July - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
July - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
BULLETIN BALTIMORE HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbi Andrew Busch Cantor Robbie Solomon Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen Cantor Ann G. Sacks Rabbi Rex D. Perlmeter, Emeritus Rabbi Gustav Buchdahl, Emanuel Emeritus BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG Number 11 | July 2016 | 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 WELCOMING TEMPLE EMANUEL For details see page 2. Take a Peek Inside . . . New and Returning Members . . . . . . Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantorial Transition and Search . . . . A Message from the President . . . . . Annual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We’re Going to Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 Youth Lounge Renovations . . . . . . . . Summer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BHC Connects with Camp . . . . . . . . . Summer Nights on Park Heights . . . Beach Shabbat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul’s Place Camp at BHC . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 Youth Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . . 6 Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 July Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tour de Torah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Brotherhood Opening Dinner . . . . 11 Under the Stars Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WELCOME NEW AND RETURNING MEMBERS! We welcome the following congregants who have joined BHC since May Jeannie & Michael Abramson Molly Abramson Sara Abramson Eileen Bechkes Ellen & Barry Brook Celia & Richard Butler Susan Feigelman & Cliff Essman Claire Landers & Steven Falk Denise & Neil Goldberg Lisa & Randy Goldberg Risa & Howard Halpren Nancy Norton & Steven Herlich Sylvia & Joseph Horowitz Lauren Kallins & Kevin Keller Terry & Stephen Mandell Kathy & Warren Naviasky Alan Pashkowitz Betsy & Gary Peisach Estelle Resnick Amy & Matthew Samay Rebecca Roberts & Sidney Spunt TODAH RABBAH The Oneg Shabbat on June 10 was sponsored by Tobi Karchmer and John Coffey in honor of their son Ryan becoming a Bar Mitzvah. ON THE COVER Rabbi Gustav Buchdahl, Emanuel Emeritus and wife, Sheila, at home at BHC. REGISTER FOR OUR SCHOOLS NOW! We still have spaces in our E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center and Religious School programs. Register today to ensure a great year of exciting learning for your children. E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Info & Registration: Jill Eisen, Director jeisen@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-7281 FROM THE CLERGY Welcome Temple Emanuel This month, BHC’s Hoffberger Gallery is displaying art that formerly graced the halls of Temple Emanuel of Baltimore. Soon enough, these items and more will be found in different locations around our synagogue. As Temple Emanuel integrates into Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, we will also be embracing several Torah scrolls, prayer and other books, some furniture, and even a number of Purim Carnival games. However, the true gifts BHC is receiving from Temple Emanuel are not things. Our congregation’s historic journey will be enriched by the people and the legacy that Emanuel brings to us. BHC has created an Emanuel Fund as one way of recognizing the significant contribution their congregation has gifted ours. We honor their sixdecade-long journey and are honored that they have chosen to integrate with BHC. Nearly 100 Temple Emanuel families have joined BHC this spring and more will come. BHC congregants and staff have been actively engaged in helping integrate these new members, as with any of our new members, into our congregational life. We appreciate the support and efforts of their lay leadership in these efforts as well. Temple Emanuel’s legacy includes the teachings of their rabbis and cantors over the years. We are blessed to have their journey now join with BHC’s. This Bulletin’s cover presents some of the new blessings we have received. Rabbi Gustav and Sheila Buchdahl have become regulars at BHC Shabbat services over the past several months. Our Board of Electors has appointed Rabbi Buchdahl as our Emanuel Emeritus Rabbi. He joins Rabbi Perlmeter as one of our Rabbis Emeriti. Gus is familiar to many of our congregants, but less familiar to others. He served Temple Emanuel from his ordination in 1963 till his retirement in 2000. He has remained active at Temple Emanuel and the community since then. Rabbi Sachs-Kohen and I are honored to have Rabbi Buchdahl even more available to us for advice. We know you will warmly welcome them, their fellow new BHC congregants, and the spirit of Temple Emanuel. – Rabbi Busch CANTORIAL TRANSITION AND SEARCH Cantor Solomon announced at May’s Annual Meeting that he will be retiring as BHC’s Cantor on June 30, 2017. We have been blessed with his musicianship, spirituality, deep knowledge of Judaism and menschlikeit. He will continue to serve the congregation throughout the coming year, and we will celebrate his career and his service to BHC next spring. BHC President Steve Sharfstein has appointed Bobbi Perlman, BHC Vice President, to serve as Chair of the Cantor Search Committee. A diverse and committed committee has also been appointed, whose members are: Ronnie Footlick, Stan Gann Jr., Susanna Garfein, Marcy Hyatt, Maria Lambros Kannen, Brian Katzenberg, Richard Kemper, Joe Kovars, Jay Kramer, Deborah Lieberman and Jonathan Rich; Steve Sharfstein and Rabbi Busch serve as ex-officio members of the committee. BHC will work with the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) as we conduct this search. The ACC Director of Placement has assured us that she expects our cantorial opening to be a popular position. Youth Education 2 Info & Registration: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, bcohen@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 290 or visit familyid.com/organizations/baltimorehebrew-congregation-youth-education • DISCLAIMERS • 1. All prices, events and times published in the Bulletin are current at the time of publication, but are subject to change. 2. Publication of an advertisement in the Bulletin is neither an endorsement nor recommendation of any advertisers’ products or services by BHC. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: STEVEN SHARFSTEIN Welcome Jill Eisen The E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center (EBHECC) is one of the premier programs of BHC and one of the outstanding schools for young children in Baltimore. It has thrived under the leadership and compassion of Renée Stadd, who is retiring. We will miss Renee, but I am pleased to announce that we have found a new Preschool Director, Jill Eisen, who began on June 20. Alex Mareiniss (Chair of EBHECC Advisory Committee), Richard Gross (Chair of the Search Committee), and I are very excited about Jill and what she will bring to the EBHECC. I had the great pleasure of meeting Jill recently. She is warm and engaging, with a genuine excitement about joining BHC. She commented on the warmth she experienced during the interview process and every time she has visited the school and the Temple. She will bring both competence and great energy to us. Before joining us, she was the Assistant Principal of the BermanLipavsky Religious School and Director of Hebrew School in Your Neighborhoods and Outreach for Beth El Congregation. In her letter to Brad Cohen, she stated, “I believe that children can change the world, even at the infant stage.” Her passion about education and training, her love for the kids, and her outreach to families is clear and compelling. Here is more from her letter to Brad: “Education is a journey, and we must capture the imagination of our students every time we are in their midst. It is the administrator’s and educator’s role to be welcoming and engaging….My personal aspiration is to make quality education available for all children and to make that education interesting, meaningful, and part of their identity.” Prior to Jill’s twelve years at Beth El Congregation, she worked for Hillel at Towson University and Penn State. She has also received a number of awards in Jewish education. We are very fortunate to have Jill join us with her vision and deep commitment to the children for whom we care, and we all look forward to engaging with her over the next many years. Also exciting for our school is the construction for a much needed new playground as well as other refurbishments. I hope all of you have a wonderful and restful summer. There will be Shabbat services throughout the summer and, of course, we will have Summer Nights on Park Heights! AG Annual Giving THANK YOU FOR MAKING ANNUAL GIVING A SUCCESS Thank You for Making Annual Giving 2015-16 a Great Success! You took the call and made Annual Giving 2015-16 a great success. Thank you! Not only did you help us surpass our goal, but this year 59% of the pledges made represented new and increased gifts. Your Annual Giving gift is so important because membership dues alone are not nearly enough to support BHC. They don’t cover our operating expenses, much less the myriad of programs and support services we provide including: • Pastoral Care and Lifecycle Events • Religious, Adult and Family Education, and • Exciting programs that enrich the lives of our congregants. Your beautiful gift to Annual Giving 2015-16 is helping to ensure that no one is ever denied membership because of economic difficulties or hardship. Your gift also ensures that future generations will grow up in a strong community of Jewish tradition and learning at a warm, wonderful congregation where we all feel welcome. Thank you for your support of BHC. Dr. Joseph Feinsod Annual Giving Co-Chair OR Alvin J. Levi Annual Giving Co-Chair Annette Saxon Director of Development ABUSCH @ BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG Simcha TREE of LIFE Thank You for purchasing a leaf on our Simcha Tree of Life since the publication of our June Bulletin: Irina & Mike Kogan Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 3 UPC Upcoming at BHC PJ SHABBAT Friday, July 1, 6:30 pm Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad service the first Friday of every month. SUMMER NIGHTS ON PARK HEIGHTS Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19 & 26, 6:30 pm See page 5 for details. BEACH SHABBAT Friday, July 8, 6 pm See page 5 for details. BHC PRIDE DINNER Friday, July 15, 7:30 pm Join us for dinner at Arlon’s, 706 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville. HELPING HONS WITH CHAI LIFE Sunday, July 17 See the Chai Life Column on page 5 for details. BHC PRIDE INTERFAITH CELEBRATION Thursday, July 21, 7 pm BHC will host this year’s Annual Pride Interfaith Celebration, called “Evolving Reciprocity: Stories of Giving and Receiving.” All are welcome. INFO: bill@ifcmd.org or 443-478-9896. ORIOLES GAME WITH CHAI LIFE Saturday, July 23, 6 pm See the Chai Life Column on page 5 for details. PAUL’S PLACE CAMP AT BHC Monday, July 25 through Friday, July 29 See page 6 for details. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT MEETING Tuesday, July 26, 7 pm BHC Cares invites you to join this group, led by congregant Benjy Dubin, regardless of whom you care for or where. INFO: Benjy Dubin, 410-486-3385. CHAI LIFE HIKE AND HAVDALAH Saturday, July 30, 5 pm See the Chai Life Column on page 5 for details. For more information on any of the programs below, contact Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, awayne@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 246. YOUTH LOUNGE RENOVATIONS In honor of Erma and Marvin Mirvis and through the generosity of Debra and Howard Mirvis, BHC’s Youth Lounge is receiving a well-needed facelift over the summer. Special thanks to Robin Hiken, Interior Designer, and Alex Trakhtman of Zander Homes, for donating their time and energy to the youth lounge renovations, creating space for kids of all ages. Be sure to stop by to check it out. THE MORE USHERS, THE MERRIER 4 BHC is blessed with ushers who volunteer on the High Holy Days and Shabbat. Our congregation is reaching out to increase our ushering corps. Ushers can be men or women, long–time members or relative newcomers. Ushers greet those coming to services and help hand out prayerbooks. Brotherhood’s Ushering Chair, Harvey Schevitz, does a great job of briefing and organizing ushers. Help represent BHC. INFO: Iris Powell, ipowell@baltimorehebrew.org. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 SUMMER SERVICES BHC Shabbat Services continue throughout July and August. All Friday night services will start at 6:15 pm. On Saturday morning, Torah Talk will meet at 9 am in the Library, followed by Shabbat Shelanu at 10 am in the Chapel. PJ Shabbat will be enjoyed on Fridays, July 1 and August 5, 6:30 pm. We are grateful for those Temple Emanuel members who will be helping lead summer services to assist our clergy. Additionally, Rabbi Gustav Buchdahl will be leading our services on Friday & Saturday, July 8 & 9 (including Torah Talk) and Friday, September 2. BHC CONNECTS WITH SUMMER CAMP We love that so many BHC kids can be found at camp, especially Jewish camps, during the summer. Even some of our adults spend time working or volunteering at camp. Please let us know where and when your kids will be at camp. Rabbis Busch and Sachs-Kohen love writing letters to our campers. Give camp information to Iris Powell, ipowell@baltimorehebrew.org. Additionally, Brad Cohen will be at The Union of Reform Judaism’s Camp Harlam for part of the summer and Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will spend time at Camp Louise and Camp Airy. Rabbi Busch may also be visiting some camps. We love being in touch during the summer and hearing about camp afterwards. Enjoy the fresh air. WRJ CALENDARS For over 100 years, NFTS/WRJ has annually published the Art Calendar to encourage and showcase Jewish artists. Unfortunately. this coming year (5777) this project will end. This is due to ecology and more use of technology. MEAL MAKERS BHC Cares offers meals to fellow congregants at difficult life moments. For example, we serve those who have lost a loved one, brought home a new baby or are recovering from illness. Making and delivering meals is a rewarding experience. INFO: Sharon Edlow, sharonke123@gmail.com. PHONE CONNECTION COORDINATOR Through Phone Connection, volunteers reach out to congregants who may not be able to participate in congregational life as frequently as they did in the past. We are pleased that BHC Cares member Lynette Berman is the new coordinator of this important program. If you would like to make such calls or know someone who should be called, contact Lynette. INFO: Lynette Berman, lynetteberman@yahoo.com or 410-484-6853. We would like to express our appreciation to Stan Levin for chairing the project so diligently these past years. VIDEOSTREAMING VOLUNTEERS We are looking for volunteers to assist with videostreaming for Shabbat and holiday services—perfect for a high schooler needing community service hours. INFO: Temple Office, 410-764-1587. NEW HEARING ASSISTANCE LOOP In addition to the hearing loops we have in our main assembly rooms and Sanctuary, BHC now has a hearing loop at the receptionist’s desk. All you need to do is turn your hearing aid to t-coil. If you are hard of hearing and not outfitted with a hearing aid, we have head sets you can borrow. INFO: David Weis, dweis@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 243. SUMMER NIGHTS ON PARK HEIGHTS Summer Nights on Park Heights returns this month, bringing us great current events discussions every Tuesday in July, 6:30-8 pm. Our clergy and Educator provide great up-to-date topics for great conversations. Join us in BHC’s beautiful courtyard for these Tuesday evenings, and you’ll also be treated to tasty cocktails and snacks as you enjoy time spent exploring the news with friends. Summer Nights on Park Heights are free and all are welcome, so go ahead and invite friends who might not be BHC members. In case of inclement weather, we will simply move inside. See you there! BEACH SHABBAT Are you ready for an amazing night at the beach? BHC clergy will lead the Shabbat Evening Service to be held on July 8, 7 pm. Arrive at 6 pm to enjoy a BYO dinner and schmooze with your friends. Rosenfeld’s Jewish Deli will be at the event if you would like to purchase dinner. The event is free and all are welcome. Location & Directions: Beach Shabbat is located at the South Inlet Day Area of the Delaware Seashore State Park. An address that should work in your GPS is 27099 Coastal Hwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930. From the North (Rehoboth) – Head south on Coastal Hwy. Cross the bridge over Indian River Inlet. Take the first exit on the right after crossing the bridge. Turn left to go under the bridge. Enter South Inlet Day area. From the South (Bethany, Ocean City, Baltimore) – Head north on Coastal Hwy. Look for signs for South Inlet Day Area. Turn right into South Inlet Day area. If you cross the bridge over Indian River Inlet into Rehoboth, you have gone too far. Chai Life: 20s & 30s Community CL SUMMER’S IN FULL SWING With summer in full swing, Chai Life looks to continue the season with a number of enjoyable outings this July. We will kick off the month with our Helping Hons project on Sunday, July 17, Noon-2 pm a time to be determined as we get closer. Volunteers will work with Parks & People on a community garden project. Come show your Orioles pride on Saturday, July 23, as we gear up to see our favorite birds take on the Cleveland Indians at 6:30 pm. The month will conclude with our annual Hike and Havdalah on Saturday, July 30, which will offer a walk through Lake Roland Park (formerly Robert E. Lee Park) and finish with havdalah, drinks and dessert. Steve DeBois and David Castine Chai Life Co-Chairs PRAYERBOOK HEBREW THE EASY WAY Did you ever wonder what all those Hebrew words recited in Shabbat Services mean? Now is your chance to find out! Beginning in September, Cantor Sacks will be offering a Sunday morning course that will introduce basic prayerbook Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. The class will continue through the spring and coincide with the Religious School calendar. Basic decoding skills are required for this class. INFO: Becky Gutin, bgutin@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. Youth Group YG LOOKING FORWARD TO THE BHC TEAM Over the past four years at Brandeis University, I have focused my Education Studies major specifically on formal and informal Jewish education. After interning under Brad Cohen and Andy Wayne this past summer to further explore my interest in Jewish professional work, my love for all aspects of Jewish education strengthened. This internship, along with the mentorship of many wonderful professors, has given me a taste of what it will be like to work within this community, and I cannot wait to get started! As a lifelong BHC congregant and a newly established Brandeis alumna, I am eager to incorporate my zeal for Jewish youth education and my love for the BHC community into one. I look forward to working with a truly collaborative and passionate staff, and being surrounded by a community that dedicates its time to Tikkun Olam and learning. I hope to provide our Religious School students with the support and resources that can make their experience at BHC meaningful. This community has given me so much, and I look forward to being able to reciprocate. Lauren Offerman Youth Engagement Associate Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 5 ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS Can’t read Hebrew? Cantor Sacks is teaching BHC congregants in an Adult Beginner Hebrew class on Sunday mornings, beginning in the fall. This class is for adults with little or no Hebrew reading ability and will fulfill the beginner Hebrew requirement for the Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. INFO: Becky Gutin, bgutin@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. PAUL’S PLACE CAMP Calling all Congregants: BHC will host Paul’s Place Camp, Monday, July 25-Friday, July 29. This summer we are thrilled to have the opportunity to host a week of summer camp for Paul’s Place. Paul’s Place is a resource center for people in Southwest Baltimore that our congregation is dedicated to supporting. Forty elementary-age campers from the Pigtown neighborhood in Baltimore will spend one week (out of 8) at BHC for summer camp. We are looking for volunteer counselors, special guests, and volunteers to make this camp a huge success. If you have a passion for cooking, science, story-telling, art, sports, or anything else creative we need you to get involved. INFO & Volunteer: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, bcohen@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 290. This will be an amazing opportunity. Youth Education YE BRING CAMP HOME By the time you read this article, I will have spent two weeks at URJ Camp Harlam and have my calendar planned out for day visits to Camps Airy, Louise, Moshe and Capitol Camps. Being immersed in a Jewish environment 24-7 is deeply impactful on our children. They live, eat, breath, pray, play and explore Judaism in everything that permeates through camp. This will be the 3rd summer Elie, my 5-year-old, will attend camp with me as a day camper. The direct impact that camp has had on his Jewish identity shines through. Here are some ways you can bring camp to your home: 1.Music: Camp is masterful at using music to foster a love for Judaism—check out Jewishrockradio.com. 2.Language: Camp is amazing at labeling rooms, objects and activities—label objects in your home: google Around-the-house Hebrew word labels and use Hebrew when talking about objects at home. 3.Community: Come to Shabbat Services as a family this summer. 6 If you are inspired by this article, take a picture of your family’s Jewish experience and send it my way, so we can share it with the community. My email is bcohen@baltimorehebrew.org. L’Shalom (For Peace), Brad Cohen Director of Education Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center EBHECC THE POWER OF DISTRACTION Shalom! I am the new Director of the E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center. I am so happy to have joined your BHC family. Everyone has made me feel so welcome. We want children and parents at the school to feel welcome and cherished, too; it is a wonderful way to build community. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, from our youngest infant to our oldest Pre-K to the parents to the faculty and staff. Maya Angelou so wisely counseled: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” We want all to feel that they belong and that they add meaning to our amazing community. Input, both from school families and the broader congregation, is invaluable. Over the next few months, families will receive a few short surveys to determine what they would like to see happen within our early childhood community; i.e. scheduled play dates at local parks, a baby-sitting co-op, parent-education learning tips and volunteer opportunities are just a few ideas to get the ball rolling. Our canvas is blank, and we have all the colors available to paint our community masterpiece. I can’t wait for the creative process to begin. Occasionally, I will share my educational thoughts here. I’ll start with distraction. Parents have been told when their child starts to get antsy you need to distract. One option is avoid a problem situation that can result in a breakdown for you, your child or both. I have learned from my 5-year-old, Benjamin, that I must keep a few word or math games or activities in my back pocket. Last week we were shopping at Wegmans. It was late in the day and we were all tired. However, we went in with a strategy: a short shopping list and the rule if you want to practice Rock, Paper, Scissors you must remain in the cart seated in the front. I am happy to report playing Rock, Paper, Scissors was the distraction we needed for that adventure. Why did it work? First, we set the rules in the car with input from Benjamin and had agreement from all parties. Second, we put Benjamin in the cart in the parking lot. Making sure we were in a safe place, we played our first game of Rock, Paper, Scissors before going into the store. This inspired trust that we, the parents, would keep our word. Third, we engaged Benjamin in our shopping list. What do you want to eat with your hummus? Carrots? Cucumbers? Pretzels? Each item was on our list; this gave Benjamin an opportunity to choose the brand or the shape. He felt part of the decision-making team. When he wanted something not on the list, we showed him the list and said it wasn’t there, but we would be happy to consider putting it on our next shopping adventure list. You can use anything as a distraction: while in line count the number of people in front of you and behind you and then ask where are we in the line; look for your favorite color; play a word game; etc. I am happy to help you find ways of distraction that meet your child’s needs. It starts with a plan, constant consistency, and just a few ideas in your back pocket. My door is open to school families, members of the congregation and beyond—please come in. I can’t wait to meet you. Jill Eisen Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Offerings BHC IN MEMORIAM We record with sorrow the passing of Rhae Hassan Rita Langbaum Betty Kay Razzano Gloria Rosen Tema Rubin Joyce Strull May their memories be for a blessing PERPETUAL MEMORIALS July 1-2 Lewis Samuel Adelson Benjamin Aiken Augusta P. Alexander Henry Earl Ansell Louis Baum, Jr. Jacob Blankenberg Edna Gans Burgunder Hortense Bowman Catzen Dr. N. Jerome Chapin Frederick M. Coblenzer Mollie Cohn Harry W. David Jennie Diener Lottie Dubrowsky Beatrice Fishbein Ephraim Frank Bernice H. Freeland William Goldberg Pauline Cohn Goldstein Sidney Goldstock Joseph E. Goodman David Gouline Shirley Joan Greenhood Floryne Kahn Greenwald Joseph J. Harmon Irwin M. Herskovitz Louis Herstein, Jr. Deborah Hollander Samuel Honigsberg Rebecca Betty Hurwitz Rose F. Hutzler Doris Z. Jaslow John Martin Johnston, Jr. Fannie Katten Carolyn Kraft Charlotte Lamm Loraine N. Lazarus Philip A. Lehman Charles David Levenson Sam Levine Martha G. Levy Mary Lieberman Samuel Lindenbaum Bernard Meyers William Miller Harry Nathan Minkin Doris Ossermann Sadie Paltell Max Rappaport Saul Roseman Sydney J. Rosenthal Elizabeth Schaffer Fay Schumann Shirley Shane Schunick Bertha Simon Mary Slesinger Rosa Spandauer Tessie Stern Dr. A. Allen Sussman Abraham Sussman Eva Kassan Taylor Selma G. Weiler Regina Gichner Weinberg Nathan Weinblatt Jerry B. Weinstein Esther Rosenbaum Weinstock July 8-9 John Adler Bernard Aiken Nehemiah Altman Milton David Bennett Max Bernstein Benjamin Brafman Morton Brotman Charles Morton Cohen Herman M. Cohn Louis Collidge Milton M. Constam, Jr. Dorothy Farkas Yetta Feldman Harry S. Ferber Florence Gellman Filtzer Robert Fine Emanuel Fisher George Fisher Eugenia H. Gerson Leon S. Goldberg Stanley Goldberg Harry Goldstein Anne A. Goodwin Jakob Gottschalk Morton Gutman Henry L. Hamburger Lillian Tobias Harmon Rosalee G. Jacobs Dr. R. Donald Jandorf Samuel Jules Avram Kalderon Emmanuel Henry Klein Natalie L. Langrock Jerome Lenet Jeanne Schoen Levine Adolph Loewenson Albert Lorch Fannie Metzger Bernard Moss Joseph Abraham Naviasky Joel Petasky Elsie B. Rachelson Lena Rappaport Zolman Rimson Irving Rogers Saul Sacks Barney Schreiber Louis J. Seidenman David Sherman Irvin I. Silvers Samuel W. Snitzer Bernard B. Tobias Morton Wasserman Lena D. Weinberg Israel Wesalo Sophie Helen Wesalo Anna Wilkus Samuel M. Woronoff July 15-16 Ann J. Barron Florence N. Bernard Harry A. Bernstein Paul Bernstein Beatrice Braverman Fannie Carp Bessie C. Cooper Esther F. Dubin Eugene M. Feinblatt Fannye Finkelstein Esther W. Fox Robert Fox Freda Frank Frederic W. Frank Jacob M. Gamerman Maurice Glazer Harry Goldberg Idalene R. Goldstock Gladys Goldstone Morris Goodhart Rose A. Green Louis N. Gutman Lillian Halpert Milton L. Hanline Moses Hecht Sara Rose Hirsch Clara Hoffman Margaret W. Trundle Jacobi Joseph Jacobs Irving Katz Samuel Kitt Leon Klein Hattye S. Koch Stanley Kohen Ethel Caplan Kropman Jennie Linas H. Cleveland Logue Emma Polly Mannes David Marx, Jr. Theresa Meyer Ellis Miller Abram Moses William Muhlfelder Isadore Neuman Joseph Newman Leon Newman Eva Landau Pearlstone Ann Petasky Leon H.A. Pierson Melvin M. Pollock Joseph B. Rice Max M. Ripps Margy Robbins Anne Rosenbaum Morton L. Rosenstock Samuel Rosenthal Fannie Rothschild Alexander C. Salzberg Helen Sauber Sophie Savanuck Henriette Segall Israel David Shapiro Samuel Shapiro Beverly Z. Sharfstein Pearl N. Shiling Sanford M. Singer Louis M. Slesinger Annie Weinberg Snyder Dorothy S. Stiller Ida Snyder Jacob Abraham Sugar Harry Suls Samuel B. Taylor Jerry B. Weinstein Shirley R. Weinstein Mary Jo W. Werber Harry Aaron Wexler July 22-23 Sylvia Adler Backy Amster Rose Baron Maxwell Behrend Anna G. Behrman Bertha Benesch Sophie Blitzer Dr. M.L. Breitstein Abraham Breslau Susan L. Brody Simone Z. Brunn Irving Cohen Maurice A. Cohen Frank Emerich Benjamin Engelman Theodore Epstein Jacob Federleicht Rose Filtzer Samuel Harrison Fisher Louis H. Fried David Gebhart Dr. George Gilbert Gluck Jessa K. Goldberg Lea Goldman Gertrude Handle Sophia I. Hirschman Rebecca Katz Alexander B. Kloze Harry Krause Morris Lerner Samuel M. Lessner Robert H. Levy Stephania Lindenberg Harry R. Lobe Mollie Malovany Corinne D.E. Marcuse Carl Medwedeff Mindell K. Miller Maurice Patz Morris Perl Anna Raffel George Rappaport Estella Rice Albert Ricklin Carrie Rose Jacob L. Rose Martha O. Roseman Jack L. Rothenberg Julius Rothschild Katherine Spear Salabes Evelyn Martha Schabb Mahala Schmalfeld Ida Shapiro Esther Rebecca Siegel Jonas Simon Matilda Sinsheimer Anna Skolnik Sarah Skudowitz Lewis Stambler Harriet Stern Bertha L. Straus Milton H. Waldorf Samuel Wasserman Henry Wertheim Sol Wertheim Stella Wilfson Hilda Zeiger Louis Zuskin July 29-30 Louis Angster Benjamin Barnett Annenberg Ethel Annenberg Harry Bazensky Jerome Beckman Esther Blumberg Melvin Blumenthal Allan J. Caplan Mary Cherkasky Katie Bachman Cohen Eugenie Lobe Eiseman Marshall Aaron Fine Israel Fink Jack Fishman Eli Frank Moses Freeman Henry Friedman Libby Getlan David Ralph Glickman Helen A. Goldberg William Goldman Fritz Goldschmitt Max Goodman Kathryn G. Goodwin Maurice Bernard Gordon Morton Samuel Gottlieb Harry Greenstein Doris Irene Gresser Lina Gruber Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 7 Gerald C. Heller Jerome H. Henderson Marilyn K. Henderson Betty Hofmeister Marx H. Iseman Estelle Jandorf Theresa Hornstein Katzoff Nathan Lemler Sarah B. Levy Lillian Lieberman Emma C. Loveman Robert Marder Paul B. Middleman Selma Miller Jeanette Mindel Esther B. Minkin Ruth Hyman Nasdor Friedel Oppenheimer Anita Stulman Peto Morris Reinach Carolyn Rice Sara Rice Ethel Rochestie Louis Rosenstein Norman Salkin Louis Savar William Saxon, Jr. Carrie Schloss Louis A. Schreiber Nathan Simon David B. Smith Yetta Speert Bertha Stern Allan Edward Swartz Benjamin Swogell Jules E. Sycle Pauline Wagner Henry Weinberg Shirley R. Weinstein Minnie Weissman Jennie Wise Charlotte Berenson Wolff Bertie W. Wolfram Stanley Zeiger Morris Zell From Generation to Generation L’DOR V’DOR Special Birthdays Susan Schoenfeld, Stanley Frank, Marcy Hoffman, Paula Fox, Joyce Stern, John Elias, Melissa Weinrobe, Murray Kappelman, Robert Wack, Jason Wynn, Kenneth Ziv, Sarah Cornblath, Doug Helfman, Eliyahu Weinstein, Susan Lorch, Jordan Green, Thomas Minkin, Laura Shmerler, Jonas White, Lawrence Halpert, Diana Peisach, Lisa Wack, Matthew Rutkovitz, Annetta Iskelov Special Anniversary 50th Sherri & Sanford Minkin 40th Sheila & Avrum Goldberg 35th Debra & Gerald Loube 30th Elaine & Samuel Benesh Caren & Keith Pozanek 25th Myra & Harvey Lublinsky 15th Lisa & Mark Oster 5th Marmie & Matthew Fishel 8 Larry Kaufman, by Avery & Stephen Chandler Eileen Levitt, by Susan & Norman Lorch Fred Rahming, Jr., by Gerri & Lawrence Kobren Barry Schloss, by Benjamin Dubin & Rachel Dubin • Marsha & Arthur Kalisch • Louise & Richard Kemper • Debra Gordon & Joel Simon Ann Schwartz, by Susan & Norman Lorch Barry Stadd, by Ilene & John Brooks Jo Ann Windman, by Benjamin Dubin • Louise & Richard Kemper In honor of Rabbi Aryeh Azriel on his retirement, by Benjamin Dubin & Rachel Dubin Rachel Beser & Steven Brookes on their marriage, by Wendie & Nick Beser & Family • Kathleen & Richard Brookes BHC Sisterhood, by Ann Steinberg Marcia Bornfriend on becoming President B’nai mitzvah of the Levindale Auxiliary, by BHC May 7 Sisterhood Ryan Cobey Blumenthal, grandson of Jeanette & Peter Brinch on the birth Sherri and Sandy Minkin of their granddaughter, Brooklyn Emma Rachel Blumenthal, granddaughter Emanuelle Brinch, by Carolyn Polowy & of Sherri and Sandy Minkin Carl Silverman Marriages Carol J. Caplan, by Lynda Weinstein Rachel Beser, daughter of Wendie and The special birthday of Margie Chapin, by Nick Beser, granddaughter of Sylvia Pauline Z. Chapin Beser, to Steven Brookes The special birthday of Barbara Foreman Jessica Brodsky, daughter of Laura and Sindler, by Olga & Buddy Foreman Robert Brodsky, to Jason Weintraub The 50th wedding anniversary of Barbara Courtney Jennifer Lynn Framm, daughter Foreman Sindler & Arnold Sindler, by of Rhonda Framm and Matthew Lynn, Olga & Buddy Foreman to Christopher Agorsor Marjorie Goodman & Richard Peterson Asya Hankin, daughter of Natalie and on a successful Night of the Stars, by Yuri Hankin, to Craig Rudikoff Carolyn Polowy & Carl Silverman Benjamin Herbst, son of Roberta and Natalie & Yuri Hankin on the marriage of Lennard Herbst, to Katie Frieze their daughter, Asya Hankin to Craig Phyllis Troy to Harold Gilbert Rudikoff, by Ilene Brooks Births Shirley Kaufman on her new home, by Brooklyn Emanuelle Brinch, daughter of Katherine Feldmann Cate and Adam Brinch, granddaughter Ellen & Alvin Levi on the birth of their of Jeanette and S. Peter Brinch, greatgrandson Ezekiel Levi Lowy, by Susan & granddaughter of Minna and Louis Philip Abraham Katz Susan & Ed Perl on being honorees at Vera Faye Gassman, daughter of Laine Night of the Stars, by Carolyn Polowy & and Craig Gassman, granddaughter Carl Silverman of Maxine Cohen and Myron The special birthday of Joseph Oppenheimer, great-granddaughter of Pokempner, by Louise & Richard Naomi Cohen Kemper Annette Saxon on a successful Night of We gratefully acknowledge the the Stars, by Carolyn Polowy & Carl following offerings: Silverman For the speedy recovery of Frederica Saxon, by Joan Klein Walter Abel, by Susan & Norman Lorch Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 The Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Harrison Schwartz, by his grandmother, Linda Schwartz Phyllis Troy & Harold Gilbert on their marriage, by Sandra Raskin Rabbi Miriam Farber Wajnberg on becoming an ordained rabbi at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and her new position as Director of Adult Jewish Learning & Interfaith Engagement of the JCC of Manhattan, by Phyllis & Richard Lederman, Jody, Marc, Carli & Gavin Lederman, Ayme, Andrew, Sarah & Haley Lederman, and Rachel Lederman In memory of Robert Berney, by Ethel Berney Esther Blumberg, by Barbara Blumberg Irving Brower, by Elaine Brower Bianca Brunn, by Ralph Brunn Bernard Burt, by Robert Burt Emanuel Daniel, by Marcia & Ries Daniel Dr. Irving Galperin & Bessie Vnuk Schleider, by Gloria Galperin Stanley Goldberg, by Leslie Goldberg Lynn Gordon by Nathalie & Arnold Schunick Ernst Guggenheim, by Leon Guggenheim Julia F. Guggenheim, by Leon Guggenheim Alfred Hurwitz, by Ruth Hurwitz Allan Katz, by Evelyn Katz Marjorie Katzenberg, by Joy, Bruce, Adam & Rachel Katzenberg Harold Klapper, by Melissa & Mikel Daniels Janet Kohen, by Marshall Kohen Blanche Kolman, by Susan & Mark Kolman Marim Kurman, by Michael Kurman Dr. Harry Levy, by Robert Burt & Gary Lushhangh Zachary Margulis, by Marcia & David Yumkas Katherine Marks, by Carole Seidman Betty Myerberg, by The Elizabeth & Richard Dubin Foundation Milton Norwood, by Robin Libowitz Morton W. Peskin, Jr., by Phyllis Sarubin Nathan Raskin, by Sandra Raskin Gloria Rosen, by Ilene & John Brooks Beatrice Rosenbaum, by Phyllis & Martin Segall Bernie Rosenstein, by LeRoy Hoffberger Lenora A. Rosenthal, by Joan Klein Ethel Ross, by Carole & Aaron Mall Granddog “Buddy” Rottenberg, by Rosalind & Irving Ehudin Annette Rutkovitz, by Susan & Melvin Oberfeld Beverly Legum London Sachs, by Joan London Eileen Sakin, by Betty Fink Morton Sarubin, by Phyllis Sarubin Anne Schunick, by Nathalie & Arnold Schunick Shirley Schunick, by Nathalie & Arnold Schunick Edan Shapiro, by Wendie & Nick Beser & Family Ralph Siegel, by Shirley Brown Dr. S. Sidney Snyder, by Marcia Snyder Lenora Spahn, by Marcia & Jeffrey Leber Gerald J. Stein, by Annette & Wilfred Romanoff Josephine Sutland, by Sheila & Lawrence Pakula Bob Tarrant, by Carole Seidman Lillian Taylor, by Susan & Jerome Taylor Sidney Tremoulet, by Ilene Brooks Abraham Weiss, by Diane & Jay Weiss Gussie Weiss, by Diane & Jay Weiss Acknowledgments Appreciation is expressed for messages of good wishes and Books of Uniongrams received by EVERLASTING REMEMBRANCE Yahrzeit literally means “year’s time” or anniversary. By the recitation of Kaddish at the time of Yahrzeit, we pay tribute to those who blessed us in life and continue to bless us through memory. In this spirit, our Congregation makes it possible to establish memorials for everlasting remembrance. A page in the Book of Memorial, or in combination with a Sanctuary Seat Plaque, may be dedicated as a memorial to your loved one. INFO: Francie Gill, fgill@baltimorehebrew.org, 410-764-1587, ext. 226. Or, simply fill in and return the entire form and mail to BHC, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208. Everlasting Remembrance Packages Perpetual Memorial: $700 Sanctuary Seat Plaque and Perpetual Memorial: $1100 Perpetual Memorial Name of Deceased M F Relationship of Deceased to Donor Date of Birth Observe Hebrew Date Date of Death Yes Announce name from Bema No Hebrew Date Yes No Dedicated by Iris Berenhaus on her special birthday Ethel Braverman on her special birthday Send Yahrzeit notices to: An offering is . . . An expression of joy on the occasion of birth or naming of a baby, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, birthday, engagement, marriage or wedding anniversary, community honor, graduation An expression of loving remembrance Yahrzeit, commemoration of a loved one’s birthday An expression of heartfelt sympathy Comfort to a family in mourning An expression of caring Heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery An expression of gratitude for Recovery from illness, escape from injury, kindness or assistance from others An acknowledgment of Uniongrams and other offerings An offering is a twofold blessing It honors the recipient or his or her memory by acknowledging a meaningful occasion or by expressing compassion during a time of need, and also supports the vital programs and services BHC offers its members. 1.Name 2.Name Address Address Relationship of Deceased to Observer Relationship of Deceased to Observer 3.Name 4.Name Address Address Relationship of Deceased to Observer Relationship of Deceased to Observer Sanctuary Seat Plaque Inscription for Engraved Commemorative Plaque Location of Sanctuary Seat Main Side Balcony Other Donor Donor Name Phone Address City StateZip Email Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 9 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 EVENTS SAVE THE DATE July 2016 TOUR DE TORAH Friday, July 1 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 6:30 pm PJ Shabbat Saturday, July 2 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Tuesday, July 19 6:30 pm Summer Nights on Park Heights 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Thursday, July 21 Monday, July 4 • Independence Day • 7 pm BHC Pride Interfaith Temple Office and E.B. Hirsh Celebration Early Childhood Center Closed Friday, July 22 Tuesday, July 5 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, 6:30 pm Summer Nights on Park Heights Oneg Shabbat following 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon Saturday, July 23 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 9 am Torah Talk 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Friday, July 8 6 pm Orioles Game with Chai Life 6 pm Beach Shabbat Monday, July 25 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, 8 am Paul’s Place Camp at BHC Oneg Shabbat following Tuesday, July 26 Saturday, July 9 8 am Paul’s Place Camp at BHC 9 am Torah Talk 6:30 pm Summer Nights on Park Heights 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 7 pm Caregivers Support Group 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery Tuesday, July 12 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 6:30 pm Summer Nights on Park Heights 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon Wednesday, July 27 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 8 am Paul’s Place Camp at BHC 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Thursday, July 28 Friday, July 15 8 am Paul’s Place Camp at BHC 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Friday, July 29 Oneg Shabbat following 8 am Paul’s Place Camp at BHC 7:30 pm BHC Pride Dinner 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Saturday, July 16 Oneg Shabbat following 9 am Torah Talk Saturday, July 30 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 9 am Torah Talk Sunday, July 17 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Noon Helping Hons with Chai Life 5 pm Chai Life Hike and Havdalah SUMMER OFFICE HOURS begin Friday, July 1 Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 4 pm Friday 8:30 am - 3 pm Congregants can stay current with all that’s happening at BHC! Send your e-mail address to postmaster@baltimorehebrew.org, or sign up online, baltimorehebrew.org. SUMMER SERVICES AT BHC Friday Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Saturday Torah Talk, 9 am; Shabbat Shelanu, 10 am Log on to our website, baltimorehebrew.org, to access our online Membership Directory. For your ID and password, contact the Temple Office, 410-764-1587. Our annual Shabbat bike ride up the NCR Trail, known as the “Tour de Torah” will take place on Saturday, August 27, 9 am at the Monkton Station. We begin with a short Torah study led by Cantor Solomon at the side of the building and then we proceed up the trail to the Mason-Dixon Line and often beyond into New Freedom, PA for a healthy lunch. The trip is about 25 miles round trip, with the return being mostly downhill, so if you enjoy biking, it’s a leisurely ride. INFO: Cantor Solomon, rsolomon@baltimorehebrew.org. BROTHERHOOD OPENING DINNER The 2016 Brotherhood Opening Dinner will take place on Sunday, September 18. We are excited to announce that HaZamir Baltimore will perform during this special evening. HaZamir Baltimore is one of 31 U.S. and Israeli chapters of HaZamir: The International Jewish High School Choir, a project of the Zamir Choral Foundation. Our chapter is comprised of over 30 teens from 12 different high schools. HaZamir Baltimore is conducted by Erika Pardes Schon. ROSH HASHANAH UNDER THE STARS CHOIR Ever wonder what it would feel like to be singing on an open-air stage in front of upwards of five thousand people, your face beamed across the field on two giant video screens? Well, BHC is offering you a chance to do just that! Adults and students entering 7th-12th grades in the fall are invited to join Cantor Solomon in BHC’s Rosh Hashanah Under the Stars Choir. INFO & Sign Up: Becky Gutin, bgutin@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587 ext. 250. Rosh Hashanah Under The Stars is Sunday, October 2, 6 pm at Oregon Ridge. There are three rehearsals scheduled on Tuesday evenings: September 13, 20 and 27, 6:15 pm. This is the tenth annual Rosh Hashanah Evening Service that we have done at Oregon Ridge, and every year the crowds get bigger and the excitement greater. BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST Brotherhood Breakfasts return on Sunday, November 6, 9:30 am. Our first guest speaker will be Dr. Amy Landau, Associate Curator of Islamic and South Asian Art at the Walters Museum. Her presentation will be “Tracing Jewish Histories at the Walters.” Stay tuned for the full year’s lineup. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 11 PERIODICALS Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland OFFICERS Steven Sharfstein President Richard D. Gross 1st Vice President Roberta “Bobbi” Perlman Vice President Marc Plisko Vice President Linda R. Nathan Treasurer Benjamin “Benjy” Dubin Assistant Treasurer Amy Sponseller Secretary Martha Weiman Immediate Past President COUNSEL Carl S. Silverman STAFF Jo Ann Windman Executive Director Brad Cohen Director of Education Jill Eisen Director, E. B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Annette Saxon Director of Development David K. Weis Controller Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement Jimmy Galdieri Music Director Tracy Ringel Assistant Director of Communications and Design The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448, phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail postmaster@baltimorehebrew.org. Periodical Postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208. SERVICES FRIDAY, JULY 1 SATURDAY, JULY 9 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Korach, Numbers 16:1-18:32 6:30 pm • PJ Shabbat 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu Cantor Solomon will speak with Cantor Sacks SATURDAY, JULY 2 9 am • Torah Talk FRIDAY, JULY 15 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak SATURDAY, JULY 23 Balak, Numbers 22:2-25:9 9 am • Torah Talk Shelach L’cha, Numbers 13:1-15:41 Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will speak 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu SATURDAY, JULY 16 FRIDAY, JULY 29 FRIDAY, JULY 8 9 am • Torah Talk 9 am • Torah Talk 6 pm • Beach Shabbat Chukat, Numbers 19:1-22:1 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu with Cantor Solomon 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Buchdahl will speak 12 FRIDAY, JULY 22 Videostreaming for Shabbat and High Holy Day services is available by visiting ustream.tv/channel/baltimore-hebrew-congregation. Registration is not necessary. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 11 • 25 Sivan – 25 Tamuz 5776 • July 2016 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak SATURDAY, JULY 30 Pinchas, Numbers 25:10-30:1 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu
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