Click to view the bulletin. - The Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church
Click to view the bulletin. - The Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church
Welcome We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to God by your experience with us. A special welcome to visitors – we're glad you're here! When our welcome pads are passed down the pew, we invite all worshippers to take a moment and sign their name, and for visitors to also include their address and phone number. Following both of our worship services, everyone is invited to gather for fellowship & coffee in Westminster Hall. Childcare and Sunday School Childcare for infants and toddlers is available in the nursery downstairs. Pagers are used to contact parents during the worship service when necessary. 9:00 am The Nur ser y is open for infants & toddler s thr ough age 3. Childr en over age 3 are invited to remain in Worship with their families. There is no Sunday School today in celebration of Easter. 10:30 am The Nur ser y is open for infants & toddler s thr ough age 3. Childr en over age 3 are invited to remain in Worship with their families. There is no Children’s Church today in celebration of Easter. Calendar of Prayer Sessions and Congregations are invited to pray for the congregations, pastors, members and staff of the Presbytery of Elizabeth during 2014. This week, we pray for Fanwood Presbyterian Church. Online Sermons Recorded audio sermons from the most recent Sundays are available on the church website at To access, click on the sermons link on the main menu. Amplification Headsets So that all may enjoy the worship service, sound amplification headsets are available from the ushers for those who need assistance with hearing. Statement of Purpose God calls the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church to be a living community and light to the world, guided by the Holy Spirit and transmitting God’s love revealed through Christ Jesus. In response to God’s call, we seek to realize the Kingdom of God as we Welcome everyone into our community with open arms, Care for each other both in times of joy and in times of sorrow, Worship together creatively and enthusiastically in gratitude to God, Prepare each other through Bible-based education and open discussion to Serve Jesus Christ as disciples in local and global ministry and to Share our wealth, time, talents and faith with the world. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, as indeed you are doing. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I Thess. 5:11, 28 Order of Worship 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. ~ Sanctuary April 20, 2014 easter (As the prelude begins, please prepare prayerfully for worship and be sure all cell phones are turned off.) Awake, Thou Wintry Earth The Heaven’s Declare the Glory of God PRELUDE Brass and Organ This Joyful Eastertide INTROIT Sanctuary Choir; Karen Johnson, conducting Johann Sebastian Bach Benedetto Marcello Arr., Alice Parker CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: People: Leader: This is the good news—the grave is empty; Christ is risen. Alleluia! This is the good news—the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never put it out. People: Alleluia! Leader: This is the good news—once we were no people; now we are God’s people. People: Alleluia! Leader: Christ is our peace, the indestructible peace we now share with each other. People: Alleluia! *PROCESSIONAL HYMN 232 Jesus Christ is Risen Today easter hymn LITANY FOR EASTER Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: O Christ, in your resurrection the heavens and the earth rejoice. Alleluia! By your resurrection you broke open the gates of hell and destroyed sin and death. Keep us victorious over sin. By your resurrection you raised the dead and brought us from death to life. Guide us in the way of eternal life. By your resurrection you confounded your guards and executioners and filled the disciples with joy. Give us joy in your service. By your resurrection you proclaimed good news to the women and apostles and brought salvation to the whole world. Direct our lives as your new creation. *Those who are able are invited to stand. . Leader: God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. All: Amen. *HYMN 248 Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! (v. 1) hymn to joy Christ is risen! Shout Hosanna! Celebrate this day of days! Christ is risen! Hush in wonder: All creation is amazed. In the desert all-surrounding, See, a spreading tree has grown. Healing leaves of grace abounding Bring a taste of love unknown. WORDS OF WELCOME PASSING OF THE WELCOME PADS CHILDREN’S ANTHEM (10:30) Jesus Lives Margaret R. Tucker Little Spirit Choir MESSAGE FOR CHILDREN (10:30) Jacqueline Obregon (There is no Sunday School or Children’s Church today. Children ages 3 and up are invited to remain in Worship with their families. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers.) The Strife is O’er *HYMN 236 (10:30) SCRIPTURE LESSONS Colossians 3: 1-4 John 20: 1-18 victory (9:00) Josh Felter (10:30) Justin Meyers p. 201 p. 114 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON Easter Faith Rev. Dennis W. Jones PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERING Dr. Maureen Paterson ANTHEM Crown Him with Many Crowns *DOXOLOGY Sanctuary Choir; brass; organ Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION Craig Courtney PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING AND INTERCESSION Leader: People: Leader: People: The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. *HYMN 238 Thine is the Glory judas maccabeus *BENEDICTION *BENEDICTION RESPONSE Hallelujah Chorus G. F. Handel The Congregation is invited to remain standing and sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the Choir POSTLUDE Toccata from Symphony V Charles Marie Widor Special Thanks to our Cross-Bearer: Allen Melick at the 10:30 a.m. service, and to our Brass Quartet: Jonathan Challoner and David Larson, trumpet; Alfred Patterson and Jim Felter, trombone. Children and Family Ministry Easter Sunday Schedule Please note that there will be no Sunday School classes or Children’s Church today for Easter Sunday. Children are encouraged to attend worship. There is nursery care during both worship services for children ages 3 and younger. Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord Elinore (Elly) Todt United with this Congregation November 9, 1967 Entered the Church Triumphant April 11, 2014 A Memorial Service will be held here in our Sanctuary on June 28, 2014 at 11 a.m. Entered the Church Triumphant Rocque Dameo April 11, 2014 A Funeral Service was held here in our Sanctuary on Thursday, April 17. Church Family The Flowers on the Piers this morning are given to the glory of God: ~ By Dick and Nancy Bedner, in celebration their 50th Wedding Anniversary on April 18. ~ By Lynne and Dave Perry, in loving memory of daughters Laura and Jennifer Grierson. The flowers that grace our sanctuary each week are gifts from members of the congregation. Flowers may be given in memory or in honor of someone or to celebrate an occasion. There is one pier opening on May 4 and two pier openings on May 18 and 25. If you would like to donate an arrangement, please contact Debbie Schaub at 908-507-3844; e-mail address, flowers The Rosebud on the Communion Table celebrates the birth of Benjamin Kyle Bentley on April 12, son of Chris and Sarah Bentley and grandson of Mark and Janet Bentley. Our Greeters this morning are Martha Hull and Dick and Nancy Bedner at the 9:00 a.m. service and Rol and Sandy Smith and Jerry and Jean Dorr at the 10:30 a.m. service. Join us for Coffee and Fellowship in Westminster Hall after the 9 a.m. service hosted by Dick and Nancy Bedner and after the 10:30 a.m. service hosted by Hal and Jann Slapin. Youth and Young Adult Ministries Senior High Fellowship (Grades 9-12) There is NO Senior High Fellowship tonight due to the Easter holiday. Enjoy the time with your family! Please note there is a *Senior High Youth Council meeting on Wednesday, April 23rd from 7:45-8:45 p.m. in the Church House Library. ALL high school students are welcome to join the advisors in planning May’s Senior High Fellowship events. We hope to see you then! Middle School Fellowship (Gr. 6-8) - Wed., April 23, 6-7:30 p.m. – Youth Center Come join this fun and vibrant group for a night of games, fellowship and a Bible story. We start the night with a sit-down pizza dinner, and proceed with a program geared to please our Middle School youth’s thirst for fun as well as enrich their understanding of God and the Bible. We welcome new faces! Seniors ’14 Youth Sunday Meeting—Saturday, April 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Senior Sermonettes are due! Come for your scheduled 15 minute meeting with Rev. Dennis and Jenna. Please have your entire sermonette done by this meeting so we can discuss any final edits. Please e-mail Jenna at with any questions or concerns! Special Offering Special Offering—Interfaith Hospitality Network A special offering will be collected and dedicated today to help our IHN partners pilot a preschool program with the Somerset YMCA in Somerville. This is a licensed program that helps to prepare children for school as opposed to just providing minimal daycare. A successful pilot program will provide this opportunity for children who are currently unable to attend an educational preschool. Please mark your checks “Easter Offering” and thank you for your generosity. The Lilies gracing our sanctuary this morning have been given to the glory of God by members and friends in loving memory of: Genevieve C. Ames John W. Ames, Jr. Ed and Marlene Appollina Doris and Russ Ballantyne Helen Bauer Loved one of Marion Bonnell Russell and Mildred Boquist Dr. Robert G. Bramel Mr. Herbert Brown Priscilla Carswell Bruno Agnes and David Crowe Rocco and Natalie Dameo Rocque Dameo Cleo and Betty Dumaree William and Gertrude Emmitt Martha Feyler Carol Fricke Don Hagemann Elizabeth Hagemann Janice Hagemann Florence Hahn Mary Halliday Kimberly Boquist Hoare Bette R. Hood John P. Horton Parents of Paul and Marilou Howe Joseph B. Howell Lawrence P. Howell II Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Howell Robert Hurford Charles Jones James Kelly Mary K. Kuser R. George Kuser Emmie Weigell Lamp Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lawshe Ruth Roy Mansfield John Meyers Charles and Gertrude Miller Gwill and Jean Mundy Cheryl Neidlinger Nancy and John Nelson Mary Norrod Ethel O’Neill Arvid and Helen Pearson Ed and Edith Petill Gloria MacFayden Pilkington Carole Taylor Ready Patricia and Phil Repage Hilda Rodweller Gertrude Schmitt Allan Hamilton Smith, Jr. Allan Hamilton Smith, III Frances Smith Jane Sperber George and Anna Storm Ned and Virginia Sullivan Elly Todt Fred Winters Patrick Zaccheo Nelson Zeh The Lilies will be distributed by our Deacons to those in need this season. Opportunities to Give and Serve Thank you! Many thanks to all those listed below who volunteered for our recent hosting week for IHN. We had a smaller group than usual, but as usual they were well cared for and certainly well fed! For those who didn't have a chance to volunteer this week, we will again be hosting IHN guests the week of June 15th and would welcome your support. Special gratitude to: Jean Smith, Kris & Bill Emmitt, Courtney & Michael Battista, Katja Gruening, Lane/Nelson family, Rob Brown & Ellen Greenhorn, Estrid Jones, Sally Warman, Linda Lutes, Maureen Paterson & family, Dennis Jones, Herb Ryder, Jo Rosenthal, Joan & Scott Eichorn, Gary Ingram, Betsy & Chuck Miller, Helen Koenig, Ronna & George Storm, Cindy VanderVoort, Karen Cokewood, Marilyn King, Sue Pape, Margaret Klippel, Joanne Howell, George Fricke, Ruth Bashe, Ann Gaus, the Boy Scouts with Rudy Hyzer, Carol Skidmore & Richard Schmidt, Jeanette Fairbrother, Alex Ryder, and Tina Bramel. Coffee and Fellowship Time Please consider volunteering to host a Fellowship time by taking a few moments from your busy week to give of yourself in service to your church family. While fellowship is vital to the life of the church, for some individuals Sunday is the only opportunity they have to connect. To volunteer, please contact Nancy Sinni at 908-696-0317 or email at God’s Co-op Pantry The food donation item for the month of April is canned green beans. Please bring your donation to the church house. Thank you for your support! Church Staff Church House Office News Michelle Berger, our new church receptionist, began work April 2nd. The staff already feels blessed to have her on the team! Michelle's schedule had been designed to insure that the church office phones are answered during all office hours, including lunchtime. Please stop in to meet Michelle and offer her a warm BRPC welcome. The church office hours are: Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Office hours for support team are as follows: Cara Burchett, Pastors’ Secretary, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Pam Smith, Church Secretary, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday–Wednesday Michelle Berger, Receptionist, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, Friday 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Friends of the Shelter Friends of the Shelter Friends of the Shelter, a support group for the Resource Center of Somerset, which ministers to victims of domestic violence, began as a mission of our church twenty-seven years ago. In that time, with fundraisers like author luncheons and festive Derby Day events, it has raised over $1,500,000. It is also a shining example of what Rev. Jones recently mentioned as a “local hands-on mission” as we furnish, paint, plant and tend to the physical needs of the shelter itself. To learn more about this vital group, join us at our next meeting at 12:15 p.m., April 28 in the Church Parlor. For further information, or to attend this year’s Derby Day celebration at Baltusrol Golf Club, call Joan Baer at 953-0739 or president, Mary Ellen Cahill, 672-3309. Artistic Opportunity The Artist of the Month Program—featuring The Oak Tree Quilters This month, stop by the church house to see the beautiful display of the work of the Oak Tree Quilters. The Oak Tree Quilters meet weekly on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon in Westminster Hall. They make quilts for the VA Hospital to be used in Hospice on the patients’ beds. The quilts are later given to the families of the patients as a remembrance. Quilts are also made for IHN clients when they go into permanent housing, and for the babies of the mothers at Great Expectations. In addition to quilts, they make pressure pillows for New Jersey Cares which go to wounded vets, and sundresses which go with mission trips to Malawi, Ecuador Haiti, etc. New quilters of all levels are always welcome to join the group. If you, or someone you know, has a special gift to share—be it painting, photography, needlework, sculpture, or any other artistic medium, please call the A rtist of the Month coordinator, Janet Bentley in the church office. Homeless Solutions Homeless Solutions During difficult times there is nothing better to keep our minds off of our own troubles then to reach out and help someone in need. Homeless Solutions provides shelter for 25 homeless men, 10 homeless women, 19 families and 20 Safe Haven guests. The mission council is seeking volunteers to prepare and serve dinner to these families at the shelter. Volunteers need to arrive at the shelter by 4pm and dinner is served at 6pm. Clean up is done by the shelter residents. All menus are pre-planned or you may prepare your favorite specialty. One volunteer is also needed to shop for the groceries and all receipts are submitted to the church for reimbursement. If you feel called to this very special ministry please contact Karen Cokewood for additional details at 908.221.9323. 2014 Dates: May 31, July 5, September 6 and November 1. “Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” –Luke 6:38 Men’s Ministry Next Men’s Luncheon—Thursday, April 24 We welcome the Ridge A Cappella Choir to our next monthly Men’s Luncheon on Thursday, April 24 in Westminster Hall. Chef Gary Ingram is working on yet another culinary delight to make ours the best lunch in town! The lunch will take place from 12– 1 p.m. for the men (and the students from the choir.) We then welcome anyone to come and hear the concert from 1-1:30 p.m. Join us and bring a friend! Please sign up for lunch by calling the Church Reception Desk at 908-766-1616. Our suggested donation is $8. Membership Interested in Becoming a Member? Next Class, April 27 We extend a warm invitation to our “Exploring Membership” class and luncheon on Sunday, April 27 from 11:15 a.m.-1:45 p.m. (immediately following the 10:15 a.m. worship service) in the Church House Parlor, located across the street from the Sanctuary building. This is an excellent opportunity to share your faith journey and learn more about the beliefs and ministry of our church. Lunch will be served and childcare will be provided, if requested in advance. Jazz Sunday Next Sunday April 27 at 10:15 a.m. Join us for our 22nd annual Jazz Sunday Service, next Sunday April 27 at the 10:15 a.m. worship service. The service will be co-led by Hal Slapin and Nancy Nelson DiSisto. Don’t miss this inspiring worship service filled with wonderful jazz music! (Our traditional worship service will be held at 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel.) Adult Education Compassionate Communication 4-Week Program Beginning April 29 Do you find yourself in situations of conflict, opposing viewpoints, and issues around respect and consideration? If so, join us for a 4–week program on Compassionate Communication. We will explore: How to Communicate with “Difficult” People, How to Handle Conflict and Anger, How to Speak your Truth While Respecting Others, and other common challenges. Linda Mills, a member of BRPC has had extensive training in Compassionate Communication and will be facilitating the program. Name Tag Signup We're printing new name tags for everyone with our updated logo! You can sign up online ( or in Westminster Hall. Please wear your new name tags on Sundays to show our welcoming spirit to visitors (and each other)! Women’s Ministry Women’s Retreat—Saturday, May 3, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. So Many Hats, So Little Time—Led by Dr. Maureen Paterson How many hats do you wear? Ever feel like a “mad hatter”? How can we tame our hat collections? The annual Women’s Retreat will address these questions. The retreat will be held at the Shrine of Saint Joseph in Stirling, NJ. To register, please contact Maureen Paterson at Cost is $35 for a day-long retreat and a delicious meal. Please join us! Annual Meeting and Dinner Annual Congregational Dinner and Meeting—Sunday, May 4 Mark you calendars! A family potluck dinner followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday evening, May 4 at 5 p.m. in Westminster Hall. This will be an opportunity to celebrate the past year of our ministry together and to hear the children's choir sing. Please bring a dish to share: A-J entree, K-P dessert, Q-Z salad. We need a few helpers for cleanup! Please call Claire Pratt at 908-531-6072 or Chet Ehrman at 908-647-5022 to volunteer. Call for the Annual Congregational Meeting—Part 2 The Annual Meeting Part 2 of the Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, will be in Westminster Hall on May 4, 2014 immediately following the 5:00 p.m. Potluck Dinner, for the purpose of receiving reports of the Boards and Organizations; for the election of Elders, Deacons and Members-At-Large to the Church Officer Nominating Committee, and for such other business as may properly come before the Congregation. ~April 6, 2014 - Dick Fryling Clerk of Session Call for the Annual Meeting of the Corporation The Annual Business Meeting of the Corporation of the Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, incorporated by Act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey in the year 1785 as the Trustees of the Presbyterian Congregation at Baskenridge in the counties of Somerset and Morris, will be held in Westminster Hall on May 4, 2014, immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. This meeting is called for the purpose of hearing the Annual Report, for the election of new Trustees and members of the Financial Review Committee, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Congregation. ~April 7, 2014 - Jeff Schaub President of Trustees Weekly Calendar The Presbyterian Church EASTER SUNDAY—APRIL 20 Early Bird Bible Study, 7:45 am ...... Library Worship, 9:00 am ............................. Sanctuary Christian Education for All, 9:00 am Fellowship, 9:45 am ......................... Westminster Hall Worship,10:30 am ............................ Sanctuary Fellowship, 11:30 am ....................... Westminster Hall MONDAY—APRIL 21 Church Office Closed SCEEP, 3:00 pm ............................... TUESDAY—APRIL 22 Church House Oak Tree Quilters, 9:00 a.m. ............ Westminster Hall Spirit Program, 3:45 pm ................... Education Bldg. Youth Bells, 4:00 pm ........................ Sanctuary Youth Choir, 4:45 pm ....................... Sanctuary Alpha Bell Choir, 6:00 pm ............... Knox Room Communications, 7:00 pm ................ Library Knox Bell Choir, 7:15 pm ................ Knox Room Youth and Young Adult Min., 7:30 pm Youth Center Small Group, 7:30 pm ...................... Off-Site WEDNESDAY—APRIL 23 Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 am ........ Middle School Fellowship, 6:00 pm Senior High Youth Council, 7:45 pm Parlor Youth Center Library THURSDAY—APRIL 24 Men’s Luncheon, 12:00 pm .............. Westminster Hall Vision Task Force, 7:00 pm ............. Library Sanctuary Choir, 7:30 pm ................. Knox Room FRIDAY—APRIL 25 Book Group, 7:30 pm ...................... SATURDAY—APRIL 26 Sandy Workday, 7:00 am ................. Men’s Coffee and Conversation, 7:30 am Senior ‘14, 1:30 pm .......................... Next Sunday, April 27 Jazz Sunday 10:15 a.m. Worship Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel Library Off-Site Library Library One East Oak St., Basking Ridge NJ 07920 908.766.1616 FAX: 766.4450 e-mail: - Pastor & Head of Staff Rev. Dennis W. Jones .......................... ext. 15 Associate Pastor Dr. Maureen Paterson .......................... ext. 11 Parish Associate Rev. Bruce Schundler Acting Dir. of Ministries to Youth, Young Adults and their Families Jenna Meyers ....................................... ext. 17 Director of Ministries to Children Jacqueline Obregon. ........................... ext. 14 Tree House Director Jennifer Nowack. ............................ 221-1619 Minister of Music Mary Lou Stevens ........................... 953-9809 Director of Children’s Music Ministry Beth Donley ................................... 953-9809 Handbell Director Linda Langstaff .............................. 953-9809 Church Administrator & Treasurer Janet Bentley ....................................... ext. 18 Assistant Treasurers Liz Messineo ...................................... ext. 21 Nancy Kuhn ......................................... ext. 21 Pastoral Administrative Asst. Cara Burchett ....................................... ext. 19 Church Administrative Asst. Pam Smith ........................................... ext. 12 Receptionist Michelle Berger ................................... ext. 10 Interim Website Coordinator Gary Ingram ........................................ ext. 13 Sexton Staff Peter O’Connor ................................... ext. 16 David Brownlee Ministers All the People Clerk of Session Dick Fryling President of Trustees Jeff Schaub Moderator of Deacons Jann Slapin