Newsletter-May 2014-Single Page - First Baptist Church of Butner


Newsletter-May 2014-Single Page - First Baptist Church of Butner
For we are laborers TOGETHER with God.
1 Corinthians 3:9
We invite all people to join us in worshiping God, growing deeper in knowledge and understanding
through study, in the unity of Christian love through fellowship and visitation; preparing for ministry
and mission through discipleship, drawing nearer to God in prayer and praise as we share the love
of Jesus Christ with one another and the world.
April 28, 2014
Number 4
Ruby Hamilton, a businesswoman in her fifties, was stunned by the loss of her husband in a car accident. She had become a
follower of Christ in her late twenties, but her husband didn't share her interest in spiritual things. Nonetheless, she had set
about praying for him feverishly and unceasingly that he would come to know the Lord. And one day when she was praying,
she felt a wave of peace wash over her, and that still small voice assuring her that her husband would be okay. She eagerly
waited for the day when her husband would surrender his life to Jesus. But now his death! What do you do when faith doesn't
make sense? When God doesn't seem to be answering or opening doors or being found? Ruby Hamilton stopped living for
Roger Simmons was hitchhiking his way home after being discharged from the Army. He would never forget the date May 7th. His heavy suitcase was making him tired and he was anxious to take off that army uniform once and for all. To his
surprise a sleek new black Cadillac stopped. The passenger door swung open. He ran toward the car, tossed his suitcase in the
back and thanked the man as he slid into the front seat. "Going home for keeps?" "Sure am." "Well, you're in luck if you're
going to Chicago." "Not quite that far - do you live in Chicago?" "I have a business there, the driver said. My name is
They chatted for a while, and then Roger, a Christian, felt a compulsion to share his faith with this fiftyish, apparently
successful businessman. But he kept putting it off, till he realized that he was now just 30 minutes from his home. It was now
or never. "Mr. Hamilton, I would like to talk to you about something very important." Then he simply told Mr. Hamilton
about the plan of salvation and ultimately asked him if he would like to receive Jesus as his Savior and Lord. The Cadillac
pulled over to the side of the road. Roger expected that he was about to get thrown out of the car. Instead, the businessman
bowed his head and received Christ, then thanked Roger "This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."
Five years passed. Roger got married, had two children and now owned a business. Packing his suitcase for a trip to
Chicago he found the business card that had been given to him by Mr. Hamilton on that ride home. In Chicago, he looked up
Hamilton Enterprises. The receptionist told him that it was impossible to see Mr. Hamilton, but he could see Mrs. Hamilton.
A little confused, he was ushered into a beautiful office where he found himself facing a keen-eyed woman in her fifties.
She extended her hand "You knew my husband?" Roger told her about how her husband had picked him up while he was
hitchhiking home after the war. "Can you tell me what day that was?" "Sure it was May 7th, five years ago, the day I was
discharged from the Army." "Anything special about that day," she asked. He hesitated, not knowing if he should mention
how he shared the message of Jesus with her husband. "Mrs. Hamilton, I explained the gospel to your husband that day. He
pulled over to the side of the road, wept, and gave his life to Christ that day."
Explosive sobs shook her body. Finally getting a grip on herself, she sobbed, "I had prayed for my husband's salvation for
years. I believed God would save him." "Where is your husband, Ruby?" She responded, "He's dead. He was in a car crash
that day, evidently after he let you out of the car. He never got home. You see, I thought God had not kept his promise. I
stopped living for God five years ago because I thought God had not kept his word!"
God is faithful and He has proved it over and over again. We may give up on Him, but He never gives up on us. My prayer
is that the month of May will be a time in which you recommit yourself to God and His church, and you will allow Him to
prove Himself faithful to you once again.
Music Notes
Tracy Ferrell
I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" to each group that presented
music during our Easter season. To the Pre-K Choir, their parents, and their leaders,
LaRue Daniel, Mary and Marty Daniel, your faithfulness is appreciated. The children
ring the bells and sing the songs from their heart for the Lord. To the Children's Choir, your parents, and Tracy
Teal, your faithful attendance is appreciated as well. Even though our numbers were small, the spirit was sweet
and beautiful. To Testify and their leaders, Mike and Kim Cone, your dedication and work is appreciated. Thank
you for sharing your many talents and enriching our worship experience through music. To the Adult Choir,
your hard work and dedication brought glory to God on Easter morning as you sang the sweet words of the
victory through the resurrection.
All choirs welcome new members at any time. Come join the fun and fellowship as we sing praises which glorify
our Lord and Savior.
Tammy Duke
Greetings Church Family! I hope you had a wonderful Easter as you
celebrated our Savior’s victory over death.
Our children enjoyed their Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the church on
April 12th with many in attendance.
The C&Y monthly Act of Service was this past Saturday, here in Butner, with roadside cleanup.
I was absolutely thrilled with the 3 young people that participated! They did a fabulous job and
got much done with a few hands.
I have to be honest and confess that with nearly every Act of Service I wonder why so few of
our young people participate. I want to propose a 30 day challenge to our young people, their
families, and the whole church on where you spend your time. If you don’t have a young person
involved in our ministry, but would like to take this challenge, send me a message and I’ll include
you. My email is This could be interesting and it could also open our eyes!
Our next Act of Service is Saturday, May 17th.
Tammy and Harvey Bishop are ready for us to camp at the Ranch, again! I ’m looking at May
or September. I’ll run the dates by Tammy and Harvey and let you know.
Calling All Youth for Youth Day which is scheduled for Sunday, June 1st! We are preparing for
our special day on Sunday afternoons, in conjunction with our regular Youth Meetings, each
Sunday from 3:30-5:00. There will be more detailed information about Youth Day in the Children
and Youth Dispatch. Youth Day will be for the grades 7-12. We will have an alternate day for the
The summer mission trip is quickly approaching! A car wash fundraiser will take place on
Saturday, May 24th at the church from 8am to noon. Please come out and support our young
folks as they prepare for service in the mountains of West Virginia.
We need more items for our hygiene kits that are prepared for the homeless. The Hot Dog
Ministry uses these kits as they serve hot dogs in the community. We need washcloths,
deodorant (not gender specific), combs, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
hand sanitizer, lotion, and lip balm. There is a drop-off bin in the hallway
near my office. As always, thank you so much for your support of our
young people.
The first date for our Soup
Kitchen is Friday, May 30
from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. We
Dannie & Joy Barbour will be preparing for 150
people. Our menu will
consist of vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup, a
nice sandwich, dessert and tea/coffee. As this is
our first time, this will truly be a learning
experience, but with God's guidance and your
prayers, this will be an exciting time for our
church. This is an awesome opportunity to serve
our community and those less fortunate. Sign up
sheets will be out shortly for items needed and
volunteers. Please pray for this new endeavor the
church has agreed to support.
If you would like to
participate in Parent/Baby
Dedication on Sunday,
May 11 please call or email
the church office with the
name of the parents and
the baby’s name and date
of birth no later than
Tuesday, May 6.
Dannie & Joy Barbour
This ministry continues to grow and we
are so thankful for your continued
support. We are currently serving 45 people through this
ministry, with approximately 15 of these being homeless.
At this time, we are in need of some men’s pants, size
32x32 for one of the men. If anyone has any pants they
could donate please let me or Dannie know. Everyone
we are serving is so appreciative. Our homebound folks
really look forward to their "dogs" on Thursday and the
visit and prayers while they are being delivered. We
would like to thank the kids for preparing the wonderful
Easter baskets for us to pass out. According to Dannie,
the little boy that received one was thrilled! Again,
thanks to everyone who helps with this ministry and if
you ever want to help prepare or deliver meet us on
Thursdays at 9:00 am in the FLC. We would love to have
Butner-Stem Middle School is in desperate need of
volunteers to proctor exams June 2, 3, 4, or 5 from
8:00-11:30 a.m. If you would like to proctor or know
of a family member or friend available, please call
Bethany Innes or Peggy Gray at 919-575-9429 to sign
up or visit their website at: and
select Butner-Stem Middle School and click on
Dannie & Joy Barbour
On Saturday, May 17 at 10:00 a.m. we will have a Senior Adult Brunch. Please sign up
on the sheets provided at the church or contact us at 919-764-9637. Also, on Sunday,
May 18 we will have Senior Adult Day during our Morning Worship Service. Be sure to put
this weekend on your calendars. You certainly don’t want to miss this opportunity of
fellowship and worship.
LaRue Daniel
Our handbells have been sent for refurbishment! I have learned that our bells were purchased in October
of 1984 which makes them 29 years old. They have never been serviced since they were purchased. We
are so excited to be able to get this done at this time. We are expecting this process to take four to six
weeks. Thank you for allowing us to accomplish this! We have a great group of ringers who enjoy playing
and are dedicated and devoted to our handbell ministry.
Each ringer plays different notes and when they are rung together create a
beautiful sound that sounds as one. Needless to say this requires much practice
and dedication. I would like to thank each ringer for their hard work and
wonderful accomplishments in playing for several services these last two months!
We look forward to further improving our music with refurbished handbells.
Thanks to our church family for your support, encouragement and prayers.
Praise: Thank you to all who volunteered their time at the N.C. Baptist Men’s
Dental Bus clinic. Thank you to all the churches who supported this ministry
monetarily and for all the prayers!
Brenda Tuck
Prayer request: A location for the CCM Toy Ministry.
Stocking Stuffer: Infant socks are needed. Men’s large athletic style socks are also needed. Our
children have big feet these days!
CCM Hut needs: Spring & summer clothing are always needed. Small & medium frying pans & small
& medium cooking pots are needed for the ‘Burn-out’ closet.
Thank you: Faye Cannady & the Ugandan women send their thanks for the yarn & crochet hooks
donated for their Bible study group. The women enjoy learning about God as they also learn how to
crochet. Yarn & size G & H hooks are an on-going need & it’s a simple way we can be a part of Faye’s
ministry. Faye also has been given the opportunity to help with a women’s health group which
numbers from 70 – 100 women, many of whom are pregnant. She would like to be able to pass out
items associated with good health such as sample sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, bath cloths, hotel
sized soaps & lotions. These items have the potential to be great witnessing tools. Another way to help
is by giving funds to purchase refreshments, about $100.00. Pray that the women will continue to come
to the meetings & that the Holy Spirit will teach them the truth of God & Jesus Christ.
Backyard Bible Club: June 23-27, 9:00 – 11:30, at the Oxford Housing Authority on Raleigh Street,
Oxford. Teachers are needed plus youth to assist in classes 4 years & up. Other leaders are needed for
music, recreation, & craft centers. Someone is needed to serve refreshments. We will serve juice boxes
& Little Debbie cakes again this year. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way as He uses you
& me to share the Gospel message with the children of the Oxford Housing Authority community.
Copied: FRBA Church & Community Ministries, April 2014
The Baptist Men are sponsoring the Dental Bus at our church on April 18, 2015. If you
are not familiar with this ministry, the NC Baptist Men on Missions has a state-of-theart bus which travels around the state and provides free dental visits to those in need.
This bus is equipped with everything needed to perform routine dental procedures. We are in need of 2 or
3 dentists and their dental assistants to help on this date. We already have 1 and possibly 2 willing to
volunteer. We are also in need of six people to help organize this event. If you would be interested in
helping please contact Jimmy Walker at 919-575-0399.
The Baptist Men were busy during the month of April. On April 8
we built a handicap ramp for a gentleman in Butner who was in a car
accident in February and was just recently released from rehab. A ramp
had to be built before he was allowed to come home. On April 22;
twelve men, eight from FBC and four from Island Creek Baptist built a
ramp for an 84-year-old young lady on Enon Road in Stem.
Jimmy Walker, Chan Wynne, Darry Whitlow
Each one of you who donates to the Baptist Men enables us
to build these handicap ramps.
Our Baptist Men and other men in the Flat River Baptist Association are partnering with the NC
Baptist on Aging “Ramp-Up” which builds handicap ramps for the needy in our community.
On behalf of all our Baptist Men, I would like to thank the women of our church, especially the
WOM for your help and support by providing meals and water to us while we build these ramps.
LifeWay will sponsor “The Main Event”, a men’s event in Nashville, TN on August 1-2. Guest
speakers will be Bobby Bowden, Tommy Bowden, Darrell Waltrip, President George W. Bush and seven
others. The cost is $69 if signed up by May 31. If enough men are interested I will check into hotel
costs for the group. Men, pray about this great opportunity to fellowship with other Christian men.
Contact me ASAP if you are interested in attending.
May 31 at 8:00 a.m.
Baptist Men’s Breakfast and Project Day
June 7
We will be cooking at the Butner Chicken Pickin’ and helping our
other groups who are participating
August 23
Red Springs Trip...all church members are invited to participate
September 20
Youth Fishing Day sponsored by our Baptist Men at Jim Smith’s pond on
Old Route 75. Men are needed to help organize this event.
October 10
Men’s Work and Worship Weekend at Red Springs (Men Only)
We are in need of transportation drivers on Sunday mornings. Sign up sheets are available in the
vestibule on Sunday mornings and in the Family Life Center on Wednesday nights.
The Choir room now has a large flat screen TV and DVD player thanks to an
anonymous donation. This donation was a tremendous help to the choir as they
prepared for the Easter cantata. In the near future, the choir will also be able to see
the announcements prior to the service on Sundays. This gift was timely and truly a
blessing. Thank You!
In Christian Love,
Tracy Ferrell
For Your
“There is simply no way that I can express the depth of my gratitude to my church family
for your kindness in the celebration of my 95th birthday. I will treasure the many cards,
flowers, words of friendship and encouragement, and the memory of the delicious covered
dish meal following worship. May God bless each of you!”
Louise Honeycutt
“I wish to thank you for all of the cards in reference to my brother passing and to my recent accident. I am looking
forward to getting back to my normal routine—a little over three weeks to go.”
Sincerely, Joy Hicks
“I sincerely appreciate the prayers from the First Baptist Church family. It has helped me to get through these difficult
days. I’ll always miss my Judy forever, but I still have her in my heart.”
Thanks Again to All, Ron Wheless
“We would like to thank everyone for your calls, cards, and prayers during the past few weeks with the loss of Ken and
Faye. It is always hard to let our loved ones go but just knowing they are with our Lord and Savior and free from pain
makes the loss much easier to handle. We are especially thankful to Jane Frost, Chris Emory and Tim & Liz Davis for
keeping the kids while we went to Rhode Island. We are so blessed to be a part of such a loving and caring church
Dannie & Joy Barbour
“We would like to thank all of you for the thoughts, prayers and support during the past few months of our son Pait being
in the hospital and now that we have him home. We received so many calls, cards, gifts and delicious food and feel so
blessed to be a part of such a loving church family.”
Love, Kyle, Maggie, Carter and Pait Glenn
We welcome our newest members: Kyle & Maggie Glenn.
Kyle and Maggie have two children; Carter and Pait.
Address: 111 East G Street, Butner, NC 27509
Phone: 919-482-0681
Bobby & Rachel Stone, Sylvia Hightower, Marvin and David Pring, Glenda Stephenson, Chris West, Janice & Alvin
Gates, Mary Ellen Forsythe, Brenda Wiggs, Brenda Adcock, Bill Andrews, Marge Miller, Hank Plott, Robbie Estes,
Gladys Faulkner, Ethel Gilliam, Susie Ortmann, Joe Bryant, Ronnie Faulkner, Mae Ray, Mary Strickland, Nellie Boone,
Wilma Tunstall, Patricia Elliott, Cary Phillips, Betty Wheeler, Virginia Minor, Nellie Pruitt
To: the Family of Faye Bonollo, the Family of Judy Wheless,
the Family of Rick Love
Church Office Closed
Deacons’ Meeting
7:00 p.m. (Fidelis
11 Visiting Team 2
Deacon of the Week Dannie Barbour
DAY 11:00 A.M.
Visiting Team 3
Deacon of the Week Harvey Bishop
25 Visiting Team 4
Deacon of the Week Mike Cone
27 Ruth Helms
Prayer Group
Meeting 10:00 a.m.
6:45 p.m.—
6:30 p.m.—Bible
28 Supper -Team 11
21 Supper - Team 9
Note Date Change:
Business Meeting
6:45 p.m. (FLC)
14 Covered-Dish
7 Supper -Team 10
7:00 p.m.—Youth Bible Study
13 Ruth Helms
Prayer Group
Meeting 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Night Schedule
4:00 p.m.—Keyboard
5:45 p.m.—Supper
Children’s Activities
6:20 p.m.—Children’s Choir
6:30 p.m.—Youth Choir
4 Women of Joy
Conference (May 2-4)
Visiting Team 1
Deacon of the Week Chandler Wynne
Sunday Schedule
8:00 a.m.—Handbell Practice
9:00 a.m.—Prayer Warriors
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Worship
5:00 p.m.—Youth Disciples
6:30 p.m.—Co-Ed Bible Study
23 Newsletter Info
15 XYZ Senior Group 16
10:00 a.m. (FH)
2 Women of Joy
Conference (May 2-4)
1 XYZ Senior
Group Outing to the
Raleigh Farmer’s
May 2014
31 Baptist Men
Breakfast and Project
Day 8:00 a.m.
24 Youth Car Wash
8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
17 Senior Adult
Brunch 10:00 a.m.
Youth Act of Service
Day at Thrift Shop
3 Women of Joy
Conference (May 2-4)
Wilma Tunstall
Keith Goodwin
CJ Newton
David Rooks
Toni Wilson
Tim Davis
Jason Brand
Cindy Walker
Chris Emory
Barbara Winters
Phil Hicks
Joe Horton
Brenda White-Riggan
Michael Anderson, Jr.
Frances Blackley
Jamie Moore
Patricia Elliott
Anna Mimken
Jason Carpenter
Christopher Privette
Charles Bryan
Mary Lou Brogden
Ministry Assistant
Tammy Duke
Children & Youth
Tracy Ferrell
Choir Director
LaRue Daniel
Brenda Ellis
Published by First Baptist Church
200 West D St., P. O. Box 44
Butner, NC 227509
Office Number: 919-575-6606
Brenda Adcock
Michael Arrington
Taylor Brinkley
Sherri Debolt
Rachel Stone
Linda Tomlinson
Amber Wilkins
Janice Gates
Allison Medlin
Jimmy Oakley
Easton Roberts
Michaele Smith
Leigh Ann Cash
Jane Frost
Virginia Minor
Sherri Marshburn
Ileana Medlin
Alisha Triplett
Harvey Bishop
Luke Bradshaw
Pat Henderson