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January 12, 2014 SAINT MARY’S CHURCH 15164 Juniper Dr. Marne, Mi 49435 616-677-3934 Pastor: Rev. David Gross Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. A WORD FROM THE PASTOR... Happy Feast of the Baptism of the Lord! As we celebrate the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan by John the Baptist we also conclude the Christmas Season. It is finally time to take down all of the decorations as we return to Ordinary Time this Monday. It is my sincere hope that now that Christmas is over the snowfall can come to an end. All of the people who were praying for a white Christmas perhaps didn’t take into account that Christmas lasts until January 12. Fortunately my small car has been able to get me back and forth between the churches for all of the Masses on time. As we commemorate Jesus’ baptism, we are also getting back to the baptism season in our parishes. It is a real joy for me to see (and hear) so many little ones in the pews. There are a number of baptisms scheduled in the next few weeks, but we always have room for more. If you are expecting the birth of a child in the next few months or have recently given birth, please contact me so that we can arrange to have your baby baptized soon. Also, if you have a child who is under seven years old, please call me so that we can get him or her baptized as soon as possible. Once they turn seven then they are required to go through the same process as adults who come into the Catholic Church through the RCIA program, and it is much more involved. So don’t wait until it is time for them to celebrate their First Communion to decide that they should be baptized! While I am on the topic of receiving the sacraments I wanted to provide a brief reminder about marriage. Anyone who has been baptized as a Catholic, even if they haven’t set foot in a Catholic church since that time, is required to get married in a ceremony celebrated by a Catholic priest or deacon unless they get special permission from the bishop in order for the marriage to be a sacramental marriage and be recognized by the Catholic Church. This is much more than just getting a marriage “blessed” by God or the Church, if a baptized Catholic gets married by a justice of the peace, in a courthouse, or in a non-Catholic church, that person in a real sense is not even married. If you are in this situation I strongly encourage you to contact me so that we can celebrate a marriage for you that will be sacramental and that will have all of the graces that go with this. Finally, Bishop Walkowiak has announced that he will be celebrating a special Mass at the Cathedral of St. Andrew on Wednesday, January 22 at 7 PM in order to pray for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. This day is the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it is important that all of us pray in a special way on that day for an end to the horrible practice of abortion. I will be in Washington with a group from our diocese that day to take part in the March there, so there will be no morning Mass at St. Michael that day. Please plan to attend the evening Mass with the bishop instead. May God bless you all throughout the upcoming week! Fr. Dave IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO MAKE A DONATION TO THE NEW GATHER HYMNALS: We have a few hymnals left without memorials. Hymnal Donation forms can be found in the Narthex and/ or online. Please fill out and drop off in the collection basket or at the parish office. Thank you for your generosity. January 12, 2014 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Mass Schedule and Intentions MA=St. Mary MI=St. Michael Saturday 5:00 p.m. January 11 MA For our Parish Family Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. January 12 MI Paul Lindberg by Pat & Carol Hehl MA Bruce LeMieux by Joan Forslund MI Bradley Foltz by Joe Hitchings Monday January 13 No Mass Tuesday January 14 9:00 a.m. MA M/M Walter Malewitz by M/M Ken Malewitz Adoration begins after Mass until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m.. January 15 MI For our Parish Family Adoration begins after Mass until 5:00 p.m. Thursday January 16 9:00 a.m. MA Mary Struik by Family Friday 9:00 a.m. January 17 MI For our Parish Family Saturday 5:00 p.m. January 18 MA Jeff Paauwe by Bud & Theresa Burton Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. January 19 MI Butch Steffes by the Mauchmar Cousins MA Our Parish Family MI Donald & John Tasker by Mary Stickney Readings for the Week of January 12, 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday The Baptism of the Lord Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116; Mk 1:14-20 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2; Mk 1:21-28 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40; Mk 1:29-39 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44; Mk 1:40-45 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89; Mk 2:1-12 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1a; Ps 21; Mk 2:13-17 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 A Family Perspective by: Bud Ozar Jan 12—Baptism of the Lord The words in today’s gospel, “This is my beloved, with whom I am pleased,” are words every child needs to hear often , no matter how old. Affirmation is important to raising healthy and holy children. The Baptism of the Lord ST. MARY’S PARISH NEWS We are pleased to welcome our newly baptized child of God into the St Mary’s parish family. Grayson Edward Nowicki Baptized on January 12, 2014 Son of Robert & Heather Nowicki To the community of St. Mary’s, What a blessing you have been this Christmas to the many pregnant mom’s to be and young families we serve in the Grand Rapids area. To have nice new stuff to give out at this most Holy time of year is truly something that these families are very grateful for. Thank you for thinking of our ministry at Advent/ Christmas and for your continued support throughout the year. All is necessary to make a difference and to bring a brighter tomorrow to those we serve. May the blessings you bestow on us return to you a hundredfold. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you all. Sincerely, Paula Veneklase- Director, HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid WARMING DRIVE: Our Lady of Fatima Guild is collecting items for their annual Warming Drive. New and Gently Used Hats, Coats, Gloves and Scarves are all in need! Please drop off in the Narthex. Items will be picked up and distributed Feb 10. THANK YOU PRAYER LINE: Daytime Requests: Call the Parish Office 677.3934 or Linda 677.3269 Evening Requests, call Darlene 453.0157 or email : Giving Back to God St. Mary’s Contributions from December 24 Adult (138) $6783.00 Children (1) $1.00 Loose $997.00 Total $7781.00 Capital Improvement $150.00 St. Mary’s Contributions from December 28/29 Adult (148) $6176.00 Children (1) $1.00 Loose $430.26 Total $6607.26 Capital Improvement $118.00 St. Mary’s Contributions from January 4/5 Adult (101) $4719.52 Children (0) $.00 Loose 278.00 Total $4997.52 Capital Improvement $199.00 Thank you for your continued support! January 12, 2014 ST MARY’S FAITH FORMATION NEWS 2013/14 Religious Education: Preschool & Kindergarten Religious Education classes meet at the Parish Hall on Sundays during the 9:15AM Mass. Elementary Religious Education: Students in grades 1 7 meet at the Parish Hall on Wednesdays from 6:157:30pm. For more information on either of these programs, please contact the parish office 677-3934 or Dr. Allan Ten Eyck: Confirmation Preparation Classes: Students in 8th grade meet in the Parish Hall from 7:45PM to 8:45PM. Questions? Call Kim at 677-1982. The Junior High and High School Youth Ministry News is now on the community/cluster page. ST MARY’S ADULT BIBLE: Wednesdays 9:00-10:30 in the parish hall Newcomers are invited to join at any time. For information contact Jill Brown 899-2215 MARTHA LEAGUE: Please call Becky at 498-0052 if you know of someone who could use our assistance with meals during an illness, or recovering from surgery. St. Mary's Tae Kwon Do classes are on Mondays from 6:30-8:30 P.M in the Parish Hall. FREE and open to anyone age 9 - Adult. For more information, contact the instructor, Maureen Carmody, 3rd Dan Black Belt. Home phone: 616-677-3217. Email: DO YOU KNOW OF ANY ST MARY’S PARISHIONERS THAT ARE HOMEBOUND OR IN A NURSING HOME? Would they like to receive our weekly bulletin or a visit from Father Dave? Please contact Cathie at the parish office with the parishioner’s name, address and phone number. LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR TICKETS for the ultimate Date Night! Jan. 18, speaker and marriage expert Dan Seaborn from Winning at Home is coming to Coopersville Centerstage Theatre! The event entitled “COMMITTED” promises to be a fun-filled evening committed to strengthening marriage and the ultimate date night! Tickets are on sale now at St. Michael’s & St Mary’s offices for $25/couple or $12.50/single or online at ST. MARY’S - Liturgical Ministers for January 18/19 Mass Jan 18 5:00 pm Jan 19 9:15 am Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lector 1 Lector 2 Ministers of Hospitality Dylan Fritz Austin Fritz H: Sara Patterson, Chris Morgan, Cindy Sabo C: M/M Arlyn Doornbos, Rita Carmody, Mary Weis Geary Farrell Jose Gomez M/M Donald King, M/M Jim Schwallier, n/a Ramona Madison, Duane Jingle Donuts Jalen Schoenborn Jenna Booth H: Michele Dykstra, Vicki Benedetti, Pat Kensil C: M/M Chris Booth, Wendy Reffeor, Dave Benedetti, Jessica Pabst Jon Denhof Jim, Marian, Mike, Patrick Looks, Jim May, Joe Kamp, Mitchell Kamp Emily May, Parker May The Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2014 ST. MICHAEL’S FAITH FORMATION St. Michael’s Sanctuary Lamp In Memory Louis & Lorna Fitzsimons by Jane Vitunskas There are many openings for Sanctuary Lamp Memorials in 2014. The cost is $10 for 2 weeks. Contact the parish office to reserve your dates. St. Michael’s Parish family remembers in their prayers: Ruth Langlois, Alexandria Gordon, Lillian Gray, Darwin Johnson, Doris Benkert, George and Gladys Langlois, Brooke Campbell, Jackie May, the victims of abortion, and the men and women in the military. If you or a loved one would like to be added to this prayer list, please contact the parish office at 384-4026. Parish Prayer Line - If you would like to request a prayer for our parish prayer line please contact Mary Ann Laug at 837-8223 or Lerine Lindberg at 837-8882. St. Michael’s Angel Cooks - Call Marcy at 837-8718 if you know of someone who could use our assistance with meals during an illness or recovering from surgery, etc. Giving Back to God St. Michael’s Contributions from last week. Adult Holy Day Loose Children’s Total Budgeted Income Surplus / Deficit Financial Assistance Building Fund Children’s Liturgy of the Word This program is offered on Sunday during the 11:15 Mass for children ages 3-7 years. Each week we pray, read and explore the Sunday Gospel from a child’s viewpoint. We include the Gospel Acclamation so children understand the importance of preparing our mind and heart for the Gospel reading. This week we showed the students the Baptismal font. We also showed them how to bless themselves with holy water and explained that we do this as we enter the church to remind ourselves that our own Baptism, like Jesus’ baptism, is the beginning of our mission. Each of us is called to serve God by bringing his love to others, as Jesus did. Elementary Faith Formation The elementary program is for grades 1-5. We meet on Wednesday from 6:007:30 pm. Our program begins in Church. Our program started back up this past week. The Christmas season comes to an end this weekend when we read the Baptism of the Lord. Our liturgical color will change from white to green in Church as we enter the season of Ordinary Time. R.C.I.A. / R.C.I.C. RCIA meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the school. Contact Deb Wiggins @ if you are interested in joining. ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH NEWS Thank you for your continued support! St. Michael’s Scrip News: Thank you to our 20 families who purchased Scrip last week. Our total earnings were $170.26. 2014 Contribution Envelopes are in the glass hallway. There is also information about online giving. REMINDER—To ensure proper credit, Please discard any old envelopes from 2013. THANK YOU to our St. Michael’s Angel Cooks for the month of December: PRESCHOOL NEWS We are continuing our fundraising for the new playground equipment. There are two collection buckets in the back of church. Our goal is to raise $8,000. If you would like to make a larger donation, please send a check to the parish office. Check out the thermometers in the Narthex to see our progress. Fun was had by all at our Euchre Tournament this Saturday. Congratulations to our winners! If you missed this one, there will be two more coming up on February 15 and March 15. The second school Sale will be on Sat, Jan 18, from 9 a.m. until Noon. The classrooms have been sorted through and there are still many items, while still usable, are not needed by our church at this time. All proceeds from this sale goes to our Preschool playground equipment fundraiser. Carolyn Johnson, Cindy Bleckley, Kathy Maka, Megan Cusick, Chris Albrecht, and Marcy Goosen. May Gods Blessing be upon each of you! Dear St. Michaels Catholic Church, On behalf of Coopersville Cares I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the generous donation to this agency to ensure the mobile food pantry program will continue for 2014. Your donation enables me to distribute 5,000 pounds of high quality food monthly at no cost to the recipients, we typically have 75-90 families here on Tuesdays, and may wait in line for over two hours. The economic climate may have improved for some people but the families we serve are usually the first to lose jobs and deplete savings and the last to share in the recovery. Your donation will help to alleviate food insecurity that many of our neighbors still face. Sincerely, Jim Alberts, Director of Coopersville Cares “Like” St. Michael’s Church—Coopersville on Facebook and follow our posts, pictures, and events! ST. MICHAEL - Liturgical Ministers for January 19. Mass 7:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Sacristan Jane Vitunskas Cindy Bleckley Greeters Arno & Judy Driedger Carol & Jo Reens Lectors Kevin Schumaker Pauline Guilford Ushers Dave & Deb T. Mary T. David B. Dennis & Brandon S. Tim & Brandon S. Eucharistic Ministers Niki S. Rose L. Jennifer D. Amy A-T. Bob & Linda R. Cork B. Cindy B. Marissa B. Angie S. Erik S. Melanie M. Rose V. Joel M. Music Anna Jonaitis Craig Bleckley Altar Servers Randy M. Peter & Karen N. Owen S. Nick P. Sally M. Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. COMMUNITY NEWS LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR TICKETS …... On Jan. 18, speaker and marriage expert Dan Seaborn from Winning at Home is coming to Coopersville Centerstage Theatre! The event entitled “COMMITTED” promises to be a fun-filled evening committed to strengthening marriage and the ultimate date night! Tickets are on sale now at St. Michael’s & St Mary’s offices for $25/ couple or $12.50/single or online at Help is needed in our community. St. Michael’s parish has been working with utility companies to help those in need this winter. If you would like to help with this cause, please place your donation in the collection labeled “Assistance to the Needy.” Please write your check to St. Michael’s Parish. We will then pass along 100% of your donation to a utility company we are working with. Encountering Christ in the Steps of St. Francis Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Why is Francis of Assisi so attractive today? Why was the Pope impelled to choose his name? Francis was changed by his encounters with Christ. How are we being called to change? Cost: $35 Box Lunch: $10 St. Clare: First Franciscan Women Saturday, February 15, 2014 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Francis and Clare, in complement, give us a spirituality that is feminine as well as masculine. Clare’s contribution to Franciscan spirituality quickens life in us as we work to rebuild the Church. Cost: $35 Box Lunch: $10 Franciscan Life Process Center Grand Rapids Campus-654 Davis St NW - To register for either of these Call Barb at 616-897-7843 or email Church Chuckle: From Genesis: "And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the earth." Then He made the earth round...and He laughed and laughed and laughed! St. Michael’s KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: The St. Michael’s Knights meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Free Throw Contest—January 12th, 2014 This event will start at 1:00pm. You can begin practicing in the gym after coffee and doughnuts. This contest is open to all boys and girls from the ages 10-14. All participants will receive a certificate and each age group winners will be eligible to move on to compete if they wish at a regional level. Seminarian Luncheon—NEXT WEEKEND! Sunday, January 19th following the 11:15 Mass at St. Michael’s. A Mexican Fiesta meal will be served to help support our seminarians: Kyle Kilpatrick, Daniel Schumaker and Michael Steffes, Jr. COST: Donation of your choice. YOUTH MINISTRY CLUSTER NEWS EDGE and LIFETEEN will meet tonight (January 12) at St. Mary’s in Marne. Edge meets from 4:30—6:00 p.m. Lifeteen meets from 7:00—8:30 p.m. Parents and High School Teens!! We need to know by TODAY, January 12 if you will be attending the Retreat (Feb 7-9 - $70), the DYC (March 2 - $20), and the Mission Trip (July 20-24). Please email or call me asap with your questions and decisions. Please don’t let costs be a deterrent. Contact Craig. Parents and Middle School Teens!! We need to know by TODAY, January 12 if you will be attending the Shine Rally ($30 on March 1). Please email or call me asap with your decision. Mission Trip!! There will be a mandatory informational meeting TODAY - January 12 at 9:00 AM in the Youth Room for those parents whose teens wish to participate in the mission trip this year. (July 20-24) Grades 8-12 are eligible to participate this summer. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! February 7-9 “The Presence” Lifeteen Retreat at Kalamazoo Hackett (Check our website) March 1 - SHINE Retreat for Middle School Youth at West Catholic High School from 1pm – 8pm. March 2 - Diocesan Youth Conference at West Catholic High School from 3pm – 7pm in place of Lifeteen. Prison/Jail Ministry Invites You : Come and find out what our ministry is all about! We are holding TWO informational sessions in January, one in Grand Rapids on Jan 14th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at Cathedral Square, and one in Holland on Jan15th from 6:00pm to 9:00p.m. at St. Francis de Sales Church. Please contact Jude Acheson (Granstrom) at 616475-1255 or to register or for more information. to you. A light dinner provided. We look forward to meeting you! St. Mary’s KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council # 11581 The St. Mary’s Knights meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. For more information please contact Grand Knight: Chris Pabst : Next Community Breakfast January 12 ~ Served Hot and Fresh after 9:15am Mass Pancakes, scrambled eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, juice and coffee. Adults-$6.00, Seniors-$4.00, Ages 5 –14-$3.00, Age 4 and under Free. Next Blood Drive– Feb 16~ 8AM to 12:30PM ST. MICHAEL’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK ST. MARY’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK West Michigan Veterinary Services RINALDI’S PIZZA & SUBS Coopersville—616-837-8151 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! 14675 16TH Ave. Marne~ 616.677.1281 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. MARY’S COUNCIL #11581 Invites you to attend Sunday Breakfast At St Mary’s Parish Hall 15164 Juniper Dr, Marne, MI 49435 Prepared and served by the Knights Adults $6.00, Seniors $4.00, Age 5-14 $3.00, Age 4 and under Free Funds raised are used to support the Knights of Columbus numerous charitable activities. Including: donations to the church to help with miscellaneous needs, youth group and religious education activities, HELP Pregnancy Crisis Center, Coopersville Cares and many other local charities and causes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! SERVED HOT AND FRESH! JOIN US AFTER 9:15 am MASS Jan 12, 2014 - Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, Ham, Sausage, Juice and Coffee Feb 16, 2014 - French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, Ham, Sausage, Juice and Coffee Mar 19, 2014 - Blueberry Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, Ham, Sausage, Juice and Coffee Apr 13, 2014 - Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, Ham, Sausage, Juice and Coffee May 11, 2014 - French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, Ham, Sausage, Juice and Coffee