Caledonia GO Station
Caledonia GO Station
Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report Transit Project Assessment Process February 16, 2016 2 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary .............................................................. 3 1. Introduction........................................................................ 4 2. Summary of Public Meeting Format and Consultation Methods .................................................................................. 5 2.1 Meeting Format ......................................................................... 5 2.2 Public Attendance ..................................................................... 5 2.3 Summary of Comments Received ......................................... 5 3. Method of Public Notification ....................................... 6 3.1 Newspaper Ads ......................................................................... 6 3.2 Canada Post Mail and Media .................................................... 6 4. Participation Levels and Summary of Comments Received ................................................................................ 7 5. Next Steps ........................................................................ 11 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Presentation Slides APPENDIX B – Display Boards APPENDIX C – Comment Sheets APPENDIX D – Notice of Commencement and Public Meeting #2 3 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report Executive Summary On Tuesday, November 17, 2015, Metrolinx held Public Meeting #2 for the new Caledonia GO Station at the York Civic Centre in the City of Toronto. The Meeting included a presentation, an Open House and a Question/Answer (Q/A) session. The meeting also introduced the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion project. The purpose of the second public meeting was to share the results of the environmental and technical studies that were completed for the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), to identify key areas of public interest regarding the preliminary design, and to obtain additional community feedback during the TPAP 120-day regulated timeline before issuing the Notice of Completion for the project. The main comments received relate to potential impacts such as: • Increased noise and vibration, • Effect on adjacent properties, • Increased road traffic including pedestrian and cycling flow. We have identified mitigation measures to minimize any potential impacts, as outlined in the Environmental Project Report (EPR). These measures will be implemented and monitored for their effectiveness during the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of the new Caledonia GO Station. All public comments received during the course of the pre-TPAP and TPAP consultation activities were carefully reviewed and taken into consideration in the EPR. The EPR will be finalized and posted for a 30 calendar-day review period upon the issuance of the Notice of Completion. The Notice of Completion will be posted in the in the Bloor West Villager and York Guardian newspapers on February 25 and March 3, 2016 and circulated to stakeholders. 4 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report 1. Introduction Metrolinx is planning for a new GO Station on the Barrie rail corridor in the City of Toronto. The Caledonia GO Station (herein referred to as “the Project” or “new GO Station”) will be located at Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road (west of Caledonia Road), where the future Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT) line intersects with the Metrolinx GO Barrie rail corridor. Figure 1 illustrates the Study Area for the TPAP as well as the Project Area (area of development) for the new GO Station. The new GO Station will be integrated with the Crosstown Station, adding regional connectivity between GO Transit, the ECLRT and the Toronto Transit Commission. The environmental impacts of building a new GO Station are being assessed according to the TPAP, as prescribed in Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 231/08, Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings. The preparation of the Public Meeting #2 Summary Report is to document part of Metrolinx’s consultation efforts during the TPAP period. This report, along with the Public Meeting # 1 Summary Report for the pre-TPAP period will form part of the Stakeholder Consultation Report, which is included as a component of the final EPR. Figure 1: Study Area and Project Area 5 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report 2. Summary of Public Meeting Format and Consultation Methods On Tuesday November 17, 2015 Metrolinx held Public Meeting #2 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the York Civic Centre. The purpose of the meeting was to present information regarding the TPAP and results of environmental and technical studies and preliminary design concepts. The meeting also provided the opportunity to share next steps of the project with the public and provided an additional opportunity to comment on the Project. Public Meeting #2 included consultation on both, the Caledonia GO Station and Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Projects. 2.1 Meeting Format Public Meeting #2 included an Open House format with display boards, a formal presentation and a Q/A session. A copy of the presentation and display boards are provided in Appendix A and B, respectively. Over the course of the evening, Metrolinx listened to feedback and answered questions from area residents through the open house Q/A period following the presentation. All feedback received was documented. Attendees also had the option to complete a written comment sheet. In total, four written comment sheets were completed (see Appendix C). Comments could be submitted for a period of three weeks, until December 8, 2015. 2.2 Public Attendance The event was attended by local residents, local business owners, and representatives from City of Toronto staff. Approximately 60 people attended Public Meeting # 2, 56 people signed in at the welcome desk. The event was also attended by several elected officials or their representatives including Member of Parliament (MP) Julie Dzerowicz, Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) Laura Albanese, a representative for MPP Cristina Martins and representatives from City of Toronto Councillors Ana Bailão and Cesar Palacio. 2.3 Summary of Comments Received Below are comments received during Public Meeting#2 ; detailed comments are provided in Section 4. Noise/Vibration Impacts Concern was expressed about the potential increase in noise and vibration levels expected as a result of construction and operation of the new GO Station. Residents in close proximity to the station asked about mitigation measures that will be implemented. As a part of the project, Metrolinx completed noise and vibration studies that revealed minimal changes. Details of the report will be available in the final EPR. 6 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report Impacts to Adjacent Properties Residents asked about potential aesthetic/visual impacts due to loss of vegetation as a result of construction and/or vandalism. A couple of residents expressed concern relating to potential negative impacts to property values as a result of the new GO Station. These comments were noted and added to the EPR. Pedestrian/Cycling Concerns The public expressed a desire for efficient access routes to get to and from the new GO Station and other local public transit stations, including the potential for a bike storage area. This suggestion will be studied further, and possibly implemented. when the project moves forward into detail design. Traffic Concerns Concerns were raised about the potential for vehicles to drive the wrong direction along Croham Road. Some residents inquired about potential public parking at the new GO Station. A detailed Traffic Impact Assessment has been completed and the report will be available in the final EPR. There will be no public parking at the station. 3. Method of Public Notification Several methods were used to notify stakeholders and the community about the second Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting. A copy of notification materials including newspaper ads, letters sent to property owners within 30 metres of the transit Project Area, and emails sent to agencies, aboriginal groups and other interested stakeholders can be found in Appendix D. 3.1 Newspaper Ads The Notice of Commencement and Public Meeting #2 details were posted in the following newspapers on both Thursday, October 29 and Thursday, November 5, 2015: • • York Guardian; and, Bloor West Villager. 3.2 Canada Post Mail and Media The Notice of Commencement and Public Meeting #2 information were combined in one bulletin and posted on Metrolinx’s website 1 and messaging was also displayed on the 1 7 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report Metrolinx Twitter feed and Facebook page. The notice was also mailed to stakeholders, which included property owners within 30 metres of the transit Project Area, potentially interested or affected residents, agencies and Aboriginal communities. 4. Participation Levels and Summary of Comments Received The comments received over the course of Public Meeting #2 as well as the comments listed in the four completed written comment sheets (Appendix C) are summarized in Table 1 below. Comments are grouped by common theme. Table 1: Comments Received General Comment Study Team Response Project Support We are happy this GO station is being Comment noted. implemented. It will benefit the surrounding area. Transit Coordination Will there be support for transit? Will it be Metrolinx is working with local transit done right? authorities to incorporate connections to / from the new GO Station. Presentation Comments Provide information in multiple languages At this time, Metrolinx only provides documents (Spanish, Italian, etc.). in English and French as outlined in the French Language Services Act. However, Metrolinx is sensitive to multi-ethnic needs and will consider providing information in other languages upon request. Noise/Vibration Impacts What will be done about noise now that A Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment there will be a side platform and island Report has been completed in support of the platform? TPAP. In accordance with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) /GO Transit Draft Protocol for Noise and Vibration Assessment, noise mitigation should be investigated when the adjusted noise level (difference between future predicted noise level and existing noise level) is 5dB or greater. The results of the assessment indicate that there will be an increase in noise levels experienced at the three sensitive receptors identified for the assessment (three residences adjacent to the rail corridor within 8 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report General Comment Study Team Response the Project Area); however, the noise level increase is less than 5dB. The adjusted noise level would be in the “Noticeable” range. Based on these results, no permanent noise mitigation measures (e.g., noise barriers) will be implemented for the new GO Station. Has Metrolinx learned from the process of Metrolinx has built a framework around getting sound barriers on Georgetown community engagement that began with the South Project, to ensure that same issues Georgetown South Project. This framework don’t happen on this corridor? will continue to inform our engagement as we continue to work with communities to build new transit infrastructure and introduce new services. The boring / tunneling for the ECLRT was The proposed pedestrian tunnel will not be noisy and caused a lot of vibration. installed using a tunnel boring machine. The Concerned about noise from boring / proposed precast tunnel will be done by open tunneling for construction of GO Station. cut installation, which will minimize noise and vibration impacts. How will noise as a result of station Noise control measures will be implemented, construction be reduced? as required during the construction phase, such as restricted hours of operation and the use of appropriate machinery and mufflers. Temporary construction noise levels will be managed to ensure compliance with provincial regulations and local bylaws (where possible). Noise levels will be monitored to ensure they stay within acceptable levels. If the tracks and platforms are in a cut, what Open cut will be used to construct the tracks about noise / vibration affecting basements, and platforms, which has a decreased level of i.e., Houses on Croham Road looking onto vibration than other construction methods. the rail line? Noise mitigation measures will be installed during construction, see response to comment above. 9 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report General Comment Impacts to Local Properties Will the City of Toronto tree policy of a 3:1 replacement ratio be followed? Study Team Response Yes, Metrolinx is working with the City of Toronto and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to ensure consistent tree compensation measures are implemented. On-site tree compensation may not be reasonable due to lack of available land following construction. Alternate planting locations or means of compensating will be investigated in consultation with the City and TRCA, where applicable. Can trees be relocated to residential Any tree recommended for transplant is to backyards? have a good condition rating and be a desirable species. The majority of the trees requiring removal are Manitoba Maple and Green Ash, which are not desirable species. Manitoba Maple is not desirable as it is considered a weed. Green Ash is not desirable due to the species susceptibility to attack by Emerald Ash Borer. A Landscape Plan, which will be prepared during the detailed design phase of the project, will include provision for replacement trees of high quality, long living, native species such as Sugar Maple and Bur Oak. What will be the level of construction activity Construction activity levels will be determined on Croham Road? during detailed design. Concern that noise walls will be covered As noted above (noise / vibration section of the with graffiti. table), no permanent noise mitigation measures (e.g., noise barriers) will be installed for the new GO Station. House values around the station and Comment noted. Metrolinx is not in a position adjacent to corridor are going to go down. to comment on property values adjacent to the What are you doing for the residents along rail corridor or station. However, research this corridor? does show that property values tend to go up around transit stations. Pedestrian/Cyclist Concerns There is bike access across the rail corridor Active transportation is a part of Metrolinx’s at the Caledonia GO Station, but will there mandate and something Metrolinx will always be access between the stations? Between look to improve. Metrolinx is working with the Lawrence Avenue and Highway 401 there City of Toronto to align efforts for potential 10 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report General Comment Study Team Response is no connectivity for pedestrians or cyclists future connections across the rail corridor (e.g. Bridgeland Avenue /Floral Parkway). across the rail corridor. Width of the pedestrian tunnel? Will The standard GO Transit pedestrian tunnel provide pedestrian/cycling passage? Can it width of 3.66 metres will be used. Access be widened? provision to the tunnel will be by stairs and elevator; cyclists will be required to dismount prior to entering the pedestrian tunnel to ensure safety for pedestrians and GO customers. Will bike storage be provided at the station? Bicycle storage will be provided at the entrance to the station, just off of Croham Road. Traffic Concerns Croham Road is a one way street Several meetings have been held with the City (northbound only). Concerned that there in this regard. It is intended that one way are a lot of people that drive the wrong way. northbound traffic will remain on Croham Road Only 1 hour parking is allowed. north of the new GO station. It is recommended that this area is clearly signed for “no through traffic” with increased enforcement by the City of Toronto to respond to issues of speeding, driving in the wrong direction and illegal parking. Discussions with the City of Toronto are ongoing at present to identify appropriate measures to discourage cut through traffic on Croham Road. Concerned about potential illegal on-street / It is recommended that additional signage is Westside Mall parking. implemented in the areas of the new Caledonia GO and LRT stations to restrict the potential for illegal parking. Parking in the areas external to the GO station lands, particularly along Croham Road and at the Westside Mall are recommended to be monitored after commencement of operations at these stations. If parking within these areas is identified as an issue, increased enforcement may be recommended. Will a parking lot be provided as part of the A Kiss and Ride area is proposed in the Station? Can two buried parking levels be preliminary design plan; however, parking is constructed under the Kiss and Ride area? not proposed for new GO Station. 11 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report General Comment Study Team Response Technical Design Concerns Why is the Caledonia Station being prioritized over a connection to Bloor subway? In March 2010, a TPAP was completed for the ECLRT. As part of the ECLRT TPAP, the Caledonia LRT Station was proposed to include a direct link to the rail corridor. As such, a new GO Station at this location was prioritized. Bloor is one of seven short-listed stations for the Barrie rail corridor. The feasibility of implementing a station at Bloor is being investigated with results of the study expected in the spring of 2016. Of the seven short-listed stations, how There are no targets. Results of the Systemmany will materialize? Wide New Station Analysis are anticipated for Spring 2016. The proposed crossing at Castlefield is Metrolinx puts safety first and is working with dangerous. the City of Toronto to identify measures for safety improvements for the crossing. Instead of building a pedestrian tunnel, The rail corridor rises in gradient to the north perhaps construct a bridge to the trail [York and is approximately at-grade at the proposed Beltline Trail]. pedestrian tunnel location. With the future electrification of the corridor, clearance requirements for a bridge would be a minimum of 7.40 metres over the rail corridor. In this circumstance, it is considered more suitable to maintain Metrolinx’s standard of constructing a pedestrian tunnel with floor elevation approximately 3.90 metres below the bottom of rail. 5. Next Steps All public comments received over the course of the pre-TPAP and TPAP consultation activities have been carefully reviewed by the Project team and have been taken into consideration through the development of the EPR. The EPR will be finalized and posted for a 30 calendar-day review period upon the issuance of the Notice of Completion. In accordance with the TPAP, the Notice of Completion will be posted in the local newspaper on two separate dates and provided to all property owners within 30 metres of the Project Area, agencies, aboriginal groups, and any other stakeholder than may be interested in the project. The Notice of Completion will be posted on the Metrolinx website and in both the Bloor West Villager and York Guardian on February 25 and March 3, 2016. February 25, 2016 will mark the commencement of the 30 12 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report calendar-day review period in which all stakeholders have an opportunity to review the final EPR. During the 30 calendar-day review period, objections to the project can be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC); however should be on the basis that the transit project may have a potential negative impact on a matter of provincial importance that relates to the natural environment or has a cultural heritage value or interest or on a constitutionally protected Aboriginal or treaty right. The Minister will issue a notice within a 35 calendar-day period following the completion of the 30 calendar-day review period to: allow the project to proceed; allow the project to proceed with conditions; or, may require Metrolinx to take further steps, studies or consultation before proceeding. Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report APPENDIX A – Presentation Slides GO Regional Express Rail Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion & New Caledonia GO Station TPAPs November 17, 2015 Building More Transit to Get You Moving Regional Express Rail (RER) is bringing more train trips to every GO rail corridor to make moving around the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and surrounding communities faster and easier This means electric trains running in both directions, 7 days a week on GO-owned corridors and significant service increases across the entire network In your community, improving transit options means building a new station to create a north/south – east/west transit option at Eglinton Avenue West connected to the future Eglinton Crosstown LRT Station. We look forward to working with you, and being a part of the transformation in your community. 2 What This Means For You Over the next 10 years/ All-day, two-way 15-minute or better service: Aurora GO Station to Union Station Electrification of the entire Barrie Rail Corridor: Allandale Waterfront GO Station to Union Station Weekday rush of 30-minute service: Allandale Waterfront to Union Station and 60-minute service midday, weekend and evening Two new stations: Downsview Park and Caledonia; reviewing 7 short-listed possible new stations with system-wide study Current Facts 4 million Annual Ridership 3 14 Total Trips per weekday GO RER Service (Projected): 103 km Total Track (not electrified) 22 million Annual Ridership All-day, two-way 15, 30, and 60 minute service New electric trains reducing journey times by up to 20% What We Are Doing to Get There Construction Building an additional track between York University and Rutherford GO Stations construction 2015 - 2017 Building the new Downsview Park GO/TTC Station construction 2015 - 2017 GO Station improvements on the Barrie Rail Corridor (e.g. pedestrian tunnels) construction to begin 2016 Project Assessments New Caledonia GO Station underway Barrie Track Expansion underway System-wide electrification underway Davenport Diamond Grade Separation underway Additional Studies System-wide New Station Analysis underway System-wide At-Grade Crossing Study underway 4 Focus of Tonight’s Meeting Today’s meeting is to discuss the following Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP): Barrie track expansion – expanding rail corridor from Lansdowne Avenue in Toronto to Allandale Waterfront Station in Barrie to increase transit. New Caledonia Station – connecting Eglinton Crosstown LRT and TTC bus service on Eglinton Avenue West to give commuters more choice. 5 NORTHVIEW OF BARRIE RAIL CORRIDOR FROM EGLINTON AVENUE WEST Barrie TPAP: Infrastructure Needed To Increase GO Service We Need To: Add a second track from Lansdowne Avenue in the City of Toronto to the Allandale Waterfront GO Station in the City of Barrie Assess a possible third track up to the East Gwillimbury GO Station to prepare for a possible future express service Improve infrastructure to support service expansion, including: - Upgrades at existing GO Stations to accommodate additional tracks - At-grade rail-to-road crossings (i.e. grade separations) - Future Layover Facility for overnight storage of trains - Upgrades to existing structures within the Corridor (e.g. culverts, bridges) Complement planned service improvements and future electrification on the Barrie Rail Corridor 6 Barrie TPAP: What We Are Assessing Areas of Potential Impact Description Natural Environment Consideration of natural features in the study area including environmentally sensitive areas, the presence of Species at Risk, and existing vegetation. Socio-Economic Environment Consideration of socio-economic and key land use features in the study area including air quality, noise and vibration, potential property impacts, and traffic analysis. Cultural Environment Consideration of built heritage, cultural landscapes and archaeological features in the study area such as buildings, bridges and other structures. King Rd. Bridge, North View (Mile 23.26) 7 Yonge St. Bridge, North View (Mile 28.50) Between Kirby Rd. and King-Vaughan Townline Rd. (Mile 21.70) Next Steps for Barrie Expansion TPAP We are completing a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), Ontario Regulation 231/08, for the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion. Step 1: Planning and Engagement (Now) – Complete technical studies, launch consultation with stakeholders, and prepare conceptual design Step 2: TPAP Notice of Commencement (estimated Spring 2016) – Begin the six-month TPAP by completing the draft Environmental Project Report (EPR). Public Meeting #2 for Spring 2016 Step 3: TPAP Notice of Completion (estimated Fall 2016) – Final EPR released for review and comment Step 4: 30-day Public Consultation (estimated Fall 2016) – Formal review of the EPR by all of the stakeholders Step 5: 35-day Review Period (estimated Fall 2016) – 8 Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to review EPR and comment Caledonia GO Station TPAP Project Purpose: Build a new GO Station within the City of Toronto to improve north/south – east/west transit connectivity. Expand regional connectivity between local and regional transit systems. Improve service to customers by connecting GO service to the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and TTC bus service along Eglinton Avenue West. 9 Caledonia GO Station Project Area Westside Mall 10 Caledonia GO Station Overview FUTURE NORTH PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL AT BOWIE AVENUE AND CARNARVON STREET EGLINTON CROSSTOWN LRT (BY OTHERS) WESTSIDE MALL NORTH VIEW SITE AERIAL NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 11 Caledonia GO Station Platform Level SOUTHVIEW OF CALEDONIA GO STATION PLATFORMS AND TRACKS FROM FUTURE EAST SIDE PLATFORM NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 12 Caledonia GO Station Impacts Property – Metrolinx is in conversation with property owners that are impacted by the new Caledonia station footprint Metrolinx is working to minimize this impact as much as possible during detailed design Construction – work will be staged over several years. Metrolinx will work to minimize any impacts on the surrounding community as much as possible. Traffic – a traffic management plan will be developed to manage any traffic impact during construction and after the station is open. 13 Caledonia Station Benefits More Transit Options – Access to GO service between Barrie and Union Station in Toronto and the new Eglinton Crosstown LRT Future electrified service two-way, all-day up every 15 minutes New Connection – pedestrian bridge and tunnel across the rail corridor to enhance east-west connectivity Community Revitalization – new transit station tends to lead to new development opportunities to revitalize the surrounding community Improved Traffic – more people taking transit reduces the traffic congestion on roads 14 Caledonia TPAP: What we have done so far May 26, 2015: Public Meeting #1 October 29, 2015: Notice of Commencement Completed environmental studies Engaged with key stakeholders (including City of Toronto, TTC, TRCA, MOECC, MTCS) Completed preliminary station design and track alignment. Identified property requirements 15 Concerns Identified Vehicular Traffic 7% Littering 7% Air Quality 7% Vegetation Removal 7% Noise/Vibration 40% Light Pollution 6% Pedestrian/Bicycle Access 26% Comments Received Comments Received by Category (on May 26, 2015) 16 What we did with your feedback All feedback received is documented as part of the final Environmental Project Report. Here is what we are doing to address your feedback: • Noise and Vibration Concerns – completing a noise and vibration analysis to determine where noise and vibration mitigation is needed. • Station Mobility – we are ensuring that the station is fully accessible including pedestrian and cycling connectivity. The other comments focused on concerns about traffic, air quality, impact to surrounding vegetation, and light pollution. • The following slides review the completed environmental studies that address these concerns. 17 Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings 18 Study Key Study Findings Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment • There are no known archaeological resources within the Study Area. • Further archaeological studies will be completed in the event that an isolated or deeply buried archaeological deposit is unearthed during construction. Cultural Heritage • The Cultural Heritage Screening identified potential indirect impacts to the Eglinton Avenue West bridge and the York Beltline Park as a result of the station construction. • A Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and, if required a Heritage Impact Assessment, will be done as part of this TPAP. Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) 19 Study Key Study Findings Air Quality Assessment • Potential air quality and greenhouse gas emission impacts determined to be insignificant on a regional scale. • Predicted emissions from GO Transit service increase is below applicable thresholds. • Air quality will be monitored during construction, and mitigated as required. Noise and Vibration Assessment • Predicted noise and vibration levels from proposed GO Transit operations will be insignificant in comparison to existing conditions. • Noise and vibration will be monitored during construction, and mitigated as required. Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings Natural Heritage Assessment • Highly urbanized landscape with adjacent lands of mixed uses including residential, commercial, park and industrial. • Presence of Species at Risk or supporting habitat not observed within the study area. • No watercourses, wetlands or woodlands present. • Removal of vegetation to occur to accommodate construction. Tree Inventory • Identified trees to be preserved and those that need to be removed within and just outside of the rail corridor. • A tree preservation, removal and compensation plan will be developed during detailed design. 20 Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings Socio• New station and future Eglinton Crosstown LRT Economic and Station are expected to result in net job growth. Land Use • Improved transit access to a wider job market for area residents. • Businesses in the neighbourhood can attract employees from a larger geographic area. • Impacts to a few local businesses within project area. • New transportation option and greater mobility for people without access to a car. • New station helps to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality if more people switch from vehicles to public transit. 21 Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) 22 Study Key Study Findings Traffic Impact Study • Proposed infrastructure will support and enhance existing and planned pedestrian and cycling links, including provisions for bike shelters, a pedestrian bridge and tunnel. • Connections to Caledonia Eglinton Crosstown LRT Station and TTC Bus Service will improve transit integration. • Traffic impacts to be minimized through ongoing monitoring of construction operations, reduction of construction access/parking and following a traffic management plan. Next Steps for Caledonia Station TPAP We are completing a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), Ontario Regulation 231/08, for the Caledonia GO Station. Step 1: Planning and Engagement (Ongoing) – Complete technical studies, launch consultation with stakeholders, and prepare conceptual design Step 2: TPAP Notice of Commencement (October 29, 2015) – Begin the six-month TPAP by completing the draft Environmental Project Report (EPR). Step 3: TPAP Notice of Completion (estimated February 2016) – Final EPR released for review and comment Step 4: 30-day Public Consultation (estimated March 2016) – Formal review of the EPR by all of the stakeholders Step 5: 35-day Review Period (estimated April 2016) – 23 Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to review EPR and comment Tell Us What’s Important to You Your feedback and community perspective is important to informing this project. Please have your say by: Completing a feedback form For Barrie: For Caledonia Station: Please submit your comments by December 08, 2015 All feedback will be recorded as part of the Environmental Project Report. A summary of this meeting will be posted in January 2016. 24 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report APPENDIX B – Display Boards Getting People Moving Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 York Civic Centre November 17, 2015 Caledonia GO Station Project Purpose: Provide a new GO Station within the City of Toronto to improve north/south – east/west transit connection. Expand regional connectivity between local and regional transit systems. Improve service to customers by connecting GO service to the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and TTC bus service along Eglinton Avenue West. NORTHVIEW OF BARRIE RAIL CORRIDOR FROM EGLINTON AVENUE WEST 2 GO Meets TTC and Eglinton Crosstown Do wn sv iew Pa rk Yo rk Un ive rs ity N La ird on int Eg l Bloor-Danforth Subway Union Station GO Station Future GO Station LRT/Subway Station Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension 3 Project Area Westside Westside Mall Mall 4 Eglinton Crosstown LRT Ke nn ed y W rin Eg l in to n ffe Underground Yonge-University Spadina Subway M t. D en nis Du Ca le do ni es t a Barrie GO Transit Lin e Sheppard Subway Caledonia GO Station will serve as a transfer point for passengers using the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and TTC buses. Downsview Park GO Station will provide an intermodal connection with the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension. Caledonia GO Station Overview FUTURE NORTH PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL TUNNEL AT AT FUTURE NORTH BOWIE AVENUE AND AND CARNARVON CARNARVON STREET STREET BOWIE AVENUE EGLINTON EGLINTONCROSSTOWN CROSSTOWN LRT LRT(BY (BYOTHERS) OTHERS) WESTSIDE WESTSIDE MALL MALL NOTE: EGLINTON EGLINTON AVENUE AVENUE AND AND NOTE: CROHAM ROAD ROAD CYCLING CYCLING ROUTES ROUTESTO TO CROHAM BE CONFIRMED/APPROVED CONFIRMED/APPROVEDDURING DURING BE DETAILED DESIGN DESIGN TO TO ALIGN ALIGN WITH WITHTHE THE DETAILED 10-YEAR CITY CITY OF OF TORONTO TORONTO CYCLING CYCLING 10-YEAR NETWORK PLAN PLAN NETWORK LOOKING NORTH – AERIAL VIEW NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. *GO STATION BUILDING CONFIGURATION UNDER REVIEW 5 Caledonia GO Station Main Entrance LOOKING NORTH – STREET VIEW NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 6 Caledonia GO Station Platform Level LOOKING SOUTH – STATION PLATFORM VIEW NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 7 Caledonia GO Station Secondary Entrance PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIANTUNNEL TUNNEL EAST EASTACCESS ACCESS LOOKING SOUTH – PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL NORTH STATION ENTRANCE NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. . 8 PEDESTRIANTUNNEL TUNNEL PEDESTRIAN WESTACCESS ACCESS WEST Connection to the Beltline Trail LOOKING WEST - PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL ACCESS FROM BOWIE AVENUE / BELTLINE TRAIL NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 9 Tunnel Access to Island Platform PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIANTUNNEL TUNNELACCESS ACCESS EAST EASTOF OFCORRIDOR CORRIDOR PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL TUNNEL ACCESS ACCESS FROM ISLAND ISLAND PLATFORM PLATFORM PEDESTRIANTUNNEL TUNNELACCESS ACCESS PEDESTRIAN WESTOF OFCORRIDOR CORRIDOR WEST LOOKING SOUTH – PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL ACCESS FROM ISLAND PLATFORM AND WEST OF CORRIDOR NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 10 Connection to the Westside Mall LOOKING EAST – PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL ACCESS FROM THE WESTSIDE MALL / CARNARVON STREET NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 11 Caledonia GO Station Conceptual Plan 6 CANADIAN TIRE 4 104870175 2409 10491040 9 11A 10491041 0 11 10491041 1 9 10491041 2 7 10491041 3 5 2 104919503 2322-2362 EGLINTON AVE. W FUTURE CALEDONIA ECLRT SITE (BY OTHERS) 10491041 4 104870176 10 49 10 46 9 3 10491041 5 PARKING 10 49 10 06 7 44 AV EN UE 2411 AVENUE WES 6 104870174 EGLINTON 8 104870173 13 4 T 10 104870172 10491040 8 PLATFORMS AND PARKING: ISLAND PLATFORM: 7.4m x 315m SIDE PLATFORM: 4.0m x 315m KISS AND RIDE: 8 SPACES BICYCLE: 16 STATION 48 NORTH TUNNEL 10 4 10 10 49 10 91 01 42 10 00 49 10 10 49 49 10 1 49 40 10 2 49 10 10 51 49 0 10 38 50 10 10 9 49 49 10 10 10 47 3 0 ST RA TH NA IR N NOTES: 1. ALL EXISTING DATA AS SHOWN ON CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PLATFORMS AND PRIOR PARKING: IS TO BE VERIFIED TO DETAILED DESIGN. 2. ADDITIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, UTILITY INVESTIGATION AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TO BE ISLAND PLATFORM: 7.4m x 315m COMPLETED AND INCORPORATED DURING DETAILED DESIGN. 3. REQUIREMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS FOR SIDE PLATFORM: 4.0m x 315m UTILITY/SERVICE CONNECTION NOT INCLUDED IN LIMIT OF WORKZONE. CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED IN ORDER TO CONSTRUCT RETAINING WESTSIDE MALL KISS AND RIDE: 8 SPACES WALLS; HOWEVER, IT IS NOT ANTICIPATED THAT PRIVATE PROPERTIES WILL BE USED AS ACCESS FOR ANY PARKING OTHER WORKS. BICYCLE: 16 STATION 4. ALL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS BEYOND THE GO TRANSIT CORRIDOR TO BE CONFIRMED BY LEGAL SURVEY. 48 NORTH TUNNEL 5. EGLINTON AVENUE ROAD BRIDGE RECOSNTRUCTION TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE REALIGNMENT AND LOWERING OF THE BARRIE GO CORRIDOR TRACKS. 2421 12 104870171 LONBOROUGH AVENUE 4 1 WESTSIDE MALL CONSTRUCTION/ PEDESTRIAN ACCESS 10491047 4 CARNARVO N STRE ET PROPERTY REQUIRED (PHASE 2) PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE CONNECTION TO ECLRT STATION 101 SINGLE BIKE SHELTER (FUTURE) 105 107 109 111 113 115 104910109 104910108 104910107 104910106 104910105 104910104 MINI PLATFORM AND SHELTER 104919504 RETAINING WALL 103 104910417 EXISTING TRANSFORMER TO BE RELOCATED PLATFORM SHELTERS (FUTURE) 104910416 PROPERTY REQUIRED (PHASE 1) PROPOSED R.O.W. EXISTING R.O.W. 104910487 BUS LOOP 117 POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 104870226 EXISTING HYDRO ONE TOWER 17 TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED BY OTHERS PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE EXISTING TRACK 104870709 PROPOSED TRACKS STAIRS ELEVATORS ELEVATOR (FUTURE) ISLAND PLATFORM STAIRS (FUTURE) RETAINING WALL MINI PLATFORM AND SHELTER (FUTURE) CANOPY 104910499 STAIRS (FUTURE) SIDE PLATFORM (FUTURE) ELEVATORS (FUTURE) CONSTRUCTION ACCESS RAMP/ MAINTENANCE ACCESS TO PLATFORM 40 104910261 36 104910262 34 104910263 32 104910264 30 104910265 28 104910267 26 104910266 24 104910268 22 104910269 20 104910270 18 104910271 104910276 16 104910274 104910277 14 PROPOSED TRACK (FUTURE) CONSTRUCTION ACCESS/ FUTURE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS/EXIT TO PLATFORM FROM BOWIE AVE. PROPERTY REQUIRED (PHASE 2) 104910272 104910278 12 104910275 104910279 10 104910280 8 104910281 104910283 6 CALEDONIA ECLRT STORMWATER STORAGE TO BE COORDINATED DURING CONSTRUCTION OF MAINTENANCE ACCESS 104910282 104910284 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 CONSTR. PHASE 1 250 PIN (TYP.) HOUSE NUMBER (TYP.) CROHAM ROAD 104910287 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 104910309 37 104910308 104910294 35 104910307 104910293 33 104910306 104910292 31 104910305 104910291 29 104910303 104910290 27 104910368 104910304 104910289 25 104910301 104910288 23 104910302 21 104910300 19 104910299 17 104910297 15 104910298 11 104910295 9 104910296 2296 AVE. APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF REQUIRED PROPERTY PROPOSED METROLINX R.O.W. POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BOUNDARY CONSTR. PHASE 2 FUTURE TRACK, PLATFORM, STRUCTURES AND PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF REQUIRED PROPERTY PROPOSED METROLINX R.O.W. EXISTING STRUCTURES (APPROXIMATE) EXISTING METROLINX R.O.W. ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE 12 104910 CASTL 372 EFIELD OPENING DAY TRACK, STATION, PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, ACCESS ROAD, PLATFORM AND STRUCTURES PROPERTY REQUIRED (PHASE 1) PROPOSED GO EMPLOYEE PARKING/CONSTRUCTION ACCESS 1401 104910370 LEGEND: BELTLINE TRAIL BOWIE AVENUE 104910260 104870669 104870072 2 1950 1049 2-4 104910285 104910286 GO STATION BUILDING (CONFIGURATION UNDER REVIEW) KISS AND RIDE MAINTENANCE BUILDING DOUBLE BIKE SHELTER (FUTURE) EXISTING HYDRO ONE TOWER 18 104910273 GENERATOR LIMIT BETWEEN CITY AND 2/4 CROHAM ROAD PROPERTY STAIRS & ELEVATOR (FUTURE) PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL (FUTURE) Caledonia GO Station Conceptual Sections Pedestrian Bridge – South Access EAST PROPERTY LIMIT (FROM SURVEY) WEST PROPERTY LIMIT (FROM SURVEY) 23.43m PROPOSED WEST R.O.W. ECLRT STATION ECLRT STATION GO GOSTATION STATION EXISTING C/L TRACKS EXISTING GO BARRIE RAIL CORRIDOR TRACK ELEVATION ISLAND PLATFORM ORIGINAL GROUND SIDE PLATFORM (FUTURE) 1-2% 1-2% 1-2% PROPOSED TRACK (FUTURE) PROPOSED TRACKS ISLAND PLATFORM 7.40m 1.63m 4.30m 1.63m SECTION 5.41m 1.63m 1 N.T.S. SK101 WEST PROPERTY LIMIT (FROM SURVEY) EAST PROPERTY LIMIT (FROM SURVEY) EXISTING C/L TRACKS PROPOSED WEST R.O.W. MAINTENANCE BUILDING ORIGINAL GROUND SIDE PLATFORM (FUTURE) 2:1 ISLAND PLATFORM 1-2% 1-2% 1-2% PROPOSED TRACK (FUTURE) PROPOSED TRACKS ISLAND PLATFORM 7.40m 1.63m 1.63m SECTION 4.30m 1.63m 2 N.T.S. SK101 13 Caledonia GO Station Conceptual Sections Pedestrian Tunnel – North Access TUNNEL ACCESS FROM WESTSIDE MALL (FUTURE) EXISTING C/L TRACKS 10.31m 11.00m TUNNEL ENTRANCE FROM BOWIE AVENUE (FUTURE) 4.20m SIDE PLATFORM (FUTURE) 1-2% ASSUMED EXISTING GROUND LEVEL 1-2% 1-2% 0.725m ASSUMED EXISTING GROUND LEVEL ISLAND PLATFORM 5.00m SHARED USE TUNNEL (FUTURE) ISLAND PLATFORM 7.40m 1.63m SECTION N.T.S. 14 SIDE PLATFORM 1.63m 3 SK101 4.30m 1.63m 4.00m Next Steps We are completing a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), Ontario Regulation 231/08, for the Caledonia GO Station. Step 1: Planning and Engagement (Ongoing) – Complete technical studies, launch consultation with stakeholders, and prepare conceptual design Step 2: TPAP Notice of Commencement (October 29, 2015) – Begin the six-month TPAP by completing the draft Environmental Project Report (EPR) Step 3: TPAP Notice of Completion (estimated February 2016) – Final EPR released for review and comment Step 4: 30-day Public Consultation (estimated March 2016) – Formal review of the EPR by all of the stakeholders Step 5: 35-day Review Period (estimated April 2016) – Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to review EPR and comment 15 Concerns Identified in Spring 2015 Vehicular Traffic 7% Littering 7% Air Quality 7% Vegetation Removal 7% Noise/Vibration 40% Light Pollution 6% Pedestrian/Bicycle Access 26% 16 Comments Received by Category Comments Received by Category (on May 26, 2015) (Public Meeting - May 26, 2015) Your Feedback All feedback received is documented as part of the final Environmental Project Report. It also informs how we are moving forward with the project and we will ensure studies address: • Noise and Vibration Concerns – completing a noise and vibration analysis to determine where vibration and noise mitigation (e.g. noise walls) is needed. • Station Mobility – we are ensuring that the station is fully accessible including pedestrian and cycling connectivity. • Traffic, air quality, impact to surrounding vegetation, and light pollution. 17 Stakeholder Feedback - Caledonia Metrolinx has met with several stakeholders with interest in the Project. In principle, there is support for the new GO Station. Key comments included: • • • • 18 Electrification of the corridor Rail / Road Grade Separations Local Transit / Fare Integration Freight Train Use • • • • Future GO Station Locations Cycling Connections Service Promotion Funding Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings Study Key Study Findings Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment • There are no known archaeological resources within the Study Area. • Further archaeological studies will be completed in the event that an isolated or deeply buried archaeological deposit is unearthed during construction. Cultural Heritage • The Cultural Heritage Screening identified potential indirect impacts to the Eglinton Avenue West bridge and the York Beltline Trail as a result of the station construction. • A Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) and, if required a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), will be undertaken as part of this TPAP. 19 Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) 20 Study Key Study Findings Air Quality Assessment • Potential air quality and greenhouse gas emission impacts determined to be insignificant on a regional scale. • Predicted emissions from GO Transit service increase are below applicable thresholds. • Air quality will be monitored during construction, and mitigated as required. Noise and Vibration Assessment • Predicted noise and vibration levels from proposed GO Transit operations will be insignificant in comparison to existing conditions. • Noise and vibration will be monitored during construction, and mitigated as required. Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings Natural Heritage Assessment • Highly urbanized landscape with adjacent lands of mixed uses including residential, commercial, park and industrial. • Presence of Species at Risk (SAR) or supporting habitat not observed within the Study Area. • No watercourses, wetlands or woodlands present. • Removal of vegetation to occur to accommodate construction. Tree Inventory • Identified trees to be preserved and those that need to be removed within and just outside of the rail corridor. • A Tree preservation, removal and compensation plan will be developed during detailed design. 21 Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings Socio• New station and future Eglinton Crosstown LRT Economic and Station are expected to result in net job growth. Land Use • Improved transit access to a wider job market for area residents. • Businesses in the neighbourhood can attract employees from a larger geographic area. • Impacts to a few local businesses within Project Area. • New transportation option and greater mobility for people without access to a car. • New station helps to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality if more people switch from vehicles to public transit. 22 Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings Traffic Impact Study • Proposed infrastructure will support and enhance existing and planned pedestrian and cyclist links, including provisions for bike shelters, a pedestrian bridge and tunnel. • Connections to Caledonia Eglinton Crosstown LRT Station and TTC Bus Service will improve transit integration. • Impacts to be minimized through ongoing monitoring of construction operations, reduction of construction access/parking and following a traffic management plan. 23 Tell Us What’s Important to You Your feedback and community perspective is important to informing this project You will have the following opportunities to have your say by: Attending public meetings – completing feedback forms E-mailing Visiting Please submit your comments by December 8, 2015 Following community feedback and other input, the project will be considered by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change All feedback will be recorded as part of the Environmental Project Report. A summary of this meeting will be posted in January 2016 24 Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report APPENDIX C – Comment Sheets Caledonia GO Station Public Meeting #2 Summary Report APPENDIX D – Notice of Commencement and Public Meeting #2 YORK GUARDIAN | Thursday, October 29, 2015 | 16 community style mavens NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC MEETING #2 CALEDONIA GO STATION METROLINX - TRANSIT PROJECT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is working to transform the way the region moves by building a fast, convenient and integrated transit network across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and Simcoe County. Part of this plan is to bring frequent and reliable service to communities along the Barrie rail corridor. THE PROJECT Current plans include electrified, two-way, all-day service every 15 minutes to Aurora as well as peak, midday, evening and weekend GO train service to Allandale Waterfront GO Station. The service increase will be phased in over 10 years while we build additional infrastructure. To support this service increase, Metrolinx is proposing a new GO Station on the Barrie rail corridor within the City of Toronto. The Caledonia GO Station will be integrated with the future Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit Station at Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road (west of Caledonia Road), adding regional connectivity to the Crosstown and the Toronto Transit Commission bus network. THE PROCESS Metrolinx is assessing the environmental impacts of building a new station on the Barrie corridor according to the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings. As part of the TPAP, an Environmental Project Report (EPR) will be filed documenting any potential environmental effects and mitigation requirements of the Project. Viewing locations for the agency and public review of the EPR will be published in the Notice of Completion. All information produced as part of this project is available at FIND OUT MORE We thank everyone for their feedback to date during our pre-engagement. As we launch the notice of commencement and formal six-month TPAP process, we continue to encourage our neighbours, agencies and other interested persons to actively participate in the TPAP by attending meetings or contacting staff directly with information, comments or questions. Your participation is an important part of this process and we welcome your input. You are invited to attend the second public meeting listed below. The project team will be on hand to answer questions and receive your comments. DATE: TIME: PRESENTATION: LOCATION: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. York Civic Centre 2700 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M6M 1V1 This location is accessible. If you have project-related questions or would like to be added to the project’s mailing list, please contact: Caledonia GO Station Project c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor – Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 tel: 416-202-4921 e-mail: All personal information included in a submission – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s. 37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact Georgina Collymore (contact information above) or the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434. Every Set of Lost Keys Has a Story “I want to thank the person who found my keys and called the number on the back of my War Amps key tag. The War Amps returned them to me by courier, free of charge, and saved me hundreds of dollars in replacement costs!” – Alex Order key key tags online. online. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez composer le 416 869-3200 or le 1 888 GET ON GO (438-6646). Metrolinx is working to provide residents and businesses in the GTHA with a transportation system that is modern, efficient and integrated. Find out more about Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan for the GTHA as well as GO Transit, PRESTO, and Union Pearson Express, divisions of Metrolinx, at Every year, The War Amps Key Tag Service returns approximately 13,000 sets of lost keys. The War Amps 1 800 250-3030 Charitable Registration No.: 13196 9628 RR0001 Old-fashioned style: Jade Kimmel tries on a Christian Dior vintage blue sable coat during the Wychwood Vintage Clothing Show at Artscape Wychwood Barns Sunday afternoon. Below, Rose Lindsay tries on a Nadelle (Montreal) hat at the booth for Treasure Chicks Vintage. Photos/PETER C. MCCUSKER BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, October 29, 2015 | 6 transit Report faulty street lights NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC MEETING #2 CALEDONIA GO STATION METROLINX - TRANSIT PROJECT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is working to transform the way the region moves by building a fast, convenient and integrated transit network across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and Simcoe County. Part of this plan is to bring frequent and reliable service to communities along the Barrie rail corridor. THE PROJECT Current plans include electrified, two-way, all-day service every 15 minutes to Aurora as well as peak, midday, evening and weekend GO train service to Allandale Waterfront GO Station. The service increase will be phased in over 10 years while we build additional infrastructure. To support this service increase, Metrolinx is proposing a new GO Station on the Barrie rail corridor within the City of Toronto. The Caledonia GO Station will be integrated with the future Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit Station at Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road (west of Caledonia Road), adding regional connectivity to the Crosstown and the Toronto Transit Commission bus network. THE PROCESS Metrolinx is assessing the environmental impacts of building a new station on the Barrie corridor according to the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings. As part of the TPAP, an Environmental Project Report (EPR) will be filed documenting any potential environmental effects and mitigation requirements of the Project. Viewing locations for the agency and public review of the EPR will be published in the Notice of Completion. All information produced as part of this project is available at FIND OUT MORE We thank everyone for their feedback to date during our pre-engagement. As we launch the notice of commencement and formal six-month TPAP process, we continue to encourage our neighbours, agencies and other interested persons to actively participate in the TPAP by attending meetings or contacting staff directly with information, comments or questions. Your participation is an important part of this process and we welcome your input. You are invited to attend the second public meeting listed below. The project team will be on hand to answer questions and receive your comments. DATE: TIME: PRESENTATION: LOCATION: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. York Civic Centre 2700 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M6M 1V1 This location is accessible. If you have project-related questions or would like to be added to the project’s mailing list, please contact: Caledonia GO Station Project c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor – Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 tel: 416-202-4921 e-mail: All personal information included in a submission – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s. 37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact Georgina Collymore (contact information above) or the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez composer le 416 869-3200 or le 1 888 GET ON GO (438-6646). Metrolinx is working to provide residents and businesses in the GTHA with a transportation system that is modern, efficient and integrated. Find out more about Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan for the GTHA as well as GO Transit, PRESTO, and Union Pearson Express, divisions of Metrolinx, at With the daylight hours waning, the city is asking residents to report streetlight outages to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The city has some 160,000 streetlights in operation for which Toronto Hydro is responsible. The company has a service request form that can be filled out via www.torontohydro. com for malfunctioning lights. You can also call in your report to 416542-8000. To report streetlight outages in a park, contact the city’s 311 helpline or call 416-392-CITY (2489). to fix waiting areas at pearson airport wTTC Changes are coming to the TTC’s buswaiting areas at Toronto’s Pearson airport. The non-descript waiting areas at Terminals 1 and 3 will receive renovations, including more fare vending machines, better signage and heated bus shelters, tweeted the TTC’s Ian Dickson last week. In early 2015, the TTC began branding its 192 Airport Rocket route, which provides a dedicated bus service between Kipling station and Pearson airport. Last year, a TTC spokesperson admitted the airport terminal bus waiting areas could be made more obvious, especially for tourists. At the time, signs were limited and unclear, and information was still on display for discontinued bus routes. PLANNING Nov. 25 FUNDRAISER at theatre wTTCRIDERS T TCriders, which has made rahul gupta TO in TRANSIT headlines in 2015 for several transit advocacy campaigns and scathing criticism of Metrolinx’s Union Pearson Express service, will hold its second annual fundraiser. The group is offering discounted tickets to the Nov. 25 event at the Buddies in Bad Times Theatre with the purchase of a group membership. Former Toronto mayor David Miller is scheduled to provide a keynote address and the evening will be emceed by Evalyn Parry, Toronto playwright and Buddies’ executive director. Musical entertainment will be provided by fiddler Shelley Coopersmith, a TTC busker. Visit TRANSIT USERS SURVEYED by province wGO GO Transit users have been contacted by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation over the last couple of weeks to complete an online survey seeking feedback on infrastructure planning for the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. Unlike past GO surveys marketed to the general public, only a limited number of respondents have been invited to participate, contacted randomly through email invitations. Rahul Gupta is Metroland Media Toronto’s transit reporter. His column appears every Thursday. Reach him on Twitter: @TOinTRANSIT i Collection of toiletries to help those on the street >>>from page 1 toiletries. The items will then be donated to a number of charities in support of homeless and to those who the top cop says “sleep rough.” In an effort to raise awareness of the plight of homelessness, officers, alongside members of the Community Police Liaison Committee and staff from the West Neighbourhood House, (formerly St. Christopher House), a non sectarian social services agency, located in west central Toronto, will be sleeping outside on the front lawn of the station, at 2054 Davenport Rd. “Anyone who would like to take part is welcome to,” Kuck said, adding they must bring their own sleeping bags and ground sheets. “We think it’s an important component of the event – it allows us to live vicariously through those who are living rough.” The sleep out takes place Friday, Nov. 6, from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. “One thing we want to do again is, at midnight, is to sit down and talk earnestly about what sleeping rough means to (each participant),” Kuck said, recalling last year’s conversation that drew some people to tears. The idea to take a few moments to chat among each other was inspired by a round table discussion he had while on a fundraising dog-sled expedition he embarked on in the name of Victim Services Toronto. “People should think about how fortunate they are to live in a warm accommodation,” Kuck said, pointing out that there are 500 people in Toronto who sleep rough nightly. For further details on the Warm4Winter and sleep out event, email heinz.kuck@torontopolice. i 13 Street named after late entrepreneur Benny Stark Namesake known for his community building NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC MEETING #2 CALEDONIA GO STATION METROLINX - TRANSIT PROJECT ASSESSMENT PROCESS LISA RAINFORD Davenport entrepreneur and community builder, the late Benny Stark, has been immortalized with the unveiling of a neighbourhood street in his name. Family, friends and supporters gathered Oct. 27 for an afternoon ceremony at the northeast corner of Turnberry Avenue and Union Street. Stark, who died Oct. 4, 2013 at the age of 93, was the proprietor of Stark Iron and Metal and Stark Auto Sales. “He fought long and hard for the retention of employment lands not only within the community, but across the city, and for the creation of good-paying jobs,” Davenport Councillor Cesar Palacio said. The councillor, who had known Stark for many years, said he would remember the man for his “courage, determination and entrepreneurial spirit.” “He was a principled and accomplished man. Within the community, he was known for his hard work and integrity,” Palacio said. Born in Czechoslovakia, Stark grew up on his family farm. After the Second World War, he got married. The Holocaust survivor immigrated to Canada in 1953 and worked many jobs to provide for his family, most of which were as a labourer at a scrap yard. In 1959, Stark opened his own scrapyard on Maria Street, near Dundas Street West and Runnymede Road. By the 1970s, the business had expanded enough to outgrow the space and moved to Union Street, in the St. Clair Avenue West and Old Weston Road area. Together with his son, Stephen, who had gone into business with his father, they acquired some neighbouring properties and ended up owning both sides of Union Street. The Starks own and operate Stark Iron and Metal and Stark Auto Sales. The councillor credits the family for “creating an industrial jewel.” Stark’s son, Stephen, calls the street renaming an honour. “The renaming of Union Street to Benny Stark Street is a great honor and I couldn’t imagine a better way of preserving the legacy and memory of our beloved father,” he said. “It’s such a great feeling to know that his grandchildren’s grandchildren will be able to go to a place, look up and see a sign with their grandfather’s name on it. It is beyond words. It Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is working to transform the way the region moves by building a fast, convenient and integrated transit network across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and Simcoe County. Part of this plan is to bring frequent and reliable service to communities along the Barrie rail corridor. THE PROJECT Current plans include electrified, two-way, all-day service every 15 minutes to Aurora as well as peak, midday, evening and weekend GO train service to Allandale Waterfront GO Station. The service increase will be phased in over 10 years while we build additional infrastructure. To support this service increase, Metrolinx is proposing a new GO Station on the Barrie rail corridor within the City of Toronto. The Caledonia GO Station will be integrated with the future Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit Station at Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road (west of Caledonia Road), adding regional connectivity to the Crosstown and the Toronto Transit Commission bus network. THE PROCESS Metrolinx is assessing the environmental impacts of building a new station on the Barrie corridor according to the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings. As part of the TPAP, an Environmental Project Report (EPR) will be filed documenting any potential environmental effects and mitigation requirements of the Project. Viewing locations for the agency and public review of the EPR will be published in the Notice of Completion. All information produced as part of this project is available at FIND OUT MORE Courtesy photo for benny: Councillor Cesar Palacio, left, stands with Benny Stark’s son Stephen, Stephen’s wife Patti, and his mom Barbara, seated, during the recent unveiling of a neighbourhood street in Benny’s name. means so much to my family and I. He is well deserving of this.” Palacio brought a motion to council in 2014 requesting the street’s name change after a discussion with community members, who are continuing to revitalize this piece of Davenport. Approval was awarded in June. SAMKO & MIKO TOY WAREHOUSE 1000’S OF BRAND NAME TOYS LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA Open Until Dec 24, 2015 2 Locations Toronto Richmond Hill 77 Fima Cres. (South of QEW / Gardiner & Hwy 427) 60 East Beaver Creek Rd. (416) 532.1114 Wednesday Thurs & Fri Saturday Sunday (North of Hwy #7, 1st St. West of 404) (905) 771.8714 Hours: 10:00-4:00 10:00-8:00 ................................................................... 10:00-5:00 ................................................................... 11:00-5:00 ................................................................... ................................................................... Closed Monday’s and Tuesday’s SEE SAVE.CA FOR FLYER And FOR InFORmATIOn We thank everyone for their feedback to date during our pre-engagement. As we launch the notice of commencement and formal six-month TPAP process, we continue to encourage our neighbours, agencies and other interested persons to actively participate in the TPAP by attending meetings or contacting staff directly with information, comments or questions. Your participation is an important part of this process and we welcome your input. You are invited to attend the second public meeting listed below. The project team will be on hand to answer questions and receive your comments. DATE: TIME: PRESENTATION: LOCATION: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. York Civic Centre 2700 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M6M 1V1 This location is accessible. If you have project-related questions or would like to be added to the project’s mailing list, please contact: Caledonia GO Station Project c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor – Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 tel: 416-202-4921 e-mail: All personal information included in a submission – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s. 37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact Georgina Collymore (contact information above) or the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez composer le 416 869-3200 or le 1 888 GET ON GO (438-6646). Metrolinx is working to provide residents and businesses in the GTHA with a transportation system that is modern, efficient and integrated. Find out more about Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan for the GTHA as well as GO Transit, PRESTO, and Union Pearson Express, divisions of Metrolinx, at | YORK GUARDIAN | Thursday, November 5, 2015 community NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC MEETING #2 CALEDONIA GO STATION METROLINX - TRANSIT PROJECT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is working to transform the way the region moves by building a fast, convenient and integrated transit network across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and Simcoe County. Part of this plan is to bring frequent and reliable service to communities along the Barrie rail corridor. THE PROJECT Current plans include electrified, two-way, all-day service every 15 minutes to Aurora as well as peak, midday, evening and weekend GO train service to Allandale Waterfront GO Station. The service increase will be phased in over 10 years while we build additional infrastructure. To support this service increase, Metrolinx is proposing a new GO Station on the Barrie rail corridor within the City of Toronto. The Caledonia GO Station will be integrated with the future Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit Station at Eglinton Avenue West and Croham Road (west of Caledonia Road), adding regional connectivity to the Crosstown and the Toronto Transit Commission bus network. THE PROCESS Metrolinx is assessing the environmental impacts of building a new station on the Barrie corridor according to the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings. As part of the TPAP, an Environmental Project Report (EPR) will be filed documenting any potential environmental effects and mitigation requirements of the Project. Viewing locations for the agency and public review of the EPR will be published in the Notice of Completion. All information produced as part of this project is available at FIND OUT MORE We thank everyone for their feedback to date during our pre-engagement. As we launch the notice of commencement and formal six-month TPAP process, we continue to encourage our neighbours, agencies and other interested persons to actively participate in the TPAP by attending meetings or contacting staff directly with information, comments or questions. Your participation is an important part of this process and we welcome your input. You are invited to attend the second public meeting listed below. The project team will be on hand to answer questions and receive your comments. DATE: TIME: PRESENTATION: LOCATION: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. York Civic Centre 2700 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M6M 1V1 This location is accessible. If you have project-related questions or would like to be added to the project’s mailing list, please contact: Caledonia GO Station Project c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor – Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 tel: 416-202-4921 e-mail: All personal information included in a submission – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s. 37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact Georgina Collymore (contact information above) or the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez composer le 416 869-3200 or le 1 888 GET ON GO (438-6646). Metrolinx is working to provide residents and businesses in the GTHA with a transportation system that is modern, efficient and integrated. Find out more about Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan for the GTHA as well as GO Transit, PRESTO, and Union Pearson Express, divisions of Metrolinx, at bloor west community calendar happening in BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, November 5, 2015 | 14 w Saturday, Nov. 7 Teen Volunteer Opportunity – Operation Sock Monkey WHEN: 1 to 4 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: 416-393-7692 COST: Free Learn how to make a handmade sock monkey from Operation Sock Monkey and earn three volunteer hours. MAP Family Saturdays – Textile Museum visits Annette Street WHEN: 2 to 3 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: 416-393-7692 COST: Free The Textile Museum comes to the Annette Street Public Library. Discover how cloth is made and weave a colourful bookmark to take home. w Sunday, Nov. 8 St Joan of Arc Catholic Women’s League Christmas Bazaar WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. WHERE: St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church, 1701 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Maria, 416-5880700 COST: Free Books, children’s toy’s, crafts, jewelry, trinkets treasures, household items, baked goods, toonie table, silent auction and more. High Park Stewards WHEN: 10:30 a.m. WHERE: High Park, 1873 Bloor St. W. CONTACT:, COST: Free Help the High Park Stewards remove buckthorn, a highly invasive shrub that competes with native plants. Rain or shine, but not during lightning storms. Gloves and tools will be provided. w Monday, Nov. 9 The Memory Project: With the UN in The Belgian Congo in the ’60s WHEN: 7 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: 416-393-7692 COST: Free Listen to Gerry O’Pray who served in The Belgian Congo in the 1960s for the United Nations.” w Tuesday, Nov. 10 Merchants of Doubt – screening and discussion WHEN: 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: 416393-7692 COST: Free Merchants of Doubt is a documentary investigating the shadowy work of professional skeptics to cast doubt and delay featured event w Saturday, Nov. 14 Junction Triangle Craft & Gift Show WHEN: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. WHERE: Perth Avenue Public School, 14 Ruskin Ave. CONTACT: COST: $2 Fifth annual Junction Triangle Gift and Craft Show features a range of gifts and crafts from more than 20 vendors. Pictures with Santa. All proceeds go the Perth Avenue Public School Arts Program. public action on climate change. w Wednesday, Nov. 11 Swansea Remembrance Day Ceremony & Reception WHEN: 10:45 a.m. to noon WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. COST: Free Swansea Town Hall commemorates the men of Swansea who gave their lives in the First World War and for whom the Swansea Memorial Library was created and all those who served in wars and peacekeeping missions and those who have sacrificed themselves for Canada. Everyone welcome. Meditations for a Joyful Life WHEN: 7 to 8:15 p.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada, 416-7628033, COST: $10/class Five-week series from Nov. 11 to Dec. 9 that explores how to cultivate an authentic experience of loving kindness through meditation. w Friday, Nov. 13 Ready for Reading Storytime for Babies Birth to 12 Months Old WHEN: 10:30 to 11 a.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: 416393-7692 COST: Free Ready for Reading storytimes show parents and caregivers how to help their child get ready for reading. get listed! The Bloor West Villager wants your community listings. Sign up online at to submit your events (click the Sign Up link in the top right corner of the page). <Name> <Address> <City, ON> <Postal Code> October 29, 2015 Subject: Transit Project Assessment Process: Caledonia GO Station Notice of Commencement Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is helping to transform the way the region moves by championing and delivering mobility solutions for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). We are guided by our regional transportation plan, designed to give communities faster, more convenient transit options. Metrolinx plans to build a new station within the City of Toronto along the Barrie rail corridor. The new station will improve service to customers by connecting GO service to the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail. The study area for this EA is shown in the Notice on the reverse. Metrolinx will assess the environmental impacts of this transit project by undertaking an EA following the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08 made under the Environmental Assessment Act. A Notice of Commencement for the project was published on October 29, 2015. We are committed to keeping communities informed about our projects. As part of the process, Metrolinx is holding a second Public Meeting on November 17, 2015 (see reverse for details). Representatives from the project team will be available to answer questions and discuss the details of the study. Please refer to the Notice for additional details or visit: If you have any questions or you wish to provide input to the study team in advance of the Public Meeting, please feel free to contact: Caledonia GO Station Project c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor, Environmental Assessment Communications and Community Relations Metrolinx Tel: (416) 202-4921 20 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2W3 20, rue Bay, Bureau 600 Toronto (Ontario) M5J 2W3 Page 1 of 1 FW: Caledonia GO Station - Notice of Commencement Georgina Collymore to: Jennifer Vandermeer ( 01/21/2016 04:34 PM Hide Details From: Georgina Collymore <> To: "Jennifer Vandermeer (" <> 1 Attachment Caledonia_NoticeofCommencement_OCT292015.pdf From: Georgina Collymore Sent: November-02-15 12:24 PM To: Georgina Collymore Subject: Caledonia GO Station - Notice of Commencement Good Afternoon, Please find attached the Notice of Commencement for the new Caledonia GO Station, published in the York Guardian and Bloor West Villager on October 29 and November 5, 2015. Metrolinx is holding a second Public Meeting on November 17, 2015 to share study findings. If you have any questions or you wish to provide input to the study team, please contact me. My apologies if you have received this communication already. Caledonia GO Station c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor, Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations Metrolinx 20 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 Tel: (416) 2024921 file:///C:/Users/jvandermeer/AppData/Local/Temp/notes1F8AB5/~web6779.htm 1/21/2016 Page 1 of 1 FW: Caledonia GO Station - Notice of Commencement Georgina Collymore to: Jennifer Vandermeer ( 01/21/2016 04:34 PM Hide Details From: Georgina Collymore <> To: "Jennifer Vandermeer (" <> 1 Attachment Caledonia_NoticeofCommencement_OCT292015.pdf From: Georgina Collymore Sent: November-02-15 12:19 PM To: Georgina Collymore Subject: Caledonia GO Station - Notice of Commencement Good Afternoon, Please find attached the Notice of Commencement for the new Caledonia GO Station. Metrolinx is holding a second Public Meeting on November 17, 2015 to share study findings. If you have any questions or you wish to provide input to the study team, please contact me at: Caledonia GO Station c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor, Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations Metrolinx 20 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 Tel: (416) 2024921 file:///C:/Users/jvandermeer/AppData/Local/Temp/notes1F8AB5/~web3660.htm 1/21/2016 Page 1 of 1 FW: Caledonia GO Station - Notice of Commencement Georgina Collymore to: Jennifer Vandermeer ( 01/21/2016 04:34 PM Hide Details From: Georgina Collymore <> To: "Jennifer Vandermeer (" <> 1 Attachment Caledonia_NoticeofCommencement_OCT292015.pdf From: Georgina Collymore Sent: November-02-15 12:18 PM To: 'Georgina Collymore' Subject: Caledonia GO Station - Notice of Commencement Good Afternoon, Please find attached the Notice of Commencement for the new Caledonia GO Station. Metrolinx is holding a second Public Meeting on November 17, 2015 to share study findings. If you have any questions or you wish to provide input to the study team, please contact me at: Caledonia GO Station c/o Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor, Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations Metrolinx 20 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 Tel: (416) 2024921 file:///C:/Users/jvandermeer/AppData/Local/Temp/notes1F8AB5/~web9634.htm 1/21/2016
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