Aug. 24, 2014 - San Sebastian Catholic Church


Aug. 24, 2014 - San Sebastian Catholic Church
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Twenty-first Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday - 8:00am
Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00pm
Sunday Masses - 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12 noon (español)
Confessions Saturdays 3:00pm - 3:30pm or by appointment
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Deacon James Swanson & Rev. Deacon Earl Kidwell
1112 State Road 16. St. Augustine, FL 32084
We Can Do It !
10 - 10 - 10
Religious Education Enrichment Center
Fundraising Project Begins
August 23rd - October 26th
10- Week campaign
$10 - Total each family
$10k - Raised
Please pick up your donation “CAN”
from the gathering space display
Return no later that Oct. 26th
The “CAN’ can be place in the
10-10-10– BIN
$1.00 a week for 10 weeks
We CAN Do It!!!!
Page 3
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Peter was Jesus’ choice to lead the fragile
band of apostles. In today’s Gospel, Simon is
given a new name—Peter, the “rock.” In
John’s Gospel, Peter is called to be a shepherd.
He is expected to lay down his life for his
sheep. And tradition tells us that he did just
that. But today we think about the durable
rocklike quality that Jesus needed in a leader.
Peter was appointed to his leadership position for reasons we are not able to fathom. God
knows, and Jesus knew well, that Peter was
flawed. We cannot mistake his enthusiasms,
though, his manifest love, and his great, exuberant faith. Those virtues saw him through.
They are durable, tough, beautiful virtues.
They make Peter a sympathetic and lovable
person. They provide us with the balance and
humor that we need as we consider our own
roles in the universal church.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5;
Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13;
Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: 2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 124:1-2,
4-5; Mt 23:27-32
Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7;
Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5,
10-11; Mk 6:17-29
Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21;
Mt 25:14-30
Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;
Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz
Wednesday: St. Monica
Thursday: St. Augustine
The Passion of St. John the Baptist
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary
08/23 Sat. 4pm ‐ June C. Drozd + 08/24Sun. 8am ‐ Father Denis O’Regan + 10am ‐ Our Parishioners 12pm ‐ Juan Gonzalez + 08/25 Mon. 8am ‐ No Mass 08/26 Tue. 8am ‐ Michal Bobryk + 08/27 Wed. 8am ‐ Karla Nwoga, Spec. Intentions 08/28 Thur. 8am ‐ Father Denis O’Regan + 08/29 Fri. 8am ‐ Michalina Oberc + Sat. 4pm EM: J. & F. Tucker, C. Bandy, A. McCaffery, C. Manucy, E. DiGrigoli, M. Tilger, M. Mickler Lector: Y. Sexsion, M. Mickler Server: Sun. 8am EM: E. Brock, J. Slight, P. Heagy, V. & J. Wood, S. Faulkner Lector: S. Cleveland Server: M. Wood, L. Stevens Sun. 10am EM: J. Karamon, J. Bailey, D. Conlon, L. Fleming, G. Gilrain, C.Jones, T. Robinson, M. Vaeth, K. & K. Cowart Lector: K. Tiffany, S. Whitsitt‐Steckmann Server: M. Tolzmann, T. Barton Interpreter: Christy Celebrants for the weekend are: 4:00pm ‐ Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Deacon Jim 8:00am ‐ Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim 10:00am ‐ Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Deacon Jim 12:00pm ‐ Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim The Altar Flowers are in memory of Joseph & Keith Dwyer Página 4
Parroquia Católica de San Sebastian
24 de agosto de 2014
Vigésimo Primer del Tiempo Ordinario
Jesús escogió a Pedro para ser el jefe del inseguro grupo de Apóstoles. En el Evangelio de
hoy, el que una vez se llamaba Simón es ahora
Pedro –la roca. En el Evangelio de Juan, Pedro es
llamado a ser pastor. Eso requiere que esté dispuesto a dar su vida por sus ovejas. Y la tradición
nos dice que él hizo eso exactamente. Pero hoy,
pensamos en las cualidades inmovibles de las
rocas que Jesús necesitaba en un jefe.
Pedro se ganó su posición de liderazgo por
razones que no nos podemos imaginar. Dios sabe,
y Jesús también, que Pedro tenía sus fallas. No
podemos dejar de ver su entusiasmo, ni su gran
amor y fe espontánea. Esas virtudes le sirvieron
bien. Son virtudes admirables, duraderas y fuertes. Hacen que Pedro sea simpático y fácil de
querer. Nos proporcionan el balance y el buen
humor necesarios al considerar nuestros papeles y
miembros de la Iglesia universal de nuestro tiempo.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
2 Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Sal 96 (95):1-5;
Mt 23:13-22
2 Tes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Sal 96 (95):
10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles: 2 Tes 3:6-10, 16-18; Sal 124 (123):
1-2, 4-5; Mt 23:27-32
1 Cor 1:1-9; Sal 145 (144):2-7;
Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5,
10-11; Mc 6:17-29
1 Cor 1:26-31; Sal 33 (32):12-13,
18-21; Mt 25:14-30
Domingo: Jer 20:7-9; Sal 63 (62):2-6, 8-9;
Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27
Ministros: S. Rosado, W. Rosado,
Lectores: F.
Arguello, J. Arguello,
Monaguillos: Cosme, B. Santeliz
M. Bunnell, H. Puentes
Ujieres: Monaguillos: S. Cosme, R. Cosme, Jr.,
S. Martinez-Wittingham
E. Gallardo, J. Gallardo,
E. Duarte, P. Cosme
Preparación para el Bautismo….Los padres y los padrinos deben registrarse para las clases de pre‐
paración en la oficina de la Parroquia. Para las cla‐
ses, favor llamar a la Rectoría para ponerse de acuerdo con la fecha y la hora. Si los padres o pa‐
drinos no han asistidos a una clase de preparación anteriormente, estas clases son necesarias para el bautismo. Bautizos en Español ……. Es un requisito para pa‐
dres y padrinos que no han tomado las clases ante‐
riormente participar en ellas. Favor de llamar a la Rectoría. Los bautizos se celebran después de la misa en Español. Bodas…...Favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia con 8 meses de antelación Tel: 824‐6625 Comunión para los Enfermos …..Las personas que deseen recibir la Comunión en sus casas, favor lla‐
mar a la oficina de la Parroquia, o hablar con un ministro eucarístico después de misa. Adoración al Santísimo …...Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento todos los viernes de 8:30a.m. a 6:00p.m. El Coro para Adultos en Español ..Se invita a todos los que sienten el deseo de servir al Señor con su voz o con un instrumento musical, favor hablar con María Hernández después de la misa de 12:00p.m. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES
Domingo: Vigésimo Primer Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
San Luis de Francia;
San José de Calasanz
Miércoles: Santa Mónica
San Agustín
El martirio de san Juan Bautista
Santa María Virgen
Para Ofrendas Durante las Misa ...Si deseas que se mencione durante la misa el nombre de un familiar o amigo ya fallecido o que esté gravemente enfer‐
mo, favor llamar a Clarita Opiela, Tel: 824‐6625 Diácono Jim visita cada lunes el Flagler Hospital. Si sabes de algún familiar o amigo – miembro de la parroquia que está en el hospital favor llamar al la oficina de la parroquia (904 824‐6625) o avísanos antes o después de las misas durante el fin de se‐
mana. Page 5
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Parish & Community
Friday September 12, 2014
At 6:00pm in church Dining Hall
Dinner Tickets $20.00 each or 2 for $30.00
Menu: Meat or Vegetable Lasagna
Salad, Bread, Ice Tea,
Coffee, Dessert & Cash Bar.
Music will be provided by DJ
All proceeds of this Event will benefit the
Religious Education Enrichment Center
Tickets can be purchased in the gift shop or church office.
Sponsored by the Hispanic Community of San Sebastian Parish
The San Sebastian Parish
Annual Fall Festival
is November 8th & 9th
Please mark your calendars.
Volunteer Forms will be available in September.
We are now accepting donations for the
Rummage Sale, Clothing Boutique,
Accessories Boutique, Furniture Mart, Electronic Shed,
Silent Auction, Country & Craft Store,
Book Worm and Plant Booth.
For more information please contact the church office 904-824-6625
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Parish & Community
What’s a Catholic Voter to do? Let your conscience be your guide
Primary Election August 10-August 24th
General Election October 19– November 2
Catholic faithful are called to political engagement shaped by the moral convictions of wellformed consciences and focused on the dignity of every human being, the pursuit of common
good, and the protection of the weak and vulnerable.. To help parishioners become more informed on where candidates stand on key issues, the Florida Conference of Bishops has
polled those running for U.S. Congress, the Florida Legislature, and Florida Governor. To see
how candidates appearing on the August 26 Primary Election/ November 4 General Election
ballot responded to the questionnaire, visit
In Honor of Fr. Rene Robert’s
25th Anniversary of his Ordination
Sunday September 28, 2014
He will celebrate a mass at 4:00pm at San Sebastian Church
followed by a POT LUCK dinner in the parish hall
SAN SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ‐ EVERY FRIDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM Have you developed a personal relationship with Jesus? Do you need a friendly ear to hear your problems? Come visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament “Exposition is a manner of honoring the Holy Eucharist, by exposing It, in proper solemnity, to the view of the faithful in order that they may pay their devotions before It.” Who is Eucharist? JESUS CHRIST! 16 Upper Story
Stained Windows still available
Please visit the display in the Gathering Space
for more Information & Pricing contact
Wilfredo Cardona at 904-824-1822
Page 7
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Parish & Community
The Recycling PAPER Dumpster in the front parking lot, will be removed
in the next few weeks, due to the company going out of business. Effective Immediately… PLEASE DO NOT PLACE ANY MORE PAPER
IN the recycle dumpster. If you know of a Company who could continue this community
Looking for a way to give back? The religious education program that serves the children and
youth at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind is currently looking for catechists. The Diocese of St.
Augustine has been providing religious education to these children from all over the state for more than
25 years. This coming year, the program will be coordinated through San Sebastian Parish in St.
Augustine. We are in need of dedicated Catholics who can either interpret for the deaf or teach the
blind the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. This weekly commitment is throughout the academic year
and pays an hourly salary. If you are called to this special ministry among the Lord’s special children,
please submit a resume, short note of interest and the diocesan employment application from the diocesan website: to: Erin McGeever, 11625 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL
Volunteers are needed for the San Sebastian Gift Shop. Please
consider volunteering 1 hour a month to help keep the gift shop open
after all masses. We are asking anyone 16yrs and older if interested
to contact Tyra Rousseau at the church office 824-6625
WEDDINGS: Contact the church office 824‐6625 least 8 months in advance and before finalizing wedding date. HOLY ORDERS: If you would like to serve God by preaching the Word of Salvation, by celebrating the Sac‐
raments and by serving those in need, you may have a vocation to the priesthood. Contact Father David Ruchinski at 262‐3200 ext 101 or SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact our Parish Coordinator: Susan Donlon at 824‐6625 or email Hospital Visitation Deacon Jim visits Flagler Hospital Monday mornings. If you know a person that would like a visit, let someone know during the weekend Masses, or call the office, 824‐6625
The Healing Mass will be
Wednesday August 27th at 7:00pm.
The mass is celebrated in
English and Spanish
If you had your photo taken for the parish directory.
You can pick up your copy of the directory
in the Gift Shop
Page 8
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Tickets are $20.00 for one ticket or $30.00 for two tickets.**
Extra Tickets are available in the Church Office and Gift Shop.
Drawings are Saturdays after the 4:00pm mass.
** offer good only when both tickets are purchased at the same time
05, 2014
12, 2014
19, 2014
26, 2014
03, 2014
10, 2014
17, 2014
24, 2014
31, 2014
07, 2014
14, 2014
$100.00 - Facundo Gonzales
$100.00 - Judy Mariani
$100.00 - Charles Vincent
$100.00 - Sheila Steighner
$100.00 - Frederick Schmelze
$100.00 - James & Sandra King
$100.00 - Tom Cole
$100.00 - Jim Norris
$200.00 - Guillermo Guevara
$100.00 - Tom & Carol McElhinney
$100.00 - Anne Corley
21, 2014
28, 2014
05, 2014
12, 2014
19, 2014
26, 2014
02, 2014
09, 2014
16, 2014
23, 2014
30, 2014
$100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 -
Christopher Hartelius
Carlos Romero
Francisco Wittinghan
Mary Emma Martin
Kim Eichorn
Amy Law
Gretchen Finkle
James King
Gert Mickler
The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all
who contributed to the Seminarian Dinner:
Amici’s Italian Restaurant, Burkhardt Sales and Services,
Camping World, Gypsy Cab Company, Jacksonville Sharks,
Mr. & Mrs. Karamon, Le Pavillon, La Pentola, Old Town Trolley,
Outback Steak House, Ripley’s Red Train Tours,
Schooner’s Seafood House, Shore Find Shell Art,
and The Raintree Restaurant.
Thanks to all others who helped make the dinner a success.
Campaign Pledge Goal $900,000.00
For The Religious Education Enrichment Center $700,000
Special PLEDGE Envelopes & PLEDGE CARDS
available at the Capital Campaign display
Page 9
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Youth Ministries
The San Sebastian Youth Group
Is off for the Summer.
Meetings & Socials will resume
in September.
For more information or to volunteer Contact Youth Group leader
Gail Gilrain, 824-4109 or
Religious Education Grades
K—8 will begin
this Wednesday August 27th
At 6:00pm At St. Joseph’s Academy (off 207)
HIGH SCHOOL Meets Thursdays at 6:30pm at San Sebastian
Registration Forms are still available in Gathering Space
For more information Contact Susan Donlon at 904-315-1352
Looking for a way to give back? The religious education program that serves the children and
youth at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind is currently looking for catechists. The Diocese of St.
Augustine has been providing religious education to these children from all over the state for more than
25 years. This coming year, the program will be coordinated through San Sebastian Parish in St.
Augustine. We are in need of dedicated Catholics who can either interpret for the deaf or teach the blind
the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. This weekly commitment is throughout the academic year and
pays an hourly salary. If you are called to this special ministry among the Lord’s special children, please
submit a resume, short note of interest and the diocesan employment application from the diocesan
website: to: Erin McGeever, 11625 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258.
Fax: (904) 262-0698.
Religious Education Classes for Grades K – 8, Classes resume August 27th from 6:00pm –7:00pm
at St. Joseph Academy (off 207) .
High School Religious Ed Classes meet Thursdays at 6:30pm, San Sebastian Church.
For more info. about Religious Education or registration info. Contact Susan
Donlon at 824-6625 or 315-1352 or email
Children’s Home School Choir sings at 8:00am daily mass , contact Lynne DuPont at 824-1334
Page 10
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Parish Ministries
San Sebastian
Ladies Guild
Join us September 4th
at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall
for the next Meeting & Social
We will be playing BINGO !
All women of our parish are welcome
For more information call Virginia Wood at 904­ 315­4741 MEN’S Prayer Breakfast
The second Saturday of the month 9:00am
at San Sebastian Church
Contact: Wilfredo Cardona 824-1822 or
Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451
Ministry of Caring For information about our activities and meetings, contact Orpha Wiseman at 824‐5748 Power of Prayer Group
Intercessory Prayer Group will not meet
during the summer. Please continue your
prayers for the needs of San Sebastian Parish.
Please email
with special requests.
Meals for Moms Mission Come and enjoy Friendship & Fellowship the first Sunday night of each month at 6:pm in the Parish hall kitchen to make a meal for Moms‐to‐be at St Gerard Campus. Food donations welcome. For more information Contact K a r e n T o w n a t 2 0 1 ‐ 8 7 4 ‐ 3 4 0 6 o r San Sebastian Gift Shop The Gift Shop needs Volunteers to work the shop after Masses on Sunday. To Volunteer contact Judy Slight 217‐7129. Gift Shop hours: 1 hour before & after Weekend Mass
Marian Movement of Priests
Prayer Group, 2nd and 4th Sundays For more
info. contact
McKean at
Sat. 4pm, Sun. 8am, 10am & 12 pm
Contact Bob Webb, 829-2333
Every Monday from 8am-9am we meet in the
church. We change & clean altar linens,
restock votive candles, clean, dust, straighten
pews & water flowers. If Interested please
Contact Claudia Fritz @t 770-833-8373
or the church office 824-6625
located in the Gathering Space: Books,
tapes, movies, & music, for young & “old”.
Open during church hours. Please return
items borrowed within 2 weeks.
Contact Susan Donlon at 315-1352
RCIA has day and evening sessions. Contact
Susan Donlon at 824-6625 or 315-1352 or
St. Augustine Young Adult Rosary Group
Invites all young adults in their 20’s & 30’s to
pray the Rosary. Fellowship & Snacks follow.
Wednesdays, 7pm-8pm, Knights Hall. For Information contact Mary Tholotowsky, 501-7280 or
Page 11
San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Parish Ministries
of Columbus
Council 11046
Knights of Columbus
Event Schedule
Respect all Life Our prayer warriors will be going to
the All Women's Health Center,
abortion facility at 4331 University
Blvd., in JAX the second Wednesday
of each month through the
summer. This is a change from the
regular 1st Wednesday schedule. All
are welcome! We leave from the
church parking lot at 9:15am and
return before 12 noon. Bring rosary,
hat, water and your Zeal for LIFE.
For information contact:
Lane Campau at 904 823-8887
or email: Knights Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month
at 7pm in the Knights Hall.
Monthly Socials, Everyone is invited to the
Knights of Columbus Pot Luck Dinner Social
the 4th Tuesday of the month, at 6:30pm.
Joining The Knights of Columbus. or transferring into our Council contact the Grand
Knight ~ Ron Miller at 904-495-5179
Pancake Breakfast, 2nd and 4th Sun. of each
month after 8am & 10am masses.
Squires, Meet the 1st Sunday of each
month at 6:00pm. For info contact
Ryan at 797-7418.
DIVORCED and SEPARATED SUPPORT MINISTRY A Quick Journey through the Bible with Jeff Cavins Mondays at 7:00pm Beginning Sept 8th DVD Presentation followed By group discussion FOOD SHARING
Donations of Meat always appreciated Team A ‐ Lydia Quiles 687‐8169 or email Team B ‐ Cheryl Manucy 824‐3403 or email Meal preparation is the 3rd Tuesday, of the month @ 2pm in the parish hall. Friday evenings at 7pm in the Knights Hall For more info call Pete Nolan 904‐687‐8486 MUSIC MINISTRY
Mass Times
Sat. 4pm mass
Sun. 8 & 10am mass
Sun. Spanish mass
Rehearsal Times
Sat. 3:00pm - Church
Tues. 7:00pm - Church
Wed. 6:00pm - Church
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Our parishioners generously make and donate hand made blankets for those sick and
in need of comfort & compassion. Now available : PRAYER CLOTHS for our Troops to
carry with them in their pockets. Prayer
cloths are available depicting: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force or a generic material
with the American Flag. Stop by the church
office to pick up a prayer blanket or to order
a prayer cloth. Contact Leaugeay McKean
Page 12
San Sebastian Catholic Church
Activities for the Week
08/24 Sun.
Gift Shop open
Pancake Breakfast
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Gift Shop open
Pancake Breakfast
Spanish Mass
Spanish Catholicism
MMP, garden
08/25 Mon.
08/26 Tues.
Primary Election Day
8:00am Mass
Gift Shop open
No Mass
Altar Society
Knights, 4th degree
Gift Shop open
Religious Ed at St. Joseph
Spanish Choir
SAYA Rosary
Healing Mass
08/28 Thurs.
Gift Shop open
High School
08/29 Fri.
8:00am Mass
8:30am Gift Shop open
8:30am - 6:pm Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
08/27 Wed.
08/30 Sat.
08/31 Sun.
Collections - Week of August 16-17, 2014 We Can Do It! 10-10-10, week 1
August 24, 2014
Operating Facilities Maintenance Church Mortgage Religious Ed Center E‐Giving Insurance Subsidy $ 8,982.80 $ 2,169.81 $ 142.00 $ 337.00 $ $ 8.42 Second Collections: Aug. 24, Insurance Subsidy Aug. 31, Enrichment Center Sept. 7, Mortgage Fund Sept. 14, Building Maintenance Sept. 21, Building Maintenance Sept. 28, Enrichment Center Diocesan Collection: (portion of offertory) Sept. 21, Catholic Communication Appeal
Religious Education Enrichment
Center Capital Campaign
Pledge Cards Available In
gathering space
3:00-3:30pm Confessions
Wine & Cheese
We Can Do It! 10-10-10, week 2
Gift Shop open
Coffee & Danish
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Gift Shop open
Coffee & Danish
Spanish Mass
Catholicism in Spanish
E-giving is short for Electronic Giving. It is an
automatic transfer program that allows you to
make contributions without the hassle of writing
1. Go to the church web site
2. Click on E-Giving or (Donate Now)
Follow the easy directions to set-up
Page 13
San Sebastian Catholic Church
PARISH PRAYER LIST Please call the
church office at 824-6625 to add names.
August 24, 2014
Parish Directory
Week 1
Lottie Bow
Tommy Kynard*
Anne Maetozo*
Timmy Masters*
Ada Nackashi*
Sage Stinson*
Week 2
Katie Burchfield*
Dan Burkhardt*
Audrey Burnett*
Andy Butler*
Colleen Caro*
Rita Kreuter*
Madison Masters*
Francis O’Laughlin *
Belinda C. Rose*
Week 3
Bill Boehm*
Tim Donvan
Sr. Anne Haarer*
John Kotlinski*
Cecelia Lavinghouse*
Guillermina Quevedo
Jane Schroeder*
Week 4
Roby Baird*
Skeeter Butler*
Violeta & Jorge LeBron *
Chipp Martin*
Valerie Roberts*
Peggie Steele*
Jean Webb*
Brett Williams*
L Cpl Lacey M. Bowman
Sgt Frank Brantley
Sgt. Evan Burgess
Capt. Michael Burns, USN
CPO José Camacho
Sgt Dusty Davis
1st Lt Vito John Errico
“Tipper” Chris Esdonge, Jr
Col. Dave Francis
Sgt Noe Gutierrez
Lt. Betsy Hoyos
Sgt Nestor L. Lugo
Lt. Col Sean Navin
Maj. David Pasquale
PFC Justin Peeples
EO3 David Polly
Spec. Jason Polly
Marcos Rios
Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe
Cpl Julia A. Taylor
Sgt Julian R. Taylor
Lt. Mark M. Walstead
PFC Robert Young
Prayer Blanket Ministry/Leaugeay MkKean…….824-6625
Cleo Masters*
Fred Meeks*
John Uvegas*
Anita Guevara*
John & Rose Busketta*
Catherine Dailey*
Mike Fritz
Audrey Largent*
John & Violeta Michta*
Zoila Morales
Nancy Smith*
James Watcke*
Marian Movement of Priest/Leaugeay McKean…..824-6625
Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451
Ministry of Caring/ Orpha Wiseman…………824-5748
Music Ministry/ Judy Bernhard….……………540-4605
Music Ministry(spanish)/Maria
Office Manager (Office) Tyra Rousseau…….824-6625
Parish Council Chariman/ Frank Sette…….…940-9039
Week 5
Week 6
Adoration/ Wilfredo Cardona………………...824-1822
Altar Servers/Susan Donlon………………….824-6625
Altar Society/Claudia Fritz…...………….770-833-8373
Bible Study/Susan Donlon…………………...824-6625
Bread Pick Up/Tom Opiela…………………..825-4178
Bulletin Request/Tyra Rousseau....…………824-6625
Corporal Works of Mercy/Church office..…...824-6625
Divorced/Separated/ Pete Nolan…………….687-8486
Diaper Drive/Donna McNary…………………806-2844
Extraordinary Ministers/Doug Conlon……….808-0649
Facilities Manager/Allen McCaffery………….824-6625
Fall Festival Chairman/AllenMcCaffery…… 377-2446
Food & Fun Friday/ Susan Donlon ………… .824-6625
Food Sharing Team A Lydia Quiles … … 687-8169
Food Sharing Team B Cheryl Manucy…… 824-3403
Food Drive/Susan Donlon..………………… ..824-6625
Gift Shop/Tyra Rousseau………………… ….824-6625
Finance Council /Doug Conlon…………… …808-0649
Holy Orders/ Fr. David Ruchinski.……………262-3200
Home School Choir/Lynne DuPont……….. …824-1334
Hospitality/ Tyra Rousseau……………………824-6625
Hospital Ministry/ Deacon James Swanson…824-6625
Intercessory Prayer Group/ Jo Ann Roy…….571-0156
Knights of Columbus / Ron Miller…………. ..495-5179
K of C Squires / Mike Ryan…………………..797-7418
Ladies Guild/ Virginia Wood..……………… ..315-4741
Lectors/Susan Donlon……………………….. 824-6625
Library/Susan Donlon…………………………824-6625
Please Pray
For The Repose of
The soul of:
Sr. Marie Therese
Evrard, SSJ
Recycle Program/Tyra Rousseau……………824-6625
Religious Education/Susan Donlon………….824-6625
Respect Life/Lane Campau…………………..823-8887
RCIA/Susan Donlon……………………… …..824-6625
Rosary Makers/Susan Donlon……………….824-6625
Sacramental Prep/Susan Donlon……………824-6625
Ushers/Bob Webb……………………………..829-2333
Young Adult Rosary/ Mary Tholotowsky……501-7280
Youth Group (The Warriors)/Gail Gilrain……...687-5536
Vacation Bible School/ Virginia Wood………315-4741
Wine and Cheese/Anne Gagliardi…………...825-0367
Web Master/ Bill Loughlin…………………….377-7874
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
August 24, 2014
Out Reach for Parish & Community
behind the Knights Hall;
Box Tops for Education - Look for the official Box Top for Education on different
food products. We also accept coke reward Codes, Sunny D Labels, and Kellogg's Family
Reward Codes Donation Box will be located in the gathering space. For more information
contact Karen Town 940-6877
Food Drive - Please bring non-perishable food items for needy families in our community every 3rd weekend of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity.
Diaper Drive -Diaper Drive for diapers & wipes to be donated to St. Gerard House.
We can only accept donations that are packaged. A basket for your donations is available in the Gathering Space For more info, contact Donna McNary 806-2844
Food & Fun Fridays - 4th Friday of the Month - San Sebastian hosts a meal
from 2pm–4pm for the elderly and those on fixed incomes. If you have a neighbor or
friend who would benefit from this event, invite them to join us. To Volunteer .
please contact Susan Donlon at the church office 824-6625 ext 107.
Food Sharing of St. Augustine - An evening meal for the homeless in St. Aug.
the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. To volunteer for this great community outreach contact Lydia Quiles 687-8169 or email or Cheryl Manucy
824-3403 or email
Donations needed for the homeless in St. Augustine - needed are small
travel sizes: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, washcloth, toothbrushes, combs,
socks, hand sanitizer, Band-Aids, Neosporin, tweezers, nail clippers, razors, sunscreen, sunglasses, adult sizes . Donation basket located in the gathering space.
St. Augustine Health and Rehabilitation Center Mass - celebrated every
3rd Friday of the month at 10:00am.
St. Johns County Pet Adoption & Holding Center - A donation basket is
located in the Gathering Space. needs: pet foods, treats, blankets, towels, and toys.
The Corporal Works of Mercy - “People who want to do good things for people
in need”. The following organizations in St. Johns County need your time & talent:
Catholic Charities, Community Hospice, St. Gerard House, St. Francis House, Salvation Army, Council on Aging, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Habitat for Humanity,
United Way of St. Johns, Homeless Coalition, Welfare Federation of St. Johns, &
many more. Pamphlets with contact info located in gathering space.
Prison Ministry - For more information contact Fr. Thomas Walsh at 824-6625
ST. GERARD CAMPUS THRIFT SHOP 1333-3 Old Dixie Hwy. St. Augustine, 904-315-3918