September 4 - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church


September 4 - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
Diocese of Charleston
Our Lady of the Lake
Catholic Church
195 Amicks Ferry Road P.O. Box 549
Chapin, South Carolina 29036
Church: 345-3962 Fax Number: 345-8933
We Are a Stewardship Parish
Rev. Dennis B. Willey, Pastor (1-843-834-5447; Father’s Day Off is Monday)
Deacon Greg Weigold (345-3962)* Deacon Malcolm Skipper (345-2250)* Deacon John Stetar (732-8526)
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Parish Worship Schedule
Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am & 5:00pm
Holy Days: 7:00pm or Vigil the night before
Tuesday thru Friday @ 12 noon
Adoration after Thursday Mass until 8 pm
First Friday: Exposition & Adoration,
10-12 noon, Mass at 12 noon
Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appointment
Baptisms will be scheduled in advance. Please call the Parish
Office for more information or to attend a Baptismal
Preparation Session..
Catholics are bound by Canon Law to the Catholic Form of
Marriage and must consult a priest at least 6 months prior to
their wedding in order to remain in good standing with the
Catholic Faith. If you are planning to be married in the coming
year, please call the Parish Office for an appointment with the
Newcomers are asked to register so that we may properly
welcome you into our parish community. Forms can be found in
the Narthex. Active Participation includes 4 things:
1) Registration in the Parish for a sufficient period of time.
2) Regular use of the Sunday envelopes.
3) Faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.
4) Participation in Parish events and service to the Parish in
various ministries.
Provided during 10:30am Sunday Mass for children ages 6
months-5 years in Old Sanctuary (Temporary).
Religious Education
K4-5 on Sun. 9:00-10:15am 6-12 on Sun. 6-:7:30pm
Children’s Mass (10:30am) the First Sunday and Teen Mass
(5:00pm) on 2nd & 4th Sundays, when CCD is in session.
Visitation of the Sick
Please keep us informed that we might administer to and pray
for those who are ill at home, in the hospital or nursing care
facility. We also have a Home Eucharistic Ministry if you or
someone you know would like to receive the Eucharist.
Parish Staff and Ministries
Church Office Administration
Pat Moore………………………………………. 345-3962
Director of Operations:
Donnie Jameson…… 535-9029
Finance Council: Chair:
Linda Donato…...….
Women’s Club: Amy Easler
Men’s Club:
Jim Assemany
Music Director: Nickie S. Riley
Outreach Ministries: Deacon Malcolm Skipper
Deacon Greg Weigold
Parish Council
Jana DeVore...............................................................
Ken Hessler................................................................
Tom Hrica ................................................................
Linda Milliff………………………………………..
Gary Schmedding……………..................................
Beth Smith.................................................................
Susan Stewart ...........................................................
Altar Servers’ Ministry Alex Ciani (“Mr. C.”)
Tom Hrica, Assistant
Home Eucharistic Ministry: Deacon John Stetar
RCIA Contact Deacon Greg Weigold
Religious Education Cassy M. Vernau, D.R.E.
Sacramental Preparation Cassy M. Vernau, D.R.E.
(Including Confirmation, 1st Communion)
Ushers Ministry Chris Sinegar, Coordinator
Youth Ministers Joe & Jennifer Coletti
Protecting Our Children ~ Our Lady of the Lake and the Diocese
of Charleston are committed to the protection of children. The following
numbers are provided for your information: Diocesan Victim Assistance
Minister: (800)921-8122; Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services:
(843)853-2130 ext. 209.
(A wheelchair is available for use at all Masses)
The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 28, 2016
Father Dennis extends his thanks and
appreciation to the Parish for the
thoughtful birthday gift presented to him
last Sunday and for the coffee and cake
celebration! It was very kind of everyone
to remember him and he is humbled by the
generosity of so many in the Parish. May
God continue to bless you and keep you in
His Loving Arms!
Today is the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
HUMILITY. Have you ever been in a group of
people—maybe on a tour, at a social gathering, or
at church—and discovered that you have just been
talking with a well-known author, corporate CEO,
great scholar, or politician? Your first thought is
the hope that you didn’t say anything to embarrass yourself; but
your second thought is how much they seemed like such
“regular” folks. What is it that makes people seem so “regular”?
Today’s readings give us a clue when they stress the
importance of humility. It is so hard for us not to tell the first
person who will listen how busy we are, how hard we work,
how much money we donate, and how important our job titles
are. We think these accolades make a difference to people, and
if we don’t tell them, how will they ever know? But if our
actions demonstrate our values, people will recognize our worth
on their own. The words of Jesus show us how much better it is
to let someone else recognize our worth than to be embarrassed
because someone did not.
August 29-September 4, 2016
The Lord’s Word
1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Mk 6:17-29
1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37
1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44
1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 5:1-11
1 Cor 4:1-5;Ps 37:3-6,27-28,39-40;Lk 5:33-39
1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5
Wis 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-6, 12-17; Phlm 9-10,
12-17; Lk 14:25-33
2016-2017 School Year is now underway. Please
keep our children, teachers, and school workers
in your prayers. Father Dennis will invoke a
Special Blessing at all Masses this weekend.
As a kick-off to the school year, the Men’s Club will be
sponsoring a Back-to-School Breakfast this Sunday, August
28, after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses in the Family
Life Center. There will be a special guest, Miss Penelope
Bluum, Biblical Archeologist who will interact with the
children present to “dig up some fun facts about the Good
News.” Everyone is invited!!
Deacon Malcolm’s
Adult Faith Formation
~ Reading the New Testament ~
Wednesday Mornings in St. Ignatius Hall, 10:15 am
Thursday Evenings in St. Ignatius Hall, 6:45 pm
(See Bulletin Insert)
The Week Ahead
Monday, August 29, NO Mass
Tuesday, August 30, Mass 12 noon
Special Intention to St. Joseph for Kasten Family
Wednesday, August 31, Mass 12 noon
Mass Intention for Fr. Vince McMurry, P.S.S.
Thursday, September 1, Mass 12 noon
Special Intention for Henry & Mary Lees
(Wedding Anniversary)
Adoration, 12:30-8 pm
First Friday, September 2, Exposition & Adoration
10-12; Mass 12 noon
Mass Intention for Sally Strohmaier (Birthday)
Saturday, September 3
Sat Vigil Mass, 5:00 pm
Reconciliation, 4:30 pm
Rosary Prayed before the Vigil Mass
Mass Intention for Liz Drexelius
Sunday, September 4
Morning Mass, 8 am
Mass Intention for Claire Whelan
Morning Mass, 10:30 am
Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People)
Evening Mass, 5 pm
Mass Intention for Bettyanne McAuliffe
Adult Bible Study
Sunday Morning @ 9 am
Media Center/Family Life Center
Guiding us to a deeper understanding
of the Sunday Scriptures. Join us!
Are You Interested in a Spiritual Book Club??
Meet to discuss books with spiritual themes
and how they relate to Christianity and our Catholic Faith.
See Insert for more Details!
33 days to Morning Glory, the Hearts Afire Program
begins September 8th & September 11th. Deadline to
order materials is August 28th. If you want to join group
and don’t want to purchase materials, they are available
on FORMED.ORG. See Insert.
Our Lady of Grace Rosary Group
Our Lady of Grace “travels” next to the home of
Dona Silverman. Everyone is welcome!! For any
questions about this ministry or if you would like
to host Our Lady of Grace in your home for the
Rosary, please call OLOG Rosary Group
Coordinator, Laura Renda @ 704-840-9860.
Flowers for the Altar
Flowers on the altar this weekend were provided by
Terry & Brenda Macaluso in honor of their son,
Mario Macaluso, as he celebrates his 18th Birthday;
and, by Pat Gaskin in loving memory of her husband,
Claude Gaskin, on the 13th Anniversary of his
News from
Joe & Jen Coletti
Youth Ministers
Attention Parents & Teens: If
you have any questions
during the Summer or just a question about Youth
Ministry in general, Please Contact: Joe & Jennifer
Coletti 803-261-0079 or
Our heartfelt sympathy goes to the Thompson
Family on the sudden passing of Barbara
Thompson’s sister, Rose Marie Jancovic; and, to
Leroy Harrington & Family on the passing of
Christine Harrington, whose Mass of Christian Burial
was held in the Sanctuary last Wednesday. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to the families and their
loved ones
Next Meeting
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
St. Ignatius Hall
August 20-August 21, 2016
Debt Reduction
$ 12,179.00
$ 13,709.00
Budget Amt. Needed
Amt. Received
In-plate Collection
*On-Line Giving
Total for
Holy Days
The Saturday Vigil Mass is in loving
memory of Claude Gaskin, on the 13th
Anniversary of his Passing, at the request
of Pat Gaskin. The Mass at 8 a.m. is
offered for the Safety of the Sailors & Marines
Aboard USS San Antonio on their deployment to the
Middle East. The Mass at 10:30 a.m. is offered for the
repose of the soul o f Chris Kallenbach, at the request
of the Kasten Family. The Evening 5 p.m. Mass is
offered for the repose of the soul of Robert Weigold,
Deacon Greg’s father, at the request of the Parish.
THIS WEEKEND, August 27-August 28, 2016
Sat. August 27, Vigil Mass, 5 pm, Lector, TBD
Ministers: Jana DeVore, Cheryll Stetar, B. Drexelius, DM
Altar Servers: Mary & Mallory Moosbrugger, Caitlin Murphy
USHERS: K. Hessler, S. Stewart, G. Genevrino
Sunday, August 28, Mass, 8 am, Lector, Lil Hayes
Ministers: Dennis & Kathy Lamkin, G. Hines, DG
Altar Servers: Chris & Erik Veach, Tripp Bollibon
USHERS: J. Hopensperger, R. Lawrence, L. Gilbertson
Morning Mass 10:30 am, Lector, Tom Sowinski
Ministers: Julie Weston Quarles, Linda Spencer,
Renee Weber, T. Hrica, D. Slack, DJ
Altar Servers: Drew, Chloe Grace, & Matt Johnson
USHERS: M. Lanni, E. Goebel, B. Devine
Evening Mass, 5 pm, Lector, Cheryll Stetar
Ministers: Kathy Parker, Rob Schiferl, TBD, DJ
Altar Servers: Dominic & Jack Coletti, Daniel Adkins
USHERS: C. Sinegar, J. Larson, M. Jameson
NEXT WEEKEND, September 3-September 4, 2016
Sat. Sept. 3, Vigil Mass, 5 pm, Lector, Tom Sowinski
Ministers: Bob Drexelius, TBD, TBD, DJ
Altar Servers: Cam Kasten, Lainey Corley,
Sofia Kasten, Zach Smith
USHERS: E. Santilli, G. Genevrino, A. Claytor
Sunday, Sept. 4, Mass, 8 am, Lector, George Hines
Ministers: Dennis & Kathy Lamkin, L. Hines, DG
Altar Servers: Christopher Vidal, William & Cynthia Schmidt
USHERS: L. Gilbertson, A. Chapelle, C. Dorbandt
Morning Mass 10:30 am, Lector, TBD
Ministers: Paul Lareau, Nanette Corbitt, TBD, TBD
T. Hrica, TBD, DM
Altar Servers: Sam & Charlie LaRosa, Gillian Wilson
USHERS: M. O’Shaughnessey, S. Hood, D. Slack
Evening Mass, 5 pm, Lector, Jana DeVore
Ministers: TBD, TBD, TBD, DM
Altar Servers: Adam Schiferl, Brandon Bravo,
Anna Remensnyder
USHERS: J. Larson, J. Carnabuci, O. Cristy
Hospitality Under the Tents after
8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Masses
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Brock Adams
Joe Larson, Sr.
Jim Allen
Holly Keehn
Jenna Bailey
Kathy Keenan
Sister Kateri Battaglia, M.S.C.
Vern LaFave
Florence Berqquist
Tom Lees
Stefan Bouknight
Scarlet Lutz
Jean Brannan
Dianne Martin
Samuel Brown
Lindsay McGuire
Karen Brooks
Freddie Ann Mills
Carolyn Calhoun
Ginger Patsy
Charles Cameron
Vi Pennucci
Christina Cassidy
Foster Pittenger
Jack Corbitt
Sister Catherine Riggs, O. Carm.
Janet Cox
Maria Robison
Charles “Sonny” Easler
Joe Schelble
Deacon Dave & Peg Farinelli
Hugh & Trudy Senn
Bennett Fisher
Bobby Serina
Marge Gagnon
Beatrice Sharpe
Madelyn Garcia
Hazel Smith
Cesar Gasiorowski
Savannah Swearingen
Josephine Gonzalez
Jimmie Thompson
Roy Harrington
The Thorntons: Michael, Annette & Ashleigh
Doug Heim
Kevin Trivisonno
Andy Hollis
John Walker
Matthew & Melanie Hood-Pittenger
Debi Ward
Myrna Jeffcoat
Scott Weston
Lena Jerome
Sally Wilson
Eileen Kircher
Lee Wolfe
The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflecting on God’s Word
The story is told of a priest who was a brilliant scholar and an extraordinary lecturer.
His one concern in life was the position he would hold at God’s eternal banquet. One
night, in a dream, an angel revealed that he should expect to be seated next to the
butcher from Regenberg. The priest was aghast. Surely a mistake, he thought. He
decided to set out for Regenberg to see the man who would be his companion for
eternity. As he traveled, he thought to himself that perhaps this butcher was really a
man of great distinction who had fallen on hard times and was temporarily forced to
cut meat for a living. With that thought, he tried to console himself.
In Regenberg, the priest found the butcher working quietly at his trade. He asked him
if he had been a butcher all his life. The butcher replied, “Yes, I have, my good man,
but I’m a second-rate butcher. You see, I have not had much time to devote to my
trade. I have two elderly parents and they are very helpless in the daily tasks of life. As
a result, much of my time is consumed in their care. Every day I must bathe them,
clothe them, and feed them. And there’s the cleaning and washing of clothes.”
The priest, with tears in his eyes, knelt down, kissed the rough hands of the butcher,
and thanked God for giving him a place in heaven next to a man of such great
distinction. ~ Rev. Richard Zajac
Living God’s Word
In our Gospel today Jesus states,
“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled
and those who humble themselves will be exalted!”
How can you humble yourself this week
for the sake of another?
Happy Birthday
August 29
September 2
Charles Brown
Antoinette Budds
Jerri Drake
David Hardebeck
Michael Presper
Lauren Dickson
Olivia Downs
Lisa Hennighan
Michael Templeton
Dr. Arie Van Dam
August 30
September 3
Jill Calderone
Rosa Figueroa
Lisa Hollis
Lorrayne Joy
Taylor Kotula
Kahlea Reece
Jennifer Thornsberry
August 31
Kara Burton
Olga Cristy
Laura Hamilton
David Stevens
Joseph Mitchell
Anna Marie Vernau
September 1
Kayla Antosz
Steven DiCorte-Esquivel
Katherine Horn
James Lewis
Brittany Martinez
Sydney Mitsch
Ryan O’Neill
Josh Perritt
Ashley Puleo
Louis Puleo
Beth Smith
Michael Lanni
Dr. Melinda O’Leary
Dr. Patrick O’Leary
Lillie Taylor Marie
Marshall Walker
September 4
Joann DeSousa
Giovanni Macaluso
Selenia Salinas
Dalton Steen
Happy Anniversary
August 1
William & Angela Bouknight
Bruce & Beverly Brubach
Tom & Ursula Callan
Tommy & Theresa Hines
August 2
Eric & Antoinette Budds
Jim & Kathy Manikowski
Michael & Cindy Ottone
August 3
Michael & Lori Mitsch
Casey & Aletha Flanagan
Byron & Jeanette Sherman
August 4
Tim & Lisa Hofferth
Glenn & Phyllis Landry
John & Laura Lee Stockdell
August 5
Will & Sandra Carmichael
Steven & Anne Marie Hays
August 6
Craig & Sheila Veach
August 8
Bud & Patricia Lewandowski
Mitchell & Julieta Martin
Henry & Barbara Sweatman
August 9
John & Joan Blackwelder
Michael & Carol Morrett
Chris & Christine Oliver
August 10
Tony & Rena DelSignore
Jeff & Mary Lackovic
Matt & Susanne Payne
August 11
Albert & Sally Bueno
August 12
Jeff & Jo Dowdy
Kenneth & Ann Elias
Jack & Penny Nieri
Gregory & Dorothy Place
August 13
Tim & Marianne Johnson
Michael & Lori Mitsch
August 14
Thomas & Patricia
August 15
Tom & Katy Brown
Edward & Linda Goebel
Tom & Mary Vacula
August 16
Joseph & Diane Boncorddo
August 18
John & Kathy Hogan
August 19
Neil & Elaine Baer
Byron & Keith & Janet
John & Kathy Loy
Craig & Beverly Schinke
August 20
Jason & Lumi Bakos
Jon & Mary May
David & Samantha Stevens
August 21
Dante & Mary Capriotti
Mark & Donna Coleman
George & Eileen Higgins
Henry & Mary Lees
David & Kristin Schaefer
August 22
Jim & Sherry Luzar
Bob & Laurie McCormick
Bob & Tracy Miller
Mark & Sally Morabito
August 24
Bob & Eleanor Cunningham
August 25
Lou & Gayle Chiasson
Dick & Pat Murphy
John & Angel Tomsic
August 26
Tony & Tony Lynn Chirico
Jeffrey & Tina McGrory
August 28
Mike & Liz Haney
August 29
Raymond & Carol Boucher
Pat & Beth Brown
Robert & Janice Probst
August 31
Michael & Ginger Hackett
Paul & Patricia Larkin
6pm.; Adult Bible Study, 9am
TEEN Mass 5 pm
Care & Share Sunday
Training Session for
NEW Altar Servers
on Sept. 13th @ 12:15
Adult Faith Formation,10:15am
28 Mass 12 NOON
22 Mass 12 NOON
Adoration 12:30-8 pm
Training Session for ALL
Altar Servers
on Sept. 20th @ 12:15
Adult Faith Formation, 6:45 pm
29 Mass 12 NOON
Adoration 12:30-8 pm
27 Mass 12 NOON
Adult Faith Formation,10:15am
21 Mass 12 NOON
25 Morning & Evening
Faith Formation Classes 9am &
26 NO Mass
20 Mass 12 NOON
Adult Faith Formation, 6:45 pm
15 Mass 12 NOON
Adoration 12:30-8 pm
Deacon Malcolm’s Adult Faith
Formation Begins 6:45 pm
8 Mass 12 NOON
Adoration 12:30-8 pm
Adoration 12:30-8 pm
1 Mass 12 NOON
Adult Faith Formation, 6:45 pm
Threads of Love, 1 pm
19 NO Mass
Women’s Club Meeting,
6:30 pm
Adult Faith Formation,10:15am
14 Mass 12 NOON
Deacon Malcolm’s Adult Faith
Formation Begins 10:15am
Parish Pastoral Council
Meeting, 6pm
13 Mass 12 NOON
Mass 12 NOON
6 Mass 12 NOON
Faith Formation Classes 9am &
6pm.; Adult Bible Study, 9am
18 Morning & Evening
Children’s Mass 10:30 am
TEEN Mass 5 pm
Men’s Club Annual
FISH FRY, 6:30 pm
All Men of Parish INVITED
12 NO Mass
11 Morning & Evening
Faith Formation Classes
BEGIN, 9am & 6pm
Adult Bible Study, 9am
Fall Confirmation Retreat 12n
5 NO Mass; Parish Office
Closed in Observance of
Labor Day
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5
pm; Sunday Masses at 8
& 10:30 am, 5 pm
30 Mass 12 NOON
23 Mass 12 NOON
16 Mass 12 NOON
9 Mass 12 NOON
Exposition & Adoration,
10-12 NOON; Mass at
On-Line Giving NOW
available for your
convenience. See Bulletin
Insert or go to
RosaryMakers 9:30am.