January - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation


January - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Number 5 January 2015
10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775
Rabbi Andrew Busch
Cantor Robbie Solomon
Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen
Cantor Ann G. Sacks
Rabbi Emeritus Rex D. Perlmeter
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
our path forward
. ..
see page 5 for details
Take a Peek Inside . . .
New and Returning Members . . . . 2
Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A Message from the President . . . . 3
BHC Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Program Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MLK Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Winter Nights on Park Heights . . . . 5
PEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Hoffberger Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Torah Campaign Thank You . . . . . . 7
MAJYK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Youth Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . 8
Brotherhood News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sisterhood in Session . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12
January Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Welcome New and
Returning Members!
We welcome the following congregants
who have joined BHC since November:
Taylor Salditch & Brendan Butler
Carol Ronis
Lee Smothers
Ellen Soltz
Todah Rabbah
The Congregational Kiddush on November
22 was sponsored by Jill and Kevin Kamenetz
in honor of their son Karson becoming a
Bar Mitzvah.
The Oneg Shabbat on January 9 is sponsored by
Edith Brotman & Daniel Brotman in honor of
their daughter Naomi becoming a Bat Mitzvah.
Go to www.ReformJews4Israel.org
to voice your support for Reform
Judaism in Israel.
BHC’s APP: iOS QR Code
Android QR Code
From The Clergy
My Small Voice In Israel
I vote religiously in United States elections. I don’t mean that
my religion determines my vote, just that I can’t imagine
not voting in every election. This past fall’s dismal voting
turnout numbers were depressing. I hope that my obsession
with voting is held by BHC members. Please know that I want
people to vote, even if they vote differently than I do. Our vote, our voice, is crucial
to living in a thriving democracy.
I don’t vote in Israel, because I am not an Israeli citizen; however, I hope that
Israeli citizens and those of any democracy turn out and vote. Every several years, I
get a chance to vote in a way that directly impacts Israel. I do this religiously as well.
This time the word “religious” has a slightly broader impact. January 15-April 30
provides one of those chances. I hope you will join me in voting as well.
The opportunity is voting in the World Zionist Organization elections. Our votes
will help determine the representatives to the World Zionist Congress, which will
meet next fall in Jerusalem. The World Zionist Congress, the representative body that
governs the World Zionist Organization (WZO) doesn’t make decisions for the Israeli
government, but the WZO’s funds, policies, and positions do have a tremendous
impact on Judaism. The WZO elections make our American system look simple. You
can find out more about the elections at www.reformjews4israel.com. There you can
pledge to vote, to insure that you get information when the polling begins in midJanuary. You can also vote directly through the American Zionist Movement website
once elections start.
Answers to questions which I have been asked:
• Some organizations, such as Hadassah, have their own set-aside
representation at these elections and, thus, are not running now.
Also, you may choose to vote for another slate of candidates, and
I understand that you may feel previously connected to some
other body.
• I encourage you to vote for ARZA’s slate in the WZO elections
because ARZA is a voice for a just, equal, pluralistic future for
Israel. See the website above for more details about the positive
impact that a strong vote for ARZA had in the last WZO elections.
• Voters must be over 18 by June 2015, Jewish, live in the United
States and pay $10 ($5 if you are under 30).
Please participate in these important elections. Let me know if you would
like to help encourage others to vote or if you have questions. Contact me at
abusch@bhcong.org or 410-764-1587.
– Rabbi Busch
• Please Let Us Know •
Due to hospital policy, clergy and Family
Concerns volunteers have no way of
knowing you are in the hospital unless you
or a family member inform us.
Disclaimers: All prices, events and times
published in the Bulletin are current at the
time of publication, but are subject to change.
Publication of an advertisement in the
Bulletin is neither an endorsement nor
recommendation of any advertisers’ products
or services by BHC.
YOU Can Help Save Lives!
Leave a Legacy
Leave a Legacy to BHC
through your will or other
planned gift. For information
contact Annette Saxon,
410-764-1587, ext. 236, or
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
In the past two years, BHC’s Yom Kippur Gift
of Life drive garnered nearly 300 potential
donors to be added to the Gift of Life
Bone Marrow Registry! Our continued social
action effort will be aimed at registering
individuals of the Baltimore Community
in order to join a national registry. Your
time commitment would be up to you
as most events might last 2+ hours. If
you are interested in volunteering to
help this effort, contact Phyllis Lederman,
A Message from the President: Martha Weiman
Just January
The frenzy of early winter holidays has abated,
the new year rung in and it’s too soon for
“Passover prep,” although I am prone to set
the table early! January speaks to cold, perhaps
snow, and the propensity to languidly “hunker
down” in our warm homes. Very tempting, but BHC initiatives
are in full swing despite the winter doldrums!
The highlight of this month, for me, is the annual Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day commemoration shared with First Mount
Olive Freewill Baptist Church, as we exchange clergy at services
and reinforce our commitment to a socially just community. Dr.
King said “injustice is a threat to justice everywhere.”
We Jews remember Selma 1965, when Rabbi Abraham Joshua
Heschel linked arms with activists, which included Reverend
King nearby, on their historic march to Montgomery. Heschel’s
comments afterward have taken on a similarly iconic status. “I
felt my feet were praying.”
Our histories are rich, if not always pleasant, the present
and future challenging. Each day in Januaries past chronicled
important events producing many seminal events in our
January 1: Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation
Proclamation, 1863
January 2: U.S. General Grant revokes anti-Semitic expulsion
order, 1863
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. calls for non-violent
protests if Alabama blacks are not allowed to
register and vote, 1965
January 10: First Savannah synagogue admitted to the Reform
Movement, 1902
January 20: Patricia Roberts becomes Secretary of HUD, first
Black woman to hold cabinet position, 1977
January 26: Brazil passes edict expelling all Jews, 1654
January 27: Allies liberate Auschwitz concentration camp,
January 30: Adolph Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany,
1933; on the same day, 1939, he spoke explicitly of
annihilation of European Jewry
Franklin Thomas named President of Ford
Foundation, 1979
Our trials and accomplishments are a celebration! Our ability
to honor them together is a testament to continued strength
and friendship.
As Reverend King said, “we have all come from different ships
but we are in the same boat.”
Safe travels!
Log onto BHC for our online Membership Directory! Contact Sally
Palmbaum, spalmbaum@bhcong.org for your ID and password.
Congregants: stay current with all that’s happening at BHC!
by sending your e-mail address to postmaster@bhcong.org,
or signing up online at www.bhcong.org.
BHC Faces: Our Board and Staff
Bobbi Perlman
Hails from: Howard County, before Columbia
existed. Bobbi loved growing up in this rural and
beautiful area. Her father was a developer, lawyer
and doctor, and when the planned community was
being built, the family moved to Pikesville. Bobbi
went to Towson University and studied Psychology.
She took jobs in areas of mental health and social work, including
work with Jewish agencies such as JVS.
Board Role: Bobbi’s main focus is serving as chair of BHC’s
efforts with the Engagement Partnership. To learn more about this
important new project and how you can participate, turn to page 5.
Time at BHC: Bobbi and husband Aron joined in 1983.
Profession: Independent Consultant for small non-profits in areas
including grant-writing, fundraising and program development.
3 Things to Know About Bobbi: (1) She loves being a grandmother.
Her three grandchildren are Alex, Owen and Cassie. (2) She loves to
travel, and her main traveling these days is to Los Angeles to visit
her grandchildren. (3) Bobbi loves hearing what others like to do;
she enjoys being a good friend.
Dottie Smith
Hails from: Baltimore, growing up on Clifton
Avenue in the Poplar Grove neighborhood. Dottie
grew up with four brothers and two sisters. Before
coming to BHC, Dottie worked at the Pikesville
Hilton in Guest Services.
Staff Role: Housekeeping
Time at BHC: Dottie has worked at BHC for 16 years. Or, as she says,
“I’m part of the furniture.”
3 Things to Know About Dottie: (1) Dottie loves to dance to any
kind of music — just up-tempo and fun. (2) When asked what she
likes best about BHC, Dottie said, “Everyone’s nice and friendly. I’m
a people person. I get along with everyone.” (3) Dottie also loves
her grandkids. In fact, Dottie has six grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. She has a favorite, but we decided it best not to put
that child’s name in writing.
Blood Drive Thank You
The Blood Donor Committee wishes to thank congregants who took
time from their busy schedules to donate blood during our recent
drive. BHC sent 33 units of blood to the American Red Cross, which
will serve 99 people.
A huge thanks to the volunteers who worked to make the
drive a success: Maxine Caplan, Beverly Kalus, Shelly Lohmann,
Gerri Kobren, Larry Kobren, Carlyn Lipman, Harvey Litofsky, Linda
Litofsky, Fannie Marder and Marcia Rosenblatt.
A special note of thanks to Sisterhood for providing dinner for
the volunteers and Red Cross Workers.
~ Co-chairs, Betty Fink and Phyllis Zimmerman
BHC Supports High School Trips to Israel
We would love to see your high school student travel to Israel on an
organized Jewish trip this summer. It is a great way to have fun, make
friends, learn about Israel, and build a Jewish identity. BHC has limited
scholarship funds available for qualified trips. If you are interested,
contact Rabbi Busch, Rabbi Sachs-Kohen or Brad Cohen, 410-764-1587.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Upcoming at BHC
For more information on any of the programs below,
contact Andy Wayne, awayne@bhcong.org or ext. 246.
Yale Gordon New Year’s Day Concert
Thursday, January 1, 3-5 pm
BHC will host the annual New Year’s Day Concert “Great Operas
with Great Stories.” The region’s brightest stars present all-time
favorite selections from the world’s most beloved operas. The
concert is sponsored by the Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust and will
be held in the Dalsheimer Auditorium. Free tickets are available
in the Temple Office.
Family Jewish Outdoor Education
Sunday, January 11, 1 pm
Families will explore Tu B’Shvat and create a hands on interactive
program for the rest of our community on February 3. For more
information, contact Brad Cohen, Director of Education, ext. 290
or bcohen@bhcong.org.
Hoffberger Gallery Artist Reception
Sunday, January 11, 2 pm
See page 6 for details.
PJ Shabbat
Friday, January 2, 6:30 pm
Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad
services the first Friday of every month.
Triple Treat
Thursdays, January 15, 22 & 29, 10:30 am & 1 pm
See page 5 for details.
Winter Nights on Park Heights
Thursdays, January 22 & 29, 6:30 pm
See page 5 for details.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend
Friday, January 16, 7 pm
Sunday, January 18, 10:30 am
See page 5 for details.
Jewish Meditation Series
Sunday, January 25, 10 am
See page 5 for details.
Shake It Up Shabbat
Friday, January 2, 6:30 pm
A fun, spirit-filled service for first and second grade families.
We will dance, sing, act out stories, pray, and enjoy Shabbat as
a family.
Chai Society Dinner
Saturday, January 10, 6 pm
Dine with Chai Life at the Owl Bar in Mount Vernon.
Reservations required.
PEP: Pursuing Educational Possibilities
Sundays, January 11 & 25, 9 am
See page 6 for details.
Adult Hebrew Class
Sundays, January 11 & 25, 9:15 am
This class is for adults with little or no Hebrew reading ability,
taught by Cantor Sacks. For information, contact Becky Gutin,
bgutin@bhcong.org or ext. 250.
Brotherhood Breakfast
Sunday, January 11, 9:30 am
See page 9 for details.
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Sundays, January 11 & 25, 10:15 am
Study with our rabbis and cantors to become an Adult Bar or Bat
Mitzvah. Contact Becky Gutin, ext. 250 or bgutin@bhcong.org.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Junior Choir
Sunday, January 25, 11:45 am
Sing with Junior Choir as Cantor Solomon leads. Contact Brad
Cohen, Director of Education, ext. 290 or bcohen@bhcong.org
for information.
JYGE (5th-7th grades)
Sunday, January 25, Noon
Work it out with JYGE. Release your inner Maccabee on our
obstacle course, then cool off with smoothie making and create
your own fitness water bottle. The cost is $5. RSVP to Brad Cohen,
Director of Education, ext. 290 or bcohen@bhcong.org.
BHeCTY Social Action
Sunday, January 25, 1 pm
For information, contact Brad Cohen, Director of Education, ext.
290 or bcohen@bhcong.org.
Chai Life Game Night
Sunday, January 25, 4 pm
See the Chai Life Column on page 5 for information.
Friday, January 30, 7 pm through Sunday, February 1
See page 8 for details.
Program Highlights
Congregational Conversations:
Our Path Forward
This February, BHC will be talking. BHC will
be chatting, discussing and schmoozing, all
part of a listening campaign we are calling,
“Congregational Conversations: Our Path
Forward.” Spurred on by our involvement in a project with The
Associated called “The Engagement Partnership,” we are aiming to
have hundreds of 1-on-1 conversations with BHC members to get a
better sense of our culture, community and future together.
If you would like to be part of this meaningful effort and you have
an hour or two to spare for a great conversation, then you can
contact me at awayne@bhcong.org, who will connect you with one
of our member volunteers.
Our Engagement Partnership effort is led by Bobbi Perlman (see BHC
Faces on p. 3) and our “Design Team.” Our goal is to understand
how to best engage BHC’s members in our spiritual and dynamic
community. Our storied synagogue had an amazing past and we
endeavor to build a bright future. Congregational Conversations
will truly be positive step on our path forward.
Andy Wayne
Director of Communications and Engagement
Chai Life
Winter Events
Chai Life had a great December. Shabbat on
December 5 was at our house and we were
delighted to host a big crowd. It was another
successful potluck dinner with a variety of
delicious food. Chai Life members also had fun
joining the congregational Chanukah dinner and service at BHC on
December 19.
Our trivia team, Chai IQ, is ready to make a triumphant return
beginning the first week of January. We will be playing once a week
in Mt. Vernon. You can find more information about trivia on our
Facebook page, facebook.com/chailifebhc. Chai Life is also hosting
Game Night on Sunday, January 25. We will be playing a variety of
classic and new board games; it should be a great time for all.
For more information about Chai Life, contact
Ben Goldberg, btgoldberg@gmail.com or Amy Goldberg,
Amy & Ben Goldberg
Chai Life Co-Chairs
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
Our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend of worshipping together
enables Baltimore Hebrew Congregation and First Mount Olive
Freewill Baptist Church to continue our relationship through song,
fellowship, and schmoozing. Bishop Oscar E. Brown will deliver
the sermon during BHC’s Friday evening Shabbat Service, January
16, 7 pm. Rabbi Busch will deliver the sermon during First Mount
Olive’s Sunday morning service, January 18, 10:30 am. Issues of
race continue to be a point of friction in the United States, decades
after the work and death of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
BHC’s hosting of First Mount Olive’s worship from 2007 to 2012 was
a symbol and an opportunity to carry on the heritage of working
for common humanity in our country. Help us continue those
crucial efforts and the continuation of the relationship between
our congregants and between our congregations. Join us at BHC for
Friday’s service and join us on Sunday morning for worship at First
Mount Olive, 618 North Hammonds Ferry Road, Linthicum, 21090.
Triple Treat
Meet and greet at 10 am, then study with BHC clergy, Director of
Education and lay leaders at 10:30 am. At Noon we break for lunch,
at your expense (no pork or shellfish). Afternoon programs begin at
1 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the sessions. There
is no charge except for special trips as noted. INFO: Harriet Meier,
410-833-8822 or hlmeier@gmail.com.
January 15
10:30 am Captain Heber Watts, Jr, “Ethics in Government and Business”
Movie with Captain Heber Watts, Jr
1 pm
January 22
10:30 am Captain Heber Watts, Jr, “Ethics in Government and Business”
Howard Reznick, Senior Manager, Jewish Community
1 pm
Services, “Winter Blues”
January 29
10:30 am Captain Heber Watts, Jr, “Ethics in Government and Business”
1 pm
Tu B’Shvat sing-a-long with Cantor Solomon
Winter Nights On Park Heights
Have you loved BHC’s Summer Nights on Park Heights gatherings?
Well, you are in luck, as we have created Winter Nights on Park
Heights due to the success of its seasonal counterpart. Thursdays,
January 22 and 29, 6:30-8 pm, you’ll find a warm space and a
warm crowd here at BHC for current events discussions with Rabbi
Busch and Rabbi Sachs-Kohen. The free evenings will include
winter cocktails and hot snacks. Of course, please note that these
evenings will take place weather permitting. We hope you will
warm up with Winter Nights on Park Heights. For any questions,
contact Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement,
awayne@bhcong.org, 410-764-1587 ext. 246.
Jewish Meditation Series
Our four-part course on Jewish Meditation begins on Sunday,
January 25, 10 am-Noon at BHC. Last year’s participants thoroughly
enjoyed each meditative moment of this class, led by Rachel Wohl
and Marcia Glass-Siegel. Learn the practices of contemplative
Jewish meditation, chanting, mindfulness and loving kindness. The
three other sessions are Sundays, February 1, 8 and 22. Cost is $50
for the series or $15 per session. Register by contacting Andy Wayne,
by January 21, awayne@bhcong.org or 410-764-1587.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
PEP: Adult Education
Join us for food, friendship and intellectual stimulation as we
start our spring semester of courses on select Sundays, beginning
January 11. PEP is a group of friendly adults who study together at
BHC on Sunday mornings in a casual and relaxed setting. We have
two different classes taught by clergy. Every PEP class begins with
bagels and sweets at 9 am. Each PEP member is responsible for
helping to provide one breakfast during the course of the year. PEP
concludes at 11:45 am when Religious School is over.
This semester, Cantor Solomon will teach the topic, “The
Growing Pains of Synagogue Music,” Learn where we’ve been, where
we are, and where we’re likely to end up.
Then join Rabbi Busch as he discusses the topic, “Evolving High
Holy Day Prayers.” It will be early for Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur, but not too early to better understand the choices that
Reform Judaism has made regarding our prayers, traditions, and
practices. We will look at the machzors (High Holy Day prayerbooks)
that we have used and explore what our machzor will look like in
the future. In the process, we will deepen our understanding of
Jewish prayer, the holidays, and ourselves.
There are no books required. To register for these great courses
and for more information contact Ruth Spivak, 410-666-1891, or
Shabbat Shira
“Shabbat Shira” or the “Sabbath of Song” occurs each year when
we read the Song of the Sea from the Torah. The Song of the Sea,
Exodus 15, includes the Mi Chamocha. It is the Torah’s song of
celebration of the Exodus from Egypt. Join us Friday, January 30,
6:15 pm as we celebrate Shabbat and enjoy special music celebrating
Shabbat Shira.
Hoffberger Gallery
Landscapes Near and Afar
work by William Tamburrino
January/February Exhibit
Reception: Sunday, January 11, 2-4 pm
‘From The Fells Point Marina’
I have enduring interest in painting plein aire. Attempting to
capture a wholeness of light, space and place is a persistent
stimulus when confronting the landscape. I work to be responsive
to the light and time of day, as well as to the changes of the seasons.
The subjects of painting are many varied places, whether urban
or rural, and occasionally the variety of times of day of a single
place. In recent years I have had several opportunities to travel and
geographically diversify the subject.
~William Tamburrino
a fabulous evening of
| this event benefits |
| honoring |
event chairs
sponsorship opportunities
4 4 3 - 5 2 4 - 0 2 8 4 . W W W. B H CO N G . O R G
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Tikkun Torah
Thank You For Making The Torah Campaign A Huge Success!
Thank you donors and participants in Tikkun Torah: Repairing Our
Torahs, Ensuring Our Future. By making your generous gift and writing
a letter with the scribe in one of BHC’s Torah Scrolls, you have continued
a 3000-year Jewish tradition. If you did not have the opportunity to
participate in one of our letter-writing days, we are working on new
opportunities. Visit www.bhcong.org to register and indicate your interest or to make a
donation. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Annette G. Saxon
Director of Development
Anonymous (2)
Rosenthal-Statter Foundation
Norma & Boris Yaffe Torah
Restoration Fund
Ruth Gavis
Leslie & David Glickman
Ellen & Alvin J. Levi
Rona Pepper & Stefan Miller
Thommie & Ted Williams
Bunny & Alan Bernstein, Jr.
Linda Flame & John Elias
Cathy Neuman & Richard
Leah & Morton Kemper
Family Foundation
Lieberman Memorial
Lectureship Fund
Susan & Edward L. Perl
The Annette & Michael
Saxon Fund
Len, Lindley, Lois, Oliver,
Lucie & Nick Weinberg
Lauren & Steven Cornblatt
Maureen Lefton-Greif &
Geoffrey Greif
Shirley Kaufman
Katzenberg Family-Joy, Bruce,
Adam & Rachel
Marcia & Marshall Klein
Julie Levi
Loraine Lobe
Trisha, Perry, Julia & Ben
Riva & Albert Shackman
Martha & Stan Weiman
Peggy K. & Fred Wolf III
Phyllis & Duke Zimmerman
Biblical Story
Confirmation Class of 1962
Chip & Elise Morris
Lois Feinblatt/Irving Blum
Joseph Feinsod
The Gohn Family
Philanthropic Fund
Hilda Perl Goodwin
Paula K. & Martin S.
Himeles, Jr.
Carla & Alex Katzenberg III
Harriet & Jay M. Kramer
Claire & Lee Miller
PEP Adult Study
Lois Rosenfield
Pam, Theron, Greg & Charlie
Margaret & Steven Sharfstein
Jacob “Hank” Sopher
Karen & Larry Adashek
Valerie Binder
Carol Fensterwald
Joy Auslander
Donald Abrams
Marcia Bornfriend
Mindy & Jason Brandt
Renee & Martin Brodsky
Homer E. Brooks III
Carol J. Caplan
Pauline Z. Chapin
Sonya Dillon
Trinidad & Hafez Eldabbah
Elaine Finkelstein
Janet & Dr. Robert P.
Lee Fox
Connie Getzov
Marlene Handleman
Lisa Kovens-Harris & Bruce
Kathy Keene & Marcy Hyatt
Gerri & Larry Kobren
Marcy K. Kolodny
John Langrock
Isabel & Stanley Levin
Shelly Lohmann
Jeanne & Harry Macks
Linda & Lawrence Miller
Gail & Bruce Mogol
Anath Ranon
Laura & Ian Rashkin
Robi Rawl
Rachel & Raymond Reed
Abby & Allan Richmond
Marcia Rosenblatt
Jeffrey Rubin
Lee Salawitch
The Sarah Saxon Fund
Phyllis & Herbert J. Siegel
Ruth & Chuck Spivak
Suzanne Strutt
Dena Smith & Mike Wolfson
Shannon Wollman
Ethel Braverman
Barbara Caplan
Merle Caplan
Rachel Fishkin Deitch
Karan Engerman
Barbara & Louis Fox
Eileen R. Gerke
Francine Gill
Carol Hawtof
Sylvia & Barry Lubman
Marcy & Jim Piet
Sidney Rankin
Harriet Raskin
Nancy & Bill Rubin
Gary M. Singer
Shirley Snyder
Alan Waldman
Lynda S. & Jerry Weinstein
(As of November 20, 2014)
Caregivers Support Group
The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Family
Concerns Committee knows that as a
caregiver, many issues face you which often
go unanswered. There are times you just
need to talk to someone on an informal
basis about being a caregiver for a spouse, a
parent, a sibling, or a child who is at home
or in a facility. There are many common
issues of being a caregiver regardless of
who you care for. We would like to help
you through this journey by forming a
support group. We hope you can join us
on Tuesday, February 24, 7:30 pm at BHC.
This group will be led by congregant Benjy
Dubin, who has over six years of experience
as a caregiver. For further information, call
Carol J. Caplan, Family Concerns Chair,
410-764-1587, ext. 270.
Disability Awareness
We are delighted to
welcome Rabbi Richard F.
Address, Friday, February
27, 6:15 pm and Saturday,
February 28, 10 am. He will
speak at both services on
the topics, “L’dor V’dor”
and “Seekers of Meaning,”
and will join us for STAY Shabbat. This
program is organized by the BHC Family
Concerns Committee and made possible
by the Rabbi Morris Lieberman Memorial
Lectureship Fund.
Program on Genetics
On Sunday, March 22, 9:30 am, BHC
Family Concerns Committee will sponsor
a program on genetics. Our presenters
are Julie Cohen, genetics counselor at the
Kennedy Krieger Institute and Morgan
Butrick, genetics counselor at the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
at the National Institutes of Health. We
will begin with a light breakfast. All are
welcome to this free event. For more
information, call 410-764-1587, ext. 270.
Challah Project
BHC Family Concerns Committee has started
its new project of delivering a challah to
families experiencing illness, a death, or the
joy of a birth. Each challah has an appropriate
note attached to it. Thanks to our committee
members, Sharon Edlow and Phyllis G.
Lederman for launching this project.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Youth Education
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
Never Stop Learning
Gratitude and Appreciation
This year I have had the opportunity to return to
school. I am participating in a 10-month program
with Hebrew Union College. The program
focuses on Jewish Education for Adolescents
and Emerging Adults. The program structure is
a mix of three in-person gatherings and online courses. There are
15 students: educators, rabbis, and youth workers from all across
the country.
I am currently taking a class on Experiential Education. We are
studying different theories in order to implement more experiential
education into our programs. One educational theory that has
made a huge impact on my current thinking is Constructivism,
when learners construct knowledge for themselves and that each
learner socially and individually constructs meaning as they learn.
The learning therefore should be focused on the individual student
and not the subject/lesson being taught.
At BHC we treat each child as an individual. This theory has the
ability to take that understanding one step further: I will work with
our teachers over the next 6 months to guide them in a process that
leads us towards constructivism in our teaching when appropriate.
As I continue the program for the next six months, I look
forward to learning more and bringing the information into our
community. I am grateful that BHC and The Associated have helped
me fund this process.
L’Shalom (For Peace),
Brad Cohen
Director of Education
This year BHC will
MAJYK, a regional
weekend of January
30-February 1. We
expect more than
200 6th-8th graders
from around the
and WE
YOUR HELP!!! We need housing/host families for all participants
throughout the weekend. Hosting NFTY teens can be an awesome
experience for families with children of all ages and even for those
of you who are young at heart! (Remember your Youth Group
days?) As a host family, you will play a vital role in providing these
teens with a wonderful and memorable experience. Register as a
Host Family online, bhcyoutheducation.wufoo.com/forms/majykhost-family-form. If you have questions or want more information,
contact Brad Cohen, Director of Education, 410-764-1587, ext. 290 or
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
As I write this article, it is snowing outside
and we have just finished cleaning up from
our Thanksgiving Feast. The children in our
Toddlers, Twos, Threes and Fours programs
celebrated this event together. Each class
prepared a food that they brought to the feast for all of us to share.
Everyone was quite proud of their efforts and we all took pleasure
in the opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for our many blessings.
Teaching gratitude is not a one-day lesson. Early childhood
educators foster and encourage the development of this important
value and character trait because it is a healthy attitude about life,
teaches appreciation and satisfaction with what we have, and leads
to getting along with others. We recognize that expressing gratitude
helps us to be kinder human beings. Today, studies in psychology
validate this finding. We apparently are also happier people
when we appreciate and express our gratitude for the goodness in
our lives.
Although some of us may be more inclined or less inclined to
express appreciation, an awareness of gratitude, like many things,
does need to be taught. Children of course learn from their parents
and teachers. As we appreciate them and each other and express
our “thank you for…,” they learn to do the same. We draw their
attention and encourage them to say “thank you” when they are the
recipient of a kind gesture and we also teach them to be the “giver”
of kindness as well. The act of performing a kindness and giving
to others develops a greater appreciation of gratitude for what we
already possess, our blessings that are both tangible and intangible.
Children are eager to say that they are happy for their doll and their
toy car. We expand the conversation to include our families and
friends. Daily, before we eat we say a blessing, thanking God for
our food. Early childhood educators are very aware and intentional
about their role in teaching children to be aware and to “see” their
blessings, to receive graciously, to be appreciative, and to give
in return.
Renée Stadd
Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
We love Thanksgiving with friends and family at our school!
Brotherhood News
Brotherhood Breakfast: January 11
Help the Chicken Flickers
Milton Kent will speak on “Sports At Large” at the fourth
Brotherhood Breakfast, Sunday, January 11, 9:30 am.
Milton Kent carries a varied portfolio of experience across a
number of media platforms, having written for local and national
outlets in print, the Internet and broadcast over a more than
25-year career. A graduate of the University of Maryland’s School
of Journalism, Kent began his career writing for the Baltimore
Evening Sun, where he covered local government, entertainment
and sports. He became one of the first full-time sports media
critics in the country, covering sports media for six years.
After leaving the Sun in 2008, Kent covered women’s basketball and the media for
Fanhouse, a sports website operated by AOL, before joining the Morgan State University
faculty in August 2011. In addition, Kent has hosted “Sports at Large,” a weekly essay series
airing on WYPR-FM, Baltimore’s National Public Radio affiliate since 2002. For more
information and to RSVP, contact Sid Bravmann, 410-952-6352 or sidbrav@aol.com, or go
to www.bhcong.org/breakfast.
Brotherhood Chicken Flickers are
looking for a few good men to help
cook, set up and serve at Brotherhood
events. We have about 6 breakfasts and
the opening/closing dinners to prepare
during the year. If you would like to
volunteer, we would be happy to have
your help. No experience necessary, just
the enjoyment of working with a bunch
of lovable guys who like to feed our
members a good meal. Call Marshall
Klein, 410-795-7360 to learn more.
Board Meeting
Join us on Monday, January 12, 7
for the monthly Brotherhood Board Meeting.
Brotherhood Breakfast: February 8
Drs. Jeffrey and Sara Palmer will speak on “Caring for Your Loved One (and Yourself)”
at the fifth Brotherhood Breakfast, Sunday, February 8, 9:30 am. For more information,
contact Sid Bravmann, 410-952-6352 or sidbrav@aol.com. For the full series schedule visit
Men’s Seder
Join Brotherhood for their annual Men’s
Seder on Sunday, March 29, 1-3:30
pm, Brotherhood will host an afternoon
filled with food and entertainment as we
enjoy this years topic, “Jewish Men and
the Magical Arts.”
Sisterhood in Session
The Federation of Jewish
Women’s Organizations, MD
The Federation will hold it’s mid-winter
conference at Beth El Congregation,
Thursday, January 8, 9:15 am - Noon.
The topic is “Mentoring Future Leaders,”
with facilitators Jackie Cohen and Helene
Waranch. For more information contact
Sheila K. Derman, 410-486-8877.
Thanks For A Successful
Holiday Boutique
On behalf of Sisterhood’s 2014 Holiday
Boutique & Silent Auction Committee,
please accept our appreciation for your
support in making the 20th Annual
Holiday Boutique & Silent Auction such
a success. Your participation enables
Sisterhood to fund vital congregational,
school and community projects.
~Carol J. Caplan and Marcia Bornfriend
Event Coordinators
Save The Date: 55th Annual Interfaith Institute
On Monday, March 23, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Sisterhood will hold its 55th Annual Interfaith Institute. Our
Keynote Speaker is Dr. Rosann M. Catalano, senior staff scholar
at the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies. Responders are
Chris Chantelau, Pastor, Divinity Lutheran Church in Towson;
Dr. Sanaullah Kirmani, Ph.D., Religious Advisor to the Muslim
Students Association, Towson University, and Rabbi Busch.
The topic will be, “Vatican II at 50: Are We Up To The
Challenge?” Fifty years ago the second Vatican Council of the
Dr. Rosann M. Catalano
Roman Catholic Church issued the document “Nostra Aetate,”
an official teaching that reversed the millenia-old charge of deicide against the Jewish
people. This unprecedented shift in church teaching regarding Judaism and the Jewish
people, and the decades of teaching documents that followed, both in the Catholic Church as
well as in other Christian documentations, led to an unparalleled openness to dialogue and
study between Jews and Christians in congregations, academies, and official representative
bodies, both locally and across the globe.
The cost is $15, including lunch. Mail checks to Ann Fishkin, 6501
Trotwood Court, Baltimore, MD 21209. This year we will partner with the
Baltimore Federal Executive Board’s Committee on Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO) Diversity, and Inclusion. For more information call
410-764-1587, ext. 270.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
In Memoriam
We record with sorrow the passing of
Melvin Feld
Frances Figler
Ruth Flitter
Edwin Goldstein
Gerald Katz
Ralph L. Klein
Bernard Levine
Rosalie Lichter
Betty Brody Lourie
Paula “Peggy” Matz
Meta Oppenheimer
Julius Ross
Roselle Roth
Lois Schapiro
Judge Edgar Silver
Arlynne Stark
Jeane Stockheim
Linda R. Zuskin
May their memories be for a blessing
Perpetual Memorials
January 2-3
Barnet Annenberg
Dr. Daniel Bakal
Charles B. Baker
Jeffrey Barrett
Lillian Bender
Ann W. Branch
Anna W. Carton
Pauline Rosenberg
Miriam M.
Henry C. Dalsemer
Samuel DeBoskey
Henrietta Eilau
Nathan Fine
Frieda Fox
Sadye Jacobs
Larry Goldschmitt
Mena Greenbaum
Aaron Gutman
Adolf L. Hamburger
Olivia Himmelfarb
Leon Hoffman
Morris P. Hurwitz
Sidney Herbert
Ben Hyman
Sidney Kahn
Melvin Karsh
George Kirschbaum
Ada S. Knepper
Pfc. Howard Morris
Nellie Lasky
Gustav Leibowitz
Jacob S. Leibson
Alma Fleishman
Herbert Levi
Lore Wolf Levi
Pauline Metzger
Lea Beth Meyers
Morris Morris
Nathan Newberger
Leopold Novak
Louis Oppenheimer
Katherine D.
Rose Packer
Eli Herbert
Dr. E. Leonard Piven
Anne N. Plesser
Herman Rogers
Robertine L.
Alan Lee
Leah Sagal
Alfred I. Sakin
Joseph Schenthal
Walter I. Seif, Sr.
Eleanor Selesky
Henry Siegel
Harry M. Silverfarb
Ralph Sinsheimer
Simon Sinsheimer
Lee Sonneborn
Henry Cullen Straus
Ruth Taubman
Celeste Fleischer
E. David
Weinberg, M.D.
Charles M.
Paul C. Wolman, Jr.
Benjamin Gershon
January 9-10
Cora Eichengreen
Martha Baneman
Henry I. Becker
William Berger
Marvin Blumberg
Mark Steven Brower
Oscar M. Brown
Frank Caplan
Melvin Carp
Robert Cohn
Nathan Conn
David Dogoloff
Mark Dogoloff
Samuel F. Ephraim
George Allan
Beatrice Etterman
Joseph Farkas
Belle A. Fensterwald
Morton B. Finifter
Bert Finkelstein
Sarah Senker Fisher
Milton Fleischer
Amelia Frank
Louis Carl Fried
Jeanne Lapides
Philip Gordon
Milton J. Haas
Florence M.
Elsie Blum Herwood
Anna F. Hyman
Hyman I. Israel
Marcus H. Kahn
Jennie B. Katten
Edward Klasman
Sylvia Esther
Rechtman Klein
John G. Kohn
Paul L. Kohnstamm
Alice M. Lazarus
Joseph Lebow
Samuel Levy
Fannie Ambach
Isaac Ernest
Elizabeth C.
Esther Lustick
Harold Manekin
Linda M. Mayer
Charles Mindel
Helena Morris
Frances L.
Michael M.
Frances N.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Morton William
Benjamin S.
Mamie S. Quartner
Sara Elsasser Rose
Miriam Rosenfeld
Lawrence Rosenfield
Mark Rosenfield
Eva Rottenberg
Goldye Rubin
Lena Rudo
Isidor Salganik
Rabbi Murray
Henry Sauber
Merle D. Schacht
Rose Ruth Schapiro
Rose Schnaper
Elsie Brown
Louis Schumann
Israel Shapiro
Rose Dorman
Dr. Jerome Sherman
Mendel Silverman
Edna Simon
Frank S. Solomon
Shirley Solomon
Violet Strasburger
Michael Spencer
Jess H. Speyer
Jacob Stern
Max Straus
Nathan A. Trupp
Bertha Fisher
Natalie Wolf
January 16-17
Daniel Stewart
Dr. Max K. Baklor
Jacob Benesch
Sol C. Berenholtz
Belle Berman
Allen Brager
Annie Jacobs
Arthur O. Carp
Selma Cassin
Charles Cohen
Samuel Charles
Flora S. Dashew
Levi H. David
Henry DeBoskey
Louis Federleicht
Bertie Erlanger
Julius B.
M. Austin Fine
Leonard Solomon
Rose Straus Frank
Louis Frank, Sr.
Jacob Freeman
Goldie Rose
Marion C.
Milton Glazer
Pauline Goldman
Sidney M.
Shirley Zimmerman
Dailina Gorn
Dora Gutman
Rabbi Adolf
Mary L. Hyman
Ida Kadish
Morton Kramer
Pauline Kramer
Mollye K. Leibowitz
Maurice W. Levin
Samuel Levy
Leib Lichter
Marie W.
Sarah Macks
Theresa Mahler
Jeannette N. Miller
Louis Miller
Meyer Miller
Samuel Miller
Joseph Moskowitz
Jacob B. Olch
Ruth Oppenheimer
Jacob L.
Mildred Robinson
Samuel Rosen
Morris Rosenberg
Leah Rosenheim
Stella Rosenheim
Walter Rosenthal
Augusta Rothschild
Tillye Sachs
Susan Rayna Scali
Moses Schenthal
Joseph Shapiro
Anna Sharogrodsky
Dr. Marvin Myron
Henry Solomon
Leah K. Sonner
Amelia G. Steiger
Rabbi Richard
Mindelle Strauss
Sadie F. Strauss
Walter M. Thomas
Samuel Tockman
Edward Wagner
Albert Tobias
Jeanette Rosner
Fannie Frances
January 23-24
Evelyn Blumenthal
Julia G. Abraham
Max Alexander
Maria Bachrach
Samuel Barnett
Henrietta Birnthal
Nathan Blumberg
Ida Burke
Esther Carliner
Leon Carton
Rena M. Chapin
Lydia Kolker Cohen
Tillie Cohen
Janet Ellen
J. Louis Davidson
Albert I. Diener
Adelaide Rosenfeld
Eugene Lobe
Lee Eiseman
Rachael Frank
Ruth Antin Frank
William Samuel
Harry M. Goldberg
Nathan Goldberg
Helen L. Goldman
Walter Goldstein
Anna R. Gorn
Fannie Greenbaum
Elsie Rosenfeld
Morris Handle
Bebe H. Hecht
Hilda Himmelrich
Ellinor O. Hirsh
Jeannette F.
Rosa Herstein
Isadore L. Kipness
Bessie Klasman
Jeannette Carmel
Alvin A. Lesser
Beverly E. Levin
Rose Lindenberg
Dr. Arthur J. Mandy
Melvin Philip
Jack L. Medwedeff
Bessie Miller
Louis Miller
Isaac Ossermann
Edward Pierson
Sarah Pulda
Abraham “Al”
Selina Robinson
Theodore Ellis
Bernat Roller
Ruth Butler
Dorothy G.
Morris Gabriel
Fannie Rosenthal
Sidney Rosenthal
Hannah Rothschild
Zelda Estelle Salkin
Anna Schabb
Joseph Schiffer
Maurice Schlenoff
Pearl Strauss
Abraham Schultz
Hyman Schunick
Paul Schwartz
Jack A. Segel
Sol Shavell
Reuben Shiling
Samuel L. Shor
Sylvia Snyder
Eileen F. Stofberg
Aaron Straus
Lois Rita
Jeannette E.
Bessie Urwick
Sarah Zelkowitz
Lisa Cahane
January 30-31
Arthur Abraham
Jeanne Bloomberg
Judah Paul
Etta Baum
Harry Fuld Bear
Benjamin Beck
Mary Beck
Anna Bercowitz
Morris Bercowitz
Mollie Burke
Wanda Lynn Cherry
Charles I. Cohen
Harry Cohen
Gerald H. Cooper
Alan M. Dashew
Abram Eisenberg
Leonard Emerich
Anne Engel
Howard H. Engel
Ruth Engel
Joseph E. Feivish
Sarah F. Feldmann
Ellinor Jill Fox
Solomon Fuld
A. Harry Goldstein
Ida Gordon
Leon Greenbaum
Bertha Hallenstein
Edith Hallock
Maida Hamburger
Kate Hendin
Fannie Herling
Louis Hyman
Rose Jacobs
Julius Jacoby
David Kahn
Alice H. Kaufman
Jerome Kessler
Dora Kirschbaum
Edna Klasman
Esther R. Koman
Edward A. Kraus
Esther Cohen
Nathan Kropman
Saul R. Lasky
Abe M. Legum
Ida S. Libowitz
H. William (Billy)
Nathan C. Maulitz
Barbara D. Miller
Harold Miller
Beth Olch
Isaac Y. Olch
Harold P. Packer
Dr. Julian Tevy
Charles H. Raksin
Edward Raskin
Fred Rehns
Rae Seidenman
Clara Shackman
Annie Sobelman
Hilda Stark
Dr. Harry Melmuth
William L.
Straus, Jr.
Alfred Strauss
George Stromberg
Sadye D. Sussman
Maggie Hayes
Dr. I.W. Towlen
Jennie G. Trundle
Rae F. Weinberg
Clarice Groner
Leonard Weisberg
Ida Winaker
Richard Joseph
Zander, Jr.
William Zetlin
For those interested in inscribing a leaf
for any simcha, contact Sally Palmbaum,
410-764-1587, ext. 225.
Yes! I would like to purchase a leaf
City Telephone
State Zip
Cost: $180 per leaf
Make checks payable to: Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. All Visa and
MasterCard payments must be made in person at the Temple Office.
All payments must be received prior to engraving. For any other form
of payment or for questions, contact Sally Palmbaum, 410-764-1587,
ext. 225.
Leaf Inscription (Please Print)
(4 lines maximum, 22 characters maximum per line)
Please be aware this is for a simcha (honor), not a memorial.
From Generation to Generation
Special Birthdays
William Braverman, Lauren Loran, Robert
Levine, Pamela Marks, Melvin Trosch,
Steve Wilkerson, Dr. Marjorie Kanof,
Dr. Brett Levinson, John Haas, Amy
Levitt, Marta Braverman, Hon. Michel
Pierson, Phyllis Segall, Phyllis Kolman,
Dr. Andrew Rudo, Joan Abramson,
Stefan Miller, Dr. John Coffey, Rachel
Lederman, Justin Label, Rebecca
Peterson, Fred Sapperstein, Michael
Gold, Heather Simon, Galina LangerJallad, Linda Flame, Krista Kapplin,
Matthew Piven, Lisa Berkun, Evelyn
Special Anniversaries
55th Judy & Lee Stern
45th Phyllis G. & Richard M. Lederman
Leslie & Robert D. Waldman
35th Dr. Brenda Brandon & Max Blumenthal
Drs. Margaret & Robert Weiss
25th Kathryn & Steven Sless
15th Jill & Kevin Kamenetz
10th Katherine Newberger &
Joshua Civin
B’nai Mitzvah
December 6
Justin Levine, grandson of Beverly
January 10
January 24
Daniel Gordon Simon, son of Debra A.
Gordon and Joel Simon, grandson of
Shirley and Irving Simon
Edith Horowitz, by Pauline Z. Chapin
Jane Lillien, by Betty, Jonathan, Soo, Saul
and Tracy Fink
Harriette & Marvin Solomon, by Sisterhood
Suzanne Strutt • Kol Rinnah
William Weinstein, by Carole Seidman
Ira Wexler, by Pauline Z. Chapin
In honor of
Naomi Kyra Brotman, daughter of Edith
Brotman and Dr. Daniel Brotman
Robert Gerke, son of Eileen Gerke, to
Ashley Jacobsen
Ari Kobren, grandson of Gerri and Larry
Kobren, to Shilpa Nadimpalli
Erin Moseley, granddaughter of Martha
and Stanley Weiman, to Aji Mussafeer
Ed Wayne, Jr., father of Lauren and Andy
Wayne, to Tanja Trickovic
Allison Kleiman, daughter of Dr. Alan
Kleiman, to Dave Pitlyuk
Oliver Nicol, son of Irina and Matt Nichol,
grandson of Polina and Mark Lebed
Samantha Jo Sacks, daughter of Melissa
and Aaron Sacks, grandaughter of
Cantor Ann G. and Joel Sacks
We gratefully acknowledge the
following offerings:
For the speedy recovery of
Max Dickson, by Ilene Brooks
The special birthday of Sidney Bazensky, by
Phyllis Rice
The special birthday of Ralph Brunn,
by Audrey & Ronald Gart • Marjorie
Greenebaum • Paulyne & Julian Hyman
• Evelyn & Ken Krause
The 65th wedding anniversary of Simone
& Ralph Brunn, by their children and
The Chicken Flickers, by Sidney Bravmann
and Brotherhood
Sharon & Dr. Donald Edlow for their
kindness, by Carol J. Caplan
The special birthday of Dr. Robert P.
Fleishman, by Dr. Robert Burt
The recovery of Eugene Foreman, by his
children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren
Eileen Gerke on the engagement of her son
Robert to Ashley Jacobsen, by Carol J.
Caplan • Carole Seidman
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Robin Janofsky passing the Maryland State
Bar, by her grandmother Pauline Z.
The 25th wedding anniversary of Maria &
Michael Kannen, by Carol J. Caplan
Maria Kannen for participating in the
Yom Kippur Program of Music and
Meditation, by Ruth & Robert M.
The pleasure of streaming the Yom Kippur
services, by Minna & Louis Katz
Loraine Lobe on the marriage of Alana &
Andy Katzenberg, by Allan T. Hirsh, Jr.
Ensign Chad A. Knipschild completing
Officer Candidate School and being
commissioned an ensign in the U.S.
Navy, by Shirley & Irving Simon
Gerri & Larry Kobren on the engagement
of their grandson Ari Kobren to Shilpa
Nadimpalli, by JoAnne Zarling
Polina & Mark Lebed on the birth of their
grandson Oliver Nichol, by Ilene & Dr.
John K. Brooks • Carol J. Caplan • Barbi
& Louis Hyman • Betty Meyers • Renée
Ava Lenet for participating in the
Yom Kippur Program of Music and
Meditation, by Ruth & Robert M.
Susan Heneson Moskowitz on her
installation as Senior Rabbi of Temple
Beth Torah in Melville, NY, by her
parents, Bonnie & Howard Heneson
Cantor Ann G. & Joel Sacks on the naming
of their granddaughter Eva Lyons, by
Marcy Hyatt, Kathy Keene & Sam
Lauren & Andy Wayne on the birth of their
son Evan, by Diane & Sidney Bravmann
• Program & Engagement Professionals
of the URJ
Stanley Weiman for participating in the
Yom Kippur Program of Music and
Meditation, by Ruth & Robert M.
Martha & Stanley Weiman on the
engagement of their granddaughter
Erin Moseley to Aji Mussafer, by Carol
J. Caplan
The special birthday of Richard
Zimmerman, by Sherrie & Frank Bell
In memory of
Lottie Adleberg, by Alan Gillis
Freda Bazensky, by Barbara & Allen
Naomi Becker, by Betsy Rosenthal
Lillian Bender, by Florence Paul
Mildred Berman, by Amelia M. Shackman
Mayer Joseph Binder, by his wife Valerie
Binder; his children Joanne & Robert
Sylvia Bloom, by Sigmund Bloom
Nathan Blumberg, by Barbara Blumberg
Carol Bolotin, by Susan & Harvey Zeiger
Dorothy Broad and Samuel Broad, by
Shirley Kaufman
Phyllis B. Brotman, by Barbara Brotman
Gustave Brunn, by Simone & Ralph Brunn
Klaus Buchdahl, by Bette Buchdahl
Frank Caplan, by Ann & Richard A. Fishkin
Bertha B. Cohen, by Lexie & Barry Cohen
Jeffrey Cohen, by Florence Cohen Jones
Elaine Copeland, by Charles Schwartzman
Irma K. Davison, by Robert A. Davison
Beatrice Etterman, by Florence Paul
Joseph Farkas, by Kenneth Farkas
Melvin Feld, by Phyllis Rice
Henry J. Fensterwald, by Carol Fensterwald;
Beth & John Fensterwald
Frances Figler, by Carole & Aaron Mall
Morton “Buddy” Finifter, by Barbara
Mildred Fishbein, by Estelle & Dr. Ronald
Florence Gluck, by Stuart Gluck
A. Harry Goldstein, by Eleanore Gann
Nathaniel Goldstein, by Sandra Raskin
Corine H. Goodman, by Joan Hoppenstein
Herman Gresser, by Susan Zeiger
Leon Hoffman, by Natalie Hoffman &
Col. Isaac Hoppenstein, by Joan
Rachel Kabik, by Ruth & Melvin Kabik
Emanuel S. Kalus, by Beverly Kalus &
Marc Allen Kalus, by Beverly Kalus, Joanne
Thaler, Sherrie Edick & grandchildren
Gerald Katz, by Pat & Harvey L. Goldstock
Dena S. Katzenberg, by Morton Katzenberg
& Steven Katzenberg
Ralph L. Klein, by Carol J. Caplan • Dana
& Elliott Corn • The Cushner Girls &
their families • Jill & Ira Gansler • Sue
& Herbert Garten • Penny & Grey Goode
• Paula K. & Martin S. Himeles, Jr. •
Michael E. Leaf • Lisa & Gordon Levin
• Annette & Wilfred Romanoff • Henry
A. Rosenberg, Jr. • Lois Rosenfield •
Mildred Kramer Shapiro • Shirley &
Irving Simon • Robin & Harold Tucker •
Hannah Wasserkrug
Carol Sue Kramer, by Dr. Morton D.
Bernard Levine, by Susan & Norman J.
Milton Lewis, by Judi Gillis
Rosalie Lichter, by Carol J. Caplan • Marlyn
& Dr. Boris O’Mansky • Brenda, Daibeth
& Charelli Saunders • Jimmy & Alice
Dolle Trosch; Becca, Ben & Jon Trosch
Sylvia Lieberman, by Deborah Lieberman &
Dr. David Cornblath
Elizabeth Lowenstein-Lane, by Dr. M.
Nadine Zimmerman
Harold Manekin, by Francine Manekin
Mildred Marmer, by Nancy & Robert Scher
Paula “Peggy” Matz, by Margie Chapin &
Pauline Z. Chapin
Sidney Mossovitz, by Rabbi Rosalin &
Marty Mandelberg
Samuel H. Nass, by Sabrina Nass Friedman
• Roxane Marenberg
Henry G. Nathan, by Gladys Nathan
Shirley Nathanson, by Jamie N. Miller
Nathan Newberger, by Ruth & Melvin
Beth Olch, by Minna & Louis Katz
Isaac Y. Olch, by Minna & Louis Katz
Jacob B. Olch, by Minna & Louis Katz
Meta Oppenheimer, by Susan & Norman J.
Mildred Polski, by Lauren & Steven
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Nathan Polski, by Lauren & Steven
Sarah Pulda, by Minna & Louis Katz
Samuel I. Raichlen, by Linda Millison
Theresa H. Rappaport, by M. Robert
Joseph Sidney Rosenthal, by Emily &
Spence Levitas
Marilyn F. “Cookie” Rosenthal, by Louis
“Larry” Rosenthal
Gloria Ross, by Jack Zichlin
Julius Ross, by Macke, Tim, Lois, Shawn
Adelberg & Judy Grimblat
Roselle Roth, by Louise & Roger Bennett
Freda “Freddie” Rudo, by Judy & Stanley
Rudo & Family
Leah Sagal, by Leonard Sussman
Sylvia Salawitch, by Lee Salawitch
Rabbi Murray Saltzman, by Esther Saltzman
& Family
Dora Schabb, by Marie Schabb Schwartz
Dr. Aaron Schaeffer, by Carol J. Caplan •
Susan & Norman J. Lorch
Joseph Seidman, by Carole Seidman,
children & grandchildren
Dr. Jerome Sherman, by Dr. Jonathan Tobin
Judge Edgar Silver, by E.B. Hirsh Early
Childhood Center • Barbara Mandel
Edwin Snyder & Hyman Snyder, by Shirley
Frank S. Solomon, by Terry Langbaum
Arlynne Stark, by Judy Rubenstein
Joan Steinbach, by Louise Shifflett
Jeane Stockheim, by Carol J. Caplan • Kol
Rinnah • PEP • Ruth & Chuck Spivak
Alice Stringer, by Vivian & Edward Stringer
Jean Schoeneman Sussman, by Harriet
Joseph Sussman, by Leonard Sussman
Sherry Lynn Tossman, by her brother Dr.
David I. Tossman
Selma T. Wagner, by Betty W. Cohen
Sofie Weikers, by Louise Shifflett
Gertrude Weinblatt Berman & Samuel
Weinblatt, by Elaine Finkelstein &
Natalie Wolf, by Phyllis Troy
Richard J. Zander, Jr., by Simone & Ralph
Richard Zander, Sr., by Simone & Ralph
Alla Zauberman & Michael Zauberman, by
Vladimir Zauberman
Linda R. Zuskin, by Betty, Jonathan, Soo,
Saul, Tracy Fink
In commemoration of the birthday
anniversary of
Dr. Sylvan Caplan, by Carol J. Caplan &
Edward Raskin, by Sandra Raskin
Appreciation is expressed for messages
of good wishes and Books of
Uniongrams received by
Rheta & Barry I. Schloss on their 45th
wedding anniversary
Mark Wasserman on his special birthday
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 5 • 10 Tevet – 11 Shevat 5775 • January 2015
January 2015
Thursday, January 1 • E.B. Hirsh Early
Childhood Center and
Temple Office Closed
3 pm Yale Gordon Concert
Monday, January 12
6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Har Sinai
7 pm Brotherhood Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 13
Friday, January 2 • E.B. Hirsh Early
Childhood Center Closed
5:30 pm
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
6:15 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service
PJ Shabbat
Shake It Up Shabbat,
Oneg Shabbat following
Saturday, January 3
Family Concerns Meeting
Food Addicts in Recovery
Kol Rinnah
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Overeaters Anonymous
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Thursday, January 15
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
9:30 am
10:30 am
1 pm
Sunday, January 4 • Building Closed
Friday, January 16
Monday, January 5
6:30 pm BEIT-RJ at Har Sinai
7:30 pm BHC Board of Electors Meeting
Tuesday, January 6
7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery
7:30 pm Kol Rinnah
7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous &
7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous
7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous
Friday, January 9
7 pm Shabbat Service with Third Grade
Siddur Ceremony,
Oneg Shabbat following
Saturday, January 10
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
5 pm Mincha/Havdalah with Bat
6 pm Chai Society Dinner
Sunday, January 11
9 am 9 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 10 am 10:15 am 1 pm Religious School
• Aleph All Stars
• Gesher
Adult Hebrew Class
Brotherhood Breakfast
Sisterhood Board Meeting
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Family Jewish Outdoor
2 pm Hoffberger Gallery Artist
7 pm
Sisterhood Federation Meeting
Triple Treat Class
Baltimore Board of Rabbis
Triple Treat Program
Shabbat Service Honoring
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
Oneg Shabbat following
Saturday, January 17
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
Sunday, January 18
10:30 am Service honoring Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. at First Mount
Olive Freewill Baptist Church
Monday, January 19 • E.B. Hirsh Early
Sunday, January 25
9 am 9 am 9:15 am 10 am 10:15 am 11:45 am Noon 1 pm 4 pm Religious School
• Aleph All Stars
• Holocaust Trip
Adult Hebrew Class
Jewish Meditation Series
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Junior Choir
BHeCTY Social Action
Chai Life Game Night
Tuesday, January 27
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Food Addicts in Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Overeaters Anonymous
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Thursday, January 29
10:30 am
1 pm
6:30 pm
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Program
Winter Nights on Park Heights
Friday, January 30
6:15 pm Shabbat Shira,
Oneg Shabbat following
7 pm MAJYK Begins
Saturday, January 31
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
Childhood Center and
Temple Office Closed
Tuesday, January 20
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Food Addicts in Recovery
Religious School Advisory
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Overeaters Anonymous
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Thursday, January 22
10:30 am
1 pm
6:30 pm
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Program
Winter Nights on Park Heights
riday, January 23
6:15 pm Shabbat Service,
Oneg Shabbat following
Saturday, January 24
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bar Mitzvah
Did you know that BHC
has a page on Facebook?
Search for Baltimore Hebrew
pictures, chat with other
Congregants and watch for
upcoming events!
Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland
Martha Weiman
Steven Sharfstein
1st Vice President
Gary P. Aiken
Vice President
Paula K. Himeles
Vice President
Jay M. Kramer
Vice President
Robert D. Waldman
Linda R. Nathan
Assistant Treasurer
Marc Plisko
Peggy K. Wolf
Past President
Carl S. Silverman, Esq.
Jo Ann Windman
Executive Director
Brad Cohen
Director of Education
Renée Stadd
Director, E. B. Hirsh
Early Childhood Center
Annette Saxon
Director of Development
David K. Weis
Andy Wayne
Director of
Communications and
Jimmy Galdieri
Music Director
Mark Hucks
Facility Operations
Tracy Ringel
Communications and
Design Associate
The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448,
phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail postmaster@bhcong.org. Periodical Postage
paid at Balt. MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448
Friday, January 2
• Shabbat Service
Rabbi Busch will speak
• PJ Shabbat
for newborns-Pre-K with Rabbi Sachs-Kohen
• Shake It Up Shabbat
Friday, January 16
• Shabbat Service honoring
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Bishop Oscar E. Brown will speak
First Mt Olive Freewill Baptist Church and
Kol Rinnah Choirs will sing
for K-2nd grades with Cantor Solomon
Saturday, January 17
Saturday, January 3
Vaera, Exodus 6:2-9:35
Vayechi, Genesis 47:28-50:26
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Service with
Third Grade Siddur Ceremony
Rabbi Busch will speak
Saturday, January 10
Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
• Shabbat Shelanu
Friday, January 9
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
• Mincha/Havdalah Service
Bat Mitzvah of Naomi Kyra Brotman
daughter of Edith Brotman & Daniel Brotman
Bema Home Connection is available
in the Sanctuary, Goodwin Center and
Hoffberger Chapel. To connect to the
Bema Home connection, call the Temple
Office, 410-764-1587.
Videostreaming is available by visiting
www.ustream.tv/channel/baltimorehebrew-congregation. Registration for
videostreaming is not necessary.
Hearing loops are available at the
front desk. Simply turn on the T-coil.
For more information contact David
Weis, dweis@bhcong.org.
Sunday, January 18
10:30 am • Service honoring Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. at First Mt Olive Freewill
Baptist Church
Rabbi Busch will speak
Kol Rinnah and First Mt Olive Freewill
Baptist Church Choirs will sing
Friday, January 23
6:15 pm • Shabbat Service
Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will speak
Saturday, January 24
Bo, Exodus 10:1-13:16
9 am • Torah Talk
10 am • Shabbat Shelanu
10:30 am • Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Gordon Simon
son of Debra A. Gordon & Joel Simon
Friday, January 30
6:15 pm • Shabbat Shira
Rabbi Busch will speak
Saturday, January 31
Beshalach, Exodus 13:17-17:16
9 am • Torah Talk
10 am • Shabbat Shelanu

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