Terrassa Sabadell L`Hospitalet
Terrassa Sabadell L`Hospitalet
Manresa Vic Terrassa Sabadell L’Hospitalet PRESENTATION The Report we are presenting here is for a year of transition. The year that closes a two year contract programme, 2007-2008, and which opens the doors to the difficult and complex negotiation of a new contract programme which, ideally, should be for at least four years. With all this, it does not seem that the economic situation and the funding of public administrative bodies will be of much help. We will have to negotiate firmly and in depth. Nevertheless, a lot of political commitment will be required to move the accounts of the Barcelona area public transport system away from the limitations and precariousness with which they are bound. JOAQUIM NADAL I FARRERAS Counsellor of Territorial Policy and Public Works President of the Metropolitan Transport Authority I do not want to minimize the current figures of the allocations from public administrative bodies. The volume of these allocations is very large indeed, but they prove, at the same time, some of the contradictions and main difficulties of a highly subsidized model, appreciated and recognized as a whole, but always limping in the face of the extensions needed to increase the offer and the complementarity between the different transport systems. The main innovations that 2008 offers refer to the culmination of the objectives set out by the new tramway system, the intensification of the investment by the Generalitat in improving accessibility and compliance with the Law for the suppression of architectural barriers, the constant improvement of the bus and train fleet of the railway and metro system, the continuous extension of the area included in the integrated fare system and the improvement of its services, and the continuation of the large projects to extent the Metro system. This year, after years of scarcity, two new stations have come into service on line 3 and this has meant bringing the Metro closer to areas with a high demographic density and a very high demand for public transport. Undoubtedly, 2008 will have also been the year of preparation to make 2009 the year of the enormous leap forward in the offer with the first stations of the new line 9 coming into service in early autumn. This perspective requires urgent financial solution that even today are sparse and highly insufficient, as it will become painfully obvious once the offer increases in the planned proportion. Under these circumstances of growing costs in a context of contraction or slowing down of demand will put the system to a direct test and require a change of attitude among all administrative bodies which today we can sense, but not quite define. Index C1 Presentation of the consortium 8 Administrative bodies making up the MTA 10 Administrative, advisory and consulting bodies 11 Organisational structure of the MTA 13 C2 Actions during 2008 14 16 Infrastructure planning Degree of execution of the actions 17 Current investments 25 Studies derived from IMP 2001-2010 29 BMA Mobility Management Plan 29 Management of the tramway system 31 Diagonal - Baix Llobregat Tramway 31 Sant Martí - Besòs Tramway 33 Evolution of demand on the tramway system 36 Integrated fare system 37 Tickets and Prices 39 Sales and use of the system 40 Intermodality index 43 Financing system 45 Other actions 47 Rolling stock 47 Operating aid system - OAS 48 Sermetra, SL 50 Projection abroad 51 C3 System statistics 54 TransMet Figures 2008 56 EMEF Questionnaire 2008 60 C4 Auditors’ Report C5 Budget 2009 68 112 Presentation of the consortium C1 Presentation of the consortium Administrative, advisory and consulting bodies The mta consortium The Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) is a interadministrative consortium of voluntary nature created in 1997, and whose members may be all administrative bodies providing public transport services, either individually or through organizations that group and represent them, and who form part of the area comprised of Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Barcelonès, Garraf, Maresme, Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental. The administrative, advisory and consulting bodies of the MTA are made up of representatives of the different organizations and administrative bodies associated with Public Transport. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is the body governing the MTA. The board is made up of eighteen members with full rights (nine representing the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia, seven representing local administrative bodies (Barcelona City Council and TMB) and two representing the AMTU), and two observers representing the Central Government. The Technical Manager of the MTA also attends the meetings. The consortium is comprised of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (51%) and local administrative bodies (49%): Barcelona City Council, Metropolitan Transport Body (MTB) and the Association of Municipalities providing urban transport services in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMTU). There is also the presence of representatives of the Central State Government as observers in the administrative bodies of the MTA. The composition of the Board of Management on December 31, 2008 was: The purpose of the MTA is to promote cooperation between the public Administrative bodies providing the services and the infrastructures of the Public Transport system of the area of Barcelona of which they form part, as well as collaboration with bodies who, like the State Government, are financially involved or are operators of their own or yet nontransferred. President Joaquim Nadal i Farreras First Vice-president Ramon García-Bragado i Acín Second Vice-president Antoni Poveda i Zapata Members Antonio Balmón i Arévalo Martí Carnicer i Vidal Assumpta Escarp i Gibert Jordi Follia i Alsina Josep Mayoral i Antigas Lluïsa Melgares i Aguirre Manel Nadal i Farreras Oriol Nel·lo i Colom Eduard Pallejà i Sedó Jordi Portabella i Calvete Matilde Sala i Manuel Lluís Tejedor i Ballesteros Esteve Tomàs i Torrens Manel Villalante i Llauradó Member and Managing Director Ramon Seró i Esteve Observers José Luis Marbán García Ángel Rodríguez González Secretary Carme Sardà i Vilardaga Sagrada Familia Metro entrance. The public transport network links the main part of the city 10 11 C1 Presentation of the consortium Administrative, advisory and consulting bodies Organisational structure of the mta Executive Committee Mobility Council The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is comprised of six members: three in representation of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia, two in representation of local constituents and one in representation of AMTU. The approval of the Law for Mobility 9/2003, dated June 13, involved a modification of the by-laws of the MTA to convert it into the Authority for Mobility. This law also included the constitution of the regional mobility councils. It has the general function of examining and presenting to the Board of Directors proposals for planning instruments of the Metropolitan Public Transport System; financing agreements and service contracts with administrative bodies and operators as well as the fare system and annual budgets, among others. The new by-laws of the MTA, approved in June 2005, define the Mobility Council of the MTA as the body for consulting and civic and social participation in the operation of the public collective transport system and mobility. On December 31, 2008, the Executive Committee was composed as follows: President Ramon Seró i Esteve Members Assumpta Escarp i Gibert Manel Nadal i Farreras Antoni Poveda i Zapata Antoni Prunés i Santamaria Manel Villalante i Llauradó Secretary Carme Sardà i Vilardaga Legal Advisory Commission This commission provides assistance and legal advisory services to the Board of Management and the General Directorate of the MTA. It is made up of representatives from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Council, the EMT, the AMTU and the MTA itself. Operators’ Technical Platform It is comprised of the following members: President: Second vice-president of the MTA One member of the Board of Management of the MTA for each associated administration and member body Representatives of the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia and the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Regions Representatives of the employer organisations with most implementation in Catalonia Representatives of unions with most implementation in Catalonia Representatives of the consumer and user associations most representatives of Catalonia Representatives of associations or groups of special relevance in public transport and mobility The General director of the MTA On December 31, 2008 the composition of the MTA payroll was: Directors and managers Technical and support staff Ramon Seró i Esteve General manager Montserrat Alegrí i Garcia Xavier Andreu i Sedó Marc A. Garcia i López Technical director Lluís Avellana i Pla Lluís Alegre i Valls Head of the Mobility department Elisabet Bassi i Riera Josep Caldú i Cebrián Head of the Administrative department Marta De Domingo i Peña Francesc Calvet i Borrull Head of the Planning department Núria Fontova i Jordana Mayte Capdet i Sorribes Head of the Integrated fare system and Communication department Jaume Garcia i Soler Carme Fàbregas i Casas Head of the Systems department Xavier Roselló i Molinari Assistant Technical director Àngel Sangrós i Bondia Head of the Project Development department Maria Montaner i Maragall Head of the Operator Liaison Unit Lluís Rams i Riera Head of the System Financing Unit Magda Baró i Callejas Jordi Clària i Martínez Anna Farrero i Vallès Alfredo Garcia i González Sonia Gómez i Gil Montserrat Hernández i Rovira Carolina Lages i Llopis Miquel Lamas i Sánchez Mònica Lladó i Garcia Agustí López i Marín Josep Moya i Matas Alfred Pallardó i Beltran Sílvia Sanchón i Llausí Rosa Solans i Castells A member of the Management of the Consortium, proposed to this effect by the General Director, acting as secretary of the Council. The Operators’ Technical Platform of Metropolitan Transport is the organ of collaboration and consultation of the Consortium in relation to technical questions and it is composed of representatives of the operators of public transport in the metropolitan area. 12 13 Actions during 2008 C2 Actions during 2008 Infrastructure planning 1. Degree of execution of the actions The Board of Management of the MTA approved the IMP 2001-2010, in its final version, on 25 April 2002. The IMP has been designed as a flexible, sliding plan, developed as a five-year program that is the base for the Financing Agreements signed between the Generalitat and the General State Government. Follow-up takes place over two time periods through: Description of the status of each of the actions included in the IMP, by programs: extension of the network (AX), interchanges (IN) and modernization and improvement (MM), with a description of the investment made for each action. The programme of the state network (XE), for which the General State Government is responsible, has been excluded from the additional economic analysis as sufficiently detailed information is not available. An annual report that indicates the degree of compliance with the actions planned in the IMP and comparison with the evolution of the population and the private vehicle/ public transport mobility in different areas of the territory. The data used to draw up this report have been mainly provided by the General Directorate of Land Transport and GISA, and complemented by information from public operators TMB (actions MM01 to MM08 of the modernization programme) and FGC (actions MM09 to MM16). The source of the data on the tramway network is the MTA technical department and the data relative to the state-wide train network were provided by the Ministry of Development. A five-year review in compliance with the action programme and the plans for residential location, activity and large centres of attraction/trip generation, and the mobility they create, to enable defining a new action programme even including, if applicable, any new infrastructures considered necessary. The sixth annual follow-up report for IMP 2001-2010 has been issued, analysing the social and economic evolution of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA), comparing the current situation (2007-2008 data) of the main −population figures and motorization index and housing construction − to data from previous years. The following summary table indicates the progress status of the different actions of the IMP at 31.12.2008 with the following classification by degree of implementation: Finished work ( ) Works already adjudicated and/or in execution ( ) Actions that are already being preformed or the project is being drawn up (informative study or construction project) ( ) Actions pending project ( ) FGC trains carried 81 million passengers in 2008. 16 17 C2 Actions during 2008 Infrastructure planning Extension of the network Modernisation and improvement Code Action IMP amount (ME, VAT excluded) IMP amount (ME, VAT excluded) L1 Feixa Llarga - El Prat 114.0 MM01 Conversion of L4 to L2 18.7 AX02 L1 Fondo - Badalona Centre 111.1 MM02 New stations 25.0 AX03 L2 Sant Antoni - Fira 2 126.6 MM03 Improvements to stations 135.0 AX04 L2 Pep Ventura - Can Ruti 103.6 MM04 Adaptation to PRM 100.5 AX05 L3 Canyelles - Trinitat Nova 74.8 MM05 Renovation of the track 21.8 AX06 L4 La Pau - Sagrera HST 69.1 MM06 Improved operation and maintenance 34.7 AX07 L5 Horta - Vall d’Hebron 119.4 MM07 Security on the network 15.5 1,938.3 MM08 Automatic train operation (ATO) on L4 15.5 Rolling stock L9 234.4 MM09 Cutting at Pallejà 50.8 AX12a Tramway Diagonal - Baix Llobregat 241.2 MM10 Laying of double track from Palau - Martorell 18.9 AX12b Tramway Diagonal - Besòs 168.9 MM11 Laying of double track Martorell - Olesa 9.3 AX13 FGC Pl. Espanya - Gràcia/Provença 137.6 MM12 Suppression of level crossings 4.7 L9 AX14 FGC Terrassa Rambla - Can Roca 123.3 MM13 Adaptation to PRM 11.6 AX15 FGC Sabadell Estació - Pl. Espanya 117.8 MM14 Lengthening of platforms 10.1 AX16 Aeri Olesa - Esparreguera 3.1 MM15 Signalling and traffic control 11.1 AX17 Train line Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià 652.8 MM16 New station at Amadeu Torner AX18 Light rail Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs 33.6 MM17 Metro rolling stock. Renovation TMB AX19 Caldes corridor reserved bus lane 62.1 MM18 FGC rolling stock AX20 Rolling stock L1 - Subtotal 4,431.9 Interchanges Subtotal Total 5.2 198.3 78.1 764.8 5,422.9 Note: In the Program for modernisation and improvement, actions MM01 to MM08 correspond to the TMB metro network and actions MM09 to MM16 to FGC. Code 18 Action AX01 AX08 - AX11 Subtotal Code Action IMP amount (ME, VAT excluded) IN01 Pl. Catalunya 110.2 IN02 L’Hospitalet Centre 26.7 IN03 Sagrera Meridiana 19.1 IN04 Arc de Triomf IN05 Interchanges related to the HST IN06 Martorell Central 2.6 IN07 Interchanges Papiol - Mollet 9.8 8.3 25.9 IN08 Interchanges Castelldefels-Sant Boi-Sarrià Line IN09 Quatre Camins Interchange 13.0 4.6 IN10 Dissuasion car parks 2.4 IN11 New bus stations 3.7 226.2 19 C2 Actions during 2008 IMP 2001-2010 Work in Progress – 31 December 2008 4 Actions Undertaken XE04 AX19 Expansion of the rail network 1 XE03 AX14 1 AX15 1 1 3 AX16 1 6 IN07 MM11 2 8 8 IN06 XE06 IN07 IN07 XE12 7 3 XE01 1 XE05 8 XE13 MM10 5 AX18 AX05 AX02 AX11 MM02 MM01 AX07 IN03 MM09 2 10 IN04 AX12a AX13 IN08 MM02 IN08 IN02 AX09 IN08 11 11 MM16 AX01 AX08 AX17 XE10 IN05 1 20 IN01 XE14 9 XE11 IN08 AX12b MM02 IN09 12 AX06 XE15 AX10 XE08 IN05 AX03 6 AX04 XE02 AX01 AX02 AX03 AX04 AX05 AX06 AX07 AX08 AX09 AX10 AX11 A X12a A X12b AX13 AX14 AX15 AX16 AX17 AX18 AX19 Metro L1 Extension Feixa Llarga - El Prat Pl. Catalunya Metro L1 Extension Fondo - Badalona Centre Metro L2 Connection Sant Antoni - Fira 2 Metro L2 Extension Pep Ventura - Badalona Centre - Casagemes-Morera - Can Ruti Metro L3 Extension Canyelles - Roquetes - Trinitat Nova Metro L4 Extension La Pau - Sagrera HST Metro L5 Extension Horta - Vall d’Hebron Metro L9 Airport - Parc Logístic section Metro L9 Parc Logístic - Zona Universitària section Metro L9 Zona Universitària - Sagrera Meridiana Metro L9 Sagrera Meridiana - Gorg/Can Zam section Diagonal (Pl. Francesc Macià) - Baix Llobregat section Diagonal (Pl. Glòries) – Besòs section FGC Extension Pl. Espanya - Pl. Francesc Macià - Gràcia/Provença FGC Extension Terrassa Rambla - Can Roca FGC Extension Sabadell Estació - Pl. Espanya FGC Aeri Olesa - Esparraguera Castelldefels - Sant Boi – Sarrià line Light Metro Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs Bus lane along Caldes - Mollet/Santa Perpètua Modernization and improvement of the network (Metro and FGC) M01 M MM02 MM03 MM04 MM05 MM06 MM07 MM08 MM09 MM10 MM11 MM12 MM13 MM14 MM15 MM16 Metro Conversion from L4 to L2 Metro New stations: Maresme - Fòrum, Virrei Amat and Cardenal Reig Metro Station improvements (not shown) Metro Modification for the disabled (not shown) Metro Track renovation (not shown) Metro Improvements to utilization and maintenance (not shown) Metro Network security (not shown) Metro Automatic train operation on L4 (not shown) FGC Sub-surfacing to Pallejà FGC Division of el Palau - Martorell FGC Division of Martorell - Olesa FGC Removal of level crossings (not shown) FGC Modification for the disabled (not shown) FGC Lengthening platforms and new access onto Reina Elisenda (not shown) FGC Signalling and traffic control (not shown) FGC New station at Amadeu Torner Interchanges IN01 IN02 IN03 IN04 IN05 IN06 IN07 IN08 IN09 IN10 IN11 Interchange Pl. Catalunya (Metro L1-L2-L3-L4, FGC and RENFE) Interchange l’Hospitalet Centre (Metro L1-L9 and RENFE) New intermodal station at Sagrera Meridiana (Metro L1-L5-L9 and RENFE) Interchange Arc de Triomf (Metro L1, RENFE, Bus Station) Interchanges for the HST Interchange Martorell Central (FGC, RENFE and Bus Station) Interchanges el Papiol - Mollet line(RENFE and FGC) Interchanges Castelldefels - Sant Boi – Sarrià line FGC Interchange Quatre Camins (FGC and Bus Station) FGC Alternative carparking (not shown) New bus stations and carparks at Metro stations (not shown) Widening, modernizing and improvement of the state rail network XE01 XE02 XE03 XE04 XE05 XE06 XE07 XE08 XE09 XE10 XE11 XE12 XE13 XE14 XE15 XE16 XE17 XE18 XE19 Reconversion to passenger line of el Papiol - Mollet Increase in capacity of the Badalona – Mataró section Division of Arenys de Mar – Tordera route Connection of the Vic and Girona lines Division of the Montcada - la Garriga route Montcada Tunnel New stations at Sabadell, Terrassa, Sant Adrià and Granollers Sub-surfacing at Sant Feliu de Llobregat New tunnel Sants - Sagrera (GIF actions) Remodelling of Airport junction Vilafranca del Penedès station Partial sub-surfacing of Mas Rampinyo Rail service in the Meridiana tunnel Improvements to southern access to Sants station Improvements to northern access to Sagrera HST station New logistics installations (not shown) Modernization and improvement to security installations (not shown) Alternative carparking (not shown) New suburban rolling stock (not shown) Feasibility studies and outline of new projects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Joint study of orbital Mataró - Granollers, Granollers - Sabadell, Terrassa - Martorell and Vilafranca - Vilanova train line New Tibidabo - UAB (FGC) line New Montcada – Sabadell line Division of la Garriga - Vic Variation of Badalona (or track up-grade) Passenger traffic study on the line from the Maresme going inland Light Metro Can Cuiàs - Ripollet Tram Cerdanyola - Centre Direccional - Sant Cugat Tram crossing Diagonal - Baix Llobregat through Laureà Miró (Esplugues de Llobregat) Extension to the Sant Feliu - Quatre Camins tram line Extension to the Cornellà Centre – Almeda tram line Capacity study of the Castelldefels-El Prat route (3rd and 4th platform) 21 C2 Actions during 2008 Infrastructure planning Programme for extension of the network Interchange Programme Action Current situation (31 December 2008) AX01 –Extension L1 Hospital de Bellvitge El Prat (Pl. Catalunya) Workshops and shunting siding: in progress AX02 – Extension L1 Fondo - Badalona Centre Informative study being drafted (final version planned for: March 2009) AX03 – Connection L2 Sant Antoni - Fira Montjuïc 2 Construction project being drafted (approval expected: April 2009) AX04 – Extension L2 Pep Ventura - Badalona Centre* Action Current situation (31 December 2008) IN01 – Interchange Pl. Catalunya (metro L1-L2-L3-L4, FGC and Renfe) Interchange informative study drafted (final approval expected: July 2009). Construction project of the shunting siding Pl. Catalunya being drafted (approval expected: September 2009) IN02 – Interchange l’Hospitalet Centre (metro L1-L9 and Renfe) Basic project drafted (in collaboration with the Ministry of Development and the Town Hall of l’Hospitalet) Work in progress (service planned for: spring 2010) IN03 – Interchange Sagrera Meridiana Transfer connection between L1-L5 in service since 13 March 2007 AX05 – Extension L3 Canyelles - Trinitat Nova* In service since 4 October 2008 IN04 – Arc de Triomf Interchange* Work in progress AX06 – Extension L4 La Pau - Sagrera HST Pending construction project for L4 Santander station and changeover L9 IN05 – Interchanges related to the HST AX07 – Extension L5 Horta - Vall d’Hebron* Work in progress (service planned for: June 2010) Included in High Speed Rail project Madrid-Barcelona-French border line AX13 – Extension FGC Pl. Espanya - F. Macià - Gràcia/Provença Release of the informative study and pending processing IN06 – Interchange Martorell Central (FGC, Renfe and Bus Station) FGC station in service since 21 May 2007 AX14 – Extension Terrassa Rambla - UPC/Vallparadís* Work in progress (service planned for: Mid 2011) IN07 – Interchanges on the Papiol - Mollet line (Renfe and FGC) Works in progress on the Vulpalleres station AX15 – Extension FGC Sabadell Rambla - Pl. Espanya Work adjudicated (planned entry into service: end of 2012, to Ca n’Oriac) IN08 – Interchanges on the Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Cornellà line Action associated with AX17 IN09 – Quatre Camins Interchange* In service, opened on July 4, 2003 AX16 – Cable car Esparreguera - Olesa* (included in action MM11) Work opened IN10 – Dissuasion car parks (FGC) The study of alternatives and demand for Plaça Doctor Pearson to Rubí completed AX17 – Train line Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià Initially approved informative and environmental impact studies of the extension of L3 of FMB Zona Universitària - Sant Feliu and extension of the L6 of FGC Reina Elisenda - Sant Joan de Déu. Pending final approval (expected: March 2009). The Ministry of Development is drafting the informative study for the section Cornellà - Castelldefels of suburban line R3. IN11 – New bus stations and car parks at metro stations Informative study of the station of Diagonal Zona Universitària is being drafted AX18 – Light rail Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs* In service since 14 December 2003 AX19 – Reserved bus lane Caldes de Montbui - Mollet/Santa Perpètua Previous study drafted * Action included in the Infrastructures Financing Agreements L9 (Actions AX08-AX11) L9 Section Sagrera Meridiana - Can Zam/Gorg Works in progress (planned entry into service section Can Zam - Fondo: October 2009) L9 Sections Airport - Parc Logístic - Zona Universitària - Sagrera Meridiana Works in progress L9 Tunnel Airport - Parc Logístic Works in progress L9 Sectorial projects (lifts, escalators, fare system) Works in progress Tramway AX12a - Diagonal - Baix Llobregat Tramway In service since 3 April 2004 AX12b - Glòries-Besòs Tramway In service since 8 May 2004 Rolling stock (L9, renovation L5 and others) Adjudicated * Action included in the Infrastructures Financing Agreements Urban buses going to the airport arriving at Terminal A 22 23 C2 Actions during 2008 Infrastructure planning 2. Current investments Modernisation and improvement programme Action Current situation (31 December 2008) MM01 – Conversion of L4 into L2. La Pau - Pep Ventura* In service MM02 – New Metro stations Maresme (L4)* In service Metro Cardenal Reig (L5)* In progress detour of services and drafting of new construction project (planned entry into service: July 2010) Virrei Amat (L4)* Action not programmed MM03 –Improvements to stations and new vestibules (Vallcarca, Sants, Hospital de Bellvitge) Work in progress: Llacuna, Bogatell and Selva de Mar (L4). Poble Nou (L4): work to be adjudicated. Ciutadella - Vila Olímpica (L4): project halted. Vallcarca (L3): re-study of the planned solution in progress MM04 – Adaptation of metro stations for PRM (Lines L1, L3, L4 Projects to be drafted: Urquinaona Interchange (project drafted and L5)* but must be rewritten). Projects being drafted: Plaça de Sants Interchange (L1). Projects under review: Virrei Amat (L5). Projects drafted: interchanges at Clot, Maragall, Verdaguer and Pl. Espanya MM05 – Renovation of the metro track Sections completed on L3. Completed section Bogatell - Selva de Mar on L4 MM06 – Improved operation and maintenance Work by FMB MM07 – Security in the Metro system Work by FMB MM08 – ATP - ATO L4 Not initiated MM09 – Underground to Pallejà (FGC)* Urban development works in progress. Railway work in service since October 2007 MM10 – Laying of double track El Palau - Martorell (FGC)* Double track in service since 21 May 2007 MM11 – Laying of double track Martorell - Olesa (FGC)* Work completed MM12 – Suppression of level crossings (FGC)* Callús: four level crossings finalized. Masquefa: two level crossings finalized (56 and 57). Masquefa: improvement work completed on cross permeability. Vallbona: construction project being drafted MM13 – Adaptation to mobility handicapped people (FGC) Almeda: New vestibule and improved accessibility completed. First phase finalized (Valldoreix, Bellaterra and Sant Esteve de Sesrovires). Second phase completed (Reina Elisenda, Pàdua, Ildefons Cerdà, Manresa Alta), third phase work in progress: Sant Josep. Completed: Manresa Viladordis, Can Parellada, La Pobla de Claramunt. Sarrià: The track remodeling project and adaptation to PRM being drafted (approval planned: May 2009); in progress, access from C. Cardenal Sentmenat MM14 – Extensions to platforms in Bonanova and Tres Torres (FGC)* MM15 – Signaling and traffic control (FGC) Work by FGC MM16 – New station at Amadeu Torner Work completed (May 2007) * Action included in the Infrastructures Financing Agreements 24 In service: Bonanova and Tres Torres. Sant Gervasi - Pl. Molina: work in progress. Gràcia: construction project presented The summary of the investment made as part of the IMP at 31.12.2008 is shown below (in M€ VAT excluded): Programme Extension of the network IMP amount Estimate total cost Amount of tenders Amount presented Complementtaxes and others Pending tenders 4,431.9 11,665.6 5,715.2 5,526.1 1,970.1 4,169.4 Interchanges 226.2 332.8 152.5 128.3 27.2 177.3 Modernisation and improvement 764.8 1,529.4 1,117.9 978.1 103.4 447.9 5,422.9 13,527.8 6,985.6 6,632.5 2,100.7 4,794.6 Total (1) (1) Not including the investments of the General State Government in the state network. The economic details provided in this report, per IMP programme and action by action, are the following: IMP amount: the initially estimated investment in the IMP, in M€ VAT excluded. Best current estimate of the total cost of the work: an estimate of the total cost of the action, in M€ VAT excluded, obtained from the cost of the project, that of the bid or the adjudication and the additional cost for modifications, price reviews and additional projects. In the case of the completed works, this total cost is equivalent to the amount paid. Cost of works under tender: amount of tenders, in M€ VAT excluded. Cost of works adjudicated: amount adjudicated, in M€ VAT excluded. Modified, price review, additional and others: additional cost of the work adjudicated under these concepts, in M€ VAT excluded. Pending tenders and adjudication: best current estimate of the cost of the works still pending bidding and adjudication, in M€ VAT excluded. Users waiting for the lift in one of Barcelona’s Metro stations. One of the MTA’s top priorities is that all transport should be accessible to the disabled 25 C2 Actions during 2008 Infrastructure planning Completed actions Actions in execution During 2008, the main action has been the commissioning of the extension of L3 Canyelles – Trinitat Nova (connections with lines L4 and L11). The Trambesòs has completed its network with the arrival of the tramway to Rambla de la Mina. The Trambaix, Can Cuiàs light rail (L11), conversion of line L4 to L2 and the Olesa – Esparreguera Cable car are other actions in service. On the FGC network, coming into service of the section Martorell – Olesa (MM11), action in addition to laying double Code Action AX05 L3. Canyelles - Trinitat Nova AX12a IMP amount (ME) VAT excluded track of the Llobregat-Anoia Metro in the El Palau – Martorell section (MM10), the covering of Pallejà (MM09), the Martorell Central interchange (IN06) and the new Amadeu Torner station (Europa Fira). One highlight of the Programme for extension of the network is the work on the extension of line L2 Pep Ventura – Badalona Centre, which is under construction, as well as the works on the extension of the line L4 La Pau – Sagrera HST. On the other hand, the main action of the Interchange Programme during 2008 is the L1-L5 interchange in Sagrera-Meridiana. (IN08), in addition to the Quatre Camins interchange opened in 2003. The construction of Metro line L9 continues its course, once the construction method for the central section has been analysed and confirmed (Barcelona). Opening of the Can Zam – Fondo section is expected in October 2009. Best Estimate of the total work cost Amount for works tendered Amount for works adjudicated Modified, review of prices, complementary and others Pending tenders and adjudication 74.8 140.5 134.8 125.6 14.8 0.0 Tramway Diagonal - Baix Llobregat 241.2 286.5 217.3 217.3 69.2 0.0 AX12b Tramway Diagonal - Besòs 168.9 254.5 205.2 205.2 49.3 0.0 AX16 Aeri Olesa - Esparreguera 3.1 4.5 4.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 AX18 Light rail Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs 33.6 49.0 42.2 48.0 1.0 0.0 AX20 Rolling stock L1 0.0 77.9 77.9 77.9 0.0 0.0 IN03 Sagrera Meridiana 19.1 99.9 93.1 78.2 21.6 0.0 IN06 Martorell Central 2.6 18.7 16.5 15.8 3.0 0.0 IN09 Quatre Camins Interchange 4.6 4.4 3.7 3.8 0.6 0.0 MM01 Conversion L2 to L4 18.7 21.7 21.7 20.9 0.8 0.0 MM09 Cutting at Pallejà 50.8 71.4 72.2 63.3 8.1 0.0 MM10 Laying of double track from Palau - Martorell MM11 18.9 56.6 62.8 53.4 3.2 0.0 Laying of double track Martorell - Olesa 9.3 59.1 62.3 56.5 2.6 0.0 MM16 New station at Amadeu Torner 5.2 17.0 17.0 17.0 0.0 0.0 MM17 Metro rolling stock. Renovation TMB 198.3 214.5 214.5 214.5 0.0 0.0 MM18 Rolling stock. Renovation FGC 78.1 78.1 78.1 78.1 0.0 0.0 927.3 1,454.4 1,324.0 1,279.9 174.4 0.0 On the FGC network work is in progress on the extension from Terrassa Rambla – UPC/Vallparadís – Can Roca and the extension Sabadell Estació – Can n’Oriac. It is also necessary to highlight the beginning of work on the railway access to the SEAT industrial estate. Code IMP amount (ME) VAT excluded Action At the same time, the adaptation of FGC stations to people with reduced mobility (PRM) is being finalized as is the suppression of the level crossings on the Llobregat – Anoia line. The FMB network is finalizing the adaptation of stations without transfers between lines and work has begun on the adaptation of stations with transfers. With the Interchange Programme it is necessary to highlight the works in progress on the Diagonal and Arc de Triomf interchanges. As for all other actions included in the Programme for modernisation and improvement of IMP 2001-2010, all of them are in progress (or already completed). Best Estimate of the total work cost AX01 L1. Feixa Llarga - El Prat(1) 114.0 194.3 AX04 L2. Pep Ventura - Can Ruti 103.6 156.6 AX06 L4. La Pau - Sagrera HST 69.1 277.6 AX07 L5. Horta - Vall d’Hebron 119.4 286.3 AX08-AX11 Metro L9 1,938.3 AX08-AX11 Rolling stock AX14 FGC. Terrassa Rambla - Can Roca AX15 FGC. Sabadell Estació - Pl. Espanya IN04 Amount for works tendered Modified, review of prices, complementary and others Pending tenders and adjudication 50.7 0.4 143.2 52.2 32.9 5.3 118.3 167.2 167.2 0.0 110.3 213.8 177.0 22.0 87.3 5,510.2 3,720.2 3,727.2 1,783.1 0.0 234.4 304.9 304.9 304.9 0.0 0.0 123.3 294.3 254.8 199.6 24.9 69.8 117.8 384.5 253.6 188.0 0.0 196.5 Arc de Triomf 8.3 37.2 37.2 28.7 2.0 6.6 IN07 Interchanges Papiol - Mollet 9.8 16.7 1.9 1.9 0.0 14.8 MM02 New stations 25.0 151.6 126.1 71.5 14.9 65.1 (2) (3) 66.2 Amount for works adjudicated MM03 Improvements to stations 135.0 148.8 43.1 41.7 0.0 107.0 MM04 Adaptation to PMR 100.5 222.7 89.1 76.6 46.9 99.2 MM05 Renovation of the track 21.8 30.4 21.8 21.8 0.0 8.6 MM06 Improved operation and maintenance (4) 34.7 130.2 135.2 125.9 2.4 1.9 MM07 Security on the network 15.5 29.3 21.6 20.1 0.0 9.3 MM08 Automatic train operation (ATO) on L4 15.5 15.5 7.6 7.6 0.0 7.9 MM12 Suppression of level crossings 4.7 13.0 9.7 7.0 1.3 4.7 MM13 Adaptation to PRM 11.6 51.7 25.6 23.7 1.2 26.9 MM14 Lengthening of platforms and new accesses 10.1 41.6 33.6 18.2 1.7 21.7 SN02 Other actions on FGC stations 0.0 132.8 50.1 34.6 13.7 84.5 3,212.5 8,430.3 5,635.4 5,326.7 1,919.8 1,183.7 (5) (1) Workshops and shunting siding under construction / (2) Financial costs not included / (3) The amount pending bidding and adjudication includes the provision for future amounts for additional work and price review / (4) Includes electrical power supply / (5) Includes actions at Diagonal-Provença and Plaça Espanya 26 27 C2 Actions during 2008 Infrastructure planning Bma mobility management plan Planned actions and pending project The main planned actions correspond to the extensions to line L8 from the centre of Barcelona (informative study released and pending processing) and line L2 between St. Antoni and Parc Logístic (construction project under review). On the Castelldefels – St. Boi – Sarrià line (action AX17), initial approval of the informative and environmental impact studies of the extension of FMB L3 Zona Universitària- Sant Feliu and extension of L6 from FGC Reina Elisenda - Sant Joan de Déu. Final approval of these two informative studies is expected in the first half of 2009. On the other hand, the Code Action IMP amount (ME) VAT excluded Ministry of Development is drafting the informative study for the Cornellà – Castelldefels section of the Iberian gauge suburban train network. The Plaça Catalunya interchange and the FGC BarcelonaVallès connection, is in the final stages of the construction project of the new shunting siding. The model of the informative study of the extension of the L1 to Badalona Centre has been completed. Best Estimate of the total work cost Amount for works tendered Amount for works adjudicated Modified, review of prices, additional work and others Pending tenders and adjudication L1. Fondo - Badalona Centre 111.1 402.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 402.4 AX03 L2. Sant Antoni - Fira 2 126.6 659.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 659.5 AX13 FGC. Pl. Espanya - Gràcia/Provença 137.6 560.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 560.3 AX17 L12. Castelldefels - Sant Boi - Sarrià(1) 652.8 1,759.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,759.5 AX19 Caldes corridor reserved bus lane 62.1 62.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.1 IN01 Pl. Catalonia 110.2 110.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 110.2 IN02 Hospitalet Centre 26.7 26.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.7 IN05 Interchanges related to the HST 25.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 IN08 Interchanges L12 13.0 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 IN10 Dissuasion parking areas 2.4 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 SN03 Regional metro systems 0.0 32.4 26.0 25.8 6.6 0.0 1,268.4 3,628.5 26.0 25.8 6.6 3,596.1 (1) According to estimates of the three informative studies (L3, L6 and C3) Actions pending 28 Action IN11 New bus stations MM15 Signaling and traffic control Legal context and content The main action to be mentioned is that the Ministry of Development is drafting the informative study for the new Castelldefels - St. Boi - St. Joan Despí - Cornellà section of the Iberian gauge Rodalies (suburban) network. The purpose of the Law of Mobility is to “establish the principles and objectives to be met by the management of mobility of people and the transport of goods to ensure sustainability and safety, and determine the instruments necessary for Catalan society to assume these objectives and guarantee all citizens accessibility with sustainable means” (Art. 1.1). On 4 December 2008, the works was adjudicated for the construction of the Sabadell Nord interchange for an amount of 4.91 M€, based on an amount adjudication (%) of 5.13 M€. Also adjudicated is the contract for the work of remodeling Passeig de Gràcia for an amount of 10.34 M€ based on a adjudication amount (%) of 13.28 M€. AX02 Code Programme of activities on the state railway network IMP amount (ME) VAT excluded Best Estimate of the total work cost Amount for works tendered Amount for works adjudicated Modified, review of prices, additional work and others Pending tenders and adjudication 3.7 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 11.1 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 14.8 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.8 Finally, in 2008 the procedure was begun for the new suburban station (Rodalies) of Sagrera-Meridiana., which has recently been adjudicated for 34.32 M€ (adjudication amount (%) of 51.12 M€). 3. Studies derived from IMP 2001-2010 Of the viability studies that the Board of Management of the MTA agreed to carry out when it approved the IMP on 31.12.2008, the following still remain pending: New Montcada – Sabadell line Badalona detour Study of transfer of the Maresme line more inland Study of the capacity of the Castelldefels – El Prat corridor (3rd and 4th track) The drafting of the Mobility Management Plan (MMP) for the Barcelona Metropolitan Area is the result of National Mobility Directives, which constitute the guidelines for application of the Mobility Law. The plan was approved by the Government of the Generalitat on 2 September 2008 and will be valid until 2012. The MMP has been conceived as a single document structured as five documents and five annexes (documents that can be consulted at www.atm.cat): D1−Framework and methodological aspects D2−Diagnosis D3−The proposal of the Plan D4−The measures of the Plan D5−Environmental report Appendix 1. Projections for inter-city traffic Appendix 2. Evaluation of exhaust emissions Appendix 3. Programme for citizen participation Appendix 4. Report on the environmental sustainability of the Plan Appendix 5. Programme for new BMA regular public passenger road transport services The general objectives of the PDM are formulated from the Law of mobility and the National Mobility Directives, bearing in mind that the Barcelona Metropolitan Area presents specific characteristics compared to the rest of Catalonia. In particular, the high density of population and services favour a context to assume higher levels of sustainable transport. It was decided to evaluate the proposals of the PDM using a quantitative measure of sustainability. Apart from the conventional physical variables (Tons of CO2 and others gases and particles released into the atmosphere, energy consumption, levels of emission and emission of noise, accident victims, etc.), it proposes using the total cost of metropolitan mobility as an aggregate indicator of sustainability as it included both internal and external costs. Furthermore, the PDM has been subjected to a strategic environmental evaluation under the legislation established by the environmental authority. 29 C2 Actions during 2008 Bma mobility management plan Management of the tramway system At the same time, the MTA has coordinated, commissioned by the Secretariat for Mobility of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the drafting of specific mobility plans relative to the following mobility generating centres: Work done during 2008 In addition to the work of drafting the MMP, various other aspects have been commissioned and carried out to promote and study some of the measures included in the MMP. The studies carried out were: Ciutat de la Justícia (Court complex), in Barcelona and Hospitalet de Llobregat Title Description Establish the requirements for starting a car-sharing website for the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Study to establish the bases to create a portal where the different car-sharing websites of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area can exchange information about trips to be made and increase the possibility of finding travel companions as included in measures 7.6 and 8.1 of the MMP. Autonomous University of Barcelona, in Cerdanyola del Vallès The Prat de Llobregat airport Almeda, Est, Famades and Solanes Industrial Estates in Cornellà de Llobregat Cami del Mig Industrial Estate in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat Draft of the design for a public transport interchange at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Short term proposals for reorganization of the toll system as an instrument for managing mobility in the BMA Analysis of alternatives and proposal of a solution for the location and design of a public transport interchange in the area of the UAB as developed by measure 5.15 of the MMP Study to analyse an optimized structure of the toll system that incorporates parameters such as high occupation, eco-efficient vehicles, peak and off-peak periods according to the criteria proposed in measure 3.3 of the MMP. In regard to plans for company trips included in Decree 152/2007 regulating the Action Plan to improve the air quality in 40 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area declared area for protection of the atmospheric environment, 5 were processed in 2008. In order to simplify drafting company travel plans, the MTA has developed a computer application, available on its Update of mobility plans for the Sant Andreu de la Barca and Castellbisbal industrial estates Mesa del Delta which corresponds to the Zona Franca Consortium, the ZAL (Logistics Activities Zone) and Pratenc industrial estate South industrial estates in Terrassa Mobility department In regard to urban mobility plans it is important to emphasise that Barcelona City Council presented the UMP for the city, and reported favourably. Can Mitjans, Can Mir and Can Trias Industrial Estates in Viladecavalls The MTA also participates in the follow-up of other specific mobility plans coordinated by other institutions: Parallel to the process of approval of the MMP work has begun on updating the follow-up indicators of the MMP within the MTA Mobility Observatory. The MTA, in accordance with the functions attributed to it under the Law of Mobility as a territorial mobility authority in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, informs about urban mobility plans, planned services, plans for company travel and the resulting mobility studies. Can Sant Joan Industrial estate in Sant Cugat del Vallès and Rubí website, which provides a guide for drafting company trips written by the Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The application was presented in a conference organized by the Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works with the participation of municipalities, companies, specialized consultants and other administrative bodies. Pla de Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Molins de Rei industrial estates Almeda, Est, Famades and Solanes Industrial Estates in Cornellà de Llobregat 5 General planning 21 Derived planning 20 Strategic residential areas 39 Total 85 Projects and works During 2008 the Trambaix was subject to a modification of its route due to the section around the Sant Ramon stop being affected by the construction of the new line L5 Metro station between Collblanc and Pubilla Cases. The modification of the route had a length of approximately 275 meters at its longest point and was executed in accordance with the construction project “Modification of the Trambaix line between Avinguda Chile and Collblanc street”, drafted and implemented by GISA during July and August, with a contracted operation budget of 4.3 M€. The main characteristics of this work are the elimination of two of the sharpest curves on the Trambaix line, and the creation of a third track at the Sant Ramon stop to make operation more versatile. Operation During 2008 the Trambaix consolidated itself as a means of connection between the city of Barcelona and the Baix Llobregat. The increasing tendency over the last few years of operation has been maintained, and for 2008 it showed an increase of 1,398,191 ticket cancellations compared to the previous year (9.8%). This meant an equivalent monthly increase of 116,500 ticket cancellations. The maximum number of users per month was reached in October with a total of 1,519,216 ticket cancellations. The graph below shows the evolution the mean monthly load per trip during 2008. This shows the mean occupation of trams month by month. In regard to the resulting mobility evaluation studies regulated by Decree 344/2006, a total of 85 studies were reported in 2008, distributed as follows: Individual implementation 1. Tramway Diagonal - Baix Llobregat The FGC Barcelona-Vallès line is used by thousands of students from the Autonomous University of Barcelona 30 31 C2 Actions during 2008 Management of the tramway system The commercial speed decreased slightly during 2008 compared to the mean for 2007, mainly as a result of the reduction that took place between the months of August and October 2008, Evolution of the mean load per trip (No. of passengers) Trambaix 90 because of the work at Sant Ramon station and adaptation of the tramway timetable to the changes in the traffic lights at the intersections affected by this work. 80 Mean real operating speed for each month. Trambaix 70 60 19.00 50 18.75 40 Average 30 Line T1 20 Line T2 10 Line T3 0 18.50 18.25 18.00 Ticket cancellations by type of day. Trambaix Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug The next graph shows the differences between the number of ticket cancellations month by month for the type of day: July 17.00 June Line T3 May 17.25 Jan Line T2 Apr 17.50 Mar Line T1 17.75 Feb Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May Abr Mar Feb Jan Average 2. Sant Martí - Besòs Tramway 60,000 Works 50,000 During June 2008, operation began on line T6 of the Trambesòs, connecting Sant Adrià station with Gorg, and travelling along the Rambla de la Mina. The finalization of this work completes the process of implementation of the Glòries – Besòs tramway system begun in 2003. 40,000 30,000 The total cost of the work carried out during implementation of this tramway system was 246,158,825 €, a figure that 20,000 Weekdays 32 Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May Apr Mar 0 Jan Sundays and Public Holidays 10,000 Feb Saturdays includes the cost of the works for the original construction project, and later modified and additional projects, as well as other work cost increases and the price review associated with the work periods. The table below summarizes these concepts: Total amount referring to completed work Original project, modifications and modified addenda 215,873,661 Complementary projects and addenda 6,647,177 Miscellaneous work cost increases 3,753,550 Cost review 19,884,440 Total (e) 246,158,827 33 C2 Actions during 2008 Management of the tramway system Operation There was a significant increase in the number of users during 2008. Compared to 2007, the increase was approximately 1 million ticket cancellations (14%), representing an average of 75,000 ticket cancellations a month more that in the last year. The majority of Trambesòs passengers use the T4, representing approximately 60% of ticket cancellations. Nevertheless there has also been a progressive increase of passengers on lines T5 and T6. The graph below shows the evolution the mean monthly load per trip during 2008. This shows the mean occupation of trams month by month. The graph shows a reduced mean occupation of the networks services after the opening of line T6 in June. The graph below shows the differences between the number of ticket cancellations month by month for the type of day: Ticket cancellations by type of day. Trambesòs 30,000 25,000 20,000 Evolution of the mean load per trip (No. of passengers). Trambesòs 15,000 100 90 10,000 80 Weekdays Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July Jan 40 Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July 0 June Line T6 May 10 Apr Line T5 Jan 20 Mar 30 Line T4 Feb Average June 0 May Sundays and Public Holidays 50 Apr 60 5,000 Mar Saturdays Feb 70 Improvements were made in the speed commercial by synchronizing the T4 and T5 lines to Glòries and allowed recuperating the commercial speed during the last months of 2008 to values of 19 km/h on line T5 and 18.5 km/h on line T4. Mean real operating speed for each month. Trambesòs 20.00 19.75 19.50 19.25 19.00 18.75 18.50 18.25 17.25 Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May 17.00 Jan Line T6 Apr Line T5 17.75 17.50 Mar Line T4 18.00 Feb Average The Trambesòs on its way to the National Theatre of Catalonia. In 2008 more than 10 million people used the metropolitan tram service 34 35 C2 Actions during 2008 Management of the tramway system Integrated Fare System 3. Evolution of demand on the tramway system Trambaix 2007 2008 January 1,203,528 1,371,173 14,435,439 February 1,133,740 1,321,306 14,623,005 March 1,281,796 1,305,407 14,646,616 April 1,077,257 1,447,806 15,017,165 May 1,306,340 1,348,161 15,058,986 June 1,204,983 1,293,069 15,147,072 July 1,167,786 1,338,413 15,317,699 751,381 746,374 15,312,692 September 1,148,617 1,262,603 15,426,678 October 1,414,854 1,521,872 15,533,696 November 1,351,477 1,378,952 15,561,171 December 1,226,035 1,330,849 15,665,985 14,267,794 15,665,985 August Total Trambesòs TAM (*) 2007 2008 January 444,251 632,187 6,775,872 February 414,190 589,967 6,951,649 March 473,355 611,991 7,090,285 April 460,095 693,094 7,323,284 May 587,470 673,208 7,409,022 June 591,927 642,533 7,459,628 July 746,525 688,564 7,401,667 August 436,108 506,399 7,471,958 September 604,787 614,305 7,481,476 Create an easy-to-understand fare system based on user accepted principles Favour the perception of the metropolitan public transport system as an integrated network Contribute to positioning public transport as a system that is more attractive to users The zoning system adopted was 6 fare rings divided into zones. Integrated Fare System Zoning TAM (*) October 644,973 668,719 7,505,222 November 605,920 609,138 7,508,440 December 578,335 573,292 7,503,397 6,587,936 7,503,397 Total The project of the integrated fare system for the Barcelona metropolitan area, promoted by the associated administrative bodies, was approved by the Board of Directors of the MTA on November 15, 2000, its objectives were: (*) TAM: mean annual mobility, last 12 months One of the tram stops on the Diagonal, an area dedicated to business and trade. The demand for the tram system is gradually increasing 36 37 C2 Actions during 2008 Integrated Fare System 1. Tickets and Prices The schedule for incorporation of different operators into the project was: Tickets Available Year 2001 Barcelona Bus (previously Asser), Authosa, Autocars R. Font, Autocorb, Autos Castellbisbal, Cingles Bus, Cintoi Bus, Empresa Casas, Empresa Plana, Empresa Sagalés, FGC, Fytsa, Hispano Igualadina, La Vallesana, Martí Colomer, Mohn, Oliveras, Rodalies Renfe (first ring), Rosanbus, Sarbus, Soler i Sauret, TMB, Transports Generals d’Olesa, Transports Lydia, Transports Públics, Tusgsal and the urban services of Sabadell (TUS) and Sant Cugat del Vallès (Sarbus and Saiz Tour). Year 2005 Year 2002 Year 2006 All Renfe suburban services, Bus Castellví, 25 Osona Bus (previously E. Pous), Hispano Llacunense, Marès-Trans, Montferri Hnos. and the urban services of Castellbisbal (A. Castellbisbal), Mataró (Mataró Bus) and Rubí (Transports Públics), and the Port bus service (TCC). The urban services of Castellar del Vallès (Martí i Renom) and Vilanova i la Geltrú (TCC, SA) and line PR4 of El Prat de Llobregat to the ZAL or Logistics Activities Zone (TCC, SL). Year 2003 The urban services of Terrassa (TMESA), El Papiol (Autos Castellbisbal), Granollers (Autobusos de Granollers), Vallirana (Soler i Sauret), Molins de Rei (Molins Bus UTE), Cerdanyola del Vallès (Sarbus), Vilassar-Cabrera de Mar (Empresa Casas), Igualada (TUISA); it also integrated the intercity service promoted by the town of Mollet del Vallès and the interurban services of the companies Hispano Llacunense and SA Masats Transports General. Single ticket Personal, not integrated. The intercity services of Autocars Julià, SL and the urban services of Cervelló, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Sant Esteve Sesrovires and the shuttle bus of Rubí, between the FGC and Renfe Rodalies (suburban) stations of the city. T-10 10 integrated trips on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones) Multiple person and all time periods. T-50/30 50 integrated trips on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones) Validity: 30 days as of the first use. Single-person and time limit. T-Familiar (70/30) 70 integrated trips on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones) Validity: 30 days as of the first use. Multiple-person and time limit. Year 2007 The urban services: of Manresa (Manresa Bus) and Hostalets de Pierola (Montferri Hnos.). T-Mes The schedule for the inclusion of members in 2008 was: Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones) Validity: 30 days as of the first use. Ticket personalized by Identity Card or special operator cards. -1 January, urban service of Vilafranca del Penedès (La Hispano Igualadina, SA) T-Trimestre -18 February, intercity service claimed by Barberà del Vallès (Marfina Bus, SA) Unlimited travel to zones indicated at time of purchase, by all modes of transport, according to the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones). Validity: 90 consecutive days from first use. Card personalized according to DNI or other identification recognized by the operator. Year 2008 -17 March, urban service of Sitges (TCC 2, SL) Year 2004 Trambaix and Trambesòs. Integration of the interurban services of CRA La Hispania, SA Autocars Vendrell, SL and La Hispano Hilarienca, SA. -1 April, urban service of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia. (TCC 2, SL) T-Dia Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones) Validity: 1 day from first use until the end of services. Single person ticket. -2 June, intercity service claimed by Corbera de Llobregat (Autocorb, SA) -24 June, urban service of Masnou (Transports urbans del Masnou, SL) -29 September, intercity service claimed by Piera (Montferri Hnos., SL). T-Jove T-Jove Unlimited travel to zones defined by the first use, on all forms of transport depending on the zones to be crossed (from 1 to 6 zones) Validity: 90 days as of the first use. Ticket personalized by Identity Card or special operator cards, only for people under 21. The age limit may be extended to 25 for students attending Universities or other educational centres. This requires obtaining a card authorizing the extended age limit. 38 39 C2 Actions during 2008 Integrated Fare System 2008 prices (€) The distribution of the revenue per type of integrated ticket and number of zones was: 1 Zone 2 Zones 3 Zones 4 Zones 5 Zones 6 Zones 7.20 14.40 19.80 25.45 29.15 31.20 T-50/30 29.80 50.00 70.20 87.35 103.50 115.00 T-Familiar (70/30) 43.80 61.80 84.70 104.00 120.00 129.00 T-Dia T-Mes 46.25 66.70 90.10 107.00 123.00 131.00 T-10 T-Trimestre 127.00 184.00 249.00 296.00 338.00 350.00 T-Jove 108.00 156.00 210.00 252.00 287.00 297.00 5.50 8.65 10.95 12.35 14.00 15.65 T-10 T-Dia 2. Sales and use of the Integrated Fare System Sales by ticket and zone 2008 Code 1 Zone 2 Zones 4 Zones 5 Zones 6 Zones Total 61,479.67 25,901.36 16,158.88 6,934.58 11,466.92 1,764,616.64 0.47% 225,286,358.13 30,335,632.15 14,830,033.46 4,334,705.84 1,434,588.64 3,184,586.92 279,405,905.14 74.25% T-50/30 45,509,752.34 7,194,205.61 3,650,793.64 1,100,773.27 178,658.41 263,855.14 57,898,038.41 15.39% T-Mes 23,184,433.41 2,936,171.40 785,217.29 283,500.00 100,584.11 139,692.52 27,429,598.74 7.29% 29,906.54 7,532.71 271,974.77 0.07% T-Esdeveniment 234,535.51 T-Trimestre 1,574,087.85 469,629.91 84,241.12 46,474.77 25,271.03 75,214.02 2,274,918.69 0.60% T-Jove 1,754,949.53 1,507,368.22 599,186.92 302,164.49 72,957.01 230,938.32 4,467,564.49 1.19% T-Familiar 70/30 2,082,178.32 393,902.80 148,502.06 86,213.08 23,214.95 33,033.64 2,767,044.86 0.74% 18,950.56 0.01% 376,298,612.29 100.00% T-2 Comerç This represents a growth of 3.72% compared to closure of 2007 in sales of integrated tickets (366,101,382.97 €, VAT not included). % 18,950.56 Total 301,287,920.89 42,898,389.77 20,153,782.38 80.07% 11.40% 5.36% 6,177,523.04 1,842,208.74 1.64% 3,938,787.48 0.49% 1.05% 100.00% Xpress Renfe 3,438,225.14 Total sales 2008 MTA annual sales % 1,642,675.23 In 2008 the total revenue for the sale of integrated tickets was 379,736,837.43 €, VAT not included. The accumulated monthly turnover for 2008 compared to 2007 is shown in the following graph: 379,736,837.43 A total of 662,926,964 ticket cancellations were made with MTA integrated tickets during 2008. This represents an increase of 0.34% compared to validations in the 2007 financial year (662,929,795 cancellations). The monthly validations for the year 2008 compared to 2007 are shown in the graph below: 549,839,468 554,462,758 JUNE SEPT MAY 162,996,837.36 161,240,913.44 486,213,338 491,597,733 AUG APR 130,603,662.52 127,450,861.06 433,238,407 440,212,808 JULY 397,927,248 403,812,259 MAR 97,078,799.66 97,091,344.65 JUNE 340,722,542 348,361,830 Total sales 2008 FEB 63,675,500.98 63,378,442.67 MAY Total sales 2007 JAN 32,194,567.43 32,722,015.18 285,121,346 291,179,904 APR 227,385,655 228,410,074 MAR 166,370,050 175,128,820 Total journeys 2008 FEB 114,200,323 112,618,854 Total journeys 2007 JAN 56,507,806 57,259,826 700,000,000 650,000,000 600,000,000 550,000,000 500,000,000 450,000,000 400,000,000 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 Ticket cancellations 2008: monthly sub-total 0 360,000,000 OCT 194,000,037.26 191,738,887.27 330,000,000 JULY 225,322,367.86 221,118,918.82 607,302,982 612,798,472 300,000,000 NOV 270,000,000 AUG 246,238,279.77 241,651,189.94 660,708,933 662,929,795 240,000,000 DEC 210,000,000 SEPT 280,052,069.52 272,568,059.56 180,000,000 315,874,853.81 307,272,525.87 150,000,000 OCT 120,000,000 347,430,278.26 338,061,960.73 90,000,000 NOV 60,000,000 379,736,837.43 366,101,382.96 30,000,000 DEC 0 40 3 Zones 41 C2 Actions during 2008 Integrated Fare System Of the total of validations of MTA tickets for 2008, the T-10 ticket represented 69.42% of the trips with integrated tickets, followed by the T-50/30 which represented 18.31% and the T-Mes with 9.47%. By zones, as shown in the table below, tickets for one zone represent 87.23 % of all ticket cancellations followed by those for 2 zones (8.31%). Distribution by ticket type. 2008 MTA tickets 17% Cancellations of MTA tickets in 2008 by type of ticket and number of zones Code T -Dia 1 Zone 2 Zones 3 Zones 4 Zones 5 Zones 6 Zones Total % 1,391,803 33,986 11,681 6,357 2,428 3,656 1,449,911 0.22% T-10 404,747,280 34,814,522 12,942,884 3,053,188 891,211 2,200,311 458,649,396 69.42% T-50/30 102,733,122 11,384,535 4,644,880 1,543,928 165,795 533,284 121,005,544 18.31% 55,958,130 5,070,506 1,027,000 274,725 96,503 112,212 62,539,076 9.47% 41,562 5,115 268,154 0.04% T-Mes T-Esdeveniment 221,477 T-Trimestre 3,161,231 663,301 113,569 55,924 23,343 123,027 4,140,395 0.63% T-Jove 3,855,192 2,301,167 732,055 279,474 63,962 168,749 7,400,599 1.12% T-Familiar 70/30 4,249,559 646,637 194,252 78,223 24,649 29,273 5,222,593 0.79% 33,265 0.01% 100.00% T-2 Comerç Total % 33,265 576,351,059 54,914,654 19,707,883 5,296,934 1,267,891 3,170,512 660,708,933 87.23% 8.31% 2.98% 0.80% 0.19% 0.48% 100.00% Integrated tickets 71% Social tickets 12% The table below shows the evolution of the use of integrated tickets since implementation of the integrated fare system. Incidence of integrated tickets on the system Use of integrated tickets The use of the various types of integrated tickets shows clear stability when compared to previous years. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 T-10 71.80% 72.34% 72.18% 71.80% 71.58% 71.39% 71.05% 69.42% T-50/30 11.70% 13.33% 13.32% 13.70% 14.73% 15.73% 15.56% 18.31% T-Mes 16.32% 12.30% 11.90% 11.69% 10.94% 10.06% 9.64% 9.47% 0.18% 2.03% 2.60% 2.81% 2.75% 2.82% 3.75% 2.80% Total 100% 100% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 61.1% 69.0% 69.7% 70.5% 70.8% 71.0% 71.2% 71.0% 3. Intermodality index Growth of validations of integrated tickets Other MTA 2001 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% The intermodality of integrated tickets steadily increased until stabilizing since 2005. In 2008, of each 100 trips made with integrated tickets, 23 included modal linking. The intermodality index is different depending on the transport ticket and number of zones. For the most often used tickets, T-10 and T-50/30, the intermodality in the case of the T-10 for one zone is 18.55% and for the T-10 of more than one zone it is 49.2%. For the T-50/30, the intermodality is 22.65% for the T-50/30 for one zone and 53.5% for all other zones. 100% As for the incidence of integrated tickets on the total number of trips there is clear consolidation of the use of integrated tickets which represent a quota of almost 71% of the validations in the system: of the 935 million of trips made on the public transport system of the Barcelona area in 2008, more than 663 million were made using an MTA ticket. Year 2008 Intermodalitat Total intermodal 23.30% T-10 1 zone 18.55% T-10 Other zones 49.20% T-50/30 1 zone 22.65% T-50/30 Other zones 53.50% Intercity bus arriving at University Square 42 43 C2 Actions during 2008 Integrated Fare System Financing the system The evolution of the intermodality index of each type of integrated ticket over the last few years is shown in the table below. General State Government-MTA 2007-2008 Contract programme Evolution of the intermodality index Index 2004 (%) Index 2005 (%) Index 2006 (%) Index 2007 (%) Index 2008 (%) 9.55 10.59 10.79 10.74 10.44 T-10 20.14 21.38 21.92 21.82 21.36 T-50/30 26.22 27.72 28.76 28.22 26.31 T-Mes 20.27 23.74 24.56 24.53 23.90 T-Trimestre 18.99 22.91 23.40 23.28 23.02 T-Jove 21.56 23.72 24.04 24.27 24.31 T-Familiar 20.11 22.36 23.63 23.62 22.85 T-Dia On 8 April 2008 the 2007-2008 contract program was signed between the General State Government and the Metropolitan Transport Authority. This new contract programme includes allocations of 1,206 million Euros for metropolitan public transport and this is an increase of 24% over the last agreement. All the planned annual subsidies provided by different administrative bodies represent an increase of 27.2% compared to the settlement for the 2005-2006 contract programme and 137.4% compared to the settlement for the 1998-2001 contract programme. The planned subsidies to be provided by different administrative bodies in this period, as well as their application to all the transport companies in the system, are summarized in the table below: Origin 299 State Government 554 Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia 183 Barcelona City Council 170 MTB Application ATM 1,206 TMB 654 FGC 158 MTB indirect expenses 150 Bus DGTT 51 Tramways (Technical tariff) 87 Other 26 Investment in tramway infastructure 80 1,206 Figures in Millions of Euros Intercity bus at the foot of Montserrat. One of the MTA’s highest priorities is to facilitate access by public transport throughout the metropolitan region 44 Public transport ticket machines. In 2008 660 million MTA transactions were handled 45 C2 Actions during 2008 Financing the system Other actions Evolution of the cost and financing of public transport in the BMA A comparison between the three contract programmes agreed to by the MTA, now settled, and the forecast for the 20072008 contract programme, shows that the mean annual cost of the public transport system in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, financed by prices and subsidies from administrative bodies, has gone from 507 million Euros a year in the 19982001 contract programme, to 1.076 million Euros a year planned for the 2007-2008 programme, more than doubling the figure in 10 years, as shown in the table below. The table below shows, in relative values, the growth of the subsidies from administrative bodies as well as the revenue: System demand development 100% 90% 50% 46% 45% 44% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 50% 54% 55% 56% 859 1,076 Revenue 10% Mean annual CP 1998-2001 0 1,100 1,000 900 800 Mean annual CP2007-2008 710 Mean annual CP 2005-2006 507 1,200 20% Mean annual CP2002-2004 Subsidies 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 46 Mean annual CP2007-2008 Mean annual CP 2005-2006 Mean annual CP 2002-2004 0 Mean annual CP 1998-2001 Total cost Over the last few years the MTA has formalized the following operations for the operative lease of rolling stock with the purpose of extending and renewing the Metro system train fleet: Lease of 39 trains of the 5,000 series for lines L5, L2 and L3 formalized with CAF and the Lease Company “Alquiler de Trenes AIE” on 8 August 2003. Lease of 50 trains of the 9000 series for line L9 formalized with the specific company “Arrendadora Ferroviaria, SA” and Alstom Transporte, SA on 23 July 2004. Lease of 10 trains of the 6,000 series for line L1 formalized with CAF and the Lease Company “Trenes en Arrendamiento, AIE” on 18 April 2005. 30% Contribution development 1. Rolling stock These figures show how the enormous effort made by all administrative bodies in financing metropolitan public transport has enabled taking actions as important as the implementation of the integrated fare system, the entry into service of the new tram network, the programme for renovation of rolling stock for the Barcelona Metro and Railways of the Generalitat of Catalonia and a whole series of programmes for improvement of different bus networks. Liquidation of the 2007 financial year The cost of the public transport system in the BMA has two financing systems: the income derived from the sale of tickets and the subsidies granted by public administrative bodies. In a meeting held on 25 June 2008, the control commission of the General State Government-MTA 2007-2008 contract programme approved the liquidation for the 2007 financial year, of which an amount of 11.839 million Euros is still pending application. Over the last 10 years the relative weight of the prices has gone from 50% to 44% of the financing for public transport, whereas the subsidies from Public Administrative bodies have increased their participation from 50% to 56%. This amount is planned to be applied during 2008, and this will mean that the real accumulated needs for the 20072008 period will be very similar to the figure mentioned in the contract program. The type of contract is operational leasing and is established for a period of 18 years; once this period has elapsed MTA may opt to either extend the lease or acquire the trains at a price of about 50% their initial price. On 5 September 2006 a first addendum was signed to the Framework and Lease Contract for the 50 trains destined for line L9, to technically adapt these trains so that they could be temporarily used on other lines of the Metro system, until the infrastructure work on line L9 could be completed. This meant an additional investment of 8.325 million Euros compared to the initial investment for the 50 trains already agreed in the Framework Contract to a total of 296.605 million Euros. On 21 July 2008 a second addendum to the Framework and Lease Contract for the 50 trains destined for line L9, to control the following aspects: 1. Modification of the schedule for delivery of the last 16 trains: delaying it for one year later than agreed in the Addenda of 5 September 2006, to adapt to the schedule of availability of infrastructures on line L9. 2. Cost of deferment of delivery of the last 16 trains: The MTA agreed to compensate Alstom for the fixed and variable costs incurred for deferment of the delivery of the last 16 trains. 3. Modification of the price review system: it was agreed to limit the total impact of the price review for the 50 trains to a maximum amount of 94,503,000 Euros. This amount is FGC line in front of the General Hospital of Catalonia in Sant Cugat del Vallès derived from what would have been the impact of the price review, using the formula stipulated in the contract, but assuming that the contract had been signed one year earlier. 4. Spare parts: it was agreed to extend the purpose of the Framework and Lease Contract with the spare parts required for maintenance of the 50 trains without applicable price review, and this represented an investment of 15,596,000 Euros. On the other hand, on 8 May 2008 and addendum was signed to the Framework and Lease Contract for the 10 trains destined for line L1 to define a new profile of the complementary quotas derived from the following concepts: 1. Price review of the 10 trains calculated in accordance with the stipulations of clause 12.3 of the Framework and Lease Contract, and representing a total of 17,018,571 Euros. 2. Modification of the trains: it was agreed to incorporate a front emergency door in the testers for the trains for an amount of 711,000 Euros. On 31 December 2008 the acts were signed for the delivery of 39 trains of the 5000 series, 10 trains of the 6000 series and 33 trains of the total of 50 trains of the 9000 series to be delivered by Alstom. As of the month of October 2008 delivery began of the first trains of the 9000 series specifically destined for line L9. 47 C2 Actions during 2008 Other actions 2. Operation Aid System At the same time and continuing an already initiated process, part of the initial turn-key OAS contract, during 2008 the installation of user information panels has continued. These panels provide information at points on the lines of operators who manage their fleets with the aid of the MTA OAS, and on TMB lines when they run in parallel. The new communications system based on GPRS/GSM technology was implemented in 2007 as a result of the evolution of the initial system based on radio, it has given the results expected at the end of the previous financial year. From the point of view of operation of the system, the degree of reliability and coverage, together with the consolidation of Sermetra as a body providing maintenance service and incident management, have acted proactively on the standardized use of OAS by the majority of operators in the MTA area. So much so that the number of vehicles has increased recently to reach a total of about 800 at the end of 2008. The panels installed during this financial year: La Roca del Vallès, Plaça de l’Era. Esplugues de Llobregat, Avinguda de Cornellà. Gavà, Carretera de la Santa Creu. Gavà, Plaça Font Groga. Part of this increase is fitting by operators of urban services who have, at the same time, joined the integrated fare system, small additions to the fleet, as well as incorporation of the system in fleets outside the Barcelona Metropolitan Area but which form part of business groups that regularly work with the MTA OAS, it being of particular interest to homogenise the technology without any cost for the Administration. Sant Just Desvern, Carretera Reial. Sant Just Desvern, Plaça Parador. El Prat de Llobregat, Estació de RENFE. Sant Joan Despí, Angel Guimerà. In addition, the responsibility assumed by the OAS as a critical system operating 24X7, 365 days a year, has brought about the beginning of conversations with the Technologies and Telecommunications Centre of the Generalitat in an attempt to guarantee the levels of communications service required for operation of the OAS by companies as well as all information processing systems involved. The project is technically consolidated since point of view of aid for the companies in the organisation of their fleets while at the same time homogenizing the information offered by collective public transport (CPT) by road, and so the next step has been the promotion of actions designed to provide information to passengers as part of the campaign to favour mobility. Finally, the inclusion of the MTA OAS within the Catalonian 2008-2012 Travellers Plan necessarily involved consolidation of the multi-fleet OAS as a platform to aid in company operations and consequently, on the part of administrative bodies, of the capacity of providing passengers with a large part of the dynamic information offered about CPT by road. The actions carried out are various: Inclusion of specific measures in the Mobility Management Plan. Establish joint actions with the MTB to provide dynamic information on bus arrival times, unifying the use of the information provided by the OAS in the area of the MTB (TMB, TUSGSAL and MTA) Agreement for aid and divulgation of static and dynamic information on the operation of multi-fleet OAS to the public transport router of the Generalitat. All based on the development of exclusively dedicated hardware and software platforms and the effects of not compromising the operation tools for companies, processes that the MTA began in 2008 and expects to consolidate next year. Users of one of Barcelona’s Metro lines. In 2008 more than 376 million journeys were made by Metro in Barcelona 48 49 C2 Actions during 2008 Other actions 3. Sermetra, SL 4. Projection abroad During 2008 Sermetra, SL has begun a process of continued improvement of the already consolidated procedures to make the different services for maintenance of these systems on board buses even more efficient: Ticket sale and validation system (SVS) and Operation aid system (OAS). EMTA European Metropolitan Transport Authorities The EMTA is an European federation of Transport Authorities of which MTA forms actively part. The MTA attended the general meetings in Turin and Paris celebrating the 10th anniversary of the foundation of this organisation. These actions have been made possible thanks to the stability assumed with suppliers after the adjudication of the different contracts for provision of services which have consolidated the Sermetra Management and Monitoring Centre as the usual point of access for operators to report incidents, receive personalized attention or other information of interest related to their systems. Apart from plenary sessions, the MTA participates in two Working Groups. The first, on Accessibility, held a working session in Berlin. The other working group on E-ticketing continued and concluded its activity with the publication of the document Study on electronic ticketing in public transport in the month of May. Also in collaboration with the EMTA, the MTA commissioned a Comparative study of the Financing of public transport and the fare policy in different European metropolitan areas. In comparison with the sale and validation system, corrective and preventive maintenance services have shown the gradual aging of the units which, in some cases, because of the incidents reported, indicate the beginning of the end of their working life. Even though in the future this will require planning investment for replacement, the procedures carried out by Sermetra for identification and replacement of components which, having exceeded their working life, represented a threat to optimum operation of the units, it has been very positive regarding maintenance of the economic balance of the contracts and the time between repairs. Mobility Observatory of the Ministry of the Environment The Mobility Observatory is a working group promoted by Ministries of Environment and of Development, which includes the different Spanish transport authorities. It is a growing forum which already unites almost twenty metropolitan regions. Apart from being a discussion group that organises seminars on subjects of interest to participants, each year it publishes Mobility Observatory and presents it in one of the city members as part of a working session. As regards maintenance of the Operation aid system related to on-board units, during 2008 the efficiency of the general management was increased as shown by the progressive reduction of the number of incidents in spite of the constant increase of the fleet of vehicles which was 635 at the end of 2008 (no longer under guarantee), having begun the year with 491. This year the V Congress was held in Valencia where the version for 2007 was presented. The MTA was represented and presented a conference. In a more general sense, Sermetra has also become a leading support for the MTA in matters related to the systems, such as the implementation of new transport tickets, tests of ticket manufacture, homologation of suppliers, etc. The operational proximity with different companies and the technical level assumed have all contributed to this situation. Finally, it is necessary to highlight the consolidation of the Quarterly Sermetra newsletter as a means of communication within the reach of the general public and particularly of all customers, for the publication of the most significant management indexes for the services provided as well as other information of general interest. Users of the urban bus in the Zona Franca in Barcelona. Thousands of citizens commute daily by public transport 50 51 C2 Actions during 2008 Other actions Presence abroad Visits to the MTA During 2008 the MTA participated in the following events: The objective of the visits received in the MTA was to explain the development and degree of implementation of various projects being carried out in the area where the MTA works, in some cases with the purpose of receiving advice on subjects where our consortium is an expert. In other cases they were working visits, a times to other organisations in Barcelona, such as the Town Hall or TMB, who requested the presence of the MTA to make a general presentation of the transport system from its position in the institutional organization of the metropolitan collective public transport system. Working session on the integrated fare system, Tarragona Working session on mobility directives, S’Agaró International Congress on new modes of public transport: the metrobus, Madrid The ITS Spain Congress, Barcelona Conference on The Toll System in Catalonia, Barcelona Participation in the seminar Cidades de amanhã: Escolhas para um Transporte Público Sustentável, Qualidade do Ar e Energia, organised by Logistel, Lisbon Visits were received from representatives of the Insular Council of Minorca, of the Berlin operator company, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (Germany), the Transport Consortium of the Region of Murcia, Dublin public transport (Ireland), a delegation from Houston (USA), the University of Hasselt (Flandes, Belgium), the Transport Consortium of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the Territorial Transport Authority of Guipúscoa, representatives from Gran Canària, the City Council of Nottingham (United Kingdom), the public administration and transport operators of the state of Toluca (Mexico), representatives of Mobility and Urban Transformation from Medellín (Colombia), members of parliament of the region of Rogaland (Norway), representatives of AEG Belgium and the University of Wuppertal (Germany). Presentation in the Mobility Forum of the Region of Murcia, Murcia Presentation of the tool for calculating the energy consumption and the emissions of contaminants in urban mobility plans (EMIMOB08), Barcelona Congress Walk 21, Barcelona National Congress on the Environment, Madrid Technical session on Sustainable mobility in the framework of the suburbs law, Cardona. Various members of the MTA also participated as lecturers in the Professional Master of Territorial and Urbanistic studies of the public administration school of Catalonia, and the master in Planning and Management of Mobility organised by the Technical University of Catalonia. Urban bus in front of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona and RENFE suburban train en route to the airport 52 53 System statistics C3 System statistics TransMet Figures 2008 During 2008 a total of 934.8 million trips were made on collective public transport, and this means upholding the demand for public transport compared to 2007 and an increase of its weight on the mobility market. It was noted that on non-integrated services (Tourist Bus, Aerobús, Tombbús and Blue Tram) the demand dropped by 8.4%, whereas integrated services experienced a slight increase in demand. M trips 2008 Integrated services 925.3 924.5 Non-integrated services 9.5 10.3 absolute % 0.8 0.1% -0.8 -8.4% 2008 2007 Evolution of system demand absolute % 900 Individual 4,218,684 4,138,822 79,862 1.9 800 Trips 14,250,255 14,687,696 -437,441 -3.0 700 -0.17 -4.8 600 Average trips a day 3.38 3.55 755.5 800.0 837.1 868.2 2001 2002 2003 2004 886.7 910.7 934.8 934.8 1,000 h 08/07 500 h 08/07 M trips 2007 The working day mobility survey for 2008 showed a general loss in mobility of 3% in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. It is necessary to consider that there were 14 days of strike on the Barcelona transport service during 2008. As for Renfe Rodalies (suburban) it is necessary to note that the service was free on lines R2 South, R7 and R10 until 9 May, as a result of the cut in services in the last quarter of 2007. Maintaining passenger demand on public transport in a context of a general reduction of mobility means a percentage increase of the mobility quota corresponding to public modes, thus supporting the policies of increased offer promoted by the administrative bodies members of the MTA. The graph below shows the evolution, since the coming into service of the integrated fare system, of the demand for the collective public transport system, which has grown by 179.3 million passengers since its inception, an accumulated increase of 23.73%. 400 300 200 100 Millions of passengers 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 TransMet Figures 2008 Lines Veh-km (millions) Network (km) Revenue (M d’e) h Demand 08 / 07 (%) Trips (millions) Metro FMB 6 88.4 80.4 376.4 2.7% 201.22 FGC 2 143.9 32.8 81.0 2.5% 58.73 Renfe Rodalies (suburban) 6 447.7 91.9 114.4 -2.3% 107.60 Metropolitan tram 6 29.1 2.5 23.2 11.1% 10.60 Subtotal railway 20 709.1 207.6 595.0 2.0% 378.15 Bus TB (Barcelona) 108 915.2 41.4 194.9 -7.4% 113.33 Other buses first ring 100 1,175.9 32.4 74.5 4.0% 41.43 Inter-city bus 307 7,700.1 32.0 29.4 0.6% 30.94 Other urban buses 115 935.1 13.7 41.1 2.6% 21.12 Subtotal bus 630 10,726.2 119.4 339.8 -3.3% 206.82 TOTAL 650 11,435.3 326.9 934.8 0.0% 584.97 The public transport offer in railway mode was extended in 2008 with the prolongation of Metro line L3 (two new stations at Trinitat Nova and Roquetes), with the new line T6 tramway of Trambesòs, along Rambla de la Mina connecting lines T4 and T5, and the new Terrassa Est station on line R4 of Renfe Rodalies (suburban). Passengers consulting a public transport map in Prat Airport 56 57 C3 System statistics Railway mode Lines Network (km) Stations Trains/h peak and direction Veh-km (millions) Trips (millions) Revenue (M d’e) Bus mode Lines Network (km) Vehicles in service Veh-km (millions) Trips (millions) Revenue (M d’e) First ring (IFS) First ring IFS: EMT bus Metro Transports de Barcelona, SA 108 915.2 891 41.4 194.9 113.33 Authosa 2 8.6 8 0.4 2.7 0.96 L1 20.7 30 17 19.3 113.3 L2 12.4 17 23 13.0 42.8 Mohn, SL 22 380.8 128 8.6 15.2 7.63 L3 18.4 16 19 16.6 85.3 Oliveras, SL 12 112.7 42 3.1 6.9 2.90 L4 17.3 22 15 14.2 49.0 Rosanbus, SL 9 89.6 50 2.9 9.5 4.14 L5 16.6 23 22 16.9 84.3 TCC (SA, SL) 3 40.6 25 2.8 3.5 9.97 L11 2.3 5 9 0.4 1.0 Tusgsal 41 484.2 257 13.6 34.7 15.15 0.8 2 6 nd 0.7 Soler i Sauret, SA 7 38.8 14 0.7 1.5 0.54 88.4 125 111 80.4 376.4 Transports Lydia, SL 4 20.5 4 0.3 0.4 0.14 Total first ring IFS 208 2,091.0 1,419 73.7 269.3 Montjuic funicular Subtotal metro 6 201.22 FGC Barcelona-Vallés line 12.0 18 30 7.3 31.9 13.58 Llobregat-Anoia line 12.0 11 15 5.5 13.1 5.56 24.0 29 45 12.9 45.0 19.14 Subtotal FGC 2 Renfe rodalies (suburban) 154.76 Other IFS DGTT bus - Inter-city transport Autocars R. Font, SA 8 116.0 10 0.8 0.9 0.77 Barcelona Bus, SL 8 294.0 12 1.0 0.3 0.41 Cingles Bus, SA 26 539.0 19 1.6 1.3 1.27 R1 29.1 7 10 nd 6.5 CRA La Hispania, SA 18 338.0 16 1.5 1.7 1.43 R2 35.1 10 8 nd 5.4 Empresa Casas, SA 19 356.0 41 3.3 3.1 3.53 R3 3.3 6 3 nd 1.2 Empresa Sagalés, SA 55 1,127.3 38 3.3 2.9 2.95 R4 26.5 4 8 nd 4.8 Empresa Plana, SL 4 85.9 11 0.7 1.4 1.03 R7 - - 4 nd 0.5 FYTSA 27 682.0 33 2.7 2.8 3.26 R10 3.9 2 2 3.4 La Hispano Igualadina, SA 34 1,605.0 61 3.3 1.7 3.08 21.8 La Vallesana, SA 8 261.8 12 1.1 1.2 0.97 Subtotal Renfe 2.7 6 97.9 29 35 nd nd Sarbus (Marfina Bus, SA) 16 338.4 44 3.3 4.6 4.17 Trambaix 3 15.1 29 12 1.4 15.7 7.45 Soler i Sauret, SA 22 458.9 40 2.3 3.0 2.50 Trambesòs 3 14.0 27 8 1.2 7.5 3.15 Altres (16) 62 1,497.9 123 6.9 4.5 5.57 Subtotal tramways 6 29.1 56 20 2.5 23.2 10.60 Total Other IFS 307 7,700.1 460 32.0 29.4 30.94 Total primera corona STI 20 239.4 239 211 98.5 466.4 230.96 Metropolitan tram Remainder IFS Municipal bus - urban transport Other IFS Autobusos de Granollers 5 27.8 8 0.5 1.4 0.97 FGC CTSA - Mataró Bus 6 34.9 22 1.2 5.2 2.82 Barcelona-Vallés line 32.0 14 20 9.3 27.8 28.37 CTSA - Rubí Bus 3 31.7 11 0.6 1.1 0.55 Llobregat-Anoia line 87.0 31 12 10.6 8.1 11.18 Manresa Bus, SA 8 35.1 14 0.7 2.2 1.10 Gelida funicular 0.9 3 2 0.0 0.1 0.04 Sarbus + Saiz (Sant Cugat) 9 81.1 16 1.0 1.1 0.37 119.9 48 34 19.9 36.1 39.59 TCC (Vilanova i la Geltrú) 4 19.7 10 0.5 0.9 0.54 TMESA (Terrassa) 12 96.5 48 2.5 11.3 5.38 Subtotal FGC 2 Renfe rodalies (suburban) R1 61.8 16 10 25.0 33.0 TUS, S. Coop. CL (Sabadell) 13 114.5 59 3.2 14.3 7.21 R2 94.8 20 8 28.0 26.5 Altres (24) 55 494.0 61 3.5 3.5 2.16 R3 56.4 12 3 6.0 5.5 Total other urban bus networks 115 935.1 249 13.7 41.1 21.12 R4 119.0 28 8 26.8 24.6 TOTAL BUS SYSTEM 630 10,726.2 2,128 119.4 339.8 R7 17.8 3 4 3.5 3.0 92.6* Subtotal Renfe 6 349.8 79 33 89.2 Total other IFS 8 469.7 127 67 109.1 TOTAL RAILWAY SYSTEM 20 709.1 366 213 207.6 107.60** 128.6 147.19 595.0 378.15 206.82 * The data for Renfe passengers on lines R1 and R4 are not directly comparable to previous years because of changes in the internal calculation system as a result of the extension of R1 to Molins de Rei. ** The Renfe revenue data are for the total IFS. Service on R2 sud, R7 and R10 was free until 09-05-08. nd: No data available 58 59 C3 System statistics EMEF Survey 2008 Working day Mobility Survey 2008 The working day mobility survey is a telephone survey of citizens over 16 years of age. In 2008 and for the first time, this mobility survey was carried out throughout Catalonia, just like for the daily mobility survey in 2006. During the months of April and May 2008, almost 12,500 people were questioned about their mobility habits and their opinion on different means of transport. The main results were the following: 6,269,880 people (Catalonia) Excluding trips in labore, those made during the working day (carriers, couriers, etc), there are 21.2 million trips in Catalonia on a working day and 14.3 million in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. On the 21.2 million trips on a working day in Catalonia, the most often used means are non-motorized, followed by private transport. A trip is associated with a single reason and may have one or more stages completed using different means of transport. The reason for the trips shows that personal mobility (shopping, personal business, accompany people,...) predominate over occupational mobility (work or studies). The return home is distributed according to the reason for the trip it is associated with (work or personal) and the fact that the number does not coincide shows that all trips are not simple return trips. Total Catalonia Public transport Rail Bus Other Taxi 56.4% 38.7% 2.8% 2.1% Private transport Private transport 42.3% 8,963,557 4,218,684 people (BMA) Car Motorcycle Other Non-motorised modes 42.5% 9,015,175 89.1% 8.1% 2.8% Non-motorized modes 97.6% On foot Bicycle 22,228,377 trips on working day 14,974,799 trips on working day 3.5 trips/person on working day 3.w5 trips/person on working day 2.4% Total Barcelona Metropolitan Area Public transport 20.6% 2,939,561 Total Catalonia Reason for trip 60 Public transport 15.2% 3,230,170 Trips Public transport Rail Bus Taxi Other Trips 3,880,679 18.3% 2,551,715 17.9% Studies 861,392 4.1% 600,929 4.2% Work-related mobility 4,742,071 22.4% 3,152,644 22.1% Daily shopping 1,599,373 7.5% 1,079,060 7.6% Non-daily shopping 218,248 1.0% 155,435 1.1% Doctor/Hospital 429,877 2.0% 315,512 2.2% Visit friends/family 621,048 2.9% 452,798 3.2% Accompany others 1,230,440 5.8% 848,152 6.0% Personal business 809,851 3.8% 552,007 3.9% Leisure/entertainment 1,102,937 5.2% 721,942 5.1% Lunch/dinner in a restaurant 133,420 0.6% 89,488 0.6% Outing 649,161 3.1% 415,077 2.9% Other reasons 34,641 0.2% 22,727 0.2% Personal mobility 6,828,997 32.2% 4,652,200 32.6% Return home after work 3,881,785 18.3% 2,542,387 17.8% Return home personal reasons 5,756,051 27.1% 3,903,024 27.4% Returns home 9,637,836 45.4% 6,445.410 45.2% TOTAL 21,208,903 100.0% 14,250,255 100.0% Car Motorcycle Other Private transport 36.4% 5,184,122 Non-motorized modes 43.0% 6,126,571 Percentage Job 2.1% 1.8% Private transport Total Barcelona Metropolitan Area Percentage 60.0% 36.1% 87.0% 10.7% 2.3% Non-motorized modes On foot Bicycle 97.7% 2.3% The use of public transport is very different depending on the areas analysed: its use in the city of Barcelona is majority and it reduces the further away from the city. Barcelona city Internal Desplaçaments Connection % Desplaçaments Total % Desplaçaments Absoluts % Non motorized 2,253,024 51.5% 50,346 3.0% 2,303,370 38.2% Public transport 1,428,856 32.7% 822,984 49.5% 2,251,840 37.3% Private transport 691,992 15.8% 789,780 47.5% 1,481,771 24.5% Total 4,373,871 72.5% 1,663,110 27.5% 6,036,981 -437.441 100.0% Internal trips: those with origin and destination in the city of Barcelona Connection trips: those with origin or destination in the city of Barcelona In Barcelona non-motorized means and public transport are the most often used for internal trips; for connections, public and private transport have very similar rates of use. 61 C3 System statistics EMEF Survey 2008 The territorial area with the greatest number of trips, both internal and connection, is the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. The closest relationships are between the BMA and the central regions and Girona. Areas of Catalonia Limits There are no significant differences for the average trips on a working day according to sex, but there are differences between the reason for the trip and the means of transport used: men have greater weight on work related, and women are more common for personal mobility. Women use public and non-motorized transport more than men. Journeys Mobility by sexes 01 Total Catalonia 01 87.1% 203 03 02 93.3% 1,933 87.5% 1,317 04 94.6% 1,000 02 Men 11 8 3.4 trips /day 03 13 3.3 trips /day 119 04 Women 152 20 05 06 11 93.3% 550 Means of transport 92 06 17 92.8% 1,638 07 05 8 97.1% 14,040 01. Alt Pirineu i Aran 02. Comarques Centrals 03. Comarques Gironines 04. Ponent 05. RMB 06. Camp de Tarragona 07. Terres de l’Ebre 07 * Thousands of trips Sex Non motorized Public transport Private transport Reason for the trip Total Sex Work mobility Personal mobility Return home Total Men 36.4% 13.1% 50.5% 100.0% Men 26.0% 28.5% 45.5% 100.0% Women 48.6% 17.4% 34.0% 100.0% Women 18.7% 36.0% 45.4% 100.0% Total 42.5% 15.2% 42.3% 100.0% Total 22.4% 32.2% 45.4% 100.0% * Thousands of trips * Only movements of > 7,000 trips/day Total Barcelona Metropolitan Area Within the BMA almost 85% of all trips have their origin and destination in the region of residence. The main relationships 3.4 trips /day between regions are between Barcelona and the Baix Llobregat and Vallès Occidental regions. Men 3.3 trips /day Women Regions of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Limits Journeys 02 01 01 79.6% 986 04 05 90.2% 5,859 06 07 77.5% 321 73.9% 1,633 Thousands of trips of residents with origin and destination in the same region (% of the total number of trips of residents in the region) 62 49 85 03 84.1% 254 Sex 02 80.9% 860 84.9% 2,146 Means of transport 360 159 55 04 22 23 699 05 48 06 07 03 Nonmotorized Public transport Private transport Reason for the trip Total Sex Work mobility Personal mobility Return home Total Men 37.6% 18.0% 44.4% 100.0% Men 25.7% 28.9% 45.4% 100.0% Women 48.2% 23.2% 28.6% 100.0% Women 18.6% 36.3% 45.1% 100.0% Total 43.0% 20.6% 36.4% 100.0% Total 22.1% 32.6% 45.2% 100.0% 187 01. Vallès Occidental 02. Vallès Oriental 03. Maresme 04. Alt Penedès 05. Barcelonès 06. Baix Llobregat 07. Garraf Note: Thousands of trips Only movements of > 20,000 trips/day 63 C3 System statistics EMEF Survey 2008 By groups, the degree of mobility is quite stable until 65 years of age, after which the average number of daily trips drops off. Work-related mobility decreases with age and youths make greatest use of public transport. Mobility by age groups The opinion about the means of transport is different depending of the degree of use. More assiduous users of one mode consider it better than those who use it sporadically. It is noteworthy that all means of transport have good scores (between 6 and 8). Evaluation according to level of use 6.3 7.5 8.9 6.7 7.7 8.8 6.7 7.3 8.2 6.8 7.6 8.9 7.0 7.4 8.3 6.6 7.1 7.9 6.2 6.6 7.3 6.1 6.6 8.1 5.9 6.3 7.3 5.8 6.3 7.1 5.5 6.1 6.8 5.6 5.9 6.6 5.3 5.9 6.2 On foot Motorcycle/scooter Car Bicycle Tram Train Metro Taxi Other urban bus TMB bus Inter-city bus Renfe regional Renfe Rodalies (suburban) Total Catalonia 10 3.6 trips /day 16 to 29 years of age 9 3.6 trips /day 8 30 to 64 years of age 7 2.5 trips /day 6 Over 65 5 Means of transport Age Nonmotorised Public transport Private transport 4 Reason for the trip Total Work mobility Age Personal mobility Return home TOTAL Low Total 16 to 29 years 33.2% 21.8% 45.1% 100.0% 16 to 29 years 31.5% 22.8% 45.7% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 40.5% 12.8% 46.7% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 23.8% 31.3% 44.9% 100.0% Over 65 65.5% 15.7% 18.8% 100.0% Over 65 2.0% 50.5% 47.6% 100.0% Total 42.5% 15.2% 42.3% 100.0% Total 22.4% 32.2% 45.4% 100.0% High Total 3 2 1 0 Total Barcelona Metropolitan Area Means of transport 3.5 trips /day 16 to 29 years of age 3.6 trips /day 30 to 64 years of age 2.6 trips /day Over 65 Means of transport Nonmotorised Public transport Private transport Total 16 to 29 years 31.4% 29.2% 39.3% 100.0% 30 to 64 years 41.8% 17.6% 40.6% Over 65 65.1% 20.9% Total 43.0% 20.6% Age 64 Reason for the trip Mean score On foot 8.2 Motorcycle/scooter 8.1 Car 7.7 Bicycle 7.7 Tram 7.5 Train 7.2 Metro 6.8 Taxi 6.6 Other urban bus 6.5 Work mobility Personal mobility Return home Total 16 to 29 years 32.2% 22.2% 45.5% 100.0% TMB bus 6.4 100.0% 30 to 64 years 23.3% 32.1% 44.6% 100.0% Inter-city bus 6.0 14.0% 100.0% Over 65 2.2% 50.4% 47.4% 100.0% Renfe regional 5.9 36.4% 100.0% Total 22.1% 32.6% 45.2% 100.0% Renfe Rodalies (suburban) 5.8 Age The people surveyed were asked for an evaluation of the quality of the means of transport in four aspects: speed, comfort, safety and environmental impact. In the BMA a good assessment was given to private transport for speed and comfort and, on the other hand, the least environmental impact was for the bicycle. It is important to note the good score given to public transport in all sections. 65 C3 System statistics EMEF Survey 2008 Analysis of the reasons for the trip showed that the most important drop in mobility was travel for work (reduction of 5.7%), whereas by means of transport there was a drop in BMA: Evaluation of all modes of transport Private transport Bicycle Item Public transport Car Motorcycle Speed 6.5 6.9 7.2 8.6 Comfort 6.1 6.9 8.5 7.7 Safety* 4.8 7.0 7.8 4.9 Environmental impact 9.4 6.2 4.2 5.3 2008 Reason * For public transport thius refers to personal safety whereas for other means it refers to accidents. BMA: Evaluation of public transport Item Tram FGC Metro Other urban bus TMB bus Intercity bus the use of the car (8.7%), travel on foot remained steady and there was an increase of 2.5% in the use of public transport. Renfe suburban Renfe regional Trips 2007 % Trips Variation % Absoluts % Work related 3,152,644 22.1% 3,342,926 22.8% -190.282 -190,282 -5.7% Personal mobility 4,652,200 32.6% 4,816,767 32.8% -164.567 -164,567 -3.4% Return home 6,445,410 45.2% 6,528,002 44.4% -82.592 -82,592 -1.3% Total 14,250,255 100.0% 14,687,696 100.0% -437.441 -437,441 -3.0% Public transport 2008 2007 Variation Frequency 6.9 7.7 7.5 5.5 5.9 5.7 6.0 5.7 6.5 Speed 7.6 7.7 8.1 6.0 6.2 6.1 6.3 6.1 6.9 Reliability 7.8 8.0 7.6 5.7 6.2 6.2 5.3 5.6 6.8 Non-motorized 6,126,571 43.0% 6,142,459 41.8% -15,888 Comfort 8.1 7.6 6.7 6.4 6.6 6.6 6.2 6.3 6.9 Public transport 2,939,561 20.6% 2,866,616 19.5% 72,945 Personal safety 7.7 7.5 6.3 6.8 7.0 6.9 6.4 6.4 7.0 Private transport 5,184,122 36.4% 5,678,620 38.7% -494,498 -8.7% Environmental impact 7.8 6.7 6.6 5.4 5.4 5.6 6.3 6.2 6.2 Total 14,250,255 100.0% 14,687,696 100.0% Assessment of means of transport 7.5 7.3 6.7 6.4 6.4 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.7* Mode Trips % Trips % Absoluts -437.441 -437,441 % -0.3% 2.5% -3.0% In the BMA and compared to the survey carried out in 2007, mobility has reduced by 3% of trips and there is also a drop in the average number of trips per person. BMA: Comparison of EMEF results for 2008/2007 Comparison 2008 Individual Trips general population 14,250,255 Mean daily trips 4,218,684 3.38 Variation 2007 Absolute % 4,138,822 79,862 1.9% 14,687,696 -437,441 -3.0% -4.8% 3.55 -0.17 RENFE train in Sant Pol de Mar. A total of 92.6 million journeys were made on the six RENFE suburban lines in 2008 66 67 Auditors’ Report C4 Auditor’s Report 70 71 C4 Auditor’s Report 72 73 C4 Auditor’s Report 74 75 C4 Auditor’s Report 76 77 C4 Auditor’s Report 78 79 C4 Auditor’s Report 80 81 C4 Auditor’s Report 82 83 C4 Auditor’s Report 84 85 C4 Auditor’s Report 86 87 C4 Auditor’s Report 88 89 C4 Auditor’s Report 90 91 C4 Auditor’s Report 92 93 C4 Auditor’s Report 94 95 C4 Auditor’s Report 96 97 C4 Auditor’s Report 98 99 C4 Auditor’s Report 100 101 C4 Auditor’s Report 102 103 C4 Auditor’s Report 104 105 C4 Auditor’s Report 106 107 C4 Auditor’s Report 108 109 C4 Auditor’s Report 110 111 Budget 2009 C5 Budget 2009 Budget 2009 Statement of expenses Art. Income statement Denomination Amount 2009 (E) Art. Denomination Amount 2009 (E) Chapter 3 - Rates, goods and other income Chapter 1 - Payroll expenses 13 General staff 1,562,756.00 31 Provision of services 53,684,000.00 16 Insurance and Social Security Payments 330,000.00 39 Other income 401,522,660.00 17 Pensions and other social benefits 12,540.00 Total chapter 3 455,206,660.00 Total chapter 1 1,905,296.00 Chapter 2 - Expenses for currents assets and services Chapter 4 - Current transfers 40 From the State public sector 166,450,000.00 20 Rents and taxes 54,913,336.00 41 From the Administration of the Generalitat 213,118,000.00 21 Conservation and repairs 890,000.00 46 From local bodies and corporations 176,790,506.00 22 Materials, supplies and others 398,121,895.00 Total chapter 4 556,358,506.00 23 Compensation for service 140,035.50 Chapter 5 - Equity income 24 Printing costs 130,000.00 Interests on deposits 70,000.00 Total chapter 2 454,195,266.50 Total chapter 5 70,000.00 From autonomous communities 41,216,035.60 Total chapter 7 41,216,035.60 Loans in Euros 23,084,000.00 Total chapter 9 23,084,000.00 Total income statement 1,075,935,201.60 Chapter 3 - Financial costs 52 Chapter 7 - Transfers of capital 31 For internal loans 2,350,070.00 34 For deposits, guarantees and others 1,000.00 Total chapter 3 2,351,070.00 Chapter 4 - Current transfers 75 Chapter 9 - Variation of financial liabilities 91 40 From the State public sector 6,000,000.00 44 To public companies and other public bodies of the Generalitat 47,682,000.00 46 To local bodies and corporations 388,404,000.00 47 To private companies 85,109,000.00 48 non-profit organisations 53,000.00 49 Abroad 12,600.00 Total chapter 4 527,260,600.00 Budget approved by the MTA Board of Directors on 23/12/2008 Chapter 6 - Real investments 62 Investments in machinery, installations and tooling 30,000.00 64 Investments in goods and chattels 6,300.00 65 Investments in data processing and telecommunications equipment 1,159,133.50 Total chapter 6 1,195,433.50 To private companies 40,302,535.60 Total chapter 7 40,302,535.60 Amortization of loans in Euros 48,725,000.00 Total chapter 9 48,725,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES STATEMENT 1,075,935,201.60 Chapter 7 - Transfers of capital 77 Chapter 9 - Variation of financial liabilities 91 114 115 Edited by Autoritat del Transport Metropolità c/ Muntaner, 315 - 321 08021 Barcelona Telephone +34 93 362 00 20 Fax +34 93 362 00 22 e-mail: atm@atm.cat website: www.atm.cat B - 26.092 - 09 Printed by Agpograf Design and production by Pauta, Estratègies de Comunicació, S.L Photography by Marc Vila Barcelona, june 2009
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Councillor of Territorial Policy and Public Works and President of the MTA