Success story continues
Success story continues
SPRING / SUMMER 2009 Success story continues... DESCON HEADQUARTERS 18 km., Ferozepur Road, Lahore-54760, Pakistan Tel: (9242)5990034, 5805134, UAN: (9242)111-DES-CON Fax: (9242)5811005, 5811135, Email: w w w. d e s c o n . c o m ENGINEERING KARACHI - Pakistan 9th Floor Business Avenue, 26-A Block6, P.E.C.H.S, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, 75400 Pakistan Phone: +92.21.454.4481-4 Fax: +92.21.454.4480 E-mail: QATAR 43 - Naeeja Wadi Al-Raha Off D-Ring Road, P.O. Box 23364, Doha - Qatar Phone: +974.456.9127 Fax: +974.465.9126 E-mail: KUWAIT Descon Engineering FZE Building No. 14, Street No. 13, Block -3, Mangaf, Kuwait Phone: +965-237.304.71, 237.302.04 Fax: +965-237.301.48 Email: ABU DHABI, UAE Mussafah Industrial Area, ME-14 United Bank Limited Building, UAE P.O. Box 46821 Ph. +971-2-5555807 Fax: +971-25555784 E-mail: JOINT VENTURE COMPANIES JGC - Descon (Pvt.) Ltd., Pakistan 18-km Ferozepur Road, Lahore-54760, Pakistan Phone: +92.42.581.2263-6 Fax: +92.42.581.0867 E-mail: Olayan Descon Industrial Co. Ltd., Jubail - Saudi Arabia P.O.Box 10108, Jubail Industrial City 31961, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +966.3.341.0671 Fax: +966.3.341.0950 E-mail: Presson Descon International (Pvt.) Ltd., Pakistan 18-km Ferozepur Road, Lahore-54760, Pakistan Phone: +92.42.5923.710-16 Fax: +92.42. 5923.719-20 E-mail: MANUFACTURING WORKSHOPS HAMRIYAH Descon Engineering FZE Plot No. HE- 5, 6, 7 &19, P.O.Box 42576, Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, U.A.E Phone: +971.6.563.7187, 563.7203 Fax: +971.6.563.7646 E-mail: KARACHI - Pakistan Plot # A-40 & A-41, Eastern Industrial Zone, Port Qasim Authority, Port Qasim, Karachi, Pakistan Phone: +92.21.454.4481-84 Fax: +92.21.454.4480 E-mail: ABU DHABI P.O Box 46821, Ghayathi Road, Ruwais Industrial Area, Abu Dhabi, UAE Phone: +971.2.876.0390 Fax: +971.2.877.2994 E-mail: LAHORE - Pakistan 2 km Defense Road, off 24 km Multan Road, Lahore, 53800 Pakistan Phone: +92.42.754.0361-66 Fax: +92.42.754.0367 E-mail: POWER CHEMICALS & TRADING Rousch (Pakistan) Power Limited 39-C/IV, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Tel: +92.21.453.0641-2, 453.4545-5, 455.6755-6 Fax: +92.21.453.5484 E-mail: Descon Chemicals (Pvt.) Ltd. Descon Oxychem Ltd. Descon Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. Nimir Resins Limited 18-km Ferozepur Road, Lahore, 54760, Pakistan Phone: +92.42. 5923.721-27, Fax: +92.42.5923.749 E-mail: Web: Altern Energy Limited 5 km Kohat Road, Fateh Jang District Attock Spring/Summer 2009 Success story continues... INSIDE New Projects 04 Be Safe, Be Smart 06 Manufacturing Hamriyah Lahore Karachi Ghayathi Saudi Arabia 08 Editor's Note Dear Readers, Its just keeps getting better Deson Oxychem 14 Maintaining your worth 16 The good gets better 20 What's happening @ Descon Chemicals 22 Descon Power Solutions Welcome to the Summer 09 issue of Descon News.This issue talks about the many successes Descon has met during last few months. Business in gulf region has boomed with the award of mega projects like ASU Mirfa I, ADGAS shutdown and may more. Manufacturing business has also seen newer heights with shop floors being busier than ever. The chemicals business is taking exciting turns with introduction of new products. The younger companies, Descon Oxychem and Descon Power Solutions are now firmly established. Read about all this and more success stories in the next pages. Happy Reading, 24 News from Presson Descon 26 News from JGC Descon 28 Happenings 30 Bridging the gaps 32 CSR 34 Beenish Rai Editor EditorialTeam Abbreviations Aamer Hadi Khan DEL: DCH: PDIL: JDL: ODICO: BD: BA EPC: KSA: TPD: BPD: QHSE: CSR: CDR: LTI: HRSG: Beenish Rai Rozina Bhatti Ch.Muzaffar Ali Anam Hasan Descon Engineering Limited Descon Chemicals Limited Presson Descon International Limited JGC Descon Limited Olayan Descon Industrial Company Business Development Business Area Engineering, Procurement, Construction Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tons per Day Barrels per Day Quality, Health, Safety and Enviourment Corporate Social Responsiblity Carbon di-oxide Recovery Loss Time Injury Heat Recovery Steam Generator New Projects at Descon Descon wins ASU project in UAE E lixier a JV of ADNOC and Linde has awarded Descon the civil and mechanical works of ASU Mirfa 1 Project in Abu Dhabi. Work on the project is scheduled to start in July and will be completed in the first quarter of 2011. The project will involve 3.6 million direct Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 manhours. The Linde Group and ADNOC have decided to construct two large air separation units (ASU) through their joint venture Elixier. The new plants will be connected to the utility and pipeline network and will supply nitrogen for injection into the onshore condensate field in Habshan in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to free natural gas for the national grid. The two air separation plants will have a total nitrogen capacity of 670,000 standard cubic meters per hour. IWPP Power Project in Qatar Descon has been awarded MEI works for Desalination plant of Ras Laffan “C” IWPP Power Project by Sidem, France for Qatar Fertil has awarded a Shutdown for Ammonia, Urea and Utilities. The Electricity & Water Company (QEWC), Shutdown is planned in June 2009. Total direct manpower required for Qatar.The project will be completed in the Turnaround is 1000. first half of 2010 by utilizing peak manpower of around 1800. Works include mechanical, electrical and instrumentation. This is the third IWPP being step up by Ras Laffan Power Company. This plant will provide 2,730MW of electricity and more than 286,000 cubic meters of desalinated water a day, making it the largest such plant in Qatar. Fertil Shutdown Sea Water Return Culvert Upgrade Descon has been awarded the up gradation of Sea Water return culvert.The Job is to be started in June 2009 and will be finished in February 2010. 1200 tons crane Descon has recently added a heavy crane1200 tons (Gottwald AK912) to its vast resource base of equipment.This truck mounted crane is a strategic asset for the company and would be of great advantage for heavy lifts and rigging projects for the end users in the region. The crane is currently deployed at Bosicor Refinery Pakistan and it will later be moved to Engro Chemicals Pakistan where construction works are underway for the largest Ammonia Urea Complex in Asia. Descon is proud to be among the very few companies in the region that own such a large crane. Ownership of the crane will be of strategic benefit to our clients and the end users in future We look forward to serve the needs of our customers more effectively and reliably. This acquisition is one of the few steps the company feels would help secure the project requirements using maximum in-house resources. In the days to come we shall be continuously enhancing our skills for execution of projects from design to construction to O&M. RumaithaTurnaround ADCO has awarded the Rumaitha Field T/A 2009 to Descon. The project is to be started in June 2009 and duration is 75 days including works in pre-shutdown and during shutdown phase. Main Plant Overhaul - ADGAS: ADGAS has extended its contract with Descon for 'Main Plant Ovehaul' beyond 2008 for another three years from 2009 to 2011. Descon is already carrying out a three year shutdown maintenance term contract with ADGAS at Das Island.There are three gas Trains which go under shutdown maintenance one after the other each year.The scope of work mainly includes major overhaul of static and rotating equipments, repair and recommendations for pipes, piping modifications, steam leaks, valve replacements and fugitive emissions.The award of this project manifests client's trust and satisfaction with Descon. New Projects at Descon 04 I 05 Be SAFE, Be SMART By Madiha Shafiq Safety requisites for maintenance projects M aintenance of equipment is essential for efficient operations. Many routine maintenance tasks can be carried out during normal operations. However, for inspection and maintenance of major equipment, it is necessary to shut the process down periodically. Such a shutdown is typically referred to as a turnaround (T/A). It can be planned or unplanned and either major or minor. whichever the case, the process is shutdown, inspection, repair and / or maintenance work completed and the unit brought back on streams.The time involved can vary from few days to a month or more. Employee may, in some situations, be exposed to hazards during preparation for shutdown procedure, while turn around work is being carried out, and during start up. The facility personnel and contractors who do the work should be aware of the hazardous materials to which they may be exposed and aware of the appropriate measures to reduce exposure. Tasks that are carried out before shutdown may include; checking for leaks, determining pump maintenance needs, measuring metal erosion/ corrosion, identifying areas where painting is needed, determining the orientation of trays in distillation towers, checking the condition of furnace burners, tubes, firebricks etc. scaffold erection, evaluating the condition of insulation, inspecting rotary equipment etc. Those doing this work may be exposed to various contaminants during the Pre-Shutdown Period. Personnel need to be aware of the potential for exposure to these hazards, the procedure to follow to perform the task and the measures to take to minimize their exposure. During the Shutdown Period, pumps, towers, drums and all equipment to be worked on are isolated, drained, cleaned and vented before issuing a permit for additional work to be done. The potential for the exposure to hazards during this phase of a T/A can be minimized or controlled if established procedures/ work practices/ confined space entry requirements are followed and the prescribed protective equipment is used. Pre-task safety plans are developed with every changing task, often resulting in several such plans being developed by a single crew in a typical workday. These plans are also documented and monitored by other personnel on site. For Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 MD Descon and GM Fertil visit project site Mr. Mohammed R. Al Rashid General Manager Ruwais Fertilizer Industries and Shaikh Azhar Ali CEO & Managing Director Descon Engineering visited the Urea Debottlenecking Project Site on in April 2009. During the visit General Manager FFRTIL presented an advanced Evacuation Mask, Sundstorm escape hood SR77-2, to Shaikh Azhar Ali for introducing it on Descon Projects. It is a full faced Mask and its filter has a resistant time of 130 minutes for Ammonia Gas (1000 ppm). The evacuation time is considerably high as compared to the other masks. Additionally it also provides protection against other hazardous gases like Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Hydrogen cyanide and Chlorine. Descon is considering introducing this Mask on its Projects. exemplary safety performance, workers for the T/A and shutdown should be familiar with the shutdown work. For best safety results, scheduling must be done in greater detail, in terms of hours as opposed to shifts or days. Thorough planning and preshutdown preparations can assist considerably in reducing the actual shutdown period. The individuals within the teams are the key to success. They needed to be aligned with the shutdown objectives and be encouraged to develop a strong sense of ownership regarding their areas of responsibility. It is essential that the appropriate level of training be offered to all jobsite personnel, including training provided for supervisory and managerial personnel. The Process Safety Management (PSM) function should be involved in T/A planning in order to effectively provide support during the safe pre-shutdown, shutdown,T/A and start up periods. Only those facility employees should involve in T/A work who have complete training on hazard awareness and respirator. Other necessar y training includes the dissemination of information on confined spaces, lockout/ tagout procedures, hot work, fire watch, and emergency procedures. Industry should also provide advisory role for the contractor staff and must periodically check to determine whether the contractor is adhering to good workplace health protection practices and complying regulatory requirements. Better safety performances are also achieved when shutdowns are for shorter durations and when the workweeks are not as long. Thus, fatigue impact is also very important. It is calculated by employee working hours per day. Schedule over an extended period has a negative impact on safety performance. For a successful T/A and shutdown work all aspects of health, safety and environment must be considered. It may include; Written HSE Plan with specific HSE Organogram for fulfilling the HSE requirements. The individuals within the teams are the key to success. They needed to be aligned with the shutdown objectives and be encouraged to develop a strong sense of ownership regarding their areas of responsibility. Following points must be given due attention. n Clarification of roles & responsibilities of whole staff based on JSA. n Identification of root causes of incidents through Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) tools. n Identifying workplace health concerns associated with work to be done n Waste management plan & other procedural & planned requirements. n Prior training of all staff involved in T/A and shutdown projects. n Implementation of procedures like Permit to Work, Confined space entry etc. n Availability of paramedic preferably doctor n Good arrangements of drinking water and other essential daily needs. n Daily toolbox talks and regular HSE Meetings n Ensuring PPE compliance n Ensuring appropriate emergency equipment with back up is available (deluge shower/ eye wash fountains, respiratory protective equipment, communication system like radios, speakers, walky talky etc. n Good housekeeping practices n Display of additional signs, b a r r i c a d e s a n d p ro t e c t i v e equipment in work area. Reviewing previous T/A and shut down experiences helps a lot in achieving safe performance. A monitoring plan should be followed to comply and ensure all HSE procedures. General procedures, work practices, personal protective equipment usage, and available controls should be reviewed to determine their adequacy for minimizing exposure to the hazardous materials and physical agents associated with the task to be performed. Be Safe Be Smart 06 I 07 MANUFACTURING Updates from the Shop Floors By Rafael Mardiyev Hamriyah Columns for Fertil, UAE One of the remarkable achievements of the project execution was delivery of 4 Nos. columns to Fertil UDB project site by the end of January 2009. The internal diameter of columns varied from 2M to 4.2M and length from 25M to 41M. All columns were shipped by barge from Hamriyah sea port which resulted in a good experience gained in terms of fabrication and supply of heavy equipments. Aluminium Smelter Furnaces for Maesaeeed, Qatar. Fabrication and supply of 11 aluminum smelter furnaces for QATALUM project in Qatar was completed in April 09 and delivered to the project site in Measaed, Qatar. The weight of each furnace was 38 tons. Descon Engineering FZE fabricated smelter furnaces, which is specialized equipment to be used in aluminum plant whereas. The client was SOLIOS THERMAL specializes in construction of aluminum smelter plants. The total weight of equipment fabricated and supplied was 418 tons. GDU & FGT Skid Packages for Adgas, UAE & Maersk Oil, Qatar In January 2009, gas conditioning package for Maersk Oil was Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 completed and delivered to Al Shaheen – Oil Block 5 Development project in Qatar. Steel Structure & Plate Work For Kuwait Cement Company In January 2009 Expansion of new KCC Line 2 job was awarded to Descon. The scope of work includes fabrication and supply of Skid Packages for ADGAS Two of three skid-packages,1 Fuel Gas Treatment (FGTP) & 1 Glycol Dehydration (GDP) packages, fabricated in Descon Engineering FZE were successfully dispatched from Hamriyah Port to Das Island for ADGAS-Offshore Associated Gas Project .The job was awarded to Descon Engineering FZE by COMART, Italy, which acted as plant supplier.Technip, France is a main contractor for this project.The weight & dimensions of FGTP are 350ton, height 22M, width 11M & length 12M.The weight & dimensions of GDP are 115 ton, height 11M, width 6M, length 14M.The successful competition of these jobs put Descon Engineering FZE in range of a few pre-engineered skid manufacturers in the region. 6500 tons of steel structure and 2500 tons of plates. The fabrication of plate work started in April 2009. OTHER ONGOING PROJECTS Fabrication of 34 pressure vessels & columns for QAFCO 5 project in Qatar is in the progress. These equipment will be delivered to site by the end of August 2009.The total weight of equipments is about 280 tons. On storage tanks job for QAFCO 5, fabrication activities for six (6) storage tanks with total weight of 650 tons is completed. Totally, 40 storage tanks are to be fabricated and supplied to SAIPEM who is the EPC contractor on QAFCOV project. Five of the 12 steam transformers for Fujairah IWPP project in UAE were delivered to the site for SIDEM, France. The sixth steam transformer will be transported on site by the end of April 2009.The completion of the work is scheduled on 10th June 2009. Project Congress M a n a g e m e n t by a large number of delegates Descon participated in Alleem Project Management Congress, which was headed by Dr. Rashid Alleem, Director General Hamriyah Free Zone Authority. The congress was well attended by the notable companies of the region. Descon's stall was visited attending the event. Project Management professionals from different companies showed their interest in working with Descon and appreciated the company's capabilities and resources. Participation in Alleem Updates from the Shop Floors 08 I 09 Lahore Manufacturing Works By Haseeb Malik client. This project was awarded to Descon by Turbomach – Switzerland, who were EPC contractor & supplier of gas turbine to Saudi Paper Mills. The project has been commissioned to utmost satisfaction of EPC Contractor & end user and all the performance guarantees & parameters have been met. WaterTube boiler for Packages Kasur Factory The 200 TPH Water tube boiler for Packages Kasur Factory has been commissioned. It is a power boiler with 03 stage super heater steam & a steam flow of 200 Tons per hour, at a pressure of 96 Barg & temperature of 535°C. It is aligned with a 41 MW Condensing Extraction type steam turbine provided by Siemens. The boiler is in operation & generating steam & power as per client's requirement. HRSG for Engro Chemicals, Daharki, under mechanical erection Supply of Direct Fired Boilers for Bosicor Oil Pakistan Limited Bosicor Oil Pakistan Limited have shown their confidence in Descon LMW by placing the order of 3 x 50 TPH Direct Fired Boilers for their Hub, Balochistan plant. LMW will act as a one window supplier for these boilers in co-ordination with Descon PC & S, which will be responsible for erection and installation of boilers.The first boiler will be commissioned by April, 2010, the second boiler by July, 2010 and the 3rd boiler by March, 2011. Boilers Projects underway… l 01 x 150 TPH, 48 kg/cm2, 350ºC Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) for Engro Chemicals Pakistan Urea Expansion project is under final erection stages & pre commissioning activities will commence shortly. l 01 x 46 TPH HRSG for Dawood Hercules Chemicals. Hydotest of boiler block is completed & ready for shipment. l 1 x 145000 lbs/hr, 70 Psi, Water Tube Boiler for OGDCL at UCH site, is under final stages of mechanical erection Fresh air firing for 01 x 46 TPH HRSG for Dawood Hercules Chemicals Limited (DHCL) DHCL has awarded LMW with additional work for existing order of 01 x 46 TPH, HRSG. The additional scope includes Fresh Air Firing System including 02 Ducts, FD Fan with Motor, FD Fan Damper, Burner, Additional Stop valves (Solenoid), cable trays & instruments. Fire Tube Boiler for Proctor & Gamble (P & G) Pakistan The project for 1 x 1.5 TPH, 10 Barg, Wet Back, 03 pass, Fire Tube Boiler has been awarded to LMW by Proctor & Gamble Pakistan.The scope includes design, fabrication, supply, erection & commissioning of the boiler. The project is expected to be completed by October 2009. HRSG for Saudi Paper Mill, Damam, KSA Boiler projects completed… HRSG for Saudi Paper Mill 01 x 25 TPH, 16 Barg, Fire tube type HRSG behind a TITAN 130 gas turbine from Turbomach, for Saudi Paper mills, Damam, KSA has been successfully commissioned and handed over to Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 The 08 TPH Boiler for Lahore Plant of Coca Cola has been successfully commissioned & handed over to client. Supply of membrane wall for 30 TPH boiler forVimpex Syria Supply of Flue gas boiler element for SABIC Hadeed Process equipment PPL Kandhkot Gas Compression Project l 3 Phase 1 First Stage Suction Scrubbers with shell & head thickness of 70 mm, l 3 Phase 1 Inter Stage Suction Scrubbers with shell & head thickness of 62 mm l 3 Phase 1 Second Stage Discharge Scrubbers with shell & head thickness of 58mm OMV Sawan Gas Compression Project l 1 LP Slug Catcher with shell & head thickness of 88 mm. l 1 Diesel Storage Tank l 3 Nitrogen, Instrument & Service Air receiver vessels. l 1 Open Drain Collecting vessel. TAJJAL-1 Extended Well Test Facility Development l 1 Slug Catcher with shell & head thickness of 59 mm. Ruwais Fertil Project. l 2 New Recirculation Heater & Additional LP Condenser. l 1 New 1st Stage Evaporator l 1 Steam Condensate Cooler l 3 Regenerator Condenser, Regenerator Reboiler & Reclaimer l 1 NH3 Condenser Refrig. Unit Presson Enerflex for MOL Surface facility Project l 2 TEG Contactors l 2 Cold Separators with thickness of 68 mm. l 2 Low Temperature Separators with thickness of 50 mm. Borouge 2 Project Abu Dhabi for Technicas Reunidas 3 Heat Exchangers had been delivered to site whereas Descon's scope of work includes design, fabrication and supply. Whereas the EPC contractor for this project is Technicas Reunidas Karachi Manufacturing Works The newly built Karachi Manufacturing works has been recently authorized for S, PP, A U and U2 stamps by ASME and R stamps by NBIC. The spirit and performance demonstrated by the KMWExecution team to achieve this historic milestone in a very short time is highly appreciated. Lahore Manufacturing Works 10 I 11 By Khalid Yaqoob Abu Dhabi Manufacturing Works Works underway…. l Steel Works for Steam Reformer Ruwais (SELAS LINDE) Hose Inspection, Repairs and Testing Services for Ruwais l Petrochemical Plant (Takreer, Fertil, Borouge & Gasco) l Fabrication of Large Bore Pipe Spools for ADGAS OAG 1 Project (Descon) l Construction of Air Separation Unit at GASCO Ruwais (LINDE) Piping Fabrication for CCIC l Air Separation Unit Package-B GASCO (EPC) ELIXIER OSBL l Manpwer Supply to Snamprogetti at GASCO (Saipem) l Fabrication of Piping for Borouge 2 (Tecnimont) Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 By M. Naveed Olayan Descon SASREF Long Term Maintenance Contract Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Co. (SASREF),entrusted Olayan Descon with the award of long term maintenance contract for the next four years. Saudi Aramco, world's largest oil company, decided to go ahead with complete Riyadh Refinery Turnaround for the first time in its history. Olayan Descon was given a major chunk of the total maintenance activities. EPC Contracts Aramco's waste water upgrade expansion at Abu Ali, Tanajib and Safaniyah projects. l Assembly of 19 Heat Exchanger bundles for Saudi Aramco Mobil Refinery Co. Ltd. -( SAMREF). l Complete fabrication/installation of 150 tons of Steel Structure for El Swedi cables. l Successful completion of shut downs at Saudi Aramco Yanbu Refinery, Marafiq, Qasim cement andYANPET. l Job awarded by United Gypsem (mining) for Mechanical, E & I installation of 750 tons of equipment. At present, Olayan Descon is executing two EPC projects at SHARQ & IBN SINA (SABICAffiliates). These projects are the first EPC jobs being executed by Olayan Descon. Addition of Fresh Feed Butane Dryer System Scope of work includes thermal design verification, mechanical design (equipment & piping), finite element analysis, civil / structural design, instrument / electrical design and all drawing work, procurement & fabrication of all the material and supply of ASME code Stamp & NB registration, installation of foundation for the new dryer and piping, erection of the newly fabricated dryer & the associated piping as per isometric drawings, installation of insulation for dryer & piping and heavy lifting. Modification of Thermo Syphon Line Of 1-Eg Reactors Scope of work includes: Detailed design/engineering works including flexibility & finite element analysis, procurement of material (CS), pre-fabrication work of thermo syphone, removal of existing thermo syphone piping from reactors tee to drum nozzle. NDT of welded joints, hydro testing of steam drum & piping and calibration of instruments. Manufacturing The manufacturing unit has augmented machining and plasma / oxy fuel cutting facilities plate rolling capacity (up to 150 mm) and hydraulic press (up to 1000 tons). Recent achievements include: l Award of 2 sets of Dome roof 15/11.5m dia Storage Tanks from Daelim for Saudi Kayan HDPE project, Jubail. Mechanical design, supply, fabrication, testing and paintings are the core contents of the scope . l Award of 5 API Tanks from Siemens for Saudi Aramco's Tanajib and Safaniya projects. l Job for Design, supply, fabrication, erection, testing and painting of 4 Tanks has been awarded to Olayan Descon from Al-Suwaidi Industrial Services Co. Ltd. for Saudi Olayan Descon 12 I 13 Descon Oxychem It just keeps getting better! By Mehwash Faruqi W e are living in a business environment that is continuously changing. Just recently, the Descon Oxychem Limited underwent a radical transformation. In order to synergize functions across the chemical business, the departments at Descon Chemicals and Descon Oxychem were restructured.This step was taken to open up doors for enhanced learning opportunities, faster sharing of information, smooth operations and a viable work environment. Mr. Azeem Iftikhar will now be heading the Marketing & Sales departments of both companies as the General Manager Sales & Marketing Chemicals Business. Mr. Azeem's portfolio highlights years of marketing management expertise and resourceful insight into strategic marketing methodologies, with a track record of working with high-growth chemical companies. He brings in a great mix of leadership, inspiration, operational experience, technical breadth, and passion for customer care. There's been a change in the business lines as well. Mr. Najam-ul-Hassan, will now be looking after the textile chemical business in the capacity of Sales Manager Textiles for Lahore & Faisalabad. Mr.Aamir Munir's designation has been changed to Sales Manager Paper & Food for all regions. Similarly,Arsalan Sohaib Mateen will be looking after the South region as Sales Manager South for Chemical Business. Lastly, Mr. Faisal Bin Yahya will be looking after exports for both companies as Manager Trading for Chemical Business. Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 Building a Greener Future D escon Oxychem Limited, an addition to the Descon Chemical B u s i n e s s , w a s s e t u p fo r t h e manufacturing of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Our goal is to become a diversified chemical company that harnesses the power of innovation, science and technology to constantly improve what is essential to human progress and improvement. Built on a commitment to its principles of sustainability, DOL aims to establish a Greener & Even Better Future. successfully selling our food grade product to the local industries. Our Product Line Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 50 % (Wt/Wt) for textiles and paper industry 1. Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35 % (Wt/Wt) for textiles only 2. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35 % (Wt/Wt) for aseptic packaging of food products Our Potential We've gone global!! Hydrogen Peroxide is mainly used in bleaching cotton & wood pulp and for aseptic packaging of food items. Hydrogen Peroxide is readily replacing chlorine based bleaching agents in textile and paper industries all over the world. In Pakistan, this trend has been accepted by the textile industry on larger scale due to its export based business but for pulp and paper its use is limited to only de-inking of imported paper for tissue paper manufacturing. Otherwise, this industry mainly uses chlorine based compounds for bleaching purpose. Chlorine based compounds pose harm to the environment so local and international regulatory agencies are twisting their muscles to mount pressure on such industries that are still using it. So, this area has a lot of potential regarding use of hydrogen peroxide for bleaching purpose. We have successfully started exporting Hydrogen Peroxide to outside world. Descon Oxychem's first export order was sent to Turkey. We have also exported our product to India, Iran, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Currently, we are in the phase of final negotiations of exporting our product to South Africa, Egypt, and Turkmenistan. Other larger area for the use of hydrogen peroxide is in aseptic packaging of food items specially juices and dairy products. Total need in this area is being fulfilled by imports as there was no plant in Pakistan before 'Oxychem' for the manufacturing of food grade hydrogen peroxide. Descon Oxychem is the proud pioneer of food grade hydrogen peroxide production in Pakistan. We are Investigation Procedure Trained employees in: i. Fire Fighting ii. First Aid iii. PTW system We are Caretakers of the Environment! Descon Oxychem Limited is committed to protecting the environment, health and safety of its employees their families and the public.The core values of Health, Safety, and Security and Environmental performance are embodied within the company and its employees. We believe in “ZERO HARM” which is… n Zero loss to humanity n Zero loss to environment n Zero loss to property We have successfully… Implemented: Emergency Response System i. Fire Control System ii. Permit to Work System iii. I n c i d e n t R e p o r t i n g & Building a Greener Future 14 I 15 By Sharf Javed Omer Ashraf Waqas Mehmood Rana MAINTAINING YOUR WORTH For over three decades Descon has continually served its clients in providing quality and reliable maintenance services at their worthy industrial plants D escon has been providing world class maintenance services to all major industrial sectors in Pakistan and Middle East. Though today established as an EPC company, not many know that Descon started off in 1977 as maintenance services providing company in Pakistan. Gradually the company grew in the fields of engineering and construction while plant maintenance developed as an independent domain under the patronage of highly skilled and experienced personnel. Today, Descon provides maintenance services particularly to the Oil & Gas, Fertilizer, Power, Petrochemicals, and Chemical Sectors in Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In these regions Established Independent Departments of Plant Services exist and each department has ample resources to carry out any kind of maintenance jobs.The first major maintenance job undertaken by Descon was Maintenance and Repair of Compressors and Valves for ESSO Chemicals, Dharaki (now Engro Chemicals) in 1980. Specialized teams are based at all Descon establishments in the region specifically for maintenance jobs. Descon provides plant operation & maintenance services in mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and other related fields. Complete maintenance services are provided through state of the art planning and scheduling tools, site management and field execution systems developed in-house and practiced consistently.When a maintenance project is awarded A Core Team which consist Project Manager, Planning, QA/QC and HSE, Stores, Administration Personnel is deployed to assess and finalize the actual job scope, for arrangement of required skilled manpower, tool & tackle, equipment, spares and other resources, to make arrangements for the accommodation of manpower. Then for safe execution of job experienced appropriate maintenance workforce and other support facilities are managed. Other Maintenance Services offered by Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 Descon are unique in its area of operations which include Piping, Insulation, Painting, Maintenance of furnaces, Catalyst Replacement, Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment and Instruments Overhauling etc. Apart from this Descon Plant Services has carried out several De-bottlenecking and BMR Projects for number of clients in Pakistan and in Middle East. Regular Maintenance Services which are carried out during Turnarounds and Shutdowns Includes identification of Probable Mechanical faults in Equipments., Erection, Installation of Plant Equipment both stationary and Skid Mounted. Modification of Piping, New Piping and Pipe Supports’ Fabrication, Steel Structures, Retrofits Various Specialized Maintenance Ser vices Competencies are acquired by Descon after successful completion of diverse maintenance jobs over the period of last thirty (30) years, these Specialized Services includes l Hot Tapping l Chemical Cleaning The success in the maintenance projects is a result of the thorough efforts of Project Manager, Methodical and Systematic vigilance of the Planning Team, which monitors project progress on hourly basis. Painstaking and C o m p re h e n s i ve E xe c u t i o n by experienced maintenance staff who undertake to accomplish umpteen challenges within a stipulated and strict time frame of a Turnaround and Shutdown. Subsequent Successful commissioning and start-up leads to a stable plant operation. ‘Qualified personnel capable of meeting the critical timeline of Shutdowns and Subsequent Commissioning of the Plant are the most valuable asset of Descon Plant Services’ In-charge Descon Plant Services, Pakistan says “Descon is known in the market as "the right address" for plant maintenance on Lump sum Basis and specific equipment maintenance. Beside new business and expanding our horizon in 2008-2009, Plant Services was a major contributor in providing opportunity to young engineers to work with experienced craft on small scale high productivity Jobs, which has helped them to take up effective roles at other Construction and Maintenance Projects. Our team is looking forward to undertake new challenges by venturing into areas considered as specialized jobs.We are focused on implementing TMS (Turnaround Maintenance System) during 2009-2010.” l HP Jetting l Bolt Tensioning l Bolt Torquing l Cold Cutting l Flange Facing l Catalyst Loading & Unloading l Overhauling of Rotar y Equipment l Critical Rigging l Refurbishment of Static and Rotary Equipment l Re-tubing of Furnaces l Furnace Revamping l Mechanized Bundle Replacement and Re-Tubing of Heat Exchangers l Maintenance of Plate Type Heat Exchangers l Trays Replacement / Repairs and Modification of Towers l Repair and Maintenance of ControlValves l Repair and Maintenance of Pressure SafetyValves l Repair and Maintenance of DCS l Loop Testing Maintaining your Worth 16 I 17 Middle East is an exciting market, the excessive industrialization in the region provides opportunity and challenges in the field of engineering, construction manufacturing and maintenance. Descon's track record as maintenance providing company has earned it trust of the Leading Names of Oil & Gas, Power, Fertilizer, Chemical and Petrochemical Sector in the region. In Abu Dhabi, Descon has been successfully undertaking maintenance projects since over two decades. A recent achievement is the Successful, Safe and Quality execution of a 3 year Long Term Maintenance Contract with ADGAS at Das Island. From Year 2006 to 2008, project involved successful and safe completion of around Two (2) Million Man-hours. Heavy lifting and erection of PGA column was one of the notable achievements during 2007 & 2008. The Gas Plant 3 Gas Trains which go under routine shutdown maintenance one after the other each year. The job is being carried out on an island making timely mobilization of resources a tough challenge; however the job was completed 30 days ahead of schedule. In trains 1 & 2 heavy lifting was involved for the equipment replacements and relocation, piping modifications, overhaul of static and rotating equipment. Contract with Descon has been retained to carry out the planning for the forth coming overhaul for Train-3 scheduled in the last quarter of 2009. In Qatar, Qatar Gas’ world's largest GTL and LNG plants are in phases of Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 commissioning and startup at Raslaffan. With Descon's continuous brilliant performance in Qatar Gas, the company has recently been awarded EPC contract on call-off for three years duration. The work includes execution of small and medium size projects involving engineering, procure, construction, commissioning and assistance in start-up for both onshore and offshore facilities in Qatar Gas. Waseem Khan In-charge Plant Services, Qatar expresses his keen interest in providing best possible maintenance services to the industry in the region. He says “Descon has been able to build a relationship of trust with the clients. We are fully geared up to establish long term maintenance contracts with companies like Shell, Qatar Gas, Ras Gas, Oryx, Dolphin, Qatar Petroleum and many others. Our team is all set to take up the future challenges. With the new philosophy of partnership ventures being set forth by operating companies we are looking forward to gain exposure and experience of working in a tough environment.” Descon's joint venture company, Olayan Descon is the leading maintenance services in Saudi Arabia. Safe and Successful Completion, keeping up with the Set Quality Standards, HSE compliant services have remained a hall mark for Olayan Descon Maintenance division ever since its establishment. In December 2008 Olayan Descon proved its strength by simultaneously handling variety of shutdown/maintenance projects at four different plants. The maintenance activities involved were Furnace Re-Tubing, Reactor Repair, Internal Installation, Reactor Transfer Line Replacement. Recently Saudi Aramco, the world's largest Oil Company, decided to go ahead with complete Riyadh Refinery Turnaround, notably, first time in the history of Saudi Aramco. Olayan Descon was awarded the major chunk of the total maintenance activities. With total manpower of 1700 personnel Olayan Descon topped the progress among all six contractors and completed the job ahead of time. Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Co. (SASREF) has also entrusted Olayan Descon with the award of long term maintenance contract for the next four years. For Plant Services Descon has a very bright future in maintenance jobs.We have a desire to strive to accomplish the goals in best possible manner. Our Management is well aware of the needs and requirements of Plant Services Department and currently in Pakistan Descon Plant Services is working to develop its capacities by procuring Latest Equipment for; ‘'We are not desirous of having things done quickly.We do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished'' Living up to the Clients’ expectations of Safe, Quality and Successful timely Completion of Maintenance Projects is the and has always been the foremost important goal of Descon l In-Situ Machining l Formaniting Machines l Valves Lapping l Tube Bundle Carriers l Flange Facing By Sharaf Javed/ Faisal Rehmeen Annual Turnaround at Engro-the seven days challenge Descon was awarded the Advance Cost Energy Saving Process (ACES) Urea Piping Weld Repair Job and Annual Turnaround by Engro Chemicals at Dharaki Pakistan. The objective was to complete the 768 Dia-Inches of Urea Grade SS 316-L Piping Repairs at ACES Tower and Maintenance Jobs of plant equipments during the turnaround within seven days. From fabrication and welding perspective, completing ACES Piping Weld Repairs which had corroded beyond OPT* and DPT* within just seven days was a huge challenge. With no such precedence available prior to that, however the management to deploy the best mechanized resources like Plasma Cutting Machine, Pneumatic Beveling Machines, Cranes and other such equipments. Arranging almost fifty best of the trade welders and best available fabrication team was the first difficult task, which was accomplished successfully by inputs of ever dedicated senior supervisors of Plant Services. Pre-Qualifying them to the standards of ECPL was the next step to be realized, which was again completed effectively. A well developed and detailed plan, dedicated management, experienced executors and vigilant progress monitoring enabled Descon to move closer to completion. New weld joints had to be 100% Radiographed; this was again achieved without any repair at all. One step after the other Descon held onto its grandeur by completing the job successfully and added another glory to its magnificence. ' We took this decision, keeping in view the capacities and capabilities of Plant Services in Maintenance Jobs. Our aim was to gain and retain the confidence of Engro Chemicals' Management in our Plant Services Department' said Muhammad Iqbal Khan – Head PC&S. 'We are Proud of Plant Services Team for their achievement under such critical constraints' he added further. ' Descon has completed the job keeping best quality with flying colors within stipulated time frame' quoted Abbas Shahani – Unit Manager Planning, Engro Chemicals By all means Plant Services contributes a fair deal in the business development of Descon. Timely completion of jobs and fulfillment of all requirements of Quality and Safety by Plant Services enhances the trust and confidence of clients in Descon's capabilities. *OPT = Operating Pressure Thickness *DPT = Design Pressure Thickness How it Began 18 I 19 The good gets better By Agha Khalid Ameen Uzma Nadia Inhouse Training Encouraged T he old adage 'When the going gets tough, the tough gets going' is particularly appropriate for today's engineering & construction industry. During the ongoing financial crisis it is important that the companies should continue to invest in training of their employees so as to enhance productivity and ensure optimum utilization of resources. Skilled, motivated people capable of delivering both performance and profitability give organizations an edge. At Descon we believe that training increases the worth of not only the employees but company as a whole. Descon's Corporate Training & Development (T&D) department has taken several initiatives in order to ensure intellectual development of Descon Engineering Limited. One of these initiatives is “In-house Training Administration & Customization Capacity Building Program”. Under this program, T&D has adopted a focused approach towards enhancing the organizational capacity to design, administer and deliver in-house training programs through internal trainers. To provide due support to this program, another program titled “In-house Faculty Development Program” has been designed, so that potential trainers from within the company are identified and groomed. To provide a continuous stream of fresh graduate engineers who will become part of our future leadership, various fresh graduate training programs are organized at DEL e.g. GETP (Graduate Engineers Training Program) and PELP (Project Engineers Leadership Program). In these training programs, trainer and Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 trainees focus on learning and understanding the business processes starting from business acquisition to handing over of the project to client. challenges. He also showed his pleasure for the senior executives like Mr. Ilyas Sajjad for being at Descon's Trainers' Panel. GraduateTrainee Programs Effective Communication Skills The combined closing ceremony of Graduate Engineers Training Program – GETP (Batch 22) and Project Engineers Leadership Program – PELP (Batch 3) held on January 23, 2009 at DHQ. The Chairman Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood participated as Chief Guest. Souvenirs were distributed among trainers and trainees of GETP-22 and PELP-3. Ms. Bushra Sajid of PELP-3 and Mr. Ariel Ocampo of GETP-22 were declared the trainees-of-the-batch. In his address to the audience, the Chairman advised the Trainee Engineers to prepare themselves for future Effective communication, whether written, verbal or non-verbal, is the life blood of any organization. A two-day t r a i n i n g p ro g r a m o n E f f e c t i ve Communication Skills was conducted on February 3 – 4, 2009 by Mr. Zafar Ali Khan (In Charge Training & Development). A total of 25 Descon employees were trained on this course. The course was conducted like a workshop where lectures, case studies, communication games, self evaluating exercises and other such techniques were used to make the participants understand the significance and importance of this skill. HR for Line Managers It is a well-known fact that when employees have positive feelings about their relationship with their managers, they are more likely to have higher levels of job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty which are associated with higher levels of performance or discretionary behavior. Keeping in view this spirit, the two-day training program on “HR for Line Managers” was designed and delivered successfully by Syed Zakir Hussain on February 18-19, 2009. It was helpful for the participants to understand how to manage human resources in ways that truly add value to the organization. Incharges of Descon Engineering Limited, PDIL and JGC-Descon Engineering Limited participated in the training program. They learned HR practices of performance management, talent hunt, training, coaching and guidance, employee engagement and employee recognition. Finance for non Finance Managers A two-day t r a i n i n g p ro g r a m o n “Finance for Non Finance Managers” conducted on February 24-25, 2009 proved to be quite helpful f o r t h e members of Descon Team. It helped the technical and non-technical people to understand the commercial aspect and implications of all business activities and execution. All transactions whether they relate to QC, HR, Planning, Execution, HSE, Administration, etc. certainly have a financial impact on the C o m p a ny ' s p r i m e o b j e c t i ve o f maximizing profitability, and this program is well designed to cope with the similar requirements to develop the Financial and Commercial consciousness among the participants.This sort of sessions help the Non-Finance Professionals to grasp a certain degree of knowledge of Financial discipline for better value addition in financial and commercial terms. Contracts Management A two-day training program on “Contracts Management” conducted on March 11-12, 2009 by Mr. Azman Zain Ahmed (Head Contracts Management Department) proved to be quite helpful for the senior members of Descon team. The program was planned in such a way that participants easily grasped the concepts and objectives of various types of contracts, the application of risk management in managing contracts and most importantly understanding how proper contracts management can maintain and increase the planned profitability. ASME PressureVessel Design Pressure vessels are one of the key products of our Manufacturing Business Area. Design of pressure vessels is critical as well as demanding. Pressure vessels are typically designed, fabricated, installed, inspected, and tested in accordance with the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Code SectionVIII. In order to augment the technical skills of our professionals for pressure vessels design, a two day training course on “ASME Pressure Vessels Design – Section VIII” was held on March 27 – 28, 2009 by Mr. Ilyas Ahmed Sajjad at DHQ. This course outlined the main differences among the divisions. It concentrated on and presented an overview of Division I. Several relevant items that are not included in Division I were also discussed. Performance Management A one-day workshop was conducted for HR professionals by Mr. Syed Zakir Hussain on “Performance Management” on March 31, 2009. The workshop provided comprehensive guidelines to the participants on designing effective performance management system. Discussions held on the importance of having a common set of core competencies, a common rating scale, and shared language as the foundation for developing strategies. The workshop helped our HR professionals to understand the ways in which the existing system of Performance Management of Descon could be improved. The goods gets better 20 I 21 @ Descon Chemicals What's Happening ? Launch of Ecocryl-A In April 09, Descon's Adhesive & Sealants Business Area, unveiled their business plan for a recently engineered product, Ecocryl-A. This product is an outcome of constant efforts of the product development and market research teams and support of the top management. Systems. Thermoplastic acrylics have been launched as trials in the market and customer feedback is still awaited. Two Acrylic Polyols are undergoing lab evaluation and will be launched in near future but the Thermoset Acrylic resins will be ready for market evaluation in near future. Ecocryl-A is a water-based adhesive that is designed to serve the growing local printing and packaging market. The company will initially focus on waterbased adhesives as Descon is the only The main applications of these products are in Metal & Wood Finishes, Plastic Coatings, OEM Paints for Auto Industry, Auto Finishes & Re-Finishes. With addition of these resins to our product line, Descon Chemicals has once company to manufacture this 'ecofriendly' product in Pakistan. It is hoped that this new product will be welcomed by the industry. again fulfilled its commitment to serve their customers with value-added products and to compete with global players in quality and product range. Development of Solvent Based Acrylic Polymers Descon Corporation spreads its wings Descon Chemicals has an extensive history of developing performance products through examining current trends in the world markets and latest technologies. The New Product Development department constantly scouts for new opportunities and delivers timely innovative solutions. DCL has recently developed new Specialty Chemical sources in the Far East. The response has been very encouraging especially from the Pesticide Industry. DCL has successfully provided raw material solutions to two new leading paint manufacturers, Nippon & Kansai. This year NPD is in process of engineering a very vital class of Acrylic Polymers. Presently, the team, comprising of Nasir Mahmood and Lubna Bashir, is vigorously working on thermoplastics, thermosets and Acrylic Polyols for 2K- Last year, the Marketing Department underwent a radical transformation, aspiring to catalyze progression with 'Changing Mindsets, Increasing Profits'. Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 Descon Rules By Mehwash Faruqi The initiative of the team was “Descon Rules” – an open forum, dedicated to exploring unconventional opinions that go against mainstream thinking. The department was restructured with Marketing and Research Team on one side and hardcore Sales Team on the other. Strong focus was laid on effectively reinforcing the brand in the market and devising innovative methods for its execution. Descon Rules engaged and motivated the team to do things in a different and more effective way. The slogan 'Why good when you have the ability to be great' was an instant hit and proved to be impetus for change among employees. Candid and interactive round-table meeting served as a platform for them to speak openly and share different ideas. Because it entailed introducing something new and substantially different from what prevailed in the existing culture, 'cultural innovation' was highlighted in the forum. Objective of the entire show was to inculcate a sense of originality and uniqueness in the team and to believe that 'This is NOT the ONLY way it can be DONE'. The new Marketing team set pace for other departments, both at head office and works, to follow the theme of Descon Rules. Changing Dynamics Descon Chemicals IT team, led by Mr. Nauman Majeed, is efficiently working in Software Development, Networks, S e c u r i t y, S u p p o r t a n d E R P Implementation functions at different locations. “Descon-ERP1” was initiated in year 2007 for implementation of ERP, based on Oracle E-Business Suite, with the objective of completely automating all business functions of the entire chemical and power areas. Under this project, Oracle EBS R11 Financials, Inventory, Purchasing & Order Management Modules has been successfully implemented all over thereby completely integrating Finance, Supply Chain and Marketing Department activities. IT team also upgraded Oracle EBS Release 11 to Oracle EBS Release 12 as it was prerequisite to map current business process & requirements for OPM implementation. Descon has become pioneer of the first successful upgrade in Pakistan. Currently, R12 Inventory, Purchasing & Order Management Modules implementation is under progress at Descon Power Solution. Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) module Implementation in Descon Chemicals, NIMIR and Descon Oxychem is underway. The Des Icon Descon has initiated the "Des Icon Employee of the Quarter Award". Line managers will submit nominations based on an individual team member's exceptional performance. Final selection would be made by an Executive Committee from among these nominations & the Des Icon Merit Certificate would be awarded to the candidate with the most exceptional achievement. Along with Merit Certificate and a token prize, the winners will have their pictures displayed along the entrance corridor in the main building for the entire year. Finance Department identified Nadeem Ashraf, In-charge Accounts Payable, as their Des Icon for the last quarter Oct-Dec 2008. For the first quarter of 09 Adnan Khalid, Unit Incharge at Works, was awarded the Des Icon Merit Certificate for his outstanding contribution in modification of PVA-402 secondary condenser return line due to which product yield has been increased, and chances of product contamination have been reduced considerably. The in-house projects include a contemporary attendance system at all DCBA locations with one central database server.The attendance system is based on Non Contact Bar Code Readers and Biometric machines have been recently installed at all offices except for Karachi. Virtualization has been implemented to save hardware cost of Data Center with disaster recovery that will lead toward minimum downtime of production environment. Disaster Recovery Management is in place all over. Keep up the good work, team! FUN and Games A Family Fun Day for staff and their families was organized in April to enjoy last days of spring. Employees had a good time playing sports, boating and chilling out with colleagues. Descon Chemicals also participated in the Corporate Paint Ball Competition under the pseudonym "Descon Dare Devils" at the DAWN Lifestyles Expo at Fortress Stadium, in February. Descon played against Nippon Paints. The Lucky Draw As per custom, Umrah balloting is performed every year among employees. During the Long service award distribution ceremony at the head office, there was also a lucky draw in which the lucky contestant, Miss Nazia Mughal, from Supply Chain, won an Umrah Ticket. The Management extends its heartiest congratulations to her for the opportunity bestowed upon her by Almighty Allah. What’s Happening at Descon Chemicals? 22 I 23 Descon Power Solutions By Afrah Shahzad Redefining Potential – Feat at Sitara In a very short time DPS has proved its commitment to provide its clients with the best products and services, this is why Sitara chose to work with DPS at their chemicals plant. Sitara Chemicals opted to utilize two 4 MW MWM units (TCG2032V16 Gensets) at their site. Setting Global Standards DPS Channels World's 2nd OLS Genset at Sitara PerOxide At Sitara Per Oxide, DPS has successfully initiated Phase I of a 3 MW CPP project based on TCG2020 V16 OLS. These Gensets have torque taking ability, an ingredient critical for the production of Hydrogen Peroxide which caters for heavy torque load. Empowering Businesses Ghani Group Team DPS has installed two Natural Gas Gensets of 2 MW TCG2020 V20 each in addition to Ghani Table Ware's requirement of 3 MW CPP which was met by stationing two additional units of TCD2020V16 G3 at their site. Providing Nothing But The Best Solution - Latif Fiber Mills In pursuit of our vision to provide Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 complete power solutions, DPS has done a major inspection and overhaul job at Latif Mills that involved replacement of the Short Block – a critical component required for engine's smooth running. Setting Examples at Home Altern Energy Limited DPS is supporting its sister concern, Altern Energy Limited, with its products and services. 8 Natural Gas Gensets (reciprocating 4 MW TCG2032 V16 each) have been deployed at AEL's plant in Fateh Jang. O&M, annual maintenance and troubleshooting are also being provided through DPS's MWM certified service engineers. Bringing Engines To Life - Al Abbas Cement Al-Abbas required a major rehabilitation task for the 3.3 MW BVM 640 HFO based Gensets. Team DPS re-engineered both units, from inspection to restoration of the lifeless engines. In collaboration with MWM, Descon Pow e r S o l u t i o n s ( D P S ) h a s facilitated several industrial units in becoming self-reliant in power generation by equipping them with the finest power technolog y available. Here's how: Marketing Power DPS alongside MWM, participated at the ITIF Power Asia 2009 in March at the Karachi Expo Centre As the exhibition attracted journalists, media, politicians and other 'movers and shakers' in particular fields. DPS stall was visited by many potential customers who showed interest in products and services offered by DPS. Listening… The HR team ensures that employee needs are well looked after and constant feedback is sought. Recently, Bilal Malik and Usman Ahmad, HR representatives, along with the CEO, Mr. Sabeeh Faruqui, visited the Altern Energy Plant (Fateh Jang) in order to interact with O&M team to identify issues and generate solutions. Our People –The Lifeline Of DPS! Preparation… In addition to in-house trainings, a recurring training feature of the company, DPS sent three of its employees (Razaq Gillani, Muhammad Hazar and Zeshan Akram from Service Team) for a training session to Manheim, Germany, in March 09 at MWM HQ. The exposure gained from training will allow them to deliver the highest quality after sale services to clients. Freshies… DPS hosted an on-boarding ceremony to welcome the new members. The orientation program provides a platform for new and existing employees to interact and blend into the corporate environment. Excelling… To evaluate and streamline various job functions at DPS, a job evaluation analysis is being launched to benchmark all positions.The objective of this analysis is to establish "Relative Internal Equity" amongst various positions. Automating HR… With continuous support from the IT team, Human Resource Management System (HRMS) has been successfully implemented. Facilities include submitting online leave application, accessing help desk, monitoring attendance and leave records on an individual level. Furthermore, the Online Payroll System will go live soon. Descon Power Solutions 24 I 25 News from Presson Descon Contributing to the Country's Energy Needs Pakistan's energy resources are being challenged by its ever-increasing demand. PDIL is proud to contribute towards meeting these demands by putting up large sized and critical natural gas processing facilities. Recently it has successfully completed 100% equipment installation & construction for first gas at Manzalai Gas Field Development Project. The Pre-commissioning activities are in progress. The project holds critical importance for Pakistan because of its strategic location in NWFP and also because of the large capacities of Natural Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 Gas it would be able to process. The capacity would be 300 Million Cubic Feet of gas every day and 2850 barrels of condensate per day. MOL Pakistan the operators of the TAL Block in NWFP, had awarded this project to the Consortium of PDIL, Descon and Enerflex in Nov 2007. This would also be one of the largest projects undertaken by the Consortium, in oil& gas sector in Pakistan. Sulfur Recovery Unit for OGDCL The Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU), currently under execution, diversifies the PDIL's experience and capability in oil and gas industry. It signifies PDIL's achievements of expanding its products and services for its clients. The project, located at Dhakni; was awarded to PDIL by O G D C L o n E n g i n e e r i n g , Procurement, and Commissioning basis last year. PDIL engaged Ortloff Engineers of USA; as the technology partners of PDIL for undertaking this project. PDIL has been successful in meeting all the progress milestones during the execution phase of project. Engineering is near completion. Piping Plans have been finalized & isometrics are in progress by JDEL; whereas all major process equipment including Boiler & Boiler Accessories are being manufactured in Lahore Manufacturing Works. The unit is expected to produce 90 tons of sulfur per day, in the solid droplet shape. PDIL's Activities at Kandhkot Field of PPL PDIL was awarded Standby Dehydration Unit (SDHU) Project of 130 MMSCFD at Kandhkot, Sindh by Pakistan Petroleum Limited; last year on Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) basis. The progress on the project has been steady along with the HAZOP; successfully completed. The detailed engineering is in progress by J-DEL. Major fabrication works are being done in Canada, by Enerflex; while and the PDIL Day Out 2009 PDIL arranged a fun filled family day for its employees and their families at the Lahore Country Club.The event offered fun for everyone.The elderly enjoyed as much as kids did playing games all day long.Those who wanted relax went for boating in the nearby lake and tonga riding while others played cricket, football, tug of war and table tennis. Children loved watching puppet show and magic show. Delicious food was served throughout the day to keep the taste buds kicking. PDIL employee's monthly birthday party was also celebrated and gifts were distributed among the participants. project completion is expected during 2009. PDIL in Qatar In order to target international business, PDIL concentrated its efforts of establishing a foothold in the Qatar market. In continuation to these efforts; the 7th Doha Natural Gas Conference and Exhibition was attended by PDIL in order to get itself acquainted with the key players; including companies like Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Gas.The goal was not only to attend the exhibition and conference but to also develop on its relations with key players in the Qatari market. PDIL, along with Descon Qatar, is already targeting EPC business in the oil & gas sector and has submitted two proposals with the largest state-owned company; Qatar Petroleum. First AidTraining First aid training was given to PDIL employees so that could counter any emergency situation at office or at the worksite. Services of Pakistan Red Crescent Society were acquired and a four day First Aid training course along with CPR (Cardio Preliminary Resuscitation) form was arranged. Trained employees are now also able to offer volunteer services in case of any disaster. OGDCL 3-Phase Separators PDIL successfully acquired repeated supply orders from Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL), which manifests clients trust in the organization. PDIL is successfully executing supply order of eleven 3-phase separators for Oil and Gas Development Company Limited. PDIL acquired 3-D modeling capability and 3-D separators design models were presented to OGDCL at beginning of the project. Presently separators are under fabrication at LMW. PDIL BOD Meeting On the 5th of June 2009 the 13th bi-annual Board of Directors meeting of Presson Descon International (Pvt) Limited (PDIL) was held at the Corporate Head Office. Amongst the main topics of discussion was the Business Strategy for the company and the approval of the budget for the year 2009-10. One of the highlights of the meeting was the appointment of the new chairman of the board; Sheikh Azhar Ali and the recognition and appreciation of the contributions of Mr. Steven Charles Graham during his two years tenure as the chairman of PDIL. In addition to the meeting the new office premises of PDIL at 18th KM Ferozepur Road, Lahore was also formally inaugurated by Mr. John Blair Goertzen; CEO & MD of Enerflex Systems Ltd and Director of PDIL . News from PDIL 26 I 27 News from JGC DESCON By Zeeshan Gondal Ruwais Fertilizer's Urea De-bottlenecking Project JGC-Descon is working with Descon on Urea de-bottlenecking project.The objective of the project is to increase production capacity of existing Urea plant from 1500 MTPD to 2500 MTPD. The engineering work including change orders and modifications is complete. During the course of time FERTIL's representative visited Pakistan for 30%, 60% and then 90% 3D plant model review, during which the Client was escorted through the plant and now staff members from different departments of JGC-Descon have been mobilized to site for field engineering support.The plant is planned to commission in September 2009. PAKISTAN'S (ECPL) - CO2 RECOVERY UNIT PROJECT JGC-Descon is working hands in hands with Descon in executing the ENGRO's CO2 recovery unit project. ENGRO representatives visited Descon in March 09 for 60% complete 3D plant model review, at that time they walked through their facilities and checked the consistency in different systems of the plant. 90% complete, 3D model review is scheduled in June 2009.The detail engineering for this project is expected to complete by end of September this year. SEC's - Sharourah Power Plant Project JGC-Descon is at the final stage of completing engineering phase of the Saudi Electric Company's 51 MW Sharourah Power Plant extension project. The project was awarded to Alfanar Construction Company, and JGC-Descon was providing engineering support to DAR Engineering (a subsidiary of Alfanar). This is the first ever project which JGC-Descon is doing in collaboration with DAR Engineering. As a result of this project DAR Engineering has shown keen interest in joining hands with JGC-Descon for future projects as well. Both companies have already started working on different projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 BP Pakistan Design House One successful year has passed after signing of 3 year contract between BP and JGC-Descon, to provide engineering design services exclusively to BP Pakistan. As a result a Design House was established in Karachi and a team of professionals were deputed specifically to provide these services. The upcoming event in BP design house is the annual performance review. Customer is delighted with the performance of work and both companies are in process of negotiating for new projects as well. Pak American Fertilizers Limited JGC-Descon has been working closely with Pak-American Fertilizers Ltd. on different projects. The collaboration started last year when JGC-Descon was awarded project for FEED document preparation for Ammonia revamp project by Johnson Mathey through ABB. After in time preparation of FEED document the PAFL awarded Detail Engineering for Ammonia Plant revamp, Evaluation of urea reactor structure and Consultancy services of civil works for urea / ammonia plant revamp. These projects are expected to finish by end of June 09. In the mean time PAFL has already awarded additional projects; indicating a flourishing relationship between the two companies. The Board Meeting 18th board meeting of JGC-Descon was held earlier this year. This year the meeting was attended by: M r. T. I s h i z u k a ( M D J G C Corporation), Mr.T.Ando (GM No. 1 Project Division) and Mr. K. Yamane (Head Controlling Department) from JGC Corporation Japan specially flew over to Pakistan for this occasion. Sheikh Azhar Ali (MD Descon), Dr. Salman Zakria (Head EPC BA) and Syed Zamanat Abbas (CFO of Descon) participated from Descon. Annual Presidential Address In line with the traditions of company and in order to have the staff on board regarding the current situation and last year's performance of company the President Mr.Azusa Uchida and ExecutiveVice President Mr. Hassan Nazir Ud Din Ansari addressed the staff in Lahore and Karachi offices. Both of them congratulated the staff for their performance and efforts towards making the company successful. At the same time, staff members were awarded with certificates and gifts for their achievements in different developmental as well as extra curricular activities.The awards were presented for innovation, punctuality, winners in different sports activities as well as to the committee members of different activities. Gifts for Fellow Countrymen from SWAT JGC-Descon organized a campaign to welcome our guests from SWAT residing in Mardan. Staff of JGC-Descon and Descon Engineering Limited contributed a lot in the campaign, even the staff members who are posted abroad, they participated with great enthusiasm.A team of JDL staff members went all the way to Mardan to hand over these gifts to the intended people.A total of 140 families (almost 1200 people) were given relief items and cash. Children were entertained through games, question answer sessions, and distribution of candies / sweets. The event was organized in such a way that the people enjoyed being there at the same time they were presented with sufficient amount of basic necessities.The main objective was to make them smile, which was achieved with great satisfaction. News from JGC Descon 28 I 29 Happenings Shaikh Azhar Ali, MD and CEO Descon Engineering participated in the Forum for Interaction with Scholars and Professionals (FISP) organized in Houston upon nomination of the Pakistani Consul General Mr Aqil Nadeem. Shiekh Fahed Bin Mohamed Althani visits Descon Headquarters Lahore Shiekh Fahed Bin Mohamed Althani, Royal family member of Qatar visited Descon Headquarters, Lahore accompanied by Mr. Muhammad Hamad Alkhayareen, Mr. Mohsen Saif Al Deen Raslan and Shiekh Abdullah. The guests were received by the Chairman and MD/CEO of Descon Engineering and a presentation a combined presentation was delivered on Descon, PDIL and JGC-Descon, explaining the current business scenario, future project plans and overseas business areas business state of affairs. After the presentation, guests visited other group company offices. To mark the occasion the management of Descon requested the worthy guests to participate in a tree plantation ceremony. Shiekh Fahed Bin Mohamed Althani planted a tree in the front lawn of Descon building. A joint discussion session was held where views were exchanged on the future strategies, business opportunities and extension of cooperation between both sides.Visit to Lahore is never complete with good food, in the evenings the delegation enjoyed the dinners hosted by Descon management in the traditional restaurants of the city. Aitchison College visits Descon A group of 20 students from Aitchison College, Lahore, accompanied by their professor visited Descon in April.The purpose of this study tour was to equip students with working dynamics of a large organization and to help them chalk out a plan for their career in future Aamer Hadi Khan Head Business Development formally greeted the group with a welcome note. Presentations were delivered to make the students familiarize about insight working life and management culture. The MD/CEO Shaikh Azhar Ali later joined the group and addressed the young students emphasizing upon the vital role they can play in bringing good name to the country through higher education, hard work and commitment. Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 School Established at Rousch Power Plant Children education has long been a challenge for staff working in the Rousch Power Plant since COD. On January 05, 2009, the challenge was met head on when Bloomfield Hall School Systems opened its doors on site from play group to class 5. The school has been set up in a renovated building meant for training of staff. Children will no longer have to travel 50km “In the past, children living in the plant colony had to travel a distance of 50km to Khanewal over bad roads in dangerous traffic conditions and unsatisfactory security situation. On this great auspicious occasion, CEO-RPPL, Fazal Asim expressed his views that we are pleased that now the facility for quality education to our children is available right here on our doorstep. He added that the Company offered to sponsor a school at Rousch plant site for use by all site staff with surplus places being offered to the local community. It was a fantastic idea and we were only too delighted to be part of this dream coming true.” The school, run by a well renowned school chain Bloomfield Hall School Systems, took this challenge of opening another community based branch on January 05 to children between the ages of 3 to 5. Older children aged between 6 and 10, have also been admitted to begin classes in April, increasing the school capacity to 50. Over the coming years, RPPL intends to establish a purpose built school on site, which will help progress children to grade-8 and may be to the 'O-Level'. Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, Chairman-RPPL, inaugurated the school on 6th January 2009, showing strong commitment to furthering the cause of education. By all accounts, Rousch staff are delighted with the provision of the on site school and the children are especially happy to have a chance to attend a school besides their homes. School Established at Rousch Power Plant 30 I 31 Bridging the Gaps By Aamir Aziz Effective manpower mobilization Quality and efficiency of manpower is the key to success of any project being undertaken especially in the engineering and construction industry since its only men who can make the machines work. Mobilization of manpower is the most critical step at the initial stage of any project. Over the years Descon has become a symbol of trust for supply of skilled and semi skilled manpower in the international market. In Descon manpower supply is taken care of by the Project Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. The company databank is kept updated with credentials of efficient & cost effective manpower both at home and abroad through a system called Manpower Strength Control System (MPSCS). The teams continually explore full potential of labor markets in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Philippines to find the best manpower available. Recently efforts have been directed to tap the prospect markets like The process of selection & mobilization of manpower is managed very efficiently in order to meet the requirements of the clients. Formalities of emigration, logistics and completion of the internal documentation essential for mobilization are met in an organized but fast paced way. At the local projects PP&A also provides the support and a d m i n i s t r a t i ve f u n c t i o n through maintaining the Gainful Deployment Management System (GDMS) Regretfully despite a huge population, our precious human resource has not been able add any value to the economic development. Our problem is lack of concentration on skill development of our human resource. Descon provides a platform that is striving to transform un-skilled population to semi or skilled workforce that can earn their livelihood and serve the nation. After training efforts are made to deploy these resources to various projects. Our success Personal and Administration department (PP&A).The PP&A team led by Abdul Khaliq Khan has enjoyed a reputation of placing the right people for the right jobs bridging gap between the needy labour force and the industry. From the platform of Descon manpower is being supplied to Descon's and other clients' projects in Pakistan,Abu Dhabi, Iran, Indonesia, Romania, Thailand and Burma. In 2008 alone around eight thousand people were mobilized to project in Middle East from Pakistan and around three thousand from other countries. The figures of 2009 show an increasing trend as only in the first quarter around three thousand personal have been mobilized. for the manpower control at local sites, Camp Management, Maintaining Industrial relationship, Liaison with Government departments, & Local Administration for smooth operations of the company projects. Abdul Khaliq Khan, Head PP&A says “Poverty alleviation is the core need of the country for the sustained prosperity. is the reference of achievement which is evident in terms of thousands of earning hands who are not only earning a respectable livelihood but also a trust for Descon as a reliable manpower supplier.” Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 TWI-Descon and DTI TWI Descon is running its own training facility Descon Training Institute (DTI) situated in Lahore. Since its inception DTI had qualified more than eight thousand trainees in fourteen professional trades with certification from third party as well. DTI is also partner of The Welding Institute (TWI), UK and running international courses of CSWIP Series, NEBOSH, BGAS-CSWIP Painting, IOSH and NDT successfully. Descon is not only providing quality manpower to the Construction Industry but also playing vital role in upgrading the socio economic level and reduction of un-employment of the nation. DTI also provides a free of cost Computer Application Course for people with minor disabilities. The course enables them to earn a livelihood for themselves. Olayan Descon Training Institute Olayan Descon Training Institute (ODTI) is a venture by Olayan Descon established since in January 2009, to promote the vision of His Excellency, King Abdullah and the Management of Descon and Olayan to promote professional skill acquisition amongst Saudi nationals. This training is offered free of charge, moreover the trainees are permanent employees of the company, with all the benefits that accrue to them.They are also provided with a stipend and given a relevant position within the organization at the completion of their training. Each batch consists of up to 40 students. As yet we offer a choice of two training courses in Fabrication and Electrical, whereas English Language is taught to all trainees. One successful batch of 30 trainees has already begun work (On Job Site Training) in our Production and E & I department facilities. Recently Tahir Malik Head HR and Abdul Khalique Khan, Head Project Personnel and Administration Descon Engineering visited ODTI and appreciated the efforts. On this occasion Ahmed Salahuddin Osman (GM/CEO) Olayan Descon said that,“DTI is a means of community service by the organization to help impart professional skills and add welfare to the residents of the Kingdom; per annum 200 + Professionals shall pass out from ODTI armed with the skills & training to better enable them to compete in the global workplace.” Bridging the Gap 32 I 33 By Aamir Aziz Descon Computer Training Center A computer training center has been established by Descon in Kashmore District an underprivileged area in interior Sindh. The training center is established near Rainee Canal Project Site.The objective is to impart basic computer training to the local residents. The center can accommodate thirty students at one time. Classes are being given to both male and female students. All costs are born by Descon. Upon completion of Rainee Canal project the center will be handed over to local government for future management. Descon management plans to work on more such projects so that the local community can be benefitted. Descon wins Environmental Excellence Award Descon has been declared winner of Environmental Excellence Award – 2009. This award reflects Descon's commitment to continued better environmental performance. As proud winner, we look forward to our efforts in preserving and protecting the environment. The Celebration of the Environment Excellence Award was organized by the governing body of National Forum for Environment & Health (NFEH) and the award was presented in a graceful Ceremony held on 8th July, 2009, at Sheraton Karachi. Federal Minister for Environment was the Chief Guest while the Minister for Environment Sindh presided over the ceremony. City Nazim Karachi, Environmentalists, Experts, High Official of Government of Pakistan and Government of Sindh, prominent personalities belonging to the Corporate Sector, NGOs and Media adored the event with their presence. The award is in fact recognition of the long term process of continuous improvement in the field of health safety and environment protection. Descon News Spring / Summer 2009 Descon Chemicals New Office E mployees feed off from the energy of their environment. Productivity is not always easy to maintain in an office setting. A simple office fit out can make people approach their jobs in a very enthused manner. Descon Chemical Business Area, recently, shifted to the Head Office at Ferozepur Road, Lahore. The new office is furnished to embody a bright and upbeat environment having a residual effect on the employees. Combining quality construction with comfort and style, the new office gives the ambiance of a fresh cultural change and spirit. A vibrant opening ceremony was held on May 12, 2009 to celebrate the occasion.All employees were dressed up in white shirts marked with the running slogan 'Why good when you have the ability to be great'.The proceedings were initiated by the recitation of the Holy Quran. Muhammad Razzak, the oldest employee and Fareeha Arooje Bhatti, the latest hire, cut the red ribbon. Balloons, party-poppers and confetti in the corporate colors were sent up soaring in the air making it a very colorful morning. The Chairman was given a tour of the new office followed by an inspiring speech by the Head Chemical Business and light refreshments. The ceremony was concluded by awarding tokens of appreciation to the support staff who made the shifting possible. Adding positive elements to the office provides positive energy, hence, immensely improving the scope of business. Change is the status quo at DCH so more changes are yet to come. Relief for Internally Displaced People (IDPs) A large scale military operation is being undertaken by the Pakistani Army against militants in Swat; a beautiful valley district in North Western Pakistan. Residents of the valley are worst affected by the situation as they are compelled to leave their homes in order to save their lives.They are now moving to the central parts of the country to find peace. The number of these homeless people has reached up to two and half million and is increasing day by day.These people are in dire need of food and shelter and other basic necessities of life.The government and NGOs and set up various rehabilitation schemes to help the victims of Swat Operation. Descon employees contributed their one day salary to help IDPs. The employees also contributed in form of useful items. These items were collected by the administration department and were duly distributed among four hundred deserving families. Descon Computer Training Center 34 I 35
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