Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine


Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine
135 North White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, New Jersey 08021
Telephone: (856) 627-2222 Fax: (856) 627- 8210
Website: www.guadalupeparishshrine.org/ www.facebook.com/OurLadyofGuadalupeNJ
Email: guadalupeparishshrine@gmail.com
John Paul II Regional School
Telephone: (856) 783-3088 www.jp2rs.org
Second Sunday of Advent
December 8, 2013
Rev. Joseph P. Capella, Pastor
Rev. Wilson Paulose, Chaplain, Kennedy Hospital
Rev. James Bartoloma, Vice Chancellor
Msgr. Roger McGrath, Senior Priest
Rev. Mr. John Berstecher, Deacon
Mr. Edward Kennedy, Pastoral Associate-Seminarian
Mr. Francisco Torres, Sacristan
Mrs. Helen Persing, School Principal
Ms. Maria Nieva, Director of Liturgy & Music
Mrs. Gelen Hernandez, Dir. of Hispanic Ministries
Mrs. Mary Stone, Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Stephanie Greco, Director of Shrine Services
Mass Times:
Stratford: Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday 11:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45 p.m.
Lindenwold: Monday to Friday 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and
11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass
Reconciliation: Mon. to Fri. 6:30 p.m., Sat. 4:15 p.m.
Parish Hours / Horarios de Oficina
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
“A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,
and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” Revelation 12:1
A Word from your Senior Priest
What happened? I went from being a “Weekend Presider” to being a
“Senior Priest!” What does that mean? Let me try to explain.
For the past eight years, ever since I left Our Lady of Grace in 2005, I have
been serving in diocesan administrative responsibilities at the diocesan
center in Camden. During that time, on weekdays I would be in the office in Camden but on
weekends, I would serve in the parish where I was in residence, first, at Pius X in Cherry Hill
and then Christ the King in Haddonfield. This past April, my residence was changed to the
retreat house in Blackwood, which enabled me to come on weekends to Our Lady of
Guadalupe to serve as a “weekend presider.”
Bishop Sullivan has graciously approved my request to step down from full-time diocesan
administrative responsibilities and return to full-time parish ministry. So since October 1,
and “for the time being,” I am now serving as your full-time parochial vicar (associate pastor)
at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine. I will remain in residence with Bishop Sullivan at the
retreat house and commute to the parish churches and offices.
Now, about the title “Senior Priest” – all that means is that I am older than the other priests
and they have to be nice to me! Seriously, it simply means that, at least for a while, I will not
have administrative responsibilities as a pastor. That will probably change sometime next year
when Bishop Sullivan makes pastor assignments in June and I am assigned somewhere else as
However, for as long as I will be here, I am most delighted and happy to be with you to serve
you. Our Lady of Guadalupe was formed from three parishes, one of which, Our Lady of
Grace, was where I had been pastor. In fact, Father Joe was my parochial vicar there and now I
am his parochial vicar here!
So, being with you is truly a wonderful “homecoming” for me and I am absolutely thrilled to
be with you!!
With prayers,
Msgr. Roger
We Pray for...
Monday, December 9, 2013
S 8:00 a.m.
Emily Fisher—25th Anniversary
r/b Dougherty family
L 7:00 p.m.
George Allen
r/b loving wife, Ann
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
S 8:00 a.m.
Gabriel Sperandio
r/b Peter & Anna Sperandio
L 7:00 p.m.
Andrew Kasper
r/b family
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
S 8:00 a.m.
Jim & Carmela Foti
r/b Alice & Bob Bakley
L 7:00 p.m.
Paulette Basciano
r/b Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Thursday, December 12 , 2013
S 8:00 a.m.
John Hopkins
r/b Ed & Patty McCarthy
L 6:00 p.m.
L 7:00 p.m.
Pilgrims Intentions
At the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Friday, December 13, 2013
S 9:00 a.m. Adeline Bonanno
r/b Schuhl family
L 7:00 p.m.
Mary Renninger
r/b Richard & Susan Moffa
Saturday, December 14, 2013
S 8:00 a.m.
Matthew Earl McCart
Ruth McCart & family
S 4:30 p.m.
Frank Bada, Jr.
r/b Mom & Dad
Ruth E. Foley
r/b the Kita family
Fr. Michael P. Hegarty
r/b Friends from Our Lady of Grace
5:00 p.m.
Jeannette Pidliskey
r/b Children & Grandchildren
Sunday, December 15, 2013
L 7:30 a.m.
Anna Dockery
r/b McClan
L 9:30 a.m.
Deceased Members—Lafferty family
r/b Rita Lafferty & family
Mary Catherine Swallow
r/b her family
Eleanore Friedrich
r/b the DeMarco family
L 11:00 a.m.
Anniversario-Familia Cruz
r/b Hernandez family
S 11:30 a.m.
Michael G. Penny
r/b The Penny family
S 5:00 p.m.
Joseph Anthony Cutrera
r/b the Coppinger family
The sick of our parish:
Muriel Abel, Victoria Affrunti, Veronica Ahern, Joseph Allen, Earl Anderson,
Lou & Eileen Anderson, Marianna Ansaldo, Carmela Baccari, Robert Bacisin,
Frank Bada, Chris Bakey, Charley Berstecher, Karynlee Berstecher,
Bill Bowman, Ellen Boyle, Marie Breslin, Maureen Brown, Marie Brumbach,
William & Elizabeth Buehler, Fr. Joe Capella, Nick Catania, Diana Coulson,
Anthony Cerminaro, Valerie Cohen, Maryann Coleman, Domenic Cosenza,
Christiana Cooper, Angie Dabbenigno, Debbie Darby, Loretta Davis,
Arthur Davis, Rosalia Davis, Albert DiBartolomeo, Nicholas DiGiorgio,
Dennis M. DeRoca, Thelma Donnally, Kathleen Emerich, Cornelius Farley,
Kitty Farrell, Thomas Flynn, George Funk, Brian & Kurt Gahm,
Manny & Maryann Galone, James Garber, Mary Gavin, Claire Gerhardt,
Charles Gold, Dorothy Gomeringer, Bill Gray, Bob Hopkins, Catherine Hodges,
Shirley Holt, Margaret Infanti, Leon Johnson, Billy Jones. Carole Katz,
Mary Katz, Jessica Laidley, Carlo Lala, Rose Lanciano, Richard Lanzalotti,
Frank LaScala, Joann Lazzaro, Vivian Lazzaro, Joan Lentini, Caroline Lewis,
Ignazio Locantore, Carmela Mangano, Maureen Mastrobuono,
Chuck McAninley, Robert McCarthy, Brian McGee, Jack McGuigan,
Carol Massimiano, Donald McMullin, Sr., Savannah Lynn McSorley,
Juana Mendez, Mary Middleton, Rose Monaco,
Aviana Monaghan, Sue Moreno, Charles Morgan, Kenny & Kristina Moroni,
Dan Murphy, Erin Murphy, Fred Naphys, III, Joan Naphys, Bob O’Dowd,
Eileen O’Malley, Constance Onorato, Kay O’Keefe, Vince Pagano,
Cindy Pandolfo, Matthew Petrongolo, Walter Perilli, Joe Pilla, Betty Pizzo,
Allen Powell, Thomas & Collin Powell, Joseph G. Ranieri,
William & Natalia Reyes, Joseph Reinert, Millie Reinert, Jack Revaitis,
Vicki Robbins, Jerry Roderick, Delores Seksnel, Carol Shander, Krista Sheehan,
James Solly, Sophie Staab, Bill Steinert, Maggie Stengel,
Rosemarie Tartaglia, Lenny Thomas, Betty Tobin, Stefania Trincas,
Lorraine & Victor Trocine, Agnes Tully, Frank Turchi, Betty Valentino,
Lourdes Vasquez, Natalie Vitarelli, Bill Waples, Kathy Watkins,
Margaret Wolick, Martin Worst, Barry M. Wright, Rudi Alberto Yuarez
& Baby Mia Noelle
Those in a nursing home: Gail Capriotti,
Emily Jalonek, Ann James, Theresa McCann, Paz Miranda,
Edward McCloskey & Theresa Taylor
The deceased: Lawrence Anderson & Alan G. Stone
The military: Thomas Backenson, M.D., Michael Barikian, Mark Bergman,
Kevin Bradley, Dylan Brodie, Brandon Carney, Jessica Carney,
Ryan Dougherty, Trevor Dunkelberger, Matthew Eagan, James Early,
John Early, Jr., John Early, Sr., Thomas Early, Jr., Thomas Flynn, Drew Hance,
Jarrod Haschert, Jonathan Haubrich, T. J. Homan, Justin Jackson, III,
Rev. Christopher Kopec, Benjamin Kyler, Thomas J. Mackin,
Colin J. McElroy, Michael Mortka, William O’Donnell, Jr., David Osisek,
Jaime Brinn Redmond, Chris A. Roesch, PFC Sharkey Nicholas,
Robert, Terry & Michael Turner, & Matthew Zelaskey
The sanctuary lamp at St. Luke Church burns
in memory of: Kenneth Heise—3rd Anniversary
r/b her loving wife, Rosemarie Heise
The Blessed Mother candle at St. Luke Church burns in
memory of: Rosa Tackash
r/b her loving daughter-in-law, Maria Rosenfeld
The St. Joseph candle at St. Luke Church burns
in memory of : Cesar Krieg
r/b his loving wife, Ana
The sanctuary lamp at St. Lawrence Church burns in memory of:
John Hopkins
r/b Ed , Patti & family
Worship and Liturgy
Infant Baptism
2nd Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m., Lindenwold campus, or during 11:30 a.m. Mass, Stratford.
Baptismal classes, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m.,
Parish center, Lindenwold.
Please email: deaconjohnberstecher@gmail.com.
Arrangements for marriage should be made one year in
advance. Because of the preparation needed, six months
notification is mandatory. Please call parish office for details.
Horario Misas:
Todos los jueves, 6:00 p.m. y todos los domingo,
11:00 a.m.
Confeciones despues de cada Misa los jueves y domingos
Los cuartos domingos durante la Santa Misa, 11:00 a.m. (padres y padrinos) Charlas pre-bautismales cada segundo míercoles del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la cafeteria.
Por favor, hablar a la oficina para mas información sobre las Charlas pre-matrimoniales y cuales son los requisitos para la boda religiosa.
Youth Group/ Grupo Juvenil:
Youth Group meets on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. at St. Juan Diego Center. Grupo Juvenil en el Centro Juvenil
St. Juan Diego, jueves 7 p.m.
Movimiento Juan XXIII
Reunión en cafeteria los martes de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m.
Reunión de la Renovación Carismática de 7 p.m. a 10 p.m.
Dec. 14
St. Luke
4:30 p.m.
Dec. 14
St. Lawrence
5:00 p.m.
Dec. 15
St. Lawrence
7:30 a.m.
Dec. 15
St. Lawrence
9:30 a.m.
Dec. 15
St. Luke
11:30 a.m.
Dec. 15
St. Luke
5:00 p.m.
Msgr. Roger
Fr. Jim
Fr. Jim
Msgr. Roger
Fr. Wilson
Msgr. Roger
A. Esposito
D. Fanelle
R. Kozar
J. Jackson
C. & D. Cutter
C. & R. Theriault
M. Hallam
L. Kaszupski
B. & V. Lees
G. Norton
M. Rosney
S. Ryan
B. Buehler
A. Klingenberg
L. McLaughlin
S. Cappuccio
D. Zadjeika
B. O’Dowd
M. & J. Willard
P. Forrest
C. & C. Ejianreh
A. Fitzgerald
J. Romano
M. & J. Tiedge
C. & E. Polk
A. Lepperd
S. & S. Robbins
R. Cunningham
Rich Freiling
A. Pleis J.
A. Bakley
S. Nicholas
C.& F. Hanley
V. Wishropp
E. Vandegrift
R. Christiano
A. Belonia
P. Lavala
B. Mayovich
R. Harman
News and Notes
Fiber Arts Ministry
of OLG
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Mary, Queen of the Apostles Room
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
The ministry makes baby blankets for parish baptisms
as well as lap blankets for shut-ins.
If you knit, crochet, weave or quilt, we would love to have you as
part of our group. We have donated yarn so supplies are available
for those who wish to use them.
Come share your time and talent for the benefit of the parish.
The Fiber Arts Ministry is also seeking donations of yarn for
baby blankets and lap blankets.
We are especially in need of pastel colors.
Gn 3: 9-15, Ep 1: 3-6; Lk 1: 26-38
Tuesday: Is 40: 1-11; Mt 18: 12-14
Wednesday: Is 40: 25-31; Mt 11: 28-30
Thursday: Zec 2: 14-17; Lk 1: 39-47
Is 48: 17-19; Mt 11: 16-19
Sir 48: 1-4, 9-11
Mt 17: 9a, 10-13
Is 35: 1-6a, Jas 5: 7-10
Mt 11: 2-11
If you have yarn you wish to donate, it can be dropped off at one
of our meetings, or we can arrange for pick-up if needed. Contact
“Therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit will be
Alice at 856-627-7125.
cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 3: 10b
Do you bear good fruit for Christ? Or do you spend your
time, talent and treasure constantly acquiring more toys,
clutter or junk? As we are immersed in the Holiday
shopping season now might be a good time to evaluate our
Stewardship. What gifts do we give to God?
Christmas Tree Giving
The traditional parish advent giving tree project has
begun. The ‘giving trees’ with angel and tree
ornaments are present in both churches.
Please take an ornament and return the requested gift
beneath the tree.
Please help us bring God’s gift of love
to those in need.
We thank you for your generosity.
Eucharistic Adoration
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Our Lady of Grace Chapel
St. Juan Diego Center
We want to invite all men of our church to
“Amazed and Afraid:
the revelation of God become man.”
This is the first episode of the popular series
by Father Robert Barron.
Fr. James Bartoloma will talk about this theme on
Wednesday, December 11 at 7:45 p.m.
in the consolation room at St. Lawrence school.
Please contact
Neil Ortiz at neilortiz@outlook.com or at
Spiritual Life Formation
John Paul II School hosted its first 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, November 30 as part of its year-long Fifth Anniversary
celebration with families, friends, and alumni. Over 130 participated in the event with many parents volunteering to help
direct the runners throughout the course. To offset costs, local businesses sponsored the event that included:
Sandoval Graphics and Printing, Yogurt Shack, Duke Catering, Cavallaro Chiropractic, Lindenwold McDonalds,
Jay Roberts Jewelers, Haddonfield Running, Dance Party DJ’s, Paris Caterers, and Produce Junction.
The school intends on making this an annual school community event.
Don’t miss- Christmas Story Hour and Craft on Wednesday, December 11 at 10:00 a.m.
in our Media Center. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers are welcome to bring their preschooler
( 2yr-5yr) to enjoy a story and craft with our preschool teacher, Mrs. Considine.
RSVP to Christine Willard at cwillard@jp2rs.org.
For more information about John Paul II School, to arrange for a tour or shadow day for your child, please contact,
Christine Willard, Advancement Director at 856-783-3088 or cwillard@jp2rs.org.
Death with Dignity Bill Protest Postcard
Thank you to all who took the time to read, tear out
and sign the postcard-sized statement in the bulletin
protesting the Death with Dignity (or Assisted
Our aluminum tab and eye glass collections will be Suicide) bill the last couple of weeks. They will be
continuing year round. Boxes are located in the
mailed to the 2 sets of legislators who represent the
entrances of both churches. We recently donated
majority of the people of this parish:
Nativity Council # 2976
137 pair of eye glasses to the Lions Club for
distribution to the needy.
We also have tickets to the Phantoms vs. Hershey
Bears AHL Ice Hockey game for
Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.
at the Wells Fargo Center in Phila.
The tickets are just 3 to 6 rows from the ice
and are just $15.00.
Due to our consignment agreement
these must be sold by December 26 so purchase
now while they last.
Entertainment Books are also available for just
Contact Justin @ 856-383-2318 or
John @ 856-981-6086.
District 4 – Lindenwold, Laurel Springs,
Clementon, Gloucester Twp. –
Senator Fred Madden, Assemblymen Paul Moriarity
and Gabriela Mosquera
District 6 – Stratford, Somerdale, Hi-Nella,
Berlin Twp., Gibbsboro and Voorhees –
Senator James Beach, Assemblymen Louis
Greenwald and Pamela Lampitt
If you haven’t signed the card, you can write a letter
or call your legislators at the addresses below.
So far, the bills have not been posted for a vote.
District 4 – 1379 Chews Landing Rd.
Laurel Springs, NJ 08021 856-401-3073
District 6 – 1101 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043 856-435-1247
Please help fill the barrels by the doors with canned
goods, cereal, peanut butter, tuna, etc.
Monetary donations are much appreciated.
Please call (856) 627-8824.
2nd Tue.., December 10
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
3rd Sat., December 21
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Christmas dinner baskets
& toys
St. Lawrence School
November 23 & 24
Baskets: $15,305.00
Online: $481.00
Mail: $3,996.00
November 30 & December 1
Baskets: $16,433.00
Online: $507.00
Mail: $505.00
Human Development: $1,375.00
Make a Seminarian Smile: $3,443.00
Youth Ministry: $1,667.00
December 22: Heating Expenses
Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Star of the New Evangelization of America
The Patroness of the Unborn and
the Patroness of the Americas
December 12
Happy Feast Day!
“Do not be distressed, my littlest son. Am I not here with you who am your
Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Go to the top of the hill and cut the flowers that are growing there.
Bring them to me.”
O God, you have been pleased to bestow upon us unceasing favors by having
placed us under the special protection of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Grant us, your humble servants, who rejoice in honoring her today upon earth,
the happiness of seeing her face to face in heaven.