Georgia Chapter - American Society of Consultant Pharmacists


Georgia Chapter - American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
 Georgia Chapter The Institute for Wellness and
Education, accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy
Education as a provider of
continuing pharmacy education, will
accredit the programs offered at the
2015 GA-ASCP Winter Symposium.
Attendees who participate in the
interactive portion and submit the
completed evaluation form at the
conclusion of the programs offered will
have CE credit of continuing pharmacy
education uploaded to CPE Monitor
within 60 days after the program date
through The Institute for Wellness and
Winter Symposium February 28, 2015 “CMS/Star Ratings, SOM and F-­‐Tags, ID Updates, New Drugs & the Latest in Pharmacogenomics” Mercer University School of Pharmacy And Health Sciences 3001 Mercer University Drive, Atlanta, GA 30341 Target Audience Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other health care providers serving the aging population or considering serving such populations in the future Goal Provide the practicing pharmacist, pharmacy technician and other healthcare providers with the latest information on CMS & Star Ratings, New Drug Entries, SOM & F-­‐tags, updates on antibiotic therapies along with the latest applications of Pharmacogenetics. Activity Type: Live Knowledge Based Process to Record CE Credit How to Register for CPE Monitor Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are asked obtain their NABP e-­‐Profile ID number now at to ensure that their e-­‐Profile is properly setup. To accomplish this, accurate and complete information must be provided. Any errors may result in unrecorded or misrecorded CPE credit. In 2015, this service will make available the CPE data to boards of pharmacy who request information on licensee CPE as part of their compliance activities. Set up your NABP e-­‐Profile to obtain your ID Program The program is subject to change. 7:00am – 8:00 am -­‐ Breakfast and Registration 8:00 am – 9:30 am – CMS and Star Ratings (Sharon Clackum, Pharm. D.) ACPE #0459-­‐0000-­‐14-­‐101-­‐L04 P & T 1.5 CEU Objectives (Pharmacists and Technicians) • Recognize 3 areas of the Medicare Part D program that are important to CMS in ensuring that the program is being implemented appropriately by health insurers • Identify the 2015 Part C and D Clinical Star Ratings Measures that may be impacted by drug therapy • Define 2 reasons to identify beneficiaries who are at risk • Understand how CMS is tying its various audit findings to financial incentives and penalties 9:30am -­‐ 10:00 am – Break and Vendors display 10:00 am – 11:30am –SOM and F-­‐Tags (Steve Aldridge, RPh) ACPE #0459-­‐0000-­‐15-­‐002-­‐L04 1.5CEU Objectives (Pharmacists) • The consultant pharmacist will be able to discuss the updated SOM guidelines in training their facilities • The consultant pharmacist will be able to structure a compliance plan for the SOM updates • The consultant pharmacist will be able to train nursing staff on the proper steps for medication reconciliation • The consultant pharmacist will be able to expand their monthly services to provide increased compliance to the new regulations • The consultant pharmacist will be able to discuss with the Medical Director and Medical Staff their role in compliance with Drug Regimen Review recommendations • The consultant pharmacist will be able to follow the step-­‐protocol on how to handle drug diversion in their LTCF • The consultant pharmacist will be able to educate facility staff on the criteria for immediate Jeopardy tags (F-­‐tags) (Technicians) • The technician will be able to educate the facilities on appropriate utilization of insulin pens • The technician will be able to use appropriate labeling on medication products to enhance compliance • The technician will be able to work with the pharmacy staff to provide medication in a timely efficient manner that will provide accountability for medication receipt and delivery 11:30 am – 12:00 pm – Product Theater – (No CE Credit)-­‐ New Indications for Dabigatran 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch and Vendor displays 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm – New Drug Update – Focus on Elderly Applications (Christine M Klein, Pharm. D., FASCP) ACPE #0459-­‐0000-­‐15-­‐003-­‐L04 1.5CEU Objectives (Pharmacists) • Describe the clinical indications for new drugs approved by the FDA in 2014 • Describe the various mechanisms of action of the drugs discussed in this program • Discuss relevant drug interactions for the drugs included in this program • Identify the most common adverse reactions for the drugs discussed in this program • Explain the approved dosing guidelines and any necessary dose adjustments for the drugs reviewed • Identify geriatric-­‐specific dosing considerations for the drugs included in this program • Describe important patient counseling, if applicable, for the drugs discussed in this program • Identify the place in therapy for new agents or new drug formulations (Technicians) • Explain the indications and basic mechanism of action of the drug discussed • Explain common and significant adverse effects of the products discussed • Describe the dosing of the products discussed 2:30pm – 4:00pm – ID Updates: Resistance, Stewardship, and Newly Approved Antibiotics Kristen O’Brien, Pharm D, BCPS • Apply pharmacokinetic knowledge of antimicrobials to optimize the management of multi-­‐drug resistant infections • Evaluate newly approved antibiotics and determine their role in the management of multi-­‐drug resistant infections 4:00pm – 5:30pm -­‐ "Pharmacogenomics: Background and Clinical Applications for the Consultant Pharmacist" (Alan Davis, Pharm.D.) ACPE #0459-­‐0000-­‐15-­‐005-­‐L04 1.5CEU Objectives (Pharmacists and Technicians) • Contrast pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics • Define terminology used in pharmacogenomic analyses • Describe the methodologies used in pharmacogenomic assays • Recognize genetic influences on pharmacotherapy outcomes • Discuss potential clinical implications of genetic polymorphisms • Integrate pharmacogenomic information into patient care • Understand regulatory considerations for pharmacogenomics Mail Registrations Early! ACPE #0459-­‐0000-­‐15-­‐004-­‐L01 1.5 CEU Objectives (Pharmacists and Technicians) • Discuss the impact of antimicrobial resistance on clinical and economic outcomes in various patient populations • List the goals of antimicrobial stewardship and strategies used to combat antimicrobial resistance Pre-­‐payment is greatly appreciated! Visa, Master Charge and American Express accepted Registration for Georgia Chapter Winter Symposium Make all checks payable to: February 28, 2015 Georgia Chapter of ASCP All registration and payment to be sent to: ASCP ____ Pharmacists Fee -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ -­‐-­‐ $80.00 ____Allied Health Professionals -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐$80.00 ____ Pharmacy Technicians -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐$25.00 ____ Student Fee -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ $5.00 Credit Card: ___ AMEX ___ Visa ____ Master Card Attn: GA Chapter Card #________________________________ 1321 Duke Street Security Code___________ Alexandria, VA 22314 Fax: 1-­‐800-­‐220-­‐1321 Program refund Policy: You must notify Richard Baylis in writing (via fax or email) at least five (5) days before February 28, 2015 to be eligible for a refund, minus handling fee ($10.00). No refunds will be given for late cancellations or no-­‐shows. Cardholders Name_______________________________ Expiration Date ___/____/____ Receipt requested ___ yes ____no Pay by check or card: Name: _________________________ Professional Title: _______________ Address________________________ ______________________________ State_________ Zip____________ Phone_________________________ Email__________________________