Farmacija na Irskem


Farmacija na Irskem
Delo farmacevta na Irskem
1. Predstavitev Irske
2. Delovno okolje, zdravstveni sistem, regulativa
3. Magistrski program NPIP
4. Razvoj farmacije, Patient Group Directions
5. Viri, povezave
Republika Irska [Éire]
~4,5 mio preb.
70,280 km²
Dež – 1000mm/leto
~200.000 Poljakov
7 mio krav in malo
manj ovac
Effective Income Tax and Social Security Rate
on 100.000 USD of Gross Income:
Slovenija: 32,8%+22,1% = 55,9%
Irska: 22,7% + 7,6% = 30,3%
BDP/preb (2009)
Slovenija: 24.000 USD
Irska: 50.000 USD
Obdavčitev podjetij:
Slovenija: 21%
Irska: 12,5%
Slovenija: 7,8%
Irska: 13,5%
Irski farmacevtski zakonik – The
Pharmacy Act
The Pharmacy Act 2007 provides for a modern framework for the Pharmaceutical Society of
Ireland (PSI), and an enhanced and modern system of regulation of the pharmacy profession
in Ireland.
Under the Pharmacy Act 2007, the regulator’s principal functions are to:
* Protect, maintain and promote the health and safety of the public
* Maintain registers of pharmacists and pharmacies
* Inspect pharmacy practices and enforce pharmacy legislation
* Draw up codes of conduct for pharmacists
* Promote and ensure high standards of education and training, including continuing education in pharmacy
* Conduct inquiries to determine “fitness to practise” and “fitness to operate”
* Process complaints relating to pharmacy practice and operation
* Act as the registration authority for pharmacists wishing to practise in Ireland who have obtained their
qualification outside of Ireland and the EU
* Act as the competent authority for mutual recognition of qualifications from other EU countries
* Oversee the quality assurance and application of best practice across the sector
Code of Conduct-etične zapovedi
Besedilo v šestih točkah zapoveduje etične standarde, katerih se moramo
farmacevti v kateremkoli poklicu držati najsibodi pri delu z bolniki ali pa drugimi
zdravstvenimi delavci. Odstopanje od spodaj navedenih zapovedi se šteje kot
nevestno opravljanje poklica.
1. The practice by a pharmacist of his/her profession must be directed to maintaining and improving
the health, wellbeing, care and safety of the patient. This is the primary principle and the
following principles must be read in light of this principle.
2. A pharmacist must employ his/her professional competence, skills and standing in a manner that
brings health gain and value to the community and the society in which he/she lives and works.
3. A pharmacist must never abuse the position of trust which they hold in relation to a patient and in
particular, they must respect a patient’s rights, including their dignity, autonomy, and
entitlements to confidentiality and information.
4. A pharmacist must conduct himself/herself in a manner which enhances the service which their
profession as a whole provides to society and should not act in a way which might damage the
good name of their profession.
5. A pharmacist must maintain a level of competence sufficient to provide his/her professional
services effectively and efficiently.
6. A pharmacist must be aware of his/her obligations under this Code and should not do
anything in the course of practicing as a pharmacist, or permit another person to do
anything on his/her behalf, which constitutes a breach of this Code or impairs or
compromises his/her ability to observe this Code.
Pharmacy Ireland 2020
Bela knjiga razvoja irske farmacije:
1. Consolidate the advisory and medicine distributive role of pharmacy
2. Provide continuity of care and accountability
3. Provide a range of diagnostic and screening services (including tests for PSA, H. Pylori,
Cholesterol, BP, BMI, BG, INR, etc.)
4. Increase health gain through evidence based and measureable health promotion campaigns
5. Provide a front-line, complementary primary care service with a wide range of evidence based
pharmacist prescribed deregulated medicines
6. Contribute to a decrease in antibiotic resistance in the general population
7. Increase the detection and reduce the availability of counterfeit medicines
8. Provide a pharmacoeconomically viable health service to patient and state
9. Demonstrate how future pharmacists can fully utilise the high quality education they have
Master-level National Internship
Programe -od okt. 2009
•Farmacija na Irskem
4500 farmacevtov; 550 farm. tehnikov
1700 lekarn (2.650 preb./lekarno)
Industrija-ena najmočnejših v državi; v
2008 je bilo 40% delovnih mest v farmaciji
v EU ustvarjenih na Irskem, pretežno v
farm. Industriji
•Farmacija na Irskem nadalj.
2010: zmanjšanje prihodkov lekarn z
naslova marže – marža na zdravila na
državne recepte se je zmanjšala s 50 na
20%, uvedba participacije 50¢ zdravilo
hkrati pa se je večina zdravil pocenila
>25% => razvoj kliničnih storitev:
MUR – medicines use review
Minor ailment scheme/Patient Group
Health Screening Services – HHC, SFG
Generic substitution
Patient Group Directions
Gre za skupek pisnih navodil, ki dovoljujejo v posebnih kliničnih
okoliščinah izdajo in/ali dajanje zdravila s strani farmacevta, za katerega
je sicer potreben zdravniški recept. Dokument mora biti podpisan s
strani zdravnika (zobozdravnika) in farmacevta. Namenjen je le točno
določeni populaciji bolnikov, kjer posameznik ne potrebuje osebnega
obiska pri zdravniku.
Primer: Sezonsko cepljenje proti gripi
Zanimive povezave
1. - Irish Pharmacy Union -Irsko farmacevtsko društvo
2. - IPHA medicines compendium, view and print product SPCs
3. – Farmacevtski regulator
4. - doctor's registration details
5. - Primary Care Reimbursement Service – Irski “ZZZS”
6. - check nurse prescriber registration details
7. - drug safety updates, report adverse effects
9. - Newsletter of the most specialized
hospital in pharmacotherapy
10. - Dejstva o Irski
11. - Poročilo o irskem farmacevtskem sektorju

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