St. Martin of Tours - Saint Martin of Tours Catholic Church


St. Martin of Tours - Saint Martin of Tours Catholic Church
St. Martin of Tours
July 24, 2016
Seventeenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
440 Saint Martin Road
Vine Grove, KY 40175
Genesis 18:20-32
Colossians 2:12-14
Luke 11:1-13
Rev. Kevin J. Bryan, Pastor
John Richard Whelan, Deacon
Joseph Calvert, Deacon
Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil 6:30p.m. & Sunday 9:00a.m.
Weekday Masses: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00a.m.
Before Sunday Mass 8:15a.m- 8:45a.m.
Baptism classes are held after the third Saturday
Mass. Baptisms are held every fourth Saturday of
the month after the 6:30p.m. Mass. Call 270-8282552 to register for Baptism and the classes before noon on the 15th of each month.
Six months pre-marriage program required.
Call Father Kevin Bryan at the Parish Office.
Ministry to the Sick:
Please call 828-2552 if a family member enters
the hospital or becomes ill.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):
If you are interested in joining or learning about
the Catholic Church, call Deacon Joe at 502-930
Welcome to the Parish! Registration forms are
available in the parish office or on our website.
If you are interested in participating in a ministry
or committee, please call the Committee Chairperson.
Bulletin Deadline:
Wednesday noon in writing to Regina.
Meade County Catholic Radio 95.3 WLHN
Parish Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00a.m.–4:30p.m.
Parish Office Phone: 270-828-2552
Parish Website:
Parish Email:
Parish Staff:
John Richard Whelan 270-828-2430
Joseph Calvert 502-930-2039
Worship/Music Director
Roselle Muse 270-877-5476
Director of Life Long Formation/Office
Regina Bennett 270-828-8484
St. Martin of Tours Youth Ministry
Valerie Greenwell 270-828-8486
Maintenance Director
Todd McMahan 270-828-8485
Carol Cox 270-828-8483
Parish Boy Scout Charter Representative
Mary Gavin (H) 270-828-3513 (C) 270-501-2011
Cemetery Committee Glenn Redmon 270-828-8146
Parish Council Members Lisa Hobbs, Michael Medley,
Glenn Redmon (Chairperson), Elaine Vowels, Amy Peters,
Sandy Snyder. The next meeting is August 16 at 6:00p.m.
Jul 23
6:30 PM
Anna and Raymond Thompson
Vigil of The Seventeenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Ju1 24
9:00 AM
Our Parish Family
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jul 26
8:00 AM
Gayle Whelan
Jul 28
8:00 AM
Esteban Jeannette
Jul 30
6:30 PM
David Crutcher, Sr.
Vigil of The Eighteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Ju1 31
9:00 AM
Our Parish Family
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday Mass 6:30 PM
July 30
Sunday Mass 9:00 AM
July 31
Altar Servers
Taylor Hobbs, Ellie Bruner
Dylan Allgood, J.J. Gavin
Keith Boothe, Anna Buckman, Mary Cissell,
Deacon John Richard, Deacon Joe
Bill Hobbs, Eddie Hobbs, Mary Ann Lancaster,
Matt Hawkins, Deacon Joe
Ethan Straney, George Straney, Kenny Straney,
Freddy Whelan
Larry Medley, Patrick Medley, David Padgett,
John Padgett
Carolyn Redmon, Carrie Padgett
Mark Redmon, Elizabeth Greenwell
Music Ministers
Heather Pickering
Adult Choir
Gift Bearer
Marshall & Sandy Crutcher
Bernard & Jennifer Hobbs
Gatherings and Opportunities at St. Martin of Tours Church
Third Weekend of the Month-Food for the Meade Co. Clothes Closet and Pantry will be collected. Please
supply non-perishable food items with a non-expired date. Items can be left on the side altar under the St. Joseph statue. This is a
very worthwhile service in our community. Thank you for your support.
Sunday-Children’s Church begins in September and runs through April during the 9:00a.m. Mass.
Sunday-Men’s Bible Study Group meets each week beginning at 10:00a.m. Newcomers are welcome.
Sunday-Third Sunday of the Month Adult Formation at 6:00p.m. October-May. All are invited.
Monday-Women’s Bible Study Group meets each Monday at 10:00a.m. Newcomers are welcome.
Monday-Cub Scouts Pak 671 August-May.
Tuesday-The Rosary is prayed before Mass beginning at 7:30a.m. All are invited.
Tuesday-Boy Scout Troop 671 August-May
Wednesday-Children’s Faith Formation Program at 6:45-8:00p.m. August-April. Begins August 31.
Thursday-The Rosary is prayed before Mass beginning at 7:30a.m. All are invited.
Thursday-Al-Anon meetings are at 6:30p.m. in the Cafeteria. For info call 270-828-3368.
Friday-Fish Fries-October 7, November 11, December 9, January 6 at 4:00p.m.-7:00p.m.
Saturday-The Rosary is prayed before Mass at 6:00p.m. All are invited.
Saturday-First Saturday of each month. Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. 7:30p.m. After 6:30p.m. Mass.
Upcoming Parish Events
August-Meade County Wide Catholic Revival “Sent to Shine” August 8,9,10 in the Farm Bureau Building.
August-Bowties and Ribbons Pasta Dinner on August 21 from 4:00p.m.-6:00p.m. Fundraiser for playground.
September—Annual Parish Picnic will be held on September 10. See Attached flyer for more information.
Picnic Kitchen Committee will be meeting on Thursday, August 4 at 6:30p.m. in the Cafeteria. If you have any questions, please call Jerry Lancaster at 270-547-8806.
Weed Eaters are needed to help trim the Church Grounds and Cemetery on Tuesday, July 26 at 6:00pm. Rain date will be
Wednesday July 27.
St. John the Apostle 2016 Summer Classic Texas Hold’em at the Meade County Fair, July 27 7:00p.m. Flyers are in
the back of church.
St. Theresa Old Fashioned Down-Home Church Picnic, August 13, Rhodelia, Ky. Chicken, Beef and Barbeque Dinner
3-7p.m. Flyers are in the back of church.
Communion Minister Formation will be held at St. James Church in Elizabethtown, KY and is a two-session program for
those preparing to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, as well as those who are presently serving in this
role but have not attended this program in the past. The sessions include the Theology of the Eucharist, Liturgical Ministry
and the practical aspects of the role of Communion Minister. The program fulfills the training portion of the canonical mandate (5-year) required for this ministry. There is no fee for EMHC formation, but registration is required. Funded by the
Catholic Services Appeal. Please register by one of the following methods:
archdiocesan-agencies-facilities/worship-office/ ; email; fax %502)-636-2379; phone (502) 6360296, ext. 1260; mail Office of Worship, 1200 S. Shelby St. Louisville, KY 40203-2600
Stewardship of Treasure:
Offering for Last Week:
Offering Needed each week:
Offering Fiscal Actual Year to Date:
Offering Budget Year to Date:
Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had
finished, one of his disciples said to him, ”Lord, teach us
to pray just as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1
Scriptures tell us Jesus prayed before every major action
in His life. We should strive to follow Jesus’ example by
always praying first. In that way, we can ensure we are
doing God’s work and not our own.
SAVE THE DATE: 10th Annual St. James Community Golf Scramble will be held on August 13 at the Lincoln Trail
Country Club in Vine Grove at 9:00a.m.
Year of Mercy Blurb: Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue During this year of Mercy, we are called in a special way
to be peacemakers by utilizing the skill of dialogue as we work together to address the increasing violence and tension in
our world. Pope Francis reminds us: “In this work (peace building), the role of religion is fundamental. It is not possible
to build bridges between people while forgetting God. But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true
links with God while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I
am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam” (March 23, 2013). The year of Mercy presents wonderful opportunities to
renew relationships with persons of other faiths in our quest to work for the common good.
Marriage Moments
Do you ever bargain with your spouse? "If you watch the kids,
I'll be able to do this repair project." OR "If only you could give
me 5 more minutes, 1 hour, 1 day to finish this, we could spend
some quality time together. It's not bad to negotiate, but keep
your end of the bargain. (Gn. 18: 20-32)
Parenting Pointers
The 4th Sunday in July is Parents Day. Go beyond
the "Hallmark Holiday" notion. Perhaps use it as a
time to tell your child what it was like for you to
await their birth. How did you prepare?
Word of Life Prayer
For those facing serious illness: May they be comforted by God’s love through the support of
family, friends, and the local community.
Pray for All the Sick of Our Parish, especially the following:
John Robert “Bob” Barker, Phyliss Barker, Shannon Beasley, Ann-Marie Beatty, Jimmy Brown, Robert (Tuffy) Brown,
Janice Canby, Anna Jean Corbett, Mary Ann Corbett, Danny Cox, Chuck Crutcher, Paul Crutcher, Sandi Crutcher,
Brasilina DeWitt, Jillian French, Ursal French, Rowan Gower, Deacon Bob Hall, Bobby Hamilton, Mary Jo
Hardesty, Judy Hermsmeyer, Phyllis Hicks, Mary Kaye Hobbs, Renee Hudson, Lynzi Johnson, Buzzo Lancaster, Charlene
Lawson, Memphis Lusk, Charlotte Vowels Jones, Denny Kibler, Betty Jo Lancaster, Mary Ann Lancaster, Steve Lancaster,
Jeanette Macy, Christi McCoy, Linda McCoy (sister of Sandra Crutcher), Dane Medley,
Myron “Mick” Morgan, Mike O’Keif, Dorothy Muse, Laurine O’Neal, Charlene Pelka, Mildred Phillips, Debbie Pike,
Bernice Pike, Mark Powers, Anne Reardon, Rhonda Ross, Clay Sipes, Leon Skeeters, Preston Smith, Emily Snyder,
Regina Thomas, Jim Vaughn, Donnie Vowels, Rena Vowels, Billy Waldrop, Merle Waldrop, Tony Ward, Jeremy Watson,
Gene Whelan, Joe Whelan, LaVerne Whelan, Lee Earl Whelan, Mary Ann Whelan, Paul A. Whelan, Ronnie Whelan,
Wilma Whelan, Georgia Sipes Wnukoski
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, please call the parish office.
PO3 Jace Blehar, PVT Benjamin Cornatzer, LCpl Christian DeJesus, LCpl Joseph David Ellis, STG SN Chad Lancaster,
AB Benjamin Matthews, A1C C. J. Medley, Brian Padgett, A1C Bradan A. Pate, SN Maranda Reardon, SN Randall Reardon,
SPC Evan Vaughan, Ethan Whelan, PO2 Zachary Whelan,
Lt. jg. Daniel J. Wilkins, and all service members.
3rd Annual St. Martin of Tours Parish Picnic
September 10, 2016
2:00 to 10:00 PM
Dinner served 3:00 to 7:00 PM
Committee Signups – We are having signups for the various committees for the picnic before and after
weekend Masses during July and August. There will be a table setup for signups in the vestibule of
the church. Some of the committees are: Food Serving Line, Food Preparation, Children’s Games, Parking, T-shirts, Country Store, Live Auction, and Gaming. Contact Joey Bruner (270-547-8888), Lisa Hobbs
(270-828-3663), Michael Medley (502-548-7414) to volunteer. We need volunteers to help with all
the activities.
Raffle Tickets are available for purchase before and after each weekend Mass, weather permitting.
There are two raffles this year: a Cash Raffle and a Quilt Raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each. The Cash Raffle
has a 1st prize of $1,000, 2nd prize of $500, and 3rd prize of $250. Tickets for both raffles are available
individually or in groups of 20 (for the Cash Raffle) and groups of 5 (for the Quilt Raffle). We ask that
each parish family purchase or sell a group of cash and quilt raffle tickets. All tickets, sold and unsold,
must be returned.
Country Store donations are being sought. Items for the Country Store this year will be homemade
canned jellies and any homemade items. Donations can be placed in the boxes by the church doors or
contact Joey, Lisa, or Michael.
Live Auction Donations are also being sought again this year. This year we are seeking donations of
handmade wood items for the auction. They can be “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” anyone special.
Items for the auction may be brought to the gym the week before the picnic. If you are planning on donating for the live auction, please contact Joey, Lisa or Michael about your donation.
Money Donations may be made “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved one.
The Jar Wheel will be available again this year. It is like a Cake Wheel but it has jars or containers
filled with an item. Examples would be a container of hair bows, candy, toys, food, etc. The jars or containers may be any size you wish and either glass or plastic. Donations for the filled jars may also be
placed in the boxes at the church doors.
T-shirts will be available again this year. Watch this page in the bulletin for more information.
The Archives will be open from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. during the picnic.
Gaming at the picnic this year includes the Cake Wheel, Jar Wheel, Cash Raffle, Quilt Raffle, Money
Wheels. New this year will be Pulltabs and Showdown Poker for the adults. Lic #2420.
Everyone’s help and cooperation is needed and very much appreciated. If you have
any questions, contact Joey Bruner (270-828-8013), Michael Medley (502-548-7414)
or Lisa Hobbs (270-828-3663).
Make plans to attend with your family and friends to support our
Bowties & Ribbons
A dinner date for a little girl & the special guy in her life
August 21, 2016
4:00-6:00 pm
St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church
Flaherty, KY
in the gymnasium.
Spaghetti dinner (ribbon spaghetti noodles & bow tie pasta)
with a variety of sauces, bread sticks, salad and dessert.
Music, photo booth and events for all.
$25 for advanced pay (per special guy. no charge per girl)
$30 for pay at the door (per special guy. no charge per girl)
See Celia Medley or Brandi Lusk to pay in advance.
Payment with your name & number of guests can be dropped off at the
church office or info and check can be mailed to the church
440 St Martin Church Rd Vine Grove, KY 40175
Anyone wanting to help with the event or donate desserts,
please contact Brandi or Celia.
Proceeds benefit the new Playground at St Martin Church