June - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
BULLETIN BALTIMORE HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbi Andrew Busch Cantor Robbie Solomon Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen Cantor Ann G. Sacks Rabbi Rex D. Perlmeter, Emeritus Number 10 | June 2016 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 BALTIMOREHEBREW.ORG We all scream for ice cream! BHC’S SHAVUOT SCOOP RETURNS For details see page 5. Take a Peek Inside . . . New and Returning Members . . . . . . From the Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Message from the President . . . . . Night of the Stars Thanks You . . . . . . Upcoming at BHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Welcoming Ushers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meal Makers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 JCC Block Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brotherhood Closing Dinner . . . . . . . Blood Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grandparents Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chai Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center . . Youth Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Youth Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mazel Tov Confirmands . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Simcha Tree of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Todah Rabbah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Hoffberger Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 June Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WELCOME NEW AND RETURNING MEMBERS! We welcome the following congregants who have joined BHC since April 2 Maureen & Robert Ackerman Anne B. Adler Joel Beller Lisa Berman Darcy Brodman Sue & Thomas Brown Ezra Buchdahl Sheila & Rabbi Gustav Buchdahl Cecelia & Richard Butler Ira Fedder Jeffrey Dannis & Bradley Fine Marie & Philip Fink Susan & David Dubin Laurie & Daniel Duhan Anita & Arnold Ehrenreich Margy & Allan Feigelson Sheila & Charles Frank Rita Goldberg Susan & Philip Golden Barbara & Bruce Goodman Sarah Green Shanna & Benjamin Heilveil Marcia Schwartz & Doug Helfman Dana & Matthew Hemelt Evelyn & John Hillman Ann-Laurie & Frederick Hyman Lisa & Arnold Jablon Lorna & Richard Kane Paula King Nina Lively & Michael Kurman Linda Leffman Ellen & Saul Lindenbaum Harold Lipsicas Staci & Adam Mandelberg Christine & Gary Manko Ariel Mond Sharon & Michael Mond Barbara Narrow Judith & Allan Oshry Linda & Larry Pearl Diana Peisach Deborah & Sheldon Pollekoff Amanda & Ryan Schuman Jennie & Jonathan Schwartz Linda & Neil Schwartz Susan & Mark Seaman Sharon & Jon Seigel Jessica Shiller & Colin Starger Janet & Richard Trosch Lisa & Robert Wack Carole Wilder Elizabeth & James Yarsky Abbe & Robert Yospa Joan Zimmerman FROM THE CLERGY Summer Camp Opportunities Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, Here I am at Camp Grenada Camp is very entertaining and they say we’ll have some fun if it stops raining. Allan Sherman’s iconic song about summer camp doesn’t begin to express the passion many of us feel about the places we first learned to build a fire, play jacks, steer a sailboat, make a French braid or make a best friend for life. In recent years the National Foundation for Jewish Camping (FJC) and The Associated’s Center for Jewish Camping (CJC) have raised our communal consciousness about the incredible power Jewish camping has to shape future Jewish identity. A testimonial on the CJC’s website says, “Camp was where I could do anything I put my mind to, surrounded by great friends and inspiring mentors. It was the place where I could climb towers, perform in talent shows, and play the Aleinu on the harmonica during Shabbat services.” – Dan S. This summer, our kids will attend or work at BHC’s own week-long day camp and at Beth T’filoh Day Camp. They will go to Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Camps — Harlam, 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy, 6 Points Sports Academy, Olin-Sang-Ruby, Kutz, Jacobs and Crane Lake. They will attend Camps Louise and Airy, Capital Camps and Moshava. I’m sure we’ve got kids going to camps that I’ve left off the list as well. Whether they are returning for their eight summer or nervously setting off on a first-time adventure, camp presents endless possibilities for exploration, growth and learning about themselves and their world. They will learn about Jewish life, Jewish identity and Jewish values. And that’s not to mention all the fun they will have! I’m thrilled that this year BHC will have the opportunity to live our Jewish values of tzedakah and Tikun Olam by creating a fantastic camp experience for some kids from Paul’s Place Outreach. For many years, BHC has partnered with Paul’s Place, a support agency for the Washington Village/Pigtown neighborhoods. In the past, we have provided meals for their hot lunch program, caring gifts from our Community Mitzvah Day Mitzvah Project and from a number of individual Bar/Bat Mitzvah projects and more. On April 29, we were blessed to host Jayna Powell, Volunteer Coordinator, who inspired all of us. (You can watch the videostreaming of her sermon on our website.) For the first time, BHC joins the list of area churches that will host a week of day camp (July 25-29) for kids who get support from Paul’s Place. These 1-5th graders will come to us from their city neighborhoods to have some wonderful camp time. Paul’s Place envisions the camp program as one, “designed to provide wholesome activities for children in our community, and to offer experiences that the children would not have in Pigtown, including stream walking, boating, environmental education, and field trips.” As of the beginning of May when I write this column, we still have opportunities for you to contribute to this incredible opportunity during the week of July 25-29. If you have a hobby or skill you could share with the kids – building model cars or doing science experiments; identifying plants in our wooded areas or making papermache art; playing guitar or doing drama improvisation. The beauty of camp is that you don’t need to be an expert – you just need to know more than the kids do, and it would only take a couple of hours. Brad Cohen, Director of Education, will gladly accept your help: bcohen@baltimorehebrew.org. Whether you’re going to camps creating camp for kids who need it or dreaming wistfully of your own camp days gone by, I hope your campfires burn bright and the bugs don’t bite. See you at camp! – Rabbi Sachs-Kohen Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: STEVEN SHARFSTEIN My Jewish Self What a privilege to begin as President of BHC, following in the footsteps of Martha Weiman, whose leadership and columns I’ve come greatly to admire. Thank you, Martha. You inspire me and BHC. I thought in this first column that I would tell you a little bit about my Jewish self. I grew up in New York City as part of a large secular, business-oriented, first-generation Jewish family. On my father’s side, my grandfather was Orthodox, but his children rapidly moved away from Orthodoxy. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side was part of an emancipated family from Russia, emigrating to the United States in the early years of the 20th century. Most of my cousins did not have Bar Mitzvahs, but we would all get together in my great-grandparents’ large apartment on the West Side of New York for Friday night dinners (no candles, no challah). After dinner, the women would play canasta in one room and the men would depart for the television to watch the “Friday night fights.” I remember my great-grandfather reading the Yiddish newspaper, but that was about it for observance. We moved to Great Neck, New York, when I was eight years old, and my parents joined a Reform congregation, Temple Beth El, more as a way of being in a certain social set than any wish to connect to Judaism. We had a Christmas tree in our home until I turned Bar Mitzvah age, and with my Jewish consciousness at age 13, I banished the tree and any observance of Christmas (much to my younger brother’s great chagrin). I continued not only to Confirmation after Bar Mitzvah but to begin a journey in Reform youth group activities through NFTY. At Dartmouth as an undergraduate, I had the experience of being in a distinct minority (there were 8% of us in the class of 1964) and then went to medical school (the first one in my family to go to medical school) at Albert Einstein in New York, which, at that time, was part of Yeshiva University. It was at that time that I had more exposure to Orthodox classmates and had the great fortune of being paired in alphabetical order (Sharfstein-Shiling) to Margaret – we were cadaver partners. Margaret’s family, born in Baltimore, were longstanding members of BHC. In June of 1965, at the end of our first year of Medical School, we were married at BHC with Rabbi Lieberman, Cantor Rosenfeld, and my rabbi from Great Neck, Rabbi Jerry Davidson. We actually joined BHC some years later after we moved to Baltimore in 1991, having lived for the prior 18 years in Washington, DC, and being active members in the Washington Hebrew Congregation. As a psychiatrist at Sheppard Pratt, where I have been CEO for 25 years, and in practice, my Jewish education and Jewish values have permeated my work. My brother, after having objected to my removal of the Christmas tree from our home, became quite an active member of his congregation in New York City, having served as President of Central Synagogue several years ago. What I love about Reform Judaism are our liberal values, activist social concerns and the effort to build a community within the larger American society. I look forward to working with you over the next two years and getting to meet and know many of you. bhc’s youth thanks you! BHC thanks all who made our sixth annual Night of the Stars a rousing success! The Dalsheimer Theater was filled with laughter. We couldn’t have done it without you. Your generosity will have a significant impact in our efforts to provide the best in Jewish educational opportunities to our youth so they will continue to grow up with a strong Jewish identity. HONOREES Susan W. & Edward L. Perl EVENT CHAIRS Marjorie Goodman Richard Peterson COMMITTEE MEMBERS David Berenhaus Carol J. Caplan Madeline Lettré Comoglio Steven Cornblatt Erin Gleeson Beverly Goldstein Harvey Goldstock Leslie Hantman Roberta Herbst Paula K. Himeles Barbi Hyman Joy Katzenberg Charles Klein Marcy K. Kolodny Marc Lederman Ava Lenet Marc Lenet Lynn Lettré Linda Litofsky Cindy Miller Roberta Perlman Merle Porter Jeanne Robin Marcia Rosenblatt Jeffrey Rubin Rheta Schloss Amy Seldowitz Debbie Shpritz Linda G. Speert Don Wehner Darlene Wolff Duke Zimmerman Phyllis Zimmerman NIGHT OF THE STARS SPONSORS: DIAMOND Hilda Perl Goodwin Susan W. & Edward L. Perl GOLD Margaret & Steve Sharfstein SILVER Anonymous The Classic Catering People The Frankel Automotive Group Barbi & Lou Hyman Harriet & Jay Kramer The Mt. Washington Tavern Radcliffe Jewelers Sol Levinson & Bros. Inc. BRONZE Anonymous (2) Artisan Renovations, Inc. The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore BHC Executive Committee Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. Bunny & Alan Bernstein, Jr. Amy Deutschendorf & Dr. Ira Fine Ellin & Tucker, Chartered Ronnie Footlick Fram Monument Co., Inc. Patricia & Harvey L. Goldstock Cathy Neuman & Richard Gross Paula & Martin S. Himeles, Jr. Louise & Richard Kemper Kitchen Saver Laura Black & Charles Klein Klein’s ShopRite Law Office of Carl S. Silverman, LLC Harriet & Jeffrey Legum Len Stoler Auto Group Susan & Norman Lorch Mayer & Steinberg, Inc. Mount Royal Printing & Communications Terry & Kevin Nolan Roberta & Aron Perlman Rainbow Adult Day Health Care Center The Dorothy L. & Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. Foundation Deborah & Louis Shpritz Susan & Perry Snyder SOS Technology Group Stevenson Village Veterinary Hospital Janice & Marc Strauss W.S. Tegeler Monument Co. Village of Cross Keys Thommie & Ted Williams MEDIA AHA Business Radio Baltimore Jewish Times Baltimore Sun Media Group The City Paper WCBM & WQLL Radio WYPR 88.1 FM IN-KIND Robert Brodsky – Zoom Direct Americas Madeline Lettré Comoglio – MLC Designs Marc Lederman – Badges, Buttons… Plus!! Specialties Greg Mace – Monumental Moments Photo Booth Carl S. Silverman – BHC Counsel Duke Zimmerman – Photography We thank all who helped support Night of the Stars and hope we did not inadvertently omit any of our sponsors. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 3 UPC Upcoming at BHC For more information on any of the programs below, contact Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, awayne@baltimorehebrew.org or ext. 246. E.B. HIRSH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER CLOSING CEREMONY Friday, June 3, 10 am See the E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center column on page 6 for details. SHAVUOT Saturday, June 11, 7 & 8:30 pm Sunday, June 12, 8 am and 6 pm See page 5 for details. PJ SHABBAT Friday, June 3, 6:30 pm Bring your toddlers and young children for BHC’s pajama-clad service the first Friday of every month. CONVERSION STUDENTS DINNER Tuesday, June 14, 6 pm See the Program Highlights column on page 6 for details. CHAI LIFE SHABBAT AT BHC Friday, June 3, 6:15 pm We will attend the Shabbat Service together at 6:15 pm and have our own dinner in the courtyard following. INFO & RSVP: Amy Goldberg, amyleighgoldberg12@gmail.com. JCC BLOCK PARTY Sunday, June 5, 10 am-3 pm See page 5 for details. BROTHERHOOD CLOSING DINNER Sunday, June 5, 6 pm See page 5 for details. CAMP BHC Monday, June 6 through Friday, June 10 See page 5 for details. CONFIRMATION DINNER Saturday, June 11, 6 pm Confirmands and their families will celebrate with a dinner followed by Confirmation during the Shavuot Evening Service. ANNUAL REPORT On Friday, May 6, we had our Annual Meeting and Dinner. Congratulations to the new officers, board members and Brotherhood President who were installed. Thank you to everyone for your hard work. If you did not receive a copy of our annual report, you can view it online, baltimorehebrew.org/annualreport. KOL RINNAH Do you like to sing? Our Congregational choir is always open for new voices. We rehearse on most Monday nights at 7:30 pm and perform at Shabbat services about once every month. The atmosphere is welcoming, and you don’t have to read Hebrew to succeed. Try it, you’ll like it! INFO: Becky Gutin, bgutin@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. SHOFAR BLOWERS We are looking for experienced shofar players or horn players willing to learn the calls of the shofar, for this High Holy Day season. INFO: Cantor Solomon, rsolomon@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587. VIDEOSTREAMING VOLUNTEERS 4 We are looking for volunteers to assist with videostreaming for Shabbat and holiday services —perfect for a high schooler needing community service hours. INFO: Call the Temple Office, 410-764-1587. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 BHC PRIDE DINNER Friday, June 17, 7:30 pm Join us for dinner at Arlon’s, 706 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville. BROTHERHOOD ORIOLES GAME Saturday, June 18, 4:05 pm BHC and Temple Emanuel Brotherhoods are going to the game to watch the Orioles take on the Blue Jays. All are welcome. INFO & RSVP: Harold, hlips@comcast.net. FATHER’S DAY MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunday, June 19, 10 am Join us for a Father’s Day Memorial Service at BHC’s Berrymans Lane Cemetery, 318 Berrymans Lane, Reisterstown. The service is open to all. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Monday, June 20, 2 pm See page 5 for details. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT MEETING Tuesday, June 21, 7 pm BHC Cares invites you to join this group, led by congregant Benjy Dubin, regardless of whom you care for or where. INFO: Benjy Dubin, 410-486-3385. ADULT BEGINNER HEBREW CLASS Can’t read Hebrew? Cantor Sacks is teaching BHC congregants in an Adult Beginner Hebrew class on Sunday mornings, beginning in the fall. This class is for adults with little or no Hebrew reading ability and will fulfill the beginner Hebrew requirement for the Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah program. INFO: Becky Gutin, bgutin@ baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. PRAYERBOOK HEBREW THE EASY WAY Did you ever wonder what all those Hebrew words recited in Shabbat Services mean? Now is your chance to find out! Beginning in September, Cantor Sacks will be offering a Sunday morning course that will introduce basic prayerbook Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. The class will continue through the spring and coincide with the Religious School calendar. Basic decoding skills are required for this class. INFO: Becky Gutin, bgutin@baltimorehebrew.org or 410-764-1587, ext. 250. WELCOMING USHERS Looking ahead to the fall holidays, BHC invites you to volunteer as an usher. Ushers play a crucial role in welcoming members and guests, in handing out books, and in setting the general tone of our worship. We have wonderful ushers, led by Brotherhood’s Ushering Chair Harvey Schevitz. We need new ushers to join our continuing ushers as the holidays approach. INFO: Iris Powell, ipowell@baltimorehebrew.org. MEAL MAKERS With the passing of the pan, Sharon Edlow (left) will take over the leadership of BHC Meal Makers from Maria Kannen (right). The BHC Cares Meal Makers program began in 2010 as a way for people to reach out with the offering of food to their fellow congregants in times of need. Over the years, many wonderful volunteer chefs have prepared meals for people during times of illness, surgery, bereavement and after the birth of a child. BHC Cares would like to encourage congregants to join this lovely program as volunteer chefs! A simple, healthy hot meal can make a world of difference for someone and their family during a challenging time. INFO: Sharon Edlow, sharonke123@gmail.com. JCC BLOCK PARTY BHC is excited to again be a partner for the 2016 Community Block Party at the fields at the Owings Mills JCC on Sunday, June 5, 10 am-3 pm. With over 5,000 people in attendance, last year’s event was an amazing showcase of the various aspects of the Jewish community, along with unique vendors and loads of kids’ activities. INFO: Andy Wayne, Director of Communications and Engagement, awayne@baltimorehebrew.org, 410-764-1587 ext. 246. BROTHERHOOD CLOSING DINNER: AN ENCHANTED EVENING OF MUSIC Join Brotherhood for their closing dinner, “An Enchanted Evening of Music,” on Sunday, June 5, 6 pm. Enjoy beautiful melodies from Broadway, musical theatre and popular songs from the past 100 years. The cocktail reception will begin at 6 pm with dinner following at 7 pm. The evening will feature performers James Harp, Jason Buckwalter and Kimberly Christie. All are welcome—free to BHC Brotherhood members and only $15 for guests and non-members. Brotherhood is once again collecting for Sharp Dressed Man, so bring ties, belts and shoes to donate upon arrival. RSVP: baltimorehebrew.org/bhclosingdinner. INFO: Sid Bravmann, 410-952-6352. CAMP BHC Camp BHC is an exciting one-week, Monday-Friday, June 6-10, opportunity to explore Judaism in a safe, fun and spirited (ruach) atmosphere. Campers will experience an out-of-this-world adventure, living Jewish values (middot), and experience the joy of community (kehillah). Sports, art, drama, social action projects, water play, computers, and interactive camp challenges such as capture-the-flag and obstacle courses are just a few of our activities. Camp is open to students entering K-8th grade. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, bcohen@baltimorehebrew.org. BHC SHARE IN SHAVUOT TREATS WITH BHC Three Free Opportunities to Learn and Connect Beyond Our 6:15 pm Shavuot Evening Service Join Rabbis Busch and Sachs-Kohen and Director of Education, Brad Cohen, for a special nighttime study to celebrate Shavuot, Saturday, June 11, 8:30 pm. This year’s topic will be “Seeking the Holy: Location and Revelation.” Our Torah and our rabbis have said many different things about how humans find holiness and where. Mount Sinai is not in the Land of Israel; however, Israel has a special connection to it as well. Some stay up all night on Shavuot evening to be spiritually prepared to celebrate the Giving of the Torah come morning. We only study for an hour or two, but please join us, whether or not you attended the earlier Shavuot Confirmation Service. Come share in our study of texts, ideas, and opinions. As is traditional on Shavuot, cheesecake will be served. At BHC, our Shavuot morning “Sunrise” service, Sunday, June 12, 8 am, is great way to celebrate the festival through worship outside in the Fink Assembly courtyard, hear the Ten Commandments chanted and celebrate as a community. Many attend to participate in the tradition of Yizkor, though our Yizkor service is brief. Celebrate Shavuot and stay to enjoy a light breakfast afterwards. Shavuot Scoop returns on Sunday June 12, 6-7 pm right outside BHC’s main entrance. Our free ice cream gathering is a newer tradition, now in its seventh year. We welcome back local favorite Ms. Twist to serve up some soft-serve as we enjoy the ritual of eating dairy on this holiday. We are also looking forward to a very special moment when, at 5:30 pm, Temple Emanuel’s Torahs will be walked to BHC’s ark. Additionally, enjoy inflatable fun for kids in our grassy space, meet our ice cream mascots and play BHC’s “Scoop Bingo.” Shavuot Scoop is open to all, so bring your friends! BLOOD DRIVE Put Monday, June 20, 2-7:30 pm on your calendar and join us for our annual blood drive at BHC! It’s a mitzvah to give and to ensure that the Red Cross always has the safest possible blood supply to meet ongoing hospital and patient needs. To schedule an appointment, visit baltimorehebrew.org/blooddrive to connect to the Red Cross to sign up. INFO: Betty Fink, 410-484-4594 or Phyllis Zimmerman, 410-484-1797. Looking forward to seeing you there! SUMMER NIGHTS July 2016 marks the fifth year of our casual current events discussion in BHC’s courtyard led by BHC’s rabbis, cantors and Director of Education. These free evenings are scheduled every Tuesday in July, 6:30-8 pm with cocktails and snacks. No RSVP needed. GRANDPARENTS RETREAT Calling all grandparents and grandkids! Join BHC for our first Grandparent & Grandchild Retreat at Pearlstone Retreat Center, Friday-Sunday, August 19-21. Enjoy Shabbat, explore the outdoors, participate in art projects and get some quality time with your grandparents or grandchildren. INFO: Brad Cohen, Director of Education, bcohen@baltimorehebrew.org. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 5 Program Highlights PH E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center EBHECC On Tuesday, June 14, we celebrate congregants and others who have chosen to convert to Judaism with the help of BHC clergy. It is a gathering that I look forward to every year, though I almost always have no role in the actual conversions. I look forward to our “Conversion Dinner” because it is thrilling to see smiling faces of people who can share their journeys to Judaism and the passion for their new religion. To me, they have made a meaningful and powerful choice to embrace Judaism, and it’s so wonderful to be there with our clergy as we celebrate together. We’ve sent invites to BHC conversion students for this dinner. If you have not received yours, please let us know. Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement On Friday, June 3 we celebrate our Closing Ceremony for our four-year-old children. This is always an exciting and poignant day for children and their families. These precious boys and girls have spent several years with us, and we have established loving, secure and trusting relationships with them. Our goodbyes are always bittersweet. We wish them well on their journey! The Closing Ceremony this year will be very special. Our four year old class includes three children who began attending E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center as babies. They were the first children in our Infant Program! From cradle to kindergarten they have been ours to love, and as with all of our children, we look forward to hearing about their successes and their progress. We hope that all of our Fours Program children will stop by for visits, and we hope that they will still let us hug them! CONVERSION CELEBRATION Chai Life: 20s & 30s Community CL SPECIAL GOODBYES SUMMER FUN IS HERE With our Spring calendar over, Chai Life looks forward to many successful and fun summer events. The summer will kick off with our annual Chai Life Shabbat at BHC on Friday, June 3. Then, feel free to stop by BHC on Sunday, June 12 for Shavuot Scoop for free ice cream in this holiday with the community. To finish off the month, on Sunday, June 26, we will be hosting the one and only Chai Society of the summer. The first 20 people to sign up will enjoy brunch at Little Havana with an optional tour to follow at the Baltimore Museum of Industry... and that’s just June, folks. On behalf of BHC and the Chai Life family, the Chai Life committee would like to welcome David Castine as our new cochair, beginning in July. With huge hugs and much gratitude we say goodbye to Amy Goldberg. Over the years Amy has volunteered countless hours of her time to make all of our events successful, on top of the additional time that she gave to being Co-Chair of the Chai Life Committee. From everyone, thank you. As always, if you have any questions or would like to see certain events planned, don’t hesitate to email your Chai Life Co-Chairs Amy Goldberg, amyleighgoldberg12@gmail.com and Steve DeBois, sjdebois@gmail.com. Amy Goldberg and Steve DeBois Chai Life Co-Chairs • DISCLAIMERS • 6 1. All prices, events and times published in the Bulletin are current at the time of publication, but are subject to change. 2.Publication of an advertisement in the Bulletin is neither an endorsement nor recommendation of any advertisers’ products or services by BHC. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 This is my last bulletin article. My retirement is imminent, and while I look forward to new chapters, I want to thank BHC, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center, our wonderful teachers and all of the families and children who have been an integral part of my life. Thank you for the journey that we have taken together. Thank you for the joy I have had. Thank you for the privilege of working and learning together. Renée Stadd Director, E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Youth Group YG THANKING OUR LEADERS BHeCTY has had a wonderful year together! I would like to thank the following board members for taking the time to help plan awesome events and for being such great leaders for our teens: Aaron Seldowitz, President; Sivanne Bachrach, SAVP; Jason Lynn-Framm, MCVP; Amanda Bingaman, 12th Grade Rep; Linda Hill, 11th Grade Rep, and Rachel Katzenberg, 8th Grade Rep. A special congratulations to Jason for being elected to NFTYMAR’s Regional Board as Northern Membership Vice President. Congratulations to all Seniors. We wish you luck on your future adventures as Jewish adults in the community. Mazel Tov! Look for information for our end of the year lunch for our graduating Seniors. Leah Bloom Youth Engagement Associate YE MAZEL TOV BHC CONFIRMANDS AND THEIR FAMILIES! Youth Education WELCOME LAUREN OFFERMAN We are thrilled to announce that Lauren Offermann is joining the BHC team as our full time Youth Engagement Associate. Lauren will be in charge of informal youth programming, and she will assist in our Youth Education program with curriculum development and various administrative responsibilities. Born and raised in Pikesville, Lauren is a lifelong BHC congregant and past BHeCTY (Senior Youth Group) President. She is incredibly excited to move back to the area and begin working with the BHC community. Her favorite thing about BHC is all the memories she has made here in her youth. She looks forward to making many more memories in the years to come. Lauren is a 2016 graduate of Brandeis University with a major in Education Studies and a dual minor in Near Eastern Judaic Studies and French. Over the past three years at Brandeis, Lauren has worked as the Student Office Assistant for Hillel, where she focused on managing room reservations for events and programs of all 25 Hillel member groups. This past year, Lauren served as a Roosevelt Fellow, a peer academic mentor, where she oversaw nearly 80 first year students in a range of collegiate needs from course selection to University resources. She also spent a year working for The Gateways Program, a B’nai Mitzvah program that prepares students with special needs for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah with a combination of individual tutoring, classroom activities and a weekly prayer service. We look forward to having Lauren on our Youth Education team. L’Shalom (For Peace), Brad Cohen Director of Education TODAH RABBAH The Congregational Kiddush on May 14 was sponsored by Wendie & Nick Beser in honor of the marriage of their daughter Rachel to Steven Brookes. BHC Offerings IN MEMORIAM We record with sorrow the passing of Arnold David Cohen Eleanore “Elly” Gann Zachary Margulis Jack Matisoff Ira S. Meyers Howard Mora Alice Rosenbush Eileen Sakin Robert Shear Sidney Tremoulet Mildred Waxman Allen Weiss May their memories be for a blessing The Oneg Shabbat on May 20 was sponsored by Yousuf & Jennifer Kohan-Gaffar in honor of their son Asher becoming a Bar Mitzvah. June 3-4 Julia Alexander Bessie Angster Harry Aronson Louis H. Baumohl Louis Berkowich Robert Berney Esther S. Bernstein Ferdinand S. Breslau Irving Brower Bernard Burt Leon M. Chor Alan Louis Cohen Sadie Cohn Rube S. Crohn Sylvia K. Crone Isabel Fisher Morris Flocks Edward Leon Frank Henrietta S. Frank Victor Frenkil Hattie K. Friedman Sivanne Bachrach Christine & Yoav Bachrach Pierce Brodsky Laura & Robert Brodsky Jake Hermann Cory & Barak Hermann Teddy Plisko Joan & Marc Plisko Cameron Messick Marci & Steven Messick SIMCHA TREE OF LIFE Thank you for purchasing leaves on the Simcha Tree of Life since the publication of our May Bulletin: Amy & Steven Seldowitz The Congregational Kiddush on May 21 was sponsored by Joyce & Barry Kohan in honor of their grandson Asher Gaffar becoming a Bar Mitzvah. PERPETUAL MEMORIALS Anna Libby Goldstein Irvin M. Greenbaum Susan Beth Greenberg Samuel Hamburger Emanuel H. Jacobi Rebecca Kahn Morris Katz Dr. Bennett Ira Kemper Edith B. Klaw Samuel Kolker Bessie Leon Alfred Levy Dorothy Lippman Dr. Eli Lippman Julia Rosen Marks Pearl Nathanson Wilma “Mickey” Neuman Leon L. Oppenheimer Albert Paltell Rose Y. Pickus Pres. Ronald Wilson Reagan Bernie Rosenstein Edna D. Rosenthal Nathan A. Sauber Anne Vera Schunick Manuel Shapiro Sidney Shulman Samuel W. Siegel Maurice A. Silver Clara Simon Celia R. Speert William Statter Lillian Stichman Arthur Strasburger Ernestine Eiseman Strauss Eve Goldstein Stredler Albert Strull Abraham Weiss Gussie Weiss Ray Weiss Earle Maurice Wilder Fela Windman June 10-11 Abraham Alexander George B. Avis Gertrude Behrend* Emma Berman Charlotte Bernstein Isidore Blondheim Charles A. Blumberg Erwin M. Brown Bianca Brunn* Sophie Caplan Miriam Weinberg Cohen Bertha Dalsheimer Dr. Robert M. Dobres Bertha Dreyfuss Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 7 Hattye Eichengreen* Robert Wayne Ericson Lillie J. Feinblatt Dr. Jack G. Feman Arthur E. Frank Jacob Frank Augusta Ginsberg* Edna Carp Glickman Audrey N. Goldstein* Jacob Goodman Isaac Greenbaum Carol Hendricks Benjamin Hoffman Rebecca B. Hurwitz Florence Jacobson Mary Kitt Audrey Krieger Charles S. Kuhns* Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron Dr. Edward I. Lederman Bernard I. (Bobby) Levinson David Lewenberg* Fannie Losin Zerlina Mendels Isaac Metzger Morris Miller Sidney H. Mondell Dr. Edward Neulander Carey T. Nugent Estella Oettinger* Meyer T. Oppenheim Alan Theodore Ossermann, Jr. Beulah Dreyfuss Ossermann Dr. Jerome Pleet Lenora A. Rosenthal Nathan Rosenthal Frieda Rosner Hulda H. Rothschild Annette Rutkovitz Anna Sakin Hymen Sandler* Ellis Schaeffer Alfred Seider Nathan Shackman* Mary Shulman Dr. Benjamin I. Siegel Sedonia Sneider* Hennie Spandauer Victor A. Strasburger* Solomon D. Vogel Franklyn J. Weinberg Leonard Wertheimer Sadie B. Winternitz William J. Wolff Harry Frank Wolfram June 17-18 Sylvia L. Adalman Shirley Gorenstein Alper Max Appelbaum Rebecca Friedgut Bachrach Ella J. Beckman Jacob Beser Marshall A. Binder Sol G. Block Paul F. Blumenfeld Helen S. Buxbaum Bertha Cohen Rebecca Margosin Cohen* Michael Robert Dragon* Robert Jay Footlick Henry S. Frank Rebecca Frank* Ruth R.G. Frank Hilda Goldberg Rena L. Goldfinger David Goldstein Abraham Goldwasser Rose Zelda Gorman Ernst Guggenheim Florence Gutman Adolph J. Hamburger Ida Hamburger Carrie Hament* Sophia Hoffman Sadie Gertrude Cohen Horwitz* Jennie Y. Hyman Benjamin Katz Marjorie Katzenberg Bennett G. Kaufman Elsie Klotsch Anita Yaffe Leavitt Sylvan Levin Robert I. Levy Harold D. Mondell David Morganstein Leonard J. Muskin George J. Nathanson* Steven Howard Oken Harry Peck* Morris Quartner Meyer Rechtman Samuel H. Ritterman Milton Rodberg J. Harold Rosenblatt II Ruth A. Rosenthal* Joseph Rottenberg Maurice Rudo Marye R. Sagner Louis Saks* Albert A. Sapero* Abraham Schaen Jack Schein Elyse Dorothia Scherr Hailey Kyra Seldowitz Jacob M. Shoben* Jane K. Solmson Helene Solomon Ida Brown Strauss* Mary Surasky Lillian Taylor Lena Tockman Samuel Weinberg Judith Shoben Winship June 24-25 Dr. Michael Albert Abrams Eli Edward Adalman Jerome Apple Ruth Guyes Berman Hannah Wise Blumberg Lillian Branoff Millard S. Braun Irmgard Brooksaler Jennie C. Cahn Howard M. Caplan Beck Cohen Louis Cohen Helen Cohn Philip Katz Crone Marilyn Rosenbaum Earhart Robert Engel Harold I. Fink Carrie Finkelstein Morris Finkelstein Harold M. Fish Ida Samuels Fox Ferdinand Nathan Frank Philip M. Fried Samuel Ginsberg Lillian F. Goldberg Anna Goldman Jeannette S. Goodman Lynn Schunick Gordon Selma Greenbaum Charlotte L. Greene Alfred L. Hurwitz Madelyn M. Iglo Clara Kahn Fred Kaliner Adele Long Katzenberg David Morton Katzenberg Louis Kirsch Eva Klompus T. Dan Kolker Esther Shure Kramer Paul Kramer Nancy F. Kranzberg Hazel Goldman Kumin Rose Lemler Belle Levi Minnie H. Levi Sylvan Levin Irving Lichter Saul Linas Dora Mollie Lipowitz Reta Lorch Bessie Jacobs Mannes Jack Mannes Elizabeth Fink Middleman Solomon Myerberg Marion Fleischer Oken Margaret Palmbaum Orman Bertha Rice Harry Robbins Jeanette Rogers Carolyn K. Rosenstein Nathan Rosenstein Rachel Rosenstein Carl Rottenberg Albert A. Saks Naomi Schloss Louis Seidenman Dr. Herbert A. Siegel Sylvia S. Silver Joseph Abraham Silverman Yetta Idov Silverman Dr. S. Sidney Snyder Dr. Samuel S. Snyder Sophie Marx Spear Mary Jacobs Stern Sarah Stromberg Bernadine Ruth Sussman Josephine S. Sutland Frank Tenney Rose Turner Milton M. Weiler Morris J. Weinstein Theresa Winn *Shavuot From Generation to Generation L’DOR V’DOR Special Birthdays Jeanne Macks, Carol Ronis, Alison Fruman, Eileen Cohen, Carol Noel, Peter Brinch, Ariel Walsh, Mark Sugarman, Jamie Gansell, Kathleen Gross, Barbara Sindler, Natalie Hankin, Roberta Siskind, Jamie FontaineGansell, Joseph Auslander, Jack Richard, Kenneth Hassan, Annette Romanoff, Evelyn Gross, Eric Jackson, Geraldine Aronin, Byrl Hendler, Kimberly Letke, Sandra Pollinger, Lawrence Fogelson, Dena Smith, Carl Silverman, Deborah Lieberman 8 Special Anniversary 60th Shirley and Irving Simon 55th Judy and Earl Leitess Jean and Alan Platt 50th Avery and Stephen Chandler Barbara and Arnold Sindler Ruth and Michael Ashman Harriet and I. Howard Diener 45th Bess and Steven Shuster Leslie and Ira Hantman Sandra and Marc Appel Deborah and David Bacharach 35th Lisa Kovens-Harris and Bruce Harris Donna Howard and Howard Goldman Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 25th Linda Nathan and Elliot Rosen Carol and Andrew Rudo 20th Tobi Karchmer and John Coffey Michelle and Elliot Alter 15th Ayme and Andrew Lederman Laura and Jimmy Rosenfield 10th Claire and Bradley Cohen Sara and Brett Levinson 5th Sabrina and Benjamin Cohen Leisha Bell and Jackie Greenberg Hayley Porter and Daniel Mayer Stacey and Jeffrey Kahn B’nai Mitzvah April 8 Daniel Harrison Schwartz, grandson of Linda Schwartz June 11 Ryan Coffey, son of Tobi Karchmer and John Coffey Engagement Justin Brower, son of Theresa and Roy Brower, to Kelsey Gerber David Carlton, son of Lauren Schnaper and James Carlton, to Lauren Chell Sarah Beth Saxon, daughter of Annette and Michael Saxon, granddaughter of Freddie Saxon, to Randall Rentfro Marriage Leonida Pap to Steven J. Sless Births Zev Thomas Epstein, son of Shara Epstein and Amelia Ruggieri Lincoln David Ezaoui, son of Michele Reichlin and Itmar Ezaoui Ezekiel Levi Lowy, son of Deborah and Eric Lowy, grandson of Ellen and Alvin J. Levi Alivia Gray Pitlyuk, daughter of Allison and David Pitlyuk, granddaughter of Alan Kleiman We gratefully acknowledge the following offerings: For the speedy recovery of Jan Brinch, by Elly, Jeff, Jonathan, Andrew & Jeff Bookstein Suzanne Crone, by the Sisterhood Board of Directors David Fischel, by Carole Seidman Irina & Mikhail Kogan on the birth of their granddaughter Serena Alexa Waller, by Ilene & John Brooks • Becky & Larry Gutin • Betty Meyers • James & Alice Dolle Trosch Ellen & Alvin J. Levi on the birth of their grandson Ezekiel Levi Lowy, by Rabbis Rachel Hertzman & Rex D. Perlmeter Jordan Loran for his help with the Sisterhood Shred Event, by Suzanne Strutt Susan & Edward Perl for their contributions and being honored at Night of the Stars, by Linda & Howard Miller • Sherri & Sanford Minkin Annette & Michael Saxon on the engagement of their daughter, Sarah to Randall Rentfro, by Linda & Berryl Speert • Renée Stadd Friends, family & fellow Congregants for a joyful & happy Passover, by Amy Shackman Ruth & Charles Spivak welcoming us to their Seder table, by Minna & Louis Katz Heber Watts, Jr., by Harriet Meier Martha Weiman for her wonderful service to BHC, Benjy Dubin & Rachel Dubin In memory of Joan Bellhouse, by Marie Schwartz Nicholas Beser, by Sylvia Beser Andy Billig, by Adrianne & Robert Weinblatt Myer Mike Bloom, by Ava & Marc Lenet In honor of Ruth Bloom, by Ava & Marc Lenet The special birthday of Philip Abraham, Alvin H. Blum, by James Blum by Barbara Waldorf Abraham • Carol Morris Bricken, by Nancy & Barry Bricken Comras The special birthday of Ethel Braverman, Jerome Carp, by Judy& Stanley Rudo Arnold David Cohen, by Betty, Jonathan by Jane & Benson Fine & Saul Fink • Edith Roth & George Lauren Schnaper & James Carlton on Stephano • Martin Shayt • Iris Warren the engagement of their son, David • Lynda S. & Jerry Weinstein Carlton to Lauren Chell, by Elly, David Cohen, by Mary Cohen Jonathan & Andrew Bookstein Sarah & Joseph Feivish and Melvin Pauline Z. Chapin on the marriage of Wasserman on the occasion of her grandson, Jonathan Udoff to Max their great-grandson Elliot Daniels Kramer, by James & Alice Dolle Trosch becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Donna & Steve N. Cornblatt on receiving the Carol Mark Wasserman J. Caplan Service & Commitment Raymond Dinkin, by Garry Dinkin Award, by Betty, Jonathan & Saul Fink Dr. Rubin H. Flocks, by Diane Bloodhart Betty Fink on receiving the Carol J. Caplan Service & Commitment Award, Eleanore “Elly” Gann, by Nancy & Curt Civin • Paula & Martin Himeles, Jr. • by Sonia Blumberg • Sylvan, Janet, Louise & Richard F. Kemper • Harriet Mitchell, Jessica, Steven, Lauren, Marc, & Jay Kramer • Harriet & Jeffrey Legum Jamie, Leah, Tyler, Ben, Tilly & Jack • Linda Nathan & Elliot Rosen • Lois Cornblatt Rosenfield Julie & Robert Fishel on the birth of Julian Gillis, by Judith & Alan Gillis their daughter Sloane Fishel, by her Miriam Daniel Goldsmith, by Marcia & grandparents, Nancy & Lawrence Ries Daniel Fishel • Becky, Larry & Louis Gutin The 40th wedding anniversary of Debbie Sophie Wice Gordon, by Linda & Berryl Speert & Norman Goldschmitt, by Pauline Z. Ray Harris, by Joyce & Murray Hankin Chapin Eleanor E. B. Hirsh, by Emily & Spence Zoe Goldszmidt, by Harry Goldszmidt Levitas • Helene & Jeffrey Waranch, The special birthday of Marjoie children & grandchildren Goodman, by Minna & Louis Katz Morris Katz, by Minna & Louis Katz Nicole & Michael Green on the birth Adele L. Katzenberg, by Loraine Lobe of their daughter Charlotte, by Betty David Morton Katzenberg, by Loraine Feinberg Lobe The 70th wedding anniversary of Marcia Marjorie Katzenberg, by Loraine Lobe & S. Elliot “Skeets” Harris, by Alma Eleanor Kilberg, by Ellen Bookstein Bergman Norman Klein, by Betty Meyers Sylvia Koch, by Florence Paul Joseph Lepski, by Ilene & John Brooks • The E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Staff • Renée Stadd • Becky & Larry Gutin Ruth K. Lewis, by her children, Judith & Alan Gillis; grandchildren & greatgranddaughters Solomon Macks, by Jeanne & Harry Macks Vicki Margolis, by Ava & Marc Lenet Zachary Margulis, by Becky & Larry Gutin Jack Matisoff, by Patricia & Harvey Goldstock Ira S. Meyers, by Becky & Larry Gutin • Renée Stadd • Dr. David I. Tossman Emanuel “Manny” Paige, by Marilyn Savage Larry Pozanek, by Beth Pozanek Alice Rosenbush, by Barbara Mandel & Allan T. Hirsh, Jr. Bessy Rudnick, by Ava & Marc Lenet Anne-Marie Rudo, by Shirley Rudo Eileen Sakin, by Sonia Blumberg & Family • Linda Nathan & Elliot Rosen Albert Alan Saks, by Stephen Saks Betty Ruth Saks, by Stephen Saks Mondel Saslaw, by Marlyn & Boris O’Mansky Irene Schunick, by Nathalie & Arnold Schunick Annette Shawe, by Barbara Hament Genya Shteyman on the occasion of Mother’s Day, by Leonid Shteyman Moonya Shteyman on the occastion of Father’s Day, by Leonid Shteyman Sora Shteyman, by Leonid Shteyman Mary Shulman, by Jeanne & Harry Macks Sidney Shulman, by Jeanne & Harry Macks Joseph Abraham Silverman, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Yetta Idov Silverman, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Joan P. Slotnick, by Carol & David Slotnick Frank Tenney, by Carol J. Caplan & Family Jason D. Tralins, by David Tralins Anne J. Wasserman on the occasion of Mother’s Day, by Sharon Wasserman Jack G. Wasserman on the occasion of Father’s Day, by Sharon Wasserman Melvin Wasserman, by Donna & Mark Wasserman Mildred Waxman, by Barbara Mandel & Allan T. Hirsh, Jr. • Sheila H. & Simon Kalderon • Judy Goldstein Macks • Carolyn Polowy & Carl Silverman Aaron Young, by Helaine & Marc Witman Sidney Zulver, by Elly, Jeff, Jonathan, Andrew & Jess Bookstein Acknowledgments Appreciation is expressed for messages of good wishes and Books of Uniongrams received by Ruth Bakal on her special birthday Sally Palmbaum on her special birthday Elaine Salganik on her special birthday In commemoration of the birthday anniversary of Boris Kogan, by Irina & Mikhail Kogan Benjamin Massing, by Marcia & Ries Daniel Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 9 10 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 Hoffberger Gallery HG “TOURIST AND INTIMIST “ Work by Matt Klos May/June Exhibit This show will highlight a collection of the best of Matt Klos’ landscape paintings from the various places he’s traveled with the interior paintings for which he is better known. Klos has traveled extensively as an artist-in-residence and with family in the last seven years, going to places as far as France, and Moshi, Tanzania, and closer to home in Phoenix, AZ. Sometimes these trips are painting excursions where Klos brings along his easel and paints, and other times these trips are intended for research, relaxation and inspiration. The experiences that Klos has in his travels inform the studio interiors that he continues to make. The dichotomy of the external experience, the glimmer and sheen of something new, colliding with that which is familiar, time-worn and intimately known allows for the artist to continue to grow. June 2016 EVENTS Friday, June 3 10 am E.B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Closing Ceremony 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 6:30 pm PJ Shabbat 7:30 pm Chai Life Member Shabbat Saturday, June 4 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Sunday, June 5 10 am JCC Block Party 6 pm Brotherhood Closing Dinner Monday, June 6 6 pm Confirmation Rehearsal at BHC 7:30 pm BHC Board of Electors Meeting Tuesday, June 7 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Thursday, June 9 9 am Sisterhood Federation Presidents’ Lunch Friday, June 10 7 pm Shabbat 2.0, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, June 11 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am Shabbat Service with Bar Mitzvah 6 pm Confirmation Dinner 7 pm Shavuot Evening Service, Oneg following 8:30 pm Shavuot Study Session Sunday, June 12 8 am Shavuot Sunrise Service, Shavuot Breakfast following 6 pm Shavuot Scoop Tuesday, June 14 6 pm Conversion Students Dinner 6 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting and Potluck Dinner 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Friday, June 17 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following 7:30 pm BHC Pride Dinner Saturday, June 18 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu 4:05 pm Brotherhood Orioles Game Sunday, June 19 10 am Father’s Day Memorial Service at Berrymans Lane Cemetery Monday, June 20 2 pm American Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, June 21 7 pm Caregivers Support Group 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Friday, June 24 6:15 pm Shabbat Service, Oneg Shabbat following Saturday, June 25 9 am Torah Talk 10 am Shabbat Shelanu Tuesday, June 28 7 pm Food Addicts in Recovery 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 pm Grey Sheet Anonymous Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 11 PERIODICALS Postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland OFFICERS Steven Sharfstein President Richard D. Gross 1st Vice President Roberta “Bobbi” Perlman Vice President Marc Plisko Vice President Linda R. Nathan Treasurer Benjamin Dubin Assistant Treasurer Amy Sponseller Secretary Martha Weiman Immediate Past President COUNSEL Carl S. Silverman STAFF Jo Ann Windman Executive Director Brad Cohen Director of Education Renée Stadd Director, E. B. Hirsh Early Childhood Center Annette Saxon Director of Development David K. Weis Controller Andy Wayne Director of Communications and Engagement Jimmy Galdieri Music Director Tracy Ringel Assistant Director of Communications and Design The Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, (USPS No. 040-840) is published monthly by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208-5448, phone 410-764-1587, fax 410-764-7948, e-mail postmaster@baltimorehebrew.org. Periodical Postage paid at Baltimore, MD. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21208. SERVICES FRIDAY, JUNE 3 SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Rabbi Busch will speak 9 am • Torah Talk 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Kol Rinnah will sing 6:30 pm • PJ Shabbat with Brad Cohen SATURDAY, JUNE 4 Bechukkotai, Leviticus 26:3-27:34 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu FRIDAY, JUNE 10 7 pm • Shabbat 2.0 Rabbi Busch will speak 12 Bemidbar, Numbers 1:1-4:20 SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Naso, Numbers 4:21-7:89 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Coffey, SUNDAY, JUNE 19 10:30 am • Shabbat Service son of Tobi Karchmer & John Coffey 7 pm • Shavuot Evening Service with Confirmation SUNDAY, JUNE 12 8 am • Shavuot Sunrise Service FRIDAY, JUNE 17 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak Videostreaming for Shabbat and High Holy Day services is available by visiting ustream.tv/channel/baltimore-hebrew-congregation. Registration is not necessary. Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Bulletin • Number 10 • 24 Iyar – 24 Sivan 5776 • June 2016 10 am • Father’s Day Memorial Service at Berrymans Lane Cemetery Rabbi Sachs-Kohen will speak FRIDAY, JUNE 24 6:15 pm • Shabbat Service Rabbi Busch will speak SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Beha’alot’cha, Numbers 8:1-12:16 9 am • Torah Talk 10 am • Shabbat Shelanu
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