March - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation


March - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Number 7 March 2014
29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774
Rabbi Andrew Busch
Cantor Robbie Solomon
Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen
Cantor Ann G. Sacks
Rabbi Emeritus Rex D. Perlmeter
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
March is jam packed with great events for the entire family! To learn about our Purim
events, see pages 4 & 5. To learn about the 54th Interfaith Institute, see page 6.
Take a Peek Inside . . .
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
BHC Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A Message from the President . . . . 3
Tickets: Night Of The Stars . . . . . . . 3
Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Program Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Enhancing Education . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Nominating Committee 2014 . . . . . 6
54th Interfaith Institute . . . . . . . . . 6
Passover 2nd Night Seder . . . . . . . . 7
Hoffberger Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Youth Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . 8
Brotherhood News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sisterhood in Session . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12
March Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Welcome New and
Returning Members!
We welcome the following congregants
From The Clergy
who have joined BHC since January:
Harry Deitch
Andrew Haines
Journey To Israel, At Any Age
Amanda Epstein & Matthew Mosgin
Todah Rabbah
The Oneg Shabbat on March 28 is
sponsored by Paula Freedman and Helen
& Edward Berkun in honor of their
granddaughter, Sara Freedman, becoming
a Bat Mitzvah and in memory of Sara’s
grandfather, Michael Freedman.
Special Note
Rabbi Sachs-Kohen is on Sabbatical,
returning to work on April 1.
Yahrzeit Reminder
To have a yahrzeit name read, call the
Temple Office or fill out a card when coming
to service. For more information call Iris,
410-764-1587, ext. 224.
Lifecycle Events
For lifecycle events and special occasions,
BHC has wonderful facilities to rent,
such as the Dalsheimer Auditorium, the
Goodwin Center and Straus Social Hall.
For information contact our Facility/Event
Coordinator, Francie Gill, 410-764-1587,
ext. 226.
Big news has been announced for the 18-26 crowd: Now, you are eligible to
participate in Birthright Israel, whether or not you travel on an organized peer-trip
during high school. For the 13 plus years history of Birthright’s free 10-day trips for
18-26 year olds, participants could not have traveled to Israel on a peer-educational
trip before. Now, if you traveled to Israel with NFTY IN ISRAEL, your camp or school,
BZD, or other organized peer trips prior to turning 18, then you are still eligible for
Birthright. This summer’s registration opened in February, but looking forward, lots
of BHC 18-26 year olds may now have another opportunity to experience the fantastic
experience that is Birthright. To plan ahead, connect with Reform Judaism’s URJ
Kesher Israel trips (whether or not you are in college) or contact your college’s Hillel.
There are lots of Birthright providers and we are happy to answer those questions
that we can. Great news. Seize the opportunity.
Speaking of opportunities, BHC loves helping our high school students travel to
Israel. Again, whether it is Reform Judaism’s NFTY IN ISRAEL or another program,
we are happy to give a small scholarship and to help you make a choice. Each year,
there are BHC high school students in Israel over the summer. A summer high school
trip to Israel is a great source for ideas and questions. And now, you can also go to
Israel later.
I was jealous in early 2014 hearing from several BHC families who traveled to
Israel at the end of 2013. I am excited that some BHC members have shared with me
upcoming trips to Israel. I am in the early stages of planning a BHC trip to Israel, led
by me. The trip will be open to BHC members of any age and your friends and family.
I have not set the time, so we are talking about some time in 2014 or 2015 even. If
you are at all interested, it is not too early to talk with me. Give me a call, stop me
in the hall, or email me, and let me know you are curious. A
trip with your congregation has always left kids eligible for Birthright. A trip as a
congregational community is a great way for us to get to know each other better and
to share a really powerful experience together.
Sitting here in Baltimore, may we learn about Israel. One way or another, let us
journey to Israel. I am happy to discuss the possibilities for any age.
– Rabbi Busch
Our events
are open to
all caterers!
• Please Let Us Know •
Due to hospital policy, clergy and Family Concerns volunteers have no way of knowing
you are in the hospital unless you or a family member inform us.
(caterers must meet
BHC requirements)
BHC’s APP: iOS QR Code
Disclaimers: All prices, events and times
published in the Bulletin are current at the time
of publication, but are subject to change.
Publication of an advertisement in the Bulletin
is neither an endorsement nor recommendation
of any advertisers’ products or services by BHC.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Android QR Code
BHC Faces: Our Board and Staff
Richard Gross
Hails from: Born and raised in Buffalo, NY.
Attended University of Rochester and then
Washington University in St. Louis for law school.
Moved to Baltimore in 1981.
Board Role: Served on Board for 3 years and is
helping lead the B’nai Mitzvah Revolution effort.
Time at BHC: 24 years.
Profession: Lawyer, working as a sole practitioner, primarily in
commercial litigation.
3 Things to Know About Richard: (1) Richard enjoys all types of
exercise, including platform tennis, which is played on a heated
aluminum court for year-round games. He also enjoys biking and
working out. (2) Richard loves traveling with his wife, Cathy, and
they are currently exploring Eastern Europe. Last year they visited
Berlin and Budapest and this year they travel to Saint Petersburg.
(3) He is passionate about his work here at BHC, saying, “I have
a strong belief in maintaining Jewish institutions. That’s why I
do this.”
David Weis
Hails from: Baltimore, but also lived for twentyfive years in Israel
Staff Role: Controller
Time at BHC: David started at our Religious
School when he was in First Grade. He began his
adult membership when he started working at
BHC in 1999. He is the first controller at BHC.
3 Things to Know About David: (1) David spent twenty-five years
living on Kibbutz Gesher in northeastern Israel, near Jordan. One
of his proudest achievements there was becoming the top chicken
raiser in his area. Regarding this effort, he says, “I was vigilant,
combining a deep understanding of biology with mechanical
skills and business knowledge.” (2) David lives in the house that
he was born in and now his family grows together in it. (3) He
enjoys visiting his wife Laurence’s family on the French Riviera;
they are originally from Tunisia.
A Message from the President:
Peggy K. Wolf
Promote Understanding And
Increase Acceptance
On March 24, BHC’s Sisterhood presents the
54th Annual Interfaith Institute, “When There
Is No Vision, Community Will Perish.” The
history of interfaith dialogue is as ancient as the world’s religions.
Promoting understanding and increasing acceptance has and
surely will continue to require cooperation and interaction among
individuals and institutions of different faiths and belief systems.
“If we are to respect others’ religions as we would have them
respect our own a friendly study of the world’s religions is a sacred
duty.” Mohandas K. Ghandi
As Jews, our history is resplendent with prejudice even as
our commitment to acceptance and tolerance has endured. In
his book, “On Common Ground,” Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron, then
Rabbi Emeritus of BHC, shared the following story of the Jewish
community of Lubeck, Germany.
It was Sabbath morning, and the synagogue was filled with
worshipers, when through the windows came the noise of
marching men. Louder and louder and nearer and nearer it
came until the door was burst open and a group of Brown
Shirts entered. Their leader yelled: “You have weapons here!
Where are they?” “We have no weapons.” “You have weapons
here and we will find them!” They went into the rooms and
the galleries and came back and walked up the aisle and said:
“Where are the weapons?” “We have no weapons. This is a
house of God. We are at prayer.” The leader saw the curtain
before the shrine. “Here are the weapons!” He reached out
his hand, tore back the curtain, revealing the Scrolls of the
Pentateuch, sacred alike to Christian and Jew. The rabbi said,
“These are our weapons.”
My grandfather went on to write “...we have boundless capacity,
and energy and will. But we need to cast out fear and revive our
faith...Let vision and that renewal come from the age old shrines in
church and synagogue!”
Please consider attending this year’s Sisterhood Interfaith
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MAY 8, 2014
Co ng re ga ti on
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...H on ori ng Do t & He
on Facebook and
receive notice of
upcoming events
and photos!
Did you know BHC is on Twitter?
Follow us, tweet with us and get
the latest updates about BHC.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Upcoming at BHC
Chai Society Dinner at Brewer’s Art
Saturday, March 1, 6:30 pm
Chai Life heads to a local favorite as we check out the fare at
Brewer’s Art. This subsidized dinner usually fills up two weeks
out, but check with Andy Wayne, Director of Communications
and Engagement,, for availability.
Adult Beginner Hebrew Class
Sundays, March 2, 9, 23 & 30, 9:15 am
INFO: Becky Gutin, or ext. 250.
Family Concerns Program: Diet & Dementia
Sunday, March 2, 9:30 am
See page 6 for details.
Adult Prayerbook Hebrew Class
Sundays, March 2, 9, 23 & 30, 10:15 am
INFO: Becky Gutin, or ext. 250.
Bereavement Group
Sundays, March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 10:30 am
See page 6 for details.
Sunday, March 2, Noon
INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, or
ext. 290.
Hoffberger Gallery Artist Reception
Sunday, March 2, 2 pm
See page 8 for details.
Triple Treat
Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20 & 27
See page 7 for details.
PJ Shabbat
Friday, March 7, 6:30 pm
Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad
services, the first Friday of every month.
Shake It Up Shabbat
Friday, March 7, 6:30 pm
A fun, spirit-filled service for 1st and 2nd grade families. We will
dance, sing, act out stories, pray, and enjoy Shabbat as a family.
ABC’s of Prayer
Sundays, March 9 & 23, 9 am
Join Cantor Solomon as he resumes this course from the fall.
Although it is a continuation from last year, all are welcome to
join at any point and will be quickly caught up. The course is
aimed to those who want to understand the hows and whys of
services. RSVP: Becky Gutin, or ext. 250.
Second Monday Series
Monday, March 10, 10:30 am
Guest speaker Ray Villar, Director, Media Relations of Space
Telescope Institute, Hubble Site, will discuss “Where Would We
Be Without Funding for the Arts and Sciences?”
Chai Life at Center Stage
Saturday, March 15, 7 pm
The first twenty Chai Lifers who RSVP to this event will join us
for the best Erev Purim they have ever had. Get ready for the
Shakespearean comedy, “Twelfth Night,” packed full of laughs
that will help you rejoice this Purim holiday. For more details,
see page 5.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Purim Shpiel and Carnival
Sunday, March 16, 10:45 am
See page 5 for details.
BHC Pride Dinner
Friday, March 21, 7:30 pm
BHC Pride Dinners are held every 3rd Friday of the month at
Noodles & Company, following the 6:15 pm Shabbat Service.
Sunday, March 23, 9 am
PEP, Pursuing Educational Possibilities, with clergy-taught classes.
INFO: Ruth Spivak,
Jewish Outdoor Education
Sunday, March 23, 1 pm
Join Family J.O.E. for stream hiking at Double Rock Park. For
more information, contact Brad Cohen, Director of Education, or ext. 290.
Sisterhood Interfaith Institute
Monday, March 24, 9 am
See page 6 for details.
Sisterhood Women’s Seder
Tuesday, March 25, 6:15 pm
See page 9 for details.
Social Action Super Heroes
Sunday, March 30, 11 am
Up, Up, and Away: Our first and second graders will participate
in a social action project to benefit a Baltimore area non-profit.
JYGE Dodgeball
Sunday, March 30, Noon
See page 8 for details.
Brotherhood Men’s Seder
Sunday, March 30, 1 pm
See page 9 for details.
Second Monday Series
Monday, March 31, 10:30 am
Guest speaker Dr. Alison McCartney, Department of Political
Science, Towson University, will discuss “U.S./Soviet Relations Cold War Predictions and Concerns.”
May is Mitzvah Month at BHC!
Why limit doing good things to just one day? For the second year,
BHC will celebrate Mitzvah Month in May. Here are just some of
last year’s Mitzvah Month accomplishments:
• Fed nearly 2,000 hungry people
• Knocked down 2,000 duckpins to raise funds for a
Maryland suicide prevention non-profit
• Provided welcome bags for people transitioning into
a home
• Planted trees and flowers at BHC and Weinberg Park
• Organized the monthly birthday party at a shelter
for women and children
This year’s projects will be just as meaningful and effective.
Mitzvah Month provides you with multiple opportunities to join
your congregation to do good. We hope that you will be part of
this important BHC project. More information coming in April.
Program Highlights
Enhancing Education
“There Ain’t No Party Like A
Purim Party”
Register Today: More Flexible
Camp Options
“There ain’t no party like a Purim party, ‘cause a Purim party don’t
stop!” These words from the Book of Esther echo through our brains
every year in early spring as we get ready for a fun Jewish holiday.
Okay, so maybe that’s not an exact quote from the text, but it
seems like that’s a modern interpretation of our commandment
to observe and celebrate Purim. It’s a time for rejoicing as we
remember the Jews of Shushan who survived the plots of Haman.
(Insert loud booing here.)
This year, there are three exciting parts to BHC’s Purim
celebrations. First, on Saturday, March 15, Erev Purim, Chai Life, our
20s & 30s group, is going to see “Twelfth Night” at Center Stage. The
great Shakespearean comedy, with its cases of mistaken identity
and confusion, will be a popular Purim happening. Then, Sunday
morning at BHC, observe the commandment of hearing the story
of Esther by watching a fun Purim Shpiel at 10:45 am. Last, don’t
miss our fantastic Purim Carnival, beginning at 11:30 am. Come out
for games, food and fun. And special for families with infants and
toddlers, our “Little Shushan” features easy games and a puppet
show led by Sharon Edlow and Renée Stadd.
Be sure to fulfill the Purim mitzvah of “Matanot La-Evyonim,” or
gifts to the poor. Bring bags of canned goods to BHC during Purim
this year so we can continue to fight hunger with the GEDCO Cares
Food Pantry. Share your Purim happiness with those in need.
Andy Wayne
Director of Communications and Engagement
Camp BHC is an exciting one-week (June 16-20) opportunity to
share in fun, spirit (ruach), and warmth. Campers will experience
an out-of-this-world fun adventure, living Jewish values (middot),
and experiencing the joy of community (kehillah). Sports, art,
drama, field trips, social action projects, water play, computers,
and interactive camp challenges, such as capture-the-flag and
obstacle courses, are just a few of our activities.
Dates and Rates: June 16-June 20
• BHC Member Rates:
• 3 days (9 am-4 pm) $150
• 4 days (9 am-4 pm) $200
• 5 days (9 am-4 pm) $250
• BHC Non-member rates:
• Add $100 to 3, 4, or 5 day rates
• Early care 7-9 am $25 per camper
• After care 4-6 pm $25 per camper
• Bus Transportation from Towson $50
Programs for:
• Entering Kindergarten-5 grade: Main camp
• Entering 6-8 grades: Teen Assistants in Training
Tell your friends! For more details, see the FAQ online, www. under the Education tab or contact Brad Cohen,
Director of Education,
Register today:
camp-bhc-registration/. Send your $100 per child deposit by April
1 to: Camp BHC, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208.
L’Shalom (For Peace),
Brad Cohen
Director of Education
Chai Life
Looking Forward to Pot Lucks,
Purim and Theater
2014 has been a great year for Chai Life. Our trivia teams have
been doing very well, regularly finishing towards the top of the
standings. We’ve had a great turnout every Tuesday night, despite
cold weather. We also had a terrific turnout of about 30 people at
Stoneleigh Lanes for duckpin bowling with a live band in January.
In February, we had an excellent Shabbat dinner at the home
of Sarah and Daniel Wechsler. We continued our new tradition of
pot luck dinners, this time with a Mexican theme. On Saturday,
March 15, we look forward to celebrating Purim by seeing
Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” at Center Stage. If you want to join us
at the show, or learn more about Chai Life feel free to contact Ben, or Amy,
Amy & Ben Goldberg
Chai Life Co-Chairs
Jewish Volunteer Connection
Jewish Volunteer Connection’s leadership and volunteer programs
provide teens of all ages with opportunities during the school
year and summer to help others while connecting with their
peers and learning about themselves and their community. The
programs offered include: Baltimore Diller Teen Fellows, Teen
Giving Initiative (TGI), Students Taking Action for Change (STAC),
Teen Service Council, Jewish Teen Education & Experience Network
(J.T.E.E.N.), and Teen Summer Service. For detailed information
about the programs contact Julie Hollander, Senior Associate for
Teen Programs,, 410-843-7491, or visit Informational meetings are Sunday,
March 2, Monday, March 10 and Tuesday, March 25. Applications
are due April 10 with interviews occurring in April and May.
Congregational Wish List
If you have an iPad, flat panel computer monitor 19” or larger, PC
desktop or laptop computer no more than four years old that you
would like to donate to BHC, contact Becky Gutin, 410-764-1587, ext.
250 or
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Nominating Committee 2014
The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of Officers
and Board members to be installed at the Annual Meeting on
Friday, May 2:
Martha Weiman
1st Vice President:
Steven Sharfstein
Vice Presidents:
Gary P. Aiken, Paula K. Himeles and Jay M. Kramer
Marc Plisko
Robert D. Waldman
Assistant Treasurer:
Linda Nathan
Board Members serving three year terms:
David Block, Steven Cornblatt, Jill Feinberg, Richard Lebovitz,
Alex Mareiniss, Pam Russell, Linda G. Speert and Amy Sponseller
Board Members to fill unexpired term ending May 2015:
Deborah Lieberman and Lindley Weinberg
Philip Abraham, Chair; Jessica Cooper, Gerri Kobren,
Rebecca Green, Janet Livingston, Will Minkin, Elise Morris,
Joel Simon and Ted Williams
Diet and Dementia
On Sunday, March 2, 9:30 am, BHC’s Family Concerns
Committee will host a program on “Diet and Dementia”
presented by congregant Dr. Jason Brandt. Jason is Professor
and Director of the Division of Medical Psychology in the
School of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University. He is
also Director of the Cortical Function Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins
Hospital and Research Director at the Copper Ridge Institute.
This is a free program, open to everyone. It will begin with a light
breakfast. For more details and to register, contact Carol J. Caplan,
Chair, or 410-764-1587 ext. 270.
On Monday, March 24, Sisterhood will hold it’s
54th Annual Interfaith Institute with its pertinent
topic, “When There Is No Vision, Community Will
Perish.” The cost is $15 including lunch. Mail
checks to Ann Fishkin, 6501 Trotwood Court,
Baltimore, MD 21209. CEU credits are available.
For more information call 410-764-1587, ext. 270.
Keynote Speaker, Reverend Andrew Foster Connors,
Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church:
Andrew Foster Connors has served as senior pastor
of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian
Church since 2004. He currently serves as the
clergy co-chair of BUILD, Baltimore’s largest citizen
power organization, affiliated with the Industrial
Areas Foundation. BUILD is responsible for the first living wage
ordinance in the country, the College Bound Scholarship Program,
the rehabilitation of the Sandtown and Oliver communities, as well
as the largest after school program in Baltimore. He is married to the
Rev. Kate Foster Connors. Together they have two children, two cats,
one rabbit, and two fish.
Responder, Dr. Agha S. Khan, Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community: Dr. Khan is a highly respected
neurosurgeon. Born in Pakistan, Dr. Khan completed
his medical degree in 1978 from Punjab University
in Multan, Pakistan. For each of the last ten years,
Dr. Khan has organized and led a team of clinicians
to Ghana, West Africa, to provide care to the needy
and provide education to local physicians. This is one of many
volunteer initiatives Dr. Khan has invested himself in, including
trips to Pakistan and Haiti to provide care to earthquake victims and
multiple travels to Guatemala City with Humanity First, caring for
the under served of the country.
Affordable Care Act: Rescheduled
Responder, Sister Barbara Ann English, Julie
Community Center: Barbara Ann English, known as
Bobby, is a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur and the
former director of the Julie Community Center, a
small non-profit organization in southeast Baltimore.
She has a B.S. in Education from Trinity University
in D.C. and an M.A. in Community Education from
Goddard College in Vermont. Her experience includes 12 years as an
elementary school teacher, 10 years of pastoral and community work
with Ecclesiastical Base Communities in northeast Brazil, and 28
years of community education and development work in southeast
Baltimore. During her tenure as director, the Julie Center’s work
focused on advocacy, health promotion, adult education, youth
work, and community development.
Due to inclement weather, the program on Health Reform Initiatives
in Maryland with speaker Sheila Mackertich, MPA, RD, LDN will be
held on Thursday, March 6, 1 pm, as part of Triple Treat’s Afternoon
Delight. Sheila joined Healthcare Access Maryland in 2011 to assist the
organization in preparation for health reform. As the Vice President
of Health Reform Initiatives, she is responsible for the development
and implementation of the Connector Program in central Maryland,
the focus of which is to provide outreach, education and enrollment
services to vulnerable populations, underserved communities and
anyone needing assistance in their efforts to understand the new
health insurance landscape. Program sponsored by Family Concerns
Committee. For more information, call 410-764-1587, ext. 270.
Responder, Reverend Ojeda M. Hall-Philips, Lead
Organizer, BUILD: Ojeda Hall currently serves as
the Lead Organizer of Baltimoreans United in
Leadership Development (BUILD), an affiliate of the
Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the country’s
oldest and largest national organizing network.
Before becoming a citizens’ power organizer with the
IAF, she climbed the corporate ladder in investment banking both
in New York and London, was a government appointee as Executive
Director of the Office of Family and Community Engagement for the
New York City Department of Education and served as Development
Director for a non-profit organization in Brooklyn.
Bereavement Support Group
On Sunday, March 2, 10:30 am, BHC will start another bereavement
group, “When You’ve Lost A Loved One,” a chance for congregants
and family members to be supported by our community. Robert
Cohen, PhD, PA, will be the facilitator. The group continues
Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6. There is no charge to
attend. To register call Carol J. Caplan, Chair, Family Concerns,
410-764-1587, ext. 270.
54th Annual Interfaith Institute
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Triple Treat Thursdays
Spring Shred Event
BHC Sisterhood’s spring Paper Shred Event is back! The event
will be located on BHC’s parking lot, Sunday, April 6, 1-3 pm. No
businesses, please. For more information, contact Kathy Keene, or 410-825-6199.
10 am
11 am
1 pm
Cantor Solomon
Captain Heber Watts, Jr.
Lunch at your own expense
Sheila Mackertich, “Affordable Care Act,” Sponsored by
Family Concerns Committee
10 am 11 am
1 pm
Cantor Solomon
Captain Heber Watts, Jr.
Lunch at your own expense
Stan Weiman (vocalist) and Jimmy Galdieri (accompanist)
will hold a musical concert.
10 am Brad Cohen, Director of Education
11 am Cantor Solomon, “Jewish Books for Young Children and
Jewish Values in Secular Literature”
Noon Lunch at your own expense
1 pm Karan Engerman, Past BHC Sisterhood President, Book
10 am Brad Cohen, Director of Education
11 am Cantor Solomon, “Jewish Books for Young Children and
Jewish Values in Secular Literature”
Noon Lunch at your own expense
1 pm Fun and Games
Join Rabbi Sachs-Kohen and Cantor Solomon
on the second night of Passover
On Tuesday, April 15, 6 pm, all are welcome to share in the
celebration with music and a multimedia presentation of the
Haggadah. To RSVP, return the completed form with a check made
payable to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, Attn: Francie Gill, 7401
Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208 by Monday, April 7.
Catered by The Classic Catering People.
Second Night Passover Seder Reservation Form
City, State, Zip:
___ Adults @ $51
___ Children* @ $37
Non-Members: ___ Adults @ $70
___ Children* @ $45
*12 and under
List names, including ages of children:
If possible, seat me with:
Dietary concerns or special needs:
Total Enclosed: $
Coming in April: Hoffberger Scholar-in
Residence, Reuven Firestone
Have you always wanted to know more
about Islam? The weekend of April 25-27
will provide a wonderful opportunity to gain
greater understanding of this complex religion.
Baltimore’s four Reform congregations welcome
Reuven Firestone as this year’s Hoffberger
Scholar-In-Residence. Firestone was ordained at
Hebrew Union College and received his Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic
studies at New York University. He has authored many texts
and articles, and his recent speaking engagements have covered
Jewish-Muslim relations, religious territoriality and much more.
The schedule for the weekend is as follows: Shabbat evening at BHC,
Shabbat morning at Temple Emanuel, Havdalah at Temple Oheb
Shalom and Sunday morning brunch at Har Sinai Congregation. We
hope that you will come and learn with us during this last weekend
of April.
28 Years Of Service: Honoring Betty Spear
BHC will honor Betty Spear as a long-time
congregant and for her many years as a dedicated
employee during Shabbat on Friday, March 21.
Betty became a member of BHC in 1957 and began
working at BHC in 1986. She had been working
as a science teacher for 20 years prior when the
temp agency assigned her to a week-long position
at BHC because she “liked working with machines.” Her first day
consisted of preparing a large mailing with now Executive Director,
Jo Ann Windman. After her week, BHC asked her to stay in this
position, and she has been with us ever since. Betty has taken on
many responsibilities while at BHC, from organizing holiday tickets,
to running print jobs, to preparing mailings - she has dabbled in a
bit of everything. Betty has many great memories from her days at
BHC including the day they upgraded from a mimeograph machine
to the Gestetner - no more cutting stencils! And even though new
machines were a lot of fun, she most enjoyed working with the staff
at BHC through the years, running the machines, and of course
assigning her own creative name to each machine.
Thanks for Your Help, Photo File, LLC
BHC thanks congregants Amy & Steve Seldowitz, owners of Photo
File, LLC for documenting our entire building. They did a fantastic
job and we greatly appreciate their work.
The Photo File concept is to be proactive and take detailed
photographs of possessions before a claim ever happens. In the
event of property loss, these photos provide proof to your insurance
company of exactly what was stolen, damaged, or destroyed. After
completing the picture session, the digital images are transferred
on to a custom flash drive and given to you along with instructions
on how to manage them for safekeeping. Most importantly, the
pictures never leave your premises; the only copy is given to you
immediately after the picture session is complete. Confidentiality
is assured.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Hoffberger Gallery
Work by Bridget Z. Sullivan
Join us for the reception of the March/April Show:
Sunday, March 2, 2 pm
Bridget Z. Sullivan
Sullivan was born in 1964 in Chicago, IL. She received her BFA from
the Maryland Institute College of Art in 1987 and her MFA from
Towson University in 1996. She has participated in group and solo
exhibitions since 1986. Sullivan was awarded a Maryland State Arts
Council Individual Artist’s Grant in 2004 in Photography and in
2002 in the New Genre category. Her work has been featured in
Inklight/AfterImage, and URHere Journal of Creative Geography.
She currently resides in Baltimore with her husband Richard and
two daughters Maggie and Grace.
Youth Engagement
Have Fun and Give Back
Check out these awesome events in March!
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
Do Not Sacrifice Our Children
Our lifestyle, work demands, family activities and
commitments today create an environment of
high stress for many of us. Just a few generations
ago our grandparents & great-grandparents worried primarily about
the survival of their children due to illness, the dangers of life,
having sufficient nutrition, and in cold climes, having enough wood
to heat a home and avoiding freezing to death, also high stress issues
but of a far more serious nature.
We are instructed in Genesis 22:1-24, known as “the Akedah” (or
the binding of Isaac), not to sacrifice our children. Our God does
not demand this of us as the neighbors’ gods do of them. Today’s
gods are not little idols carved from stone, they are sports, money
and work. Successful baseball, football, and basketball players earn
more money in several seasons than most of us earn in a lifetime.
We register very young children for sports teams so that they will
acquire very specific skills, yet their overall fitness and skill levels are
unevenly developed because they are spending less time engaged in
free play and running around the yard. As they get older they may
miss school events but sports events and practices are ‘holy.’
The challenges of working families and the importance of
financial security require us to juggle school, or nannies, neighbors,
and family members to help us when a child is ill or school is closed
for inclement weather. The burden to go to work regardless of child
care availability is enough to send all of us into a downward spiral!
As I write this in January, we are in the midst of a brutally cold
winter, and no shortage of snow. I make inclement weather decisions
that involve delayed openings, closings or openings that turn into
closings in consultation with others and based on only one critical
factor: the safety and welfare of our children and staff. These are
difficult decisions and I am aware that some will understand and
some will be irritated, yet, each time I know that my responsibility is
to not sacrifice our children.
Renée Stadd
Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
TheVent - Friday- Sunday, March 21-23
8th-12th graders are invited to spend a weekend away with
other high schoolers from across the Mid Atlantic Region
of NFTY at this regional event hosted by Temple Sinai in
Washington DC. See for
details and registration. For scholarship information, contact
Brad Cohen, Director of Education,
BHC Tzedakah Dodgeball Tournament - Sunday, March 30
5th-7th graders are invited to the JYGE Dodgeball Tournament
in the BHC Multi Purpose Room from noon-2 pm. The 8th-12th
grade league will play from 2-4 pm. This event will include
food, prizes and lots of ducking, diving and dodging! All
money raised by this event will be donated to tzedakah! Keep
an eye out for fliers and contact Dan Kahn, dkahn@bhcong.
org for more information and to RSVP.
Dan Kahn
Youth Group Advisor
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
It’s not too cold for us look at our snowman!
Brotherhood News
Sisterhood in Session
The Federation of Jewish Women’s
Organizations of Maryland
5th Annual Men’s Seder
“Jewish Men of Hollywood”
Sunday, March 30, 1-3:30 pm, BHC
What do Abraham Lincoln, Harry Potter and Walter Mitty have in
common? They are all movie characters played by Jewish actors.
Jewish men have had a huge role in Hollywood, from acting to
producing, directing and more. Join us for a wonderful afternoon
as we learn about the Jewish male impact on Hollywood and
experience a unique interpretation of the seder. The afternoon will
include a catered seder meal to share with comrades, discussions
on the featured topic, and entertainment from the comedy juggling
talent of Michael Rosman. Register as an early bird, www.bhcong.
org/mensseder14 by Friday, March 21 for a cost of $25. After March
21 the cost will be $35. Contact Sid Bravmann with questions,
410-952-6352 or
Social Action Efforts: BHC Brotherhood
Prepares and Serves Food at Manna
House on Thanksgiving and Christmas
Thursday, March 6, 6:30 pm
Dinner will be served (dietary laws observed)
Location: Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah, 7000 Rockland Hills
Topic: “Can You Hear Me Now? Effective Listening & Communication”
Speaker: Heather Lapidario, Leadership Instructor, Gerstell
Social Action Project: Toiletry items for the Hackerman-Patz House
are requested. Please bring these donations to the meeting.
RSVP: Send a check of $18 mailed to Margaret Stern, 8407 Charlton
Road, Randallstown, MD 21133, 410-655-2668.
Sisterhood Non-Event Donor
BHC Sisterhood celebrates a hundred plus years of Giving from the
Heart. You should have or will receive an invitation for making “Our
Garden Grow.” Your donation will support our many Congregational
and community efforts. We extend our appreciation for your generosity.
BHC Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Hours: Sundays: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesdays: 3 - 5 pm, 6:30 - 9 pm
Thursdays: 11 am - 3 pm
Or by appointment: Paula Cohen, 410-292-4439
Patti Minkin, 410-340-2058
Mark The Date: Women’s Seder
On all other nights, women cook and serve; on this night, Brotherhood
men will bring the food to us. Our Women’s Seder starts at 6:15 pm,
Tuesday, March 25, with a new, participatory women’s Haggadah,
traditional and modern music led by Cantor Sacks, and dinner. Fee:
$25 per person. Mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and
daughters and granddaughters (ages 10+) are welcome! Participate
even more by coming early to help set tables and by bringing a
Passover dessert to share with your fellow women. For information
or questions, contact Lisa S. Hirsh, 443-831-8938.
Women’s Seder Reservation Form
# of reservations ___ Guest Names:
Indicate entrée choice (per person): ___ Chicken ___ Vegetarian
Please seat me with:
(Every attempt will be made to honor seating requests.)
Total Enclosed ($25 per person): $
Mail the completed form to Gerri Kobren, 6350 Red Cedar Place,
Unit 101, Baltimore, MD 21209 with checks payable to Baltimore
Hebrew Congregation Sisterhood.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
In Memoriam
We record with sorrow the passing of
Lucille Baldwin
Bertram Berman
Stephen L. Blum
Judy Cloughen
Margaret Cramer
Tom Feldman
Frona Myra Fried
Sharon Friedlander
Stanley Goldberger
Dr. Bernard Groh
James Arthur Hertzman
Joan Kadish
Richard Lansburgh
Sarah Mazer
Karl Millhauser
Michael Nosanchuk
Elaine Parnes
Mayer Posner
A.J. Rymland
Rhonda Snape
John Weber
May their memories be for a blessing
Perpetual Memorials
March 7-8
Max Samuel Ansell
Nettie Behrend
Stanley Behrend
Minnie Blumberg
Estelle F. Brown
Edward L. Caplan
William Howard
Dr. Marvin Cohen
Ruth Zelda Cohen
Birdie W. Cohn
Myra A. Copeland
Samuel G.
Edna M. DeBoskey
Rebecca Ellis
Lillian Epstein
Julius S. Fenigsohn
Elias Jacob Filtzer
Herman Fishbein
Louis N. Frank
John D. Gaffen
Joel Gebhart
Mary Cluster
Peggy Goldstein
Hermyne S.
Harry Gordon
Norton Gould
Anna L. Greenberg
Fannie Haas
Elizabeth D.
Abraham Harman
Stanley H. Hartman
Muriel Schloss
Jacob Himmelrich
Morris Kadish
Samuel Kahn
Meyer Kushnick
Belle Skolnik
Bernard Levin
Sol A. Levy
George Lichter
Leonard Liepman
Mary Frank
Geraldine Bernice
Joel Mendels
Adele G. Metzel
Abraham Morris
Mack Richard Moss
Leopold Oettinger
Ella Ottenheimer
Lewis M.
Sarah Annenberg
Jesse A. Rose
Isaac Rosenstein
Julia Rosenstock
Milton Rosenstock
Lynne Sachs
Ralph J. Sapero
Sarah Schiffer
Irving Morris
Bessie Seidenman
Dorothy Seidman
Sophie Siegel
Aaron J. Simon
Helen Strull
William Louis
Harold Moses
Stanley M.
Dr. Myer A.
Betty C. Weinstein
Louis Welfeld
Bessie A. Wolff
Alvin S. Wolpoff
Helen Marx Zander
March 14-15
Sigmund M. Adler
Katie Benjamin
Rose Cheslock
Joseph B. Bloch
Samuel Blum
Jennie H. Brill
Harris N. Brodie
Louis A. Carliner
Jacob Carp
Sarah Carp
Donald Howard
Margaret S. Cohen
Rebecca Cohen
Sylvan G. Cohen
Edward Eliason
Samson Edward
Mollie Feingold
Martin Feldman
Joseph Felsen
Sigmund G. Frank
Sidney R. Galler
Milton Gluck
Gertrude Goff
Harry Gruber
Eleanor Gutmann
Nettye Lesser
Janet Diekmann
Meyer Kadden
Zerlina N. Katz
Nathan H.
Sarah Kohen
Jacob Levi
Stuart Charles
Levine, M.D.
Bruce Paul
Emanuel Levinson
Raymond Lichter
Etta O. Loewner
Louis Frank
Loewner, Sr.
Etta Juhn
Martha Meyer
Lillian Naden
Jay Reisenstein
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Milton Newman
Lester B. Ott
Rebecca M.
Rhea K. Pass
Sophia Lewyt Rose
Alfred Rosenthal
Mollie Sandler
Cecelia Sauber
Albert L. Schlecter
Jacob Schwartzman
Dr. Susan Lynn
Lillian Shapiro
Sophie Shapiro
Lillian Sherman
Jean Shevitz
Dorothy Rebecca
Aaron David Singer
Birdie Solomon
Meyer L. Straus
Leonard Tossman
Harry A. Veditz
Rita G. Wagner
Mary Weinberg
March 21-22
Lena Macks
Robert Arzt
Ada Gitomer
Harry Brass
Harold Ray Breslau
Eva Brown
Mazie F. Burgunder
Charles M. Cahn
Dr. Sylvan Caplan
Harry N. Cohen
Mary Cohen
Nathan L. Cohen
Jules Dresner
Adolph Sylvan
Abraham Ben
Jacob Fasher
Jacob Fisher
Blanche A.
David Fox
Jacob Fox
Louis N. Frank
Samuel Frank
Sarah Frank
Harry Gaffen
Celia F. Glazer
Ray Goldman
Douglas S.
Dr. Alan F.
Mary B. Hecht
Saul C. Herman
Jane W. Herstein
Edith Muskatt
Helen Huchberger
Frank Katz
Sylvan Kaufman
Harry Kessler
Hilda Kirsch
Naomi Hendler
Jacob Lewenberg
Nathan Litofsky
Muriel E. Loeser
Abraham B.
Rudolph May
L. Joseph Meyer
Irwin Meyers
Morton Nusbaum
Harry D.
Bruce Alan
Norma H. Paul
Louis Pinerman
John D. Pryor
Harry Reicher
Clara Rice
Henry Robinson
Vivion Engel
Irma E. Rosenberg
Samuel H.
Irving Rubin
Silvia Joan Rubin
Frank Schwartz
Sara Seidel
Saul H. Shapiro
Florence Solomon
Marie T. Spear
Leonard Steinberg
Isaac Strauss
Lillian C. Sugerman
Dr. Frank V.
Michael Todd
Beverly Totz
Albert R.
Moses Wiesenfeld
Lena (Chevia)
March 28-29
Leroy S. Applefeld
Herman Barchenko
Herman L. Baron
Gerald L. Behrend
Louis David
Aaron G. Bloom
Fred Brooksaler
Harry Brown
Fannie Burt
Joseph L. Carmel
Barry Leslie Carp
Louis Cohen
Sylvia Diener
Hilton Feinsod
Mae L. Fischler
Ruth N. Frank
Mary Wolk Fried
Ramon F. Getzov
Aaron H. Goldman
Lilian Lyon
Morton A.
Anne Gordon
Rose Greenberg
Herbert Gutman
Gertrude F.
Sylvia Rosen Jacobs
Benjamin L. Katz
Jacob Katz
Louis Katz
Berney B.
Elizabeth Kaufman
Fay Kaufman
Fannie Klaw
Bertha Kleineibst
William Layden
Anna R. Levy
Dr. Irving I. Mahler
Leon H. Mayer
Cecil J. Medwedeff
Abraham P. Miller
Dr. Norman L.
Martin B. Morrison
Bessie J. Paymer
Louis Paymer
Solomon Morris
Sody Salabes
Solomon Salabes
Joel David
Mary Sharogrodsky
Bailey Michael
Mary Phyllis
Esther Siegel
Rosa Silverman
Helen Sinsheimer
Louise Straus
Margaret Sussman
Norma S. Weinberg
Belle Salonic
Ida F. White
Sarah M.
From Generation to Generation
Special Birthdays
Brian Landsman, Michael Miller,
Estelle Waxman, Susan Zeiger, Abby
Richmond, Lisa Gorman, Josh Kades,
Jonathan Margolick, Anne Miller,
Charlotte Kessler, Margi Land,
Matthew Lilienfeld, Marnie Plovan,
Samantha Schwartz, Mark Borinsky,
Steven Potter, Stanley Weiman,
Jordan Rothberg, Ann Shofer, David
Bacharach, Jennifer Simon, Dr. David
I. Tossman, Joshua Civin, Aaron
Smolarz, Randy Day, Virginia Adams,
Gregory Robin, Harvey Zelefsky,
Betty Loeser, Marilyn Savage, Marcia
Snyder, Tiffany Tupper, Harriet Isaacs,
Nancy Adler
Special Anniversaries
60th Joy & Howard Nelson
50th Gisela & Edwin Jules
20th Susan & Melvin Oberfeld
10th Melissa & Richard Puritz
B’nai Mitzvah
March 22
Zakkai Vin Lepski Smith, son of Gigi
Lepski & David Smith
March 29
Sara Blanch Freedman, daughter of Lisa
Berkun and Laurel & Matt Freedman
Samantha Beekman to Scott Peddicord
Karen Gal to Keith Moxley
Emily Greenberg, daughter of
Melanie and Howard Greenberg,
granddaughter of Trudy Greenberg
and Jeanne Rottenberg, to André
Sara Lohmann, daughter of Shelly
Lohmann, to Ben Mullen
Ilene Windman, daughter of Jo Ann and
Harry Windman, granddaughter of
Betty Meyers, to Nicole Sambuco
Brian Katzenberg, son of Carla and Alex
Katzenberg III, grandson of Loraine
Lobe, to Courtney Douglas
Jayme Wolff, daughter of Shelley Wolff,
to Ricardo Barron
Adam Gordon Zinhe Dover, son of Dr.
Laura and Jacob Dover
Leila Neal Beninghove, daughter
of Kelly and Jeffrey Beninghove,
granddaughter of Martha and B. Lee
Beninghove, great-granddaughter of
Helene Feit
James Bruce Blair, son of Jon and Dr.
Lauren Rabin Blair
Samuel Forest Crumpler, son of Jessie
Stadd and Forest Crumpler, grandson
of Renée and Barry Stadd
Idan Epstein, son of Iris Fadlon and
David Epstein
Rachel Miri Gaffar, daughter of Jenni
Kohan-Gaffar and Yousuf Gaffar
Miriam Goldberg, daughter of Zipora
and Shaul Goldberg, great-great
granddaughter of Ruth and Robert M.
We gratefully acknowledge the
following offerings:
For the speedy recovery of
Naomi Benzil, by Sisterhood
Aaron Garfinkel, by David Slotnick
Carol Hawtof, by Ilene & Dr. John K.
Brooks • Carol J. Caplan • Becky &
Larry Gutin • Minna & Louis Katz •
Betty Meyers • Carolyn Polowy & Carl
S. Silverman • Sisterhood • Martha &
Stan Weiman
Marsha Kalisch, by Carol J. Caplan •
Barbara Mandel & Allan T. Hirsh, Jr.
Minna Katz, by Carol J. Caplan
Shirley Lipman, by Phyllis & Bernard Rice
Lauren Loran, by Carol J. Caplan
Martin Pollinger, by Betty Fink
Dr. Deborah Shpritz, by Sisterhood
Jill Woltman, by Carol J. Caplan •
In honor of
The special birthday of Gary P. Aiken, by
Ruth & James Coleman
The engagement of Samantha Beekman
to Scott Peddicord, by Marjorie Edlow
& Sharon Edlow
Kelly & Jeffrey Beninghove on the
birth of their daughter Leila Neal
Beninghove, by her grandparents
Martha & B. Lee Beninghove
BHC Clergy for their caring and support,
by Barbara & George Dover
The new home of Barbara Blue, by Carol
J. Caplan
Rabbis Pine & Busch on their son Ethan
becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Linda
Flame & John Elias
The 70th wedding anniversary of Olga
& Buddy Foreman, by their children,
grandchildren & great-grandchildren
• Jeannette Goldman • Betty & Barry
Lavenstein • The Lessans Family •
Beverly & Stuart Sagal
Judy & Alan Gillis on the birth of their
granddaughter Teagan Lilly Coughlin,
by Ilene Brooks
Melanie & Howard Greenberg on the
engagement of their daughter Emily
Greenberg to André Brasser, by Carol
J. Caplan
The birthday of David Aaron Kern, by Dr.
Sarah & Frank Kern
Rabbi Peter Kessler & David Herman on
their daughter Peri Kessler becoming
a Bat Mitzvah, by Carol J. Caplan
The special birthday of Harriet Legum,
by Leslie & Robert D. Waldman
Wendy & Adam Lippe on their daughter
Sydney becoming a Bat Mitzvah, by
Carol J. Caplan
The special birthday of Loraine Lobe, by
Mickey & Trudy Magarill
The engagement of Sara Lohmann to
Ben Mullen, by her mother Shelly
The special birthday of Cantor Ann G.
Sacks, by Carol J. Caplan
Irene & George Siegel on the engagement
of their son Brian Snyder to Ruthie
Schwartzman, by Betty Meyers
The privilege of an aliyah in honor of
our birthdays, by Shirley & Irving
Cantor Solomon for his kindness, by
Marcy Hyatt & Kathy Keene
Renée & Barry Stadd on the birth of their
grandson Samuel Forest Crumpler, by
Ilene & Dr. John K. Brooks • Carol J.
Caplan • Sharon & Dr. Donald Edlow •
Becky & Larry Gutin • Carol Hawtof
The birth of Miriam Goldberg, by her
great-great grandparents Ruth &
Robert M. Taubman
The birth of Samuel Nathan Ben-Aviv,
by his grandparents Helene & Jeffrey
Helene & Jeffrey Waranch on the birth
of their grandson Samuel Nathan
Ben-Aviv, by Susan & Philip Abraham
• Carol J. Caplan • Carolyn Polowy &
Carl S. Silverman
Jo Ann & Harry Windman on the
engagement of their daughter Ilene
Windman to Nicole Sambuco, by Ilene
& Dr. John K. Brooks • Carol J. Caplan
• Becky & Larry Gutin • Barbi & Louis
Hyman • Bobbi & Aron Perlman •
Esther Saltzman • Sisterhood • James
& Alice Dolle Trosch
Shelley Wolff on the marriage of her
daughter Jayme Wolff to Ricardo
Barron, by Ilene Brooks • E.B. Hirsh
Early Childhood Center
In memory of
Rabbi Michael Abraham, by Carol & Ed
Gratz • Jeffrey Levi • Lynda S. & Jerry
Weinstein • Sharon & Kenneth Ziv
Lena Macks Abrams, by her family
Lillie Baldwin, by Becky Gutin
Bertram Berman, by Ilene Brooks &
Renée Stadd • Carol J. Caplan • Becky
& Larry Gutin
Amy Blitzstein, by Lee Salawitch
Fred Brooksaler, by Doris Cowl
Rose S. Brown, by Carol J. Caplan &
Lucille S. Bulloch, by Carol J. Caplan &
Dr. Sylvan Caplan, by Carol J. Caplan &
Judy Cloughen, by Becky & Larry Gutin
Birdie Cohn, by Eileen W. Cohn & the
Family of the late Adolph D. Cohn
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Daniel R. Daniel, by Betty Spear
Doris Sycle Davison, by Carol Kaufmann
Herman Dolinka, by Susan & Philip
Abraham • Ilene & Dr. John K. Brooks
• Carol J. Caplan • Francine & Michael
Gill • Becky & Larry Gutin & Family
• Betty Meyers • Marlyn & Dr. Boris
William Eichengreen, by Stefan Leigh
Howard Engel, by Sonia Blumberg,
children, grandchildren & greatgranddaughter
Ruth Engel, by Sonia Blumberg, children,
grandchildren & great-granddaughter
Tom Feldman, by Benita Schwartzman
Bert Finkelstein, by Elaine Finkelstein &
Mae L. Fischler, by Loraine Lobe
Hannah S. Fried, by Mark & Kevin Fried
Sharon Friedlander, by Barbara Mandel
& Allan T. Hirsh, Jr.
Dr. Jerome Gavis, by his children &
grandchildren Liz Gavis & Fred
Hughson; Sarah & Sam Gavis-Hughson
• Alex, Jane, Edwin & Owen Gavis •
Ruth Gavis
Elaine Goldman, by Carol J. Caplan
Elsie E. Grail, by Francine & Michael Gill
Allan Greenberg, by Melanie & Howard
Greenberg; Trudy Greenberg
Dr. Bernard Groh, by Dee Silberman
James Arthur Hertzman, by Carol J.
Caplan • Sharon & Dr. Donald Edlow
• Becky & Larry Gutin • Louise &
Richard F. Kemper • Gerri & Larry
Kobren • Susan & Norman J. Lorch •
Marlyn & Dr. Boris O’Mansky • James
& Alice Dolle Trosch
Burton S. Hoffman, by Minna & Louis
Jackie Hubberman, by Florence Paul
Bertha Jandorf, by Linda & Michael
Joan Kadish, by Betty Fink
Dr. Clementine Kaufman, by Marjorie
Emanuel S. Kalus, by Beverly Kalus &
Harry Koch, by Florence Paul
Leslie Legum, by Harriet & Jeffrey Legum
Casey Dylan Lenovitz, by Jeanne & Harry
Irv Lewis, by Phyllis & Bernard Rice
Ann Newman Libov, by Shirley
Friedlander • Helaine & Marc Witman
Sarah Macks, by her family
Manuel Matthews, by Cecelia Eisenberg
Sarah Mazer, by Lynette & Larry Berman
Karl Millhauser, by Ellen Spear Jandorf
Raymond Noel, by Baila Noel
Michael Nosanchuk, by Carol J. Caplan
• Becky & Larry Gutin • James & Alice
Dolle Trosch
Morton William Peskin, Sr., by Phyllis
Sarubin & Family
Charles I. Petschek, by Jill Petschek, Joe
Boccuzzi & Benjamin
Mayer Posner, by Carole & Aaron Mall
Abraham “Al” Rachelson, by Arnita
Edward Raskin, by Sandy Raskin
Margery Reed, by Linda Flame & John
Ruth B. Rosenbaum, by Michael
Mark Rosenfield, by Jeanette Parmigiani
A. J. Rymland, by Carol J. Caplan •
Lauren Redmond & Eric Hoel
Flora Kovens Sarubin, by Phyllis Sarubin
& Family
Abe Schack, by his children Janet & Dr.
Robert P. Fleishman
Israel Morton Schindler, by Lynette &
Larry Berman
Gordon Allen Schwartz, by Lynette &
Larry Berman
Joseph Seidman, by Carole Seidman,
children & grandchildren
Jerry Sellman, by Dr. Nancy & Gary P.
Aiken • Linda Flame & John Elias
Miriam Selznick, by Dr. Jeffrey Selznick
Sol Shavell, by Zalman A. Shaval
Elaine Shayt, by her son Marty Shayt
Peter Sindell, by Frema & Dr. Neil
Theodore T. Sindell, by Frema & Dr. Neil
Rhoda Snape, by Judy Rubenstein
Joan Stern, by Stanley Stern
A. Victor Taylor, by Susan & Jerry Taylor
Julius Tralins, by David Tralins
Irta Weiner, by Dianne Feldman • Faye
Joseph Weiner, by Dianne Feldman •
Faye Lehmann
In commemoration of the birthday
anniversary of
Adolph D. Cohn, by Eileen W. Cohen &
the Family of the late Adolph D. Cohn
Nathaniel Goldstein, by Sandy Raskin
Solomon S. Macks, by his children,
grandchildren & great-grandchildren
Sylvia B. Mandy, by Dr. Sarah & Frank
Shirley Massing, by Marcia & Ries Daniel
Appreciation is expressed for
messages of good wishes and
Books of Uniongrams received by
Francine & Michael Gill in memory of
Herman Dolinka
Harriet Kramer on her special birthday
Sherri Minkin on her recovery
Harriet Raskin on her recovery
Donna Wasserman on her special
Prepaid Offering Envelopes
may be purchased from the
Temple Office –
10 for $100, a savings of $50.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Everlasting Remembrance
includes memorial book & seat plaque
Pay tribute to those
who blessed us in life
and continue to bless us
through memory.
Yahrzeit literally means “year’s time” or
anniversary. By the recitation of Kaddish
at the time of Yahrzeit, we pay tribute
to those who blessed us in life and
continue to bless us through memory.
Our Congregation makes it possible
to establish, in this spirit, memorials for
everlasting remembrance. A page in the
Book of Memorial, or in combination
with a Sanctuary Seat Plaque, may be
dedicated as a memorial to your loved
If you would like to participate,
Francie Gill is available to discuss the
options with you, or
410-764-1587, ext. 226.
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 7 • 29 Adar I – 29 Adar II 5774 • March 2014
March 2014
Saturday, March 1
Monday, March 10
9 am
10 am
11:30 am
6:30 pm
10:30 am
6 pm
7 pm
Torah Talk
Shabbat Shelanu
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Kiddush
Chai Society Dinner, Brewer’s Art
Sunday, March 2
9 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
10:30 am
2 pm
Religious School
Adult Beginner Hebrew
Diet and Dementia, Family
Concerns Program
Prayerbook Hebrew
Bereavement Group
Hoffberger Gallery Art Reception
Monday, March 3
6 pm
7 pm
BEIT-RJ, Har Sinai Congregation
BHC Board of Electors
Tuesday, March 4
4:15 pm
7 pm
7 pm
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Religious School
Food Addicts in Recovery
Religious School Advisory
Budget Committee Meeting
Kol Rinnah
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Thursday, March 6
9:30 am
10 am
11 am
1 pm
Sisterhood Federation Committee
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Program
Friday, March 7
5:30 pmPJ Shabbat Potluck Dinner
6:15 pm Shabbat Service
6:30 pm PJ Shabbat
6:30 pm Shake It Up Shabbat
7:30 pm Oneg Shabbat
Saturday, March 8
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
Second Monday Series
BEIT-RJ, Har Sinai Congregation
Brotherhood Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 11
4:15 pm
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Religious School
Food Addicts in Recovery
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
Parents’ Association
Kol Rinnah
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Thursday, March 13
10 am
11 am
1 pm
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Program
Friday, March 14
7 pm
8 pm
Shabbat Service with Junior
Oneg Shabbat
Saturday, March 15
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
7 pm Chai Life at Center Stage
9 am
9 am
9 am
9:15 am
10 am
10:15 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
Religious School
•Aleph All Stars
• Gesher Family Program
7th Grade to Holocaust Museum
ABC’s of Prayer
Adult Beginner Hebrew
Sisterhood Board Meeting
Prayerbook Hebrew
Bereavement Group
Religious School Teachers Meeting
9 am
9 am
9 am
9:15 am
10:15 am
10:30 am
1 pm
Religious School
•Aleph All Stars
ABC’s of Prayer
Adult Beginner Hebrew
Prayerbook Hebrew
Bereavement Group
Jewish Outdoor Education
Monday, March 24
9 am
6 pm
7 pm
Sisterhood Interfaith Institute
BEIT-RJ, Har Sinai Congregation
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
Advisory Committee
Tuesday, March 25
4:15 pm
5:30 pm
6:15 pm
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Religious School
E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center
Parent Teacher Conferences
Sisterhood Women’s Seder
Food Addicts in Recovery
Kol Rinnah
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Thursday, March 27
Sunday, March 16
9 am
10:30 am
10:45 am
11:30 am
Religious School
Bereavement Group
Purim Megillah Reading
Purim Carnival
Monday, March 17
6 pm
7 pm
BEIT-RJ, Har Sinai Congregation
Budget Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 18
4:15 pm
7 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Religious School
Food Addicts in Recovery
Kol Rinnah
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon
Grey Sheet Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Thursday, March 20
Sunday, March 9 • Daylight Savings Begins
Sunday, March 23
10 am
11 am
1 pm
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Program
Friday, March 21
6:15 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Shabbat Service
BHC Pride Dinner, Noodles & Co.
Oneg Shabbat
Saturday, March 22
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bar Mitzvah
9:30 am
10 am
11 am
1 pm
Sisterhood Federation Committee
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Class
Triple Treat Program
Friday, March 28
6:15 pm
7:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Oneg Shabbat
Saturday, March 29
9 am Torah Talk
10 am Shabbat Shelanu
10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bat Mitzvah
Sunday, March 30
9 am Religious School
9:15 am Adult Beginner Hebrew
10:15 am Prayerbook Hebrew
10:30 am Bereavement Group
11 am Social Action Super Heroes
1 pm Brotherhood Men’s Seder
Monday, March 31
10:30 am
Second Monday Series
Progressive. Dynamic. Diverse.
Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland
Peggy K. Wolf
Martha Weiman
1st Vice President
Gary P. Aiken
Vice President
David Block
Vice President
Paula K. Himeles
Vice President
Jay M. Kramer
Robert D. Waldman
Assistant Treasurer
Edith R. Brotman
Philip Abraham
Past President
Jo Ann Windman
Executive Director
Brad Cohen
Director of Education
Annette Saxon
Director of Development
David K. Weis
Andy Wayne
Director of
Communications and
Jimmy Galdieri
Music Director
Mark Hucks
Facility Operations
Tracy Ringel
Communications and
Design Associate
Carl S. Silverman, Esq.
The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448,
phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail Periodical Postage
paid at Balt. MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448
Saturday, March 1
Saturday, March 15
Saturday, March 29
Pekude, Exodus 38:21-40:38
Tzav, Leviticus 6:1-8:36
Tazria, Leviticus 12:1-13:59
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
Friday, March 7
• Shabbat Service
Rabbi Busch will speak.
6:30 pm • PJ Shabbat
for newborns-Pre-K
with Cantor Sacks
6:30 pm • Shake It Up Shabbat
for children in grades K-2nd
with Dave Berenhaus
Saturday, March 8
Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1-5:26
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
Friday, March 14
• Shabbat Service
Rabbi Busch will speak.
Junior Congregation with Brad
Cohen, Director of Education and
Dan Kahn, Youth Group Advisor
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
Sunday, March 16
• Purim Megillah Reading
Friday, March 21
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
• Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah
Sara Freedman
daughter of Lisa Berkun and
Laurel & Matt Freedman
• Shabbat Service
honoring Betty Spear
Rabbi Busch will speak.
Kol RInnah will sing.
Saturday, March 22
Shemini, Leviticus 9:1-11:47
• Torah Talk
• Shabbat Shelanu
• Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah
Zakkai Smith
son of Gigi Lepski & David Smith
Friday, March 28
6:15 pm • Shabbat Service
Rabbi Busch will speak.
Bema Home Connection is available
in the Sanctuary, Goodwin Center and
Hoffberger Chapel. To connect to the
Bema Home connection, call the Temple
Office, 410-764-1587.
Videostreaming is available by visiting Registration for
videostreaming is not necessary.
Hearing loops are available at the
front desk. Simply turn on the T-coil.
For more information contact David

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