Olayan Descon
Olayan Descon
Defining the future Olayan Descon COMPANY PROFILE “Impact through creating solutions that result in powerful, sustainable long-term success for our customers...” Impact and Belonging As the CEO of Olayan Descon Engineering Company, I embrace two key business drivers – impact and belonging. We achieve impact through creating solutions that result in powerful, sustainable long-term success for our customers. We achieve belonging through establishing an emphasis on employee development that encourages employees to thrive personally and grow professionally, a collaborative culture and high impact client work at a very low attrition rate. There ought to exist a boundary between employer and employee - between home and work - but Olayan Descon is long way on the opposite side of it. To fulfill our corporate mission and provide customers with progressive, strategic Manufacturing and services, we offer talent unmatched in the industry. The strength of our people supports the value, objectivity and ultimate success that we bring to customer projects in return. We foster a multi-cultural collaborative company culture and a flexible organizational structure that facilitates creativity in motivating and managing our technical professionals. Olayan Descon teams operate effectively and efficiently to deliver first class service to the valued customers. The future holds our ongoing commitment to the growth and the development of the strengths we offer our customer, and to Olayan Descon business drivers – “Impact and Belonging” CEO, Olayan Descon CONTENTS Overview Services Products Manufacturing EPC/LSTK History -------------------- 4 Heat Exchangers --------- 12 Fabrication ---------------- 18 Overview ------------------ 5 P r e s s u r e Ve s s e l s -------- 12 Painting -------------------- 18 Core Competence -------- 6 S t o r a g e Ta n k s - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 Te s t i n g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 8 Facilities ------------------ 7 Flare Tips ------------------ 13 Design Engineering ------- 19 Projects & Clients ------- 8 Piping Spools ------------- 13 Procurement QHSE Policy -------------- 9 HSE ---------------------- 10 -------------- 19 Transportation ------------ 19 Skid Mounted Group Backup ------------- 19 Hydrocarbon Dewpoint --- 14 LPG / NGL Recovery ----- 14 H2S & CO2 Plants ------- 14 Sulphur Recovery -------- 14 Utilities ------------------- 15 Separator Packages ----- 15 Heater Packages --------- 15 Oil Processing System -- 16 Dehydration Facilities --- 16 Project Management Quality Assurance ----- 20 ------- 20 Plant Services Services Shutdown ------------------ 21 ----------------- 21 D eC v eol n o tpamcet n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 Equipment Maintenance --22 Construction -------------- 22 Electrical & Instrumentation Services ------------------- 23 Control System Maintenance ----------- 23 -------------- 23 Flow Metering ------------- 24 Analyzers ----------------- 24 Calibration Shop ---------- 24 HISTORY HISTORY Established in 1981, Olayan Descon is a joint v e n t u r e b e t w e e n O L AYA N S A U D I H O L D I N G C O M PA N Y a n d D E S C O N E N G I N E E R I N G L I M I T E D . O L AYA N S A U D I H O L D I N G C O M PA N Y i s a S a u d i owned multinational group, which ranks as one of the largest privately held companiesin the Kingdom. There are over 50 companies in the group doing business in the Middle East, Europe, Australia and US. Olayan has business partnerships with market l e a d e r s l i k e B e c h t e l , C o c a C o l a , X e r o x , B a x t e r, A t l a s C o p c o , C u m m i n s , K i m b e r l y - C l a r k , a n d K r a f t G e n e r a l F o o d s . T h e b\ u s i n e s s s c o p e o f t h e g r o u p e n t a i l s p r o f o u n d involvement in Engineering, Manufacturing, Contracting, Trading, Distribution, Finance and Real Estate. DESCON ENGINEERING started its operations from Pakistan in 1977, as a small company providing plant maintenance s e r v i c e s . To d a y i t r a n k s a m o n g t h e w e l l - k n o w n e n g i n e e r i n g a n d c o n s t r u c t i n g c o m p a n i e s i n P a k i s t a n a n d t h e G u l f r e g i o n , while General Contracting remains the mainstay of the company's business. Highlights E s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 8 1 , O l a y a n D e s c o n i s a j o i n t v e n t u r e b e t w e e n O L AYA N S A U D I H O L D I N G C O M PA N Y a n d D E S C O N E N G I N E E R I N G L I M I T E D . There are over 50 companies in the group doing business in the Middle East, Europe, Australia and US. Olayan Descon Company Profile | 4 COMPANY OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Olayan Descon’s capabilities combined with a diversified & rich experience of the two JV partners, distinguish it as an Integrated Engineering & Industrial services Company being fully capable of handling medium to large size projects and achieving par excellence in Engineering Standards. The cumulative experience gained has also elevated the company to operate at the higher level of turnkey EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contracts for small-to-medium size projects. Strengths Lump Sum Turn Key for Oil & Gas, Refineries, Chemical, Petrochemical and Cement Plants. Capability of mobilizing more than 1000 skilled personnel on fast track basis. E x p e r i e n c e d P l a n n i n g & M a n a g e m e n t Te a m . Experienced supervisory team having vast exposure to various plants in the Kingdom & other G.C.C countries Quality work & Compliance with ISO 9001:2008 & related specifications Highlights C o r e t e a m o f m o r e t h a n 2 6 0 0 P r o f e s s i o n a l s , Te c h n i c i a n s a n d o t h e r t e c h n i c a l s t a f f Diversified & Rich experience as Integrated Engineering & Industrial services Annual Capacity – Plant Maintenance; 800,000 Man-hours Olayan Descon Company Profile | 5 CORE COMPETENCE CORE COMPETENCE Our Mission To b e r e c o g n i z e d a s t h e l e a d i n g i n t e g r a t e d e n g i n e e r i n g c o m p a n y i n M a n u f a c t u r i n g , M a i n t e n a n c e , E l e c t r i c a l I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n & S t o r a g e Ta n k s b u s i n e s s ; p r o v i d i n g o p t i m u m q u a l i t y t o o u r v a l u e d c u s t o m e r s . Our Vission To e m e r g e a s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e o n e w i n d o w s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r f o r t h e I n d u s t r i a l S e c t o r O f f e r i n g c o s t e f f e c t i v e & reliable solutions and adding value to the share holders. CREDENTIALS ISO 9001:2008 ASME Stamps/Certificates for Manufacturing & Assembly of Power boilers, Manufacturing of Pressure Ve s s e l s , F a b r i c a t i o n & A s s e m b l y o f P r e s s u r e P i p i n g , M e t a l l i c r e p a i r s a n d / o r a l t e r n a t i o n s Highlights Professionalism, Ethics and Integrity Va s t e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e f i e l d s o f E n g i n e e r i n g a n d I n d u s t r i a l s e r v i c e s Te c h n i c a l a n d F i n a n c i a l b a c k u p o f t h e J o i n t V e n t u r e Complete range of services starting from Design to the Delivery of goods Olayan Descon Company Profile | 6 FACILITIES FA C I L I T I E S Jubail Industrial City Ya n b u I n d u s t r i a l C i t y Olayan Descon Company Profile | 7 PORTFOLIO & CLIENTS PROJECT PORTFOLIO F E AT U R E D C L I E N T S Saudi Aramco Olayan Descon has been working for Saudi Aramco since 1989. Our strong & long-lasting relationship with Saudi Aramco has resulted in the successful completion of Projects like: Ya n b u M o b i l R e f i n e r y P r o j e c t Rabigh Refinery Project Jeddah Refinery Project Hawaiyah Refinery Project Ju’Aymah Project JGC Japan Olayan Descon has been working with JGC for the past decade including various orders irrespective of size, and we have proven our selves as the best time and time again.We Provide Strippers, S e c o n d a r y D e e t h a n i z e r s , D e b u t a n i z e r s , Q u e n c h O i l To w e r s , D r u m s , a n d S k i m m i n g Ta n k s f o r t h e f r o n t - l i n e p r o j e c t s . Te c h n i p , I t a l y Olayan Descon has been working with them for almost a decade now and a strong business relationship has been formed. EPC Clients (Overseas/Local) B e c h t e l , S n a m p r o g e t t i , Te c h n i c a s R e u n i d a s , F o s t e r W h e e l e r , Samsung, KBR Olayan Descon Company Profile | 8 QHSE POLICY POLICY Every Olayan Descon employee shall endeavour to ensure satisfaction of our customers by providing them the best value in every product and service that carries the name of Olayan Descon. We shall achieve customer satisfaction by: Recognizing that quality is the direct responsibility of every individual Fulfilling all the specified and implied needs of the customers Fully meeting all our commitments on time, every time Creating mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers Following the quality management system based on ISO-9001:2008, ASME B o i l e r a n d P r e s s u r e Ve s s e l c o d e s a n d o t h e r n a t i o n a l / i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t a n d a r d s a n d r e g u l a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t s QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Olayan Descon Quality Management System is designed to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 The company has established implemented & maintained the quality management system & is committed to continually improve its effectiveness. All company personnel shall be responsible to follow the rules and guidelines in order to implement the QMS, thus ensuring that the products are in compliance with specified requirements. All the processes are monitored for compliance to applicable requirements. The processes are measured against the set criteria/objectives and analyzed for their effectiveness. The process owners, through meetings, progress review and discussions ensures that the planned results are achieved and if required initiate the necessary actions to achieve the results as well as for the continual improvement of the process. Highlights Operating at all our work places in a safe and healthy environment Continuously enhancing our skills and know-how through training, etc. Increase in sales volume Reduction in design related complaints Olayan Descon Company Profile | 9 HSE OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The effective safety procedures and implementation of safety code at work and project site is the essential key for successful and timely completion of the project. Olayan Descon Safety Procedures are developed in OSHA standards. These procedures, when properly exercised, result in minimum loss of man-hours and the maximum progress potentials achieved in a particular time span. Olayan Descon teams have an outstanding safety record and are well aware of all international safety codes. POLICY Olayan Descon is committed to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all personnel conducting its business activities, in a manner that protects the environment, prevention of pollution and compliance of applicable and other legal requirments. We achieve this by: Developing and implementing management structures and procedures at all work places Creating HSE awareness amongst all employees through comprehensive program of training and education Making top management site/ project management, supervisors and lead technicians accountable for HSE management towards elimination of causes that might lead to harm people, environment and damages assets Recognizing that HSE is everybody’s direct responsibility Monitoring, evalauting and continually improving HSE performance through audits, assessments, trainings and re-defining operational standards Implementing and maintain 3R mechanism (Reduce, Reuse and Re-Cycle) in our operation Providing trainings and encouraging behaviours that uphold this policy Highlights Providing training and encouraging behaviours that uphold this policy Making top management site/project management, supervisor and lead technicians accountable for HSE management towards elimination of causes that might lead to harming people, environment and damage assets Olayan Descon Company Profile | 10 products Quality control procedures are enforced at all stages right from design to erection to ensure a quality product. High cadre of fabrication professionals, including a number of qualified welders and a strong technical backup, extends or strengths to fabricate products with the highest degree of engineering standards. products Manufacturing H E AT E X C H A N G E R S & A I R F I N For Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers and Air Fin Coolers, Olayan Descon offers services for: Mechanical Design Material Procurement Fabrication Te s t i n g a n d P a i n t i n g S T O R A G E TA N K S Olayan Descon, with its relentless pursuit of excellence in the M a n u f a c t u r i n g o f S t o r a g e Ta n k s , Bins, Hoppers, Stacks and Ducts is providing services for Design & Detailed Engineering, Procurement of material, Fabrication and Installation to practically all the industries including Cement, Chemical, Petro-Chemical, Fertilizer and Oil & Gas. PRESSURE VESSELS Manufacturing services for pressure equipment are offered through latest design computing techniques, fabrication processes, advanced procurement system and stringent QA/QC norms t o e n s u r e b e t t e r w o r k m a n s h i p a n d q u a l i t y. Highlights Olayan Descon Company Profile | 12 Manufacturing PIPING SPOOLS Low & High-pressure piping and Process piping is one of the main activities where Olayan Descon has established an impressive track record. FLARE TIPS Olayan Descon offers fabrication services for Flare Stack Tips required either as new or as replacement for damaged flare stack tips, Olayan Descon offers services for: Surface Preparation Installation Curing(Hydrostatic setting) Drying Out(Auxillary burners) Highlights Surface Preparation Mechanical Design Fabrication Detailed Engineering Turnkey process piping networks Rolling capacity 150mm Cathodic protection Fire proofing and painting Olayan Descon Company Profile | 13 Skid Mounted HYDRO CARBON DEWPOINT Mechanical Regrigeration Joule Thomson Expansion Silica Gel Turboexpander LPG/NGL RECOVERY Turboexpander Mechanical Refrigeration Other Specialized Services H 2 S & C O 2 R E M O VA L P L A N T S Amines Selective Solvents Molecular Seives Membrane Systems SULPHUR RECOVERY PLANTS Claus process Ta i l g a s c l e a n - u p u n i t s Highlights Olayan Descon Company Profile | 14 Skid Mounted UTILITIES Power Generation Instrument air Fuel gas system Hot oil system Fire water system S E PA R AT O R PA C K A G E S High and low pressure system Te s t a n d p r o d u c t i o n s e p a r a t o r s Filter separators Scrubbers (recycling and multicyclones) H E AT E R PA C K A G E S Direct and Indirect fired Line heaters Heat medium heaters Salt bath heaters Olayan Descon Company Profile | 15 Skid Mounted OIL PROCESSING SYSTEMS Oil Stabalization & Fractionation system Separator packages Production manifold packages Crude oil heaters D E H Y D R AT I O N F A C I L I T I E S Glycol Dry Desiccant Calcium Chloride Highlights Mechanical Refrigeration Filter Separators Specialized Processes Oil Stabilization Claus Process Direct & Indirect Heaters Membrane Systems Power Generation Olayan Descon Company Profile | 16 services Olayan Descon’s capabilities combined with a diversified & rich experience of the two JV partners, distinguish it as an Integrated Engineering & Industrial services Company being fully capable of handling medium to large size projects and achieving par excellence in Engineering Standards. services EPC/LSTK F A B R I C AT I O N Material handling Shop & field fabrication Plasma cutting Plate rolling up to 150 mm Tube sheet drilling PA I N T I N G Surface preparation & Sand/Garnet blasting Air-less spray painting P r i m a r y, I n t e r m e d i a t e & f i n i s h c o a t i n g TESTING Provision of ASME U,U2,S,A & PP stamps Radiography with X ray & Gamma ray Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Hydro testing & Pneumatic testing Magnetic Particle & Dye Penetrate testing Highlights Olayan Descon Company Profile | 18 EPC/LSTK DESIGN ENGINEERING Olayan Descon has an in-house computer Aided Engineering (CAE) & D r a f t i n g ( C A D ) f a c i l i t y, f u l l y r e i n f o r c e d with Windows based Engineering & Drafting work Stations. Availability of latest engineering software’s, document / drawing reproduction equipment & high cadre of motivated professionals enables Olayan Descon to provide comprehensive design & engineering services. . PROCUREMENT Procurement of material from local as well as overseas markets. T R A N S P O R TAT I O N Transportation to all GCC Countries GROUP BACKUP SUPPORT Basic Engineering Process & Thermal designs Mechanical Design Piping Design Olayan Descon Company Profile | 19 EPC/LSTK QUALITY ASSURANCE The term “Quality and Timely Completion” is very synonymous with Olayan Descon. We, the employees of Olayan Descon, are dedicated to client satisfaction through excellence of our services. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Responibilities of the project managementdepartment include: Co-ordination and expedition with clients Issuance of detailed fabrication schedule prepared by planning engineers Preparation of weekly progress monitoring reports A look ahead for problems / bottlenecks, i f a n y, t o t a k e t i m e l y r e m e d i a l a c t i o n Highlights Global Coverage Flexibility & Stress Analysis Shop & Field Fabrication Control & Monitoring P n e u m a t i c Te s t i n g Budgeting Surface Preparation 3-D Modeling Olayan Descon Company Profile | 20 PLANT SERVICES SERVICES Annual turnaround/shutdown Plant modification up-gradation Overhauling of large size valves General Maintenance De Bottlenecking TIE-INS Project SHUTDOWN RESPONSIBILITIES Development of Co-ordination Procedures Logistics and Administration support Activities Job Preparation of Area In charges/Supervisors DEVELOPMENT OF PROCEDURES Gate Passes, Entry & Exit Procedures Manpower Safety Induction Procedures Mobile Equipment & Plant Inspection Procedures Job Plans Review Procedures Shutdown Progress Monitoring Procedures Highlights Olayan Descon Company Profile | 21 PLANT SERVICES EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Rotary Equipment overhauling Retubing of Heat Exchangers R e f u r b i s h m e n t o f M e c h . Va l v e s Machining Services CONSTRUCTION Project management & planning Prefabrication & Erection of piping Erection of steel structure Electrical & Instumentation Project management tools Highlights Annual Turnaround Safety Procedures General Maintenance Machining Services H i g h Pl il agnhn ti nsg Logistics Project Management Overhauling Olayan Descon Company Profile | 22 ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION SERVICES C o n t r o l Va l v e O v e r h a u l I n s p e c t i o n / Te s t i n g Actuator Overhaul Va l v e O v e r h a u l Refurbishment Part Rebuild S a f e t y R e l i e f Va l v e O v e r h a u l Inspection Pre-testing Overhauling Calibration Certification CONTROL SYSTEM Olayan Descon has been a major player in the control system upgrade projects during the last 15 years. System Assessment Detail Engineering System Integration Procurement F AT / S AT Project Management MAINTENANCE Olayan Descon provide maintenance services in the field of instrumentation and electrical for petrochemical, chemical, refineries etc. The scopecovers: Detailed engineering Project management Plant modifications Olayan Descon Company Profile | 23 ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION FLOW METERING Design Selection C o n f i g u r a t i o n F AT I n s t a l l a t i o n Pre Commissioning Maintenance / Upgrade A N A LY Z E R S Process Study Selection System Integration Procurement F AT / S AT Sampling System Analyzer House Installation / Commissioning C A L I B R AT I O N S H O P C a l i b r a t i o n o f Te s t E q u i p m e n t a n d M e a s u r i n g Devices for the following Physical Standards: Vo l t a g e Current Resistance Frequency P r e s s u r e & Te m p e r a t u r e Highlights Pre-commissioning Maintenance Calibration Upgradation Implementation System Integration Plant Modification Te s t E q u i p m e n t s Olayan Descon Company Profile | 24 Defining the future Jubail Office Ya n b u O f f i c e Plot No 3 & 4, Street No. 124 Block No. 4, Street No. 6, P. O . B O X 1 0 1 0 8 , L i g h t I n d u s t r i a l p a r k , P. O . B o x 2 1 3 , Jubail Industrial City – 31961 Ya n b u I n d u s t r i a l C i t y – 4 1 3 1 5 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +966 (0) 3 3410671 Phone: +966 (0) 4 321 0354 Fax: +966 (0) 3 3410950 Fax: +966 (0) 4 321 0334 E-mail: Email:
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