Welcome to St. Benedict Parish! - St. Benedict`s Catholic Church


Welcome to St. Benedict Parish! - St. Benedict`s Catholic Church
September 4, 2016
23nd Sunday
Ordinary Time
Welcome to St. Benedict Parish!
8110 Jewel Lake Road
Anchorage, AK 99502
Parish Office Phone: 243-2195 • Fax: 243-0088
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm
People Mover: Bus Route 7J
Web: www.stbenedictsak.com
E-mail: info@stbenedictsak.com
Lumen Christi Jr/Sr High School
Lumen Christi Phone: 245-9231 • Fax: 245-9232
Web: www.lumenchristiak.com
E-mail: lchs@lumenchristiak.com
Sunday Mass
Saturday 5:00pm;
Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm
Weekday Mass
Monday-Friday 9:15am
Adoration and Benediction
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesdays, during Adoration
Sat. 3:45-4:45pm or by appointment
Parish Calendar of Events
Fr. Tom Lilly
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Ko
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Ted Greene, Retired
Administrative Assistant
Katherine Mitchell
Business Manager
Sunday, September 4
Mass: 8AM Saint Teresa of Calcutta (SI)
10:30AM John Adkins (SI)
12:15PM Maura Ramos (ROS)
YM Meeting 8PM
Sunday, September 11
Mass: 8AM People of the Parish
10:30AM Nathan Rapp (SI)
12:15PM Jose Rodriguez (ROS)
YM Meeting 8PM
Monday, September 5
Mass: 9:15AM Danna Hoellering (SI)
Legion of Mary 5:30PM
Zumba 5:30PM
Monday, September 12
Mass: 9:15AM Rosario Reilly (SI)
Legion of Mary 5:30PM
Zumba 5:30PM
Patriotic Rosary 6PM
4th Degree Knights 7PM
Tuesday, September 6
Mass: 9:15AM Michael Owens (SI)
A Cappella Choir Practice 4PM
Zumba 5:30PM
Wednesday, September 7
No Mass—Annual Priest Retreat
Lumen Christi Rosary 9:15AM
Kid Play 10AM
Youth Night 7PM
Knights of Columbus 7PM
Tuesday, September 13
Mass: 9:15AM Orielle Kinder (SI)
A Cappella Choir Practice 4PM
Zumba 5:30PM
Wednesday, September 14
Mass: 9:15AM James Pochop (ROS)
Kid Play 10AM
Adoration & Confession 6PM
Youth Night 7PM
Pastoral Assistant
Thursday, September 8
No Mass—Annual Priest Retreat
Zumba 5:30PM
Why Catholic? 6:30PM
Choir Practice7PM
Thursday, September 15
Mass: 9:15AM Nelson Ola (ROS)
Zumba 5:30PM
Jr. High Night 6:30PM
Choir Practice7PM
Director of Music
Friday, September 9
Mass: 9:15AM w/Lumen Christi Students
Junior Legion of Mary 10AM
Adoration Hour 7PM
Friday, September 16
Mass: 9:15AM Carla & Donovan (SI)
Junior Legion of Mary 10AM
Danna Hoellering
Marcy Adkins
Ken Miller
Office of
Evangelization & Catechesis
Robert McMorrow II
Youth Minister
Elise Zajicek
Jr. High Youth Minister
Oriele Kinder
Saturday, September 10
Confession 3:45PM
Vigil Mass 5PM Police Officers &
2nd Course 6PM
Pinochle 6PM
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Saturday, September 17
Baptism Class 10AM
Festival of Ministries Set-Up 12-4PM
Confession 3:45PM
Vigil Mass 5PM Jose Mario Lopez
Sunday 9/4
Wisdom 9:13-18b
Philemon 9-10, 12-17
Luke 14:25-33
Sunday 9/11
Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14
1 Timothy 1: 12-17
Luke 15:1-32
Hate my family??? In today’s Gospel Jesus says that whoever comes to him to be a disciple
should hate his own family and even himself. What?! I don’t hate my family. I hope you don’t hate
your family. I helped take care of my mother until she died. She took care of me; I took care of
her. That’s what we’re supposed to do. But what then do we make of the Gospel? Does Jesus think
I should have abandoned my mother? Maybe. I think what Jesus is really saying is that putting anything or anyone before God is the wrong answer. Even putting your family before God is the
wrong answer. If your family or your desires distract you from focusing on God, they’ve got to go.
A builder calculates his plan and expenses to make sure he can accomplish his construction. A king has a battle plan
and calculates his chances of success. Our goal is not constructing a building or a winning an earthly battle. Our goal
is heaven. If we get distracted and lose this battle, the consequences are eternal. If we put anything before God we lose
our focus on eternal life.
National Day of Prayer for Peace in our Communities. In light of recent incidents of violence and racial tension in
communities across the United States, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has invited
all dioceses across the country to unite in a “Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities” on Friday, September 9th.
In his initial response to the racially-related shootings in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and Dallas, Archbishop Kurtz noted the need to look at ways the Catholic Church can walk with and help these suffering communities. This Day of
Prayer for Peace is a step in that direction. Here in the parish we will celebrate a Votive Mass for Peace at 9:15am
with our Lumen Christi students and offer a Eucharistic Holy Hour from 7:00-8:00pm. May we earnestly pray for
peace and work to foster the same in our world.
Faithful Stewardship. This past Tuesday evening I was humbled (again!) to witness (again!) this parish’s heartfelt
response to the call to faithful stewardship when over 45 ministry leaders came together for dinner and to get ready for
our upcoming “Festival of Ministries” (Sep 17th and 18th). This week you’ll receive a stewardship mailing that will
include information on how you can “give back to our Lord” a portion of your time, talent, and treasure. This annual
time of reminder is so much more than an appeal to staff a ministry or donate to a worthy cause. It is an invitation to
become more involved in the life of your parish. Thank you for prayerfully discerning how our Lord is inviting you
into a deeper relationship. Then, trust in his voice!
Annual Support for Archdiocesan Catholic Schools. You will soon receive a mailing asking you to support our
School Annual Fund, the LUMEN-ary Drive. This annual appeal coincides with the Annual Second Collection to
Support Archdiocesan Schools. As an important ministry of our parish and of the Church, we are privileged to have
hosted Lumen Christi as a parish school for the past 16 years. Thank you for supporting our students and their families. I realize that our school is not the right school for every family; however, it could be for many, yet our enrollment could (and should) be higher. Over the next two weeks I’ll be inviting your comments (offered anonymously, if
you prefer) on how we might achieve that goal.
Annual Priest’s Retreat. Thank you for praying for Fr. Michael and myself and the other priests of the Archdiocese
this week as we make our annual retreat. Please note the adjusted Mass schedule. Thank you!
Fr. Tom
Please Pray for:
Edith Kukowski
Dan Rollins
Chanelle Garcia
Jane Schlosser
Jan Heier
Audrey Rust
Carrie Bjelland
Dansel Oliveira
Andrea Menzel, CJSP
Carey James
Debra Larson
Tuyen Pham
Michael Poole
Bob Kottre and Family
Nicole Johnson
Jeff Harris Family
Charles & Maxine
Jim & Ann Curro
Sally Seeley
Henry Hershberger
Francisca Garcia
Jean Dacumos
Ted & Agnes Mayac
John Branham
Bill Kuper
John Champion
Marie Lambert
Eileen Keegan
Benjie Doral
Ellison Williamson
Jester Sargento
Ia Corrigan
Danielle Corrigan
Jackie & Greg Kern
Cheryl Edgren
Valie Visaya
Diana Bennett
Paul Larson
Mary Dubois
Caryle Keefe
Kevin Pfeiffer
Glenn Allen
Virginia Aberle
Joan Alles
Rafael Apostol
Clifford Baker
Jane Branham
Elizabeth Bastiani
Maria Elisa Bente
Solita Balones
Belarde Family
Mark Blumenthal
Deneen B. Bozeman
Mike Bygott
Doris Claussen
Kate Daniel
Riza Daniel
Christine Driskell
Basilia Flores
Pierro Garcia
Victoria Garcia
Christina Garcia Louise
Brittany Groenke
Mary Heinz
Patricia Hoerling
Kim Hole
Anne Jaskier
Betty Johnson
Stacey Koenig
Paul Lacey
Keith Lauwers
Corazon Legarda
Patrick Maitland
Audrey Mather
Mark Mather
Greg Maturo
Natividad Mendoza
Roldan Milallos
Thomas Milton
Leoncia Morante
Modesta Munoz
Hien Pham
Maddie Rey
Alfred Russell
Heriberto Saiz
Orlando Sargento
Joe Shaw
Stanley Smith
Lucia Soriano
(To add or remove
please call 2432195).
The September ministry of the month is Pancake Breakfast. Pancake
breakfast started in 1981 by Jim and Jean Wise and a group of devoted
volunteers. These volunteers worked in VERY close quarters because the
breakfast started before the kitchen remodel. In those early days of Pancake
Breakfast Pierce Cartwright donated the pancake batter and the secret
ingredient was added. The secret ingredient continues to be added to the
pancake batter to this day. On special holidays there are different colored
pancakes. The 25-30 volunteers each month that make the breakfast run
smoothly serve 150-200 people. Pancake breakfast serves the parish as an
opportunity for different ministries to let the parishioners know about what
their ministry does and solicit donations. A special thank you to Jim and Ann Curro for heading up
Pancake Breakfast for the last several years.
Our Stewards of the Week are Megan and Gabe O’Lena. Megan grew up going to St. Benedict's Parish and after she was confirmed, she began helping with the faith formation class (9th & 10th grade)
as a small group leader. After graduating from High school in 2009, Megan continued as a small
group leader in faith formation, as well as helping at youth group as a part of the youth ministry
team. Gabe moved to Anchorage in 2012 and began attending Mass at St. Benedict's. In 2013 after
meeting Megan, Gabe began joining her at youth group on
Wednesday nights. After helping with the youth group, he
decided he wanted to get more involved with the youth and
in the fall of 2014, decided he began to teach the confirmation class. He chose teaching that class because he enjoys
helping form young adults. They both believe youth ministry is a great way to get involved in the community and to
make an impact with the young church. Both Megan and
Gabe think it is beautiful to see young people learn their
faith and take ownership of it as they get confirmed, and
then take it out into the world as adults. Outside of their
youth ministry activities, Megan enjoys crafting, in particular quilting and crocheting, and this has earned her the
nick name Grandma Margaret. Gabe enjoys playing
sports, and he also officiates hockey. They both enjoy being outdoors, hiking fishing, kayaking, and other outdoor
Please join us in a round of applause for Megan & Gabe
~Our Parish~
Alan & Eleanor Patterson
James & Gereldene Deagon
Gary & Robin Dayley
Daniel & Margie Kernen
Bernard & Marion Simon
Ed & Rosemarie Cunningham
David & Jane Schlosser
Kurt & Kristen Martens
Patrick & Grace O’Brien
Jim & Melanie O’Rourke
Solomon & Enereta Tautua
Scott & Sarah Pustay
Christopher & Renee Hilliard
David & Jane Schlosser
Many thanks and grateful prayers for
your steadfast witness to the gospel
in the vocation of married life. May
Christ richly bless you in the coming
If you want to be sure that your
anniversary is acknowledged, contact the
parish office at 243-2195.
~Our Community~
Why join a Why Catholic? Small Faith Community?
Interested in breaking open the contents of our Catholic
Catechism, deepening one’s own faith, and gaining inspiration from others’ faith stories? Why Catholic? is
a small group of 6-8 people gathering to share and explore Christian morality. Topics include the Beatitudes, forming one’s conscience, grace, and stewardship of God’s gifts to us. Join us at one of the following
presentations to find out more:
Thursday, September 8 @ 6:30pm at Lumen Christi High School (Room 107), St. Benedict
Parish, Anchorage
Saturday, September 24 @ 9:00am at St. Anthony’s Parish, Anchorage
Come Play in the Dirt! Clare House is building a
new playground and CSS wants to share the plans
with you. Wednesday, September 14th 4:30PM—
6:00PM. Tours of Clare House will be
given and refreshments served. Please RSVP at
cssalaska.org, or contact Tricia Teasley at 222-7355
for more information.
Thank you to all the parish volunteers who
have generously contributed
to August’s Clare House meal.
The residents of the shelter
appreciate all you do!
Date next meal to be delivered is September 27.
August 25-September 5 |Alaska State Fair and St. Michael’s Catholic Parish in Palmer, Alaska invites all
State Fairgoers to stop by our parish-run eatery, Slippery Gulch. We are located in the blue metal building
with white trim, on the Green Trail, near the mid-way and the Rat Race booth. Slippery Gulch has been at
the State Fair for 51 years and is run entirely by volunteers. We serve delicious burgers, hot dogs, grilled
cheese, grilled ham & cheese and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, chili, homemade soups, hot & cold
drinks, desserts, and our FAMOUS HOMEMADE PIES!! Indoor seating is provided for your comfort and
respite. For those of you looking for spiritual nourishment we offer Saturday night Mass at “The Gulch”
both Saturday evenings of the Fair beginning at 10:30 PM...please enter by the back door. See you at the
Fair!! For any questions please call St. Michael’s at 745-3229.
Project Rachel to Begin New Support Group - Suffering, sad, or confused because of an abortion – you or a
family member? Whether recently or long ago, consider grieving your loss through the Archdiocesansupported Project Rachel healing group. It is free and confidential. For further information or to participate
phone our confidential phone line: 297-7781 or Toll Free 1-866-434-3344 (outside the Anchorage area).
Rediscover Your Marriage – RETROUVAILLE (pronounced retro-vii) simply means “rediscovery”. The
program offers couples struggling in troubled marriages the chance to rediscover themselves, their spouse
and a loving married relationship. Ten's of 1000's of couples headed for divorce have saved their marriage
by attending this program. For information or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on October 21, 22 & 23, 2016, call 907-863-8000 or log on to www.HelpOurMarriage.com.
Do you like to sing in the shower or sing along with the radio when you think nobody is listening? You
may be just what we are looking for. Why not come sing with the 10:30 choir!!! We practice in the church
on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. Our first 2016/2017 practice will be September 8th at 7:00 PM. See you there!
St. Therese's Camp and Wilderness Lodge is hosting an Open House, September 18th from 12-4.It is a
time to get a tour around the camp, to visit the beautiful wilderness on Lake Nekalson facing Pioneer Peak in
Wasilla. It is a camp in the summer for 4 weeks, but also a rental facility, with a lodge, chapel, cabins, and
family cabins. It can be rented for family reunions, conferences, and youth or adult retreats all year. It can be
rented for a night or longer. It has a full kitchen, stations of the cross walking path, an amphitheater, boating,
gaga pit, climbing wall, archery and more. Camp Director-Rudy Poglitsh 907-745-3731 7180 E. Twin Lakes
Drive, Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Website: www.stthereseak.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/WLSTC
Outreach Program needs
the following items:
Spaghetti sauce
Pancake mix
Thank You!
A Friendly Reminder from our neighbor
hood community —please be courteous
Congratulations to Northeast Catholic College!
when driving through the neighborhood
They have achieved a Record Enrollment - Largest
streets on your way to mass where children
Student Body in School History! See their website
at www.NortheastCatholic.edu for more information. may be at play. Thank you!
Parish Bowling League Returns!
Looking for something fun to do this winter? Come join a team and bowl with St. Benedict’s Mixed Bowling League, 4:30 at Jewel Lake Bowl! We are a handicap league so it
doesn’t matter how good you are. Bowling starts September 11 through April. Must be
able to commit to the entire season. Call Beth for more information 230-2810.
KID PLAY—Save the Dates!
Come join us for fun activities on
EVERY Wednesday: 10:00am-12 Noon
In the Lumen Christi Gym
Contact Karin Owens @ #272-5773
or kowens@gci.net
THANK YOU for your generous
support of the 2016 One Bread,
One Body Annual Catholic Appeal. Members of our faith community have shared 87,946.67 to support ministries that
serve children and adults throughout our local Church. If
you have not yet pledged your support, it’s not too late!
Please join your fellow parishioners in helping to make
possible the vital work of your local Church. Help your
Archdiocese Go Green! Make your pledge securely
online at www.archdioceseofanchorage.org/donate.
Announcement of the 2016
St. Francis Stewardship Awards
Through September 9, the Archdiocese of Anchorage is accepting nominations for the 2016 St.
Francis Stewardship Awards. These awards formally recognize five volunteers, couples, and/or
groups whose lives of stewardship bring out the
best in others and the community. Winners will
be announced at an awards banquet October 13
at Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-Cathedral. To
nominate someone from your parish, please visit
https://www.archdioceseofanchorage.org/stfrancis-stewardship-awards for the nomination
form and instructions.
Nomination forms
are also printed
and available on
the counter in the
back of the church.
Thank You!
Travelling Madonna-The new sign-up sheet for
the Traveling Madonna Oct-Dec is on the bulletin
board. Thank you to all who take the statue into
your home and pray the Rosary.
St Benedict Pinochle Players
It’s time to renew our fun social night! The first
card night is Saturday, September 10th in the Parish Hall. Sign-up sheet is on the Bulletin Board.
For Information call Jim@ 349-3772 or Bill @
The Offertory Collection for Sunday, August
28: Weekly offering was $8,868.50 online
giving added $3,260.00 the Building Fund
was $120.00 online giving added $70.00 for
a total of $12,318.50 for the weekend. Our
weekly average is $11,989.48
Thank you for your
continued and generous support!
Lumen Soccer Games—Turn out for a great game and cheer for your team!
Wednesday, August 31:
Thursday, September 1:
Friday, September 2:
Wednesday, September 7:
September 8-10:
Thursday, September 15:
Friday, September 16:
Monday, September 19:
Tuesday, September 20:
CANCELLED High School v. Nenana @ Oberg Field, Chugiak, 6:30pm
Jr. High & High School v. Wasilla Lake @ Kincaid 4pm-7pm
Jr. High @ Anchor Lutheran, 4:30pm
Jr. High v. St. John’s @ Kincaid, 4pm
High School Soccer Tournament @ Tri-Valley, All Day!
Jr. High & High School v. Wasilla Lake @ Palmer, 4pm-7pm
Jr. High @ Anchor Lutheran, 4:30pm
Jr. High & High School v. Birchwood @ Kincaid, 4pm-7pm
High School v. Holy Rosary Academy @ Kincaid, 6pm –7:30pm
St. Francis House Food Pantry:
September means Hunger Action Month. Starting Thursday, we will be increasing our efforts to
raise awareness about hunger and support for St. Francis House. As part of that effort, we would
like to do a food drive at each parish during the month. Since the color for Hunger Action
Month is orange, we would provide you with an orange bin, or orange covering if you already
have a donation bin at your parish. It would also be a great opportunity for photos and raising
awareness to the community about the wonderful work you do and the help you provide. Please
contact, Kara Casanova at kcasanova@cssalaska.org if you’re parish is interested.
Ending hunger in Anchorage starts with you. Due to a shortage at one of our suppliers, St. Francis House Food Pantry is in dire need of shelf stable foods. If you have canned goods, pastas
and/or other non-perishable foods, please bring them to St. Francis House food pantry at Catholic Social Services to help make a difference in our community. The pantry is also in dire need
of size 3, 4, and 5 diapers. Donations can be dropped off at the pantry, 3710 E 20th Ave.
99508. Thank you for your donations!
Brother Francis Shelter
Help keep Brother Francis Shelter a clean, inviting place! Volunteer to clean up the campus on a
Saturday afternoon, do crossword puzzles with a group, or host a movie night. To find out more
and get involved, contact Kara Casanova at kcasanova@cssalaska.org or 222-7335.
Brother Francis Shelter | is in need of clothing. If you are cleaning out your closet please consider donating pants, shirts, underwear and other clothing items of any size to the guests at
Brother Francis Shelter. Please drop off donations to 1021 E. 3rd Avenue or you can order
through Amazon: http://amzn.com/w/37WJP00DD43G0\.
Clare House is in need of: twin size water proof zippered mattress protectors, pillows, bath towels,
liquid detergent, toilet paper, diapers size 4-6, and socks. -Please drop off donations at 4110 Spaniard Road or you can order through Amazon http://amzn.com/w/2ZEB2V5XTOGOZ.
Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services (RAIS) is in need of warm winter blankets, kitchen
tables, and chairs. Please drop off donations at 3710 E. 20th Avenue.
The Archdiocesan Holy Spirit Center Men's Group begins its fall gathering on Saturday, September 10, 7-9 am, and every other Saturday at Resurrection Chapel. Following Mass and a small repast, we share insights on When the Well Runs Dry by Thomas Green, S.J. We all experience times
of spiritual dryness, but we can learn from others on what to try. All men are encouraged to be enriched by this spiritual journey. We welcome new members from throughout the Archdiocese. Questions: contact John Goll, goll@alaska.net.
Catechetical Sunday, September 18: “Prayer: The Faith Prayed.” Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the
faith and being a witness to the Gospel. It is also an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to
this mission as a community of faith.
The 2016 Festival of Ministries is Coming, the weekend of
September 17th!
Watch the bulletin for details.
Rev. Leo A. Walsh, S.T.D.
Casa Santa Maria
Via Dell’ Umiltà,
00187 Roma, ITALY
“Ol’ What’s-His-Name” Contact Info:
Also on Facebook!
Podcasts and Blog to come!
To Ed Cunningham
August’s Knight of the Month!
…..and the Gary Kretchik Family
our Family of the Month
for August!
The Knights of Columbus will be holding our next blood drive on Sunday, September 11th, 8:30
A.M. – 12:15 P.M. at St. Benedicts Church back parking lot.
Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if you needed blood and no one came to donate. Please give so someone
can live. It is truly a gift of life.
The Blood Bank has asked us to let our donors know that appointments will have priority over walkins. Walk- ins will be worked in as soon as possible, if it can be done safely.
*** Please Note: You can self register prior to receiving a phone call and pick your own time. Call
the blood bank for assistance in getting this set up.***
If you are able to donate, please contact Bob McMorrow, Sr. at 243-7992.
Thank you!
The Raffle has started! See a
for your ticket
Our Patriotic Rosary is
prayed twice each month
on the first and third Mondays at 6 pm at the church.
Please set the time aside to join us to
pray for our country. Everyone is
welcome to pray with us!
We’re Back!
Second Course is returning September 10th
at 6 P.M., in the upper room of the Lumen
Our Topic: Mastering Love and Relationships
Who doesn’t want to have more constructive conversations in their close relationships? In this video, Fr. Mike
Schmitz explains how achieving this may be simpler than
you think. So many times, we just don’t give the people
we love the attention they deserve. Fr. Mike shows us
how to fix that and master our love relationships.
St. Andrew Bobola, S.J.
Patron of our E/C Team,
Pray for us.
Our next parish
“Marian Shrines
of Europe”
In March of 2017, our parish will be
going on pilgrimage to visit Fatima,
Santiago de Compostela, Avila,
Zaragoza, Montserrat, Lourdes and
possibly Paris. We will be visiting on
the 100 year anniversary of Mary’s
appearance to the three children of
Fatima. If interested contact Bob
McMorrow at 907-273-1552 or email
at rmcmorow@stbenedictsak.com.
Newly married? Starting a family? Trying to guide
your young family to a vibrant
faith? Looking for a mentor to
help answer some of your
questions? Looking for fellowship with other families trying
to live the Catholic faith?
Questions? email Doug and Rebecca at
Everyone is welcome, no need to RSVP. Invite your
Babysitting provided, please bring a dessert or side
dish to share.
"Every time you smile at someone, it is an
action of love, a gift to that person, a
beautiful thing."
Sign up forms are available in the back
of the church.
Early bird registration:
(before September 15, 2016)
Celebrate Mass at the birthplace of
St. Anthony of Padua, Lisbon.
Evangelization Team
We have begun gathering to discuss how our
parish can live out our call to evangelize. If you
are interested in more information,
please contact
Bob McMorrow
Our next meeting
will be announced
Coming in September!
Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd for 3 and 4 year olds
We are repurposing the nursery as our
Atrium I, which will open in September
for the first class of three and four year olds.
We will be meeting during the regular
Super Sunday CCD time.
We also are in need of a 6’x8’ rug.
The Atrium will be available for tours during the
annual Ministry Fair, so come and see what our
parish is planning for some of its youngest
Over the centuries, Saint Anthony of Padua has
been acclaimed as a great example of holiness
through countless works of art, sculpture and books.
Many Catholics, and even non-Catholics, think of
Saint Anthony as the first one to turn to when something is lost. Yet amid this widespread veneration
and devotion, we may miss the story of a man who
began his life like all of us.
This film reveals the journey of Fernando Martins de
Bulhões, a 13th century Christian whom we know
today as Saint Anthony. Here, we discover a young
man who was often "lost" and searching for direction
in his life. He wanted to make a difference in the
world of his time. As we encounter his humanity, we
find someone we can relate to, someone who struggled in life, someone we could have easily called a
Shot on historic locations in
Portugal and Italy, Finding St.
Anthony: A Story of Loss &
Light is a documentary film that
focuses on the experiences of
Fernando (Anthony) in his
search for the life God is calling him to lead. And as we look
closely at the journey of St.
Anthony, what we find may
surprise us: a reflection of ourselves. His story gives us insight and inspiration for
our own spiritual journey.
Please contact Rebecca Berry at
Thoughts on the Eucharist
“The greatest love story of all time
is contained in a tiny white Host.”
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
It is easy!
1) go to www.formed.org,
2) scroll down,
3) put in our code: 2a81e2
4) choose what you want to
It’s that simple. Check it out and pass it on to
those in our parish and school.
(Our contract does not allow us to send it outside of St. Benedict/Lumen Christi)
Following in His Footsteps
Thrift Store:
Clare House:
Pancake Breakfast:
Knights of Columbus:
Legion of Mary:
Samoan Mass:
Filipino Mass:
Prayer Chain:
Mass Intentions:
Open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm; contact the Store at
245-0017 or for other questions or to volunteer call Colleen: 354-4372 or Mary: 868-3453
Bob McMorrow: 273-1552 and Oriele Jones: 273-1541
See Ken Miller after Mass or email stbenmusic@gmail.com
Food for Clare House: 4th Tuesday each month; contact Linda Fleener: 243-5688
Coffee and donuts, following 8:00am and 10:30 am Masses, except on Pancake Breakfast
Served 8:00am to 12:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month from October to March
Meets every 1st Wednesday at 7pm. The Patriotic Rosary is on 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6pm
Meets every Monday at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall; contact Regina Baker: 907-978-1815
At 12:15 Mass, the 1st Sunday of the Month
At 12:15 Mass, the 3rd Sunday of the Month
Emergency food for those in need call 273-1596
For information call Ann Curro: 349-3772 or email Peg Walsh Bernert: peg500@aol.com
Meets Tuesday 6:30-8:00 pm; contact Marcy Adkins: 273-1554
SI=Special Intentions, RTH=Return to Health, ROS=Repose of the Soul
“The times we live in do
not call for young
“couch potatoes”, but
for young people with
shoes, or better, boots
laced. The times we live
in require only active
players on the field, and
there is no room for those who sit on the
bench. Today’s world demands that you be
a protagonist of history because life is always beautiful when we choose to live it
fully, when we choose to leave a mark. “
Take A Leap of Faith! (Just not off of the Cliffs of Moher!)
Youth Group:
9/7– Youth Night: 7-9 P.M.
9/5 - Alaska State Fair! Meet outside
Lumen at 12:00PM. Return at 6:00PM.
9/6– Forms for Paintball Due
9/14– Youth Night 7-9 P.M.
9/15– Jr. High Youth Night 6-8 P.M.
Pope Francis
WYD 2016
Paintball Night
Knights Vs. Youth Ministry
Thurs. Sept. 22
St. Benedict and St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton Youth are teaming up
to face the Knights of Columbus
in a paintball battle!
Additional Info and Signups at: