August - ABATE of Illinois
August - ABATE of Illinois
July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 organize meetings. I know ABATE stuff may WORDS FROM THE PREZ not be the highest thing on your agenda, but a little effort by all of us can help We are just passed the 1/2 way mark for secure our riding future. If we always leave the year and are well into the prime riding it to the other guy to do pretty soon there season. Its a chance to take a quick look won't be another guy/gal to do it...just food back at where we are as a chapter. for thought. Financially we are sound. We were able to cut some of our costs and capitalize on bike I know I don't have to say it and we hear it nights with 50/50 drawings. It has helped all the time but Be safe out there! Ride make a difference in the coffer. In fact we responsible. These aren't just words. They are doing so well we were able to make an take thought and action to happen. We early donation to state pac! The thought have a hard enough time getting and here was if we donate before the election we keeping members so lets not lose the ones can have a bigger impact then if we donate we have. We need you! So take time to ride at the usual end of the year review which safe and take care of each other PLEASE. would be after the election. If we continue August 19th is our un-offical chapter not so to hold our costs down and gain or much a meeting, but more like a picnic. We maintain the current revenue source we will eat good...I garoowwtee it! Kurt has can still can donate at the end of the being growing corn for the event and Ed & year....AGAIN! We just need to stay focused Juanita are hosting so that makes for some on what we are doing right and continue pretty darn good karma. Bring chairs and a making smart decisions. dish to pass. The chapter will provide the meat. This event got started by Bob and Our 1st ever regional Convergence Run Laura Anderson a few years back and has went well. The new event got all the N.W. grown into a special time. See you there. regional chapters together at the Dixon V.F.W. We all started from different points One last thing it was great to see Bob but ended up converging into one big group Anderson and a couple of old faces at the of happy riders. Our chapter was able to last meeting. We missed you guys and hope take home the largest participation prize. It to see you at many more. was a book of bike raffle tickets courtesy of Brian Enburg and the Blackhawk chapter. We promptly sold all the tickets and Your Prez donated it back! We had a great chapter turnout at the state party. 20 plus members showed up. We had a awesome time and actually worked a shift to help out the party. Big thanks to Murt & Geri, Bob & Shannon, Kurt & Bev, Ed & Juanita, Joe & Shawna, Aimee and Mike. You guys really stepped up and made your chapter look good. The total attendance was up this year by a hundred people and 20 of that was from our chapter...sweet. You guys do make a difference...thanks. Karl Dahlin That was the good news now lets review what could use some improvement, event participation and meeting attendance. Our officers work hard to put on events and The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 1 July 2012 July 2012 MEETING MINUTES Volume 19 Issue 8 activity please sign the sheet. If enough are interested Kurt will set something up. Meeting Open Secretary – waived Vice President – Bob in attendance today. Welcome back Bob. Treasurer – State Board Rep – Rumor is that AMA is thinking of starting local chapters. ABATE is not supporting this change to the AMA. Benefit was held for Doc Jones and he donated all the money back to the State. About 600 attendees to the state party. The State bought two new trailers – one for products and one for hauling the raffle bike. Asking chapters to sponsor a trailer $115 a year each. Legislative – see Dave’s report Safety & Ed – 3 classes at Harlem. 408 students so far this year. Old Business – Voter registration forms at the front table. Please resister if you haven’t already or re-register if you have moved. 20 chapter members were at the state party. We’ll be going over the bylaws after the Sept meeting. New business – July 15 Freeport is having a Bike Fun Day at Image on Auburn. Starts at 11am. There is a card going around for Eddie – please sign it. There will be a fund raiser for our former Vice President Bob Scroggins at Macktown on August 4th. Motion was made to make our donation to State Pac earlier this year. Motioned and passed to give $1000 at the next state board meeting. Banner is up on 251 in Roscoe . Donation drawing – $71 won by Goo - $31 back to the chapter. Thank you Goo! Drawing for a gift certificate to Mustangs was won by new member Dan Scott. Meeting closed. Membership – absent Products – waived Media – there was an article in Thunder Press about our Motorcycle awareness parade. Road cleanup – thanks to all who helped – next cleanup before October meeting. Activities – Family Picnic & Cornboil August 19th at Ed’s house 1:00 – Meat provided , bring a dish to pass and BYOB. August 25th – do your own run to Poopy’s. Newsletter - Please let Mary Beth or Andrea know if you move. Webmaster – Check out the new pics from the state party that have been posted on the website. Anyone interested in doing a dinner run on a weekend we don’t have an State Board Report The board of Directors meeting had a few people out doing other business. One of the fastest meetings in history, or so I heard…Last minute promotions and arrangements for the State party were being taken care of. One thing I think we need to address is sending funding to our PAC’s. This is an election year, and November will be too late to help them. (November is typically when we decide how much to send them) There are legislative and Congressional districting maps available at no cost to us. We will be looking into getting them. The bike for next year’s raffle has been secured. No, they will not release any more info on it yet… The “Doc” Jones benefit raised well over $1,000.00 And Doc The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 2 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 Channel 23, Q98.5, 97.5 WZOK, Rockford being Doc, he refused to accept the money Register Star, and of course 97.6 the Eagle. and insisted it all go to ABATE. It was Looking forward to seeing everyone divided into several areas. The A.M.A. is Saturday. looking like they may start getting involved on a state level. Creating local chapters instead of being more of a national group. For those of you who don’t know, A.M.A. is Ride With Pride, known for supporting “All the gear, all the Aimee Maldonado time.” A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois is NOT supporting this change. Still have no Membership numbers on the state party. But I had a great time! For those who went, thanks. For those who didn’t, you should consider it I’m sorry I missed the meeting and didn't next year. have the cards there for the drawing please forgive me. We had 4 new members and 18 renewals last month. We currently have 320 members, 13 less than last year at this Ed Triplett time. I e-mailed Pauli in Galesburg to get the contest totals but she hasn't answered State Board Representative me, so I will try again. I will go thru and count them too but her total is official. Safety & Ed Last month I had 3 motorcycle awareness presentations at Harlem High for a total of 96 students. I just received a call from Drivers Edge in Belvidere and will be doing on class at 7 pm on July 18th. Brandon Media Did everyone get a chance to see the article in the June 2012 Thunder Press regarding the KVA Motorcycle Awareness Parade? What a great article in a nationwide publication and great exposure for ABATE. If you don't get a chance to see it at the chapter meeting I have a couple of copies. You can also pick them up for free at the Service Department at Kegels Harley Davidson. Andrea Newsletter Thanks to everyone who is electing to receive newsletters via email. Please, if you know you are moving, let me know your new address so that our system can be updated. SINCE WE WILL NOT BE HAVING OUR MONTHLY MEETING IN AUGUST, PLEASE HAVE YOUR ARTICLES SUBMITTED TO ME BY NO LATER THAN AUGUST 8TH. Mary Beth Let’s have a big turn out at the poker run this Saturday! Scream it from the Rooftops has been advertised on Channel 13, The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 3 July 2012 Volume 19 Webmaster Hello to all! Hope to see a good turnout at the Rooftop run this Saturday. Will have a few new events on the calendar to watch for. The Family Picnic at the Triplett's is on August 19. A run out to Poopys might be in the planning stage as well. For anyone who was not at the last chapter meeting, we are planning a dinner run in the next few weeks. Most likely to be on a Saturday afternoon. We have about 16 people signed up now. Please call me 1-815-289-0692 if you would like to join us. We will be going to the Ding-a-Ling in Hanover or Knutes in Orfordville. This is social event, not a run, with stops on the way there. We could all meet at familiar place and all drive up as a group if there are folks up for that. It will be a great time and both places usually have good food! I will keep updated information regarding the dinner run on the front page of the website. See you Saturday . Kurt Road Cleanup Next cleanup will be October 14, 2012 before our Chapter Meeting. Stay tuned for further information. Dale Issue 8 Kishwauke Valley Chapter Abate of IL Legislative Report, July 2012 FROM SPRINGFIELD - The spring 2012 session of the Illinois General Assembly has adjourned. The fall veto session is scheduled to begin 27-NOV-12. CONGRESS CLEARS HIGHWAY BILL - The US Congress has passed the much anticipated highway funding legislation. The bill soared through both chambers but with a few nay votes, all coming from Republicans because of a few amendments concerning student loan rates and the national flood insurance program. President Obama is expected to grant the measure swift passage into law. The Highway Bill has been in the past, a vehicle for pro and anti-motorcycle issues. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation has worked closely with the primary authors of the legislation to ensure that this bill was all pro-motorcycle and had no antimotorcycling issues. The bill continues the grant program that was passed into law in 2005. Since 2005, the program has infused over $46 million dollars directly into the motorcycle safety community. By law, the cash can only be used on rider education and motorist awareness campaigns. The new program continues this tradition. THE CDC AND PROPAGANDA - Recently the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) presented a study on motorcycle safety. The study is nothing new, in fact it is a collection of conclusions drawn from past studies and old statistics, some of the CDC's conclusions even seem to be drawn from thin air. CDC uses the same tired worn out examples we have seen again and again. They cite the Florida study that said The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 4 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 fatalities increased 63.4% from 2000-2009. from providing funds for motorcycle-only checkpoints. True, but like every other instance of using this statistic they fail to mention that The letter stated: "MOCs [motorcycle-only motorcycle registrations increased over checkpoints] are a controversial and 100% during the same time frame. unproven method of addressing motorcyclist safety and have not been an The study goes on to uses imaginary efficient use of limited federal dollars. The numbers to back up their position that very existence of this program essentially motorcycle helmets save money. They claim profiles a group of citizens -- the that in 2008, the United States saved $3 motorcycling community -- for operating a billion because of helmet use and then legal mode of transportation." claim that the US could have saved an additional $1.8 billion if mandatory helmet The letter added: "The DOT should focus on laws were on the books. They provide programs to instruct motorcyclists on the absolutely zero evidence of this supposed importance of proper licensing, rider financial burden. education, and motorcycle awareness campaigns." The CDC makes no mention of rider education. We know rider education to be QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Freedom is not a gift the best way to prevent crashes. bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and The study also contends that states without nature.” – Benjamin Franklin helmet laws have higher insurance costs. According to, that's not true. Out of the five most expensive states to buy insurance, only one allows for helmet free riding. 50 U.S. LAWMAKERS OPPOSE MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS Some 50 U.S. House members have signed onto a bill that would bar the U.S. transportation secretary from providing funds for motorcycle-only checkpoints. The measure, H.R. 904 authored by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), would prohibit the transportation secretary from providing grants for use by any program to check safety equipment use or create arbitrary checkpoints for motorcycle riders or passengers. At the same time, Sensenbrenner and Rep. Tom Petri (R-Wis.), along with 29 other members of Congress, have sent a letter to the leadership of the House-Senate Surface Transportation Reauthorization Conference Committee requesting the inclusion of language in the conference report that would prohibit the transportation secretary The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 5 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 KISHWAUKEE VALLEY ABATE PRESENTS POOPY’S RUN SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 2012 SIGN UP AT BUSTERS BAR & GRILL (OLD CIMINO’S PIZZA) 7113 N. ALPINE LOVES PARK, IL BETWEEN 11AM - 12PM $5.00 PER PERSON YOU PICK YOUR STOPS LAST BIKE IN AT 5:30 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT GREG AT 815-871-3869 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 6 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 KISHWAUKEE VALLEY ABATE INC. CORN BOIL/FAMILY PICNIC AUGUST 19, 2012 Ed Triplett will be hosting this year at his house 712 Pearl Ave Loves Park, IL Starts at 1:00 PM As in the past, meats will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass and your beverages. Kurt will be bringing the corn on the cob. No Fees No Pressure This is a Social Event Join us for a relaxing day (DIRECTIONS TO ED’S HOUSE) South on 251 turn left on Pearl North on 251 turn right on Pearl The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 7 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 SILENT MEMBERS Mike “Pisser” Schauld Steve “Mackie” Miracle Ed Gray “Pug” Withrow Myrna Tackett Richard “Dickie” Williams David “Jake” Jacobsen Brian Burns Brad Dodge Jimi Palmer “Chopper Bill” Schafer Dan Pasch D.A. Richards Gary Sadewater Bo Conner Norman Gerth Becky Harmon Mike “Gonzo” Guirlando Dale Dahl Butch Johann Jerry Henrey Dan Back Teresa Warren Carol Albrecht Joshua Anderson Bill Souders Rusty Welch Chuck Albrecht Jeff Lindvall William “Willie” Gledhill Jerry “T-Bone” Shadden Scott Wilcoxen Ron Johnson Bob Smith Frank Chelinsky Steve Swanson Terry “Tooltime” Boland Margaret “Mugsy” Dahl Larry “Bugman” Cronin Bill J Lang George Roush Jeff “Jeffie” McCarty Dave Stanley Questions about advertising in the KVA Newsletter? Contact the Newsletter Editor for assistance with your ad. The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 8 July 2012 August Birthdays!! Bruce Altman Richard Anderson Andy Becius Cathy Cox Belinda Doyle Bill Duncan Murt Dunn Bruce Fensterman Bob Holder LuAnn Holder David King Patricia Land Gregory Land Sr Mark Lewis Volume 19 Issue 8 IT’S TIME TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Jacquie Bombard Paul Dredske William Dull Kade Fell Pat & Greg Fitzgerald Donna & Dwight Hall Dan Halvorsen Dan Merrit Doris Parks Monte Powers Robert Sprinkle Bill Sullivan Bob Nordvall Marvin Osterholtz Shiela Phillips Laurie Richardson Wayne Rutherford Angela Shields Tina Tufly Joey Wallis Mark Wojick WELCOME BACK Steve Pettenger Fred Schwartz Bob Holder Steve Palmer Terry Holloway Bob Mlsna Shannon Wright NEW MEMBERS Duane Ulrich Andy Beckius Lori & George Limberis Bruce Roberts LuAnn Holder Belinda Doyle Dave & Kathy Kelley Daniel Dembicky Alfonzo J Paluzzi David Anderson Brian Moberly Mary & Arnie Hoffmann The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 9 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 10 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 FUND RAISER/BENEFIT FOR BOB SCROGGINS FORMER VICE PRESIDENT KISHWAUKEE VALLEY ABATE SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 2012 STARTING AT 3PM MACKTOWN LOUNGE SO. BELOIT, IL CORNER OF PRAIRIE HILL AND RTE 251 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 11 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 12 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 13 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 Cadwell Productions (Doc’s Uphostery) 2012 Car Show Calendar July 22, 2012 Carr Farm Car Show August 12, 2012 Loves Park City Hall Car Show August 26, 2012 Rock Valley Mustang Club Car Show August 26, 2012 Mid-Way Village Car Show October 7, 2021 Cadwell Productions Year End Finale The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 14 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 2 Wheel Inn Why Waltz When You Can Rock & Roll 4433 Auburn St. Rockford, IL 61101 (815) 963-1661 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 15 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 FOR SALE BY MEMBERS 2005 HONDA GOLDWING SE1800 CC CANDY BURGUNDY MINT CONDITION $12,500.00 OBO CONTACT BOB 815-979-7619 ******************** ONE SET OF 6 STOCK GAUGES (BLACK FACE) FOR 2004 AND NEWER CLASSIC AND ULTRA HARLEY-DAVIDSON. THESE ARE TAKE-OFFS BUT WON'T FIT MY BIKE. $150.00 FIRM CONTACT BOB @815-566-1448 ******************** LEATHER JACKET AND CHAPS SIZE LARGE BRAND NAME HIGHWAY ONE LIKE NEW CALL 815-961-8804 OR 779-348-0321 ********************** 2007 HERITAGE SOFTAIL 39,000 MILES $17,000.00 WILL CONSIDER A TRADE ON 2007 OR NEW STREETGLIDE, DAMAGED BIKES ALSO CONSIDERED. CALL DAVE OR RHONDA 815-543-4608 ********************* ANTIQUE 1977 FLH FULL DRESSED HOG REBUILT & REPAINTED AM/FM CD PLAYER SELLING DUE TO HEALTH REASONS $17,000.00 OBO CONTACT MARY HOFFMANN AT 815-243-1819 OR 815-962-1819 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 16 July 2012 KISHWAUKEE VALLEY ABATE OFFICERS 2012 President – Karl Dahlin 630-715-7059 Vice President – Bob Anderson 779-552-8906 Secretary – Mary Poirier 815-624-4726 Treasurer – Steve Miller 815-624-4726 State Board Rep – Ed Triplett 815-243-0189 Safety & Ed – Brandon Barton 815-519-4378 Webmaster – Kurt Husen 815-289-0692 Membership – Andrea Lockner 815-608-1645 Activities – Greg Beck 815-871-3869 Products – Tina Tufly 815-985-4988 Legislative – Dave Kelley 815-874-6345 Sgt at Arms – Marty Wick 815-289-5116 Road Cleanup – Dale Runia 815-399-1444 Media – Aimee Maldonado 815-904-3206 Newsletter – Mary Beth Banks 305-849-3111 Board of Directors Elias Carlos Bruce Fensterman – 815-985-0746 Bert Perry – 815-209-6732 Mark Stewart – 815-226-9664 John Tanner – 815-389-3978 Wayne Tufly – 815-721-6187 Our chapter website: Also visit us on Facebook Volume 19 Issue 8 U.S. Senators Mark Kirk Chicago 230 S. Dearborn, Suite 3900, Chicago, IL 60604 Dick Durbin Chicago 230 S. Dearborn, Suite 3892, Chicago, IL 60604 U.S. Congressman Don Manzullo Rockford 415 S. Mulford Rd, Rockford, IL 61108 815-394-1231 Illinois State Government Senators for Chapter Area 34th District - Dave Syverson District Office 200 South Wyman St., Suite 302, Rockford, IL 61101 815-987-7555 Springfield M103D Capitol Building, Springfield, IL 62706 217-782-5413 35th District – Christine J. Johnson District Office 200 S. Wyman, Suite 301, Rockford, IL 61101 815 987-7557 Springfield M309F State Capitol, Springfield, IL 62706 217 782-1977 Illinois State Government Representatives for Chapter Area 67th District - Chuck Jefferson District Office 200 S. Wyman, Suite 304, Rockford, IL 61101 815 987-7433 Springfield 281-S Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 217 782-3167 68th District – Dave Winters District Office 3444 N. Main, Suite 80, Rockford, IL 61103 (815) 282-0083 Springfield Stratton Office Building Executive State Officers State Coordinator…………….Mike “Livid” Meyers ……….815-621-7184…………… Assistant State Coordinator……………Scott Gerke…………….815-238-3092…………………… N.W. Regional Coordinator…………….Brian Enburg…………309-738-1769………………………benburg@aolcom Office Manager…………………….Pauli Ward…………..1-800-872-2283……………… The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 17 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 18 July 2012 Volume 19 Issue 8 The Monthly Newsletter of Kishwaukee Valley ABATE Page 19
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