Monthly Newsletter - First United Methodist Church


Monthly Newsletter - First United Methodist Church
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Pineville First United Methodist Church
Our church’s “Receiving the Gift to Be the Gift” response has been amazing! If you turned in an “acts of service” pamphlet
and have not heard from a staff member - please call the church office.
We did have six returned without a name. We want to ensure we do everything we can to help each other live out God’s
call as individuals and as a community of faith.
2550 Monroe Highway
Pineville, Louisiana 71360
(318) 640-1050
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Permit #58
Pineville, LA
Pineville First United Methodist Church
June 2016 Newsletter
From the Pastors
Pineville First united
Methodist Church
Inside this issue:
Church Staff
From the Pastors
Musically Speaking/
Upcoming Events
Co- Pastors
Ed Cooper
Jo Ann Cooper (
Business Administrator
Jay Quinton (
Administrative Assistant Amy Slaughter
Director of Youth Ministries Dylan Reed
Communications Coordinator Teresa Farrar
Director of Children’s Ministries Niki Hoyt
Director of Music George Gross
PATH Worship Leader Thomas Bonner
Pineville First United Methodist
Office Phone: (318) 640-1050
Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM;
Friday 8:00 AM — Noon
Youth Focus
Upcoming Events
Ever heard of the 75-year old Australian missionary, John Short? Short, in 2014,
was held captive in North Korea for thirteen days. This aging, yet brave
missionary, adamantly denied he was a spy for the West but did confess openly to
his crime of “distributing Bible tracts in order to convert North Koreans.” He could
have faced up to 15-years in prison but due to his age, the North Koreans allowed
him to leave their country.
Following his harrowing ordeal, Short shared with a reporter from The Voice of the
Martyrs the following: “Fear and faith cannot exist within my heart at the same
time. When we live by faith, trusting the Lord moment by moment, fear has no
room in the heart.”
Compare John Short’s words with these from Hebrews 13:6. The writer states,
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?” As
comforting and assuring as these biblical words are, there is something, however,
incredibly moving and powerful about hearing this ancient “Bible-truth” lived out
in the life of a modern-day follower of Jesus. Especially one who was imprisoned
like Paul, Peter, and Silas for his faith and who also happened to be 75!
John Short’s words, as well as the writer of Hebrews, challenge your co-pastors to
fill their hearts with faith in Jesus Christ. The choice really is ours as it was
Short’s--faith or fear? May we choose faith.
Ed & Jo Ann
Welcome New Members!
Bible Studies
Kids Focus
Focus on Caring
Doris Scroggs
Kevin, Karen, Jackson,
& Mary Price
Danny, Becky, KC, Zach,
& Ally Clear
Kelley Pears
Focus on Caring
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Assisted Living Friends
Musically Speaking...
Remember the Mickey Mouse Theme Song? So I’m wandering around the day before newsletter
deadline and I know I want to invite anyone reading this to join the choir. And this starts going thru
my brain. (You might have to sing some of the words/letters a bit fast to make it all fit.) but here we
Bailey Place Assisted Living, Bunkie, LA
Vernalea Floyd
Brookdale (formerly Emeritus)- Beth Nugent
Montclair Park Assisted Living, Shreveport, LA
Patti Wisenbaker
Nursing Home Friends
The Oaks– Cecil Hammond
The Summit– Meril Crawley
Out of State– Willa Vee Messer, TX
Can you name the group that meets to lead you all year long?
We’re the ones who sing each week to worship with a song.
Chancel Choir, Chancel Choir
We meet and practice every Wednesday night.
Join along and sing a song we’re a family.
We meet almost every Wednesday evening at 6:30 for rehearsal and we need YOU!!!! Come and join
us for the summer. We sing, fellowship, laugh and pray together each week. Come and see what’s
Love, George
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for the visits, cards, hugs, & prayers
during Jack’s illness and passing.
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for the visits, cards, gifts, & prayers during
my hospital stay.
George Tellifero
On Sunday, May 8th, a special Mother’s Day offering was
taken for the Louisiana United Methodist Children & Family
Services located in Ruston, Louisiana. You generously gave
$557.00 to the Children’s Home, and the church gave
$325.00 (which was what the flowers that we’ve given out
on Mother’s Day in previous years cost), making the total
offering $882.00! Thank you for your generosity in touching
the lives of the children and their families at the Louisiana
United Methodist Children & Family Services.
2– Mickey Durand
3– John Dauzat, Melissa Fuqua, Debbie Kaylo,
Barbara Bettevy
4– Kevin Hood, Brenda Hutchinson, Kathryn White
6– Kim Emory, Kendall Hoben
7– Fred Jordan, William Martin, Janette Simons
8– Thomas Bonner, Louise Butterfield
9- Debbie Hornsby
10– Micah White
11– Jess Flaherty, Suelynn Mickey
12– Jana Holmes, Emily Porche
13– Fred Carter
14– Tammy Bordelon, Karen Price
16– Carly Bratcher
17– Vernalea Floyd
18– Lynette Brumfield
19– June Cripps
20– Mary Ann Bennett, Brandon Couch,
Abby Sebastian
21– Phillip Brooks Jr.
22– Cy Fontenot, Kain Fuqua, Hal Ward
24– Kelly Fields
26– Linda Bordelon, Marie White
27– Caitlin Malone, Vivian Ward
28– Mary Lee Mattox, Billy Porche
29– Jane Jones
30– Carol Anne Shelton
Homebound Friends
Elaine Beck
Marcy Bowen
Rick Bryan
Bill Butcher
Geneva Clark
Meril Crawley
Carole Ford
Jewel Johnson
Dee Jones
Al Lauret
Esme Lipscomb
Bernie Misner
Joan Payne
Virginia Smith
Cliff Stacy
Fred Tannehill
1– Odis & Annie Hutchinson
3– John & Carla Sewell
4– Mark & Lorrie McKay
5– Ray & Pat Bennett, Freddie & Lesley Carter
10– Pat & Carolyn Simms
12– George & Suelynn Mickey
14– George & Judy Gross
19– Justin & Kayla Lemmons
20– Alicia & Joseph Glorioso
21– Clarence Sr. & Rosa Fields,
Melvalyn & Teresa Harrison
24– Hank & Lura Smart, Jim & Sue Lee
28– Shelby & Kaytlyn Richard
29– Don & Marcie Thomas
July Newsletter Deadline is June 22, 2016.
“If your ministry or small group has something upcoming or has done something you
would like to share, the newsletter article deadline is Wednesday, June 22. Anyone can
submit a 250 word or less article by the deadline each month. If you have questions,
please contact the church office.”
Thank you for joining us at 2:47 each day to pray.
I need to start out with a huge apology. I saw a picture of me leading the choir the other day. Do you
know I have a huge hole in the back of my head? I had no idea!!! So I apologize for the huge glare
that you see every Sunday when I direct the choir. (For some reason the 70’s song, “Blinded By the
Light” came to mind.) Well that big hole in the back seems to let a bunch of stuff that goes on in my
head leak out. Here’s an example:
Doris Lofton & Family
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Kids’ Focus
Niki Hoyt
Director of Children’s Ministries
24/7 Youth Focus
Hello Church Family,
The youth have now entered our Summer programming! We have also started our girls ministry called “2:10 Ministry”. This
ministry is based off of Ephesians 2:10 which reads “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” This ministry will be focused on the girls of our group as they
grow stronger in their relationship with God, their peers, and themselves. This ministry will be led by our new summer youth
intern, Megan Urena. Megan is very much looking forward to serving this church through intentional relationships with our
students! Please be in prayer for our missions team as we head out June 12 th for Georgia, and ask God that He work through
our students to shine His light! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!
Dylan Reed
Director of Student Ministries
Vacation Bible School!
June 6th –10th
9:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M.
Registration Deadline:
June 6th
Register at
Wacky Wednesday
Summer Schedule
June 22- Lego Fun Day!
July 6- Water Day!
July 27- Art Day!
Megan Urena
Girls 2:10
Friday, June 3rd from 3-7pm at PFUMC
Tie-Dye Day: Youth Girls, bring an article of clothing you would like to tie-dye.
fellowship. If you need transportation, please contact Dylan.
There will be tie-dye, food and
Kids Hope USA mentors and students celebrated a very successful year together with an End-of-the-Year
Party as school finishes up for the year. This year we had 22 adult mentors from our church who worked
with 24 students from Lessie Moore Elementary School. Our lives have been truly blessed by these
children, whom we have grown to love. And it was obvious from the hugs and smiles that the children
have been blessed as well.
We want to get a great start for next school year, so that we can help as many children as possible, so we
will be having training for new mentors in early July. The date will be announced. Would YOU consider
joining us as we provide love and support for these at-risk children? One church, one school, one child,
one hour. That’s all it takes to change a child’s life, and when you change the life of a child, it’s no small
Please join us in celebrating the Confirmation Class of 2016.
We praise God for the decisions they have made in their faith journey and we join them.
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Upcoming Events
Bible Studies
The DISCIPLE IV Bible Study group led by Bill Seamans
was a 32 week study of The Writings in the Old Testament as
well as the book of John and the Book of Revelation.
The group (Pat and Ray Bennett, Joe Hoover, Emmy Partain,
Andrew Simpson, and Jayne Morace) will be recognized this
month on Sunday, June 26th. We are thankful for the spiritual
growth of each of these members of DISCIPLE
Bible study.
July Women's Bible Studies
Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. To 12:00 noon
July 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
Choose either "A Bead and A Prayer"
led by Kathy Bonner and Debbie Migues
OR “Loving Well Retreat in a Box” by Beth Moore led by Jerri Bonner and Lorrie McKay
D.M.A. (Don’t Mention Age)
We will not meet the months of June, July and August. D.M.A. will resume Tuesday, September 6th
at noon.
Thanks, and have a great summer!
Cliff Kelley
A Bead and a Prayer introduces Protestant prayer beads to
Christians who have no experience in praying with beads.
Author Kristen Vincent explores the history and art of
using beads in prayer, explains how to use prayer beads,
includes instructions for making your own set of prayer
beads, and offers a variety of prayers. Through this book
you will learn how prayer beads can help you deepen your
faith, understand Christian beliefs, and listen to God. We
will make the protestant prayer beads on the first day.
You will need your own book through Amazon or her
website: I can order the book for
you if you will let me know at least 2 weeks in advance.
Led by Kathy Bonner and Debbie Migues. Call Debbie
Migues at 318-201-2704.
Loving Well Retreat in a Box by Beth
Moore features four heart-to-heart
messages designed to help women
embrace the biblical mandate to love
and to develop skills for loving others.
Led by Jerri Bonner and Lorrie McKay.