Read about The Troopy Program on page 11
Read about The Troopy Program on page 11
carersnews March 2015 Di Borella Indigenous Consultant and Sue Aiton from Carers NT Remote team on the road. Full story page 6 Read about The Troopy Program on page 11 CEO's Report Welcome to the first newsletter of 2015! We are looking forward to a busy and challenging year ahead. Late last year His Honour the Honourable John Hardy OAM was sworn in as the Northern Territory’s 21st Administrator. We are pleased to say that His Honour accepted our request to be Patron of Carers NT. On behalf of The Board and myself I would like to welcome His Honour, as our Patron, and together we look forward to building strong relationships with carers in the Northern Territory. In the lead up to the Christmas holiday season Grow relocated to our Bayview Office. Grow is a community based organisation that has helped thousands of Australians recover from mental illness through a unique program of mutual support and personal development. Carers NT has welcomed the opportunity to work, collaboratively with Grow, towards positive outcomes for our carers and the family members or friends they care for. To start off the year we hosted a World Cafe function at our Bayview Office in the second week of March. The World Cafe is a simple, innovative process that enables groups of people to build collective knowledge about the issues that are important to them. Using seven design principles and a simple method, the World Café is a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter. We involved Carers NT Board members, staff and some of our carers in this event and their contribution will assist us with the development of our new strategic plan and direction for the future. I would like to thank the carers that participated as they are the important voice whereby their knowledge and experiences as a carer is vital in assisting us to shape the future support for unpaid carers. Each year a major National event takes place for the Carers Associations and that is Carers Week - it will be here once again before we know it! Carers Week recognises and celebrates the outstanding contribution that unpaid carers make to our nation on a daily basis. It also builds awareness of the services available to carers. This year the date for Carers Week 2015 is Sunday 11 October to Saturday 17 October please mark the dates in your diary. The Carers Week initiative is supported by Commonwealth and Northern Territory Government. Through this initiative we can assist other organisations financially to sponsor carer events. If you would like to participate this year with an event or simply show your support throughout your organisation contact our office and we can discuss options. Recently Carers NT President, Jenny Baird and I met with The Hon. John Elferink MLA at our Bayview Office. We discussed a range of topics and engaged in healthy conversation about the way forward for the family carers of The Northern Territory. We look 2 forward to hosting a morning tea in the near future with Minister Elferink and some of our carers giving those within the community the opportunity to engage with the Minister. We will advise when we receive confirmation from the Minister’s office As we move at a fast pace towards the end of the first quarter already - it is easy for us to become so busy with work, family and other tasks. Your own health and wellbeing is important and this is a reminder for you take some time out and take care of yourself. It is very important, especially as a carer. . Our services at Carers NT can assist you in many ways. We provide a range of tailored supports that assist carers. Lastly, I would like say a huge thank you to all staff and volunteers for their continued support and dedication. As the CEO of Carers NT, I feel truly privileged to work with such a wonderful group of committed individuals and Organisations that are striving to create a more carer friendly community. Take care of yourself Steve Vitone CEO National Rural Health Conference The 13th National Rural Health Conference will be held in Darwin at The Convention Centre from 24-27 May 2015. The focus is on the People Places Possibilities that are keys to good health for rural and remote Australia. Outcomes from the conference will help to ensure that the gap between city and country health will be narrowed. For more information about the conference you can visit the website at www. and follow the link on the homepage. Carers Australia, through Carers NT, has made available a few places for carers to attend the conference. If you are interested in attending and would like to express your interest please contact Sheena Baillie on 1800 242 636 or email on Contact DETAILS It is important that our records are kept up-todate in order for us to assist you and keep you informed. Please contact us on: 1800 242 636 if your mailing details change, you want to be removed from our mailing list or if you require any assistance. ‘Like’ our facebook page (Carers NT) and get updates on events, view photos and leave comments for the Carers NT Staff. Carers NT is proudly supported by the Halikos carersnews Group for care, when there are likely to be fewer informal carers relative to the growing older population. These demographic trends will see more employees needing to take on a caring role than ever before. Many of these carers will be between the peak working ages of 45–64 years. It is critical that businesses are able to retain these experienced employees. Offering flexible workplace provisions which allow employees to combine paid work with an unpaid caring role is essential to enabling businesses to foster a productive, efficient and effective workforce. Carer Friendly Workplaces Make Business Sense How do carers find the right balance to remain employed whilst undertaking their caring role on a daily basis? Currently 66% of all working age carers are employed. To remain competitive, businesses need to attract and retain skilled and committed employees. In Australia, there are many employees who combine paid work with an unpaid caring role for a family member or friend with a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged. Often carers will find it challenging to fulfil the requirements of a full time role due to their carer commitments. Offering flexible workplace provisions which allow employees to combine paid work with an unpaid caring role is essential to enabling businesses to foster a productive, efficient and effective workforce. Carers are more likely to stay with an employer if their needs for flexibility are met. Implementing carer-friendly provisions is therefore a crucial investment in employee retention. By employers providing specific workplace arrangements for these carers it will have significant benefits for businesses including reducing recruitment and training costs by increasing staff retention, increasing productivity and increasing the job satisfaction of employees. The more experienced a staff member, the higher the costs of replacing them if they leave the organisation. Employees are more likely to become carers between 45–64 years of age and failing to retain these experienced workers will represent a significant loss of resources and knowledge. It is critical that businesses are able to retain these experienced employees. Currently with advances in healthcare it is evident that the elderly, chronically ill and those with disabilities are now living longer. However, at the same time the working age population is decreasing in relative terms. With the proportion of Australia’s population aged over 65 years continuing to increase, Australia will soon reach the ‘tipping point’ for care, when there are likely to be fewer informal carers relative to the growing older population. These demographic trends will see many more employees needing to take on a caring role than ever before. Any employee can become a carer at any time – when a family member or friend has an accident or acquires an illness or disability, upon the birth of a child with a disability, or when an ageing parent becomes frail. There are carers in all occupations and industries. Addressing the needs of carers in the workplace is a must for all employers. By the year 2027, over a fifth of Australia’s population will be aged over 65 years. As the proportion of the population needing care increases, so too will the number of unpaid carers. There are many benefits of your Organisation becoming a carerfriendly workplace. If you would like or receive more information or to have Carers NT assist your Organisation in becoming a more carer friendly work place please contact Carers NT on 1800 242 636 or email to discuss how we can assist. The data on carers used in this document has been drawn from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC). Information from Work & Care: The Necessary Investment Carers Australia Work’n’Care Initiative 1 in 8 1 in 8 Australian employees are carers Patron of Carers NT His Honour the Honourable John Hardy OAM, Administrator of the Northern Territory His Honour the Honourable John Hardy OAM is known as a respected businessman and strong supporter of community organisations. He was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2012 for service to aviation in the Northern Territory, and to the community. His Honour was sworn in as the Northern Territory’s 21st Administrator on 10 November 2014. Long-time Territorians, His Honour and his wife Mrs Marie Hardy arrived in the Northern Territory in 1971. They have five children and eight grandchildren. Passionate about the Northern Territory and its people, His Honour and Mrs Hardy are active in the community through their involvement with a number of organisations. During his term, His Honour hopes to engage and immerse himself in all layers of the community through patronage of various Territory groups. His Honour is proud to be Patron of Carer’s NT and strongly believes that carers should be recognised, valued and supported. His Honour looks forward to building strong relationships with carers in the Northern Territory and welcomes the opportunity to learn more about this vital role in our community. My Journey as a Carer written by Gail Marsh My beautiful man Bill Marsh was my partner for 31 years and my husband for 25 of those years. He was my best friend and I was his “mate”. We lived across most centres of the NT where Bill’s NTG position took us. We raised the kids and we both worked hard to achieve what we have in life today. Bill was an avid golfer and played at least a couple of times a week, so when he gradually lost interest in his beloved sport, I was a little confused, but was soon to find out why and what was lurking in the future. Bill had been unwell since having surgery two years previously; he just never was himself again. I can remember it well, he would come home from work and complain to me that his memory was going, I would try and reassure him that he had a lot of work on and sometimes we just do forget things when we are too busy. For the first time in 31 years Bill forgot my birthday, but our daughter, Andrea, had taken care of that for him with gifts and flowers for me on the day. Andrea, carersnews For a lot of years I have worked in the aged, disability and mental health sector in the NT. I had been the Manager of the Alzheimers Australia office in Alice Springs for a couple of years and worked in the Darwin office so I was quite well versed and aware of dementia and Alzheimers disease. It was a difficult journey, but I know in my heart that he would have done the absolute same for me. As time went on his forgetfulness became more obvious to the point where I was beginning to worry. 4 however, had to prompt Bill on the day to wish me Happy Birthday and give me the gifts. This was not like that! When we went to the doctors they advised that Bill had suffered a stroke, so that might be a connection, I was reasoning this might be Vascular Dementia. As the days, weeks and months went on, things for Bill were getting worse, he could no longer write or use his computer, which was very frustrating for him. He could no longer drive as he became lost on a couple of occasions. The doctor had to cancel his licence as it was no longer safe. An absolute blessing for Bill was that he became unaware of all the losses within his life he was encountering, which may sound harsh, but it made it so much easier. He would have hated the person he was becoming. Bill would move around the house day and night quite often not stopping to rest or sleep, his brain was just confused. The most frustrating thing for both of us is that the medical profession were not quite sure what was happening to him. Bill still had some insight at that stage which caused him a lot of grief and anxiety as he was always a perfectionist in his professional life, his personal life as well as our much loved garden, everything was always polished and perfect. Bill was a Senior Project Manager for Department of Infrastructure here in Darwin and was highly regarded in his workplace for his knowledge and professionalism. As the situation digressed Bill had to take leave from his job as he could no longer cope. His workcolleagues and mates visited Bill on a weekly basis, they were amazing, they kept coming throughout the whole journey even into Palliative Care, I was so grateful to those guys who showed Bill unconditional love and support. Within weeks he had deteriorated, I was trying to stay positive for both of us but mostly for him, to give him hope. He became more dependent as each day began, I became his fulltime carer very quickly, he had lost the ability to do everyday tasks. Bill was diagnosed in March 2014 with a rare and rapid brain disease and he passed away on 31st August 2014, it was that quick! We could not believe what the medical profession were telling us, “Bill has a rare brain disease and there is no cure!” What?! Our journey was that one day I was Bill’s wife and his mate of 25 years and the next day I was his fulltime carer. This disease was so fast, we couldn’t keep up. I cannot emphasize enough, the support we received from Carers NT as well as other government and non government organisations, without that support our journey would have been much harder. They know how to assist when the going gets tough, and tough it was, and day by day it got tougher. The respite hours when I just had to go to the shop or the doctor was invaluable. Our daughter Andrea was always there helping and just spending time with her much loved dad, but she was doing it tough too. So giving her a break from the caring role was important as well. Before Bill deteriorated Andrea would take her dad to various plant shops just to be in a different environment from home. Once Bill stopped walking that was no longer possible unless he was in a wheelchair. Bill moved in the Palliative Care Unit 6 weeks before he passed away. The staff there are just amazing, they have a holistic approach which supports the patient and the carer/family members. Andrea with her Dad Like anyone caring for someone you love, it is an absolute pleasure to ensure your loved one has the best care they can have and they deserve. I feel that Bill had that, everyone involved did their absolute best, however, it just wasn’t enough. My beautiful man is at peace now, after fighting so hard, I miss him terribly each and everyday. I think of him always, little things remind me of him always. I am comforted knowing he is not suffering that dreaded disease any longer and he is no longer living in his confused world. It was an honour to care for my husband, it was a difficult journey, but I know in my heart that he would have done the absolute same for me. As I write this I am preparing to return to my work place as part of the dedicated team at Carers NT after being away for a year on my caring journey. New beginnings I am telling myself! I sit in my home surrounded by beautiful memories and memorabilia of Bill, I am convinced my best friend is around me always. Bill was a huge Jimmy Barnes fan, so hopefully he is banging out a few tunes in heaven with the volume up high! Khe Sanh being his favourite. This is a brief overview of my caring journey, being a carer should never be underestimated, it is a 24 hour job and it is a hard job, no scheduled smoko breaks! Becoming a carer can present itself when you least expect it, never take your life and health for granted! A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to family members and friends who are living with a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue, or who are frail. At some stage in your life you will either become a carer or care for someone. If you are a carer and would like to share your story, in the CarersNews, please forward to Sheena Baillie at or call on 1800 242 636. Community Consultation Forums Ramingining East Arnhem Dianne Borella Consultancy Cultural and Leadership Development In early December 2014 Sue Aiton from the Carers NT Remote team and Dianne Borella Contracted Indigenous Consultant travelled by road to Ramingining Community. The main purpose of the trip was to hold community consultation forums with various stakeholders to gauge interest or support for the HEPP Indigenous Futures Project. This project is part of a larger Indigenous Futures HEPPP (Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Programme) funded by the Commonwealth Government, Department of Education. This project is funded to form new partnerships that develop courses and provide support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s to participate in higher education. The project will assist people to access higher education by providing pathway courses that build people’s skills for jobs in the community services sector and the skills to go onto further education. The project will develop online training for aboriginal learners who want to become Disability workers, Care workers or Alcohol and Other Drug workers. The training will also be relevant to existing workers who have not yet gained a qualification. The project partners include: Swinburne University Carers NT, Carpentaria Disability Services Inc. (CDS) Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services (CAAPS) Aboriginal Corporation Human Services Training Advisory Council – Darwin NT (HSTAC) The specific courses that will be developed for online delivery include: • Certificate II in Community Services (short enabling course) • Certificate III in Disability • Certificate IV in Alcohol and other Drugs The trip to Ramingining was the start of identifying training needs for community members and providing ongoing support and assistance to ensure participants successfully complete their training. There was wide spread interest from stakeholders and service providers as to how it would benefit and meet the needs of the community. 6 carersnews Our Counsellors are asking.. IS EVERYBODY HAPPY? So much better the half full glass, optimism is enriched by a sense of hope- seeing all the possibilities and potentials of the moment. Optimism has a quiet excitement and a healthy outlook that sees things positively and with good purpose. So where might it go wrong?, isn’t the challenge then for us to put parameters onto the scope and reality of our optimism, we do a ‘reality check’! we all have a sense that with an unbridled optimism we are setting ourselves up for a fall ,we have to ask ourselves, is the optimism well placed? For carers, protecting a personal sense of optimism is especially difficult as it is an optimism that is tested against how it might challenge or support the person that they are caring for. Maybe the answer lies in looking at how we formed our expectations and goals. Small steps forward are helpful, steps that we can deal with in the here and now. For carers, taking these small steps as shared goals provides one of the keys to creating happiness. Having a connection or engagement with what we are doing at the time, or ‘Loosing time’ perhaps a strange way to achieve wellbeing yet research shows that peoples wellbeing is increased if they are involved in activities that are so absorbing that they loose track of time. Engagement with what we are doing, so important to us for our happiness Very little that is positive is solitary. Think about the last time you laughed uproariously, the last time you felt indescribable joy, the last time you felt enormously proud of an accomplishment, without knowing the details – almost all will have taken place around other people. Other people are the best antidote to the downs of life and the single most reliable one. Having meaning in our life is demonstrated by belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self, they are the principles and values we hold that define us. Carers NT encourages carers to more fully realise meaning in their lives, by assisting them to take time for themselves, by actively redefining negative aspects of care provision and by encouraging recognition of carers as the vital community asset that they undoubtedly are. Human beings are hard wired to feel that they have achieved, hard wired to have their achievement recognised and acknowledged. We often say to each other... Take Care of Yourself .. No-one doubts that this is actually good advice, sometimes self care, realistically taking care of the self can mean that we need to put up our hand and ask for support. Well seasoned carers, (like all our top athlete’s), know that giving of their personal best requires a positive attitude to well managed self care. CARERS NT COUNSELLING is here to help you to be happy. For more information contact the Counsellors at CarersNT on 1800 242 636 or email on Young Carers Program Surviving the New School Year Qantas Carer Concession Card The Qantas Carer Concession Card is issued to people with a disability and high level support needs who require the full-time assistance of a carer whilst they are on a plane. A person is eligible if they need to have one-on-one support when seated on the plane for assistance with meals/drinks, transferring to the bathroom, orientation and for communication with the flight staff. The card is in the name of the person with the disability and is valid for three years, the carer is nominated at the time of booking so it does not restrict to one particular carer. The discounts available are the following; Economy Travel For Qantas Carer Concession Cardholders: 10% discount on domestic Economy Class fares For Nominated Carers: 50% discount on domestic Economy Class fares Business Class Travel For Qantas Carer Concession Cardholders: 50% discount on all full cost domestic Business Class Fares (subject to availability) For Nominated Carers: 50% discount on all full cost domestic Business Class Fares (subject to availability) For more information about the Qantas Carer Concession Card scheme or for assistance to complete the application form contact Monique Thomson at Nican on 1800 806 769 or visit the website on The end of School Holidays CAN mean the beginning of stressful times for young carers. It is the beginning of homework, exams, awkward love issues, and dragging yourself out of bed each morning. But school doesn't have to feel hard all the time. Your school days can be some of your happiest! Here are some tips on how: 1: Take a personal Diary or Note Book that you can carry around with you, and in it make a checklist of “Things that you Wanna Achieve”- as you accomplish your goal, tick them off! It will give you a great sense of personal achievement and motivation to accomplish the next goal on your list! 2: Every night, try to plan your next day in your school organiser, but don’t make the day full of classes and study. Make sure you also include some down time- reading, exercise, family catch ups: Things that you enjoy. It is important to create a balance of what is required for school, but also what is required to maintain your own personal wellbeing and happiness. 3: You may not be best friends with everybody in your class, but it is important to include all your classmates in conversations and be open minded about their views and opinions. Hopefully they will do the same for you. 4: No body likes doing homework, but ignoring it won’t make it go away. Make sure you commit some of your time to complete what is expected of you: It will help you enjoy your free time just a little but more. 5: Some one in school might pick on you or call you names, or even try to start a fight. Try to ignore it and not take it to heart. Remind yourself that the problem isn’t yours… Kill em with Kindness! But remember, when things do get hard, you don’t have to do it alone- Talk to your friends, your Teacher, the School Counsellor, or the Young Carer Worker: They will be able to offer you tips of how to work through some of these rough times. So in summery, use your time at school to make good friends, learn new skills, participate in extra curricular activities and discover more about the things that you want and the person you want to be… Make 2015 a good year! The Young Carer Program would like to offer this year’s short listed Young Carer Nominees the opportunity to attend the Gala Dinner as recognition of their on going contribution to their loved ones and the community. The event is filling fast so if you would like to attend please contact Kate to arrange your ticket on 7 1800 242 636 or email at carersnews soon as they finished. The temperature, I think, dropped 1 or 2 degrees and the humidity dropped by at least 10%. Smart Cooling in the Tropics is a FREE program available to eligible* households in Darwin launched in May 2014 until October 2015. It is delivered by COOLmob, an initiative of the Environment Centre NT, in partnership with Carers NT and other social sector agencies in Darwin. It is funded by the Federal Department of Industry through the Low Income Energy Efficiency Program. Eligible households receive a free home energy visit from a trained energy assessor, a tailored report with recommendations for you and your home and, in accordance with what the assessor finds, one of a of range of free retrofit packages. Usually, before painting the roof, the temperature during the day was 31- 33 degrees and humidity 68- 71%. But now the temperature is 29- 31 degrees and humidity 47-58%. Wow… it’s very different and I can feel it’s so much cooler inside the house. I don’t have to put the air-conditioner on in the afternoon… [and] in the night I didn’t need the air conditioner on in my bedroom, just the fan. So, it’s been an amazing change. I felt it as soon as the painting was done – so different inside the house. Thank you so much Michael. Thank you for your help. Also to COOLmob. I really do appreciate your help. Regards Ayu.” The project has been a great success with 117 homes around Darwin assessed so far – here’s the numbers just for our Carers NT clients : 33 24 4 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 6 households recruited households assessed air-conditioners cleaned roofs painted with heat reflective paint appliance monitors delivered eco-switches delivered heater mates installed on box air-conditioners shade blinds installed window screens repaired or replaced cleaning packages (all fly screens and fans) delivered fans delivered Smart Cooling in the Tropics free home energy assessments are available to eligible Carers NT clients. Get signed up today! Testimonial from Ayu Taylor In September Smart Cooling in the Tropics project officers made a home visit to Ayu Taylor to deliver a free home energy assessment. As a result of this assessment, Ayu received a tailored report outlining her current energy usage and lots of suggestions about how she , and her daughter, could stay cool and reduce their energy bills. Smart Cooling in the Tropics also covered the cost of painting Ayu’s roof with reflective paint – just one of the retrofit options available that households may also be eligible for. With Ayu’s permission the team also installed a meter and thermometers to measure the temperature. “I just want to let you know that the guys who painted the roof have finished this afternoon. The result, I can feel it as 8 carersnews *Are you eligible? To be eligible for Smart Cooling in the Tropics you must tick ‘Yes’ to the questions below: 1. Do you live in a private rental OR own your own home? Yes (please continue) No (not eligible) 2. Do you live within 30km of Darwin? Yes (please continue) No (not eligible) To be eligible you must tick ‘Yes’ to one of the below: 3. Do you have a Low income health care card? Yes - you are eligible No (please continue) 4. Do you receive one of the following Centrelink payments: • Age Pension OR • Disability Support Pension OR • Carers allowance/payment/supplement OR Yes - you are eligible No - sorry you are not eligible for this project. For more information ontact Emma Fraser at Carers NT on 1800 242 636 or email on Regional Offices in 2014 is relocating to northern Western Australia. We wish the family well. Fiona was able to assist with information on carer support contacts for their new location. Alice Springs Katherine In January Carers NT Alice Springs had it first site visit quality audit take place. As a result of the audit and our own organisational Quality Management System we will be implementing some new procedures. These changes are to assist Carers NT to better support Carers and to identify other areas where we can improve our service. Fiona is happy to discuss these changes and how they affect you. It has been a very busy time over the last 3 months, starting with the Katherine Toy run. All toys along with 16 Christmas Hampers were handed to Carers NT Katherine Office to be distributed to some families in the Katherine Region. Carers NT are very grateful for the donations which will assist families in our region. Counsellor Heather Dawson will make her annual visit to Central Australia again in mid May, Heather and Fiona will visit the Barkly and deliver Carer Education in both Tennant & Alice Springs. If demand permits we will also look at delivering a Grief & Loss workshop. If you would like to discuss the content of such a workshop or would like to meet face to face with Heather while she is in Alice Springs please call Heather on 1800 242 636. We will also be delivering a Better Start Moving Forward workshop in Alice Springs. Previously this workshop has only been available to Better Start Initiative registered families but we are pleased to announce that we are now able to widen our scope of attendees and offer it to other families with a child with a disability under 6 years. We will not be offering a workshop in Tennant Creek this year. If any Barkly families are interested in attending the Alice Springs workshop we could arrange respite and accommodation through Australian Regional & Remote Community services – Respite Centre. Our newly formed Autism Support Group is up and running with the next meeting on the 26th February. The email address for this group is Meetings are being held fortnightly at 1pm in Carers NT office, First Street, Katherine. Bookings for respite are still in high demand with our remote communities still accessing respite throughout the poor wet season. Thankyou to our local Woolworths store for their kind donation of a load of sausages which were quickly distributed around the town to all not for profit organisations – there were many BBQs around the town that night. If you would like more information about any of the services available at Carers NT Katherine office please contact Colleen Wakefield on 89712766 or email carersnt@carersnt. Care for a Cuppa Have an urgent health concern after hours and don’t know what to do? Call the after hours GP helpline for free health information and assistance from a registered nurse, or medical advice from a GP if you need it. Phone number: 1800 022 222 Our first meeting for the new year saw a lively group of 12 carers meet at The Watertank Café. The group has been held at The Watertank in the past but this was our first one in their relocated premises. Our group checked to ensure the drinks and cakes are still of a very high standard and we are delighted to say they are! It was great to see a couple of new faces. On a sad note one of our regulars Operating times: 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday 6pm Friday to 8am Saturday 12 noon Saturday to 8am Monday 24 hours on public holidays Calls from landlines are free | Mobile charges may apply carersnews 9 Mental Health Carers Program The Mental Health Carers Program at Carers NT is again in full swing for another year. We have had an incredibly busy festive season with many new carers coming to us to get support for themselves and the person they are caring for. It is quite sad to see so many people suffering over a part of the year that should be a celebration for most families. However thankfully we are able to put things in place that make a difference to those families in need. We are currently recruiting a new Mental Health Advisor to replace Naomi Brown who left in January. The early part of the year brings with it many awareness raising activities. One of those is Schizophrenia Awareness Week which falls this year between 10th to 16th May. Schizophrenia Awareness Week Schizophrenia Awareness Week is about sharing information and developing understandings of a complex mental illness. In Australia, the day is marked by a range of activities, events and informational displays organised by mental health organisations. Educate yourself about Schizophrenia this week to help break the chains of stigma and support vital research initiatives around the country. What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is an illness, a medical condition. It affects the normal functioning of the brain, interfering with a person’s ability to think, feel and act. Some do recover completely, and, with time, most find that their symptoms improve. However, for many, it is a prolonged illness which can involve years of distressing symptoms and disability. People affected by schizophrenia have one ‘personality,’ just like everyone else. It is a myth and totally untrue that those affected have a so-called ‘split personality’. What are the symptoms? If not receiving treatment, people with schizophrenia experience persistent symptoms of what is called psychosis. These include: 1.Confused thinking - When acutely ill, people with psychotic symptoms experience disordered thinking. The everyday thoughts that let us live our daily lives become confused and don’t join up properly. 2.Delusions - A delusion is a false belief held by a person which is not held by others of the same cultural background. 3.Hallucinations - The person sees, hears, feels, smells or tastes something that is not actually there. The hallucination is often of disembodied voices which no one else can hear. 10 carersnews How do I find out more? It is important to ask your doctor about any concerns you have. SANE Australia and beyondblue also produce a range of easy-toread publications and multimedia resources on mental illness, to see these publicationsvisit their website at or www. For more information about Carers NT Mental Health Carers Program please contact Phil Dempster on 1800 242 636 or email on The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum The purpose of the NMHCCF is to give mental health consumers and carers a united, national voice focused on creating a more responsive service system that will improve their quality of life. The NMHCCF is made up of 1 consumer and 1 carer from each state and territory around Australia. The forum meets face to face twice a year as well as by teleconference twice a year. By doing this, the members of the forum work collaboratively to keep abreast of any changes and influence the Governments, to make changes that will better serve the consumers and carers. The forum members have a responsibility to gather information from consumers and carers to provide feedback to relevant Government departments and services to ensure our consumers and carers are being heard. Phil Dempster is the consumer representative and he has extensive experience in the mental health field over a long period of time in various roles from coordinator, Manager and Executive Officer. Phil has a lot of contact with consumers both in his professional life and in his personal life. Phil says "My great passion is to help make the mental health system much easier to navigate for vulnerable people who cannot deal with the system or have difficulty articulating their particular needs. Also, to support people who have difficulty speaking up for themselves and therefore notgetting the service they need and deserve. This is not an impossible task by any means and the people working on the National Mental Health Consumer Carer Forum are all passionate about their own state and territories so we are all very well represented. It is my intention is to actively seek feedback from consumers and carers around the Northern Territory through conducting forums, online surveys, information days, training and education sessions. By doing this we hope to be an effective representative voice for consumers and carers." Gail Marsh is the carer representative and she also has extensive experience in the mental health field. Gail was a carer and through this journey Gail believes she has some learned skills as a carer and a lot of knowledge to offer to the forum. Gail says "I was recently approached to consider being the carer representative, I accepted this role and I am excited to be part of such a passionate forum that provides a national voice for consumers and carers. Personally, I have worked within the Aged Disability and Mental health sector in the NT for over 20 years I feel well placed to provide a voice on behalf of carers of the NT. Having recently lost my own husband to a non curable brain disease I feel I have some learned skills as a carer and some knowledge to offer to the forum. My intention is to actively seek any feedback from other carers around the NT with any concerns or comments that I can bring to the forum for discussion on their behalf." If you would like to contact Gail Marsh or Phil Dempster for more information please contact at Carers NT on 1800 242 636 or email on Fishing at Peppimenarti Remote Programs Carers NT Remote Programs deliver flexible, responsive respite to unpaid family carers in remote communities across the HACC Top End planning region. This includes West Daly, Vic Daly, Roper Gulf, West Arnhem, Katherine region and the Tiwi Islands. The Troopy Program and the Mental Health Troopy Program both enable carers to access culturally appropriate respite on country. On request, a fully funded Toyota Landcruiser Troop carrier is in the community for around two months , under the supervision of a responsible service provider. The Troopy is used for respite outings for those Carers and/or care recipients who are registered with Carers NT. The outings are varied and include fishing, hunting, attending ceremony, visiting country, visiting family, camping etc. We finished 2014 with the Troopy Program being delivered in the communities of Yarralin , Borroloola and Minjilang. The Mental Health Troopy was very well utilised in the community of Maningrida. A Carers NT Troopy was lost due to a rollover in November; the vehicle was being driven by a service provider at the completion of the program with no carers on board. Thankfully there were no serious injuries. 2015 is looking to be another busy year. Over the Wet season we have been doing major reviews of all aspects of the Troopy, Mental Health Troopy and Remote Respite Camp programs, ensuring we are meeting the quality standards required by our funding bodies. We already have bookings in place for camps and Troopy programs in five communities for the first part of 2015. At present the vehicles are all in, being serviced and detailed and all our equipment is being cleaned and checked. We are also looking forward to some planned collaborations with service providers to deliver even more responsive respite to our remote family Carers. Hunting for sugarbag at Peppimenarti. carersnews 11 Wulagi House Healthy and Tasty Menu Options Recently, with all the wet weather and overcast days the staff and clients at Wulagi House are enjoying a nutritious and ‘winter style’ menu this wet season. We can feel like we are having a cool winters day right here in Darwin, as long as we don’t step out the door and feel the humidity!!. Carers NT Thursday Thursday Support Support Group Group Meetings Calendar of Events April 2nd Trailer Boat Club lunch (at own cost) (11:30am) At Trailer Boat Club May 7th Guest Speaker - ACAT (10am -12 noon) At Carers NT Office – 59 Bayview Blvd Bayview Please bring something for morning tea. Coffee & tea provided. June 4th Leanyer Water Park (11:30am) At Leanyer Water Park Please bring something for the luncheon. Coffee & tea provided. July 2nd Chris (Salt & Peppa) (10am -12 noon) At Carers NT Office – 59 Bayview Blvd Bayview Please bring something for morning tea. Coffee & tea provided. Held monthly on the 1st Thursday of the Month Locations vary with planned activity. It is a great opportunity to socialise and meet other people in a caring supportive environment. Lots of fun and laughter are ensured in these meetings and it is a great opportunity to make friends. A social morning tea was held on the 5th February to welcome back the group. We welcomed 3 new people to the group . During the Christmas break there were 2 weddings and numerous birthdays to acknowledge. A calendar of events for the year was developed. All carers are welcome to come along to meetings and you are welcome to bring along the person you care for. A raffle will be drawn at each group meeting. Donations for the raffle prizes are greatly appreciated and can be brought along to the meetings on the day. If you require any further information please call Colleen or Heather on 1800 242 636 or email on we look forward to seeing you there. 12 carersnews The staff and clients have been involved in cooking hot scones for morning tea, a range of homemade soups including, chicken, vegetable and pumpkin soup. Slow cooked lamb shank casserole, shepherds pie and salmon patties with sweet potato. Home made sago custard and stewed apples. Special diets can be catered for. The group has already combined with another day respite group for a combined lunch on a regular basis, this is a great opportunity for more social interaction for our clients. We will also be looking at joining with Alzheimers Stepping out groups for further combined activities. The community day respite known as Wulagi House, currently has vacancies for new clients on all days of the week. The house is open Monday to Friday 07:30-18:00. All staff are experienced and qualified in aged care and dementia care. If you would like more information please contact Jillian Suitor on 1800 242 636 or email on Word from the Senior Volunteer Advisor I would just like to send out a BIG welcome to all the new volunteers who just recently signed up to the program, it is a pleasure to have you on board and I’m sure you will find it a very enjoyable and rewarding role. Equally so a BIG thanks you to all the existing volunteers for your ongoing support to the program and the clients you support. As usual I have a fun packed calendar of events planned for 2015, with the hope to cater to everyone’s needs. We have started the year with our traditional February breakfast at Sky City Casino. It was a great success with many volunteers and clients attending. It was also good to see everyone having a great time and forming new friendships with other members of the program.By now you should have all received the Social Event Calendar for the next 6 months, highlighting month by month the social activities. It is important that you RSVP for events so I can make sure the events run smoothly and everyone joys themselves. Below are the dates for some upcoming social events for those who didn’t receive the mail out or anyone else who is interested in joining the social support program (eligibility requirements, 0-65 years of age with a disability - please call for further information- 1800 242 636). NT VOLUNTEER of the Year Awards Nominations are now open for the prestigious NT Volunteer of the Year Awards. The Awards recognise volunteer effort and achievement in the NT and are a collaboration between the NT Government and Volunteering SA&NT. Get your nominations in now! If you have any queries please contact More than six million Australian volunteers give happiness to others each day. Research suggests that people who volunteer are generally happier as a result. About our Volunteer Program The program provides a range of services for adults and younger people with disabilities and their carers. Services Include social support provided by volunteers, volunteer and client support and social events. March • Thursday 19 Pancakes & Poetry@ 59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview from 11am- 1pm • Saturday 28 social computer club @ 59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview from 10am- 12 April • Thursday 23 Mad Hatters Tea Party @59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview from10am - 12 • Saturday 18 social computer club @ 59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview from 10am- 12 May • Saturday social computer club @ 59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview from 10am- 12 • Friday 15 Volunteer Awards & Luncheon – invite only June • Saturday 18 BBQ @ George Brown Botanical Gardens from 11am – 1pm • Saturday social computer club @ 59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview from 10am- 12 For more information on any of the above events please contact Kate Beadman at Carers NT on 1800 242 636 or email on Wishing everyone a happy and fun 2015 The service outcome is to maintain and improve independence and quality of life through volunteer friendship support, enabling adults and children with disabilities and their carers to live at home and within the community in an environment that is as close as possible to that of other members of the community. Clients can be referred to the program by organisations or self referred. How Can I Help? There are three main avenues for volunteering: • Providing Transport for Socially Isolated Clients. • Providing companionship and self worth through client visits. • Providing short term or emergency visits to clients or help with group activities. VOLUNTEERS WANTED There are a number of inactive volunteers currently on our database. We would love to see you again and work out how you might be able to remain with the service if your needs have changed. Please contact Kate Beadman at Carers NT to discuss how we can help you o or contact on 1800 242 636. More than six million Australian volunteers give happiness to others each day. Research suggests that people who volunteer are generally happier as a result. carersnews 13 Notice Board Compounding is the Art and Science of Creating Personalised Medications Does the person you care for have difficulty in taking required medicines or pills? Have you tried a Compound Pharmacy to tailor medicines to suit your needs? This method allows the compounding pharmacist to work with the patient and the prescriber to customise a medication meeting the patient’s specific needs. Usually, medicines can be very difficult to administer and cause issues for some individuals due to the taste, the texture or even the colour. Compounded medications are made based on a practitioner’s prescriptions, such as to change the form of the medication from a solid pill to a liquid or changing anti-biotics into a cream that can be rubbed on the skin to be absorbed into the system. It could also help if there was a need to avoid a non-essential ingredient that the patient is allergic to or to obtain the exact dose required in a more concentrated form. Currently, we do not have any Compounding Pharmacies in Darwin but there are many interstate that can work with your family and post the medicines directly to your door! The best way to find the right one for you is to investigate through Google and talk to a few of the Compounding Pharmacists over the phone to see which one will work best to suit your needs. One carer says “we have a 7 year old autistic child who is non-verbal, she cannot swallow pills, she is highly sensitive to texture, taste and colour. When ever she became sick it was almost impossible to administer any medicine at all prior to finding a Compound Chemist that now makes life so much easier!! We now have antibiotics made into a cream, we also have the children’s Nurofen liquid medicine made into a cream and this can be easily rubbed onto her skin even whilst she is asleep. Prior to this discovery for us, it was almost impossible to administer even a simple pain relief such as Nurofen or Panadol. Compound Chemists have changed our lives and takes the pressure away……” If you would like more information or offer any helpful hints to assist other carers please forward them to The Editor, Carersnews on or alternatively call Carers NT on 1800 242 636. 14 carersnews For further information about the Better Start initiative or to find out how Carers NT can support your needs contact Michelle Lennon on 1800 242 636 or email on Events Carers Workshop Lose Yourself in Fun through art and music! A workshop for carers about well-being, looking after yourself and enjoying “ME Time”. When: Saturday 9th May Time: 12.00 – 4.00 Where: Carers NT Office 59 Bayview Blvd, Bayview RSVP: Friday 1st May Refreshments will be provided. To register please contact Heather Dawson or Linda Tan at Carers NT on 1800 242 636 or Email to Epilepsy Action Australia Late May – Date TBA Epilepsy Action Australia is seeking expressions of interest from people with epilepsy, their families and carers and professionals to attend a 3 day outreach program in Darwin to be held late May 2015. There are many free events you can attend, to find out more contact Epilepsy Action Australia on 1300 374 537 or email on Thank You to our GOLD SPONSORS Choose the right partner for ALL your technology needs Cloud & Infrastructure Don’t want to cook IT Support & Services IT Security Data Networking Hardware & Software Licensing Telephony Call 8984 2500 for a FREE assessment of your IT or visit for more information Don’t know how to cook Dinner party for 2 or 10 Don’t want to cookDon’t want to cook Let deebee cook for you Don’t know how toDon’t cook know how to cook deebee catering now offers online Dinner party for 2 or Dinner 10 take partyaway for 2 or 10 meal service, frozen and fresh products Don’t want to cook cook for you Let deebee cook for Let you deebee plan for the week, order Don’t and know pay online how to cook deebee catering now offers deebee online catering take away now offers online Dinnerfresh party for 2 orfrozen 10 meal service, service, products and fresh prod comfort foods frozen andmeal Let deebee cook for you plan for the week, order plan andfor paythe online week, order and pay o healthy foods deebee catering now offers online take away frozen and fresh products dinnerparty foods comfort foodsmeal service, comfort foods plan for the week, order and pay online healthy foodsfree, healthy foods vegetarian, gluten lactose free Don’t want to co Don’t know how Dinner party for comfort foods dinner party foods dinner party foods healthy foods vegetarian, gluten free, party vegetarian, lactose dinner foods freegluten free, lactos Let deebee cook vegetarian, gluten free, lactose free Pull Up Banners Final.indd 5 4/04/2014 10:19:11 AM deebee catering no meal service, frozen plan for the week, o For any storage information contact Howards Storage World on 8948 2088 comfort foods carersnews 15 healthy foods Contact Details If you want further information on our services please call: 1800 242 636 Darwin 59 Bayview Blvd Bayview GPO Box 1861 Darwin NT 0801 Phone: 1800 242 636 Fax: (08) 89 444 889 Email: Katherine 1/17 First St PO Box 281 Katherine NT 0851 Phone: (08) 8971 2766 Fax: (08) 8971 0904 Email: Alice Springs Suite 1A, 40 Bath St PO Box 4929 Alice Springs NT 0871 Phone: (08) 8953 1669 Fax: (08) 8953 1698 Email: Helpful Contacts Aged & Disability Advocacy Services 1800 812 953 Kids Helpline (5-25 years) 1800 551 800 Life Line Australia 13 11 14 Adult Guardianship Darwin 8922 7116 Alice Springs 8951 6739 Mental Health health/index.aspx Alcohol and Other Drugs Information Service (ADIS) 1800 131 350 Mensline 1300 789 978 BeyondBlue 1300 224 636 Health Direct 1800 022 222 Child Abuse / Child Protection Hotline 1800 700 250 Parentline 1300 301 300 Quit Line 137 848 Disability Support Team 1800 139 656 Headspace (12-25 years) 1800 659 388 or 8931 5999 Sexual Assault Referral Centre Darwin 8922 6472 Katherine 8973 8524 Tennant Creek 8962 4100 Alice Springs 8955 4500 ‘Like’ our facebook page (Carers NT) and get updates on events, view photos and leave comments for the Carers NT Staff. Carers NT is funded by the NT Government Dept of Health and Families; Federal Departments of: Health and Ageing; Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Show ShowYour YourSupport Support--Become BecomeaaMember Member You Youare areinvited invitedtotoensure ensurethat thatCarers CarersNT NTwill willcontinue continueas asaastrong strongand andresponsive responsive organisation organisationby byshowing showingyour yoursupport supportand andbecoming becomingaamember. member. Membership MembershipApplication Application Carers CarersNT NTisisowned ownedby byits itsmembers. members.Our Ourmembers memberselect electaaBoard BoardofofGovernance Governancetoto set setthe thedirection directionfor forthe theorganisation, organisation,develop developpolicy policyand andto tooversight oversightour our operations. operations.Our Ourstrength strengthisisininour ourmembership. membership. Name: Name: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Membership Membershipisisfree freefor forcarers carersand andshows showsthat thatyou youbelieve believewhat whatwe wedo doisis important. important. Postal PostalAddress: Address:_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Membership Membershipmust mustbe berenewed renewedannually. annually. Membership Membershipbenefits benefits Four Foureditions editionsofofthe theCarersnews Carersnewsmagazine magazineevery everyyear year Invitations Invitationstotospecial specialevents eventsand andforums forums Use Useofofour ourlibrary library(with (withfree freecomputer computerand andinternet internetaccess) access) Voting Votingrights rightsatatour ourAnnual AnnualGeneral GeneralMeeting Meeting––you youmust mustbe beover over18 18years years ofofage agetotovote vote Membership Membershipcategories categories Carer Carermembership membership Corporate Corporate membership membership (with (withone onenominated nominatedrepresentative) representative) Postcode: Postcode: ____________ ____________Telephone Telephone(if(ifyou youdesire): desire):________________________ ________________________ Email Emailaddress address: :______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ I Iapply applyfor forthe thefollowing followingform formofofmembership membership(please (pleasecheck checkone onebox boxonly) only) Carer CarerMembership Membership - -FREE FREE General Generalmembership membership - -$$5.00 5.00per peryear year Corporate Corporatemembership membership - -$80.00 $80.00per peryear year Youth Youthmembership membership - -$$5.00 5.00per peryear year InInmaking makingthis thisapplication applicationI Iunderstand understandthat thatI Ican canreceive receiveaacopy copyofofCarers CarersNT NT General Generalmembership membership Constitution Constitutionon onrequest request(also (alsoavailable availablefrom Ifurther further Youth Youthmembership membershipnon-voting non-voting(under (under18 18years yearsofofage) age) acknowledge acknowledgethat thatCarers CarersNT NTisisan anincorporated incorporatedbody bodywhich whichcarries carriesaaminimum minimumofof $20 $20million milliondollars dollarspublic publicliability liabilityinsurance. insurance. Please Pleasenote notethat thatititisisnot notnecessary necessaryfor foryou youto tobe beaamember memberto toreceive receiveservices services from fromCarers CarersNT. NT. IfIfyou youwish wishtotobecome becomeaamember memberplease pleasecomplete completethe theform formatatright: right: Signed Signed…………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. Date Date……………………………… ………………………………