December - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
December - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
BULLETIN BALTIMORE HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbi Andrew Busch Cantor Robbie Solomon Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen Cantor Ann G. Sacks Rabbi Emeritus Rex D. Perlmeter Number 4 | December 2015 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG COMMUNITY MITZVAH DAY! SEE PAGE 6 FOR DETAILS. see page 3 for details. Take a Peek Inside . . . New and Returning Members . . . . . . Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Message from the President . . . . . Annual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabbi Laurie Green & BHC . . . . . . . . Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chanukah Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 Program Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEDCO Cares Food Pantry . . . . . . . . Triple Treat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Hoffberger Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . Get Swabbed with BHC . . . . . . . . . . . High School Trips to Israel . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 Youth Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Youth Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . . 9 Brotherhood News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sisterhood in Session . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13 December Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We welcome the following congregants who have joined BHC since October Meira & James Shapiro, children Ruby, Beatrice, Alice and Nathaniel TODAH RABBAH The Oneg Shabbat on October 30 was sponsored by Julie Levi and Eric Przelski in honor of their upcoming marriage. The Oneg Shabbat on November 6 was sponsored by Sonya Dillon in honor of the marriage of her grandaughter Emily Tobias to Aaron Weidele. IN THE HOSPITAL? Due to hospital policy, clergy and BHC Cares volunteers have no way of knowing you are in the hospital unless you or a family member inform us. YAHRZEIT REMINDER To have a yahrzeit name read, call the Temple Office or fill out a card when coming to a service. For more information call Iris, 410-764-1587, ext. 224. BHC IS COLLECTING... • Non-perishable food for GEDCO Cares Food Pantry •School supplies for Fallstaff Elementary School Place your donations in the labeled wooden bins near the Hoffberger Chapel. ACCESSIBILITY AT BHC 2 Accessible Parking is available on the main lot closest to the Hoffberger Chapel entrance, in the Chapel driveway marked by blue curbs, as well as outside the Adalman Lobby near the Sanctuary. Accessible Automatic Entrances to the building are located at the Hoffberger Chapel entrance adjoining the main parking lot and at the entrance to the Adalman Lobby. An Access Ramp to the Sanctuary is off the Adalman Lobby and Accessible Seating in the Sanctuary is available in the front rows on both sides. FROM THE CLERGY Business and Torah Rabbi Meir taught: “Limit your business activities and occupy yourself with Torah.” (Pirke Avot 4:10) The Chanukah lights can remind us that our rich tradition has as much to offer us as all the fruits of our labors and of our modern leisure as well. May this festival not only remind us of tradition and our search for God, but may it also remind us to study, serve, and participate within community. Rabbis are particularly challenged by Rabbi Meir’s teaching. Theoretically and realistically, our business is Torah: studying, teaching, practicing and searching together with the members of our congregation. It is my daily honor and pleasure to mix Judaism and work amongst Baltimore Hebrew Congregation and its members. For example, this fall, I have been studying the early rabbinic text Pirke Avot with a group of adults in one setting and with high school students at BEIT-RJ (our community Reform post-Bar Mitzvah program). I have enjoyed the questions, the insights, and the laughter that have been involved in those courses. I hope that the students of all ages did as well; I am sure that I wasn’t the only one laughing. However, I am also thankful that Baltimore Hebrew Congregation has a tradition of granting its rabbis a sabbatical. I appreciate the opportunity to pause the business side of my life and explore Torah broadly for three months. From December 22 through March 22, I will be on sabbatical. During this time, I will be in Baltimore for several weeks and then in Israel for a few weeks. I will be exploring a combination of volunteer and learning opportunities. I look forward to sharing insights and experiences upon my return to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation in late March. The lay leadership, staff, and I have worked to ensure BHC’s members are served and inspired during my absence. We have also worked to make sure that the “business” is shared fairly, as everyone involved is already working hard. In my absence, questions are best directed to Rabbi Sachs-Kohen, Jo Ann Windman (Executive Director), and Iris Powell (my assistant). Through most of December, I will be here mixing business and Torah; celebrating Chanukah and collecting coats; studying Pirke Avot and looking towards the future of our congregation. Thank you for all the aspects of my rabbinate at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. Thank you as well for this upcoming sabbatical and your understanding. – Rabbi Busch • DISCLAIMERS • 1. All prices, events and times published in the Bulletin are current at the time of publication, but are subject to change. 2. Publication of an advertisement in the Bulletin is neither an endorsement nor recommendation of any advertisers’ products or services by BHC. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK see photos and notices of upcoming events Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: MARTHA WEIMAN AG Annual Giving Dedication DON’T MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO QUALIFY December is the month when we are intrinsically attuned to festive holiday decorations in shops, malls and residences. Our Festival of Lights, Chanukah, is usually confined to our homes but, did you know that the Chanukiah (menorah), when possible, is placed in a window or elsewhere so it can be seen from the outside? Our Chanukiah, with its increasing illumination each night, is emblematic of dedication, the meaning of Chanukah. It’s what we do at BHC! On December 25 we take part in Mitzvah Day, performing all manner of service to the community. On the other 364 days, we see BHC members steadfastly giving their time to serve on the Board and committees. Their many functions include working on budget, facility planning, fundraising, preschool, youth activities, social action, caregiving and much more. The eight days of illumination spread much farther than the eight day holiday. Those lights defining rededication are practiced daily at BHC. As we wrap presents and flip fragrant potato latkes, let us broaden our understanding of Chanukah to encompass the gifts our devoted members give willingly as they assume important responsibilities. A Jewish proverb says: “I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.” Look around – broad shoulders and dedication abound! Chag Sameach. Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to Qualify for a Year-End Charitable Deduction. December marks the year’s end. With the celebration of Chanukah, it is a time to remember that miracles can happen. This year many of you have been incredibly generous with your support and time. If you’ve delayed making your Annual Giving 2015-2016 pledge, now is the time. Not only will you be making a gift that can qualify for a charitable deduction but, if you make an increased or new gift, the increase or total new gift will be matched two for one by a generous anonymous donor, thus tripling your impact. Your support is critical. BHC programs exist because of your generous gifts to Annual Giving. Congregation dues comprise only 47% of the yearly revenue that is necessary to maintain our facility, sustain dynamic educational programs for children and adults, and uphold our commitment to our wonderful and vibrant congregation. BHC is our Jewish Home – the place where we gather, grow and share the events in our lives, whether they are sad or joyous. I urge you to join us in making a contribution to BHC’s Annual Giving Campaign. Your gift is greatly appreciated. Annette Saxon Director of Development RABBI LAURIE GREEN & BHC Baltimore Hebrew Congregation is glad to have Rabbi Laurie Green teaching and leading services during the 2015-16 year. Throughout the year, Rabbi Green is leading our Family Mitzvah Corps, which has gotten off to a roaring start at Art with a Heart. During Rabbi Busch’s sabbatical, Rabbi Green will be assisting on a very limited basis with several Shabbat services and Shabbat morning Torah Talk. Rabbi Green serves as the Rabbi of Congregation Bet Mishpachah in Washington, DC, having previously served congregations in Buffalo, NY; Brooklyn, NY, and Aspen, CO. Rabbi Green lives in Baltimore and describes her “life’s mission to serve God and the Jewish people by teaching Torah from a Reform perspective.” Log on to our website,, for our online Membership Directory. For your ID and password, contact the Temple Office, 410-764-1587. Bring your chanukiah (menorah), seven candles, a lightsaber and winter coat donations for Paul’s Place to BHC on Friday, December 11, for our Star Wars Dinner and Chanukah Shabbat. First, at 6 pm, join us for a fun dinner with a revised menu for the adults and tasty options for vegetarians and children. With the new Star Wars movie in theaters the following weekend, we thought we’d have a little fun at our dinner, so expect some appearances by your favorite characters and some references to our Jewish history and a galaxy far, far away. Then, share in our special Chanukah Shabbat service as we celebrate the holiday and light our candles together. The cost of dinner is $15 for adults, $5 for kids age 4-13 and free for ages 3 and under—the service is free to all. RSVP by Monday, December 7, by visiting or make checks payable to BHC Chanukah Dinner and mail to Ayme Lederman, 8 Eden Roc Court, Baltimore, MD 21208. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 3 UPC Upcoming at BHC For more information on any of the programs below, contact Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, or ext. 246. TRIPLE TREAT Thursdays, December 3, 10 & 17, 10:30 am & 1 pm See page 7 for details. 7TH-8TH GRADE RETREAT Friday, December 4, 4 pm through Saturday, December 5, 8 pm Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with other Reform Jewish 7th and 8th graders from Baltimore in a different setting. Celebrate Judaism in a new, fun and exciting way. Eat some, pray some, learn some, play some (and eat some more). The early-bird fee is $36—stay tuned for sign-up information. The retreat will take place at the 4-H Conference Center. INFO: Cory Hermann, PJ SHABBAT Friday, December 4, 6:30 pm Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad services the first Friday of every month. JYGE (5TH-7TH GRADES) Sunday, December 6, Noon Get camera-ready and practice your selfies during “Lights, Camera-Likes! JYGE Instagram.” RSVP: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, BEIT-RJ AT TEMPLE OHEB SHALOM Mondays, December 7 & 14, 6:30 pm Our Teen Reform Community High School Program is in session. INFO: Cory Hermann, STAR WARS DINNER & CHANUKAH SHABBAT Friday, December 11, 6 pm See page 3 for details. BHECTY Saturday, December 12, 5 pm See the Youth Group Column on page 9 for details. GESHER Sunday, December 13, 9 am 1st and 2nd grade families come together for Adult Education and a Family Project with Educator Cory Hermann. BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST SERIES Sunday, December 13, 9:30 am See page 10 for details. LITTLE JYGE (1ST-2ND GRADES) Sunday, December 13, 1 pm Participate in our “Israeli Olympics.” The cost is $5. RSVP: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, SECOND MONDAY SERIES Monday, December 14, 10:30 am See page 7 for details. BHC PRIDE DINNER Friday, December 18, 7:30 pm Join us for dinner at Arlon’s, 706 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville following the 6:15 pm Shabbat Service. CHAI LIFE SHABBAT Friday, December 4, 6:30 pm See the Chai Life Column on page 6 for details. JR. JYGE (3RD-4TH GRADES) Saturday, December 5, 5 pm Join Jr. JYGE for Survivor Island, a night of puzzles, games and competition, dinner and Havdalah. RSVP: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION CHANUKAH MITZVAH FAIR Sunday, December 6, 9 am Youth Education students will have the opportunity to make a donation to a non-profit organization as a gift for a loved one. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, PEP: PURSUING EDUCATIONAL POSSIBILITIES Sundays, December 6 & 20, 9 am See page 7 for details. ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS Sundays, December 6, 13 & 20, 9:15 am See page 7 for details. 4 ADULT TORAH TROPE CLASS Sundays, December 6, 13 & 20, 11:15 am Join BHC’s cadre of Torah chanters by learning to recognize the trope symbols and their melodies. INFO: Becky Gutin, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 FAMILY MITZVAH CORPS Saturday, December 19, 2 pm Join our group of families dedicated to social action and beautifying our city through mosaics and other art projects. We meet at Art With a Heart, 3355 Keswick Road #104, 21211. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, CAREGIVERS SUPPORT MEETING Tuesday, December 22, 7 pm See page 7 for details. COMMUNITY MITZVAH DAY Friday, December 25, 9 am See the Program Highlights Column on page 6 for details. CHAI LIFE HELPING HONS Friday, December 25, 9 am See the Chai Life Column on page 6 for details. NFTY-MAR WINTER KALLAH Sunday, December 27 through Wednesday, December 30 A Youth Kallah will be held at Capital Camps, PA for 8th-12th grade students. INFO: or Leah Bloom, Youth Engagement Associate, Stay current with all that’s happening at BHC! Send your e-mail address to, or sign up online, CHANUKAH GUIDE Blessings Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tsivanu l’hadlik ner shel Chanukah. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to kindle the Chanukah lights. Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam she-asah nisim lavoteinu bayamim haheim baz’man hazeh. Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who performed wondrous deeds for our ancestors in days of old at this season. 1st Night Only Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam shehecheyanu v’kiy’manu v’higianu laz’man hazeh. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this season. Chanukah Candles and Questions Lighting the First Night’s candles and including the Shehecheyanu blessing, let us mention what we are thankful for in our lives. Lighting the First Night’s candle takes place on Saturday, December 8. Lighting the Second Night’s candles, let us consider the Psalmist’s words: “Light is sown for the righteous, joy for the upright.” (Psalm 97:11) What can we do during this festival to bring light to the world around us? Lighting the Third Night’s candles, let us not only celebrate this festival through enjoying latkes, lighting candles and exchanging gifts. May we also explore other foods, such as sufganiot (jelly doughnuts), sing Chanukah songs, and read and learn about Chanukah stories and traditions. Lighting the Fourth Night’s candles, may we pause to remember those who have fought for the renewal of Judaism, including the Maccabees, but also those in every generation have worked to breathe continuing new life into our ancient tradition. How might we add to the creative flourishing of Judaism? Lighting the Fifth Night’s candles, may we grapple with the possibility of miracles in the world. The oil’s lasting eight days doesn’t appear in Jewish texts for centuries after the Hasmoneans’ (another name for the Maccabees) Second Century BCE victory, yet Jews have cherished this image for millennia. Consider what you believe about miracles. Lighting the Sixth Night’s candles, let us consider the words of the Prophet Zechariah: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit.(4:6)” What might it have meant to our ancestors to seek strength in God? What might it mean for us? Lighting the Seventh Night’s candles, let us remember those with whom we have celebrated Chanukah in past years. Despite the possible sadness of their loss or absence, let us remember those who have brought joy to the celebrations in our lives. Lighting the Eighth and Final Night’s candles, may the glow of these many candles last beyond the week of Chanukah. How might we continue to learn about or act upon our Judaism between now and next Chanukah? Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 5 Program Highlights PH COMMUNITY MITZVAH DAY December 25 is a day filled with many traditions for American Jews. For some, it is a must to go for dinner and a movie. Many Jews celebrate Christmas spending time with their interfaith families and relatives. BHC now has a special December 25 tradition—our Community Mitzvah Day project. On Christmas morning this year, from 9-11 am, we will celebrate our 5th year participating as a partner organization in this great effort organized by Baltimore’s Jewish Volunteer Connection. This year, we will welcome another big crowd to cook casseroles, assemble soup mixes, create fun snack packs and more for the adults and children of Paul’s Place, a wonderful organization with whom we partner for several BHC social action efforts. 6 Aren’t you proud to be part of a congregation so focused on helping those in need? Our Get Swabbed bone marrow drive is gathering steam, our food drive to support GEDCO Cares remains strong and our schools and auxiliaries continue to create social action opportunities. If you are in town on December 25 this year, join us to celebrate 5 years of our Mitzvah Day partnership. On what will likely be a cold day, warm up with your congregational community and do some good with us. Registration will be avaialable soon, or contact me, awayne@ Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 OUR FOOD DRIVE FOR GEDCO CARES FOOD PANTRY IS YEAR-ROUND! The response at High Holy Days brought in nearly 1,000 bags, but hunger does not rest. Please remember to bring canned goods when you come to BHC, whether for Shabbat, a meeting or another visit. Additionally, this year BHC would like to recognize the efforts of one particular congregant, Bruce Katzenberg. We are grateful for and honor Bruce’s tireless commitment to BHC’s social action causes, especially regarding Baltimore’s chronic hunger problem. He has played a vital role in our collection efforts for GEDCO Cares. Thank you, Bruce! Chai Life: 20s & 30s Community CL DECEMBER BRINGS CHAI LIFE SHABBAT AND HELPING HONS We’ve had a great fall with Chai Life! Despite a few rain-outs, our kickball season was fun as always and engaged new potential Chai Life members. We are looking forward to continuing our team spirit in January with our annual Chai Life trivia team. This fall has had many Chai Life member simchas. In particular, a hearty Mazel Tov to David Castine, a Chai Life Committee member, on his recent marriage to Raquela Susman! Chai Life has some fun returning events in December. On Friday, December 4, the Chai Life Shabbat will bring in the festive holiday season with the second annual cookie swap. RSVP: Sarah Wechsler, We are also very excited to bring the new Chai Life’s Helping Hons volunteering initiative to BHC’s Community Mitzvah Day on December 25 (because why not volunteer your time before eating a Chinese dinner!) Be on the lookout for more information about how you can volunteer at Community Mitzvah Day. If you have thoughts, questions or ideas, be in touch with Chai Life co-chairs Amy Goldberg, or Steve DeBois, Amy Goldberg and Steve DeBois Chai Life Co-Chairs ARE YOU IN YOUR 20s OR 30s? LOOKING FOR SOME GOOD TIMES WITH A FUN CROWD? Be part of Chai Life gatherings such as trivia nights, kickball games, Shabbat dinners, “Helping Hons” and more! INFO: Chai Life Co-Chairs, Amy Goldberg and Steve DeBois, or TRIPLE TREAT Triple Treat begins with a meet and greet at 10 am. Then join us for study sessions, enjoy lunch at your expense or bring your own (no pork or shellfish), and attend the afternoon programs. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the sessions. There is no charge except for special trips. Note, if Baltimore County schools are closed or delayed, we will not meet that day. On Thursday, December 3, enjoy a special trip to the Howard P. Rawlings Conservatory; lunch out will follow. Note, there is no education session on this day. On Thursday, December 10, Rabbi Busch will speak about “Current Events and Jews” at 10:30 am. The afternoon program will be a sing-along with Cantor Sacks at 1 pm. On Thursday, December 17, Rabbi Busch will wrap up his topic on “Current Events and Jews” at 10:30 am. At Noon, the fall semester will conclude with lunch out. INFO: Harriet Meier, 410-833-8822 or IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN! ONGOING ADULT LEARNING: PEP SECOND MONDAY SERIES Join us for hot topics during our Second Monday Series, Monday, December 14, 10:30 am. This month, guest speaker David Hornbeck, Former Maryland State Superintendent of Schools, will speak on the topic “The Continuing and Urgent Quest For Education Justice.” The cost is $10 per session; or pay for the whole series–the cost is $25 for BHC & NCJW members and $30 for non-members. To register, send a check along with your name, phone, address and email to Arlene Mazer, 6 Halston Ct., 21209. INFO: adulteducation or Ferne Rogow, CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP BHC Cares knows that as a caregiver you face many issues that often go unanswered. Because of this, we have formed a monthly support group. We invite you to join this group regardless of whom you care for—a spouse, a parent, a sibling, or a child—at home or in a facility. This group meets at BHC on the fourth Tuesday of each month. This month’s meeting date is Tuesday, December 22, 7 pm. The group is led by congregant Benjy Dubin, who has over six years of experience. INFO: Benjy Dubin, 410-486-3385. MARK THE DATE: WARM UP YOUR WINTER NIGHTS! Judaism offers us great opportunities to learn about our tradition, the world, and ourselves. PEP is an ongoing Sunday morning learning opportunity, enjoyed by BHC congregants for decades. The fall courses continue Sundays, December 6 & 20. You can still sign up for the spring courses, even if you missed the fall semester. Our spring semester will be held on select Sundays, February-May. This spring, our teachers will be Rabbi Sachs-Kohen and Susanna Garfein, PhD, a BHC congregant who teaches at Baltimore Hebrew Institute at Towson University. They will teach on the topics “David in Text & Tradition” and “Jewish American Women of Whom You’ve Never Heard.” Every PEP class begins with bagels and sweets at 9 am and concludes at 11:45 am. The cost is $18 for the spring semester. Registration: Fill out a flier, located on the table in BHC’s hallway, or download the flier from our website, INFO: Ruth Spivak, or 410-666-1891. Winter Nights on Park Heights is back in January and running all four Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm. Share in the warmth with BHC friends as we gather to discuss current events through a Jewish lens. Hot chocolate and snacks are provided in our lodge-like setting, complete with a digital roaring fireplace and inflatable elk heads. No RSVP necessary. These events are free and all are welcome…bring your friends! ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS TRAITS OF TRIUMPHANT SURVIVORS Can’t read Hebrew? Cantor Sacks is teaching BHC congregants in an Adult Beginner Hebrew class on Sunday mornings. This class is for adults with little or no Hebrew reading ability. The class will fulfill the beginner Hebrew requirement for the Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. It continues on Sundays, December 6, 13 & 20, 9:15 am, ending in May. INFO: Becky Gutin, or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS & GENEROUS MEMBERS Lois Gerber, Ad Sales Executive for LPI, our Bulliten publisher, will be working on setting up advertising sponsorships for our monthly Bulletin for the week beginning on Monday, December 7. Please consider advertising in our Bulletin. Advertisements can be purchased for a business or family, or a sponsor ad can be purchased supporting community service organizations that are dear to your heart. Thank you in advance for your generous support, and please patronize our advertisers. INFO: Lois Gerber, 1-800-477-4574, ext. 6331. Sunday, January 31, 9:30-11:45 am, BHC Cares will sponsor a presentation with Dr. Ann Kaiser Stearn, writer, teacher and psychologist. Dr. Stearn will speak on the topic “Traits of Triumphant Survivors.” The morning will begin with breakfast, followed by the presentation and then questions. Dr. Stearn’s best-selling book, “Living Through Personal Crisis” and the DVD will be available for purchase, and she will be available to autograph. The event is free and open to all. INFO & RSVP: Carol J. Caplan, Chair, BHC Cares, or 410-764-1587, ext. 270. TORAH TALK Lively discussion occurs each Saturday morning, 9-10 am, as Rabbis Busch and Sachs-Kohen lead our weekly Shabbat Torah Talk. Feel free to join us once or as many times as you like. We welcome equally the questions and insights of long-time attendees and those who are just checking out BHC’s Torah Talk. No prior preparation or Hebrew is required. Questions: ask our rabbis. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 7 LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONS We thank BHC Cares, which donated the following book to the Disability Awareness Collection in The Julius and Doris Myerberg Library: Juggling Life, Work, and Caregiving by Amy Goyer. CONGREGATIONAL WISH LIST HELP SAVE LIVES! JOIN GET SWABBED WITH BHC TEAM! BHC’s bone marrow drive has already added hundreds to the Gift of Life registry. Now, we are partnering with Baltimore County Government to swab thousands of employees over several drives. We’d love to have your help as a swab volunteer. INFO: If you have an iPad, flat-panel computer monitor 19” or larger, PC desktop or laptop computer no more than four years old that you would like to donate to BHC, contact Becky Gutin, bgutin@ or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. Hoffberger Gallery HG “FANTASY FIBER” BY ELAINE KATZ November/December Exhibit Simcha TREE of LIFE Thank You for purchasing a leaf on our Simcha Tree of Life since the publication of our November Bulletin: RUTH KABIK MARCIA & JONATHAN SHEAR JANICE & MARC STRAUSS Yes, I would like to purchase a leaf on the Simcha TREE of LIFE! Name Address City State Zip Telephone Email 8 Artist’s Statement: I find my inspiration in the beauty of the natural world. Being a part of nature, experiencing the changing seasons, and watching the skies has always held my fascination. I enjoy working in fabric because of its tactile quality. Fabric collage is a means for me to express the many layers of being I see and experience in my journey through this world. The colors, patterns, and textures of the fabrics, threads, buttons, and beads help me to create a piece of work that allows the viewer to enter in because of the vibrancy and dimensionality of the embellishments. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 Cost: $180 per leaf Make checks payable to: Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. All Visa and MasterCard payments must be made in person at the Temple Office. All payments must be received prior to engraving. INFO: Francine Gill, 410-764-1587, ext. 226. Leaf Inscription (Please Print) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ (4 lines maximum, 22 characters maximum per line) Please be aware this is for a simcha (honor), not a memorial. HIGH SCHOOL TRIPS TO ISRAEL BHC offers scholarship assistance to our high school students traveling to Israel on organized student trips. A limited amount of aid is available to any BHC student participating in such a trip. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, or 410-764-1587, ext. 290. Youth Education YE IT’S COLD OUT THERE Over the past months our Youth Education program has helped those in need. We have served the Baltimore community through: coat drives, making casseroles, beautifying the City with art, and collecting food for GEDCO. We have given our time, tzedakah, and loving kindness to these projects. In this time of year, is that enough? As the days get shorter and we celebrate Chanukah, let us remember the miracle of the light lasting and help those who need it to find their way. Are there ways that you can impact your community? Do you have extra clothes you could donate? Could you provide more food or tzedakah to charities that need it? All of these small acts will leave an imprint on the world and on your soul, so I encourage you, as the days grow shorter and it gets colder, to help those in need. “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” - Pirke Avot (Ethics of our Fathers) L’Shalom (For Peace), Brad Cohen Director of Education E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center EBHECC FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION We recently celebrated Grandparents’ and Grandfriends’ Day. So many grandparents, family friends and other family members were able to join us for a wonderful intergenerational program. Many children are delighted to have special guests to play with them! Other children become very shy when there are extra classroom visitors. Those of us who were blessed to have grandparents in our lives know the value that they add to our life experience. Hopefully, they were able to share their memories of parents and grandparents with you, and now it is your turn to do the same for your grandchildren. These memories and family stories of your background, culture, history, customs and traditions help to ground a child in a larger community. These connections to the past add to our ‘roots’ and “roots” make us stronger. It is important to feel proud of your place in a lineage and the people who are part of you and your background. We begin to understand when we are young that we are an additional link in our family’s story, we are part of those who came before us. Now we listen to our grandparents’ stories, and when we are parents and grandparents we will tell these stories to our children and grandchildren. Everyone who comes in contact with a child leaves an impression and helps to shape that child. Certainly grandparents affect a child’s cognitive, behavioral and social development, as well as their world view, opinions and personality. Youth Group YG WINTER EVENTS ARE HERE December is going to be a great month for our teens at BHC! BHeCTY will be hosting a Chanukah Party on Saturday, December 12, 5-7 pm. We will be making latkes, playing dreidel and, of course, lighting the candles. All 8th-12th graders are welcome! Come celebrate the festival of lights with BHeCTY and don’t forget to bring your menorahs for the candle lighting! RSVP by Thursday, December 10 to Leah Bloom, Youth Engagement Associate, NFTY-MAR will be having its annual Winter Kallah at Capital Camps in Waynesboro, PA, December 27-30. 9th-12th graders will be able to participate in song sessions and programs, learn more about Judaism and have fun with other Jewish teens! Registration information will available soon. INFO: Leah Bloom, Youth Engagement Associate, Leah Bloom Youth Engagement Associate Grandparents receive much in return as well. There is the sheer joy of playing with, reading to and watching our grandchildren. We stress less over things that worried us as parents. We notice learning that we might not have recognized when we were parenting our children. We realize that our grandchildren are our legacy…powerful stuff! And if our children are listening to us, we have a lot of wisdom to share…but that is another topic altogether! Renée Stadd Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 9 BH Brotherhood News BREAKFAST SERIES What do smart people do on Sunday mornings? We treat ourselves to a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bagels, lox, cream cheese, orange juice, danish and coffee! Not to be missed is the lively question and answer period following the speaker. Peter Schmuck, Sports Columnist for the Baltimore Sun and Talkshow Host for WBAL Radio, will continue this year’s breakfast series, Sunday, December 13, 9:30 am. He will speak on the topic “The Best Sports Town In America.” Peter Schmuck is a native Californian who has been covering sports in Baltimore since 1990. He was hired by the Baltimore Sun to replace future ESPN baseball analyst Tim Kurkjian and covered the Orioles for four seasons before becoming the paper’s national baseball writer and eventually the Sun’s lead sports columnist. Though he is a nationally known baseball writer who was elected president of the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA) in 2005, he has covered almost every major sport and sporting event. Peter has been named Maryland Sportswriter of the Year five times by the National Sportscasters and Sportwriters Association. He also can be heard discussing the issues of the day on WBAL Radio every Saturday at Noon. All are welcome—free to BHC Brotherhood members and children under 18 and only $5 for guests and non-members (payable at the door). We are excited to present a fabulous lineup this year. RSVP: INFO: Sid Bravmann, sidbrav@aol. com or 410-952-6352. Save the dates for our full 2015-16 Breakfast Series line-up: Sundays, January 10, February 7, March 6 and May 1. SH VOLUNTEER WITH US Every year on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter mornings, Brotherhood members start their day by helping those in need at Manna House, Inc, 435 E. 25th Street in Baltimore. We welcome you to volunteer with us, Friday, December 25, 8 am. Clients line up outside in anticipation of the door opening for a sumptuous breakfast consisting of eggs, hash browns, sausage, biscuit, orange juice and coffee. We will be setting tables, cooking, serving food and cleaning up. All congregants are invited to participate. Children 12 or older (or mature enough) can help. No experience is necessary. There will be free parking in the on-site lot and on the street. This is a very rewarding opportunity to help others and much appreciated by those we serve. INFO: Bruce Harris,, 410-978-5333 or Sisterhood in Session THERE ARE A LOT OF WAYS TO GET INVOLVED Join Sisterhood Learn the benefits of joining Sisterhood and see what we have to offer—there is an opportunity for everyone. INFO: get-involved. Attend A Program Sisterhood has many programs on a variety of topics—study with us or attend an event. View details on our upcoming programs and events, choose which ones interest you and join us for a good time. INFO: get-involved. Make A Difference 10 From making casseroles to collecting school supplies, BHC Sisterhood members are actively involved in Social Action. Get the details and become involved in these efforts. INFO: 56TH ANNUAL INTERFAITH INSTITUTE We will hold our 56th Annual Interfaith Institute on Monday, March 21, 2016. Our timely title will be “Blueprint for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Beloved Community.’” The “Beloved Community” is Dr. King’s idea of an ongoing experiment of people transcending the barriers of creed and color in order to enjoy mutually shared abundance and transform the world. We will investigate the kind of leadership necessary to create such communities. To create and sustain diverse, peaceful communities, leaders must be motivated by noble intentions, committed to commendable values, and mindful of the moral “tone” of their unique leadership voices. Our Keynote speaker will be Dr. Brad R. Braxton, who is the program officer for Religion in Public Sphere at the Ford Foundation of New York. Panelists of different religions will respond to Dr. Braxton’s Keynote Address. We are pleased that Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will be our moderator this year. Again, this important program will be cosponsored by the Baltimore Federation Executive Board, the Alice Hecht Memorial Fund, Bernice S. Kramer Memorial Fund and BHC Sisterhood. INFO: Carol J. Caplan, carolcjca@comcast net or 410-764-1587, ext. 270. SAVE THE DATE: MID WINTER CONFERENCE The Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Maryland Mid-Winter Conference will be held on Thursday, January 14, 9:45 am, at Beth El Congregation. The snow date will be Saturday, January 23. More information to come. CELL PHONES FOR CHANA Sisterhood is collecting used cell phones to be turned over to CHANA to be given to clients for emergency life-line or recycling. Bring your old phones to BHC, and Sisterhood will take care of the rest. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 Offerings BHC IN MEMORIAM We record with sorrow the passing of Lucille Alter Joseph Appelbaum Marc Camy Adele Finkelstein Rosalie Goldsmith Blanche W. Goren George Bennett Land Richard Millhauser Matthew Robert Rappaport Nancy Falk Sherwood Teresa Sober Marie Stern Marvin B. Sussman May their memories be for a blessing PERPETUAL MEMORIALS December 4-5 David Paul Adler Eleanor K. Avis Ida Lazarus Baer Samuel Benesch Sadye B. Blankman Carol Bolotin Alvin M. Braverman Klaus Buchdahl Norman Jonathan Castine Edward Cohen Jack S. Cohen Jeffrey M. Cohen Evelyn Cushner Solomon Edelstein Ernest B. Eiseman Nathan Engel Bertha B. Fishkin Dodye H. Frank Lillian Friedlander Thelma B. Gelfand Ida K. Ginsberg H. Gabriel Glick Robert Glickman Isaac Greenbaum Betty Gruber Clara B. Hamburger Melia Lowenstein Hamburger Joseph Harrow Samuel M. Hecht Nathan Herman Arthur Louis Horwitz Charles Howard Hyman Jacob Jachman Aline Strauss Kaufman Bessie Ottenheimer Kerngood Irene Ruth Levin Florence K. L’Hommedieu Bessie F. Mansbach Anna Mashkes Leopold Strouse Michel Henry Morstein Sidney Mossovitz Bertha Baer Cohen Myers Morton Elliott Naiditch Rose N. Neiburger Jay S. Nusbaum Sallye Oppenheim Tobie Oppenheim Isaac Ottenheimer Moses Patz Bernice Stern Pitts Bertha Stein Raffel Sophie Raffel Etta G. Raskin Fannie Reisberg Deane Robbins Dr. Martin Roos Fred M. Sachs Jerry Saffron Maurice Salganik Faye B. Schulman Dr. Louis H. Schwartzman Louis Siegel Lee Silver Fannie Hecht Smith Isadore Sollod Sadie Stern Emanuel Strauss Yudice Marcia Stuck Raymond Sussman Marie Greenhood Tolkins Rosalie S. Walters Edna Welfeld Amelia Wertheim Sara K. Yudlson Sidney Zimmerman December 11-12 Sarah Adler Helen Kahn Bar Abe Behrend Clara Bergman Allan A. Blankman Phyllis B. Brotman Maurice U. Cahn Gertrude Chaifetz Meyer Mickey Cohen Irma Klaff Davison Mollie E. Decker Irwin Jacques DuBois Gertrude R. Fensterwald Esther Fink Esther P. Finkelstein Rose Frank Bessie Glickman Benjamin Goldberg Reba L. Goldman Milton D. Goldsmith Florence M. Goldstein Anna Gordon Jesse Hamburger Rose Glasser Breslau Harris Nathan Herskovitz David Edward Hettleman Edward Himmelfarb Gertrude Honigsberg Reba F. Horwitz Louis Hyman Sylvia Hyman Leonard K. Jachman Jerome William Kahn Eli S. Katten Bertha Kaufman Moses Kaufman Bessie Koman Alexander S. Kuhns Bessie Kuhns Millard Ferdinand Lazarus Aaron Levi Elsye S. Lindenberg Lucille Panitz Lobe Hortense Buxbaum Margolis Mildred Marmer Rebecca Mintz Nathan J. Myerberg Amelia R. Myers Lillian Norwood Samuel Nusbaum Sadie F. Olch Marianne Plaut Leonard Pokempner Sarah Pomerantz Dorothy Quirmbach Jacob M. Raffel Samuel Israel Raichlen Ellen M. Rappaport Louis Redler Morris Redler Anna M. Robinson Emanuel Robinson William Rosenau Samuel Rosenfeld Dr. Harry W. Rosenthal Nathan Rotner Ann G. Rubin Lois G. Schapiro Linda Fran Schloss Kate Gutman Senesk Jean Weiss Shevitz Hannah Siegel Arthur Statter Nathan Stiffman Amy Jennifer Scherr Stolz Jean Schoeneman Sussman Emma Thalheimer Sherry Lynn Tossman Carl Weil Harold L. White Juliette Robinson Wolf Mary Sylvia Ziv December 18-19 Jacob Abraham Alene S. Adler Norman Alper William J. Ayares Helen Urievna Bachrach A. Harris Baer Emanuel Baum Gwen R. Becker Mary Berliner Harry M. Black Dorothy Segall Broad Samuel E. Broad Anne Brookmeyer Janella Stewart Cohen Nellie Cohn Dr. Sydney M. Cone Sarah DeBoskey Elinor Brown Deitz Emanuel A. Deitz Eva Eichengreen Elsa J. Eisner Lee M. Feldstein Daisy Fine Anna Canter Frank Donald L. Frank Sarah Rebecca Freeman Harry Friedlander Ralph Friedlander Bertel S. Glassman Alvin Glickman Joel David Goldman Helen Goldstein Leontine Greenbaum Michael Greenwald Edwin Gutman Betsy E. Haas Susan N. Hackerman Lina Harman Raymond Hart Thomas Isekoff Mary Juttner Arthur R. Kadden Anna Weisberg Katz Murray Kirschman Jacob Lerner Maurice Levie Jane Weinberg Lewine Fannie Mayer Harry Mechanick Beatrice Cooper Miller Morris D. Miller Frieda Mitchell Nathan Morganstein Julius Myerberg Bertha Neuberger Sanford Panitz Annie J. Prissman Robert Rascovar Anne Goldman Richmond Sarah Rodbell Maurice Rosen Jesse Rosenstein Lee N. Sachs Hattie G. Sapero Lydia Daniella Schabb Reba Mildred Schaen Marian K. Seif Hirsh Sharogrodsky Samuel Sherr Maurice L. Silverfarb Samuel Sody Rose Sternberg Raphael Stokvis Lina Straus Martin L. Straus Frederick Strauss Johanna Thalheimer Edith Rothschild Weinberg Samuel Wolbarsht Richard Joseph Zander, Sr. December 25-26 Sophia (Sunny) Annenberg Simon L. Aronson Harold Newton Barr Jacob Brafman Mark Steven Brower Leah A. Brown Gustave Brunn Irwin R. Cohen Herbert Cole James F. Cooper Maurice H. Cooper Helen M. Dalsheimer Ray A. Doline Louis Farber Lillian Felsen Doris Kobren Folkoff Dora Ballan Fribush Frances R. Fuld Bernard Gamerman Rose Erlanger Goldman Jack Goldstein Jacob Greenbaum Laura Frank Greif Samuel J. Gross Nathan Gutman Jacob E. Haas Alice Jeanne Hoffman Irvin Hurwitz Sidney Herbert Hurwitz Mollie Roslyn Joffe Joan S. Kahn Herman Kallins Melvin Karsh Mayer C. Katzenberg Henrietta B. Kaufman Dr. Irvin R. Kramer Philip Levi Rosa Strauss Lewenberg Ida Lichter Carlyn Elaine Lipman Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 11 Sidney London Helene Slesinger Lowenstein Simon Marx Derek Scott Meizlesh Isadore Miller Marc Lee Miller Shirley Nathanson Emily J. Neuman Nathan Newberger Barnett Nitzburg Leo E. Ottenheimer Maurice Panitz Nathan Pickus Paul Pincus David J. Rachliss Solomon A. Rice Max Rodbell Solomon S. Rosenstein Aaron Rosenstock Abraham Rosenstock Robertine L. Rosenthal Dora Matz Schabb Jacob Schoeneman Lillian Strauss Schreiber Elias Siegel Harry M. Silverfarb Morris L. Sirkis Shirley Solomon Ritalee Woronoff Pressman Annie Pruzan Evelyn Rachliss Nathan A. Rice Samuel S. Robbins Hannah Rosenbaum Dr. Gilbert White Rosenthal Gloria Ross Herman Shapiro Esther Lena Sher Elhardt M. Siegel Frances S. Silberg Ellis Snyder Alonzo Spandauer Levi Spandauer Marian L. Stern George Josef Stiffman Joseph Sussman Charles Swartz Helen Catherine Urban Sophie Weil William Weinblatt Miriam Wertheimer DONATIONS FOR PRAYERBOOKS DISCONTINUED We are blessed to be fully stocked with Mishkan T’filah Shabbat prayerbooks and Mishkan Hanefesh High Holy prayerbooks. For the foreseeable future, BHC doesn’t require donations towards these books. We are in the process of updating the Torah Commentary version that is used in the Sanctuary. Please consider dedicating a Torah Commentary with a minimum donation of $75. INFO: 410-764-1587. From Generation to Generation L’DOR V’DOR Special Birthdays Scott Epstein, Andrew Haines, Micah Maxwell, Andrew Schuleman, B. Lee Beninghove, Allison Kobin, Sandra Hoffman, Irving Simon, Bolivar Flores, Stephani Meyer, Eden Coughlin, Michelle Harrison, Sharon Pugatsky, Peggy Lazaron, Sheldon Caplis, Hayley Porter, Kenneth Rosenblatt, Stuart Nathan, Anne Henslee, Marsha Kalisch, Donald Zimmerman, Sara Palmer Special Anniversaries 55th Anne and Seymour Goldstein 50th Esther and Stanley Klein 40th Maureen and Geoffrey Greif 35th Judy and Gary Griffith 20th Amanda and Harlan Zinn 15th Riselle and Donald Abrams 10th Francine and Michael Gill 5th Rose and Jeffrey Karlan B’nai Mitzvah October 24 Ellye Alperstein, granddaughter of Patti and Thomas Minkin Isak Sharfstein, grandson of Margaret and Steven Sharfstein December 12 Rebecca Frank, daughter of Jacqueline Frank and Russell Frank, granddaughter of Carol Frank Marriages David Castine, son of Suzanne and Lawrence Castine, to Raquela Susman Robert Katz, grandson of Minna and Louis Katz, to Clara Siegel Jeffrey Love, son of Susan Love, grandson of Sondra Love, to Lauren Bilenky Amanda Ries, daughter of Jim Ries, granddaughter of Carey & Ann Ries, to Matt Brown Births 12 Karmynn Jones, daughter of Tia Young and Keith Jones, granddaughter of Celina Young Noa Rose Marbury, daughter of Robi Rawl and Will Marbury We gratefully acknowledge the following offerings: For the speedy recovery of Robert Berenhaus, by Diane & Sidney Bravmann Alan Bernstein, Jr., by Benjamin Dubin • Cindy & Steven Miller • Engagement Team at Oheb Shalom Jan Brinch, by Gerri & Larry Kobren • Suzanne Strutt Jacob Crooks, by Becky & Larry Gutin Loraine Lobe, by Rheta & Barry Schloss Nancy Rubin, by Marilyn & Ira Blank In honor of Ellye Alperstein on becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by her grandparents Patti & Thomas Minkin The 60th wedding anniversary of Ethel & William Braverman, by Phyllis & Martin Segall Rabbi Busch, Rabbi Sachs-Kohen & Cantor Sacks for their support during a very trying time, by Marilyn Fisher Claudia & Duke Cameron on the marriage of their daughter Nicole to Charles Culp, by JoAnne Zarling The marriage of David Castine to Raquela Susman, by his parents Suzanne & Lawrence Castine Ann & Richard A. Fishkin on their granddaughter Lily Deitch becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by Benjamin Dubin & Rachel Dubin The special birthday of Ronnie Frank, by Bernice & Harvey Fineman The marriage of Scott Herman, by Betty Feinberg The special birthday of Melvin Kopilnick, by Edith & Sar Kaufman Gerri & Larry Kobren on the marriage of their grandson, Ariel Kobren, by JoAnne Zarling Laura & Karl Kramer on the marriage of their son Daniel, by Florence Cohen Ava Lenet & grandchildren, Stan Weiman & Maria Kannen for their performance in the Program of Music Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 & Meditation on Yom Kippur, by Ruth & Robert M. Taubman The special birthday of Alice Lieberman, by Leslie Glickman Zachary Mittelman on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Elijah Kasten The birthday of Marlene Moss, by Butsy Mandel & Allan T. Hirsh, Jr. Ann & Carey Ries on the marriage of their granddaughter Amanda Ries, by Lois & Leonard Greenebaum Rabbi Sachs-Kohen for helping to make the Sisterhood retreat a wonderful event, by Karan Engerman Rabbi Sachs-Kohen on being honored at GEDCO’s Vison tribute, by Joy, Bruce Adam and Rachel Katzenberg Cantor Sacks for helping to make the Sisterhood retreat great, by Karan Engerman The 45th wedding anniversary of Debbie & Louis Shpritz, by JoAnne Zarling The special birthday of Phyllis Siegel, by Lois & Leonard Greenebaum The special birthday of Jo Ann Windman, by Loraine Lobe Jo Ann & Harry Windman on the birth of their granddaughter Briar Makenzi Landsman, by Loraine Lobe Celina Young on the birth of her granddaughter Karmynn Jones, by James & Alice Dolle Trosch In memory of Joseph Appelbaum, by Shirley & Irving Simon Harold Balser, by Judy & Michael Finifter & Family Leo Baneman, by Edith Goldschmitt & Children Ronnie Barrett, by Myra Auslander, Evelyn Hauser, Joan London, Minna Mechanic & Marilyn Uman • Diane & Sidney Bravmann • Betty Fink • Susan & Melvin Oberfeld • Sandra Raskin • Annette & Wilfred Romanoff • Suzanne Strutt Gwen R. Becker, by Larry Becker Naomi Belle Becker, by Betsy Rosenthal Carol Bolotin, by Susan & Harvey Zeiger Alvin M. Braverman, by Marta Braverman Howard Brickman, by Ilene Brooks & Jen Morris • Susanna Garfein & Ross Goldstein • Judith & Gerald Macks • Renée Stadd Samuel Brody, by Paul Brody Simone Brunn, by Judy & Michael Finifter & Family Marc Camy, by Susan & Norman Lorch Gertrude Chaifetz, by Minna & Louis Katz Jeffrey Marc Cohen, by Florence (Cohen) Jones Mary Cooper, by Selma Levin Elaine Copeland, by Charles Schwartzman Reba & Harry Deitch and Betty & Leon Engle on the occasion of their greatgranddaughter, Lily Samara Deitch becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by her grandparents Evie & Morton Deitch Lillian Felsen, by Phyllis Troy Bertha B. Fishkin, by Ann & Richard A. Fishkin Fred Frank, by Bernice & Harvey Fineman David Glickman, by Beth Shavitz Louis Goldman, by Baila Noel Arvin Goldscher, by Annette & Wilfred Romanoff Rosalie Goldsmith, by Susan & Norman Lorch Helene Goldstein, by James David Blum Herman Gresser, by Susan & Harvey Zeiger Yelena Grinina, by The Rachinsky Family Dena Katzenberg, by Joy, Bruce, Adam & Rachel Katzenberg • Morton Katzenberg & Steven Katzenberg Julian Katzenberg, by Joy, Bruce, Adam & Rachel Katzenberg Carol Kramer, by Morton Kramer Ethel & Harold Kropman and Bertha & Samuel Fishkin on the occasion of their great-granddaughter, Lily Samara Deitch becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by Ann & Richard A. Fishkin George Bennett Land, by Sheila & Howard Sandbank Lenora Mandl, by Paula & LeRoy Hoffberger Samuel H. Nass, by Sabrina Nass Friedman Sandra Steinbach Neborsky, by Patti & Thomas Minkin & Family Nathan Newberger, by Ruth & Melvin Kabik Sadie F. Olch, by Minna & Louis Katz Leo E. Ottenheimer, by Marjorie Ottenheimer Janet Perlmeter, by Rabbis Rachel Hertzman & Rex D. Perlmeter Martin Pollinger, by Pamela & Richard Canter • Benita & Jake Schwartzman Nathan Polski, by Sylvan Cornblatt Matthew Robert Rappaport, by Sandra & Edward J. Gutman • Lois Rosenfield Anne Goldman Richmond, by Carla & Alex Katzenberg III • Loraine Lobe Bessie Ricklen, by Annette & Wilfred Romanoff Louis I. Rosenstein, by Robin & Robert Just Gloria Ross, by Jack Zichlin Morton Sacks, by The Amernick Family Morton Salawitch, by Lee Salawitch Dora Schabb, by Oscar Schabb Louis H. Schwartzman, by Sherri & Sanford D. Minkin Joseph Seidman, by Carole Seidman, children & grandchildren Sondra Shear, by Jonathan Shear Nancy Falk Sherwood, by Ann & Gene Goodman Herbert Shofer, by Evelyn Gorman • Becky & Larry Gutin Dee Silberman, by Leona & Reuben Shevitz Joyce Smith, by Deborah Lieberman & David Cornblath Edwin J. Snyder, by Shirley Snyder Teresa Sober, by Leslie Glickman Joan Steinbach, by Louise C. Shifflett Sylvia Steinberg, by Susanna Garfein & Ross Goldstein Mildred Strutt, by Minna & Louis Katz Nancy Dillon Tobias, by Susan & Phil Abraham • Martha & Lee Beninghove • Benjamin Dubin • Evelyn Gorman • Sheilah & Simon Kalderon • Minna & Louis Katz • Louise & Richard F. Kemper • Ellen & Alvin J. Levi • Cindy & Steven Miller & Family • Marlyn & Boris O’Mansky • Rabbis Rachel Hertzman & Rex D. Perlmeter • Sandra Raskin • Debbie & Louis Shpritz • Shirley Snyder • David I. Tossman • James & Alice Dolle Trosch • Lynda S. & Jerry Weinstein Sofie Weikers, by Louise C. Shifflett Robert L. Weinberg, by Lindley & Leonard Weinberg II Everlasting Remembrance Packages: includes memorial book & seat plaque Pay tribute to those who blessed us in life and continue to bless us through memory. Yahrzeit literally means “year’s time” or anniversary. By the recitation of Kaddish at the time of Yahrzeit, we pay tribute to those who blessed us in life and continue to bless us through memory. Our Congregation makes it possible to establish, in this spirit, memorials for everlasting remembrance. A page in the Book of Memorial, or in combination with a Sanctuary Seat Plaque, may be dedicated as a memorial to your loved one. If you would like to participate, Francie Gill is available to discuss the options with you, fgill@ or 410-764-1587, ext. 226. In commemoration of the birthday anniversary of Richard Aaron Cherney, by his parents, Elaine & Irving Cherney Florence Mayover Goldstein, by Sandra Raskin Manuel Q. Goldstein, by Judith & Gerald Macks & Family Eugene H. Zarling, by JoAnne Zarling Acknowledgments Sidney Bravmann thanks all the Brotherhood men who helped make the opening dinner of 160 members plus a huge success, with added thanks to Shannon Wollman & Russ Margo for the wonderful entertainment, and the BHC office staff for all their help and guidance Appreciation is expressed for messages of good wishes and Books of Uniongrams received by Ethel & William Braverman on their 60th wedding anniversary Marilyn Fisher in memory of her daughter, Ronnie Barrett Iris Powell on her special birthday Debbie & Louis Shpritz on their 45th wedding anniversary Suzanne Strutt on her special birthday Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 13 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 December 2015 EVENTS Tuesday, December 1 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm BHC Executive Committee 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Thursday, December 3 10:30 am Triple Treat Trip to Howard P. Rawlings Conservatory Friday, December 4 4 pm 7th-8th Grade Retreat through Saturday, December 5, 8 pm 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 6:30 pm PJ Shabbat 6:30 pm Chai Life Shabbat Saturday, December 5 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 5 pm Jr. JYGE (3rd-4th Grades) Sunday, December 6 • First Night Of Chanukah 9 am Religious School • Aleph All Stars • Parents’ Association Chanukah Mitzvah Fair 9 am PEP 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class Noon JYGE (5th-7th Grades) Monday, December 7 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom Tuesday, December 8 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Kol Rinnah Thursday, December 10 10:30 am Triple Treat Class 1 pm Triple Treat Program Friday, December 11 6 pm Chanukah Dinner, RSVP required 7 pm Chanukah Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, December 12 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bat Mitzvah 5 pm BHeCTY Sunday, December 13 9 am Religious School • Gesher • Madrichim In Training 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 9:30 am Brotherhood Breakfast 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class Noon Little JYGE (1st-2nd Grades) Monday, December 14 10:30 am Second Monday Series 6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Temple Oheb Shalom 7 pm Brotherhood Board Meeting Tuesday, December 15 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Thursday, December 17 10:30 am Triple Treat Class Noon Triple Treat Lunch Out Friday, December 18 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 7:30 pm BHC Pride Dinner Saturday, December 19 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 2 pm Family Mitzvah Corps Sunday, December 20 9 am Religious School • Aleph All Stars • RS 7th Grade 9 am PEP 9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew Class 11:15 am Adult Torah Trope Class Tuesday, December 22 7 pm Caregivers Support Group 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm BHC Executive Committee 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Thursday, December 24 • Temple Office and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed Friday, December 25 • Temple Office and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed 9 am Community Mitzvah Day 9 am Chai Life Helping Hons 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, December 26 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Sunday, December 27 4 pm NFTY-MAR Winter Kallah through Wednesday, December 30 Monday, December 28 • Temple Office closes at 4 pm and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed Tuesday, December 29 • Temple Office closes at 4 pm and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Wednesday, December 30 • Temple Office closes at 4 pm and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed Thursday, December 31 • Temple Office and E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closed MARK YOUR CALENDAR WINTER NIGHTS ON PARK HEIGHTS Thursdays in January • 6:30 pm Current events discussions with our clergy and educator TU B’SHVAT Sunday, January 24 • 4:30 pm Celebrate Tu B’Shvat with an education session followed by Tu B’Shvat Service PURIM CARNIVAL Sunday, March 13 • 10:45 am This year’s Purim Shpiel and carnival are not to be missed! INTERFAITH INSTITUTE Monday, March 21 • 9 am Keynote speaker Brad R. Braxton will lead us in discussion of the timely topic “Blueprint for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Beloved Community’” Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 4 • 19 Kislev – 19 Tevet 5776 • December 2015 15 PERIODICALS Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland OFFICERS Martha Weiman President Steven Sharfstein 1st Vice President Gary P. Aiken Vice President Paula K. Himeles Vice President Jay M. Kramer Vice President Robert D. Waldman Treasurer Linda R. Nathan Assistant Treasurer Marc Plisko Secretary Peggy K. Wolf Immediate Past President COUNSEL Carl S. Silverman STAFF Jo Ann Windman Executive Director Brad Cohen Director of Education Renée Stadd Director, E. B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Annette Saxon Director of Development David K. Weis Controller Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement Jimmy Galdieri Music Director Tracy Ringel Assistant Director of Communications and Design The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448, phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail Periodical Postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208. SERVICES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak 6:30 pm • PJ Shabbat with Rabbi Sachs-Kohen SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Vayeshev, Genesis 37:1-40:23 9 am • Torah Talk SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 9 am • Torah Talk 9 am • Torah Talk Miketz/Chanukah, Genesis 41:1-44:17 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 daughter of Jacqueline Frank and Russell Frank Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will speak Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Frank, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 7 pm • Chanukah Shabbat Rabbi Busch will speak Kol Rinnah will sing 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am • Shabbat Service 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 Vayigash, Genesis 44:18-47:27 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 Vayechi, Genesis 47:28-50:26 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu
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