of activity: Computer Science Status: Private higher education institute (a non-profit making association under the French law of 1901) Strategic partnerships with Chambers of Commerce, local, national and international institutions: Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry, local authorities, metropolitan authorities, general and regional councils, embassies. Accreditation and diplomas: Accredited by the French state since 1972, awarding a qualification accredited at level I by the French state (Bac+5, engineer, Masters’ degree): international Master of Science. Course length: Course length: 5 years after the French Baccalaureat (Bac). Integrated preparatory cycle (Bachelor 1 and 2): 2 years following a baccalaureat in science. 3-month internship at the end of each academic year. Engineering cycle (Bachelor 3, Master of Science 1 and 2): 3 years. 3-month internship at the end of each academic year. 6-month internship at the end of the final year. Tuition fees: fully inclusive per year for each of the five years: 4,990 € in the event of payment in full or 5,190 € in the event of payment in instalments (excluding social security contributions). Financing: possibility of French-state scholarships, bank loans, Regional and General Council scholarships and honour loans. - 21 - 9JFHMNSLRJYMTIXXZNYFGQJKTWFQQ 9JHMSNHFQYWFNSNSL\NYMXUJHNFQNXJI HJWYNKNHFYNTSX2NHWTXTKY(NXHT8ZS 3T[JQQ&UUQJ4WFHQJ« )JLWJJHJWYNKNJIG^YMJ+WJSHM8YFYJ FYQJ[JQ.'FHHFQFZWJFY*SLNSJJW 2FXYJW In an environment of increasingly complex technology and rising demand for IT engineers, the SUPINFO short professional certifications are a clear and objective way for collaborators to recruit new staff or increase the potential of existing staff. Whatever your level of education, it is possible for you to prepare and obtain certifications which often comprise various levels. SUPINFO offers professional certifications at its specialised “SUPINFO Training Centres” all over France and soon worldwide. 4SHFRUZX Thanks to the worldwide network of SUPINFO International University campuses, the IT school SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology offers exceptional mobility opportunities. Studies are made possible by the proximity of campuses in France and there is the chance to travel to all the continents during the five years of the course. Enrolment can be made with no upper age limit. A description of the campuses can be found from page 24. 4SQNSJ JQJFWSNSLTSQ^ The possibility exists of following the entire SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology syllabus as e-learning.The conditions are the same as for on campus admissions. This presents an advantage for students who do not live near a SUPINFO campus or who, for personal or medical reasons, notably in the case of handicapped students, are unable to attend classes. They can prepare at home the same French State certified degree in five years as the other SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology students. For more information on short professional certifications go to 8:5.3+4ST\TSN9ZSJX: SUPINFO is the first French engineering school and one of the first worldwide to have its own iTunes U portal. SUPINFO International University joins the leading universities all over the world offering free access to their academic resources on iTunes U, a free space dedicated to education in the iTunes Store. “Think and Learn outside the classroom”: on iTunes U SUPINFO brings to life this innovative teaching method which links the expertise and knowhow of the teacher with the student’s ongoing learning process. iTunes U enables wider diffusion of knowledge and increased visibility of SUPINFO’s multimedia products. This in turn leads to the continued innovation of our teaching model. - 22 - 8UJHNFQNXJI2FXYJWXTK8HNJSHJ HQFXXJIFRTSLYMJGJXY +TWMTQIJWXTKFINUQTRFKWTRZSN[JWXNYNJX*SLNSJJWNSL8HMTTQXTW'ZXNSJXX8HMTTQX .K^TZZSIJWYTTP^TZWMNLMJWJIZHFYNTSNSF INKKJWJSYJXYFGQNXMRJSYKWTR8:5.3+4 take a course in IT with the SUPINFO International Masters of Science. •18 month part-time courses at some SUPINFO International University campuses with a six month internship within a company • Classes on Fridays and Saturdays every other week • 2 sessions held abroad (transport and accommodation included according to destination) • 2 intakes per year in October and April • Recognition on the part of companies +TW8:5.3+48YZIJSYX .K ^TZ FWJ ZSIJWYFPNSL MNLMJW JIZHFYNTS FY 8:5.3+4 .SXYNYZYJ TK .SKTWRFYNTS 9JHMSTQTL^ you can choose a specialisation at the end of the course. In Master 2 you will have the choice of taking a double diploma at the end of your course. It is possible, for an extra fee, to join one of the International Masters of Science mentioned below (except for Systems & Network as this programme is included in the SUPINFO course) and do it part time for 6 months from the second semester of the M2 year (instead of the 6 month internship). More information about our International Masters of Science It is a chance to enhance your CV without losing any time! International Master of Science Business Intelligence For the technical and functional implementation of Businesss y) Intelligence technologies (decisional information technology) applied to the various activities and functions of the companyy with Business Objects, Oracle, Microsoft… International Master of Science Quality and Services Management ! International Master of Science Systems & Networks Fo the architecture, deployment and securitisation of an For inf information system based on various technologies: Microsoft, Cisco, Linux … International Master of Science ERP Solution Manager For the optimization of the production of information systems byy the implementation of tools and methods of quality and servicess management: ITIL, Cobit, CMMI, ISO 20000… International Master of Science Finance & IT To meet the technical and operational needs to optimize a co company’s management by using the major market tools: SAP, O Oracle, Microsoft… International Master of Science Mainframe In collaboration with a leader in the finance sector in order to o respond to IT needs in the finance industry. In collaboration with IBM and to meet market requirements for lar large systems. See the programme of these specialisations from page 95 - 23 - 8:5.3+.SYJWSFYNTSFQ:SN[JWXNY^HFRUZXJX TKKJWNSLYMJ8:5.3+4.SXYNYZYJTK.SKTWRFYNTS9JHMSTQTL^X^QQFGZX Mobility and study abroad, but at what price ? Canada (Montreal) page 26 Many schools offer partnerships with international universities but at what price? Thanks to the network of SUPINFO International University campuses, each student can, at an extremely affordable cost, study in different parts of the world. Fees abroad are rarely higher than in France, for example with the opening of the San Francisco campus. USA (San Francisco) page 29 Guadeloupe (Baie-Mahault) page 34 Costa Rica (San Jose) page 61 8:5.3+48ZRRJW8HMTTQX Improve both your English and your knowledge of the world in just 10 weeks Martinique (Le Lamentin) page 40 Open to all !* Each summer SUPINFO International University organises at its China, San Francisco, Montreal and London campuses language based summer schools. * In a High Tech environment and still amongst IT enthusiasts, it is a unique chance for everyone (whether or not they are enrolled at SUPINFO) to boost their level of English with intensive courses over a two and a half month period. Themed excursions organised by SUPINFO also enable students to learn more about the country they are visiting. More information at: - 24 - &XNSLQJNSYJWSFYNTSFQHT[JW United-Kingdom (London) page 58 France (22 campuses) pages 30 - 54 Italy (Catana) page 59 China (4 campuses) pages 27 and 28 Tunisia (Tunis) page 60 Reunion (Saint-Denis) page 49 Morocco (3 campuses) page 55 - 57 Each year of study can be spent at a different campus The campuses are managed directly by SUPINFO International University and its university network and the students follow the same SUPINFO syllabus all over the world (only the language of teaching may change, English having priority). The main advantage is that the schools are part of SUPINFO’s international network and not that of partner universities with different rules and syllabuses as is generally the case.The second advantage is that SUPINFO offers studies abroad at extremely affordable rates. - 25 - Canada > Montreal c Practical information Location: in the centre of town Campus open since 2006 Summer School from July to September Access: • train: 15 minutes from the local train station • underground: alight at “McGill” Montreal Campus Telephone: +1 (514) 848 6363 The campus is located in the heart of Montreal, 2 minutes’ walk from the k underground station. It occupies 2 floors of the HSBC tower which is in eU niv esi ty l ley eM ld ais on ne uv e O de n etc alf e Av Mc Gil lC o eP ee eS tan M ley Peel Ru eM 112 eri n ath on ais e D YMCA rum mo nd Bv dd eM Ru eC Ru res c en i ed el a Ru eP ee Ru eS tan aM on ish tag ne Ru eD r Its accessibility and its central location enable students to be integrated into local life and to take part fully in the various activities on offer in Montreal such as ice hockey, soccer, basketball, weight training, ice-skating etc. Created in partnership with the Embassy of Canada in France and with International Montreal, a development agency, the SUPINFO Quebec campus has forged close ties with companies in Montreal. Cisco, Sympatico MSN, Silicomp, SAP Labs are all companies which have called upon the skills of SUPINFO students. -Ca the O rin eO op eu ve etc eO l uv Ru ne Ru eS he rbr oo k Ru on n t-K e nn Ru sfie Ru 138 138 Ru eB an Ru eS tan eM eO eS Ru eM eP ee Ru eS he rbr oo k h Ru Ru Av du Pré si cTa vis l Bv dd eM 138 ain teC Ru eP ee ed y Université McGill Ru front of McGill University. Rue She rbr oo Ru Parc Rutherford The campus offers its students a top-of-therange environment in terms of space for study, work and relaxation. Montreal Campus 752 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montreal, Quebec H3A 1G1 The SUPINFO Montreal campus has air conditioning throughout, and offers large classrooms equipped with the latest technology, meeting rooms which double - 26 - up as “quiet” rooms, a fully equipped kitchen and a games room. Dynamic and bilingual, Montreal has a multicultural population that is very attached to its Quebec roots. Located 3 hours from the capital of Quebec and only a few minutes from the border of the United States and Ontario, this economic capital constitutes a major centre of trade, industry, culture, finance and international commerce. The context and the environment in which the students find themselves, the professional experience of the local teaching staff, the opportunities for internships and employment within companies firmly anchored in North-American reality, all assist in the acquisition of knowledge and skills and the broadening of the mind. d China > Beijing Practical information Location: Situated in the south of the business area Administrative department open since 2003 - Campus open since 2008 Summer School from July to September Beijing Campus From its dominant position in the heart of the business district, the Beijing campus offers a unique opportunity to discover Chinese culture. This dynamic area has rapidly become one of the largest economic centres in China, and also a large media centre housing the famous CCTV tower. The population of Beijing has now reached 17 million inhabitants, and is the second most densely populated town after Shanghai, full of historical monuments such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. It is following an increasing number of requests on from our students already present in Asia, as well as those eager to discover China, that the campus of Beijing can now accommodate a complete year (M2) in its new buildings, thus making it Telephone: +86 10 58673910 possible for the final year students to finish their studies in Beijing. Shuangjing Station In China it is not only the Chinese subsidiaries of the multinationals but also many of the larger Chinese companies which call upon the skills of SUPINFO students: ABB China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, Bodo Industrial Automation Control Technology, Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry, Canon, ChangLong Electronics Company, China Construction Bank, China Council For the Promotion of International Trade, China Development Bank, China Mobile, China Netcom, China United Telecommunications Corporation, Feicheng Mining Group, Hangzhou Oxygen Plant Group, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, IBM, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, Lenovo, Mazars China, Mettler-Toledo, People’s Insurance Company of China, RuiRi Telecom Equipment, Sage China, Siemens, SITA, etc. - 27 - Yangxi Bookstore Huaren Hospital E. 3rd Ring Rd South Present in China since 2003,the headquarters of the SUPINFO Beijing campus inaugurated new premises and moved its 4th Chinese campus in 2008, thus benefiting from an ideal location, minutes from the Central Business District, Peking’s business centre. Access: • Underground: Jinsong station, terminus of line 10 (Exit B) • Car: 3rd east ringroad, exit Jinsong Qiao Beiren Hotel Jinsong Bridge Xinhua Bookstore Jinsong Station Jinsong Cinema Beijing Campus Freetown Center, A-2506 58, East 3rd Ring South Road Chaoyang District 100022 Beijing - China d China > Universities Studying in China, living among Chinese students and speaking Chinese will broaden your horizons. Become a sinophile and benefit from the considerable opportunities which this emerging country offers you… The Chinese campuses are operated in partnership with the Chinese Public Universities. Because of this slight differences of concept and method may be noticed although this in no way affects the standards of teaching. SUST Campus 579 Qianwangang Road Huangdao District 266510 Qingdao - China JUST Campus 2, MengXi Road 212003 Zhenjiang - China HEBUT Campus 8 Guangrong Road Dingzigu, Hongqiao District 300130 Tianjin - China China Campuses It was in 2003 in China that SUPINFO’s international expansion began. Thanks to our partner universities, SUPINFO now has 3 campuses in China as well as the Beijing campus. HEBUT Campus: Located in the town of Tianjin, the second most populated city in the north of China with 11,520,000 inhabitants recorded in 2007.Tianjin, one of the 4 Chinese autonomous municipalities, is situated less than 150 km to the south of Beijing, which can be reached in under 30 minutes by train since the opening of the high speed line. of Science and Technology) has 4 campuses located in the Jiangsu province. SUPINFO is in the main campus of the town of Zhenjiang, 1 hour and 40 minutes by train from Shanghai or Nanjing (chief town of Jiangsu). Since opening, JUST is playing an increasingly important role in the province thanks to the dynamism of the area. HEBUT, acronym for Hebei University of Technology, is a recognised public university, established in 1903; belonging to programme 211 of the Chinese government; one of the largest universities in sciences of the town of Tianjin and the Hebei province which numbered 67 million inhabitants in 2007. SUPINFO is located in the Southern campus of the university in Hongqiao, the district to the north of the town of Tianjin, near the subway. SUST Campus: Located at Huangdao, a zone of economic development of the town of Qingdao, Shandong University of Science and Technology (SUST) was founded en 1956 and plays an important role in the region. The SUPINFO students are housed in a brand new 240 hectare campus and are among the 32,000 students enrolled at SUST. JUST Campus: Near Shanghai,the first Chinese city in terms of population, and financial centre of Southeast Asia, JUST (Jiangsu University - 28 - Accessible by train or by ferry, the university is located close to the town of Qingdao renowned for being the birthplace of Confucius and the seaside town where Mao Tse Tung preferred to spend his leisure time. 1 United States > San Francisco Practical information Location: right in the heart of the touristic area of Fisherman’s Wharf Campus open since 2008 Summer School from July to September Access: Situated in the heart of San Francisco and very near the famous bay of San Francisco. From the school you can glimpse some of the most famous sights such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. Opened in 2008, the SUPINFO San Francisco campus is situated in the popular and picturesque area called Fisherman’s Wharf which is easily accessible by tram, train or bus from all parts of town. San Francisco’s world famous museums, cafés and attractions are all close at hand. Marina District 1 Bay St Lombard The Presidio of San Francisco St dway St San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park Joseph Conrad Park Co l Bay St Bay St Russian Hill Park um - 29 - d Marina Blv 101 Ave Van Ness Not only is the San Francisco campus located at the heart of a beautiful and 1 San Francisco is near many Californian centres of interest such as the Napa Valley, famous for its wines, Lake Tahoe and its ski resorts, the forests of giant sequoias, the hiking trails of Marin County or the beaches and coastal walks of Monterrey and Big Sur. Students have many opportunities for travel and other activities during the school holidays. Telephone: +1 415-441-1070 SUPINFO formed a partnership with the Dominican University of California to provide students with a certification from an American university in addition to their SUPINFO diploma. Situated 20 km to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Dominican campus is a tranquil spot to the north of town which houses over 2,100 students. If they wish, SUPINFO students also have the option of participating in the life and activities of Dominican University or they can look for accommodation on campus. thrilling international city, but it is also very close to Silicon Valley, one of the main technological hubs. Situated to the south of San Francisco, Silicon Valley has one of the highest concentrations of high tech professionals of the whole of the United States and many large companies have their head offices here including Google, Sun Microsystems, Apple, Cisco, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, and many others. ncoln B lvd San Francisco Campus • train: BART 2.5 km from Embarcadero station • Car: from the SOUTH take the 101 N Van Ness Street exit. At California turn right then left at Hyde. From the NORTH, take the 101 S Lombard St exit. Turn left at Hyde. • tram: the Powell-Hyde Cable Car stops in front of the school • bus: Muni Bus stops 1 block N at Hyde St. • ferry: towards Larkspur, Sausalito and Tiburon -2.5 km to the Golden Gate Ferry Terminal. San Francisco Campus 2738 Hyde Street San Francisco, CA 94109 w France > Bordeaux Practical information Location: “quartier du Lac”, well known for its shopping plaza Campus open since 2005 Access: • train: Gare Saint-Louis/Ravezies 3km away • car: Rocade motorway, exit 4b “Centre hôtelier du lac” and rocade ring road, exit 4c “Bordeaux Centre” • tram: C towards les Aubiers • bus: 31 or 37 alight at Dassault Telephone: +33 153359700 Bordeaux Campus SUPINFO Bordeaux occupies the third floor of a building shared with IBM, located in the lively “quartier du Lac” in Bordeaux. Ideally situated, the school is easily reached by public transport or by car: there is a carpark with over 500 spaces available. E05 A630 Avenu e des Qua Rue du P rofe s seu r An dré La vign Av en ue olle Ma rce lD ass au lt The Bordeaux campus was created in partnership with the Town of Bordeaux and Urban Community of Bordeaux. rant e Jo urn au x Bordeaux Campus 5 avenue des 40 Journaux 33300 BORDEAUX Situated between the lake and the Aliénor commercial centre, SUPINFO has, for the last 3 years welcomed its students into a pleasant and dynamic setting. Since the end of 2005, SUPINFO welcomes 1st to 5th year students from Aquitaine and soon became an important part of the Bordeaux region. Local companies were quick to see this and many of them offered internships or full time employment to our students including Orange Business Services, Prodware, the Gironde General Council, the Aquitaine Regional Council, Bull, the Post Office, Cegelec, EADS Astrium, Thales Avionics, Sanofi Aventis, Atos Origin, Sogeti, Steria, - 30 - AT Internet (Xiti), Sopra Group, Capgemini, SQLi or SNCF (French railways). The school is located very close to the Bordeaux Lac shopping plaza, which enables our students to find a meal or entertainment outside of the school. In the nearby shopping centre there are many restaurants and fast food outlets. Even if SUPINFO is mainly a place of learning, it is also dynamic and lively. Students regularly organise evening events such as games evenings, birthday parties and other celebrations. They are also free to organise SUPINFO excursions, restaurant visits, paintball championships or go-karting... The students in Bordeaux are always up for get togethers! w France > Caen Practical information Location: in the technical activity zone on the Unicité site facing the CCI Campus open since 2006 Access: • car: N18 towards Saint Contest Buron • bus: Ligne 18 towards Saint Contest Buron alight at “Débarquement” Caen Campus Telephone: +33 153359700 The Caen campus is established in a technological zone of the town. Students benefit from the usual SUPINFO infrastructure: classrooms with high tech equipment, a welcoming reception and relaxation area and a lab. Parc Athéna Created in partnership with the Town of Caen and the Community of Caen La Mer, and founded in 2006, the school welcomes students from the first to the fifth year of the course. Its location in the Unicité technological zone which is only minutes from the town centre is ideal because of the proximity of companies such as the University Hospital of Caen, the Regional Council of LowerNormandy, Highdeal, the Caen Memorial, the Regional Chamber of Artisans of Lower-Normandy, Axians, Carrefour, the Society of Hotels and Casinos of Deauville, the Caisse d’Epargne of Lower-Normandy, the Community of Caen La Mer or the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lower-Normandy call on the skills of our students. The attractiveness of the Caen campus means students flock there from the entire region but also from other parts of France and the rest of the world. It is a town steeped in history with buildings erected at the time of William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, with its fortress, symbol of the Norman capital, its two abbeys, monuments to great architectural richness, but also its beaches, reminders of the second World War. They are imprinted with history and emotion as thousands of French and foreign soldiers died there. Various museums trace these events and the Caen Memorial is a unique site dedicated to the history of the World Wars but also to Peace. With the sea within easy reach, Caen attracts those looking for quality of life, dynamism and easy access to the large European motorway network. - 31 - Village artisanal de la Folie Couvrechef Espace d'entreprises uM rd d leva u o B D401 uin hal J aréc Place de la Folie Couvrechef D126 Av en ue de l'Am iral Mo un tba tte n Caen Campus 10 rue Alfred Kastler 14000 CAEN France > Clermont-Ferrand w Practical information Location: near Place de Jaude Campus open since 2007 Access: • car: towards town centre, place de Jaude, Grand Pavois building • tram: towards “la Pardieu Gare” • bus: from train station line B alight at “Jaude” Telephone: +33 153359700 Clermont Campus The Clermont-Ferrand campus is located in the Grand Pavois building, behind Place de Jaude. ine R Bd. Desaix in Rue Blat s Salle Jaud e Rue Barrière de ond Ram Rue Ru ed ulle steu r de Ga ns Rue de Gravenoire rd P a harles baud Sa li vard C Hôtel Dieu Rue du Puits Artésien leva es at 'Allagn Rue d Rue de Lagarlaye Boule a Bonn Rue Bou d d abau Rue Eugène Gilbert ouno Bonn Ave e Centr ercial Comm Jaude rges Clé Place de la Résistance large choice of shops (books, music, IT shop, …). onel Gaspard Rue G Rue lien Ju nue Rue du Col nue Ave nan s sas Rue d'As Rue Geo . Re Av. E Rue Rue de a sunny spot close to the centre of town. Near the campus, you can find a de l Place de Jaude Foch échal du Mar Students here benefit from an excellent work and leisure environment in a To ur d'A uvergne mart ue La Clermont Campus 37, rue Gonod Le Grand Pavois 63000 Clermont-Ferrand The head office of Michelin, world leader in tyres, is here and the town is looking towards the future. Clermont-Ferrand has had a massive urban facelift heralded by the arrival in 2006 of an innovative network of trams on wheels. With sporty students passionate about rugby, skiing etc there are numerous Wii matches held on campus with practices held between 12 and 2 against a formidable adversary in the form of the Regional Director! SUPINFO has developed partnerships with local companies who offer internships to students such as: Atos Origin, Logica, Ajilon IT, etc. On a final note the Clermont-Ferrand campus is an avid supporter of the Montferrand rugby team and you will be taught the rudiments of this noble sport along with the IT package you will be studying. One of Clermont-Ferrand’s main assets is its central location just a few hours from Paris. The natural environment of the city is exceptional, just a short distance from the Volcano Nature parks of the Auvergne and Livradois Forez and the sites of Puy de Dôme, Gergovie and Vulcania. - 32 - w France > Grenoble Practical information Location: Opposite ALPEXPO and SUMMUM, between shopping plaza Grand’Place and HP, behind the Pôlesud skating rink Campus open since 2006 Grenoble Campus Strategically placed in the centre of the Alpine IT hub, the SUPINFO Grenoble campus is a glass vessel anchored just a step away from the motorway links to Chambéry, Lyon, Annecy, and Valence. Forget the Access: • train: 20 minutes from the SNCF train station by tram • car: motorway towards Chambéry, exit 4 “Eaux claires” or 5A “Alpexpo” 10 minutes from the town centre • tram: ligne A: “Grand Place” or “Patinoire Pôlesud” • bus: 12 and 13 Telephone: +33 153359700 town centre traffic jams. From here the biggest regional shopping centre (Grand’ place), the concerts held at SUMMUM, the PôleSud ice rink or the D6 ALPEXPO conference centre are all within easy walking distance. Grenoble has become the main French town where it is good to study… - 33 - Av de Constantine Av Raymond Chanas Av de l'Europe Ru ed el Rue Jean Rue Le D6 'in Mermoz du str ie ZA Les Poulardes Corbusier Rue Henri Barbusse at Farç is ou eL projects are turned into reality and ideas take form, with everyone being involved in his or her own way and nobody is left out. This is more than just a school, it is a way of life where you soon learn autonomy and responsibility! Here we work hard but live life to the max! In Grenoble and its surrounding areas the majority of the local companies is IT based so there is no shortage of internship or full time job opportunities. ST Microelectronics, Schneider Electric, EDF, Altran, Yahoo! Kelkoo, Hardis, Atos Origin, France Telecom R&D, Sogeti Régions, BioMérieux, Bull, Caisse d’Epargne… just some well known names who have offered places to our students. Ru The SUPINFO Grenoble campus is spread over two floors with 360 ° views of snowcapped mountain peaks. We are surrounded by computer science from the ground to the 3rd floor because we are right in the middle of the IT companies Quiconnect, Logica and Sopra. Life is simple here, as there is car parking available and every student has 24 hour access to the school. Accommodation is easy to find. There are many student halls of residence and private rooms on offer. If you choose to study at the Grenoble campus you will find a friendly helpful atmosphere, and true student life. Parties are held frequently so there is no need to stay alone, there are offers of group revision sessions, outings, skiing weekends and laser game evenings are organised, help is provided to find accommodation, plans and ZA Cure Bourse de S ca Ro N87 N87 ZA des Javaux E712 N87 Grenoble Campus 16 rue Henri Barbusse 38000 Grenoble w France > Guadeloupe Practical information Location: in the industrial zone of Jarry in Baie-Mahault Campus open since 2008 Access: • car: towards the World Trade Centre complex • bus: shuttle service to the industrial zone departs from Pointe-à-Pitre (Tour Sécid) between 06:30 and 18:30 Telephone: +590 5 90 25 06 06 Guadeloupe Campus The Guadeloupe campus is found on the second floor of the World Trade Centre Complex (CWTC) in the Industrial Zone of Jarry in Baie-Mahault. Bd de la Pointe de Jarry Cité Urbain Gétrin Bd de Rocade D125 D126 Morne Miquel l'A Pointe Mome à Savon m Lauriscisque Cité itié de Bergevin sP eu pl es Cité de Ca ra Henri IV ïb es Bd Fa idhe r be Quai Lefevre Cour Zamia In these pleasant surroundings students will be able to concentrate on their studies and prepare their professional future in the best possible way. To these idyllic surroundings is added the strategic location of the Campus. The Jarry Industrial Zone is the economic heart of Guadeloupe and has the largest concentration of commercial activities of the island with companies from all sectors being represented. Carénage Guadeloupe Campus CWTC de Jarry FWI-97122 Baie Mahault Guadeloupe SUPINFO students are involved with numerous companies in Guadeloupe: Mediaserv, Orange Caraïbe, Air Caraïbes, the General and Regional Councils of Guadeloupe, the Guadeloupe local education authority and social security offices... The CWTC forms the hub of the Centre for Euro Caribbean Activities (CECA), a logistic platform made available by Guadeloupe to regional markets such as Martinique and Guyana and also international markets - 34 - (Caribbean, Central America, Latin America, Europe). The CWTC has an exhibition hall in which numerous events are held such as Salon de l’Etudiant or the IT and communication workshops. We are thus in the centre of economic activity and right among future employers of our students. At lunchtime students have a choice of various restaurants and food outlets within the Jarry industrial zone or they can have local culinary specialities delivered right to the school. At the weekend there are magnificent beaches to explore, walks to do and museums to visit which trace the history of Guadeloupe. As night falls make your way to the Marina and its restaurants offering fantastic views of the sea and luxury yachts then head for the nightclubs where you can dance the night away to many and varied rhythms and beats. w France > Lille Practical information Location: in the business quarter in front of the Lille Europe train station Campus open since 2007 Lille Campus The SUPINFO Lille campus is located on two floors in the Euralille district just in front of the high speed train (TGV) station and 5 minutes from Lille Access: • train: Lille Europe station right in front of the campus • car: exit “Euralille” • tram: alight “Gare de Lille Flandres” • bus: alight Lille Flandres • Underground: Line1 stop “Gare de Lille Flandres” - Line1“Lille Europe station” then Lille Flandres Telephone: +33 153359700 Av .F ou b ar d Rue du Ballon Av. Foubert ed eT ou rna i Mairie de Lille N351 buisso n Bd. Emile Du Ru rg ndt rin Tu ly Bra u bo . de Bd Av. W il Centre Commercial Euraille em ux eL M C ed iers on . Le Av Ru r teu M r sie u orb M Lille has a rich and varied cultural life with numerous opportunities for going out: concerts and many other events take place here (European Capital of Culture in 2004, Lille 3000, Braderie de Lille, etc.). ert lev Bo u s iste an Urb es Ru ed as is P Lou Bd. ds ee eL B d. d Gare Lille-Europe n Can As well as being the fourth largest town in France, an international crossroad and a place of economic dynamism, Lille is also the “Town of Art and History” winning the title of European Capital of Culture in 2004. Since then it has become a popular tourist destination because of its welcoming lifestyle, deeply rooted heritage and culture. N351 des Today Lille is a european crossroad and cultural capital but the industrial crisis which took place in the seventies had a profound effect on the town in the eighties. All sectors of activity were hit beginning with the textile industry. Unemployment went from 3% in 1975 to 13% in 1990. Lille began a period of reinvention based on the development of the tertiary sector. A town of factories and workshops was replaced by one of offices and services and in many ways rediscovered its medieval roots as a merchant town. The development of the high speed train line between Lille and Paris in 1993, the creation of the new Euralille area and the arrival of Eurostar in 1994 all meant that the town entered the third millennium with confidence. Rue The school’s prime location allows its students to flourish in the ideal setting of the “Capital of the North”. They are particularly appreciated by the companies who take them on as interns such as the Sopra Group, the Crédit du Nord bank, Experian, SNCF, Castorama, Les 3 Suisses, Capgemini, Ajilon IT, Arcelor-Mittal, La Banque Postale, Lille Local Education Authority, Lille Institute for Company Administration, the Urban Community of Lille, etc. Ca rn ot Flandre station. Ferme et Parc des Dondaines Rue de l a Ru eJ Cha uve av ary Lille Campus 179 bd de Turin 59000 Lille - 35 - Riviè re w France > Limoges Practical information Location: right in the centre of town Campus open since 2007 Access: • train: Bénédictin station is 10 mn away • voiture: A20 exit Limoges centre then go towards the “préfecture” • bus: near the bus terminus (information at ) Telephone: +33 153359700 Limoges Campus The Limoges campus is located right in the middle of the city and faces the regional police headquarters. With a welcoming environment, the SUPINFO Limoges campus has all the advantages of a large university Rue Eugène Jamot whilst retaining its human size. Rue sN Jule N20 e nu Ave ier tion éra Lib la de all la de fe Pré o ug rH es écoles Rue d hé n Dubouc Ad Rue rie Vic to ard lev Bou re Ru ed es Co mb es c tu N20 ziè ma l La anie D Rue Rue de s Combe s o tm Rue on Tur g eM u eJ Ru Rue Ru c oria Rue François Chenieux iac or N les Limoges Campus 1 rue Daniel Lamazière 87000 Limoges The Limoges campus is located right in the middle of the city and in front of the regional police headquarters. With its family atmosphere, SUPINFO Limoges offers all the advantages of a large university whilst retaining its human size. With 20,000 students Limoges is a true university town where the rents remain very reasonable. The city itself reserves pleasant surprises. Thanks to a wide range of facilities it is easy to do sport here with 72 disciplines on offer and numerous suggestions for going out are published in the booklets produced by the Regional Youth Centre. Limoges is also an innovative town that is resolutely turned towards new technologies. The Webdesign International Festival confirms these technological leanings: this is an international festival held in the middle of - 36 - the Limousin and comprising over 40 teams made up of the best web designers in the world who go head to head in a marathon 24 hour competition. In the local area Norisko, the Legrand Group and the Regional Centre for Health Insurance in particular have called upon the skills of our students. The SUPINFO Limoges campus is above all made up of the enormous solidarity among its students as well as the relationship with the administration which is based on mutual listening and exchange. This is a dynamic and open establishment where outings are regularly organised (skating, bowling, billiards etc) as well as get togethers with other local establishments. As soon as you arrive we will be delighted to welcome you and will do our utmost to assist in the search for accommodation and help you find your feet in the school and in the town. w France > Lyon Practical information Location: Part-Dieu business area Campus open since 2007 Lyon Campus Situated in the south of the Part-Dieu business district, the campus is in a new building called “Le Triangle” constructed in unexpectedly Access: • train: Lyon Part-Dieu station 12 minutes away on foot • car: from any point in town head for “Part-Dieu” • underground: Line D, alight at “Sans Soucis” or “Garibaldi” • bus: Lines 23, 36 and 69 get out either at “Manufacture des Tabacs” or “Félix Faure-Vivier Merle” Telephone: +33 153359700 contemporary style near the boulevard Vivier Merle. nnet Rue de Bo rotte net Gare Part-Dieu Rue Bon Vivier Merle Rue Servien t La Part-Dieu irassiers Rue des Cu c Rue du La aldi Rue Desaix Rue Paul Bert e la R ize Rue des Rancy ier Merle c Rue du La aldi Journaux Rue Garib Rue Léon Rue d Viv Bd. Marius é Philip Rue Andr ier Merle hu ur Bouc Rue du Docte M Viv Bd. Marius Centre commercial Rue des Rancy Bd. d es B Rue Ney na Cours Lafayette lle rue Bd Eugène De Rue Paul Bert aux Rue Massé Rue Vauban Rue Louis Blanc Rue Garib - 37 - aud Rue Buge Rue Vauban Cours Lafayette é Philip Rue Andr There is a nucleus of software developers in the area whose vocation it is to unite those working in the sector around a common objective: to promote the increase in numbers of software developers. aldi Since 2007, the school has paid particular attention to the development and structuring of links with regional businesses. The business partners club has over 50 members who take an active part in the SUPINFO employment forums (StudentCompany Meetings), Executive events and IT Management conferences. These all help in enabling SUPINFO students to be accepted as interns in reputable companies such as Cegid, Biomérieux, April Technologies, France Telecom, Orange Business Services, Renault Trucks, Exakis, Logica, Altran, SQLi, Euriware, Capgemini, Sysale or the University Lyon II Institute of Technology, etc. Lyon is France’s second largest university town with over 115,000 students, almost 11% of whom are foreign. The quality of life and the level of training offered, together with a vast network of continued aid and support for students make Lyon one of the most attractive among European universities. The city is registered by UNESCO under the world heritage of humanity. Since the 16th century Lyon has delighted gourmets with its restaurants and wonderful cuisine. The “festival of lights” constitutes one of the high points of the life of the city, joining together more than 4 million people who wander around 80 lighting projects distributed around the city. 10% of French employment in the IT sector is concentrated in the Rhone-Alps region. By 2015, numbers of those employed in IT in the Lyon region will rise from barely 40,000 to nearly 60,000. Rue Garib Situated in close proximity to the Lyon 3 university, the SUPINFO Lyon campus welcomes all five years of the course and enables its students to benefit from many student services notably a university restaurant. Rue des Abondances Lyon Campus Immeuble “Le Triangle” 117 bd Marius Vivier-Merle 69329 Lyon Cedex 03 w France > Mâcon Practical information Location: on the edge of the town centre Campus open since 2005 Access: • train: Mâcon Ville station in 800 metres from the campus • car: A6, exit 28 or 29 towards town centre • bus: lines1, 2 and 12 alight at “Cours Moreau” Telephone: +33 153359700 Mâcon Campus Installed at the edge of Mâcon’s town centre in an historic 18th century obert E62 s et d gny E62 aco N6 Since its opening, the campus has had the reputation for conviviality with student life interspersed with many and varied sports, festive, social or charitable events and activities. Each school year is punctuated by the traditional and unmissable gala evening which is held on each occasion in exceptional surroundings (a private mansion, castle or even a vineyard) and brings together not only students, teachers and the partners of the school but also the local town councillors and important people from the economic and social network. Qua i Bo ea or uch u sM ur Co urt é Rue d lac eF ed Ru es Ep inoch es Rue Bd. d Tass i de P aris es Pe rnière al de Lattre de Aven ue u 5 ème réch du G énéra Drag ons l de Gaull e Rue R N6 u Ma Quai d Rue de Sensé Schu man stone building, the campus has a spacious feel with its large premises. Mâcon Campus 16 cours Moreau 71000 Mâcon Since 2007 the campus has benefited from a student hall of residence offering quality furnished studios. Students also have a canteen at their disposal. Since 2005, the school has taken an active part in the development of student services, in conjunction with the urban municipality of Mâcon. The campus of Mâcon lends active support for the projects of its students and, since - 38 - 2007, has housed a branch of the IT incubator of the Burgundy District council, called PREMICE-TIC. This incubator has the role of accompanying until creation by company the carriers by projects in the field by Communication and Information Technologies (TIC). SUPINFO students have been offered training courses in the companies of the area in particular the Town hall of Mâcon, the Departmental Trade union of Energy of the Saone and the Loire, the CCI of the Saone and the Loire, Actaris, Sescoi, Saint Gobain Emballage, the Town hall of Chalon sur Saône, Grand Chalon or Vertech’. Mâcon is a city in the countryside, appreciated for its exceptional quality of life, gastronomy and world class wines, which stands out by its dynamism in the department of Burgundy where IT is the major economic activity. w France > Marseille Practical information Location: Docks area Campus open since 2007 The campus is situated in the Docks area, in the heart of the Telephone: +33 153359700 uM Euroméditerranée business quarter which is growing rapidly as an A55 Quai d Quai d u ai du M L'Auto route du Litt oral Hôpital Paul Desbief Rue rque Dunke rd de c Fau ames Rue d e la e des D qu bli pu Ré Boule va azenod hier e la vard êché man e l'Ev Rue d liqu ub ép s en cé la R ho t Schu var de P es ed e Av Rob er Joliett e Boule e Ru azenod A55 A55 Ru Rue M s in orb de F lanc Leb Rue M M ed L'Auto route du Litt oral ève ent Boule Rue Ru In order to help our students to adapt to their new life the school organizes at the beginning of term a course during which students are invited to discover the different aspect of their city (economic, cultural, historical…) while having fun and getting to know one another. Combining tradition and modernity, Marseille has more than one wonder to share. ont de P A55 Place de la Joliette A55 A55 Rue Vinc With 826,700 inhabitants, Marseille is the second largest town in France. It is also the largest French Mediterranean port. Thanks to the high speed train service Paris is only 3 hours away. On an economic level, Marseille is developing. Euroméditerranée is a wide scale urban renovation project within the centre of Marseille, which was able to attract in a very short time the largest international business, financial, institutional and communication companies. Lastly, one cannot talk about Marseille without evoking the natural elements which make it such a fabulous city: Marseilles is bordered by the Mediterranean in the west, enclosed by the Estaque mountains to the north, and the Etoile and Garlaban peaks in the east. To the south is the Massif des Calanques, which stretches for 20 km and contains a preservation area with great coastal hiking opportunities. Rue The SUPINFO Marseille campus opened its doors on a sunny November day in 2007. Its prime location in the Euroméditerranée business district between the town and the port means our students are in the heart of an evolving town while benefiting from a privileged professional framework. The school is surrounded by over 750 companies and SUPINFO students regularly have the opportunity of carrying out worthwhile internships within companies such as Dassault Aviation, Eurocopter, the General Delegation for Armament, Gemalto, GIE ARPEGE-Group, Experian-Prologia, SQLi, SII, etc. aroc Lazare t increasing number of large companies open branches there. L'Auto route du Litt oral Marseille Campus Access: • tram: T2 alight at “Joliette” • underground: line 2 alight at “Joliette” • train: Saint-Charles train station is 2 stops away by underground • bus: 35, 49, 55 to “Joliette” • taxis: taxi rank nearby Marseille Campus Les Docks 10 place de la Joliette Atrium 10.3 - 1er étage 13002 Marseille - 39 - w France > Martinique Practical information Location: Industrial zone “Les Mangles Acajou”, Lamentin 1st Campus open after SUPINFO Paris in 2001 Access: • car: - from the north towards the Galléria shopping mall - from the south: towards the Les Mangles industrial zone in the direction of the Mahault Crossroads • public transport: Mozaïk system (reduction with a young person’s card) In November 2001, SUPINFO created its first overseas site in the town of Lamentin, “the heart of Martinique’s economic activity”. Telephone: +596 596 397979 Centre Commercial La Galleria A1 Martinique Campus As well as classrooms, our students have at their disposal a fully equipped dining room, a relaxation area and IT labs. Since the opening, the Martinique campus has developed many partnerships with local companies which regularly employ not only our students but also our graduates. Le François, Sainte-Luce, Sainte-Marie, SaintJoseph, Marigot or Le Vauclin. Resolutely oriented towards local professionals, there is regular interaction with their companies (conferences, skills sharing, student-company meetings, visits) in the forefront of which are 3H Services, BNP Paribas, the Martinique Social Security office, Crédit Agricole of Martinique, Lamentin Hospital, Fort de France University Hospital , Martinique Chamber of Commerce and Industry, General Council of Martinique, EDF Martinique, France Telecom, G2J, Bernard Hayot Group, Infobam, the Post Office, Mediaserv, Météo France WI and Guyana, RFO Martinique, Refinery of the West Indies (SARA), Total, and the town halls of Fort de France, Lamentin, Le Marin, From a cultural point of view Martinique is the birthplace of many illustrious writers and poets such as Césaire, Edouard Glissant or Patrick Chamoiseau. Our campus is also unique in that it provides a launching pad to the rest of the world as we have a higher rate of student mobility than any other in SUPINFO. Route départementale Zone Industrielle Les Mangles Acajou N1 Martinique Campus Immeuble “Les Bosquets 1” n°26 - ZI Les Mangles Acajou FWI-97232 Le Lamentin Martinique - 40 - w France > Metz Practical information Location: in the pedestrian “hyper-centre” right in the middle of town Campus open since 2008 the train station, is ideal for local students as well as those coming from Telephone: +33 153359700 further afield. - 41 - 'En ed ed it P ar is Têt e èvr e e la Ru ed ux Rue de l'Abreuvo Ru e eM Ru u do r au lf ice es Ru ed s en de e og sL eL asa s rrè Ba Hôpital Saint-André lle ine Hu de Ru ed uC oë tlo squ Rue et rs cie itie an en tier s eL lle d'O r Ch Ru n ma hu rue ed ue be rt Sc aple Fon ta eS erp en ois e e la Ch Ru eR Sai ntG Bo nn Ro En R rue Centre Ru Saint-Jacques ed de la En Fo u M d ue rni uP et e exir u En s ur es Ru En Ru Rue Ne xiru e is Ru e Pu Ma lh- rgu De er ma itte ng e En N fer rue uP ala erie Metz is looking towards the future while not forgetting its historical heritage and the safeguarding of its green spaces. Among the many architectural works found in the city, the Cathedral is famous for its stained glass windows, some of which were designed Being a country of banks and European institutions, there are frequent exchanges between Luxembourg and the city of Metz. By opening a site there students can also benefit from these professional exchanges. Companies such as Goodyear, the Luxembourg Post Office, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and numerous banks and other major companies also collaborate with the school by choosing interns from among our students. rni ed Gendarm Metz, historical capital of Lorraine, is also the administrative capital and regional headquarters, and chief town of the Moselle department. The Urban Community of Greater Metz has 230.000 inhabitants. Fo u Ru Rue de la The city was growing with the development of the industrial zones, University buildings springing up all over the city and a Technopolis geared to communication technologies. En by Marc Chagall, making them the most illustrious in France. Lorraine and Metz also benefit from an exceptional geographical location. The proximity of Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium make for a diverse environment. The Franco-German World Trade Centre of Metz-Saarbrucken affords interesting professional prospects: large companies such as Arcelor Mittal, Cora or the Lorraine District Council already employ our students. Rue d uP on t The opening of this new site in October 2008 was part of changes created by the arrival of the high speed train line which included many new projects such as the opening of the Pompidou-Metz Centre in 2009 or the transformation of the Amphitheater. Ru The location of the Metz campus, near all amenities and 10 minutes from sP ar m Metz Campus Access: • train: 15 minutes’ walk to the Central Station, “auto/train” service • car: principal motorway junction of the East of France, A4, A30, A31/E25 Metz Centre exit • Boat: 5 minutes to the Marina • bus: any bus to République ; 8, 1, 11, 21, 31, etc. Rempart Saint-Thiébau lt Avenue Foch Avenue Foch Metz Campus 16-19 rue Marguerite Puhl Demange - 3ème étage 57000 Metz w France > Montpellier Practical information Location: in the Millénaire area which is also home to Dell, IBM, Cap Oméga, etc. Campus open since 2007 Access: • car: A9 exit “Montpellier centre” towards Millénaire, Dell, IBM • tram: Line 1 towards Odyseum alight “Millénaire” then take bus 10 as far as “Pinville” • bus: Line 9 alight at “Pinville” Montpellier Campus The Montpellier campus is found in a sunny setting right in the heart Telephone: +33 153359700 of the Millénaire area. Our spacious building equipped with the latest technology creates excellent working conditions for our students. Rue de Sa Rue D21 laison Rue de Salaison Isaac Rue de Pinville Jules dran D21 e Solair e Juin ons ph Al Rue Pierre Semard nd des Ibis Verger le invil de P Rue Petit D21 Rue u Rue d mpignane Rue des Eiders Rue de Jau ss e ra Ru ed Av de la Po eP inv ille Ru e u Ca Rue d nd Rue de Jau ssera ign Av de la Pomp C Petit Rue nes igog des C ville Pin de Rue los u Rue d Montpellier Campus 40 rue de Pinville 34000 Montpellier The town of Montpellier is a place of study privileged in Europe which numbers over 80,000 students each year, thanks to the quality of life but also to the many infrastructures available to and essential for students that it offers. It is “the city where the sun never goes down” but it is also a city of study with a SUPINFO school! The SUPINFO Montpellier campus receives more and more students each year, all impatient to graduate in order to continue to put into practice what they learned during the course of their studies and also from our partner companies notably IBM and Dell. Student life is important here and the local team ensures there are activities outside the school (parties, go-karting, themed meals, freshers’ evenings…), all with the aim of supporting the integration of each student - 42 - and thus creating the right atmosphere to face academic and non-academic challenges. The school is there to assist students as well as companies but the main role is held by the student. We provide a student with the means, but it is up to him or her to make the best possible use of it! Our objective: to turn each student into a professional, who can analyze a context and adapt to any situation by making use of his own skills. The Crédit Agricole of Languedoc, Dell Computer, France Telecom, IBM France, SQLi, INSERM, CNRS have all offered internships to our students. We will be present to accompany them throughout their course and help them to achieve their goals and thus turn this training into an asset for their future professional life. France > Nantes w Practical information Location: right in the centre of town, near Place Graslin and quai de la Fosse Campus open since 2006 Nantes Campus The Nantes campus is ideally situated near the banks of the Loire, one minute’s walk from the town centre and near Euronantes, the large Access: • car: free parking behind the Tram station • tram: Line 1, alight at “Chantiers navals” • train: North exit of station then tram line 1 towards François Mitterrand • Bicloo: alight at “Alger” (n°36) Telephone: +33 153359700 Atlantic pole of business of the Nantes urban area. ire d'Alg eG re ss eB de n ed Ru e ean -Ja cq n ro Ca i lle ers ric eJ i Sib e Ru de la Hé ai Qu au eM Ru e oss la F de kerq ie Verrer er Rue un s-D dre Flan Ru ré a es ire billo Cré e e Pito èr n ni Ru ed Ru Ru et olta eV Ru olta eV n Place Graslin u Rue Santeuil ber Kle ne Ru e la Rue d ue Q d uai e la se Fos François Mitterrand nB ur III o Lé Rue Magin Rue Arth Quai Bd ure ue Bras de F Rue de la No au - 43 - aci Rue e esqui Rue Mont Rue Within the Nantes/Saint Nazaire metropolis, data processing as well as Communication and Information Technology account for 18,500 jobs, over 1,500 independent companies and 200 consultants. Bull, SNCF, the University of Nantes, the General Council of the Loire Atlantic, France Telecom, Carra Consulting, the Post Office, GFI, Darty, EDF, Orange Business Services, Exakis, the Town Hall of Rezé, Proservia, Prospective Software, Alcatel-Lucent, the Town hall of Saint Herblain, Informatique Banque Populaire, Tibco, Banque Populaire Atlantic, Nantes Métropole, the Loire District Council, Blondeau Informatique… have all called on our students. With its 280,000 jobs and 50,000 students, the Nantes urban area has created wide open spaces offering a rich cultural life, enhanced in particular by the Centre for Research and Cultural Development (CRDC). If you want to develop your IT knowledge and skills in an auspicious economic environment while at the same time benefiting from pleasant surroundings… come and join us in Nantes! is sière d'Arto The privileged site of the campus enables its students to fully benefit from all the advantages offered by a city whose environmental and developmental assets are widely recognized. The sixth town of France in terms of population, true economic heart of the West, with an economy open towards Europe, the Nantes urban area combines modernity and tradition. Town of history and innovation, Nantes has been able simultaneously to preserve and embellish its natural heritage and to create conditions favourable to innovation. The Nantes urban area has preserved a powerful industrial base while developing the tertiary sector which today accounts for 3/4 of all jobs. eR Rue Rue de la Ro Ru Nantes Campus 3 rue d’Alger 44000 Nantes France > Nice w Practical information Location: Nice Arénas business centre right near the Promenade des Anglais Campus open since 2005 Access: • train: Alight Gare Saint Augustin • car: Leave the motorway at Promenade des Anglais, Arénas and follow the signs to SUPINFO • plane: 5 mn from the airport by free shuttle (alight at Arénas lycée hôtelier) • bus: 23,9,10 Telephone: +33 153359700 Students at the Nice campus can use the restaurants of the Arenas business centre which state “SUPINFO students welcome” and will find reasonable prices and healthy meals daily. Nice is an attractive and dynamic town only 30 minutes by car from Monaco and Cannes. a e hons ri M e tiss er 1 Bd s Yu de ce Pla Av He nr l Pau i Matisse Mo s nte cca oble Gren Route de l aP ro ve en Rue Alp s Alpe ç Fran The Nice campus is situated in the heart of the Arenas business area on the Promenade des Anglais. des Gran Dig Av H ais es ue d Nice Campus n le ca N99 re M ier ie P Vo es Alpes ble eno e Gr te d Rou A8 Route d es Grand E80 in ass e é C llont Ren t Be rd ostes e a v le Rue C u Bo glais e des An Promenad çais olinier rniglion-M ssin Ca enade E. Co e Bastié né Promdes Frères Wright Bd Marys Re Av t on d um r -D va Av Santos e l ou Nice Campus 455 promenade des Anglais Immeuble Arenice 06299 Nice Cedex 3 Thanks to the importance of the local economic fabric supported by the Sophia Antipolis technopolis and the Telecom Valley network including the main technological companies of the area (Amadeus, Thalès, Alten, Cap Gemini, Texas Instruments, Air France…), students easily find internships corresponding to the lessons on the SUPINFO syllabus, in particular the Town Halls of Nice and Grasse, Sophia Conseil, the League against Cancer, the Nice Tourist Board, the University Hospital of Nice, Palais de la Méditerranée, Nice University, Pôle Azur Provence, EDF, Capgemini, the General Council of Alpes-Maritimes, OGC Nice Côte d’Azur, the Urban Community of Nice Côte d’Azur, the Urban Community of - 44 - Sophia Antipolis, EDHEC Business School, Chamber of Commerce et Industry of Nice Côte d’Azur, Alten, Texas Instruments, Alpes-Maritimes Police Headquarters, Nice Matin, Observatory of Nice, Hôtel Martinez, iirsys, Virbac, Cadence Design Systems, Logica, Steria, Thales Underwater Systems, Sopra Group, Sogeti Regions, Rohm & Haas, Organic… The campus is easily accessible by any method of transport: bike parks, Nice Côte d’Azur airport close by, Nice St Augustin train station 10 minutes away and bus stops in the vicinity. Students gather in the evenings at the end of the week to explore the area. Every taste is catered for: you can have a drink with friends on the Promenade des Anglais and the port of Monaco or listen to the various groups playing in the pubs of the old town.You can wander around the inland regions and be in touch with nature or go skiing only one hour away by car. w France > Orleans Practical information Location: In Les Halles Châtelet district, right in the town centre Campus open since 2007 Orleans Campus The Orleans campus is located on the banks of the Loire river. Under 2 Access: • train: 10 minutes’ walk from the station • car: A71 exit 1 and A10 exit 14 • tram: arrêt alight at “Royale Châtelet” • bus: 10, stops outside the campus Telephone: +33 153359700 minutes away is the town’s bustling pedestrian area. nier Ban e scures Rue d'E rgogne Rue de Bou le âte ran ouv Rec Rue du Cheval Rouge Place du Ch Rue Thiers ine de eB our gog ne Les Halles du Châtelet t Rue Royale Rue Notre Dame d'Arc Rue des Halles Quai du Châtelet Orleans Campus - 45 - Rue Saint-Eloi Rue Jeanne Rue Sainte-Cather Rue Royale ne t Quai du Châtele Minimes ce s Ru eM uz è Ru ed 41 place du Châtelet 45000 Orléans We are right above Les Halles Châtelet where there are several shops and also a gym and covered market at which students e de la B reto nn er ie int-Ann Rue Adolphe Cresson Rue Rue du Colombier Rue Sa Rue de la Lionne ine de Ru ier uchets Fa Rue des ce-L orra s Angla ises 'Alsa R ue e Rue d Orleans was also the setting for several famous French films starring actors such as Miou-Miou, Jean Carmet, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand, and a well known TV series was also filmed here. Other famous people associated with Orleans were Charles d’Orléans, Louis Pasteur, or Jean Zay. Paris is only one hour away by train (you can walk to the station in 10 minutes from the campus). Rue d Bann The new Campus of Orleans is very pleasant and our students have more than 200 m ² at their disposal where they can unwind by playing ping pong or video games. At lunchtime they are spoilt for choice with the university canteen being very much appreciated, but they can also choose a pizzeria, sandwich shop, fast-food, bistro or Chinese restaurant etc. can buy a wide selection of fresh products. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the town of Orleans was one of the most attractive in France with its ornate churches and fine mansions (Hôtel Groslot, Pont George V). Today Orleans is the regional capital and has managed to find a balance between economic dynamism, quality of life and culture. Rue The Orleans campus, created in 2007 in partnership with the Loiret General Council, Town of Orleans and the Loiret Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has just moved into new premises. SUPINFO students have been accepted as interns by some of the most important companies of the area such as Lexmark International, Alcatel-Lucent, Groupama Paris Loire Valley, the Orleans Regional Hospital, the Loiret Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hutchinson and Atos Origin. w France > Paris Practical information Location: 3 campuses near the Gare du Nord, Champs Elysées and Opéra Paris X Campus 23 rue du Château Landon 75010 Paris Access: • train: 5 minutes’ walk from Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est • RER: Lines B or D alight “Gare du Nord”, line E alight “Magenta” • métro: line 2 “Stalingrad”, lines 4 and 5 “Gare du Nord”, line 7 “Château Landon” • bus: lines 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 30, 31, 32, 47 Paris IX Campus 28-30 bis rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris Access: • Underground: line 7 “Le Peletier”, line 12 “Notre Dame de Lorette” • bus: lines 42, 67, 74, 85, 26, 32, 43 Paris VIII Campus 52 rue de Bassano 75008 Paris Access: • RER: Line A, “Charles de Gaulle” • Underground: line 1 “Georges V”, line 6 and 2 “Charles de Gaulle” • bus: lines 42, 67, 74, 85, 26, 32, 43 Telephone: +33 153359700 Paris Campus With 3 campuses in the capital, wherever students live in Paris there is a campus close at hand at the Gare du Nord, Opéra and the Champs Elysées. SUPINFO’s first campus, Paris X, is situated right in the heart of the capital near two train stations, Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est. The Paris IX campus is ideally located in the Opéra district near the department stores. The Paris VIII campus is the most prestigious, situated only 100 m from one of the most beautiful avenues in the world, the Champs Elysées. Magnetic badges distributed to the students at the beginning of the school year allow secure access to the school 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (so for night owls everything is possible here!). And if you hate public transport there are bicycles for hire (Velib), motor bikes and scooters, with designated parking areas near the campuses. In Paris, the most prestigious companies call upon SUPINFO students: Microsoft, Accenture, CapGemini, Steria, Avanade, Sopra Group, Oracle, Google France, IBM, Cisco, Apple, Novell, Sun, Bearing Point, - 46 - Starbucks Coffee, Alti, Alten, Altran, Generali Assurance, Logica, Cegedim-Dendrite, Prisma Presse, Axa, Orange Business Services, France Telecom, SFR, La Banque Postale, Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas, Société Générale, SNCF, l’OCDE, PSA, EADS, Orange Business Services, Bull,Thales Avionics Electrical Systems, Accor, Siemens, Arianespace, Air France, Areva etc. Every school has air conditioning and soundproofing and is equipped to create a pleasant atmosphere where sharing and communication by the students is encouraged. Whenever they desire and on a regular basis the students can organise different evening activities: video games tournaments, birthday parties or themed events. They are also encouraged to organise outings outside the school such as restaurant visits etc. The Paris students are always keen to meet up. At the school and outside, the SUPINFO spirit is in evidence! w France > Reims Practical information Location: In the centre of town, facing the Reims National Theatre Campus open since 2008 Access: • train: 45 minutes from Paris by high speed train Reims Campus Telephone: +33 153359700 The Reims campus is located right in the centre of Reims, a town with 4 em ino t-H ua r monuments listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1991. de M Rue Vill ur bo t am r u T olbe ed eC Ru Ru a arr al S il -Ba n Jea Rue des let ang eL t ptis et orc nd Co de l'Arbalèt e urs Co er le f ns nd da yra lou alle uC eT ed Ru ed Rue Ru d er Ru ed uT ville t Ré s Elu ot arn eC Ru Reims Campus 1-5 rue de Talleyrand 51100 Reims p V ri I r éné d ta e l'E Rue Alb - 47 - mp em en eyran lliers e Tall Rue Te pe Rue Rue Rue Thie Rue rs Sat in Rue d l in eH Jov du G Rue Noë With 28,000 students, out of a population of 220,000 this is a town with a young, active and vibrant spirit. In addition to its cultural side, Reims also welcomes top sportsmen and has the infrastructure necessary in the form of the Rene Tys sports complex, Delaune stadium and an Olympic size swimming pool. The complex is located 5 minutes from the town centre, close to the motorway exit. The opportunities for going out, together with the sporting and community life on offer mean there is something for everyone in the Champagne Capital. Cha Ru Rue Rue welcomed SUPINFO students as interns. With the school being in an ideal location right in the centre of Reims, it is surrounded by a wide variety of eateries from sandwich places, kebabs, crepes, restaurants and even a McDonalds right opposite for burger fans. Rue de la Tirelir e The town of Reims is noted for its great cultural richness, its creativity, its dynamism and its sense of style. Here you can go back in time by visiting the “City of Consecration”, with its monuments, Cathedral, Mars Gate, Luchrome, Tau Palace, 13th century houses, museums… You can also enjoy the sun whilst strolling in its many parks: Patte d’Oie, Léo Lagrange, Orgeval, Saint John Perse and Pommery park. Do you want even more fresh air? Go for a walk in the forest on the mountain slopes of Reims, (national forest, regional park), or take the champagne road, which leads you up hillsides and into villages and savour the charms of the Champagne countryside. Come and appreciate the “Johaniques” festivals, the film depicting “the cathedral builders” projected on the facade of NotreDame of Reims. Reputable companies such as Boehringer Ingelheim, Moet & Chandon Champagne, Darty, or Serena in particular have already e du Ru France > Rennes w Practical information Location: Right in the centre of town Campus open since 2005 Access: • bus: Alight at Colombier : lines 3, 18. Plélo Colombier : lines 1, 15, 19, 57. Liberté : lines 2, 11, 17 Telephone: +33 153359700 Rennes Campus Right in the heart of the Breton capital, the Rennes campus has welcomed students since 2008 and provides an environment which not only ensures Quai Lamartine République Rue de la Chalotais la L ibe Air ed rté eC up Ru ré p erc hé Rue Thiers Rue du ger au Puits M M Charles de Gaulle e Rue d Place du Colombier rF ran ço is J a l'Alm oly Centre Commercial Colombia to e Pie Rue d Bvd de Rue d'Isly Bvd de la Tour d'Auvergne hic og n é de Rue du Pré botté Rue du Maréchal Joffre Rue Poulain-Duparc Bvd M Rue Jules Simon 126 125 their professional success but also their personal development. Quai Lamennais Place de la République Place de Bretagne Ru ed uD 125 Bvd du b Colom ier Rennes Campus 8 place du Colombier 35000 Rennes The modern and spacious campus is very near to the train station and also to shops and the university restaurant and students from the first to the fifth year are welcomed in modern and spacious surroundings. With its 2000 year history the town of Rennes has found a harmonious balance between economic development and protection of its heritage. Resolutely facing the future, between land and sea, today it offers a privileged lifestyle. It is a dynamic place which has lived to the rhythm of students since the 18th Century and remains to this day one of the largest university towns in France with 60,000 students attending universities, high schools and technical colleges. The emphasis placed on education has led to the creation of a scientific and technical research complex which currently numbers 3,500 researchers in fields such as chemistry, health and the environment but also - 48 - electronics, media and telecommunications and bio-industry. They collaborate closely with the Rennes Atalante Technopolis which has, since 1984, been working towards economic development by means of innovation and technology. Spread over 5 sites, its 220 members work together to facilitate the implantation of established technological companies and the creation of new ones. Some of the businesses who have called on the skills of SUPINFO students are Banque Populaire de L’Ouest, Delta Dore, Groupement Informatique du Crédit Mutuel, Capgemini, PagesJaunes, CNAM, Orange Business Services, Sodifrance, Sopra Group and Rennes I University. w France > Réunion Practical information Location: Right in the centre of town Campus open since 2003 Reunion Campus Telephone: +262 (0)262 980 980 SUPINFO opened its doors at number 71 rue Jules AUBER, right in the centre of the town of Saint-Denis. Students at the Reunion Campus have Reunion Campus 71 rue Jules Auber 97400 Saint-Denis La Réunion - 49 - All this creates a working environment which facilitates exchanges with companies working in a dynamic sector of industry, the most reputable of whom regularly call upon our students (Antenne Reunion, Banque de la Reunion, Brasseries De Bourbon, Groupe Caillé, Reunion Chamber de Commerce and Industry, Reunion General and Regional The capital offers students a wide variety of extra curricular activities with bars, restaurants, cinemas, nightclubs, and a purpose built seafront area ideal for walks or jogging. In the evenings the “3 Brasseurs” or “Fashion” are popular spots. Our students regularly join those from other schools when celebrations are called for. Near the Northern technology zone where many of its partners are found, our school is working towards regular exchanges. Both near the town centre and not far from Boulevard Lancastel, the campus thus benefits geographically from easy access and links to other towns. Situated a 10 minute drive from Roland Garros airport, a five minute walk from the bus station and with a large car park SUPINFO is easily accessible. Councils, EDF, Foucque, France Telecom, Groupe Quartier Français, JIR, Météo France Reunion, Nextiraone, Orange Reunion, Outremer Telecom, Ravate, RFO, SRR, Reunion Technopole, University of Reunion, Véolia and the town halls of Bras-Panon, L’Etang Salé, La Possession, Le Port, Le Tampon, Les Avirons, Saint-Benoît, SaintDenis, Saint-Joseph, Saint-Leu, Saint-Louis, Saint-Paul, Saint-Philippe, Saint-Pierre). Opened in 2003, The Reunion campus has recently moved to Saint-Denis. The school welcomes local students in an animated environment firmly geared towards IT. three floors at their disposal. w France > Strasbourg Practical information Location: Illkirch Parc d’Innovation, just after the hotel college in the Bouygues Telecom building. Campus open since 2003 Access: • tramway: line A stop is 150m away • car: RD 468, A35, free carpark nearby • plane: 15 minutes from the airport • bus: lines 2, 211 and 63 • train: Strasbourg train station is 20 minutes away Strasbourg Campus Situated in the heart of the Illkirch Parc d’Innovation and right near the Strasbourg Sud University Campus, SUPINFO is surrounded by green Telephone: +33 153359700 spaces. The school has air conditioning throughout and blends modernity du R hin Rue de l'Industrie with praticality to offer students superior surroundings. Route Open since 2004 in partnership with the Alsace Regional Council, the SUPINFO Alsace campus has recently moved to new premises. Ro ute du Rh in Route du Rhin D468 Route du R in an Je Sap ra nd t Route e Ru B n tie as éb idus du Rh dS Bv D468 Strasbourg Campus 83 route du Rhin 67400 Illkirch SUPINFO has developed close relations with local companies, consortiums and institutions. Alcatel Lucent, Electricité de Strasbourg, Altran, Lilly, Logica, Sopra Group, Sogeti, Alten, CNRS (Alsace delegation) as well as the University of Strasbourg, the Council of Europe and the General Council have all offered internships to our students. Alsace is a transborder region right in the heart of Europe. Its geographical and historical positioning has enabled the region to stand out for its great international openness. Well known for its welcome, Alsace is also remarkable for its cultural specificity, the beauty of its surroundings, its quality of life and, above all, its culinary art. Strasbourg is the second - 50 - diplomatic town of France.The headquarters of the European Parliament, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights – these are the institutions which spring most readily to mind. The economy is particularly diversified, as Alsace gathers various poles of competitiveness centered on research and new technologies. Its town centre is one of the few to be found on the UNESCO world heritage register. Other architecture offers a more contemporary panorama (the European Parliament, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art …). The Illkirch Parc d’Innovation is located at the crossing of the transportation routes of the Strasbourg urban area, right amongst companies, professional and university establishments which are all oriented towards new technologies. w France > Toulouse Practical information Location: 5 minutes by underground from the centre of town in the Minimes area Campus open since 2006 Toulouse Campus The Toulouse campus is located in the Minimes area 5 minutes by underground from the town centre. It occupies two floors of the same Access: • train: 5 minutes from the Matabiau train station which is the main one in Toulouse • car: exit 30 “Ponts Jumeaux” then Boulevard de l’Embouchure • Underground: Line B, station “Canal du Midi” • bus: line 15 alight at Passerelle Haedens Telephone: +33 153359700 building that houses Oracle and KPMG. ed n ba Canal du Midi Ru eV au M n Av Ho Rue ole Rue P Centre Commerciale Compans Caffarelli rc al L ecle e réc h Ma du Bvd es ross Lasc Toulouse Campus 7 av Parmentier 31200 Toulouse - 51 - êt es Qu Rue d Rue pol La Compans Caffarelli Rue L ejeun asto Bvd sses scro La Bvd Bvd Armand Duportal Seb M sses scro rres ierre oré Se ce 'Arc pla La nd o Can b ue l'Em arq de la M e d Bvd anova du Bvd ue Rue Auber n r tie en rm Pa e n e toi ur An ch te Av t ou m vE n ma Rue Danielle Cas na sas aig us ha lM eC Toulouse is the second largest university town after Paris with nearly 110,000 students and it regularly offers various cultural and sporting events. Steeped in the culture of the southwest, Toulouse also has a convivial side which makes it a pleasant place to study, work and live. It is also the European capital of rugby with a legendary club and exceptional honours list. Ru SUPINFO was able to develop strong relations with various Toulouse companies and Capgemini, Spie, Airbus, Siemens, NextiraOne, Orange, EADS and Sogeti, regularly offer internships to our students. Numerous clubs and sporting activities enable students to make full use of the space available and benefit from the equipment at their disposal: video games evenings, Japanimation and Japanese culture, role play, pool, table tennis but also individual and collective sports such as basket-ball, football, go-karting, bowling, tennis or golf… N20 hure mbouc de l'E Bvd la Marquette e d Bvd de High tech industries (aeronautics with Airbus and its subsidiaries, space with Astrium and Thalès, automobile with Siemens VDO and Freescale, health with Cancéropôle and Pierre Fabre…) have created a dynamic town and region and enabled the emergence and implantation of many consultancy and IT companies such as Cap Gemini, Alten, Altran, ATOS Origin, Magnus France, SOGETI, Sopra Group… Rue Situated an hour and a half from Spain and the first ski resorts of the Pyrenees, the pink town is also an hour from the Mediterranean and 3 hours from the Basque coast. Toulouse Campus was created in 2006 with the Town Hall of Toulouse, the Midi-Pyrenees Area and Midi Pyrenees Expansion, the regional development agency and right from the outset it set up activities to augment courses provided on the timetable. France > Tours w Practical information Location: right in the centre, near the Town Hall Campus open since 2006 Access: • train: 10 minutes away from the main train station • car: A10 towards town centre • bus: all lines pass the Place Jean Jaurès which is 5 minutes’ walk away from the school Telephone: +33 153359700 Tours Campus Situated right in the centre of town, the campus occupies two floors and you will find the reception, administration, an open space, students’ area, labs, light and spacious classes and a ping pong room. # # $ # #& # " # " # $# # # " $ " # $' # # # The location of the campus right in the centre of town enables students to live in their town and be a real part of it. Tours is a young university town and it is this which gives it its dynamism. Over 24,000 students live here and Tours was able to avoid the trap of enclosing young minds in an outlying campus. ! ! # #" # ' " !" ## # #! ' " % # # " # # " # $ # " $'( ## # ! ! " # ) # # # ! # # !" Tours Campus 15 place Michelet 37000 Tours #" SUPINFO has forged strong relations with local institutions : the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Touraine, Gemalto, Banque Populaire Val de France, Coface, Tours Plus Urban Community who regularly offer internships to our students. Tours is one of the largest towns of the Val de Loire which has a population of some 350,000 inhabitants. Situated in the middle of a European transport axis it is one of the larger French metropolises and is the largest economic area in West Central France. By high speed train Tours is a mere 55 - 52 - minutes from Paris and has direct links with the capitals’ airports. History lovers, neophytes or the curious will be spellbound by a tour of the many châteaux of the Loire. Despite suffering destruction on more than one occasion, the city has retained an Architectural Heritage of the first order. The town centre and in particular the Plumereau district, are a reminder of a time when the kings of France resided in Tours or the surrounding region. Plumereau square, “Plume” to the initiated, is the city’s nerve centre. This is why it attracts tourists and students alike. In November 2000, the Loire Valley was added to the UNESCO list of world heritage of humanity. Were you aware that it is in this area that the purest French is spoken? France > Troyes w Practical information Location: right in the centre of town above the FNAC bookshop and in front of the Town Hall Campus open since 2005 Troyes Campus The Troyes campus is situated right in the historic centre of the town, Access: • train: 1 hour 30 minutes from Paris with the station 5 minutes from the Campus • bus: the stop is just in front of the school Telephone: +33 153359700 right above the Fnac bookshop and in front of the Town Hall. It is also in the historic capital of the Champagne area and it offers its students impressive surroundings. D319 ai Qu Qu e gn pa m ha erre e C pi sd m te Da om i de sC a de e ny ull Mo Ga uis de Lo n. é uG ed Ru e Ru u ea nc me s rge eo eG Ru Cle in ba e Ru Ur IV ile la Zo m eE ain Ru IV on d in Po ré ca ch lba is U e Ru mil eE Ru ola eZ m ay b Ur ou eL - 53 - D319 Ru Troyes Urban Community, Devanlay Lacoste, Cristallin, Century 21, Darty, Troyes Habitat, EDF, ESC Troyes, Troyes Town Hall, Soufflet Group, Boulanger, Eutech, Cristal Union, Eppe Group, La Poste, CNAM… all have called on SUPINFO students. Even if SUPINFO is primarily a place of education, the school is also for living. Whenever they wish, students can organize various evening activities: network games, birthday parties or themed evenings. They are also free to organize external SUPINFO evenings or outings, to eat in a restaurant, or to do a few laps of the go-kart circuit. Every Thursday is student evening at the many establishments of the town centre. Each year the Town of Troyes and the Maison des Etudiants Troyens organize “the Keys of Troyes”, an evening during which the city welcomes students and introduces them to its various facets, from the cultural to sporting or festive, etc. eR Ru Troyes is par excellence a city to be discovered on foot, as the mood and curiosity take you. While strolling around its historical heart, affectionately known as the “champagne cork” by those that live here because of its outline seen from a plane, those passionate about historical towns will be surprised and enchanted: Gothic churches illuminated by magnificent stained glass windows, houses with different coloured wooden panelling, Renaissance mansions, industrial heritage rehabilitated… all epochs are represented. But Troyes is also, a few minutes from the middle of town, the greatest centre of factory outlets and trade in Europe, of prestigious and original museums, of rapidly expanding universities, of small reasonably priced restaurants where you can taste little known champagnes … A lively city in which it is good to live all year round! SUPINFO is particularly well integrated into the economic fabric of the city: the d Bvd u1 Troyes Campus 5 rue de la République 10000 Troyes t l le ui 4j w France > Valenciennes Practical information Location: town centre Campus open since 2005 Access: • train: 3 minutes walk from the station • car: exit Valenciennes Centre • tram: alight at “Gare” • bus: lines 15, 16, 17, 511, alight at “Valenciennes Gare” Valenciennes Campus Telephone: +33 153359700 The SUPINFO Valenciennes campus is ideally situated in the town centre, only a short walk from the train station. It is spacious and occupies two floors. Av de D u nkerqu e ha réc Av du Ma Av H enri H arpignies Ru Rue u ed Ho rt pa m Re R ue de rd n-H o ng rc cle sa rd sa is ro dF Bv l Le e loz ho eT Ru D630 is ro dF Bv D630 Lil le Ru eo ed rg eL ill es au ce en de la em Cl é bb l'A de m e e u R m Fla Ru eF err e and Ru ez G Av n Se e Pari des Glatignies Rue d Récoltets es A ng e s s es e Ru Rue d es Plac ed 'Arm Bvd Beauneveu Rue d Valenciennes Campus 98 rue du Rempart 59300 Valenciennes Created in 2005 on the initiative of Valenciennes Métropole, the Urban Community of Valenciennes, the campus is a good example of integration into the economic and industrial fabric of the region. SUPINFO has forged strong relations with local companies : Alstom Transport, Valenciennes Métropole, Alten, Ajilon IT, France Telecom, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Nordnet, the Town of Valenciennes and Sogeti regularly take on our students as interns. The school’s prime location enables its students to develop in an ideal setting throughout their studies. At only 2 hours from the main Northern European capitals, Valenciennes is in a prime geographical location. In the middle of Europe, the city is in the immediate proximity of 5 European countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and the United Kingdom. Valenciennes is the central city of the 3rd largest urban area of the Nord/Pas-de-Calais region, the - 54 - Valenciennois, which comprises the urban communities of Valenciennes Metropolis, Porte du Hainaut and the community of the Vallée de la Scarpe communes. The district numbers 81 widely diverse communes: different scenery, infrastructure and leisure opportunities are on offer to the inhabitants. Its population, 30% of which is under 20, forms a breeding ground of exceptional skills. Powerful economic competencies, a habitat on a human scale, shops of all sizes, the presence of the principal administrations, modern leisure facilities, nurseries, hospitals, cultural and sporting activities all make it possible to benefit from the advantages of large urban areas whilst avoiding their disadvantages. Morocco > Casablanca Practical information Location: in the hospital area, behind the Société Générale head office Campus open since 2008 Casablanca Campus Situated in the Hospital area which is one of the most chic in the whole Access: • train: 10 mns from Oasis station and 15 mns from Casa Port station • car: Bd Abdelmoumen and Zerktouni • bus: Numbers 6, 19, 29, 35, 38, 59 and 67 Telephone: +212 522 20 29 44/58 of Morocco and right in the middle of town, the Casablanca campus is housed in a luxury six storey building. The SUPINFO Casablanca campus has forged strong partnerships with local companies. The school organizes Student-Company meetings inviting to the campus the most famous companies of the ITC sector. Bvd Z erktou n i Bvd Z erktou Banque Populaire March des fleurs elm oum en Wata Assurance Banque SG ni Quartier des Hôpitaux Abd The success of the first meeting and the active participation of the various partners including Microsoft, ATechnologie, Dell, Uniforce Informatique, Groupe Auto Hall, Finance Systems, Capgemini, GFI, Sofrecom, Diagone, Devoteam, Corporate Software, IBM, HPS, Cisco, Logica, Axa, Alcatel-Lucent, Archos Conseil, Tata Consultancy Services, CNIA, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ippon Technologies and Omnidata made it clear the importance which Moroccan companies attach to high quality training methods. Bvd The ideally located campus is both utilitarian and very pleasant and enables students to flourish in an ideal setting: only 5 minutes from the Maarif shopping centre; 15 minutes from one of the main stations of the city “Casa Port ”; 20 minutes from the Ain Diab district where the Hassan II mosque can be found, the Megarama, the largest cinema complex in Africa with the second largest cinema screen in the world after Los Angeles, as well as a variety of restaurants and cafés. SUPINFO is located in Morocco’s economic capital. 1st industrial area of the country, 1st money market of the Maghreb, Casablanca is the headquarters of many national and international companies dealing with North and West Africa. It is also Morocco’s 3rd tourist city. rue Clav érol rue Clav érol The high levels of participation and growing interest shown in our school and students (Amadeus Maroc and Maroc Telecom did not even wait for the school to open before requesting interns) are revealing indicators of the attractiveness and potential of SUPINFO in terms of its development and partnership perspectives. Casablanca Campus 8, rue Ibnou Khatima 20000 Casablanca - Maroc - 55 - Morocco > Marrakech A marked economic upswing · 161 billion Dirhams of private investments in 5 years (2003-2007), 90% of which is in tourism and property. · 1 billion Dirhams of public investment in 2006-2008 · 3 million tourists expected in 2010, with accommodation capacity at 60,000 beds. · A wide range of projects to develop emerging economic activities :: health , service centres / offshoring (call centres…), agricultural processing industry. Marrakech Campus Marrakech was founded in 454 in the Arabic calendar, which corresponds to 1062 AD, by Youssef Ibn Tachfin, the first king of the Almoravid dynasty. A leader in tourism t.PSPDDPTmSTUUPVSJTUEFTUJOBUJPO only 3 hours from the main European cities. tNJMMJPOJOUFSOBUJPOBMBSSJWBMTBU UIFBJSQPSUPG.BSSBLFDIJO tNJMMJPOUPVSJTUTTUBZFEJOUIF classified tourist establishments in 2008. tIPUFMCFETBUUIFFOEPG representing 26% of the national total. t"QSFGFSSFEEFTUJOBUJPOGPS.PSPDDBO tourists and for holiday homes (2 IPVSTESJWFGSPN$BTBCMBODBPOUIF motorway). A centre of the Handicraft and Agricultural processing industries rPGFYQPSUTPG.PSPDDBO IBOEJDSBGUTDPNFGSPN.BSSBLFDI · A network of agricultural processing companies thanks to fertile farmland (olive trees, arboriculture, crops …). Today Marrakech is the fourth main town in Morocco after Casablanca, Rabat and Fez. The town is divided into two distinct parts: the Medina or old town (enclosed by 10 kilometres of walls) and the new town whose main areas are Guéliz and Hivernage. Guéliz is now the commercial centre of town. It was created by the French during the Protectorate. In Hivernage there are many hotel complexes. For a few years the town has been spreading particularly on the western edges with the creation of new residential areas in Targa or the extension of Avenue Mohammed VI. As eternal as the snows on the loftiest summits, as imposing as the Atlas mountains themselves, as rooted in history as palm trees in the ground, Marrakech brings the final touch to a picture of indescribable beauty. The greatest kings fought over it, dynasties came and went, over the years sumptuous palaces, mosques and gardens sprang up here … Marrakech, the imperial garden city - 56 - which lends its name to Morocco. This is a meeting place of Berbers and Arabs, nomads and mountain dwellers where goods are abundant and the craft industry flourishes and where you find de luxe hotels, restaurants, golf courses and casinos: Marrakech really is the capital of the Moroccan South. Their carts filled with oranges and roasted nuts, women come from the foothills of the Atlas mountains to sell their wares, storytellers, musicians, dancers, public letter-writers under their black umbrellas, fortune-tellers, sellers of potions, healers, apothecaries all blend to form an arresting spectacle. Then as night falls the wandering entertainers give way to the food sellers. The acetylene lamps come on one by one. Then, in a star spangled night sky, the moon appears to fulfil its true role - to be the thousand and first lantern illuminating the Jamaa el Fna square. Morocco > Rabat Practical information Location: right in the centre of Rabat, in the heart of the Agdal area Campus openning in 2009 Rabat Campus Rabat, the capital of Morocco is situated in the North of the country, on the Atlantic coast, on the right hand bank of the mouth of the Bou Regreg Access: • train: 5 mn from the station RabatAgdal and 15 mn from Rabat-ville station • bus: 52, 11, 3, 58 Telephone: +212 522 20 29 44/58 river, opposite the town of Salé. D Sbu an Al Mouta hida ce ran de F s Atla Al Oum Al nue Ave n ede aim sa l Mu aba J Rue Avenu e l'Uk Zeiz Rue nue Ave de Rue Bad - 57 - rd leva Bou Rue SUPINFO Rabat will be located in Agdal, a wealthy area of the city. There are also administrative buildings here (ministries ...), blocks of flats, shops and restaurants. Agdal is Rabat’s new town centre. It is here that young people from the wealthy westernised classes gather at the end of the day. Cafés and trendy restaurants, pubs, lounges, and international names are to found in abundance, notably around the Avenue Fal Ould Oumeir. ss ode a There are several museums in the town (archaeology, handicrafts). It is the seat of the Mohammed V university (1957) and numerous cultural and academic institutes. A large port, Rabat is also a commercial and industrial city (textiles, foodstuffs, construction materials) where tourism and local arts and crafts also play a major economic role. The capital includes the first “intelligent” village in Morocco, the Technopolis. Covering a total of 300 hectares, it constitutes a space of high technology dedicated to producing added-value, which is entirely cabled and where the communications platforms form an integral part of the landscape.With 12,000 jobs created, the project forms a bridge between those working in IT and software that will gradually put Morocco in line with other countries that are more advanced in this field. luy eir Mye Rue Oum uld Fal O mir Al A nue Ave Rabat, the capital of Morocco is situated in the North of the country, on the Atlantic coast, on the right hand bank of the mouth of the Bou Regreg river, opposite the town of Salé. Rabat is the great political and administrative centre of the country, where you will find the royal palace, government authorities and embassies. Encircled by ramparts, the capital of the Kingdom has an important architectural heritage with many monuments such as the old walls ringing the Oudaïa kasbah, the minaret of the 12th century Hassan mosque which is 55 metres tall and one of the rare vestiges of this unfinished building and, near the city, the necropolis of Chellah. Rabat Campus 64, Avenue Fad Ould Oumer 10000 Rabat - Maroc United Kingdom > London Practical information Location: in Covent Garden near the market and right in the heart of London Campus open since 2006 Summer School from July to September Access: • Underground: Piccadilly Line to Covent Garden, Northern Line to Leicester Square or Bakerloo Line to Charing Cross • bus: 13 different lines stop near the school (6,9,11,13,15,23,24,29,87,91, 139,176) Telephone: +44 (0) 207 395 2040 Covent Garden Market t aS ide A4 d an Str y Wa oy Sav d an Str St rd ing elp Ad km din gs St A3211 Vic to r ia E ha m Since 2006, the London campus occupies a historic five floor building right in heart of Covent Garden which is very popular with tourists. The campus is right next to the famous Piazza with its street musicians and performers who play for the thousands of tourists who pass by every day. As the name suggests, Covent Garden was a convent in the Middle Ages where the nuns grew fruits and vegetables. Later it was the site of the covered market made famous in the film “My Fair Lady” starring Audrey Hepburn. Henrietta Street was named in honour of the French wife of King Charles I, who was unfortunately beheaded in 1649. en t h uil e lac e yP ac avo S ba n ck kB rr i Te m Yo r St St am Ad hn Jo am Ad Ln ng rti Ca dfo A4 St St Ma t nS on pt m ha ut So tt rie en ter Exe London Campus London Campus 7-8 Henrietta Street Covent Garden - London WC2E 8PW United Kingdom By definition a multicultural capital, it is the ideal place to learn English or improve one’s knowledge of the language of Shakespeare. With a wide variety of things going on day or night, London is an exciting place to be. You can wander round Soho, the City, Camden, Oxford Street, Leicester Square, take a boat to Greenwich or visit the many museums and galleries – London has plenty to offer. Capital of music, London also has - 58 - many concert halls attracting the biggest names. Here all lessons are in English. For those who want to come to London but are unsure if their level of English is good enough, every summer the SUPINFO London Campus organises a Summer School lasting 10 weeks. London has a good transportation system. By Eurostar, Lille is 1h35 away and Paris 2h35. Planes land at a choice of 8 airports, 5 of which are international ones. The underground system (Tube) serves over 270 stations, 3 of which are less than 5 minutes from the school. Capital of European finance, London is home to the largest worldwide companies. Cegedim Dendrite, Expedia, Natixis, World Energy Council, Apple, Avanade, CIC, Google, Ogilvy, Sybase 365, University of East London, Publicis and Barnardos have all been happy to take on SUPINFO students as interns. Italie > Catania Practical information Location: in the heart of the old town, behind the main University of Catania building Campus opening in 2009 Catania Campus Access: • bus: lines 402, 429 et 902 • Underground: alight Piazza Stesicoro • plane: 15 minutes from the airport • train: 10 minutes from the station • car: car park 5 minutes away Situated in the “Etna Valley”, a high technology industrial zone behind the University of Catania, the recently renovated campus provides a pleasant Telephone: +39 095537011 a Basilica della Collegiata a Via Antonio di Sa t'Or sad sta ri Via Va Via Bisca ain Via Crociteri Via Antonio di Sangiuliano Via S ni Palazzo degli Elefanti II Emanuele Via Vittorio Via Vittorio ro cit o bis a Lucia Ple o Sant Via valla um in ul S Via M o rut Sc Via lla Be i d Via C an Cir c ge alo The SUPINFO Catania campus wants to be part of this collaboration by putting its students in touch with the industrial reality of high technology which can be found in the area. Students also have the chance to enhance their knowledge and know how during the mandatory internships they undertake in companies either in Italy or elsewhere during the course of their studies. It is during these internships that SUPINFO students usually meet their future employers. Via Gr im ald i Via Ortola ni Via Paris Via Murrif i abbro Via Gr im ald i Catania Campus Piazza Santa Nicolella, 2 95124 Catania - Italy - 59 - E i ribald Via Ga isira Via G bo Via lom Co ro rria Zu ofo ist pe Cr sep Via Giu Via By investing in Catania, companies benefit from a network of close collaboration between industry, education and public administration. The synergy between these entities has led to the implantation of approximately sixty new high tech companies in a relatively small area. They find young professionals and support staff on the spot to reduce costs in a favourable context which makes investment easier by simplifying the administrative procedures. Over the last few years, the University of Catania has updated its programme by collaborating with companies and taking into consideration new market demands. e Via Etn Situated on the flanks of the Etna volcano, the town of Catania has for a few years attracted the interest of numerous leaders in the field of electronics such as Omnitel, Nokia, IBM, ST Microelectronics. They have created research laboratories in the rapidly expanding field of mobile technology and Telecom Italia Mobile has already called on the skills of SUPINFO students. The town’s economic life is based on the industrial activity carried out in the Etna Valley. Over 4,000 jobs have been created in the region. o Manzo Via Croc place for students to study. zione Tunisia > Tunis Tunisia, a country of North Africa CFMPOHJOHUPUIF.BHISFC is a real melting pot where populations and civilizations of UIF.FEJUFSSBOFBO"GSJDBBOE Europe have met and merged. Its capital, Tunis, contains over 20% of the population of the country if you also take the surrounding area into consideration. Tunis Campus Tunisia’s passion to promote ITC cannot be denied. Organiser of the Worldwide Summit on Information Technology, it deploys all methods necessary to assist in the development of new technologies. Tunisia is a country which can be considered as being at the forefront of technology. IT companies are very successful and in great demand and benefit from the presence of the most prestigious names in the numerical field, the widespread availability of ADSL and the government’s assistance with the acquisition of a home computer within the framework of a presidential project. Because of the interest Tunisians have in the subject IT fairs are held each year on a regular basis with the main one being the International IT and Office Automation fair (SIB) organized every year in Charguia. This campus will soon be opening. To find out the opening date and the address of the campus please consult our website. Among other projects the City of Science and the technological pole reflect the importance attached to IT in Tunisia. Tunisia is putting her faith in the field of new technologies as shown by figures for the number of IT companies, institutes, centres and graduates. Call centres and other - 60 - offshore companies have been established all of which help accelerate IT development in Tunisia. In 2005 it was Tunisia which organized the second phase of the World Summit of Information Companies (SMSI). It was the chance to make people aware how greatly information technologies, data processing and communication contribute to reinforce the country’s economic, social and cultural development. This summit had a very positive outcome since internet use became more widespread as a result. Costa Rica > San Jose In 1823, San José became the capital of Costa Rica. It JTUIFDPVOUSZTMBSHFTUUPXO BOEDPNQSJTFTPWFS inhabitants (over 1.6 million if you include the suburbs). San Jose Campus Situated in the centre of the country, halfway between Puerto Limón on Costa Rica is also one of the most politically and economically stable Latin American countries and its democracy is one of the oldest of the region. the Caribbean coast and Puntarenas on the Pacific coast, the town of San José is without doubt Central America’s most cosmopolitan capital. Often called the “Switzerland” of America, Costa Rica is a peaceful with rugged mountains and one best climates in the world (the temperature is 22ºC). Central country of the average In Latin America, Costa Rica is now one of the favourite destinations of multinational companies in the technology sector. Over 150 companies have discovered the many advantages to developing their operations in this country : political stability, favourable economy, technological infrastructures, proximity of the United States and an excellent level of education of the population. Intel was the first to move to Costa Rica in 1998, and today has over 3,000 employees in the San José region, where the fastest microprocessors in the world are developed and tested. The same applies to Microsoft, Oracle, IBM Global Services, Fujitsu-Siemens (Support Centre with over 3,500 people), or HP who in 2003 developed a support and service centre which today comprises over 6,500 employees which should increase to over 10,000 in 2010. The former Costarican NASA astronaut and scientist, Franklin Chang, opened a branch of his company, “Ad Astra Rocket” in Costa Rica. Having convinced NASA to privatise the plasma motor project and make him in charge of its development, he opened the first aerospatial experiment laboratory in Central America the aim of which was to create a plasma motor drawing on the first rate scientific and human resources available in Costa Rica. One year of study in San José is a unique cultural experience for SUPINFO students allowing them to discover this area of the world which is today marked by the negotiations in progress towards an agreement between Central America and the European Union, which will open a new horizon of co-operation. - 61 - Renowned for its eco-tourism, Costa Rica accounts for nearly PGUIFQMBOFUTCJPEJWFSTJUZ and gave conservation national priority. A real zoological garden, the country boasts more than 12,000 varieties of plants, to the delight of those passionate about flora and fauna. Surfing, diving, hiking in the forest or near volcanoes will all be on the programme, while the less active will prefer UPCFOFmUGSPNUIFDPVOUSZT magnificent beaches. This campus will soon be opening. To find out the opening date and the address of the campus please consult our website. 9MJ8:5.3+4UWTLWFRRJFSI*(98 Always at the forefront of progress and ever alert for opportunities to add new technologies to its programme, SUPINFO offers a curriculum encompassing all the specialised IT subjects that SUPINFO engineers need to acquire, master and update as time goes by. The curriculum is approved by an Improvement Committee consisting of faculty members and key players in the IT industry but also of representatives from the French Ministry for Education and from leading businesses. Given the rapid pace of changes in technology and their impact on teaching content, the curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated in the light of advances in research and of changing market requirements. SUPINFO operates a European and international programme of exchanges and partnerships, and has adopted the European Credit Transfer System, ECTS. The system is part of the European Community’s SOCRATES-ERASMUS programme for higher education. ECTS enables SUPINFO to extend its European and international reach by ensuring transparency in its teaching programme and facilitating mobility for students, both French and non-French. ECTS thus contributes to international recognition of the SUPINFO diploma. Each academic year at SUPINFO, from the first year of the foundation cycle to the final year of the engineering cycle, counts for 60 ECTS credits. Successfully completing the 5 years of the SUPINFO programme therefore earns the 300 credits required for validation of the European Master of Science degree. ECTS programme and details available at: - 62 - Academic content The academic programme which follows applies to the 2008-2009 academic year. This document may be subject to modifications so please consult our website for possible changes. Since 1965 Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique Private establishment of higher education - 63 6founded 3 - in 1965, Campuses members of The International University Network o e ® Summary Bachelor 1 (L1) 65 Bachelor 2 (L2) 73 Bachelor 3 (L3) 81 Master of Science 1 (M1) 87 Master of Science 2 (M2) 93 Specialised Masters of Science 97 - 64 - 'FHMJQTW1 ,WNQQJ*(98 The ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) of the Bachelor 1 programme shows the different credits for each training module. It is based on a maximum of 70 ECTS credits. In order to validate the academic year it Is necessary to obtain 60 ECTS credits. Any additional credits can be rolled over to the following academic year. Title Face-to-face learning Distance distanciels Core Content - First Semester’s Modules 32 IT Management 1 : Fundamentals Company Law 16 32 Total Hours ECTS Graded Examination Exercice Credit 364 12 5 18 32 1 0 0 16 1 1 2 0 0 (2) Foreign Languages 12 44 1 Linear Algebra 32 32 1 1 Algorithmic 48 48 1 1 Arithmetic & Cryptography 16 16 1 1 Set Theory 32 32 1 1 Computer Architecture 32 32 1 1 Protocols & Services 32 32 1 1 Operating Systems 32 32 1 1 Apple Technologies : Mac OS X Client 32 32 1 1 2 Information Systems Security 16 16 1 1 2 396 12 8 32 7 Core Content - Second Semester’s Modules 16 5 (1) 5 3 IT Management 1: Fundamentals 16 32 1 1 Foreign Languages 12 12 1(2) 1(3) Merise Modeling 16 16 1 1 Oracle Technologies: SQL 10g 48 48 1 1 Linux Technologies: Mandriva certified user (MCU) 64 64 2 1 Microsoft Technologies: Configuring Windows Vista 16 16 1 1 Microsoft Technologies: Vista Enterprise support 32 32 1 1 Web & Dev Technologies: C Language 48 48 1 1 3 Web & Dev Technologies: HTML & Javascript 32 32 1 1 2 Cisco Technologies: CCNA 96 96 2 1 6 5 5 3 Professional Experience 20 Full-time Internship 10 Part-time Internship/Group Project (Choose one) 6 Participation to school’s life (Optional) 2 2 Participation to SUPINFO Poles (Optional) TOTAL 760 (1) IT Management: Examination = SGES CrossKnowledge Foreign Languages: Graded exercises = English Debates (3) Foreign Languages: Examination = SGES/Tell Me More (2) For the Chinese students in China the teaching language is either Chinese or English. - 65 - 24 13 70 'FHMJQTW1 The list of courses for the first year at the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology follows. The entire academic content of the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology is in English. Classes are primarily given in French and in English. IT MANAGEMENT 1: FUNDAMENTALS Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) IT Management 2 - MIS - Operational management 64 h. Course Objectives This first course will: s0ROVIDEYOUWITHANOVERVIEWOFTHECOMPANYITS)4SYSTEMSENVIRONMENTANDROLEPLAYERS s(ELPYOUUNDERSTANDTHENOTIONOFAMARKETANDCLIENTS s0ROVIDEYOUWITHTHEBASICSNEEDEDFORSUCCESSFULTEAMWORK s0REPAREYOUTOLOOKFORANINTERNSHIP Keywords: Service – Client – Usage – Market Table of Contents s5NDERSTANDTHECOMPANY sHOWTOINTEGRATEATEAMANDDEVELOPPERFORMANCE sHOWTOPREPAREYOURSELFFORYOURINTERNSHIP 16 h. COMPANY LAW Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Internet Law Course Objectives Give the basis of the theory and underpinnings of law regarding corporations today Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTION s#ORPORATECOMMONLAW s0ARTNERSHIPS s0RIVATECOMPANY s0UBLICCOMPANY s/THERCOMPANYFORMS 56 h. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives Develop the students’ ability to present a subject in English in front of an assembly, to discuss their opinion, debate a subject with proper arguments, as well as increase their skills through specific workshops Table of Contents s)4 s"USINESSRELATEDSUBJECTS-ANAGEMENT%CONOMY-ARKETING s0OLITICS s'EOGRAPHYAND%NVIRONMENT s#ULTUREANDLEISURE s3PORTS s(EALTH s3OCIETYTRENDSANDISSUES - 66 - 'FHMJQTW1 32 h. LINEAR ALGEBRA Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Graph Theory Information Systems Security Cisco Technologies: CCNA Course Objectives !CQUIREANDBECONVERSANTWITHMETHODSOF-ATRIX#ALCULATIONAND,INEAR3YSTEMSSOLVINGWHICHAREUSEDIN-ASTERCYCLE Table of Contents s-ATRIX s,INEAREQUATIONSYSTEMWITHREALCOEFlCIENT s$IAGONALISATIONOFSQUAREMATRIX s$IAGONALISATIONAPPLICATION 48 h. ALGORITHMIC Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Graph Theory Web & Dev Technologies: C Language Compilation Artificial Intelligence Sun Technologies: Java Standard Edition (SCJP) Course Objectives Acquire fundamental notions necessary to develop a program with a universal writing called “algorithmic language” that can be transcribed in any language and put in practice relatives knowledge of three fundamentals structures: program structure, ALGORITHMICSTRUCTUREANDDATASTRUCTURE Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONANDGENERALITIESONALGORITHMIC s!LGORITHMICSTRUCTURE s!DVANCEDDATASTRUCTURELINEARSTRUCTURES s!DVANCEDPROGRAMSTRUCTURE s!DVANCEDDATASTRUCTURENONLINEARSTRUCTURESANDlLES s$YNAMICDATASTRUCTURE ARITHMETIC & CRYPTOGRAPHY 16 h. Prerequisite(s) Mathematical knowledge from the previous years (Bac) such as: - Pgcd (greatest common divisor) Next course(s) Information Systems Security Course Objectives 4HISCOURSEAIMSTOLEARNTHEBASICSOFMATHEMATICTOOLSINORDERTOGOFURTHERINTOTHECRYPTOGRAPHYANDCRYPTANALYSIS4HESTUDENTSWILL THUSHAVEALLTHEPREREQUISITEKNOWLEDGETO)4SECURITY Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO!RITHMETIC s$IVISIBILITYANDTHE%UCLIDEAN$IVISION s"EZOUTS'AUSSTHEOREMSWITH!PPLICATIONS s0RIME.UMBERS s-ODULAR!RITHMETIC s.UMERICAL3YSTEMS s)NTRODUCTIONTO#RYPTOGRAPHY s4HETWO"ASIC4YPESOF#RYPTOGRAPHY s-ODERN!PPLICATIONS s#RYPTOGRAPHY0ROTOCOLSIN$ETAILS - 67 - 'FHMJQTW1 32 h. SET THEORY Prerequisite(s) Mathematical knowledge from the previous years (Bac) such as: - Usual mathematical symbols - Applications and functions Next course(s) Linear Algebra Course Objectives 'ETTHEAPPROPRIATEKNOWLEDGEANDTHEORYABOUTTHEMATHEMATICALLOGICs4OKNOWABOUTMATHEMATICALTOOLSHELPINGINUNDERSTANDING SOMECOURSESLIKE"OOLALGEBRABINARYARITHMETICANDSOON Table of Contents s-ATHEMATICALLOGICANDOVERALL s!PPLICATIONS s"INARYRELATIONS s#ONCEPTOFMATHEMATICALREASONINGPROOFMETHODS s"OOLALGEBRA 32 h. COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Apple Technologies: Mac OS X Client Linux Technologies: MAndriva Certified advanced User (MCU) Microsoft Technologies: Configuring Windows Vista Course Objectives s+NOWINGTHECONSTRUCTIONANDOPERATIONOFTHECORECOMPONENTSOFELECTRONICSATDIFFERENTLEVELSOFABSTRACTIONTHESEMICONDUCTOR materials, logical doors, combinatorial and sequential logic components), s5NDERSTANDMEMORIES2/-AND2!-ANDMICROPROCESSORSCONSTRUCTION s,EARNTOPROGRAMMICROPROCESSORANDOTHERSDEVICESWITHASSEMBLYLANGUAGE Table of Contents s-ATHSCONCEPTS s"UILDINGLOGICALDOORS s)NTERCONNECTINGLOGICALDOORSINELECTRONICCIRCUITS s"UILDINGMEMORIES s4HE#05ANDITSENVIRONMENT s#050ROGRAMMING!SSEMBLERLEVEL s#050ROGRAMMING!SSEMBLERLEVEL s)NTERRUPTS 32 h. PROTOCOLS & SERVICES Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Apple Technologies: Mac OS X Client Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified advanced User (MCU) Microsoft Technologies: Configuring Windows Vista Course Objectives Describe course objectives Table of Contents Note: The content of this course is still in French and will be translated soon in English s-ODULE)NTRODUCTION s-ODULE-ODELS s-ODULE)0"ASICS s-ODULE4#0"ASICS s-ODULE%SSENTIALPROTOCOLS s-ODULE&ROMTELNETTOHTTP s-ODULE!UTHENTICATION s-ODULE3ECURITYBASICS - 68 - 'FHMJQTW1 32 h. OPERATING SYSTEMS Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Apple Technologies: Mac OS X Client Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified advanced User Microsoft Technologies: Configuring Windows Vista Table of Contents s/PERATINGSYSTEMSINTRODUCTION s0ROCESSESANDTHREADS s)NTERPROCESSESCOMMUNICATION s/RDONATION s-EMORY-ANAGEMENT s&ILEMANAGEMENT s)NPUTOUPUT-ANAGEMENT s3ECURITY APPLE TECHNOLOGIES: MAC OS X CLIENT Corresponding Certification 32 h. -AC/383UPPORT%SSENTIALSV, Prerequisite(s) Protocols & Services Operating Systems Next course(s) Apple Technologies: Mac OS X Server Course Objectives ,EARNTHECONCEPTSOF!PPLESSYSTEMSANDHOWTOADMINISTRATEA-AC/38#LIENT'ETTHEFUNDAMENTALKNOWLEDGETOBEABLE TOPASSTHECORRESPONDINGCERTIlCATIONCALLEDh3UPPORT%SSENTIALv Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO-AC/38 s)NSTALLATION s5SERACCOUNT s&ILESYSTEM s$ATAMANAGEMENT s!PPLICATIVEENVIRONMENTS s.ETWORKCONlGURATION s.ETWORKSERVICES s0ERIPHERALSANDPRINTING s3TARTUPSEQUENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY Prerequisite(s) 16 h. Linear Algebra Computer Architecture Arithmetic & Cryptography Next course(s) %THICAL(ACKINGAND#OUNTERMEASURES Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350).&/STUDENTSWILLBEINTRODUCEDTOTHEBASICSOF)NFORMATION3YSTEMSSECURITY3TUDENTSWILLDISCOVERFUNDAMENTAL concepts of information security and cryptography, understand corporate security implications, study both theory and methodology of ACCESSCONTROLANDGETANOVERVIEWOFNETWORKANDSYSTEMSECURITY Table of Contents s)NFORMATION3YSTEMS3ECURITYFUNDAMENTALS s#ORPORATESECURITY s)NTRODUCTIONTOCRYPTOGRAPHY s!CCESSCONTROL s.ETWORKSECURITYOVERVIEW s3YSTEMSECURITYOVERVIEW - 69 - 'FHMJQTW1 16 h. MERISE MODELING Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Oracle Technologies: SQL 10g Course Objectives s4OUNDERSTANDANDTOBEABLETOCREATEACONCEPTUALDATAMODELBASEDONADATADICTIONARYTHENBASEDONASPECIALNEEDANDAN EXISTINGCASE s4OUNDERSTANDTHEWHOLEOFTHEPROBLEMSREDUNDANCYIDENTIlERSMANAGEMENTERRORSMANAGEMENTANDTOBEABLETOCHOOSEA COMPROMISE s4OLEARNAVOCABULARYANDASTEPSPREADFORPROJECTS Table of Contents s(ISTORY s6OCABULARY s-ERISE-ODELING"ASIC#ONCEPTS s4HE-ERISE-ODELING!PPROACH ORACLE TECHNOLOGIES: SQL 10G Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 48 h. :)NTRODUCTIONTO/RACLEI31, Merise Modeling Next course(s) /RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES0,31,G Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350)&./STUDENTSWILLSTUDY3TRUCTURED1UERY,ANGUAGE4HEYWILLLEARNTOQUERYADATABASETOINSERTDATAINTABLE MANIPULATEREPORTSANDMANAGEAHIERARCHICALDATABASE Table of Contents s"ASICORDERS s!DVANCED2ETRIEVAL s$-,AND$$, s-ANAGINGSCHEMAOBJECTS s!DVANCEDMANIPULATIONS s!DVANCEDGROUPFUNCTIONS s$ATEDATATYPE LINUX TECHNOLOGIES: MANDRIVA CERTIFIED USER (MCU) Corresponding Certification 64 h. Mandriva Certified advanced User (MCU) Prerequisite(s) Protocols & Services Operating Systems Next course(s) Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified network Administrator Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350).&/STUDENTSWILLDISCOVERANDLEARNHOWTOMANAGETHEIR,INUXOPERATINGSYSTEMASANADVANCEDUSER)TPREPARES THEMTOTHE-#5CERTIlCATION-ANDRIVA#ERTIlEDADVANCED5SER Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO,INUX s"ASIC#OMMANDS s&ILE3YSTEM(IERARCHY3TANDARD s3HELLAND#OMMAND,INUX s&INDHELP s3OFTWARE)NSTALLATION s-ANAGE5SERSAND'ROUPS - 70 - 'FHMJQTW1 s-ANAGE0ERMISSIONS s3CRIPTING"ASH s3ED!WK s.ETWORK-ANAGEMENT s$ISK-ANAGEMENT s0ROCESS-ANAGEMENT s5SER$ESKTOPS83ERVER s+ERNEL s6IRTUAL-ACHINES MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES: CONFIGURING WINDOWS VISTA Corresponding Certification 16 h. 43#ONlGURING-ICROSOFT7INDOWS6ISTA#LIENT Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Microsoft Technologies: Vista Enterprise Support Course Objectives "EABLETOINSTALLCONlGUREANDTROUBLESHOOT7INDOWS6ISTAINORDERTOPASSCERTIlCATION Table of Contents s7INDOWS6ISTA)NTRODUCTIONAND)NSTALLATION s5SERENVIRONMENT s$ISCOVERING7INDOWS6ISTA)NTEGRATED0ROGRAMS s7INDOWS6ISTA4ROUBLESHOOTINGAND!DMINISTRATION s3TORAGE-ANAGEMENT s.ETWORK-ANAGEMENT s7INDOWS6ISTA-OBILITY&EATURES s!NALYSISAND/PTIMIZATIONOFTHE0ERFORMANCE 32 h. MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES: VISTA ENTERPRISE SUPPORT Corresponding Certification 02/3UPPORTINGAND4ROUBLESHOOTING!PPLICATIONSONA7INDOWS6ISTA#LIENT FOR%NTERPRISE3UPPORT4ECHNICIANS Prerequisite(s) Protocols & Services Operating Systems Next course(s) Microsoft Technologies: Configuring Windows Vista Course Objectives "EABLETODEPLOYMANAGETROUBLESHOOTANDSUPPORT7INDOWS6ISTAINORDERTOPASSCERTIlCATION Table of Contents s4ROUBLESHOOTING-ETHODOLOGY s4ROUBLESHOOTING/PERATING3YSTEM s4ROUBLESHOOTING(ARDWARE s4ROUBLESHOOTING.ETWORKS s4ROUBLESHOOTING3ECURITY)SSUES s4ROUBLESHOOTING!PPLICATIONS s-AINTAININGAND/PTIMIZING7INDOWS6ISTA s7INDOWS6)34!$EPLOYMENT)NFRASTRUCTURE s7INDOWS6)34!$EPLOYMENT0REPARATION s7INDOWS6)34!)MAGE!PPLICATION s)NSTALLING!PPLICATIONS s2ESTORINGAND6ALIDATING5SER3TATE s4ROUBLESHOOTING$ESKTOPAND!PPLICATION)NSTALLATIONS - 71 - 'FHMJQTW1 WEB & DEV TECHNOLOGIES: C LANGUAGE Prerequisite(s) Algorithmic Next course(s) Web & Dev Technologies: C++ Language 48 h. Course Objectives 3TUDENTSWILLLEARNTHEFUNDAMENTALSOFTHE#PROGRAMMINGLANGUAGE4HEYSHOULDBEABLETOIMPLEMENTALGORITHMSUSINGTHISPROCEDURAL LANGUAGEAPPLYINGBESTPROGRAMMINGPRACTICES Table of Contents s#,ANGUAGESYNTAX s&UNCTIONS s)NPUT/UTPUT s-ODULARDEVELOPMENT s#OMPLEXDATASTRUCTURES s0OINTERS s&ILESANDSOCKETS 32 h. WEB & DEV TECHNOLOGIES: HTML & JAVASCRIPT Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) 7EB$EV4ECHNOLOGIES0(08-, Course Objectives 4HISCOURSESHOULDENABLESTUDENTSTOUNDERSTANDHOWWEBPAGESONTHE)NTERNETARECREATED4HESTUDENTWILLBECAPABLEOFWRITING MARKUPLANGUAGEBYHANDASWELLASUNDERSTANDINGCODEGENERATEDBYEDITORS4HESTUDENTWILLALSOLEARNTOSTYLEPAGESUSING#33AND PROGRAMWEBAPPLICATIONSWITH*AVA3CRIPT Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTOTHE7ORLD7IDE7EB s;8=(4-, s#ASCADING3TYLE3HEETS s*AVA3CRIPT 96 h. CISCO TECHNOLOGIES: CCNA Corresponding Certification #ISCO#ERTIlED.ETWORK!SSOCIATE Prerequisite(s) Linear Algebra Computer Architecture Next course(s) Cisco Technologies: Wireless Cisco Technologies: Network Security 1 VoIP Technologies: Study & Implementation Course Objectives The goal of this course is to introduce the students to fundamental networking concepts and technologies, develop an understanding of HOWAROUTERLEARNSABOUTREMOTENETWORKSANDDETERMINESTHEBESTPATHTOTHOSENETWORKS4HISCOURSEINCLUDESBOTHSTATICROUTINGAND DYNAMICROUTINGPROTOCOLS4HE##.!%XPLORATIONISTODEVELOPANUNDERSTANDINGOFHOWSWITCHESAREINTERCONNECTEDANDCONlGUREDTO PROVIDENETWORKACCESSTO,!.USERSTOO4HISCOURSEALSOTEACHESHOWTOINTEGRATEWIRELESSDEVICESINTOA,!. Table of Contents s.ETWORK&UNDAMENTALS s2OUTING0ROTOCOLSAND#ONCEPTS s,!.3WITCHINGAND7IRELESS s!CCESSINGTHE7!. - 72 - 'FHMJQTW1 ,WNQQJ*(98 The ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) of the Bachelor 2 programme shows the different credits for each training module. It is based on a maximum of 70 ECTS credits. In order to validate the academic year it Is necessary to obtain 60 ECTS credits. Any additional credits can be rolled over to the following academic year. Title Face-to-face learning Distance distanciels Core Content - First Semester’s Modules Total Hours 364 ECTS Graded Examination Exercice Credit 11 7 21 32 32 1 0 0 16 28 1(2) 0 0 32 32 1 1 32 32 1 1 Probabilities & statistics 32 32 1 1 Compilation 32 32 1 1 2 UML Modeling 32 32 1 1 3 Web & Dev Technologies: C++ Language 48 48 1 1 3 Web & Dev Technologies: PHP & XML 48 48 1 1 3 Apple Technologies: Initiation to coca development 32 32 1 1 2 Cisco Technologies: Wireless 16 16 1 1 2 IT Management 2: Mis-operational management Foreign Languages 12 Linear Algebra Graphs Theory Core Content - Second Semester’s Modules 6 396 12 8 29 16 32 1 1(1) 4 32 1 1 3 16 28 1(2) 1(3) 3 64 64 2 1 4 64 64 2 1 4 Microsoft Technologies: Windows 2008 Administration 32 32 1 1 Microsoft Technologies: Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure 32 32 1 1 Oracle Technologies: PL/SQL 10g 48 48 1 1 3 Ethical hacking & countermeasures 64 64 2 1 4 IT Management 2: Mis-operational management 16 Internet law 32 Foreign Languages 12 Sun Technologies: Java Standard Edition (SCJP) Linux Technologies: CLP 4 Professional Experience 20 Full-time Internship 10 Part-time Internship/Group Project (Choose one) 6 Participation to school’s life (Optional) 2 2 Participation to SUPINFO Poles (Optional) TOTAL 760 (1) IT Management: Examination = SGES CrossKnowledge Foreign Languages: Graded exercises = English Debates (3) Foreign Languages: Examination = SGES/Tell Me More For the Chinese students in China the teaching language is either Chinese or English. (2) - 73 - 23 15 70 'FHMJQTW1 The list of courses for the second year at the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology follows The entire academic content of the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology is in English. Classes are primarily given in French and in English. MANAGEMENT 2: MIS - OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT Prerequisite(s) IT Management 1: Fundamentals Next course(s) )4-ANAGEMENT%CONOMICS)4"USINESS3TRATEGY 64 h. Course Objectives Understand the fundamental mechanisms of the operational management of an Information Technology Department, the relation with IT CONSULTINGAND)4SERVICEPROVIDERS - Strategic role - service offer - performance concept - organisation and management 0ROVIDEYOUWITHTHENECESSARYTOOLSTOJOINATEAMPROJECTANDTHUSGETYOUREADYFORYOURCOMPANYMISSIONSANDSECONDINTERNSHIP Prepare you to be able to share knowledge; in fact, creating a network of knowledge and good practices has become a major advantage FORBUSINESSES Table of Contents s4HE)4$EPARTMENTASASTRETEGICUNIT s(OWTOMEASUREANDIMPROVETHE)4$EPARTMENT0ERFORMANCE s*OINATEAMPROJECTANDSHAREKNOWLEDGE 56 h. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives Develop the students’ ability to present a subject in English in front of an assembly, to discuss their opinion, debate a subject with proper arguments, as well as increase their skills through specific workshops Table of Contents s)4 s"USINESSRELATEDSUBJECTS-ANAGEMENT%CONOMY-ARKETING s0OLITICS s'EOGRAPHYAND%NVIRONMENT s#ULTUREANDLEISURE s3PORTS s(EALTH s3OCIETYTRENDSANDISSUES 32 h. LINEAR ALGEBRA Prerequisite(s) Set theory Next course(s) Graphs Theory Information Systems Security Cisco Technologies: CCNA Course Objectives !CQUIREANDBECONVERSANTWITHMETHODSOF-ATRIX#ALCULATIONAND,INEAR3YSTEMSSOLVINGWHICHAREUSEDIN-ASTERCYCLE Table of Contents s-ATRIX s,INEAREQUATIONSYSTEMWITHREALCOEFlCIENT s$IAGONALISATIONOFSQUAREMATRIX s$IAGONALISATIONAPPLICATION - 74 - 'FHMJQTW1 32 h. GRAPHS THEORY Prerequisite(s) Algorithmic Linear Algebra Next course(s) Artificial Intelligence Course Objectives SOLVEVERYPRACTICALREALWORLDPROBLEMSWITHALGORITHMICTECHNIQUES Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONET'ÏNÏRALITÏSSURLA4HÏORIEDES'RAPHES s-ODÏLISATIONDESRELATIONSETÏTUDEDELACONNEXITÏ s0ROBLÒMESDEMINIMISATIONDELALONGUEURDUNCHEMIN s0ROBLÒMESDEMINIMISATIONDUNECOUVERTURE s0ROBLÒMESDORDONNANCEMENT s0ROBLÒMESDEmOTSETDERÏSEAUXDETRANSPORTS s2ÏSEAUDE0ETRI 32 h. PROBABILITIES & STATISTICS Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Artificial Intelligence Course Objectives +NOWHOWTOUSESTATISTICSRULESANDPROBABILITIESCONCEPT Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONET'ÏNÏRALITÏSSURLESSTATISTIQUES s3TATISTIQUESDESCRIPTIVESÌUNEVARIABLE s3TATISTIQUESDESCRIPTIVESÌDEUXVARIABLESCONTINUES s-ODÒLESPARAMÏTRIQUES s%STIMATIONPARAMÏTRIQUE s4ESTSPARAMÏTRIQUES 32 h. COMPILATION Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) None Course Objectives 5NDERSTANDHOWINTERPRETERSCOMPILERSANDDATAANALYSISINGENERALWORK,EARN,%89ACCANDHOWTOINTERFACETHEMWITHCURRENT%$) !PPLYTHESECONCEPTSASALGORITHMSINAPPLICATIONS Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTION s,EXICALANALYSIS s3YNTACTICANALYSIS s3EMANTICANALYSIS s3EARCHDATAINTEXTCORPUSES 32 h. UML MODELING Prerequisite(s) None Next course(s) Sun technologies: Java Standard Edition (SCJP) .%44ECHNOLOGIES#!$/.%4$EVELOPMENT Apple Technologies: Initiation to Cocoa Development - 75 - 'FHMJQTW1 Course Objectives 4HE5NIlED-ODELING,ANGUAGE5-,ISDEVELOPEDASAGRAPHICALLANGUAGEFORVISUALIZINGSPECIFYINGCONSTRUCTINGANDDOCUMENTINGTHE ARTIFACTSOFASOFTWAREINTENSIVESYSTEM3TUDENTSMUSTBEFAMILIARTOTHISLANGUAGEINORDERTOUNDERSTANDTHECONCEPTOFOBJECTSANDTOBE READYTOLEARNNEWPROGRAMMINGLANGUAGESDURINGTHENEXTCOURSES Table of Contents s)NTRODUCINGTHE5-,LANGUAGE s5SECASEDIAGRAM s#LASSDIAGRAM s0ACKAGEDIAGRAM s/BJECTDIAGRAM s#OMMUNICATIONDIAGRAM s3TATEMACHINEDIAGRAM s3EQUENCEDIAGRAM s!CTIVITYDIAGRAM 48 h. WEB & DEV TECHNOLOGIES: C++ LANGUAGE Prerequisite(s) Web & Dev Technologies: C Language Next course(s) .%44ECHNOLOGIES#!$/.%4$EVELOPMENT Course Objectives 3TUDENTSWILLLEARNTHEFUNDAMENTALSOFTHE#PROGRAMMINGLANGUAGE4HEYSHOULDBEABLETOIMPLEMENTALGORITHMSUSINGANOBJECT ORIENTEDAPPROACHANDAPPLYINGBESTPROGRAMMINGPRACTICES Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO# s/BJECTORIENTEDSYNTAX s$YNAMICMEMORY s)NHERITANCEANDPOLYMORPHISM s!DVANCEDLANGUAGECONSTRUCTS s34, 48 h. WEB & DEV TECHNOLOGIES: PHP & XML Prerequisite(s) 7EB$EV4ECHNOLOGIES(4-,*AVA3CRIPT Next course(s) Sun Technologies: Java Web & Mobile .%44ECHNOLOGIES!30.%47EB3ERVICES Course Objectives ,EARNTHE0(0LANGUAGEINORDERTOPROGRAMDYNAMICWEBSITES,EARN8-,ANDRELATEDTECHNOLOGIESTHATAREUSINGINWEBANDDESKTOP PROGRAMMING Table of Contents s4HE0(0LANGUAGE s)NTERACTINGWITHTHEUSER s!DVANCED0(0 s/BJECT/RIENTED0(0 s$ATABASESAND0(0 s0(0&RAMEWORKS s)NTRODUCTIONTO8-, s80ATH s83,4 - 76 - 'FHMJQTW1 APPLE TECHNOLOGIES: INITIATION TO COCOA DEVELOPMENT Prerequisite(s) UML Modeling Next course(s) Graph Theory Web & Dev Technologies: C Language Compilation Artificial Intelligence Sun Technologies: Java Standard Edition (SCJP) 32 h. Course Objectives ,EARNHOWTODEVELOPNATIVEAPPLICATIONSFOR-AC/38USING/BJECTIVECLANGUAGEANDTHE#OCOAFRAMEWORK Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO-AC/38DEVELOPMENT s/BJECTIVE# s#LASSES s-EMORYMANAGEMENT s'OODPRACTICE s,OCALIZATION s"INDINGS CISCO TECHNOLOGIES: WIRELESS Corresponding Certification 16 h. #ISCO!DVANCED7IRELESS,!.&IELD3PECIALIST Prerequisite(s) Cisco Technologies: CCNA Next course(s) Cisco Technologies: Network Security 1 Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350)&./STUDENTSWILLSTUDYTHEDESIGNTHEINSTALLATIONTHECONlGURATIONANDTROUBLESHOOTINGOFABANDG 7IRELESS,!.S!COMPREHENSIVEOVERVIEWOFWIRELESSTECHNOLOGIESDEVICESSECURITYDESIGNWITHAPARTICULAREMPHASISONREALWORLD APPLICATIONS Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO7IRELESS.ETWORKS s)%%%3TANDARDS s2ADIO4ECHNOLOGIES s!NTENNAS s!CCESS0OINTS s"RIDGES s3AFETY s4ROUBLESHOOTINGAND3ITE3URVEY 32 h. INTERNET LAW Prerequisite(s) Company Law Next course(s) Personal Data Protection Labour Law Course Objectives Understand the law mechanism in the internet context Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTOCOMPUTINGLAW s#OMPUTINGLITIGATION s2ESEARCHMETHODOLOGY s$IGITALCOPYRIGHT s3OFTWARE0ROTECTIONOFTHESOFTWARE s3OFTWARECONTRACTS - 77 - 'FHMJQTW1 SUN TECHNOLOGIES: JAVA STANDARD EDITION (SCJP) Corresponding Certification 64 h. SCJP Prerequisite(s) Algorithmic Computer Architecture UML Modeling Next course(s) Sun Technologies: Java Web & Mobile Course Objectives 4HISCOURSEISANINITIATIONTOTHE*AVALANGUAGE4HESTUDENTSMAINGOALISTOLEARNTHE*AVABASISANDSHOULDBEABLEATTHEENDOFTHE COURSETODEVELOP*AVA3%GRAPHICALAPPLICATIONSWHICHCONNECTTODATABASESHANDLEERRORSANDREADORWRITEINTODATASTREAMS Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTION(ISTORY s*AVA3YNTAX"ASES.AMING#ONVENTIONS s#LASSES#ONCEPTSAND)NHERITANCE s%RROR-ANAGEMENT%XCEPTIONS s$YNAMIC!RRAYS#OLLECTIONS s*AVA3%!RCHITECTURE$ESIGN0ATTERNS s#ONCURRENT0ROCESSES4HREADS s)NPUTOUTPUT)/ s3OCKETS s3WING s*$"# 64 h. LINUX TECHNOLOGIES: CLP Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) .OVELL#,0 Protocols & Services Operating Systems Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified advanced User (MCU) Table of Contents s3OFTWAREDIFFERENCEBETWEEN353%,INUXAND353%,INUX%NTERPRISE3ERVER s!CCESS2ELEASE.OTESAND7HITE0APERS s-ANAGER5SER!CCOUNTSWITH9A34 s)NSTALL353%,INUX%NTERPRISE3ERVER s!DMINISTERTHE,INUX&ILESYSTEM s!DMINISTER5SER!CCESSAND3ECURITY s-ONITOR353%,INUX%NTERPRISE3ERVER s-ANAGE3YSTEM)NITIALIZATION s-ANAGE"ACKUPAND2ECOVERY s-ANAGE0RINTING MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES: WINDOWS 2008 ADMINISTRATION Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 32 h. 02/7INDOWS3ERVER3ERVER!DMINISTRATOR Microsoft Technologies: Windows Vista Enterprise Support Next course(s) -ICROSOFT4ECHNOLOGIES7INDOWS.ETWORK)NFRASTRUCTURE 6IRTUALIZATION)NTEROPERABILITY Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350).&/STUDENTSWHOMALREADYKNOWPLANINSTALLCONlGURE7INDOWS3ERVERINORDERTOPASSCERTIlCATION - 78 - 'FHMJQTW1 Table of Contents s0LANNINGFOR3ERVER$EPLOYMENT s0LANNINGFOR3ERVER-ANAGEMENT s-ONITORINGAND-AINTAINING3ERVERS s0LANNING!PPLICATIONAND$ATA0ROVISIONING s0LANNINGFOR"USINESS#ONTINUITYAND(IGH!VAILABILITY MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES: WINDOWS 2008 NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 32 h. 437INDOWS3ERVER.ETWORK)NFRASTRUCTURE#ONlGURING -ICROSOFT4ECHNOLOGIES7INDOWS!DMINISTRATION Next course(s) -ICROSOFT4ECHNOLOGIES7INDOWS!CTIVE$IRECTORY Course Objectives "EABLETOCONlGUREA7INDOWS.ETWORK)NFRASTRUCTUREINORDERTOPASSCERTIlCATION Table of Contents s#ONlGURINGAND4ROUBLESHOOTING$(#0 s/VERVIEWOFNAMERESOLUTION s#ONlGURING$.3 s-ANAGINGAND4ROUBLESHOOTING$.3 s#ONlGURINGAND4ROUBLESHOOTING2OUTINGAND2EMOTE!CCESS s)NSTALLING#ONlGURINGAND4ROUBLESHOOTING.03 s#ONlGURING.ETWORK!CCESS0ROTECTION.!0 s#ONlGURINGANDTROUBLESHOOTING)0SEC s#ONlGURINGANDMANAGING$&3 s#ONlGURINGAND-ANAGING3TORAGE4ECHNOLOGIES s#ONlGURING!VAILABILITYOF.ETWORK2ESOURCESAND#ONTENT ORACLE TECHNOLOGIES: PL/SQL 10G Corresponding Certification 48 h. :0ROGRAMWITH0,31, Prerequisite(s) Oracle Technologies: SQL 10g Next course(s) Oracle Technologies: DBA1 10g Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSESTUDENTSWILLSTUDY0,31,4HEYWILLUSEPROCEDURALSTRUCTURES4HEYWILLLEARNTOCREATESTOREDPROCEDURESSTOREDFUNCTIONS ANDPACKAGESTHEYWILLLEARNTOMANAGEEXCEPTIONSTOOANDTOOPTIMIZETHEIRCODES Table of Contents s6ARIABLESAND%XECUTABLE3ECTIONIN0,31, s31,3TATEMENTSAND,OGICAL3TRUCTURES s#OMPOSITE$ATA4YPEAND%XPLICIT#URSORS s%XCEPTIONS s0ROCEDURES&UNCTIONSAND0ACKAGES s$YNAMIC31,AND-ETADATA s$ESIGN#ONSIDERATIONSFOR0,31,#ODE s-ANAGINGDEPENDENCIES s,/"S s4RIGGERS s0,31,#OMPILATION - 79 - 'FHMJQTW1 ETHICAL HACKING AND COUNTERMEASURES Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 64 h. #ERTIlED%THICAL(ACKER Information Systems Security Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350)&./STUDENTSWILLSTUDYHOWTOBEANETHICALHACKER)TCONSISTSONSHOWINGANDLEARNINGTHESTUDENTSWITHTHEDIFFERENT KINDOFANETWORKHACK Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO6ULNERABILITY s#HECKING!TTACK0ASSIVEAND3EMI0ASSIVE s.ETWORK!TTACKS s3YSTEMS!TTACK s7EB!TTACK s$EVELOPMENT - 80 - 'FHMJQTW1 ,WNQQJ*(98 The ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) of the Bachelor 3 programme shows the different credits for each training module. It is based on a maximum of 70 ECTS credits. In order to validate the academic year it Is necessary to obtain 60 ECTS credits. Any additional credits can be rolled over to the following academic year. Title Face-to-face learning Distance distanciels Core Content - First Semester’s Modules 20 IT Management 3: Economics & IT Business Strategy 16 Total Hours ECTS Graded Examination Exercice Credit 288 9 5 24 20 1 0 0 (2) Foreign Languages 12 28 1 0 0 Sun Technologies: Java Web & Mobile 60 60 2 1 6 Linux Technologies: Mandriva certified Administrator (MCA) 40 40 1 1 4 Microsoft Technologies: Windows 2008 Active Directory 40 40 1 1 4 Oracle Technologies: DBA 1 10g 40 40 1 1 Oracle Technologies: DBA 2 10g 20 20 1 1 Cisco Technologies: Network Security 1 40 40 1 1 4 26 6 Core Content - Second Semester’s Modules IT Management 3: Economics & IT Business Strategy 20 268 8 5 20 40 1 1(1) 20 20 1 1(1) 16 28 1(2) 1(3) 3 8 ITIL Foundation Foreign Languages 12 Artificial Intelligence 60 60 2 1 5 .NET Technologies: C # & Ado.NET Develoment 80 80 2 1 6 Apple Technologies: Mac OS X Server 40 40 1 1 4 Professional Experience 20 Full-time Internship 10 Part-time Internship/Group Project (Choose one) 6 Participation to school’s life (Optional) 2 Participation to SUPINFO Poles (Optional) 2 TOTAL 760 (1) IT Management: Examination = SGES CrossKnowledge Foreign Languages: Graded exercises = English Debates (3) Foreign Languages: Examination = SGES/Tell Me More For the Chinese students in China the teaching language is either Chinese or English. (2) - 81 - 24 13 70 'FHMJQTW1 The list of courses for the third year at the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology follows The entire academic content of the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology is in English. Classes are primarily given in French and in English. IT MANAGEMENT 3: ECONOMICS & IT BUSINESS STRATEGY Prerequisite(s) IT Management 2 - MIS - operational Management Next course(s) )4-ANAGEMENT-)3TOOLS 64 h. Course Objectives s-ASTERTHEBUSINESSSTRATEGICMANAGEMENTFUNDAMENTALSBYINTEGRATINGMARKETINGANDSTRATEGICPLANNINGANDPREPARINGBUDGETS s4HINKINNOVATION)4STRATEGYANDEBUSINESS s4HINK3ERVICE-ANAGEMENT s0REPARETOTHEGROUPPROJECTMANAGERROLETHATYOUWILLBEASSUMEDDURINGTHE'ROUP0ROJECT-ISSION Table of Contents s-ARKETING s3TRATEGY s$EVELOPINGTEAMPERFORMANCE s&INANCE 56 h. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives Develop the students’ ability to present a subject in English in front of an assembly, to discuss their opinion, debate a subject with proper arguments, as well as increase their skills through specific workshops Table of Contents s)4 s"USINESSRELATEDSUBJECTS-ANAGEMENT%CONOMY-ARKETING s0OLITICS s'EOGRAPHYAND%NVIRONMENT s#ULTUREANDLEISURE s3PORTS s(EALTH s3OCIETYTRENDSANDISSUES SUN TECHNOLOGIES: JAVA WEB & MOBILE Prerequisite(s) 7EB$EV4ECHNOLOGIES0(08-, Sun technologies: Java Standard Edition (SCJP) Next course(s) Sun Technologies: Java Enterprise 60 h. Course Objectives 4HISCOURSESAIMISTOINITIATESTUDENTSTO*AVA%%AND-%4HANKSTOTHISCOURSETHESTUDENTWILLBEEFlCIENTINENTERPRISEANDWILLBEABLE TOlNDSOLUTIONSTOBASICPROBLEMSUSINGFRAMEWORKSSUCHAS3TRUTSORTHE*303ERVLETCOUPLE!TTHEENDOFTHISCOURSETHESTUDENT SHOULDKNOWALLTHETHREE*AVAPLATEFORMS*AVA3%*AVA%%AND*AVA-% Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO*AVA%% s*AVA%%!RCHITECTURE$ESIGN0ATTERNS s3ERVLET*304AG,IB s3TRUTS s7EB3ERVICES)NTRODUCTIONTO3ERVICE/RIENTED!RCHITECTURE3/! s*AVA3%!RCHITECTURE$ESIGN0ATTERNS s*AVA-% - 82 - 'FHMJQTW1 LINUX TECHNOLOGIES: MANDRIVA CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATOR (MCA) Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 40 h. Mandriva Certified network Administrator (MCA) Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified advanced User Course Objectives $URINGTHISCOURSTHESTUDENTWILLLEARNTHEMAINNETWORKSERVICESON,INUX Table of Contents s!PACHE s0RO&40D s.&3 s2AID s-Y31, s$(#0$.3 s3AMBA s/PEN,$!0 s+ERBEROS MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES: WINDOWS 2008 ACTIVE DIRECTORY Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 40 h. 437INDOWS3ERVER!CTIVE$IRECTORY#ONlGURING -ICROSOFT4ECHNOLOGIES7INDOWS.ETWORK)NFRASTRUCTURE Next course(s) -ICROSOFT4ECHNOLOGIES%XCHANGE3ERVER Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350)&./STUDENTSWHOMALREADYKNOWCONlGUREMAINTAIN!CTIVE$IRECTORYWITH7INDOWS3ERVERINORDERTOPASSCERTIlCATION Table of Contents s#ONlGURING$OMAIN.AME3YSTEMFOR!CTIVE$IRECTORY s#ONlGURINGTHE!CTIVE$IRECTORY)NFRASTRUCTURE s#ONlGURING!DDITIONAL!CTIVE$IRECTORY3ERVER2OLES s#REATINGAND-AINTAINING!CTIVE$IRECTORY/BJECTS s-AINTAININGTHE!CTIVE$IRECTORY%NVIRONMENT s#ONlGURING!CTIVE$IRECTORY#ERTIlCATE3ERVICES - 83 - 'FHMJQTW1 ORACLE TECHNOLOGIES: DBA 1 10G Corresponding Certification 40 h. :/RACLE$ATABASEG!DMINISTRATION) Prerequisite(s) Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified User (MCU) Next course(s) Oracle Technologies: DBA2 10g Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350)&./STUDENTSWILLGAINACONCEPTUALUNDERSTANDINGOFTHE/RACLEDATABASEARCHITECTUREANDHOWITSCOMPONENTSWORK 4HEYWILLLEARNTOCREATEANDMANAGEADATABASETOCONlGURETHEHOSTOPERATINGSYSTEMANDTOSECUREADATABASE Table of Contents s)NTRODUCINGTHE/RACLE$ATABASE!DMINISTRATION s)NSTALLING/RACLEG3OFTWAREAND#REATINGA$ATABASE s-ANAGINGTHE$ATABASE s!DMINISTERING5SERSAND-ANAGING3CHEMA/BJECTS s-ANAGING$ATA s3ECURITY s/RACLE.ET3ERVICES s/RACLE3HARED3ERVER s-ONITORINGAND-ANAGEMENT s5NDO-ANAGEMENT s"ACKUPAND2ECOVERY ORACLE TECHNOLOGIES: DBA 2 10G Corresponding Certification 20 h. :/RACLE$ATABASEG!DMINISTRATION) Prerequisite(s) Oracle Technologies: DBA1 10g Next course(s) Oracle Technologies: Data Warehouse 10g Course Objectives In this course, SUPIFNO students, whom already know the structure of Oracle databases, will learn to manage these databases by creating BACKUPSUSINGTHEMFORRESTOREANDRECOVERTASKS4HEYWILLALSOLEARNTOUSE2-!.AND!UTOMATIC3TORAGE-ANAGEMENT Table of Contents s s s s $"!S#OMMON4ASKS #ONlGURING2ECOVERY-ANAGER -ANAGING$ATA2ECOVERY -ONITORINGAND-ANAGING3TORAGE CISCO TECHNOLOGIES: NETWORK SECURITY 1 Corresponding Certification 40 h. 3ECURING#ISCO.ETWORK$EVICES Prerequisite(s) Cisco Technologies: CCNA Information Systems Security Next course(s) Cisco Technologies: Network Security 2 Course Objectives In this course, SUPIFNO students will learn the overall security processes based on a security policy with an emphasis on hands-on skill in THEAREASOFPERIMETERSECURECONNECTIVITYSECURITYMANAGEMENTIDENTITYSERVICES Table of Contents s$EDICATED!PPLIANCES s!CCESS#ONTROL s#ISCO3ECURE!CCESS#ONTROL3ERVER s)/3&IREWALL s!DVANCED!3!5TILIZATION s-ITIGATING,AYER!TTACKS - 84 - 'FHMJQTW1 20 h. ITIL FOUNDATION Prerequisite(s) IT Management 2: MIS Operational Management Next course(s) Quality & Services Strategy Course Objectives )4),2&OUNDATIONLEVELSTUDENTSCERTIlCATIONINORDERTOALLOWTHEMTOADDRESSSERVICESANDPROJECTSOPTIMIZATIONISSUESINTHE )NFORMATION3YSTEMS$EPARTMENTSTHROUGH)4),REFERENTIALANDBESTPRACTICES)NTRODUCTIONTO)4),2 Table of Contents s+EY#ONCEPTS - Service Strategy - Service Design - Service Transition - Service Operation - Continual Service Improvement s &UNCTIONSETPROCESSES 60 h. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) Mandriva Certified network Administrator (MCA) Algorithmic Graphs Theory UML Modeling Compilation Course Objectives 4OLEARNTHEBASICCONCEPTSANDMETHODSOFARTIlCIALINTELLIGENCEANDTOAPPLYTHEMTOPROGRAMMING Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO!RTIlCIAL)NTELLIGENCE s&UNCTIONAL0ROGRAMMINGn,)30 s%XPERT3YSTEMS s$ECLARATIVE0ROGRAMMINGn0ROLOG s.EURAL.ETWORKS 80 h. .NET TECHNOLOGIES: C# & ADO.NET DEVELOPMENT Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) -ICROSOFT None Next course(s) .ET4ECHNOLOGIES!SP.ET7EB3ERVICES Table of Contents s)NTRODUCINGTHE.%4&RAMEWORK s)NSTALLINGAND5SING6ISUAL3TUDIO s#ONSOLE!PPLICATIONS7INDOWS!PPLICATIONS s5SINGA$ATABASETHROUGH!$/.%4 - 85 - 'FHMJQTW1 APPLE TECHNOLOGIES: MAC OS X SERVER Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 40 h. -AC/383ERVER%SSENTIALSV, Apple Technologies: Mac OS X Client B1 and B2 curriculum Course Objectives ,EARNHOWTOADMINISTRATEA-AC/383ERVERINAVARIOUSOPERATINGSYSTEMSENVIRONMENT'ETTHEREQUIREKNOWLEDGEINORDERTOBEABLE TOPASSTHECERTIlCATIONCALLEDh3ERVERESSENTIALvWHICHISPARTOFTHE!#4#LEVEL Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTION s)NSTALLATIONANDCONlGURING s.ETWORKSERVICES s/PENDIRECTORY s!UTHENTICATIONANDAUTHORIZATION s&ILESERVICES s!CCOUNTMANAGEMENT s-AILSERVICES s7EBSERVICES s#OLLABORATIONSERVICES s$EPLOYMENTSERVICES - 86 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 ,WNQQJ*(98 The ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) of the Master 1 programme shows the different credits for each training module. It is based on a maximum of 70 ECTS credits. In order to validate the academic year it Is necessary to obtain 60 ECTS credits. Any additional credits can be rolled over to the following academic year. Title Face-to-face learning Distance distanciels Core Content - First Semester’s Modules IT Management 4: Information Systems Management Tools Total Hours ECTS Graded Examination Exercice Credit 368 9 6 23 40 40 1 0 0 16 28 1(2) 0 0 Foreign Languages 12 Sun Technologies: Java Enterprise 84 84 2 1 7 Sun Technologies: Solaris 40 40 1 1 4 Microsoft Technologies: Exchange Server 2007 40 40 1 1 4 Oracle Technologies: Datawarehouse 10g 40 40 1 1 4 Cisco Technologies: Network Security 2 20 20 1 1 2 VOIP Technologies: Study & Implementation 20 20 1 1 2 248 9 6 27 20 1 1 4 20 1 1 4 Core Content - Second Semester’s Modules Personal data protection 12 Labour Law 20 8 IT Management 4: Information Systems Management Tools 20 20 40 1 1(1) 6 Foreign Languages 12 16 28 1(2) 1(3) 3 .NET Technologies: Asp.NET 2.0 & Web Services 60 60 2 1 .NET Technologies: XNA 20 20 1 1 IBM Technologies 40 40 1 1 EAI/ERP 20 20 1 1 8 6 2 Professional Experience 20 Full-time Internship 10 Part-time Internship/Group Project (Choose one) 6 Participation to school’s life (Optional) 2 Participation to SUPINFO Poles (Optional) 2 TOTAL 556 (1) IT Management: Examination = SGES CrossKnowledge Foreign Languages: Graded exercises = English Debates (3) Foreign Languages: Examination = SGES/Tell Me More For the Chinese students in China the teaching language is either Chinese or English. (2) - 87 - 18 12 70 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 The list of courses for the fourth year at the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology follows The entire academic content of the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology is in English. Classes are primarily given in French and in English. IT MANAGEMENT 4: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT TOOLS Prerequisite(s) )4-ANAGEMENT%CONOMICS)4"USINESS3TRATEGY Next course(s) )4-ANAGEMENT%20")#ORPORATESTRATEGY 80 h. Course Objectives (OWANINFORMATIONSYSTEMFORPROCESSOPTIMIZATIONCANADDVALUEANDALLOWTHE#OMPANYTOREACHITSSTRATEGICOBJECTIVES (OWCANANORGANIZATIONCONTROLITSPROCESSES - Understand the aspects of supply chain management 5NDERSTANDTHEFUNDAMENTALMECHANISMOFSETTINGUPAN%20 ,EARNTHEMANAGEMENTOFCHANGEOFSETTINGUPAN%20 - Learn the responsibilities of a Project Manager - Learn how to “sell” IT solutions Table of Contents s3UPPLYCHAINMANAGEMENT s6ALUECREATIONANDSTRATEGY s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s3ELLING.EGOCIATION s,AUNCHINGAPROJECTENSURINGTHECONDITIONSFORITSSUCCESS s&INANCIALANALYSIS 56 h. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives Develop the students’ ability to present a subject in English in front of an assembly, to discuss their opinion, debate a subject with proper arguments, as well as increase their skills through specific workshops Table of Contents s)4 s"USINESSRELATEDSUBJECTS-ANAGEMENT%CONOMY-ARKETING s0OLITICS s'EOGRAPHYAND%NVIRONMENT s#ULTUREANDLEISURE s3PORTS s(EALTH s3OCIETYTRENDSANDISSUES SUN TECHNOLOGIES: JAVA ENTERPRISE Prerequisite(s) 84 h. Sun Technologies: Java Web & Mobile Course Objectives This course’s objective is to go ahead into Java EE platform, so the student will be able to find more complete solutions to enterprise PROBLEMSUSINGSTATEOFTHEARTTECHNOLOGIESFROM*AVAWORLD Table of Contents s*AVA%%!RCHITECTURE$ESIGN0ATTERNS s%NTERPRISE*AVA"EANS%*" s*AVA3ERVER&ACES*3& s*AVA-ESSAGE3ERVICE*-3 - 88 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 SUN TECHNOLOGIES: SOLARIS Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 40 h. 3OLARIS#ERTIlED3YSTEM!DMINISTRATOR3#3!#8#8 Protocols & Services Operating Systems Linux Technologies: Mandriva Certified advanced User Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO3OLARIS s)NSTALLATION s"OOT0ROCESS s5SERSAND3ECURITY s$ISKSAND&ILESYSTEMS s"ACKUPAND0RINTING s3YSTEM4ASKS s.ETWORKING s6IRTUAL&ILESYSTEMSANDCRASHDUMPS s3TORAGEVOLUMES s!DVANCEDINSTALLATIONS s)0&ILTERlREWALL 40 h. MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES: EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 43%XCHANGE3ERVER#ONlGURING -ICROSOFT4ECHNOLOGIES7INDOWS!CTIVE$IRECTORY Course Objectives "EABLETOCONlGUREANDMANAGE-ICROSOFT%XCHANGEINORDERTOPASSCERTIlCATION Table of Contents s$ISCOVERINGANDINSTALLING%XCHANGE3ERVER s#ONlGURINGMAILBOXSERVERROLE s-ANAGINGRECIPIENTOBJECTS s-ANAGING%-AILADDRESSESANDADDRESSLISTS s#LIENT!CCESS-ANAGEMENT s-ANAGING-ESSAGE4RANSPORT s(IGH!VAILABILITY"ACKUPAND2ECOVERY s-AINTAININGTHEMESSAGINGSYSTEM ORACLE TECHNOLOGIES: DATAWAREHOUSE 10G Prerequisite(s) Oracle Technologies: DBA1 10g Oracle Technologies: DBA2 10g Next course(s) Business Intelligence Solutions 40 h. Course Objectives SUPINFO Students will learn what a data warehouse is, for are the different companies needs and how data will be used by BI applications using a data warehouse Table of Contents s7HATISA$ATA7AREHOUSE s4ECHNICAL4OOLS s%4, s0ARALLELISM s-ATERIALIZED6IEWS s)NTRODUCTIONTO"USINESS)NTELLIGENCE - 89 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 CISCO TECHNOLOGIES: NETWORK SECURITY 2 Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) 20 h. 3ECURING.ETWORKSWITH#ISCO2OUTERSAND3WITCHES Cisco Technologies: Network Security 1 Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350)&./STUDENTSWILLLEARNHOWTOSECURECONNECTIVITYDETECTUNAUTHORIZEDCONNECTIONACCESS Table of Contents s)03)$3 s%NCRYPTION s60.4ECHNOLOGY s!3!#ONTEXTS 20 h. VOIP TECHNOLOGIES: STUDY & IMPLEMENTATION Prerequisite(s) CCNA Course Objectives This course will enable you to learn the new unify communication technology and you will learn how to implement them on a free TECHNOLOGYANDON#ISCOROUTERS Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO6O)0 s0ROTOCOLS s%QUIPEMENT s#OMMUNICATIONBETWEEN3)0AND!STERISK s#OMMUNICATIONBETWEEN3##0AND#ALL-ANAGER%XPRESS 20 h. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION Prerequisite(s) Internet Law Next course(s) IT Contract Law Course Objectives Understand protection of personal data Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTOCOMPUTINGLAW s#OMPUTINGLITIGATION s2ESEARCHMETHODOLOGY s$IGITALCOPYRIGHT s3OFTWARE0ROTECTIONOFTHESOFTWARE s3OFTWARECONTRACTS s#OMPUTINGANDMULTIMEDIACONTRACTS 20 h. LABOUR LAW Prerequisite(s) Internet Law Course Objectives -ASTERTHEESSENTIALSOF,ABOR,AWASWELLFORINDIVIDUALSTHANFORORGANIZATIONSINORDERTOBEABLETOUNDERSTANDTHELEGALCONTEXTOFDAY TODAYTEAMMANAGEMENT Table of Contents s%MPLOYMENTCONTRACT s)NTERIM s%MPLOYMENT#ONTRACT3USPENSION s%MPLOYMENT#ONTRACT#HANGE s%MPLOYEESDELEGATESASSOCIATIONSANDUNIONS s(2RELATIVEISSUES s%MPLOYERRESPONSIBILITY - 90 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 60 h. .NET TECHNOLOGIES: ASP.NET 2.0 & WEB SERVICES Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) -ICROSOFT.%4&RAMEWORK7EB"ASED#LIENT$EVELOPMENT .%44ECHNOLOGIES#!$/.%4$EVELOPMENT Next course(s) .%44ECHNOLOGIES%NTERPRISES!PPLICATION Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSESTUDENTSWHOALREADYSAWWINDOWSAPPLICATIONSDEVELOPMENTWILLLEARNHOWTHE.%4&RAMEWORKCANHELPTHEMDEVELOP QUICKANDEFlCIENTWEBAPPLICATIONSWITH!30.%4 Table of Contents s$IFFERENCE"ETWEEN7INDOWSAND7EB!PPLICATIONS s!30.%4"ASICS s!30.%43ECURITY s!30.%4!DVANCED4OPICS s Web Services 20 h. .NET TECHNOLOGIES: XNA Prerequisite(s) .%44ECHNOLOGIES#!$/.%4$EVELOPMENT Course Objectives $ESIGNA'AMEUSINGTHE.%4&RAMEWORK Table of Contents s7HAT-AKESA'AME$IFFERENTFROMANOTHER$EVELOPMENT0ROJECT s8.!"ASICS s'RAPHICSAND3OUNDINA'AME 40 h. IBM TECHNOLOGIES Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) IBM Technologies Protocols & Services Operating Systems Course Objectives 4HE350).&/)"-PROGRAMPROPOSESTOITSSTUDENTSANINTRODUCTIONTOTHE)"-5NIVERSE3TUDENTSWILLDISCOVER:SYSTEM)!-AND$"VIA LOTSOFEXAMPLESANDPRACTICES Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTO)"-TECHNOLOGIES s4HE-AINFRAME:3YSTEM s7HATIS)!- s$"THE)"-DATABASE 20 h. EAI/ERP Prerequisite(s) Significant knowledge in main business processes and specifically order Management processes (order to cash lifecycle) "ASICKNOWLEDGEIN%20PACKAGES +NOWLEDGEANDEXPERIENCEIN%20PROJECTMANAGEMENT - 91 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 Course Objectives s5NDERSTANDINGWHATAREMAINSTAKESININFORMATIONSYSTEMINTEGRATION s,EARNINGWHATISINTEGRATIONTHROUGH%!)SOLUTIONSANDWHATARE%!)SMAININCONVENIENTANDADVANTAGE s,EARNINGWHATISAN%20SOLUTIONANDWHATARE%20SMAININCONVENIENTANDADVANTAGE s5NDERSTANDINGBENElTSBROUGHTBYAN%20PACKAGEFORCOMPANIESMANAGEMENT s5NDERSTANDINGBASICSOF%20PROJECTMANAGEMENT s'ETTINGINITIATEDINTOUSINGAN%20FOROPERATIONALMANAGEMENT Table of Contents s%NTERPRISEISSUESANDOPERATIONALSTRATEGY s0LACEOFINFORMATIONSYSTEMINCOMPANYSMANAGEMENT s)NFORMATIONSYSTEMASAFACTOROFCOMPETITIVENESS s)NFORMATIONSYSTEMINTEGRATIONDElNITIONANDOBJECTIVES s%NTERPRISEAPPLICATION)NTEGRATIONDElNITIONREASONFORBEINGINCONVENIENTADVANTAGEBALANCEMAINSOLUTIONSINTHEMARKETPLACE s%20DElNITIONREASONFORBEINGINCONVENIENTADVANTAGEBALANCEMAINSOLUTIONSINTHEMARKETPLACE s"ASICSOF%20PROJECTMANAGEMENT s#ASESTUDYINTRODUCTIONTOBUSINESSPROCESSMANAGINGTHROUGHAN%20 - 92 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 ,WNQQJ*(98 The ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) of the Master 2 programme shows the different credits for each training module. It is based on a maximum of 70 ECTS credits. In order to validate the academic year it Is necessary to obtain 60 ECTS credits. Title Total Hours ECTS Graded Examination Exercice Credit Face-to-face learning Distance distanciels 314 9 9 40 20 20 40 1 1(1) 4 20 20 1 1 3 40 1 1 5 Core Content - First Semester’s Modules IT Management 5: &31#*$PSQPSBUF4USBUFHZ Quality & Services Strategy Entrepreneurship & IT 40 IT Contract Law 12 8 20 1 1 3 Foreign Languages 14 20 34 1(2) 1(3) 5 Business Intelligence Solutions 40 40 1 1 5 .NET Technologies: Enterprise Applications 40 40 1 1 5 ERP Solutions 40 40 1 1 5 Virtualization & Interoperability 40 40 1 1 5 Professional Experience 30 Master of Science Degree Dissertation 10 Full-time Internship 10 Part-time Internship/Business Develoment Project (Choose one) 6 Participation to school’s life (Optional) 2 Participation to SUPINFO Poles (Optional) 2 TOTAL 314 9 9 70 (1) IT Management: Examination = SGES CrossKnowledge Foreign Languages: Graded exercises = English Debates (3) Foreign Languages: Examination = SGES/Tell Me More (2) For the Chinese students in China the teaching language is either Chinese or English For students at the San Francisco campus t3FQMBDFi*5.BOBHFNFOU&31#*$PSQPSBUF4USBUFHZw"/%i2VBMJUZ4FSWJDFT4USBUFHZwXJUIi5PUBM2VBMJUZ.BOBHFNFOUwIPVST (taught by the Dominican Faculty) t3FQMBDFi'PSFJHO-BOHVBHFTwXJUIi&òFDUJWF.BOBHFNFOU$PNNVOJDBUJPOTwIPVST UBVHIUCZUIF%PNJOJDBO'BDVMUZ - 93 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 The list of courses for the fifth year at the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology follows The entire academic content of the SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology is in English. Classes are primarily given in French and in English. IT MANAGEMENT 5: ERP & BI, CORPORATE STRATEGY Prerequisite(s) 40 h. )4-ANAGEMENT-)34OOLS Course Objectives The main objectives of this module are to: - Understand the decision making processes, at all levels, strategic and operational, chapter - Think Global, Corporate, Governance, and understand the strategic choices of big companies - Develop an entrepreneurial spirit - Allow a students to assume his responsiblitie and leadership functions, including “talent developer” Table of Contents s5NDERSTANDINGlNANCIALINSTRUMENTS s-ARKETING,AUNCHINGANEWPRODUCT s0EOPLEMANAGEMENT s/PERATINGREPORTANDBALANCEDSCORECARDDECISIONMAKINGPROCESS s#ORPORATESTRATEGY s-ANAGEYOURFUTURECAREER QUALITY & SERVICES STRATEGY Prerequisite(s) 20 h. ITIL Foundation Course Objectives 4HISCOURSEOBJECTIVEISTOIMPROVETHESTUDENTSSKILLSIN)43ERVICES-ANAGEMENTON)4),2 Table of Contents s)NCIDENTMANAGEMENTPROCESSRELATIVETOTHE3ERVICE$ESK s)4INFRASTRUCTUREMANAGEMENTTHROUGH)4),CHANGEMANAGEMENTRELEASEANDCONlGURATIONPROCESSES 40 h. ENTREPRENEURSHIP & IT Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives This course objective is to help students to build their own business plan for their business development project, explaining the different steps of enterprise creation and validating the business development project of the students… Table of Contents s7HYABUSINESSPLANFORWHOM s&ROMTHEIDEATOTHEPRODUCTORSERVICE s(OWTOVALIDATETHEMARKET s(OWTOBUILDTHEBUSINESSPLANSTEPBYSTEP s4HElNANCIALASPECTOFTHEBUSINESSPLAN s3TATEAIDS 20 h. IT CONTRACT LAW Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives /FFERACOMPREHENSIVEANDPRACTICALINTRODUCTIONTO)4CONTRACTLAWENABLETORECOGNIZEANDDEALCONlDENTLYWITHTHERISKSANDBENElTSOF )4CONTRACTS - 94 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 Whatever the type of contract, the general principles of contract law apply throughout the various steps leading to the conclusion of a contract: - the pre-contractual phase; - the formation of the contract; THEENDOFTHECONTRACT Table of Contents s s s s #HAPTER4HEPRECONTRACTUALPHASE #HAPTER4HEFORMATIONOFTHECONTRACT #HAPTER4HEENDOFTHECONTRACT #HAPTER3PECIALCONTRACTSELEARNINGMODULE 34 h. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives 0REPARETHESTUDENTSTOTAKETHE4/%)#,ISTENINGAND2EADINGTEST Table of Contents s s s s s -ETHODOLOGY ,ISTENINGCOMPREHENSION 2EADING#OMPREHENSION 6OCABULARY -OCKTEST BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SOLUTIONS Prerequisite(s) 40 h. Oracle Technologies: Data Warehouse 10g Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSE350).&/STUDENTSWHOMALREADYKNOWWHATA$ATA7AREHOUSEISWILLLEARNWHATA"USINESS)NTELLIGENCESOLUTIONIS4HEY WILLLEARNTOUSE"USINESS/BJECTSPROJECTSTOCREATE5NIVERSEAND2EPORTSUSINGSAMPLEDATA Table of Contents s"))NTRODUCTION s")&UNDAMENTALS s'ETTING3TARTEDWITH") s5NIVERSE$ESIGN#ONCEPTS s5NIVERSE!DVANCED$ESIGN s'ETTING3TARTEDWITH7EB)NTELLIGENCE s7EB)NTELLIGENCE"ASIC#ONCEPTS s7EB)NTELLIGENCE!DVANCED#ONCEPTS s/RGANIZATIONALCHARTIN") .NET TECHNOLOGIES: ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS 40 h. Corresponding Certification Prerequisite(s) -ICROSOFT .%44ECHNOLOGIES#AND!$/.%4$EVELOPMENT Course Objectives )NTHISCOURSESTUDENTSWILLLEARNTHEBASICSOFSOFTWAREARCHITECTUREANDHOWTHEYCANIMPROVEANEXISTINGARCHITECTURE Table of Contents s2EMOTING s7#& s3/! - 95 - 2FXYJWTK8HNJSHJ2 40 h. ERP SOLUTIONS Prerequisite(s) None Course Objectives s+NOWINGMAIN%20SOLUTIONOFFERINGINTHEMARKETPLACEPACKAGESANDINTEGRATIONSERVICES s+NOWINGMAINDOMAINSANDFUNCTIONALITIESPROVIDEDBUYAN%20SOLUTION s,EARNINGHOWTOWRITEASPECIlCATIONFORBUSINESSPROCESSMANAGEMENTTHROUGHAN%20SOLUTION s'ETTINGTRAINEDINCONlGURATIONOFAN%20PACKAGEINACCORDANCEWITHSPECIlCBUSINESSOBJECTIVES Table of Contents s%20FUNDAMENTALSSUMMARY s)NTRODUCTIONTO/RACLE"USINESS3UITE s/RDER-ANAGEMENT0ROCESSES s#2-0ROCESSES s0ROCUREMENT0ROCESSES s!FTER3ALES0ROCESSES s%200ROCESS-ANAGEMENT VIRTUALIZATION & INTEROPERABILITY Prerequisite(s) .%44ECHNOLOGIES#!$/.%4$EVELOPMENT Course Objectives s)NSTALLANDADMINISTRATE#ITRIX0RESENTATION3ERVERWITH-ICROSOFT7INDOWS3ERVER s)NSTALLANDCONlGURE0RESENTATION3ERVERCLIENTS s0UBLISHAPPLICATIONSRESSOURCESANDCONTENT s$ElNEANDAPPLY0RESENTATION3ERVERSTRATEGIES s!DMINISTRATEASERVERFARMANDCONlGUREEACHMEMBERS Table of Contents s)NTRODUCTIONTOVIRTUALIZATIONTECHNOLOGIES s4ERMINAL3ERVER s#ITRIX0RESENTATION3ERVER s)NSTALLATIONANDCONlGURATION s0RESENTATION3ERVER#LIENT s0UBLISHING2ESSOURCES s$EPLOYING!PPLICATIONS s!PPLICATIONSSTREAMING s#ONlGURINGPOLICIES s#ONlGURINGSESSIONS s!DVANCEDCONlGURATION s#ONlGURING,OAD-ANAGER s-ANAGINGPRINTERS s7EB!CCESSMANAGEMENT s3ECURING!PPLICATIONS s(YPER6 - 96 - 40 h. 8UJHNFQNXJI2FXYJWXTK8HNJSHJ 5WTLWFRRJXTKYMJ.28HFSIXUJHNFQN_FYNTSX2 8UJHNFQNYNJX International Master of Science Business Intelligence International Master of Science Quality and Services Managementt Pour l’optimisation de la production des systèmes d’information par la mise en œuvre des outils et méthodes de qualité et de gestion des services : ITIL, Cobit, CMMI, ISO 20000… International Master of Science Finance & IT ! International Master of Science Systems & Networks International Master of Science ERP Solution Manager Pour répondre aux besoins techniques et opérationnels d’optimisation de la gestion d’entreprise avec les outils majeurs du marché : SAP, Oracle, Microsoft… En partenariat avec un leader du secteur financier pour répondre aux besoins IT des métiers finance. International Master of Science Mainframe En partenariat avec IBM et pour répondre aux besoins du marché dans le domaine des grands systèmes. .SST[FYN[JYJFHMNSLRJYMTIX These courses are based on innovative methods of learning and are perfectly adapted to allow professional activities to continue in parallel: t$MPTFQBSUOFSTIJQTXJUIEFWFMPQFSTEFTJHOFSTBOENBKPSDPNQBOJFTPGUIFSFMFWBOUNBSLFUTFDUPST t"DUJWFUFBDIJOHNFUIPETMFBSOJOHUISPVHIQSBDUJDFDBTFTUVEJFTGFFECBDLVUJMJTBUJPOPGQBSUOFSTTPGUXBSFBOEUPPMT t"MUFSOBUJOHDMBTTSPPNBOEFMFBSOJOHUFBDIJOH t1BSUUJNFDMBTTFTBUUIFFOEPGUIFXFFL'SJEBZTBOE4BUVSEBZT DPNQBUJCMFXJUIQSPGFTTJPOBMXPSLJOHUJNFT t$PNQBOZQSPKFDUTJOTFNFTUFSTBOEBOEBNPOUIJOUFSOTIJQJOTFNFTUFS t&YQPTVSFUPEJõFSFOUWJFXQPJOUTFOEVTFSTEFWFMPQFSTEFTJHOFSTQSPHSBNNFNBOBHFST t*OUFSOBUJPOBMDMBTTFTXJUIXFFLTTQFOUBCSPBEJOTFNFTUFSTBOE )ZWFYNTSTK.28H Each IMSc is for a period of 18 months with a total of 750 hours one third of which are e-learning. In order to obtain their diploma, students must validate 120 ECTS credits. They are accessible to all students holding a Bac+3 or Bac+2 with 3 years’ professional experience. 1JSLYMTKXUJHNFQNXFYNTS2SIXJRJXYJW All the specialised Masters of Science can be chosen as an option at the end of studies except Systems and Networks since this programme is included in the SUPINFO syllabus. This part-time specialisation lasts 6 months from the second semester. - 97 - 8UJHNFQN_JI2FXYJWXTK8HNJSHJ BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Design Partner: Micropole Univers Objectives 4HEOBJECTIVEOFTHIS-ASTERISTOMAKEITPOSSIBLEFORASTUDENTATTHEENDOFTHECOURSETOCONCEPTUALIZECONCEIVE ANDIMPLEMENTADECISIONALSYSTEMUSINGALLAVAILABLETOOLS (EWILLHAVEINHISMINDBOTHTHE")+EY5SEROR0OWERUSERANDTHE")ARCHITECT 4HE+EY5SERISTHEINTERFACEBETWEENADEPARTMENTUSERANDTHE)4DEPARTMENTINCHARGEOF"USINESS)NTELLIGENCE (EMUSTUNDERSTANDTHEFUNCTIONALPROCESSESANDNEEDSOFHISDEPARTMENTBUTMUSTALSOHAVEAGOODGRASPOF")TOOLSUTILISATION REPORTWRITINGANDSOMECONCEPTSOFADMINISTRATIONINORDERTOBEABLETOWRITEPRECISEANDREALISTICREALIZABLESPECIlCATIONS 4HE+EY5SERISINCHARGEOFREPORTWRITING(EMUSTBEABLETOSPECIFYHISNEEDSTOTHE)4DEPARTMENTWHOSEJOBIT)STOUNDERTAKETHE CONSTRUCTIONOFTHESEMANTICLAYER The BI Architect plays a major role in : - the choice of technologies used, - dimensioning, - configuration, MAINTENANCEANDEXTENSIONPROCEDURESIFTHENUMBEROFUSERSINCREASES Table of Contents s)NTERNSHIPCOACHING s/RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES$"!G s/RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES$ATAWAREHOUSEG s-ASTERING$ATA%NGINEERING s)4/03COMPONENTS s%NTERPRISESOLUTION s"USINESSPROCESSMANAGEMENT s0ROJECTMANAGEMENT s3ERVICE1UALITYMANAGEMENT s3ECURITYMANAGEMENT s&OREINLANGUAGES s+0)$ASHBOARDDESIGN s"USINESS/BJECTS3OLUTIONS s")SOLUTIONSIMPLEMENTATION3!3 s0ERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT s#OMPLIANCE)4GOVERNANCE s3/!3!!3 s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s.EGOCIATIONPRESELL SYSTEMS & NETWORKS Objectives The information systems which make it possible to treat, convey and securitise data play a vital role which is at the same time strategic, ECONOMICTECHNICALANDHUMAN By facilitating decision making, a well conceived information system can make it possible to obtain Important and durable competitive ADVANTAGES!STHEREMODELLINGOFCOMPUTERAPPLICATIONSISEXTREMELYEXPENSIVEITISAQUESTIONOFABSORBINGTHECOSTOVERAPERIODOF TIMEITISNECESSARYTOOPTIMIZETHECHOICESOFTHESYSTEMSTHECOSTOFTHETRANSMISSIONSANDTOTAKEINTOACCOUNTTHEDURATIONOFTHE MANUFACTURERSOFFERS4HEMAINAIMOFTHE)NTERNATIONAL-ASTEROF3CIENCEIN3YSTEMSAND.ETWORKSCONSISTSOFINTEGRATINGTHESECONCEPTS in order to make it possible to the future professional to acquire the techniques and methods enabling him to conceive and manage INFORMATIONSYSTEMSINTHEIRENTIRETY Table of Contents s-ICROSOFT7INDOWS6ISTA s-ICROSOFT7INDOWS3ERVER3ERVER!DMINISTRATOR s,INUX.OVELL#,0 s#ISCO##.! s-ICROSOFT7INDOWS3ERVER.ETWORK)NFRASTRUCTURE s3ECURITY s-ICROSOFT!CTIVE$IRECTORY s-ICROSOFT-ICROSOFT%XCHANGE s!PPLE!PPLE(ELPDESKAND3ERVER%SSENTIAL s#ISCO.ETWORK3ECURITY s6IRTUALISATION-ETA&RAMES s#ISCO7IRELESS s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s0ROJECTMANAGEMENT s"0s#OMPLIANCEANDGOUVERNANCE s3ERVICEANDQUALITYMANAGMENT s2ISKMANAGEMENT s)4PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT - 98 s.EGOCIATIONSALE 8UJHNFQN_JI2FXYJWXTK8HNJSHJ QUALITY & SERVICES Design Partner: Synopse Objectives 4HEOBJECTIVEOFTHIS-ASTERISTOMAKEITPOSSIBLEFORANYSTUDENTATTHEENDOFTHECOURSETOCONCEPTUALIZECONCEIVE ANDIMPLEMENTAMANAGEMENTAND1UALITYOF3ERVICESSYSTEMUSINGALLAVAILABLETOOLS (EWILLHAVETHEREQUIREDCOMPETENCIES sTOINTERVENEANDASSISTTHEASPROJECTMANAGERWITHTHECONTROLOFWORK sTOINTERVENEAS0ROCESS-ANAGERFORTHEHEADOFINFORMATIONSYSTEMS sTOINTERVENEANDASSISTWITHTHECONTROLOF3ERVICE-ANAGEMENTPROJECTS Table of Contents s)NTERNSHIPCOACHING s/RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES$"!G s/RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES$ATAWAREHOUSEG s-ASTERING$ATA%NGINEERING s)4/03COMPONENTS s%NTERPRISESOLUTION%20#2-") s"USINESSPROCESSMANAGEMENT s0ROJECTMANAGEMENT s3ERVICE1UALITYMANAGEMENT s3ECURITYMANAGEMENT s&OREINLANGUAGES s)4),6IMPLEMENTATIONMETHODOLOGY s)4),DASHBOARD s)4),SOLUTIONSIMPLEMENTATION s)4PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT s#OMPLIANCE)4GOVERNANCE s3/!3!!3 s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s.EGOCIATIONPRESELL ERP SOLUTION MANAGER Objectives 4HEOBJECTIVEOFTHIS-ASTERISTOMAKEITPOSSIBLEFORANYSTUDENTATTHEENDOFTHECOURSETOCONCEPTUALIZECONCEIVE IMPLEMENTANDLEADASECONDGENERATION%20PROJECTUSINGMARKETAPPLICATIONSBYTAKINGINTOACCOUNT sREQUIREMENTSSPECIlCTOTHECOMPANYANDTHOSEOFTHEENDUSERS sTECHNOLOGICALCHANGESINTHEAPPLICATIONS sNEWARCHITECTURESWHICHMAYREPOSITIONTHE%20INTHEINFORMATIONSYSTEMSARCHITECTURE7EBSERVICES3OFTWAREASA3ERVICEETC sBUDGETARYCONSTRAINTS Table of Contents s)NTERNSHIPCOACHING s/RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES$"!G s/RACLE4ECHNOLOGIES$ATAWAREHOUSEG s-ASTERING$ATA%NGINEERING s)4/03COMPONENTS s%NTERPRISESOLUTION s"USINESSPROCESSMANAGEMENT s0ROJECTMANAGEMENT s3ERVICE1UALITYMANAGEMENT s3ECURITYMANAGEMENT s&OREINLANGUAGES s&INANCE s%20IMPLEMENTATIONMETHODOLOGY s%20SOLUTIONSIMPLEMENTATION-ICROSOFT.AV3!0/RACLE"USINESS3UITE#EGID s0ERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT s#OMPLIANCE)4GOVERNANCE s3/!3!!3 s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s.EGOCIATIONPRESELL - 99 - 8UJHNFQN_JI2FXYJWXTK8HNJSHJ FINANCE & IT Objectives In the world of finance, information systems are of vital importance, and requirements for IT skills specialised in Finance are on the INCREASE The aim of this IMSc in Finance & IT is to provide students with the double competencies of IT and Finance, to enable them to offer their IT skills to companies by understanding the stakes, rules and products of the Finance sector as well as the IT department either in front OFlCEBACKOFlCEORAS)4-ANAGER 0OSSIBLEEMPLOYERSRANGEFROMSTOCKEXCHANGESINVESTMENTSERVICEPROVIDERSBANKSANDTHECORPORATEDEPARTMENTSOFCOMPANIES Table of Contents s# s-ODÏLISATIONAND6"! s2EALTIME0ROGRAMMING s-AIN&RAME s.ETWORKS s&INANCIALMATHEMATICS s%XCEL s&INANCEANDSTOCKMARKETASSETMANAGEMENTlNANCIALANALYSISOPTIONSSWAPBONDEQUITYHEDGING s0ROJECTMANAGEMENT s"0s#OMPLIANCEANDGOUVERNANCE s3ERVICEANDQUALITYMANAGMENT s2ISKMANAGEMENT s)4PERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s.EGOCIATIONANDSALE s"USINESSGAME MAINFRAME Design Partner: IBM Objectives This IMSc aims to always meet the growing demand for mainframe on Z skills, since: sTHEMARKETSHAREOFLARGESYSTEMSHASMORETHANDOUBLEDSINCE sTHISTECHNOLOGYISRIGHTLYCONSIDEREDTOBETHECORNERSTONEOFlRMLYESTABLISHEDCOMPANIESFOREXAMPLEITISUSEDINTHELEADING BANKSINTHEWORLDBUTALSOOVERTHELASTYEARITHASEXPERIENCEDDOUBLElGUREGROWTHAMONGTHEEMERGINGMARKETSSUCHAS"RAZIL 2USSIA#HINAAND)NDIA sMAINFRAMEHASSTRONGDEVELOPMENTPOTENTIALWITHNEWAPPLICATIONSINALONEANDATOTALOFAPPLICATIONSOVERALL sMAINFRAMEINCORPORATESNEWTECHNOLOGIESSUCHAS,INUX3/!AND/PEN3OLARIS Table of Contents s*AVA*3%*%% s,INUX4ECHNOLOGIES.OVELL#,0 s6IRTUALIZATION-ETAFRAMES s"USINESSPROCÒSMANAGEMENT s0ROJECTMANAGEMENT s3ERVICE1UALITYMANAGEMENT)4), s3ECURITYMANAGEMENT s&OREIGNLANGUAGES s)"--AINFRAME43/)30&*#,5NIXSYSTEMSERVICES7EBSPHERE2!#&7,-0ARALELLE3YSPLEX")$ATAWAREHOUSE#)#3#4' WEBSPHERE-1Z6-Z,INUX s0ERFORMANCEMANAGEMENT s#OMPLIANCE)4GOVERNANCE s3/!3!!3 s#HANGEMANAGEMENT s.EGOCIATIONPRESELL - 100 - 8:5.3+4.SYJWSFYNTSFQ:SN[JWXNY^ 9MJ.8.(HFWI.SYJWSFYNTSFQ8YZIJSY.IJSYNY^(FWI SUPINFO provides all its engineering students with an international student card that offers many advantages. Studying at a school such as SUPINFO has many plus points: recognised by UNESCO, the ISIC-SUPINFO card serves to validate the status of the student in the whole world. Thus SUPINFO students benefit from all these advantages on an international scale and not only at the national, regional or local level. For example: Canadian students benefit from a 40% reduction on the train. With the ISIC-SUPINFO card, a SUPINFO student will have access to the same reduction. But this is not all. Here are some of the other advantages provided by the ISIC-SUPINFO card. Reductions throughout the world on Insurance specific to carriers International telephone cards Access to a worldwide network of 5,000 student points Worldwide 24 hour urgent medical assistance Free e-mail and voice-mail Dedicated magazines National transport International transport Travel and excursions Hotels Leisure activities Restaurants, bars, pubs Cinemas Museums Currency exchange Visa etc. LEGER, Christophe 05/10/1986 54321 09/2008 - 12/2009 Martinique M1 As well as external services, the ISIC-SUPINFO card is used to gain automatic access to some other SUPINFO establishments throughout the world, from access to places reserved for each year to the labs. It will progressively be used as an electronic credit system for use in photocopiers or vending machines. 4ZWFIIWJXXJX SUPINFO International University – Administration for France SVFEF#BTTBOP'1BSJT'3"/$*" Tel: +33 (0) 1 53 35 97 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 53 35 97 01 - E-mail: SUPINFO International University – San Francisco Campus )ZEF4USFFU4BO'SBODJTDP$"64" Tel: +1 (514) 848 6363 - Fax : +1 (514) 848 0019 - E-mail: SUPINFO International University – London Campus 7-8 Henrietta Street Covent Garden - London WC2E 8PW - United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 207 395 2040 - Fax: +44 (0) 207 395 2041 - E-mail: Map of SUPINFO campuses: Addresses of worldwide establishments can be found at SUPINFO in pictures: see the videos on our website: - 103 - 01 INFORMATIQUE 9 TELECOM ACCENTURE ACCOR ADECCO ADP GSI AGF - ALLIANZ AIR FRANCE ALCATEL-LUCENT ALSTOM ALSY ALTADIS - SEITA ALTEN ALTI ALTRAN AMADEUS AONIX APPLE ARIANESPACE ASTON AT&T ISTEL ATOS ATTACHMATE AVANADE AVAYA COMMUNICATION - LUCENT AVIVA AXA AXWAY BANQUE WORMS BARCLAYS BANK BAYER PHARMA BEARING POINT BMC SOFTWARE BNP PARIBAS BOUYGUES BOUYGUES TELECOM BRITISH PETROLEUM BULL BUREAU VERITAS BUSINESS OBJECTS SOFTWARE CAISSE DE DEPOTS ET CONSIGNATIONS CAIXA CANAL + CAPGEMINI CARSLON WAGONS LITS CARREFOUR PROMODES CARTIER INTERNATIONAL CAST SOFTWARE CDC INFORMATIQUE CEGETEL CELIO CENCEP CERG FINANCE CFAO CGA CHRONOPOST CIC CISCO CNIL CNP ASSURANCES CNRS COCA COLA BEVERAGES COFRAMI COMMISSION EUROPEENNE COMMUNICATION & SYSTEMES COMPUTER ASSOCIATES COMPUWARE CREDIT AGRICOLE CREDIT LYONNAIS CS TELECOM CSC DALET TECHNOLOGIES DANONE DARTY DASSAULT AVIATION DASSAULT SYSTEM DELL COMPUTER DELOITTE & TOUCHE TOHMATSU DEVOTEAM DEXIA - CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE DHL DIMENSION DATA DISNEYLAND PARIS DOCUMENTUM SOFTWARE DUNLOP EADS EAGLE STAR VIE EASYNET ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMS EDF EDF GDF SERVICES EDS EMI MUSIC ETI ETRALI EULER HERMES SFAC EUROCOPTER EUROMASTER EXAKIS EXPEDIA EXPERIAN FININFO FNAC FRAMATOME FRANCAISE DE MAINTENANCE FRANCAISE DES JEUX FRANCE TELECOM FRANCE TELECOM R&D FRANCE TELEVISION FUJITSU GAN GEAC SOFTWARE GEMALTO GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERALI GFI GIAT GIE CARTES BANCAIRES GO VOYAGES GROUPE ANDRE GROUPE AZUR GROUPE MALAKOFF HEWLETT PACKARD COMPUTER HITACHI DATA SYSTEMS HISPANO SUIZA HSBC HUMMINGBIRD IBM IBM GLOBAL SERVICES IBM SOFTWARE ILOG INTELLICORP SOFTWARE INTEL INTERNET PROFESSIONNEL IPLANET - NETSCAPE IPPON TECHNOLOGIES IPROGRESS SOFTWARE JD EDWARDS SOFTWARE JET MULTIMEDIA JUNIPER NETWORKS KEYRUS KEYSTONE KLEE GROUP KRAFT JACOB SUCHARD LA BANQUE POSTALE LA POSTE L’OREAL LABORATOIRE FOURNIER LALIQUE LAPEYRE SERVICES LE MONDE INFORMATIQUE LEROY MERLIN LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL LIGUE NATIONALE CONTRE LE CANCER LILLY LOGICA MAC DONALD’S MACIF MANDRIVA MASTERCARD EUROPE MATRA - HACHETTE MAZARD & GUERARD MEDIAMETRIE MEDIAPOST MEDICALE DE FRANCE MEETIC MEGA INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE MERANT SOFTWARE METAMOR - GROUPE DECAN METRO METROPOLE TELEVISION - M6 MICROSOFT MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE MINISTERE DE L’AGRICULTURE MINISTERE DE L’ECONOMIE DES FINANCES ET DE L’INDUSTRIE MINISTERE DE L’EDUCATION MINISTERE DE L’INTERIEUR MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES MORY TNTE MOTOROLA MOZILLA EUROPE MUSEE DU LOUVRE MUTUALITE FONCTION PUBLIQUE NATEXIS - BANQUE POPULAIRE NATIXIS NCR COMPUTER NESTLE NET2S NETWORK APPLIANCE NORTEL NETWORKS NOVARTIS PHARMA NOVELL OBERTHUR CS OCE GRAPHICS ONU ORACLE SOFTWARE ORANGE ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES ORKEM NORSOLOR OTIS PAGES JAUNES PANASONIC PARLEMENT EUROPEEN PERSISTENCE SOFTWARE PFA ASSURANCES PHILIPS CONSUMER COMMUNICATION PHILIPS ECLAIRAGE PHILIPS TRT PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPERS PROCTER & GAMBLE PROGRESS SOFTWARE PROSERVIA PSA PSA CITROEN QLIKTECH QUALIENCE RANK XEROX RATP RED HAT RENAULT Administration for France: 52, rue de Bassano - F-75008 Paris - FRANCE Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 35 97 00 - Fax : +33 (0)1 53 35 97 01 E-mail : RENAULT - DIAC RETEK SOFTWARE REUTERS RHONE POULENC RORER RIB RR DONNELEY RUE DU COMMERCE SAGEM SAFETYNET SAFRAN SAINT GOBAIN SANOFI AVENTIS SAP SOFTWARE SAPIENS SOFTWARE SAS INSTITUTE SOFTWARE SAUNIER DUVAL SCC ALLIUM SCHLUMBERGER INDUSTRIES SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SELLIGENT SOFTWARE SEPHORA SFR SGS THOMSON SHELL SIEMENS SILICON GRAPHICS COMPUTER SILVERSTREAM SOFTWARE SINFOR SITA SMABTP SNCF SNECMA SOCIETE GENERALE SOFINCO SOFTLAB SOFTWARE SOFTWARE AG SOLVAY SOMEPOST SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT SOPRA SOVAC SPIE SQLI SQL TECH STERIA STERLING SOFTWARE STIME INTERMARCHE SUN MICROSYSTEMS SYBASE SOFTWARE SYMANTEC SOFTWARE SYSTAR TECHNIP TECSI TF1 THALES TIBCO RESEAUX TIMELESS TMP WORLDWIDE TNS SOFRES TOSHIBA COMPUTER TOTAL TRANSICIEL TRANSPAC TRANSPORTS GRAVELEAU T-SYSTEMS UBIFRANCE UMANIS UNESCO UNILEVER UNILOG UNISYS URSSAF VALEO VALORIS VALTECH VERRERIE CRISTALLERIE D’ARQUES VERSANT SOFTWARE VISA INTERNATIONAL VIVENDI VIVENDI - SAUR VOYAGES WASTEELS X AND MAIL YVES ROCHER - SANOFI ZIFF DAVIS Copyright 1965-2009 SUPINFO. All the names and logos of the products and companies present in this document belong to their respective owners. DR. Reproduction prohibited. Noncontractual document, subject to modifications without notice. - TDC Paris Extract of companies having employed SUPINFO Institute of Information Technology alumni