Feb. 22 - St. Catharine`s Church
Feb. 22 - St. Catharine`s Church
© 2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC, © silver-john - Fotolia ST. CATHARINE’S CHURCH 523 Western Highway Blauvelt, New York 10913 845-359-0542 (Fax) 845-365-2387 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 St. Catharine’s Church 523 Western Highway Blauvelt, N.Y.10913 845-359-0542/Fax 845-365-2387 http://www.saintcatharines.org Rev. Msgr. Francis J. McAree, S.T.D., Pastor Rev. Abraham Vallayil, C.M.I., Associate Pastor Rev. Mr. John Jurasek, Deacon Rev. Mr. John C. Kelleher, Deacon Sunday 5:00 PM Saturday evening Vigil 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM, and 4:30 PM 6:45 AM and 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 6:45 AM and 8:30 AM Weekday Saturday First Fridays Baptism First and third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM. Parents should call Deacon John Jurasek at (845) 365-3618 or email to jurasek@optonline.net for an appointment and Baptismal preparation. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45 PM, and by appointment. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory a minimum of six months prior to their marriage date to receive necessary information and preparation. Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory anytime for this request. Parish Registration Every family living in our Parish is kindly requested to register at the Rectory. Parish Devotions FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT PARISH MINISTRY & SERVICE CONTACTS Adoptive Families Group: Gail Rogo, 359-5671 Adult Religious Education: Anna Stellwag, 359-0769 Altar Servers: Deacon John Jurasek, 365-3618 or jurasek@optonline.net; Mary Anne Pagnani, map807@aol.com, 358-0739 Altar Society: Anna Stellwag, 359-0769; Mary McCarroll, 359-2546 Bereavement: Sr. Catherine Tahaney, 359-3139 Bible Study: Jose F. Botet, M.D., 359-6926 Birthright of Rockland: Call 623-9098 Bulletin: Patricia McKenna, 398-1520 or email saintcatharineschurch@gmail.com Cancer Support Group: Susan Carroll, 613-7658 Choirs: Dr. Rene Dalandan, 359-9015 CYO Basketball: Mary Anne Pagnani, map807@aol.com CYO Basketball Website: www.ourcyo.org Driving Seniors to Mass: John D’Andrea, 735-0110 Early Childhood Center: Barbara Feeney, 359-4330 Eucharistic Ministry at Mass: Tim Brown, 848-2091 Eucharistic Ministry, Home: Eileen McCaffrey, 359-9315 Homebound Ministry: Ken Lee, 353-1915 Ladies Guild: Dina Wolleben, 613-7848 Lectors: Veronica Rogers, 624-1427 Liturgical Committee: Maureen Aitchison, 359-3027; Miraculous Medal held after the 8:30 AM Mass on Mondays. Rosary following 8:30 AM Mass (Mon.-Fri.) Scriptural Rosary following 8:30 AM Mass on Saturdays Eucharistic Adoration In our Chapel on First Fridays following the 8:30 AM Mass until 7:00 PM, when the Church will close. Prayer Group meets every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 PM in the Church. Jill Florencia, 365-1869 Pamphlet Rack: John D’Andrea, 735-0110 Parish Council: Tim Brown, 848-2091 Parish Nurse Program: Mickey DeTemple, 359-3129; Maureen Fallon, 398-3806 Parish Prayer Group: Aida Dalandan, 359-9015 Parish Office: Patricia McKenna, M-F, 9-5 PM, 359-0542 Saturday, 9-3 PM – Judy Scandiffio, 359-0542 Parish Religious Education Program Prayer Shawl Ministry: Louise Langan, 359-5648 Mrs. Audrey Angelini, Coordinator 845-359-4014 Religious Education: Audrey Angelini, 359-4014 St. Catharine’s Early Childhood Center Mrs. Barbara Feeney 845-359-4330 Senior Programs Thorpe Senior Center, Sister Maureen Bradshaw 845-359-4058 or 845-359-5801 Respect Life Coordinator: Richard Bruno, 359-5823 or email pax45@optonline.net Social Activities: Joe Onativia, 365-1151 Teen Association: Richard & Rita Sarubbi, 641-3172 or email richrita@optonline.net Ushers: Ken Lee, 353-1915 Website: Patricia McKenna, 398-1520 or email saintcatharineschurch@gmail.com SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT “Beloved: Christ suffered for our sins once, the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous, that he might lead you to God. Put to death in the flesh, He was brought to life in the Spirit… It is not a removal of dirt from the body but an appeal to God for a clear conscience.”… “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” We embarked on the Lenten journey, listening to the identical words addressed to us as ashes were placed on our foreheads. Our rich traditions and spiritual customs are designed to lead us to God. What began on Wednesday is directed to the Paschal Mystery, the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. As we begin this first week of the Holy Season, we want to look at ourselves and live with a clear conscience. Surely, there is something to be found which requires action, change, or conversion. We may fool ourselves and pretend that everything is in order. If it is, wonderful, but isn’t there any need for improvement? We go to a doctor for a check-up, often are sent to a specialist for further study, who proposes a series of tests. Although they do not want to alarm us, they have our best interest at heart. Only a foolish person would not pursue their directive. How is my spiritual health? My need at this time is to look and take my spiritual well-being seriously. Christ’s suffering, in the words of Peter, is to lead me to God. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT CARDINAL’S ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP APPEAL NEXT WEEK – COMMITMENT WEEKEND I would like to thank all of you who have already made a gift to this year’s Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. The 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal is in its final stages in our parish. Next weekend is Commitment Weekend. At all Masses, you will have an opportunity to make your commitment to The Appeal. As children of Christ, we are called to serve others out of gratitude to our most generous God. If you have not yet made your gift, this is the perfect opportunity to give prayerful consideration to what your own financial means will allow and then make a sacrificial pledge to the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal. May God bless you for your generosity. + PARISH LENTEN ACTIVITIES + Daily Mass Monday – Thursday 6:45 AM, 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM Friday Mass 6:45 AM, 8:30 AM & 7:30 PM Saturday Mass 8:30 AM Stations of the Cross Every Friday evening - 8 PM following the 7:30 PM Mass Confessions Every Saturday from 4:00 – 4:45 PM Reconciliation Monday, March 30th Individual confessions 3:00 – 9:00 PM LENTEN REGULATIONS ON FASTING AND ABSTINENCE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT First Reading: Genesis 9:8-15 God made a promise to Noah that he would never again devastate the entire planet with a flood. He also told Noah that the symbol of this promise would be a rainbow in the clouds. Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22 This letter from Peter reminds all people that Christ died for us so that we might be led to God. We have been saved by our baptism; not a physical cleansing, but a promise to continually strive to obey God. Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 Mark briefly tells of Jesus’ stay in the desert, where he was tested by Satan. He did not give in to temptation, but reappeared in Galilee to proclaim the good news. Lent is the penitential time of prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and personal sacrifice meant to draw Christians more deeply into the sacred mystery of the Lord’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. During Lent, the Church calls the faithful to bring a spirit of penance into their lives through fasting and abstinence. The following fasting and abstinence regulations are to be observed: Abstinence from eating meat is observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent by all Catholics 14 years of age and older. Fasting is observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age, but not yet 59 years of age. Those bound by fasting may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted as necessary to maintain strength according to one's needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Those who are not specifically obliged to fast or to abstain are encouraged to join in those disciplines to the extent they are able. The season of Lent culminates in the celebration of the Easter Triduum of the Lord’s Last Supper, Passion, Death and Resurrection. Holy Thursday this year is April 2nd. Good Friday is April 3rd. The Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection is April 4th. Easter Sunday is April 5th. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Please consider this monthly second collection as an additional sacrificial gift to your parish towards our assessment of $73,000. We are very grateful for your continued support of St. Catharine’s and its many fine programs. God bless you! + STATIONS OF THE CROSS DURING LENT+ One of our most traditional, as well as, beautiful Lenten practices is praying the Stations of the Cross. Please join consider joining us for our Friday 7:30 PM Mass, immediately followed by the Stations of the Cross. +EUCHARISTIC ADORATION DURING LENT+ Every Saturday throughout the remainder of Lent, following the 8:30 AM Mass, and concluding at 1:15 PM with Benediction. Please do your best to spend some quiet, quality time with Our Lord during this Holy Season. Bring your rosary or spiritual reading book and pray right there in His Holy presence. MAGNIFICAT LENTEN COMPANION Please be sure to pick up a copy of the Magnificat Lenten Companion from one of the Ushers’ tables in the lobby of the Church. This rich spiritual companion will guide you through the four weeks of Lent with beautiful scriptural reflections for each day of the season. By spending a few moments meditating on the inspiring daily reflections and the short prayers that follow them, you will discover all that is true, good, and beautiful about the Catholic faith. PEACEFUL, PRAYERFUL, EFFECTIVE 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN The 40 Days for Life Campaign began on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. It is a peaceful, pro-life initiative that focuses on 40 days of prayer and fasting, and peaceful vigil at abortion facilities. For information, please contact Eileen Peterson at (845) 492-6709. BIBLE STUDY THIS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 7:30 PM Our Lenten Program of Bible Study will begin this Tuesday, February 24th at 7:30 PM in the Lower Parish House. Father Tom Kunnel will instruct us in the Acts of the Apostles. For more information, kindly contact Jose F. Botet, M.D., at (845) 359-6926. PARISH PAY – SAFE, FAST & EASY Please consider opening an automatic tithing account with ParishPay, the safe, fast, easy way to make your donations to the Church. Please stop by the Parish House for a Parishioner Commitment Card. PARKING ON KLEE LANE We have had a request from our neighbors on Klee Lane (across from the Church) If you are coming to Mass, please do not park blocking their driveways or make uturns into their driveways. Your cooperation would be most appreciated. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CHRISTIAN What is the essence of being a Christian? It is certainly more than doctrine, precepts, and commandments. It is first and foremost a relationship – a relationship of trust, affection, commitment, loyalty, faithfulness, kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion, mercy, helpfulness, encouragement, support, strength, protection, and so many other qualities that bind persons together in mutual love and unity. God offers us the greatest of relationships – a union of heart, mind, and spirit with himself, the very author and source of love (1 John 4:8, 16). God’s love never fails, never forgets, never compromises, never lies, never lets us down nor disappoints us. His love is consistent, unwavering, unconditional, and unstoppable. Nothing can deter him from ever leaving us, ignoring us, or treating us unkindly. He will love us no matter what. It is His nature to love. That is why He created us – to be united with Him and to share in His love and unity (1 John 3:1). “Heavenly Father, you bless us with family and friends, both spiritual and natural. Help me to love with charity, compassion, and kindness. May I always prefer your will and seek to do what is good and loving in all of my relationships.” ALMSGIVING DURING LENT POOR BOX DONATIONS “Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty.” Pope Francis During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on “almsgiving,” which means donating money or goods, and performing other acts of charity. Please consider dropping a few coins into the “Poor Box” on your way into or out of Church each week. Our “Poor Box” donations go to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. “FEEDING OUR NEIGHBORS” You have surely noticed the two bins underneath the Ushers’ tables in the back of the Church. This is our ongoing effort to help those in need. Believe it or not, there are families going hungry right here in our own community. If you have children, even they can help! When you leave your house on Sunday with your envelope for Church, have your child grab a can of soup, a box of cereal, or something else from your cupboard. Let your child know how good it feels to help others. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES MITE BOXES Catholic Community Services was established to alleviate poverty and to serve as a safety and support net for all our County residents who have either lived in poverty all their lives or fallen into poverty due to unexpected circumstances. You can help make a difference by picking up one of these small collection boxes today and making coin offerings throughout Lent. Thank you! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 PLEASE SAVE THE DATE LADIES GUILD COMMUNION MASS & BREAKFAST SATURDAY, MARCH 7th COLONIAL MANOR, NORWOOD, NJ 2015 PARISH FASHION SHOW FRIDAY, MARCH 13th, 6:30 PM TO 11:00 PM OLD TAPPAN MANOR, NEW JERSEY St. Catharine’s 2015 Parish Fashion Show will take place on Friday, March 13th from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM at the Old Tappan Manor in Old Tappan, New Jersey. Price is $60 per guest, which includes cocktail hour, dinner, dessert, and beer, wine or soda. For more information, please call the PREP Office at (845) 359-4014. FRIENDS OF BLAUVELT FREE LIBRARY A MEAL & A MOVIE SUNDAY, MARCH 1st, 11:00 AM Classic Italian movie starring Roberto Benigni, followed by luncheon at Del’Arte Ristorante. $40 includes salad, choice of 3 entrees. Registration required – 359-2811. For more information, call Alice Ryan at 398-3590. ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK ANNOUNCEMENT ON CHILD PROTECTION The Archdiocese of New York is committed to doing all that it can to protect children and young people from sexual abuse. As part of that effort, they periodically reach out to the Catholic community to advise them about whom they may contact and what steps may be taken if they have suffered abuse by someone representing the Catholic Church. Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, religious, or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P., at (212) 3711000, x2949, or Deacon George J. Coppola at (917) 8611762. Both may also be reached via email at victimassistance@archny.org. Information may also be found on the Archdiocesan website, www.archny.org. In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. ALTAR / TABERNACLE FLOWERS REQUEST FORM If you would like to participate, please fill out this form and return it in an envelope to the Parish Office. PLEASE BE SURE TO GIVE A 2ND CHOICE Name ____________________Phone _____________ In Memory / Intention of_________________________ Sunday Date Requested ____(1stchoice)___(2ndchoice) ____ Tabernacle Candle offering of $15.00 is enclosed* ____ Tabernacle Flower offering of $50.00 is enclosed ____ Altar Flower Offering of $50.00 is enclosed FEBRUARY PURIFICATOR ASSIGNMENT Cathy O’Brien – Edie Reimer FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT The Tabernacle Candle was donated by Cathy O’Brien In Loving Memory of The O’Brien Family If you have would like to add someone to one of our Parish Prayer lists, and you have their permission, please call the Parish Office at (845) 359-0542. +PARISH PRAYER CORNER+ +WE PRAY FOR THE LIVING+ We pray for God’s continued blessings and healing graces upon all of our loved ones who have recently experienced serious health issues. We remember the following who have been prayed for from our altar and are still in need of prayers. Walter Cahill, Thomas Kelly, Julia Cosentino, Helen O’Brien, Matthew Mencher, Lucy Decilla, James Cody, Rory Tinston, Rita Famular, Michael Vitelli, Geraldine Moloney, Mary Jane Knapp, Carol Crane, Gary Baisley, Barbara Burns, Brandon Hernandez, Billy Keenan, Jim Grimm, Henry Braun, Colleen Kusy, Mickey DeTemple, Hunter Sterling, Amanda Lynch, Peter Stewart, Ellie O’Neill, Brian Domitrovits, II, Warren Allen, Dorothy Kane, Bob Hudson, Edward Golden, Dr. Robert Conenello, Aaron Duffany, Alex DiMenna, Christian Perez, Lulu Piano, Louise Palermo, Ciaran Green, Michael Watkins, Adolfo Morales, John Butler, Anna Fee, and Nicholas Guiliano Holy Mary Mother of God, Pray for us sinners… +WE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY IN THE MILITARY, BOTH HERE AND ABROAD+ St. Michael, keep them safe. +WE PRAY FOR THE DEARLY DEPARTED+ We pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed who were a part of our parish in the past, as well as, present. We remember all those who died recently. Lillian Ziegler Hunt, Camille Pallotta, Dorothy Haug, William Walsh, Joseph Sheehan, Carmen Paniza, Olympia Gigante, Theodore Perykasz, Francine Boytano, Mary Mastro, Barbara Pischera, Virginia Brennan, and Mickey Reeves “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT PETITION OF THE WEEK For our parish family: that the prayer, fasting and almsgiving of Lent may bring forth a new springtime of faith in our lives…Lord, hear our prayer. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Gn 9:8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Monday Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Friday Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 TITHING – GOD’S WAY OF SHARING Last week………..$10,141 Last year…………$ 9,077 All that I have comes from you, Lord. PRESENTING THE GIFTS If you have arranged an Intention for Mass, you may want to consider presenting the gifts of bread and wine during that celebration. Please inform an Usher before Mass. TIME MASS INTENTIONS 20 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 5:00 Catherine and Jim Daly SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:00 Elizabeth Croce 9:30 The People of St. Catharine’s Church 11:00 Moss Muiris Moriarty 12:30 Hugo McKenna 4:30 Olympia Gigante MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 6:45 Grace Dennerlein 8:30 James O’Brien 5:30 Michael Reeves TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 6:45 Tom Carley, Sr. 8:30 Carl Sasson 5:30 Special Intentions WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 6:45 Special Intentions 8:30 Catherine McDermott and Mary Sasson 5:30 Special Intentions THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 6:45 Special Intentions 8:30 James B. Meehan 5:30 Special Intentions FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 6:45 Richard Stadnick 8:30 Sr. Carthage & Fogarty Family 7:30 Special Intentions SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8:30 Mary McBride 5:00 Mary Sheehy SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:00 Agnes Hay 9:30 The People of St. Catharine’s Church 11:00 Olympia Gigante 12:30 Thomas J. Doyle 4:30 Jose Reyes LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR MARCH 1, 2015+ LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 PM A. Mullin E. Hoenig, P. Hoenig K. Clancy, C. McHugh, J. McHugh 8:00 AM J. Lounibos S. Nordstrom, K. Wemmer L. Noonan, Z. Visconti 9:30 AM Family Mass P. McKenna, A. Stellwag T. Berkowitz, C. Cusack, J. Smith-Pickering 11:00 AM V. Valentine J. Langan, L. Langan C. Florencia, CJ Florencia, M. Shapiro 12:30 PM M. Mitard R. Sarubbi, M. VerSchneider L. Citardi, M. McDevitt, C. Neier 4:30 PM C. Pagnani A. Muttatth, F. Rumolo, M. Skvorec S. Cunningham, M. Fraser Hiep Pizzi Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated LLC Sanitation 120 Paris Avenue, Northvale, NJ 07647 Tel 201-767-3050 • Fax 201-768-6680 pizzifuneralhome.com Michael Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 4176 Anthony R. Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 3130 Container Service 1-40 Yards Joyce M. Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 3962 845-358-7070 Robert T. Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 5020 Parish Member Dominican Sisters www.dsfhs.org PALISADES UNISEX BARBER Family Health Service Full Service Barbershop And Hair Salon “More Than Care ... Peace of Mind” Visiting nurse agency caring for people of all ages, with services including: Skilled Nursing, Care Transitions, Rehabilitative Therapies, Chronic Care Management, Maternal Child Health, Wound & Ostomy Management, Home Health Aides & Pastoral Care. 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FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FOR OVER 30 YEARS Funeral Directors: Joseph W. Sorce, Marlene A. Sorce, John A. DeNicola Jr., Melissa A. Sorce-DeNicola, Joseph P. Sorce www.sorcefuneralhome.com Valentine Electric Inc. “A Name You Can Trust Since 1992” *24 Hour Emergency Service, FREE Estimates* Too NO Job oo T r o Big Small! 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