the Parrot Head Press


the Parrot Head Press
the Parrot Head Press
a bi-monthly publication reporting the news & fun going on with
The Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc.
~ Volume 12 ~ Issue 6 ~ November & December 2008~
Sarasota Bay PHC 2008-2009
"Not-Bored" of Directors
Executive Board:
Dave Carpenter: 379-8991
Patti Myles: 727-0889
Vice President/Christmas Party
Beth Palumbo: 758-2070
Rich Myles: 727-0889
Treasurer & Golf Tournament
General Board:
Marla Hanratty: 966-2555
Lori Carpenter: 379-8991
Communications/Birthday Party
Al Palumbo: 758-2070
Environmental Director
Phil & Claudia Benz: 379-0197
David & Sherry Swartz: 358-0281
Environmental & Membership
Janet Norrell & Mary Zhender
Wayne & Sharen Sponseller: 496-7863
Tom Yorke: 536-0662
Rick Lenerise & Sandy Greiner:
Katie Fogarty-Zdebiak: 350-8724
John Pollock & Tami Mannel: 716-0560
Keets Committee
All phone numbers are area code (941)
Our Club Mission Statement:
The Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc. is
a not for profit social organization formed
to participate in community and environmental projects while providing a variety
of social activities for people with similar
Our Purpose:
To foster awareness and understanding of
local environmental issues and to provide
an organized means for active participation in projects which benefit Sarasota's
environment. We are all fans of the music
and lifestyle of Jimmy Buffett.
Notes from the Wandering Mind of Dave:
Hey Sarasota Bay Parrot Heads... you ought to be proud of yourselves! 2008 has been quite a great year for all of us and I am proud to be
part of this great club that has so much fun and does so much good for our
community and environment... Thinking about the last year... Wow have we
been busy!.... We cleaned our island & park three times already with the last
cleanup of the year coming up Nov 22, made lots of reef balls, partied on the
sandbars & beaches, watched sunsets together, had a golf tournament, a
lovely cruise on LeBarge, went bowling, canoeing on the Peace River, had a
rockin’ birthday party weekend... and while having this much fun we managed to raise a ton of money for Alzheimer’s Assn., Mote Marine & Reef Ball,
donated a bunch of goods for SPARCC, goodies for the kids at the Youth
Shelter, collected thousands of pop tops to raise funds for Alzheimer’s Assn.,
hundreds of ink cartridges to benefit local schools and send flip flops to the
troops.... quite a year of volunteerism and charity!
That brings us to last year’s Christmas Party where we just about filled a
17 ft U-Haul truck with toys and lots of bikes for Toys for Tots in conjunction
with the US Marines.... Hoooo Rhaaaa! LETS DO IT AGAIN! I would like to
personally invite every member of the club to this years “Christmas in the
Caribbean Party” on December 7th at Fun & Sun. We will have great food
and entertainment as usual... admission is free, all that we ask is that you
bring a toy or 2 for a tot! And please RSVP!
I am proud to be a Sarasota Parrot Head and proud of the generosity that we are able to show even in the rough economy which we now live.
Thank you to the Not-Bored of Directors and to every member for all you have
done to make SBPHC so successful! Cheers to a great year in 2009 - let the
fun continue!
Dave Carpenter
"Island Time Dave"
" ...where I go I know there's rum…."
E-FEST 2008
Join Sarasota Bay PHC on November 15-16, 2008 at the fourth annual e-fest.
E-fest is a major green living music and arts festival that unites hundreds of
organizations and thousands of individuals that care about our environment.
It will be held at the Lakewood Ranch Polo Grounds from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
each day.
Highlights include the Green-N-Healthy Expo with more than 200 exhibitors,
including Sarasota Bay PHC, panel discussions with top experts, the dynamic Children's Eco-Village, a special area promoting Florida-friendly landscaping, a tent displaying entries to the Efest Trash to Treasures Eco-Art Contest,
live performances by top bands on the main stage, eclectic dance performances on the performing arts stage, an eco-fashion show, a food court with
25 vendors, and a beer and wine garden. For more information, visit the efest
website at
SBPHC Events & Projects
E-Fest at the Sarasota Polo Grounds
Monthly Social Meeting at the Eagles 6-9
Accepting donations for All Faiths Food Bank
Christmas in the Caribbean SBPHC Members Only Party
- Toys for Tots Drive- Details to follow
25 Happy Birthday Jimmy Buffett
January 4th & 25th
Polo Tailgate Parties at Sarasota Polo Grounds
May 1-3
Mote’s Pirate Coast Dive Festival
June 12-13-14
~~ SBPHC’s Lucky 13 Birthday Bash ~~
October 3
8th Annual Parrot Head Open Golf Tournament
Online Club Calendar
Online Florida Region Calendar:
If you see this it means that the project
or event is Keet Friendly.
Bring the kids (keets)!
NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS are always welcome!
Send pictures and articles to Lori at
Articles over 350 words may be edited due to space.
Next Deadline January 10, 2009
From Tailgate Tom:
Mark your calendars because the 20082009 Polo Club tailgate contest schedule
just finalized.... two will be of great
interest to SBPHC and right up our
Hurricane Season is over so it’s time to clean
out the cupboards and donate those non-perishable items to All Faiths Food Bank. As we do
each November Social Meeting, we will have
donation collections for the food bank. Please
help those in need to have a better holiday season!
From their website:
The All Faiths Food Bank is a network of
people working together 365 days a year to
fight hunger throughout Sarasota and DeSoto
The All Faiths Food Bank distributes
approximately 4 million pounds of food a year
through its not-for-profit agency partners who
operate feeding/hunger relief programs in the
two counties. That's equivalent to 246,000
meals per month.
Now, more than ever, your help is needed.
Pop Tops/Pull Tabs:
Don’t throw them away! Save them all & bring
them to the monthly meetings. We collect these
& turn them in for cash which is donated to
Alzheimer’s Assn.. towards our Memory Walk
Fundraising. Just another reason to party with
a purpose!!!
Ink Cartridges:
1/4 "Margarita Madness" How is that for catering to their favorite
What do you do with your empty ink cartridges?
1/25 Pre-superbowl Football Fiesta. They have booked Latitude to Bring them to the next meeting, we collect
these & donate them to local schools who get
play after the match (3pm - 7pm)!!!
$3.00 per cartridge.
Flip Flops 4 Heroes:
They are planning to have a band for after-match
Flops and Lip Balm to the monthly
entertainment the last Sunday of Jan, Feb & March.
be sent to the troops in Iraq and
Emails will be sent with details on the club’s plans
closer to the dates.
On Saturday September 20th we were at the Bay Island Park
at 10:00 am to volunteer in the Coastal Clean-up. There were 66
members participating in the clean-up of Bay Island Park and our
adopted islands Edwards, Cook's and Coconut.
Our faithful Navy fleet consisting of Capts. A.J Collins, Dave
Carpenter,Bob Smith,Larry Beggs, and John Pollock were ready and
willing to transport the volunteers to the islands to pick up debris. A
couple of our members had their canoes and kayaks ready to circle
the islands for anything floating in the mangroves.
There were a few members that stayed behind to clean up
the main land park on both sides of the bridge, couldn't miss them
with their orange vests was a real fashion statement.
We collected 36 bags of garbage, a large boat cushion a small
patio table, and a suitcase full of very damp clothes that even the
police didn't want to touch. It was a job well done and the islands
and park look great.
After we cleaned up and got everyone back to the island we
enjoyed some great burgers and hot dogs grilled to perfection by our
famous chefs Dave and Phil. Thanks again guys.
Thanks again to everyone that helped out, it was a great success.
Hope to see you at the last clean-up for this year on Saturday
Nov. 22 same place same time. Will be signing people up at the
November meeting. Join us if you can for another fun day
on Parrot Head Island.
Thanks again from one of Al's People, Claudia
Next CleanupSaturday November 22nd
Contact Claudia to sign up
All Members are Invited!
Christmas in the Caribbean
Sarasota Bay Parrot Heads Holiday Party
Sunday December 7, 2008 - 3-8PM
Woodland Hall at Sun & Fun
7125 Fruitville Road Sarasota, Florida 34240
An unwrapped toy or monetary donation for
~ Toys for Tots ~
This party is paid for through funds raised
at our monthly meeting raffles.
Italian Buffet Dinner at 5:00 PM
2008 Parrot Head Of the Year Will Be Announced
~~ Cash Bar ~~
Music (4-8pm) Caribbean Connection:
John Friday & Dave Lapio
Contact Rich Myles 941-727-0889
Let him know your name and the names of all members you
are RSVP’ing for including Keets. After confirming your dues
are current, Rich will confirm your reservation with you.
Please RSVP By December 1st or you will miss all the fun!
If you are bringing a guest there is a $15.00pp
charge to cover their expense of the party
You must RSVP for your guest also.
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) Nov.2.2008 — Anthony
"Tony" Tarracino, a former mayor of KeyWest and
legendary bar owner of "Captain Tony's Saloon"
whose life was memorialized in a Jimmy Buffett
song, has died, according to his wife. He was 92.
Tarracino died Saturday after being hospitalized for about a week with a heart and lung
condition, said his wife of 38 years, Marty
Tarracino. She and seven of his children were with
him, sharing stories in his hospital room shortly
before his death, she added. "He loved Key West
and everyone here," she said. "Oftentimes, I've
heard him called the conscience of Key West."
He came to Key West from New Jersey in
1948 with $18 in his pocket. Ten years later he
purchased a bar on Greene Street and changed its
name to Captain Tony's Saloon. Tarracino was a
charter boat captain and raconteur fond of telling
colorful stories about the era of the mercenaries
of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, who opposed
Fidel Castro's communist Cuban regime. He
served as Key West's mayor from 1989 to 1991.
Captain Tony's colorful life included marrying four times and fathering 13 children. His story
was recounted in a film titled "The Cuba
Crossing," starring Stewart Whitman as Tarracino
and in a book called "Life Lessons of a Legend"
that Tarracino did with Brad Manard. Buffett, a
longtime friend, sang about Tarracino's exploits in
the song "Last Mango in Paris," from the 1985
album of the same name. A service was scheduled Saturday morning followed by a reception for
family and friends at Captain Tony's Saloon.
Although the bar retains the "Captain Tony's"
name, Tarracino sold it in 1989.
Volunteers are needed to help with
upcoming club projects!
~ Save our Seabirds:
(SOS) Has taken over the Pelican Man Bird Sanctuary. The
club is working on helping them with a few more projects.
Contact: Al Palumbo 758-2070
~ Christmas in the Caribbean Party:
Help is needed for check in from 3-6pm, and set-up earlier in
the day. Contact: Patti Myles 727-0889
~ The Lucky 13 Birthday Committee:
Will be forming and begin meeting in January. What do we need
help with... everything! Contact: Lori Carpenter 379-8991
~ New ‘Keets Committee’ forming:
Looking for ways to get the kids more involved with the clubs
projects? To join the committee or offer ideas
Contact: Tami Mannel
Surrender the Booty-We Did It!
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club- Thanks to all of you, we
won the monthly drawing which is the matted and framed Jimmy
Buffett album in the picture. We reached 100 Proof of Purchase
(POP) in August and won the September drawing from
Margaritaville foods.
We can't stop here, the final push is on. We need to collect as many POP's that we can before the end of the year. The
top prize is 2 tickets to the concert in 2009, round trip air fare
for 2, 2 nights at the MGM Grand, VIP access aboard the
Margaritaville Express, and dinner for 2 at the Margaritaville
Cafe, oh did I mention that it is in Las Vegas! The lucky winner
could be YOU!
For every POP that is brought in, an entry with your
name on it is put into a drawing. If we are lucky enough to win
a prize, only the people who brought in POP's will be eligible to
win. Get your name in the drawing, who knows, a trip to Las
Vegas could be in your future. Remember, it is not only POP's
from the Margaritaville shrimp, but also from their chips, salsa
and hummus. Don't forget to cut off the Proof of Purchase and
bring it to
meeting, or
Party I have
until the end
of the year
to get them
make SBPHC
the winners
we all know
we are!
SBPHC’s Good Deeds Are Noticed!
September 16, 2008
A big thank you to all that donated to
SPARCCS. I was overwhelmed when seeing all that
was given. You open your hearts to unknown
women and children. The ladies at the center were
amazed at the amount of stuff I had brought.
Thank goodness I own a truck and it was full. I not
only collect in September but every month. I just
store it in a large closet till it's full and then take it
to the Treasure Chest. That is where the women
can go to get things to start a home, get clothes
to go back to school, look for a job etc. Which is
free to them.
There is never much for children but some
of our Great Parrot Heads helped to change that.
Remember that anyone can go to the Treasure
Chest and shop. They have almost anything you
can think of. It is located at 1426 Fruitville Rd.
Thank You again!
~ Sharen Sponseller
Ms. Patti Myles
Sarasota Bay Parrotheads
P. O. Box 48814
Sarasota, Fl 34230
Dear Patti and all those wonderful Parrotheads:
Once again all of you have taken good care of our
young people in the shelter. Nicole tells me that you gave her
six shopping carts full of school supplies (valued at $1000.)
This should last all of our youth all year ! As you know, many
of the youth that we serve have numerous school problems
including truancy issues. You have set them up in such wonderful fashion that they will really have no excuse not to both
go to school and then to do their very best once they get there.
Throughout the years you have all been wonderful,
supportive friends. You have provided our troubled youngsters with many donations and a "special baseball evening"
each year including all kinds of extras. We even have a shelter piano that one of your members generously donated several years ago. Thanks so much for all you have done and
continue to do. Together you really help us provide better service for the children, youth and families of Manatee County !
Ann Melton
Executive Director
Don’t forget to RSVP for the club’s Dec 7
Christmas in the Caribbean Party!!
Pictured above: Bill & Peggy, Chris & Charles Sutterfield, on a family
vacation to Austrailia, wearing their SBPHC t-shirts for a camel ride
at Ayers Rock.
Taking a trip? Don’t forget to pack your club shirts and send me a
On September 27th 48 of our faithful flock made the trek to
Arcadia to take part in our annual canoe float trip. With a customary
casual start to the day we met at the Canoe Outpost at 10:30. Some of
our group assumed that the early meeting time was just right for an
early happy hour. After all, it had to be five o'clock somewhere. We were
stepping onto busses for the ride up river shortly after 11:00. After the
brief ride upstream, we all gathered our belongings from the back of the
bus and began to load up our canoes. I guess after all the years of practice the parrot Heads have learned to canoe with confidence. This year
I didn't notice one canoe tip over at the launch site.
Everyone seemed happy to be on the river
and we all meandered downstream for 30
minutes or so. At which point, the group
realized that canoeing could be hard work
if not done properly. Within 15 minutes we
had all 23 canoes tied together to create a
huge party barge. Even though, there was
no music playing, it didn't stop several
paddlers from playing musical canoes.
They clumsily climbed from one canoe to
another to greet friends and try to dunk
others into the warm tannin stained water.
The squirt guns were held in check but
that didn't seem to keep people any dryer
than years before. With splashing and swimming we all ended up wet.
A few hours into the trip we rounded a bend and found a wide sandy
beach to our left and a rope swing across the river to the right. The
hungry paddlers were entertained by the adventurous that took turns on
the rope swing. They got to see every imaginable dismount from graceful back flips and cannon balls to uncontrolled back aching wipeouts.
Once we were back in our canoes the remainder of the trip
seemed to cruise by too fast. Due to the nice warm weather and cloudless sky several attendees chose to don their life jackets and literally
float in the river. At one point one of the 3 alligators that was spotted
received an up close and not so scientific personal visit by one of our
swimmers. All in all the day was relaxing and appeared to be enjoyed
by everyone.
John Pollock
Thanks to
Gary &
for sharing
their MOTM
Above: Patti Weghorst meets Lucy
Buffett and buys her autographed
cookbook “Crazy Sista Cookin” for
next years b-day bash auction
We enjoyed a perfect weekend in Key West for Meeting of the Minds. I'll only
mention some of the highlights as everything was awesome. Started off a bit chilly but
we were prepared with sweatshirts for the Wacky Parrot Sunset Cruise with "Latitude"
entertaining us on board for 2 fun-filled hours on Wednesday evening...conga line on
a catamaran...what a great way to start off the long weekend.
Thurs: Spent two hours shopping at the Mini Mart after we checked in...met
Lucy Buffett and bought her cookbook. Caught the Sunny Jim, Jim Morris, John Frinzi
show at Conch Republic.....sun shining, cool breeze blowing, dancing and chatting with
friends. We always enjoy the Scott Kirby/Peter Mayer Night at the Beach concert.....nice way to chill for an evening.
Fri: SBPHC Bloody Mary Morning Party at Hog's
Breath.....great turnout and great fun. John Frinzi
brought along friends Doyle Grisham and John
Patti....what can I say besides WOW ....I WAS A VERY
HAPPY DANCER. I'd like to take this opportunity to
thank my volunteers...Gary and Sharon Campbell and
Bonnie Keegan for the incredible and much coveted job
of applying butt stickers to the opposite sex, Patti
Weghorst for getting donations for the remaining SBPHC
MOTM tee shirts and coozies.....Larry Hanratty for modeling the 6 pack belt for 2 hours.....Rob McNeal for doing
the live auction and encouraging the crowd to donate for
charity......a special thanks to club members from the
north for donating 4 artsy grey goose bottles as they
were a big hit. I was able to write the check to Wesley
House of Key West for $675 from the proceeds of the
party. The Margaritaville Street Fest featured Tropical
Soul, Boat Drunks and Club Trini. Hey, I even got to give
Robbie Greenwich (my favorite steel drummer in the
whole world) a birthday party lapel pin. Then it was off
to Durty Harry's for the First Annual Trop Rock Awards. I
am proud to report that our own Sunny Jim White won
Male Vocalist of the Year and the Nav-A-Gator won the
Best Trop RockVenue.Check out the rest of the winners
on .
Sat: Captain Tony passed away on Saturday afternoon. As a tribute (A Pirate Looks at 40) was being sung
by the crowd led by Howard Livingston.... the stage power went out.......wo......we
continued the song acappela. Very eerie and very fitting.The Saturday Beach Bash
was very uplifting and high energy by every band. Sunny Jim shined as usual and
introduced Jim Morris as the writer and singer of "Bar Stools and Beach Chairs" and
they occupied the stage together
with a very pleased crowd.
I am also proud to
announce that SBPHC's Tommy
Thompson won the Best Hat contest and Jimmy Sullivan, with
$9,700 in votes was voted in to be
Vice President of Margaritaville.
Tommy’s award winning 10ft+
Congrats to SBPHC members!
tall hat. SBPHC Members have
We Rock!
set the bar for this competition
winning it 2 out of 2 times.
~~ DesdeMarla
Way to go Tommy!!
Charlotte Lanier
Melissa & Ty Cain
Dave & Tina Fontaine
Sara Acker
Hillary & Courtney Howe
George & Luanne Howe
Mary Beisell & Dave Mills
George & Lorraine Wolfinger
Jerry & Sheree Cade
Jim & Cynthia Becker
Richard & Laura Dobkins
Lisa Evans
Leslie Mulford
Jack & Patsy Snider
Patti Weghorst
Sonny & Barbara McManus
Esther Smith & Pat Fecher
Don & Virginia Martin
Elizabeth Brown
Connor, Heidi & John Lawrence
Bob Rose
Steve & Mary Smith
Ryan Hackl
Ann Andrews
Tom & Lucie Przybylowic
Steve & Ann Ballard
Allen Ward
Pete & Patti Woodman
Tony & Donna Woods
Kimberly & Danielle Bollier
Sharon Stevens
Marla Galley
Dave & Sherry Swartz
Jubal Ackerson
Every month I spotlight our new members that I have met at the meetings.
When you see them at the next event, please make them feel welcome. They
all have a story to tell and joined to make new friends, clean up the environment and have some fun along the way. Our question this month is:
"If you had a boat, what would you name it & why?"
- Sherry Swartz
Cut & Redeem
For One Free Raffle Ticket
at the November Meeting
in the Eagles Courtyard
-They know Larry Beggs & Joe & Kim Pratt from the
Linger Lodge and they still joined!
-Tom is a retired Auto Worker from Mass
-Catherine is a retired horse trainer from Race Track
USA, she has worked at about every track in the US,
and has done about anything there is to do with horses
- Tom would name his boat "Miss Budweiser" because
this beer's for ME!
- Catherine would name her boat "Luntga" which is
German for Win Horse
- G.W. is past member from the Bob's days
- Matilda is from Brazil, she has lived in the area for
the past 11 years
- She knew about Buffett in Brazil, I guess he is truly
an International Star
- They would name their boat "I Dream" because they
have big dreams
- Joy has been in Florida for 8 years, she moved down
from Ohio, but it didn't take her "four days on a boat"
- She is a big Buffett fan, but she lives in a divided
family, since her husband is not a Buffett fan!
- She is an Insurance Agent
- I guess there is no boat in her future, as she couldn't come up with a boat name
- He is a friend of Missy Cain and has lived in Sarasota
for about 5 years
- Alan has had so much fun accompanying Missy to
SBPHC events that he decided to join
- He has also volunteered at Eternal Reef
- There is no name and no boat in his future
- Jeff is from Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Heartland of
the USA
- He loves to fish, kayak and ride his motorcycle
- He does custom glass work, the type you would see
behind a fancy bar
- His boat would be named "All Mine Too" he says
there is a long story connected to that one!
- The newest edition to the Kevin Dunn family
- He was named after Kelly McGuire and is a miniature
Grey Hound
- Patrick is the "Boater from Hell"
- He is a Condo Maintenance Supervisor
- In his spare time he likes to watch Guess Boats and
Offshore Drags
- His boat is "Sara Bay" because he loves Sarasota,
and says it is bad luck to change the name of a boat
once it is named.
- She retired and moved to Venice from Western NY
- She is interested in the club’s Environmental projects
- Her boat would be named "YES" because life is good
- Janet joined because she is looking for some variety
in her life, she is a JC Penny decorating consultant.
- Her family thought Jimmy Buffett was related to
them, i.e. Uncle Jimmy, because only Jimmy Buffett
music was played in their house. They lived in a JB
-If her Daddy gave her money, she would name her
boat "Daddy's Money"
- If her daughter hit the lottery and shared, she would
name her boat "Wind Dancer" because her daughter
loves to dance
- If no one left her any money she would name her
boat "Hula Girl at Heart"
- She is a friend of Tammy Mannel, and has attended
many SPBHC functions with her.
- She also works with Tammy at the bank, where she
is the Marketing Director. She does writing, editing
and proof reading and would like to get involved with
the newsletter
- She would name her boat "Pywacket" after the cat
in the book "Bell, Book & Candle"
George & Debra Humes
Linda Sabatino
Judy Giovanelli & Kevin
Kathleen Henehan
Janet Miller
Cheryl Escott
Ron Lenz
Gerry & Elaine Letendre
Patrick Sutherland
Paul & Sue & Margo Damico
Jeff Wieland
Joy Shanafelt
GW Dowden & Mitilda Boss
Patti Heien
- They moved to Sarasota from Bear, Delaware 3
years ago
- Paul is semi retired from GM, and Sue is a
Commercial Lender from Sea Side Bank
- Paul is also in CNA, which allows him to do Health
Care in private homes
- He would name his boat "Martigo Q" after Marty, his
daughter Margo, and his wife Suzy Q
Welcome to the
Parrot Head World!
Rich & Patti Myles are the
very proud grandparents of
Ayden Phillips Born 10-19-08
L E E & C O M PA N Y
A New Generation of Travel Specialist
Ann Lee T.S.
Owner & Parrot Head
Office: 941-742-6476
Mobil: 941-448-1311
Fax : 941-708-6753
Lou Davis
Mortgage Loan Officer
Office: 941-927-8293
Fax: 941-925-3563
3577 Clark Rd
Sarasota, FL 34231
Caribbean Gold Jewelry
Original Designs
By Parrot Head Buddy Hill
7650 S. Tamiami Tr
Nautical Jewelry
Custom Pieces
Unique Gifts
Charlie Rose
Hey Parrotheads, are you traveling this holiday season?
Want some of the most competitive rates available?
I would appreciate your business on my travel website.
I am working on my travel agent credentials
and need bookings to get to the next level.
Click on "Book Travel" at:
Thanks, Charlotte Lanier
We’re gonna celebrate like they do “down island”
June 12, 13 & 14, 2009
at the Holiday House & Club 4:45
455 US 41 Bypass Venice 941-485-5411
Featured Entertainers so far:
DJ Albert
Jack Mosley & Band
Jason Webb ‘Caribbean Chillers’ Duo
Jimmy Parrish & The Ocean Waves Band
John Frinzi
James ‘Sunny Jim’ White
Parrot Head Discount Hotel Rates $69.00/nt
Registration for the party will open soon $60.00pp
You must be registered to attend.
Mark your calendar this will be a grand celebration!
Stay tuned to more details as the committee forms
To join the committee contact Lori 379-8991
From the time I met MARGE
MCKEEVER, AKA Captain Marge, I
have been fascinated with the
person she is and the life she has
led. She is the true "Vagabond"
who says she has no roots, just
Her journey began in
Kansas, which she escaped right
out of high school. She was to
marry 3 times, have 3 children
and get her degrees from Butler and Ball State while her
children were in school. She lived in New Orleans for 2
years, where her husband played yard parties with all the
old jazz musicians. This was an interesting time for Marge,
she said it opened new windows and doors to the world.
From there she moved to New Mexico where she worked
at the University of New Mexico. After her last child graduated from High School, and had no desire to continue her
education, Marge headed for St Pete. For the next year
and a half she sailed with friends and crewed on other
boats. She decided to buy a 52 foot sail boat, one big
enough to sail around the world if she wanted to. She
never made it around the world but has sailed in every
ocean but the cold ones, which would be the Artic &
This is where it gets really interesting. Marge was going
to move to St. Johns, but ended up roaming around the
Caribbean Islands for the next 15 years, she was easily
recognized with her long blonde hair (long enough to sit
on) and each toe nail painted half Green & half Red for the
Port and Starboard side of the ship. She got her Captain's
license (referred to as a 6pack) after the first year of sailing. This allowed her to take at least 6 people out on a
charter at a time. She would work for 3-4 months and
earn enough money to take off the rest of the year. She is
constantly amazed at how small the world really is, as she
keeps running into the same people over and over again,
always in a different port or country.
Her years of sailing are filled with many stories, from
being held a prisoner in Cuba for 1 ½ months, to meeting
Jimmy Buffett before he was rich and famous, to being
called the "Lady Godiva" of St Johns. The next time you
see her, ask her about the bet she lost when trying to
name the last sail boat that she bought. The stories are to
numerous to mention, but she is glad to share with anyone who is interested, just prepare to be intrigued and
Marge moved to Anna Maria Island in 1995 and
moved to Sarasota in 1999. She now lives in a small pink
house with fish sculptures on the lawn. Her sailing is done
for long stretches of time with her Daughter and Son In
Law, who since their retirement, have been living and sailing on a sailboat for the last 18 years. (I wonder where
they got that idea!) After Marge's incredible life, when
asked what she is most proud of, her reply was, "Being a
good friend, always ready to lend a helping hand when
one is needed". Her motto is "I'll live each day and sleep
when I'm dead". We hope that sleep doesn't come for a
long, long time, this Parrot head just has too much to
share with the rest of the world. ~ Sherry Swartz
For three Sundays in a row, volunteers from the club met early, around
7:30am, at Save Our Seabirds, and spent up to 6 hours each week trying to
get a jump on the projects the club has decided to take on. The work we
accomplish will help this wonderful organization to get back on its feet again.
My original hope was to disassemble the large cage at the back of the property and clean out the overgrowth around the two cages, so we could get a better idea of how to proceed with the repairs needed. I thought that would be
a great start, if we could do it in just three weeks. Well, all I can say is I underestimated this group!
Week 1 - We concentrated on cutting the over grown front fence line,
in order to fix the cage wall behind it. That same day we were given use of a
hydraulic lift that had been rented by another volunteer group, and before we knew it, the cage roof section was
down. Not a bad day's work.
Weeks 2 and 3 -We split our workers into two groups, one on disassembling the back cage, and the other on
repairing the cage that would become home to several injured Ospreys. Well, by the time this group was done, the
big cage was well underway, the cage in the back is almost completely disassembled, and as for the Osprey cage, it
is finished and the Osprey have been moved into their new home.
I would like to give a huge Thank You, and a team drink to everyone who came out and did so much in so little time. Soon we will be announcing future dates to complete the work that is yet to be done. We hope to
have even more volunteers to come out help and be a part of the worthwhile and satisfying project. So watch your
emails for future work dates.
Thanks for all you do! ~ Al
For the past few years, Richard Myles has informed me that I have to play
in the Parrot Heads annual golf tournament, benefitting the Alzheimer’s society.
Since I always do whatever Richard tell me…thus it was on October 4th, that I
was at Bobby Jones participating in another Parrot Head Golf Tournament. We
played at the newly renovated British Course and then we reassembled at Twin
Lakes Park on Clark Road for a great “cookout” and awards ceremony.
“Who are the Parrot Heads,” I ask myself….
Being an old ex-newspaper man, it didn’t take me long to discover what
a great organization it is. The madness started with one club in Atlanta and has
blossomed into a network of over 200 clubs around the U.S., plus international
clubs in Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Australia.
I discovered it’s a not for-profit organization whose purpose is to assist in
community concerns and charity. These networks of clubs have raised more than
$13 million in the past 6 years for their various charities. By the way, this year’s
golf tournament raised more than $3,600 to help Alzheimer’s patients.
The club also provides a variety of social activities to people who are
interested in the music of Jimmy Buffet and the tropical life-style he personifies.
And now for the winners…..
~ Every man or woman who played in the tournament was a winner.
~ All the guys and gals who helped with the food and prizes were winners.
~ Patti Myles, Vice President of the club, and her husband Richard, Treasurer,
were winners for all their work and dedication.
~ Alzheimer’s Assn.. was a winner for the money raised to support their efforts.
~Contributed by Ed Pierce, Former Managing Editor of the Sarasota Herald
Tribune and the oldest golfer in the tournament at 88 years young!
Team Drink's are going out to Rich
Myles for planning another awesome time at the 7th Annual Parrot Open
Golf Tournament this past weekend. Great Job Rich!!! Through raffles,
hole sponsorship and registration fees $3600. was raised for Alzheimer's
Assn.. Way to Go Parrot Heads!
Congrats to Keith Ramey for winning the Corona Neon Sign, Team
Wannabees for winning 1st Place, The Gas Passers & We Tippers who
won the cart decoration contest and to "Damn! Nice Shirts" (who made
us all laugh) who won for the wackiest dressed team.
Other winners include:
Long Drive Men
Brett Schnathmann - Wanabees
Long Drive Women
Denise Johnson -Come Monday
Best Putter
Joe Giordano- Irish Mafia
Closest To The Pin#8 & 17 Patti Pilarski-Furr Burger & A Side Of Thighs
Closest To The Pin#12 Bill Prizio- Irish Mafia
Closest To The Pin #4 Dave Strait - Jackson Auto Body
After five years of planning, hard work and raising money to
complete our Parrot Head Reef project, Phase III is now completed and all the balls are now sitting on the bottom of the Gulf off
Lido Key. Last month the rest of the reef balls, for Phase III, were
deployed. Special thanks to Gary & Sharon for sharing their pictures from that day.
While the balls sat
on a barge at Harts
Landing for a few days
so some of us were
able to get out to see them by boat. They looked quite big!
Now the water is a little chilly but the visibility is
good, next step is to dive our Parrot Head Reef site and move
the final balls into place of our compas rose design. We plan to
take two or three
days of diving to
complete the task
of moving the reef
balls into place. This will be done with lift bags and a lot of hard
work, but in the end, we will have a truly unique reef that we
can call our own. On one of these dives, we will also deploy the
latest addition to Phase II, a club reef ball from Pirates On The
Ridge in Winter Haven, FL.
Get ready and watch for emails for the exact dates for
some awesome weekend diving.
~ Al
_______Early or On-Time Renewal
(within 30 days of due date - see your address label )
Member 1___________________________________
Member 2____________________________________
_____________Zip _______________
Phone # (____)________________________
Email ________________________________
How did you hear about our club?_________________
______ Couple $35.00
______ Single $25.00
______ Keets $5.00 each
________New Member or _____ Late Renewal
______Couple $ 40.00
______Single $30.00
______Keets $5.00 each
Today’s Date______/______/08
Amount Enclosed $__________________
Mail to: Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club, Inc.
PO Box 48814 Sarasota Fl 34230
Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc.
PO Box 48814
Sarasota FL 34230
PERMIT No. 802
Don’t forget to RSVP for the Christmas in the Caribbean Party Dec 7th
In the Courtyard of the Eagles
501 N. Beneva Rd, Sarasota
~ Food & Drink Specials
~ Great Raffle Prizes
~ Bring your ‘Recycleables’
Ink Cartridges & Pop Top Pull Tabs
~ Bring Flip Flops or Lip Balm for the Troops
~ Bring Margaritaville Foods proof of purchase
~ Bring donations for All Faiths Food Bank or the
Humane Society
Sign up for :
~ Nov 22nd Island Cleanup
~ Dec 7th Christmas Party
Bring a new member that joins at the meeting,
introduce them to our membership crew
and you each get 5 FREE raffle tickets!
$20.00 per issue or $100.00/yr (guaranteed 6 issues)
Contact Lori:
Thank You and Fins Up
to our Meeting Raffle Donors
Marla Galley
Sharen & Wayne
Holly & John Mohre
Cindy Maka
Tom & Lucie Przybylowic
Genie Williamson
Tommy Thompson
Lisa & Bob Smith
Phil & Caludia
Buddy Hill- Caribbean Gold Jewelers
Nina Insinna

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