General non-Fiction


General non-Fiction
ageNcy 2013
General non-Fiction
Svennis – Min historia
Sven – My Story
by Sven-Göran Eriksson and Stefan Lövgren
October 2013, 336 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
English reading material available
Min historia berättad för Stefan Lövgren
Sv e n- G öran eri kSSon
Sven-göran erikSSon
Sweden’s most successful football manager tells it all!
Min historia berättad
för Stefan Lövgren
Sven – My Story
“I only want to do one book, and this is it.”
Few in world football have been analyzed
as thoroughly as Sven-Göran ‘Sven’ Eriksson. Everybody has an opinion about SvenGöran, or Mister Football, as he is also called. Here he tells us everything about his
secretive life and about the game, both on
and off the football field. Sven’s story is the
story of world football, from a folk sport to
a money-making industry. How did a polite
and discrete man from Värmland in Sweden
manage to navigate his way to the top, in a
world dominated by egomaniacs and money?
The answer might be surprisingly simple.
After twenty successful years in Sweden,
Portugal and Italy, Sven became England’s
first foreign manager of the national football
team in 2001, and in retrospect, one of the
most qualified: he brought England to finals
in three major championships. His 35-year
coaching career has taken him all over the
world. The list of great stars that have played
for Sven is long, from Roberto Mancini to
David Beckham.
Here he talks about how internal conflicts
between players almost sunk the teammachine IFK Gothenburg before the dramatic UEFA-cup victory in 1982; how Roma lost
the Serie A title when the team’s star players
accepted money to place themselves in the
second to last game of the league; how he
outmaneuvered his own employer when the
scandals with women in England almost cost
him the greatest job in football. And those
are just a few of the highlights.
“I only want to do one book, and this is
it”, Sven-Göran Eriksson says today about
having his story published. Now, for the
first time, we get to hear his own story
and he tells it all. Where he is today, at the
age of 65, towards the end of a legendary career surrounded by myth. The big question
continued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Sven-Göran Eriksson
Sven-Göran Eriksson was born in 1948 in
Sunne and grew up in Torsby. From the
province of Värmland, he conquered the
world with his unique coaching career,
from Degerfors in 1977–1978 to today’s
Dubai. In between, he coached some of
the world’s most successful clubs in the
toughest European leagues in Portugal,
Italy and England. He has also been the
manager for the national teams of England, Mexico and the Ivory Coast, most
recently in the World Championship 2010.
In this book, he tells his story in his own
words to award-winning freelance journalist Stefan Lövgren.
has caught up with the great and tireless About Stefan Lövgren
world football vagabond: What happens at
Stefan Lövgren is an award-winning jourthe end of the dream? This question allows
nalist, film-maker and author, with the
us to glimpse a different side of Sven.
world as his workplace. After receiving his
master’s degree from Columbia University
in New York, he began his career in the 1990s
• Sweden’s most qualified international sports
with the Associated Press (AP) covering the
manager in the world’s most popular sport tells
civil war in Burundi. He was later the Africa
his story about life on and off the field, and he
correspondent for US News & World Retells it all
port for five years, and wrote more than 100
• An insider story from the parlors and the most
articles for the paper. He has covered terrorist
important power centers of football, with innuattacks, civil wars in countries like Congo,
merable unique insights
Somalia, Algeria and Sierra Leone, as well as
• Many magical moments from a rich career
natural disasters, the Ebola virus outbreak
and many other important events. Today,
Stefan Lövgren lives in Sweden with his
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
Det står ett rum här och väntar på dig
Raoul Wallenberg – A Biography
by Ingrid Carlberg
May 2012, 750 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
English sample available
More than 28 000 copies sold!
The ultimate Raoul Wallenberg biography and winner
of the August Prize 2012!
Raoul Wallenberg – a Biography
“A truly fascinating, subtle and revelatory portrait of this enigmatic character and perhaps
the closest any historian has got to the real man
and the truth of his fate.”
– Simon Sebag Montefiore
Raoul Wallenberg had envisioned a different
life. He sought no hero role and no real adventure. In the spring of 1944, he would turn
32 years old and he worked for a small trading company that imported geese, turkeys
and egg powder from Hungary. He was trained as an architect, went for a career in business but found it difficult to find his ways.
Then the Holocaust came to Hungary. An
American-Swedish Rescue Action for the
last remnants of Europe’s Jewish population
was discussed. The Swedish government was
urged to send someone. But who? A series of
coincidences meant that all eyes fell on the
food trader Raoul Wallenberg.
Six months later, thousands of Hungarian
Jews had the young Swede to thank for their
lives. In January 1945 Raoul Wallenberg voluntarily went to meet the Soviet troops in
a bombed out Budapest. He would never return to Sweden.
Det står ett rum här och väntar på dig is not
only a great story that will take your breath
away. It is also the result of a historical research effort in up until now unknown and
unexploited archives. For the first time ever,
the full story of Raoul Wallenberg is presented, using all the sources available today;
his childhood and early career in Stockholm during the War, the dramatic short six
months in Budapest, the circumstances surrounding his arrest and imprisonment in the
Soviet Union, and the lengthy political game
about his fate to this day. For the first time
we get to follow Raoul Wallenberg’s family
through the entire series of tragic diplomacontinued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Ingrid Carlberg
Ingrid Carlberg is a journalist and author.
She has worked for the major Swedish
daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, for the
last 20 years. Her latest book, Pillret/The
Pill, was awarded no less than three prizes,
among them Guldspaden, for best investigative journalism 2008.
Det står ett rum här och väntar på dig is
Ingrid Carlberg’s second book and was
awarded with the August Prize for Best
Swedish Non-fiction Book of the Year
tic failures, which led to him never returning “Carlberg has been extremely thorough and
presents Wallenberg in full figure, with the
help of letters, family documents, archives
Ingrid Carlberg has with scientific precision and interviews. She handles the extensive
produced a shattering reading experience, material in a masterly way, with such a skilwhere famous characters in history come ful pen that this brick is hard to put down.”
to life. The person Raoul Wallenberg emer- Borås Tidning
ges from the shadows, as well as his life in
Moscow prisons. Recurrent connections to “Carlberg has done a tremendous job on
recent history creates a deeper understan- both accounts and analyses. She portrays
environments, records and meetings with
ding of what really happened and why.
people – not least with his, to the very end,
hopeful mother and stepfather. It’s simply
Press voices:
“Carlberg depicts one of the twentieth very interesting.” Värmlands Folkblad
century’s most fascinating destinies and
“It becomes a history lesson where I feel as
takes responsibility for every detail.”
if I really walk in Raoul Wallenberg’s footDagens Nyheter
steps, but at the same time see the surroun“Ingrid Carlberg has through thorough re- dings, the small and large politics, what is
search and countless interviews managed to in the centre and what is in the margin. /.../
find new data. A man of flesh and blood is Overwhelmed and moved, I close the book”
revealed. /.../ This is how history should be Helsingborgs Dagblad
written.” Nya Kristinehamns-Posten
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
Aung San Suu Kyi – En kamp för frihet
Aung San Suu Kyi – A Biography
by Jesper Bengtsson
November 2011, updated 2013, 282 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
English translation available
Rights sold to:
Spartacus, Norway • Minerva, Finland
Turbulenz, Denmark • HarperCollins, Australia
Potomac Books, USA • Amaryllis, India
De Geus, the Netherlands • Morning Star, Taiwan
Rotbuch Verlag, Germany • Editions Prisma, France
Sichuan People’s Publishing, China
Aung San Suu Kyi – A biography
“We sit down in a sofa a few feet away from each
other. She seems relaxed and perfectly composed. I ask her about her energy and apparently
good mood.
‘It’s not strange at all’, she says with an ironic
glimpse in her eyes. ‘The military gave me seven
years of rest, so now I’m full of energy to continue my work.’
That’s, to say the least, an interesting approach to time, that someone with a less optimistic view on life would define as wasted. But that’s
how she seems to be, this Nobel Prize laureate
and democratic icon. She has survived all these
years of isolation by embracing it and focus on
the up sides rather than the obvious down sides.”
In May 2010, Norstedts published Jesper
Bengtsson’s well-researched biography on
Burma opposition leader and Nobel Peace
Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. After Aung
San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest
in November that same year, Bengtsson managed to meet with her for an interview.
In November 2011, a revised and updated version of this celebrated biography was released. Bengtsson chronicles her background,
the years abroad, her return to her native
country in the 1980s, and the many years she
spent in house arrest, before being releas-ed
in 2011. But he also reports on what has happened since then, a report he has taken pride
in keeping updated for newer editions of the
In spring 2013, Bengtsson will once again go
back to Burma to follow the country’s progress towards democracy and Aung San Suu
Kyi’s continued struggle for freedom for her
Press voices/Endorsements:
“The book provides a rich historical context
for understanding the personal courage and
sacrifices of the ‘Iron Butterfly’, as well as of
thousands of ordinary Burmese citizens. It
is especially important in South and Southcontinued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Jesper Bengtsson
Jesper Bengtsson is a journalist and author, and editor-in-chief for the magazine
OmVärlden. He is an active member of the
Swedish section of Reporters sans frontières [Reporters Without Borders] and he
has followed the development in Burma
for more than ten years.
east Asia, where many women have risen to
power due to family backgrounds and have
not lived up to the ideals of freedom and democracy, that Aung San Suu Kyi provides a
different model of leadership.”
– Manisha Desai, Associate Professor of sociology and women’s studies, University of
chose not to travel to her husband’s deathbed
in March 1999.” Norra Skåne
“An engaging and believable portrait of a
remarkable woman who stands out against
the harrowing backdrop of Burma’s sad story, that Bengtsson knows better than most.
I confess: my admiration is endless.”
Dagens Nyheter
“To anyone who wants to try to understand
why, I would highly recommend Burma “A biography that meritoriously tells about
scholar Jesper Bengtsson’s initiated, highly one of our time’s most fascinating political
personalities.” Allehanda
readable biography.”
Östgöta Correspondenten
“Finally there is a Swedish biography about
this remarkable woman, written by jour“An excellent biography”
nalist Jesper Bengtsson. It is an interesting
Tidningen Ångermanland
book, especially because of Bengtsson’s sub“Read this book. Not to get an objective ana- stantial knowledge of the country and its hislysis of Aung San Suu Kyi’s political achieve- tory.” Svenska Dagladet
ments, but to get a background and understanding of why she has been under house “Jesper Bengtsson is a formidable authority
arrest for 14 of the last 20 years and why she on Burma” Göteborgs-Posten
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
The Oligarchs – Money and Power in
Capitalist Russia
by Claes Ericson
January 2011, updated July 2012, 372 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
Full English translation available
Rights sold to:
WSOY, Finland • Helios, Estonia
More than 11 000 copies sold
The Oligarchs
In just a few years, after the dissolution of the
Soviet Union in 1991, Russia transitioned from
planned to market economy in one of the world’s
most daring capitalist experiments. In Oligarkerna, Claes Ericson reveals the story about the
new Russia and the individuals who built fortune and power from its social developments.
Oligarkerna is the dramatic story about how
a small group of young entrepreneurs could
become some of the world’s richest men
and get control of the president of a fallen
superpower in the process. But it is also a
depiction of two decades filled with fateful power struggles and fascinating destinies, including the glory days of the Russian
mafia and daring privatization projects in
the 1990s, as well as the state capitalism and
exploding growth of corruption in the 2000s.
This is the story about how capitalism took
over Russia after the collapse of the Soviet
Union, about Russia’s transition from com-
mando to market economy. It is a story about
extreme money and power in the world’s
boldest capitalist experiment.
Oligarkerna gives its readers both a good
insight to the political and economic situation of Russia today, nearly twenty years
after its rebirth, as well as the fundamentals
of capitalism’s strengths and weaknesses in
general. About twenty of the most influential oligarchs are portrayed in detail and the
book is richly illustrated with more than
eighty photographs.
Press voices:
“The young economist Claes Ericson’s new
book Oligarkerna is a gold mine for those
trying to understand more. He describes two
generations: the first one, the nomenclature
oligarchs, made its fortune by having a career within the party, and the second, the
entrepreneur oligarchs, consisted of young,
brave businessmen.” Dagens industri
continued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Claes Ericson
Claes Ericson, born in 1977, is a Swedish
economist and a commentator on Russia’s
economic development. He visited Russia for the first time in 1996, and has since then lived in and travelled extensively
to the country, working for the Swedish
Foreign Ministry and with business development and investments in the region.
The Oligarchs is his third book about
Russia. Earlier titles have focused on the
political anecdotes of the Soviet Union
and the situation of contemporary Russia
in the shadow of the Kremlin.
“It is in many ways a difficult task to try to figure out what really happened to the Russian
economy after the dissolution of the Soviet
Union, what went wrong, what could have
gone even more wrong, and last but not least,
what actually, under the circumstances, went
as well as it possibly could. But Ericson’s
easily flowing use of language and the organization of the book make it easier to understand. /…/ Claes Ericson has delivered a
well-written and thought-provoking piece of
work.” Östbulletinen
ended up with prison, poverty or death. The
book is easy to read, exciting and entertaining, a piece of financial history showing the
downside of Russia’s becoming capitalistic.”
“Claes Ericson’s book about today’s Russia
provides us with an opportunity to nuance
our prejudice.” Expressen
“The power game in Russia makes fascinating reading” Smålandsposten
“Fascinating about the rise and fall of the oli- “Economist Claes Ericson has written a thick
garchs” Huvudstadsbladet (FI)
and comprehensive book about these men
and their fascinating road to money. /…/ A
“In Claes Ericson’s book Oligarkerna we number of the anecdotes are totally baffling,
get to come along on a Russian trip, from and Ericson also knows how to tell them
the perestroika until today, and learn how well.” Dagens Nyheter
a few people have become insanely wealthy
through cunning, abuse of power and cor- “Ericson has written a broad exposé that
ruption, but then, in many cases, have been sheds light on the situation in today’s Rusforced to behold the flip side of the coin, and sia.” Svenska Dagbladet
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
Tale of the Teutons – Germanic and
German in Antiquity and Afterwards
by Tore Janson
October 2013, 260 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
Lead title in major book club
Tore Janson
Myten | Historien | Språken
Rights sold to:
Pax, Norway
Engaging and revealing about the Germanic languages, the myth of the Teutons and the Nazi dreams of
Tale of the Teutons
The image of the Teutons, also called the Germanic peoples, or just the Germans, is shrouded
in myths and overlaid with ideas from racial
biology and Nazism. What were they: big wild
fighters with swords and helmets and strange
old clothes, or straight-backed, straight-nosed
blond young men in elegant uniforms from the
1940s? This story, which meanders across two
thousand years, illustrates how a tale from antiquity was changed and distorted into a complete falsification of the past.
Are there Teutons now, or were they just
a thing of the past? Do they look a certain
way? Who can be considered Germanic? It
is strangely difficult to find answers to such
simple questions. In Germanerna, researcher
Tore Janson talks about who the original
Teutons were and how they became symbols
for events and ideas that have come to matter a great deal and are charged with dangerous tensions.
Janson also tries to describe what actually
happened in antiquity to those who are often called Teutons in English but were then
called Germani. Their riveting story and
their relationship to the Romans has much
to do with us who live at present, as it has
shaped the development of Europe until today. Their language came to be the origin of
English, German, Swedish, and several other
languages. In most of northern Europe today, people speak a language based on the
one that the Teutons spoke in antiquity.
The purpose of this book is to find answers
to three questions: how the terms German
and Germanic acquired two quite distinct
meanings, who the original Teutons were,
and how a number of different languages in
our part of the world came to be referred to
as Germanic. Germanerna is a meandering
history stretching across two thousand years,
dealing, like no other book on the subject,
continued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Tore Janson
Tore Janson, born in 1936, has worked as
a researcher and teacher at the University
of California, Stockholm University, and
Gothenburg University, where he was a
professor of Latin and of African languages. He is now retired, but affiliated to
Stockholm University.
He has published several books and a great
number of scientific articles within the
areas of Latin, general linguistics, phonetics and African languages. His books
have rendered great success among critics
and readers, both in Sweden and abroad.
with how events and ideas from history and
myth came to be influential and even dangerous.
Germanerna also discusses how those of us
who live now should relate to what happened to societies and languages in the past. Is
it necessary to know? Is it useful, or pointless, or even dangerous to look back?
Publication date: October 2013
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
Medvetandets gåta
The Curiosity of the Mind
by Jonathan Lindström
March 2013, 400 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
A breathtaking research adventure exploring some of
humanity’s greatest questions!
The Curiosity of the Mind
The questions about how the brain works, what
the soul and our consciousness really are, and
what might happen after we die, have occupied
humanity throughout the ages. Despite efforts
from our scientists and priests, they remain some
of the very greatest and most intriguing mysteries in our enormous star-studded universe.
Via a box of crushed strawberries, a visit to
the monkey house and a moment’s rest on
a rock by the ocean, science writer Jonathan Lindström brings us on a breathtaking
science adventure in Medvetandets gåta. He
discusses worm brains and chimpanzee rituals, tells us about the burials of ice age
hunters and how the bishops of the Middle
Ages imagined the soul. He immerses himself in modern brain research and the ultimate conundrums of cosmology, explains
and shows us that what are considered the
most difficult topics in science, are actually
understandable to anyone who is willing to
give it some time. Lindström explores the
questions about near-death experiences, rebirth, whether earth worms have feelings,
how nerve signals can produce the colour red
and the feeling of love, the endlessness of the
universe and what happens after death.
We join the author as he visits laboratories,
reads and discusses with researchers, and performs amazing experiments that you too can
try at home. He explains neurophysiological,
religious and philosophical mysteries in writing and pictures, and he reasons and argues
in search for truth. Feel what lampreys and
early mammals felt, look into the cubbyholes
of the brain in search of our wonderful souls
and peek beyond the gruesome death!
Read Medvetandets gåta and you might
glimpse the answer to the greatest questions
in the universe: What is the soul, what is
our ability to experience, and what is death?
This book will turn your preconceived notion about what reality is upside down, and
continued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Jonathan Lindström
Jonathan Lindström, archeologist and science writer, has written a number of critically acclaimed non-fiction books that
have been translated into several languages. He was appointed Educator of the
Year 2007, and given the Carl von Linné
Plaque for Best Non-Fiction Book 2006. In
his books he has written, illustrated and
explained how the universe, the brain and
evolution works, and has researched far
off time-periods like the Stone Age and
the Bronze Age, solved murder mysteries
and mapped world-views based on his
own digs and research projects. His latest
books are Bronsåldersmordet (2009) and De
dödas tempel (2011).
shake up your view of everyday reality and
the life that you take for granted.
Review date: March 27, 2013
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
by Daniel Goldberg & Linus Larsson
October 2012, 236 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Skog
Rights sold to:
Seven Stories Press, US (world English)
Character, Denmark
HumanComedy, Korea
Markus Persson, to most of his fans known as
‘Notch’, has become a legend. He is an inspiration and a beacon for thousands of small-scale
game developers all over the world. But outside the game industry, pretty much nobody has
heard of him.
Three years ago, Markus Persson was a bored IT-developer in Stockholm, spending his
days at a mundane software development
firm. In the evenings, he toiled away on a
labour of love: an obscure game to be played online. The game was called Minecraft.
Markus released it to the world in early 2009.
At first hardly anyone cared, but the rumour
of the ingeniously simple game quickly
Today, Minecraft (named one of the top 50
inventions of 2011 by Time Magazine) is a
global phenomenon and Markus Persson is
a multi millionaire, and a superstar in the
world of computer games – over half a mil-
lion people follow his movements on twitter.
Minecraft is more than a game, more like
doing something together with others, it’s
quite similar to a digital Lego box and a
Minecraft-Lego is actually being produced. Almost anything can be built into the
game’s block-and-pixel world, to fill it with
construction together with other players is
the goal.
Minecraft is an unparalleled success, with
twenty million registered users and thousands of fans who gather at Minecraft conventions, dressed up as their favourite characters
from the game. In hundreds of schools
throughout Europe and the US, Minecraft is
being introduced as a teachers’ tool in helping young children understand concepts
such as teamwork, social codes, engineering
and computer science skills. Minecraft is one
of the fastest growing cultural phenomena
of the internet age.
continued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Daniel Goldberg &
Linus Larsson
Daniel Goldberg and Linus Larsson are two
of Sweden’s most well known tech and IT
journalists. Their articles have been published in, among others, Washington Post
and quoted in BBC News, The New York
Times and The Sydney Morning Herald.
In 2012 Norstedts published the first book
on Minecraft, for which the authors interviewed creator and online legend ‘Notch’. It
is a gripping and heartwarming tale that has
never been told in full before, of one man’s
unlikely rise from rags to riches. It is also an
in-depth case study of a phenomenon that
is changing global youth culture and challenging established billion-dollar business
models through the disruptive power of the
Press voices:
“Daniel Goldberg and Linus Larsson tell us,
in a both colourful and articulate way, about
the background of game inventor Markus
Persson and about how a game can be a social platform. This is a book that’s hard to put
down when you’ve started reading it. Read
it!” Internetworld
Markus Persson’s life and the Minecraft
phenomenon. They include a great number
of interviews, and discuss everything from
Markus’ childhood to how an entire culture
has grown up around Minecraft, how its fans
dress up as figures from the game and how
players upload videos of their creations on
the internet. It is a book about an incomprehensible success story, where the quiet boy,
who really preferred spending his free time
in front of the computer, became a multimillionaire.” Meny
“Goldberg and Larsson demonstrate this
clearly in their book as well. They show how
Minecraft inspires not only playing but also
creativity. /…/ Minecraft is an instructive
example of the new gaming culture’s breakthrough and Sweden’s role in this culture.
It is worth celebrating and understanding –
something that Goldberg and Larsson do
“Journalists Daniel Goldberg and Linus well in Minecraft.” Svenska Dagbladet
Larsson have done a thorough job mapping
norstedts agency
General non-Fiction
Kampen om Stilla havet
The Battle of the Pacific
by Niklas Zetterling & Dan Öberg
September 2012, 318 pages
Senior Editor: Stefan Hilding
Rights sold to:
Informations Forlag, Denmark
Option publishers:
Spartacus, Norway
Casemate Publishers, USA
The Battle of the Pacific
The Pacific War was the most extensive and
costly naval campaign ever fought. Initially the
Imperial Japanese Navy attained its strategic
goals, but over time they met with increasingly
powerful American resistance.
The Battle of Midway is the best known
confrontation and is often called the turning point of the Pacific, but several other
very dramatic naval battles feature in this
book, in which the two Japanese aircraft
carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku take centre
stage. The men who found themselves in the
Pacific war zone fought a battle in which they
often lacked reliable information. In the
Coral Sea, north-east of Australia, the first
fleet action in history involving the engagement of aircraft carriers took place. Japanese
carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku took on the
US fleet carriers Lexington and Yorktown.
We read about the Japanese pilots who
searched in vain for their opponent’s main
striking force, and the men onboard the carriers who witnessed the air attacks and experienced the bombings. Many mistakes and
errors of judgment were made because no
one had been involved in this type of battle
before. The Pacific War saw rapid escalation
with no time for full training, and the book
describes the combatants’ attempts to adapt
to changing circumstances.
The war at sea, involving aircraft carriers
operating with the latest aircraft and newlydeveloped radar, was dependent on the most
advanced technology of the day. Despite this,
military personnel played a significant role.
The book portrays human destinies on the
aircraft carriers, based on diaries, letters, interviews with war veterans, archive material,
and includes medical officers, pilots, radio
engineers and many other individuals. The
authors introduce characters in the wider
context of war, with a discussion of issues
such as the arrival of the kamikaze units, the
continued >
norstedts agency
General non-fiction
Niklas Zetterling
Niklas Zetterling, born in 1963, is an author and military historian working at the
Swedish Military Academy in Stockholm.
His first book Avgörandets ögonblick written together with Michael Tamelander
was followed by a number of books on military history.
Dan Öberg
Dan Öberg is a military historian; he
speaks Japanese and took his doctor’s degree in Japan.
willingness to fight against the American Front battle book, look no further /…/ It’s
superpower, field brothels and strategic plan- very well done.
“military history at it’s very best. The quailty
of research undertaken is very impressive
Press voices:
“The main characters of this well-written /…/ very readable and fascinating.”
and well researched book are really not pe- War Books Out Now
ople, they are aircraft carriers.”
About Slagskeppet Tirpitz:
Arvika Nyheter
“a thorough treatment, including material
About previous works by Zetterling – Bismarck: from interviews with survivors of their sin“essential background and new historical in- kings and the impact they had on the naval
sights make otherwise inexplicable elements war in the Atlantic.” Seapower
of the Bismarck story much clearer, without
diminishing the drama of the epic sea chase “The authors have woven Tirpitz’s story quite well and in doing so explain the strategic
and its vivid, human details.”
implications and dramatic battles surroundWorld War II Magazine
ing the super battleship. Their book is an excellent study of an aspect of naval strategy
About Tjerkassy ’44/Korsun Pocket:
“compelling prose, abundant tactical detail, the Germans used with such aplomb. /…/ a
lots of maps, a clear narrative of events and welcome addition to my library.”
running analysis of the battle as it unfolds. Naval Historical Foundation
If you’re hungering for a good WWII East
norstedts agency
norstedts agency Rights List 2013
Johannes Anyuru
En storm kom från paradiset/
A Storm Blew in From Paradise (2012)
Gunnar Ardelius
Friheten förde oss hit/
The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here (2012)
Frans G. Bengtsson
Röde Orm/The Long Ships (1941 & 1945; 2012)
Mikael Bergstrand
Dimma över Darjeeling/Mist over Darjeeling (2013)
Per Olov Enquist
Liknelseboken/Metaphor – A Love Story (2013)
Jonas Gardell
Torkar aldrig tårar utan handskar/
Never Wipe Tears Without Gloves (2012 & 2013)
Mariette Glodeck
Den sista dagen i december/The Last Day of December (2012)
Eija Hetekivi Olsson
Ingenbarnsland/No Child´s Land (2012)
AnnaMaria Jansson
Välkommen ut på andra sidan/
Welcome to the Other Side (2013)
Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Jag ringer mina bröder/I’m Calling My Brothers (2012)
Pija Lindenbaum
Plats/Stay! (2013)
Karolina Ramqvist
Alltings början/The Beginning of Everything (2012)
Kristina Sandberg
Sörja för de sina/Caring for One’s Own (2012)
Jenny Åkervall
Jag tjänar inte/I Will Not Serve (2013)
crime fiction
Michael Hjorth &
Det fördolda/Dark Secrets (2010)
Hans Rosenfeldt, Lärjungen/The Disciple (2011)
The Sebastian Bergman
Fjällgraven/The Mountain Grave (2012)
Series:Untitled #4 (2014)
continued >
For more information about our books:
norstedts agency Rights List 2013
Hans Koppel,
Kommer aldrig mer igen/Never Coming Back (2011)
Kom ska vi tycka om varandra/You’re Mine Now (2012)
The Collin Series:
Untitled #3 (2013)
Robert Kviby, De korrupta/The Corrupt (2012)
The Lander Series:
Listan/The List (2013)
Untitled #3 (2014)
Maria Lang, Mördaren ljuger inte ensam/
Relaunch of her classical
The Murderer Doesn’t Lie Alone (1949; 2013)
whodunnit novels:
Farligt att förtära/Harmful if Eaten (1950; 2013)
Inte flera mord!/No More Murders! (1951; 2013) et al
Denise Rudberg, Ett litet snedsprång/Stepping Over the Line (2010)
Elegant Crime Series:
Två gånger är en vana/Twice is a Habit (2011)
Bara tre kan leka så/Only Three Can Play That Game (2013)
General non-fiction
­­Jesper Bengtsson
Aung San Suu Kyi – En kamp för frihet/
Aung San Suu Kyi – A Biography (2011; updated 2013)
Ingrid Carlberg Det står ett rum här och väntar på dig/
Raoul Wallenberg – A Biography (2012)
Claes Ericson
Oligarkerna/The Oligarchs –
Money and Power in Capitalist Russia (2011; updated 2012)
Sven-Göran Eriksson & Stefan Lövgren The Official Sven-Göran Eriksson Biography:
Svennis – Min historia/Sven – My Story (2013)
Daniel Goldberg & Minecraft/Minecraft (2012)
Linus Larsson
Tore Jansson
Germanerna/Tale of the Teutons – Germanic and German
in Antiquity and Afterwards (2013)
Jonathan Lindström
Medvetandets gåta/The Curiosity of the Mind (2013)
Niklas Zetterberg & Kampen om Stilla havet/The Battle of the Pacific (2012)
Dan Öberg
LBF tables: 25s, 26s
norstedts agency
norstedts agency Rights List 2013
Johannes Anyuru
En storm kom från paradiset/
A Storm Blew in From Paradise (2012)
Gunnar Ardelius
Friheten förde oss hit/
The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here (2012)
Frans G. Bengtsson
Röde Orm/The Long Ships (1941 & 1945; 2012)
Mikael Bergstrand
Dimma över Darjeeling/Mist over Darjeeling (2013)
Per Olov Enquist
Liknelseboken/Metaphor – A Love Story (2013)
Jonas Gardell
Torkar aldrig tårar utan handskar/
Never Wipe Tears Without Gloves (2012 & 2013)
Mariette Glodeck
Den sista dagen i december/The Last Day of December (2012)
Eija Hetekivi Olsson
Ingenbarnsland/No Child´s Land (2012)
AnnaMaria Jansson
Välkommen ut på andra sidan/
Welcome to the Other Side (2013)
Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Jag ringer mina bröder/I’m Calling My Brothers (2012)
norstedts agency
About us
Pija Lindenbaum
Plats/Stay! (2013)
Norstedts Agency is a part of Norstedts, Sweden’s oldest publishing house founded in 1823.
group consists ofAlltings
and Rabén
& Sjögren,
and houses
of Everything
renowned authors such as Stieg Larsson, Stig Dagerman, Astrid Lindgren, Ingmar Bergman,
P O Enquist,
and Torgny Lindgren.
Sörja för de sina/Caring for One’s Own (2012)
We have
been selling foreign rights
and film
60 years, with the whole
Jag tjänar
world as our market place. We represent authors and their works in the line of fiction, crime
fiction and general non-fiction.
For more information about our books:
To sign up for our newsletter, please contact Åsa Bergman.
Michael Hjorth &
Det fördolda/Dark Secrets (2010)
Hans Rosenfeldt, Lärjungen/The Disciple (2011)
The Sebastian Bergman
Fjällgraven/The Mountain Grave (2012)
Åsa Bergman
#4 Mörk
Rights Coordinator
Rights Director
Rights Manager
Phone +46 10 744 20 33
Phone +46 10 744 20 34
Phone +46 10 744
21 10
Mobile +46 733 02 82 00
Mobile +46 702 04 26 05
Mobile +46 705 65 22 70
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