La Prensa
La Prensa
INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS & CITIES IN-BETWEEN! Gratis! DETROIT, Since 1989. TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! March/marzo 9, 2007 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 40, No. 26 El Camino Sky Grand Opening, p. 20 I Pledge to Vote this Year! Vote! Cash To Go Page 9 DENTR O: DENTRO Voter registration and pledging to vote this year is rocking-rolling, hippity-hopping, and cumbiaing all the way! If you (or someone you know between the ages of 17 ½ - 30 years) want to register to vote this year, contact me right away. I will take your picture, get a quote and put it in La Prensa. Your vote will not (Continued on Page 14) Día de la Mujer: Anita López takes the reins at the auditor’s office By Fletcher Word, Special to La Prensa CQ 6HOHFFLR (VWHODU 3UHFLRV V $PNQSVFCFMBEJGFSFODJB (VWHODUH 8VWHGWLHQHXQDPLJRHQ 3UHPLHU7R\RWD6FLRQ 7RPHOD5RXWH KDVWD2DN3RLQW5G $PKHUVW2KLR SUHPLHUWR\RWDFRP 6+2372<27$ March 8 is International Women’s Day and on that date, at 4:00PM at the Mayores Senior Center in Toledo, Lucas County Recorder Anita López will be sworn in as the new auditor by Lucas County Common Pleas Presiding Judge Charles J. Doneghy, a longtime friend of the beloved and departed Judge Joseph A. Flores. As has been widely reported, López has encountered anything but a smooth transition as she prepares to take over the office on March 12, 2007. The current Auditor, Larry Kaczala, whom López defeated on Nov. 7, 2006, has attempted, says the auditor-to-be, to protect the jobs of family and friends in the office by a variety of stalling tactics. Nevertheless, López has plowed ahead, making plans, hiring key staff members and focusing on the issues she raised during her campaign, such as the inequities of Democrats ask GOP to stop anti-immigrant bashing game ........... 2 México quiere dar ejemplo a EEUU en reforma migratoria 2 U of M hosts prisonerart exhibition ............ 4 Alebrije’s A Rose of Two Scents ................. 4 City Club ................... 5 Davide García .......... 6 Deportes .................... 7 Clausura .................... 7 HOROSCOPO .......... 8 Jennifer López embraces roots ........ 8 Carla’s Corner ........ 9 Día de la Mujer ...... 11 Obituaries ............... 12 Events ................. 12-13 Horoscope ............... 13 Lottery Results ...... 15 Classifieds .......... 15-18 Kroger Game Sale . 19 Breves Lucas County Auditor Anita López the home valuation process. “My number one qualification is that I am committed to serving everyone fairly,” she says of her aspirations for the new position. “Everyone is someone.” One of the reasons for that commitment (Continued on Page 6) No Credit - Bad Credit - No Problem (Special Financing Available) It’s Income Tax Refund Time—See Dave Sánchez! Chávez propone crear organización gasífera sudamericana CARACAS (AP): El presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez propuso a los países sudamericanos que se unan para constituir una agrupación de productores de gas natural tomando como modelo la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP). Chávez comentó que le sugirió a su colega argentino Néstor Kirchner “esta idea” para que “hagamos una especie de organización de países (Continua en la p. 9) 7 LEGUAS Western Wear 5880 Monroe St. at Alexis Sylvania, Ohio 43560 (419) 885-4444 1-800-392-4389 ~ Se Habla Español ~ Escuche 7139 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 Botas y más! Página 17 Dave Sánchez 313.841.7526 New & Used Sales & Leasing Lady Di 95.3 FM cada domingo 3:00PM-8:00PM • Grandma’s Country Cookin’ • Breakfast Breakfast,, Lunch, & Dinner • Comida Buena • 3312 Glendale Ave. • 419-382-1115 • La Prensa Político Página 2 March/marzo 9, 2007 Democrats ask Republicans to quit college hiding game of ‘Catch an Illegal Immigrant’ México quiere dar ejemplo a EEUU en reforma migratoria WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2007 (AP): Top Democrats are telling the Republican Party’s national chairman to stop Republicans on college campuses from holding “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” events across the country. Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean joined with Ramona Martínez, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee’s Hispanic caucus in sending a letter to Por JULIE WATSON TULTITLAN, México (AP): Felipe Calderón espera mostrar a George W. Bush cuando visite México este mes que puede lograr la completa reforma migratoria que Washington no ha cumplido—no sólo con operativos en la frontera sino también creando un programa para trabajadores temporales y mejorando las condiciones para los centroamericanos. Calderón afirma que es posible una migración controlada, según reveló previo a la visita programada del presidente Bush los días 13 y 14 de marzo. Autoridades anunciaron la primera fase del plan la tarde del martes, prometiendo mejoras a los 48 centros de detención de inmigrantes, en respuesta a críticas de que a los centroamericanos se les niegan los mismos derechos que México exige para sus ciudadanos en Estados Unidos. “La frontera de México con Guatemala y Belice es un enorme foco rojo porque tenemos una frontera sur porosa con muy poco control de acceso de quienes vienen de Centroamérica y otras regiones por esa parte del país”, reconoció Florencio Salazar, subsecretario de asuntos migratorios de la Secretaría de Gobernación (Departamento del Interior). Calderón también presionará al Congreso mexicano para tipificar la inmigración ilegal como una infracción civil en vez de un crimen, expresó Salazar. Los republicanos en el Congreso de Estados Unidos han decidido ir en dirección contraria, buscando dar un tratamiento de criminales a los indocumentados. “De la misma forma que exigimos el respeto a los derechos humanos de nuestros paisanos, tenemos la responsabilidad ética, legal, de respetar los derechos humanos y la dignidad de quienes provienen de Centro y Sudamérica y cruzan por nuestra frontera sur”, expresó Calderón a los pocos días de haber asumido la presidencia. Bush respalda el llamado de México para un acuerdo migratorio que permita que mexicanos busquen visas temporales de trabajo, pero el Congreso contempla votar Mel Martínez, the Republican chairman, that asked him to “put a halt to the events.” The game is a variation of hide-and-seek. One player poses as an undocumented immigrant, and everyone else tries to find that person. The winner usually gets a prize. Tracy Schmitt, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, said, “We find these activities both egregious and offensive and condemn them wholeheartedly.” But she noted the College Republicans are independent of the committee, and “We do not control their activities.” Democrats sent a similar letter to Chairman Martínez’s predecessor, Ken Mehlman, in September, noting that college Republicans were holding similar “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” events in Pennsylvania and Texas. The Republican group condemned the activities at the time. U.S. Congress honors Richards with resolution Feb. 27, 2007 (AP): The late Texas Gov. Ann Richards was honored Tuesday with a resolution passed by members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz introduced the bill in late 2006, but it was not considered before Congress adjourned in December. Richards, Texas’ second female governor, died in September 2006 after battling esophageal cancer. She served one term as Texas governor and was defeated in 1994 by George W. Bush, who later became president. During her term, she made nearly 3,000 appointments, 46 percent female, 15 percent black, 20 percent Hispanic and 2 percent Asian. “Growing up as a son of migrant workers in segregated South Texas, I was painfully aware of the power dynamic in place that placed those of privilege high above the working poor,” Ortiz said in a statement on the House floor in Washington, D.C.. “Ann Richards sought to turn that tide. During her service as governor of Texas, she appointed more females and minorities than any other governor by far.” Writers, Cartoonists, et al. Wanted La Prensa is interested in journalistic/holistic/paranormal articles, essays, commentaries, healing-thought-pieces, poems, cartoons, art, photos, puzzles and other brainbashers, songs, and other provocative items, for possible publication in the weekly, bilingual publication known as La Prensa, publishing since 1989. We also post many of these items on our web site at We pay $$$ for these published items. Bilingualism preferred (Spanish/English). For possible publication, please submit via email to, attn: Rico. It doesn’t exist unless you have read it in La Prensa—Tinta con Sabor! La Prensa Newspaper Staff Culturas Publications, Inc. Rebecca McQueen Editorial: Claudia Annoni-Monzón Carla Soto-Cruz Alan Abrams Wendy Cuellar de García Arooj Ashraf Marcus Tito Atkinson Davide García Art/Graphics/Web: Jennifer Retholtz Advertising: Rubén Torres 440-320-8221 Aida Maxsam 419-242-7744 Carla Soto-Cruz 313-729-4435 Joe Campos 419-283-1490 Rico Distribution: Wally Rodela, Joe Campos, & Rico Luis Cabrera/Jaime Hernández Bobby Romero, Mónica Ramos Publisher Business Manager Associate Editor 313-729-4435 Entertainment Editor Senior Correspondent Detroit Correspondent Cleveland Correspondent Columbus Correspondent Cartoonist, Spanglish, Pau & Yami Graphics Manager & Webmaster Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager Toledo Account Executive Detroit Account Executive Account Executive Cacographer, Graphics, & Sales NW Ohio & Michigan NE Ohio Western & Central Ohio Culturas Publications, Inc., d.b.a. La Prensa Newspaper Headquarters: Adams Street, downtown Toledo, Ohio Mailing Address: La Prensa, PO Box 9416, Toledo OH 43697 • Tierra phone 419.870.6565 • Fax: Please use e-mail address below SALES: 419.870.6565 • E-mail: .la pr • • web site: www .lapr Limit: Five free copies per reader. Additional copies are $1.00 each. Hardcopy subscriptions $100 per year. Emailed link to pdf is gratis. Member of Newsfinder, an affiliate with AP. © by Culturas Publications, Inc. 1989-2007 La Prensa’s Detroit Office Detroit MI 48209 Carla Soto/Claudia We accept: Discover, Visa, & MC 313.729.4435 sólo para endurecer las medidas en la frontera. Washington también ha exhortado a México a hacer más para detener a los centroamericanos que se trepan a trenes de carga y que se conectan con la extensa red de traficantes de personas para ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos. Y Michael Chertoff, secretario de Seguridad Interior, dijo que el gobierno del presidente Bush se ha ofrecido a asesorar a México en formas para asegurar su frontera sur. México informó que detuvo a 182.705 inmigrantes ilegales el año anterior, una pequeña fracción de más del millón de indocumentados que, tras cruzar su frontera, atrapó Estados Unidos. Calderón ve todo esto como un problema de ley y orden: Las pandillas centroamericanas operan en ambos lados de la frontera que México comparte con Guatemala, robando a migrantes y contrabandeando con drogas, y los migrantes también son maltratados por la policía mexicana y los funcionarios de inmigración. El año anterior, 187 funcionarios mexicanos de inmigración fueron disciplinados, la mayoría por “falta de respeto a los derechos humanos”, dijo Cecilia Romero, la máxima funcionario. Los planes de su departamento son “eliminar por completo esta terrible situación”, mejorando el acceso a abogados y defensores de derechos humanos y prohibir que indocumentados sean retenidos en cárceles comunes, entre otras reformas. México hopes to do what Washington has not: Control migration, start Guestworker program TULTITLAN, Feb. 28, 2007 (AP): President Felipe Calderón hopes to accomplish the sweeping immigration reform Washington has failed to adopt—not just cracking down on the southern border but also creating a guestworker program and improving conditions for undocumented Central American migrants. Proving that controlled, regulated migration is possible is the immediate political goal of Calderón, who is Felipe Calderón unveiling the ambitious reforms shortly before President Bush visits México on March 13-14, 2007. Calderón’s migration agency announced the first phase Tuesday, pledging improvements to 48 detention centers in response to criticism that undocumented Central American migrants are denied the respect México demands for its citizens in the U.S. The Interior Department said it will soon reveal details of its Safe Southern Border Program to move against undocumented crossers, violent gangs in the border zone and abuse of migrants by authorities throughout México. “We have a porous, southern border with little control of who comes in from Central America and other regions,” acknowledged Florencio Salazar, the department’s deputy secretary of migration affairs. Calderón also will push México’s Congress to make being undocumented a civil violation, rather than a crime, Salazar said. By contrast, Republicans in the U.S. Congress have sought to treat undocumented migrants as felons. The president also has promised a more formal guest-worker program for Central Americans. “Just as we demand respect for the human rights of our countrymen, we have the ethical and legal responsibility to respect the human rights and the dignity of those who come from Central and South America and who cross our southern border,” Calderón has said. Details have not been released, but experts expect an expansion of México’s seasonal farm worker program, which issues at least 40,000 temporary visas a year, mostly to Guatemalans. Most work in coffee plantations in southern Chiapas state, and many often face problems over pay, medical care and housing. Migration experts say Calderón wants to stop those abuses while also allowing (Continued on Page 14) STATEMENT ON LA PRENSA READERSHIP La Prensa Newspaper has been publishing since 1989 and prints 12,000 issues of its weekly, bilingual issue as can be verified by calling our printer Michigan Web of Lapeer MI at 810-664-7403. In addition, the first week of every month, La Prensa is part of the weekly publication Lazo Cultural, which prints 5,000. La Prensa has a 92% pick up rate with a readership multiple of 3.6, yielding in a total weekly readership figure of 64,600 for the first week of each month. It is not about numbers being printed, but numbers being printed, then distributed, then picked up, and then read. PR+D+PI+R=64,600, including our Web site visitors of over 1,000 per day at • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • March/marzo 9, 2007 Page 3 Gobernador de Tenesí visitará a guardias en frontera con México Mexican boy secreted by mother into U.S. for cancer treatment dies at age 8 Por ERIK SCHELZIG By BETSY BLANEY Associated Press Writer LUBBOCK, TX, Feb. 27, 2007 (AP): An 8-yearold Mexican boy whose mother illegally brought him into the U.S. for cancer treatment and then struggled with immigration laws has died, officials said. Months after being deported to Juárez, México, Luis Carranza’s mother was permitted to return to the U.S. to be with her son until his death Thursday at his grandparents’ home in El Paso, Child Protective Services officials said. Protective services and the mother had shared custody of Luis. NASHVILLE, Tenesí (AP): El gobernador Phil Bredesen viajará a Arizona el jueves para ver a la Guardia Nacional de Tenesí en acción a lo largo de la frontera con México. Unos 800 guardias del estado se encuentran destacamentados en Arizona y se irán rotando cada cierto tiempo. Es la mayor cantidad de efectivos enviados por una entidad, indicó Bredesen. “El ver la situación allá abajo de primera mano es simplemente una parte esencial del proceso de toma de decisiones”, señaló el funcionario. Hay aproximadamente 6.000 soldados de la Guardia Nacional que proporcionan apoyo logístico a la patrulla fronteriza. El secretario de Seguridad Interior, Michael Chertoff, dijo que los soldados han provocado que el número de intentos para cruzar la frontera disminuya dramáticamente. Pero un encuentro entre cuatro guardias de Tenesí y un grupo de hombres armados no identificados— en el cual ninguna de las partes hizo disparos—a lo largo de la frontera mexicana en Arizona el mes pasado generó interrogantes en torno a las reglas que regulan dicho tipo de situaciones. De seis a ocho pistoleros—que probablemente se dirigían a México con dinero producto del tráfico de drogas—se acercaron a los soldados en un puesto de observación nocturna el 3 de enero. Nadie disparó, y el enfrentamiento concluyó cuando los efectivos estadounidenses se retiraron para ponerse en contacto con la patrulla fronteriza. Entonces los pistoleros huyeron hacia México. Bredesen ha hecho caso omiso de las exhortaciones de legisladores en Arizona y Tenesí para que permitan que la guardia pueda participar La Prensa is in need of sales & distribution personnel throughout Michigan, Ohio, & Indiana. If you want to make extra $$, contact Rico at 313-729-4435 or 419-870-6565. en confrontaciones armadas a lo largo de la frontera, y considera que dichos llamados son “políticos”. “No hubo ningún deseo de emplearlos (a los soldados de la Guardia) en operaciones directas para hacer cumplir la ley, en el sentido de rastrear a la gente y arrestarla”, señaló Bredesen tras un discurso el sábado ante la Guardia estatal en Nashville. “(El gobierno) tenía muchas ganas de tener observadores y personas para vigilar la frontera y poner a los agentes de inmigración en la pista de personas que estaban cruzando ilegalmente”, agregó. El general de división Gus Hargett, principal comandante de la Guardia de Tenesí, dijo que el pedirle a la guardia que se involucre en confrontaciones armadas es “una mala idea” que podría militarizar la frontera con México. “Luis was a remarkable boy, and I don’t think anybody around here will forget him soon,” child services spokesman Greg Cunningham said. “He showed incredible strength to hang on for so long. That really inspired a lot of people here.” Luis’ death came less than two years after his mother, Guadalupe Carranza, first brought him to Lubbock where hospital charity workers arranged for free bus tickets to come for treatment. Carranza was reported to the state after she was late for a few appointments and was later deported. As the boy’s condition worsened and a do-not-resuscitate order was granted, several people, including his doctors, attorneys, and even a judge contacted U.S. border officials, Mexican authorities and members of Congress to bring Carranza to her son’s side. In October, a judge allowed Carranza to cross the border and be with her son. An attorney in the case said that despite Luis’ condition, he seemed to sense his mother presence. “We all knew he was suffering and we’re all confident that he’s gone to a better place,” Cunningham said. Bodies of two México residents found in separate incidents TUCSON, AZ, Mar. 1, 2007 (AP): The bodies of two México residents have been found in Southern Arizona in separate incidents, according to authorities. On Tuesday, two undocumented immigrants flagged down a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle on the Tohono O’odham Nation saying they had left behind someone on the trail who had become ill. Agents retraced the men’s journey and found the man dead. Tribal police said the 40year-old man from Oaxaca may have been diabetic since needles and insulin were found in his backpack. On Sunday, a man studying jaguar populations in the Coronado National Forest found the body of a 37-year old woman from Oaxaca. Santa Cruz County Sher- iff Antonio Estrada said the woman apparently died of hypothermia and there were no signs of foul play. Estrada said it was the first known death of an undocumented immigrant in Santa Cruz County this year. The names of the two victims have not been released yet. Information from: Tucson Citizen, http:// IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? SVETLANA SCHREIBER Preguntas o problemas de Inmigración Hablamos español • Asylum • Deportation • Visas • Family • Business ¡Consulta Gratis! Free Consultation Pregunta por Erick Reyes ABOGADA SVETLANA SCHREIBER 1370 Ontario St. #1228, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216-621-7292 1-866-203-9388 • Spider man lo ves these Webs .la pr, www .v ocesla tinas .com .e-la pr • lov bs:: www .lapr, www.v .vocesla oceslatinas .com,, and www www.e-la .e-lapr La Prensa—Michigan Página 4 A Rose of Two Scents, March 11 The Latino Cultural Group Alebríje presents a comedy by the Mexican super playwright Emilio Carballido, “A Rose of Two Scents.” Sunday, March 11. 6:00pm. East Quad Auditorium of the Residential College of UM, Ann Arbor, MI. “A Rose of Two Scents” is undoubtedly one of the most frequently performed comedies in the world. Czechoslovakia, Spain, France, Germany, Argentina, Colombia, and México are just some of the many countries that have acclaimed this play. Theme: “Two women meet in the waiting room of a jail. One of them is cultured and refined. Enjoys reading a good book. Speaks English and French. The other one is extroverted, vulgar, and speaks in slang. Owns a beauty parlor. Both are there to pay bail …. the first, for her husband, and the second, for her lover.” This subtle comedy, with deep themes and interesting plot twists, remains current today in spite of having been written more than two decades ago, thanks to the playwright’s masterful weaving of his characters’ contradictory complexity. Tickets are $10 in advance (general admission). Alebríje is a multifaceted cultural group that performs works in Spanish, including theater, poetry, songs, pup- petry, as well as Mexican folk and traditional dance, starting its activities in 2003 in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area. It is an independent group that enjoys celebrating, preserving, and sharing Latino-American culture and traditions. • El Grupo Cultural Alebríje se complace en presentar un espectáculo teatral titulado: “Rosa de dos Aromas”. Una hilarante Comedia del prestigiado dramaturgo Mexicano Emilio Carballido, que se llevará a cabo el próximo 11 de Marzo a las 6:00pm. Auditorio East Quad del Residencial College de la U of M. Ann Arbor, MI. Rosa de dos Aromas es sin lugar a dudas la Comedia más representada en el mundo. Checoslovaquia, España, Alemania, Francia, Argentina, Colombia y por supuesto México, son solo algunos de los muchos Países que han aclamado esta magnífica obra. “Dos mujeres se conocen en la antesala de la cárcel. Una de ellas es culta y U of M hosts largest prisoner-art exhibition refinada. Gusta de la buena lectura. Habla Inglés y Francés. La otra es vulgar, extrovertida, mal hablada. Dueña de un salón de Belleza. Ambas han llegado ahí para tramitar la liberación ……. la primera de su esposo, y la segunda de su amante” Una Comedia fina y sutil de profunda temática e interesante anécdota, que a pesar de haber sido escrita hace más de dos décadas, no pierde vigencia, gracias a la maestría con que el autor tejió la complejidad contradictoria de los personajes. Los boletos en Pre-venta tienen un costo general de $10. La Oficina Traducciones • Income Tax • Fotos Fax • Notary Public 4454 W. Vernor Detroit, MI 48209 Tel 313.554.0060 Fax 313.554.0079 Rapidez Atención Servicio Bring in this ad for a 10% Discount! LITTLE LESLIE 124 S. Tecumseh Street Adrian, MI 49221 • Uniformes y Accesorios de Fútbol/Soccer • Ropa Duranguense y sombreros, Botas, y Cintos de Hombre y Mujer • Articulos e Imajenes Religosas • Letras y Calcomanias para Autos • Joyeria y Regalos (517) 266-7200 • Accesorios de Quinceañeras, Bodas (517) 605-1117 • Tenemos sistema de Apartado! Se Habla Español • Vestidos de Bautismo SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO March/marzo 9, 2007 DOS HERMANOS MARKET Tienda Mexicana 136 E. Beecher St. Adrian, MI 49221 517- 264-5126 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 Productos mexicanos, carnicería, cervezas, pan todos los días. Los fines de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria de chivo, tamales y mucho más. We have moved up Hill Ave. so we could add 5,000 sq. ft. to serve your needs. ACEPTAMOS CARDS. ENVIOS DE DINERO EN EEUU Y AL EXTRANJERO ANN ARBOR: The Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP) presents the Twelfth Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners and a series of eight educational events from March 27th – April 11th, 2007. The exhibition will be held at the Duderstadt Center Gallery on the University of Michigan North Campus, at 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard. Over the past decade, this nationally recognized exhibition has grown to be the largest exhibition of prisoner art in the United States. This year’s exhibition will include 300 works of art by over 200 artists; shedding light on the talents to be found behind prison walls and encouraging the public to ponder the mas- “God Why Me” by R. De Jesús p.m. in the gallery. Formerly incarcerated artists who have reentered the community will speak about what the show means to those in prison. Exhibition hours are 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday, and noon – 6:00 p.m. Sunday Monday. See art, page 11. sive incarceration that characterizes the United States. Free and open to the public, the exhibition and surrounding educational events raise awareness and inspire dialogue between the incarcerated and the community at large. The public is invited to an opening reception on March 27th from 5:30 – 8:00 Not your papá’s fish fry: parishes offer lighter and green beans. baked fish, fresh tuna and Lenten fare “I was happy when I crispy, raw vegetables. By CONNIE MABIN Associated Press Writer MACEDONIA, OH, Mar. 2, 2007 (AP): For years, Lent meant huge chunks of fried fish on Fridays for George Ehrman, a longtime parishioner at Our Lady of Guadalupe in this northeast Ohio town. But the dinner plate was decidedly lighter for Ehrman at a recent Friday fish fry in the bustling parish hall: omega-3 filled grilled salmon, fiber-rich rice pilaf found out they were offering this for the first time,’’ said Ehrman, whose health requires him to eat a low-sodium diet, low-fat diet. “It’s very tasty, too.’’ Parishes have long used the Roman Catholic abstention from meat on Fridays during the Lenten season to hold fish fries that bring people together and raise money. Now with more people trying to live a healthy lifestyle, many churches are offering lighter Lenten fare, including grilled shrimp, There’s still plenty of battered cod, haddock and other types of seafood submerged in greasy oil. And there still are servings of potato-stuffed pierogies, macaroni and cheese, french fries or other heavy side dishes on parish menus. But reduced-fat Lenten menus are popping up across the nation. Milwaukee’s St. Florian Church lists “heart-healthy baked fish” alongside its famous beer-battered fillets. St. (Continued on Page 5) ¿Problemas de inmigración? ¡Nosotros ofrecemos soluciones! Llame hoy a las Oficinas del Abogado Jeffrey C. Zilba con sus preguntas o para establecer una cita. • Su consulta inicial es gratis. • Más de 19 años de experiencia. • Se Habla Español. • Servimos a la región del Noroeste de Ohio y al Sudeste de Michigan • Motors • Transmissions • Alternators • Starters PARTS GALORE • Radiators • Batteries • Tires • Glass SELF SERVICE Open 7 Days Used Auto & Truck Parts Best Prices OVER 2000 VEHICLES at 11360 EAST 8 MILE PHONE 313-245-2944 ‘U-Pull’em & Save BIG $$$ • Llamado sin cargo, disponible las 24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana • Honesto, Confidencial, dedicado Oficinas legales de Jeffrey C. Zilba, 124 N. Summit St., 210, Toledo, OH 43604. Teléfono: 419-255-1515 Libre de cargo: 1-877-499-4929 Página electrónica: • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • Marzo 9, 2007 La Prensa News from COSSA By Rosa E. Morales, Director, Hispanics in Journalism Program, School of Journalism, Michigan State University Lansing: The Michigan ID Act of 2005;” • House Bill 4096: Would Commission on Spanish Speaking Affairs (COSSA) create the Michigan Opporis close to completing its tunity Scholarship for high five-year strategic plan and school graduates or students advocating for Latinos in with a GED. Non-U.S. citimore cost-effective ways zens would not be eligible; during the leanest budget- and • House Resolution 10: ary period in recent history. The state has a $920 mil- would call on the states to adopt and ratify “an amendlion budget deficit. At its March 2, 2007 ment to the U.S. Constitumeeting in the Michigan Sen- tion to prohibit the counting ate hearing room, discussion of illegal immigrants in the focused on the 2007 legisla- tabulations of population for tive docket that contains bills purposes of apportioning that impact the growing members” of Congress Latino population in the among the states.” U.S. Citizenship Immistate, including a bill that would prohibit counting un- gration Services is proposdocumented immigrants in ing increasing fees for applications this summer, the future. Commissioner B. Dan Inquilla said, and suggested Inquilla, attorney with that people write letters of Farmworker Legal Services concern to legislators about in Bangor, reviewed key bills the increase. As part of a growing nain the Michigan legislature: • HB 4406: English as the tional concern with security, commissioners were encourOfficial Language bill; • Senate Bill 99: Driver’s aged to become familiar with Licenses and State ID Cards; the U.S. Homeland Security • Senate Concurrent Act. Restrictive bills that may Resolution 3: U.S. Dept. of be introduced in state legisHomeland Security must latures would be triggered, work with the states “to co- in part, by the security reordinate development of quirements found in the act REAL-ID compliant driver’s or implied. The 14-member comlicense that may also be presented in lieu of a passport;” mission, COSSA, currently • House Resolution 25: operates in the Department Urges U.S. Congress to re- of Labor and Economic new funding the “state’s ef- Growth (DLEC). Its execuforts to implement the REAL tive director is Marylou Page 5 It All Adds Up: Cultivating Niñas in Math Ph.D. in Romance languages ment Medal, and the 2004 and Science and literatures at Harvard. Eleanor Roosevelt Val- Marylou Olivarez-Mason Olivarez-Mason. COSSA has retained the services Terry Fobbs, MBS, MSS, whose expertise is in organizational development and auditing within the DLEC. “I’d like to expand this and provide some depth and meat to what’s already there,” Fobbs said. “So when stakeholders look at it the plan it will provide verification and direction.” Fobbs has worked 14 years in state government and is a doctoral candidate in leadership and strategic planning. The next meeting of the commission is at 10:00 a.m. April 6, 2007, at the University of Michigan campus in Flint. For additional information, contact COSSA’s executive secretary Vicky Potter, at 517-373-8339. Editor’s Note: COSSA’s five-year strategic plan, drafts of the document can be reviewed online at or at CLEVELAND:Dr. Ruth J. Simmons, president of Brown University and the first African-American to head an Ivy League school, will speak about promoting young women in the fields of math and science at noon on Friday, March 9, 2007, at The City Club of Cleveland. A French professor before entering university administration, Simmons also holds an appointment as a professor of comparative literature and of Africana studies at Brown. She graduated from Dillard University in New Orleans before completing her Simmons served in various administrative roles at the University of Southern California, Princeton University, and Spelman College before taking over as president of Smith College, when she became the first African-American woman to head a major university. At Smith, she launched an engineering program, the first at an American women’s college. Simmons is the recipient of many honors, including a Fulbright Fellowship, the 2001 President’s Award from the United Negro College Fund, the 2002 Fulbright Lifetime Achieve- Kill Medal. She has been a featured speaker in many public venues, serves on a number of boards, including Pfizer Inc., Texas Instruments, and The Goldman Sachs Group, and has been awarded numerous honorary degrees. Tickets for this City Club Friday Forum are $18 for members and $30 for non-members. Lunch is included. They can be purchased by calling The City Club at 216.621.0082 or visiting the website at Not your papá’s fish fry (Continued from Page 4) Ferdinand’s in Florissant, Mo., near St. Louis offers baked cod and blackened Cajun-style fish. In Cincinnati, St. Paul’s offers sauteed vegetables and tomato soup. At St. Irenaeus in Oakmont, Pa., near Pittsburgh, the parish has added baked fish, fresh tuna and a salad bar. Like many restaurants, it stopped using arteryclosing transfats for frying. Volunteers change the deep fryer’s oil after each batch and blot each piece of fried fish dry of extra grease. “We really baby it,’’ said Jeanne Kaus, who has volunteered for 25 years at the fry that draws 500 people a week. ``We have a fresh salad bar and we have hearthealthy baked fish.’’ Does the baked stuff go over well? “Oh gosh, yeah!’’ she said. “It just melts in your mouth.’’ Jananne Finck, who teaches nutrition and wellness at the University of Illinois Extension in Springfield Center, said that even with the healthier Lenten options many Catholics may feel married to tradition and opt for fried fish, particularly if they don’t eat many fried foods at home. That’s OK, she said, as long as fried foods are a rare treat, diners skip fatty condiments such as tarter sauce, and portions are small. “It’s telling yourself even if you’re served that, even if we grew up with, ‘Clean your plate,’ it’s probably in our best interest to take some of that home,” Finck said. Paula Turocy, chairwoman of the athletic training department at the Duquesne University, a Catholic school in Pittsburgh, said worshippers who choose lighter menus during Lent might unexpectedly find themselves forming healthier habits by Easter. “If this positive behavior can be maintained for six weeks, these new healthier behaviors can assist them in making a long-term commitment to improved health,’’ she said. On the Net: Our Lady of Guadalupe:; Lent recipes: lent_recipes.htm The EdChoice Scholarship Program No tuition. A private-school education that will pay off for years to come. Registration period January 29 - April 20, 2007 The EdChoice Scholarship Program provides state-funded scholarships that allow students to enjoy the educational advantages at participating private schools. Parents of eligible students must register for admission at a participating private school for the 2007-2008 school year. Cities eligible for the EdChoice ScholarshipLQFOXGH6DQGXVN\0DQVÀHOG/LPDDQG7ROHGR No tuition costs — just the highest quality education for your children at the private school of their choice. Attend the EdChoice Scholarship Parent Meeting Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Kent Public Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd. Toledo, OH 43610. For more information about eligibility and participating schools, call 1-800-673-5876. Or visit • ¡! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • La Prensa—Ohio Página 6 March/marzo 9, 2007 Anita López to take the reins as Lucas County auditor (Continued from Page 1) to prove themselves.” The early part of the phase includes getting people on staff in key positions – chief accountant, assistant chief accountant and human resources director/general counsel. “I am hiring individuals with extensive experience” she says. One of those will be Jim Gant, a lawyer in the City of Toledo’s Law Department who will be the Auditor’s HR Director/ General Counsel. Gant is African-American, a matter of no small concern to López who notes that among the current cabinet in the Auditor’s Office, there is “no diversity among the decision makers – in the real estate section, yes, but not at the top.” The Auditor’s Office is a sizeable move up for López with its 150 or so employees (“I literally have not been able to get a straight answer about how many employees are over there”). The Recorder’s Office has 16 employees. ¿Te gustaría tener un cartoon de ti o de tus amigos? —de parte de Davide García ¡¿Qué esperas?! Llámanos y mándanos tu foto o la de tus amigos, novia, tio, hermano, padres, hijos,...a el periódico La Prensa y te mandaremos tu cartoon por correo de vuelta. Para más informes al tel. 313.646.3602/ 419.870.6565/313.729.4435 o busca más información en nuestras publicaciones. Javier di a Rico au Qualifications La Prensa asked López why she felt qualified for the job given her lack of accounting background. “I think I’m qualified, number one, by virtue of the fact of my ability to understand legally how to operate,” she says. “It’s the enforcement of the law that matters and my legal background helps me understand [the issues.] In addition, my years as an administrator have prepared me to understand how to get the job done. My ability to take responsibility and my talent at holding people’s feet to the fire. “I’m not going to be in the office crunching numbers but I can orchestrate the abilities of others who do that.” Chief among her tasks will be to focus on the issue of property valuation, a subject she devoted much time during her campaign holding the incumbent’s feet to the fire. “We have to revamp the system,” she says promising to stay personally involved in such matters. Indeed the board of revisions deadline, she mentions, is on March 31, 2007, and she is already encouraging homeowners who have questions about their properties’ value to contact her office at 419213-4412 or 419-213-4406. The board of revision’s telephone number is 419-2134464. The move to the Auditor’s Office marks the most recent transition for López, who has encountered criticism in recent years due to her failure to finish a term in elective office – even as she continues to win elections. She was elected to the Toledo Board of Education in 2002, ran for and was elected to the Lucas County Recorder’s Office in 2004 and ran, in 2006, for Auditor. What’s the next move, we asked jokingly? “I promise the public, my husband and my mother that I will finish my four years here,” López responds with a laugh. Cl admits López, is the fact that she has had some personal history of financial struggles and she has learned lessons from those difficult times that are not easily forgotten or dismissed. As a college and law student, for example, she had to overcome some hardships in making ends meet and getting through school. Some of those hardships were brought to light during the recent campaign by her opponent as a way to discredit her. “I was so poor in college that they couldn’t even garnish my wages,” she recalls also noting that her opponent managed to cast the roles of the two candidates as one of “borderline corruption versus struggling girl.” Ultimately, the voters could relate to her economic struggles, she says, and “people know that I will never forget those struggles in the administration of my office.” But even before she has had the opportunity to assume her new duties, she has encountered struggles. First, a number of non-supervisory employees decided to join a bargaining unit. Then, as she questioned the fact that the jobs of current Auditor’s family and friends were being protected, communication and cooperation shut down completely. López attributes part of those difficulties to the fact that Kaczala was anticipating a judicial appointment in the waning days of the Bob Taft administration. Most of his friends and family would have gone with him. When the appointment failed to materialize, his friends and family attempted, in large measure, to lock down their jobs in the Auditor’s Office. López was particularly incensed when she discovered that managers in the Auditor’s Office were hiring their offspring for intern positions, even for relatively low wages of nine dollars per hour. “What we have here are two worlds colliding,” she says. “I told them ‘do you know how many people there are who could change their families’ lives with this position?’ I said ‘there’s a student at UT now trying to live on Ramen Noodles every day who would love to have a nine dollar an hour job and whose dad doesn’t make $99,000 per year.’” That situation has improved recently, says López, as she has clearly stated her intentions not to permit such cronyism to continue and she feels that she is somewhat back on track with her transition plans. “Citizens are entitled to people who are dedicated and looking out for their well-being,” she says of what she expects in a staff. “Each individual will be held accountable to do their job and do it well – union, nonunion, my cabinet. We are going to weed out those who don’t. If there is cleansing to be done, I won’t shy away from it. Everyone will have 313.646.3602 • • current events, photographs, links, weather, classifieds, copies of La Prensa can be found at • La Prensa—Deportes March/marzo 9, 2007 Soccer players from Latin America, France, and the United States to attend soccer academy Lorain: Northeast Ohio’s Premier Soccer Academies (PSA) has received twelve commitments from players recently invited to attend PSA, beginning August 2007, after the completion of construction in June. The twelve players come from different countries, including: Brazil, Trinidad, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, the United States, and France. Players selected from the United States reside in Texas, Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio. The ages of these players range from 12-15. Each of the twelve student-athletes have been scouted either through the PSA ID Camps or assessed from the PSA England Tour and PSA Bolivia Tour. Five of the student-athletes were part of the PSA Bolivia Team that competed in the Tahuichi Mundialito Cup held in Bolivia earlier in 2007. Teams such as Chivas (México), San Paolo (Brazil), Danubio (Uruguay), and Tahuichi were participants. “This was a great competition for PSA to be involved in, and for myself and the coaching staff it served as the proper environment to assess each player during an international tournament,” said Desmond Armstrong, a scout for PSA. The total number of student-athletes for the inaugural 2007/2008 academic year is anticipated to top out at 24 even though the maximum for the residential component is 30. “Because of the uniqueness of PSA being the first professional-style youth academy in America that accepts players from all parts of the globe, we want to make sure that we offer enough opportunities by which players can show their ability. Recently, we have established a scout- Julie Neller Picknell ing network in Tennessee, Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California,” said Armstrong. Armstrong and members of the PSA scout team will be attending the multiple PSA ID Camps and PSA Fever 5 Fútbol Tournaments scheduled for June, 2007. It is anticipated that final selections for the yearround academy positions will be completed at the conclusion of the Ohio – PSA ID Camp scheduled for the week of June 25th. For more information on PSA Camps (Boys and Girls) and PSA Fever 5 Fútbol Tournaments visit www.premiersoccer Office: 734/429-9449 REALTOR Cell: 734/395-8383 Fax: 734/429-9448 Page 7 Clausura: Tigres vence a Jaguares en 8va fecha MEXICO (AP): Israel López anotó con un tiro libre y Cruz Azul derrotó el sábado 1-0 a Tecos para seguirle el paso a los líderes en el inicio de la octava fecha del torneo Clausura del fútbol mexicano. Atlas, en tanto, superó 1-0 a Veracruz con gol de penal del chileno Reinaldo Navia y se mantuvo como líder general con 17 puntos, mientras que Pumas venció 1-0 al Monterrey y posiblemente le dio la estocada final al técnico de los Rayados, Miguel Herrera. En Guadalajara, las Chivas mantuvieron su buen paso en el torneo al doblegar 2-0 al Querétaro. Omar Bravo cobró un penal a los 25 y Ramón Morales envió a la red un tiro libre a los 31 para el actual campeón del fútbol mexicano, que ahora suma cinco juegos en fila sin derrota. En Chiapas, Tigres se impuso 3-2 sobre Jaguares para lograr su primer triunfo a domicilio en casi un año. López marcó el gol del triunfo a los 24 minutos, con un soberbio tiro desde más atrás de la medialuna que pasó por encima de la barrera y se incrustó en el ángulo derecho del arco defendido por el portero Jesús Corona. En Monterrey, el defensa Israel Castro sentenció el resultado con el único gol del partido a los 66 minutos. Rayados no gana desde la primera fecha del torneo y marcha último en el Grupo 2 y penúltimo en la tabla general. Atlante, por su parte, goleó 3-0 al Necaxa con dianas de Christian Bermúdez, el uruguayo Gustavo Biscayzacú y el argentino Javier Muñoz. Los Hidrorrayos suman cinco juegos consecutivos sin ganar en el torneo local, aunque llevan dos triunfos al hilo en la Copa Libertadores. Francisco Fonseca y el paraguayo Julio César Cáceres remecieron las redes en la victoria de Tigres ante Jaguares. El argentino Javier Cámpora anotó los dos goles del club de Chiapas y se colocó como máximo artillero del campeonato con seis tantos. Emmanuel Cerda hizo la otra diana del equipo de Monterrey. Tigres llevaba 14 partidos, desde el 26 de marzo del 2006, sin ganar fuera de su estadio. Cámpora abrió el marcador a los 13 minutos al aprovechar el rebote en la espalda de un defensor después de un remate de Santiago Salcedo. Tres minutos después empató Cerda tras un buen pase del argentino Walter Gaitán dentro del área. Cáceres hizo su primer gol en el fútbol mexicano a los 28 minutos con un cabezazo en tiro de esquina de Javier Saavedra; “Kikín” Fonseca aumentó la diferencia a los 34 con un pase de Aldo de Nigris que lo dejó solo en el corazón del área; y Cámpora descontó a los 43. El domingo (4 de marzo de 2007) América se mide con Pachuca (Pachuca ganó, 1-0), Toluca con San Luis, y Santos con Morelia (Santos ganó, 2-1). Seguro de Auto sin factor de culpabilidad Agencia de Seguros de Michigan Asegurando a TODOS los conductores PLANES DE PAGO FÁCIL SR-22 Cobertura Inmediata ADRIAN 1114 Wint er Stree Winter Streett va Nue ción! Next to Sec of State a c (5 17) 266-8555 (51 Ubi MUSKEGON -Sur -Sur--Este26 42 Henr Avve. 2642 Henryy St. 885 E. Apple A Muskegon, MI Muskegon, MI 49448 49411 1) 7 73-5200 (23 1) 733-8 400 (23 (231) 773-5200 (231) 733-8400 BENTON HARBOR 1682 Berrien Benton Harbor, MI 49023 (269) 925-008 1 925-0081 LANSING -Sur -Sur-422 1 S. Mar tin LLuther uther King 4221 Martin Lansing, MI 48910 (5 17) 88 7-6298 (51 887-6298 -Old TTo owner A 503 E. Grand Riv River Avve. Lansing, MI 48906 7-5005 (5 17) 48 (51 487-5005 GRAND RAPIDS 950-28 th Rogers Plaza Wyoming, MI 49508 (6 16) 534-3 78 1 (61 534-378 781 1234 Plainf ield A Plainfield Avve., NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (6 16) 234-00 75 (61 234-0075 MONROE 1510 N. Monr oe Monroe U N uev a Monroe, MI 48162 bicación ! (734) 2 41-93 75 24 1-9375 PAG O IN B A J ICIAL O BATTLE CREEK 179 1 W 791 W.. Columbus Next to Sec of State (269) 96 4-7 111 964-7 4-71 KALAMAZOO - Este40 17 P or tage Rd. 401 Por ortage Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (269) 2 76-9 723 27 6-9723 -Oeste320 7 Stadium Dr ., St e 1 3207 Dr., Ste Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (269) 3 75-9 785 375-9 75-9785 JACKSON 56 1 Wildw ood A 561 Wildwood Avve. Jackson, MI 49203 433 (5 17) 782-4 (51 782-4433 Motocicleta ◆ Bote ◆ R.V. ◆ Alquiladores ◆ Dueños de Casa ◆ Motonieve ◆ Casa Móvil • ¡e-Prensa! is more than a weekly; the digital version of La Prensa is updated multiple times per week. Visit • Página 8 March/marzo 9, 2007 Jennifer López embraces Latin roots in all-Spanish album, 2 films Horóscopo By SIGAL RATNER-ARIAS Associated Press Writer ★ ★ A¿Sientes ★ los efectos de laAries: energía de hoy, Aries? Anímate, si este es el caso - el final del túnel no queda tan lejos como parece. Haz tu mejor esfuerzo por tomarte las cosas con calma y piensa en realizar algún plan para divertirte esta noche. Reúnete con amigos o mira una película. Ayúdate a sentirte mejor contigo misma al mantenerte ocupada y concentrada, y agrégale un poco de esparcimiento. Antes de saberlo la situación ya habrá pasado y ¡todo habrá terminado! Tauro: A ★de ¿Tu ★jefe es mujer, Tauro? De ser así, ¡hoy mantente lejos ★ ella! Para decirlo suavemente, ¡no está de buen humor! Trabaja duro, sé dulce con todos, y haz buen y copioso uso de tu diplomacia nata. Puedes ser la receptora final de algunas palabras fuertes, pero al mantenerte enfocada y al continuar con tu rutina de la manera eficiente que siempre lo haces, puedes evitar cualquier encontronazo importante. Trata de mantenerte calmada ¡y sólo ruega que se vaya a casa temprano! A ★ ★ Géminis: Un★miembro familiar o un amado no te está diciendo la verdad. La defensa de esta persona es que ella probablemente cree que te está protegiendo al no contarte la verdad. Este es el momento para confiar en tus instintos, Géminis. Si te dicen algo que para ti no es verdad, verifica la información tú misma antes que aceptarla como verdadera. A Cáncer: Un★golpe de suerte de dinero mejorará tus finanzas★ con ★ respecto a como estaban hace dos días, Cáncer. Asuntos de tu carrera, quizás aquellas que tengan que ver con el arte, podrían tener que ver de alguna manera. Tu y tu pareja probablemente quieran salir y celebrar tu buena fortuna; sin embargo, asegúrate de no pasarte de la raya. Querrás sentirte absolutamente divina mañana para seguir disfrutando de tu éxito. Leo: ★ En este momento de tu vida, tu carrera y negocios juegan A ★ gente un papel ★ muy importante, a medida que ideas nuevas, ★ (AP): Jennifer López says she is fulfilling her dreams with the upcoming release of an all-Spanish album “Como ama una mujer,” or “How a Woman Loves,” and two Hispanicthemed films this year. “I wanted to sing in Spanish from the beginning of my recording career,” the New Yorker of Puerto Rican origin told The Associated Press. The album, which will be released in the U.S. on March 27 after more than two years of work, was mainly produced by López’ husband Marc Anthony. López also produced and stars in “Bordertown,” a film about the killings of hundreds of women in and around the city of Ciudad Juarez, México, on the U.S. border. A summer. López soon plans to promote “Como ama una mujer” in the United States, ★ Elegante. Nuevo. Virgo: Hoy trata de ir a un lugar sereno, Virgo, donde te liberes del deseo y los celos. Es importante que te tomes tu tiempo para reconocer el crecimiento increíble que se puede generar a partir de esta posición de calma y satisfacción pura. Libérate de ese equipaje de más al que te aferras buscando apoyo o alivio. Cuanto menos debas transportar, más libres tendrás los brazos para crear. Bluetooth® • Teléfono con Cámara 1999 $ ★★ Libra: ★ Hoy tienes la oportunidad de realizar una auto-cura, Libra, A después de recibir un reembolso por correo de $30 con un acuerdo por servicio de 2 años. de tal manera que vas a tener una comunicación mucho más directa con tu propio centro, sin las distracciones de las personas que te rodean. Haz lo que puedas para encontrar exactamente el tema interno que requiere tu atención. Es clave que aprendas a enfrentar estos temas tú misma, en vez de confiar en que otras personas se preocupen por este tipo de necesidades. Escorpio: ★ Cuidar de ti misma hoy significa cuidar de tu hogar, Escorpio. Si es posible, quédate cerca de tu nido y realiza cosas para mejorar tu santuario sagrado. ¡Pasa la aspiradora, saca el polvo y friega! Ensúciate las manos. Cosecharás grandes recompensas cuando finalices. Sentirás una sensación especial de logro que te acercará a tu hogar. Si es posible, intenta que también se involucren otros miembros de la familia. ★ ¡La Mejor Oferta en Servicio Móvil! A ★ Sagitario: ★ No importa lo que desees, Sagitario, sólo necesitas pedirlo A y tienes es cuestión ★una gran posibilidad de obtenerlo. También ★ ★ Spain, México and “everywhere we can.” On the Net: www.jenniferLó ¡Una gran oferta en un sensacional teléfono! nueva y consideraciones relativas al equipamiento moderno continúan abriendo nuevas puertas para ti, Leo. Además, las relaciones románticas pueden volverse más intensas. Si estás en pareja, te sentirás más cerca de él. Si tienes una relación pero aún no estás en pareja, podría haber una propuesta en el horizonte. Si no estás en ninguna relación, no te sorprendas si conoces ★ a alguien nuevo y encantador. ★ In the film, directed by Gregory Nava and costarring Antonio Banderas, López plays a reporter sent to the city to investigate what she says is “one of the world’s most shocking and disturbing, underreported crimes against humanity.” López also has a leading role in the film “El cantante,” starring her husband as Puerto Rican salsa singer Hector Lavoe. Directed by Leon Ichaso, López plays Puchy, the singer’s long-suffering wife. “It’s such a passion project, it took four years to make it,” she said. “It’s a very exciting, passionate, intense movie of the tragic life of Hector Lavoe.” Both films will open in U.S. theaters in the mi círculo LG AX245 SM plan familiar Obtén una segunda línea GRATIS* ven y déjate quererSM de tiempo. Últimamente has estado trabajando excepcionalmente duro. Tienes todo el derecho a un aumento o promoción. Junta tus ideas y tus evidencias y pide lo que te mereces. Si tus ganas de un mayor reconocimiento público te persiste, haz lo necesario para estar más tiempo en el centro de atención. A★ ★ Capricornio: ★ Hoy tus relaciones con casi todos - amigos, enamorado, hijos, colegas y hasta desconocidos - serán tranquilas, cálidas y protectoras, Capricornio. Los sentimientos se expresarán fácilmente, aunque en forma más sutil que verbal. Se abrirán nuevas oportunidades en los negocios mediante contactos con personas nuevas e interesantes. Los eventos sociales y las actividades grupales contribuirán más a tu crecimiento personal y ser emocional que lo que lo hacen usualmente. ¡Aprovéchalas al máximo! ★ A ★ ★ Acuario: Ten cuidado con circunstancias inesperadas hoy, Acuario. La buena noticia es que tu actitud flexible es perfecta para manejar las idas y venidas que te presentará este día. Mientras que otras personas se molestan cuando sus planes salen mal, tú presentas batalla, y reviertes cualquier situación en una positiva, sin importar la forma en que habías planeado las cosas en un principio. ★ A ★ Piscis: Te sentirás ansiosa por poner todas las cosas en su sitio en tu vida, Piscis. Cuando se trata de temas de amor y romance, esto puede ser difícil de lograr, especialmente en un día como hoy. Recurre a tu espíritu pionero para buscar algo nuevo y no limitarte a lo que originalmente tenías en mente. Quizás haya algo más grande y mejor esperándote. Sólo lo encontrarás si aceptas algo que se salga de tu estructura. ★ 1-800-alltel-1 Salem • Estas tiendas ahora abren los domingos. • Quaker Square | (330) 337-0790 Columbiana Fidelity Sound & Electronics | (330) 482-4859 Ashtabula • Plaza East Shop Ctr. | (440) 998-5490 Warren • 1137 Niles Cortland Rd. 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Los minutos del plan de tarifas aplican dentro del área de llamadas National Freedom. Para obtener más detalles, consulta el mapa de cobertura en la tienda o en El uso fuera de tu plan de llamadas está sujeto a cargos adicionales por “roaming”, uso de minutos y larga distancia. Alltel cobra una tarifa de conectividad, regulatoria y administrativa de hasta $1.70, una tarifa federal y estatal del Fondo de Servicio Universal (ambas tarifas varían según el uso del cliente) y una tarifa por proporcionar el servicio 911 de hasta $1.94 (donde está disponible el servicio 911). Estas tarifas adicionales pueden no ser impuestos o cargos requeridos por el gobierno y están sujetos a cambios. Detalles del Teléfono: Los teléfonos están disponibles al precio de venta para los clientes nuevos y clientes existentes que sean elegibles. Se requiere un plan de tarifas de Alltel que califique. Contacta a Alltel para determinar si eres elegible. Limitado a 1 reembolso por compra que califique. Los teléfonos no pueden ser devueltos una vez que el reembolso ha sido presentado. El cliente tiene que pagar los impuestos que apliquen. Consulta el certificado del reembolso para obtener más detalles. Tecnología Móvil Bluetooth: Las prestaciones de Bluetooth de este teléfono pueden no ser compatibles con todos los aparatos que están habilitados para Bluetooth; Alltel no se hace responsable de la compatibilidad con aparatos que no hayan sido vendidos por Alltel. Información adicional: La oferta puede estar limitada por tiempo, existencias, cobertura o localidades participantes. Hay un cargo no reembolsable de $25 por activación y aplica una posible tarifa de $200 por línea por cancelación prematura del contrato. El servicio está sujeto a las Normas y Condiciones para Servicios de Comunicaciones y otra información disponible en todas las tiendas Alltel o en Todas las marcas de productos y servicios indicados son los nombres, nombres comerciales, marcas comerciales y logotipos de sus correspondientes propietarios. Las imágenes de las pantallas son simuladas. ©2007 Alltel. Todos los derechos reservados. • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • La Prensa—Entretenimiento 5. Cómo sería el hombre pista, quedamos a escasos Carla’s Corner 400 metros de que se por el que pudieran pelearse March/marzo 9, 2007 Breves (Continuación de p.1) productores y exportadores de gas de Suramérica” con Bolivia, Venezuela y Argentina como núcleo, con la intención que se amplíe después. Venezuela fue uno de los cinco países fundadores de la OPEP en 1960. Este país cuenta con las reservas de petróleo más grandes fuera del Medio Oriente y las reservas de gas natural más grandes del continente. “Bueno, entonces tenemos grandes cosas que hacer nosotros’’, expresó Chávez el jueves por la noche en su programa de televisión “Aló, Presidente’’. El líder venezolano ha promovido ambiciosos planes para impulsar la integración de la región, incluyendo la construcción de un extenso gasoducto desde Venezuela, pasando por Brasil, hasta Argentina. Además, de la creación de un “Banco del sur” para financiar la infraestructura conjunta y viviendas subvencionadas. Por Carla Soto, Entertainment Editor de La Prensa su nuevo celular al arribar a Lo major de la farándula 1.Christian Chávez, la provincia de Córdoba, integrante del exitoso grupo primer punto de su gira en RBD aceptó ser homosexual, Argentina, y una vocera dijo mediante un comunicado que el jueves que el artista está se encuentra en la página muy apenado por la pérdida. oficial del grupo. En el El astro boricua llegó en la comunicado, Christian víspera al aeropuerto destacó que no hablará más internacional de la ciudad de del tema y pide respeto a su Córdoba, capital de la homónima, privacidad, al igual que a la provincia intimidad de sus allegados. proveniente de Chile, y tras los trámites Christian Chávez negó en realizar varias ocasiones ser gay y en migratorios notó que le el último año había faltaba su celular, dijo Coty presentado ciertos problemas Fernández, representante de de salud, originados por la empresa organizadora del ataques de pánico, que el recital que Martin ofreció el mismo artista dijo padecer. miércoles por la noche en el Aparentemente, el motivo estadio Orfeo. 3. La cantante mexicana que orilló a Christian a hablar de su sexualidad, se debió a Ninel Conde se llevó que la semana pasada tremendo susto al tener un aparecieron en Internet altercado aéreo en el fotografías del cantante en aeropuerto de Toluca, Estado una ceremonia íntima que de México. De acuerdo a la realizó en Canadá, al casarse propia artista, el sobrepeso, con su pareja, de quien hasta el calor o algún objeto hizo el momento, se desconoce su que explotaran las dos llantas del lado izquierdo, según identidad. 2. Ricky Martin extravió difundió la prensa mexicana. Afortunadamente, el accidente no provocó más que un gran susto para Ninel.Todo comenzó asi : El avión tomó velocidad, se elevó la punta y se volvió a bajar y se empezó a ir de lado, fue cuando empezó a sonar algo muy raro, no se frenaba y no frenaba, y nos empezamos a asustar mucho”, relató la cantante en declaraciones a la prensa mexicana.”El avión se detuvo a punto de llegar a la terminara la pista, pero lo logró parar. Ahora tenemos que conseguir otro avión, porque la función debe continuar”, agregó.También comentó que durante el percance no tuvo tiempo de pensar en algo, pero sí sentir miedo, angustia y terror. ”Lo único que buscaba era ese espíritu de supervivencia, qué hacemos, que se pare, ¿nos bajamos?, que se pare el avión, es lo único que todos pedíamos y nos poníamos a orar y a pedirle a Dios que detuviera el avión; la verdad no me puse a pensar en más y si sentí mucho miedo”, finalizó Ninel. 4. Los legendarios Tigres del Norte lanzarán el próximo 27 de marzo el disco Emociones y Detalles, del que se desprenderá el tema El Muro, una canción con alto contenido social que habla sobre la construcción de el muro en la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. Pero además de la novedad del sencillo, se suma que será interpretado en cinco idiomas por los “jefes de jefes”En entrevista para la agencia Notimex, Jorge y Hernán precisaron detalles sobre su nueva producción. ”El Muro, aparte del español será cantado en árabe, francés, alemán e inglés. Este proyecto surge junto con la pintora mexicana Cristina Ruvalcaba, que es la compositora del tema, y aquí estamos dando voz a una de sus letras”, revelaron.. Mexican Restaurant • Authentic Mexican Food Instant ticket prizes remaining as of Jan. 28, 2007 Downtown Toledo The Ohio Lottery Commission reminds you to Please Play Responsibly. All lottery players are subject to the rules and regulations of the Ohio Lottery Commission. Ted Strickland, Governor • Mike Abouserhal, Director • The Ohio Lottery is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider • ©2007 Ohio Lottery Commission #458, GOLDEN TICKET, $5 $150,000/TPD 1 $150,000 1 $25,000 2 $10,000 2 $5,000 1 $2,000 2 $1000/TPD Entry 5 $500 50 $100 2,348 $40 11,760 $20 23,903 #475, SUPER INSTANT MONOPOLY®, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 2 $5,000 4 $1,000/TPD Entry 18 $500 170 $200 2,168 $100 3,867 $50 21,439 $30 59,018 $20 59,372 #478, $200 MILLION CASH SPECTACULAR, $10 $1,000,000 ($50,000/yr for 20 yrs)/ TPD 1 $1,000,000 ($50,000/yr for 20 yrs) 6 $20,000 36 $10,000 148 $2,000/TPD Entry 51 $1,000 3,268 $500 8,313 $200 22,880 $100 98,272 $50 63,333 $30 96,826 $20 960,927 #481, $150,000 TEXAS HOLDʼEM®, $5 $150,000/TPD 1 $150,000 1 $20,000 8 $5,000 8 $2,000 7 $1,000/TPD Entry 12 $500 250 $100 3,792 $50 22,208 $30 15,661 $20 44,599 #483, LUCKY FORTUNE, $5 $150,000/TPD 1 $150,000 2 $25,000 4 $10,000 3 $5,000 5 $1,500 10 $1,000/TPD Entry 16 $500 175 $100 3,580 $40 36,094 $20 60,209 Number Remaining #485, BATTLESHIP™, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 1 $5,000 17 $1,000/TPD Entry 8 $500 138 $50 14,409 $25 26,426 #490, VARIETY BINGO TRIPLER, $3 $30,000 28 $10,000 11 $5,000 15 $2,500 39 $1,000 41 $500 69 $200 834 $100 6,641 $50 29,541 $40 41,756 $30 76,152 $20 195,718 #494, MONOPOLY™, $2 $20,000 9 $2,000 5 $500 16 $100 492 $50 8,303 $20 23,827 #495, FAT CAT TRIPLER, $2 $18,000 3 $3,000 3 $1,000 8 $500 24 $100 266 $50 959 $30 3,268 $20 8,173 #496, BONUS MILLIONS, $20 $2,000,000 ($100,000/yr for 20 yrs)/TPD 1 $2,000,000 ($100,000/yr for 20 yrs) 1 $20,000 2 $5,000 4 $2,500/TPD Entry 5 $1,000 15 $500 557 $200 2,210 $100 14,486 $50 18,075 $25 17,307 $20 59,939 #498, LUCKY ROLL, $2 $20,000 17 $2,000 12 $100 873 $40 33,402 $20 43,598 #501, DEUCES WILD, $1 $500 120 $100 563 $50 2,276 $20 22,686 Prize Amounts Number Remaining #502, LUCKY TIMES TEN, $5 $250,000/TPD 1 $250,000 2 $5,000 13 $2,000 43 $1,000/TPD Entry 19 $500 130 $100 3,004 $75 1,863 $50 18,894 $35 63,519 $20 226,798 #503, BREAK THE BANK, $2 $25,000 11 $2,500 84 $100 2,008 $50 11,162 $25 19,842 #504, BLACKJACK, $2 $21,000 18 $2,100 16 $500 45 $100 3,059 $50 16,623 $25 24,618 #505, $300 MILLION EXTRAVAGANZA, $10 $2,000,000 ($100,000/yr for 20 yrs)/TPD 1 $2,000,000 ($100,000/yr for 20 yrs) 16 $1,000,000 ($50,000/yr for 20 yrs) 8 $20,000 62 $10,000 680 $2,000/TPD Entry 167 $1,000 10,130 $500 28,736 $100 339,424 $50 338,776 $25 702,897 $20 3,052,364 #506, SUPER BLACKJACK DOUBLE PLAY®, $5 $200,000/TPD 1 $200,000 2 $10,000 12 $1,500 26 $1,000/TPD Entry 19 $500 228 $200 344 $100 2,959 $50 45,133 $30 89,166 $20 84,421 #507, SPICY HOT CASH, $2 $10,000 18 $1,000 23 $100 3,663 $50 22,802 $20 41,996 Prize Amounts Number Remaining #508, RUBY RED 7ʼS, $5 $100,000/TPD 0 $100,000 1 $7,000 2 $1,000/TPD Entry 1 $777 50 $500 66 $100 437 $77 923 $50 1,298 $25 2,865 #509, BEE LUCKY, $1 $1,000 $500 $100 $50 $25 3 11 236 1,185 1,874 #510, DOUBLING DOLLARS, $1 $5,000 $100 $50 $25 4 129 864 5,296 #511, LUCKY 7ʼS BINGO, $2 $10,000 4 $1,000 10 $500 26 $200 49 $125 68 $100 149 $65 327 $50 953 $42 618 $27 711 $25 11,944 $20 15,510 $19 15,406 #512, BINGO TIMES TEN, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 0 $50,000 1 $10,000 2 $1,500 4 $1,000/TPD Entry 12 $500 3 $200 5 $100 123 $75 429 $50 5,967 $40 5,876 $30 10,795 $20 46,237 Un hombre ve un cortejo fúnebre y se da cuenta de que el ataúd lo llevan de costado. Se acerca a un conocido que va detrás del ataúd y le pregunta: - ¿A quién llevan a enterrar?. - A mi suegra, dice el amigo. - ¿Y por qué de costado? Corner of Summit & Locust St. Across from Channel 11 Chances of winning and the number of winning tickets are established at the time of printing and will change as prizes are won. For current information on prizes in a scratch off game, please call (216) 787-4100 in Greater Cleveland, 1-800-589-6446 outside of Greater Cleveland, or visit All instant ticket games may not be at all agent locations. Prize Amounts -¡Papá!, ¡Papá!, ¿le robaron la tarjeta a mamá? -Sí hijo, sí -¡Papá! ¡Papá!, ¿y lo has denunciado? -No hijo, no -¡Papá!, ¡Papá!, ¿y cuando vas a denunciarlo? -Nunca hijo. El tipo que la ha robado se gasta mucho menos que tu madre. Latino Style of Music, Dancing & Fun! Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 9:00 am - 9:00 pm • Fri. & Sat. 9:00 am - 10:00 pm Number Remaining Los mejores chistes ¿Cuál es el colmo de un carpintero?. LLamarse Armando Mesa Carla Soto - Cállate, dice el amigo, bajando la voz y dice: - Si la ponemos boca arriba, empezará a roncar. ¿Cuál es el colmo de un jorobado? Estudiar derecho. ¿Cuál es el colmo de un pintor? Echarse un pedo tricolor. ¿Cuál es el colmo de un arquitecto? Trazar una línea con la regla de su mujer. ¿Cuál es el colmo de un egoísta? Comerse los mocos detrás de la puerta para que nadie le pida. Cuál es el colmo de un sordo? Que al morir le dediquen un minuto de silencio. ¿Cuál es el colmo de un enano? Que lo pare un policía y le diga, ¡ALTO! ¿Cuál es el colmo de los colmos? Que un muerto se tire al agua, que un ciego lo vea caer, que un mudo le diga a un sordo, mira como nada aquel. La Vista II 1244 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio 43609 Tel (419) 244-4601 • Fax (419) 244-4602 Prize Amounts Shakira y Beyoncé? Seguramente sería un guapo muy seductor, pero no valdría tanto la pena como para que unas amigas tan sexies pudieran distanciarse, sino más bien optarían por olvidarse de él. Esta es la historia que cuenta Beautiful Liar y que provocó que las divas se pelearan, no por Jay Z ni por Antonio de la Rúa, sino por un ”bello mentiroso”.Hace algunos meses la colombiana y estadunidense grabaron a dueto Beautiful Liar, pero tuvieron que hacerlo separadas por cuestiones de agenda, ya que la primera entró al estudio de grabación entre Miami y Bahamas y la segunda en Los Ángeles. Sin embargo, el destino sí pudo unirlas precisamente en esa ciudad para filmar la historia visual del tema. Page 9 Prize Amounts Number Remaining #516, MONEYBAGS, $1 $2,000 4 $500 14 $100 289 $35 1,177 $20 5,348 #518, RUN THE TABLE, $5 $150,000/TPD 1 $150,000 2 $100,000 1 $30,000 4 $10,000 11 $6,000 28 $3,500 49 $1,000/TPD Entry 19 $500 730 $100 6,070 $50 74,020 $35 36,802 $20 74,141 #519, SPECIAL EDITION CASHWORD, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 4 $5,000 24 $1,000/TPD Entry 20 $500 1,499 $100 6,333 $50 19,857 $40 21,458 $30 28,720 $25 79,692 $20 99,275 #520, DOUBLE DOUBLER, $1 $10,000 42 $2,500 43 $200 101 $100 2,237 $50 22,168 $20 27,631 #521, DOUBLING STAR CASHWORD, $2 $25,000 2 $4,000 1 $2,000 1 $1,000 3 $500 7 $200 11 $100 16 $50 398 $25 1,131 $20 2,830 #514, MAKE ME FAMOUS, MAKE ME RICH, $1 Entry 329,158 $500 911 $50 13,436 $20 111,917 #522, TURKEY TRIPLER , $1 $333 60 $90 280 $60 888 $30 2,064 $20 11,045 #515, MAKE ME FAMOUS, MAKE ME RICH EP, $2 MMF 86,075 Entry 177,154 $10,000 21 $1,000 207 $500 1,136 $50 9,893 $20 39,826 #523, TRIPLE LUCKY DIAMONDS, $2 $15,000 4 $3,000 5 $300 330 $100 549 $50 3,046 $20 10,913 Prize Amounts Number Remaining #524, HOLIDAY CASH, $1 $500 241 $50 5,072 $25 25,884 #525, HOLIDAY SURPRISE, $2 $10,000 7 $500 5 $100 114 $50 182 $20 3,020 #526, HOLIDAY LUCKY TIMES 10, $5 $250,000/TPD 1 $250,000 0 $5,000 6 $2,000 8 $1,000/TPD Entry 5 $500 147 $100 1,786 $75 1,381 $50 9,879 $35 26,060 $20 50,998 #527, HOLIDAY JACKPOT, $10 $500,000/TPD $500,000 $50,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,000/TPD Entry $1,000 $500 $100 $50 $25 1 0 0 0 0 3 12 99 621 660 2,065 #528, $5 MILLION CASH WINFALL, $20 $5,000,000 ($200,000/yr for 20 yrs)/TPD 1 $5,000,000 ($200,000/yr for 20 yrs) 4 $1,000,000 ($50,000/yr for 20 yrs) 13 $20,000 79 $10,000 666 $2,500/TPD Entry 134 $1,000 10,616 $500 29,003 $100 601,128 $50 317,349 $40 509,318 $25 1,272,787 $20 2,540,703 #529, COLD HARD CASH, $1 $1,000 37 $100 59 $50 1,294 $20 11,568 Prize Amounts #531, BLUE MOON BUCKS, $2 $20,000 $2,000 $100 $40 $20 Number Remaining 29 30 2,938 47,450 59,321 #532, AMAZING 8ʼs, $1 $1,888 27 $180 266 $88 288 $28 17,275 $18 28,763 #533, VALENTINEʼS DAY DOUBLER, $1 $1,400 25 $100 2,670 $20 23,233 #534, MONTHLY GRAND, $2 $60,000 ($1,000/mo for 5 yrs) 18 $2,000 15 $500 36 $100 853 $50 11,754 $20 39,867 #535, HOLIDAY TRIPLER, $2 $15,000 3 $1,000 4 $300 80 $100 105 $50 948 $20 2,618 Prize Amounts Number Remaining #539, FABULOUS 5ʼs, $5 $150,000/TPD 1 $150,000 2 $15,000 12 $5,000 24 $1,500 40 $1,000/TPD Entry 30 $500 208 $100 13,160 $50 120,739 $35 30,491 $20 22,142 #550, DOUBLING STAR CASHWORD, $2 $25,000 27 $4,000 18 $2,000 19 $1,000 18 $500 109 $200 267 $100 616 $50 14,310 $25 37,704 $20 89,854 *TPD = Top Prize Drawing **MMF stands for the Make Me Famous second-chance drawing OPEN Wed-Sun. Beginning March 16 EVERY FRIDAY HIP HOP withTriple Threat! EVERY SATURDAY Live Music, DJ! Salsa! Merengue! Tejano! EVERY SUNDAY Mexicano Musica! Duranguese! Banda! Cumbias! La Vista II Call (419) 508-7585 Hablamos Español • My Lottery Pick of the Week / Lo que debes escoger esta semana: Cash to Go Everybody is rushin’ and on the go these days so why not get Cash To Go - the Ohio Lottery’s new $1 instant game. Match 3 like prize amounts or 2 like prize amounts and a “go” symbol and win that prize instantly. With a top prize of $500, try Cash To Go today, hoy! Gracias! Odds Are, You’ll Have Fun. #536, STRIKE IT RICH, $5 $100,000/TPD 1 $100,000 1 $25,000 4 $10,000 3 $5,000 15 $2,000 17 $1,000/TPD Entry 18 $500 67 $100 7,333 $50 30,491 $40 22,142 #537, BLACK CHERRY DOUBLER, $1 $1,000 80 $100 239 $50 4,353 $25 40,276 #538, LUCK OF THE IRISH TRIPLER, $1 $1,700 40 $150 408 $75 3,175 $50 2,006 $25 20,014 #530, 2007 DOUBLER!, $1 $2,007 10 $500 17 $100 176 $50 150 $40 2,218 $20 8,006 • • current events, photographs, links, weather, classifieds, copies of La Prensa can be found at • La Prensa Página 10 March/marzo 9, 2007 “Highly Recommended” by La Prensa Honest Homemade Mexican Food The Toledo Repertoire Theatre’s Winter Showcase, performed March 3, 2007. RepEd Director is Sandy Sheperd, Ed. D. See Enjoy the Best Margaritas at Two convenient locations: West Toledo: Sylvania & Douglas [music, 6:00-9:00PM, every night] Oregon Oregon: 2072 Woodville Rd. NEW OREGON LOCATION 2072 WOODVILLE ROAD Now Open! 5th year in row—Toledo’s Best Mexican Restaurant! Best Margaritas! —As judged by readers of Toledo City Paper 419.472.0700 Toledo 419.693.6695 Oregon Canada’s Irish & Scottish-inspired Leahy family performs on March 23, 7:30PM, at John Hay High School in Cleveland, as part of the CMA’s festivities. 1888-CMA-0033. Richard Beland Photo, Leahy Music. Marisol Ibarra and Linda de la Peña at El Camino Sky’s Grand Opening last week in Oregon, Ohio. División de Policía de Cleveland Empleos Hector Cordero Un examen de servicio civil está programado para El sábado 14 de abril de 2007 In car sales for over 21 years Se Habla Espaol Phone: (734) 457-010 0 Cell: 419-508-7585 Ne w & Used Vehic les New ehicles No Credit, No Problem! 15407 S Monroe St Monroe, MI 48161 (734) 457-0100 HOURS: Mon and Thurs: 8:30AM to 9:00PM Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:30-6:00PM Sat: 9:00AM-4:00PM Los formularios para el examen pueden ser obtenidos y completados en Cleveland City Hall 601 Lakeside Avenue – Primer Piso Del 26 de febrero al 16 de marzo de 2007 De lunes a viernes de 8:30am – 4:00pm y Sábados de 9:00am – 4:00pm Las localidades a continuación también estarán disponibles entre las horas 5:00pm – 8:00pm Centro de Recreación Michael J. Zone 6301 Lorain Avenue Miércoles 7 de marzo de 2007 Centro de Recreación Glenville 680 E 113th Street Jueves 8 de marzo de 2007 A continuación se detallan aquellas copias que se deben presentar en el momento de completar la aplicación: Licencia de conductor Diploma de escuela secundaria o GED, tarjeta de seguro social, comprobante de residencia y militar (DD214) Al completar los formularios se debe abonar: $10 no-retornables para iniciación de los mismos y $2 de notario. El pago es alrededor de $43,256.97 a $50,812.11 PARA MAS INFORMACION COMUNICARSE CITY OF CLEVELAND – CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION – 216-664-2467 CLEVELAND DIVISION OF POLICE –RECRUITMENT SECTION- 216-623-5084 FRANK G. JACKSON, MAYOR MICHAEL McGRATH, CHIEF • A Mexican Epicurean’s Delight: El Camino Sky • Honest Homemade Mexican Food • Now Open • March/marzo 9, 2007 Page 11 8 de marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer By Claudia AnnoniMonzón, La Prensa Alfonso Torres-García and Anna McGreevy Bechard announce their engagement, to be wed Oct. 20, 2007 in Arizona. El Señor Alfonso Torres García y la Señorita Anna Bechard McGreevy anuncian su compromiso, para casarse en Arizona el 20 de octobre de 2007. Linda Alvarado and Denise Alvarado Sin tener en cuenta fronteras o idiomas, diferencias étnicas o culturales, políticas o económicas o religión, el 8 de marzo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Este día se conmemora para destacar la labor de mujeres trabajadoras que tuvieron y tienen “el coraje de atreverse” y que gereraron “la fuerza del cambio”. Si bien, todos los días las mujeres deben ser reconocidas por su ardua labor en nuestras comunidades, el día 8 de marzo es una buena oportunidad para honorar a todas aquellas que están o han estado presentes en nuestras vidas… y si el día 8, ya pasó…no importa, al igual, ofrezca su gratitud, que será bien apreciada…MAS VALE TARDE QUE NUNCA. “Chicano Prayers” by Ignacio Rosa Maldonado—see exhibit article, p. 4 u u *U T#BDL*U T#JHHFS /PX8JUI1SJ[FTt1SJ[FT 1SJ[FTt1SJ[FT 0OMZ5JDLFUT"WBJMBCMFt0O4BMF'FCSVBSZ5) =RRa/`SG]cÂZZ6OdS4c\ ,OTTERYPLAYERSARESUBJECTTO/HIOLAWSAND#OMMISSIONREGULATIONS0LEASEPLAYRESPONSIBLY •Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. E-mail to subscribe• La Prensa Events Página 12 LA PRENSA’S CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Ohio Happenings: March/marzo 9, 2007 Obituaries ALEJANDRO SWEET BARAJAS March 9, 7:00PM: Lecture by Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera of Cleveland State University and movie presentation of In the Time of the Butterflies honoring Latinas in celebration of The International Women’s Day (March 8); presented by the Julia De Burgos Cultural Arts Center, 5209 Detroit Ave., Cleveland. 216-9612970. March 11, 7:00PM: Knight Fest at St. Francis de Sales High School with Jazz trumpeter Joey Sommerville, who is a 1978 Grad, 2323 W. Bancroft St., Toledo; donations accepted; refreshments served; 419-531-1618 (ext. 305) or March 23, 7:30PM: Leahy Siblings perform the best of Irish/Scottish music at John Hay High School, 2075 Stokes Blvd., Cleveland; presented by the Cleveland Museum of Art; $29 admission ($27 for CMA members); 1-888-CMA-0033. Alejandro Sweet Barajas, age 50, of Fremont, OH, died Friday night, February 23 at the Countryside Continuing Care Center in Fremont. He was born on April 24, 1956 in Reynosa, México and married Kelly Heifner on December 24, 1999 at the Church of God in North Fairfield, OH. She survives. Alejandro lastly worked as a laborer at Fremont Plastics until the onset of his sickness. Known to be laid back and easy going, he enjoyed being with friends, having fun, laughing and playing with dogs. As a hobby, Alejandro spent time working with his hands as a mechanic. Surviving are his mother, Tomasa Sweet of México, children Araselie Sweet, Alejandro Pérez and Juan Aguilar all of Fremont and Jacob Aguilar of Leipsic, brothers José and Gustavo Sweet of Arkansas and sister Silvia Sweet of México. He is preceded in death by his father. Michigan Happenings: Nicolas “Nico” Davila Jr., age 46, passed away of pneumonia at St. Charles Hospital, Toledo, OH, on March 2, 2007. He was surrounded by family, friends and Father Richard Notter of SS. Peter and Paul Church. He was born Oct. 29, 1960, and was a laborer who liked to be with his family and friends and lived life to the fullest. He was preceded in death by his brother, Daniel Davila. He leaves behind his parents, Nicolas and Andrea (Castro) Davila; sister, Delores (Jim Sherman); son, Daniel (Speelman); daughters, Sara and Mickey (Speelman); and grandchildren, Makayla (Collins) and Daniel (Butler); and 2 expectant grandchildren; also, many relatives in Texas and California, and numerous friends. March 24, 10:00AM-4:00PM: Citizenship Day at the International Institute, 111 East Kirby Road, Detroit. Do you need help applying for U.S. Citizenship? Hosted by the Michigan Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association; $20 per person; 313-871-8600. For Latino-style dancing in the Detroit area go to: [Any listings? Post gratis. Contact La Prensa at 419-870-6565 (Rico, NW Ohio), 313729-4435 (Claudia, Michigan), 440-320-8221 (Rubén, NE Ohio), or, better yet, email to Always check for changes.] SPANGLISH RADIO PROGRAMS Ohio: WNZN 89.1FM La Onda Cultural Latina Lorain, OH Cada día, 9:00AM-5:00PM Contendiendo por la Fe WJTB 1040AM sábado 1:30-2:00PM WLFC 88.3 FM Findlay, OH viernes, 6:00 to 9:00PM WCSB 89.3 FM LA PREFERIDA Lilly Corona Moreno Cleveland, OH Jueves, 7:00-9:00PM 216-687-3515 WBGU 88.1 FM, La Unica WFOB 1430 AM with Freddy G Fostoria, sáb. noon-2:00 p.m. Sylvester Duran dom., 8:30 to 10:30AM 419-435-5555 Detroit, MI lunes a viernes, 5:00-7:00AM WDTR 90.9 FM Caribe Serenade Detroit, MI Ozzie Rivera sábado 6:30 to 8:30PM WLEN 103.9 FM Radio Picoso DJs Jimmy Bejarano Emilio Guerrero Adrian, MI dom., 1:00 to 4:30PM 517-264-4000 con Freddy Gutiérrez, Geraldo Rosales, Rudy Jalapeño Lomeli, Joe Cardenas, and Maribel Bowling Green, OH dom., 9:00AM to 2:00PM 419-372-8810 WNZK 680 AM Michigan: WSDS 1480 AM La Explosiva 24hrs. “La que se escribe con rojo’” con Alex (Batman), Paquita, El Rostro, y Laura Hotline: 734-484-1480 313-350-3234 WQTE 95.3 FM with Lady Di Adrian, MI dom.,3:00 to 8:00PM 517-265-9500 WIBM 1450AM Juan M. Rodríguez Jackson, MI dom., 10:00AM-Noon 517-787-0020 Note: Churches or Radio, with Spanish dialogue, desiring to be included in La Prensa’s Directories should e-mail the information to Rico, c/o, or call 419.870.6565 or 313.729.4435. Gracias! Servicios Disponibles a las Familias en el Noroeste de Ohio Misas en español en la Diócesis de Toledo Parroquia San Caspar 1205 calle N. Shoop Wauseon OH Tecer dom. del mes, 1:00PM en julio y agosto; 2º & 4º dom, sepjunio. (419) 337-2322 Parroquia San Gerard Parroquia San Pedro y San Pablo 240 calle W. Robb Lima OH 728 calle St. Clair Segundo dom. del mes, 7:30AM Toledo OH (419) 224-3080 Don, 12:00 mediodía Parroquia Santa María 419-241-5822 731 calle Exchange Una o dos vezes al mes: Vermilion OH Parroquia San Aloysius Segundo y quarto dom. Del mes, Esquina de calles Summit y Clough 4:00PM (abril-octubre) Bowling Green OH 440-967-8711 1:00PM, 2º and 4º dom Parroquia San Pedro (sep.-junio), y Tecer dom. del mes, 614 calle N. Defiance en julio y agosto. Archbold OH (419) 352-4195 Primer sábado del mes, 8:00PM Cada Semana: Parroquia San José 709 calle Crogan Fremont OH Dom, 12:00 mediodía (419) 332-4973 Parroquia Santa Rosa 215 calle East Front Perrysburg OH Primer dom. del mes, 12:00PM mediodía (419) 874-1002 Parroquia San Wendelin Esquina de calles Wood y College 323 calle North Wood Fostoria OH Cuarto dom. del mes, 1:00PM (419) 435-6692 Parroquia San Pablo 91 calle East Main Norwalk OH Cada otro dom., 1:30PM (419) 668-6044 GUILLERMO “WILLIE” HERNÁNDEZ JR. Guillermo “Willie” Hernández, Jr., 71 years, of Toledo, OH, passed away Saturday morning, March 3, 2007, at the Medical University Hospital after a brief illness. As a young boy living in southern Texas, Willie was not fluent in English, but coming to live in the Stony Ridge Area at the ago of 10, he became friends with crop duster pilots and enjoyed flying with them. Willie pursued his love of flying by learning to read and write and type in English. He was self-schooled in his efforts to become a private pilot. He passed his instrument and flying test at Willow Run Airport in Detroit where he received his Pilot’s license. His life was for his children. Willie coached softball for St. Clements’s Elementary School. From 1968 through 1980 he helped manage and work the concession stands at the Whitmer stadium events. He was a past president of the Whitmer Band boosters. He chaperoned many away bus trips for Track and Field meets as well as Whitmer band trips with the football teams. He was generous with the Whitmer students in assisting them in building Homecoming floats. In all of the activities of his children at Whitmer High School, Willie was well liked by their many friends for his interest in their successes. He was a member of the Blue Horizon Flying Club and until his illness, enjoyed club activities as well as fishing and traveling, maintaining his yard and loving his grandchildren. He enjoyed several trips to México with his family as well as vacations to other destinations. He often had good luck in his trips to Las Vegas. Willie was a member of the Mayores Senior Center, St. Clements’s Parish and was a member of the first Cursillo group formed in Toledo. After 21 years, he retired in 1999 from Daimler-Chrysler as an inspector at the Jeep plant. He previously had worked in new home construction 15 years. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Irene (González) Hernández and children, Sarah (Benito) Lazano, Daniel Hernández, David (Julia) Hernández, and Suzanna (Jessie) Mendoza; 14 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter. A brother, Rafael (Angelina) Hernández; special sister-in-law, Esther González; as well as many nieces and nephews also survive. His son, Donald in 1976; daughter, Sally Stickels in 2004 and sister, Auralia Ybarra in 1980, preceded him in death. PAULA LEVARIO Paula “Pauline” (née Guerrero) Levario, 73, of Fremont, OH, died Monday February 26 2007 at her home surrounded by her loving family. Pauline was born on June 19 1933 in Dallas, Texas to José F. and Manuela (Flores) Guerrero. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and a member of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary and American Legion. She was a homemaker and enjoyed bingo, shopping, casinos, and cooking for her family. Surviving are: her husband of 56 years Rudy Levario, sons Juan (Georgia) Levario and Rudy “Bebe” Levario Jr., daughter Isabell (Jerry) Avalos, all of Fremont Ohio; also, fourteen grandchildren and twentytwo great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents; two infant daughters, brothers Steve Guerrero and Julian Guerrero, and sister Cruz Guerrero. Paula Levario JOSE FLORES RIOS SR. José Flores Rios, Sr., 86, of Erie, MI, died at 8:40 a.m. Friday, March 2, 2007, in TenderCare of Monroe, MI. Born March 11, 1920, in Orange Grove, Texas, he was the son of Felix and Enriqueta (Flores) Rios. He married Leonor Hernández on April 6, 1938, in San Antonio, Texas. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Erie. Surviving are four sons, José Jr. (Socorro) of Erie, Antonio (Roxanne) of Defiance, Ohio, Paul (Gloria) of Toledo, and Manuel (Yvonne) of LaSalle; two daughters, Angelita (Eliodoro) Zapata of Baytown and San Juanita (Hipolito) Valencia of Erie; a sister, Isabelle Delgado of San Antonio, Texas; 21 grandchildren, 57 greatgrandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren. In addition to his wife, he was preceded in death by seven sisters. Our readers are free to submit obituaries via email at: at no cost to the reader for publication in La Prensa and Gracias. Sobering Iraqi Casualty Stats ALANNA RODRIGUEZ 1985-2006 The Human Cost of Occupation Through March 6, 2007 U.S. Military Casualties in Iraq: Since War began (3-19-03): 3,184 dead Since “Mission Accomplished” speech by Pres. George W. Bush (5-1-03): 3,045 dead Since capture of Saddam (12-13-03): 2,723 dead Since U.S. handover to Iraq (6-29-04): 2,325 dead Since Iraqi election (1-31-05): 1,747 dead Since Saddam’s Execution (12-30-06) 186 dead U.S. Wounded: 23,785 (official reported count) Iraqi death toll: Est. 110,000-600,000-plus Average Per Diem Cost: $300 million per day Rumsfeld’s ‘05 estimate of duration of War: 12 years U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan 371 dead [Sources: and] NICOLAS DAVILA JR. March 3rd was one year, baby girl. Even in your death, you inspire me each and every day, to continue on. To be stronger in my life and more confident. Your love will last a life time. Alanna, I want you to know …You were not an accident; your birth was no mistake or mishap; your life was no fluke of nature. He knows I might have not planned you but GOD did. You know me inside and out. GOD sculpted you from nothing into something. Alanna, you are my greatest accomplishment. Thank you for being the light in my life. Your loving mother, Nilda. Former Pres. & CEO of Halliburton, Dick Cheney TRANSLATIONS Spanish-English English-Spanish 419-870-6565 • A Mexican Epicurean’s Delight: El Camino Real • Honest Homemade Mexican Food • El Camino Real • 419.472.0700 • March/marzo 9, 2007 Bailes y La Música By Rico OHIO: Toledo: La Vista II, 843 N. Summit St., Fri: Hip Hop; Sat: Live Music; Sun: Música Mexicana; Open Wed-Sun from 6:00PM until 2:30 AM; Se Habla Español; (419) 5087585. Club Mystique, mainly Salsa, 3122 Airport; 419.382.3122 or 419.704.5108. Las Palmas, 3247 Stickney Ave., 9:00PM2:00AM; 419.729.9461o Cleveland: View Nightclub: Funky Fiesta Fridays (5PM-2:30AM), 618 E. Prospect Ave. (2nd floor): free salsa lessons 9-10PM; $5 cover; 216290-0407, 440-2635842, or Sunset Lounge: Sushi Salsa Saturdays, 5PM2:30AM, 1382 W. 9th St., $5 cover, proper attire, 216-280-0407. Lorain: Kiki’s Club, 2522 W. 21st St. & Rt 58, Fri: Hip Hop/Latino; Sat: Latino, 9:00PM-2:30AM; 440.989.1422. MICHIGAN: Detroit: Club International, 6060 W. Fort Street; Sat.; 313.995.4938. Envy, 234 W. Larned; Fri., 248.756.4821. Half Past 3, 2554 Grand River, Sat: Latin Dance Parties with DJ Cisco; salsa, merengue, bachata; free salsa lessons 10PM; ladies free before 10PM; 313.304.8953 and 248.756.4821. Los Galanes, 3362 Bagley St., most Fri. & Sat; 313.554.4444. Vicentes: 1250 Library; Fri: DJ Cisco spins salsa, merengue, Latin House; free salsa lessons 10PM; 21+, 248-756-4821. Ferndale: Every Friday, Monkey Bar,141 West Nine Mile Road, DJ Cisco, 248.756.4821 or 248.246.0076. Luna Pier: Luna Pier Ballroom; most Saturday nights; 10PM to 3AM; 734.848.4326. Pontiac:HEAT, Pike St. & N. Saginaw St., Fri; at the main level: salsa, merengue, bachata & Latin House music by DJ Cisco 248.756.4821 or Royal Oak: Wed. & Thurs; Sky Club, 401 S. Lafayette; doors open at 8:00PM, with free dance lessons at 8:30PM; 21 and over; DJ Cisco, 248.543.1964, or 248.756.4821. Utica: Argentine Tango Detroit, 7758 Auburn Road; Tango on Fri; 586.254.0560. Have entertainment? Listing? contact Rico at: 313.729.4435, or 419.870.6565 or email: Spanish Church Services OHIO: Toledo: • Evangelical Assemblies of God 705 Lodge St. 43609 Pastor Moses Rodríguez Miér., 7:00PM Dom., 11:00AM 419-385-6418 • First Spanish Church of God 1331 E. Broadway 43605 Dom., 10:00 a.m.& 5:00PM Mier. & Vier., 7:00PM Sab., 6:00 p.m. 419-693-5895 • Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor 521 Spencer Rd. 43609 Rev. Dr. Alberto Martínez Berna Aguilar, Youth Pastor Miér., 6:00PM Sab., 6:00PM Dom., 10:15AM, 11:20AM, 6:00PM. 419-381-2648 • Iglesia Cristo La Roca de Salvación 2052 Front St. 43605 Pastores: Exh. Miguel & Blanca Ladriyé Dom: Escuela 10:30AM; Culto Evangelistico 6:30PM 419-381-7765 • Iglesia Nueva Vida 2025 Airport Hwy 43609 Pastor Titular: Josué Rodríguez Pastor Asociado: José Rosario Domingo 12:30PM Estudio Biblico: Jue. 7PM 419-382-0954 • Iglesia Torre Fuerte Iglesia de Bible Temple 3327 Airport Hwy 43609 Pastor Guadalupe Rios Dom. 5:30PM 419-509-5692 • La Primera Iglesia Bautista 628 Elm St. 43604 Pastor: José Luis Jirón Escuela dominical: 10:00AM Culto de adoración:11:00A Los cultos son bilingüe Bible studies: Sat. 10:00AM 419-241-1546 • SS. Peter & Paul 728 S. St. Clair St. 43609 Fr. Richard Notter Dom., 12:00PM[en español] 419-241-5822 Lorain: • Sacred Heart Chapel 4301 Pearl Ave. Rev. William A. Thaden Sister Theresa Stegman, Sister Elisea Bonano 440-277-7231 Dom., 8AM, 10AM,& Noon Lun., jueves, vier. 9:30AM Mier., 6:30PM/Sáb., 6:00PM • House of Praise International Church 4321 Elyria Ave. 44055 Pastor Gilbert & Eileen Silva 440-233-6433 Dom., 9 & 10:30AM [Eng.] Dom., 12:30PM [Spanish] Dom., 1:30PM Mar. & Jue., 7:00PM • Iglesia Pentecostal Cristo Misionera 1930 Broadway 44055 Paster Miguel Serrano 440-245-2772 Dom., Escuela dom. 10AM Dom., culto evan. 6PM Martes, jueves, viernes @ 7PM: Evangelistas Daniel González, Francisco Vega, Abel Robles • La Iglesia de Dios, Inc. Rev. Angel L. Rivera 3115 Elyria Ave. 44052 440-244-3415 • Misión Cristiana Faro de Luz (Disciplos de Cristo) 940 West Fifth St. 44052 Pastor Luis A. Morales 440-288-8810 Dom., 1:00PM: Predicación Dom., 4:00PM: Escuela Biblica • Our Savior Nuestro Salvador Luthern Church 4501 Clinton Ave. 44055 Rev. Cora Lee Meier 440-277-6123 Dom., 11:15AM:Serv. de Adoración Dom., 10:00AM: Escuela Dominical Lorain: • Principe de Paz Hispanic Luthern Church 1607 East 31st St. 44055 • Iglesia del Dios Viviente 254 Barres lane Elyria OH 44035 Pastor Martin & Carmen Moyet Dom: Adoración 11:00AM Mier: Estudios Biblicos 7:00PM Sáb: Programa radial 1040AM 1:30PM 440-310-0163 Cleveland, OH: • Iglesia Nueva Vida 2327 Holmden Ave. Cleveland OH 44109 Rev. José Reyes Serv. culto: mier. 8:00PM vier. 8:00PM dom. 11:00AM 216-741-0390 216-322-0002 • Iglesia Pentecostal “La Senda Antigua” Pastores Rolando & Lizzette Velázquez 2681 West 14th Street Cleveland OH 44113 216.298.9095 Orden de Cultos: Dom:10:30AM Esc. dominical; noon: Culto Evang., ProTemplo lun: 7PM clase de Nuevos Creyentes Mar: 7PM Oración y Est. Biblico mier: 7PM Culto de Hogares jueves: 7PM Culto Generales Vier: 7PM Culto Generales • Sagrada Familia ★ (MARCH 20 - APRIL 18) ALove ★ARIES: ★ - it elicits so many descriptive words - like enduring, consuming, selfless. Concentrate on the notion of unconditional love, since that is one of the toughest kinds to excel at giving out. No questions asked; it’s there. ★ M ICHIGAN • Primera Iglesia Hispana de Monroe Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Pastor Jesse Morales 317 E. Front St. Monroe, Michigan 48161 734-848-4271 • Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana 3495 Livernois Street Detroit, Michigan 48210 Pastor Titular: Carlos Liese Pastor Asociado: Elí Garza Estudio Bíblico: Miér., 7:00PM Escuela Dominical: 10:00AM Culto de Adoración: Dom., 11:00AM 313-894-7755 • Nueva Creación United Methodist Church 270 Waterman St. Detroit MI Services: Juev. at 7:00PM & dom. a 5:30PM • St. Alfred Catholic Church Fr. Jim Kean 9500 Banner Street Taylor MI Misa en español: Domingo, a 5:00PM 313-291-6464 • Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe G-2316 W. Coldwater Rd. Flint, MI 48505 810-787-5701 Rev. Timothy Nelson sabado (ingles) 5pm, domingo (español) 9am, domingo (ingles) 11am WE MOVED UP HILL HILL!! Fr. David Fallon 7719 Detroit Ave. Cleveland OH 44102 Sat. Vigil 5:00PM Sun., 9:00AM & 11:30AM 216-631-6817 • St. Francis Parish Superior Ave. & 71st St. Cleveland OH Sat. Vigil 4:00PM Sáb., 10:00AM [Español] Sat., 11:30AM [Eng.] Weekdays, 7:30AM 216-361-4133 • St. Michael the Archangel Fr. Jaime McCreight 3114 Scranton Rd. Cleveland OH 44109 Sat., 5:00PM [English] Sáb., 7:00PM [Español] Sun., 9:45AM [Eng.] Dom., Noon [Esp.] 216-621-3847 216-861-6297 • Misión Cristiana Nueva 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 We have moved up Hill Ave. so we could add 5,000 sq. ft. to serve your needs. • Iglesia Cristiana Fuente De Salvacion 3780 West 140th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Dom: Estudio Bibilico a las 2PM Servicio de Alabanza a las 3PM Estudio en Los Hogares Para Caballeros a las 7PM Miercoles: Oracion a las 7PM en la Iglesia Viernes: Estudios en Los Hogares/Celulas a las 7PM Pastores Pedro & Georgina Leonardo (440) 508-4497 (216) 334-4759 La Preciosa’ Preciosa’ss Mexican Restaurant 1218 Broadway Toledo, Ohio 43609 (419) 242-0215 Hours: Tuesday - Thursday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Friday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Monday ★ ★ GEMINI: (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) ★ occasional stretch of financial belt-tightening is The actually quite beneficial. Pulling back, making do, budgeting - those are all good practices to stay on top of. Tip: Fund a savings account to cover unforeseen expenses. A ★ CANCER: (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) A★ ★ not to like about your current condition? What’s ★ Things are going better than ever at work and home life is very comfy. Don’t be greedy. You can never have it ALL at once. If you look for the silver lining, you won’t be disappointed. LEO: (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) How thrilling it would be to discover your family tree ★ A traces★back to someone of real note - an inventor, ★ a scientist, a military hero or even one of the nobility! Genealogy research gets easier all the time - start to dig. VIRGO: (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) Balance your serious, organized self with some humor. Anyone who is able to laugh at oneself is more ★ likely to let life’s little black clouds blow away. All in ★ all, it’s a good formula for navigating the bumpy, billowy ride. ★ A LIBRA: (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) Fire up! Your weekend CAN be memorable, if only you get off your backside and be the one to make ★it happen. ★ Think out of the box for an extra special experience. Be spontaneous; variety is the spice of life. What would be totally new? A ★ SCORPIO: (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) With the power of hindsight, the way to have avoided your blunder is crystal clear. What’s done is done ★ ★ however; so don’t beat yourself up over it anymore. Good lesson: take what you’ve learned and apply it shrewdly in the future. A SAGITTARIUS: (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) Large or small, there is usually a risk associated with ★ anything that involves more than a minor change. Fall★ ing in love obliges one to take a major plunge, but the upside potential is immense. Be willing to do a little swimming. A SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS A ★ TAURUS: (APRIL 19 - MAY 20) Let compromise take a back seat, if only for this week. It feels good now and again to proceed ahead with your original concept, free of “friendly” amendments or any watering down. Have it all your own way for a bit. ★ Vida 2003 West Blvd. Cleveland OH 44102 Dom. 9:00AM [Español] Sociedad de Niños: Vier. 6:30PM Pastores Vanessa Rivera y Luís Castellano 440-220-2368 ó 440-220-2369 Weekly Horoscope BY SEÑORA SANCHEZ • The Salvation Army 2506 Broadway 44052 Pastores Carlos & Trudy Medina Dom: 11:00AM Reunion de Adoración; 1:00PM Escuela Mier: 6:30PM Estudio Biblico Vier: 6:00PM Club de Niños 440-244-1921 • Christian Tabernacle International Church 2203 Meister Rd. 44053 Pastores David & Mildred Figueroa Dom., 10:00AM (Escuela Dominical) Dom., 5:30PM Martes & Jueves: 7:30PM 440-9605363 Page 13 ★ CAPRICORN: (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) ★ a magnet, you are drawn to the rigorsA ★ Like of long, ★ sometimes slavish hours on the job. Ask yourself, “Who is the master I am serving?” If the answer is “The Almighty Dollar,” you know that nasty Simon Legree is in charge. (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18)★ AAQUARIUS: ★ that Maybe ★ you should carry around a little notebook would list your daily accomplishments. Whenever you were in need of a pat on the back, this would serve to remind you of all you’ve achieved. Minor deeds have princely value as well. A ★ PISCES: (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 19) ★ ★This isn’t the time to dawdle and daydream. Motiva- tion from someone else will be absent this go-round. Tie a can to your insecurities and resolve to stride onto the scene with a gusto and bravado that would rival that of John Wayne. A ★ IF ★ YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You share your birthday with: Joey Martínez (Los Musicales, March 7), Marcos Orozco (March 10), Flaco Jiménez (March 11), Rico Pico (March 11), Gabriel Chapa (La Diferenzia, March 13), and Jimmy Edwards (March 16). Music, movement, and travel are recurring themes. Anything fresh or new captivates you. ★ • A Mexican Epicurean’s Delight: El Camino Real • Honest Homemade Mexican Food • El Camino Real • 419.472.0700 • Página 14 Mexican trucks to be able to travel freely throughout the United States soon (AP): As many as 100 Mexican trucking companies will be able to travel throughout the United States under a new program U.S. officials expect to launch within two months. The one-year pilot program will allow approved Mexican trucks to deliver their goods beyond the 2025-mile border zone for the first time since 1982. Since that time, Mexican trucks that cross the border have been required to unload their cargo at warehouses in cities such as Nogales. The cargo is then transferred to a U.S. truck that transports it to its destination. The program was originally authorized by the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement but was delayed more than 12 years due to concerns that Mexican trucks weren’t safe. Government officials and border trade alliances say the program will streamline the flow of goods across the border and enhance U.S. and Mexican economies. The process of unloading Mexican cargo at U.S. warehouses along the border “is a waste of time, energy and money, and that is about to change,” said Mary Peters, U.S. Department of Transportation secretary, who was in Nogales on Friday to make the announcement. “Now that the safety and security programs are in place, the time has come for us to move forward on a long-standing promise with México.” Critics question the measures taken to ensure safety of Mexican trucks and worry about the potential • Mon - Sat 9:00AM - 9:00PM • Sun 9:00AM - 6:00PM Mexican Village Restaurant & Grocery • Menudo y Barbacoa on Weekends • Jesse Noriega 419-943-3858 131 E. Main St. Leipsic OH 45856 loss of work for U.S. truck drivers. Selected Mexican companies will be given certificates its drivers can show at the ports of entry that will allow them to drive into the interior. However, the trucks will still be subject to inspection by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, said Michael P. Jackson, deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. “From the perspective of security, this initiative is absolutely consistent with our firm commitment to having the strongest security at our borders,” Jackson said. Peters said U.S. officials will choose as many as 100 Mexican companies from 800 that have signed up for the pilot program. Inspectors will conduct on-site audits of the companies to ensure their trucks and drivers meet all U.S. safety and security requirements, according to Peters who added that the federal government has 540 trained inspectors ready. Information from: Arizona Daily Star, http:// NorthWest Ohio Writers’ Forum will hold their next monthly meeting on Saturday, March 17, 2007 beginning at 10 a.m. at the Washington Branch Library, 5560 Harvest Lane, Toledo. The keynote speaker is award-winning romance writer Denise Lynn, who discusses the discipline of writing and ways writers can turn loose their creativity with her presentation “The Zone – It’s Not Just a Diet.” In addition to her presentation, Denise will lead participants through writing exercises. March/marzo 9, 2007 Guestworker program (Continued from Page 2) Central Americans to work in the construction and service industries in the south. Bush supports México’s call for a U.S. immigration accord allowing Mexicans to seek temporary U.S. work visas, but Congress has instead voted to harden the border and increase security. Washington also has urged México to do more to stop Central and South Americans who hop freight trains north and head for the United States. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the Bush administration has offered to advise México on securing its southern border. México said it detained 182,705 undocumented migrants last year; the United States caught more than a million people crossing México’s northern border without documentation. Calderón sees it as a lawand-order problem: Central American gangs operate on both sides of México’s border with Guatemala, robbing migrants and running drugs, and migrants also are mistreated by Mexican police and immigration officials. Last year, 187 migration officials were disciplined, said Cecilia Romero, México’s top immigration official. Her department’s plan aims “to entirely eliminate this terrible situation” by improving detainees’ access to lawyers and human rights defenders and prohibiting undocumented migrants from being held in common jails. “It’s harder to go through México than getting into the U.S.,” said Richard Garcia, a Honduran waiting for a northbound train in this industrial hub outside México City. “At least in the U.S. they just pick you up and return you. Here you get robbed, beat up.” Garcia, 31, said at least a dozen men from his Atlantic coast village of Triunfo de la Cruz have lost limbs riding trains across México. Riding with him this time was Dilcia Ortiz, a 27-yearold mother of four from Tela, Honduras who was trying to reach her husband in New York City. Eighteen days into the trip, she had paid a $45 bribe to Mexican immigration officials and watched a female traveler slice her foot in half trying Voter registration and pledging to vote this year (Continued from Page 1) only bring pride to your family, friends, and neighbors, but it will also give your family and the Latino community a voice and political power. Pictured on page 1 are: front row, L-R, Chelsea Sharp, María Molina, Emily Vargas, & Allana Esquivel; back row, L-R: Robert Gonzáles & Russell Castillo. Read what young Latino(a) students from Bowsher High School are saying about why they are going to vote this year! • Robert S. Gonzáles: “I believe it’s important to pick the best president in 2008 to represent my people.” • Russell L. Castillo: “I want my voice to be heard.” • Allana S. Esquivel: “I want to make a difference in the Latino community.” Gracias, Ramón Pérez, at to jump on a train. “I cried so hard,” Ortiz said, recalling how the woman screamed in pain. “I thought of my husband when he did this trip, of all my people who have had to do this.” Wairon Adalis, 18, of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, said his friend turned back after gang members robbed him and fired a bullet that skimmed his head. Adalis said nothing would stop him from meeting his family in Houston _ even the chance to work legally in México. “If México wants us to work here, then they have to pay in dollars,” he said. Garcia said he would consider joining a Mexican guest-worker program, “but I still don’t understand why México cares.” “We’re passing through. We don’t affect anything. It’s obvious they’re just trying to please Washington,” he said. “They should let us through so we don’t have to die falling off a train. We’re all Latin Americans, so we should support each other in this.” Put your Bachelors or Masters to work! Teach part-time for JCC. JCC Employment Opportunities Quick link to Human Resources Select Employment Opportunities. Or call JCC @ VO-TECH 517.265.5515 El Centro Cultural Julia de Burgos te invita a una presentación en honor a la Mujer Latina en celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer el viernes, 9 de marzo a las 7pm. El Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera sera nuestro invitado de honor. Tendremos una presentacion de la pelicula “En El Tiempo de Las Mariposas”, PG-13, en inglés con subtitulos en español (basada en eventos ocurridos durante el regimen del General Trujillo en la Republica Dominicana). El evento es gratis y abierto al publico. Invite a sus amistades: Centro Cultural Julia De Burgos, 5209 Detroit Ave. (puertas de cristal con arco iris), Cleveland. Voces Latinas 10th Year! Los Carnavales de Barranquilla! “Videos Calientes” VocesChannel Latinas 69 Thursday 8PM and Saturday 7 PM Toledo, OH • 419-318-0934 • • current events, photographs, links, weather, classifieds, copies of La Prensa can be found at • La Prensa Classifieds March/marzo 9, 2007 UNITED LAWNSCAPE,INC. Feria de trabajo 17 de Marzo de 2007 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Se solicita: Encargado de mantenimiento de Jardinería - Min. 2 años de experiencia. Licencia de conductor válida y con récord limpio. Asistente de encargado de Jardinería - Min. 1 año de experiencia. Licencia de conductor válida y con récord limpio. Técnico de Fertilización - Se prefiere con experiencia pero no es requisito. Licencia de conductor válida y con récord limpio. Obrero - No se requiere experiencia Ofrecemos pagos competitivos y oportunidades de progreso. Por favor aplicar en persona: 62170 Van Dyke, Washington Twp, MI o enviar fax al: 586-752-5040 Clinical Therapists Dynamic outpatient facility committed to providing extraordinary care to children and families is seeking dedicated team players to provide clinical services. Masters degree in mental health field with Ohio license (LSW, LISW, PC, PCC); plus one year experience working with troubled children and families required. Must be computer literate and have word processing skills. Duties include providing diagnostic assessments, formulating client treatment plans and providing ongoing individual, family, and group therapy. Excellent organizational, communication, and documentation skills are essential. Commitment to excellent customer service a must. Submit cover letter with salary expectations and resume by 3/7/07, to Lucas County Family Council hereby gives notice of our Request for Proposals (RFP) for an exploratory study of academic achievement and barriers to academic achievement for children/youth with serious emotional disturbances in Lucas County. The RFP will be available online on Tuesday, March 6 at bids You may be pick up a copy between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm M-F, or call 419-213-6991 to request mailing. If you intend to apply, a Letter of Intent must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 23, 2007. Proposals will not be accepted if a timely Letter of Intent was not received. Proposals must be received at One Government Center, Suite 580 by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 30, 2007. Lucas County Family Council hereby gives notice of our Request for Proposals (RFP) for providers to develop and deliver child abuse and neglect prevention services in Lucas County from 7/1/07-6/30/08. The RFP will be available on March 1 at SupportServices/BidNotices.asp You may be pick up a copy between 8:30 am – 4 pm M-F at the address below, or call 419-213-6991 to request mailing. A Letter of Intent must be received by 4 p.m. on March 23. Proposals will not be accepted if a timely Letter of Intent was not received. Proposals must be received at One Government Center, Suite 580 by 4 p.m. on Monday, April 9. Page 15 Lottery Results for Saturday, March 3, 2007 OHIO Midday Pick 3 Midday Pick 4 Pick 3 Evening Pick 4 Evening Rolling Cash 5 Classic Lotto Mega Millions Kicker 190 6629 677 7795 5-12-14-20-27 5-7-20-23-32-36 14-21-33-35-51 +43 764478 [3-2-07] MICHIGAN Classic Lotto 47 Fantasy 5 Daily 3 Eve Daily 3 Mid Daily 4 Eve Daily 4 Mid 08-19-20-24-27-46 04-08-11-16-32 761 642 1602 5634 INDIANA Daily 3 Evening Daily 4 Evening Lucky 5 Evening Hoosier Lotto Powerball Daily 3 Midday Daily 4 Midday Lucky 5 Midday 3-6-0 7-6-6-7 9-11-14-24-25 3-5-9-24-26-27 1-5-16-22-48 PB:6, M:3 4-6-3 0-8-0-8 2-8-13-16-24 MISSOURI LOTTO Pick 3 Pick 4 Showme 5 Paydown Harbor Behavioral Healthcare, Attn: Human Resources (22), 4334 Secor Road, Toledo, OH 43623-4234 or fax to 419-724-9425 or e-mail to [3-2-07] 7-12-18-19-30-40 Eve: 4-2-0 Mid: 2-6-6 Eve: 7-3-5-4 Mid: 3-8-5-4 Eve: 16-26-32-36-37 Mid: 10-13-31-37-42 HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICO de La Prensa! March 11th EOE. Accounting Assistant Intake Specialist Make a Change for the Better with Legal Aid Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE), a non-profit law firm that provides free, high quality legal assistance to eligible low-income residents of western Ohio, seeks an Intake Specialist to work with Legal Aid Line, a national model intake and brief service system. Responsibilities include screening client applications for financial eligibility and determining client problem for referral to attorney or other source. Candidates must have excellent computer and telephone skills. Ability to work well with low-income persons who may be undergoing stress is a must. Call Center experience helpful. Spanish speaking ability is highly preferred. Compensation is commensurate with experience. Send resume electronically in Microsoft Word format only to: Parker Hannifin, a Fortune 500 company and a global leader in hydraulic filtration, has an opening for an Accounting Assistant at our Metamora, OH location. Responsibilities include but not limited to the following: Accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and any related tasks; Perform monthly account analysis and reconciliation; Analyze processes and problem solve issues as they arise; Processing of freight invoices; Preparation and distribution of daily, monthly and/or quarterly reports; Preparation of journal vouchers in support of monthly and year-end closings; Documentation of departmental procedures as deemed necessary; Involvement in non-routine annual projects, ie. Physical Inventory, Standard Cost Roll; Perform non-routine requests arising from the audit function; Filing and record retention; Develop various computer applications using Microsoft Excel and Word and any and all other tasks in support of the departments’ commitment to the divisional policy of continuous improvement. Associates Degree in Accounting required. Bachelors Degree or currently working towards Bachelors Degree preferred. One to three years experience in general or specialized Accounting functions. Strong PC skills with intermediate or better rating in Excel. Access knowledge a plus. Subj: Intake Specialist Position or Intake Specialist Position c/o ABLE Recruitment Coord. 520 Madison Ave. Ste. 740 Toledo, OH 43604 Please respond with cover letter, resume and salary requirements no later than March 16, 2007 to: Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Filter Division 16810 Fulton County Road 2 Metamora, OH 43540 Attn: HR – Accounting Assistant Resumes should be submitted as soon as possible. Equal access to ABLE offices is available. Those applicants requiring accommodation in the interview/application process should contact the Recruitment Coordinator, at the address listed above. EOE EOE M/F/D/V Totally FREE Checking * Open your account today and get all this too: • FREE • FREE Debit Card Online Banking • $20 Check Buy-Back Bonus Gift • FREE Stop in or call… Free Gift: Easy Living™ Compact Grill Avon: 2100 Center Rd.; 440-934-7922 Avon Lake: 32960 Walker Rd.; 440-933-2186 dreams start here SM *Customer purchases checks • ¡e-Prensa! is more than a weekly; the digital version of La Prensa is updated multiple times per week. Visit • La Prensa Classifieds Página 16 Gluten Free Support of Toledo meets every second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held in the cafeteria of the Medical University of Ohio Hospital (MUOH) in Toledo, at 7:00 PM. There are no dues or membership fees. Our goal is to provide support, information, and resources to anyone with or affected by Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerence. For more information contact: Jean Meagley at: 419-5784947 or at: Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 13, 2007. At the meetings we have samples and goodies from other members. See: Attitude is everything. If you think you cannot possibly exist without wheat, barley, rye, or oats, you won’t. If you realize there is a whole new world opening up to you, you will learn to experiment, laugh at the failures, and enjoy the successes. At first, I think we all have a similar reaction. “What do you mean I can’t have anything made with flour?!” “I might as well lie down now so I don’t fall over from starvation.” Then, after we calm down, we find help. We find each other and the many internet resources, organizations, and support groups. We exchange information, stories, recipes, and ideas with others like ourselves. Celiac Disease is manageable. There are so many other things in life that are not within our control, that a diagnosis of CD is a small bump on life’s road. Teller Teller position, full or part time. Must be friendly and like to work with people. Prior teller or cashier experience preferred. Bilingual would be a plus. Send resume to: Great Lakes CU, 624 W. South Boundary, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551, attn: A. Wozniak. March/marzo 9, 2007 Social Work CASE MANAGER Community Support Provider Progressive behavioral health care organization is seeking an energetic, dependable individual eager to provide support to severely and persistently mentally ill adults and their families. Requires Bachelor’s degree in social work or mental health related field and experience working with SPMI adult population. Preference given to licensed candidate (Ohio LSW, PC). Duties include providing mental health services and crisis intervention, developing treatment plans, coordinating treatment with other providers, and providing linkage to community resources. Valid driver’s license, good driving record, and ability to perform therapeutic holds required. Must be proficient and accurate in computer use. Submit resume, with cover letter and salary expectations, by 3/14/07, to Unison is seeking Case Managers to provide community support services to adults with serious mental illness. Responsibilities will include providing assistance with the social, vocational, economic, and environmental needs of assigned clients and assisting in their ability to live in the community. Valid driver’s license required. Ohio counselor or social worker license and experience preferred. Consideration will be given to candidates with four-year degrees in fields related to social work. Excellent salary and benefits package. Send or fax resume with cover letter to: Harbor Behavioral Healthcare (CSP), 4334 Secor Road, Toledo, OH 43623-4234 or fax to 419-479-3230 or e-mail to Human Resources - CSP 1425 Starr Avenue Toledo, OH 43605 Fax 419.936.7574 Email: HR@UNISONBHG.ORG EOE EOE. Chemical Dependency Professional: Full time position working as part of a team for community based, multi-disciplinary innovative children’s mental health agency. Provides assessment, individual/ family/group counseling in a program for adolescents with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. LCDCII or LCDCIII required. Preferred candidates will have CD and MH licensure with advanced degree in SW, counseling or psychology, training in cognitive behavior therapy and experience with adolescents and families. Spanish speaking professionals are encouraged to apply. Send résumé to or Children’s Resource Center, PO Box 738, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 AVON Necesitas dinero extra? Con $10 puedes comenzar tu negocio de AVON. Llamanos para mas información. Sanya 419-242-4416 o Margarita 313-554-2170 Ofelia’s Perfumería, Joyería, Perfumes, Mary Kay también! 419-704-2773 Comunidad. Nuestro nombre lo dice todo. Community Health Partners (Socios para la Salud de la Comunidad) Community Regional Medical Center (Centro Médico Regional de la Comunidad) Community Allen Medical Center (Centro Médico Comunitario de Allen) Community Specialist Hospital (Hospital Especialista de la Comunidad) Community Physicians (Médicos de la Comunidad) Community Regional Foundation (Fundación Regional de la Comunidad) Community Ireland Cancer Center (Centro Comunitario de Cáncer de Irlanda) Community Northern Ohio Imaging Center (Centro Comunitario de Imágenes del Norte de Ohio) Community Great Lakes Rehabilitation (Rehabilitación Comunitaria de los Grandes Lagos) Community Wound Care Center (Centro Comunitario de Cuidado para Heridas) Community New Life Hospice (Residencia Comunitaria para Enfermos Desahuciados de Vida Nueva) Unidad en proveer una red entera de programas y servicios de cuidado de la salud para satisfacer las necesidades de su familia en cada etapa de la vida. Unidad en exigir que nuestro sistema de salud cumpla con los estándares más altos de cuidado de primera calidad en toda institución por todo servicio. Unidad en todo nuestro sistema en ofrecer cuidado y atención personalizada en toda visita para todo individuo. Unidad en traer cuidado de la salud a toda comunidad que servimos con ubicaciones cerca de su hogar. Reciba el cuidado que usted necesita, aquí mismo en su Comunidad. Ubicado por todo el Condado de Lorain y áreas circundantes. Descubra su Comunidad. Visítenos en hoy día. 440-960-4000 • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • March/marzo 9, 2007 SALES CLERK 2 SECRETARY 2 Customer Service Associate University Bookstore Office of Alumni and Development Bowling Green State University Twelve-month parttime position. Days/ hours: to be arranged; approximately 20 - 30 hours per week. Work schedule varies and will include evenings and weekends. Under the supervision of the Customer Service Supervisor, performs sales support and merchandising functions necessary for efficient operation of the University Bookstore. Responsible for providing excellent, efficient customer service. Minimum Class Requirements: Ability to calculate fractions, decimals and percentages and to read and write common vocabulary, plus: 100 hours training in operation of cash register (or 1 month exp.); or equivalent. $12.25 per hour; Insurance benefits are not available. To apply for this position, search L-60718, an employment application must be completed and turned in to the Ofc. of Human Resources, 100 College Park Office Bldg., BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0201, by 1:00 p.m. Friday, March 16, 2007. (http:// BGSU is an AA/EO educator/employer. Bowling Green State University Full-time 12 month position. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M - F, occasional weekend hours. This position provides administrative and clerical support for three administrative staff members of the Office of Alumni and Development. Minimum Class Requirements: Ability to calculate fractions, decimals and percentages and to read and write common vocabulary plus: 10 mos. exp. as Typist 2, 8 mos. exp. as Technical Typist or Stenographer 2 or 4 mos. exp. as Secretary 1 (or 1 yr. performing like duties in private industry or other governmental offices) or completion of coursework to qualify for diploma in secretarial technology or associate degree in secretarial science. Preferred qualifications include strong computer skills and knowledge of Ascend database system. $13.96 per hour; full benefits package available. To apply for this position (L-60714) an employment application must be completed and turned in to the Ofc. of Human Resources, 100 College Park Office Bldg., BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0201, by 1:00 p.m., Fri., Mar. 16, 2007. (http:// ohr) BGSU is an AA/EO educator/employer. ¿Necesita limpeadora? Housekeeper wanted, Detroit area; M-F, 8am-6pm; $300 per week; 248.569.1506 or 248.568.1696. Some English preferred. Necesita limpeadora de casa, Detroit area; lunes-viernes, 8am-6pm; $300 cada semana; 248.569.1506 or 248.568.1696. Necesita hablar inglés un poco. La Prensa Classifieds RESIDENCE HALL DIRECTOR Office of Residence Life Division of Student Affairs Bowling Green State University The Department of Residence Life aspires to build B!G success through small communities. Our Residence Hall Directors serve vital roles in helping fulfill this mission by providing leadership for the operation of an undergraduate residence hall that houses between 300 and 850 students. Responsibilities may include: the supervision of graduate hall director, secretary, and resident advisor staff members; advising of hall government; coordination of hall discipline programs; implementation of academic initiatives; budget administration; and, managing desk operations. Minimum qualifications: A Master’s degree in College Student Personnel or related field and related assistantship experience are required. To be successful in this position, the Residence Hall Director must have excellent interpersonal communication, organization, administration skills, and supervision experience. In addition, the Residence Hall Director must have a demonstrated desire to live and work in a developmental community setting with diverse individuals and groups. Preference is given to candidates with prior live-in residence life experience. Ideal candidates will also possess crisis intervention skills and conflict management abilities. Full-time administrative staff positions available. Administrative Grade Level 13. Minimum Salary $28,406. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Full benefit package available. To apply: submit letter of application w/email address, resume, and names /addresses /telephone numbers of 3 professional references to: Ofc. of Human Resources (Search J60716), 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., Bowling Green State University , Bowling Green , OH 43403-0201 . (419) 372-8421. Review of applications will begin Friday March 23, 2007, and continue until positions are filled. (http:// ohr)BGSU is an AA/EO educator/employer. BI-LINGUAL PARALEGAL Must be bilingual; fluent in spanish & english Either have paralegal experience or a communications degree. Email résumé BI-LINGUAL OPPORTUNTIES Customer service & legal opportunities available. Temp & Temp-to-hire. Email résumés to Bilingual Auto Salesperson Needed Liberty Ford Lincoln Mercury in Vermilion, Ohio is looking for a bilingual (Spanish/English) auto salesperson. 401K, full benefits, and paid vacation. Earn great money in an enjoyable working environment. Call Dustin Peugeot at 440967-6191 Ext. 2269. Page 17 Arthur Christianson, 44, has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) • There is a Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Arthur Saturday, March 10, 2007 at IBEW Local 245 705 Lime City Road Rossford OH 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM Cash Bar, DJ, Silent Auction, 50/50 raffles; Dinner is $10 419-241-9512 or 419-241-2369 AKA Registered English Bulldog Pups 15 weeks Comes with Vet record, 1st set of shots, wormed, and health guarantee. Call 801-322-1306 or email • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • La Prensa Classifieds BUSINESS START-UPS AVAILABLE. Bad credit, Bankruptcy consultation. No fee loans. Call: 1-877-288-1335. WANTED PART-TIME In last year of high school? Good with math and computer skills? Energetic? Are you a college student wanting to earn extra income? Need driver’s license and insurance. Email résumé to or mail to PO Box 9416, Toledo OH 43697. ¿Conoce sus derechos de inmigración? CUSTODIAL WORKER Real Estate Facilities Services Conocer su derechos puede ser la diferencia de su futuro. Para obtener una copia de “Haga Valer sus Derechos”, envíe un cheque o giro postal de $9.95 a: Creative Research, P.O. BOX 1352, Southgate MI 48195, incluya su domicilio/ dirección. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA), located in Toledo, OH is seeking experienced applicants for its Human Resources Assistant position. This position performs administrative and secretarial functions to support the operation of the Human Resources Department; applies significant knowledge of human resources, agency and departmental policies in responding to inquiries and completing assignments; and maintains the highest level of confidentiality in agency and departmental matters. Requirements: Associate degree in business management or a closely related degree, plus two years experience in personnel/human resources or equivalent and two (2) years responsible secretarial experience. Must possess and maintain a valid Ohio or Michigan Driver’s License and insurability; must possess a notary public certification or be willing to obtain such certification. Skill in typing (55 wpm), filing, data entry, word processing, spreadsheet, presentations and writing ability. Must be able to successfully complete proficiency testing for the above skills. Annual salary $38,000 – 42,000. We do background checks and drug testing. Send resume and cover letter specifying the position you are applying for to LMHA, P.O. Box 477, Toledo, OH 43697-0477. ATTN: Pamela Gilbert. Resumes will be accepted for this position until March 16, 2007. All material submitted must be received at LMHA no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 16, 2007. Call our job line: (419) 259-9537 or visit our web site for a complete listing of employment opportunities NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE AA/EEO Persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. Resolved to quit? Bowling Green State University Full-time positions available. Days/ hours: 5:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. or 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday thru Thursday or 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday thru Tuesday. Days/ hours and/or location subject to change at supervisor’s discretion. Full benefit package available. Under supervision of Housekeeping Mgr. 2, performs custodial duties necessary to the care, cleaning and maintenance of assigned buildings, furniture and fixtures. Minimum Class Requirements: ability to count and read warning signs. Preferred qualifications include a high school diploma. Search J-60711, $11.30 Per Hour. To apply: an employment application must be completed and turned in to the Ofc. of Human Resources, 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., BGSU, Bowling Green , OH 43403 , by 1:00 p.m., Fri., March 16, 2007. (419) 372-8421. (http:// Florida Global Real Estate, Inc. ¡Permitame ayudarle a hacer su sueño de ser dueño de casa una realidad! Nidza Santos, Realtor® 10951 Bonita Springs, FL 34135 • Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Oficina: 239 239.390 390.9024 9024 Celular: 239.645.0802 Celular Fax: x: 239 239.390 390.9033 9033 E-mail: TRABAJE DESDE SU CASA Companias necesitan personal para ensamblaje. Gane hasta $1000 semanales. No necesita inglés ni experiencia. La Asociación Nacional del Trabajo 1 (650) 261-6649 SANCHEZ ROOFING Preventive maint; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 25 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; se habla español. Call Pete Sánchez, 419-787-9612! Home Repairs, Electrical, Plumbing, Decks. CALL GASPER 419-215-7740 Se renta apartamento, en zona bien ubicada-Cleveland. Contactar a Mónica 216-741-3571. FOR SALE BGSU is an AA/ EO educator/employer CAMBIE SU TIEMPO LIBRE POR DINERO TENEMOS 100 ARTICULOS PARA TRABAJAR EN CASA. 1-800-815-9018 1986 25' Sea Ray 250 Sundancer VERY CLEAN AND WELL-MAINTAINED! MerCruiser Alpha One 260/V-8 Aft Cabin, Shore Power, Cockpit Cover (excellent condition), Refrigerator, Stove, Sink, Stand Up/Pump-Out Head, Loran C, Trim Tabs. NEW in July ‘06: Garmin 298 Color GPS with fish finder, Ship to Shore Radio, Bottom Paint , Batteries, Life Jackets, Flares, Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit and more. Surveyed in July 2006 - ask to see report. Asking $10,000. No trades will be accepted. No Trailer. Boat is in great condition and is perfect on Lake Erie! Selling because baby is on the way. Call (419) 346-0921 or e-mail See more details and photos online at Mark your calendars for: Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 10:00AM and Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 6:00PM. Adelante will be hosting a “First Time Homebuyers Workshop.” The Workshop is sponsored by Adelante, Inc. and will cover various topics including establishing credit, repairing credit, and the mortgage process from start to finish. The Workshops will be held at: Adelante, Inc., 520 S. Broadway St., Toledo, Ohio 43602. (Let us help.) Now, until March 31st, Cuyahoga County smokers can receive counseling and FREE nicotine patches to help start 2007 “SmokeFree.” To participate, call 1.866.244.5544 or visit /smokefree March/marzo 9, 2007 w w w. f l o r i d a g l o b a l . c o m Página 18 SmokeFree Greater Cleveland wants to help you quit smoking in 2007. And to prove it, Cleveland Clinic is partnering with the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County to offer smokers free counseling and nicotine patches from New Year’s Day through March 31st. Cuyahoga County residents also receive FREE access to the Cleveland Clinic internet smoking cessation program, “Breathe Advantage.” This New Year’s holiday, resolve to improve your health and the health of those around you by breaking your smoking habit. This Workshop is a must for anyone thinking about buying a home and/ or repairing credit. Gracias/Thank-you, Lupe Siewert Home Counselor Adelante, Inc. 520 S. Broadway Street • Toledo OH 43602 • 419-244-8440 • • current events, photographs, links, weather, classifieds, copies of La Prensa can be found at • La Prensa March/marzo 9, 2007 Page 19 Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday Final Cost 80¢ Each With Plus Card and Instant $2 Savings When You Buy 10 2 Liter Coke Products All Varieties USDA Choice Beef Loin •Porterhouse •T-Bone •Bone-In Ribeye Steaks •Boneless Strip •or Texas Broil 10 10 $ for Limit 1 offer Per Transaction Coke Products Only. 24 $ for WITH USDA Choice Beef Shoulder Any Size Pkg 50 % off* *Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card Price Reflects 50% off Savings. Kroger 41/50 ct Cooked Shrimp Ball Park Meat Franks 50 % Frozen 16 oz Pkg 12.8-16 oz Pkg Select Varieties (Excludes Beef, Cheese and Fat Free) off* *Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card Price Reflects 50% off Savings. Kroger Super Size Tortilla Chips 19-20 oz Bag Select Varieties 35 $ for WITH Final Cost 80¢ Each With Plus Card and Instant $2 Savings When You Buy 10 Angelino’s All Varieties 6 00 2 Liter Pepsi Products All Varieties WITH 10 10 $ for Limit 1 offer Per Transaction Pepsi Products Only. Breaded Chicken Drummies 20 Count....6.99 40 Count....11.99 10 Count 2 99 WITH Kroger cares about your privacy! Please view our current privacy policy at or visit the customer service desk. Prices and Items Good at All Greater Toledo Area and Northwest Ohio Except Defiance Kroger Stores. March 8 thru March 11, 2007. Some Items may require a deposit. Visit our Website at or call Customer Service at 1-800-KROGERS ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY: WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Each of these advertised items is required to be available for sale. If we do run out of an advertised item, we will offer you your choice of a comparable item, when available, reflecting the same savings, or a raincheck which will entitle you to purchase the advertised item at the advertised price within 30 days. Only one vendor coupon will be accepted per item. Copyright 2007. The Kroger Company. No sales to dealers. • ¡! Over 2,500 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa gratis. Email to subscribe • INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS & CITIES IN-BETWEEN! Toyota and Honda, new & pre-owned, plus all pre-owned domestic and foreign makes available. AGNES GARCIA Sales Consultant DOWN MIKE GENTRY Finance Director AVAILABLE DARWIN NEALON Finance Manager FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN HONDA / TOYOTA / SCION w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m Gratis! DETROIT, Since 1989. Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! March/marzo 9, 2007 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 40, No. 26 Cultiv ating Niñas in Mat h and Science, pag e 5 Cultivating Math page ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED APPROVAL! 1-866-288-3232 APPLY ONLINE | 2953 Mayfield Rd | Cleveland Heights 44118 Cash To Go Page 9 Spring Ahead 1 Hour on March 11 with Daylight Savings Time DENTR O: DENTRO Ribbon cutting at El Camino Sky— ¡El Camino Real Cielo, ...un Cielito Lindo! A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on February 27, 2007, with Oregon Mayor Marge Brown taking the honors of recognizing the grand opening of El Camino Sky restaurant, located at 2072 Woodville Road, Oregon, Ohio. Mary Flores Ward assists in the ribbon cutting. La ceremonia de inauguración de El Camino Real Cielo Restaurant se llevó a cabo el 27 de febrero de 2007, el Alcalde de Oregon Marge Brown tuvo el honor de ofrecer su reconcimiento por la gran apertura. El restaurant está ubicado en 2072 Woodville Road en Oregon, Ohio. Mary Flores Ward asistió con el procedimiento de inauguración. 419-242-7377 800-828-8564 Llama a Amador Peña Jr. Escuche La Onda • El Potrillo Cultural Latina 89.1 Tenemos todo para Taquerías, Mariscos, Tex-Mex, y toda clase de restaurantes. FM cada para comida mexicana mexicana,, 4929 Broadway Avenue, Lorain OH • día Democrats ask GOP to stop anti-immigrant bashing game ........... 2 México quiere dar ejemplo a EEUU en reforma migratoria 2 U of M hosts prisonerart exhibition ............ 4 Alebrije’s A Rose of Two Scents ................. 4 City Club ................... 5 Davide García .......... 6 Deportes .................... 7 Clausura .................... 7 HOROSCOPO .......... 8 Jennifer López embraces roots ........ 8 Carla’s Corner ........ 9 Día de la Mujer ...... 11 Obituaries ............... 12 Events .................12-13 Horoscope ............... 13 Lottery Results ...... 15 Classifieds ..........14-18 Kroger Game Sale . 19 9AM-5PM 440-233-4490 •