4/19/2012 Objectives The Patient-Centered Medical Home What is our Role?


4/19/2012 Objectives The Patient-Centered Medical Home What is our Role?
The Patient-Centered Medical Home
What is our Role?
By the end of this session, the audience
member should be able to:
Michelle Cudnik, PharmD
May 3, 2012
OSHP Annual Meeting
1. List 2011 Patient-Centered Medical Home standards
2. Demonstrate ways to integrate a pharmacist into
these standards
3. Discuss the implications of the surgeon general
report to pharmacy services
4. Define the accountable care organization model and
the role of a pharmacist in it
WR is a 54 yom who presents to the
Ambulatory care clinic with a chief complaint
of “ran out of my insulin”
HPI: patient newly started on insulin (1 month
ago). Given samples of insulin at that time.
PMH: Type II DM (5 years ago), insomnia,
tobacco use, Hypertension, Neuropathy
Why a new model of primary care?
Future of Ambulatory Care
Institute of Medicine Report 2001, “Crossing
the Quality Chasm”
Less than 50% of patients with major chronic
illness receive accepted treatments
Less than 50% have satisfactory disease control
Focus on episodic and not continuous care
Little attention given to the patient’s knowledge,
skills, behavior in managing their own illness
Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21 st Century.
Washington DC. National Academy Press; 2001
Vitals: BP 160/80 (repeat 158/82), HR 88,
Temp 98.2 Wt 178lbs BMI 27
Pertinent labs:
HgA1c: 10.8%
LDL 124, HDL 32 TG 149
SCr: 0.59
Microalbumin/Creat ratio: 11.8
Six urgent aims for improvement:
Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21 st Century. Washington DC.
National Academy Press; 2001
Patient-Centered Medical Home
Patient-centered, physician-guided, costefficient, longitudinal care that promotes
continuous healing through relationships and
delivery of care by a “team” of health care
Funded by national grants, state Medicaid pilot
programs, and the Affordable Healthcare for
America Act (Reform bill) via demonstration
Patient Centered Care
**Shift in mindset**
 Involve perceptions, goals and knowledge of
the patient when creating therapeutic plans
for their care
 Shift from physician-centered care by using
thoughtful standardization and meaningful
The Advanced Medical Home. American College of Physicians Policy Monograph, 2006
Background for Medical Home Model
Concept of a medical home first emerged in
pediatrics, where it was recognized that children with
special needs would benefit from a delivery model
that effectively coordinated the complex clinical and
social services that many patients require
Reinforced by Wagner and colleagues in form of
chronic care model- coordinate outpatient care for
complex, oncology patients
2011 Patient-Centered Medical Home
Enhance Access and Continuity
Identify and Manage Patient Populations
Plan and Manage Care
Provide Self-care and Community Support
Track and Coordinate Care
Measure and Improve Performance
National Committee for Quality Assurance 2011
Wagner EH. JAMA 2002; 288 (15) 1909-1914.
Must-Pass Elements
PCMH 1; element A:
PCMH 2; element D:
PCMH 3; element C:
PCMH 4; element A:
PCMH 5; element B:
PCMH 6; element C:
quality improvement
access during office hours
Use data for population
Certified PC Medical Home
care management
support self-care process
referral tracking and
National Committee for Quality Assurance
(NCQA) has 3 levels of recognition
Each level reflects the degree to which a
practice meets the requirements of the
elements and factors that compose the 6
implement continuous
Recognition Levels
Level 1: 30-59 points and all 6 Must-pass
Level 2: 60-84 points and all 6 Must-pass
Level 3: 85-100 points and all 6 Must-pass
Identify and Manage Patient
The practice collects demographic and
clinical data for population management
The practice assesses and documents
patient risk factors
The practice identifies patients for proactive
and point-of-care reminders
Enhance Access and Continuity
Plan and Manage Care
Provide Self-Care and Community
The practice assesses patient/family selfmanagement abilities
The practice works with patient/family to
develop a self-care plan and provide tools
and resources
Practice clinicians counsel patients on
healthy behaviors and medications
Patients have access to culturally and
linguistically appropriate routine/urgent care
clinical advice during and after office hours
The practice provides electronic access
The focus is on team-based care with trained
The practice identifies patients with specific
conditions, including high-risk or complex care needs
Care management emphasizes:
– Assessing patient progress toward treatment goals
– Addressing patient barriers to treatment goals
The practice reconciles patient medications at visits
and post-hospitalization
The practice uses e-prescribing
Track and Coordinate Care
The practice tracks, follows-up on and
coordinates tests, referrals and care at other
facilities (e.g., hospitals)
The practice follows up with discharged
Measure and Improve Performance
The practice uses performance and patient
experience data to continuously improve
The practice tracks utilization measures such as
rates of hospitalizations and ER visits
The practice identifies vulnerable patient populations
The practice demonstrates improved performance
So… What can we do?
American Academy of Family
Physicians- Position Statement
January 2012- Intent of paper was to define
nature of collaborative relationship between
the physician and pharmacist
AAFP recommendations:
- vaccine administration only occur in the
medical home/physician office setting (due to
fragmentation of care)
2011 Surgeon General Report
Titled- Improving Patient and Health System
Outcomes through Advanced Pharmacy Practice
Report provides rationale to support health
reform through pharmacists delivering expanded
patient care services and promote advocacy to
have CMS recognize pharmacists as providers
Report is framed around 4 focus points that
present evidence-based data that illustrates
improved health care delivery through
pharmacist- delivered patient care
Translate EBM to the patient
(algorithm development)
Education to patients and physicians
Interprofessional patient care/Collaborate
Medication reconciliation
Medication safety
Medication intensification
American Academy of Family
Physicians- Position Statement
AAFP recommendations:
- supports health care professionals working
together where the physician is the
coordinator of the patient care and the
pharmacist is the member of the integrated
- only licensed doctors of medicine,
osteopathy, dentistry and podiatry should
have prescriptive authority
Four Focus Points
How Pharmacists are already aligned into
primary care as health care providers
How to sustain value-added patient care
services delivered by pharmacists
- Must be recognized as health care
provider by statute via legislation and policy
Four Focus Points
Accountable Care Organizations
How to sustain value-added patient care
services delivered by pharmacists
- Must be compensated through additional
mechanisms commensurate with the level
of services provided
4. Discusses and collates the numerous
articles, systematic reviews and metaanalyses of positive patient and health
system outcomes that have been published
Accountable Care Organizations
Core Functions of the ACO
Method of integrating primary care
physicians with other members of the health
care system and rewarding them for
controlling costs and improving quality.
An effective ACO should include a
pharmacist or a pharmacy division that
supports clinical goals!
Key is to look at prevention and wellness
Potential barriers to Health Care
How will we get the resources needed
upfront to provide highest quality care at
lowest cost?
Will outcomes be able to be measured?
Will financial reimbursement occur?
Healthcare reform highlights the need for hospitals,
providers along the care continuum, physicians, and
patients to work collaboratively to ensure
appropriate, high quality, efficient, and cost-effective
delivery of healthcare
Primary goal of ACOs is to reduce the total cost of
care for a given population while maintaining and
improving quality and satisfaction.
CMS will recognize voluntary ACO’s in 2012
“Accountable Care Organizations: A new model for sustainable
innovation”, Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2010
Facilitating provider partnerships with
patients, families and communities
Redesign primary care medicine and
advance the medical home concept
Integrate the health care system across the
continuum of care
Provide tools and resources to health care
Population health management
Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative
 To
develop a future practice model
platform that is responsive to
healthcare reform and the health
system of the future
 Learn more at:
Five Practice Models
Drug Distribution
Clinical Specialist
Patient Centered Integrated
Patient Centered Hybrid Model- Faculty
Comprehensive Patient Centered
Back to our case…
Enhance access and continuity- Team
based care
- Patient seen regularly for diabetic planned visits
- Patient seen by social worker for insulin assistance
programs/test strips, dietician and gets lab work
drawn in clinic
Pharmacist Integration at a
Residency Clinic
Patient Centered Integrated model
Pharmacy residents and students trained to
perform medication reconciliation, support
and initiate outcome based improvements,
work closely with the care team on diabetes
Back to our case…
Identify and Manage Patient Populations:
- Part of diabetic planned visit schedule
- HgA1c every 3 months until at goal
- Pertinent lab work added to electronic record as
Plan and Manage Care- Assessment of patient to reach treatment goals and
assess barriers to reaching his goals
- Medication reconciliation
Back to case…
Provide self-care and support
- Set self management goals and follow-up
- Counseling/education provided to patient
- Smoking cessation support
Track and coordinate care-
- Referrals for podiatry, dental, ophthalmology
We have a unique and exciting opportunity
with the health care reform underway
Our involvement with direct patient care is
right in front of us
We must lobby and market ourselves NOW
so to be a key provider in patient care in the
Remember- it’s all about the patient!