Христос Воскрес! - Maria Antoniv Fine Art


Христос Воскрес! - Maria Antoniv Fine Art
SPRING 2014 | ВЕСНА 2014
Христос Воскрес!
Дорогі в Христі Брати і Сестри Христос Воскрес!
Це два слова великоднього привіту, з духовним піднесенням
повторюємо їх безконечно. Свята Пасха – це споконвіку радісне
і світле свято для всіх християн. Пасха – це свято життя та
перемога над смертю. Воскресіння Христове є наріжним каменем
християнства, без якого його не може бути.
« Якщо Христос не воскрес, говорить св. апостол Павло –
то віра наша марна » (1 Koр.15, 17)
Bоскресіння Христове – це найбільша подія в житті Спасителя, і,
водночас, могутня запорука і нашого воскресіння. У Воскресінні
Христовому міститься джерело всеосяжної радости, до якої
причетні всі люди.
У цей тривожний час для нашої Матері - України єднаймось
молитвою з нашим поневоленим, многострадалим та ніколи
нескореним українським народом і благаймо Воскреслого Христа,
щоби поблагословив їх вірою і надією на перемогу над ворогами
та провадив у світле майбутнє.
Вітаю з радісними святами всю Дирекцію, працівників, щедрих
жертводавців, студентів та молодь, які працюють для добра
Інституту св. Володимира.
Воістину Христос Воскрес!
Капелян Інституту,
О. Протопресвітер Богдан Сенцьо
Spring came early to St. Vlad’s with the appearance of Maria Antoniv’s beautiful exhibit showing numerous works highlighted with bright and colourful florals.
Top: ”Dreamy Tulips” by Maria Antoniv. Bottom left: Maria Antoniv, Artist, surrounded by her art. Bottom right (L to R): Motria Ilnyckyj, Maidan Families Help Fund; Lidia Smilka, SVI
Cultural Director; Anna Teskey, SVI Vice-President; Maria Antoniv, Artist; and Iryna Mykytiuk, visitor, at the opening of the exhibit.
President’s Message
Visti is published by:
St. Vladimir Institute
620 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H4
Tel: (416) 923-3318
Fax: (416) 923-8266
St.Vladimir Institute - Toronto
Newsletter Editor:
Lidia Smilka • cultural@stvladimir.ca
Design and Layout:
Tanya Mykytiuk • tanya@mykytiuk.com
Thanks to the following individuals
who contributed to this issue of Visti:
Maria Antoniv, Nykola Blozowski,
Sonya Bodnarchuk, Slauka Fodchuk,
Marika Galadza, Bozena Hrycyna,
Yvonne Ivanochko, Tamara Ivanochko,
Odessa Kelebay, Olena Kit, Kosa
Kolektiv, Claudia Mykytiuk, Mark
Mykytiuk, Fr. Bohdan Sencio,
Lesia Shipowick, Roman Smilka,
Paul Strathdee, William Szuch.
Вісті видає:
Інститут св. Володимира
620 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H4
Tel: (416) 923-3318
Fax: (416) 923-8266
St.Vladimir Institute - Toronto
Лідія Смілка • cultural@stvladimir.ca
Дякуємо за допомогу у підготовці
цього випуску Вістей:
Марії Антонів, Николі Блозовському,
Соні Боднарчук, Божені Грицині,
Групі Коса Колектив, Марічці
Ґаладза, Іванці Іваночко, Тамарі
Іваночко, Одесі Келебай, Олені
Кіт, Клавдії Микитюк, Маркіянові
Микитюкy, Отцю Богданові Сенцю,
Романові Смілці, Павлові Стрeтді,
Славці Фодчук, Лесі Шиповик,
Василеві Шуху.
Slava Ukraini!
In the past few months, our thoughts have been preoccupied
with the crisis in Ukraine and our concern over the many
lives that have been lost or affected. As our members and
friends attempt to make some sense of the propaganda and
rhetoric that seems to permeate the media, it’s comforting
to know that the western regions are very supportive in the
protection of Ukrainian borders and the true Ukrainian
We have to thank our tenant organizations for their efforts
in providing additional input as events progressed in
Kyiv and Crimea. We were humbled by the display that
currently honours the “Heavenly Hundred” who lost their
lives during the uprising in Kyiv as an opportunity for us
to acknowledge the sacrifice that Ukrainians have made for
their freedom and democracy. This display was created by Tanya Mykytiuk with the assistance of her husband
Mark, a board member at the Institute, who spent many hours researching the lives of those honoured. We
would also like to thank the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre for their support and
assistance with this display. You’ve made us very proud!
On Friday, March 14th, it was a pleasure to officiate over the opening of the new exhibit by the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch, “The Art of Revolution”, which illustrated the creativity of those
involved with the Maidan in Kyiv and the posters showing support for their families and friends. A special
thank you to Daria Diakowsky, Yvonne Ivanochko and the museum team for their dedication and hard work
in putting the exhibit together on such short notice. It is spectacular!
While we keep a watchful eye on events in Ukraine, the board and staff at SVI are preparing for another
summer of construction. As reported at last year’s Annual General Meeting, we have plans in place to
continue our improvement projects focussing specifically on our bathrooms. Long overdue, each bathroom
on our residence floors and both main bathrooms on the lower level will be going through a redevelopment
to make them more attractive and modern. We will also be constructing an accessible restroom in the same
area. We have been reassured there is enough space for our plans and intend to move forward with this
project immediately following the “move-out” of our current residents for the summer. This will be our
largest construction project since we renovated our first floor environment a few years back but we are really
looking forward to some newly appointed facilities!
We extend congratulations to this year’s Kobzar Literary Award recipients Diane Flacks, Andrey Tarasiuk
and Luba Goy for their collaboration on Luba, Simply Luba first staged at the Berkley Theatre in Toronto in
the Spring of 2012. With SVI Board members on hand for the award gala at the Palais Royale on Wednesday,
May 5th, we were pleased to support the awards this year as we showcased the talents of each author during
a series of lectures at SVI leading up to the award event. We have very talented members of our
local Ukrainian community and we are always eager to display these talents as part of our cultural
As reported during our AGM in the fall, our focus on the youth in our community and the
development of programming to attract them to SVI has been given a great boost by our involvement
in the Ukrainian Mentorship Initiative that was established to join successful Ukrainians of various
disciplines in our community with post-secondary students and young recent graduates of
Ukrainian decent who need guidance towards advancing their careers or identifying a clear
plan to reach their goals. A special thanks to Dr. George Foty for establishing the program and
for considering St. Vladimir Institute as a key participant. More on the initiative is featured in
this issue of Visti.
In closing, and as a reminder, we will be holding our semi-annual meeting and moleben for
departed members on Sunday, May 25th in Auditorium A.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff at the Institute,
we wish a very happy Easter to you and your families.
Paul Strathdee, President
Павло Стретді, Голова Управи
50th Anniversary logo designed by Mark Mykytiuk
Ukrainian Museum of Canada - Ontario Branch
The Art of Revolution: Posters and Photos from the Maidan
The events in the Maidan during November
2013 caught all of us by surprise. We
followed with interest, pride, concern and
sleepless nights, connected virtually to
much of which was transpiring. We read
newspapers and journals for information, and clarification, and were
hopeful. What we feared most, the brutality and deaths, became a reality.
The Museum board realized our institution could not remain a bystander;
it had to become a Maidan participant.
Dr. Bohdan Kordan, of the Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian
Heritage at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan,
introduced the Museum to his curated poster exhibit, The Art of Revolution.
He offered to share it with museums and organizations across Canada to
give the Canadian public an opportunity to discover for themselves the
metamorphosis taking place in Ukraine. The posters and first person
accounts that accompany them spoke eloquently of unbowed courage,
broken hopes and dreams.
Marta Iwanek, a young Canadian photojournalist, who had spent time
in the Maidan, was invited to add her photos and video to the expanded
exhibit and to be a guest speaker at the exhibit opening. Her address caught
the spirit and bravery of those, both young and old, who had devoted
weeks and months of their lives to bring about democratic change. Her
presentation and photos set the poster exhibit in context.
A wide screen TV, purchased by generous donors, shows video
clips and documentaries of the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine
Exhibit Curator Daria Diakowsky
designed a compelling display that
now consists of over 100 posters,
many personal accounts, as well
photos. Added to the exhibit were
related items provided by Maidan
participants such as a gas mask, hard
hats, tuques, scarves and badges.
A wide screen TV in the museum
provided many video clips of scenes
from the Maidan, both heartwarming
and disturbing. They also included
very informative film clips of guest
speakers from the poster exhibit’s
opening at St. John’s Institute in
Edmonton, graciously shared by
their Executive Director, Suzanna
Bohdan Nahaylo (right),
renowned author,
journalist and political ana
lyst viewing
the Art of the Revolution
Opening night on March 14, 2014 brought a large audience. Donations
totalling $600 were collected towards providing support to the families of
those killed or wounded in the ongoing struggle for democracy.
The exhibit will continue through May, 2014. We have extended viewing
hours: Tuesdays 3-8 pm and Thursdays 10am–8pm. Group visits may be
arranged at other times by calling (416) 923-3318, Ext. 105.
Left: Marta Iwanek describes her personal experience at Maidan
Above: Visitors view mementos, posters and various artifacts from
the Maidan at the Exhibit Opening.
Mamyna Sorochka – Luncheon and Showcase
On Sunday, May 4, at 3p.m. at St.Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville, The Ukrainian Museum of Canada,
Ontario Branch and Kn. Olha Branch, St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada will showcase the Museum’s vintage sorochky from 15 regions of Ukraine.
This presentation will be enhanced by multi-media.
Enjoy a luncheon and this one-of-a-kind event with your friends at tables of eight (or nine, or ten...).
Embroidered women’s, men’s and children’s shirts will be on sale. Tickets are $50 each.
Advance sales only, there will be no ticket sales at the door.
Contact Slavka Sametz-Chewchuk at (905)884-0618 glchewchuk@rogers.com
or Zenovia Zmiyiwsky at (905)270-5525 or zeezee_m@hotmail.com.
Greetings to our readers! May the spirit of the Easter blossom in your hearts all year.
Христос Воскрес! Воістино Воскрес!
Claudia Mykytiuk,
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch
S T . V L A D I M I R I N S T I T U T E | SPR IN G 2 0 1 4
Student Exchange 2014 : Nykola Visits the World’s Largest Small Town
Each year, students of our affiliated residences, St. John’s Institute
(Edmonton), Petro Mohyla Institute (Saskatoon) and St. Andrew’s
College (Winnipeg) organize and participate in a student exchange - a
chance to exchange ideas, meet new people and participate in cultural
and rewarding activities in a new environment. This year’s exchange took
place at the Petro Mohyla Institute. Odessa Kelebay and Nykola Blozowski,
SVI’s residents, took part in the exchange. Read below Nykola’s feedback.
license, like back home at the Nathan
Phillips Square. The skating was
very scenic, being located next to
the big natural river valley that runs
through the centre of town. One
resident from Mohyla showed us her
figure skating tricks.
On a cold February evening, Odessa and I arrived at Saskatoon’s Petro
Mohyla Institute where we were warmly welcomed. I joined in the
students who were playing different games and got to know some of them.
The residents were very friendly and soon I met some of the students who
visited the Student’s Exchange from St. Andrew’s College (Winnipeg).
They came to Canada from Ukraine a month earlier. The next morning
we all headed out on our adventure.
We were back in time to see the end
of the Canada-U.S.A. Olympic semifinals and watched it on their big
screen in the movie room. After that
we went out to the bowling alley for
some fun. We drove to the University of Saskatoon, a massive building as large as a
couple football fields, walking five minutes at -30C. The landscape was
vast, spacious and natural, unlike what I was accustomed to in Toronto.
We toured the building called the Synchrotron. We entered into the huge
indoor football field, populated with wires, pipes, machines and busy
scientists running around with laptops instead of grass and athletes. We
walked around the peripheral balcony as our tour guide explained the
place. Electrons were being accelerated at nearly the speed of light in a
giant tunnel and the scientists were all conducting different experiments
from the pure light emitted from the huge machines.
After leaving the facility in great awe, we headed downtown to visit the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada. A curator explained the William Kurelek
exhibit and we explored the rest of the museum. There were many artifacts
and photos from the earliest of Ukrainian settlers in Canada. There was
an interesting display showing traditional pysanky-making process which
I wish I could show to all my friends who are baffled by the process despite
how many times I try to explain that they are not “painted Faberge eggs.”
Later that day, we walked down the street to Saskatoon’s outdoor public
ice rink. I was surprised that the skate rentals were free and they did
not ask for a cash deposit, credit card, passport, birth certificate, driver’s
The next day was informal and
I decided to go tour the city. I Odessa Keleb
ay, SVI reside
nt, skating
at an outdoor
headed out alone in the cold sunny
rink in Saskato
day, first walking through the
suburban neighbourhoods towards downtown. As a landscape architect
I was struck by the huge spruce tree on every property’s front lawn with
diameters wider than any tree in Toronto. The streets were not salted but
just compacted pure white snow. When visiting a new city, sometimes the
smallest insignificant details are the most striking.
I walked along one side of the river through an interesting shopping
village and eventually crossed a giant bridge, taking pictures of the scenic
valley. Despite some of the tall buildings and large infrastructure of a city,
the streets had no cars in rush hour and all the people were friendly as if
in a small town.
Despite being downtown, the walk was filled with nature and peacefulness.
I realized from the walk that I was in the world’s largest small town. I
headed back, reflecting on the short but action-packed trip. The people
were unusually friendly and the city so peaceful. It was a great experience
to meet the people in Saskatoon and be somewhere in the world I might
never otherwise have had the chance to see.
Nykola Blozowski
Інститут Вшановує Полеглих Героїв Майдану
З подивом спостерігав світ за подіями на Євромайдані, де молодь України
виборювала право жити у демократичному суспільстві. Оте покоління, яке
вважали нездатним на протест, показало свою відвагу. До молодих приєдналися
люди різного віку, різних національностей, різних релігій, різних партій, з різних
куточків України, і з-поза її меж. І тоді бандитська влада пішла на страшний
злочин проти свого народу – проти беззбройних майданівців послали професійних
снайперів-убивць. Один за одним падали під пострілами майданівці. На сьогодні їх
понад 100 – Небесна Сотня. Їх смерть допомогла здолати злочинну владу ...
Проте, Герої Не Вмирають! Їх пам’ять кличе живих до перемоги. Сьогодні Україна
повстала, бореться за своє демократичне майбутнє, відстоює свободу в боротьбі із
російським імперським фашизмом.
Наше завдання тут, на канадській землі, донести значення української революції
до кожного, дістати для України підтримку та розуміння інших народів. Меморіал
Небесної Сотні об’єднав нас усіх навколо незалежної демократичної України.
Mи встановили Меморіал Небесній Сотні, котрий підготувала дизайнер Таня
Микитюк. Ніхто не проходить біля Інституту байдуже – біля Меморіалу постійно
стоять люди, читають, схиливши голови, про безстрашних українських героїв.
Подвиг Героїв Майдану та Небесної Сотні сколихнув світ. Наш Меморіал – це
пошана і подяка за їхню величезну пожертву. Щоб безсмертним став дух Небесної
Сотні! Щоб із воскресінням Христовим воскресла і єдина Україна, справді
незалежна. Вічна пам’ять Небесній Сотні.
Kosa Kolektiv Springs into Action
Kosa Kolektiv jumped fully into springtime activities, even before any signs of spring
had emerged in nature, with a host of pysanka workshops and vesnianka singing
For the fifth year in a row, we have hosted two pysanka workshops as part of our
Pysanka Project, to raise money for children in need in Ukraine. This year’s workshops
were held on Saturday March 15 and 22nd at St. Vladimir Institute and were well
attended, with people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. Supplies were donated
by Koota Ooma bookstore, and all proceeds from the workshop, including the sale
of pysanka art and kits were directed to Dzherelo, a rehabilitation centre for children
in Lviv, Ukraine.
Our pysanka-focused activities continue throughout the month with workshops at
St. Nicholas Church (March 30), Port Hope (April 5), ARTiculations shop in the
Junction (April 12), and Needlework shop in Hamilton (April 15).
In addition, the ladies in our group are making pysanky throughout Lent and will be
selling their art creations at the St. Nicholas church bazaar on Sun. April 13th. We
invite everyone to stop by and see what we’ve been up to, and have some delicious
pysanka cookies with tea. We’ll be selling handmade cards and fine paper cut-outs,
jewelry, framed photographs, and preserves.
In addition to decorating our homes, our studio, and everywhere we can with
colourful pysanky, we are spending this time preparing for the spring rite known
as Hailky. Anyone interested in singing and participating in beautiful folk ritual is
invited to join us for singing practice Thursday nights. Also, we invite everybody to
learn vesnianky songs from the talented Ukrainian folk singer Maria Sonevytska, at
St. Vladimir Institute, on Sunday, April 6th, at 2pm. Participation is open to all, and it
is free. You can register by sending us an email to kosa.kolektiv@gmail.com. We are
learning songs that we’ll sing during a procession through Trinity Bellwoods Park on
April 20th, Easter Sunday, as part of the Hailky celebration. Please check our website
for all the details of all our upcoming workshops and events.
Bozena Hrycyna
Photos: Kosa Kolektiv pysanka workshop participants at SVI last month
S T . V L A D I M I R I N S T I T U T E | SPR IN G 2 0 1 4
SUSK and UCPBA Co-host a Successful Networking Event
On Thursday, November 21, 2013, the first networking event for students
and recent graduates was co-hosted by the Ukrainian Canadian Students’
Union (SUSK) and the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business
Association (UCPBA) of Toronto. With the enthusiastic support of Paul
Strathdee, President, and the Board of Directors, St. Vladimir Institute,
sponsored the venue. The event was a great success with nearly 60 youths
and 20 professionals and entrepreneurs present.
As a result of this productive networking event, SUSK is proud to
announce that five recent graduates secured full-time positions, one
student acquired a part-time position, and several others have interviews
in the near future. Congratulations!
The event represented an important collaboration of various community
stakeholders. Various organizations and community leaders worked
together to enable Ukrainian Canadian youth and ultimately strengthen
the community. By building upon this effort though events that encourage
You’re Invited - 2014 SUSK Maidan
The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union
(SUSK) National Executive invites you to attend
the 2014 National SUSK Congress, to be held
May 8-11, 2014 in Toronto, Canada. Maidan is a word for a place where people meet to
deliberate, to speak, and to create. With this in mind,
SUSK calls upon its members, alumni, and supporters to
participate in #SUSKCongress A Maidan for Ukrainian Canadian Students. The 4-day event is dedicated to encouraging and challenging
leaders of the Ukrainian Canadian student community to
come together, to discuss and deliberate relevant questions
and issues, and to spearhead the future of youth leadership
and involvement in Canada and Ukraine. Please visit www.congress.susk.ca for more information.
youth to leverage their Ukrainian Canadian heritage, our youth will
be able to foster a sense of identity as well as cultivate self-develop and
growth, which are elements they need to become the community leaders
of tomorrow.
The next networking event will be held at the 2014 SUSK Congress taking
place in Toronto from May 8-11, 2014. The networking event will take
place on Thursday, May 8 at 7:30PM at the Eaton Chelsea. Details about
registration and the profiles of all professionals attending will be posted
on www.congress.susk.ca.
For those who were unable to attend, SUSK also hopes to hold more
networking events in the future that will be held not only in Toronto, but
Olena Kit
SUSK Alumni Director
Upcoming Events
Made possible in part by a grant from the SUS Foundation of Canada
Spring 2014
On the 28th anniversary of the nuclear disaster in Ukraine, a talk:
From Chornobyl, to Fukushima, to Toronto... What we’ve learned
and what we need to know about nuclear power in our time
Saturday April 26, 2014 • 3:00 pm at St.Vladimir’s Theatre
Screening of “Chornobyl to Fukushima” with talks by Shawn-Patrick
Stensil, Energy and Climate Analyst, and Alex Belyakov, PhD, University
Instructor at Ryerson University and Academic Professor at Humber
College, Toronto.
Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre (UCRDC)
Scholarship Fundraiser
Friday, June 6, 2014 • 7:30 pm at St. Vladimir’s Theatre
Musical evening with Cello Bellas – a small group of professional
cellists coming together to perform a benefit concert for the Leon Hloba
Scholarship Fund which was initiated by a donation to the UCRDC from
the Hloba Family.
Fall 2014
Ukrainian Heritage Day Celebration 2014
Sunday, September 7
3:00 – 5:00 pm. Events at St. Vladimir Institute:
Opening day of “Journey” – an art exhibit by Lesia Shipowick, settlerstyle refreshments, musical program.
Toronto Ukrainian Festival – Bloor West Village
Friday, September 12 – Sunday, September 14
“Be Ukrainian for a Day” at the St. Vladimir Institute booth, with displays
by the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, the Genealogy Group, the SVI
library, Koota Ooma Children’s Bookstore, and the Documentation Centre
. Also at the St. Vladimir’s booth: Children’s Crafts by Kosa Kolektiv.
Programs for children run Saturday and Sunday, 12 - 5 pm.
St. Vladimir’s Art Exhibits
With the Breath of Many Flowers
Art exhibit by Maria Antoniv
Gallery Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 am. -5 pm., Sat. 2 – 5 pm. until May 31,
Spring art exhibit by talented artist Maria Antoniv.
Maria was born in Buchach, Ternopil region in Ukraine. She graduated
from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts, Ivano-Frankivsk State University
in Ukraine, and International Academy of Design & Technology, Toronto.
Maria participated in numerous shows in Canada and the USA. Her
artwork is found in private collections in Canada, England and USA.
Some of her paintings were published in the Historical book “Birmingham
Sketchbook”. Maria is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Visual
Artists of Canada and Mountain Brook Art Association, USA.
St.Vladimir Institute
Golf Tournament
September 27th 2014
Willow Valley Golf Club
Ukrainian Museum of Canada:
Ontario Branch
The Art of Revolution – Posters and Images from the Euromaidan
Extended Hours: Tuesdays 3:00–8:00pm., Thursdays 10:00am–8:00pm
The exhibit focuses on the dramatic current events in Ukraine, open until
end of May, 2014.
NEXT EXHIBIT: Costumes from Various Regions of Ukraine
The next exhibit, based on the Mamyna Sorochka showcase, will present
full costumes from various regions of Ukraine. Watch for opening date
towards the end of May.
Courses 2014 – 2015
Beginner Ukrainian
Wednesdays, September 17, 2014 – April 29, 2015 • 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Ukrainian Level II - III
Tuesdays, September 16, 2014 – April 28, 2015 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Advanced Ukrainian
Wednesdays, September 18, 2014 – April 30, 2015 • 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Fee: $260.00
Refresher Ukrainian Course
Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month
October 7, 2014 - May 19, 2015 (30 h.) • 5:00 – 7:00 pm.
Icon Writing Workshops
With artist/instructor Alex Mezentsev
Beginner: Tuesdays, September 23 – November 25 • 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Advanced: Thursdays, September 25 – November 27 • 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Fee: $260.00/30 hrs. (10 sessions)
Icons on Glass (Reverse Painting on Glass)
Wednesdays, October 1 - November 5, 2014 • 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Fee: $140.00/6 sessions – 15 hours
Clubs at St. Vladimir Institute
Toronto Ukrainian Genealogy Group – TUGG
Meets every second Tuesday of each month
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Toastmasters Club
Meets every Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
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VISTI by email.
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Join the e-mail group now
by sending an email to:
For more information call St. Vladimir Institute at 416-923-3318, Ext. 104, or email at cultural@stvladimir.ca.
Celebrations and Events at St.Vladimir Institute
1.Lidia Cymbaluk, SVI Board member, dedicated her artistic designer’s talent to turn SVI’s 2014 Malanka celebrations
into an unforgettable success 2.The vibrant talents of SVI Malanka MCs, Roman Myndiuk and Nadia Gereliouk, SVI
Board member, also contributed to make the 2014 Malanka a raging success 3.Prof. Paul R. Magocsi, Chair of Ukrainian
Studies, University of Toronto, presents a series of lectures on Crimea, Russia, and Ukraine, at www.youtube.com/user/uketube
Also view related lectures by Dr. Taras Kuzio, Bohdan Nahaylo, and others videotaped at St. Vladimir Institute in
Toronto and posted courtesy of William Szuch 4.Lidia Smilka, SVI, Andriy Semotiuk, Immigration Lawyer, Prof. Jurij
Darewych, UCRDC, and Jim Onyschuk, TUGG, as seen after the successful presentation of A Promise Kept for SVI
Genealogy Group and guests. Andriy Semotiuk enriched his mother’s memoirs with the historical and genealogical
research presented in his book 5.Paul Strathdee, SVI President, and Marta Lehzdyn, Mentorship Committee member,
as seen at the first networking event for students and recent graduates (see Pages 2 & 6) 6.Olexa Mezentsev, iconographerinstructor at SVI, and Lidia Smilka, Cultural Director, viewing the Ludmila Barmina art exhibit recently shown at SVI
7.Paul Strathdee, SVI President (right), and Anna Teskey, SVI Director, with Nestor Olynyk, who donated artwork
by William Kurelek to St. Vladimir Institute, from the estate of his late sister Stella Olynyk 8.Luba Goy, comedian,
presenting the book Luba, Simply Luba by Diane Flacks, written in collaboration with Andrey Tarasiuk and Luba
Goy (Winner of the Kobzar Literary Award 2014 - see page 2). A series of readings by the 2014 Kobzar Literary Award
Finalists were organized by Halyna Ostapchuk, SVI librarian, at St. Vladimir Institute 9.Bohdan Nahaylo, renowned
author, journalist and political analyst for Amnesty International, Radio Liberty, UN High Commissioner for Refugees,
presented his lecture The Battle for Ukraine 2013 – 2014 recently. The event was sponsored by the Wolodymyr Dylynsky
Memorial Fund and the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, in co-operation with the CIUS
Toronto Office and St. Vladimir Institute 10.Stephan Bandera, Ukrainian Canadian journalist, recently presented video
footage and comments on the Maidan uprisings across Ukraine at St.Vladimir Institute.