volume 1 | 2014
VOLUME 1 | 2014 Descon has once again been ranked in the very prestigious ENR 2013 listing of the world’s top 250 construction contractors descon.com INSIDE CELEBRATING A NEW ERA IN GREEN TECHNOLOGY Business Areas Descon Integrated Projects Ltd. 04 Presson Descon International Ltd. 06 Qatar 08 United Arab Emirates 10 Saudi Arabia 12 Manufacturing Lahore Manufacturing Works 14 Abu Dhabi Manufacturing Works 16 Corporate News We’re well equipped to handle all the infrastructure challenges of Qatar Information Communication Technology 17 Descon Chemicals Ltd. 18 Picture Descon 2013 20 Quality Assurance & Quality Control 23 Descon Technical Institute 24 Domestic Construction & Services 26 Plant Services Department 27 Equipment & Plant 28 New Ideas 30 Human Resources 32 Project Personnel & Administration 34 Campus Activities 35 Fun Moments 36 Interworld Travels 38 Brand Guidelines 40 E DITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers, Descon has entered 2014 with great vigor, enthusiasm and renewed drive to grow and succeed. Last year's highlight was Descon's nomination in ENR's list of 250 top contractors of the world, as the only engineering company from Pakistan. It reflected the confidence our clients have in our expert EPC services and versatility in our scope of work in the region. This edition features interesting photographs taken by our talented employees showcasing a diverse spectrum of their interests, and a collage of some memorable and entertaining pictures of numerous events held during the past year. Here's hoping you enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you! Warm Regards, Rabya Sheikh ABBREVIATIONS BA EPCM LTI Business Area Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Management Loss Time Injury CCGT ERP MT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Enterprise Resource Planning Metric Ton DC&S FEED PCS Domestic Construction & Services Front End Engineering and Design Project Control System DTI HRSG SRU Descon Technical Institute Heat Recovery System Generator Sulfur Recovery Unit EPC LSA TPD Engineering, Procurement, Construction Long Service Award Tons per Day Descon Again Wins Global Recognition Descon has made its mark once again, being nominated in the very prestigious ENR's listing of the world's top 250 construction companies. This achievement is a moment of pride for us and for every Pakistani. According to the latest ENR (Engineering News Record) rankings for engineering contractors, Descon Engineering has gone up the ladder and has achieved 126th position out of 250 companies operating in the field. Descon is the only Pakistani company to have been included in the ENR list since 2007. As Pakistan's largest engineering, construction and manufacturing company, Descon operates in Pakistan and the Middle East, employs over 25,000 people from over 22 nationalities, all of whom are united in being the best. This feat was made possible through the efforts of our devoted individuals who make up the most competent team. To this day, we say a Job Well Done and a future commitment to keep moving forward! Descon Integrated Projects Limited Malik Naveed Ahmed Khokhar CELEBRATING A NEW ERA IN GREEN TECHNOLOGY Projects in Execution Fauji Wind Energy Limited (FWEL-II) Descon has started execution of its second Wind Project 50 MW at Gharo, Sindh. Descon is working on this project with Nordex (Germany) as its technology partner. The successful completion of this project will consolidate Descon's role in the Wind Sector of Pakistan. The fabrication for towers is in progress at Descon's Karachi Manufacturing Works. 04 Fauji Wind Energy Limited (FWEL-I) Gharo, Sindh Descon has started execution of FWEL-I as well. It is the third significant project from the group of five wind farm projects awarded to Descon in the last couple of years. Uch-II Expansion Project (EPC) Uch Power Limited (UPL) and its sponsors are developing a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power station expansion, Uch II, with a nominal electrical output of approximately 400 MW. VOLUME 1 | 2014 This will be located within the premises of its existing power generation facility in Baluchistan. Descon has been undertaking this project on an EPC basis with HEC (Hyundai Engineering Company) as its consor tium par tner. The site is located approximately 600 km north-east of Karachi near Sibbi (Dera Murad Jamali) in the province of Balochistan, Pakistan. It is a Combined Cycle Power Plant that consists of two gas turbine generators, two HRSGs and one steam turbine generator. The fuel for normal operation is low BTU Natural Gas with HSD being the standby fuel. The commissioning activities are now in full swing. Ranolia Hydel Power Project 17 MW - KPK Descon Engineering undertook 17 MW Ranolia Hydel Project with TRIED chain as its consortium partner. It is a run of the river project located near Besham, funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Engineering Services Descon has been successfully prequalified with Qatar Shell GTL, the world's largest Gas-to-Liquid Plant Operator, for EPCM services. The services entail pre-FEED, FEED and EPC works for small to medium sized projects. This achievement signifies Descon's engineering competence in the EPC markets of the GCC region, especially Qatar. Descon has been awarded the FEED of NRL OSBL Project. This project marks the expansion of our services in the refinery sector after successful completion of Parco's Asphalt Blowing Unit. UEP has granted a two year extension in the Design House Services’ contract till June 2015. Descon has been running this design house for half a decade. OMV has also granted one year extension to Engineering Support Services. The engineering part of this project is complete and a major portion of procurement has been completed as well. Along with this, work on the employers' colony is nearing completion. Despite adversities being faced at the site, such as recurring floods and frequent landslides, the project team is committed to complete the project within the given time. Projects Awarded Borouge Polyolefins Flare Gas Recovery Project Descon has been awarded Borouge Polyolefins Flare Gas Recovery Project (PO FRP) on an EPC basis. This project, being the third significant project in the flare recovery segment, has further consolidated Descon's strong foothold in the GCC. Earlier, Descon had completed the Fertil Ammonia Flare Project. Gasco's Habshan Acid Gas Flare Recovery Project is also under execution. This project is of great significance for Descon as it is the first EPC project with Borouge. Successful completion of the project will facilitate a mutually beneficial relationship with Borouge. 9.5 MW Waste Heat Recovery System (EPC) KESC has awarded Descon an EPC project to install a 9.5 MW Waste Heat Recovery System at Korangi site within the existing 90 MW thermal plant. This project involves installation of Waste Heat Recovery Steam generators, steam turbine generators, necessary auxiliaries and revamping of grids (11 KV / 132 KV GIS). VOLUME 1 | 2014 ICT Achievement - JGC Gulf International Co. Ltd. Project Control System is a customized in-house developed software application for project management covering all phases of a project from initiation to closure. PCS is a signature software application of the ICT department that can handle all types of engineering and EPC projects. Due to its rich functionality and user-friendly operational capabilities, JGC Gulf International Co. Limited showed their interest to implement PCS at their office in Al-Khobar, KSA. Their main objective was to implement PCS to control man-hours on different activities and deliverables. ICT experts from Descon visited their office in KSA, where they successfully customized and implemented PCS. A comprehensive training was also imparted to general users and the IT team with respect to operations. This achievement confirms the trust of an international EPC organization in Descon. We are looking forward to promote more PCS modules to J-Gulf, and strengthen our business relationship with them. 05 Presson Descon International (Pvt.) Limited Completion of Adhi EPF Up-Gradation Project Another project is being added to the list of PDIL's successful projects with a unique exposure of in-house engineering and construction management of a brownfield project. Adhi EPF Up-gradation Project was mechanically completed on March 15 and hydrocarbon was introduced in the system as per the committed schedule. To evaluate the performance of the entire EPF facility and individual equipment, a performance test of the facility was successfully 06 Syed Fareeduddin demonstrated during June 19 - 22, 2013 without any interruption. A certificate was issued by the client, to acknowledge this milestone. One Million Man-Hours at Makori A major milestone of one million safe man-hours at Makori GPF Project has been achieved. This was made possible through the thorough team work of PDIL, Descon and MOL project teams and full commitment & support from project management. A ceremony was held at the site to celebrate the event. VOLUME 1 | 2014 Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) Performance Test The performance test of Sulfur Recovery Unit Expansion Project of OGDCL at Dakhni site, has been completed. It is a big achievement and a major milestone for PDIL as the whole pre-commissioning /commissioning, start-up and performance test process was completed by the company's available resources. OGDCL appreciated PDIL's efforts for the successful completion of the key milestone. POGEE 2013 After the successful holding of Pakistan Oil, Gas and Energy Exhibition & Conference (POGEE) over the past ten years in Karachi, this time POGEE was held in Lahore. This provided its participants an opportunity to explore the market of Lahore. The event was attended by local and international delegates of the Oil, Gas & Energy industry. PDIL also participated in this conference which was held at Expo Centre. In lieu of extending continuous support to the energy events of Pakistan, PDIL also received a shield. SPE Sports Activities PDIL strongly supports sports activities and partially sponsored a golf tournament organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Pakistan Chapter at Margalla Green Golf Club, Islamabad. E&P companies participated in the tournament. The Managing Director of Mari Gas Company was the Chief Guest at this occasion. Healthy Lifestyle Campaign & Disease Awareness 2013 The Healthy Lifestyle Campaign and Disease Awareness was a new initiative by the HR department aimed at improving the quality of life of our valuable employees. The program not only provides employees with information about their medical issues, but they also get reliable information on precautionary measures about preventable diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, hepatitis, and hypertension. As a part of this program, different medical tests were arranged at the Head Office and MOL project site. PAPG Baragali Conference 2013 Pakistan Association of Petroleum Geoscientists (PAPG) in collaboration with the Department of Geology, University of Peshawar organized a conference at Baragali campus. The theme was ‘Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Potentials of Pakistan’ and PDIL was invited to sponsor the event. As a brand building effort, PDIL distributed promotional material to the delegates and also displayed posters showcasing its services. PAPG's organizing committee appreciated PDIL’s participation as a sponsor of the conference. VOLUME 1 | 2014 07 Olayan Descon Successful Completion of SAMREF 2013 Turnaround Saudi Aramco Mobil Refinery Co. Ltd. is the world's largest single train crude oil refinery with a capacity of 400,000 BPD production. It is an equally owned joint venture of Saudi Aramco and Mobil Yanbu Refining Company Inc. For its turnaround 2013, Olayan Descon was engaged as a strategic partner in the critical mechanical packages of Sulfur Recovery Unit and Fluid Catalytic Cracker Unit. The project has been successfully completed in a record time of 43 days. The scope of work involved, maintenance and refurbishment of various types of equipment. The project was executed with peak manpower of around 1,000 without any Lost Time Injury (LTI). The job involved critical heavy lift with a 1,200 tons crane, alignment of giant equipment and ensuring high quality welding. 08 Waqar Ahmad In recognition of this remarkable performance, SAMREF management has awarded the Golden Helmet to our team, which depicts ODICO being the best safe performer amongst the 25 contractors mobilized during this mega turnaround. It is unique that ODICO has won this prestigious award for the 2nd consecutive time. CB&I Lummus - HELIXCHANGER® CB&I Lummus, a CB&I group company, is a leading player in licensing proprietary process technologies to the hydrocarbon industry. It is renowned for its technology assets and ability to provide single-source solutions for customers globally. Olayan Descon and CB&I Lummus have successfully executed a long term licensing agreement under which CB&I Lummus will transfer its proprietary technology for heat exchangers, i.e. HELIXCHANGER®, to Olayan Descon for fabrication in its Jubail workshop. VME Process - Saudi Aramco Wasit Gas Project We have secured an order from VME Process for their Saudi Aramco Wasit Gas Project. This job, which entails the supply of 64 pressure vessels, is of strategic importance as it begins our relationship with a new process company. VOLUME 1 | 2014 Sadara Project - Heat Exchangers & Storage Tanks We have successfully closed the contract with our valued customer Tecnicas Reunidas for storage tanks and heat exchangers for Sadara Project, Jubail, KSA. The scope of work included heat exchangers and site erected storage tanks. Heat exchangers supplied under this contract were of critical nature and design. One of the heat exchangers is around 3.8 m x 40 m, weighing around 600 tons. It is the largest heat exchanger to be manufactured in Olayan Descon's history. ASME Yanbu Chapter Keeping in mind our responsibility towards the industry, Olayan Descon organized and sponsored a meeting of ASME professionals in Movenpick Hotel, Yanbu. The meeting was attended by professionals from Saudi Aramco, Sabic, and other organizations in Yanbu. Mr. Irfan Javed, Engineering Manager, Olayan Descon presented a case study highlighting the technical areas and shared our experiences with the audience. Mr. Muhammad Naveed briefly explained Olayan Descon's presence in Saudi Arabia and its long term commitment with our valued clientele. Al Bayroni, Sabic Technical Grade Urea Project aims to produce 65,000 mt of technical grade urea, which will be the largest facility of its kind. The scope of work is on a lump sum turnkey basis for the supply, fabrication, erection and construction of TGU plant. Uhde Arabia We have been awarded the electrical and instrumentation erection works for Sipchem PBT Project from Uhde Arabia, Ltd. It will be a challenging project as the scheduled completion is expected in just ten months. The award of this project to Olayan Descon shows the client's trust in our abilities to execute such fast track projects on time. Middle East Process Engineering Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain Olayan Descon participated in the Middle East Process Engineering Conference and Exhibition (MEPEC) held at Bahrain International Exhibition Center. The event was attended by the major players of Saudi Arabia, i.e., Saudi Aramco, Sabic, Sadara Petrochemical, Sasref, Samref, GE Oil & Gas, Tasnee, Maaden and many more. With over 150 exhibitors including Olayan Descon, the event offered a platform to all participants to interact with each other and discuss areas of their mutual interests. Olayan Descon has initiated talks with a few technology suppliers to jointly explore the KSA market. VOLUME 1 | 2014 Olayan Descon in Wind Energy and Nuclear Energy Olayan Descon is in communication with GE Power to work jointly in the wind energy and nuclear energy sectors to meet Saudi Arabia's increasing energy needs. A delegate from GE visited Olayan Descon to discuss and assess Olayan Descon's capabilities. Middle East Oil & Gas Show Middle East Oil & Gas Show is the most established showcase of products and services in the Middle East attracting all major players of this sector. This year the show was held at Bahrain International Exhibition Center. Olayan Descon also participated actively and represented our capabilities with its Business Development team and Mr. Wasif Hanif Khawaja, GM and CEO, Olayan Descon. 09 Qatar Mohammad Yaqub We’re well equipped to handle all the infrastructure challenges of Qatar Prequalification for Long-Term EPCM Projects with Shell GTL Qatar Successful Completion of QP Crude Refinery 1 & 2 - Turnaround 2013 Descon has been prequalified for small to medium scale EPCM projects with Shell GTL, Qatar. Descon Integrated Projects Limited (DIPL) has extended complete support during the preparation of the prequalification. Descon has successfully completed the single largest shutdown contract in its history. It was the largest shutdown in the history of plant turnarounds of Qatar as well. This job was completed successfully with over 1.5 million man-hours within a shutdown window of 46 days. Award of Dolphin Energy Long-Term Contract for Onshore Shutdowns Descon has won a 5 year long term shutdown contract with Dolphin Energy Limited in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. It is another feather in Descon's cap. This long term shutdown contract comprises of five shutdowns awarded to Descon. Successful Completion of Dolphin Energy Long-Term Contract for Shutdowns Descon has successfully completed a 3 year long-term shutdown contract with Dolphin Energy Limited in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. Descon accomplished this milestone without any LTI and has received an Appreciation Certificate from the client. Descon won this contract in 2011. The last shutdown was unique in its complexity. The shutdown was planned for 28 days and the completion of the full scope within this window proved to be a 10 VOLUME 1 | 2014 major challenge. Due to sound planning and field preparation, the shutdown was completed two days ahead of schedule. Successful Completion of QG Train-3 Shutdown Descon has successfully completed the Qatargas train-3 shutdown. The major scope of work entailed maintenance of equipment & valves and six engineering modification projects. Other Retrofit-Construction Jobs In the last six months, we have won multifarious retrofit jobs for clients like Qatar Petroleum, Qatargas, Qatar Chemicals, Qatalum, Technip, CAEL, Samsung, Chiyoda Technip joint venture and General Electric. Our Marketing & Plant Services team has asserted the efforts to increase its share in retrofit-construction projects in Qatar. Qatar Oil & Gas Industry Safety Excellence Awards Descon Engineering Qatar LLC bagged the 'Silver Award' for Outstanding Safety Performance in the Contractors' Category during the Qatar Oil & Gas Industry Safety Excellence Awards ceremony held at Sheraton Hotel, Doha. The award was presented by HE. Dr. Mohamed bin Saleh-al-Sada, Minister of Energy & Industry and Chairman / Managing Director of Qatar Petroleum. He presented the winners a trophy and a certificate of HSE Excellence. HSE Overview Descon Engineering Qatar LLC has had a successful year (2013) with a total of over 14 million man-hours of work executed with TRIR of 0.11 (OSHA recordable). It has been an LTI free year and Barzan Onshore Project & PMP Project reached 10 million LTI free man-hours during the months of May and June 2013 respectively. To bring improvements in the HSE Management System, an HSE Steering Committee was established that reviews the overall HSE performance on a quarterly basis. We feel proud in announcing our enrollment with the British Safety Council as an international member. Employee of the Month Program In order to recognize our employees' hard work and acknowledge their contribution to the organization, Descon Engineering Qatar LLC has launched Employee of the Month program. To encourage the employee, a Certificate and Letter of Appreciation are presented by the General Manager in the presence of all In-charges. Ten employees have been declared as the Employee of the Month since the launching of this program. This program has helped motivate the employees and create a healthy and competitive environment. The HSE Excellence awards aim to recognize outstanding health, safety and environment programs that are being implemented in Qatar's Oil & Gas industry and also promote the continual improvement and sharing of best practices in the field of HSE. The awards will further spur safety consciousness among the employees and promote the safety standards and performance of the organization. The winners with HE Dr. Al-Sada and the panel of judges VOLUME 1 | 2014 11 United Arab Emirates Borouge Project Established in 1998, Borouge is a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Austria-based Borealis. Having tripled its annual production capacity to 2 million 12 tons in 2010, Borouge will produce an additional 2.5 million tons annually, creating the world's largest Integrated Polyolefin Plant. With this innovative approach in plastic solutions, they will provide VOLUME 1 | 2014 material solutions for pipe systems, communication, power cables and automotive as well as advanced packaging markets. In June 2010, a major EPC LTSK contract was awarded to a joint venture between Tecnimont (MaireTecnimont Group) and Samsung Engineering to carry out construction work on the Borouge 3 Expansion Project in Ruwais Industrial Area, Abu Dhabi. In April 20 I I, Descon was awarded mechanical works on the P3A Project based on Descon's impressive track record that existed between Descon and Borouge. Descon is committed to complete the project on schedule and in doing so, we have achieved 11,500 tons of steel structure erection, around 187k piping erection, 10,700 tons of equipment erection, 32 silos and 42 transformers. The project comprises of around 4.1 million man-hours as per the forecast plan and Descon has successfully completed around 9 million man-hours without any LTI. Shah Gas Project Construction Activities Descon has achieved an important milestone of completing 12 million man-hours without LTI in the month of September 2013. This is the result of the tireless efforts of the whole Shah Gas Development team and our HSE department. Descon has spent over 287,000 man-hours on HSE training to ensure that all operations are completed safely. Moreover, Descon's construction unit 726 was twice declared the Monthly Unit Champion in the Champion's League. Annual Sports Gala UAE 2013 SGD team hosted the Annual Sports Gala 2013, with full zeal and fervor. A multi lingual cultural show was also organized from within Descon’s resources which set a new example to encourage healthy working relationship amongst the staff members and workers from different Descon projects. The client also participated in the prize distribution ceremony and appreciated the event. VOLUME 1 | 2014 13 Lahore Manufacturing Works Power Plant for Gadoon Textile Mills Limited Muhammad Mujahid Refinery's Up-gradation Project to Descon. The equipment to be manufactured includes three water tube boilers, forty seven vessels and ten columns of various sizes. Descon has been awarded a contract for the construction of a 2.6 MW Power Plant for Gadoon Textile Mills. The scope covers supply of eight waste heat recovery boilers, steam turbine, cooling towers and allied equipment along with complete construction and commissioning. Combined Cycle Power Plants for KESC We have signed a contract with KESC for the conversion of two of its gas engine-based power plants to combined cycle operations. The scope of the project includes manufacturing and supply of 32 water heat recovery boilers for each of the two sites, supply of steam turbines, air cooled condensers along with complete construction works.This is one of a kind project in Pakistan, where a large fleet of engines will be converted to combined cycle operations resulting in a significant increase in overall efficiency of the power plants. ARL Expansion Hyundai Engineering Company has subcontracted the design, fabrication and supply of process equipment for Attock Oil 14 Slug Catcher for FFC FFC has awarded the design, fabrication and supply of a slug catcher. Major specifications comprise of slug volume 255 barrels / day, H2S content and operating pressure of psig 400 / 150. VOLUME 1 | 2014 Projects under Progress Aga Khan University JDW Sugar Mills Descon has been awarded the project of 3.7 TPH, 10 bar(g) triplex waste heat recovery boiler. Our scope covers supply, erection / installation and commissioning of waste heat recovery boiler, feed water system and associated work. 1 x 140 TPH, 67 bar(g), 485°C high pressure bagasse-fired boiler for co-generation power plant of JDW Sugar Mills Unit II is in fabrication phase. Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited Manufacturing and supply of 1 x 135 TPH, 65 bar(g), bagasse-fired boiler for Shahtaj Sugar Mills is nearing completion. The mechanical erection works have been completed and the project is in commissioning phase. Rafhan Maize Product Company Limited Fabrication, supply and erection of 41 TPH, 200 psig, saturated steam dual fuel fired, O type water tube boiler for Rafhan Maize Products Co. Ltd for their Rakh Canal Plant Faisalabad has been completed. Based on our previous performance, it was the third consecutive boiler order from Rafhan Maize in one year. LPG Storage Bullets for MOL Ten LPG bullets have been fabricated and successfully delivered to the site for MOL Makori Field Development Surface Facilities Project. OMV Skids Descon has been earnestly working towards building its experience in the field of skid design and manufacturing. In this regard, we have been awarded the fabrication of demulsifier injection skid, corrosion inhibitor skid and wax inhibitor skid for Mehar Condensate Pipeline Project. These skids employ pneumatic driven pumps for chemical injection into the pipeline. Another skid awarded was the down hole injection skid for which the operating pressure is 400 bar(g). VOLUME 1 | 2014 Long Service Awards at LMW 15 Abu Dhabi Manufacturing Works Sher Aslam Khan A Glance Re-tubing Services in the Cracking Unit Furnaces at Ruwais Petrochemicals Plant During January 2013 to September 2013, around 195,000 ID of piping fabrication, 920 tons of structure fabrication and 31,000 m2 of painting jobs have been executed at Abu Dhabi Manufacturing Works. The re-tubing job has been awarded to AMW over a long term and includes the services for all six of Borouge-I and all seven of Borouge-II furnaces spanning over 4 years. Recently, the re-tubing for furnace-VI of Borouge-I was successfully executed. Highlights Habshan Acid Gas Flare Recovery Project Borouge Project The piping fabrication for TSJ JV closed at 336,081 ID and the associated pipe support job of 838 tons is also nearing completion. The associated painting jobs are underway and are set for completion. More than 93,000 fittings and valves have also been painted at the shop for P3A Package. This is one of the recent projects for Adco. With an estimated scope of 12,000 ID of piping fabrication and an associated support job of 50 tons, the project will have a total painting scope of 2,800 m2. Ruwais Refinery Expansion Project The scope includes 388,000 ID of piping fabrication and 880 tons of pipe supports for Daewoo's RRE Project. Shah Gas Development Project More than 244,000 ID of piping fabrication for Saipem has been achieved. Like other structure projects, there has been an increase in the scope of pipe supports. Dismantling and Erection of Booster Heater 2 The dismantling and erection of booster heater at the Shams Power Plant, one of the external projects of AMW, has been completed ahead of schedule. 16 VOLUME 1 | 2014 Information Communication Technology Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions. It deals with the future of present decisions. (Peter F. Drucker) At Descon, we are reshaping IT to achieve our business objectives. During the current year, our focus will be on developing new roadmaps with a major target on consolidation to improve efficiency through shared services. It includes implementation of Cloud, Unified Communications, Desktop Virtualization and Collaboration components. ICT is also planning to centralize authentication and information management allowing users to access information in a secured manner. Collectively, all these roadmaps represent numerous projects that will enable us to deliver quality services. VOLUME 1 | 2014 Bilal Hussain Highlights 1. As security pins all IT services and in order to maintain confidentiality and integrity of data, a separate IT security section has been setup. 2. ICT has deployed SharePoint services in MDC, recruitment and selection section as an initial phase. 3. Attendance and Leave Management System has so far been implemented in Descon Engineering and PDIL. 4. After successfully implementing SAP at various departments, now it is in implementation stage at Domestic Construction & Services. 5. As ICT plans to consolidate all IT departments across the board, a detailed infrastructure study of all companies has been documented. 6. In context with infrastructure consolidation and shared services, RFPs for Server, Storage, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, WAN and Enterprise Data Network have been launched. 17 Descon Chemicals Business Area Customer Appreciation Day Syed Abuzar Abbas Their feedback was taken and documented for further working. Descon Chemicals and Descon Oxychem held their annual customer appreciation day on 2nd and 6th August, in Lahore and Karachi. In Lahore, the event was organized at Falleti’s Hotel where the discussion was followed by scrumptious iftar and dinner. Karachi's event was organized at the Marriott Hotel. Presence of company's representatives and customers under one roof provided a good platform to discuss business environment and future endeavors. Overall, both the events served the purpose as the ultimate goal was to make the customer feel special and thank them for their association with us. 3rd Annual Distributor's Conference Descon Oxychem’s 3rd Annual Distributor conference was held at Marriott Hotel Karachi on 6th August. All our local and international distributors participated in the conference.The event started with the last year's business review provided by the CEO, Mr. Taimur Saeed, followed by award distribution ceremony and iftar dinner. Furthermore, future business prospects and growth strategies were discussed with the respected business partners. 16 18 Chem & Dye Tech Expo Descon Chemicals Limited participated in the three day Chem & Dye Tech Expo which was held from June 20 - 22, 2013 at Karachi Expo Center. This was an exclusive and interactive event for the chemicals, dyes and other relevant industries of Pakistan. VOLUME 1 | 2014 One of the most important objectives behind organizing this event was to highlight the investment possibilities in the country's chemicals industry. This time it was a bigger and more vibrant event with the participation of large number of technocrats and decision makers who were gathered to discuss business opportunities and witness the range of chemicals and allied products. It provided a wonderful platform and opportunity for the exhibitors to showcase their wide variety of products and emerging technologies in front of the trade buyers. It also turned out to be a great platform for identifying potential customers and marking industrial trends. Such expos play a vital role in developing business relationships with key professionals of the relevant industries. New Employees' Onboarding Program Bilal Malik A strong on-boarding program executed effectively can play a vital role in establishing the new incumbent's role at his/her new job. An investment in effective onboarding is an investment in employee's retention, engagement, morale and productivity. In view of the above, HR at Descon Chemicals has recently launched an on-boarding program for our new recruits across the board. To welcome the new rookies, an on-boarding coffee morning will now be held at the Head Office on a quarterly basis. For the new hires, the event will serve as an ice-breaker to mingle with the existing team in an informal atmosphere and to set the ball rolling. Additionally, the event is also designed to provide an overview of Descon's history, company profile and major milestones to the new joiners. VOLUME 1 | 2014 19 Picture Descon 2013 Many of our talented employees have submitted images for our internal Picture Descon 2013 competition. These images represent the diverse spectrum of their collective interests. And the Winner is... Congratulations go to Syed Zahid Hussain Rizvi, Executive Secretary to Country Head Qatar BA, who claims the coveted 'Winner' title. Ahmed Saeed Sheikh Sara Ahmed Hashmi Ahmad Farooq Khan Syed Zahid Hussain Rizvi Syed Fareeduddin Bilal Zakaria Rushan Raza Habib Ahmed Saad Izhar Ahmed 20 VOLUME 1 | 2014 Salman Shahid Raja Shakir Khan Umer Arshad Muhammad Umer Khan Muhammad Saeed Hassan Ahmed Syed Zahid Hussain Rizvi Irsa Anwar Ahmed Saeed Sheikh Kashif Humayun Khan Muqarib Mahmood Ul Hasan Izhar Ahmed Imran Manzoor Waqas ul Hasan Habib Ahmed Saad VOLUME 1 | 2014 21 Imran Manzoor Raja Shakir Khan Shireen Patel Ali Raza Bashir Habib Ahmed Saad Aurangzeb Arshad Syed Zahid Hussain Rizvi Salman Shahid Sara Ahmed Hashmi Tahir Mahmood Syed Fareeduddin Muhammad Umer Khan Irsa Anwar Haji M. Amin Umer Arshad 22 VOLUME 1 | 2014 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Umair Ali Achievements Dolphin Energy Shutdown 2013 Recognizing the efforts of Descon QA&QC at Dolphin Energy Shutdown 2013, a certificate of appreciation was awarded to Descon by Dolphin Energy. JGC - Tecnimont JV An ‘Award of Excellence’ certificate has been given to Descon UAE by JGC - Tecnimont JV, in recognition of the outstanding efforts and commitments for Quality Management System (QMS) implementation at IGD Habshan-5 Project. QA&QC Human Resources Development A QMS Lead Auditor Course Certification from Moody was organized by twenty members from different departments and project sites participated in the course. For technical development of QA&QC resources in various areas of inspection, an internationally recognized certification course for welding inspection, CSWIP 3.1 was arranged.Three participants, Mobeen Javaid, Bilal Askri and Qasim Qayyum became CSWIP 3.1 certified. A successful load rejection test and commercial operation of power house 3 with a full capacity was conducted at Satpara Project site. Representatives from WAPDA, USAID, SDC, Andritz AG witnessed the tests. VOLUME 1 | 2014 23 Descon Technical Institute Over 700 Students Trained The milestone of training over 700 persons was achieved at Descon Technical Institute. All these trainees were accommodated and trained in different disciplines without compromising on the standards. This was achieved by effective arrangement of available resources and facilities. One-to-One Session of Mr. Razak Dawood with DTI Team Mr. Razak Dawood, Chairman Descon, had a one-to-one session with the team members during his visit to DTI for business review meeting. He took keen interest in the courses and the practical training offered. The session was followed by lunch with DTI's team members. Training of the Trainers (TOT) TEVTA DTI trained fifty-eight instructors of TEVTA, in the trades of welding, electrical supervisor, millwright and pipefitter. TEVTA showed its confidence in DTI, to fill gaps between practical skills Talha Mehmood and traditional technical training impar ted in Government institutions. Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Akhtar, Mr. Kanwar Riasat Ali, Mr. Zahid and Mr. Nadeem were the facilitators who contributed in this program. Alliance with Punjab Skills Development Fund Punjab Skills Development Fund is a non-profit organization funded by Government of Punjab and Department for International Development UK and is funding a skills development program for the underprivileged population of the four districts of Southern Punjab. Descon Engineer ing has been wor king with PSDF for the training of unskilled youth from Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Lodhran and Muzaffargarh districts. Around 1,400 students have been qualified under this program. Team Building & Extra Curricular Activities DTI always focuses on team building and arranges activities where employees get a chance to unwind from their routine. A few recent activities are: Visit to Rana Resort BBQ Party Mango Party 24 VOLUME 1 | 2014 Construction of Welding School Descon Technical Institute (DTI) was originally established to train workforce for Descon's own projects. The institute has earned the credit of disseminating technical training to more than 20,000 trainees across fourteen professional trades. The management aims to extend its training facilities, to as many as possible of the existing unskilled youth. It is planned to enhance the capacity of the institute from the current 600 trainees to 1,000 in the next one year and then progressively up to 10,000 in ten years time. An area of 10 acres has also been allocated for this future expansion. Construction of the new “Welding School” is in progress. On-the-Job Training (OJT) DTI is providing its trainees an opportunity to get hands-on training at Descon's Lahore Manufacturing Workshop.This program helps trainees to get acquainted with actual work environment. Scholarships/Financial Assistance for Deserving Trainees An amount of Rs. 3.5 million was given to the deserving trainees in the form of scholarships and financial assistance from DTI funds. Charity Begins at Home We would like to thank our Qatar office for the donation of QTR 40,000/-. This support will make a world of difference not just for us, but also to all other less fortunate youngsters and their families. We look forward to Qatar Business Area’s continuous support for this noble cause and expect the same support from other Business Areas. Welding Qualification Test Welding can damage good quality base material if the welder is not competent and does not observe the procedures associated with the raw material. DTI's welding section is famous for its standard. DTI has conducted Welding Qualification Test of over 1,000 welders, not only for Descon, but also for Pakistan Progressive Associates and Engro Ltd. etc. 100 ESAB Welding Machines Added Training facility of DTI Welding School will be equipped with 100 state-of-the-art welding machines purchased from ESAB. These machines will enable us to fulfill modern welding techniques requirement. VOLUME 1 | 2014 25 Domestic Construction & Services New Khanki Barrage Descon has been awarded the construction of New Khanki Barrage and auxiliary works. Descon is the first Pakistani company to be entrusted to work on a barrage from scratch. New Khanki Barrage is located near Wazirabad, Punjab. The client of this project is PMO (Project Management office). It is an Asian Development Bank funded project. The expected completion date is in the last quarter of 2016. Award of Khanki Barrage not only shows the confidence of the client, but also the immense reputation amongst the funding agencies that have repeatedly shown their confidence in Descon's quality and delivery. M. Ali Khan The entire Descon team is proud of having been awarded with this project and is fully devoted to ensuring its successful completion and to make it a part of our collection of laurels such as Mirani, Mangla and Satpara dams, Rainee and Kacchi canals and Sukkur and Taunsa Barrage to name a few. Rehabilitation and Modernization of Jinnah Barrage Finally after a long-awaited phase, by the grace of the Almighty and unmatched efforts of its team members, Descon was awarded the project for the Rehabilitation & Modernization of the Jinnah Barrage. The Jinnah Barrage Project is a World Bank funded project and its client is PMO (Project Management Office), Irrigation Department Punjab. In the past, Descon has also completed emergency rehabilitation and modernization of the Taunsa Barrage for the same client in 2005. The award of the Jinnah Barrage Project to Descon, which is of a much bigger scope, is a testament to the level of satisfaction, trust and comfort of the client. Jinnah Barrage is strategically a very important project, not only for Descon but also for Pakistan as it is the first barrage on the river Indus, the biggest river of the country, and was in dire need of rehabilitation. 26 VOLUME 1 | 2014 Plant Services Department Descon's Plant Services department's history is as old as that of Descon, when it secured its first business in Pak-Arab Fertilizer in 1978. Since then, PS has been responsible for annual turn-arounds, retrofits and plant maintenance jobs in Oil & Gas, Fertilizer, Chemicals, Power, and Refinery sectors. Over the years, PS has enhanced its portfolio to enrich itself with the ever evolving market dynamics. This included developing resources, taking challenging projects, and diversifying its services portfolio to further augment its growth. The combined efforts of Business Development and Technical Departments enabled PS to win new projects such as ED tank fabrication and installation for Indus Motors, annual turnaround of National Refinery Lube II and Fuel Refinery, PPL Adhi, OGDCL-Uch Gas, pressure vessels inspection services for MI 2012 & MP supply for outage 2012 for VOLUME 1 | 2014 Nida Mumtaz Uch Power and construction works for PPL Adhi EPF Revamping Project which resulted in the achievement of landmark business generation in Pakistan. Plant Services has acted as a catalyst to attract new businesses for Descon for other services such as Plant Construction and EPC services. With the acquisition of businesses such as annual turnaround of Naimat Gas Field, Fatima Fertilizer, PPL Mazarani Gas Field, UEPL Turk Gas Field etc. in the first quarter of 2013-2014, we are all set to break our previous years’ record. 27 Equipment & Plant 28 Rabiya Abbasi VOLUME 1 | 2014 Kuwait: Dismantling of Linden Comansa 21LC750 Kuwait Cement (KCC 5500 TPD Line-II) Expansion Project is one of the most important projects in Descon's history. Linden Comansa tower crane was installed to perform heavy lift activities at this project. This is the largest tower crane in Descon's fleet with a maximum lifting capacity of 36 tons, maximum height of 183 m and maximum jib end load of 12 tons. Dismantling of this crane was a difficult and challenging task. The task of dismantling this huge crane consisting of 33 sections was done through our staff. The crane is planned for mobilization to Abu Dhabi for upcoming projects. Qatar: Qatar Petroleum Shutdown 2013 Pakistan: Jinnah Barrage At the end of first quarter of 2013, Descon was able to acquire a contract for the turnaround of Qatar Petroleum Refinery. E&P played an important role in this shutdown by ensuring timely availability, effective utilization and well-planned mobilization of the equipment at the site. Rehabilitation & Modernization of Jinnah Barrage is one of the major ongoing projects where Descon is playing its key role in various activities of civil and electromechanical works. In order to save rental costs, the maximum number of equipment deployed is from within Descon's fleet that is maintained at Central Maintenance Shop. Pakistan: Heavy Lifts at Uch-II It is worth mentioning here that DCS E&P has successfully completed the first season of 1,209 tons of sheet piling at Jinnah Barrage. Two Vibro Hammers (ICE-416) and two cranes, HitachiSumitomo are being used to perform the sheet piling activity. After safe transportation of consignment from Port Qasim to Uch-II site, the next step was to ensure successful execution of heavy lifts at project site with zero LTI. The heavy lifts were carried out without any accident or major damage. The equipment ranged from 120-200 tons. The cranes used to perform heavy lift activities at Uch-II are from Descon's own fleet. These include: Liebherr LR-1750 (750 tons), American Hoist AH-11320 (450 tons), and American Hoist AH11250 (315 tons). VOLUME 1 | 2014 Training Session: How to Get the Most Productivity from Machines A training session was organized by Corporate E&P in coordination with MDC. The session by Syed Hussein, Business Development & Training Manager, was attended by officers from different departments. 29 NEW IDEAS To keep our staff informed about the company's latest developments, Descon News has played an integral role. The newsletters produced on a regular basis, have evolved over the years making them more interesting and informative. The copies are being uploaded on our website, intranets and sent out to clients, partners, financial institutions, foreign missions, universities etc. In order to keep the magazine fresh and relevant for our readers, we are planning to make some changes to future editions. As we work on our ideas, we would also like to have your views and opinions about how you think the newsletter could be further improved. Please do take a few moments of your time to send your suggestions at descon@descon.com. 30 VOLUME 1 | 2014 31 Human Resources Core Value Awareness Campaign In order to communicate our company's vision, mission statement and core values to our employees, Human Resources team initiated the Core Values Awareness Campaign across board. For this purpose, placards, buntings and in-house screen savers were developed visually illustrating the core values. The aim was to inculcate the values and raise their awareness amongst the employees. Workshops were held for Grades 1 to 4, attended by the Chairman, CEO, all BA/BSD Heads and HRBPs who collectively categorized the top talent pool and recommended possible career development actions for each incumbent. Descon: Best Employer in the Construction/ Cement/ Metal Industry Descon has been ranked as the best employer in the Construction/ Cement/ Metals industry of Pakistan. The winners were assessed by an independent survey conducted by Rozee Research team in collaboration with YouGov, England. Talent Assessment Program Being the custodian of change management and employee development, the OD team has a major focus to improve company's productivity by creating a nurturing atmosphere, with a focus on keeping an open channel of communication and high level of engagement. 32 Similarly, the TAP exercise for Grade 5-7 employees, to be known as 'Listers' was also successfully completed. The intent here was to identify, develop and retain all high potential resources in our entry level tiers. Going forth, career path profiles and database development of TAP incumbents is underway. Key Critical Positions were successfully identified with an emphasis on building bench strength and streamlining the succession planning. VOLUME 1 | 2014 Trainings HR initiated a number of in-house and external trainings during the quarter. Engineering for Non-Engineers Management Development Program Time Management Risk Management QMS Lead Auditor Course Leadership Grid Seminar Unleashing Creativity to Deliver Strategic Excellence Building High Performance Teams Management Development Program (LUMS) Executive Finishing Coaching Camp (HR Academy) Leadership Grid Seminar (GII Pak) Boilers in Industries (NED, Center for Continuing Engineering Education) Technical Professional to Manager and Leader (Octara Pvt. Ltd) depar tments were gathered on a platform to share their experiences with the top management. Furthermore, DIPL also arranged an employee summit of G4 to discuss and identify the current challenges and to identify their solutions.The main purpose of this employee forum was to foster a healthy work place culture focusing on positivity. In-House Faculty Development Program Descon's In-house Faculty Development Program (IFDP) provides a platform where subject matter experts are identified and further groomed to be better facilitators in making other team members learn through their knowledge and experience. The program was launched with trainings being facilitated by a number of Business Support Leads e.g. Project Monitoring, HSE, Commercial, Finance, Contracts Management and E&P. In addition, the following customized courses were arranged at Suleman Dawood School of Business, LUMS by Dr. Wasim Azhar: Sales & Marketing Pricing of Products & Services Other HR Initiatives Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI®) Assessment A comprehensive personality based skill analysis assessment which helps people to understand themselves and how they should interact with others was launched. Climate Survey A climate survey has been conducted to gauge employees' engagement & alignment levels and determine their level of satisfaction with the management and work culture. Employee Engagement Activities In order to boost employees' engagement, DIPL HR initiated Coffee with Khawar Khan, President, DIPL. Employees from different VOLUME 1 | 2014 Monthly Birthday Celebrations In order to strengthen employees' engagement activities, HR has initiated the monthly birthday celebrations. The idea is to give employees a chance to interact with other colleagues in a friendly environment. The cake cutting ceremony is held in the presence of HODs (Head of Department) and In-charges. 33 Project Personnel & Administration PP&A has moved into a new phase of development and growth as a result of some major changes taken place over the past one year. These changes include the revamping of PP&A team and customer services provided to the applicants. We constantly strive to ensure improvement in terms of services provided to our personnel and projects. Our main focus is to make our database and management handling more efficient and reliable. Implementation of Centralized Manpower System CMPS, an online web application program, allows access to a centralized manpower asset monitoring program that can be easily viewed online. After successful implementation at the Head Office, now it is being implemented in Qatar and UAE offices. It is planned to replace the manual data with online data. The program is being updated and expanded and will include data of other nationalities as well. 34 Wajeeha Khalid Helpline/Customer Services (+92 42 3592 3400 - 01) Taking notice of the overwhelming inflow of telephonic queries, a “helpline” has been established in PP&A office. The helpline would cater all calls regarding vacancies, refund cases and other general inquires. Calls are properly logged in the system for an effective follow up of the cases. Effective Mobilization PP&A has successfully mobilized around 6,000 personnel to various overseas projects and shutdowns in Qatar, UAE and KSA. New Passport Room A special passport room has been setup where the applicant's passports are properly stored and catalogued in fire resistant cabinets ensuring their complete safety and efficient handling. VOLUME 1 | 2014 35 FUN MOMENTS 38 DESCON HEADQUARTERS 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 35990034, 35805134 UAN: +92 42 111- DES-CON Fax: +92 42 3581 1005, 3581 1135 Email: descon@descon.com www.descon.com ENGINEERING Descon Integrated Projects Limited (DIPL) 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 3599 0053 Fax: +92 42 3581 0867 Email: dipl@descon.com Descon Integrated Projects Limited (DIPL) 9th Floor Business Avenue, 26-A Block 6, P.E.C.H.S, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 75400, Pakistan Tel: +92 21 3439 1591-5 Fax: +92 21 3439 8565 Email: dipl@descon.com Abu Dhabi Office - UAE (DIPL) Descon Engineering Prestige Tower, Building No. 17, Floor No. 16 MBZ (Muhammad Bin Zayed), P.O Box 46821, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 (0) 2 553 9801 Fax: +971 (0) 2 553 9802 Email: descon@emirates.net.ae Abu Dhabi - UAE (Main Office) Mussafah Industrial Area, ME-14 United Bank Limited Building, P.O.Box 46821, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 2 555 5807 Fax: +971 2 555 5784 Email: descon@emirates.net.ae Abu Dhabi - UAE (City Office) Al Nowais Building, Office 302 Electra Street, Tourist Club Area Abu Dhabi, P.O.Box 46821, UAE Tel: +971 2 644 0903 Fax: +971 2 644 6786 Email: descon@emirates.net.ae Mangaf - KUWAIT Descon Engineering FZE Building No. 14, Street No. 21, Block 3, Mangaf, Kuwait Tel: +965 237 304 71, 237 302 04 Fax: +965 237 301 48 Email: zuhasan@descon.com Doha - QATAR Descon Engineering Qatar LLC 2nd Floor, Al-Hitmi Village, Umm Ghuwailina P.O.Box 23364, Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 4405 4777 +974 4405 4717 Fax: +974 4405 4778 Email: qba@descon.com POWER Descon Power Solutions (DPS) 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 3592 3760-64 Fax: +92 42 3592 3765 Email: info@desconpower.com Karachi - PAKISTAN 9th Floor Business Avenue, 26-A Block 6, P.E.C.H.S, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 75400, Pakistan Tel: +92 21 3452 6564 Fax: +92 21 3454 4480 MANUFACTURING Lahore - PAKISTAN 2 km., Defence Road, off 24 km., Multan Road, Lahore 53800, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 3596 6680-6 Fax: +92 42 3596 6687-8 Email: manufacturing@descon.com Karachi - PAKISTAN Plot No. A 35-36, Eastern Industrial Zone, Port Qasim Industrial Area, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92 21 3474 0031-36 Fax: +92 21 3474 0037 Email: kmw-info@descon.com Abu Dhabi - UAE P.O.Box 46821, Ghayathi Road, Ruwais Industrial Area, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 2 876 1287 Fax: +971 2 876 0423 Email: sher.khan@descon.com Sharjah - UAE Descon Engineering FZE Plot No. HE- 5, 6, 7 & HD-19, P.O.Box 42576, Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE Tel: +971 6 526 9020 Fax: +971 6 526 9053 Email: hmw@descon.com CHEMICALS Descon Chemicals Limited (DCH) Descon Oxychem Limited (DOL) Descon Corporation Limited (DCL) 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 3592 3721-26 Fax: +92 42 3592 3749 Email: info@desconchemicals.com Email: info@desconoxychem.com Email: info@desconcorporation.com OTHERS Altern Energy Limited (AEL) 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 35990034, 35805134 UAN: +92 42 111- DES-CON Fax: +92 42 3581 1005, 3581 1135 Altern Energy Limited (AEL) Fateh Jang - PAKISTAN 5 km Kohat Road, Fateh Jang, District Attock Tel: +92 57 2210 700-2 Fax: +92 57 2210 701 Al Jubail - SAUDI ARABIA Plot No 3 & 4, Street No. 124, P.O.Box 10108, Jubail Industrial City 31961, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 (0) 3 341 0671 Fax: +966 (0) 3 341 0950 Email: odico@olayandescon.com Rousch Power Pakistan Limited (RPPL) Lahore - PAKISTAN 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel:+ 92 42 3592 3772 Fax: + 92 42 358 11135 Email: rppl-lahore@rouschpak.com www.rouschpak.com Yanbu - SAUDI ARABIA Block No. 4, Street No. 6, Light Industrial Park, P.O.Box 213, Yanbu Industrial City 41315, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 (0) 4 321 0354 Fax: +966 (0) 4 321 0334 Email: odico@olayandescon.com Rousch Power Pakistan Limited (RPPL) Karachi - PAKISTAN 43-5-E, Block-6, PECHS, Karachi 75400, Tel: +92 21 3453 0641-2, 3455 6755-6 Fax: +92 21 3453 5484 Email: rousch@rouschpak.com www.rouschpak.com Al Khor - QATAR Descon Engineering Qatar LLC Al Khor Industrial Area, Al Khor, Qatar Tel: +974 4405 4777 Fax: +974 4405 4778 Email: qba@descon.com Rousch Power Pakistan Limited (RPPL) Khanewal - PAKISTAN 450MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Near Sidhnai Barrage, District Khanewal Tel: + 92-65-244 1572, 2441822-23 Fax + 92-65-2441 572 Email: site@rouschpak.com www.rouschpak.com OIL & GAS Presson Descon International (Pvt.) Ltd. (PDIL) 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: + 92 42 3588 0390 Fax: + 92 42 3592 3720 Email: info@pdil.com www.pdil.com JOINT VENTURE Olayan Descon Industrial Company (ODICO) P.O.Box 10108, Jubail Industrial City 31961, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 (0) 3 341 0671 Fax: +966 3 341 0950 Email: odico@olayandescon.com www.olayandescon.com Descon Technical Institute (DTI) 2 km., Defence Road, off 24 km., Multan Road, Lahore 53800, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 3596 6696 Fax: +92 42 3596 6687-8 Email: dti@descon.com Interworld Travels (Pvt.) Limited (IWT) 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54760, Pakistan Tel: +92 42 3592 3721-26 Fax: +92 42 3592 3749 Email: info@interworldtravels.com.pk 39 YOUR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO Descon Brand Guidelines for guidance, please contact: Corporate Communications Deptt.
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