Concert to Benefit Reveille`s Swansboro Community Ministries
Concert to Benefit Reveille`s Swansboro Community Ministries
May 2015 Inside: Summer Book Reviews, p.5 Calling All Artists, p.11 Take Jesus into the World, p.14 Reveille United Methodist Church 4200 Cary Street Road | Richmond, Virginia 23221 | (804) 359-6041 | Concert to Benefit Reveille’s Swansboro Community Ministries Join us for our annual Mission Benefit Concert on Sunday, May 17, at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. The chancel choirs and handbell choirs of Reveille and Shady Grove United Methodist churches will perform, accompanied by chamber orchestra. The program features Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Requiem in D Minor. Mozart’s famously unfinished work is a true masterpiece of classical music. Donations Donation forms are available in the welcome center and narthex. Please return the completed form with your donation to the church office by May 11. Your donation will be acknowledged in the concert program. You also may make a donation the evening of the concert. Thank you for your support of Reveille’s music and outreach ministries. Beneficiary The concert benefits Reveille’s Swansboro Community Ministries, including scholarships for Swansboro-area children to attend Kaleidoscope Music, Worship Arts, and Missions Camp this summer. We were able to sponsor four Swansboro children last year, and this year we hope to send five campers! Start Your Day with Prayer Weekday Prayer Service Monday-Friday | 7:30-8:00 am | Chapel Join us in the chapel to start your workday connecting with God and renewing yourself through prayer. In This Issue Worship .................................................... 2 Outreach .................................................... 3 The Picture Page ........................................ 4 Nurture ..................................................... 5 Music ..................................................... 6-7 Witness ..................................................... 7 Children ................................................. 8-9 Youth ...................................................... 10 Adult ....................................................... 11 Calendar .................................................. 12 Announcements ................................... 13-14 WORSHIP As Psalm 133:1 says, “How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” I pray that this season of spring finds you full of God’s blessings and a resurrected spirit. What a blessed time it is to be a part of the family of faith that is Reveille United Methodist Church! We are entering into a time of year full of new life and new beginnings, so it is fitting that we would dedicate a period of worship to exploring the ways in which God provides us with new beginnings in our lives. We are currently doing so with the sermon series, “Who is Jesus of Nazareth? Exploring the God of New Beginnings.” This month, we will examine topics such as what it means to call Jesus “friend,” and what is the nature of Christian friendship; Jesus as the ascended Lord of heaven, Jesus as the Lord of his church, and what it means for Christians to claim that Jesus is divine. During May, we also will celebrate the high holy days of Ascension Sunday and Pentecost in addition to youth and confirmation Sundays. Speaking as someone who has experienced the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, and now Easter at Reveille for the first time, I remain even more convinced of the power of Christian synergy. Synergy is defined as “the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” This is what God does in us when we are together. Perhaps this is why Jesus said, “when two or three are gathered together in my name, I am with them.” We are better when we are together. Our worship is stronger, our hymns more powerful, our prayers more effusive, our witness more profound, truths made evident each time we gather together for Easter. Let’s keep the momentum going, so that we may be blessed and be a blessing to one another, and so that we may be a visible witness to the world around us that God is alive and God’s people are filled with God’s joy. Grace and peace, Doug Forrester Second-Mile Giving at Reveille What is second-mile giving? Second-mile giving is a way to generously participate in God’s work in addition to the gifts you make to Reveille United Methodist Church. Second-mile giving allows you to extend the reach of your generosity to Richmond, to Virginia, and to the world. Because of the size and connectional nature of The United Methodist Church, we have many options for second-mile gifts, including these opportunities this month: Upcoming Special Sundays Samaritan Offering May 3 | United Methodist Student Day Gifts support United Methodist scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan Fund. Gifts to the Samaritan Fund, which are received from Mother’s Day, May 10, through Father’s Day, June 21, provide financial assistance for residents of the Virginia United Methodist Homes who have outlived their resources and can no longer afford the full cost of their care. May 31 | Peace with Justice Sunday Gifts fund programs that advocate for peace and justice in the United States and around the world. For more information, visit For more information, visit 2 OUTREACH Make a Difference with Friends of the Homeless UMFS Opportunities Prom Reveille is hosting a prom for United Methodist Family Services (UMFS) graduates on Friday, May 15. We need people to help with set up, decorating, and cleanup for this uplifting event. Lunch Packing | May 24 Join in the fun and fellowship of packing 160 lunches and making a difference for local people in need. Meet in the welcome center on Sunday, May 24, 10:30-11:00 am. All ages are invited to participate. Prom Dresses Needed Donate dresses for the young ladies of UMFS to wear to the prom. Drop off your gently-used dressy or formal dresses of any size on the rack in the welcome center through May 3. Got Extra Baggage? If you have luggage you just don’t use anymore, Mary Kern wants it! The children at UMFS are in need of luggage for carrying their belongings as they move to and from foster care facilities. For her Girl Scout Gold Award Project, Mary is collecting luggage for these kids. Hot Meal | May 28 Help feed some of Richmond’s homeless men, women, and children. Potato casseroles are especially needed (recipe at FOHrecipe or check the welcome center). Casseroles may be made ahead and left in the fellowship hall freezer or refrigerator. Homemade desserts also are welcome and can be left in the fellowship hall kitchen (please mark FOH). Please help by dropping off your extra luggage (wheeled preferred) in the welcome center through May 3. Mary also will personalize the suitcases with luggage tags. For information about these ministry opportunities, contact Brenda Humphreys,, or Carol Shaughnessy, If you would like to help serve, plan on being in the fellowship hall at 11:15 am on Thursday, May 28. We carpool and/or caravan to the feeding site and return by 1:00 pm. Sign up in the welcome center or contact Mary Jane Walls, or Stephen Coleman at (804) 359-6041, ext. 115. Help Fill-A-PODS for CARITAS May 1-11 New or used plastic food containers also are needed. Leave your donations at the collection spot near the elevators on the red carpet. Could your spring cleaning change a life? We are collecting furniture, household items, kitchenware, and cleaning supplies for people recovering from the crisis of homelessness. A PODS storage container will be in the rear parking lot near the picnic shelter for your donations, May 1-11, 9:00 am-dusk. Swansboro Opportunities Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at Swansboro Elementary, May 7, provide or deliver food. Field Day at Swansboro Elementary, June 5, volunteers needed. Recital for piano, drum, and guitar students, June 7, 2:30 pm, Koinonia Christian Church (3600 McRand Street). For more information, visit caritas, or contact Carol Shaughnessy,, or Jennifer McCluskey, For more information contact Sheelagh Davis, 3 THE PICTURE PAGE National Rebuilding Day On Saturday, April 25, a team of more than 50 from Reveille made a difference in Richmond’s Swansboro community by repairing two homes. Despite a cold and rainy day, it was a fun-filled and meaningful experience. The homeowners were grateful and very happy with the improvements to their homes. Historic Garden Week Thank you to everyone who made the Historic Garden Week tour of Reveille a huge success on Thursday, April 23! We were truly blessed with a beautiful day for hundreds of people to discover the hidden treasures of Reveille House and gardens, and learn about our church and ministries. Garden Committee Co-Chairs Donna Ludwig and Betty Leap with committee member Ann Woods (seated) 4 NURTURE Are You Ready for Some Softball? The weather finally has gotten warm, and Major League Baseball opening day has already taken place. Now it’s time to think about the Reveille softball season! The season begins the first week of June and runs through early August. Our games will most likely be on Tuesday evenings (to be confirmed—we will know our schedule by the end of May). Each week we play a doubleheader, but each game is only 50 minutes. Our games will start at either 6:30 or 8:00 pm. Our league plays slow pitch softball with 10 players on the field, five men and five women. The main objective for our team is to have fun. Skill and experience are not necessary. Ages 18 and up are invited to join. To sign up or for more information, contact Martha Hodges, Tee-Ology Continues through May 22 Join Associate Pastor Stephen Coleman for a round of golf on Friday mornings through May 22. Golfers will gather at a local golf course around 8:30 am to share in fellowship, fun, and perhaps a little theology here and there. No matter what your golf skill level, you are welcome. To register or for more information, contact Stephen Coleman, or (804) 359-6041, ext. 115. Save the Date: Summer Book Reviews Leisure Club Tuesday, May 19 11:00 am, Fellowship Hall Featuring Bill Lohmann Reveille UMC summer book reviews have been a popular tradition for over 50 years, bringing together readers from across the region to meet acclaimed authors as they discuss and sign their books. Programs begin with refreshments at 10:30 am followed by book talks at 11:00 am. A book signing follows the talk. Covered Dish Luncheon Main dish and drinks provided. Bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share. Bill Lohmann, columnist for the Richmond Times-Dispatch, will share experiences gained when he and photographer Bob Brown traveled some of Virginia’s lesser -known areas. From these travels, Lohmann and Brown produced a book, Backroads: People, Places and Pie around Virginia. Pack your bag and come along for the ride. On June 24, our featured book will be Mister Owita's Guide to Gardening, by Carol Wall. The Summer Book Review series will continue July 22 and August 26 with books and authors to be announced. Visit for book and author announcements and more information 5 MUSIC Jean Paul Sartre: Boyd Bullock sings in Reveille’s chancel choir and a cappella ensemble, and sang in the All Saints Episcopal Boys and Men’s Choir when he was a child and youth. Boyd also is known as part of a very musical family, dad to John, Andrew and William, husband to Susan, and son to Marcella. July 15-18 Buckminster Fuller: To be announced soon! Meet the Philosophers The full Broadway version of Godspell begins with Jesus, followed by eight philosophers. Let’s meet the actors portraying these philosophers: 2015 The Summer of Godspell Socrates: Mary Evans sings in Reveille’s chancel choir and a cappella ensemble, plays piano and guitar, and has taught music in school. She also is known as mother to Katie and Chris Cantone, and wife to Tom Cantone. Godspell: The Parables of Jesus Sermon Series | June 7-August 23 To coincide with the production of Godspell this summer, we will feature sermons in Sunday morning worship on each of the twelve parables of Jesus told in the play, in the order they appear in the production, to help us all gain a better understanding of the key teachings of Jesus. Thomas Aquinas: Susan Mudd sings in Reveille’s chancel choir and a cappella ensemble, and has made vocal recordings with her sisters. Susan teaches in the gifted program in Hanover County, and also is known as mother to Paige, David and Sam, and wife to Rick. Art Exploration | June 28, July 12, July 19 Explore the parables of Jesus as they appear in Godspell through a hands-on art project each Sunday, 6:00-7:30 pm. Invite your friends! All ages welcome. Look for details and sign-up information coming soon. (If you are an artist interested in helping lead an art exploration session, contact Kelley Lane, See page 11 for additional information.) Martin Luther: Doug Forrester, Reveille’s senior pastor, began his musical career in a rock band! Doug also has done theatrical work, and is known as dad to Ellen and Claire, and husband to Tracy. Leonardo da Vinci: Carrie Armistead sings in Reveille’s chancel choir and a cappella ensemble, rings bells in Reveille Ringers, and has a bachelor’s degree in vocal performance. Carrie has performed in operas and musicals, and also is known as daughter to Cathy and Keith Armistead, and sister to Thomas Armistead. Godspell Musical | July 15-18 Our 60-voice youth choir, eight adults, and live band present this classic musical. Performances at 7:30 pm each evening with an additional matinee performance at 2:00 pm on July 18. Brought to you by the same team who produced Jesus Christ Superstar! Admission is free, however, you may make a donation to Reveille’s Swansboro Community Ministries, which supports Dancing Classrooms, scholarships to Kaleidoscope Music, Worship Arts, and Mission camp, and other ministries in Richmond’s Swansboro neighborhood. Edward Gibbon: Robert Phanord II, also known as “Buddy,” sings in Reveille’s chancel choir and a cappella ensemble, has rung in Reveille Ringers, and has a bachelor’s degree in music, literature, and art. He currently is associate conductor with One Voice. He also is son to Olletta Cheatham as well as brother to Victoria Nelson and Eva Phanord and uncle to their children. Frederic Nietzsche: Richard Davis, also known as “Dick,” sings in Reveille’s chancel choir and has done theatrical work throughout his life, most recently in Reveille’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Dick also is known as husband to Sheelagh, dad to Bryan and granddad to Andrew. Like us on Facebook @ReveillePresents 6 MUSIC (continued) Youth Choir to Visit Reveille on May 31 The 50-voice Genesis Sings youth choir from First United Methodist Church in Prattville, Alabama, will lead worship music at 11:00 am on May 31. We are happy to have the opportunity to host this wonderful choir, and know this will be an inspirational service! Please join us in welcoming these youth, as our youth are so warmly welcomed when we travel. Summer Choir Begins June 7 Our combined summer choir will begin singing for the 11:00 am worship services on June 7! Summer choir is intergenerational, with no rehearsals. Just join us in the choir room at 10:30 am to learn music! WITNESS New Attendance Materials The materials in our attendance books have been updated. Help us keep accurate records by signing in each time you come to worship. You also can sign up for ministries using the new Call to Action card. Member Sign In Please be sure to use all lines on the white member sign-in sheet before moving to the next page (multiple people from different families can sign in on the same sheet). Prayer Request and Call to Action Cards Prayer Request cards and the new pink Call to Action cards are in the front pocket of the attendance books. Use the Call to Action card to sign up for Wonderful Wednesday or other programs, or to respond to the call to action in the sermon. Completed Prayer Request cards and Call to Action cards should be placed in the offering plate. 7 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES From the Director Thank you to all who helped make the children’s Easter Celebration a huge success! Before the egg hunt, we gathered in the chapel for a participatory call to worship with singing and movement time. Our message through story was about Jesus’ final week and his glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday! The children then were sent out to experience and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection through the egg hunt. The younger children hunted traditional eggs with candy while the older group hunted by egg number to find puzzle pieces. The puzzle pieces were blank to remind the children of the tomb being empty. They were instructed to take the puzzle home and to draw the Easter story on the blank puzzle. Fun was had by all! (See photo on next page.) Lori Epps, Director of Children's Ministries Register for KIDz C.A.M.P. and Vacation Bible School by May 17 Sunday School Teachers Needed At Reveille, we provide a solid foundation of Christian education for children through Sunday school each week, 9:30-10:30 am. We have two opportunities for you to be involved in this vital ministry. KIDz C.A.M.P. (formerly Day Camp) is a handson mission camp open to rising third through rising sixth grade students, June 15-19, 9:00 am3:00 pm each day. Summer (June 7 - August 30) Over the summer we offer combined Sunday school classes for ages two and three; pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade; and, second through fifth grades. Our curriculum will focus on Jesus’ parables in conjunction with the summer sermon series and Godspell musical. Please consider volunteering for a Sunday or two. We make it super easy! The lesson plan and all supplies for your class will be ready for you in a grab-and-go bag by May 31. Vacation Bible School (VBS) will take place July 27-31, 9:00 am-noon each day. The camp is open to four year olds through rising second graders. To register or sign up as a volunteer, visit Please register by May 17. We offer child care for the children of volunteers on the days they work. For KIDz C.A.M.P., child care will be available for infants through rising second graders. For VBS, child care will be available for infants through three year olds and third through sixth graders. 2015-2016 School Year During the school year, our goal is for every age or grade level to have a separate class. Training, detailed curriculum, and a resource packet are provided for all teachers. Do you need to have all the answers? Certainly not! It’s ok to tell the children you don’t know and will find out the answer through research or talking to the clergy. Requirements: A love for children and their faith journey, availability to commit to teach twice each month in conjunction with other team teachers, and willingness to prepare lessons in advance based on provided curriculum. Focus First Mission Group Sunday, May 3 Come be a part of this mission group that is making a difference in our community and world in the name of Jesus Christ. Focus First will meet May 3 for lunch along with the children’s music ministry in the picnic pavilion at 12:15 pm. After lunch, first through fifth graders may join us for mission projects and team building games. Pick up will be 1:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Plan to join us as we seek to be Christ’s hands and feet in our world. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please contact one of the following by May 31: Lori Epps, (804) 359-6041, ext. 117 Heather Lockerman, Melanie Stoudt, After the May 3 meeting, Focus First will take a break for summer and meet again on October 4 and November 1. 8 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES (continued) I Love to Tell the Story... The third grade Sunday school class, led by Ellie and Jay Speer, enjoying some time making goodies in the kitchen to go along with their lesson for the day :30 the 8 t a e i f nt sel Mome ’s n e r Child e rvic am se Getting ready fo r Palm Sunday Questions about Children’s Ministries? Contact Lori Epps (804) 359-6041, ext. 117 Easter Egg Hunt 9 YOUTH MINISTRIES From the Directors April was an awesome month for youth ministries at Reveille! The 2015 Confirmation Class participated in a weekend retreat at Westview on the James to prepare for the upcoming confirmation service on May 17. It was a weekend of bonding, fun, and even the chance to zip line into the lake. We also have been working hard to put together our Youth Sunday worship services for May 3. This year, the youth will be leading all three services, 8:30, 9:30, and 11:00 am. We are grateful for the help from Reveille’s staff and youth counselors who have worked with the youth to write their own prayers, sermons, and design the worship services in full. We cannot wait to lead worship this month and demonstrate the amazing gifts of the youth here at Reveille! We are working on developing some exciting summer fellowship opportunities for the youth. Please keep an eye on your email for more information in the coming weeks! Amy Crisp, Director of Youth Ministries Kate Rhodes, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries Camp Cooks Needed This summer, Reveille middle school youth are returning to the Jeremiah Project camp in Romney, West Virginia, August 2-8. They will be in mission to area residents in need of home maintenance and repair. During their week at Jeremiah Project, youth experience Christcentered worship, work, and fellowship along with youth from other congregations across Virginia. #jesusintheworld Take Jesus out into the world this summer and share your photos on Instagram. Learn more on page 14! We have been asked to find volunteers to serve as camp cooks for this week-long mission trip. Jeremiah Project will provide coaching and instruction for volunteer cooks. Hotel accommodations will be provided. Youth Sunday | May 3 Youth will lead worship at 8:30, 9:30, and 11:00 am LAST YOUTH GROUP UNTIL FALL Dinner at 5:30 pm Combined Youth Group at 6:00 pm Please consider joining us in transforming lives for Christ through middle school ministry! If you are interested in and available for this important ministry, contact Amy Crisp,, or Kate Rhodes,, for more information. We promise you will experience the love and gratitude of a group of middle school youth whose physical and spiritual hunger are heightened during this mission experience! Follow us on Twitter @RevUMCYouth 10 ADULT MINISTRIES Calling All Artists! This summer we will be offering a series of educational art explorations about the parables of Jesus appearing in Godspell (see page 6). We are looking for all types of artists to help lead these sessions. Whether your artistic gift is painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, creative writing, or something else, please contact Kelley Lane,, for more information. Are you graduating this year? If you are graduating from college or graduate school this year, please contact Kelley Lane,, so that your accomplishment may be celebrated by our congregation. If you are graduating from high school, please contact Kate Rhodes, General Meeting Tuesday, May 5 10:30 am Fellowship Hall Join Reveille’s United Methodist Women for a general meeting in the fellowship hall on Tuesday, May 5, at 10:30 am. Mike Nelson, program manager for Stop Hunger Now, will speak about the vision of the program, a world without hunger. The Lucy Blanton Circle is hosting the meeting. Surprise Discussions Continue Sunday, May 3 5:00-7:00 pm, Room 211 Join in what is sure to be a lively discussion led by our ministers, Sunday, May 3, 5:00-7:00 pm in room 211. Ministers may surprise participants with the topics they choose, and participants may surprise the ministers with the questions they ask. Lunch will be available at a cost of $8 per person. Lunch reservations are required by contacting your circle leader or Phyllis Moore,, by April 29. Child care is available for children age four and under by contacting Lori Epps,, by April 29. Submit your questions for this final session anonymously at Even if you miss the lunch reservation deadline, please join us for the talk! 11 May 2015 Sun Mon Reveille United Methodist Church Tue Wed UMFS Luggage & Prom Dress Collection Through May 3 3 Youth Sunday UM Student Day Daily Prayer Service Weekdays | 7:30-8:00 am 1 5 6 7 8 UMW General Meeting Worship Swansboro Elementary Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Tee-Ology 12:15 pm CARITAS Fill-A-PODS May 1-11 Sat 2 Tee-Ology Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am #jesusintheworld begins Fri 4 Worship Focus First Thu 9 UMW Mother’s Day Tea Party CARITAS Surprise! Discussion 10 Mother’s Day 11 Samaritan Offering Men’s Prayer Breakfast (continues through June 21) 12 13 14 Worship 16 Tee-Ology 12:15 pm UMFS Prom Worship Leisure Club Day Trip 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am New Member Reception Letters due for Steve Jones Reveille Window Deadline 17 18 19 20 Confirmation Sunday Men’s Prayer Breakfast Leisure Club Worship Bill Lohmann 12:15 pm 24 25 26 27 28 Worship Men’s Prayer Breakfast Church Council Meeting Worship Friends of the Homeless Hot Lunch Worship 15 21 22 23 Tee-Ology 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Mission Benefit Concert 7:00 pm Deadline to register for VBS & KIDz C.A.M.P. 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am FOH Bag Lunches 12:15 pm 7:00 pm 29 30 31 Graduate Recognition Sunday Peace with Justice Sunday Worship 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Visiting Youth Choir 11:00 am Visit for a detailed calendar of events 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS Save the Date Coffee Fellowship Needs Your Help Please consider hosting the coffee fellowship for one Sunday this year. Coffee fellowship takes place 10:30-11:00 am each Sunday and it’s a great way to meet people and welcome visitors. We need two people for approximately one hour to make coffee, put out light snacks, and clean up. There is no cost involved. All food and coffee is provided by Reveille. Dates available: May 17, June 7, July 26, August 2 and 23, September 6 and 27, October 25, November 1 and 22, December 6 and 27. September 13 Contact Michele Clements,, to sign up or for more information. Come kick off the fall season! Sunday school classes at 9:00 am. One worship service at 10:30 am followed by a potluck lunch and fellowship. All are welcome! Bring your friends and neighbors! Reveille Weekday School Accepting Applications The deadline for the June edition of The Reveille Window is May 10 Reveille Weekday School is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Your family is invited to become a part of a special ministry of the church. The Weekday School is a child-centered program in which children learn and grow through play and intentional teaching. The staff provides a warm, caring environment where the child’s intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social, and physical growth are fostered. Send your articles to Terri Edwards,, and copy the staff member associated with your ministry on your email. Submissions may be edited for style, length, grammar, and accuracy. For more information and the application visit, or contact the school’s director, Tiffany Christopher, at (804) 359-4600 Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. Photos of church events are encouraged and welcome! Get Social With Us In case of emergency, contact the pastor on call at (804) 380-8668 @reveilleumc 13 ANNOUNCEMENTS (continued) Staff Changes Celebration of Ministry: Steve Jones Financial Manager Glynis Holcomb is leaving Reveille for a new professional opportunity. Her final day in the office will be May 7. At the 2015 Annual Conference this June, the Rev. Dr. Steven R. Jones will retire after a distinguished career in ministry. Steve has served as Richmond District superintendent for seven years, and he is former senior pastor of Reveille. Glynis joined the staff of Reveille in February 2002. Her responsibilities have included accounts payable, payroll, employee benefits, and contributions reconciliation. We will miss her keen attention to detail, sense of humor, and caring and helpful nature. You are invited to the reception honoring Steve and Jan Jones, Sunday, June 7, 4:00 pm, in our fellowship hall. To celebrate Steve’s love of mission and effectiveness as a mission strategist, you may give a special gift for the Imagine No Malaria campaign of the Virginia Conference. Make your check payable to Richmond District UMC, memo: Steve Jones, INM. Administrative Assistant Lisa Adams is no longer with Reveille. Her last day was April 24. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors. You are invited to write a letter expressing your appreciation for Steve and Jan and their ministry. Pictures are also appreciated. Letter, photos, and gifts should be sent to Susan Petrey, Richmond District UMC, P.O. Box 5606, Glen Allen, VA 23058, by May 15. Please join the Reveille staff in sending blessings and prayers for Glynis and Lisa as they each begin new chapters in their lives. #jesusintheworld Have you seen the pics of the neon green Jesus on Reveille’s Instagram account (@reveilleumc)? You’re probably wondering what is going on! Beginning May 3, we will have some of those same neon Jesus figures for you to take into the world. Take pictures of Jesus wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Post them on Instagram with the hashtag #jesusintheworld and we will share those pictures in church on Sunday mornings! (You are welcome to post your photos on other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, too!) IMPORTANT: Return your Jesus to the welcome center the next Sunday so others can take Jesus out into the world. This summer is all about sharing how we are taking Jesus out into the world, and where we happen to find him waiting for us along the way. Whether we It will be awesome to see all of the places where you have seen and experienced God this summer! are on a mission trip or just a trip into Carytown, God is already there before us and with us. Learn more and reserve your Jesus at Sign up to take a neon Jesus with you for a week (Sunday-Saturday) this summer. Sign up by noon on Friday before desired pick-up date. Pick up your Jesus on Sunday morning in the welcome center. See our #jesusintheworld photos on Instagram @reveilleumc 14