May 19 - Hillsboro Church of Christ
May 19 - Hillsboro Church of Christ
Hillsboro’s Sunday Night Evening Worship & Dinner Sunday, May 26 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Lipscomb Academy—Elementary Campus 4517 Granny White Pike Nashville, TN 37204 AM WORSHIP Invite your friends to join us for a special evening of worship and fellowship in the park (Lipscomb Academy— Elementary School). Worship begins at 5:00 followed by a brown-bag dinner. Bring your meal, blankets and chairs. For more information, please call the church office (665-0014). PRAYERS Joyful, Joyful | #362 | Joseph Binkley • Casey Chelf - serving in Afghanistan We’re Marching to Zion | #111 • Iris Kronk - rehab at NHC Place at Cool Springs (#1715A) God Himself Is with Us | #177 Scripture Reading & Prayer | Kevin Rachel Offering Faithful Love | screen Why Did My Savior Come to Earth? | #784 Lord's Supper | Mike Fowler Dismiss to Children's Worship The Greatest Commands | screen "The Great Reversal" | Daniel Hope Wonderful, Merciful Savior | screen Family News | Joseph Mankin • Jean Stinson - rehab at Green Hills Health Center (#330B) • Steve Temple - treatment extensive melanoma for • Jordan Hatch, Annette Johnson, Mary Alice Larkin, Ann Marsh, Richard & Janice Sweeney, Mary Jane Ward, Judy Williams, Elynor Williamson, Mildred Wilson FAMILY & FRIENDS: • Tanya Brooks, sister-in-law of Kaitlyn Brooks • Ruth Byerley, mother of Corine (Danny) Jackson • Bennett Crain, great-granddaughter of Homer and Barbara Tidwell Sing and Be Happy | #841 Prayer | Joe Bedwell Card Collection Paul Kent Bramlett, Luke Ealy Clayton Jenkins, Henry McQueen PM WORSHIP Children's Bible Hour - #301 (old building) Praise & Worship (1st - 6th) - Geography Room HYG - Home of Houston & Mattie Harris Daniel Hope - Chapel Life Groups - Various GREEK DINNER—Eleni and her helpers will be preparing a delicious Greek dinner for the ladies on Tuesday, May 21, at 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall. A love offering will be collected at the dinner to offset the cost of the meal; suggested donation is $10. Register online or at the News & Notes board. BIRTHDAYS May 19 Emma Pearl Arnold, Matt Binkley Heather Hope, Olivia Richardson BEST WISHES to Joe Paul and Erin Tackett as they move to Carthage, TN, due to Erin's pharmacy residency at Cookeville Regional Medical. Prayer | Sid Smith Hosanna | #934 CALENDAR HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Annette Johnson, who will celebrate her 93rd birthday on Friday, May 24. Cards can be sent to her at Blakeford at Green Hills, 11 Burton Hills Blvd, Apt S-266, Nashville, TN 37215-6150. MEMBERS: • Sophia Birdwell - recovering at home from recent auto accident Welcome & Baby Recognition | D. Rosenblum NEWS & NOTES • Becky Daniel, daughter of A. M. & Martha Burton • Audra and Cole Griffith (Braxton, Lucy and Addy) - family of Dianne & Lynn Griffith, Natalie & Bryan Church • Parker Lockhart, former member, deployed to Afghanistan • Shelle Melton, aunt of Kyle (Lauren) Castles WINSHAPE RETREAT will be held October 11 - 13 in Mt. Berry, GA. Every marriage needs a time when couples can get away for a weekend to refocus, renew, and restore. Register online at Hillsboro offers a special incentive for first time attendees. Contact John Conger (john. for details. This event fills quickly; please register soon. THANK YOU NOTE from Robert, Teri and Allison Edwards is on the News & Notes board. WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP MEAL this week is chicken and dressing, steamed broccoli, sweet potato casserole, garden salad, rolls and banana pudding. Hosts: Family Experience THE RECORD May 12 ATTENDANCE Bible Study 430 AM Worship611 PM Worship239 Wednesday291 ELDERS | Larry Boyd, Jim Brownlee, Bruce Church, Steve Church, David Davidson, Ron Feenstra, Mike Green, Phil Henry, Sid Smith, Steve Temple, Will Vance; MINISTER | Daniel Hope; ASSOCIATE MINISTERS | A. M. Burton, Randall Pardue; FAMILY | John Conger; CHURCH LIFE | Stan Lowery; YOUTH | Joseph Mankin; CHILDREN’S | Sheila Montgomery; MINISTRY ASSISTANTS | Kellene Adams, Susie Cronin, Teresa Green, Corine Jackson; BUSINESS MGR | Barbara Fox; FACILITIES | Sonny Jones 5800 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, TN 37215 Phone 615.665.0014 | Fax 615.665.2874 www. May 22 Matt Cummings, Andrea Smith May 23 Rose Chambers, Milo Frazier Jesse Germeraad, Justin Kirby May 24 Scott Evans, Annette Johnson Sally Philpot May 26 Bennett Hall May 27 Paul Jividen May 28 Rebekah Boyd, Chris Bricker Alice Hill, Abigail McQueen John Walker ANNIVERSARIES May 19 Mark & Jackie Fry (23) May 21 Howard & Susan Harris (25) Andrew & Kira Fleshman (6) Mike & Sharon Barrett (36) Chad & Karen Thomas (8) May 22 Mark & Kristen Sullivan (9) Vince & Amy Armstrong (32) May 23 John & Juliet Muhire (6) May 25 Andy & Candice McQueen (17) May 26 David & Jessie Rosenblum (7) Darrell & Debbie Lambert (29) UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, May 19 • Good Samaritan Fund • Children's Worship | Pathfinders' Common Area • Family Experience Lunch | FH • HYG Devo at home of Houston & Mattie Harris • Children's Bible Hour | 6:00 pm | #301 (old bldg) • Praise & Worship (1st - 6th) | 6:00 pm Geography Room • Team 4 Encouragement Dinner Monday, May 20 • HYG Missions Fundraiser | Sweet CeCe's 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Tuesday, May 21 • Ladies' Dinner with Eleni | 6:00 pm | FH HILLSBORO HERALD Glorifying God Together Wednesday, May 22 • Needlework Outreach | 5:00 pm | East FH • Fellowship Meal | 5:30 pm | FH • FriendSpeak | 6:45 pm • Bible Classes for all ages | 6:45 pm Sunday, May 26 • Children's Worship | Pathfinders' Common Area • Praise in the Park | 5:00 - 7:00 pm Lipscomb Academy—Elementary Campus HILLSBORO CHURCH OF CHRIST | May 19, 2013 Hillsboro Youth Camp will be held June 16-21 at Hy-Lake in Quebeck, TN. Online registration can be found at All applications are due by Friday, May 31. Daniel Hope May 19, 2013 THE GREAT REVERSAL Luke 4:14-30 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” —Luke 4:18-19 Through _______________ ___________ do I view others? BABY RECOGNITION This morning we recognize the births of two new babies at Hillsboro. A children's Bible is presented to the parents and a prayer of commitment and encouragement will be led by Sid Smith. Today we celebrate with: • Andy and Lauren Gittus on the birth of son Kellett Andrew on March 16. • Jim and Amy Rusley on the birth of son Aiden James on February 25. Siblings are Alexandria, Victoria and Graydon. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY PROMOTION SUNDAY 2s - 6th grade Sunday, June 2 New class information will be mailed to parents. Jesus reminds the synagogue attendees of “the great reversal”: God _________________ in individuals society ___________________. Is Christ’s mission ______ ______________________? Might I be the one who is ___________________? SUMMER QUARTER BEGINS JUNE 2 Please consider helping in our children's ministry during the summer quarter that begins Sunday, June 2. Travel is expected during the summer months and substitutes are available, so don't let that keep you from volunteering. Contact Sheila Montgomery ( PRESCHOOL— Sunday mornings: • 2s—teacher • Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten—helper Wednesday evenings: • Tweenies—helper • 2s—helper • Young 3s—teacher PATHFINDERS— Wednesday evenings: • Art—helper GARAGE SALE Benefiting HYG Missions June 7 - 8 | Hillsboro Gym ** A big "thank you" to Rebecca Whitworth for designing the artwork for this sermon series. Gently used and clean items can be left in the youth center— appliances, clothes, books, toys, bicycles, etc. • CAMP 2013 — Online applications for all campers can be found at camp2013. To avoid a $25 late fee, all applications must be submitted by Friday, May 31. Be sure to pass along this information to your friends and family. • SUNDAY NIGHT DEVO — TONIGHT All students are invited to the home of Houston and Mattie Harris from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Van will leave from HCC at 5:45 and return around 8:00. Remember to bring a 2-liter drink and/ or a dessert. BAPTISMS WELCOME TO HILLSBORO Anna Bricker was baptized by her father last Saturday, May 11. She is the daughter of Chris and Dana Bricker. Notes of encouragement can be sent to Anna at 5408 Forest Acres Drive, Nashville, TN 37220-2106. Jad Dotson 7536 Lakeview Drive Nashville, TN 37209-5704 (615) 354-5448 Will Tidwell was baptized by his father on Wednesday, May 15. He is the son of James and Karen Tidwell. Notes of encouragement can be sent to Will at 137 Rockland Place, Pegram, TN 37143-2365. Katie Freeman 214 Old Hickory Blvd #201 Nashville, TN 37221-7002 (501) 627-4816 • INTERN MEET-N-GREET — Make plans to join us THIS Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the youth room for our annual meet-n-greet with all three of our summer interns—Garrett Crothers, Alex Newby and Kinsley Sells. Be sure to welcome them and pray for them as they join our family this summer. • MARK YOUR CALENDAR—JUNE 7 & 8 As we continue to raise money for Youth Missions, the first annual Hillsboro Youth Missions Garage Sale will be held on June 7 & 8; the Golf Scramble will be held on June 8. PRAYERS LADIES' MINISTRY Larry Boyd and Bruce Church, two of our elders, are available to pray with our members and visitors. During the invitation song please go to the foyer area or to Daniel's office. During the week contact them directly— BABY SHOWERS Sunday, June 9, three of our Hillsboro ladies will be honored with baby showers from 4:30 - 5:45 pm. Registry information will be available next week. • Rachel Apple and her guests will be in the North FH. She and Rick are expecting a boy. • Kristen Chadwick and her guests will be in the West FH. She and Nathan are expecting a boy. • Kira Fleshman and her guests will be in the East FH. She and Andrew are expecting a girl. Evann Bowen was baptized by her father on Wednesday, May 15. She is the daughter of Kevin and Krista Bowen. Notes of encouragement can be sent to Evann at 1011 Grassland Lane, Nashville, TN 37220. • Larry: (615)373-0340 • Bruce: (615)377-6970
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